A healthy spine is easy! Correct body position while sleeping. Other preventive measures

The spine is not only a structural basis, but also a center that regulates the functioning of the body. The body is closed system. If one part of it functions poorly, the entire structure suffers. A healthy spine is easy!


To do a very simple exercise: stand with your back to a vertical surface, such as a wall. Be sure to touch it simultaneously with the back of your head, slightly lowered shoulders, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. Stand for about a minute, remember the position of your body and, maintaining it, move away from the wall. This is correct posture. Correct your posture several times a day. Let your muscles “remember” it.

2. DO NOT cross your legs!

This causes pain in the lower spine, impairs blood circulation and can even lead to diseases in the pelvic and genital areas. And don’t sit down suddenly, with all your might, on a chair! By doing this, you strike the vertebrae every time, causing damage to the cartilaginous surfaces and discs.

3. IF YOU have to stand for a long time (for example, in a queue or in public transport)

Remember to change your position every 10 minutes. You need to lean on each leg in turn so that they alternately bear the body weight. Walk in place. From time to time it is useful to stretch your arms up, bend back and do deep breath. You will immediately feel less tired and feel a surge of energy.

4. LIFT WEIGHTS with both hands

The back should be straight, not tilted in any direction.


Don’t go into your problems, grievances, experiences. In case of bad mental state tone changes blood vessels, which, in turn, can worsen blood supply in those already affected by the disease nerve endings. Which leads to pain not only in the back area. The pain may radiate to, for example, an arm or leg.

For the spine to be healthy, it needs activity, but it should not be overloaded. Correct posture is also very important. Gymnastic exercises can help us strengthen the spine and maintain it in the correct position.


Walking improves the condition of the whole body and especially the spine, but it is not very difficult exercise. It’s worth making a walk a permanent part of your daily program, and on weekends you can go out of town or into the forest.

Sports or Nordic walking is very healthy for all our muscles and joints. This type of exercise can be done by anyone, even older people with medical conditions. of cardio-vascular system or joint problems. Nordic walking does not overload the joints and is not too tiring.

It is important to go regularly and not give up, for example, because of work or bad weather. You just need to purchase the appropriate clothes and sports shoes, and get motivated.


It is very important for your spine what you eat, and also how much. Overweight and obesity do not serve the health of the skeleton, and especially the spine, which bears additional loads. It is important that the bones are strong.

People who do not eat properly and have too little exercise suffer from osteoporosis. Their bones become weak and break. To keep our osseous-synovial system in good shape, we need to eat dairy products and vegetables containing calcium, and also walk so that the sun creates vitamin D in our skin.

“If there were bones, the meat would grow,” my mother told me when I was worried about my excessive thinness. But keeping the main axis normal is not so easy. Sitting at the computer high heels, nutrition in the style of a “speaker on the run” and other factors with a minus sign lead to back pain, joints and we turn into question marks. How to maintain the health of our musculoskeletal system? Diseases of the musculoskeletal system occupy a leading position in modern world. A healthy spine is the basis of health, and this has been proven.

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Photo gallery: A healthy spine is the basis of health


First of all because wrong image life. People have an unbalanced diet and disrupt their eating schedule. Hence - obesity. Excess weight negatively affects the skeleton and impairs calcium metabolism in the body. People do not know how to plan their schedule wisely: they are overworked at work, get little rest, and are often in stressful situations. It's all shaking immune system, and the decrease protective forces the body affects metabolism in general and calcium metabolism in particular. One of the most important reasons Poor posture in children - physical inactivity. Children of the 21st century move very little: at school they spend a lot of time at their desks, at home - at the computer or in front of the TV. And they sit in very uncomfortable positions. This causes back pain and curvature of the spine. In the 70s of the last century, two interesting studies were conducted on physical inactivity in children. In the territory of the current CIS countries, the condition of the backs of schoolchildren was analyzed during classes and during the holidays. It turns out that during summer holiday when the kids were running and jumping a lot fresh air, their posture improved significantly. The second experiment was carried out in South Africa. At that time, white-skinned children received education, and dark-skinned children, as a rule, did not attend school - they played on the street all day long. Scoliosis in whites was more pronounced in percentage than their African peers. Inactivity also negatively affects adults. Our body is designed in such a way that if something is not used in it, it gets rid of it. If a person is confined to the sofa, the body thinks that it does not need bones. Bone tissue begins to weaken and the first signs of osteoporosis appear. Constant physical activity, on the contrary, it helps strengthen bones. There is another reason for the prevalence of musculoskeletal diseases - improved diagnostic tools. Such diseases have become more common.

How malfunctions in the musculoskeletal system affect the condition of others internal organs?

