Can breasts hurt before childbirth? Breasts become full and sore before childbirth

As a rule, pain during pregnancy indicates a difficult situation - a long term, a heavy fetus, difficulty falling asleep, cleaning the intestines, walking, resting. All these are calm and joyful moments of a long-awaited event. In this case, a woman may experience malaise, nausea, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, swelling of the arms and legs, pain in the lower back, joints, etc. The whole body is preparing for the expulsion of the fetus, as they say, its birth.

The breast, as the primary indicator of general condition, says much more than any other organ, with the exception of the uterus. But the uterine pharynx cannot report an imminent birth, the cork mucous membrane also cannot “give a signal” about the upcoming day X. The mammary gland is a source of information about the current pregnancy. This is the only organ that was the first to talk about conception, point out it, and warn against suddenness before labor. Interestingly, there is not a single living creature on planet Earth who experiences pain during childbirth.

What kind of pain occurs in the third trimester?

Perhaps the woman has become an exception, but there are even special trainings that allow you to prepare the expectant mother for childbirth in order to stretch the vaginal muscles without injuring the child, without deforming the pelvic bones, without developing ruptures and scars. From the 20th week of pregnancy, the uterus conducts training contractions, preparing itself before childbirth. The breasts, reacting to the behavior of the uterus, also prepare to meet the baby.

Contractions of the uterus lead to the birth of a child, provoking the mammary gland to produce milk. The secretion and its function are clear - the glands stimulate blood flow, which is why the breasts swell, hurt and colitis. This is a completely normal phenomenon, moreover, if the chest does not hurt, this is a reason to consult a doctor with suspicion of a hidden pathology of the body. By the end of the third trimester, the glandular tissue is actively growing, the fetus begins to gain weight, and its weight increases every day by 30-35 grams.

Breast tenderness before childbirth can be caused by stretching of the skin. This is natural, but the process is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. If the girl is thin and her breast size is no more than 2 (with a volume of 80-90 cm), the pain can be severe. Inside the tissues there are milk ducts that grow and fill with pores where milk will be produced. They also go through a period of formation and preparation. Pain may be caused by their growth.

As a result, some women have enlarged nipples. They should not cause any pain at all, since the nerve endings do not have strong sensitivity during this period. In some women, on the contrary, the nipples react strongly to any touch, but this does not mean that the growth of the areola and nipple will cause irritation and pain. If the breasts do not bother you at all, then there is a risk of the following:

Immediately before giving birth, a woman begins to produce colostrum. The new milk ducts are filled with secretion, which puts pressure on the vascular part of the organ. Because of this, compression of the venous circulation occurs, which leads to tension in the chest. This is why some girls notice their breasts enlarging again before giving birth.

Preparing the breast for labor

When preparing your breasts for childbirth, you do not need to intentionally massage or rub the skin. If the first (repeated) stretch marks appear, you should not smear them with creams and oils. This will not help, will not satisfy the result, will give hope for the return of the former smooth skin, and will take a lot of money.

The prolactin produced is usually released into the blood before childbirth, 1-2 weeks before the start of the process. The concentration of hormones increases several times at a time. The release of colostrum may already occur at 30-38 weeks, so it is worth preparing for this:

  • You need to buy a bra 1-2 sizes larger than usual.
  • Stock up on breast pads.
  • Wear comfortable, non-squeezing underwear.
  • Use only cotton underwear.
  • Do not wear thin, non-stretchy straps.

To avoid causing premature labor, you should not perform any breast massage before the upcoming birth. Contraction of the chest muscles will provoke contraction of the uterus, which will lead to the onset of labor. It is allowed to use a contrast shower, a light massage with your fingertips, without affecting the area of ​​the nipple and areola. In order not to cause dry skin, it is allowed to use hygiene creams, but without rubbing them into the skin.

Thoroughly washing your breasts before childbirth can provoke the same dryness, which will already lead to the appearance of new stretch marks. It is not recommended to use soap, alkaline cosmetics, mud baths, clay toes, scrubs and body milk.

What will cause chest pain after childbirth?

After giving birth, a woman puts her baby to her breast for the first time. He begins to suck on it, irritating the surface of the body with his tongue. By touching the breast, a woman experiences a release of hormones, which is triggered by the baby touching a food source. The mammary gland produces colostrum and, under the influence of hormones, brings it out to the ducts. All these factors involuntarily affect the shape and size of the breast. At first, a woman may also experience severe pain and burning on one breast.

