Slow carbs. Complex carbohydrates - products

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the human body and are found mainly in plant products.

The calorie content of foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates is quite high - 1 g of carbohydrates contains 4 kcal. The average intake of carbohydrates is 4 g per 1 kg of body weight per day.

All carbohydrates contained in food are divided into

fast (simple) - having a high glycemic index slow (complex) - with a low glycemic index.

A person who spends a lot of energy every day (athlete, manual worker) will consume more than 4 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. On the contrary, losing weight - you need to reduce the rate to about 2 g / kg (depending on height, weight, physical activity).

What are carbohydrates?

simple carbohydrates

Quick (or easy)- carbohydrates quickly enter the bloodstream and are immediately used as energy, they are also called easily digestible. They dramatically raise blood sugar levels.

Fast carbohydrates are found in all foods that have added sugar:

confectionery (sweets, cakes, cookies, milk chocolate);

pastries (cookies, white bread, rolls, pies, muffins; including white bread);

vegetables with a sweetish aftertaste (potatoes, beets, turnips, pumpkins);

fruits (bananas, grapes, peaches, apricots, watermelons, melons, cherries, etc.);

dried fruits (they are often treated with sugar syrup; dried apricots, dates, raisins);

fruit juices (both with added sugar and natural);

drinks (soda, compotes, sweet tea, alcohol);

ice cream, jam, honey;

pasta that takes less than 8 minutes to cook (i.e. soft wheat);

white polished rice

This list is quite long, but the principle of referring to it is the same - if there is sweetness in food, it contains simple carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates have a high glycemic index (GI).

Glycemic index shows the degree of initial increase in blood sugar when eating. In response to a spike in sugar, the body releases a hormone called insulin, which transports glucose into the bloodstream. The more sugar, the higher the secretion of insulin.

If you abuse food in high GI for a long time, then there will be a constant feeling of hunger and, as a result, weight will increase. The mechanism is this:

The body gets used to high insulin production and there will be a lot of it, even when a person eats food with a low glycemic index, insulin quickly transfers sugar from the blood and the feeling of hunger immediately appears again (since there is no blood glucose available for energy for current consumption ) as a result, a person begins to consume food more than necessary, which leads to weight gain if the daily calorie expenditure (due to physical activity) has not increased.

If you need energy "here and now", fast carbohydrates with a high GI are necessary - they will be spent on the current needs of the body and will not have time to go into fat reserves.

At the same time, give preference to fruits, chocolate with a high cocoa content (more than 60%), and not high-calorie sweets and pastries (which are best avoided altogether).

In order for these products not to be deposited in fat, it is better to eat them in the morning in small portions.

Another option is to provide after eating such food physical activity to burn off the calories.

With a strict diet and focus on losing weight, fast carbohydrates completely excluded from the diet..

Of course, such an exception cannot become the norm. We need sugar as a source of energy and mental activity. Much more rational is the observance of the principles of a balanced diet and reasonable attention to what and when we eat.

Slow (or complex, complex)- are broken down in the body much more slowly, and during the day they are gradually spent on vigorous physical activity, and do not immediately turn into fats. The benefit of slow carbohydrates is that they do not increase blood sugar levels. They can be used by diabetics.

Slow carbohydrates are found in:

unprocessed cereals (brown rice, buckwheat, legumes, oatmeal, not instant!);

whole grain bread;

durum wheat pasta;

foods high in fiber

Complex carbohydrates have a low glycemic index and do not provoke high insulin secretion. Sugar enters the bloodstream gradually, providing the body with energy longer than simple carbohydrates. Thus, a person does not feel hunger for a long time and does not consume more food than necessary.

Use slow carbohydrates when you need to satisfy your hunger for a long time, but at the same time physical activity will be at an average level - for breakfast (along with simple carbohydrates, which will immediately fill up the energy deficit after sleep), lunch and dinner.

We will arrange the list of slow carbohydrates in the order of meals (from breakfast to dinner).

So, what should a person who prefers a healthy diet and an active lifestyle eat:

1. Cereals. You can eat any porridge in the morning, except semolina and rice. Especially useful are buckwheat, oatmeal and pearl barley.

2. Whole grain bread. In the morning, it is quite possible to afford a snack with a small piece of wholemeal bread.

3. Durum macaroni. It is also best to consume no later than lunch. For those who want to lose weight - without the addition of any sauces. If it says on the package of pasta that they are cooked for more than 8 minutes, then they are made from durum wheat.

4. Unsweetened vegetables and fruits. It is quite possible to have a snack on them throughout the day without harming the figure (cabbage, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, grapefruits, kiwi, green apples, avocados).

