What to do with heart palpitations. Increased heart rate - reasons why it can be

Per minute is much higher than the norm. A synonym for this deviation is tachycardia. A similar phenomenon can also be observed in healthy people (as a result of the influence of certain factors), and be a sign of any deviation and serious health problems.

What is a heartbeat?

The pulse is the vibration of the artery wall during the contraction of the heart muscle. Heart rate can be measured by placing fingers on blood vessels, such as those in the neck (near the carotid artery), the wrists, under the knees, and on the feet. The number of beats in 10 or 15 seconds is multiplied by 6 or 4, respectively, and the result is the number of beats per minute. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to determine how evenly the heart beats, to detect a rapid pulse and even to assess the condition of the arteries, as well as to preliminarily diagnose the development of certain diseases. More accurate indicators are revealed when listening to the heart or conducting an ECG study.

Indicators of a healthy person

At rest, in a healthy person, the pulse is from 60 to 80 beats per minute. As the load increases, this indicator can increase and reach 160 or even more. But even during physical exercise, you can determine the normal number of beats per minute: the pulse should be 180 minus the age of the trainee. If the indicator exceeds the norm, it is likely that we are talking about tachycardia. During sleep, the pulse drops to 60 beats, which is not some kind of pathology.

Factors affecting the increase in heart rate

The causes of palpitations can be very different: these are physical exertion, and stress, and the use of caffeinated drinks, etc. Also, a high pulse is a consequence of the active action of pathogens on the human body. In heart disease, tachycardia is associated with a weakening of the heart muscle and impaired impulse conduction. A rapid pulse may be accompanied by high or low blood pressure, fever.

Types of deviation

Depending on the causes of occurrence, a rapid pulse as a deviation can have several varieties. Thus, physiological tachycardia is associated with the action of one of the external factors on the body. And if you eliminate it, the rhythm returns to normal.

To go or not to go to the doctor?

Tachycardia during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon, because due to an increase in body weight, the load on a woman's heart increases. And now the heart muscle needs to make more efforts to give useful substances to both the mother's body and the unborn baby. Thus, if a woman in an interesting position is observed, treatment is not required. But if tachycardia is also accompanied by additional symptoms, such as heart pain, weakness, fatigue, nausea, it is better to conduct a comprehensive examination. After all, a high pulse often accompanies heart attacks, heart defects and many other types of abnormalities in the work of the cardiovascular system. Depending on the causes of the pathology, you will be prescribed appropriate drugs.

What to do with a rapid heartbeat, if the symptoms make themselves felt more and more? Pathology can declare itself at any moment, a person gets scared, starts to get nervous, which worsens his condition even more. You can slow down myocardial contractions at home: there is more than one alternative therapy that can calm the rhythm. If such episodes began to recur regularly, you need to undergo a medical examination, pass a series of tests and an ECG. This will allow you to find out what causes the increased heart rate. Often the disease occurs due to the fault of another pathology. In this case, the help of doctors is needed.

Tachycardia can manifest itself at any age, each period of life is dangerous for its own factors. Doctors distinguish between the physiological and pathological types of the disease, the treatment and prognosis of the disease depend on this classification. What to do with a rapid heartbeat, and how to learn to cope with such attacks on your own - the doctor will tell you at an in-person consultation.

Physiological tachycardia is a high rhythm of myocardial contractions, which is provoked by the influence of external factors. Some people don't know that regular daily activities make the heart beat faster. In this case, the attack occurs due to such an annoying moment, and ends after its elimination, or the body independently copes with such a load.

Causes of physiological tachycardia:

  1. Anxiety and emotional experiences.
  2. Strong stress, fear.
  3. Intensive sports.
  4. Prolonged stay in a hot and stuffy room, when there is a lack of air.
  5. Sexual arousal.
  6. Binge eating.

It is noteworthy that a physiologically rapid heartbeat is not dangerous for a person, you don’t need to think about how to calm the work of the organ - everything returns to normal without the help of drugs.

The pathological variety of tachycardia is a more dangerous condition. Doctors identify several major diseases that affect the appearance of disturbing symptoms.

Cardiovascular system

If the causes of palpitations lie in the pathology of the entire system, then tachycardia is considered serious. The increased work of the department, in this case, is caused by an increased load on this area. It is important to diagnose the disease in time so that the person’s condition does not become deadly.

  • Often, an increase in the heart is observed accompanied by hypertension, since the pressure on the walls of the vessels becomes excessive, the body will definitely respond to this process. If the arteries are severely affected by atherosclerotic plaques, then their flexibility is impaired, and a frequent pulse can lead to the development of a stroke or heart attack.
  • The pulse is a fluctuation of blood in the vascular bed, which is due to the process of contraction of the atria and ventricles. When the work of the organ is normal, the blood is ejected from the region of the ventricles and atria, passing into the arteries. If the heartbeat is too active, then the whole rhythm of such pumping of blood is disturbed, it stagnates in the organ, which increases the risk of thrombosis. Bradycardia can also occur against the background of this pathological process.

At the same time, a person may experience a lot of unpleasant sensations that signal the need to visit a doctor.

Disorders of a vegetative nature

What to do with a frequent heartbeat and how to help yourself - such questions are often heard in the office of a cardiologist and therapist, especially in the hot season. A low or high heart rate, as well as other deviations in the activity of the organ, can be caused by a malfunction in the autonomic system. It can be difficult to stop such a pathological process on your own, since a person does not understand what has changed his condition, panics, his breathing goes astray, the situation worsens.