After several applications the following appear:

  • crusts after irritation;
  • blood marks from wounds;
  • peeling of the skin on the areola;
  • nipple deformation;
  • change in skin color;
  • stretch marks and stretch marks;
  • abrasions on the edges of the nipples.

All these changes lead to the feeling of chest pain. During the first trimester (after childbirth), when a woman is just beginning to lactate, pain may occur due to the expansion of the milk ducts. Every morning, milk accumulates in the mammary gland, which must be expressed or given to the baby. Under the influence of this, a new amount is produced, and each time the temperature in the chest rises. A woman in the last stages of pregnancy and after the birth of a child is approximately another 6-12 weeks under the influence of hormones (round shape, fullness). This also negatively affects the position, sometimes causing painful feelings and a feeling of constriction and tension.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, you were already faced with rapid breast growth and associated discomfort, and then everything seemed to return to normal and the mammary glands stopped bothering you. And now the last weeks are passing, and the breasts before childbirth begin to remind themselves again.

The end of pregnancy again means big hormonal changes, and of course, the mammary glands cannot help but react to this. Many women experience breast pain before childbirth and again begin to become engorged and increase in size.

It is completely normal if you have new or increased nipple discharge.

You may also experience itching, the skin itches due to overstretching and this can lead to stretch marks.

The discharge from the breasts before is called colostrum. They are yellowish in color and can stain laundry. If you press on the nipple, they intensify.

Colostrum is a liquid rich in nutrients, microelements and vitamins, with high biological activity. Antibodies and even living lymphocytes are present here in large quantities, which will help the baby in the first stages after birth to quickly adapt to the external environment and protect against infections. Colostrum will not be produced for long; already 3-4 days after the baby is born it will be replaced by real, mature milk.

The most important issue now is the upcoming breastfeeding and preparing the breasts for feeding.

How to prepare your breasts before childbirth

The question of how to prepare breasts for feeding before birth is most pressing, but the need for lactation consultants to do anything is currently being contested. In most cases, there is no need to somehow develop the breasts before childbirth, because even if you have completely flat nipples, the baby will be able to suck, he sucks the breast and not the nipple, capturing the entire areola.

It was once recommended to stretch out the nipples, wear hard, irritating underwear so that they would harden and then it would not be painful to feed, but as experience shows, all this is completely unnecessary. Moreover, it is not very pleasant, and in case of a premature pregnancy it is dangerous.

Breast massage before childbirth causes the release of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for contractions, and may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, increased tone of the uterus and the occurrence of uterine contractions.

If your breasts are full, sore, or swollen right now, be sure to buy underwear of the appropriate size in a timely manner. Why it swells and there is pain is understandable - the level of prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, increases in the body due to the approaching birth. This is a natural phenomenon, and 3-4 days after the birth of the baby you will be completely amazed at the changes; your breasts can literally increase by 2-3 sizes in a day.

If your breasts are itchy and very sore before giving birth, your underwear is most likely already too tight for you, and your skin is not getting enough moisture.

Use stretch mark creams daily, 2 times a day, applying them to damp skin after a shower.

Air baths strengthen the breasts; allow the moisture after water procedures to dry on the chest on its own.

Never use soap when caring for the mammary glands; it dries out the skin even more and contributes to the development of stretch marks.

For many women, leaking colostrum irritates and causes the nipples to dry out and peel. To prevent this from happening, use breast pads, and if you already have dryness, Bepanthen cream or its analogues will help.

In general, you need to prepare your breasts before giving birth, but you don’t need to do anything with the nipples; there is no need to pull them out, stimulate them, or rub them with a terry towel. It is important to prevent stretch marks that may occur now and after childbirth in the first days when milk flows. This means skin care and adequate support with appropriate underwear.

Now take care of what you will take with you to the maternity hospital for breastfeeding:

1-2 bras, 2 sizes larger than what you wear during pregnancy, specifically designed for breastfeeding. It must be said that after lactation improves, your breasts will practically return to their previous sizes, which means that you will not need such large bras for long, only 1-2 weeks. Therefore, many women these days make do with regular bras, but with wide straps and a well-stretchable cup without wires and a push-up effect, which are cheaper.

