Multivitamins to prepare for pregnancy. Vitamins for women when planning pregnancy

Pregnancy is not only a long-awaited and happy period of bearing a baby, but also a serious test for the mother's body. That is why you need to properly prepare for it.

One of the most important points in terms of this preparation, one can name the early creation of a sufficient reserve of vitamins, useful elements and other substances necessary for proper growth and proper development future baby.

  • Alphabet (for men);
  • Duovit (for men);
  • Spermastrong;
  • Orthomol Fertil +;
  • Viardo and Viardo Forte.

Instead of a conclusion

Your body will use up the lion's share of all vitamins and other benefits at the very beginning of pregnancy, because then the laying and formation of the most important organs and child systems.

Therefore, it is important to start taking vitamins even while planning the conception of a child. So you can endure and give birth to a healthy baby without exposing your body to exhaustion and stress.

Pregnancy planning is whole complex events. Partners must pass full examination, as well as a course of taking special vitamin preparations.

Perhaps for many this will be news, but when planning a pregnancy, vitamins, or rather, vitamin-mineral complexes, are needed not only for women, but also for men. After all, one of the tasks of preparing for conception is to improve the functioning of the reproductive systems of future parents and increase the chances of pregnancy. At the same time, a man and a woman need a different set of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

Is it necessary to take vitamins when planning a pregnancy?

Do you dream of a healthy baby? Do you want to see him smart and happy? Then do everything in your power to give him the future you dream of. What's with the vitamins? Let's figure it out.

The future father contributes to the genetics of the child on a par with the future mother. A man can affect the state of his genetic material, since sperm are its carrier. And their stock is constantly updated. Vitamins, minerals and L-carnitine, which a man takes when planning a pregnancy (preferably 2-3 months), will contribute to the formation of more sperm of the correct structure with intact DNA.

A woman in the period of pregnancy planning should prepare her body as much as possible for conceiving and bearing a child. Vitamins and minerals play important role in women's work reproductive system. This means that they are needed both in order for pregnancy to occur, and in order to future child from the very first days he received everything he needed.

Today, experts identify four key substances, the “stock” of which must be formed before pregnancy, and which must be supplied to the unborn child throughout the entire period. prenatal development. These are folic acid, iodine, iron and omega-3.

The fetus "takes" all the substances it needs from the woman's body. If a woman’s body lacked some vitamins or minerals before pregnancy, then this mild deficiency will quickly develop into hypovitaminosis. And its manifestations wear unpleasant character: the condition of the skin, teeth, nails and hair will worsen, fatigue and apathy will appear. But if conception occurs when a woman experiences hypovitaminosis, then problems may appear already in the fetus - there is a possibility of malformations, eclampsia, and the risk of miscarriage increases. Therefore, it is advisable not to take separate tablets (folic acid or iodine), but to turn to specialized vitamin and mineral complexes for expectant mothers. For example, the modern Pregnoton Mama complex contains the named key substances and 12 more vitamins and minerals that are important for the mother and the unborn baby.

Due to the lack of a complete proper nutrition almost all women will benefit from specialized vitamins when planning pregnancy. Preparations of this type should be taken at least 30 days before the intended conception. And better - for 3-4 months.

Vitamins for men when planning pregnancy

Not only the expectant mother should take vitamins before conceiving a child, but also future father. You should start taking vitamins for men when planning a pregnancy at least three months (90 days) before the day of the intended conception. After all, the maturation of sperm lasts 72 days, and every day they need vitamins and minerals. Support male body provide additional amino acids optimal conditions for the formation of new spermatozoa high activity and without mutations. A man needs to take the following minerals and vitamins before conception in order to improve sperm quality and thereby increase the chance of pregnancy.

  • L-carnitine, although not a vitamin, plays a critical role in the formation and maturation of healthy motile spermatozoa that can fertilize an egg.
  • Folic acid has a positive effect on the formation of motile spermatozoa with the correct structure.
  • To maintain the active synthesis of male sex hormones, men require zinc. He normalizes sex drive, eliminates possible violations sexual plan.
  • Selenium is essential for maintaining male sexual activity. If there is no selenium deficiency in the body, then it remains sexually active not only in youth or mature years, but also in old age, without taking additional stimulants.

The listed minerals and minerals are part of specialized drug Speroton - it is intended for men who plan to become fathers.