6. Legumes. They contain a large amount of protein, so they can be used as a side dish for dinner (beans, lentils, beans, soybeans).

Add proteins (meat, fish) and healthy fats (olive oil) to the right carbohydrates, and you have a balanced diet.

At the same time, we by no means urge you to give up once and for all small dessert joys. A small piece of cake in bad weather will only cheer you up if the rest of the time you prefer healthy foods, use gentle cooking methods, move a lot and think positively.

For vigorous activity, the human body must receive a daily norm of energy. Without this, he will not be able to perform even the simplest tasks, and this guarantees health problems and a deterioration in overall well-being. Carbohydrates are the suppliers of the same energy, indispensable for the normal operation of all systems.

Why are carbohydrates needed? What threatens their excess and lack, what are they like, what applies to carbohydrates and what products contain them? All these questions will be discussed in the article.

Consuming at least the minimum daily intake of carbohydrates is important primarily because these substances are the main energy source of the body. This is their primary, but far from their only function. In addition to providing energy, carbohydrates perform the following tasks:

  • Participate in the formation of natural immunity and the fight against infectious diseases
  • They are an integral part of cell membranes
  • They take part in the work of the digestive tract, contribute to the timely removal of toxins from the body
  • They play an important role in the synthesis of nucleic acids, fats, in particular cholesterol, and other organic compounds.
  • Used in the food and medical industry

It is impossible to neglect carbohydrate-containing food, especially for people whose lifestyle requires constant movement and high energy expenditure. In the case of a carbohydrate deficiency in the human body, disturbances will inevitably occur and unpleasant symptoms will appear, namely:

  • Chronic fatigue, apathy. Not getting enough energy from incoming carbohydrates, the body begins to replenish its reserves with the help of other compounds - proteins and lipids. This is a costly process, so even with a normal rhythm of life, a person will feel tired. Attention and concentration fall, memory problems arise.
  • weight instability. With a lack of carbohydrates, the weight will initially decrease due to water loss, but not for long. When the level of sugar in the blood rises, the hormone insulin will take over, responsible for everything else for the accumulation of lipid reserves in the body. Thus, the extra pounds will come back again.
  • Prostration. The reason, again, is the lack of energy. A person experiencing a carbohydrate deficiency will be constantly tired, no matter how much time he spends on sleep and rest.
  • Headache. This happens due to a lack of sugar in the blood. When the body has used up all its reserves of glucose, fats will go into action, and this process is often accompanied by weakness and dizziness.
  • Chair problems. With a lack of fiber, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, constipation and abdominal pain occur.

But you should not exceed the norm too much - it is not always safe. Due to an excess of carbohydrates, there may be:

  • Hyperactivity
  • Problems with concentration
  • Trembling in the body

All these symptoms are caused by excess sugar. In addition, in case of immoderate consumption of carbohydrates, a person will experience rapid weight gain - insulin, which fights excess incoming glucose, will convert it into fat.

The need for carbohydrates

The average daily rate of carbohydrates depends on many factors - the lifestyle of a person, his age, weight, external conditions. The best option is considered to be 300-450g per day. A person of working age needs to consume about 50g of simple carbohydrates and 300-400g of complex carbohydrates daily.

Children need carbohydrates the most. A growing body requires more energy, so it is important to ensure that these substances are sufficient in the child's diet.

The minimum level of daily carbohydrate intake is 100g. In case of non-compliance with this rule, serious problems begin in the work of the body.

What are

Carbohydrates are divided into two categories, namely simple and complex.

  1. Simple carbohydrates. They are classified as monosaccharides and disaccharides; this group includes the well-known sucrose and fructose. The structure of simple carbohydrates is simple, which is why they got their name. They are quickly broken down in the body and instantly enter the bloodstream, saturating it with energy. Simple carbohydrates include:
  • sucrose . Beet sugar, which is capable of hydrolyzing into fructose and glucose under the influence of an acid or an enzyme. Sucrose is present in the composition of all plants, especially a lot of it is found in sugar cane and beets. Its most familiar and affordable source is ordinary sugar.
  • Fructose. Fruit sugar, in free form, is found in some fruits and fruits, bee honey. Fructose is involved in the process of metabolism and carbohydrate synthesis.
  • Glucose. Grape sugar is essential for supplying living cells with energy. Glucose is often used in the confectionery industry, found in ripe fruits, berries, grape juice.
  • Maltose . Malt sugar breaks down to form two glucose molecules. It is easily absorbed by the body, in large quantities it can be found in germinated grains.
  1. Complex carbohydrates. They consist of monosaccharides and have a more complex structure than simple carbohydrates. Once in the body, they are broken down and absorbed more slowly, so the level of glucose in the blood rises gradually. Complex carbohydrates support the tone of the body and normalize the work of the digestive tract, and also give a feeling of satiety for a long time. Among them are:
  • Starch. Formed in plants and has a low calorie content. It stimulates the body's metabolic processes, controls blood sugar levels, and has a positive effect on immunity. Especially it in some cereals and potatoes.
  • Cellulose. It is a coarse fiber found in vegetables, fruits, and legumes. It improves bowel function, but is poorly absorbed and almost completely excreted from the body.
  • Glycogen. It is a reserve carbohydrate of animals and humans. Saturates the blood with glucose, necessary for building muscles. A lot of starch is found in mushrooms, yeast and sweet corn.
  • Pectins. They help the body get rid of poisons and toxic substances, bind and remove excess cholesterol formed in the liver. They are found in large quantities in apples; they are practically not digested by the intestines.