A good breast pump may come in handy. You may not buy it right away, but look at the pharmacy and show it to someone close to you, so that if an urgent need arises, they will buy you what you need.

Cream for healing cracked nipples (bepanten) or olive, sea buckthorn oil.

Silicone nipple covers for feeding - you also don’t have to buy them right away, but just keep an eye on them, maybe everything will work out well and breastfeeding will work out for you without any problems. These silicone pads are used to feed the baby when there are cracked nipples. This often happens in the first days, when you and the baby are not yet accustomed to each other.

Breast pads. This will be necessary in any case, because milk leaks in most women. Pads will protect your underwear and provide comfort as you begin breastfeeding.

Like your entire body, your breasts change before giving birth, don’t be upset if you don’t really like these changes. After childbirth and breastfeeding, everything will return to normal.

While carrying a baby, changes occur in the mammary glands, which causes discomfort. Before childbirth, the breasts fill up, increase in volume, and unpleasant sensations appear. During pregnancy, women secrete a yellowish, thick fluid. This is the colostrum that the baby will eat for the first few days.

From the moment of conception, a woman’s body begins to undergo changes at the hormonal level. Fertilization has occurred, and preparations for the birth of the baby and breastfeeding begin. The process lasts until labor begins.


  • bloating, discomfort;
  • veins become noticeable;
  • increase in volume;
  • pain syndrome increases;
  • oxytocin causes increased sensitivity;
  • nipple color changes;
  • colostrum is released.

Unpleasant sensations are caused by expanding milk ducts. The breasts begin to hurt before childbirth, and the nerve endings become irritated. The discomfort is caused by a rush of blood.

The veins stand out strongly before the birth process. The influx of blood particles affects. The mammary glands and reproductive organ are closely interconnected. As contractions approach, blood circulation throughout the body accelerates.

The breasts become full before childbirth due to the arrival of milk. Active growth is observed, it becomes hard and dense. During gestation, pain occurs from compression of tissues by dilated ducts, stretching of the skin, so the chest hurts more. The vessels fill with blood and colostrum, causing vivid sensations.

Nipples before childbirth are susceptible to any influences. A simple touch causes pain. Often in women, the color of the nipples darkens, swelling is observed, and the areolas rise significantly. The organ is being prepared for lactation.

The onset of discharge occurs in the 3rd trimester. Before labor, the process intensifies. You don't always need to press on an organ to get discharge. Gradually the secretion thickens, the color changes, and the volume increases.

Before birth, breasts change under the influence of hormones. Prolactin regulates milk flow. Oxytocin allows secretions to come out. The muscle fibers contract, and the secreted fluid moves through the channels. The woman feels tingling, slight tension.

Painful sensations

Pain is considered a natural, inevitable occurrence during childbirth. The expectant mother experiences unusual feelings during pregnancy. How many days before giving birth your chest hurts is difficult to answer. Every woman has a different pain threshold.

Unpleasant sensations are caused by the proliferation of glandular tissue, stretching of the capsules, and enlargement of the milk ducts. When the time of bearing the baby ends, the body begins to prepare for feeding.

Do your breasts hurt before childbirth? There is no clear answer. Usually the sensations are similar to discomfort during menstruation. Each woman has her own pain threshold, therefore, the feelings experienced and symptoms will be different.

Ways to reduce pain:

  1. wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabric, without seams, not tight;
  2. go to bed wearing a bra. It is not necessary to rent at night. Listen to your body. If you experience any discomfort or discomfort, take it off;
  3. Sometimes during pregnancy there is discharge from the mammary glands. Use special inserts. They are soft and comfortable. Easily absorb the secreted liquid, protect the mammary glands;
  4. do not forget about water procedures. Rinse your skin and areolas daily. Dry with a soft towel. These actions harden the nipples and prevent cracks;
  5. arrange air baths. Shower yourself. Carry out water massage procedures. Start at 4 months;
  6. do gymnastics. Do the exercises regularly. Create a simple complex, increasing complexity daily. Do not overload the body, monitor its condition.

Breast tenderness is often caused by stretching of the skin. The process is considered natural, but is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Such symptoms are more pronounced when the organ was small before conception.


