How not to overeat at night. Decide on the final line

How not to eat at night or in the evening when you really want to eat? Probably many are asking this question. Overeating at night is one of the main reasons for the set excess weight. If we want to lose weight, sometimes it’s enough just to eliminate late dinner from the diet. It's pretty simple but effective. However, for most people who are accustomed to a hearty meal at night, this task may seem impossible. But there is one secret how not to eat at night, and in this article I will show you a simple and effective method lose weight, which is personally tested. At the same time, you will not feel hunger and discomfort, and the long-awaited process of losing weight will begin.

We usually have dinner and after a while we go to bed. Many people feel hungry just before bedtime and cannot fall asleep in a hungry state. The following scenario starts: going to the refrigerator, eating, calming the psyche and sleeping with full stomach. Food for many is a kind of "calming" remedy, at the same time extinguishing the feeling of hunger, which also does not allow sleep.

If we just try to sleep, using willpower, overcoming hunger, we are unlikely to succeed. And most likely the result will be the opposite. Extremes lead nowhere. But if we just satisfy our hunger, we can fall asleep and get the long-awaited peace. The secret is simple - you do not need to refuse dinner, you just need to replace it with light food that will only take away the hunger.

How not to eat at night? The easy way.

In this case, I recommend replacing a late dinner with a glass of kefir. By late dinner, I mean this same trip to the refrigerator just before bedtime. For example, you come after work and have dinner at 7-8 o'clock as usual, and at 10 o'clock, after visiting the refrigerator again, go to bed. Here at 10 o'clock you just drink a glass of kefir, brush your teeth and go to bed. That's all.

It may seem to you that a glass of kefir will not satisfy all your needs, because you were going to eat something more substantial, and when you see a glass of kefir, you may think that it will not saturate you. However, this is not the case, as soon as you drink kefir, the hunger will pass and this is quite enough to fall asleep. Just drink kefir and go to bed.

Kefir improves digestion, it is neither a food nor a drink, but something in between, so you will not feel heavy or anything like that, and it does not load the stomach. Do this every day and you will soon find that this “portion” is enough for a late dinner. And giving up dinner gradually. I lost 10 kg in this way in two months, without changing anything in my life. And the question "How not to eat at night" is no longer relevant.

If you don't like kefir, you can try something different. It should be something liquid, like a glass of milk. If a glass of yogurt does not saturate you, drink more, but just enough to relieve hunger. After a while, it will be enough for you to drink a glass of water at night and that will be enough. Simply by replacing the last dinner with a glass of liquid, you yourself will begin to overeat less. And this will automatically lead you to weight loss. Now you know how not to eat at night.

2017-08-25 11:40:00

Director of the Samara Research Institute
dietology and diet therapy,
doctor medical sciences,
nutritionist and psychotherapist
MM. Ginzburg

Paradoxically, evening overeating (zhora or Uncle Zhora in the language of those who are losing weight) is led by those actions that, in the opinion of everyone, are designed to protect and save us from this overeating:

  • Attempts to forbid yourself from eating at night
  • Attempts to ban yourself from treats
  • Trying not to go into the kitchen and open the fridge
  • Attempts to eat more food when it is still "possible", for example, at 17 hours 59 minutes.

Indeed, a problem. There is a desire to eat at night and in the evening three times stronger than in the morning.

And all because the evening type of food is natural to a person. There are animals with a night type of food, there are with a morning one. And we, therefore, with the evening. How not to eat at night?

Compare your appetite in the morning and evening. I know quite a few people who do not like to have breakfast, they eat for the first time somewhere closer to dinner. But something I do not know anyone who would not like to have dinner, eat in the evening.

And by the way, the vast majority of people also eat at night, before going to bed, an hour before bedtime. And attempts to abandon this technique, so to speak, “do not eat after six”, “how not to eat at night” lead to an unbearable decrease in the quality of life and most often ends in a breakdown in the very first two weeks.