Spinal deformity and chest affects the health of the heart and lungs in children. After all, such discords lead to a decrease chest cavity and cause pulmonary heart failure: shortness of breath appears, immunity decreases. Such children suffer from colds more often than their peers with healthy backs. In adults, osteoporosis often leads to patients becoming bedridden. If any part of the spine is clamped, this reduces the tone of the organ, which is located at the level where the misfire occurred. For example, if the spine is blocked in the area of ​​the heart, it will affect the heart, if at the level of the stomach, liver, problems will arise with the digestive organs. Patients with deforming arthrosis cannot fully move. This provokes weakening and even muscle atrophy. Respiratory function also deteriorates and there may be congestion in the lungs.

Mirror question: how do problems in the functioning of internal organs affect our “main axis”?

The connection between nerve fibers and the spine was noticed a long time ago - in Eastern spiritual practices. According to yoga, loose nerves affect the condition of the large intestine: a person suffers from constipation, flatulence, and congestion harmful substances in the large intestine leads to the fact that they are gradually deposited in joints and bones - and a disease occurs. In women, back problems are often caused by disorders in the functioning of the pelvic organs. They arise when a lady is tense and nervous about her personal life, does not acknowledge his sexuality. When a person’s excretion of uric acid is impaired (for example, due to his addiction to beer, excessive consumption of protein foods, legumes), gout develops. With this disease uric acid deposited in joints and even bones. Pain occurs. If the disease is not treated, it can cause limited movement and bone destruction.

Why does osteoporosis appear - and how to protect yourself from this disease?

Bones are a biologically active substance. Normally, it is constantly renewed, the old bone is gradually resorbed and excreted. The main cause of osteoporosis in women is the natural hormonal changes in the body during menopause. During this time, more bone is resorbed than formed. This is why osteoporosis occurs eight times more often in mature women than in men. But there are other reasons. This is work in production using pesticides, hormonal drugs corticosteroids, diseases of the colon and small intestine, passion for coffee and alcohol, genetic predisposition to osteoporosis, as well as reasons that have not been fully studied by science. Prevention of this disease: eat foods (and, if necessary, use medications!) Containing calcium, follow active image life, give up bad habits. If osteoporosis appears, it needs to be treated - special medications. But only a doctor should choose a treatment method and prescribe medications.

What to feed bones and joints?

First of all, hard cheese. He is a champion in calcium content. Cottage cheese and other dairy products also contain a lot of this element. To cover daily requirement in this element (1000-1200 mg), it is enough to drink two glasses of milk. Plus you need to eat fish more often. It contains phosphorus - a conductor of calcium to the bone. Don't get carried away with protein foods. According to Ayurveda, excess protein increases acidity in the body. This has a bad effect on work. You also need to be very careful with beer and culinary masterpieces made with yeast, so as not to provoke the accumulation of toxins in the body.

How to improve the absorption of calcium by the body?

Move more - exercise or at least just walk! Calcium ions are positive. For them to get into the bone, a negative potential must form there, and it appears when a person is in motion. Another pebble in the garden of physical inactivity: when a person leads sedentary lifestyle life, calcium does not reach the bone. It can enter the vessel and form atherosclerotic plaque. This leads to the development of atherosclerosis. Or it can get into the kidney and contribute to the formation of stones. Another way to increase the absorption of calcium is to drink special conductor drugs that deliver this important element to the bone. Of course, such medications should be prescribed by a doctor. It is also important to be outdoors, especially when it is light outside. The sun promotes the production of vitamin D, this element is also a conductor of calcium to the bones. It is also necessary to monitor your overall health. In a body where all systems work harmoniously, required quantity calcium is absorbed, and its excess is excreted. Yoga has a recipe that promotes absorption nutrients. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat one tablespoon of olive oil or sesame oil. This strengthens bones, teeth, coats the intestines well - allows the body to better perceive beneficial microelements.

How do emotions affect your back?

From the point of view of Eastern psychology, our experiences control physiological processes. Negative emotions in children lead to slouching. For example, out of fear of doing something wrong, or of receiving parental disapproval, children tighten their shoulder girdle or develop a “half-bent” gait. An adult who feels lonely and does not feel emotionally supported experiences pain in the upper part of the spine. Problems with the middle part of the back are associated with the fact that the individual is mired in old experiences and feelings of guilt. If you do not perceive life with joy and there is suppressed anger, the shoulder joints become inflamed and a feeling of fatigue appears in the shoulders. Problems in the lower part of the spine indicate that a person does not feel financial support. Not only emotions influence us, but also thoughts. Thought is complex biochemical process, which affects the biochemistry of the whole body. Bad thoughts, the desire to harm someone weakens the body. And, on the contrary, if you think and talk well about others, your well-being will also be excellent.

What effect does pregnancy have on the spine?

