Rosemary officinalis - traditional medicine recipes. Rosemary - uses, beneficial properties and contraindications, plant in cooking and medicine

This evergreen bush with delicate flowers can be found during vacations in hot countries. Rosemary - the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been known since ancient times, is used for weight loss, body care, treatment of diseases, as a spice for cooking. What are the benefits of the plant, in what form is it used, what recipes for use exist - such questions will be dealt with in the review.

Rosemary officinalis

A plant with medicinal properties was used by ancient healers. Rosemary grows more often in places where there is high temperature. The bushes have pale purple flowers, thin needle-like leaves, and have a pleasant smell. Summer residents grow the plant on their plots or at home in a pot from seeds and cuttings. The bush blooms in spring from March to May. Composition contains:

  • folic acid;
  • niacin;
  • cineole;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • thiamine;
  • vitamins A, C;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • calcium.

The medicinal plant has a powerful effect, so when using it, it is important to take into account contraindications so as not to harm the body. The healing properties of rosemary provide:

  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • verbenone;
  • camphor;
  • carnosol;
  • camphene;
  • borneol;
  • alpha-Pinene;
  • rosemanol;
  • bornyl acetate;
  • tannins;
  • resins;
  • bitterness.

Benefits of the plant

What are the benefits of rosemary? The medicinal plant is used in cooking, cosmetology, and folk medicine. If you take into account the contraindications, then the use helps:

  • improve psychological state;
  • delay aging;
  • increase immunity;
  • enhance the taste of food;
  • eliminate anxiety;
  • freshen breath;
  • increase fluid outflow;
  • reduce weight;
  • improve skin condition;
  • activate memory;
  • fight sexual weakness;
  • increase working capacity, endurance;
  • cope with hair loss and improve its condition.

Medicinal properties

What are the medicinal benefits of rosemary? Plants have multifaceted medicinal properties. Its use helps:

  • remove toxins from the liver;
  • cope with infections, colds;
  • improve kidney function;
  • relieve spasms of the intestines and trachea;
  • increase the secretion of bile;
  • stimulate the function of the optic nerve;
  • eliminate bloating;
  • counteract bacteria.

When using the drug, the following occurs:

  • treatment of leukemia, breast cancer, colon cancer;
  • migraine pain relief;
  • improving joint mobility;
  • solving gynecological problems;
  • elimination of digestive system disorders;
  • diuretic effect;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • relieving an asthma attack;
  • treatment of dermatological pathologies;
  • acceleration of recovery after a stroke;
  • general strengthening effect;
  • restoration of potency;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • improved sleep;
  • activation of blood circulation.


Given the active medicinal properties of rosemary, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the contraindications before using it. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences. The use of the plant is prohibited if:

  • low stomach acidity;
  • hypertension;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regular seizures;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • the child's age is less than 6 years;
  • epilepsy;
  • neuroses;
  • allergies to plant components.

When considering the issue of contraindications, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  • using rosemary essential oil internally may cause burns;
  • excessive use can provoke an allergic reaction;
  • the plant affects blood clotting - you need to be careful when using drugs to thin it at the same time;
  • the plant disrupts the effect of ACE inhibitors, which have healing properties for high blood pressure;
  • there is an impact on blood sugar levels, the effect of antidiabetic drugs is disrupted.


Rosemary is used fresh - the leaves, stems, and roots of the plant are used. You can purchase the pharmaceutical drug in dried form. Tinctures, decoctions, and teas are made from natural raw materials. Essential oil and wine have healing properties. Taking into account contraindications, the plant is used as a remedy:

  • calming the nervous system;
  • improves appetite;
  • promoting weight loss.

The pleasant taste and aroma that essential oils provide promotes the use of rosemary in cooking and the food industry. The leaves of the plant, in fresh and dried form, are used as a spice in recipes for dishes and canned food. Spices are used to prepare sauces, meat and fish food. The spice gives a special taste to alcohol, drinks, and tea. The plant is used to prepare:

  • game;
  • vegetable salads;
  • marinades;
  • flour products;
  • mushroom dishes.

The medicinal properties of rosemary make it possible to use it in cosmetology. Leaves, flowers, and essential oils are used. The plant is used in the perfume industry for the production of shampoos, lotions, perfumes, and creams. Taking into account contraindications, beauty salons use the plant for the following purposes:

  • hair strengthening;
  • treatment of baldness;
  • getting rid of dandruff;
  • reducing skin oiliness;
  • performing massage;
  • barriers to aging;
  • saturation of the epidermis with vitamins.