How are they digested?

In the process of oxidation, carbohydrates are broken down and converted to glucose. Sugar is released into the blood, and its amount depends on the volume and quality of the carbohydrate-containing food eaten. The simpler the carbohydrate, the more sugar will enter the body during its breakdown.

Elevated sugar content provokes the production of the hormone insulin. It distributes energy between cells, and its excess is stored by the body in the liver. After eating carbohydrates, the sugar level will drop and return to normal within a few hours.

According to the degree of digestibility, carbohydrates are divided into three groups:

  • Fast digestible
  • Slowly digestible
  • Indigestible

Vegetable carbohydrates can also be divided into categories:

  • Digestible
  • indigestible

The latter include starch, cellulose and pectins. Only starch supplies energy, the action of pectins and cellulose is aimed at removing toxins from the body.

What are the best carbohydrates to eat?

It is important to know which foods are protein and fat and which are carbohydrates so that foods with the right ingredients make up your diet and provide a healthy diet.

Both complex and simple carbohydrates are important in their own way. Simple representatives are recommended when you need to quickly restore strength after heavy physical exertion - for example, training. Instant release of sugar into the blood will give the body the energy it needs. Foods rich in monosaccharides and disaccharides, such as honey or chocolate, are best suited.

Complex carbohydrates are suitable if the work takes a long period of time. They will be absorbed more slowly and will give a feeling of satiety for several hours.

When losing weight, it will be better to limit yourself to complex carbohydrates only - a lot of sugar in the body will prevent you from getting rid of excess weight. And it is worth remembering that simple carbohydrates in large quantities are dangerous and can harm the body.

Foods containing carbohydrates

This macronutrient is found in a wide variety of foods. But not all of them are equally useful, so it is important to be able to classify foods rich in carbohydrates in order to eat right. Complex carbohydrates in the diet should be six to seven times more than simple ones.

Simple carbohydrates contain:

  • Confectionery
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Sweet carbonated and non-carbonated drinks
  • Sugar
  • Chocolate
  • Jams, preserves
  • Glucose syrups
  • Bakery products
  • Sweet canned food
  • Dried fruits
  • Almost any fast food
  • Ice cream
  • compotes
  • compotes
  • Pumpkin
  • Sugar beet
  • Muesli
  • Almost all kinds of fruits
  • Almost all types of berries

Complex carbohydrate foods are.

Recently, the world has become obsessed with low-carbohydrate diets, declaring almost a third world war on all carbohydrate products. The fitness trainer of fashion model Heidi Klum is blacklisted. Not to mention cereals.

I am not so categorical and I think that carbohydrates are necessary even for weight loss. All it takes to coexist peacefully with these nutrients is knowing which carbohydrates are “good” and which are “bad” and how much to eat.

There are two types of carbohydrates - "simple" and "complex". Their type depends on the rate of digestion and absorption into the blood, respectively, "simple" carbohydrates are digested quickly, and "complex" - slowly.

Complex carbohydrates are satisfying and healthy

Complex carbohydrates are made up of long molecular chains, so it is not so easy for the digestive system to break them down to glucose. Complex carbohydrates are digested slowly, without raising blood sugar levels, providing us with energy and a feeling of satiety for 3-4 hours. Complex carbohydrates are starch, glycogen, pectin and fiber. Starch and glycogen are energy sources, while pectin and fiber are dietary fiber.

Sources of complex carbohydrates are unprocessed cereals, vegetables, wholemeal bread. It is these foods that should be present in your diet: for breakfast - porridge, for lunch - salad and cereal (buckwheat, quinoa, brown rice) or vegetable side dish, for dinner - stewed or baked vegetables. Don't forget the component.