Vitamins when planning pregnancy for women

What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy? Probably every expectant mother thinks about this. Women of all countries of the world, regardless of age, take folic acid (another name is vitamin B9) or special vitamin preparations, of which it is included. Folic acid for conception is taken at 400 mcg per day, as this is one of the methods for preventing the development of defects nervous system. It is important to remember that folic acid is not fully absorbed by everyone. Therefore, it is better to choose its easily digestible form - methylfolate (extrafolate).

What else to drink when planning a pregnancy for a healthy woman has long been determined by experts - these are iron and iodine, vitamins E, B6 and a number of other vitamins, as well as Omega-3.

All of them are included in modern complex Pregnoton Mom. Special attention in the complex it is given to ensure that all vitamins and minerals do not cause side effects and easily digestible. Pregnoton Mama can be taken both in preparation for conception, and throughout pregnancy, and during breastfeeding. Moreover, it is convenient that only one capsule should be taken per day to avoid a deficiency of nutrients.

Daily dosage

  • Folic acid (vitamin B9). Daily rate is 200 mcg, but in preparation for conception, more is required, and usually the dosage folic acid during this period is 400 mcg and above. Folic acid continues to be taken after conception up to the 12th week of the actual pregnancy. It is mandatory for all pregnant women to take. Its deficiency in the body is fraught with delay mental development in a newborn child, as well as other developmental anomalies.
  • Iron. When planning a conception, it is recommended to take 18 mg of regular iron to prevent anemia. Less liposomal iron is required to eliminate the deficiency - 14 mg per day is enough, since liposomal iron is absorbed much better than conventional iron salts. The content of iron in the body of a future mother is very important, not without reason its level is constantly monitored. Iron is part of hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to all cells of the mother and child. With iron deficiency, a pregnant woman develops anemia, there may be a miscarriage. Iron deficiency causes fetal hypoxia and a delay in its development.
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid(PUFA). Enough 200 mg per day throughout pregnancy to positively affect the development of the child and the course of pregnancy. Omega-3s are involved in the formation of the brain, eyes, nervous system and immunity. In addition, omega-3s prevent fetal hypoxia, reduce the likelihood of thrombosis in a woman, and have a good effect on her emotional state.
  • Vitamin K. It should be taken at 1 mg per day. It is involved in the processes of blood coagulation, which is especially important indicator directly during childbirth.
  • Vitamin H- 300 IU / day.
  • Vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron, being a means of preventing the development of anemia in pregnant women. The daily norm for women is 60 mg, but in the period of preparation for pregnancy it can be significantly increased.
  • Iodine. This is a mineral, but the lack of iodine in the body of a future mother not only negatively affects her own health, but can also affect the abnormal development of the fetal nervous system. It is worth taking iodine-containing drugs not only during the planning of conception and pregnancy, but also during the entire period of breastfeeding. In preparation for pregnancy and in the first trimester, a woman needs 150 micrograms of iodine, then its rate increases to 220-290 micrograms per day.

Vitamins to get pregnant are necessary for both the woman and the unborn child, since from the moment of conception in the embryo they begin to actively flow biochemical processes that require vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin E when planning pregnancy

Vitamin E when planning pregnancy. The dosage of vitamin E when planning pregnancy should be from 100 to 300 IU per day. Its intake significantly improves the functioning of the female reproductive system, normalizes the synthesis of female sex hormones, and provides optimal conditions for the entire period of gestation. healthy child. Taking vitamin E when planning a pregnancy is considered one of the effective measures prevention of a possible miscarriage or fetal fading at the most early dates pregnancy.

Vitamin E for men is no less important than folic acid. It prevents possible damage to spermatozoa.

Vitamin D in pregnancy planning

The daily dosage of vitamin D when planning pregnancy should not exceed 400 IU. Thanks to it, calcium is quickly absorbed by the body. You should not refuse to take it during pregnancy, as vitamin D contributes to the correct and rapid development fetal skeleton. If a woman spends enough time in the sun, then the amount of vitamin D taken can be reduced after consulting a doctor.

Can Vitamins Help You Get Pregnant Fast?

Often women are interested in what vitamins or pills are needed to get pregnant quickly or the first time. There is simply no single answer. For some women, a course of taking a specialized vitamin-mineral complex will be enough, others may need a drug that eliminates hormonal imbalance. The thing is that in about 40% of cases, pregnancy does not occur due to an excess of the hormone prolactin (hyperprolactinemia). Therefore, a woman is recommended to take tests when she begins to plan replenishment in the family.

If the results of the study reveal violations hormonal background, the doctor may prescribe medication to normalize the condition. And it doesn't have to be hormonal.

