Temperature 37 during the day and at night. Causes of periodic or constant slight increase in body temperature

What are the causes of a constant or intermittent slight increase in temperature at certain times of the day, in the evening or during the day? Why is an increase in body temperature from 37.2 to 37.6 ° often observed in children, the elderly or pregnant women?

What does subfebrile temperature mean

Subfebrile is denoted slight increase in body temperature before 37.2-37.6°C, the value of which, as a rule, fluctuates in the range of 36.8 ± 0.4 °C. Sometimes temperatures can reach 38°C, but do not exceed this value, since temperatures over 38°C indicate fever.

Subfebrile temperature can affect any person, but children and the elderly the most vulnerable, as they are more susceptible to infections and their immune system is unable to protect the body.

When and how subfebrile temperature manifests itself

Subfebrile temperature may appear in various times of the day, which sometimes correlates with possible pathological or non-pathological causes.

Depending on the time at which subfebrile temperature occurs, we can distinguish:

  • morning: The subject suffers from subfebrile temperature in the morning when the temperature rises above 37.2°C. Although in the morning the physiologically normal body temperature should be below the average daily temperature, therefore even a slight increase can be defined as a subfebrile temperature.
  • After eating: after dinner, due to the processes of digestion and related physiological processes, the body temperature rises. This is not uncommon, therefore, a temperature increase of more than 37.5 ° C refers to subfebrile.
  • Afternoon/evening: during the day and in the evening there are also periods of physiological increase in body temperature. Therefore, subfebrile temperature includes an increase in excess of 37.5 ° C.

Subfebrile temperature can also be manifested different modes, which, as in the previous case, depends on the nature of the causes, for example:

  • sporadic: This type of subfebrile temperature is episodic, may be associated with seasonal changes or the onset of the menstrual cycle in women of childbearing age, or be the result of intense physical activity. This form causes the least concern, since, in most cases, it is not associated with pathology.
  • intermittent: such subfebrile temperature is characterized by fluctuations or periodic occurrences at certain points in time. May be associated, for example, with physiological events, periods of intense stress, or an indicator of disease progression.
  • Persistent: a constant subfebrile temperature that persists and does not weaken throughout the day and lasts for quite a long time is alarming, as it is closely associated with certain diseases.

Symptoms associated with subfebrile temperature

Subfebrile temperature can be completely asymptomatic or accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms, which, as a rule, become the reason for going to the doctor for diagnosis.

Among the symptoms that are most often associated with subfebrile temperature, there are:

  • Asthenia: The subject experiences a feeling of fatigue and exhaustion, which is directly correlated with an increase in temperature. This may be due to infections, malignancies and seasonal changes.
  • pain: Along with the appearance of subfebrile temperature, the subject may feel pain in the joints, pain in the back, or pain in the legs. In this case, a connection with the flu or a sharp seasonal change is possible.
  • Cold symptoms: if headache, dry cough and sore throat appear along with subfebrile temperature, then hypothermia and exposure to the virus may be taking place.
  • Abdominal symptoms: along with a slight increase in temperature, the patient may complain of abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea. One of the possible reasons is infection with a gastroenterological infection.
  • Psychogenic symptoms: sometimes it is possible, along with the appearance of subfebrile temperature, the appearance of episodes of anxiety, tachycardia and sudden trembling. In this case, it is possible that the subject is suffering from problems of a depressive nature.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes: if subfebrile temperature is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes and profuse sweating, especially at night, then it may be associated with a tumor or infection, for example, mononucleosis.

Causes of subfebrile temperature

When subfebrile temperature is sporadic or periodic, has a correlation with certain periods of years, months or days, then it is almost certainly associated with a non-pathological cause.

Temperature causes...

Prolonged and persistent low-grade fever, which persists for many days and appears mainly in the evening or during the day, is often associated with a specific disease.

Causes of subfebrile temperature, without pathology:

  • Digestion: after eating food, digestive processes cause a physiological increase in body temperature. This can cause a mild low-grade fever, especially if you have ingested hot food or drinks.
  • Heat: in summer, when the air reaches high temperatures, being in a room that is too hot can cause increase in body temperature. This happens especially often in children and newborns, whose body thermoregulation system is not yet fully developed.
  • Stress: in some individuals, especially sensitive to stressful events, subfebrile temperature can be interpreted as a reaction to stress. Usually, the temperature rise occurs in anticipation of stressful events or immediately after it has happened. This kind of subfebrile temperature can appear even in infants, for example, when he cries very intensely for a long time.
  • Hormonal changes: In women, subfebrile temperature may be closely related to hormonal changes. So in the stage of premenstruation, body temperature increases by 0.5-0.6°C, and this can determine a slight increase in temperature in the range from 37 to 37.4°C. Also, in the early stages of pregnancy, hormonal changes lead to a similar increase in body temperature.
  • season change: as part of the change of season and a sharp transition from high to cold temperatures, and vice versa, a change in body temperature may occur (without causes of a pathological basis).
  • Medications: some medications have low-grade fever as a side effect. These include antibacterial drugs of the beta-lactam antibiotic class, most anticancer drugs, and other drugs such as quinidine, phenytoin, and some vaccine components.

Pathological causes of subfebrile temperature

The most common pathological causes of subfebrile temperature are:

  • Neoplasms: tumors are the main cause of persistent low-grade fever, especially in the elderly. Among the tumors that most often lead to an increase in body temperature, there are leukemias, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and several other types of cancer. Usually, subfebrile temperature in the case of a tumor is accompanied by rapid weight loss, a strong feeling of fatigue, and in the case of tumors involving blood cells, anemia.
  • Viral infections: one of the viral infections that causes subfebrile temperature is HIV, which leads to the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. This virus typically destroys the subject's immune system, therefore causing emaciation, which is manifested by a variety of symptoms, one of which is low-grade fever, opportunistic-type infections, asthenia, and weight loss. Another viral infection that causes persistent low grade fever is infectious mononucleosis, known as "kissing disease" due to its transmission of salivary secretions.
  • Respiratory tract infections: low-grade fever is often present in case of infection involving the respiratory tract (such as pharyngitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis or a cold). One of the most dangerous respiratory tract infections that causes low-grade fever is tuberculosis, which is accompanied by profuse sweating, asthenia, weakness and weight loss.
  • Thyroid problems: subfebrile temperature is one of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, caused by thyrotoxic destruction of the thyroid gland. This destruction of the thyroid gland is called thyroiditis and is often caused by a viral infection.
  • Other pathologies: there are other diseases, such as celiac disease or rheumatic fever caused by streptococcal infection, beta-hemolytic type, which include the appearance of subfebrile temperature. However, in these cases, subfebrile temperature is not the main symptom.

How is subfebrile temperature treated?

Subfebrile temperature is not a pathology, but a symptom by which the body can indicate that something is going wrong. In fact, there are many diseases that can lead to persistent low-grade fever.

However, often slight increase in body temperature has no pathological causes and can be compensated with the help of simple natural remedies.

It is difficult to find the cause of subfebrile temperature, but, in any case, you should consult a doctor.

Natural remedies against non-pathological low-grade fever

To combat the symptoms caused by low-grade fever, natural remedies such as herbal medicine can be used. Of course, before resorting to one of these remedies, you should consult your doctor.

Among medicinal plants, used in the case of subfebrile temperature, the most important are:

  • Gentian: used in case of intermittent low-grade fever, this plant contains bitter glycosides and alkaloids, which gives it antipyretic properties.

Used as a decoction: 2 g of gentian roots are boiled in 100 ml of boiling water, left to infuse for about a quarter of an hour, and then filtered. It is recommended to drink two cups a day.

  • white willow: contains, among other active substances, derivatives of salicylic acid, which have the same antipyretic effect as aspirin.

A decoction can be prepared by bringing to a boil a liter of water containing about 25 grams of white willow root. Boil for about 10-15 minutes, then filter and drink two to three times a day.

  • Linden: useful as an associated antipyretic, linden contains tannins and mucus.

It is used in the form of infusions, which are prepared by adding a tablespoon of linden flowers to 250 ml of boiling water, followed by infusion for ten minutes and filtering, you can drink several times a day.

However, the absence of any symptoms is frightening, since it is impossible to immediately determine the cause of such a condition.

The optimal temperature indicator for normally occurring processes in the human body is 36.6 ° C. However, there are times when the temperature is elevated for no reason.

On the one hand, for some people this is the norm: there are people who always have it at 36, and there are those who have a normal temperature of 37.4 ° C. On the other hand, if a person usually has a normal temperature of 36.6 ° C, then a high temperature without symptoms in an adult means some kind of disorder.

Why does the temperature rise?

In all other situations, an increase in body temperature above normal indicates that the body is trying to fight something. In most cases, these are foreign agents in the body - bacteria, viruses, protozoa or a consequence of physical effects on the body (burn, frostbite, foreign body). At elevated temperatures, the existence of agents in the body becomes difficult, infections, for example, die at a temperature of about 38 C.

All fevers are divided into three groups:

  1. Subfebrile fever, in which the temperature rises from 37 to 38 degrees;
  2. Febrile fever - the temperature rises from 38 to 39 degrees;
  3. Hectic fever - an increase in temperature from up to 40 degrees and above.

But any organism, like a mechanism, is not perfect and can fail. In the case of temperature, we can observe this when the body, due to the individual characteristics of the immune system, reacts too violently to various infections, and the temperature rises too high, for most people it is 38.5 C.