For weight loss

Women who dream of losing excess weight use rosemary in their diets and carry out procedures using essential oils. It is very important to take into account contraindications for use before starting use. The following properties of the plant contribute to weight loss:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • activation of food digestion;
  • increased blood circulation during massage – counteracts cellulite.

The antioxidant medicinal property of the leaves helps eliminate toxins. The use of aromatherapy from a mixture of essential oils or just rosemary helps to influence the centers of the brain responsible for satiety, which dulls the feeling of hunger. Using the plant for weight loss helps:

  • eliminating skin sagging during wraps;
  • tightening the epidermis during baths;
  • fat burning;
  • drainage of fluid.

In gynecology

The leaves of the plant are used in the treatment of gynecological pathologies. They use decoctions and infusions for oral administration, douching, and bathing. It is necessary to take into account that rosemary during pregnancy has contraindications - it affects the development of the fetus. The plant is used:

  • for the treatment of candidiasis;
  • for menstruation disorders;
  • to activate breast milk production;
  • with leucorrhoea;
  • to eliminate vaginal itching;
  • to relieve the symptoms of menopause;
  • to restore the psycho-emotional state;
  • stopping insomnia, depression;
  • to normalize hormonal levels.

For bleeding

The beneficial properties of rosemary for stopping uterine bleeding are known. It is important to coordinate the use of the plant with a gynecologist so that the woman does not suffer from large blood loss. An alcohol tincture is recommended for use. It is required to take 25 drops of the medicine three times a day, half an hour before meals. Prepare the product according to the recipe:

  • put 2 tablespoons of leaves in a jar;
  • add alcohol 70% - 100 ml;
  • leave for a week.

For joints

The analgesic and warming medicinal properties of rosemary help in solving problems of the musculoskeletal system. The plant is used as alcoholic infusions and ointments with essential oils for rubbing joints. This helps restore mobility, relieve pain, and eliminate swelling. Taking into account contraindications, rosemary is used in the treatment of:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout
  • consequences of injuries.


The benefits of water treatments with rosemary are known for treating joint diseases, relaxation, relieving fatigue, and muscle pain after training. It is necessary to grind 50 grams of leaves, boil them for half an hour in a liter of water, wait the same time, and pour them into the prepared bath. The duration of the session is 15 minutes, you need to carry out 12 procedures every other day. The healing properties of rosemary help with:

  • Do not lie;
  • arthrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • spider veins.

For skin

The medicinal plant has a unique effect on the skin. Rosemary has antioxidant properties and slows down the aging process. Using the medicinal properties of essential oils, taking into account contraindications, helps:

  • moisturizing the skin;
  • elimination of pigment spots;
  • getting rid of acne;
  • protection against wrinkles;
  • preservation of youth;
  • giving the skin smoothness and silkiness.

For the treatment of colds

The medicinal properties of rosemary are invaluable in the fight against infections. The antiseptic qualities of the plant make it possible to fight streptococci and staphylococci. When fighting colds, flu, chronic bronchitis:

  • taking the decoction helps improve immunity, prevents dizziness and weakness;
  • inhalations eliminate painful symptoms in the throat, stop coughing;
  • Applying essential oil to the skin helps to warm up and soften breathing.

For diseases of the heart and blood vessels

The use of rosemary in patients with vascular and heart pathologies has excellent reviews. It is only necessary to take into account contraindications when using this potent drug. Medicinal properties of the plant:

  • stimulate blood flow at low pressure - hypotension;
  • saturate organs with oxygen;
  • increase blood circulation;
  • improve breathing;
  • relieve tension in case of nervous disorders;
  • counteract the occurrence of atherosclerosis;
  • remove the danger of inflammation of the arteries;
  • prevent thrombus formation.

Methods of application

Rosemary is consumed in the form of essential oil, tinctures, decoctions, wine and tea. It is necessary to take into account that the medicinal properties depend on the amount taken. Taking into account contraindications:

  • small doses have a choleretic, tonic effect;
  • moderate – relieve stress, apathy, strengthen the immune system, treat blood vessels, heart;
  • large doses counteract physical inactivity, stimulate muscles, increase blood pressure, and increase blood circulation.


To prepare the product, chopped rosemary leaves - 50 grams - are poured with a glass of 70% alcohol and left for 10 days. Take 25 drops orally three times a day. The medicinal properties of the leaves help with:

  • impotence;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • anemia;
  • asthma;
  • neuralgia;
  • mumps;
  • gout;
  • thrombosis;
  • exhaustion;
  • nervous disorders;
  • rheumatism.

