Psychosomatics of ovarian cysts, or where diseases come from. Gynecology

For many decades, scientists have been trying to prove that human health is closely related to his psychological state. If we consider such a disease of the female genital area as an ovarian cyst, psychosomatics becomes quite obvious. The fact is that mental experiences and disorders, acute perception of problems and everything that happens in the world around us, do not pass without leaving a trace, causing serious somatic diseases. Experts involved in the study of psychosomatics believe that this science is on the border between traditional medicine, psychopathology and psychology.

What is psychosomatics

Initially, psychosomatics was perceived as a field of esotericism, however, gradually it gained many supporters and developed to the status of a science. Among the most famous researchers, it is worth highlighting psychologists Louise Hay, V. Zhikarentsev and Liz Burbo, therapist and psychotherapist V. Sinelnikov. These scientists developed and developed the concept that any disease can be cured by putting the mental state in order.

The life of every person, and especially a woman, is filled with emotional experiences that have a direct impact on health. Pleasant emotions allow the body to function smoothly, while unpleasant ones, on the contrary, cause illness. Since women perceive the world around them through the prism of emotions and feelings, distinguishing even subtle shades of experiences and moods, a violation of spiritual harmony leads to the formation of a number of diseases in the female genital organs. Psychosomatics studies the ovaries, uterus and other human organs. Scientists working in this field have proven that due to the fact that the fairer sex is not always able to cope with negative emotions and energies, they often develop gynecological diseases. However, even the most complex clinical case can be cured if the cause of its occurrence is understood. Healing from diseases of the appendages, uterus and other elements of the reproductive system will occur much faster if the patient manages to cleanse her soul of negativity.

Psychosomatic problems of women

Scientists have proven that women sense psychic energies much more strongly and are able to understand them more accurately than men. However, such sensitivity often leads to the fair sex having problems regulating mental states. It is more difficult for women to overcome problems, stress, doubts and anxieties, so they are often deeply immersed in negativity. The modern world also does not make their lives easier, because in the current conditions, representatives of the fair sex have to perform male functions that are not characteristic of their nature. As a result, in an effort to be like men, they become too demanding of themselves and are constantly in a state of tension. They cease to be feminine and, being close to representatives of the stronger sex, they keep and constantly harbor resentment towards men.

Women who resist their nature often encounter diseases of the genital area. The causes of diseases of the appendages, uterus, mammary glands and other female organs may lie in:

  • problems with self-esteem and lack of self-confidence;
  • internal conflicts and excessive demands on oneself;
  • dissatisfaction with your body, feelings of unattractiveness and unsexuality;
  • non-acceptance of female nature, reluctance or fear of becoming a mother;
  • feeling of defenselessness, inability to stand up for oneself;
  • childhood psychological trauma;
  • lack of harmony in relationships with a man, playing a male role in the family;
  • lack of trust in your significant other;
  • bearing a grudge against a man, forming a general negative image of the stronger sex;
  • prolonged absence of sexual relations;
  • psychosexual disorders, internal restrictions, non-acceptance of sexual relationships and the presence of a feeling of guilt for them, which is caused by upbringing;
  • having had an unsuccessful sexual experience, experienced infidelity or rape;
  • inability to enjoy life;
  • scrolling and storing feelings of resentment, wounded pride or envy.

Note: Every disease of the female genital area has an unconscious connection with a psychological state. If you understand it, treating many pathologies will become much easier. When trying to discover the psychosomatic cause of a particular disease, the doctor must take into account many factors, including the patient’s age, her relationships with men and relatives, career status, life goals and other characteristics.

Often the same gynecological disease has a different nature and is born from different experiences. To cope with it, a woman will have to get to know herself and her inner world, and understand the cause of the illness.

Ovarian diseases and psychosomatics

When studying diseases of the appendages, including cystic and tumor formations, polycystic ovary syndrome, psychosomatics should always be taken into account. The appendages are considered the centers of creation, creativity and embodiment of the feminine principle. These organs of the reproductive system perform very important functions that are disrupted in the presence of a particular disease. The psychosomatics of pathologies in the work of the appendages lies in non-acceptance and misunderstanding of femininity, as well as the conflicts associated with it.

Scientists working in this field have proven the connection between hormonal disorders in the female body, ovarian cysts, polycystic disease and stressful situations. In a state of stress, a woman’s adrenal glands produce an increased amount of male hormones, which allow her to overcome and survive the current situation. If a patient has a hormonal disorder, during tension and stress it is not the adrenal glands that become active, but the ovaries. As a result, the body receives not adrenaline, but male hormones. A woman, instead of reacting to a situation as usual, has to do everything to act like a man. In this case, she denies her nature, strives to change it, without feeling her fullness. If a woman cannot decide on her own nature, polycystic ovary syndrome often occurs. With this disease, the appendages stop releasing mature eggs, and the follicles that have grown to the required size turn into cystic bodies. The female body seems unable to decide what it should produce: to produce eggs according to the female type, or to produce sperm according to the male type.

The psychological causes of polycystic disease, the formation of cysts and the development of other diseases most often lie in the fact that a woman subconsciously forbids herself to become pregnant in order to procreate. The reason for this may be various fears. The body seems to respond to a mental request, provoking the development of pathological conditions, including functional disorders, cystic neoplasms, and the formation of malignant tumors.

Important! Every woman should remember that psychosomatic diseases of the appendages are a desperate reaction of the body to a violation of the connection between femininity and a woman, her natural gift to create and create.

Ovarian cyst: psychosomatic nature

Today, ovarian cysts are a pathology that is found in every fifth patient of childbearing age. Many scientists studying this pathology believe that the fluid contained in the cystic body indicates the accumulation of emotions, constant psychological stress and all the problems stored in the soul. Such a diagnosis should trigger the realization that her goals and values ​​are not aimed at what she really needs. In most cases, such mental problems lead to the appearance of benign neoplasms that are treatable. However, any cyst is prone to degeneration into a malignant tumor. According to experts in the field of psychosomatics, the psyche plays a leading role in this process.

Note: Among scientists in this field who have studied the ovaries, Louise Hay is in the forefront. In his publication “Heal Yourself,” the author points out a number of negative attitudes that provoke the disease, as well as positive thoughts that will help overcome pathological conditions of the ovaries. Louise Hay considers a disease such as an ovarian cyst to be psychosomatic. In her opinion, cystic bodies are formed in the female body due to constant replay of grievances and anxiety about the future.

Cysts in the ovaries seem to remind you that you should pay attention to your mistakes in life and learn to eliminate them. There are useful lessons to be learned from every situation and illness. If the wife does not learn her lesson and continues to accumulate resentment, the cyst may develop into a malignant tumor.

In order for the cystic body to dissolve and never form again, the source of anger, anger and irritation must be understood and eliminated. It is worth working on the negative thoughts and attitudes that have accompanied us since childhood. It is in childhood that parents put into the mental program their own beliefs about how to live, treat their body and themselves. Due to self-rejection, self-criticism and negative emotions, the organs of the reproductive system suffer the most. According to Louise Hay, this is why cysts, fibroids, fibroids and other diseases develop.

How to get rid of psychosomatic ovarian diseases

A patient who is diagnosed with ovarian cysts or tumors must definitely visit a gynecologist to sort out her problem. However, in order to eliminate the problem, it is recommended to combine traditional medicine with psychological help, which will help analyze life and restore peace of mind. A specialist in the field of psychology or psychiatry will help to study and find a solution to the problem that led to ovarian disease. It is not for nothing that such diseases are called female, because they appear due to the denial of the fair sex of their feminine nature.

To ensure that cystic formations in the appendages go away faster and do not appear again, the patient should do the following:

  • try to gain femininity, believe in yourself, love your body and nature;
  • realize that it is not natural for women to be strong, and not try to prove their masculinity to the world;
  • to know your inner world and yourself;
  • get rid of the feeling of fear of motherhood;
  • learn not to be afraid to love and demonstrate love;
  • start building relationships with men;
  • learn how to enjoy life;
  • get rid of long-standing grievances and mental burden.

Using the method of self-analysis, you can not only get rid of a somatic problem, but also improve your quality of life. Of course, such a task is not an easy one, but with a competent psychotherapist it can still be dealt with. Having discovered and accepted the cause of the disease, you need to move on to the next step, which is to take specific actions to eliminate it.

The structure of female behavior in recent decades has ceased to resonate with the nature of her essence. The woman became the breadwinner, the conqueror, the engine in the huge mechanisms of social movements. However, they forgot to explain to the subtle, mental, deeply feeling female psyche that it must also become frosty and shrink into the framework of a rough working unit.

What does psychosomatics study?

