The child cries, screams, is naughty during sleep. Causes of crying babies in a dream, before, after or during feeding

Children who are not yet able to talk show all their emotions through crying. For them it is the only way get the attention of the parents. According to this sound signal adults recognize the requirements of toddlers.

Sometimes a newborn cries in a dream and screams sharply for other, more serious reasons, which should be urgently paid attention to and measures should be taken to eliminate them.

Features of infancy

Sleep is special physiological state, in which energy costs are restored and the information received by the child throughout the day is fixed. For full development, the baby must sleep peacefully at night. This has a positive effect on his mental and physical health.

Babies under six months of age should get at least 15 hours of sleep a night. In the first weeks after birth, babies wake up only for feeding, and this is not a deviation. After the first month of life, he will gradually develop a stable daily routine, and he will not confuse day and night.

At what age will a baby stop waking up at night? It all depends on individual features organism. Many children sleep soundly through the night after a year and a half, and some fall asleep without motion sickness and do not wake up for feeding at night at 6 months of age.

Sleep phases

Scientists have identified two phases of sleep: active and slow. They can alternate between each other every 50 minutes. During an active baby, a smile may appear on the face, the eyes move under the eyelids, or the leg twitches. It is during this period that he does not wake up.

processed in the body nerve cells information received while awake. Toddlers are acutely experiencing all the events that occurred during the day. That is why in a dream he will continue to react to them. Abrupt crying in the middle of the night can be a reaction to fear, feelings of loneliness or overexcitation.

Why is the baby crying

There are several reasons why a child cries in his sleep. Parents should not immediately panic - it is important to understand the prerequisites for such a phenomenon. After elimination unfavorable factor the baby usually immediately calms down and falls asleep.

Physiological crying is not a deviation, therefore, it does not pose a danger to the health of the baby. Anxiety results from unstable work nervous and motor system. During the day, the child learns the world, so emotional overstrain can provoke the appearance bad dreams at night.

Such experiences can arise even after visiting guests or meeting new people. Extra emotions and overstrain the child splashes out through night crying. Parents should not panic about this. Some babies start crying, then mom comes to the crib and he calms down.

This is a check of the baby, whether his mother is nearby. During pregnancy, a strong bond develops between the baby and the mother. Babies can scream in their sleep, at the moment of transition slow phase fast sleep. When the child grows up, his nervous system will get stronger and he will stop screaming during sleep.


Often, babies cry in their sleep when they feel pain or discomfort. They can draw attention to themselves if they are cold or very hot, they need to change their diaper, gasses have formed in the intestines, teeth are being cut. If a child cries in a dream and does not wake up, but simply whimpers, this condition does not cause him discomfort.

Parents eventually begin to recognize crying and will be able to immediately determine the cause. If baby long time does not calm down, then you need to take action.

Other probable causes

  • feeling severe hunger;
  • difficulty breathing with a cold;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • a lot of emotions received during the whole day of wakefulness;
  • illness.

Many parents spend most of their time outdoors, visiting crowded places and visiting. As a result, the stress hormone cortisol can gradually accumulate in the child's body. It must be protected from long walks., heavy load and unnecessary flow of information.

Night sobs can pass without adults, and there are situations when the child begins to scream sharply. Parents always come to the crib, control the condition of the baby and his well-being. If the child is sleeping, then it is not necessary to wake him up, because he may be frightened and then will not be able to fall asleep for a long time.

When a baby checks on his mom, then it must be gradually weaned from this. But to accustom independent sleep can only be 2 years old. A newborn baby's crib should only be placed in the parent's room. If mothers go to the crib even at the slightest movement, then the baby will gradually get used to such attention. The situation may worsen, and crying becomes more demanding.

Prevention measures

So that the child sleeps peacefully at night Parents should adhere to the following guidelines:

To prevent night crying, adults should carefully monitor the health of their child. Parents need to develop their own ritual that will prepare the baby for a night's sleep after an active day. Great end to the day will be a relaxing massage that will relax nervous system and chest muscles. It is important to give up moving and active games before going to bed.

The room should always be maintained optimal temperature regime. Bed linen should be clean and warm. In order for the baby to sleep peacefully, there should not be tense situations or quarrels in the family. You can leave a night light in the room so that the baby is not afraid of the dark.