Prepare your mammary glands in advance for the postpartum period. To avoid causing premature birth, do not perform massage procedures the day before. Lightly stroke from top to bottom to improve lactation. The nipple area should not be affected.

The areola is especially sensitive at this time. The exception is irregularly shaped nipples. It will be difficult for a baby if the mother’s glands are flat and retracted. Change shape before delivery. To do this, lightly squeeze with two fingers and pull outward, scrolling.

Take a contrast shower. The breasts are filled before childbirth; changing the temperature of the water helps maintain their shape. Hormonal changes are reflected in the skin. Regular moisturizing is required. Use creams to maintain elasticity and prevent stretch marks from appearing.

In the third trimester, colostrum begins to be released from the breasts before giving birth. Prepare in advance. Buy a bra 2 sizes larger than usual. Stock up on absorbent pads. Wear non-constrictive underwear.

It is very important to keep your breasts clean during this period; wash them twice a day with baby soap. Inflammation of the milk ducts can be caused by microparticles that enter the body through the small openings of the nipples.

During changes in the glands, the nipples become larger. According to normal indicators, in some women they do not hurt, since the nerve endings are deprived of sensitivity at this time. For others, any touch causes irritation and pain. If your nipples do not hurt at all before childbirth, pay attention to the changes that occur.

Why your breasts don't bother you:

  1. a small amount of colostrum, subsequently lack of milk;
  2. not enough prolactin;
  3. early pregnancy;
  4. labor has not yet begun, the due date is set incorrectly;
  5. there is a developmental pathology.

Breasts swell before childbirth in all women. The ducts expand, fill, and put pressure on surrounding vessels. Tension increases in the mammary glands due to the pressure of the venous circulation.

Relief of condition

During pregnancy, various processes occur in the breast that affect the condition and shape. Some disappear without a trace, others leave consequences. To restore the glands after childbirth, follow the advice of your gynecologist and follow the recommendations.

What kind of breast before childbirth:

  • sensitive;
  • hard;
  • with swollen nipples;
  • increased in size.

Use special bras to reduce discomfort. The product supports the breasts and retains their shape. Comfortable underwear does not press or compress. The absence of bones eliminates unpleasant sensations.

The main condition is to choose the right size. The bra should fit snugly without being too tight. Buy 2 - 3 different products, as the breasts swell before childbirth and increase in volume. Frequent linen changes will be required.

How many days before giving birth do breasts become engorged? According to the norms, 1 – 2 days. However, every rule has exceptions. Typically, women feel changes within a week.

Gymnastics helps reduce discomfort. Exercises strengthen the ligaments, the muscles responsible for supporting the mammary glands. Carry out hygiene procedures daily. Wash yourself with warm water. Use a terry towel to wipe.

How the breast behaves before childbirth:

  • swells;
  • nipples become sensitive;
  • hurts.

The listed symptoms are present in all mothers, other signs are relative. If the breasts are swollen before childbirth, colostrum flows out, but a venous network appears. These changes happen to many women and are not dangerous. If there are hormonal imbalances, you need to consult a gynecologist.

It is the breasts that tell a woman that conception has occurred. Over the course of 9 months, the mammary glands prepare for the stage of feeding a newborn. The glands require special attention and care from the expectant mother.

Pregnancy, gestation, and upcoming childbirth are all processes that cannot but cause significant changes in a woman’s body. Insomnia, impatience, a feeling of fear are just a few of what happens before childbirth on a psycho-emotional level.

If gloomy thoughts or feelings of anxiety, fear of upcoming pain distract from the pleasant anticipation of the birth of your baby, you should switch your attention to something interesting and positive. Watch a light TV series, read an interesting book or go for a walk. Moreover, fresh air is necessary not only for the expectant mother, but also for her baby.

Excessive movement of the baby in the last weeks of pregnancy and the stomach, which makes it difficult to take a comfortable position, often lead to insomnia. However, taking sleeping pills is strictly contraindicated. You can turn to valerian, which does not have a hypnotic effect, but can provide a placebo effect if the pregnant woman believes in the benefits of this harmless herb.

Before going to bed, it is better to avoid watching TV, especially heavy films. You can watch a comedy that evokes positive emotions.

There is such a concept - “nesting instinct”, when the expectant mother starts spring cleaning a few hours before contractions. Here it is important not to overwork and not lift heavy objects, so that placental abruption does not begin and amniotic fluid does not break.