To answer the question of why the modern trend has become not a healthy woman, but a woman being treated, science, which is still considered alternative, is called upon to answer - psychosomatics. polycystic disease, ovarian cyst, the inability to conceive or enjoy physical intimacy, any acquired pathologies of the reproductive organs and even painful periods - all this finds a logical justification in the depths of the subconscious, which puts forward the disease as a protective reaction of the body against distorted natural ideas. Well-known psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov, who specializes, among other things, in women’s health problems, describes the influence of psychosomatic influence on the body as a determining factor in a person’s well-being, against the background of which various predisposing conditions, such as infectious diseases, poor nutrition, and the environment, aggravate the situation.

Also, according to the therapist, it is impossible to derive a specific algorithm for solving a psychosomatic problem, as well as to build a unified treatment regimen for, for example, all abdominal diseases. A person and the settings of his body are individual, and each violation in the functionality of this complex structure is unique and inimitable.

Origin according to psychosomatics

The conflict between the huge difference in the upbringing that a modern woman has received and real life, which dictates its own conditions, is the main reason why the female body is unbalanced and cannot adjust to the correct rhythm. One of the causes of cysts in the body (from psychosomatics) is considered to be a short-lived era that affected the upbringing of several generations, condemning sexual relations as something unacceptable. This gave rise to the belief in the minds of people (mostly, of course, women) that physical attraction is a shameful fact that requires condemnation.

With a strong subconscious conviction of their own “wrongness,” women for many years entered into intimate relationships, gave birth to children and passed on the message that “sex is evil” to their daughters, dooming them to the same fate. The current situation has changed somewhat - now the weak half of humanity consciously suppresses the feminine principle in themselves, defending the right to move forward on an equal basis with a man, for whom such conflicts do not exist at all. The retribution for emancipation came not from the opponents of equality, but from within the woman herself - from the deepest layers of her pure mental essence.

Causes of female diseases

A woman’s rejection of her own character traits, or, more simply, dislike for herself as she is, fills her soul with contradictions and forces her to make unwanted compromises. Charity often compensates for the refusal to have children of one’s own; inattention to one’s own children is compensated by increased love for one’s grandchildren; hatred of one’s husband often leads to loyalty to the destruction of someone else’s marriage. As can be seen from the examples given, the problem itself does not go away; moreover, attempts to disguise and justify it sometimes become completely unacceptable actions, and as a result - internal conflicts.

If, having received an alarming signal in the form of a developing pathology, you do not try to establish contact with upsetting mental adjustments, a chronic condition develops. A good psychotherapist or a frank and independent evaluative analysis of your agreement with the actions taken and the priorities set will help you understand the intricacies of the contradictions between the physical and subtle bodies.

Distortion of ideas about what is most important

If we talk about exclusively female diseases, such as cysts and ovarian inflammation, the causes of conflicts should be sought in the psychological attitude towards the male sex as a whole. In this case, a specific representative of the sex, as a rule, does not play a specific role, since he is only the personification of what the male half represents as a whole.

There are several main factors that hurt the feminine through masculine energy:

  • The lack of a sense of security that arises in the presence of men - often this aspect is a continuation of the mother's unsuccessful relationship with her husband.
  • A firmly instilled belief that physical intimacy defiles, degrades a woman and elevates a man above her. This also includes the belief that enjoying sex is a sin.
  • Resentment towards the entire male family for a relationship that once did not work out, or even because of a symbolic insult towards male polygamy. One experience of betrayal on the part of a partner once puts a stereotype on all representatives of the sex, excluding in advance any form of trust.
  • Physical insult by a man - perhaps not even of the woman herself, but of her mother or grandmother, since such insults are often stored in genetic memory. This gives rise to deep psychological trauma, aggravated by the process of upbringing, which will certainly bear the imprint of man-hatred.
  • Fear of childbirth, which may take on the fear of the birth process itself, but at the same time has a deep subconscious aversion to taking on maternal responsibility or having to depend on a man for a long period of pregnancy and recovery.

The vast majority of attitudes that lay the foundation for future diseases in a woman, such as ovarian cysts, are clearly assigned by psychosomatics to childhood, when information is received at the level of maximum involvement of the senses. Therefore, psychotherapists and psychologists especially recommend not to express accumulated grievances and disappointments in the presence of children, even of the youngest age.

Ovarian diseases according to psychosomatics

Psychosomatics conventionally calls problems with the opposite sex the causes of cyst disease in the body, but this is only the tip of the iceberg, since these problems are always based on a woman’s disagreement with her current situation. A woman’s calling is to create, to create, to give life. The loss of the ability to form something new entails the destruction of all natural female attitudes that regulate the cyclical processes in the body.

A woman who is convinced of her incompetence, unsure that the children born to her will be healthy, that the man next to her can be happy, is, in fact, engaged in self-destruction.

How ovarian diseases occur according to psychosomatics

What it is - an ovarian cyst in psychosomatics - can be clearly understood using the example of a simple tuning fork - a device used to tune musical instruments. When struck with any force, the tuning fork always produces the sound “A” of the 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz. This is invariable and is the reference pitch for tuning any instrument.

Imagine that this “la” vibration is the ideal setting for a healthy woman’s body. No matter how strong and unpredictable the circumstances arise around, a woman who corresponds to her essence and does not contradict it will always sound the note “A” of the 1st octave. But the position of her personal perception has changed. With the tuning fork, that is, the body’s settings, no changes occurred; it vibrated to “A” and continues to do so, because this is inherent in it by the creator. A woman’s consciousness stubbornly resists this, either taking a masculine position and lowering the pitch of her own sound to the primitive “E,” or, inflated by grievances, helplessly breaking down on “D.”

Thus, two vibrations already arise, one stable, and the other “walking”. A stable vibration - our deep essence, transmitted to the forerunner, primordial femininity and the ideal state of women's health - will involuntarily constantly come into contact with an unstable one, and at the place where they meet, dissonance will always invariably arise. It is this dissonance between our inherent “la” and the acquired “la” that it is not clear what causes a side effect in the form of disruption of the healthy vibration of the reproductive organs, including ovarian cysts. Women's music is considered exactly this way - according to the degree of deviation from the ideal sound.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay's ovarian cyst

What does the author of numerous works on psychology, Louise Hay, say? The psychosomatics of ovarian cysts are explained by a violation of the psychological stability of a woman. According to a psychologist, it is the accumulation of grievances and disappointments, which for some reason remain unexpressed and unresolved, that lead to the appearance of erosions, tumors and facilitate the penetration of infections into the female body.

The psychosomatics of an ovarian cyst is the first indicator of a woman’s protest against the existing situation in her life, therefore, before turning to a gynecologist, a woman needs to reconsider her attitude to what she has emotionally and in life, and to what she would really like have.

Therapeutic treatment

Even if the self-analysis carried out allowed you to discern the essence of the problem, you should understand that treatment of ovarian cysts with psychosomatics is a method similar in action to the principles of homeopathy - the result is correct, but it is not possible to achieve it immediately and in general, it all depends on the attitude towards therapy. Therefore, contacting a doctor who deals directly with women’s health cannot be avoided, just as a course of treatment with all prescribed medications cannot be avoided.

Of course, whether to go on the operating table or not is purely the patient’s decision, but if the doctor reasonably insists on removing an ovarian cyst, psychosomatics is best considered as a method of promising treatment, and immediate measures should be relevant.

When to turn to psychosomatics

Of course, it is good when, even without visible health problems, a woman tries to regulate her psychological comfort and does not miss the opportunity to talk with a psychoanalytic specialist. In favor of preventing ovarian cyst disease, psychosomatics cites at least one reason - the absence of the need to subsequently take drugs that distort a woman’s hormonal levels.

It’s another matter if the disease has already been detected, and the question arises: is this a signal of a violation of mental settings? Here the conclusions are not as clear as they might seem - every woman can get colds in her ovaries, accidentally get an infection, or have a predisposition to cysts at the genetic level. An isolated case is not an indication that problems are located deep in the psyche, but of course, only if these problems are not obvious.

Recurring ovarian cysts, according to psychosomatics, are already an alarming sign, especially if they branch out into multiple complications or increase in quantity. Actually, already the second case of the disease is considered as a stable influence of the negative psychofactors mentioned above. In this case, turning to psychosomatics is necessary, although you will not receive such a prescription in the office of your gynecologist. Official medicine is not yet ready to recognize the impact of mental components on physiological disorders in the body.

Independent psychological help

Any intelligent being that is incapable of learning eventually stops developing and degenerates. Such a parallel can be drawn with respect to our body, in particular, our informative mental base. Obsessing over the initially received information that relationships between a man and a woman are shameful, and that mom can work not only equally with dad, but much more, definitely prevents the assimilation of a new information flow coming to us from within, from the depths of our natural essence.

You can move beyond personal stereotypes only by opening yourself up to new information and allowing yourself to realize that there are values ​​that better suit our essence and bring real satisfaction. Change your habits, find a foothold where you will feel comfortable and confident. Don't let other people's values ​​become yours. This is the very first thing you can do for yourself.

What qualities do you need to attract?