There are foods with high and low carbohydrate content, for example, vegetables (except potatoes, carrots) have few of them. But potatoes, pasta, cereals contain a lot of carbohydrates (from 20 g per 100 g of the finished product) and they are used as a full-fledged side dish or even a main course. On the day you can eat about 50 g of bread, 150 g of potatoes or ready-made pasta, about the same amount of ready-made porridge and 400-500 g of fruits and vegetables.

Fiber and pectin are also complex carbohydrates, but their peculiarity lies in the fact that the body does not absorb them, but removes them naturally. This does not mean that they are useless, on the contrary, you need them for proper digestion and maintaining normal intestinal microflora. Fiber is a kind of "brush", which helps to remove all unnecessary and undigested food debris. Fiber also slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, preventing blood sugar levels from skyrocketing, allowing you to stay full longer.

Where to take it? Fiber can be found in unprocessed cereals, whole grains, cereals and breads, vegetables and fruits. Especially a lot of fiber in cabbage, carrots, beets, greens, apples, pears, kiwi, berries, etc. There is a lot of pectin in apples, pears, citrus fruits and some other vegetables and fruits. These products must be on your plate every day.

Fiber needs about 20-25 grams per day. A serving of oatmeal contains about 5-7 g of fiber, 1 apple contains about 4 g. Separately, fiber can be bought in powder form or in pharmacies and supermarkets. If you do not eat enough vegetables, fruits, you can enrich your diet with fiber by adding it to meals or simply eating it separately, not forgetting to drink liquid.

Oh yes, now about potatoes and pasta, these two products are the subject of controversy for many losing weight. Potatoes are high in starch, and pasta is made from flour, but their "behavior" in your body depends on how they're cooked and served.

For example, a jacket potato, which you peel and serve with fresh vegetables, will not harm the figure, which cannot be said about fried potatoes or mashed potatoes (I am silent about chips, they should not be in a healthy diet at all). With pasta, the same story - they should be slightly undercooked and buy only those pasta that say "made from durum wheat." Adding butter, fatty cutlets will not make them healthier. If you want to combine pasta with protein foods, then choose lean meat or fish, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese.

What are simple carbohydrates?

The name speaks for itself - the body practically does not need time and effort to digest simple carbohydrates, they are partially digested already in your mouth - when interacting with saliva, and are absorbed literally within an hour, after which you will most likely want supplements. Simple carbohydrates include all natural sugars - fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose and sucrose. You can find them in sweets, products made from refined white flour, fruits and some vegetables, milk and dairy products.

An example of simple carbohydrates is Napoleon cake. Sweet white dough + sweet milk cream - there is nothing worse for a figure if you want to lose weight.

You can really easily gain weight from simple carbohydrates, because they can turn into fats with excessive use, and also - they increase appetite. You ate cakes, and a lot of sweet and starchy foods entered the body.
In order to process all this “wealth” and lower blood sugar levels to normal, the hormone insulin is released. It helps simple carbohydrates to be digested as soon as possible - some of them go into glycogen (these are carbohydrate stores in the liver and muscles), and some go into fat!

After the insulin has finished its work, the blood sugar level drops and - hello again, appetite or even hunger! Why did you want to eat 1.5 hours after the cake, because it was so high in calories? It's simple - the brain gives a signal that you need to eat when the blood sugar level drops, and you just had a sharp fluctuation in blood sugar - first an increase, and then a decrease.

For this reason, after a plentiful feast in the morning, sometimes we wake up terribly hungry. And yet - sweet and starchy foods form a strong addiction, so refusing them will require serious willpower.

Is fruit possible or not?

A special conversation about fruits. Fruits and dried fruits contain simple carbohydrates. Their number is less than in flour and sweet, but still quite high. But it is still possible and even necessary to eat them, because in addition to simple carbohydrates, fruits contain a lot of complex healthy fiber, which, as we remember from the beginning of the article, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. In addition, fruits contain vitamins and minerals, which would be a mistake to refuse. Just for weight loss, fruits should be consumed in moderation - about 200 g of fruit or 50 g of dried fruit per day.

In general, you should not think that simple carbohydrates are an absolute evil. They contribute to weight gain only if you exceed the recommended rate. A little sweet fruit, dried fruit, a slice of white bread or even 1-2 sweets will not do any harm. The main thing is to know the measure!

Simply, try not to have sweets accompany you all the time. Believe me, every time the waiter offers to order dessert at the end of the meal, not because it’s right or it’s supposed to be according to etiquette. The restaurant just needs to sell as much as possible. But you have to think about yourself, right? Skip dessert entirely or replace it with a fruit salad. At work, stop snacking on cookies and chips. Potatoes are best eaten in their skins, choose cereals and baked goods made from whole grains. It is better not to add sugar to tea, and use sweet fruits (persimmon, grapes) in moderation.