A healthy baby sleeps so soundly that he does not even react to harsh sounds. But not always children's sleep is so deep and calm. Every mother is familiar with the situation when a sleeping baby suddenly starts screaming and crying without opening her eyes. If this happens infrequently, then there is no serious cause for concern. And when such nightly "concerts" become regular, you should be alarmed. They can be a symptom of pathological changes in the baby's body.

Main reasons

Babies cry often. Until they learn other ways to communicate, crying is the only way they can get attention. After a couple of months, almost any mother, by the nature of crying and its intensity, can determine what caused it and what the baby wants. But this is during the day. But to understand why a child starts screaming in a dream without waking up can sometimes be very difficult.


Not too intense crying in a dream is most often caused by purely physiological reasons - the baby experiences some discomfort, but not so strong as to wake up.

The baby may whimper and toss and turn due to:

  • wet diapers or panties;
  • a feeling of hunger;
  • uncomfortable air temperature;
  • low air humidity;
  • uncomfortable body position;
  • too high or low pillow;
  • when sounds or lights interfere with sound sleep.

These causes of crying are the easiest to identify and eliminate, so you should start with them. If after that the baby continues to sleep peacefully, then everything is fine and serious problems No.


The psyche of the newborn is still extremely unstable: he gets excited very quickly, and it takes some time to calm down. Therefore, daytime experiences often affect the quality of sleep, and not only negative ones. Stormy joy is also stress, albeit a pleasant one.

Sometimes a baby cries in a dream without waking up, because:

Important! If during the day the parents sort things out too violently in the presence of the child, this will definitely be deposited in his subconscious, and at night the baby will sleep restlessly. The baby feels very acutely emotional condition loved ones, and the negative scares him.

There is also such a phenomenon as a sleep crisis, which occurs several times during the first year of life and manifests itself in the fact that a baby who previously slept quietly begins to wake up or cry often at night. He has physiological causes and associated with age-related changes occurring in the body of the baby. Typically, a sleep crisis resolves without intervention within two weeks on average.


It makes sense to worry when the day passed quietly, the baby is provided comfortable conditions for rest, in the evening he is full and satisfied, but at night he still begins to cry and scream. This may already be associated with acute or chronic diseases that need to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible:

  • sharp respiratory diseases infectious or viral nature;
  • chronic ENT diseases, in which breathing is difficult;
  • otitis, accompanied by severe ear pain;
  • intestinal infections, giving fever and bloating;
  • elevated intracranial pressure causing headaches;
  • neurological diseases that provoke panic attacks.

Often, parents whose babies regularly cry at night, in horror, resort to a doctor, but it turns out that the source of the problem is intestinal colic or teething, common for babies. But it’s better to play it safe and take at least elementary urine and blood tests, which will show if there are inflammatory processes in the baby’s body.

It is also advisable to consult a neurologist - he will be able to identify pathological changes on early stage when they can still be dealt with quickly.

What to do

If the baby, lying in his own crib, bursts into tears, then he must first be reassured. And this should be done carefully - the child continues to sleep and a sharp awakening will only increase stress.

Dr. Komarovsky advises to do the following:

  • go to the crib and gently put your hand on the baby's tummy or head;
  • with the other hand, check if the bed is dry and there are no creases and folds in it that interfere with sleep;
  • gently take the baby in your arms and hug him to you;
  • if he woke up, offer him some water or a breast;
  • if the child is wet, change his clothes and diapers;
  • check the temperature and humidity of the air in the room;
  • if the baby seems hot, be sure to put a thermometer so as not to miss the onset of the disease.

Don't put him back in bed and leave right away. If the baby cries a lot, hold him in your arms until he completely calms down. Or transfer to the crib, but at the same time maintain tactile contact: stroke the tummy or head, easily massage the legs and arms. When the baby falls asleep again, watch him for a while.

Prevention of crying

In order for the child not to cry at night, he needs to create comfortable sleeping conditions and correct mode day. Komarovsky claims that a well-designed ritual of going to bed in 90% of cases provides the baby with a full night rest.

The main elements of this ritual for the baby should be bathing, dressing, spreading the bed, switching the lighting to night and soothing communication (lullaby, fairy tale, etc.).

But the quality of a baby’s sleep is directly affected by the events of the whole day. Here are the TOP 5 important principles that can provide the baby with a healthy sound sleep.

Daily regime

Ideally, the baby should wake up in the morning and go to bed at night at the same time. Naturally, with age, the regimen will be adjusted. But you need to do it smoothly, moving every day for 10-15 minutes. And if you put the baby every day in different time, his body and psyche cannot normally tune in to sleep.

And do not be afraid to wake the child in the morning if the baby “oversleeps” a lot. Otherwise, he will not have time to get tired during the day, and his sleep will not be strong.

Place to sleep

There is nothing more soothing for a baby than consistency. Therefore, it is very important from the very first days of his life to decide where he will sleep at night. Many people are now practicing co-sleeping. If you decide so, let the baby sleep in your bed, but then put him next to him every day.

But it is better to immediately accustom the child to his own bed, which he will associate with a cozy and safe nest for sleeping.

Feeding Schedule

The mistake of many parents is that they overfeed the baby in the evening (at 17-18 hours), and he does not eat well at night. Naturally, after 3-4 hours of sleep at night, he begins to feel hungry - that's anxiety for you.

During the first "dinner" it is better to underfeed him a little. Then at night the baby will drink milk to satiety and sleep peacefully all night.

active day

A healthy child is always full of strength and energy, which must be given an outlet during the day so that its remnants do not interfere with sleep at night.

But outdoor games, learning, communication with peers and visiting relatives should be planned so that they end no later than 16-17 hours.

Quiet evening

The evening of the baby should be as calm and relaxing as possible. Do not make noise and fool around after 17-18 hours. There are many others interesting activities: draw, read a book, build a house out of cubes. Try to keep your baby calm and positive during evening games.

It is also very important for the baby emotional and physical state his parents, especially his mother. He is energetically connected with her and immediately feels if his mother is tired, dissatisfied with something, upset, sick. He will cry because his mother's poor health causes him psychological discomfort.

In caring for a child, in no case do not forget about yourself. Make the most of your sleep time (ideally, sleep at the same time as your baby), feel free to ask your family for help or admit that you need extra rest.

One of the main principles promoted by Komarovsky: “ calm mom - healthy baby". And it's very simple and valuable advice which is worth listening to.

The joy and happiness from the appearance of a new family member for many parents is overshadowed by long sleepless nights, constant non-rashes, developing over time into chronic fatigue. Why a child cries in a dream and often wakes up is known only to him for certain, while parents are obliged to create the most comfortable conditions for baby sleep and provide the newborn timely help on demand.

If baby sobbing in sleep There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, ranging from psychological problems and ending physical pain. Each parent should be able to identify those factors that negatively affect the well-being of the child and interfere with his good night's sleep. To prevent unreasonable nighttime awakenings, mom and dad need to be attentive and observant to their child, attach importance to his behavior during the day.

A typical reason for a baby’s night crying is elementary overexcitation, which is provoked by the parents themselves, starting to play active games with the child before going to bed. Before putting the child to bed, it is necessary to carry out water procedures, then you can read fairy tales or sing lullabies - it is monotonous words and actions that will lead to a good night.

It is necessary to pay attention to another reason for the child's anxiety in a dream - this is a banal discomfort that may arise due to various reasons, for example, a diaper has gathered, the baby has described himself, he is cold or hot, the presence of extraneous noise in the room.

The most basic and unsafe cause of night crying is physiological pain that increases at night, which is most difficult for inexperienced parents to diagnose. Most often this intestinal colic arising from the still unformed properly digestive tract, which is characterized by difficult passage of gases and bloating in the intestines

At this time, the baby bends the whole body, draws the legs to the stomach, and the actions are accompanied by a heart-rending variable cry, the cause of which is a sudden cramping pain. If not at hand miracle cures from the pharmacy, then simple turns from side to side or alternately pressing the knees to the stomach will help - after these exercises, the gases leave and the baby calms down.

The regular crying of a child, heard every night, should alert parents and become the reason for contacting a neurologist, child psychologist with the subsequent delivery of tests, examinations and the required course of treatment.

The baby's ears may hurt, but this diagnosis is more difficult to make on your own, since, apart from the wild ora, the child does not perform any actions that could become a clue. If there is an ear thermometer in the house, then this greatly facilitates the situation, since it can be used to confirm or refute the fact that the baby has pain in the ear.

The fact is that, as a rule, otitis media occurs alternately in each ear, and therefore if there is a temperature difference between one and the second auricle, then most likely there is an inflammation of the middle ear. If there is no ear thermometer, then parents should gently touch the baby's ear near the ear, if at the same time the child cries and removes the head, then the reason for awakening lies in the ear pain.

Toddlers aged 5 months and older often wake up at night and wake up others with their loud crying due to teething. Profuse salivation, swollen reddened gums, slight increase body temperature, gnawing reflex - symptoms in the presence of which it can be assumed that a new tooth will appear in a small mouth soon. Eliminate pain, special children's dental gels with analgesic effect.

The cause of night crying can be various kinds fears, the sources of which are great multitude: loud noise, nightmare, fear of losing mother when, after waking up, she was not there. Experienced pediatricians do not recommend accustoming a baby to co-sleep with parents, despite the fact that due to this, the frequency of awakenings is significantly reduced. Doctors explain this by the excessive attachment of the child to the mother, as a result of which it will be very problematic even at an older age to teach the baby to sleep in a separate bed.

Small children do not notice the general sound background, and therefore it in no way interferes with their normal sound sleep, and some monotonous sounds (soft classical music, the operation of a washing machine or hair dryer motor, for example), on the contrary, lull the baby to sleep.

Children's crying, heard in the middle of the night, in no case should be ignored by parents, because with their cry small man notifies moms and dads about his feeling unwell or uncomfortable state and asks adults to come to his aid.

baby crying- the ability to convey information to parents about the lack of any need or the occurrence of discomfort.
A baby cries in its sleep for a number of different reasons. Every family is tested by crying. Consider the causes of children's tears at night and how the whole family can live with them.

newborn babies

Newborns need constant care. Tears are an alarm, they should not be ignored.

The infant cries in its sleep.

  1. . The internal organs of the baby get used to mother's milk or adapted formula. This process is often accompanied by colic in the intestinal area.
  2. Pain. Symptoms such as: runny nose, (otitis media - inflammation in the ear canal), cough. It is in a dream when the body is in horizontal position, the exacerbation of diseases begins.
  3. Mom is not around. Children very quickly get used to their mother's presence: body warmth, calm heartbeat and breathing, quiet voice.
  4. Teeth. Discomfort during teething accompanies each crumb, starting from 5-6 months.
  5. Hunger. A growing body needs regular feeding. The choice of each family remains with her, whether there will be feeding on demand or by the hour.
  6. Thirst. The body loses fluid and needs to be replenished.
  7. The atmosphere in the room. Dry air in an unventilated area high temperature create discomfort during sleep.

In children's tears there is positive sides. It is with the help of sobbing that the lungs develop. There is nothing more efficient than this method. 15 minutes of crying a day is preventative. The tears that we see on the cheeks are still running down and down lacrimal canal. They contain lysozyme (an antibacterial enzyme), which contributes to a kind of antibacterial therapy.


  • The baby pulls the legs to the stomach, strongly compresses the fists, is active. Crying is even and uninterrupted. Taking a breast in a mouth - falls asleep, but there and then wakes up with a new cry. These are signs of colic in the intestines;
  • The kid was sweating, his clothes were wet, the hair on the back of his head was stuck together. When you take him in your arms, the crying intensifies. These are signs of overheating. The temperature in the room where the child sleeps exceeds 18-20 degrees. In newborns, heat exchange is still undeveloped, and it can regulate body temperature through breathing. This is easier to do by inhaling cool air;
  • At first, the baby cries quietly, then louder and louder. Taking him in her arms, she shakes her head in search of a breast or a bottle. If he is not understood, the tears develop into a hysterical op. It is also called hungry cry;
  • The baby begins to scream loudly and heart-rendingly and rub his face, eyes and ears with his hands. When pressing on the gums, the cry becomes stronger. It's teething infant cries in his sleep, because at night the pain always increases;
  • Intermittent sobbing (whining 7 seconds, 20 silence, screaming 10 seconds, another 20 silent). This cry is invocative. If you take the baby in your arms, he immediately calms down and calms down;
  • . For such first years, crying might mean her loss. As soon as the pacifier is placed in the mouth, the baby begins to suck and calms down.

Children over one year old

Subject to night tears and children older than one year. They grow, and there are more reasons to cry.

Causes of crying at night in children older than a year

  1. Binge eating. The child, overeating at night, is subjected to heavy sleep with awakenings.
  2. Non-compliance with the regime during the day creates difficulties for child's body during sleep and throughout sleep.
  3. Gadgets. and passion computer games leads to the creation of frightening images during sleep.
  4. Increased emotionality. Tears can be caused by an unhealthy atmosphere in the family, negative experiences during the day.
  5. Nyctophobia (fear of the dark). There are children who different reasons afraid of the dark.
  6. Overexcitation. Active games in the evening and fun lead to the same night.


  • The child was offered to eat his favorite sandwich for dinner. He will be pleased, but fatty food can cause night screams;
  • Today the peanut fell asleep at 21.00 (without daytime sleep), tomorrow at 23.00 (I watched my favorite movie), the day after tomorrow at 01.00 (I couldn’t sleep). In this mode, it is difficult to fall asleep, and even more difficult to sleep through the night;
  • The kid asked in the evening to play a little before going to bed on the computer or watch one cartoon. By allowing a little fun, you expose the child to memorizing unnecessary information that will haunt him in his sleep, causing terrible dreams;
  • Children older than a year become active even at night, and crying can mean inconvenience: an arm or leg is stuck, tangled in a sheet, uncovered or covered with a blanket and pillow;
  • During the day, the little one witnessed a quarrel between his parents, lost his favorite toy, and did not learn the verse. These experiences can cause anxiety in a dream;
  • Cheerful music in the evening or fun can overexcite the child. It will be difficult to calm him down to sleep and throughout the night.

Anxiety and fears

Anxiety is a persistent state of anxiety, characterized by frequent repetitions in different situations.
Fear is an emotional reaction to an external stimulus.

Children prone to fear and anxiety behave restlessly both day and night. Such children do not sleep well, crying a lot and screaming in their sleep. During an attack, it is difficult to wake them up. They have increased heart rate, rapid pulse and breathing, sweating increases, pressure rises.

Types of fears:

  1. Visual. The kid sees non-existent objects or images;
  2. Irregular images. The child dreams of simple pictures. Such fears arise in severe illnesses;
  3. Same. Such a dream always happens according to one scenario. Accompanied by movements, incoherent speech, urination;
  4. Emotional. At the moment of emotional shock, the child experiences everything in a dream again. Accompanied by crying and screaming.

For children who show anxiety, a quiet, favorable environment should be created in the house. Parents pay more attention, especially before going to bed. Read, talk, put to bed, hold hands. The main thing is that he feels your protection.

What to do if a child cries in a dream

you need to take it in your arms and talk to him calmly. Crying? We try to feed, check the diaper, give a pacifier. We check the temperature, uncomfortable clothes, bed. Does the crying continue? The last option remains - pain. The cause may be bloating, inflammation of the ear, etc. A pediatrician will help you diagnose and prescribe treatment.

In vain do you think that newborns and infants are unable to speak. How else can they! Every time the baby starts to cry, he tries to convey to others, and mainly to his mother, that he needs something from her. There are many reasons for crying in a baby, but mothers at night seem especially alarming. Why does a baby cry in a dream?

The causes of baby tears in a dream can be divided into two groups:

  • Baby is uncomfortable
  • The child is sick

But there can be many internal subparagraphs here. Let's figure it out in order.

From this article you will learn:

I am hungry!

most main reason anxiety of the baby has always been the notorious feeling of hunger. From birth, the baby knows exactly the main formula of his life: he got hungry - he screamed - he was fed. It may seem too frequent for mom to demand crumbs of a late dinner, but each baby has its own needs, its own regimen, and in the first months of life it simply may not be there yet.

The main task of the mother is to answer the call of the child and feed him on demand. If the baby immediately calms down, then it’s clear why your baby is crying in a dream - he just loves his mother’s milk too much!

I'm wet!

There are such capricious and tender creatures that from the first days of their lives cannot stand discomfort. Just think, registered, you say, this is the norm for a baby. But for your baby, this can be just a dissonance - if he feels moisture on his skin, he will scream furiously until you change his diaper. In a relationship little need these days, this behavior of the baby is a rarity, since modern diapers almost completely keep the skin of the crumbs dry.

But few kids are ready to put up with the toilet business more seriously. And it doesn’t matter to him whether you want to sleep at this moment, Mom. So, before you wonder why the baby cries in his sleep, first check his diaper.

I feel uncomfortable lying like this!

Do not forget that a newborn baby cannot roll over on his own, change the position of his legs or arms. And immediately remember yourself: how many times do you roll over during the night? If the baby cried in a dream, change his position in the crib, but be prepared for the fact that he will not fall asleep right away. After all, the little creature was already nervous, upset. He needs to be lulled to sleep now. Pat gently on the pope or shoulder, stroke his eyebrows, forehead, top of his head.

If the reason was in the inconvenience of the posture, then he will quickly calm down. The main rule here is to be patient, not to be nervous. At night it is very difficult to wake up an infinite number of times, but this is your test. If mom is nervous, the baby will definitely not fall asleep!

I slept and I'm bored!

Are you puzzled over why your baby cries in his sleep every night? Analyze his sleep and wake patterns. Try to give him less sleep during the day, play more with him so that at night he restores the lost amount of sleep during the day.

I'm overexcited and can't calm down.

Now this is a more serious problem, since it is not easily solved. Mom has two main solutions: during the day it is necessary to very clearly control the baby's regimen, a uniform alternation of sleep and wakefulness, bathing before bedtime, temperature and humidity in the room. The entire microclimate at home should work for the comfort of the child, and not vice versa. Otherwise, the still unstable nervous system will tense up in the crumbs.

The second way (if the first one did not work) is to contact the pediatrician and ask to write out sedatives. It can be a banal infusion of valerian herb or pharmaceutical analogues. Here, in no case can you advise anything, since only an experienced doctor will determine what exactly your baby needs.

I feel hot/cold/dry/wet/unpleasant (underline as appropriate).

Watch the microclimate of the room less vigilantly closely than watch the child's stool. The world a newborn baby should be a cradle for him. For a child up to a year, even a too heated room is already stressful. Use thermometers, humidifiers. In no case do not dry diapers in the baby's room, do not lay oilcloths under the sheet, from which he sweats, be sure to ventilate the room during the day.

I missed you! This is probably the most common reason babies cry in their sleep. They urgently demand to sleep next to their mother, and sooner or later they win this battle with the mother who is trying to discipline the baby. There are some babies with whom it is impossible to argue - they will scream until their mother takes them to her bed.

The baby cries in a dream due to illness

I have an itch.

Allergic reactions at such a tender age are common. Moreover, the rash can be not only on the cheeks or buttocks of the baby, but also on internal organs. This makes the baby very uncomfortable, he really suffers, and this is especially acute at night, since all diseases are aggravated in sleep.

It is important here not only to help the baby get rid of the itch, but also to completely eliminate the allergen. Mom should reconsider nutrition, think about what of the surrounding objects can interfere with the baby, and you may have to serve antihistamines prescribed by the pediatrician.

My stomach hurts.

If your baby asks for breasts too often at night, but does not calm down at all, then it is likely that he is suffering from colic. Babies have an unconscious reflex to discomfort in the abdomen - they perceive any trouble as a need to satisfy hunger. Therefore, they are looking so eagerly for a breast or a bottle.

But the problem is not solved, and the child cries in a dream again and again. Then you need to help the baby get rid of the pain. Espumizan, dill water, Plantex and other analogues - only with the permission of the pediatrician. Warm diapers or tummy warmers sometimes solve the problem. A gas tube is also one of the options, but only after consulting at least a visiting nurse, who will show mom how to use the tube.

One of the flawless effective methods the fight against nocturnal colic is laying the baby with his tummy on his mother's chest or stomach. Maternal warmth and smell, a feeling of closeness, as before childbirth, when he was so comfortable inside, his mother's lulling voice and gentle hands - these simple manipulations often solve the problem of crying babies in a dream.

I got sick!

Temperature, discomfort, muscle pain, stuffy nose, sore throat and many other symptoms of an incipient disease can make a baby cry in a dream. What do you advise here? Just call the doctor at home! More affection for the baby, attention, do not let him go if he is very restless, try to distract him with feeding, lulling, rock the crib or carry him in your arms. When a child is sick, he needs maternal attention no less than medication!



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