Medicine classifies the autonomic system into two parts, sympathetic and parasympathetic. The first section is responsible for the activity of the body, and the second - for relaxation. Due to this, the activity of all organs can change, the contraction of the heart also increases or decreases the pace of work.

When a person is diagnosed with VVD (vegetovascular dystonia), it often provokes tachycardia. The number of heart beats is calculated by the doctor. A minute is a unit of time during which each organ beat is counted. The norm of such figures should vary between 60-90 cuts. A slow or accelerated pace of work is often provoked by the vegetative department, but few people know about it. Despite the deterioration in well-being, tachycardia caused by such an influence is not considered dangerous.

Endocrine system

Increased synthesis of certain hormones can cause an increased heart rate, and only the doctor decides what to do in this situation after studying the results of the patient's tests. It is impossible to regulate the production of some enzymes on your own. Hyperthyroidism is one of the diseases in which a similar pathological process occurs. When the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone from the thyroid gland is excessive, the person's condition deteriorates sharply. It is possible to slow down the work of the organ only by stabilizing the level of these substances in the blood.

The danger is a strong pulse when it is periodic, and if the patient is diagnosed with concomitant pathologies of the cardiovascular system, then the state of health and the activity of all organs worsens.

Symptoms and danger signs

What to do with heart palpitations if you are at home? It depends on the specific signs of the disease. There are certain manifestations that do not require the help of doctors. There are serious conditions in which it is urgent to call an ambulance. The clinical picture of the disease may be different, depending on the age of the patient, the general sensitivity of the body or the psycho-emotional background.

Sometimes a person does not feel any unpleasant symptoms with a frequent heartbeat, only mild discomfort in the sternum. Other patients complain of severe pain and severe signs of pathology. In any case, such a condition is accompanied by a rapid pulse, fluttering of the main organ in the chest, slowing down its activity, or strengthening.

Additional symptoms:

  1. Weakness, lethargy.
  2. Feeling of panic or tearfulness, aggressiveness (with vegetative disorders).
  3. Excessive sweating, nausea, tremors of the extremities, pallor of the skin and low blood pressure (with cardiovascular disease, hypotension).
  4. Trembling inside the body, severe appetite or its decrease, bulging eyes, increased sweating (with thyroid ailments, thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism).

What to do with a strong heartbeat - it depends on the pathology that caused the disease. If a person has a certain disease that affects the function of the main organ, many factors can trigger the mechanism of increased activity of the department. Stress and excessive physical activity are contraindicated in people with cardiovascular disorders, as they can provoke an increase in heart rate. If such a condition has developed as a result of overeating, then you need to take a horizontal position of the body. Sometimes some drugs affect the strengthening of the work of the main organ. There are dangerous symptoms that indicate a difficult situation and the need to call a doctor.

When to call the doctors?

  • Intense pain on the left in the sternum or between the shoulder blades.
  • Great weakness, sudden release of cold clammy sweat, especially in combination with pain.
  • Difficulty breathing, feeling of lack of oxygen.
  • Choking cough, which produces pink, foamy sputum.
  • Feeling that the heart beats unevenly, freezes, or may slow down, and then sharply increase its work.
  • Darkening of the eyes and fainting.

If a person began to be disturbed by such severe symptoms, we are talking about complications of the disease, which are deadly. Diagnosis and therapy are necessary, and there is no time to waste.

Possible complications:

  1. myocardial infarction;
  2. atrial fibrillation;
  3. venous stasis of blood;
  4. ventricular fibrillation;
  5. extrasystole;
  6. asystole or cardiac arrest.

The prognosis of the disease depends mainly on the patient himself. The patient needs, at least in time, to seek medical help so that his condition stabilizes. The main condition for severe tachycardia is the elimination of danger to life, the use of medications and the use of all methods of additional treatment (correction of lifestyle, nutrition and activity)


It is almost impossible to determine the cause of the pathology immediately, at the first examination of the doctor. There are techniques that allow you to examine the patient carefully. There are many triggers that affect the increase in heart rate, so a set of diagnostic measures is required.

Examination methods:

  • KLA (general blood test). Determines the presence of inflammatory processes and the level of hemoglobin in the body.
  • OAM (general urinalysis). Detects kidney disease.
  • Blood test for infections.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • The study of the level of thyroid hormones by blood test.
  • Coronary angiography (in severe conditions).
  • Ultrasound examination of the heart.
  • Uzi thyroid glands.

The entire list of diagnostic methods, most likely, is not needed for every patient. Examinations are scheduled based on the patient's complaints.

The heart can hurt with an increase in heart rate, which means the seriousness of the person's condition.


Therapy for heart palpitations depends on the causes that provoked the disease. If we are talking about physiological tachycardia, then you need to reduce the influence of irritating factors. When the disease is caused by pathological moments, the doctor will prescribe medication.

Basic medicines:

  1. Sedative medicines of synthetic and herbal origin (Novo-Passit, Relanium, Corvalol, Valocordin, Peony Tincture, Motherwort Tincture, Valerian Tincture).
  2. Antiarrhythmic drugs ("Adenosine", "Ritmilen", "Verapamin").

The medication should be selected individually by a doctor. In addition, doctors use physiotherapy. In addition, there is more than one folk method of therapy, but before using any of them, you should consult with a specialist. In especially severe cases, only surgical intervention can help, which is performed with organ ischemia, congenital malformations, or after complex manifestations of rheumatism.