What is the glycemic index?

The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates from a food are absorbed into the bloodstream. There are whole tables where all-all products and their glycemic index are indicated. Using them is very simple - the higher the index, the more undesirable the product and vice versa. Such a table is useful for diabetics, as well as for losing weight.

Low-fat dairy products without sugar, non-starchy vegetables - low GI foods can be eaten in plenty.

Cereals, bread, potatoes, beets, carrots - eat in moderation.

And sweets, bakery products, fried potatoes - as little as possible.

Maintain the ratio of "complex" and "simple" carbohydrates - 90% should be "complex", and 10% - "simple", then you will not get better. On the day you need about 250-300g of carbohydrates. Add fruits or honey to cereals, oil - no more than 10 g, eat 1-2 fruits and two servings of vegetables per day. And remember - that people get better not from bread and pasta, but from butter spread on them, fatty sauce and fatty meat added to pasta. Worse than simple carbohydrates - only simple carbohydrates with fat. I will talk about this in more detail in one of the following articles.

Proper nutrition is the foundation of good health.

A varied diet is necessary to restore the body, maintain protective forces. It is a common misconception that carbohydrates are the main cause of weight problems.

However, statistics show the disappointing consequences associated with the rejection of carbohydrates, the specific features of which doctors strongly recommend studying before compiling an individual diet.

An essential component of a healthy lifestyle is complex carbohydrates. A list of products (table) for weight loss is necessary for compiling an individual menu.

Complex carbohydrates are represented by a variety of monosaccharides that are absorbed gradually. This allows the body to extract energy from food for a long time.

Types of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are classified as follows: simple and complex. The comparison will allow you to make an informed choice in favor of difficult ones to maintain an excellent figure without compromising health.

"Good" and "bad" carbohydrates in terms of weight loss

Simple carbohydrates are easily digested, but at the same time the level of glucose in the blood rises rapidly. After eating foods containing them, a feeling of hunger quickly arises. Insulin has a destructive effect on blood vessels.

Frequent or excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates in large quantities negatively affects the well-being, which will inevitably lead to the development of chronic diseases.

It is better to eat complex carbohydrates. The list of products (table) for weight loss will help you create original dishes. Slowly absorbed, energize the body for a long time.

The main advantage is high nutritional value with low sugar content.

After eating for a long period, there is no feeling of hunger - this is important for the emotional state: nervous breakdowns, irritability, and depression are excluded. Complex carbohydrates have been assigned the status of useful ones, the safety has been confirmed by studies.

Groups of complex carbohydrates

Experts focus on the types of fast carbohydrates that should be present on the menu of representatives of various age categories.

These essential carbohydrates include:

  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • glycogen.

Fiber is a favorite of healthy lifestyle fans, as it stimulates the digestive organs, but is not digested by the body. Effective in preventing heart disease, diabetes, cancer. Fiber cleanses the body of toxins, is indispensable for maintaining normal cholesterol levels.

Starch is a unique substance: with a low calorie content, the energy value is quite high. The benefits of eating starch is that there are no restrictions: while enjoying your favorite dish, you do not risk gaining extra pounds.

A list of products for weight loss is used in order to make changes to the menu, if necessary, bring the weight back to normal, increase efficiency. Products are distributed according to their usefulness.

The feeling of satiety occurs instantly after eating starch, which has a positive effect on the body. Products containing starch are prescribed as a prevention of cancer, to strengthen the immune system, to lower blood sugar.

Starch instantly dissolves in hot water, therefore it is an essential part of the menu of professional athletes: it helps to withstand significant loads, maintain a normal emotional state.

Glycogen saturates the body with glucose, prevents its decrease. This type of complex carbohydrates is an ambulance, prevention of lowering glucose levels due to excessive physical exertion. Glycogen is indispensable in the conditions of the rapid pace of life, it helps to combine career, sports, personal life.

A list of products (table) for weight loss is used in order to make changes to the menu, if necessary, bring the weight back to normal, increase efficiency. Complex carbohydrates are a source of energy.

Foods containing starch:

  • pasta;
  • cereals;
  • bread;
  • cereals;
  • potato;
  • beans.

Starch is the best option for the menu of people with problems of the digestive organs: discomfort in the abdomen will not affect the usual way of life.

Rich in fiber:

For safe weight loss, consume complex carbohydrates, especially fiber. Use seasonal weight loss products from a list or table.

Complex carbs for perfect shapes

Hunger is a common cause of nervous disorders: the desire for physical perfection can cause depression. Exhausting diets are not compatible with the lifestyle of an active person.