In women expecting a child, the center of body mass shifts. Back problems worsen (if they existed!) - and, alas, they can arise even if they did not exist. Pregnant women often experience lower back pain. In this case radical methods Treatment cannot be used so as not to harm the unborn baby. We recommend yoga for pregnant women - it has special exercises, which strengthen muscles and relieve stress from the spine.

What are the causes of osteochondrosis - and how to prevent this disease from developing in yourself?

Initially, osteochondrosis is not quite the correct term. It is used only in national medicine. In the West, they don’t talk about this disease because it includes many other diseases: the problem can be in the discs, in the joints, in the blood vessels. Most often, a parallel is drawn - pain in the lower back or cervical spine spine. A synonym for osteochondrosis is cervical or lumbar sciatica. Be that as it may, osteochondrosis is a human disease associated with upright posture. After all, our spine, in the process of evolution, has not yet been ideally adapted to allow people to walk upright. Another reason is genetic. If someone in your family has had lower back pain, the likelihood of detecting such a problem increases. You can protect yourself from osteochondrosis with proper physical activity. Any actions in everyday life, if performed incorrectly, can cause us microtrauma. For example, in order to pick something up from the floor, you need to sit down. This correct load on the spine. But more often people bend over completely. This is an erroneous action that can cause lower back pain. Heavy physical work should also be avoided.

Will it always help? medical massage or manual therapy (disc realignment)? How to find good specialist in this area?

People often confuse massage with manual therapy. Massage is an effect on muscles. Manual therapy - reduction of discs (popularly, such specialists are called chiropractors). In any case, see a massage therapist or chiropractor you only need to go through the orthopedist’s office! There are diseases in which massage can be harmful. These are different inflammatory diseases musculoskeletal system. The choice of therapy is very individual. One person is indicated for medical massage, another will benefit from manual therapy. How to find a specialist? Again in the orthopedic office. Doctors usually recommend trusted massage therapists or chiropractors. I would not recommend going to such a specialist only on the basis that he has presented a diploma. Nowadays it’s not a problem to get a “correction” - there are a lot of courses, everyone has the right to complete them. Therefore, a diploma does not at all guarantee that a person is truly a professional in this field. I will add that a massage therapist or chiropractor must have medical education- if not higher, then at least intermediate. He must understand human anatomy and physiology.

Why have joint diseases, such as arthrosis deformans, become younger?

This may be due to underdevelopment of articular cartilage. It occurs due to a violation of the diet, a sedentary lifestyle, or for reasons that, alas, are still unknown to science. There are disruptions in the production of its components - one of the five types of collagen. The absence of any type of collagen leads to the fact that cartilage is destroyed not at the age of 80-90 (due to old age), but already from 25-30 years. Often a person does not even know why his joints hurt - not all laboratories can diagnose this condition and find the cause of deforming arthrosis. The best prevention- all the same physical activity. Arthrosis deformans can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Of course, the doctor chooses the method. Failures can also be a consequence of injury. In this case, joint fluid substitutes or drugs that restore articular cartilage. It may not have the same structure as before the damage. However, it will perform its main function of protecting bones.

A healthy back and a computer can't go together?

The computer does not affect the musculoskeletal system, but prolonged sitting in front of the monitor has a negative effect. Office workers, for example, complain of pain in the thoracic spine, which bothers them after two hours of continuous work at a PC. We cannot erase computers from our lives, but handling them correctly is in our hands. You need to take breaks every 1-2 hours: get up from the table, stretch a little, just walk around the room. It is advisable to do exercises every day. And do some kind of sport, fitness, yoga. Tapping on the keyboard or using a computer mouse causes disease in the wrist joints. It’s called geek’s hand, or carpal tunnel syndrome. Due to the fact that the hand is in an unnatural position for it, the joints become inflamed. To avoid this, you need to do exercises every half hour. First, lower your arms so that there is blood flow to the hands. Then clench and unclench your fists and move your fingers. You need to devote 5-7 minutes to such charging. Afterwards, start working again.

What are the rules for selecting orthopedic mattresses and pillows?

The most physiological mattress is a water mattress. It exactly follows the contours of our body. And with it, the load on the spine is optimally distributed. Air mattresses have a good effect on the spine. But they are worse than water ones. At the same time, there are tricks to use for the mattress to fulfill its orthopedic function: it needs to be lowered slightly. Therefore best option in terms of price and quality - silicone mattresses, as well as mattresses made from materials similar to silicone. There are also mattresses with a combination of special springs and coconut shavings. Manufacturers position them as melting, they say, the springs imitate the outlines of our body, and the natural padding does not float. But from the point of view of orthopedists, these products are not the best option. An orthopedic pillow should follow the curve of a person's neck when he lies on his back. When positioned on your side, there should be a straight line between your neck and this “sleep accessory”. In this case, the pillow is made from materials of moderate hardness - it should under no circumstances put pressure.