From a physiological point of view, the following happens in a woman’s body one to three weeks before giving birth:

  1. Preparatory contractions appear, which do not yet lead to the opening of the uterus and last for seconds. They should not cause concern. But if they are accompanied by bloody discharge or breaking of water, consult a doctor immediately.
  2. Before the birth itself, the lower back and stomach hurt, contractions become regular and increase in intensity, the pain can no longer be relieved by changing positions or breathing exercises.
  3. The cervix begins to dilate. Simultaneously with this opening, the mucous plug is released before childbirth. The plug looks like a lump of yellow-white mucus or streaked with blood. The mucus plug may come off during contractions and, if the expectant mother is on a drip, she may not even notice it.
  4. Typically, before giving birth, pregnant women lose up to 1 kg in weight. This is due to the removal of excess fluid and the disappearance of edema.
  5. The abdomen drops, the baby's head passes into the pelvis. The woman notices. That it became easier for her to breathe, because... a large belly no longer squeezes the internal organs so much, but the lower abdomen begins to ache and pain appears in the lower back before childbirth;
  6. At the end of pregnancy, colostrum, a thick, yellowish liquid, begins to secrete from the nipples.

At the same time, that is, in the last weeks before birth, the fetus also changes its behavior. Does the baby calm down before birth or does it continue to move vigorously? Sometimes it seems to expectant mothers that the child has stopped moving altogether, which frightens them very much. But the baby simply changes the nature of his movements. If earlier he knocked with his arms and legs on the walls of his “house”, now his movements began to be a rotational-translational movement, moving towards the cervix and preparing to be born.

Moreover, his stomach is already cramped and this also limits his movements. It very rarely happens the other way around, when the fetus begins to move more actively. But such behavior is not a deviation. Particular attention should be paid when

  • The fetus freezes and does not move at all;
  • Feels too restless to move;
  • Pain in a pregnant woman when the fetus moves.

To ensure the successful course of the pregnancy itself and to facilitate childbirth, it is necessary to perform a set of special exercises. Gymnastics before childbirth will help speed up metabolism and increase blood circulation, strengthen the muscles necessary for labor and improve the overall tone of the body. Pain that occurs in the last stages of pregnancy from stress on the spine can also be reduced by performing various special exercises. Gymnastics gives elasticity to tissues, which helps to avoid injuries in the form of ruptures during childbirth. Special exercises to cleanse the body will help alleviate toxicosis.

This complex of gymnastics is usually performed on an empty stomach, preferably at the same time and lasts at least half an hour daily. Calm and smooth movements are performed at a slow pace with a rest break if a feeling of fatigue or discomfort occurs.

The exercises themselves are not particularly difficult, but they can be of great benefit in the further bearing of the child and, especially, when he is born.

It is natural and normal for your breasts to hurt before childbirth. This occurs due to the swelling of the mammary glands and due to the appearance of colostrum - a thick white liquid that is produced within a few days before birth and for two days after the birth of the baby.

Colostrum before birth is an indicator of the imminent birth of a child and provides him with his first and irreplaceable food. It is released in small quantities, but is rich in fats, proteins, carbohydrates, microelements, vitamins and immunoglobulins and contains everything necessary for the baby that is born.

The release and production of colostrum is caused by hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. The level of oxytocin and prolactin increases.

The onset of the prenatal period is indicated by mucous discharge before childbirth. They usually indicate that the mucus plug has come off. In this case, there are often small streaks of blood that arise due to damage to small vessels.

Sometimes this is accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen, and thick, viscous, yellowish or white discharge appears before childbirth. The mucus plug, which closes the entrance to the uterus and prevents infection from entering, can come off at once, but sometimes it comes out in parts. Just before labor begins, the cervix becomes soft, begins to contract, and the plug is pushed out. This indicates that the body is ready for childbirth and that the uterus is beginning to open.

The release of the plug, however, does not mean that the birth process itself has begun. It may take several hours or even several days before labor begins. Mucous discharge does not pose a threat to the mother or child. The only thing to remember is that the open entrance to the uterus is a channel through which any infection can enter the body. Therefore, swimming in bodies of water, taking a bath or swimming in a pool is prohibited.