Without energy sources it is impossible to cope with loads: physical, mental. The fight against extra pounds involves the parallel observance of an individual diet and sports.

It is almost impossible to exercise while feeling hungry. To achieve the goal - a beautiful figure - it is necessary to achieve harmony of soul and body.

Complex carbohydrates stimulate metabolic processes.

Complex carbohydrates are needed daily, to calculate the norm of which a list of products (table) for weight loss has been compiled. It is important to prevent the abuse of your favorite (but not healthy) dishes.

The amount of food needed depends on lifestyle and age.

Carbohydrates stimulate the liver, so they are traditionally recommended to be eaten in the morning - to provide the body with energy for the whole day.

It is calculated by a simple formula: carbohydrates - N g multiplied by body weight (kg).

N according to the formula is:

  • 4 g X 1 kg to keep fit, feel great;
  • 5 g X 1 kg is the optimal amount for female athletes;
  • 2.5 -3 g X 1 kg - the norm for the period of active struggle with excess weight;
  • 5.5 g X 1 kg is the norm for a pregnant woman.

"Faithful companions" - negative consequences will be:

  • drowsiness;
  • fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • trembling in the hands.

Sweating, dull hair, brittle nails will inevitably lead to disappointment of the fair sex, who decided to transform.

Carbohydrates stimulate the liver Therefore, they are traditionally recommended to be eaten in the morning - to provide the body with energy for the whole day.

At the same time, nutritionists focus on the nutritional characteristics of people who lead an active lifestyle, accompanied by physical and mental stress in the evening (work, sports).

Owls "need nutrition that corresponds to their lifestyle, which means that carbohydrates" at night "within reasonable limits will not do harm.

"Owls" need food that matches their lifestyle, which means that carbohydrates "for the night" within reasonable limits will not do harm.

In winter, the importance of slow carbohydrates increases. The body needs protection from low temperatures.

The composition of carbohydrates includes a special hormone - serotonin, which helps to warm up, being, at the same time, an effective remedy for depression.

Choice of sources of slow carbohydrates

For weight loss, you need a list of products (table): it is important to know how much complex carbohydrates can be consumed (age, lifestyle are taken into account).

Care should be taken with bakery products, preference should be given to products made from wholemeal flour (the less processing the ingredients go through, the better).

The most affordable food option - porridge:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • barley.

The glycemic index of the above dishes is ideal for an athlete's diet - the effectiveness of consumption has been tested by several generations. In parallel, it is recommended to consume legumes providing the body with sufficient fiber.

Complex carbohydrates are the only way to restore energy that does not lead to the formation of fatty compounds.

The list of products (individual table) for proper nutrition will allow you to forget about the constant feeling of hunger, extra pounds.

The most affordable and healthy food option is cereals.

Carbohydrates are essential for good nutrition, regular use has a positive effect on all organs, while a deficiency of these substances leads to a decrease in activity, a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Glycemic index of foods:

  1. Apricots - 20;
  2. Quince - 35;
  3. Oranges - 35;
  4. Corn - 35;
  5. Sesame - 35;
  6. Dried apricots - 30;
  7. Yeast - 35;
  8. Figs - 35;
  9. White cabbage - 10;
  10. Beets - 30;
  11. Celery root - 35;
  12. Onion - 10;
  13. Flaxseed - 35;
  14. Poppy - 35;
  15. Tomato sauce without sugar - 35;
  16. beans - 35;
  17. Prunes - 25;
  18. Dark chocolate - 20;
  19. Chocolate bar without sugar - 35;
  20. Milk - 32;
  21. Carrots - 35.

When compiling the menu, do not make a common mistake: healthy, does not mean you can eat in unlimited quantities. A sense of proportion is the basis of weight loss.

Caution should be taken when eating foods containing fiber: legumes can cause increased gas formation, abdominal pain - do not exceed the rate corresponding to your weight.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet from the first day, start exercising.

Complex carbohydrates ensure the normal functioning of the central nervous system. The brain needs glucose: dietary restrictions negatively affect mental abilities. Absent-mindedness, weak memory are signs of malnutrition of people of intellectual labor.

When compiling the menu, be guided not only by the table, but consider personal tastes: food should be enjoyable. Carbohydrates are found in various foods, so making a menu to your liking is not difficult.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet start exercising from day one.

The advantage of losing weight with the help of complex carbohydrates lies in the “convenience” of the diet: healthy meals are consumed at work and on a business trip, because there are no difficulties with purchasing and cooking.

Before starting the fight against extra pounds required to undergo a comprehensive examination, discuss the proposed menu with your doctor. Carbohydrate diet is tolerated painlessly, does not affect performance.