But overeating at night is also bad. In the evening, the body with all its enzymes and hormones is deployed for the accumulation of fat and replenishment of reserves. As doctors say, vago-insular effects prevail. And insulin is a hormone that directly promotes the formation of fat and prevents its splitting.

So here it is - it’s bad not to eat at night, and you can’t overeat. Let's try to search golden mean. And let's formulate the problem exactly like this - how not to overeat in evening time and at night.

This seemingly unsolvable problem has several very specific solutions. And we will now consider them.

But first, one note.

Suppose a person overeats every day and in large quantities. best result it would be so to rebuild him so that now he would never overeat. The result is wonderful, but almost unrealistic. And if so?! Using our techniques, a person now overeats much less and less often. This is also the result! And much more real and much more persistent.

Our techniques can be divided into three groups - nutritional, behavioral and psychological. Let's start with dietary, as the most understandable.

Dietary receptions

1. “Why not actually overeat at night, but ... low-fat food ?!”

Helps, in general, everyone.

As was discovered relatively recently, the fat that we carry on ourselves mainly came from the fat that we once ate. If we eat less of it, we would not get fat so much. Other food components, especially proteins and complex carbohydrates, are rather protective in overweight. The more lean meat, cottage cheese, cereals, pasta and bread in the food, the less likely overweight. In addition, these products are characterized by higher satiety.

2. Low-fat snack and meal for the night

And there will be nothing wrong if, an hour and a half before bedtime, you eat a slice of meat with vegetables and a bran bun, drink a glass of kefir, or tea with milk.

A great snack for the night - 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk and boiled buckwheat, plus a couple of tablespoons of muesli. Mix everything, let stand for 5-6 minutes for the muesli to swell. Eat slowly. The calorie content of a serving is 130 kcal, the fat content is 3-4 g per serving.

3. "Fractional dinner"

In the evening, the body is rebuilt to accumulate reserves. Everything that we give him in the form of food, he, like a zealous owner, diligently postpones until better times. And in this sense, paradoxically, the fatter and richer dinner the more you want to eat after a couple of hours. So, we are unlikely to be able to eat at one time for the whole evening. We change tactics. We eat little at night, but several times.

Next, a light snack, already at home. Now you have the opportunity to do some household chores. Further, after 20-30 minutes, dinner. Let's agree, when you are already partly full thanks to snacks, it is much easier for you to control yourself, choose less fatty foods, eat at night slowly, slowly.

If you feel full, save your meal for a later time.

4. Reception "Various food"

The more components your meal includes, the more flavor combinations it contains, the slower you eat at night. After all, every time you try your dish anew. Accordingly, you eat up faster and with less food.

After all, we often overeat precisely because of the monotony of our diet. After the first portions of such food, we get used to its taste. New portions no longer carry new taste sensations. We forget about food at night. We watch TV, talk and imperceptibly eat a lot of excess at night.

To diversify your diet, try to combine a couple of types of meat in one dish, for example, slices of stewed veal and chicken fillet, a couple of side dishes, a tablespoon of cooked rice and buckwheat. Plus a spoon of lecho with mushrooms, canned beans or corn, plus cut vegetables, plus a slice bran bread. How are you? But in this serving is rarely more than 200 calories! Approximately 10% of what we need for the day, we eat at night.

5. Reception "Pre-meal"

Its meaning is as follows.

A small snack consisting mainly of quality protein (preferably animal) and complex carbohydrates(starches) causes an effect that nutritionists call "maximum satiety with a minimum of calories." If 15-20 minutes before dinner you eat a small portion of lean meat, fish or cottage cheese with bread, plus a glass of tea with milk, or kefir (all together somewhere around 150-180 calories), then you will get enough at dinner much faster, you will eat more slowly, easily controlling yourself.

By the way, sometimes with a good effect in this technique, food can be replaced with a drink. For example, drink a glass of milk before dinner, or weak tea with milk. Many have noticed that even a glass of warm mineral water without gas, drunk in small sips 15-20 minutes before dinner, also helps to slightly reduce appetite and make food more controlled.