For example, Pregnoton is a vitamin and mineral complex to increase the likelihood of conception in women with reduced fertility. Pregnoton contains vitex, which reduces prolactin levels to normal values. It also contains arginine, which contributes to an increase in the thickness of the endometrium at its low values. In addition, Pregnoton includes vitamins and minerals that are needed to restore the female reproductive system, for example, after taking contraceptives, stress, illness or other problems. The effectiveness of Pregnoton is also confirmed by clinical studies.

Women who dream of getting pregnant quickly should take into account that the chances of conception also depend on the man. As already mentioned, Speroton helps to increase male fertility. If both future parents start taking vitamins for conception, the likelihood of pregnancy will be higher.

Pregnancy planning is a crucial stage at which future parents create the maximum favorable conditions for conception, gestation and birth healthy baby. In the process of preparation, the couple must spend whole line activities, starting with the examination and ending with the intake of mineral-vitamin complexes.

What vitamins before pregnancy should be consumed and why? We will talk about this further.

Why should you take vitamins?

Many people are very skeptical about taking mineral-vitamin complexes, believing that they do not give significant results. In fact, before conception, both partners need to replenish supplies nutrients in organism.

This is especially true for women who, in the next 9 months, must ensure that the future baby has an uninterrupted supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements for normal development.

The developing fetus “consumes” a large amount of nutrients, with a lack of which a woman may develop hypovitaminosis. Subsequently, this may lead to serious problems With skin, hair, teeth and even the development of apathy. It is impossible not to say about the destructive effect of hypovitaminosis on the body of the unborn child.

deficit "building elements", which are minerals and vitamins, leads to the development of eclampsia, defects and even miscarriage. Proper planning of pregnancy with the use of appropriate drugs can reduce the likelihood of complications to a minimum.

List of the best vitamins

What vitamins are better to use before pregnancy in order to ensure the full development of the embryo? Because stick balanced nutrition V modern conditions extremely difficult, you should pay attention to the mineral-vitamin complexes. According to statistics, approximately 70% of pregnant women are deficient in nutrients.

What are the best vitamins to use when planning a pregnancy?

  • riboflavin;
  • folic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • tocopherol;
  • pyridoxine;
  • calciferol.

Folic acid

Regardless of whether you want to use mineral-vitamin preparations or not, any doctor will strongly recommend that you drink folic acid. Given organic compound participates in the process of DNA synthesis and cell reproduction. A lack of B9 leads to the development of anemia, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and destruction of the neural tube of the fetus.

Against the background of a lack of folic acid, it significantly increases the risk of developing cerebral hernia, mental underdevelopment in a baby and hydrocephalus.

Foods high in folic acid include:

  • offal and white mushrooms;
  • broccoli and leeks;
  • hazelnuts and spinach;
  • almonds and barley groats.


Vitamin B2 before planning pregnancy is simply necessary to use, since it takes part in the formation of embryonic tissues.

It helps in the synthesis of proteins, which are "building bricks" in the development of a new organism.

Riboflavin is also involved in the process of hematopoiesis and regeneration of nerve cells.

What foods are high in riboflavin?

  • Rosehip and spinach;
  • Mackerel and cottage cheese;
  • Eggs and goose meat;
  • Mushrooms and spinach.

For normal conception you need to drink riboflavin for at least a month or two.


The optimism vitamin or B1 plays an important role in the process of converting lipids and carbohydrates into energy. It allows you to maintain "in order" the nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system future mother. In the first trimester of pregnancy, thiamine significantly alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis and hypotension.

A useful substance in a considerable amount is found in:

  • potatoes and tomatoes;
  • white cabbage and dairy products;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • beef and hazelnuts.


By consuming vitamin E before planning pregnancy, a woman increases the chances of a normal implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. Against the background of a lack of tocopherol, the risk of miscarriages or problems with conception increases significantly.

What products contain a useful substance?

  • hazelnuts and wheat;
  • sorrel and dried apricots;
  • zander and salmon;
  • sea ​​buckthorn and wild rose;
  • squid and viburnum.

Tocopherol is also desirable for men, since it affects the formation of full-fledged spermatozoa, ready for fertilization of the egg.


Vitamin D takes part in education organic matter necessary for the normal development of the skeleton and muscles of the unborn child. When it is deficient, there is high risk development of rickets in a child muscle weakness among women.

They are high in calciferol the following types products:

  • cream and liver;
  • chicken eggs and perch;
  • sour cream and fish oil.