To say that the qualities indicated by psychosomatics necessary to cure an ovarian cyst need to be acquired is incorrect, since all of them are already present in the original female nature:

What emotions should you get rid of?

It is very difficult to get rid of some personal qualities, even if it is known that they take away your health, because this is the same piece of your personality. Working for the future, that is, preventing ovarian cysts in the future, requires getting rid of:

  • constant mental return to people or events that left a negative trace in memory;
  • obsessive desires that contradict your conscience;
  • trying to please everyone at once;
  • relationships that drain you rather than nourish you;
  • constant self-flagellation, thoughts about what could have been done in certain situations.

It is easy to see that the advice in the last two sections is aimed at one goal - restoring mental balance by getting rid of accumulated negativity and activating a positive attitude.

Explaining in the language of psychosomatics, a cyst of the left or right ovary, oncology, erosion, infertility - all these are fruits from the same bunch - the loss of the feminine principle. And restoring her nature, a woman, on her own or with the help of a specialist, will begin to sound the tone of her ideal tuning fork.

The structure of female behavior in recent decades has ceased to resonate with the nature of her essence. The woman became the breadwinner, the conqueror, the engine in the huge mechanisms of social movements. However, they forgot to explain to the subtle, mental, deeply feeling female psyche that it must also become frosty and shrink into the framework of a rough working unit.

What does psychosomatics study?

To answer the question why the modern trend has become not a healthy woman, but a woman being treated, science, which is still considered alternative, is called upon to answer – psychosomatics. Ovarian cancer, polycystic disease, ovarian cyst, the inability to conceive or enjoy physical intimacy, any acquired pathologies of the reproductive organs and even painful periods - all this finds a logical justification in the depths of the subconscious, which puts forward the disease as a protective reaction of the body against distorted natural ideas. Well-known psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov, who specializes, among other things, in women’s health problems, describes the influence of psychosomatic influence on the body as a determining factor in a person’s well-being, against the background of which various predisposing conditions, such as infectious diseases, poor nutrition, and the environment, aggravate the situation.

Also, according to the therapist, it is impossible to derive a specific algorithm for solving a psychosomatic problem, as well as to build a unified treatment regimen for, for example, all abdominal diseases. A person and the settings of his body are individual, and each violation in the functionality of this complex structure is unique and inimitable.

The origin of female diseases according to psychosomatics

The conflict between the huge difference in the upbringing that a modern woman has received and real life, which dictates its own conditions, is the main reason why the female body is unbalanced and cannot adjust to the correct rhythm. One of the causes of cysts in the body (from psychosomatics) is considered to be a short-lived era that affected the upbringing of several generations, condemning sexual relations as something unacceptable. This gave rise to the belief in the minds of people (mostly, of course, women) that physical attraction is a shameful fact that requires condemnation.

With a strong subconscious conviction of their own “wrongness,” women over the years entered into intimate relationships, gave birth to children, and passed on the immutable truth that “sex is evil” to their daughters, dooming them to the same fate. The current situation has changed somewhat - now the weak half of humanity consciously suppresses the feminine principle in themselves, defending the right to move forward on an equal basis with men, for whom such conflicts do not exist at all. The retribution for emancipation came not from the opponents of equality, but from within the woman herself - from the deepest layers of her pure mental essence.

Causes of female diseases

A woman’s rejection of her own character traits, or, more simply, dislike for herself as she is, fills her soul with contradictions and forces her to make unwanted compromises. Charity often compensates for the refusal to have children of one’s own; inattention to one’s own children is compensated by increased love for one’s grandchildren; hatred of one’s husband often leads to loyalty to the destruction of someone else’s marriage. As can be seen from the examples given, the problem itself does not go away; moreover, attempts to disguise and justify it sometimes become completely unacceptable actions, and as a result - internal conflicts.

If, having received an alarming signal in the form of a developing pathology, you do not try to establish contact with upsetting mental adjustments, a chronic condition develops. A good psychotherapist or a frank and independent evaluative analysis of your agreement with the actions taken and the priorities set will help you understand the intricacies of the contradictions between the physical and subtle bodies.

Distortion of ideas about what is most important

If we talk about exclusively female diseases, such as cysts and ovarian inflammation, the causes of conflicts should be sought in the psychological attitude towards the male sex as a whole. In this case, a specific representative of the sex, as a rule, does not play a specific role, since he is only the personification of what the male half represents as a whole.

There are several main factors that hurt the feminine through masculine energy:

  • The lack of a sense of security that arises in the presence of men - often this aspect is a continuation of the mother’s unsuccessful relationship with her husband.
  • A firmly instilled belief that physical intimacy defiles, degrades a woman and elevates a man above her. This also includes the belief that enjoying sex is a sin.
  • Resentment towards the entire male family for a relationship that once did not work out, or even because of a symbolic insult towards male polygamy. One experience of betrayal on the part of a partner once puts a stereotype on all representatives of the sex, excluding in advance any form of trust.
  • Physical insult by a man - perhaps not even of the woman herself, but of her mother or grandmother, since such insults are often stored in genetic memory. This gives rise to deep psychological trauma, aggravated by the process of upbringing, which will certainly bear the imprint of man-hatred.
  • Fear of childbirth, which may take on the fear of the birth process itself, but at the same time has a deep subconscious aversion to taking on maternal responsibility or having to depend on a man for a long period of pregnancy and recovery.

The vast majority of attitudes that lay the foundation for future diseases in a woman, such as ovarian cysts, are clearly assigned by psychosomatics to childhood, when information is received at the level of maximum involvement of the senses. Therefore, psychotherapists and psychologists especially recommend not to express accumulated grievances and disappointments in the presence of children, even of the youngest age.

Ovarian diseases according to psychosomatics

Psychosomatics conventionally calls problems with the opposite sex the causes of cyst disease in the body, but this is only the tip of the iceberg, since these problems are always based on a woman’s disagreement with her current situation. A woman’s calling is to create, to create, to give life. The loss of the ability to form something new entails the destruction of all natural female attitudes that regulate the cyclical processes in the body.

A woman who is convinced of her incompetence, unsure that the children born to her will be healthy, that the man next to her can be happy, is, in fact, engaged in self-destruction.

How ovarian diseases occur according to psychosomatics

What it is - an ovarian cyst in psychosomatics - can be clearly understood using the example of a simple tuning fork - a device used to tune musical instruments. When struck with any force, the tuning fork always produces the sound “A” of the 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz. This is invariable and is the reference pitch for tuning any instrument.

Imagine that this “la” vibration is the ideal setting for a healthy woman’s body. No matter how strong and unpredictable the circumstances arise around, a woman who corresponds to her essence and does not contradict it will always sound the note “A” of the 1st octave. But the position of her personal perception has changed. With the tuning fork, that is, the body’s settings, no changes occurred; it vibrated to “A” and continues to do so, because this is inherent in it by the creator. A woman’s consciousness stubbornly resists this, either taking a masculine position and lowering the pitch of her own sound to the primitive “E,” or, inflated by grievances, helplessly breaking down on “D.”

Thus, two vibrations already arise, one stable, and the other “walking”. A stable vibration - our deep essence, transmitted to the forerunner, primordial femininity and the ideal state of women's health - will involuntarily constantly come into contact with an unstable one, and at the place where they meet, dissonance will always invariably arise. It is this dissonance between our inherent “la” and the acquired “la” that it is not clear what causes a side effect in the form of disruption of the healthy vibration of the reproductive organs, including ovarian cysts. Psychosomatics considers female diseases in exactly this way - according to the degree of deviation from the ideal sound.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay's ovarian cyst

What does the author of numerous works on psychology, Louise Hay, say? The psychosomatics of ovarian cysts are explained by a violation of the psychological stability of a woman. According to a psychologist, it is the accumulation of grievances and disappointments, which for some reason remain unexpressed and unresolved, that lead to the appearance of erosions, tumors and facilitate the penetration of infections into the female body.

The psychosomatics of an ovarian cyst is the first indicator of a woman’s protest against the existing situation in her life, therefore, before contacting a gynecologist, a woman needs to reconsider her attitude to what she has emotionally and in life, and to what she would really like have.

Therapeutic treatment

Even if the self-analysis carried out allowed you to discern the essence of the problem, you should understand that treatment of ovarian cysts with psychosomatics is a method similar in action to the principles of homeopathy - the result is correct, but it is not possible to achieve it immediately and in general, it all depends on the attitude towards therapy. Therefore, contacting a doctor who deals directly with women’s health cannot be avoided, just as a course of treatment with all prescribed medications cannot be avoided.

Of course, whether to go on the operating table or not is purely the patient’s decision, but if the doctor reasonably insists on removing an ovarian cyst, psychosomatics is best considered as a method of promising treatment, and immediate measures should be relevant.

When to turn to psychosomatics

Of course, it is good when, even without visible health problems, a woman tries to regulate her psychological comfort and does not miss the opportunity to talk with a psychoanalytic specialist. In favor of preventing ovarian cyst disease, psychosomatics names at least one reason - the absence of the need to subsequently take drugs that distort a woman’s hormonal levels.