Rosemary tea

A healthy drink from the plant can be prepared at home. Natural tea helps cope with amnesia, fatigue, loss of strength, and weakness. The healing properties of rosemary help improve immunity against colds. The main thing is to take into account contraindications. They drink a cup of it at breakfast and lunch. For preparation:

  • chop leaves or shoots;
  • put a teaspoon of raw material into the vessel;
  • pour a liter of boiling water;
  • insist.

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub with thin, needle-like leaves that have a distinct, characteristic pine aroma. The plant looks especially impressive during flowering, when it is covered with a soft lilac color. Rosemary is highly valued in cooking, perfumery and gardening.

In addition, the plant is endowed with healing qualities and allows a person to get rid of a huge number of diseases.

Rosemary is very beneficial for the body

Currently, the medicinal properties and contraindications of rosemary are of interest to many. Let's try to understand this issue.


What is rosemary? This plant, whose homeland is Central Asia, in nature reaches the size of a small tree, and in more domestic conditions it grows like a bush with a height of no more than 100 cm. The bush is covered with flowering in the first months of summer. The culture is whimsical to weather conditions. The plant does well in hotter regions and does not tolerate frosty winters.

Where rosemary grows, there is a distinct aroma in the air, reminiscent of pine with spicy notes.

Rosemary is widely used in the household. It is one of the most interesting spices, the addition of which to dishes imparts an exquisite aroma.
Rosemary is widely used in cooking

The culture is often used by perfumers, adding it to modern perfumes, eau de toilettes, and the like. Rosemary is also of interest to folk healers as a unique source of a huge amount of substances beneficial to the human body that help eliminate a number of ailments.

The ancient Romans knew about the beneficial properties and contraindications of rosemary, who endowed this shrub with special powers.

They believed that the bush was able to give a person additional vital energy, restore his strength and give longevity. It was these people who gave rosemary another name - sea dew. In eastern countries, even today, a sprig of rosemary given to newlyweds for a wedding remains a symbol of mutual understanding and family well-being.


The benefits and harms of rosemary are easily explained by its enriched composition. The leaves of the bush contain a huge amount of alkaloids, organic acids, and tannins. An important component of flowers and leafy parts is the valuable rosemary oil (essential), which is present in maximum quantities in the crop during the period of flowering and fruit shedding.

Rosemary oil is rich in valuable biologically active substances that promote toning and overall strengthening of the body.

Among these organic compounds, the following should be highlighted:

  • expanded complex of vitamins and microelements;
  • limonene and cineole;
  • camphenes and camphor;
  • borneol and bornyl acetate;
  • various bitters and resins.

Rosemary oil strengthens the body

What are the benefits of rosemary?

So, what is rosemary useful for, and what beneficial effects it can have on the human body.

Some of the medicinal properties of rosemary include:

  • the ability to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, stimulate the production of bile pigments and gastric juice;
  • rosemary herb perfectly improves low blood pressure, tones blood vessels, strengthens the heart muscle and normalizes coronary blood flow;
  • plant extracts have a pronounced antibacterial effect, effectively fight yeast and viruses;
  • rosemary essential oil for hair allows you to restore its natural shine, prevent hair loss and split ends;
  • It also has an excellent effect on hair. A magical transformation will also happen to your hair if you add 2 drops of fir oil to your usual shampoo and traditional masks.

  • rosemary oil for skin perfectly smoothes out the first wrinkles, moisturizes the epidermal layer, making it more elastic and firm;
  • rosemary extract restores impaired cerebral blood flow and has a positive effect on the function of the visual and auditory analyzers;
  • the plant actively fights stress and calms the human nervous system;
  • It also has a powerful sedative effect. Melissa tincture and tea are one of the best sedatives that are used for neuroses, depression, and sleep disorders.

  • culture can improve the quality of memory;
  • rosemary easily copes with colds, increases immunity, improves the body's reactivity to viral irritants;
  • An excellent remedy for maintaining immunity is. This plant is one of the most powerful natural immunomodulators used for the prevention and treatment of colds, inflammatory processes and deficiency conditions.

  • young shoots can eliminate symptoms of menstrual irregularities in women and treat impotence in men;
  • Due to its antispasmodic effect, rosemary oil is often used as an analgesic and sedative.

For more information about the benefits of rosemary, watch the video:

The use of rosemary in folk medicine is a centuries-old practice that deserves special attention from supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

The healing properties and use of rosemary essential oil are well known to modern doctors, who actively use plant extracts as an aid in treatment regimens for many ailments.