How do high heels and other fashion fads affect our “axis of motion”?

There is an optimal difference between the forefoot and the heel - 3-4 cm. With such a heel, there is a normal load on the knees and hip joint. A 5-7 cm heel increases this load several times. With 12-centimeter heels, the “load” increases even more - 50-60 times compared to a 3-4-centimeter heel! Heels negatively affect the ligaments and can aggravate flat feet. In addition, a woman cannot stand straight in such shoes - her knees bend, the hip joint is set in a flexion position, and the lordosis (curvature) of the spine increases. Therefore, high heels are for special occasions. IN Everyday life It is better to wear comfortable shoes. I believe that children can wear high heels when their skeleton has formed and strengthened. bone- not earlier than 16-17 years old. Before this, it is better to wear heels 2-4 cm, not higher. There is also a fashion trend - bags that schoolchildren throw over their shoulders - in the manner of postmen. They are filled with notebooks and textbooks, and they are also positioned incorrectly - this bends the spines of children and adolescents. Therefore, the healthiest accessories for schoolchildren are satchels and backpacks that are worn on both shoulders.

What to do if your child slouches?

We need to teach him to sit correctly. First of all, purchase a comfortable chair that is the right size. Under no circumstances should the child’s legs dangle so that the baby’s blood vessels are not pinched. It is best to buy a chair with a height adjuster. Or place a bench under the child’s feet. The angle between the shin and thigh should be 90°. Make sure that the baby does not put his legs under him - this leads to curvature of the spine. The chair must have a back so that the child can lean on it. When he is doing homework or reading a book, both elbows are located on the table. The distance between the table and the eyes is 30-35 cm. After 30-45 minutes of classes, the child should move for 10 minutes. And, of course, it is necessary for the baby to do special exercises that relax the chest muscles and stimulate the back muscles. We are speaking the right words, but they do not always reach children. Because correct child posture is the hard work of parents. Moms and dads should keep an eye on the baby all the time and remind him to keep his back. You can do light pats, pinches on the back - these small irritants will develop in the child the habit of sitting, standing and walking straight. It's worth motivating. For example, “if you keep your back straight, you will grow faster” or “people with correct posture are very beautiful.” Is it possible to correct posture in adulthood? If not structural changes spine (scoliosis, kyphosis), posture is corrected by strengthening the muscles. It is enough to accustom yourself to stand up straight, to do physical exercise. But when skeletal deformation occurs, muscle development cannot correct it. But still, control over your back and gymnastics can improve the situation. In some cases, surgery to straighten the spine is indicated. If the problem is weak muscles- physical exercise will help. In my practice, there was a case when a 35-year-old man with a stooped posture and stiff mobility pectoral muscles there was significant progress when he started doing yoga. By the way, orthopedists jokingly divide people into penguins and ducks. The first are those whose lower back loses its natural arch. The second are those whose lower back has too strong (compared to normal) deflection. Proper physical exercise will help restore the natural curve of the spine. Exercises for stretching the anterior thigh muscles and strengthening the abs will help the first, and traction will help the second posterior muscles hips and lower back strengthening. There are similar exercises in yoga. By the way, performing yoga asanas helps get rid of flat feet. I know a woman aged about 40+ whose foot began to improve after two months of yoga. This woman took an x-ray. The picture showed that her flat feet had not completely disappeared, but the situation had improved significantly.

Is it possible to straighten your legs?

With the help of surgery - yes. The more early age conduct surgery, all the better. For children, you can make the so-called hypercorrection - calculate how a person will develop and operate on the limbs so that then, as the child grows, they straighten out on their own. Orthopedists can perform limb realignment surgery on adults as well. But we must remember that, like any operation, this entails risks - infection, inflammation. There are many girls who do not need surgery, yet they come to see an orthopedist asking to straighten their legs. I had clients who even calculated their degrees: they say, one leg looks inward one degree more than the other - doctor, fix it. How they calculated these degrees is not clear to me. I believe that if a person sees defects in his appearance that are not noticeable to others, this is most likely psychological situation, rather than medical or cosmetic. For such an operation, orthopedists need medical indications. If they are not available, we may refuse surgical intervention, because the responsibility for the patient falls on us. Motivation: “I don’t like my appearance” is good for plastic surgeons, it does not go away with orthopedists. The shape of children's legs and feet can be influenced by corrective exercises. A slight X- or O-shaped curvature of the legs is corrected, and flat feet go away. The main thing is to do such gymnastics on time.

What are the ways to increase height?