I must warn you - a serving of juice or strong coffee before a meal can increase appetite. These products stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.

6. Reception "We are satisfied with everyday food, and we regale ourselves with a treat"

Often we overeat, not because we want to eat at night, but because we want to eat.

Delicacy is such food, the task of which is by no means to saturate us, nourish us with energy, proteins and vitamins. The task of delicacy, with the help of an abundance of bright tastes and aromas, is to cause special pleasure, joy, to improve our mood, to create a feeling of comfort.

Delicacies are always either excessively fatty or excessively sweet food, and often both fatty and sweet at the same time. For example, smoked sausage, caviar, chocolate, or sponge cake.

The need for treats may be more or less. But rarely does anyone have a need for treats at all.

People who are disturbed by something eat, sometimes at night, more delicacies, people who are calm less. It is in the abuse of such food that psychological reasons extra pounds. But you can correct overeating of treats with the help of nutrition.

Do not eat treats on an empty stomach and at night. Don't turn treats into self-administration food. Eat them in small amounts at the end of a meal, after being satiated with everyday, that is, not very fatty and not very sweet food. Eat them slowly, savoring each bite. So you get enough of a very small amount of delicious food, enjoy their taste. And no risk of extra pounds.

Behavioral techniques

Here we will have techniques united by the theme "how to behave so as not to overeat in the evening." These tricks work. But don't approach them with high expectations. Their task is not to completely exclude late meals at night. Their task is to streamline this food, make it less plentiful and greasy.

7. Reception "Walk before going to bed"

It has been noticed that evening overeating is associated not so much with the desire to get enough, but with the desire to calm down. Eating at night is comforting. This is, so to speak, a household antidepressant.

But not only food soothes, an evening walk calms. On the fresh air. Hasty step. If after such a walk you feel like eating, then it will be much easier for you to control your nutrition, you will need less food at night and treats.

8. Reception "We delight the body, not the stomach"

Soothe and reduce the need for treats A pleasant bath with essential oils, shower, massage. They call the flow pleasant sensations from the skin. Accordingly, we need less impulses from the digestive organs.

9. Reception "Walk = lose weight"

As noted, the load of moderate intensity increases mood, a sense of vivacity and ... reduces appetite. The thing is that such a load stimulates the breakdown of stored fat and thereby reduces the need for food as a source of energy.

Most best example such a load, this is wellness walking. The pulse at the height of the load is not more than 110 per 1 minute, the sensations are only pleasant. No shortness of breath, no heartbeat. Breathing should be enough to maintain a simple conversation. The feeling of cheerfulness and tone after the end of such a workout should be higher than before. The best is health walking, treadmill, or exercise bike. Duration 20-30 minutes a day. Optimal time for classes 19-20 pm.

I must warn you - intense and super-intense loads, with shortness of breath and sweat, rather, on the contrary, will lead to an increase in appetite and uncontrolled eating.

10. “In order not to eat at night, we go to bed early”

Moreover, proper sleep greatly facilitates weight control. Probably because in this case we have a higher tone and better mood. And again, we need less food to improve this mood.

Psychological methods.

They relate mainly to our ideas, way of thinking. After all, quite often we overeat because it is closest to our way of thinking. We pass it on because otherwise it would be even worse for us ...

Food has many so-called super-valuable properties. For example, food helps to calm down, relieve anxiety, communicate with friends or loved ones, saves us from boredom, and so on.

There are quite a lot of these situations and often, in order to understand and help us, we need the participation of a psychologist or psychotherapist. But the techniques we have already discussed above (dietological and behavioral) also help. Here we will consider one situation specific to those who follow the weight too closely and severely:

Overeating is the fruit of overeating.