The video will introduce you to products containing carbohydrates and their functions for the body.

In this video, a man will talk about the different types of carbohydrates found in our diet.

From this video you can learn all the necessary information about carbohydrates.

In almost all articles on health there is one hackneyed phrase - proper nutrition, but unfortunately its correct interpretation is not presented in every such publication.

Moreover, women who want to lose weight without hesitation follow the recommendations of inexperienced authors, as a result, kilograms return, and the body is exhausted from exhausting experiments.

The main law of proper nutrition is that the body must receive all the necessary trace elements, without exception. Carbohydrates, which are often completely excluded from the diet in the form of buns (cakes) and are not replaced by other foods, are very important for the normal functioning of the human body.

What are complex carbohydrates?

Someone imagines carbohydrates as products that supply “fat” to the body, the correct understanding is polysaccharides, which, by the way, are very important for weight loss and normal metabolism.

Complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) differ from simple carbohydrates in their slow breakdown, which takes a lot of energy from the body until the assimilation process is completed. Moreover, due to the long decay, they do not contribute to a sharp increase in insulin.

What are complex carbohydrates?

  • Starch - a unique substance that can saturate the body for a long time, but at the same time does not add many calories to it. In addition to saturation, this complex carbohydrate improves immunity, is a prevention of the manifestation of cancer, and is also able to regulate blood sugar levels. Starch is present in some diets, one of them is the Dukan weight loss system, which is gaining incredible momentum in popularity.

  • Pectins - a natural barrier to harmful substances that enter our body in large quantities with food. The main suppliers of pectins are fruits, from the pomace of which thickeners and stabilizers are obtained on a large scale, indicated on product packaging as additive E 440.

  • Glycogen - a very important carbohydrate for our body, it regulates blood sugar levels. It also plays an important role in the process of protein synthesis. And for those who are actively involved in the gym - he is a true friend, as he maintains and restores the state of the muscles. It is impossible to get glycogen from foods in its pure form, for this the body will have to try, synthesizing it from the liver and fish.

  • Cellulose known to everyone, it is easily processed by the intestinal microflora, stimulating its normal functioning. Also, this substance is most effective for removing cholesterol from the body. Fiber is contained not only in fruits and raw vegetables, but also in mushrooms and bran.

Simple and complex (slow) carbohydrates: what's the difference?

The main difference between complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates is their building . Complex carbohydrates are called not only slow, but also long, as they contain a certain number of compounds (depending on the type). Simple carbohydrates are much shorter, so to speak. They are quickly absorbed by the body, as they are easier to process, turning into glucose, which immediately enters the bloodstream.

Another important difference is assimilation rate carbohydrates, it is not for nothing that simple carbohydrates are called fast, and complex carbohydrates are slow. Although there is a lot of controversy in this regard. Be that as it may, it is more difficult to process a long carbohydrate and it takes more time.

The benefits of complex carbohydrates for weight loss

Many women make a huge mistake by eliminating absolutely all carbohydrates during weight loss. Simple - yes, you need to exclude, they include sweet foods. Complex carbohydrates are an indispensable assistant on the way to an ideal figure. Why?

  1. Complex carbohydrates provide the body with a huge supply of energy. A person does not feel tired and lethargic, which often happens in girls who are on a diet.
  2. Slow carbohydrates give a feeling of satiety. That is, there is no constantly haunting feeling of hunger.
  3. Most importantly, they do not leave a single drop of body fat in the body.
  4. They contribute to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the process of blood circulation, metabolism, and most importantly, they prevent starvation of the brain, thereby ensuring its full-fledged work.

Interesting facts about complex carbohydrates for weight loss

  • At the moment of losing weight, it’s not just possible, but you need to eat all kinds of crumbly cereals. Like this? Do not cook thick viscous semolina, millet should remain whole, it is better to choose wild or brown rice. No need to sit on one buckwheat - there are a number of cereals that you can eat and at the same time lose extra pounds.
  • Inexplicable but the fact! Absolutely all weight loss systems exclude pasta, but it turns out that you can eat this product even during active weight loss. The only condition is to eat "macaroni" only from durum varieties, before lunch, and not combining them with fish or meat. Ideal option: pasta breakfast with vegetable salad and boiled egg.
  • One of the complex carbohydrates glycogen will help you perform all the exercises in the gym, while you will not feel unwell. To do this, you need to eat liver or fish, not fried, of course, but you can bake it - it's both tasty and healthy.

What foods are complex carbohydrates?


Especially rich in complex carbohydrates:

  • potato,
  • cabbage,
  • carrot,
  • olives,
  • beet,
  • seaweed,
  • garlic
  • and, of course, onions.