B6 or pyridoxine is an active substance that takes part in the formation of antibodies. Thanks to him, the synthesis of amino acids and organics necessary for the full development of the fetus takes place. With a deficiency of pyridoxine, the immune instability of newborns is noted, which increases the risk of developing viral and infectious diseases.

To replenish the reserves of pyridoxine in the body, experts recommend including in daily menu the following products:

  • chicken meat and pomegranate;
  • bell pepper and walnuts;
  • garlic and sea buckthorn;
  • mackerel and hazelnuts.

The best mineral and vitamin complexes

Before planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to consult a specialist. He will carry out a survey that will determine the deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins in the body. Based on this, the doctor will advise a suitable mineral-vitamin complex for future parents.

What drugs would be optimal before conception?

  • multitabs and wellwoman;
  • alphabet and materna;
  • femibion ​​1 and pregnavit;
  • gendevit and elevit;
  • vitrum prenatal and lavita.

It is not advisable to use any of the listed types of mineral-vitamin complexes without the recommendation of a specialist. oversupply active substances can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother.

Should Men Take Multivitamins?

Vitamins before pregnancy are needed not only for women, but also for men. The father's contribution to the birth of a new life is no less important, despite the fact that a woman will still bear the baby. The deficiency of nutrients negatively affects male fertility. This, in turn, affects the condition of spermatozoa.

Pregnancy planning includes not only carrying out clinical research on various pathologies and infection, but also an improvement in the condition of the body. The entire period of bearing a child, the health of the mother and the born baby depends on how well this stage is organized.

One of the important components is the provision of vitamins. This will allow the woman to preserve her beauty, and the baby to get all the useful substances necessary for the full development.

Read in this article

Are vitamins really necessary when planning a pregnancy?

The only indisputable vitamin to take regardless of where you live, age and nutrition is vitamin B9. It is also known as folic acid. You need to drink it at 400 mcg per day. Due to a sufficient amount of B9, a normal, correct fetal neural tube is formed in the body. The fact is that it is she who is laid in the first place.

Therefore, everyone who plans to become a mother in the near future should definitely drink folic acid.

Moreover, the intake of the vitamin begins a few months before the onset of pregnancy, approximately 2 - 3. The use of folic acid continues up to 12 weeks. At the same time, it is impossible to stop and interrupt the reception.

In the event that the pregnancy occurred unplanned, you need to start drinking it immediately after it became known about the new position of the woman. Even before the visit to the gynecologist. As for the intake of other vitamins and microelements, today there is no consensus among specialists.

They ensure the normal and full course of all internal processes and systems, the flow of different biochemical reactions in organism.

When pregnancy occurs, not only the woman herself needs vitamins, but also future baby to prevent deformities and pathologies. Thus, the body requires much large quantity useful substances for a woman and an embryo.

This is exactly what is being debated. One way or another, the embryo will receive everything it needs from the mother's body. If before pregnancy she led a correct and healthy lifestyle, fully ate, then the child will receive everything important substances. The only thing, most likely, is that its weight will be small, about three kilograms or a little less. But that's enough to get started. normal life organism.

The situation is worse for women. Her body will give everything to the child, and he will begin to suffer from hypovitaminosis. This affects the quality of hair, nails, teeth and skin, namely, they begin to fall out, crumble, wrinkles appear, firmness and elasticity are lost.

Also internal state deteriorates significantly. The woman becomes irritable, she is accompanied by fatigue, drowsiness, may occur, infectious diseases. All this makes her less attractive and younger.

On the other hand, if before pregnancy the girl had a lack of certain vitamins, then the situation will be even worse. The child will still take everything she needs, but she herself will lose everything. In addition, the fetus may develop various defects and problems. The condition of the woman will become quite deplorable.

So the conclusion suggests itself: you can’t do without taking vitamins. This will help to avoid the development of defects and pathologies in the formation of the embryo, and the woman to preserve her beauty and youth. However, there is a point of view that, subject to proper diet and taking vitamins is optional. But the fact is that many do not have the ability or desire to eat food that meets the standards.

You can not take vitamins only if she carefully monitors her diet. In other cases, the doctor always prescribes folic acid and the complex.

Which is better for women

A balanced diet is an essential part of preparing for pregnancy. Already at this stage, it is important that both future parents follow a diet, exclude harmful products, fried and smoked dishes, alcoholic drinks. It must be understood that it will have to be followed until the end of breastfeeding.

But apart from healthy lifestyle life still needs to be supplemented with vitamins. Otherwise, due to their deficiency, it can suffer greatly. female body and the child will have developmental problems. Next are the most important vitamins that should be included in the diet of the expectant mother.