The person tries his best not to overeat at night. Every time he swears to himself that today he will definitely survive. And it crashes every time. Why? Yes, because he is constantly forced to think about what he can’t, constantly keep it in his thoughts and in memory. Psychologists call this painful fixation. And develops vicious circle- the brighter the image of the forbidden in the head, the more mental strength you have to spend to forbid it. But the stronger you forbid, the more strongly the image of the forbidden appears in your head in all rich colors. Thoughts about the forbidden acquire the character of an obsession. But, as you know, the only way to avoid obsession is to succumb to it. And inevitably there comes a breakdown and overeating. Events would have developed differently if a person knew from the very beginning that there is nothing forbidden, that it is possible to eat at night. Here he would already have embarked on the path of reasonable compromises. You can eat in the evening, but too much food at night will inevitably disturb sleep and lead to nightmares. BUT bad dream ruin your mood for the next day. And by the way, it will make you eat even more.

So, if you KNOW what you can eat at night, you eat a little. If you think that it is IMPOSSIBLE, you constantly break down and eat a lot. Let's call this trick

11. “I KNOW that I can do anything!”

And one more trick, also from the category of psychological -

12. "An active life full of events does not leave time, energy and the need to overeat"

Here, see for yourself - theaters, exhibitions, entertainment centers, other types of leisure, all this will reduce the need for food at night, as a cure for boredom and bad mood.

As a completion.

Here are a dozen tricks. But they can be 15 and 20 and 25. There is nothing stopping you from using them in combination, such as a low-fat meal, a small light snack at night, a walk before bed, a soothing bath. Or a workout like health walking, light snack, going to the cinema, another light snack already 30-40 minutes before the meal. And so on.

You have to say that evening overeating quite a lot of reasons that sometimes appear in a bizarre combination. Moreover, some people are more likely to have one reason, while others have others. Accordingly, the correction different people will be different. Some approaches are more suitable for some, and others for others.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg,

“Chocolate is twice as tasty, if it’s impossible at night” - this is probably familiar to everyone. You are lying if you say that you have never eaten late in the evening or, under cover of night, made your way to the refrigerator in search of some harmful yummy. True, after such raids, the feeling of guilt and fear of the hated kilograms still for a long time do not leave the night zhrunishku.

And this is quite justified, because eating at night not only makes our stomach work at night, when it is already time for it to rest, but also makes us gain extra pounds. To finally stop eating at night, all you need to do is read our article. The result is guaranteed.

Don't stay up for dinner

Do not have dinner too late, otherwise you risk sitting at the table in the company of loved ones until the night and eating a lot of excess. The same is true for watching movies, reading books, and surfing the Internet: the more you are distracted from your dinner, the higher the risk of going to bed with a full stomach.

To prevent this from happening, try to separate the time of leisure and the time of the last meal: this way you will learn to eat to satisfy your hunger, and not to "seize" a pleasant pastime.

Deal with your emotional hunger

In the evenings, we often experience the so-called emotional hunger. For example, women like to "seize" dissatisfaction with themselves, psychological problems and the stress they are exposed to more than men.

The only way to solve the problem of emotional overeating is to get rid of its source. Be honest with yourself and before you eat something at night, ask yourself if you really want to eat.

Schedule your meals

The reason for uncontrolled nighttime appetite often lies in the wrong planning of meals: if you had lunch at noon and have not eaten anything since, it is not surprising that you want to eat something satisfying before bed.

Do not be afraid to eat after six, the main thing is to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime so as not to overload digestive system. For dinner choose protein meals with moderate calories. Lean fish with vegetables great option for a hearty and light evening meal.

Try to eat in a balanced way

A sufficient amount of proteins, fats, greens and fiber in the diet - main principle balanced nutrition. Healthy nutrients help keep your hormones and blood sugar under control, so you won't feel hungry in the late afternoon.

It is most useful to eat three times a day, and during breakfast, lean on healthy carbohydrates, and dinner - for proteins.

Try not to snack

Snacks are needed in order not to starve in between meals, but if the latter are satisfying and balanced, you will not want to eat anything else.