Folk remedies based on rosemary have found their use in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, and rheumatism. They help well with nervous disorders, pain and amenorrhea, quickly eliminate the symptoms of mumps and flu, help heal even deep wounds and prevent the formation of pronounced scars.

Features of application

Rosemary is used in several areas:


In addition to its healing properties, rosemary has a number of contraindications for use, which should be taken into account before you start taking it. We should not forget that most herbs can provoke an exacerbation of certain diseases, so they should not be consumed thoughtlessly and in large quantities.
Contraindications for rosemary include:

  • the period of bearing a child (rosemary during pregnancy can tone the uterus and provoke miscarriages or premature birth);
  • hypertonic disease;
  • epilepsy and convulsive syndrome;
  • children under 6 years of age.

Children under 6 years old should not add rosemary.

Can you eat rosemary? This question interests many visitors to culinary sites who are just beginning to get acquainted with modern food additives. In fact, rosemary is not only edible, but also has health benefits.

Therefore, understanding what rosemary is combined with and how to properly add it to dishes allows you to give ordinary food an unsurpassed taste and saturate the body with valuable substances.

All you have to do is find out how much rosemary costs in the nearest store, and you can start cooking, which will not only delight your taste buds, but will also have a beneficial effect on your health.

Similar materials

Since ancient times, rosemary has been considered a special plant that can ward off evil spirits and attract wealth. In addition, this plant has many beneficial properties. It is not for nothing that it is used both in cosmetology and cooking, and for various diseases.

Rosemary: what is it and why is it needed?

First of all, it should be said that rosemary belongs to low-growing evergreen shrubs. Its distribution area is the Mediterranean countries.

If we talk about its external characteristics, it is very similar to a spruce branch, and its numerous leaves are very reminiscent of flat needles. While rosemary is fresh, its leaves are soft, but when it dries, it turns into a cluster of needles.

Total can be identified three types of this plant. However, the most popular is medicinal rosemary, or otherwise called ordinary rosemary. It is noteworthy that the branches are collected only in the second or third year after planting.

What beneficial microelements and substances are included in rosemary?

Rosemary leaves contain the following beneficial components:, How:

  • alkaloids;
  • rosmarinic acid;
  • tannins;
  • ursolic acid.

In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that the castings, shoots, and flowers of this plant contain essential oil.

If we talk about the composition of rosemary essential oil, then it includes the following components:

  • Borneol;
  • Camphor;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Pinens;
  • Limonene.

This plant has a positive effect on the human body. It is not for nothing that there are many different folk recipes based on this plant. Rosemary is used in many areas:

Firstly, this plant has the property of toning the nervous and circulatory systems of the human body.

Secondly, rosemary is also used in case of long-term antibiotic therapy, for general weakness of the body, and also to raise blood pressure.

Third, rosemary wine is great for helping men cope with sexual problems.

Fourthly, this plant is very calming.

Fifthly, rosemary stimulates the intestines and stomach. Excellent for treating problems related to the cardiovascular system.

It should be noted that preparations based on rosemary have an antiseptic effect. Therefore, they are often used to treat various types of abscesses, furunculosis, and acne.

Rosemary: application

Regarding the use of this product, it should be noted that it is used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking, and also during weight loss.

This spice has the following effect on the body:

Rosemary for weight loss

If your goal is to lose a few extra pounds, then this will help you rosemary tea. This tea helps normalize metabolic processes in the body and also helps speed up the process of burning fat.

During a diet, you can drink this tea without a twinge of conscience, since the calorie content of this product is low. However, when losing weight, you should not get too carried away with it; the optimal daily volume of such herbal infusion or decoction is 2 cups.

However, it should be noted that hypertensive patients and pregnant women should use this spice very carefully.

Rosemary calories

It should be noted that the calorie content of this product is 131 cal. per 100 grams.

How to make rosemary tea?

To prepare, you will need a cup of water - 250 ml and a teaspoon of chopped rosemary leaves. The tea should be steeped for 15 minutes. It should be noted that tea with this spice is especially useful for those who have recently suffered from an infectious disease or suffer from constant weakness.

Rosemary for food

This spice is active also used in cooking. However, you should pay attention to the fact that it has a very specific smell: pungent with a slight spicy taste. Rosemary is often used to prepare marinades, salads, dressings and soups. This spice gives dishes a special piquancy and sophistication.

This spice should be added to food very carefully, as it is a strong spicy spice.

Rosemary and cosmetology

Rosemary oil is often used in cosmetology. It helps make the skin elastic, shrink pores and remove dead cells.