Another important question that pregnant women need to know is what to eat before giving birth. Nutrition during this period should combine healthy qualities and simplicity. A month before the birth of a child, you should not consume animal protein, which is found in products made from meat, milk, eggs, fish, and butter. But is it possible to eat plant foods, cereals, vegetables before giving birth - definitely yes. For drinks, freshly squeezed juices and mineral water are recommended. It is better to replace strong tea and coffee with chicory drink and herbal tea.

In order not to overload the intestines directly one to two weeks before giving birth, bread and cereals should be removed from the diet, switching to plant-based and fermented milk foods. But you should avoid fatty cottage cheese, sour cream and cream.

Usually there is a decrease in appetite or a complete refusal to eat in the last days before the onset of labor. Therefore, it is easier for pregnant women to endure dietary restrictions in the last days.

The last week passes only on plant foods, and on the day when labor is about to occur, it is better not to eat anything at all, leaving the intestines empty.

If your mouth is dry or nausea occurs during contractions, it is better to drink mineral water acidified with lemon juice.

To reduce pain during contractions, antispasmodics are given. This group of drugs includes no-spa, which eliminates spasm of the smooth muscles of the cervix and the uterus itself, thereby providing an analgesic effect. No-spa before childbirth normalizes blood pressure, relaxing blood vessels. No-spa is also prescribed to prepare the cervix for childbirth, when the due date is approaching and it is necessary to relax the cervix and relieve spasm.

In the manufacture of the drug, natural plant materials are used, so no-spa does not have a harmful effect on the fetus. Pregnant women can relieve abdominal pain without fear of side effects. The maximum daily dose should not exceed six tablets of the drug.

During contractions, no-spa reduces pain, relieves spasms of the birth canal, improves tissue elasticity, and reduces labor time. This drug is used both in tablets and injections. No-spa is quickly absorbed into the intestines and does not cause negative side effects.

Another drug that is indicated during pregnancy is colposetine. A pregnant woman's body is weakened and more susceptible to various infectious diseases. A disease such as thrush or candidiasis often becomes a companion to pregnancy. If thrush is not clearly chronic or severe, the doctor usually prescribes colposeptin suppositories.

Colposeptin is prescribed before childbirth

  1. To protect and prevent the vagina and cervix from all kinds of infections.
  2. When preparing the cervix for childbirth

In addition to suppositories, vaginal colposeptin tablets are used to treat inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital organs in pregnant women. These tablets are prescribed from 38 weeks. This treatment is primarily given to women who have already been ill during pregnancy. But even in the absence of a direct disease, a course of using colposeptin in the form of suppositories will not be superfluous. In the body of the expectant mother there are many different infections that are not dangerous to her, but which can be transmitted to the baby during childbirth. Therefore, colposeptin is prescribed to prevent infection of the infant.

As you know, the cervix in a soft, prepared state speeds up the process of childbirth, thereby facilitating the painless birth of a child. To prepare the cervix for this activity, gynecologists prescribe colposeptin suppositories before childbirth in the last week.

The doctor keeps control and constantly monitors the opening of the cervix. If this process is slowed down, then the use of colposeptin continues.

Being in an “interesting position”, a woman mentally prepares herself for the upcoming birth and the subsequent lactation period after the baby is born. But it can be strange when colostrum appears before giving birth. This condition can be either normal or a serious pathology.

Natural process

A pregnant woman's body gradually restructures itself in preparation for future feeding of the baby. The woman herself begins to feel some changes in her breasts - slight itching or tingling, as well as muscle tension and swelling of the nipples. If colostrum suddenly leaks from the breast, some women begin to interpret this phenomenon as a harbinger of childbirth, although this is not entirely true.

How many days before birth does colostrum appear? There is no specific answer to this question - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. In most cases, colostrum begins to be released 2-3 days after the birth of the baby, but for some women it can happen a whole trimester before giving birth.

It all depends on the physiological structure of the mammary glands, which are a set of glandular lobules with alveoli, and the processes occurring in the breast. Around the middle of the first trimester, under the influence of hormones, the number of lobes increases and their ducts expand. During this period, a woman experiences unusual sensations in her chest.

If colostrum appears at the turn of the 2nd-3rd trimesters, you should not worry about the fact that there is little time left before giving birth. This is how the body lets the woman know that her mammary glands are already ready to feed the baby, and she shouldn’t worry about it. Nature made sure that a baby born prematurely was provided with the same nutrition as a full-term baby.