Try to exclude snacks from your diet: healthy fasting time will allow the body to completely process sugar and start fat burning processes in a timely manner, which means that in the evenings your appetite will be moderate, and you can easily go without food until the morning.

Don't skip breakfast

Not without reason, doctors advise not to skip breakfast: this good habit can greatly affect the feeling of hunger and satiety during the day.

First, you don't have to wait until evening to catch up on the day. And secondly, the realization that you started the day with hearty breakfast, and the absence of glucose surges will help you control yourself in the evening, when the body no longer needs so much energy.

But what if food constantly…interrupts all sleep? with permanent or periodic attacks starvation, worsening at night, faced many of us. As a rule, they end in "remissions", but resume when various problems. Violation of the diet, overwork, lack of physical activity - and as a result, it is not possible to fall asleep due to an acute feeling of hunger. Some wake up in the middle of the night with a wolf appetite, but in truth, this happens less often.

How to stop eating at night: a bad habit

The Habit of Raiding the Refrigerator late at night you can't really call it normal. But appetite arises suddenly and pursues us inevitably. He almost never backs down on his own and almost always defeats common sense. Its short-term effects - insomnia, guilt and deep remorse for what they have done, long-term - overweight and chronic disorders digestive functions.

In addition, if you want to lose weight, you need to monitor not only the number of calories and quality of food, but also the timing of meals. Allow yourself to eat only during daylight hours - then you will achieve great success. And if you have a habit of eating at night, first of all, you need to establish the cause of these “attacks”, and then learn how to cope with them.

How to stop eating at night: in search of the cause of appetite

If nightly raids on the refrigerator have become a habit, it is necessary to determine the cause of their occurrence - this will help to quickly cope with nightly bouts of hunger and allow you to stop eating at night. Physiological processes The mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are not yet fully understood, but most likely, substances that regulate reward mechanisms in the brain, such as “hunger” hormones and some other hormone-like substances, take part in it. Often we get up to eat at night, not because we are hungry, but because of stress or jet lag. And what else can make us eat at night?

How to stop eating at night: adjust biorhythms

As it has already become clear, in most cases of night overeating, disruptions in biorhythms are to blame. Numerous studies have shown that most people find themselves most productive either early in the day or late in the evening - a preference that is known in science as the "chronotype". Indeed, many studies have studied the effects of chronotypes, but up to now, no one has been looking for the reasons for these differences. And only recently it became clear what distinguishes "larks" and "owls". New research shows that night owls are not to blame for not being able to wake up in the morning because they have been awake all night: they are simply genetically predisposed to be more productive at night.

Melatonin supplements, which are already widely used, and new drugs could also help people "get over" their chronotype. Although it sounds a bit intimidating, it could prevent whole line diseases such as obesity and depression - these have repeatedly been associated with "malfunctions" in our internal clock.

How to stop eating at night: take into account the seasonal factor

However, failures occur not only in circadian rhythms - seasonal rhythms are also often violated: the need to reduce activity and gain more calories during the cold period is caused both historically and physiologically. After all, for many centuries our ancestors considered their life not in years - in years. From plowing to harvest lasted active life, the winters seem to have been waiting out, spilling over. In our case, everything turns out exactly the opposite. In the summer, we are eager to go on vacation to the gentle sea, and we earn money for this luxury just in autumn and winter. But in nature, this is a period of hibernation. Our body, in step with all nature, falls into light suspended animation - the metabolism slows down, work begins in an energy-saving mode. The shortened daylight hours seem to dictate: "Eat and rest!"

Indeed, from increased sleepiness and attacks of nocturnal hunger in winter period suffer where more people. Moreover, men endure this condition more severely, while women have higher adaptive abilities of the body. There is even such a diagnosis: seasonal affective disorder. It is associated with a lack white light is the spectrum characteristic of sun rays, ordinary electric light does not replace it. Our eyes are directly connected to the brain. And if there is not enough white light, then there is a state of drowsiness, weakness, depression.