Besides, rosemary essential oil:

  • relieves swelling;
  • treats problem skin;
  • helps get rid of blackheads;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • treats oily skin;
  • helps with dandruff.

You should also pay attention to the fact that this spice is also used for preparing baths. Thus, rosemary baths help eliminate stretch marks and make the skin elastic and smooth.

Features of using rosemary oil

First of all, it should be emphasized that this oil is obtained by distillation. As for its characteristics, it tastes bitter and is yellow in color.

The oil from this spice is used both for medicinal purposes and as a cosmetic:

Firstly, the oil is used to prepare masks for both skin and hair.

Secondly, the oil helps fight stretch marks, scars and skin laxity.

Third, it eliminates acne and helps in general facial care.

Use of rosemary in medicine

This spice is actively used for the treatment of many diseases. Among such diseases are the following:


Although rosemary has many benefits. He can cause harm to the body.

Thus, this product cannot be used in the following cases:

  1. Firstly, if you have an individual intolerance to this plant.
  2. Secondly, if you suffer from hypertension, allergies or are prone to seizures.
  3. Thirdly, this is under 6 years of age.

Please note that rosemary oil in large quantities may be poisonous. In addition, if you are already taking any medications, then consult with your doctor whether you can take rosemary.

And also, before starting a course of therapy with this medicinal plant, be sure to make sure that you are not allergic to it.

Pregnancy This is a period when you should especially carefully monitor your health. Therefore, any medications should be taken only with the permission of a doctor. And rosemary is no exception. You should pay attention to the fact that this is still a spice, which, if dosed incorrectly, can lose its beneficial properties and become toxic. Therefore, if you decide to take rosemary as a medicine, be sure to consult your doctor.

As a result, it should be noted that although the benefits of rosemary are great, you should be very careful with it. When treating various diseases, you should strictly adhere to the indicated daily dosage.

Rosemary is an evergreen, spicy plant native to Mediterranean countries. Translated, rosemary means the smell of the sea, or sea freshness. About 50-60 cm high, with linear leaves, curled along the edges, located on cuttings. At the ends of the leaves there are corollas with purple flowers.

The name "rosemary" comes from the Latin words "ros" and "marinus", meaning "dew of the sea". This name of the plant is due to its place of original growth.

On the territory of our region, since 1813, the plant first found its place in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, and then, thanks to its unpretentiousness, spread to many regions. The flowering period of rosemary occurs in May, and the ripening of fruits in September. Gardeners love the plant for its sophistication during flowering, the rich camphor aroma of the leaves and cultivate it not only as an aromatic, but also a medicinal plant.

In cooking, the essential properties of the plant are used, giving dishes a woody aroma and a bitter-sweet taste, which perfectly complements dishes made from meat and emphasizes the taste of vegetable salads.

Composition of rosemary

One hundred grams of fresh rosemary leaves contain:

18 Health Benefits of Rosemary

  1. Rosemary Helps Strengthen the Immune System

    Studies carried out to establish the chemical composition of the plant showed the presence of carnosis acid and the substance calnozols in it. The combination of these substances limits excess nitric oxide readings, thereby improving the circulatory process and removing toxic accumulations from the body. The antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties of the plant will certainly have a positive effect on strengthening the immune system.

  2. Help the digestive system

    Rosemary used in cooking not only improves the taste of cooked food, but also helps solve problems caused by digestive tract disorders. So in Europe, indigestion - dyspepsia - is treated by using the spicy herb. In combination with meat dishes that are “heavy” for the stomach, the seasoning will cope with poor peristalsis and constipation.

  3. Help with neurological diseases

    Japanese scientists at Kyoto University have proven the plant's ability to block neurogeneration in the brain. These studies confirmed the plant's ability to fight signs of premature aging caused by improper functioning of neurons. And the presence of carnosic acid in rosemary gives it neuroprotective qualities, which puts the plant on a par with drugs that alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease - leading to loss of memory, motivation and communication. In the study, people in the control group who inhaled the aroma of rosemary performed better and faster on tasks aimed at remembering and recalling information given to them.

  4. Help with malignant neoplasms

    The presence of the substance calnosols in rosemary, which can perform a barrier function aimed at cancer compounds, makes it possible to use the plant in the effective treatment of breast cancer, colon cancer and leukemia. Experimental rats with neoplasms were treated with rosemary powder for two weeks. At the end of the study, 76 percent of the animals had significantly inhibited tumor development.