A deficiency of this element reduces the likelihood of pregnancy to almost zero, and is also dangerous for the development of pathologies in a child at any stage and time. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.

It also takes part in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin and, accordingly, its deficiency affects the content in the blood. And this leads to even more dangerous diseases. So the mandatory intake of vitamin E on time has the following advantages:

  • improves the production of progesterone, which is responsible for the formation of the egg and the development of the embryo until the formation of the placenta;
  • reduces the likelihood of infections, even in the genitals;
  • lowers pressure;
  • improves the growth of the uterus, makes it more extensible, elastic, durable;
  • normalizes blood circulation in the vessels;
  • increases endurance and energizes a woman;
  • works to improve skin condition.

On preparatory stage appoint 100 - 400 IU per day. And if earlier the woman had problems with bearing or diseases reproductive organs, then the dosage increases to 300 - 400 IU per day. It is advisable to divide the norm per day into two doses - in the morning and in the evening.

However, there is one caveat. For people who do not plan to have children, the norm per day is much lower and is 8-10 IU. Therefore, do not worry about a large dosage for pregnant women, the body should be completely saturated with it.

It should be taken by all women, preferably 3 to 5 months before conception. Sufficient intake of B9 provides the least chance of problems in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus. This can be manifested by underdevelopment of the brain, insufficient closure of the spinal cord. All these defects can occur even in the first month of pregnancy, that is, up to 28 days. Often a woman is not yet aware that a new life is developing inside her.

In addition, this vitamin is needed by new cells and tissues. As a rule, folic acid is prescribed in addition to the main complex of vitamins.

B vitamins

This group also has importance for the functioning of all body systems. Vitamins have the following effect:

  • B1 contributes to the laying of a healthy nervous system of the child. And it helps mom absorb carbohydrates and turn them into energy. So the woman remains full of strength. Daily dose- 1.5 - 1.9 mg.
  • B2 is essential for fetal growth. It is needed for the formation of the skeleton, muscular system and nervous. You need to drink it at 1.4 mg per day.
  • B6 is important for the production of amino acids in which proteins are formed. And this is the main building material for the embryo. In addition, it is the lack of vitamin B6 that leads to toxicosis, nervousness and aggression. The brain of the future baby especially needs it. The norm of a vitamin for preparation is about 2.1 - 2.3 mg per day.

This element is very important for healthy performance all body functions. But it is also extremely dangerous. It is useful for pregnant women as follows:

  • Strengthens the protective functions of the respiratory organs, does not allow them to pass infections that can weaken the body.
  • Improves skin conditions that can change during pregnancy, prevents the appearance of age spots and stretch marks.
  • Helps the growth of nails, hair, bones, gums. This contributes to the preservation of the health and beauty of women.

But it is important to monitor the dosage, since its excess leads to fetal pathologies. The norm is 3000 - 5000 IU per day.


The deficiency of this microelement affects the quality of cells. A sufficient amount prevents early placental abruption, problems during childbirth, as well as the appearance of all kinds of malformations in the formation of the embryo.

Most of this trace element is in seafood, fish of all kinds, fruits and nuts. If there is no allergy, then all this is good to diversify your diet.

Vitamin is essential for strengthening protective functions body, improve immunity. It is also an excellent antioxidant that removes toxins. But vitamin C is found in foods that can trigger allergies. Therefore, it should be taken during pregnancy as part of a mineral complex.

Drink from 6 mg per day, but not more than 90 mg.


This trace element is responsible for more than three hundred processes in the body. It is especially important for the formation of proteins and amino acids. And this is one of the main points in the formation and development of the embryo.

If magnesium begins to be lacking, then the growth of the fetus slows down, and this is fraught with miscarriage. Due to its lack, the pressure becomes higher, convulsions may appear. So the inclusion of magnesium in the list of important vitamins for pregnant women is very important. Most of it in asparagus, as well as seeds, nuts and green vegetables.

Vitamin D

It is necessary for maintaining the health of nails and teeth, that is, it is necessary for bone structure. In children, it is responsible for the normal formation of the skeleton and dentition. You can find it in dairy products, spinach, mushrooms, seafood and fish. The daily requirement for vitamin D is 400 IU.

Watch the video about pregnancy planning:

Vitamins for men when planning

Despite the fact that a man does not have to bear a child, his body also needs to be prepared for conception. The main task in preparing for pregnancy is to improve the condition of sperm and spermatozoa. This will help make them more active and healthy. So a man can conceive a healthy child.