If the child has hormonal disorders to help him grow up, is assigned hormone therapy. Hormones will stretch a healthy person. But this is a very risky way. You can get serious health problems: malfunctions of the digestive and respiratory organs. For an adult, surgery will help lengthen the bones and increase height to 12-15 cm. However there is great danger that there will be disturbances in muscles, work nerve fibers. There may be paresis, disturbances nerve sensitivity. If your muscles weaken, you may not be able to stand on your feet. Therefore, before deciding on such an operation, you need to think very carefully and weigh all the risks. Height can be increased by improving posture and straightening the curves of the spine, stretching muscles - the exercises that I mentioned above. But, honestly speaking, if a person comes to me and says that he a vital necessity- become taller, lengthen his legs, I will work with him as a psychologist. Because the origins of such desires are self-rejection.

Which sports strengthen the spine, and which are not very useful for it?

I divide all types of sports into useful, useless and harmful to the back. The most useful thing is swimming. Harmful ones are weightlifting, lifting barbells (anything that involves serious force loads on the spine). Other sports, if you avoid injuries, do no harm or benefit to your back. I am convinced that any non-stressful (non-athletic or non-traumatic) load on the spine is useful, for example, basic physical exercise. It improves blood circulation, increases muscle tone, and helps nourish bones and related tissues. Some types of dancing help improve the condition of the spine. These include belly dancing. Its elements (movements of the hips, stomach, back - the so-called “waves”), the specialists of our center included in therapeutic exercises for children.

Feel healthy and happy. Yoga looks at the whole person. And a beautiful back position is one of the components of his health. Someone who is sad and heavy at heart, as well as someone who feels unwell, will squeeze their back, slouch, and move awkwardly. A person with excellent health always has excellent gait and posture. Anyone with a relatively healthy back can have correct posture. You need to constantly control yourself, engage in self-hypnosis: “I must have the most charming and attractive back,” and if you are sitting or standing incorrectly, straighten up. It's difficult at first, but then you get used to it. And beautiful posture appears on its own.

Nature has rewarded humanity with upright walking, but we are paying for this with many diseases of the spine and not only that. The spine is the support of our body, and throughout life it experiences enormous pressure. Running, jumping, walking, sharp bends, turns, lifting heavy objects - all this, to one degree or another, affects the condition of our spine.


Over time, the vertebrae “sag” more and more and the distance between them decreases, the intervertebral discs come into contact. This leads to deformation and displacement of discs, compression of nerve trunks and blood vessels. What to do to avoid this?

Editorial "So simple!" will share with you exercise to strengthen the spine, which will help you quickly level it.

Healthy spine

Most people lead a lifestyle that is not at all conducive to health and longevity. Modern life forces people to spend more and more time sitting, which has a very detrimental effect on our health, and especially on the condition of the spine. Not long ago the phrase appeared: “Sitting is the new smoking!” And indeed it is so. Sitting causes no less harm to the body.

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Most often it is not possible to completely change your lifestyle, but there is always the opportunity to take care of your spine. This doesn't require much. Longevity expert Alexander Drozhennikov recommends just one exercise that will help correct your posture and straighten your spine.

To perform this exercise, you only need a chair or stool. Starting position - sitting, knees at right angles, feet firmly on the floor. The hands are placed on the hips, the wrists resting on the lower abdomen. Now slowly begin to arch your spine.

You need to bend so that your tailbone is parallel to the floor. You should feel this deflection, only in this position all parts of the spine are aligned. After you have fixed your spine in this position, begin to press your hands on your hips.

Stretch your whole body upward, and you should feel how each vertebrae separates from each other. Imagine this in your head, and physically press your hands on your hips and stretch upward more and more. Feel every vertebra.

Now concentrate your attention on your neck. Release the pressure from your hands and begin to slowly stretch your neck. Pull more on the back of your head rather than your chin, remember to maintain a bend. Tighten your upper back muscles and add pressure again with your hands. You must bend so far that your arms are completely straight. Stay in this position for a couple of minutes and then relax.

Each person needs a different amount of time to complete this exercise. You can finish the exercise when you feel the full deflection of the spine. But the frequency of performing the exercise depends on your desire, but the more often, the better.

After the exercise, you will feel relief, the discs will fall into place, the spine will align. If you do this exercise regularly, you will notice how your health improves. The work of many internal organs depends on the spine; each vertebra is associated with a specific organ. This exercise helps restore blood supply and improve the functioning of the whole body.

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In this video, Alexander Drozhennikov explains in detail and shows how to perform this wonderful exercise.