It’s another matter if the disease has already been detected, and the question arises: is this a signal of a violation of mental settings? Here the conclusions are not as clear as they might seem - every woman can get colds in her ovaries, accidentally get an infection, or have a predisposition to cysts at the genetic level. An isolated case is not an indication that problems are located deep in the psyche, but of course, only if these problems are not obvious.

Recurring ovarian cysts, according to psychosomatics, are already an alarming sign, especially if they branch out into multiple complications or increase in quantity. Actually, already the second case of the disease is considered as a stable influence of the negative psychofactors mentioned above. In this case, turning to psychosomatics is necessary, although you will not receive such a prescription in the office of your gynecologist. Official medicine is not yet ready to recognize the impact of mental components on physiological disorders in the body.

Independent psychological help

Any intelligent being that is incapable of learning eventually stops developing and degenerates. Such a parallel can be drawn with respect to our body, in particular, our informative mental base. Obsessing over the initially received information that relationships between a man and a woman are shameful, and that mom can work not only equally with dad, but much more, definitely prevents the assimilation of a new information flow coming to us from within, from the depths of our natural essence.

You can move beyond personal stereotypes only by opening yourself up to new information and allowing yourself to realize that there are values ​​that better suit our essence and bring real satisfaction. Change your habits, find a foothold where you will feel comfortable and confident. Don't let other people's values ​​become yours. This is the very first thing you can do for yourself.

What qualities do you need to attract?

To say that the qualities indicated by psychosomatics necessary to cure an ovarian cyst need to be acquired is incorrect, since all of them are already present in the original female nature:

What emotions should you get rid of?

It is very difficult to get rid of some personal qualities, even if it is known that they take away your health, because this is the same piece of your personality. Working for the future, that is, preventing ovarian cysts in the future, requires getting rid of:

  • constant mental return to people or events that left a negative trace in memory;
  • obsessive desires that contradict your conscience;
  • trying to please everyone at once;
  • relationships that drain you rather than nourish you;
  • constant self-flagellation, thoughts about what could have been done in certain situations.

It is easy to see that the advice in the last two sections is aimed at one goal - restoring mental balance by getting rid of accumulated negativity and activating a positive attitude.

Explaining in the language of psychosomatics, a cyst of the left or right ovary, oncology, erosion, infertility - all these are fruits from the same bunch - the loss of the feminine principle. And restoring her nature, a woman, on her own or with the help of a specialist, will begin to sound the tone of her ideal tuning fork.

Louise Hay. Table of Diseases. Psychosomatics. (part 2)


Unreliability. There is no opportunity for self-expression. Crying is forbidden.

I can freely stand up for myself. Now I feel comfortable expressing whatever I want. I communicate only with a feeling of love.


Symbolizes movement and lightness.

I act wisely, with ease and with love.

Fluid retention (See also: Edema, Swelling)

What are you afraid of losing?

I am pleased and happy to part with this.

Bad breath (See also: “Bad breath”)

Angry thoughts, thoughts of revenge. The past gets in the way.

I'm happy to part with the past. From now on I express only love.

Body odor

Fear. Self-dislike. Fear of others.

I love and approve of myself. I am completely safe.

Reluctance to part with outdated thoughts. Getting stuck in the past. Sometimes in a sarcastic way.

As I part with the past, something new, fresh, and vital comes into me. I let the flow of life pass through me.

Carpal Syndrome (See also: “Wrist”)

Anger and disappointment associated with the perceived injustice of life.

I choose to create a life of joy and abundance. It's easy for me.

Goiter (See also: “Thyroid gland”) Hatred of what is imposed in life. Victim. The feeling of a distorted life. A failed personality.

I am the power in my life. Nobody stops me from being myself.

They symbolize decisions.

Dental diseases (See also: “Root canal”)

Prolonged indecision. Inability to recognize ideas for subsequent analysis and decision making.

My decisions are based on the principles of truth, and I know that only the right things happen in my life.

Wisdom tooth (with obstructed eruption - impacted)

You are not making room in your mind for laying a solid foundation for later life.

I open the door to life into my consciousness. There is vast space within me for my own growth and change.

Desires that go against character. Dissatisfaction. Repentance. The desire to get out of the situation.

I feel peaceful and calm where I am. I accept all the good in me, knowing that all my needs and desires will be met.

Heartburn (See also: “Stomach or duodenal ulcer”, “Stomach diseases”, “Ulcer”)

Fear. Fear. Fear. The grip of fear.

I breathe deeply. I'm safe. I trust the process of life.

Excess weight (See also: “Obesity”)

Fear. Need for protection. Reluctance to feel. Defenselessness, self-denial. Suppressed desire to achieve what you want.

I have no conflicting feelings. It's safe to be where I am. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself.

Ileitis (inflammation of the ileum), Crohn's disease, regional enteritis

Fear. Anxiety. Malaise.

I love and approve of myself. I'm doing the best I can. My soul is at peace.


Sexual pressure, tension, guilt. Social beliefs. Anger towards a partner. Fear of mother.

From now on, I easily and joyfully allow my principle of sexuality to operate in full force.

Infection (See also: “Viral infection”)

Irritation, anger, frustration.

From now on I become a peaceful and harmonious person.

Curvature of the spine (See also: “Sloping shoulders”)

Inability to go with the flow of life. Fear and attempts to hold on to outdated thoughts. Distrust of life. Lack of integrity of nature. No courage of conviction.

I forget about all fears. From now on I trust the process of life. I know what life is for me. My posture is straight and proud of love.

Candidiasis (See also: “Thrush”, “Yeast infection”)

Feeling scattered. Intense frustration and anger. Claims and distrust of people.

I allow myself to be who I want. I deserve the best in life. I love and value myself and others.

Carbuncle (See also: “Furuncle”)

Poisonous anger at one's own unfair actions.

I consign the past to oblivion and allow time to heal the wounds life has ever inflicted on me.


Inability to look forward with joy. The future is in the dark.

Life is eternal and full of joy. I look forward to every new moment of life.

Cough (See also: “Respiratory diseases”)

The desire to bark at the whole world: “Look at me! Listen to me!"

I am noticed and highly valued. I am loved.

Keratitis (See also: “Eye diseases”)

Extreme anger. The desire to hit the one you see and the thing you see.

I allow the feeling of love coming from my heart to heal everything I see. I choose peace and quiet. Everything in my world is perfect.

Constantly “replaying” old grievances in your head. Incorrect development.

I think that everything is going well. I love me.


Symbolizes getting rid of unnecessary things. Assimilation. Suction. Easy cleansing.

I easily learn and absorb everything I need to know, and I happily part with the past. Getting rid of it is so easy!

Intestines: problems

Fear of getting rid of everything that is outdated and unnecessary.

I easily and freely discard the old and joyfully welcome the arrival of the new.

Protects our individuality. Sense organ.

Remaining myself, I feel calm,

Skin: diseases (See also: “Hives”, “Psoriasis”, “Rash”)

Anxiety. Fear. An old sediment in the soul. I'm being threatened.

I lovingly protect myself with peaceful, joyful thoughts. The past is forgiven and forgotten. Now I have complete freedom.

Knee (See also: “Joints”)

Symbol of pride. A feeling of exclusiveness of one's own self.

I am a flexible and pliable person.

Knees: diseases

Stubbornness and pride. Inability to be a malleable person. Fear. Inflexibility. Reluctance to give in. Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion.

I give in and give in easily, and everything goes well.

Irritation, impatience, dissatisfaction with the environment.

You only respond to love and kind words. Everything is going peacefully.

Colitis (See also: “Intestine”, “Colon mucosa”, “Spastic colitis”)

Uncertainty. Symbolizes the ability to easily part with the past.

I am part of the clear rhythm and flow of life. Everything goes according to sacred predestination.

Fear. Avoiding someone or something.

We surround ourselves with protection and love. We create space for our healing.

Lump in the throat

Fear. Lack of trust in the process of life.

I'm safe. I believe that life was made for me. I express myself freely and joyfully.

Conjunctivitis (See also: “Acute epidemic conjunctivitis”)

Anger and disappointment at the sight of something.

I look at everything with loving eyes, a harmonious solution exists, and I accept it.

Conjunctivitis, acute epidemic (See also: “Conjunctivitis”)

Anger and disappointment. Reluctance to see.

I don't need to insist that I'm right. I love and approve of myself.

Cortical palsy (See also: “Paralysis”)

The need to unite the family through expressions of love.

I contribute to the peaceful life of a family where love reigns. Everything goes well.

Coronary thrombosis (See also: “Heart: attack”)

Feelings of loneliness and fear. “I have shortcomings. I don't do much. I will never achieve this."

I am completely at one with life. The Universe gives me full support. Everything goes well.