Folk methods

Few people know how to calm the heartbeat if you are at home. First of all, you need to take each drug from the list of drugs prescribed by the doctor, and herbs and other herbal and natural remedies will provide additional help.

Folk remedies have different effects, but the sedative effect in any case will have a positive effect on the work of the heart. In addition, such medicines will help to establish the functioning of other organs and systems of the body.

Therapeutic exercise and yoga are also often used to improve the condition of a person with tachycardia. Walking in the fresh air and proper nutrition will help to improve the functioning of the main body. Therefore, ways to calm the intensity of the heartbeat depend only on the root cause of the symptoms and the results of the tests.

First aid

In an attack of increased activity of the heart, the skillful actions of a person who is next to the patient are important. Doctors advise to calm down. This will lower the pulse, but many people fail to relax in such a situation. When the manifestations of the disease were caught at night, for a start you just need to drink water. First aid for a strong heartbeat can save a person's life.

What to do:

  • Call an ambulance.
  • A sedative tablet will help the person relax.
  • Open a vent or window.
  • To improve the patient's condition, you need maximum access to fresh air, you need to unbutton his shirt collar, get rid of other items of clothing that restrict breathing.
  • Take a blood pressure measurement.

  • Sprinkle your face with cool water.
  • Gently press the person's closed eyes and hold your fingers on them for several minutes.
  • Ask the patient to cough slightly, which will increase the pressure in the sternum and make the rhythm of the organ lower.

These actions are necessary for people suffering from tachycardia due to heart pathologies. Other factors that caused the illness may require other first aid measures.

Preventive measures to both slow down the heartbeat and improve the activity of the entire system of this department are extremely important. In order for the main organ of the body to work normally, it is necessary to give up bad habits, reduce coffee consumption, and also play sports. Doctors advise to undergo a medical examination at least once a year, this will allow you to identify any disease at an early stage and cure it in a short period of time. We must not forget that taking narcotic drugs affects the activity of the whole organism negatively, amphetamine and other similar drugs increase the heartbeat and gradually kill a person.

Tachycardia usually does not cause serious health consequences, but it is better to find out why this disease appeared. It is impossible to ignore constantly recurring attacks, this will worsen the prognosis. Heart problems are dangerous, so you need to deal with them quickly and effectively.

Rapid pulse- this is a subjective perception of increased contractility and rhythm of the heart, the provocateurs of which can be both physiological and pathologically altered states of the patient. Signs of a rapid pulse occur when the activity of the heart is stimulated, which occurs for various reasons. Most often, the cause of increased contractility of the heart muscle is increased psycho-emotional and physical activity, abundant food intake.

It is noteworthy that even a pronounced increase in heart rate is not always accompanied by the development of patient health disorders. And at the same time, the feeling of a rapid pulse can provoke anxiety on the part of the patient, even with a minimal increase in the heart rate. In practice, cardiologists rely on standards, therefore, it is generally accepted to consider a heart rate exceeding 90 beats per minute as an indicator of rapid heart rate.

Not all heart palpitations are a sign of a serious heart condition. This applies to cases when normal cardiac complexes are preserved during the registration of the electrocardiogram.

An attack of rapid heart rate can be both impulsive and permanent. In some cases, such episodes are self-leveled, and in other cases, the patient requires immediate medical correction.

Causes of a fast heart rate

Among patients suffering from a short-term or constant increase in heart rate, the majority are adults who lead a sedentary lifestyle, who have insufficient compensatory capacity of the heart muscle. Thus, it is much more difficult for such an untrained heart to perform the usual load of pumping blood, even with minimal physical activity. In this situation, a rapid pulse should be considered solely as a compensatory mechanism.

The elderly, as well as children, are more susceptible to increased heart rate, which is explained by the physiological characteristics of their body. For example, during the neonatal period, a pulse with a frequency of 120-140 beats per minute is not critical, and its occurrence is due to the intensive progressive growth of all tissues and structures. One of the physiological options is a rapid pulse during pregnancy, which is explained by hormonal imbalance, psycho-emotional activity and in most cases does not need medical correction.

Thus, the influence of both physiological and pathological mechanisms is sufficient for the occurrence of a rapid pulse, therefore, the primary task of the attending specialist is to determine the root cause of the development of this condition and eliminate modifiable risk factors. The main pathognomonic sign of a pathological increase in the pulse is that it occurs against the background of complete well-being, when the patient is at rest.

A feverish state, which increases the pulse in almost 90% of cases, is the most common cause of increased contractile activity of the heart. In addition, all diseases accompanied by the development of intoxication syndrome, in most cases, provoke an increase in heart rate.

The process of contractility and regularity of cardiac activity is regulated by the electrolyte balance in the body, so even a minimal deficiency of elements such as calcium and magnesium can provoke an increase in heart rate.

Fast heart rate symptoms

The most common cause of the development of a rapid pulse is sinus or, which, in addition to this symptom, can be manifested by various other symptoms and syndromes. The debut is manifested by the appearance of a rapid pulse in the patient after psycho-emotional overexcitation and physical activity. After the provoking factor is eliminated, dizziness and rapid heart rate stop on their own. The clinical criterion for increased heart rate, which occurs with sinus tachycardia, is an increase in the number of heartbeats of more than 100 beats per minute.