Eastern wisdom says: “Movement is life.” This vital function is performed by the musculoskeletal system. If you imagine the human musculoskeletal system as a system of levers and motors, then the bones and joints are the levers, and the muscles play the role of motors. It is no coincidence that muscles are called the “soul of movement.” The distribution of the load on the joints and bones depends on the state they are in, tense or relaxed. The condition of the muscles worsens from frequent stress, pathological processes in the body and even from inherent in man habits of moving in a certain way. After all, each of us has a special gait, each takes characteristic poses in sitting or standing positions. This set of habits is called a motor stereotype, which often deviates from physiological norm. The health and youth of a person depend on the condition of the spine, which serves not only as the main core of the body, but also as the seat of the spinal cord, a conductor of energy, nerve impulses and blood flow systems.

Spinal column- this is an elastic and springy formation, consisting of 24 individual vertebrae flexibly connected to each other (7 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar), the sacrum (5 fused vertebrae) and the coccyx (4-5 fused vertebrae). Their mobility in relation to each other is ensured by cartilage shock absorber pads - intervertebral discs, as well as joints and ligaments spinal column and adjacent muscles. These structures form the main element of the spine - the motor segment. Whatever movements we perform, be it lifting a heavy barbell or quietly turning the pages of a book, certain motor segments are always involved in the work. The joints of the lumbar vertebrae are designed in such a way that when loaded vertical axis, inherent in an upright person, they fit into each other like a cork into a bottle, but only if the natural physiological curves are correctly formed: lordosis and kyphosis. Normally, we have two forward bends (lordosis) - in the cervical and lumbar regions, and two backward bends (kyphosis) - in the thoracic and lumbosacral regions. These curves form a unique spiral shape of the spine, which ensures a harmonious distribution of the load on all its structures. The main worker in the motion segment is the intervertebral disc, which, thanks to its unique structure, can withstand incredible loads. It is covered above and below by cartilaginous plates that protect the vertebral bodies from excessive pressure. The rim of the disc is the fibrous ring, the plates of which, folded like an onion, are connected in the center to the nucleus pulposus - the most important part of the disc. This formation, which looks like a biconvex lens, is a gelatinous gel of a polysaccharide-protein complex. It gives the core the highest degree of elasticity and the ability to quickly absorb and release water. When experiencing compression, the gelatinous shock absorber can flatten by 1-2 mm, and when stretched, on the contrary, increase its height. When the load on the spine increases (most often this happens when lifting weights), the core instantly binds the water present in the disc and becomes elastic. The magnitude of the load also depends on the position of the body. If, for example, a person takes weight by bending at the waist, the load on the disc increases to unimaginable limits. Studies have shown that a person weighing 70 kg holding a 15 kg load at a 20 degree tilt has a load of 1 square meter. cm of disc between the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral vertebrae increases to 200 kg. If you bend even lower, at an angle of 70 degrees, then the load increases to 300 kg! It is not surprising that with repeated such stress, the fibrous ring may not withstand it and give cracks, through which the nucleus is gradually squeezed out, like toothpaste from a tube. An intervertebral disc herniation occurs, strong pain, movements are limited. Spinal problems lie not only in the correct distribution of loads. 80% of the world's population, according to World Organization healthcare, suffer from osteochondrosis - a “disease of civilization”. Osteochondrosis affects people of all ages. Dystrophic process in the motor segment begins with degeneration of the nucleus pulposus, leading to flattening of the intervertebral discs, disruption of their nutrition and destruction of cartilage. The distance between the vertebrae decreases, as the disease progresses, inflammation and swelling of tissues occur, compression of the nearby spinal nerve and vessel, convulsive contraction of muscles, which causes severe pain to a person. With a herniated disc, the pain becomes constant.

Previously, this was the concern of only neurosurgeons; now, in many cases, precise, calibrated soft tissue techniques come to the rescue manual therapy. Humanity is simply programmed for osteochondrosis - thus we have to pay for upright walking. Studies have shown that in almost all people (90 - 96%!) the physiological curves of the spine are smoothed out or excessively increased. Both inevitably lead to illness. Many people get traumatic injuries spine at birth, even if the birth was completely physiological. According to observations, 80-90% of children develop spinal diseases for this reason. Very often, for example, there is a slight difference in the length of the legs, which, nevertheless, over the years entails a distortion pelvic bones and muscles, and as a result - spinal disease. Therefore, parents should pay attention to any asymmetries in the structure of the baby’s body and to the child’s movements. How earlier child with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, if you go to see a chiropractor, the easier it is to correct them and prevent the development of the disease. In any case, this must be done before the age of 18-20, when the final ossification of the skeleton occurs.

Among the objective reasons leading to the development of degenerative processes of the spine, pathologies of internal organs - diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, gynecological diseases And so on. And this is not surprising: the spine with spinal cord is connected with all internal organs by innervation and the circulatory system, and therefore any trouble in one area sooner or later affects another.

Finally, to premature aging The support of our body is driven by overeating, temperature comfort and physical inactivity, including many hours of sitting at the computer, and even at tables unsuitable for this. Adding to the troubles are injuries and microtraumas received when lifting weights or improper physical activity. Provoking factors are hypothermia and overheating.