Root canal (tooth) (See also: “Teeth”)

Loss of the ability to confidently plunge into life. Destruction of the main (root) beliefs.

I create a strong foundation for myself and my life. From now on, I am happily supported by my beliefs.

Bone(s) (See also: “Skeleton”) Symbolizes the structure of the Universe.

My body is perfectly designed and balanced.

Bone marrow

Symbolizes the deepest beliefs regarding oneself. And how you support yourself and take care of yourself.

The Divine Spirit is the basis of my life. I am safe, loved and fully supported.

Bone diseases: fractures/cracks

Rebellion against someone else's power.

The power in my own world is myself.

Bone diseases: deformation (See also: “Osteomyelitis”, “Osteoporosis”)

Depressed psyche and tension. Muscles are not elastic. Sluggishness.

I breathe life deeply. I relax and trust the flow and process of life.

Hives (See also: Rash)

Small, hidden fears. The desire to make mountains out of molehills.

I bring peace and tranquility into my life.

An expression of joy flowing freely through the body.

I express the joy of life and receive it.

Blood: diseases (See also: “Leukemia”, “Anemia”)

Lack of joy. Lack of movement of thought.

New joyful thoughts circulate freely within me.

Blood: high blood pressure

Unresolved long-standing emotional problems.

I gladly consign the past to oblivion. There is peace in my soul.

Blood: low blood pressure

Lack of love in childhood. Defeatist mood: “Who cares?!” Nothing will work anyway.”

From now on I live in an eternally joyful now. My life is full of joy.

Blood: clotting

You are blocking the flow of joy.

I awaken new life within myself. The flow continues.


Joy goes away. Anger. But where?

I am the very joy of life, I receive and give in a wonderful rhythm.

Bleeding gums

Lack of joy about decisions made in life.

I believe that only the right things happen in my life. My soul is calm.


Anger makes it difficult to speak. Fear prevents you from speaking out. I am being dominated.

Nothing stops me from asking for what I want. I have complete freedom of expression. There is peace in my soul.

Left side of the body

Symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, women, mother.

I have a wonderful balance of feminine energy.

Lungs Symbolize the ability to breathe life.

I breathe life evenly and freely.

Pulmonary diseases (See also: “Pneumonia”)

Depression. Sadness. Fear to perceive life. You believe that you are not worthy of living life to the fullest.

I can perceive the fullness of life. I perceive life with love and to the end.

Leukemia (See also: “Blood: diseases”)

Inspiration is brutally suppressed. “Who needs this?”

I rise above the limitations of the past and embrace the freedom of today. It's completely safe to be yourself.

Tapeworm (tapeworm)

A strong belief that you are a victim and that you are sinful. You are helpless in the face of how you perceive other people to treat you.

Others only reflect the good feelings I have for myself. I love and appreciate everything that is in me.

Lymph: diseases

A warning to refocus on what is most important in life: love and joy.

Now for me the most important thing is love and joy of life itself. I go with the flow of life. There is peace in my soul.


Anger. Boiling.

I am a calm expression of peace and love.

Symbolizes what we show to the world.

It's safe for me to be myself. I express what I am.

pubic bone

Symbolizes protection of the genitals.

My sexuality is completely safe.

Symbolizes a change of direction and the perception of new experiences.

I easily accept new experiences, new directions and changes.

Unbalanced relationship with nature and life.

I am one with nature and life in its fullest extent. I'm safe.


Anger and disappointment. Reluctance to see what is happening. Usually happens in children. Fear interferes with understanding.

Divine peace and harmony surround me and live in me. I am an oasis of peace, love and joy. Everything is going well in my world.

Symbolizes the temple of creativity.

I feel at home in my body.

Spinal meningitis

Inflamed thoughts and anger at life.

I forget all accusations and accept the peace and joy of life.

Menopause: problems

Fear that they are losing interest in you. Fear of aging. Self-dislike. Bad feeling.

Balance and peace of mind do not leave me during all cycle changes, and I bless my body with love.

Menstruation (See also: “Amenorrhea”, “Dysmenorrhea”, “Women’s problems”)

Rejection of one's femininity. Guilt, fear. The belief that anything related to the genitals is sinful or unclean.

I recognize myself as a full-fledged woman and consider all processes in my body to be normal and natural. I love and approve of myself.

Migraine (See also: “Headaches”)

Hatred of coercion. Resistance to the course of life. Sexual fears. (Masturbation usually eases these fears.)

I relax and follow the course of life, and let life provide me with everything I need in an easy and convenient way.

Myopia (See also: “Eye diseases”)

Fear of the future. Distrust of what lies ahead.

I trust the process of life, I am safe.

Symbolizes a computer, a control panel.

I am an operator lovingly controlling my brain.

Brain: tumor

Miscalculated beliefs. Stubbornness. Refusal to revise outdated stereotypes.

It's so easy for me to reprogram the computer of my mind. Life in general is a renewal, and my consciousness is a constant renewal.

Hardened areas of thinking are a persistent desire to retain the pain of the past in consciousness. Closed-minded concepts and thoughts. Hardened fear.

New paths and thoughts are completely safe. I free myself from the burden of the past and freely move forward. I'm safe. I enjoy freedom.

Thrush (See also: Candidiasis, Mouth, Yeast Infection)

Anger at making wrong decisions.

I take my decisions with love, because I know that I can always change them. I am completely safe.

Mononucleosis (Pfeiffer's disease, lymphoid cell angina)

Anger generated by a lack of love and underestimation of oneself. Indifferent attitude towards oneself.

I love myself, appreciate and take care of myself. Everything is with me.

Seasickness (See also: Motion sickness)

Fear. Fear of death. Lack of control.

I am completely safe in the Universe. My soul is calm everywhere. I believe in life.

Urethral tract: inflammation (urethritis)

Bitterness. They're bothering you. Accusation.

In my life I do only joyful things.

Urinary tract: infection

Irritation. Anger. Usually to the opposite sex or sex partner. You place blame on others.

I reject the pattern of thinking that has caused this illness. I want to change. I love and approve of myself.

Resistance to new experiences.

Muscles symbolize the ability to move through life. I enjoy life like a merry dance.

Muscular dystrophy

There is no point in growing up.

I overcome my parents' limitations. I freely use the best that is in me.

Adrenal glands: diseases (See also: “Addison’s disease”: “Cushing’s disease”)

Defeatist mood. A disregard for oneself. Sense of anxiety.

I love myself and approve of my actions. Taking care of yourself is completely safe.


Not being able to cope with something. Terrible fear. The desire to get away from everyone and everything. Not wanting to be here.

I rely on Divine wisdom and providence to protect me at all times. I'm safe.

Request for help. Internal crying.

I love and console myself in the way that pleases me.


Punishment for sinfulness. The pain of communication.

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. Communication brings joy.


Overwhelmed with emotions. Long-term suppression of feelings. I

I strive to feel. Expressing emotions is safe for me. I love me.

"Incurable" diseases

This is currently incurable by external means. You have to go within to achieve healing. Appearing out of nowhere, it will go nowhere.

Miracles happen every day. I go within to break the pattern that caused the disease and accept Sacred Healing. This is what it really is!

Symbolizes connection. Organ of perception.

I communicate easily and joyfully.


Self-centeredness. “Clogging” of communication channels.

I open my soul and radiate love in communication. I am completely safe. I feel good.


Fear, anxiety, struggle, vanity. Distrust in the life process.

I travel through the endless expanses of eternity, and I have plenty of time. I communicate with an open heart. Everything goes well.


Animal fear, horror, restless state. Grumbling and complaining.

I peacefully and joyfully digest and assimilate everything new in my life.


Inability to stand up for yourself. Rebellion against the authorities. Belief in violence.

I discard the stereotypical thoughts that caused this. There is peace and tranquility in my soul. I am a worthwhile person.

Jade (See also: Bright's disease)

Overreacting to disappointments and failures.

I only do the right things. I consign the old to oblivion and welcome the new. Everything goes well.


Holding old grievances in the soul. Increasing feeling of hostility.

I forgive easily. I love myself and will reward myself with positive thoughts.

They carry us forward through life. Life is for me!

Legs (diseases in the lower part)

Fear of the future. Reluctance to move.

I move forward joyfully and confidently, knowing that my future is bright.


Symbol of protection. My communication is easy and free.

Nails (gnaw)

Hopelessness. Self-criticism. Hatred towards one of the parents.

It's safe to grow up. Now I manage my life easily and joyfully.

Symbolizes self-recognition.

I admit that I have an intuitive ability.

Hoc mortgaged

Lack of recognition of one's own value.

I love and value myself.

Nasopharyngeal discharge

Internal crying. Children's tears. You are a victim.

I recognize that I am the creative force in my world, and I accept that. From now on I enjoy my own life.

Nose: bleeding

Need for recognition. The feeling of not being recognized or noticed. A strong desire for love.

I love and approve of myself. I know my worth. I am a wonderful person.