Lack of light is not the only cause of this phenomenal syndrome. Becomes fewer vitamins. This is also fraught with weakness, lethargy, and a decrease in pressure. One more important factor winter sleepiness: we sleep longer, but... we don't get enough sleep. Sleep experts call this problem poor-quality night sleep. Trying to keep warm, many tightly close windows until spring. As a result, the air in the bedroom stagnates - stuffy, and during sleep we do not get enough oxygen. Another unpleasant factor: hot radiators and heaters dry out the air, which creates very uncomfortable conditions for sleeping. There should be enough air and light in the room: open the windows, part the curtains or turn on the electricity. Moreover, if you are particularly acutely suffering from a lack of sun, purchase special lamps that give light of the solar spectrum, and your health will quickly and noticeably improve, and the regime will improve, and you will stop robbing the refrigerator at night.

How to stop eating at night: a turn-based strategy

So, with the reasons, everything more or less became clear, and, of course, we tried to eliminate them, or at least correct them. But what to do when hunger still wakes up at night with (un)enviable regularity?

1. First of all, you need to establish a clear daily routine and eat at the same hours. Use the 10-minute rule to train yourself to wake up normally in the morning. It's very simple: set your alarm clock 10 minutes earlier every day. As a result, in a week you will be able to get up an hour earlier without straining your body. It is also worth trying to follow the basic principle fractional nutrition- eat small portions 4-5 times a day: as a rule, this quickly rearranges the body so that it stops waking you up at night with a feeling of hunger.

2. At the same time, you need to increase physical activity(especially if you work in an office). In the morning and during the day, do a light workout, as well as exercise daily or several times a week.

3. You should not immediately go to the table after coming home from work: a sandwich intercepted at such moments saturates for a while, but after that it only provokes nightly bouts of hunger. Arriving home, you need to relax in silence for 15-20 minutes or take a shower - and only then start preparing and eating a full dinner.

4. folk wisdom advises to give dinner to the enemy. Don't listen! Don't deprive yourself of dinner. The popular principle of “no eating after six” leads to the fact that the feeling of hunger does not allow you to fall asleep or wakes you up in the middle of the night. In order not to risk your figure and health, you should eat 3-4 hours before going to bed. Dinner should include a combination of protein, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates (nuts, legumes, berries, fruits). Light dinner you can eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, but be sure to exclude sweets and soda from it. Just try to eat more vegetables for dinner - they are rich in fiber, which helps slow down digestion, which means a feeling of satiety.

5. After dinner, arrange a walk in the fresh air for 20-30 minutes, and after it, just before going to bed, it will be useful to drink a cup of fragrant herbal tea with soothing herbs(for example, such a combination has proven itself well: chamomile, linden, lemon balm, valerian). Improves the quality of sleep and contrast showers.

6. You should try to go to bed early: if you fall asleep before midnight, night hunger attacks will not have time to occur after dinner, and your sleep will be stronger. It takes the average person about 6-8 hours to fully control their appetite. good sleep every night.

7. If the feeling of hunger is so acute that it does not allow you to fall asleep, willpower will not help here - in this case, you should not torture yourself. It is better to drink half a glass of water and wait 10-15 minutes. If hunger persists, you can eat some low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, or drink a glass of milk with honey.

And one more thing: if you can’t cope with nighttime bouts of hunger in one evening, you can’t reproach yourself and limit food all the next day. This contributes to the development of feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction and returns to the problem of stress eating.

Proper nutrition to eliminate food at night

Food before meals

It is worth trying to consume any product twenty minutes before a meal. Such a preliminary dish can be: a glass of milk, mineral water, a piece of fish, a serving of lean meat, a combination of bread with cottage cheese and kefir. If we supply the body with animal protein and starch at the same time, this will give a feeling of satiety and a minimum of calories.

low fat food

This useful advice is not to refuse dinner, but to eat low-fat foods in the evening. These include lean meat, low-fat cottage cheese, cereals boiled in water and other light dishes.