The vessels that supply the brain pass through the neck. Impairments in the patency of these vessels are most often associated with either compression or subluxation of the cervical vertebrae. Displaced cervical vertebrae cause headaches, dizziness, vascular spasms, pressure surges, bad dream, anxiety, forgetfulness, irritability, there is often heaviness in the back of the head. By eliminating the disorders using gentle and painless methods of manual therapy, the doctor solves all these problems without resorting to the help of chemical medications.

Very important for spinal health normal condition its lumbar region, which bears more than half of the body's weight. Maintaining balance and stability in this department is ensured by the natural anterior curve - lumbar lordosis, as well as strong ligaments and physiological fusion of the sacral vertebrae with the pelvic bone. To ensure good mobility intervertebral discs especially powerful here. A person must constantly maintain this mobility in physiological limits, that is, bend and unbend lumbar region, rotate it around a vertical axis and tilt it in different sides. For obesity, during pregnancy, after surgery abdominal cavity and simply with age, the muscles responsible for these movements weaken, which leads to changes lumbar lordosis. This adversely affects the condition of the spine, genitals, muscles of the buttocks, thighs, knee and hip joints, which can lead to impaired potency and menstrual cycle, create difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth. And here Recommendations that, if followed, will reduce the occurrence of back pain:

  • lift weights by squatting and keeping your back straight, never bending at the lumbar region. This will prevent rupture of the fibrous ring and the appearance of intervertebral hernia
  • When you get out of bed in the morning, do not immediately load your spine and joints. Observe how the cat behaves when it wakes up: it first stretches, arches, and only then begins to actively move. In the same way, we must awaken the musculoskeletal system with soft, gentle and leisurely stretches, preparing it for daily stress.

Advice to parents: do not scold your child if he sits at lessons, bending to the side, or stands slouched. He does this instinctively because his spine, which is already damaged, requires it. It is necessary to first treat the child using complex manual therapy methods and only then require him to maintain correct posture.

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An important function of the spine is to protect the central nervous system that runs inside it. In addition, the spine is the main support rod of our body. A curved spine and improper use can cause damage. nervous system responsible for the functioning of internal organs. Healthy spine - required condition stable functioning of internal organs and health of the whole body. Due to the displacement of the vertebrae, pinched, pinched or overstretched nerves occur. Displacement of the vertebrae is the main cause of intervertebral hernias, which can compress blood vessels and nerves.

Inside the spine is Bone marrow, which produces red and white blood cells responsible for immunity. Therefore, when the spine is unhealthy, it affects hematopoiesis, which affects the state of the immune system and weakens the body’s defenses.

The vertebrae are connected to each other by cartilage, joints and ligaments. The vertebral bodies are connected intervertebral disc. Each vertebra has six fixation points. Because of this, the spine has fairly limited mobility, except in the cervical spine. Only in the cervical region is high mobility of the spine provided. Therefore, the spine cannot be compared with other bone joints. For example, shoulder joint, which is fixed at one point, can be rotated 360°C. The vertebrae cannot rotate freely in different directions. Therefore, performing twists and deep bends can lead to instability of the spine.

The complex structure of the spine requires an understanding in which directions it can make safe movements. Safe directions of spine movements include forward bends, extensions and turns. Harmful ones include twisting, bending to the side, deep bends back. When turning, the body must be turned using the force of the back muscles without using levers. Twisting uses leverage and sharp turns.

One of the causes of diseases musculoskeletal system is a malfunction thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is responsible for the level of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Pay attention to healthy eating.

The condition of our nails and hair can determine the condition of our bones.

If you have a curved spine, we recommend that you consult a chiropractor and have the vertebrae put back in place. Each vertebra is responsible for a specific organ in our body. Health problems arise due to vertebrae that do not stay in place. Many people do not realize that many health problems are associated with spinal curvature, because displaced vertebrae pinch nerves.

A simple way to restore spinal mobility is through physical exercises to stretch the spine. Bend forward and down towards your feet with a straight back. With this exercise you slightly release the vertebrae and pinched nerves.

What not to do

You cannot force the vertebrae into place by forcefully twisting the spine. If a person has a displacement in one direction, and he twists in the opposite direction, then due to this, the pinched nerves are released and for a while the person feels better. But the condition does not stabilize for long. When performing a twist, the vertebra does not fall into place, and relief occurs due to the accidental release of the compressed nerve. Then the vertebra returns to its original position again, and the person is forced to resort to twisting again and again. Continuing to perform twists over and over again, a person overstretches the intervertebral ligaments, as a result of which the spine becomes even more unstable.

It is dangerous for untrained people to do a headstand, since the cervical vertebrae are thin and fragile compared to other parts of the spine. The load on the whole body provokes displacement of the cervical vertebrae, creases in the neck and can even lead to neck dislocation.

It is also dangerous to do deep backbends. They harm the spine, especially the lumbar region, which already suffers from overload. It is recommended to do shallow backbends using the back muscles.

Working at a desk

When working at a table, you must keep a straight back. Correct posture in a sitting position should be fully consistent correct posture in a standing position. Do not strain your back muscles while doing this. Be aware of the center, stretch the top of your head up, and relax the muscles near the spine. Try not to strain your shoulders, pull them down from your ears. Tense shoulders cause headaches.

The seat of the chair should be at such a distance from the floor that the knees are at an angle of 90°C and the feet are on the floor. When sitting straight, your knees should not be higher than your hip joints. You need to sit on the ischial bones, and not on the fleshy part of the gluteal muscles, the back of the thighs or the tailbone. Deep in the pelvis there is a powerful energy center - the first chakra. For normal life a person needs constant movement of energy in this center. This center is reliably protected by the pelvic bones and muscles. This is also where the hip joints are located. Harmonious work these muscles and joints create favorable conditions for the operation of this energy center and its constant activation. Therefore, people with weakened “vital energy” are recommended to walk, squat, run, and ride a bicycle. In a person in a sitting position, the functioning of the energy center is significantly disrupted if he does not comply with simple recommendations. At long work you need to sit only on a hard surface, resting your ischial tuberosities on it.

From a soft chair, change to a chair or chair with a hard seat. Or place a seat made of wooden beads on an office chair. Thus, it is ensured better blood circulation V hip joints. With constant eight (or more) hours of sitting on a soft chair, normal operation pelvis, blood circulation deteriorates, this is especially harmful for women.

It is very harmful to sit cross-legged. With this position, it is disrupted normal movement blood and lymph through the vessels of the legs and pelvis, which creates favorable conditions for the development of varicose veins, cellulite, hemorrhoids, uterine fibroids in women, prostate adenoma and congestive chronic prostatitis in men, sexual dysfunction, swelling of the legs, etc. You can cross your legs only below the knees.

The back of the chair should support sacral region. At the height of the middle thoracic spine, the backrest should have a protrusion to promote straightening of the thoracic vertebrae. The height of the table should vary within 100 cm. When you sit, the angle at your elbows should be 90°.


Cargo transfer

When lifting something heavy, be sure to lift with a straight back and not with your back bent. First, squat down with your knees bent, lift the weight, holding it in front of you, and then straighten up. When lifting something, you can lean on your hips.

When shifting from place to place, first turn to the load, lift it, then turn to where you want to put it, lower it. Do not lift heavy things sideways.

When carrying a load in your hands, distribute its weight equally and take it in both hands.

Spinal traction exercises

Stretch your spine frequently throughout the day. This is especially true for those who have a sedentary job and a sedentary lifestyle. Clasp your hands, raise them above your head and actively stretch, stretch, stretch.

Be sure to stretch your spine before going to bed. You can also stand, sit or lie on a bed or floor.

Exercise cat-cow. Get on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees hip-width apart. Your back is parallel to the floor, stretch your neck forward. Cat - arch your back upward. With an inhalation, we press in the tailbone, then raise the lumbar region, then the thoracic region - up, and the cervical region - goes down in a smooth arc, lowering the head. Cow - downward bend. The spine bends downwards in a smooth, wave-like motion, starting from the coccyx to the crown.

Stretch your neck frequently. Clasp your hands, clasp your hands around the back of your head. Tilt your head, relax your neck, pull your elbows forward. Be sure to stretch your neck in the morning, evening and throughout the day. This is especially true for people who work at a computer. Sitting at the table, we often tip the back of our heads back. This impairs blood circulation and compresses the nerves. Rub your neck with your palm. This will ensure a rush of blood to your head. To improve blood flow to the brain, try hanging upside down for a few minutes a day. Or stand upside down on your hands against a wall.

Bend your knees, clasp your hands behind your back, sharply pull your shoulders back, trying your best to squeeze your shoulder blades together. In this way, you stretch the sternum so that blood can flow into the red bone marrow, which is located under this thin bone of the sternum. At the same time, this exercise can put the popped-out thoracic vertebrae in place.

Spinal flexion exercise

Lie on your stomach, at the same time raise your straight arms and legs up, bend as much as possible using your back muscles (makarasana).

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck

The simplest and effective exercise to strengthen the neck muscles, do push-ups. Best effect achieved by performing short push-ups rather than full push-ups. Short means not fully bending your elbows. Try doing 50-100 short push-ups every day for a week, and the results will not take long to arrive.

Strong neck muscles hold the cervical vertebrae in place and prevent them from slipping out.



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