  5. The influence of the plant on the emotional state

    Aromatherapy sessions using rosemary essential oils improve psychological well-being, relieving symptoms of depression, lethargy and anxiety. You can conduct such sessions yourself at home, using an aroma lamp and rosemary oil extract purchased at a pharmacy. You can also use dry leaves of the plant for these purposes, creating attractive compositions from them. Dry leaves of the plant sewn into canvas bags will help fill the room with the scent of rosemary.

  6. Pain relief during migraine exacerbation

    For almost a hundred years, rosemary has been used to relieve migraine pain. You should first dip the leaves of the plant in boiling water and inhale their vapors for a while. Rub the temple area with rosemary essential oil.

  7. Antibacterial properties of rosemary

    Research has confirmed not only the anti-carcinogenic properties of the plant, but also its ability to exhibit antibacterial effects against staphylococcal infections, as well as the bacterium N. pylori, which causes stomach ulcers.

  8. Rosemary's ability to freshen breath

    The plant extract is used in the creation of compositions intended to maintain the hygienic condition of the oral cavity. Dentists recommend preparing this remedy at home, using brewed leaves of the plant in half a liter of water. The rinse should be used in the morning and before bed, after brushing your teeth.

  9. Rosemary helps with urolithiasis

    Infusions based on rosemary have a moderate diuretic effect on the body. This ability of the plant helps optimize kidney function, relieve bloating, increasing the outflow of unnecessary fluid from the body.

  10. Preventing seasonal diseases with rosemary

    The properties of rosemary are excellent in treating diseases caused by respiratory tract infections. Vapors from the inhaled essential oil of the plant can fight not only flu and respiratory diseases, but also allergic reactions.

  11. Rosemary helps with liver diseases

  12. Rosemary for eye health

    In a report by A. Lipton, MD, USA, a statement was made regarding the ability of rosemary to stimulate the optic nerve and improve the condition of the outer retina of the eye, which suggests that the plant can resist macular degeneration, the most common eye disease.

  13. Properties of rosemary for gastrointestinal problems

    In folk medicine, infusions of the plant are used to additionally stimulate bile secretion. They also have antispasmodic properties, relaxing and soothing the muscle tissue of the trachea and intestines. In Libya, rosmarinic acid is used to treat ulcers and detoxify the liver.

  14. Rosemary for skin care

    The presence of antioxidants in the plant has found application in the cosmetology field. Rosemary is included in many creams, gels, and mousses for skin care, providing skin elasticity, increasing blood circulation, and eliminating various types of rashes. Rosemary-based products reduce redness and inflammation of the skin of the face and hands, reduce the manifestations of age-related changes, regenerating the process of epithelial renewal.

  15. Hair care

    Rosemary is also used in hair care, adding it to infusions for rinsing hair. Such procedures not only have an amazing aroma, but also the ability to prevent hair loss, ensure blood flow to the hair follicles, and also ensure shine and health. Rosemary essential oil goes well with other oils - olive, coconut. During a scalp massage, the oil penetrates deeply into the hair roots, nourishes and stimulates their growth.

  16. Antiseptic properties of the plant

    By purifying the blood and improving urination, rosemary has a detrimental effect on certain types of pathogenic bacteria before they start infectious processes in our body. Allergists use rosemary to eliminate shock syndrome in case of poisoning. In gynecology, the properties of rosemary are used in the treatment of female candidiasis (thrush).

  17. Rosemary in cooking

    Combining well with all spices, rosemary occupies a leading place in cooking. Perhaps they do not combine it only with laurel leaves, because of the similarity of aromas. The greenery of parsley, basil, and thyme is enhanced with the addition of a few sprigs of rosemary. In appearance, the leaves of the plant resemble a sprig of a Christmas tree and just a small pinch is enough to give dishes a piquant aroma. This plant is most used in Italian and Spanish cuisine. It should be remembered that when crushed, the herb quickly loses its aromatic properties and therefore dry rosemary should be stored in closed containers. Growing a plant in a garden plot will not be difficult if you plant it in a well-lit place.

  18. Use of rosemary in cosmetology

    Oil from the spicy plant is well known to cosmetologists; they resort to its use whenever they need to radically solve hair and skin health problems, and do this at the cellular level. By its structure, the oil, activating metabolic processes, not only provides additional care for the body, but has a therapeutic, targeted effect. It is important to test for individual intolerance before use.

Add spicy herbs to hot dishes almost at the end of cooking. To enhance the aroma, rub the plant between your palms.

Treatment with rosemary

Rosemary mask for the treatment of seborrhea.