In women who have given birth, the ducts are more developed than in first-born women, so colostrum can appear from the first trimester. Experienced pregnant women know that they still have time before giving birth, but the time has come to pay more attention to their breasts.

Timing of appearance and reasons

There have been cases when small drops of yellowish liquid were released from the nipples of a pregnant woman even in the first trimester, and this in no way preceded the approaching birth. Due to the individual characteristics of the hormonal composition, this sign can be perceived as confirmation of an “interesting situation”.

But more active production of colostrum begins in the second trimester. Some women secrete 1-2 drops per day, while others soak all their clothes with a sticky substance. This phenomenon does not depend on the time of day and may not be regular.

The third trimester is not accompanied by an increase in the volume of discharge, but the yellow tint becomes white and the liquid becomes transparent. This can already be regarded as a sign of imminent labor.

Reasons affecting the appearance of colostrum:

  1. drinking plenty of hot water;
  2. hot bath or shower;
  3. strong outbursts of emotions (negative and positive);
  4. active sexual intercourse.

By minimizing these factors, there will be less breast discharge until the baby is born. In addition, these reasons can also provoke uterine tone, which is dangerous in the early stages.

Preparing for feeding

In the middle of the third trimester, the release of colostrum before childbirth may become abundant, causing the woman some discomfort. In this regard, she will have to take a number of measures.

What to do when colostrum appears

  • change bras;
  • choose looser clothes;
  • wash your breasts more often;
  • treat nipples with bactericidal creams;
  • review your diet.

You will also have to wear a bra at night - to maintain full breasts and soft napkins placed on the nipples to absorb excess liquid. Clothing should not put pressure on the chest or provoke the release of colostrum.

The appearance of colostrum before childbirth can cause the development of inflammatory processes in constantly wet nipples.

Therefore, you will have to wash your breasts with warm soapy water several times a day, while changing your bra. It is recommended to buy a special cream that will prevent infection from penetrating through open ducts.

Premature production of colostrum can be caused by carbohydrates taken in large quantities. Closer to the third trimester, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of starchy and flour-containing products, as well as sweets, switching to proteins of animal and plant origin. Immediately before childbirth, more vegetables, fruits and protein are introduced into the diet.

Some experts recommend waiting for childbirth to benefit by preparing your breasts for feeding. It is believed that if you squeeze out a little colostrum every day, it will increase milk production during lactation. It is also advised to develop the nipples by kneading, stretching and twisting them with your fingers, so that it is easier for the baby to latch onto the breast.

These recommendations are useful, but there is no need to rush to implement them. If a woman knows exactly how long it will take to give birth, then preparing the breasts for feeding should be postponed to the end of the last trimester. Premature stimulation of the nipples will lead to tension and tone of the uterus, which can provoke termination of pregnancy.

Deviations from the norm

From the above, we can conclude that colostrum that appears before childbirth is a natural phenomenon, about which a woman should not worry. But there are moments that you should pay attention to. If colostrum changes its color closer to childbirth, becoming transparent, this is normal.

Sometimes blood appears in the substance, and this indicates the development of an inflammatory process or the appearance of a neoplasm. An accompanying symptom will be severe chest pain. The appearance of colostrum before childbirth, accompanied by foul odors and high temperature, indicates the penetration of a bactericidal infection into the ducts. In this case, the pain at first may be weak or absent altogether.

Another point is if there is almost no colostrum, but severe chest pain bothers you. There is a risk of developing mastitis, which can lead to severe inflammation and loss of mammary glands.

Each of the described cases requires a careful examination of the woman (from standard tests to mammography). This will make it possible to identify the suspected problem in time and select gentle therapy.

Situations are especially dangerous when the appearance of colostrum is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back and sacrum. The culprit here may be a surge in oxytocin, which tones the uterus. This hormone is a labor stimulant and can cause miscarriage. If symptoms appear long before birth, treatment will be needed to balance the hormonal balance.

Colostrum that appears from the breast before childbirth should not worry a woman if it is not accompanied by negative symptoms. But you cannot stimulate the production of colostrum, so as not to provoke premature birth. It is enough just to follow basic hygiene rules and calmly wait for the baby to be born.



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