An extremely aggressive and unfavorable course is characterized by paroxysmal tachycardia, which is characterized by an increased pulse of 140-220 beats per minute. In addition to a rapid pulse in this condition, the patient is worried about nausea, pain in the projection of the location of the heart, and general weakness.

In a situation where an increase in the pulse is accompanied by the appearance of loss of consciousness, severe dizziness, darkening before the eyes, intense respiratory disorders, then we are talking about paroxysmal tachycardia.

In the case when the patient, along with an increase in the pulse, is concerned about the appearance of fatigue, pallor and, weakness, dizziness, the attending physician should prescribe a blood test to rule out anemia.

If the cause of the development of a rapid pulse is a pronounced intoxication syndrome, then the patient has repeated vomiting and increased stools, thirst and progressive general weakness.

Rapid pulse at normal pressure

A change in the state of the pulse compared to its normal values ​​\u200b\u200bcan signal the presence of serious diseases in a person. An increased pulse against the background of unchanged blood pressure indicators can be triggered by elementary malnutrition, and at the same time signal such cardiovascular pathologies as requiring immediate medical intervention.

Most often, an increase in heart rate is accompanied by such vivid symptoms that it is impossible not to notice the occurrence of this condition. Often the first manifestations of a rapid pulse is a sharp disturbance of consciousness, after which the patient does not remember what happened.

In most cases, an increase in heart rate without a reaction of the cardiovascular system in relation to blood pressure is exclusively compensatory and has a short-term favorable character. The main physiological reasons for increased heart rate without changing blood pressure numbers should also include excessive food intake before bedtime, so the normalization of eating behavior in this situation is a necessary condition for the normalization of the pulse.

Pathological increase in heart rate, which requires increased attention from the attending physician, is provoked by strong prolonged stress, infectious diseases, chronic cardiac pathologies, and thyroid diseases.

An increase in heart rate with normal blood pressure readings is called "" and can act as a short-term episode or disturb a person constantly. In any case, even a one-time short-term episode of increased heart rate requires an additional examination in the first place in order to exclude serious cardiac problems. Laboratory research in this case is a routine analysis of blood and urine, determination of the hormonal status of a person. The patient should also undergo an ultrasound scan of the heart and an electrocardiogram recording. Only after conducting a comprehensive qualitative examination of the patient, the cardiologist can judge the appropriateness and necessity of using drug treatment.

Sedative preparations (motherwort tinctures, valerian, etc.) are widely used as medicines that effectively eliminate increased heart rate without affecting the level of blood pressure. Medications of the beta-blocker group can also be prescribed (Bisoprolol at an initial dosage of 1.25 mg per day), if necessary, the daily dosage can be increased, or therapy should be combined with sedative drugs (Adaptol 1 tablet 1 time per day).

In this case, various methods of psychocorrection should be considered as an auxiliary therapy, the action of which is aimed at quickly relaxing the body.

Rapid pulse with low blood pressure

During a routine primary objective examination, a doctor of any specialty necessarily measures the level of blood pressure and pulse rate, because these indicators most often change in diseases that require immediate correction.

The pulse rate indicator is influenced by both the state of health of the patient himself, the level of his psycho-emotional activity, and environmental criteria in the form of temperature, atmospheric pressure, and humidity.

An indicator of rapid heart rate is an increase in the heart rate by at least 20%. Such a value for an average healthy person is a level of more than 100 beats per minute.

Very often, doctors are faced with situations where the patient has a simultaneous increase in heart rate and a decrease in blood pressure numbers. Such situations are most typical for patients who are in a state of shock with anaphylaxis, toxic damage, and profuse blood loss.

The most common pathological condition in which the patient has an increase in heart rate against the background of a moderately pronounced decrease in blood pressure is. This pathology is characterized by a tendency to a crisis course, in which a person has a sharp weakness, pallor of the skin, dizziness, a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate.

The physiological reason for the development of a rapid pulse against the background of low blood pressure is a hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, in which there is a vasoconstrictive effect of progesterone and a simultaneous increase in the volume of circulating blood.

During an episode of rapid heart rate and low blood pressure, patients feel a sharp discomfort in the chest, moderate pain in the projection of the heart, pulsating, psychomotor agitation.

When determining the tactics of treating a patient suffering from frequent episodes of increased heart rate against the background of low blood pressure, elimination of the provoking factor is of fundamental importance. So, the existing acute blood loss needs to be immediately stopped by conservative or operative methods. In case of shock, which is the cause of the development of rapid heart rate and a sharp decrease in blood pressure, all anti-shock measures should be applied to the patient, the action of which is aimed at stabilizing the functions of vital organs.

The treatment of pregnant women should be dealt with not only by gynecologists, but also by therapists. A woman suffering from episodes of rapid heart rate and a decrease in blood pressure is required to comply with a half-bed rest, a good night's sleep, and recommendations for correcting eating behavior. In most cases, compliance with these recommendations has a good effect in the form of rapid pulse relief, and therefore there is no need to use medication.

As drugs of the drug series, you should use the means of combined action, which at the same time slow down the pulse and increase blood pressure (Valocardin 20 drops orally during an attack).

Increased heart rate at high blood pressure

An excess of blood pressure gradient and pulse rate occurs under the influence of various reasons, and each of these processes is regulated by various pathogenetic mechanisms, however, in some situations, any person can simultaneously experience these conditions.