Enrich 100 ml of any base oil with 10 drops of rosemary, mix well and let it brew for about a day in a dark place. When using, rub the composition heated in a water bath into the follicles of the head, gently massaging the skin. Time to use the mask is 30 minutes. Rinse, rinse strands with water adding 5 drops of rosemary per 3 liters of water. The cycle of procedures is 7 days. After such manipulations, your hair will be pleased not only with the disappearance of dandruff, but also with a pleasant aroma.

Rosemary mask for alopecia.

Alopecia is a common manifestation of baldness associated with thinning hair structure, occurring in 95 cases in men. Rosemary oil mixed with almond oil and 30 drops of lecithin will strengthen the thinning hair structure and stop further hair loss. This composition can be added directly to shampoo when washing your hair, distributing it from the roots to the ends of the strands, while massaging the scalp.

Contraindications to the use of rosemary

  • The plant is contraindicated during all stages of pregnancy.
  • Not recommended for nursing mothers.
  • People with high blood pressure.
  • Children of preschool and primary school age.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with increased gastric acidity.
  • Excessive consumption of rosemary oil can cause allergic reactions.
  • People suffering from epileptic seizures and neuroses.

The plant oil can cause poisoning if used in large doses.

The legend connects the color of the plant with the fact that the Virgin Mary threw her blue cloak on it when she, along with Joseph and Jesus, fled to Egypt. The flowers of the plant have acquired a pale bluish palette.

Brides in old Europe decorated their dresses with plant flowers and gave branches of the plant to the grooms. Remember the words of Ophelia from Shakespeare's Hamlet “... rosemary... this is for memory...” Nowadays, many newlyweds use the flowers of the plant in their wedding dresses.

In nature, there are only four varieties of the plant. In the homeland of rosemary, its brewed leaves are drunk as tea.

In the Middle Ages, rosemary was used to fumigate living quarters for the purpose of disinfection; this procedure was especially used during the plague. Sprigs of rosemary were placed on the graves of the deceased, thereby paying tribute to the dead.

You can grow rosemary in an apartment, but you should know that seeds buried in the ground should be kept cold for three weeks, using a refrigerator. And only then place it in a sunny, warm place. When grown, plants love dry soil and do not tolerate heavy watering. Of course, you need to tinker, but the plant will reward you with its medicinal properties and the beauty of its flowering.

What else is useful?

In the article we discuss rosemary and its medicinal properties. You will learn what the plant looks like and how it is used in cooking and cosmetology. We will talk about ways to grow the spice at home and list contraindications to the use of products based on it.

Common or medicinal rosemary is a perennial evergreen shrub of the Lamiaceae family. Latin name: Rosmarinus officinalis. Other names: sea dew, wedding flower, incense herb.


Appearance (photo) of rosemary

Rosemary has tall, hairy, tetrahedral stems. The grass reaches a height of 2 meters.

Evergreen elongated leaves are located on short petioles. The ends of the leaf plates are blunt, the edges are slightly curved. Small blue flowers are located at the ends of the shoots. The plant blooms in April - May.

The fruit is a round, smooth brown nut. The plant bears fruit in September.

Where does it grow

In the wild, the grass is found in Europe, North Africa, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Cyprus. It is cultivated in Crimea as a cultivated plant.

Dry slopes are suitable for rosemary. The plant is often found in the mountains.

What a smell and taste

The spice has a strong camphor aroma with a fresh pine note. It has the peculiarity that it does not lose its aroma for a long time even during heat treatment. The taste of the spice is slightly spicy.

What can be replaced in food

Instead of rosemary, use bay leaf, oregano or sage. Do not add these spices to the same dish: they have a strong aroma and drown out each other's taste.

Medicinal properties

Rosemary has a rich composition that is saturated with biologically active substances. In dried and fresh form, the raw material contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, phytosterols and flavonoids.

Due to its rich composition, the product is widely used for diseases. The spice tones the nervous and circulatory systems. Products based on it are used to restore strength and increase blood pressure.

The spice stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. It is often used in the treatment of colitis and gastritis.

Plant-based products have an analgesic effect. They are effective for rheumatism and gout.


This useful spice is used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology.. The herb is also used for weight loss, for which tea is prepared with rosemary, which accelerates the process of burning fat and normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

Tinctures and decoctions are made based on the spice. Oil and extract are obtained from it, which are used in cosmetology.

Let's take a closer look at where rosemary is added.

In cooking

Fresh and dried leaves are used as a spice. The seasoning is suitable for meat and fish dishes. The essential oils contained in the herb give a noble taste to pork and lamb. Wrap fried meat in the branches of the plant: the spice will absorb carcinogens and make the dish healthier. Raw materials are often added to soups, vegetable salads and sauces.

Rosemary is used as an independent seasoning or combined with other herbs. The spice is combined with thyme, basil, marjoram and savory.

In folk medicine

Since rosemary contains beneficial substances, it is often used in folk medicine to treat diseases and strengthen the body:

  • diseases of the throat and gums - chew fresh leaves;
  • low blood pressure - take aroma baths with rosemary oil to tone the heart muscle;
  • pharyngitis - place rosemary oil in each nostril;
  • gynecological diseases - drink tea from the leaves.

A good remedy for strengthening the immune system is rosemary tea. It strengthens memory, treats insomnia, prolongs beauty and youth.


  1. Tea - 1 tsp.
  2. Rosemary leaves - 1 tsp.
  3. Boiling water - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix black tea and herbs and place in a container. Pour boiling water over and leave for 10-5 minutes.

How to use: Drink 1-2 cups of infusion per day.

Result: Improves well-being, accelerates recovery.

Application in cosmetology

Rosemary essential oil is used in cosmetology

The product has a beneficial effect on skin and hair, so it is often added to cosmetic products. The plant tones, cleanses the skin, has a lifting effect and reduces pigmentation.

Masks based on leaves and stems strengthen hair and promote its growth. With regular use, the strands become more manageable and silky.

Face tonic

Tonic deeply cleanses pores. The product is gentle on the skin and suitable for daily use. Thanks to its antibacterial effect, the toner is effective for problem skin.


  1. Rosemary leaves - 30 gr.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the raw material, cover with a lid and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Strain the finished product. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

How to use: Apply a little tonic to a cotton pad and massage your face along the massage lines. Carry out the procedure in the morning and evening.

Result: Tonic tightens pores, eliminates blackheads and pimples.

Hair Mask

For hair growth, use a mask with spice essential oil. The product strengthens hair follicles and prevents baldness. The mask improves blood circulation in the scalp, stimulating hair growth. Thanks to its antibacterial and nutritional properties, the product effectively combats dandruff.


  1. Castor oil - 35 gr.
  2. Burdock oil - 35 gr.
  3. Rosemary oil - 3 drops.

How to cook: Heat castor oil in a water bath to a temperature of 36 degrees and combine with burdock. Remove from heat, add rosemary essential oil and stir.

How to use: Apply the product to clean scalp. Rub the oils in with massage movements for 5-7 minutes. Wrap your head in a towel and keep the mask on for 40 minutes. Rinse your hair twice with shampoo.

Result: The mask stimulates hair growth, strengthens it and gives a healthy shine.

You will learn more about rosemary in this video:


Contraindications for use:

  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • reduced acidity of gastric juice;
  • individual intolerance;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 6 years of age.

Growing at home

Growing heat-loving grass in open ground is possible only in the southern regions. In temperate climates, the spice is cultivated as a houseplant and kept on the windowsill.

Most often, grass is grown from cuttings: the seeds have low germination. In the spring, they begin preparing the cuttings for planting. They are placed in a glass of water for 2-3 weeks until the roots grow. Next, the plant is planted in a wide pot and the top is pinched so that it bushes better.

Planting and care do not require special skills. It is enough to provide the plant with moderate humidity and lighting. The soil should be loosened periodically to saturate it with oxygen.

Rosemary is unpretentious to soil. The only thing that the plant cannot tolerate is temperatures below -10 degrees. The room in which the grass grows must be periodically ventilated to prevent the formation of fungus.

The plant should be watered no more than 2-3 times a week. Rosemary can tolerate drought more easily than waterlogged soil.

Where can I buy

Fresh raw materials can be found in specialized stores or ordered online. Dried herbs are sold in any store in the spice section.

The price of 1 kg of fresh product is on average 600 rubles. Dried spice costs about 150 rubles per 100 grams. The price depends on the manufacturer.

Do not take fresh product for future use: it quickly loses its beneficial properties. Pay attention to how to store the plant correctly: wrap the branches in a damp towel, wrap the top with plastic or cling film. Store the bundle in the refrigerator door and make sure that the towel does not dry out. With this storage method, the plant retains its taste properties for 3 weeks.

What to remember

  1. Rosemary is widely used in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking.
  2. With its help, diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems are treated.
  3. Spice-based cosmetic products nourish and strengthen skin and hair.
  4. Before starting treatment, consult a specialist, as the product has a number of contraindications for use.


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