What can you eat before bed?

It’s not at all scary to eat a little lean meat and a small portion of vegetables a couple of hours before bedtime. As a dinner, you can also use a fifty-gram serving of cottage cheese along with boiled buckwheat, fermented baked milk and two tablespoons of muesli. With a calorie content of one hundred and thirty kcal, the fat content of such a dinner will be only three to four grams.

How to have dinner?

You can try to eat small portions several times. Having finished work, in the evening, we eat a portion of muesli or yogurt. When we get home from work, we eat a light meal. Half an hour passes, and the normal dinner begins.

rich diet

You should constantly add variety to your menu, the way meals consist of as much as possible more different products. For example, a dish may not consist of two or three types of vegetables, but of a much larger number of them.


If we can’t figure out how not to eat at night, then perhaps it’s not hunger at all, but a frantic desire to eat a tidbit. Perhaps you should not deprive yourself of your favorite treats and suffer. It is better to stop abusing them, eating fatty or sweet delicacies little by little and with pleasure.

herbal teas

In some cases, when you need to give up evening food, it helps herbal tea. For example, mint tea.

No spices for dinner

No need to use spices when preparing dinner, so as not to generate increased appetite and not cause an irresistible feeling of hunger.

Bonus after meal

As a dessert after a meal, to boost your mood and eliminate nighttime hunger, you can use a small dark chocolate bar, your favorite fruit, or low-fat yogurt.

How not to eat at night: get rid of this addiction strict adherence to proper diet nutrition and lifestyle changes

Behavior and work on yourself versus eating at night

Proper Behavior for Avoiding Eating at Night


To increase the amount physical activity Just start walking more. This will provide good mood, decreased appetite and constant vigor. But you need to walk moderately, without fanaticism.

An evening walk

In cases where overeating before going to bed does not occur from hunger, but against the background of a craving for calm. You need to get into the habit of walking in the evenings. Over time, you can find that not only a hearty dinner can bring peace, but also this pleasant pastime.

bodily pleasure

It is necessary to block the channel for obtaining pleasant sensations from the evening filling of the stomach by changing behavior. Instead of eating, you should try to get pleasure from the bliss of the body: go for a massage, take a shower or immerse yourself in a bath with aromatic oils.

Early bedtime

The one who goes to bed earlier eats less. Due good night the body will be healthy and against this background it is much easier to control weight.


You need to distract yourself in the evenings with something very pleasant and useful. Fragrant lamps or sticks are a powerful weapon against evening overeating. It is worth giving preference to soothing aroma options, such as chamomile, lavender, mint.

Psychology against eating at night

Yes - possible

If you are sure that it is absolutely impossible to eat at night, breakdowns are sure to occur. If we know that nothing is forbidden, then we will not overeat.

No time to eat

You need to drive yourself into such a framework that there is no time left for overeating. For example, you can do pleasant things, such as going to interesting exhibitions and museums, going to the cinema or to the theater.

Hiding food

It is not necessary to put in conspicuous places products harmful to the figure with a significant content of calories. Before the eyes should always be vegetables, fruits and other usefulness, the snack of which is harmless.

Reminders in the kitchen

It’s a good idea to place a reminder of the right behavior in the form of text right on the refrigerator and pay attention to it in cases of cravings for wrong actions.

Overeating aversion photo

This interesting way helps some - to decorate the kitchen with photographs of obscenely fat women who have an increased appetite and obviously unattractive forms. If this does not work well, then you should try to motivate yourself with photographs with beautiful and slim women who I would love to be like.

Self confidence

It is necessary by any means to inspire confidence in your boundless charm, beyond attractiveness, irresistible beauty and enviable harmony. Such a person does not think about how not to eat at night - she simply cannot afford to overeat to the detriment of her figure.



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