Among the reasons for the development of a rapid pulse against the background of an increased level of blood pressure, the priorities are: unusual physical activity for the body, psychomotor overexcitation.

With any physical activity, manifested in varying degrees of intensity, there is an active release of adrenaline, which is a stimulant for both the arterial pressure gradient and the pulse. When the increase in physical activity was of a short-term nature, after its termination, the indicators of both the pulse and intravascular arterial pressure normalize independently.

Thus, a short-term non-critical increase in blood pressure and pulse rate with adequate physical activity is considered exclusively as a compensatory mechanism. People who are accustomed to increased physical activity differ from the average person in that their pulse rate and blood pressure numbers are always below normal outside of physical activity. When physical training is stopped, this category of patients constitutes the so-called risk group for the provocation of cardiovascular complications, which are manifested not only by an increase in heart rate and an increase in pressure indicators, but also by more severe syndromes for the patient's health.

Treating a Fast Heart Rate

When choosing the tactics of managing a patient with signs of rapid heartbeat, the primary task of the cardiologist is to determine the appropriateness of a particular treatment method. Not in all situations, patients with a rapid pulse are subject to hospitalization in a hospital. To this end, cardiologists and neuropathologists have developed clinical and instrumental criteria to determine the need for inpatient treatment in each case.

Such criteria are: an intense increase in the pulse of a prolonged nature, the occurrence of which is due to the minimal influence of a provoking factor, and sometimes at rest, an impulsive course of the disease with a tendency to relapse.

It should be borne in mind that emergency measures, which involve prescribing a medicine with a rapid pulse, are exclusively of a short-term symptomatic nature. If we consider the long-term relief of rapid heart rate, then the doctor's great efforts should be aimed at eliminating all links in the pathogenesis of this condition. The priority measures should be: lifestyle modification, that is, the complete elimination of bad habits, the normalization of the psycho-emotional status, and the provision of a good night's sleep.

In a situation where an increase in heart rate is a compensatory reaction of the body to physiological stimuli in the form of stress, physical stress, it is enough for the patient to follow simple rules to stop it. First of all, the patient should take a comfortable posture and apply some method of psycho-emotional relaxation, for example, psycho-correction in the form of systematic breathing movements, self-hypnosis.

The technique of holding the breath during the period of the maximum possible deep inspiration has a good effect on stopping the rapid pulse. With the correct implementation of breathing exercises, the signs of an increased heart rate are leveled within a few minutes. In addition, the patient should take some herbal sedative, such as Valerian tincture, 20 drops orally.

If the rapid pulse is pathological in nature and its occurrence is due to some other disease that the patient has, a necessary condition for treatment is the use of pathogenetic agents, which include antiarrhythmic drugs. The choice of a drug of an antiarrhythmic pharmacological group depends, first of all, on the form of cardiac rhythm disturbance. Since in most cases a rapid pulse develops against the background, the gold standard for the treatment of this category of patients is the appointment of Obzidan at a therapeutic dosage of 60 mg. In a situation where the increase in the patient's pulse is of a toxic nature, it is imperative to cancel drugs that increase the pulse.

In some cases, the only pathogenetically substantiated way to stop an increased heart rate is the use of surgical techniques (cardiosurgical operative aids, thyroid resection or removal).

Rapid pulse - which doctor should you contact? In the presence of a rapid pulse, you should seek advice from doctors such as a cardiologist and a neuropathologist.

The heart is one of the main organs of the human body. The norm of the number of contractions of the heart muscle in adults is from 60 beats per minute, the average is 75 beats. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

The main "motor" of the body pumps an average of five liters of blood in one minute. Emotions, joy, stress, fear cause a rapid heartbeat, which does not always go away on its own. If the heart beats at a speed of more than a hundred beats per minute and this constantly worries a person, then this pathology is medically called tachycardia.

What is tachycardia

Tachycardia is a Latin phrase that translates to "fast" and "heart".

Heart palpitations come on suddenly and go away just as suddenly. The time interval of the duration of the attacks can last from a couple of seconds to several hours. It happens that the heartbeat suddenly increased, what measures should be taken, what should be done at home to prevent the disease and normalize the work of the heart?

It is important to remember that the acceleration of the heart and the number of its contractions is only a symptom of the disease. Which one, you need to find out by consulting a doctor, and undergo a series of examinations.

Why does heart palpitations occur

A rapid pulse can provoke the slightest trifle. Experiences, nervous tension, stress directly affect the work of the heart. In many cases, the heart is ready for such loads, since this is a normal physiological reaction of the body. But if the indicator exceeds the norm of 90 beats per minute and lasts for a long time, then measures must be taken so that there are no complications in the future.

People with the following diseases and conditions are predisposed to the symptoms of tachycardia:

  • Overwork of the body.
  • Insomnia.
  • Disturbances in the work of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland.
  • Poisoning by food, toxic, chemical substances.
  • Climax.
  • Obesity.
  • Diseases of an infectious nature.
  • Physical loads.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Medications.
  • Anemia.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Significant blood loss.
  • early weeks of pregnancy.

Rapid heartbeat occurs not only with various pathologies, but also with laughter, crying, excitement, sexual intercourse, hot weather. Such processes are considered the norm and are not a deviation.

Rapid heart rate symptoms

With a sudden attack of tachycardia, there may be a lack of air, a feeling of heaviness in the region of the heart, pain in the heart, and shortness of breath. An attack of palpitations can occur with high or low blood pressure. A person clearly feels a large pulse, how often his heart beats, weakness and convulsions can be observed.