Preparation should begin three or four months before it. The point is that in order to form healthy sperm 90 days required. Therefore, it is best to drink vitamins for six months.

Such support will enable the emergence of excellent quality spermatozoa, which will perform two tasks:

  • provide future fetus excellent genetic material without defects and mutations;
  • fertilize the egg quickly enough, so you can get pregnant in the first cycles after trying.

As a rule, men are prescribed elements such as:

  • B9 or folic acid. It helps spermatozoa to form desired shape and make them active.
  • Vitamin E makes them more tenacious, active, hardy to external aggressive factors.
  • Vitamin C activates the formation of testosterone. And that, in turn, is responsible for full and healthy spermatozoa.
  • Zinc improves libido and sexual dysfunction.
  • Selenium is needed by men to maintain them in active form especially at older ages. This trace element makes it possible to prolong sex life much longer.

All these useful substances will help a man in preparing the body, and then conceive a healthy baby. Vitamins need to be drunk when planning a pregnancy. Even if it is not possible to take all types, then folic acid and vitamin E must be obtained. The above elements can be taken as part of complexes or separately.

Thus, thoughtful and timely preparation for the conception of a child to a greater extent makes it possible to give birth to a healthy and full-fledged baby. Both partners must plan. It is important not only to pass all the tests, but also to saturate the body beneficial substances. Therefore, taking vitamins is necessary for both a woman and a man.

Those parents who responsibly approach the planned pregnancy, be sure to pay attention to the issue of fortification.

However, various vitamin complexes are presented in pharmacies, so it is quite difficult for many to make right choice. What microelements are most necessary before conception, is it possible to choose vitamins on your own or do you need to consult a doctor?

Many modern doctors tend to believe that pregnant women and those planning a pregnancy do not need to take vitamin complexes. Even with a meager diet, which the body experiences in cold weather, the embryo receives full complex trace elements and vitamins for their development.

However, taking folic acid and potassium iodide will only benefit, but the use of vitamins A and E can be very harmful. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Folic acid

For cell division and DNA synthesis, the body must have enough water-soluble vitamin - folic acid.

With a lack of this vitamin in the body of a woman, pathologies of the development of the neural tube in a child may occur: the absence of a brain, spina bifida, a split lip, etc.

Sorry, no product contains the right amount folic acid. In not in large numbers This vitamin is found in greens, vegetables, legumes. As a preventive measure, doctors prescribe a folic acid preparation a month before conception, it is optimal to start taking it 3 months before the planned pregnancy.

Folic acid intake is continued for 4 months after pregnancy. You can buy a folic acid preparation at any pharmacy, it is not expensive. During the reception, it is important to observe correct dosage. For healthy women it is 0.4 mg / day, if children with malformations were previously born, the dose is increased to 4 mg / day. For women with epilepsy and diabetes, the dose of folic acid is set to 1 ml per day.

Potassium iodide

Potassium iodide or "iodomarine" is another important vitamin for pregnant women and those who are planning to conceive a child. For pregnant women, it is enough to take 1 tablet (200 mcg) per day. Iodomarin is taken for prophylactic purposes, preventing the development of iodine deficiency diseases, ophthalmic diseases, diseases thyroid gland etc. At this time, it is useful to replace regular salt with iodized salt.

Vitamins A and E

Now let's talk about vitamins A and E. Many doctors advise taking these trace elements during pregnancy and before conception. However, no one can explain where this recommendation came from.

This opinion was formed in the 1970s, but modern research showed that taking vitamins A and E is not prophylactic with the threat of miscarriage, does not contribute rapid conception. organism in enough receives these trace elements from food. During the reception of the Aevit complex, an overdose may occur, which negatively affects the development of the fetus.

An excess of vitamin E in the body can provoke the development of preeclampsia (eclampsia) in a pregnant woman, and heart disease in a child.

High levels of vitamin A in the body can cause teratogenic effect. When taking this vitamin in large quantities, you should wait at least a month with conception.

Proper nutrition and daily routine

Women who are planning a pregnancy are recommended the correct and varied diet and frequent walks fresh air, which will avoid vitamin D deficiency. However, it is better to transfer walks to the morning or evening time, to avoid pernicious influence sun. IN daily diet women must be present meat, foods rich in protein.

Meat, especially liver, contains a large amount of iron. This important element for the body, since with its deficiency there is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, and as a result, anemia. Calcium deficiency can be eliminated by eating sour-milk and dairy products.

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