Saggy facial features

Sagging facial features are the result of sagging thoughts in the head. Resentment towards life.

I express the joy of life and enjoy every moment of every day to the fullest. And I'm getting younger again.


Fear. Voltage. The desire to control everything. Distrust in the process of life.

I'm safe. I love and approve of myself. I trust life.

Fainting (vasovagal crisis, Gowers syndrome)

Fear. I can't cope. Memory loss.

I have enough strength and knowledge to control everything in my life.

Obesity (See also: “Overweight”)

Hypersensitivity. Often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive.

Sacred love protects me. I'm always safe. I want to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive everyone and create the life I like. I am completely safe.

Obesity: hips (upper)

Lumps of stubbornness and anger at parents.

I send a petition to the past. There is no danger for me to overcome the limitations of my parents.

Obesity: hips (lower)

Children's anger reserves. Often anger at the father.

I see my father as a child who grew up without love and affection, and I forgive easily. We're both free.

Obesity: belly

Anger in response to denial of spiritual nourishment and emotional care.

I am developing spiritually. I have enough spiritual food. I feel satisfied and enjoy freedom.

Obesity: hands

Anger over rejected love.

I can get as much love as I want.

Anger. Internal boiling. Inflammation.

I create only peace and harmony in myself and my surroundings. I deserve to feel good.

Internal constriction, retreat and withdrawal. The desire to retreat. "Leave me alone"

I am always completely safe. I am surrounded and protected by love. Everything is fine.

Numbness (spontaneously occurring unpleasant sensation of numbness, tingling, burning)

Containing feelings of respect and love. Withering away of emotions.

I share my feelings and love. I respond to the manifestation of love in every person.

Swelling (See also: Edema, Fluid retention)

You're stuck in your thoughts. Obsessive, painful ideas.

My thoughts flow easily and freely. I can easily navigate different ideas.

You cherish old grievances and shocks. Remorse increases.

I happily say goodbye to the past and turn my attention to the new day. Everything goes well.

Osteomyelitis (See also: “Bone diseases”)

Anger and disappointment in life itself. It feels like no one is supporting you.

I don’t conflict with life and trust it. There is no danger, no worries.

Osteoporosis (See also: “Bone diseases”)

The feeling that there is absolutely nothing to grab onto in life. No support.

I can stand up for myself, and life will always lovingly support me in unexpected ways.

Edema (See also: “Fluid retention”, “Swelling”)

Who or what do you not want to break up with?

I easily part with the past. And it's safe for me. Now I have complete freedom.

Otitis (inflammation of the external auditory canal, middle ear, inner ear) Anger. Reluctance to listen. There is noise in the house. Parents are quarreling.

Harmony surrounds me. I love to hear everything pleasant and good. Love is focused on me.

Fear. Too greedy attitude towards life.

There is a place and time for everything that should be done. My soul is at peace.

Lack of appetite (See also: “Appetite (loss)”)

Denial of privacy. Strong feelings of fear, self-hatred and self-denial.

It's safe to be yourself. I am a wonderful person. I choose life, joy and welcoming myself as a person.

They symbolize the little things in life.

I have a calm attitude towards the little things in life.

Toes: thumb

Symbol of intelligence and anxiety.

There is peace in my soul.

Fingers: index

Symbol of ego and fear.

Everything is secure with me.

Fingers: Middle Symbolizes anger and sexuality.

I'm comfortable with my sexuality.


Psychosomatics, thank God, is finally recognized by medicine. This is a direction in psychology that studies the influence of a person’s negative emotions on his body. There is a direct connection between personality characteristics (character, behavior, thinking) and diseases in the human physical body.

Treatment with drugs eliminates only the “top” - the symptoms, while the “root” - the cause remains.

But this does not mean that you need to refuse medical help, however, in order to remove the blocks in the energy that form diseases, you need to work with the psyche. I hope this table will help you understand your blocks and work with them.

How psychosomatics affects the female body (table)

Psychosomatics is one of the areas in medicine that studies the influence of psychotraumatic factors on the appearance of various diseases in the body. It is often called the science of diseases of the body and soul. Followers of this trend claim that psychosomatics affects a person’s mental field and is capable of curing any disease. The essence of this theory is to realize the power of your own thoughts. Psychosomatics (a table of the causes of diseases) makes it possible to look at the world with different eyes, eliminating the deep-rooted stereotypes of skeptics.

Psychosomatics as a path to freedom

Psychosomatic diseases are diseases whose cause is associated with the psyche. This does not at all indicate that most of them are fictitious. When bacteria, viruses enter the body, hormonal levels change, or a tumor develops, traditional medicine has a specific action plan to eliminate the source of the problem.

Rarely does anyone think about the close connection between the physical and mental body, despite the fact that a violation of psycho-emotional stability in most cases coincides with the exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of new ones.

Followers of psychosomatics have developed special instructions for harmonizing the inner world and resisting external factors, where the main tools are words and thoughts.

  • Liz Burbo;
  • Louise Hay;
  • Vladimir Zhikarentsev;
  • Ekaterina Shmorgun;
  • Yulia Zolotova.

Psychosomatics in gynecology

The summary table of psychosomatics describes the main causes of gynecological diseases:

DiseaseProbable cause of appearanceSuggested affirmations to repeat daily
Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation)Confronting feminine natureThoughts and words are aimed at feeling one’s own femininity and significance: “I am glad that I am a woman. I love my body. I'm beautiful and tall."
Vaginitis, colpitisResentment and anger towards the sexual partner, guilt, desire to punish oneself due to one’s own lack of perceptionPsychosomatics is aimed at feeling one’s own strength: independent and strong, sexy and desirable
InfertilityUnpreparedness of the body for procreation on a subconscious level, lack of need to be a motherThe emphasis of psychosomatics is aimed at the complete restoration of personality and self-confidence
Painful lower abdomenLack of love, affection, hugs from a sexual partnerThe main motto of psychosomatics: “I love and can be loved”
CystitisAnger, feeling of impasse, hopelessnessThoughts are aimed at the joyful perception of a new way to eliminate pride
Venereal diseasesAwareness of one's own uncleanliness, sinfulness, caused by religious beliefs or upbringing“The reason why the disease arose is due to the lack of sexuality, but now I enjoy a new feeling” - the main interpretation of psychosomatics
VaginaVulnerability to external factorsThe power of belief in a sense of self-worth, the power to resist anything
Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)Psychological discomfort due to unpreparedness for the birth of a childPsychosomatic mantras speak of the conduct of higher powers that foresaw this event in advance. But everything goes on as usual.
Cervix (prolapse)Unfulfillment in life, resentment at one’s own failure as a personPsychosomatics is aimed at convincing the awareness of one’s “I”
Cervical erosionSuppressing any of your desires, “corroding” the insult caused“I will grow, develop, achieve my goal. I won't get sick anymore. I forgive and let go of my bad experiences."
UterusLack of perception of the physical body, desire to fulfill the unrealized dream of motherhood, lack of a sexual partner“My body is my home, where it is cozy and warm,” says the basic rule
Breast cyst, mastitisThe desire to hide oneself from prying eyes, to retire from the unnecessary care of loved ones“I believe in myself, my strengths, I will become who I want to be” - the main mantras of psychosomatics
OvaryFear, rage, internal conflict“I have a joyful perception of the world. I feel complete harmony in my body"
Painful, heavy periodsCondemnation of one's feminine beauty, suppression of sexuality, feeling of sinfulnessAttention is focused on love and respect for your body and beautiful forms.
Thrush (vaginal candidiasis)Lack of self-confidence, unwillingness to help oneself in overcoming difficulties“I perceive my body with joy and admiration, I can do anything, there are no barriers in front of me”
Early menopausePhysical discomfort, fear of aging, loss of attractiveness, loss of sexual partner“I will continue to love my body, feel my femininity and importance to others”
Premenstrual syndromeManifestation of self-centeredness, constant fuss, anxiety, causeless excitement, suppression of interest in lifeAll thoughts are aimed at restoring harmony of body and soul, when there is no need to suppress anger and resentment
Itching of the genitalsSexual dissatisfaction, unfulfilled desires, search for a solution to the problem“I am sexy and attractive. I have harmony in everything"
NauseaAnxiety and excitement before upcoming events, denial of everything new and unknown, rejection of one’s own experienceAttention should be focused on the fact that everything in life goes on as usual, and there are many pleasant surprises ahead
OncologyA feeling of betrayal, resentment from a loved one, complete disappointment in life, loss of faith in the future and in one’s own principles“I get rid of feelings of guilt, anger, forgive my offenders. I am being reborn again to start life anew."

Basic aspects of psychosomatics

Treatment using alternative therapy is aimed at harmonizing a woman’s inner world. Basic aspects of psychosomatics acts as a placebo effect.