What are the complications of heart palpitations?

Very often, a prolonged manifestation of tachycardia, which is not treated for a long time and nothing is done to stop it, can develop into more serious diseases:

  • Frequent loss of consciousness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Heart failure, heart attack, cardiac arrest.
  • Seizures.
  • Pulmonary edema.
  • Thrombosis of the pulmonary artery.

What should alert a person with prolonged tachycardia

If an attack of palpitations does not happen for the first time, it is necessary to pay attention to the duration of such a condition, how often the attack recurs. When exactly a rapid heartbeat occurs, perhaps some specific reasons become the culprit of this pathology. It may be physical activity, stress, or no apparent cause of this condition at all.

It is very important to measure what kind of blood pressure a person has during an attack of rapid heart rate. Also pay attention to what accompanying symptoms occur during an attack. There may be severe pain in the heart, nausea.

If you are careful, then all this information can be very useful for the attending physician, it will help get rid of heart palpitations and it is possible to identify the true cause of this pathology.

What to do with heart palpitations - first aid

If a person feels an attack of tachycardia, you need to calm down. Sit down and unfasten the buttons on your clothes, remove your tie and unfasten the belt on your trousers. Provide access to fresh air.

With accompanying ailments - dizziness, nausea, the best thing to do is lie on your side and lie down for a while. Drink cold water, wash your face with water or apply a cold wet towel. It is also recommended to put pressure on the solar plexus several times or induce vomiting.

What can you do at home with heart palpitations

  • Valerian

The medicinal plant has sedative properties. Promotes normal sleep and stabilizes the nervous system, relieves an attack of rapid heartbeat. Thanks to the medicinal decoction, the body becomes calm, keeping the heart rate normal.

The decoction can be prepared at home in the following way: pour two tablespoons of crushed valerian roots into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for ten hours. Strain the infusion through a strainer and take a couple of sips three times a day. Valerian should be drunk in courses of 12 days, between doses you need to take a seven-day break.

  • Horsetail

A medicine prepared from the horsetail herb is very useful and effective in the initial stage of tachycardia, when the heart rate increases only during exertion or, for example, only at night.

Dry horsetail grass, in the amount of thirty grams, should be poured into a thermos with 300 ml of boiling water. The medicine is insisted for four hours. Use ready-made horsetail infusion for a dessert spoon every two hours. The course of admission is two weeks.

  • Adonis (Adonis)

In order for the remedy not to cause harm to the body, it is very important to observe the correct dosage of the drug. The use of adonis in large doses can cause serious harm to health. Adonis helps to improve the blood supply to the heart muscle, strengthens the coronary vessels.

- Pour 10 grams of adonis with one mill of boiled water, leave for 30 minutes. Use the finished medicine three times a day for a tablespoon for a week.

  • Hawthorn

Alcohol tincture of hawthorn is prepared as follows: pour 25 g of fruits with one glass of alcohol. To get a therapeutic effect, you need to insist the medicine in a dark, cool place for at least 14 days.

To prevent attacks of frequent heartbeat, put 20 drops of hawthorn infusion in a third of a glass of water, take three times a day. The use of infusion has a positive effect on the heart, relieves headaches, normalizes blood pressure, and normalizes the pulse.

With an attack of tachycardia, the medicine should be taken three times in one hour in the amount of 10 drops, while drinking fresh herbal tea.

  • Collection of herbs for the prevention of heart palpitations

A prophylactic is the collection of herbs, which consists of valerian, hawthorn, linden blossom, motherwort, arnica.

The prepared tea can be drunk in a course of thirty days twice a day.

The method of preparing the collection is simple: pour 15 g of a mixture of herbs into a cup and pour boiling water over it. Leave for a few minutes.

Herbs relieve heart pain, normalize the pulse rate.

  • Dried fruits for fast heartbeat

To prepare a delicious medicine, make a mix of dried apricots, prunes, raisins, walnuts. All products must be taken in three hundred grams. Add two cups of liquid honey and the zest of one lemon to the mixture. The ingredients need to be crushed, mixed, and consumed one dessert spoon twice a day.

All vitamins and minerals that are part of a healthy and tasty medicine are very necessary for the functioning of the heart. The treat strengthens the heart muscle and restores a normal rhythm during tachycardia.

  • Carotid massage

One home remedy for heart palpitations is carotid massage.

If the condition worsens, it is necessary to find a vessel on the side of the neck and proceed with the massage. With light pressure movements, slightly block the blood flow. Due to the lack of blood in the brain, mild dizziness may occur. This is a normal reaction, you should not be afraid of it. The massage takes a couple of minutes. After it, the rhythm of the heartbeat normalizes and the general well-being of the body improves.

Disease prevention

The heart is a vital organ, so do not joke and neglect your health. Preventive measures for heart palpitations that are taken at home include a healthy diet, getting rid of addictions, moderate exercise, enough water and less stress and anxiety.

If a person uses medicinal plants to treat heart palpitations, then the correct approach and control of your doctor is important in this. If you approach the treatment correctly, you can get good results and prevent serious complications.

The pulse, or heart rate (HR), is one of the most sensitive indicators of our well-being. Joy or despair, delight or fear - any acute emotions, any physical activity - these are external factors, after which the pulse quickens, and your heart beats faster.

The heart rate accelerates by several beats per minute in order to adapt to the general tone of the body, because to overcome physical exertion and emotional experiences, it needs more nutrients and oxygen.

That is why the cardiovascular system turns on the "afterburner" mode of the heartbeat - a rapid pulse. With its help, the circulatory system quickly copes with oxygenation (oxygen saturation) and nutrition of organs. But are the causes of rapid heart rate always hidden in external influences?

To find out the causes of rapid heart rate and heart rate, you need to know which heart rate values ​​are considered accelerated.

For an adult healthy person, the pulse rate ranges from 50 to 90 beats / minute. This means that a heart rate indicator above 90 beats is a frequent pulse. The value is considered physiological if it was provoked by external factors and after a 10-15 minute rest, the pulse returns to normal. Such a state should not cause concern.

If the resting heart rate reaches 100 or more beats, this is a sign of tachycardia, which in certain cases requires treatment.

In addition to the pulse, when assessing a person’s condition, it is necessary to pay attention to such factors as:

  • blood pressure (BP);
  • chronic diseases;
  • a person's lifestyle;
  • taking certain medications, tonics -

and other conditions under which there is a rapid pulse. How to reduce the accelerated heart rate - this issue can be resolved only when the exact reasons for its increase become known.

Reasons why the heart rate increases

If a person is interested in why the pulse quickens in a calm state, this suggests that an accelerated heartbeat gives him anxiety and, most likely, is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. This is a serious reason to visit a doctor. To get to the bottom of the causes of a frequent pulse with, as well as or, you should pay attention to the circumstances under which it usually accelerates.

At normal, low, high pressure

What does a rapid pulse indicate at normal pressure? The causes of this condition often lie in physiological factors such as:

  • physical overload;
  • stuffy or hot atmosphere;
  • emotional experiences;
  • binge eating.

But there are pathological reasons:

  • various types of anemia;
  • problems with the respiratory system;
  • all kinds of infections and intoxication;
  • fever (fever, chills);
  • endocrine diseases.

If the pressure is low and the heart rate is accelerated, this is a very serious symptom. Such a sign may be the beginning of an ischemic stroke, hypovolemia and other catastrophic conditions. With a decrease in blood pressure, the organs begin to experience a lack of oxygen, and to prevent ischemia, the cardiovascular system "starts" a rapid pulse. What to do in this case:

  • stop, stop any work;
  • take a comfortable sitting or lying position;
  • unfasten the collar and all tight fasteners;
  • take a sedative;
  • in an emergency, call a doctor.

Can there be a frequent pulse with high blood pressure? Maybe it shouldn't be ignored. Provided that the vessels are narrowed, and the heart works at an accelerated pace, the risk of rupture of the vascular wall increases, not to mention the wear and tear of the heart muscle. Therefore, a load in the form of a rapid pulse, both at normal pressure and at elevated pressure, can be fatal to the heart. The situation requires medical attention.

In a calm state

If everything is clear with the provoking factors, then why does the pulse quicken in a calm state? Tachycardia at rest is a signal of systemic disorders, including psychosomatic ones.

For example, panic attacks lead to acceleration of heart rate. Against this background, the situation of a “vicious circle” often develops - a person experiences inexplicable excitement, and his heart begins to beat faster, but due to palpable tachycardia, the excitement increases even more and the person panics. How to treat a rapid pulse in such cases, psychotherapeutic specialists know.

But there may be other reasons (pathological and physiological), therefore, to solve the problem of why the rapid pulse in a calm state, you should first visit a therapist.

Leg pulse points

It is not uncommon to hear from patients that the pulse quickens after eating. The causes of these complaints are most often due to overweight, a large amount of food eaten.

Frequent pulse after eating is often diagnosed as a gastrocardiac syndrome (or Roemheld's syndrome), the symptoms of which, in addition to tachycardia, are pallor and cold sweat, a feeling of fear and lack of air after eating. This requires complex treatment.

A slight acceleration of the pulse after eating (no higher than 90) is considered normal and does not need treatment. If the heart rate rises significantly and regularly, regardless of the amount of food, then the doctor should answer why the heartbeat quickens after eating.

After alcohol

Alcoholic drinks contain alcohol, a substance that has a vasodilating effect. Therefore, a slight acceleration of heart rate (up to 90 beats) when drinking alcohol is natural, especially in people with natural low blood pressure.

We should not forget that alcohol itself is cardiotoxic and arrhythmogenic, that is, it negatively affects the cells of the heart and causes a change in the conduction of cardiac impulses. In old age, as well as with frequent and heavy drinking, the heart muscle wears out, which causes a rapid pulse after alcohol, which can be attributed to tachycardia. This requires a complete abstinence from alcohol. Otherwise, everything can end with left ventricular hypertrophy, atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction.

If a person, on the background of drinking alcohol or with a hangover, has not only an increased pulse, but also a feeling of lack of air or fainting, he should call SMP.

When getting up

A sharp change in body position when standing up often provokes an episode of orthostatic hypotension in people prone to this. This happens due to a sharp deterioration in the blood supply to the brain (which leads to dizziness or fainting).

In this case, the heart makes an attempt to make up for the lack of oxygen by an accelerated pace of work, which is why when you stand up, the pulse rate quickens. In cardiology practice, there is a term orthostatic tachycardia, which, although not noted in ICD 10, but doctors call it the following reasons:

  • autonomic neuropathy;
  • violation of the sympathetic innervation of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • violation of the functions of the venous valves.

A rapid pulse when getting up also happens in people who have been on bed rest for a long time. There is another reason - the lack of elementary fitness.

If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then even such an insignificant load as getting up from a place causes tachycardia in him. In this case, it's time to think about the benefits of physical education, after consulting with your doctor.

Physical activity is one of the main physiological factors of heart rate increase. Why does my heart rate increase during exercise? The heart during exercise requires more oxygen and nutrients. And only accelerated blood flow can ensure their rapid delivery to the organ. This is why your heart rate increases when you run. There is a so-called functional, or physiological sinus tachycardia, the hallmark of which is the rapid recovery of heart rate after a 10-15-minute rest.

If when falling asleep throws out of sleep

Perhaps the most unpleasant sensations occur in people who, when falling asleep, are thrown out of sleep and at the same time their pulse quickens. They describe their condition as a sudden increase in heart rate during falling asleep, which does not stop until the person finally wakes up. Such emissions from sleep can occur every night, depriving a person of the opportunity to fully relax.

Doctors see several causes of this syndrome:

  • varieties of panic attacks and other neurotic conditions;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands, pancreas, stomach, esophagus, lungs.

Accompanying pathologies, for example, thyroid diseases, can aggravate the symptoms of tachycardia when falling asleep.

At night

A similar situation develops during a deep night's sleep - a person wakes up from a lack of air, tries to get up and feels a rapid pulse.

To find out why the heart rate increases at night, you need to undergo a number of diagnostic studies, including ECG, CBC and Holter monitoring. The procedures will help determine what exactly caused the increased heart rate at night:

  • lability of the nervous system, neurotic reaction;
  • diencephalic syndrome.

A fast pulse at night can be a non-specific symptom of a disease such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), but an accurate diagnosis should be left to the doctor.

For women preparing to become mothers, rapid heart rate during pregnancy is not uncommon. It arises as a result of increased intensity of metabolic processes, an increase in bcc and other natural causes. It is very important how this changes the well-being of a woman. If she is tormented by headaches, dizziness, and lack of air, and if her pulse is fast, what to do in such a situation, be sure to go to the doctor. It is necessary to make sure that the unborn child and his mother are not threatened by such pathologies as:

  • vitamin or iron deficiency anemia;
  • cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, etc.);
  • overweight (creates an additional burden on the heart and blood vessels);
  • preeclampsia is a perinatal complication that occurs closer to the third trimester and is manifested by eclampsia, increased blood pressure, and swelling.

If none of the above is found in a woman, one can assume the psychogenic nature of a high pulse during pregnancy. But only the attending physician can diagnose or refer to another specialist.

When an accelerated pulse is not accompanied by other pronounced symptoms (an obvious change in blood pressure, fever, shortness of breath, fear, clouding of consciousness, etc.), it can be calmed without the use of drugs. Sometimes a 10-15 minute rest is enough to restore normal heart rhythm.

What to take from medicines?

If the patient is haunted by the desire to "drink something and calm down," you should not immediately grab hold of potent sedative medications. If there is an accelerated pulse at normal pressure, what to take from medicines, if not simple pharmacy tinctures of motherwort, valerian, hawthorn, hops or peony? They can be mixed in arbitrary parts and drunk in a teaspoon of the mixture with water. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take the following sedatives:

  • Zelenin drops;
  • sedative collection No. 2;
  • Persen;
  • Valocordin;
  • Novopassit.

There are enough pharmacological means to solve the problem of how to bring down a rapid pulse, so you should not panic in case of an acute attack of tachycardia. If there is a constantly rapid pulse, you may have to drink sedatives in courses - as prescribed by the doctor.

In case of cardiovascular pathologies accompanied by arterial hypertension, the doctor may prescribe antihypertensive drugs with an antiarrhythmic or pulse-slowing effect, but these drugs are prescription drugs and are categorically contraindicated for self-medication.

What else to do?

What else can be done when the pulse is frequent, what to do at home? Doctors often teach their patients to resort to vagal techniques to reduce heart rate and, at the same time, blood pressure. The use of vagal tests can lead to a significant decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, therefore, without monitoring these parameters and prior consultation with a doctor, it is undesirable to start fast-acting methods.

At home, you can make a soothing tea from the leaves and flowers of lemon balm, hawthorn, motherwort and other plants with sedative properties. It should be drunk in small sips and not hot, but pleasantly warm.

Should I be treated if my heart is beating faster than it should?

People who are accustomed to enduring poor health “to the last” may, even in a situation with a high heart rate, doubt the need for its treatment. It is not uncommon to see men clutching at their hearts, but continuing to do the work they have begun. This attitude towards your health is unacceptable. If you "feel the heart" too often, regularly notice a heartbeat - do not postpone a visit to the doctor, contact him in time. It is better to learn in a timely manner how to treat tachycardia than to be in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit.

Useful video

From the following video you can learn useful tips on how to relieve a rapid heart rate:


  1. Such a condition as an accelerated pulse has many causes, both physiological and pathological.
  2. The fact that the condition is pathological, as a rule, is indicated by accompanying symptoms - increased or decreased blood pressure, dizziness, lack of air, and others.
  3. It is impossible to independently establish the cause of the pathological acceleration of the pulse; this requires a medical examination.
  4. ignoring a regularly rising at rest or constantly elevated pulse is life-threatening.


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