In order not to make a mistake with the choice of fruits, take those that are not particularly sweet. Sweetness is an indicator of simple carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed and eventually turn into body fat. Fruits containing complex carbohydrates include:

  • orange,
  • apple,
  • pear,
  • plum,
  • peach,
  • black and red currant,
  • and, despite the sweetness, melon.



  • oats,
  • rice (brown),
  • wheat,
  • legume family - beans, beans, peas and lentils.


Porridge can be cooked with milk, which is also a source of complex carbohydrates.

Any cereals (exclude only semolina), as well as durum pasta. An important condition - porridge should not be boiled and viscous. The ideal option is whole grains in a crumbly form.

Complex carbohydrates: products in the table

For complex carbohydrates, the glycemic index is less than 40, the lower the index, the more useful the products.

When and how best to consume complex carbohydrates?

Since it takes about 3 hours to process complex carbohydrates, many recommend not loading your body before bed. In addition, slow carbohydrates provide energy and a feeling of satiety, which are more needed during the day. Based on these data, complex carbohydrates should be included in your menu mainly for breakfast and lunch.

According to some weight loss systems, it is up to 12 noon that you can eat everything, within reasonable limits, without limiting yourself in the range of dishes. For lunch, you need to choose hearty dishes that will provide you with energy until the evening. This is where complex carbohydrates can help you.

The rate of consumption of complex carbohydrates: how to calculate?

Any organism is individual, therefore, the amount of trace elements entering the body per day is different for everyone. The main thing is that you feel good and you have enough strength for vigorous activity.

But still there is a single formula for calculating the required amount of complex carbohydrates.

N (slow carbohydrates in grams per 1 kg of body weight) x B (weight) kg = daily dose

The right amount of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight depends on what goal you want to achieve.

  • Lose weight - take up to 3 g / kg, on average 2-2.5 g.
  • To maintain the figure, it will be enough from 3 to 4 g per 1 kg of weight.
  • For lactating and pregnant women, the norm is 5 g.
  • For athletes at least 5 g, it is better to take 5.5 g per kilogram of weight.

Sample menu with complex (slow) carbohydrates for weight loss

We offer several menu options for three days, while you can adjust it for yourself.

  • Breakfast: chicken with beans in tomato sauce, an apple.
  • Lunch: soup with mushrooms (on vegetable broth), two slices of rye bread, tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: boiled poultry meat, salad with an abundance of vegetables.
  • Breakfast: brown rice with vegetables (prepared according to the principle of pilaf, but without meat), steamed cutlet. Coffee with ginger (a slice of lemon) without sugar and you can treat yourself to a slice of cake or pie.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup with croutons, vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: fat-free cottage cheese with dried fruits, both fresh and baked. Apple juice.
  • Breakfast: mashed potatoes, steamed cauliflower with hard cheese. Coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: buckwheat and baked chop, cucumber, orange juice.
  • Dinner: baked sea fish, vegetable salad.

If after dinner you still want to eat - eat a fresh apple or a baked one, but without sugar. Alternatively, you can make yourself a fruit salad if you are fed up with apples.

Simple recipes for complex carbohydrates for weight loss

Chicken with beans in tomato juice

  1. Boil the chicken (not completely, only the part that will go on the plate).
  2. Do not pour out the finished broth, it will be needed in the amount of 1-2 glasses.
  3. Add a little oil (preferably olive), finely chopped medium onion to the pan or saucepan, stir for about 4-6 minutes.
  4. After - add grated garlic (1-2 cloves), after a couple of minutes we send a jar of white beans to the dish.
  5. The final step is 2 tomatoes (finely chopped or grated) and the addition of broth.
  6. Salt and pepper to taste, let simmer for a couple of minutes.
  7. Turn off and put on a plate, pouring gravy over meat.

Steamed chicken chops

  1. Chicken breast finely chopped or ground into minced meat.
  2. Add a medium onion, one egg, salt and pepper.
  3. We mix all the ingredients, form a cutlet and cook in a double boiler or in a simple steamed saucepan for 15 to 25 minutes (depending on the size of the cutlet).

Fish with mushrooms

According to the recipe, you need to take pink salmon, but any purchased fish of medium and larger sizes will do.

  1. We separate the fillet, try not to damage the integrity.
  2. Salt and pepper the fish.
  3. We coat with 1 tsp of 30% mayonnaise or 1 tbsp of olive oil.
  4. We put the fish on a baking sheet, put mushrooms on top of it with a layer (you can pre-boil for 5 minutes and cut into slices).
  5. Sprinkle grated hard cheese on top.
  6. We put in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

This dish is only suitable for breakfast and lunch.



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