The restoration of the psycho-emotional state is facilitated by awareness of the following rules of psychosomatics:

  • A person’s body adapts to his thoughts and mood.
  • Affirmation is the easiest way to influence a person’s subconscious.
  • All organs and systems operate on the principle of feedback.
  • A person's life depends on the prevailing thoughts in his head.
  • When thoughts are repeated, they become beliefs.
  • Repetitive thoughts affect the decision-making process.
  • If emotions are not suppressed, the body signals pain or discomfort.
  • The occurrence of diseases is preceded by anger, resentment, suppression of emotions, and lack of perception of the individual.
  • The reluctance to protest against established stereotypes contributes to the transition of the disease to a chronic form.
  • The cause of the disease can also be related problems that are not related to each other.
  • There will come a time when the body stops performing its prescribed functions.
  • Complexes, fears, grievances, isolation, guilt - this is garbage that should be gotten rid of.

Today, psychosomatic illnesses are treated with various types of psychotherapy using tranquilizers and antidepressants. Psychosomatic illness occurs when the body has reached its emotional and physical limits. And when this limit comes depends on his vital energy and the number of traumatic factors.

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Physical health is closely connected with the psychological state of a person. Mental experiences, disorders, problems driven into the deep layers of the subconscious do not pass without a trace and become the cause of serious somatic diseases. The science of psychosomatics, which stands at the intersection of clinical medicine, psychology and psychopathology, studies this close relationship.

The richer a person’s emotional life, the more strongly it affects his physical health. Pleasant experiences contribute to the coordinated functioning of all body systems, while negative ones disrupt it and cause illness. This relationship is especially pronounced among representatives of the fair sex, who perceive the world through the prism of feelings and emotions, distinguishing the slightest shades of moods and experiences. Women's diseases and pathological formations in the female genital organs and mammary glands provoke not only physical factors, but also a violation of mental harmony.

If a woman cannot cope with the negative energy flow that has engulfed her, this becomes a problem at the body level. But even the most serious illness can be cured if you understand the underlying cause of its occurrence. The struggle waged on all fronts is in this case doomed to success. Recovery of the body will occur faster if it is accompanied by cleansing the soul of negativity.

Psychosomatic theory as a science

Psychosomatics claims that many diseases are the result of a certain (wrong) way of thinking or behavior, a general negative perception of the world, and external psychological influences.

The fact is that a person is not limited to the physical body that can be seen. Energy fields surround him. Esotericists call the totality of these energies an aura, a name that has also passed into academic science. The aura is closely connected with the human psyche, his mental life, and is its reflection. Negative experiences, neuroses that cause mental disorders (guilt, depression, constant anxiety) violate the integrity of the energy shells, which leads to illness of the physical shells.

This psychosomatic concept of the connection between the physical and the mental is best reflected by the well-known Soviet slogan “In a healthy body, a healthy mind,” to which we can only add the correct opposite statement: “A healthy mind is the key to a healthy body.” A sick psyche tries to inform its owner through bodily manifestations that something is going wrong.

Initially perceived by society as a branch of esotericism, psychosomatics is gradually developing as a science, acquiring supporters - wonderful researchers. Among them: famous psychologists Louise Hay (USA), Liz Burbo (Canada), Vladimir Zhikarentsev (Russia), psychotherapist and therapist Valery Sinelnikov (Russia), etc. These and other scientists created the wonderful concept “Love your illness,” which states that physical ailments accompany mental and spiritual growth and human development.

Noticing psychological problems through physical illnesses, a person solves them, overcoming the next stage of development. The theory is confirmed by practice. Numerous studies reveal patterns between personality characteristics (character, temperament, behavioral styles, role positions, constitution) and diseases characteristic of it. Similar people suffer from similar diseases.

Neuroses as a cause of disease

The foundations of psychosomatic science were laid back in 1818 by the German psychiatrist Johann Heinroth, who was the first to determine the dependence of some somatic disorders on the patient’s mental experiences. He defined illness as an internal experience of a conflictual nature.

The neuroses underlying psychosomatic disorders cause a condition when a healthy organ works “idle”, not fulfilling its natural function. This vicious circle must be broken for successful healing.

  • Rigidity of thinking contributes to the persistence and stability of the symptom; for a sick person, maintaining his beliefs (even incorrect ones) is more important than gaining health.
  • Infantility, mental underdevelopment, a person’s reluctance to take responsibility for his own condition, and reluctance to develop also contribute to the development of the disease.

Neuroses develop when a difference appears between what a person really wants and what he actually does, supporting his actions with arguments like “I want, but I can’t do this” or “I don’t want, but I have to.” Discrepancies lead to disturbances in mental processes.

Psychosomatic pathologies that have been studied in detail are peptic ulcers of the digestive system, disorders of the cardiovascular system (ischemia, hypertension, autonomic disorders), bronchial asthma, and migraines.

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases

The cause of a disease that is psychosomatic in nature should be clarified through a deep analysis of the patient’s inner world, his spiritual state for hidden problems. For most people, such a close acquaintance with themselves is a new, unknown thing, so sometimes you have to turn to the help of a professional psychologist, psychotherapist, or psychosomatics specialist who knows what to pay attention to and where to look for clues leading to unraveling the true nature of the disease.

You should not rush from one extreme to another, look for deep-seated mental problems in any disease and try to solve them. Many diseases have predominantly physical causes: microbial infection, poisoning with harmful substances, mechanical injuries. However, most often they develop against a favorable (pathological) mental background. In this regard, treatment by a medical specialist is mandatory, who will select adequate and competent medication or alternative therapy. Solving mental problems should complement treatment, but not replace it.

Women's psychosomatic problems

The fair sex is beautiful because it perceives the world sensually. Women handle psychic energies more freely than men and understand them better. However, because of this sensitivity, it is women who often have problems with mental regulation; it is difficult for them to get rid of strong negative experiences, anxiety, stress, doubts; they often become completely immersed in this negativity.

The structure of modern society does not simplify a woman’s life. The fair weaker sex wants and strives to be like the stronger sex, to live and work the way men do, which is unusual for female nature itself. On this path, women encounter many obstacles and difficulties that must be overcome by gritting their teeth, suppressing emotions, hiding deeper “women’s problems” that are of no interest to anyone in this “man’s world.” A woman who strives to be like a man encounters criticism, increased and not always adequate demands on herself. Not everyone can withstand such pressure.

Intergender relations are also changing. The Domostroevskaya concept of family is a thing of the past, but the new family idea never really took shape. Women try to take on the role of leader, suppress their partners, and at the same time blame them for weakness.

Women refuse their femininity, do not understand and do not accept it. Women have forgotten how to be women next to men, they keep and “replay” their grievances against them in their heads.

Such women who resist their nature are at risk of diseases of the “female sphere”: the genitals and mammary glands.

Psychological causes of female somatic diseases

  • Problems with self-esteem, lack of faith in one's own abilities and strengths.
  • Internal conflicts, “male” demands on oneself, leading to constant stress.
  • Dissatisfaction with one's own body, low assessment of one's own sexuality and attractiveness.
  • Non-acceptance of female nature, fear and reluctance to be a mother, possibly caused by childhood psychological trauma.
  • Feeling of insecurity, inability or inability to stand up for yourself.
  • Inharmonious relationships with a partner, playing a “male” role in the family, distrust of your man, resentment towards him.
  • Resentment towards men, the formation of a collective negative image, extended to all men, the formation of attitudes (“all men are goats”).
  • Long-term absence of relationships, including sexual ones.
  • Internal restrictions, psychosexual disorders, rejection of sex, guilt for “dirty” relationships caused by upbringing.
  • Unsuccessful sexual experience, rape, experience of betrayal.
  • Inability or self-prohibition to enjoy life.
  • Storing and replaying grievances, wounded pride, envy.

If you dig deeper, having become familiar with the world's unconscious archetypes, you can see connections between the psychological problems of a woman who denies her femininity in one form or another, and their projections onto the female reproductive system. Each organ and pathological process symbolizes (has a clear but unconscious connection) a certain manifestation of femininity. If this connection is realized, treating “female” diseases will become much easier.

In searching for the psychological cause of a somatic problem, one should proceed from the individuality of the psyche of any woman and the processes occurring in her. The formation of the disease is influenced by many factors, among which are: age, a woman’s marital status, her career position, life aspirations, relationships with parents, crises experienced, etc. The same disease can have a different nature and arise from different experiences. A woman should get to know herself, study her inner world and realize what the true cause of the illness is.

Female menstrual cycle and its disorders

Menstruation is the most important process of cleansing the female body, preparing it for the potential conception of a child. In fact, it is the personification of femininity. In the body of a healthy mature woman with stable positive psychological attitudes, menstruation is painless.

Various disorders of the monthly cycle (dysmenorrhea), painful symptoms accompanying it (premenstrual syndrome), absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) very often have a psychosomatic nature.