Causes of high fever in adults without symptoms

An increase in temperature or fever is observed in almost all acute infectious diseases, as well as during the exacerbation of certain chronic diseases. And in the absence of catarrhal symptoms, doctors can determine the cause of the patient's high body temperature by isolating the pathogen either directly from the local focus of infection or from the blood.

It is much more difficult to determine the cause of the temperature without signs of a cold if the disease arose as a result of exposure to the body of opportunistic microbes (bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma) - against the background of a decrease in general or local immunity. Then it is necessary to conduct a detailed laboratory study of not only blood, but also urine, bile, sputum and mucus.

Causes of fever without symptoms can be associated with the following diseases:

In all situations, an increase in temperature without signs of a cold indicates that the body is trying to fight something. For example, the so-called low-grade fever often accompanies anemia - a low level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Do I need to lower the temperature?

If its growth is observed, then it is worth bringing down the temperature using antipyretic drugs - Paracetamol, Aspirin ... you can also use NSAIDs - Ibuprofen, Nurofen. For children, children's Nurofen in the form of a sweet syrup is best suited, but Aspirin should not be given to a child.

At 42°C, irreversible changes occur in the cerebral cortex and a lethal outcome is possible. But this rarely happens.

Temperature 37 without symptoms: possible causes

Runny nose, fever, sore throat are all common symptoms of the common cold. But what to do if the temperature is 37 without symptoms? For what reasons this occurs and how to deal with it, let's figure it out.

Causes of fever without visible symptoms:

  1. The onset of pregnancy (in women);
  2. Weakened immunity;
  3. The presence of any sluggish infection in the body;
  4. Pre-cold state;
  5. Depletion of human energy reserves;
  6. General fatigue, depression or post-stress state;
  7. Venereal diseases (syphilis, AIDS, etc.)

Basically, a temperature of 37 without symptoms in an adult is due to the fact that there is some reason that caused such a condition, but it did not completely overcome the person's defenses.

Temperature 38 without symptoms: possible causes

A temperature of 38 without symptoms can occur quite often. And not always the reasons for this temperature are the same. This temperature may signal that lacunar or follicular angina is beginning (with catarrhal angina, the temperature rises slightly).

If the temperature is above 38 degrees without symptoms for 3 or more days, then this may be a manifestation of:

The most unpleasant syndrome is the persistence of elevated temperature for several weeks and even months. This is most likely:

  1. A sign of the development of a tumor in the body;
  2. Serious endocrine disorders;
  3. Leukemia;
  4. Diffuse changes in the liver or lungs.

The only thing that unites all these cases is that in any case, the increase in temperature is due to the resistance of the body, which means that the immune system is fighting.

Temperature 39 without symptoms: possible causes

If a temperature of 39 without symptoms in an adult does not occur for the first time, then this is a clear sign of a pathological decrease in immunity and the development of a chronic inflammatory process. The phenomenon may be accompanied by loss of consciousness, febrile convulsions, shortness of breath or its further increase. In this case, you must definitely contact a medical institution.

A high body temperature of 39-39.5 ° without obvious symptoms can be a signal of the following diseases:

  1. SARS;
  2. The presence of a tumor process;
  3. Development of catarrhal angina;
  4. Manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  5. Chronic pyelonephritis;
  6. Manifestation of hypothalamic syndrome;
  7. The presence of viral endocarditis;
  8. The appearance of meningococcal infection.

Finding out the causes of an increase in temperature to 39 ° C in adults is a difficult task even for experienced specialists, since in order to establish the cause, it is necessary to isolate the pathogen from the blood or the focus of infection.

What to do?

Go see your therapist first. Very often, we are simply not able to notice certain symptoms, and the doctor can easily identify them and be able to diagnose the disease. It is also necessary to pass tests, they will help to identify many diseases that do not manifest themselves outwardly. Sometimes a doctor may order a sputum, urine, or blood culture, x-ray, or ultrasound.

If the temperature is very high, it is worth calling an ambulance team so that the doctors provide emergency care and decide on hospitalization. In any case, high temperature is the body's "cry" for help, and you should pay attention to it.

Causes of low human body temperature


Remember, only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Otherwise, get all the diseases of the medical encyclopedia. If my temperature rises and my body starts to break, then I try to lie down at home with tea, lemons and honey for a couple of days. Additionally, I take a tablet of Influcid - three times a day. Usually, on the second day, positive changes are planned, and after four days I am back in the ranks.

I rarely get sick, but my husband always misses, he works at school, he has a favorable environment there. But he never stays at home on sick leave, in very rare cases he simply reschedules lessons. And even so, you know what kind. I buy him Antigrippin from Naturprodukt, which is available in the form of tablets and in the form of a powder. I like pills more, if there is a pharmacy, then I take them. Husband loves it with grapefruit. But for some reason it is quickly dismantled. I tried to buy Theraflu, but it contains phenylephrine, I'm somehow afraid. Subtracted. that it acts on the heart, but with acute respiratory disease, on the contrary, the heart needs rest, otherwise it’s not far from a heart attack. In Antigrippin, by the way, on the contrary, there is a sedative component in the composition.

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Three weeks ago, my daughter had a temperature at night and half a day (38). She is 2.7. There were no symptoms. Called the doctor in the morning. I say: "Why is that?" To which he answered me: “In my example, several children had this before the New Year. The pace was up. and kept for several days without any symptoms. But then she fell as sharply as she rose. It is not clear what this is connected with. ”I was also wary no less than yours. But as it turned out, she did not rise anymore.

A high temperature is a formidable symptom. At least I have it or the flu, or something more serious. If chills also join, then I know for sure that the flu and I start taking reaferon lipint in capsules. I wash my nose with dolphin, gargle with rotokan, drink milk warm and chicken broth.

Veronica, there is also phenylephrine in the rinza. Also now I take a closer look at the compositions, all the same, my health and my loved ones. And you can stuff anything. Previously, Osbo did not bother, what was in the pharmacy, then she bought it. Now I only take antigrippin (a natural product). I no longer have a grapefruit, but my husband also fell in love with raspberries) In any case, I know for sure that nothing will happen to my heart after it, and it knocks down the symptoms no worse.

In a couple of hours my temperature jumped from 36.6 to 39.9 and so it lasted for a day, then gradually lowered back to normal over the next two days. No symptoms at all. Nothing hurts, just a huge fatigue from the temperature. Doctors do not give an answer, they get off with general phrases. What was it?

Last night I suddenly increased to 38.6 (without any symptoms). I took a pill, slept a little to 38.3 and I went to bed. drank analgin and by the evening slept up to 36.6! Now 36 is exactly, I feel a breakdown, drowsiness. The same question - What was it.

I came home feeling good, while I was transferred to my home, everything suddenly broke down, chills began, in 20 minutes the temperature rose to 38.7, and there were no other symptoms.

We are hooking up for the second time in a year and a half, we don’t go to kindergarten, but on the street we play with children

I torture them out

But now I have found a remedy for this infection.

Dichlorvos odorless

I process I put a bag on my head, they are bastards, so a nightmare begins to run

It helps, I kept myself for 40 minutes, my daughter is 6 years old

Have you tried dust?

You're doing everything right, you need something toxic and odorless. To make it impossible to assess toxicity ...

The same thing in a couple of hours, the temperature rose to 39 degrees and stayed all day and all night .. they called an ambulance, they did not come ..

The temperature is 38/40 for the seventh day without symptoms, the father does not want to go to the hospital, he drinks medicine to bring down in an hour again 38 and above at home, what can you tell me to do

My mother is sick. She is 83 years old. Recently I took her to the village for three days. Looks like she caught a cold there. On the third day she became ill, she weakened. I immediately brought her to the city and put her in the hospital. She has a temperature in the evenings. Even symptoms of a fever sometimes appear. In the evenings, the temperature is 38.5

doctors can’t do anything. They can’t find the cause of the temperature. We did a complete analysis of the whole body MRI of the trouser cavity, checked for all infections, for ticks, for everything. It’s already the twentieth day and there is nothing we can do. Already the medicine does not help. Every day the temperature .Doctors can't say anything. She also has complaints about the lower back. Very severe pain in the lower back. I don't know where to go next. She is getting weaker every day. He doesn’t get up anymore, he says that the lower back hurts a lot. If someone has come across such a case, please help me tell me where to turn. Just if it goes on like this, I’m afraid that I will lose my mother.

It seems that the temperature with pain in the lower back is SICK KIDNEYS

This can be with kidney disease or something with the spine. Do an ultrasound of the kidneys, urine and blood tests. If everything is okay with the kidneys, then do an MRI of the lumbar spine, a sarcoma may develop.

My husband has the same symptoms, we have been sick for a month now, the doctors can’t find anything, how are you doing, did they find the cause of the temperature?

We have the same story, only my mother has been for 2 months already, she has such a temperature, they have already put 4 different antibiotics, saying the kidneys, but the pace. again holding on, we don’t know what to do.

looks like kidneys

My husband's temperature rises to 39 in the morning for a week. He drinks antibiotics, antipyretics. Nothing helps. 12. What to do

My husband has a temperature for 3 months, everyone underwent an ultrasound scan, too, FGS, everyone was in the hospital, they didn’t find anything, pain in his right side, but the examination does not show anything, they think the MIF 400 tablets, what should I do? And how long can you drink them?

For 2 months now I have had a temperature from 37 to 37/6, I had a general blood and urine test, the tests are normal, my throat is a little red and the doctor prescribed medication, I drank it for a week as it should have been, but the temperature is the same? I also went to the gynecologist and everything is fine.

Check your thyroid, that might be the issue.

I have been walking for two years with 37.2, they couldn’t find out in any way. I did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, it turned out to be inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder.

My goddaughter has had a fever for 4 days already.. It rises over 39.. They got a flu shot. Could this be a reaction? Who had it like that? If yes, what did they do?

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The child's temperature rises to 38 degrees at night

The symptom of fever often worries parents and not unreasonably. Everyone is well aware that hyperthermia always accompanies inflammatory processes in the body, as well as some infectious diseases. But sometimes, fever can be a symptom of teething, which is so anxiously awaited in the family of a newborn baby. Parents are faced with a lot of questions about how to behave in such a situation, whether to call a doctor or how to alleviate the condition of the child.

And the most acute question becomes: why does the child's temperature rise in the evening and what to do if the baby's temperature rises to 38 degrees by night. Is it worth knocking it down and how to behave so as not to harm the baby? A temperature of 38 ° C is the limit, after which you need to carefully monitor the behavior of the child, and, if necessary, respond in a timely and correct manner.

Increased temperature in a child

It is known that elevated body temperature is a protective reaction of the body to the introduction of foreign agents. Nothing happens in the body just like that, and every mechanism is designed for something. Many parents and even some doctors try to lower the temperature and keep it within the normal range. At the same time, it has already been proven that fever accelerates the healing process. Therefore, it is not worth fighting with a slight rise in temperature, since we can only aggravate the child's condition and the course of his illness.

When should the temperature be lowered?

If the temperature rises in the evening, and on the thermometer scale you will see the number 38.5 ° C, while the baby complains of a headache, there is a decrease in the baby's activity.

When the temperature rises at night in children under 2 months of age, it is worth giving him an antipyretic drug even if the thermometer shows 38.2 ° C.

If the child is prone to convulsions and diseases of the central nervous system or has heart disease, then the temperature should be reduced at an indicator of 37.5 ° C.

With all this, you should not strive to bring down the temperature to normal limits. It is enough for it to drop by 1-2 degrees. It would be enough.

Why the temperature rises at night - the main reasons

Quite often it is necessary to observe that the child may have a fever in the evening, while there are no other symptoms that would indicate the development of the disease. In such cases, pediatricians recommend examining the baby's neck. If a slight redness is found on the tonsils, then, most likely, after a day or two, other symptoms will join the temperature. Parents should know what diseases are preceded by fever, which in most cases increases closer to the night.

Inflammatory process. Pathogenic bacteria, invading the body, cause a response. Protective forces begin to fight pathogenic microbes, as a result of which the temperature begins to rise.

Teething. Most often, the process of teething is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature and, as a rule, closer to the night, the child begins to act up, refuses to eat, sleeps poorly.

Vaccination reaction. The temperature after vaccination may increase, and especially if a live vaccine has been administered.

Allergic reaction. By increasing the temperature, the body can react to the allergen. An allergen can be pet hair, aquarium fish food, foodstuffs, etc.

Overheat. A child can overheat not only in the sun. Overheating can be caused even if the child was in a stuffy room, in a car, in a pram.

Another factor that can provoke a rise in temperature is the panic of the parents. When a child is sick, parents should remain calm, at least in front of the baby. He does not need to see your anxiety and helpless state. Especially often mothers panic after they measure the temperature of the child at night. Knowing full well that the temperature in the evening can rise, parents develop fear even with a slight increase in body temperature. As a result, the anxiety of the parents is somehow transmitted to the baby and, against the background of emotional stress, his temperature may even rise to 39 ° C. Therefore, the calmness of parents and adequate behavior is the key to healthy sleep and well-being of your baby.

Stressful situations can also include preparing a child for the next performance in the garden, for a sports competition or other exciting events. Having noticed such a reaction of the body once, parents should warn her the next time, in advance inviting the child to take a sedative prescribed by a doctor.

How parents should behave

For some reason, it is generally accepted that the temperature can rise only if the child has a cold. But the temperature, especially in infants, can rise for a number of other reasons. The child may act up when overheated, or may become lethargic and overly calm. But, such a symptom as an increase in body temperature will be present in both cases. Therefore, measure the temperature correctly and take all appropriate measures in case you suspect that the child's strange behavior and fever are the result of overheating.

1. Ventilate the room well.

2. Remove excess clothing from the child.

3. Wipe the body with a diaper, after wetting it in water at a temperature of 36 ° C.

4. Try to get your baby drunk.

In this case, it is not necessary to give the baby antipyretic drugs. With the right actions of the parents, the fever will disappear on its own after 1 hour.

Without obvious symptoms, childhood infectious diseases can also cause fever. Only a doctor can determine the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

If you see that your child's body temperature rises in the evening, then the best thing you can do is to observe the condition of the child. At the same time, you must take all the necessary measures to ensure that the child is comfortable.

When to Call a Doctor

Never self-medicate. And especially if there are no other symptoms, and only a fever may indicate that the child is unwell.

However, parents need to understand when to call an ambulance immediately.

With symptoms of convulsions against the background of high temperature,

If the baby has pale skin and lethargy,

When, after taking antipyretic drugs, the temperature does not decrease, but rises,

If there is an allergic reaction to the drug.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that elevated body temperature is not always associated with a disease. Sometimes such a symptom in children may indicate an incompletely formed thermoregulation of their body.

EVERYONE should know about this! UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE! Scientists have developed a unique tool that helps restore immunity and prepare it for various attacks of influenza viruses and even restore it if you are already sick. Spring is coming - this is the time when flu activity increases due to lack of vitamins, and to protect yourself and the whole family, scientists advise drinking effective means of prevention and protection against infection in the air. In order not to lead to complications, parents, taught by bitter experience, use to strengthen the immunity of their child.

To correctly measure body temperature and make sure that it is really elevated, always choose a place under the arm. And only after you really see an increased indicator on the thermometer, you can take adequate measures and, if necessary, call a doctor, even if the clock is midnight.

Causes of an increase in body temperature in the evening

Why does body temperature rise in the evening?

For a healthy person, normal values ​​​​are 36.6 ° C. temperature can change during the day. In the evening, indicators can increase by about 0.4 ° C or a little more, and at night they can decrease, because the body is resting.

Reasons for the rise in temperature:

  • active lifestyle;
  • eating hot food (the temperature rises immediately after eating);
  • daytime exposure to the sun;
  • stress;
  • inhalation of harmful substances and chemicals;
  • taking certain medications;
  • teething;
  • overheating, too warm clothes;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • taking a bath.

All these factors affect body temperature and do not pose a threat.

During pregnancy or before the start of menstruation, indicators can reach 37.2-37.5 ° C. A higher temperature indicates inflammatory processes in the body.

Dangerous increase in body temperature in the evening

If the body temperature rises in the late afternoon, then this indicates the following problems:

  • the onset of a cold;
  • chronic fatigue and exhaustion;
  • inflammatory process in the body;
  • a recent illness, when the immune system is depressed.

The temperature begins to rise in the late afternoon, because the defense of the immune system is weakening by that time.

With exhaustion, regular lack of sleep, or after a serious illness, the immune system is vulnerable, and therefore the body temperature rises. Vitamin complexes and rest will help to recover.

At the onset of a cold, the immune system immediately begins to fight pathogens, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature. If the indicators reach a mark above 38 ° C, you can not do without medicines. The cause is a cold, rheumatism, inflammation of the kidneys or intestinal infections.

In order not to feel tired at the end of the day, it is necessary to correctly compose the daily routine and evenly distribute the load. By evening, the body is exhausted and exposed to viruses. In this case, it is difficult for the immune system to fight microorganisms, so the person gets sick.

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Why does the temperature rise to 37 degrees in the evening? Causes and diagnosis

And sometimes the body temperature remains normal throughout the day, but in the evening it invariably rises. Such a phenomenon does not always indicate the development of the disease, but it still speaks of certain changes in the human body. For some people, such changes generally become a normal state, because this is how their thermoregulation system functions. And yet, one should very carefully consider the reasons for the appearance of such numbers on the thermometer.

Every evening the temperature rises to 37 degrees in adults and children for a variety of reasons. The indicators will be influenced by different factors: physiological and pathological. Of course, if you complain about your own well-being, you should consult a doctor. But sometimes a temperature of 37.1 (in the evening) does not mean something terrible, but is a variant of the norm.

But if these symptoms persist for a long time, you need to see a doctor. Most likely, this condition indicates an immune response to a certain threat or trouble.

What can affect the change in temperature in the evening?

A person rarely resorts to the use of a thermometer if there are no additional health complaints and signs of illness. But, after taking periodic measurements, you may be surprised that there is a temperature of 37 in the evening, but not in the morning. The thermometer readings are influenced by many factors:

  • time of day (it is known that in the morning the thermometer readings are lower than in the evening, and during deep sleep the lowest values ​​are noted);
  • the rhythm of life (for people who have an active lifestyle, the thermometer is always higher);
  • type of measuring device (it is generally accepted that electronic thermometers have an error, unlike mercury devices);
  • season and weather conditions (in winter, the temperature naturally rises, and in summer it becomes lower);
  • physiological and pathological conditions.

Physiological conditions that raise the temperature

Hyperthermia does not always occur due to a specific threat. Very often it is the result of overload or hormonal changes in the body.

This can happen due to the intake of hot or spicy food, nervous strain, and the appointment of certain medications.

Sometimes such figures are not considered a pathology at all, but only a borderline state of the norm. Only in the case of a strong increase or an unacceptably long period of hyperthermia, a comprehensive examination of the patient's body is prescribed.

Among women

For many women, body temperature rises periodically. Here's why it's happening. During the menstrual cycle, hormones are constantly produced.

On certain days, the release of some substances becomes more, while others - less. Immediately after ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), progesterone enters the work.

This hormone is very important for maintaining the second phase of the cycle and the development of pregnancy. Thanks to him, there is a relaxation of smooth muscles. Also, progesterone affects thermoregulation, reduces the rate of heat transfer.

Before menstruation, a woman may notice that her body temperature has increased by a fraction of a degree.

As soon as bleeding begins, the level of progesterone will decrease, and the thermometer will return to normal. If pregnancy has occurred, then elevated values ​​\u200b\u200bmay persist for several months until the placenta is formed. For expectant mothers, it is considered normal if the thermometer shows 37-37.2 degrees.

The rise in temperature in the evenings is usually due to a sharp hormonal change in the body, toxicosis during pregnancy, an increase in the intensity of metabolism, reflex effects when drinking alcohol, or the usual processes of thermoregulation.

The reasons why the temperature rises in the evening 37:

  • during premenstrual syndrome
  • during childbearing
  • when feeding a baby
  • at ovulation
  • shortly after the birth of children
  • with menopause
  • after too dense and plentiful food
  • with excessive use of strong alcoholic beverages
  • with significant overheating in the sun, etc.

In some women, such a temperature is generally normal, accompanying them all their lives. For other ladies in the evening, the numbers often change due to increased fatigue or severe nervous strain.

In men

Representatives of the stronger sex also often complain that in the evening the temperature rises to 37 without symptoms. This may be the result of hypothermia or overheating, injury, nervous strain. Hyperthermia can occur due to excessively abundant consumption of spicy foods or passion for alcoholic beverages.

The temperature can jump in the evening due to significant muscle strain after hard physical work or increased sports training.

The most common reason can be a long bath or shower that is too hot, a long sleep in a chair near the radiator, a very warm dressing gown or suit.

In the elderly, temperature fluctuations may have their own characteristics. During the day, for example, some hypothermia will be noted, and by the evening the numbers will crawl to around 37 degrees.

In addition, in men, as in women, such indicators can be quite normal and correspond to their physiological norm.

In children

The child often causes great anxiety to his parents because of the temperature that has jumped towards evening.

However, it is worth noting that in children under five years old, due to their imperfect thermoregulation, 37.2 - 37.3 degrees can be considered normal temperature.

Most often, nighttime fever occurs shortly after an infection or other childhood illness. The baby's immunity is not yet fully strengthened, so his circulatory system reacts with an increased release of lymphocytes, accompanied by hyperthermia.

This is a normal reaction, indicating that the defenses of the child's body are on guard of his health.

The rise in temperature in the evening to 37 in a child can also be explained by the most common reasons:

  • Too active games
  • too warm clothes
  • reaction to vaccination
  • teething
  • hot drink at night
  • too warm blanket
  • change of biorhythms
  • hearty dinner
  • not well-established metabolism, etc.

In newborns and premature babies, a temperature of thirty-seven degrees in the evening is not uncommon and is associated with the formation of normal thermoregulation processes in the baby's body.

Such reasons are the most common and all parents face them.

In an overly sensitive child, the temperature can rise even with strong crying or watching an interesting movie.

The baby's digestive system can also react with an abundant release of enzymes and active bowel movements, due to which the temperature rises to 37 in the evening.

Therefore, children's temperature is measured only after special training. The thermometer should be set at the same time under the same conditions.

Enough time should pass after the cessation of all activity, the child should be calm and relaxed. The armpit of the baby should be allowed to dry completely, and he himself should not be allowed to sweat. It is desirable to measure the temperature before dinner and water procedures.


Another physiological reason for an increase in the thermometer is a meal. It is recommended to measure the temperature no earlier than half an hour after eating. The fact is that while eating, the body expends heat, so it constantly compensates for it.

A noticeable increase in temperature occurs in individuals with a good metabolism. Most people don't feel these changes, but if you take your temperature right after eating, you'll be surprised.

Since a more voluminous meal occurs in the evening (dinner), the temperature increase at this time of day becomes more pronounced.


It is known that at night the thermometer readings become much lower. This is facilitated by a decrease in activity and low energy consumption. However, in the evening, the indicators, on the contrary, become higher. This happens due to overwork, overexertion, stress.

There is such a thing as chronic fatigue syndrome. In people with this diagnosis, the temperature may rise for no reason throughout the day.

Most often in the evening there is a temperature of 37-37.2 and weakness, headache. If during rest and deep sleep the indicators do not decrease, then you should think about the presence of a pathological cause of this condition.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

Not always, when the thermometer fixes thirty-seven, this only speaks of harmless functional reasons. Often such figures indicate the development of a disease.

Such jumps may be the first symptom:

  • Helminthiasis
  • inflammatory process in the body
  • introduction of infection
  • development of a malignant neoplasm
  • cardiovascular pathology
  • allergies
  • neurological diseases
  • rheumatism
  • arthritis
  • endocrine diseases
  • development of mental pathologies

When an increase in body temperature is recorded in the evening, the reasons can be very different. They can be associated with intoxication by cell decay products, the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, or a violation of neuromuscular conduction.

Infection with infectious diseases is also possible, so contacting a doctor in this case is mandatory.

Pathological conditions

If a person's temperature rises to 37 in the evening, then this can be an alarming bell. There are many pathological causes of this condition, but they all usually have additional signs. Busy people with an active lifestyle may not even notice them.


The most common symptom of a cold is an increase in temperature. In this way, the human body tries to cope with the causative agent of the infection. It is known that viruses die when the thermometer reaches 38 degrees. Therefore, you should not bring down the temperature of 37. Let your body eliminate the infection on its own and form immunity.

Consequences of infection

Many infectious diseases occur with fever. But what if you're already healthy and it's still going up? Such an outcome is also possible. It is in the evening that an increase in the thermometer values ​​is noticeable.

Especially often, such symptoms are due to chickenpox, acute intestinal infection, bacterial pathologies. Do not worry, in the near future the body will restore its strength. Such temperature indicators do not require the use of antipyretics. After a night's rest, they return to normal on their own.

Arterial pressure

Hypertensive patients often complain that they have an elevated body temperature. Such a natural consequence of high pressure cannot be called natural, but it is not entirely correct to consider it pathological either. It is worth the patient to bring blood pressure back to normal, as well as a thermometer shows smaller numbers.

Hypotonics, on the contrary, have a low body temperature. For some people, it drops below 36 degrees. It is very important not to miss the moment here. But if such a condition does not cause discomfort, then you can not try to fix it.

This abbreviation stands for vegetovascular dystonia. Until now, this disease remains not fully understood. Many doctors refute it, saying that a person is dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome. One way or another, with vegetovascular dystonia, an increase in the thermometer readings occurs. A person can note that in the morning the temperature is 36, in the evening - 37.

Oncological pathologies

It is the evening increase in the values ​​of the thermometer that often makes a person turn to specialists. During the examination, tumor processes can be detected.

Benign neoplasms often do not make themselves felt like a symptom. But the reproduction of cancer cells affects the lymphatic system, so a slight increase in the mercury meter is the first wake-up call.

immune diseases

Any deviations in the work of the immune system and the protective functions of the body affect the temperature values. They become higher with the following pathologies:

  1. allergy;
  2. rheumatic diseases;
  3. blood pathology;
  4. system deviations.

Many diseases develop due to the increased immune work of the body, which provokes inflammation of a different nature.

What is subfebrile condition, and how to deal with it?

Subfebrile condition is an unreasonable increase in the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bof the human body. In such cases, the indicators do not exceed 37.5 degrees.

The temperature persists for months or even years. This distinguishes it from the course of acute pathological diseases or physiological causes of the increase.

The main sign of subfebrile condition is that a person has an elevated body temperature. Accompanying this disease:

  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • decrease in appetite;
  • redness of the skin;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • increased sweating;
  • frequent pulse;
  • neuroses and insomnia.

Both a specialist and the sick person can pre-diagnose the problem. But with subfebrile condition, additional research is needed. To do this, consult a doctor and find out why the temperature rises to 37 in the evening.

Diagnosis with subfebrile condition

The specialist must examine the patient before making a diagnosis. The condition of the mucous membranes, the work of the respiratory system is studied, the organs of the abdominal cavity are palpated.

Defects of joints, lymph nodes are revealed. In women, a gynecological examination and palpation of the mammary glands are performed, the menstrual cycle is studied. The collection of anamnesis is carried out in several stages.

The doctor determines the following:

  1. whether there have been surgical interventions or injuries in the recent past (for women, childbirth and abortion);
  2. what infectious diseases have been transferred during life and whether there are chronic pathologies (special attention is paid to diabetes, HIV, liver and blood diseases);
  3. the possibility of hepatitis and bacterial endocarditis.

Usually, already at the examination stage, a specialist is struck by a rash on the body, a change in the color of the skin, uncharacteristic discharge or formation.

Therefore, to confirm his hypothesis, he prescribes a series of tests showing the state of the blood picture, the possible presence of severe infectious chronic diseases or helminthic invasion.

To do this, the specialist will send the patient to laboratory tests.

To clarify the reason why he always has a temperature of 37 in the evening, you need to go through:

  • clinical and biochemical blood test
  • four mandatory tests (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C)
  • allergen panel
  • general urine analysis
  • analysis of feces for worm eggs and protozoan cysts
  • sputum microscopy
  • discharge from the urethra and genitals
  • biopsy
  • spinal puncture.

The results obtained help to identify helminthiasis, inflammatory processes or allergic reactions.

For the purposes of differential diagnosis, it is also necessary to make fluorography, radiography, ultrasound scanning, ECG, EEG, CT, MRI, as well as conduct special targeted studies. All this quickly allows you to identify tuberculosis, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys, malignant neoplasms, which often cause an increase in temperature in the evening.

The specialist receives the final confirmation of the diagnosis by conducting instrumental studies. For this, mammography, FGDS, angiography, ultrasonography, etc. are used.

They quite accurately allow you to identify the disease, due to which there is a regular rise in temperature, as they show the state of the internal organs of the patient. In addition, they allow you to correlate the overall picture of the disease with the changed thermal regime.

Let's summarize

An increase in body temperature in the evening can be caused by many reasons. If you have an increase in the thermometer for a long time, then this is a serious reason for the examination. Don't ignore your own complaints. Be sure to consult a doctor and find out why you have a fever in the evening.

Body temperature is an important indicator of the functioning of the body. If its value changes, this may be a consequence of either natural or pathological processes occurring in the body.

At the same time, its minimum value falls on the morning period (4-5 hours), and the maximum figure is reached at about 17 hours.

If the temperature jumps during the day (36 - 37 degrees), they are explained by the physiological state of systems and organs, when an increase in temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bis necessary to activate their work.

When the body is at rest, the body temperature drops, so jumps from 36 to 37 degrees during the day are regarded as a variant of the norm.

The human body is a heterogeneous physical environment, where areas are heated and cooled in different ways.

Contrary to popular belief, the measurement of temperature in the armpit can be the least informative, this often causes unreliable results.

In addition to the armpit, body temperature can be measured:

  • in the ear canal
  • in the oral cavity
  • rectum.

Medicine distinguishes between several types of temperature. An elevated temperature is considered to be an indicator of 37.5 degrees, at which there are other uncomfortable manifestations.

A fever is a temperature of unknown origin, in which the only symptom is a prolonged rise in temperature from 38 degrees. The condition lasts 14 days or more.

Subfebrile temperature is considered to be up to 38.3 degrees. This is a condition of unknown origin, in which a person periodically has a fever without additional symptoms.

Specificity of physiological conditions

In addition to wakefulness and sleep, jumps in temperature indicators during the day are caused by such processes:

  • overheating
  • active physical activity
  • digestive processes,
  • psycho-emotional arousal.

In all these cases, temperature jumps from 36 to 37.38 degrees can be observed. The condition does not require correction, since the temperature rise occurs against the background of the natural physiological conditions of the body.

An exception is cases when temperature jumps from 36 to 37 degrees are accompanied by additional symptoms, namely:

  1. headache,
  2. discomfort in the region of the heart,
  3. the appearance of a rash
  4. shortness of breath
  5. dyspeptic complaints.

If these symptoms are present, it is necessary to consult a doctor to exclude the development of allergic reactions, vegetovascular dystonia and endocrine disorders.

Among other things, jumps in overall body temperature during pregnancy are also due to physiological specifics. At this time, significant changes in the hormonal background occur, since progesterone is produced in large quantities, which leads to jumps in body temperature from 36 to 37 degrees.

As a rule, changes in temperature indicators are observed in the first trimester, but there are times when the condition continues throughout the pregnancy, and the reasons should be found out.

Changes in body temperature carry an additional danger in the presence of:

  • catarrhal phenomena,
  • dysuric signs,
  • stomach ache,
  • rashes on the body.

Consultation of doctors is shown to exclude diseases caused by pathogenic pathogens.

Ovulation can also change a woman's body temperature from 36 to 37 degrees. As a rule, there are the following symptoms:

  1. irritability,
  2. weakness,
  3. headache,
  4. increased appetite,
  5. puffiness.

If in the first days of menstruation this unpleasant symptomatology disappears, and the temperature drops to 36 degrees, then there is no need for medical examinations.

Also, the indicator can change with menopausal syndrome, which is also due to a change in the amount of hormones. The woman does not understand why the state has changed. There are additional complaints:

  • hot flashes,
  • increased sweating,
  • increase in blood pressure,
  • malfunctions of the heart.

Such temperature fluctuations are not dangerous, but if there are other complaints and the cause is clarified, hormone replacement therapy is indicated in some cases.

Temperature jumps can be with thermoneurosis, that is, a rise in temperature to 38 degrees after stress. It is possible to draw a conclusion about the presence of this pathology by excluding more significant causes for the appearance of hyperthermia.

Sometimes it may be shown to perform an aspirin test, which involves the use of an antipyretic drug at an altitude of temperature, and subsequent monitoring of the dynamics.

If the indicators are stable, then 40 minutes after taking the remedy, he can more confidently assert the presence of termponeurosis. In this case, the treatment will consist in the appointment of restorative procedures and sedatives.

The most common causes of temperature jumps from 36 to 37 degrees in adults are:

  1. heart attacks
  2. purulent and infectious processes,
  3. tumors,
  4. inflammatory diseases,
  5. autoimmune conditions
  6. injury,
  7. allergies,
  8. endocrine pathology,
  9. hypothalamic syndrome.

Abscess, tuberculosis and other infectious processes are most often the reasons why there is a change in temperature from 36 to 38 degrees. This is due to the pathogenesis of the disease.

When tuberculosis develops, fluctuations between evening and morning temperatures often reach several degrees. If we are talking about severe cases, then the temperature curve has a hectic shape.

This picture is also characteristic of purulent processes. In such a situation, the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above. When the infiltrate is opened, the indicator returns to normal in a short time.

Also, most of the other inflammatory and infectious diseases have such a symptom as sudden temperature fluctuations during the day. It is lower in the morning and higher in the evening.

The temperature may rise in the evening if chronic processes such as:

  • adnexitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • pharyngitis,
  • pyelonephritis.

Hyperthermia in these cases goes away with additional unpleasant symptoms, so you should consult a doctor to conduct an examination and prescribe therapy for a specific disease. Antibiotic treatment, which is often prescribed for inflammatory diseases, will contribute to the normalization of temperature indicators.

If hyperthermia is caused by a tumor process, then depending on its location, it proceeds in different ways. So, there may be sharp jumps in temperature or it will remain at a constant level for a long time.

To clarify the diagnosis, a comprehensive examination should be carried out, which includes:

  • hardware methods,
  • instrumental analysis,
  • laboratory diagnostics.

Timely diagnosis will lead to effective treatment of the disease. This approach is also in hematology, where temperature jumps from 37 to 38 degrees can occur due to various forms of anemia or leukemia.

Temperature jumps can be observed due to the pathology of the endocrine system. If there is thyrotoxicosis, which occurs with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, then the following additional symptoms should serve for consultation with an endocrinologist:

  1. weight loss,
  2. irritability,
  3. drastic mood changes
  4. tachycardia,
  5. interruptions in the work of the heart.

In addition to general clinical tests, ultrasound and ECG, a study of thyroid hormones is prescribed, then a treatment regimen is created.

Principles of therapy

As you know, in order to prescribe the optimal treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the onset of symptoms. At elevated temperatures, the patient is examined.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment should be prescribed directly based on the characteristics of the pathology. It can be:

  • antibiotic therapy,
  • antivirals,
  • anti-inflammatory drugs,
  • antihistamines,
  • hormone therapy,
  • strengthening measures,

An increase in temperature is a protective reaction that enables the body to effectively and quickly fight pathogens.

The appointment of antipyretics is not justified if the temperature index is up to 37 degrees. In most cases, the appointment of antipyretic drugs occurs at a temperature of more than 38 degrees.

Also shown is a plentiful warm drink, which increases sweating and promotes heat transfer. It is necessary to provide cool air in the room where the patient is located. Thus, the patient's body will have to warm the inhaled air, while giving off heat.

As a rule, due to the actions taken, the temperature drops by a degree, which means that the patient's well-being improves, especially with colds.


Based on the foregoing, it is worth emphasizing that temperature jumps can be seen in both physiological and pathological conditions. To confirm the safety of hyperthermia, many diseases must be excluded.

If a person has a body temperature of 37 to 38 degrees, within a few days you need to seek medical advice and undergo a medical examination. If a pathogenic agent is identified, it is urgent to start therapeutic procedures. An interesting video in this article logically completes the topic of temperature.

Body temperature is one of the most important physiological parameters indicating the state of the body. Since childhood, we all know well that the normal body temperature is +36.6 ºC, and a temperature increase of more than +37 ºC indicates some kind of disease.

What is the reason for this state of affairs? An increase in temperature is an immune response to infection and inflammation. The blood is saturated with temperature-raising (pyrogenic) substances produced by pathogenic microorganisms. This, in turn, stimulates the body to produce its own pyrogens. The metabolism speeds up somewhat to make it easier for the immune system to fight the disease.

Usually, fever is not the only symptom of the disease. For example, with colds, we feel typical symptoms for them - fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose. With mild colds, body temperature can be at the level of +37.8 ºC. And in case of severe infections, such as influenza, it rises to + 39-40 ºC, and aches all over the body and weakness can be added to the symptoms.

Photo: Ocskay Bence / Shutterstock.com

In such situations, we know very well how to behave and how to treat the disease, because its diagnosis is not difficult. We gargle, take anti-inflammatory drugs and antipyretics, if necessary - drink, and the disease gradually disappears. And after a few days the temperature returns to normal.

Most of us have faced this situation more than once in our lives. However, it happens that some people experience slightly different symptoms. They find that their temperature is higher than normal, but not by much. We are talking about subfebrile condition - a temperature in the range of 37-38 ºC.

Is this condition dangerous? If it does not last long - within a few days, and you can associate it with some kind of infectious disease, then no. It is enough to cure him, and the temperature will drop. But what if there are no visible symptoms of a cold or flu?

Here it must be borne in mind that in some cases, colds can have erased symptoms. Infection in the form of bacteria and viruses is present in the body, and the immune forces react to their presence with an increase in temperature. However, the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms is so low that they are unable to cause typical cold symptoms - cough, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat. In this case, the fever may pass after these infectious agents die and the body recovers.

Especially often, such a situation can be observed in the cold season, during epidemics of colds, when infectious agents can attack the body over and over again, but stumble upon the barrier of the embattled immunity and not cause any visible symptoms, except for an increase in temperature from 37 to 37 ,5. So if you have 4 days 37.2 or 5 days 37.1, and you feel tolerable, this is not a cause for concern.

However, it is known to rarely last more than one week. And, if the fever lasts more than this period and does not subside, and no symptoms are observed, then this situation is a reason to seriously think about it. After all, permanent low-grade fever without symptoms can be a harbinger or a sign of many serious diseases, much more serious than the common cold. These can be diseases of both infectious and non-infectious nature.

Measurement technique

However, before you worry in vain and run around the doctors, you should exclude such a banal cause of subfebrile condition as a measurement error. After all, it may well happen that the cause of the phenomenon lies in a faulty thermometer. As a rule, electronic thermometers, especially cheap ones, are guilty of this. They are more convenient than traditional mercury ones, however, they can often show incorrect data. However, mercury thermometers are not immune from errors. Therefore, it is better to check the temperature on another thermometer.

Body temperature is usually measured in the armpit. Rectal and oral measurements are also possible. In the last two cases, the temperature may be slightly higher.

The measurement should be carried out while sitting, in a calm state, in a room with a normal temperature. If the measurement is taken immediately after intense physical exertion or in an overheated room, then the body temperature in this case may be higher than normal. This circumstance should also be taken into account.

One should also take into account such a circumstance as temperature changes during the day. If in the morning the temperature is below 37, and in the evening - the temperature is 37 and slightly higher, then this phenomenon may be a variant of the norm. For many people, the temperature may vary somewhat during the day, rising in the evening and reaching values ​​of 37, 37.1. However, as a rule, the evening temperature should not be subfebrile. In a number of diseases, a similar syndrome, when the temperature is above normal every evening, is also observed, therefore, in this case, it is recommended to undergo an examination.

Possible causes of prolonged subfebrile condition

If you have a fever without symptoms for a long time, and you do not understand what this means, then you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist after a thorough examination can say that this is normal or not, and if abnormal, then what caused it. But, of course, it is not bad to know for yourself what can cause such a symptom.

What conditions of the body can cause prolonged subfebrile condition without symptoms:

  • norm variant
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy
  • thermoneurosis
  • temperature tail of infectious diseases
  • oncological diseases
  • autoimmune diseases - lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease
  • toxoplasmosis
  • brucellosis
  • helminthic infestations
  • latent sepsis and inflammatory processes
  • foci of infection
  • thyroid disease
  • drug therapy
  • intestinal diseases
  • viral hepatitis
  • Addison's disease

Norm variant

Statistics say that 2% of the world's population has a normal temperature slightly above 37. But if you do not have a similar temperature since childhood, and subfebrile condition has appeared only recently, then this is a completely different case, and you are not included in this category of people.

Photo: Billion Photos/Shutterstock.com

Pregnancy and lactation

Body temperature is regulated by hormones produced in the body. At the beginning of such a period of a woman's life as pregnancy, the body is restructured, which, in particular, is expressed in an increase in the production of female hormones. This process can cause overheating of the body. As a general rule, a temperature around 37.3ºC for pregnancy should not cause serious concern. In addition, subsequently, the hormonal background stabilizes, and subfebrile condition disappears. Usually, starting from the second trimester, a woman's body temperature stabilizes. Sometimes subfebrile condition can accompany the entire pregnancy. As a rule, if fever is observed during pregnancy, then this situation does not require treatment.



Body temperature is regulated in the hypothalamus, one of the parts of the brain. However, the brain is an interconnected system and processes in one part of it can affect another. Therefore, such a phenomenon is very often observed when, in neurotic states - anxiety, hysteria - the body temperature rises above 37. This is also facilitated by the production of an increased amount of hormones during neuroses. Prolonged low-grade fever can accompany stress, neurasthenic conditions, and many psychoses. With thermoneurosis, the temperature, as a rule, normalizes during sleep.

To exclude such a reason, it is necessary to consult a neurologist or psychotherapist. If you really have a neurosis or an anxiety condition associated with stress, then you need to undergo treatment, since loose nerves can cause much more problems than low-grade fever.

Temperature "tails"

You should not discount such a banal reason as a trace of a previously transferred infectious disease. It is no secret that many influenzas and acute respiratory infections, especially severe ones, lead the immune system into a state of increased mobilization. And in the event that infectious agents are not completely suppressed, then the body can maintain an elevated temperature for several weeks after the peak of the disease. This phenomenon is called a temperature tail. It can be observed in both adults and children.

Photo: Aleksandra Suzi/Shutterstock.com

Therefore, if the temperature is + 37 ºС and above for a week, then the causes of the phenomenon may lie precisely in the previously transferred and cured (as it seemed) disease. Of course, if you had been ill shortly before the detection of a constant subfebrile temperature with some kind of infectious disease, then there is nothing to worry about - subfebrile condition is precisely its echo. On the other hand, such a situation cannot be called normal, since it indicates the weakness of the immune system and the need to take measures to strengthen it.

Oncological diseases

This reason also cannot be discounted. Often it is subfebrile condition that is the earliest sign of a tumor that has appeared. This is explained by the fact that the tumor releases pyrogens into the blood - substances that cause an increase in temperature. Especially often subfebrile condition accompanies oncological diseases of the blood - leukemia. In this case, the effect is due to a change in the composition of the blood. To exclude such diseases, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination and take a blood test. The fact that a persistent increase in temperature can be caused by such a serious disease as cancer makes us take this syndrome seriously.

Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases are caused by an abnormal response of the human immune system. As a rule, immune cells - phagocytes and lymphocytes attack foreign bodies and microorganisms. However, in some cases, they begin to perceive the cells of their body as foreign, which leads to the appearance of the disease. In most cases, connective tissue is affected.

Almost all autoimmune diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, are accompanied by an increase in temperature to 37 and above without symptoms. Although these diseases usually have a number of manifestations, they may not be noticeable at an early stage. To exclude such diseases, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.


Toxoplasmosis is a very common infectious disease that often occurs without noticeable symptoms, except for fever. It often affects pet owners, especially cats, which are carriers of bacilli. Therefore, if fluffy pets live in your home and the temperature is subfebrile, then this is a reason to suspect this disease. Also, the disease can be contracted through poorly fried meat. To diagnose toxoplasmosis, a blood test should be taken to check for the infection. You should also pay attention to symptoms such as weakness, headaches, loss of appetite. The temperature in toxoplasmosis is not knocked down with the help of antipyretics.


Brucellosis is another disease caused by an infection transmitted through animals. But this disease most often affects farmers who deal with livestock. The disease in the initial stage is expressed in a relatively low temperature. However, as the disease develops, it can take on severe forms, affecting the nervous system. However, if you do not work on a farm, then brucellosis can be ruled out as a cause of hyperthermia.


Alas, consumption, infamous from the works of classical literature, has not yet become part of history. Tuberculosis currently affects millions of people. And this disease is now characteristic not only for places not so remote, as many believe. Tuberculosis is a severe and persistent infectious disease that is difficult to treat even with the methods of modern medicine.

However, the effectiveness of treatment largely depends on how quickly the first signs of the disease were detected. Subfebrile condition without other clearly expressed symptoms belongs to the earliest signs of the disease. Sometimes temperatures above 37 ºC may not be observed all day, but only in the evening. Other symptoms of tuberculosis include increased sweating, fatigue, insomnia, and weight loss. To accurately determine if you have tuberculosis, you need to perform a tuberculin test (), as well as do a fluorography. It should be borne in mind that fluorography can only detect the pulmonary form of tuberculosis, while tuberculosis can also affect the genitourinary system, bones, skin and eyes. Therefore, relying only on this diagnostic method should not be.


About 20 years ago, the diagnosis of AIDS meant a sentence. Now the situation is not so sad - modern drugs can support the life of an HIV-infected person for many years, or even decades. It is much easier to get infected with this disease than is commonly believed. This disease affects not only representatives of sexual minorities and drug addicts. You can pick up the immunodeficiency virus, for example, in a hospital with a blood transfusion, with accidental sexual contact.

Permanent low-grade fever is one of the first signs of the disease. Note. that in most cases, the weakening of the immune system in AIDS is accompanied by other symptoms - increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, skin rashes, impaired stools. If you have reason to suspect AIDS, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Worm infestations

Latent sepsis, inflammatory processes

Often, an infection in the body can be latent, and not show any signs other than fever. The foci of a sluggish infectious process can be located in almost any organ in the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, bone and muscle systems. The organs of urination are most often affected by inflammation (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis). Often, subfebrile condition can be associated with infective endocarditis, a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the tissues surrounding the heart. This disease can be latent for a long time and not manifest in any other way.

Also, special attention should be paid to the oral cavity. This area of ​​the body is especially vulnerable to the effects of pathogenic bacteria, since they can enter it regularly. Even a simple untreated caries can become a focus of infection that will enter the bloodstream and cause a constant protective response of the immune system in the form of fever. The risk group also includes patients with diabetes mellitus, who may experience non-healing ulcers that make themselves felt through fever.

Thyroid diseases

Thyroid hormones, such as thyroid-stimulating hormone, play an important role in regulating metabolism. Some thyroid diseases can increase the release of hormones. An increase in the amount of hormones can be accompanied by symptoms such as increased heart rate, weight loss, hypertension, inability to tolerate heat, deterioration of the hair and an increase in body temperature. Nervous disorders are also observed - increased anxiety, restlessness, absent-mindedness, neurasthenia.

An increase in temperature can also be observed with a lack of thyroid hormones.

To exclude an imbalance of thyroid hormones, it is recommended to take a blood test for the level of thyroid hormones.

Addison's disease

This disease is quite rare and is expressed in a decrease in the production of hormones by the adrenal glands. It develops for a long time without any special symptoms and is also often accompanied by a moderate increase in temperature.


A slight increase in temperature can also cause a syndrome such as anemia. is called a lack of hemoglobin or red blood cells in the body. This symptom can manifest itself in various diseases, it is especially characteristic of severe bleeding. Also, an increase in temperature can be observed with some beriberi, lack of iron and hemoglobin in the blood.

Medical treatment

At subfebrile temperature, the causes of the phenomenon may be medication. Many medications can cause fever. These include antibiotics, especially penicillin drugs, some psychotropic substances, in particular neuroleptics and antidepressants, antihistamines, atropine, muscle relaxants, narcotic analgesics. Very often, an increase in temperature is one of the forms of an allergic reaction to the drug. Perhaps the easiest way to check this version is to stop taking the medicine that causes suspicion. Of course, this should be done with the permission of the attending physician, since drug withdrawal can lead to much more serious consequences than low-grade fever.

Age up to a year

In infants, the causes of subfebrile temperature may lie in the natural developmental processes of the body. As a rule, in a person in the first months of life, the temperature is slightly higher than in adults. In addition, infants may experience violations of thermoregulation, which is expressed in a low subfebrile temperature. This phenomenon is not a symptom of pathology and should go away on its own. Although with an increase in temperature in infants, it is still better to show them to a doctor to rule out infections.

Intestinal diseases

Many infectious intestinal diseases can be asymptomatic, except for an increase in temperature above normal values. Also, a similar syndrome is characteristic of some inflammatory processes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, in ulcerative colitis.


- severe viral diseases that affect the liver. As a rule, prolonged subfebrile condition accompanies sluggish forms of the disease. However, in most cases, it is not the only symptom. Usually, hepatitis is also accompanied by heaviness in the liver, especially after eating, yellowness of the skin, pain in the joints and muscles, and general weakness. If hepatitis is suspected, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible, since timely treatment reduces the likelihood of severe, life-threatening complications.

Diagnosis of the causes of prolonged subfebrile condition

As you can see, there are a huge number of potential causes that can cause a violation of the body's thermoregulation. And it's not easy to find out why it happens. This can take a lot of time and require a lot of effort. However, there is always something from which such a phenomenon is observed. And an elevated temperature always says something, usually that something is wrong with the body.

Photo: Room's Studio/Shutterstock.com

As a rule, at home it is impossible to establish the cause of subfebrile condition. However, some conclusions about its nature can be drawn. All the reasons that cause fever can be divided into two groups - associated with some kind of inflammatory or infectious process and not associated with it. In the first case, taking antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol can restore normal temperature, albeit not for long. In the second case, taking such drugs does not give any effect. However, one should not think that the absence of inflammation makes the cause of subfebrile condition less serious. Conversely, non-inflammatory causes of low-grade fever can include such serious things as cancer.

As a rule, diseases are rare, the only symptom of which is subfebrile condition. In most cases, other symptoms are also present, such as pain, weakness, sweating, insomnia, dizziness, hypertension or hypotension, pulse disturbances, and abnormal gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms. However, often these symptoms are erased, and a simple person is usually not able to determine the diagnosis from them. But for an experienced doctor, the picture may be clear. In addition to your symptoms, tell your doctor about your recent activities. For example, did you communicate with animals, what foods did you eat, did you travel to exotic countries, etc. When determining the cause, information about the patient's previous diseases is also used, because it is quite possible that subfebrile condition is the result of a relapse of some long-treated disease.

To establish or clarify the causes of subfebrile condition, it is usually necessary to pass several physiological tests. The first is a blood test. In the analysis, one should, first of all, pay attention to such a parameter as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. An increase in this parameter indicates an inflammatory process or infection. Also important are parameters such as the number of leukocytes, hemoglobin levels.

To detect HIV, hepatitis, special blood tests are needed. Urinalysis is also necessary, which will help determine if there are any inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. At the same time, attention is also paid to the number of leukocytes in the urine, as well as the presence of protein in it. To cut off the likelihood of helminthic invasions, a fecal analysis is performed.

If the analyzes do not allow to unambiguously determine the cause of the anomaly, then studies of the internal organs are carried out. For this, various methods can be used - ultrasound, radiography, computed and magnetic tomography.

A chest x-ray can help identify pulmonary tuberculosis, and an ECG can help identify infective endocarditis. In some cases, a biopsy may be indicated.

Establishing a diagnosis in the case of subfebrile condition can often be complicated by the fact that the patient may have several potential causes of the syndrome at once, but it is not always easy to separate the true causes from the false ones.

What to do if you find yourself or your child has a persistent fever?

Which doctor should I contact with this symptom? The easiest way is to go to a therapist, and he, in turn, can give a referral to specialists - an endocrinologist, an infectious disease specialist, a surgeon, a neuropathologist, an otolaryngologist, a cardiologist, etc.

Of course, subfebrile temperature, unlike febrile temperature, does not pose a danger to the body and therefore does not require symptomatic treatment. Treatment in such a case is always aimed at eliminating the hidden causes of the disease. Self-medication, for example, with antibiotics or antipyretics, without a clear understanding of the actions and goals is unacceptable, since it can not only be ineffective and blur the clinical picture, but also lead to the fact that the real disease will be launched.

But from the insignificance of a symptom it does not follow that it should not be paid attention to. On the contrary, subfebrile temperature is a reason to undergo a thorough examination. This step cannot be postponed until later, reassuring yourself that this syndrome is not dangerous to health. It should be understood that behind such a seemingly insignificant malfunction of the body, there can be serious problems.

And sometimes the body temperature remains normal throughout the day, but in the evening it invariably rises.

Such a phenomenon does not always indicate the development of the disease, but it still speaks of certain changes in the human body.

For some people, such changes generally become a normal state, because this is how their thermoregulation system functions. And yet, one should very carefully consider the reasons for the appearance of such numbers on the thermometer.

Every evening the temperature rises to 37 degrees in adults and children for a variety of reasons. The indicators will be influenced by different factors: physiological and pathological.

Of course, if you complain about your own well-being, you should consult a doctor. But sometimes a temperature of 37.1 (in the evening) does not mean something terrible, but is a variant of the norm.

But if these symptoms persist for a long time, you need to see a doctor. Most likely, this condition indicates an immune response to a certain threat or trouble.

A person rarely resorts to the use of a thermometer if there are no additional health complaints and signs of illness. But, after taking periodic measurements, you may be surprised that there is a temperature of 37 in the evening, but not in the morning.

The thermometer readings are influenced by many factors:

  • time of day (it is known that in the morning the thermometer readings are lower than in the evening, and during deep sleep the lowest values ​​are noted);
  • the rhythm of life (for people who have an active lifestyle, the thermometer is always higher);
  • type of measuring device (it is generally accepted that electronic thermometers have an error, unlike mercury devices);
  • season and weather conditions (in winter, the temperature naturally rises, and in summer it becomes lower);
  • physiological and pathological conditions.

Physiological conditions that raise the temperature

Hyperthermia does not always occur due to a specific threat. Very often it is the result of overload or hormonal changes in the body.

This can happen due to the intake of hot or spicy food, nervous strain, and the appointment of certain medications.

Sometimes such figures are not considered a pathology at all, but only a borderline state of the norm. Only in the case of a strong increase or an unacceptably long period of hyperthermia, a comprehensive examination of the patient's body is prescribed.

Among women

For many women, body temperature rises periodically. Here's why it's happening. During the menstrual cycle, hormones are constantly produced.

On certain days, the release of some substances becomes more, while others - less. Immediately after ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), progesterone enters the work.

This hormone is very important for maintaining the second phase of the cycle and the development of pregnancy. Thanks to him, there is a relaxation of smooth muscles. Also, progesterone affects thermoregulation, reduces the rate of heat transfer.

Before menstruation, a woman may notice that her body temperature has increased by a fraction of a degree.

As soon as bleeding begins, the level of progesterone will decrease, and the thermometer will return to normal.

If pregnancy has occurred, then elevated values ​​\u200b\u200bmay persist for several months until the placenta is formed. For expectant mothers, it is considered normal if the thermometer shows 37-37.2 degrees.

The rise in temperature in the evenings is usually due to a sharp hormonal change in the body, toxicosis during pregnancy, an increase in the intensity of metabolism, reflex effects when drinking alcohol, or the usual processes of thermoregulation.

The reasons why the temperature rises in the evening 37:

  • during premenstrual syndrome
  • during childbearing
  • when feeding a baby
  • at ovulation
  • shortly after the birth of children
  • with menopause
  • after too dense and plentiful food
  • with excessive use of strong alcoholic beverages
  • with significant overheating in the sun, etc.

In some women, such a temperature is generally normal, accompanying them all their lives.

For other ladies in the evening, the numbers often change due to increased fatigue or severe nervous strain.

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In men

Representatives of the stronger sex also often complain that in the evening the temperature rises to 37 without symptoms.

This may be the result of hypothermia or overheating, injury, nervous strain.

Hyperthermia can occur due to excessively abundant consumption of spicy foods or passion for alcoholic beverages.

The temperature can jump in the evening due to significant muscle strain after hard physical work or increased sports training.

The most common reason can be a long bath or shower that is too hot, a long sleep in a chair near the radiator, a very warm dressing gown or suit.

In the elderly, temperature fluctuations may have their own characteristics. During the day, for example, some hypothermia will be noted, and by the evening the numbers will crawl to around 37 degrees.

In addition, in men, as in women, such indicators can be quite normal and correspond to their physiological norm.

In children

The child often causes great anxiety to his parents because of the temperature that has jumped towards evening.

However, it is worth noting that in children under five years old, due to their imperfect thermoregulation, 37.2 - 37.3 degrees can be considered normal temperature.

Most often, nighttime fever occurs shortly after an infection or other childhood illness.

The baby's immunity is not yet fully strengthened, so his circulatory system reacts with an increased release of lymphocytes, accompanied by hyperthermia.

This is a normal reaction, indicating that the defenses of the child's body are on guard of his health.

The rise in temperature in the evening to 37 in a child can also be explained by the most common reasons:

  • Too active games
  • too warm clothes
  • reaction to vaccination
  • teething
  • hot drink at night
  • too warm blanket
  • change of biorhythms
  • hearty dinner
  • not well-established metabolism, etc.

In newborns and premature babies, a temperature of thirty-seven degrees in the evening is not uncommon and is associated with the formation of normal thermoregulation processes in the baby's body.
Such reasons are the most common and all parents face them.

Children's nervous and vascular systems are not yet fully formed, so they react very quickly to any change in the external or internal environment.

In an overly sensitive child, the temperature can rise even with strong crying or watching an interesting movie.

The baby's digestive system can also react with an abundant release of enzymes and active bowel movements, due to which the temperature rises to 37 in the evening.

Therefore, children's temperature is measured only after special training. The thermometer should be set at the same time under the same conditions.

Enough time should pass after the cessation of all activity, the child should be calm and relaxed. The armpit of the baby should be allowed to dry completely, and he himself should not be allowed to sweat. It is desirable to measure the temperature before dinner and water procedures.


Another physiological reason for an increase in the thermometer is a meal. It is recommended to measure the temperature no earlier than half an hour after eating. The fact is that while eating, the body expends heat, so it constantly compensates for it.

A noticeable increase in temperature occurs in individuals with a good metabolism. Most people don't feel these changes, but if you take your temperature right after eating, you'll be surprised.

Since a more voluminous meal occurs in the evening (dinner), the temperature increase at this time of day becomes more pronounced.


It is known that at night the thermometer readings become much lower. This is facilitated by a decrease in activity and low energy consumption. However, in the evening, the indicators, on the contrary, become higher. This happens due to overwork, overexertion, stress.

There is such a thing as chronic fatigue syndrome. In people with this diagnosis, the temperature may rise for no reason throughout the day.

Most often in the evening there is a temperature of 37-37.2 and weakness, headache. If during rest and deep sleep the indicators do not decrease, then you should think about the presence of a pathological cause of this condition.

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Reasons for the rise in temperature

Not always, when the thermometer fixes thirty-seven, this only speaks of harmless functional reasons. Often such figures indicate the development of a disease.

Such jumps may be the first symptom:

  • Helminthiasis
  • inflammatory process in the body
  • introduction of infection
  • development of a malignant neoplasm
  • cardiovascular pathology
  • allergies
  • neurological diseases
  • rheumatism
  • arthritis
  • endocrine diseases
  • development of mental pathologies

When an increase in body temperature is recorded in the evening, the reasons can be very different. They can be associated with intoxication by cell decay products, the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, or a violation of neuromuscular conduction.

Infection with infectious diseases is also possible, so contacting a doctor in this case is mandatory.

Pathological conditions

If a person's temperature rises to 37 in the evening, then this can be an alarming bell. There are many pathological causes of this condition, but they all usually have additional signs. Busy people with an active lifestyle may not even notice them.


The most common symptom of a cold is an increase in temperature. In this way, the human body tries to cope with the causative agent of the infection. It is known that viruses die when the thermometer reaches 38 degrees. Therefore, you should not bring down the temperature of 37. Let your body eliminate the infection on its own and build immunity.

Consequences of infection

Many infectious diseases occur with fever. But what if you're already healthy and it's still going up? Such an outcome is also possible. It is in the evening that an increase in the thermometer values ​​is noticeable.

Especially often, such symptoms are due to chickenpox, acute intestinal infection, bacterial pathologies. Do not worry, in the near future the body will restore its strength. Such temperature indicators do not require the use of antipyretics. After a night's rest, they return to normal on their own.

Arterial pressure

Hypertensive patients often complain that they have an elevated body temperature. Such a natural consequence of high pressure cannot be called natural, but it is not entirely correct to consider it pathological either. It is worth the patient to bring blood pressure back to normal, as well as a thermometer shows smaller numbers.

Hypotonics, on the contrary, have. For some people, it drops below 36 degrees. It is very important not to miss the moment here. But if such a condition does not cause discomfort, then you can not try to fix it.

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This abbreviation stands for vegetovascular dystonia. Until now, this disease remains not fully understood.

Many doctors refute it, saying that a person is dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome. One way or another, with vegetovascular dystonia, an increase in the thermometer readings occurs. A person can note that in the morning the temperature is 36, in the evening - 37.

Oncological pathologies

It is the evening increase in the values ​​of the thermometer that often makes a person turn to specialists. During the examination, tumor processes can be detected.

Benign neoplasms often do not make themselves felt like a symptom. But the reproduction of cancer cells affects the lymphatic system, so a slight increase in the mercury meter is the first wake-up call.

immune diseases

Any deviations in the work of the immune system and the protective functions of the body affect the temperature values. They become higher with the following pathologies:

  • allergy;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • blood pathology;
  • system deviations.

Many diseases develop due to the increased immune work of the body, which provokes inflammation of a different nature.

What is subfebrile condition, and how to deal with it?

Subfebrile condition is an unreasonable increase in the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bof the human body. In such cases, the indicators do not exceed 37.5 degrees.

The temperature persists for months or even years. This distinguishes it from the course of acute pathological diseases or physiological causes of the increase.

The main sign of subfebrile condition is that a person has an elevated body temperature. Accompanying this disease:

  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • decrease in appetite;
  • redness of the skin;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • increased sweating;
  • frequent pulse;
  • neuroses and insomnia.

Both a specialist and the sick person can pre-diagnose the problem. But with subfebrile condition, additional research is needed. To do this, consult a doctor and find out why the temperature rises to 37 in the evening.

Diagnosis with subfebrile condition

The specialist must examine the patient before making a diagnosis. The condition of the mucous membranes, the work of the respiratory system is studied, the organs of the abdominal cavity are palpated.

Defects of joints, lymph nodes are revealed. In women, a gynecological examination and palpation of the mammary glands are performed, the menstrual cycle is studied. The collection of anamnesis is carried out in several stages.

The doctor determines the following:

  • whether there have been surgical interventions or injuries in the recent past (for women, childbirth and abortion);
  • what infectious diseases have been transferred during life and whether there are chronic pathologies (special attention is paid to diabetes, HIV, liver and blood diseases);
  • the possibility of hepatitis and bacterial endocarditis.

Such a survey in general terms will allow the doctor to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe person's condition. After that, he will measure his body temperature and blood pressure, percussion and auscultation.

Usually, already at the examination stage, a specialist is struck by a rash on the body, a change in the color of the skin, uncharacteristic discharge or formation.

Therefore, to confirm his hypothesis, he prescribes a series of tests showing the state of the blood picture, the possible presence of severe infectious chronic diseases or helminthic invasion.

To do this, the specialist will send the patient to laboratory tests.

To clarify the reason why he always has a temperature of 37 in the evening, you need to go through:

  • clinical and biochemical blood test
  • four mandatory tests (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C)
  • allergen panel
  • general urine analysis
  • analysis of feces for worm eggs and protozoan cysts
  • sputum microscopy
  • discharge from the urethra and genitals
  • biopsy
  • spinal puncture.

The results obtained help to identify helminthiasis, inflammatory processes or allergic reactions.

For the purposes of differential diagnosis, it is also necessary to make fluorography, radiography, ultrasound scanning, ECG, EEG, CT, MRI, as well as conduct special targeted studies. All this quickly allows you to identify tuberculosis, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys, malignant neoplasms, which often cause an increase in temperature in the evening.

The specialist receives the final confirmation of the diagnosis by conducting instrumental studies. For this, mammography, FGDS, angiography, ultrasonography, etc. are used.

They quite accurately allow you to identify the disease, due to which there is a regular rise in temperature, as they show the state of the internal organs of the patient. In addition, they allow you to correlate the overall picture of the disease with the changed thermal regime.



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