  • These pathologies indicate a girl or woman’s denial of her feminine nature. The roots of this disorder are usually found in childhood, in the girl’s relationship with her mother. For a small child, a mother is a symbolic image of femininity; the concepts of “woman” and “mother” are identical. If the relationship between them is tense, the girl may decide that she does not want to be like her mother, and therefore does not want to be a woman. The solution to the problem can only be deep introspection and forgiveness of parents.
  • Cycle disturbances accompany a woman’s dissatisfaction with herself and her body. She doesn’t like herself, she convinces herself that she is not a woman (a bad woman).

Women, of course, can “invent” many problems for themselves, but they know how to cope with them. It has been noted that the broken cycle returns to normal if representatives of the fair sex communicate with each other in a team with a positive moral climate. Mutual emotional support from friends normalizes energy flows and cures painful menstruation.

External genitalia

The vulva and vagina are directly related to sex, so any of their pathologies (inflammatory processes, bacterial or fungal infections, sexually transmitted diseases) indicate sexual disorders, fears, unfulfilled and suppressed desires. A sick woman may believe that sexuality is bad and shameful, and feel guilty for the sexual desire that appears in her. Relationships with a partner with whom a woman does not want sexual intercourse can also cause distress. Diseases of the external genitalia thus provide her with physical protection from sex, preventing her from having sex.

Sexual dysfunctions, anorgasmia

Frigidity is also a serious illness with psychosomatic overtones. A woman who does not enjoy sex experiences fear of it. There can be many reasons: upbringing, sexual abuse, lack of sympathy for your partner, the formation of a negative collective image of a man based on the image of a father or ex-partner. Frigid women usually choose sexually inferior men as partners, thus justifying their sexual insensitivity.

The cause of anorgasmia is the impossibility and self-prohibition of relaxation caused by distrust of the whole world, including men. The absence of sexual release for a long time leads to serious somatic problems: congestion and inflammation in the pelvic organs. With the development of serious pathologies, it is almost impossible to establish the true cause of the disease. It is very difficult for a woman to get out of such a situation on her own; she needs the help of a psychotherapist or a very loving and mentally strong partner.

The uterus and its pathologies

The very name of this female organ speaks of its main function: to help a woman become a mother. The psychosomatics of uterine diseases is associated mainly with an unhealthy attitude towards motherhood (denial, fear) - “I am like a mother” and problems in a woman’s relationship with her own mother, a rebellion against her - “Me and a mother”.

  • Pathologies of the cervix (polyps, inflammation) become a barrier to the path of sperm in a woman who does not want to become a mother or who experiences an alarming mistrust of men.
  • Erosion (ulcerative pathologies) of the cervix becomes an external expression of a woman’s wounded pride, accumulated grievances, which is characteristic of the infantile psyche. Most patients diagnosed with “erosion” do not know how to realize themselves in relationships with a partner; the inability to manage feminine energy ultimately turns into resentment towards a man, which “corrodes” the feminine essence.
  • Endometriosis indicates the perception of men as predators, a fear of them that is not caused by anything. Reproaches to oneself and a man, unjustified rudeness towards a man cause the development of inflammatory pathology of the endometrium, which physically confirms the “sacrificial” state of a woman.
  • Uterine fibroids - a benign tumor of the myometrium (muscle layer) is a sublimation of pregnancy by a woman, and even its development in medicine is calculated by weeks (like pregnancy). For some underlying reason, a sick woman does not allow herself to become pregnant, but really wants it. The justification may be an unstable financial situation, the absence of a reliable man nearby who can become a good father to the child, or other factors. And such a woman, instead of an embryo, begins to grow a tumor in the uterus. Myoma and fibromyoma can also be a symbol of “nursing” a grudge.
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes, in which the meeting and fusion of a mature egg with the “fastest” sperm occurs, is also an expression of fear of becoming pregnant and a physical obstacle to conception. It occurs in women who try to control all areas of their lives, even internal processes in the body.

Psychosomatic causes of ovarian diseases

The ovaries are the female centers of creativity, creation, and realization of the feminine principle. These gonads perform essential functions that are disrupted in diseases. Psychosomatics of hormonal ovarian pathologies is the topic of femininity, its rejection, misunderstanding, and conflicts associated with it.

Adrenogenital syndrome

Adrenogenital syndrome is a hormonal disorder in a woman’s body. In stressful situations, the adrenal glands produce “stress hormones” that mobilize the body according to the “flight or fight” plan. With this pathology, in a tense situation, it is not the adrenal glands that are activated, but the ovaries; instead of adrenaline, the female body receives male sex hormones. A woman, instead of using a natural reaction developed over generations, tries to literally become a man. This reveals the denial of one’s own nature, the desire to change it, rejection of oneself as a woman, and a feeling of one’s own inferiority.

Another example of an organism that is undecided about the sex can be polycystic ovary syndrome, in which ovulation of mature eggs does not occur, and developed follicles turn into cystic vesicles filled with fluid. It is as if the body cannot decide whether it should grow eggs as a female type or produce sperm as a male type.

Storage of embryonic eggs and their development – ​​potential for procreation

According to this aspect, the psychological causes of diseases are due to a woman’s prohibition against becoming pregnant and procreating. There can be many reasons for this, for example, a woman’s esoteric confidence in a generational curse or a subconscious fear of giving birth. The body responds to the mental request by developing ovarian pathologies (functional disorders, cyst, cancer).

Psychosomatic pathologies of the ovaries are a desperate call from the body, indicating a broken connection between a woman and femininity, the ability to create, to create.

Ovarian neoplasms

Ovarian cysts and other neoplasms of the gonads are found in every 5th woman of childbearing age. These are pathological processes characterized by abnormal growth of an organ area, growth in the wrong direction. The liquid contents of cystic blisters indicate the accumulation of emotions, the psychological burden that a woman accumulates in her soul. Such a diagnosis should prompt the patient to think that her values ​​and life goals are not aimed at what she really needs. Most often, these are benign formations that can be treated, but their oncological degeneration is possible. Probably, the psychosomatic factor also plays an important role in the process of malignancy.

Psychological support for the treatment of somatic ovarian diseases

A woman suffering from ovarian diseases (inflammation, cyst, tumor) should definitely consult a doctor to treat her problem. But for maximum success, traditional therapy must be supported by restoration of mental balance, deep introspection, study and resolution of psychological problems.

These diseases are called “female diseases” for a reason; they arise when a woman denies her femininity.

  • In order for the treatment to proceed easier and faster, and for the disease to never return, the patient must regain her femininity, believe in herself, and love herself.
  • She must understand that being a woman does not mean being weak or bad, and get rid of the need to prove her masculinity to the whole world.
  • Get to know yourself, your inner world, realize feminine nature.
  • Get rid of the fears of becoming a mother.
  • Establish relationships with the stronger sex, do not be afraid to love.
  • Learn to enjoy life.
  • Do not accumulate old grievances in yourself, get rid of mental burden.

Self-analysis will help not only solve a somatic problem, but also increase the level of awareness of life and improve its quality in general. This is not an easy matter; if necessary, you should seek help from specialists - psychotherapists. The diary method of analysis works great. Having realized the cause of the disease, you need to take the next step: begin specific actions to eliminate it.


Masculine and feminine, yang and yin are the foundations of the world. Only in their combination are life and happiness possible. A woman’s denial of her nature is based on false social and cultural stereotypes. Every woman should know her femininity, understand it and accept it. Only in this case, no “female” diseases will darken her life.

By secret

  • Incredible... You can cure a cyst without surgery!
  • This time.
  • Without taking hormonal drugs!
  • That's two.
  • Per month!
  • That's three.

Follow the link and find out how Irina Yakovleva did it!

1. CYST- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Scrolling through an old, painful record of images. Carry with your wounds and the harm that was caused to you. False growth (growth in the wrong direction).

The images in my mind are beautiful because I choose to make them that way. I love me.

2. CYST- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Constantly “replaying” old grievances in my head. Incorrect development.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I think that everything is going well. I love me.

3. CYST- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

A cyst is a pathological spherical cavity in an organ with dense walls, filled with liquid or pasty contents (less often solid). The cyst is usually closed, its walls are not connected by blood vessels to the contents. This neoplasm can be benign or malignant.

Emotional blockage

The cyst ball speaks of some kind of grief that has been accumulating for a very long time. This extra flesh accumulates to cushion the blows that ego the patient receives from the outside world. A person with one or more cysts cannot get rid of severe pain associated with some events in his past. If the cyst is malignant, see also article. The purpose of the part of the body in which the cyst has formed indicates in which area of ​​life grief and pain have accumulated. So, a cyst in one of the breasts is associated with the material interests of this person.

Mental block

The cyst is a warning that it is time for you to forgive yourself or another person, and not reopen an old wound again and again. What you accumulate in yourself harms you. It may seem to you that some person has harmed or is harming you, but in reality it is your inner attitude that makes you suffer. The cyst, this ball of flesh, says that you should no longer create protection within yourself from the blows of fate and that it is time for you to forgive others and yourself. (See the explanation of the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book.)



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs