Experience in the fight against insomnia - what to do if there is no sleep. Poor sleep: a comprehensive solution to the problem

Sleep problems should be approached with caution. They can be caused by the congestion of the past day, but they can also be the call of one's own soul, desperately demanding attention to the shadow side of the personality.

If the archaic peoples did not know what sleep disorders were, today they are among the most widespread symptoms of civilization. Many disorders that patients complain about are associated with falling asleep. Classical medicine considers them to be psychophysiologically conditioned, that is, developing against the background of the absence of any bodily symptoms. In other words, sleep disorders are an indication that a person can no longer cope with the stresses of his daily life. As a rule, in the evening he lacks peace in order to “put an end” to the outgoing day. Even representatives classical medicine now they start from the fact that sleep disorders are a warning signal indicating the presence of "mental overload".

Sleep disturbances are a warning signal indicating the presence of "mental overload"

Classical medicine distinguishes such generalized categories of sleep disorders as:

insomnia (various kinds insomnia), in particular - problems with falling asleep and sleeping, getting up too early;

parasomnia(dysregulation of sleep and wakefulness), including sleepwalking or talking in a dream;

hypersomnia(increased sleepiness during the day) up to narcolepsy, an uncontrollable desire to fall asleep.

Sleep problems should be approached with caution. They can be caused by the congestion of the past day, but they can also be the call of one's own soul, desperately demanding attention to the shadow side of the personality. In this case, it is necessary to come to terms with this shadow side at the deepest levels - and perhaps find a solution to the original problem that caused difficulty falling asleep.

All sleep disorders can be interpreted in the context of a search for meaning, even if poor sleep is due only to poor body position in bed. We should also understand that our daily life affects sleep. Otherwise, we would not have had problems with sleep.

Can't close your eyes all night?

In a not very good situation, when the doctor knows very little about this common problem, he often tries to "dissuade" the patient from sleep disorders. There is a reason for this, since some patients tend to describe their sleep disorders as if they did not close their eyes all night long. This actually almost never happens, and it is easy to prove.

  • The patient is asked to put a piece of paper by the bedside and put a cross on it every fifteen minutes.

An honest patient admits that he "overslept" a few or even quite a lot of crosses. Having lost the right to exaggeration, the patient, however, does not get rid of the burden of his suffering. Sleep problems never leave him.

On the other hand, the described exercise makes sense to do in order to objectify the disorder. In the morning, a person most often comes to the conclusion that everything is not as bad as it seemed to him. Exercise helps the patient to prove to himself that he actually spends this or that number of hours in sleep. He is convinced that the difficulties are associated only with a quantitative parameter, and a certain global problem he just doesn't have sleep.

In addition, the exercise helps to shift the main focus - from the loss of hope for the return of normal refreshing sleep to the belief that his ability to fall asleep has not disappeared, and you just need to try to change the quality of the nightly rest of the soul and body. Thus, through objectification and rethinking, one can achieve positive results and embark on a path of self-healing.

Looking at sleep problems as important chances for development

The body always takes as much sleep as it needs. Only something extremely important can prevent the onset of such desired state, like a dream. It may be that the soul has so many great concerns that working with them becomes of paramount importance. Accordingly, sleep cannot come. And yet, after that, the body will still require compensation in the form of sleep.

  • He who uses the sleepless phases of the night to become aware of himself and his life, learn to appreciate the night and the dark, sometimes mystical themes associated with it. Subconscious - pushed to the backyard Everyday life or repressed at all - often only at night can again come to the fore and cause corresponding fears.
  • The same one who, with the help of chemical sleeping pills, deprives these dark entities of the possibility of self-expression and the themes that on the other side of reality inhabit the worlds of images of the soul, must understand that they will find their bodily embodiment not in anything, but in a variety of diseases.

It would be much wiser to treat every sleep disorder as an opportunity. Try to look at it as an important clue to a larger, deeper problem that needs to be solved. Through this approach, the sleep disorder will lose its self-contained problematicness and become connected with the deep life of the soul in the sense described in the book Illness as a Symbol. This change in point of view gives us many advantages: now something that previously had a negative connotation can be perceived as a positive opportunity for self-development. And positive chances are much more interesting to any person.

Fear of losing control

Sound, health-giving sleep - fast falling asleep, sleep itself, refreshing awakening - can turn into the most real problem because the night is the uncontrollable side of reality. It instills fear in that rational part of our essence, which is used to dominating everything. Sleep is associated with the threat of loss of control and the transition of the initiative to an unfamiliar, “dark” side of our essence.

Our difficulties with the night, with sleep and its images, also reflect our natural repression of the thought of death. At the heart of the fear of death is a departure from the Christian faith and, above all, the materialism of Western society. The one who lives, focusing only on the material, in the end naturally will have no hope. He will have nothing left in the truest sense of the word. On the other hand, this field of problems indicates how incredible the potential for growth could be if we could rediscover the bright side of sleep and death.

In order to naturally and effortlessly move from one level to another - from wakefulness to sleep, from life to death - we must complete the tasks of the level that we want to leave. Only if we did homework”, the transition may succeed.

Never let go

From a psychological point of view, sleep disorders often hide the fear of letting go of your own little “I”. This is the same fear that keeps many from allowing themselves to experience the “little death,” or orgasm, which involves letting go of ourselves and allowing ourselves to “fall” into the unknown. Behind this, too, is the fear of losing one's "self", one's little "I". Such people are not able to “fall asleep” and fall asleep happily because their attitude towards the loss of “I” and control is negative. Moving backward - and sleep is always regression - towards the inexpressible, towards the source of life, is regarded as a separation from the "I" and causes fear. For other people who are in a spiritual search (and there are such people in almost all religious directions and spiritual traditions), liberation from the “I”, on the contrary, is a key goal.

Overexertion, stress

The pressure accumulated during the day, very often, with all its force, falls on people at night - they did not complete the tasks, they could not justify their hopes, and so on. Add to this the fear of a new day, which, most likely, does not portend any improvement. One such topic would be more than enough to deprive a person of sleep - but in fact they almost never come one by one. An unmanageable past casts a shadow over a fearsome future. Between these millstones the night hours pass. Classical medicine vilifies stress, which today seems to be blamed for everything. This is also mixed external causes sleep disorders such as loud noise, which is also classified as a stress factor. The statistics say that stronger sleep Only our worries interfere.

Learned programs, sleepy hypochondria

Sleep problems are often further exacerbated by learned behavioral programs. The feeling of discomfort from the fact that a person goes to bed and stubbornly cannot fall asleep gradually begins to be associated with his bed and bedroom. It also happens that when a person enters the bedroom, he immediately feels anxiety, nervousness and fear.

Already in childhood, we can develop a kind of sleepy hypochondria. It was noted that the vast majority of patients who experienced sleep problems had parents who attached exaggerated importance to sleep. This was expressed, for example, in the fact that bad behavior and they attributed the child's failures to a bad dream. Or they predicted failure for children if they didn’t get enough good and sound sleep the night before. It is on this soil that a tree of problems grows, the fruits of which a person has to reap in later life.

Constant fearful observation of oneself, tracking whether one managed or will be able to sleep, will certainly spoil the sweet taste of falling asleep. Corresponding fears often become a reality. Anyone who for a long time is afraid of being inept in something just because he does not get enough sleep, thereby will not only interfere with his own falling asleep, but also - over time - with the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him.

Problems with falling asleep can also be explained by the phenomenon of the formation of the “self-reward” reflex: someone who compensates for his inability to fall asleep every night with a sip of alcohol, a relaxing video, or something else in the same vein, can greatly increase the already existing problem.

Rhythm failure

Along with overload, which is an integral part of modern life, the appearance of sleep disorders is also affected by the loss of a harmonious rhythm of life, consonant with nature. The twentieth century was marked by a triumphal procession across the planet of artificial lighting. Hardly anyone thought about negative consequences, which spread like an avalanche all over the same planet in the form, in particular, of depression and sleep disorders. Almost all so-called mental illness associated, in particular, with the loss of rhythm; almost all of them are accompanied by sleep disorders.

bodily dysfunctions

One of the understudied root causes of sleep disorders may be bodily dysfunctions. Getting rid of bodily symptoms that prevent good sleep, is possible only if they are worked out at the level of the soul. For example, it turned out that the vast majority of patients suffering from sleep disorders are characterized by chronically low blood pressure. In patients with reduced pressure(namely, women are most often discussed), specific sets of problems can be identified.

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The fact is that such patients, as a rule, have not yet found their place in the world around them and have not learned how to manage their lives. Their communication problems are embodied in the form of fears, cold hands, cold feet (the soul goes to the heels). In addition, there are a number of sleep disorders caused by pain in the body, back, limbs, and these problems should be identified and dealt with at the appropriate level.

It would also be useful to reflect on the meaning of all these "sores" for our soul - in the sense that it is said in the book "Sickness as a Symbol".

Sleep problems can be caused by an organic dysfunction such as heart weakness. In this case, only by taking a supine position, the body gets the opportunity to restore proper blood circulation and thereby remove right amount water.

Frequent urge to urinate and cause sleep disturbance. It may also be that swelling over the years prostate takes over the function of the dam, which does not allow to fully empty the bladder. As a result, the frequency of visiting the toilet increases significantly, including at night.

By virtue of relaxation connective tissue and associated weakness Bladder women may also experience repeated urges to urinate during the night, resulting in disturbed sleep.

If sleep is disturbed due to cramps in the calf and other muscles, it is useful to approach this issue from two angles:

  • firstly, to try to identify the spiritual root causes of these convulsive contractions and overstrains,
  • and secondly, to take a course of magnesium supplementation, which improves our condition at the body level in an amazing way.

The interpretation of all these problems - from heart failure and swelling of the prostate to a tendency to convulsions - is presented in the book "Illness as a symbol." They must be worked out and released from oneself, using one's abilities in realizing the space of soul images.

In the transitional period, in old age, when we are faced with the task of making the greatest "turnover" of our lives, the voice of the heart can sound especially loud and begin to comment on the process of dying as the beginning of a new formation. Or, in the face of such changes, we will sometimes begin to break a sweat. That which is at the base of the named recent symptoms there are extremely exciting, hot topics, no doubt. And the resulting sleep disorders can be associated with dreams and the thoughts and feelings that flow from them.

disturbing dreams

Repeated nocturnal awakening in most cases is due to the fact that dreams occur near the boundaries of consciousness, and sleep is disturbed under the influence of the corresponding emotions. Often people lose access to the worlds of internal images so much that dreams unfold without any participation on their part. And then emotions just catapult them out of sleep.

If at the same time the “images of fear” lose their distinctness, then the sweat that comes out or the heart palpitations only win. After all, images, even if they are not perceived by consciousness and do not remain in memory, do not disappear anywhere, as well as the reactions caused by them. And this means that the topic that is not conscious and continues to smolder in the subconscious will take away from us the peace that is so necessary in order to fall asleep again.

Sleep problems, like problems falling asleep, occur in the middle of the night. Awakening as such is not a problem if the person goes back to sleep soon.

Disturbances in the sleep process indicate that the topics that disturb us are so painful that, having interrupted sleep, they then do not allow it to come again. In such situations, it makes sense to turn to meditations with voice accompaniment in order to regain access to the figurative worlds and, with their help, try to identify the causes of problems. In this way, we can get rid of them much faster, provided, of course, that we have enough willpower to stand in front of them face to face.

If we look at the disruption of the sleep process from the point of view expressed in the book Illness as a Symbol, and try to understand what the body is trying to tell us, the task becomes easier. We see that, firstly, we fail to fall asleep and sink into an unconscious state. Secondly, we are forced to lie in bed and look - look for a dream that does not want to come. But it is at this time that it is worth giving up resistance, calming down and trying to remain calm further, and then voluntarily follow the besieging thoughts.

Most often, it is enough just to find the key to the doors of those problems that were worked out in interrupted dreams. They have their own meaning, and over time, you can learn to understand the message that they carry. Not infrequently out of such a "disorder" arises a new attitude towards the night and its dreams. published .

From the book "A guide to sleep. How to fall asleep, sleep, get enough sleep", Rudiger Dahlke

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Sleep is essential for restoring strength and muscle tone. During sleep, the brain processes new information, comparing it with previously obtained information. In this case, useless information is eliminated, and useful information is fixed by memory.

Unfortunately, many of us have certain sleep disorders that, in the most severe cases, provoke serious illnesses.

Common sleep problems:

1. Disorder of falling asleep.
2. Not sound sleep.
3. Early awakening.

At first glance, the daily hustle and bustle, mental and physical overload should guarantee sleep that matches famous saying"Sleep like a baby." In fact, this is not always the case. People often suffer from insomnia.

The most common causes include excessive mental load. This is a stress factor that negatively affects the hormonal background.

Please note, when chronic fatigue you can not even dream about the transition of the body to the mode full-fledged work. This applies to both physical and mental activity.

Knowledge of the form of insomnia allows you to establish the degree of fatigue. It is authentically known that stress consists of several stages:

I. At first, the organism still has some forces. A person's condition is accompanied by a rapid pulse, agitation, increased brain activity. After comes fatigue, accompanied by weakness. In this state, a person treats everything with apathy. If we talk about our topic, the consequence of fatigue is a problem with falling asleep.

II. The second stage is characterized by drowsiness, rapid falling asleep with frequent nocturnal awakenings and nightmares. In this case we are talking about the second form of insomnia.

Let's first look at the problem of falling asleep.

Factors that make it difficult to fall asleep:

1. Finishing work a couple of hours before bedtime.
2. Lack of satisfaction with the past day.
3. Unfinished business.
4. Excited state.
5. Dispute with the inner "I".

What will help?

Prolonged immersion in sleep is more common in people who have hypertrophied responsibility. Such people are very demanding of themselves, they constantly think that they have left something unfinished, overlooked, acted wrong somewhere, let someone down, someone crossed the road, and so on. If you think in this way in moderation, you can achieve considerable success. If they wear chronic, the brain will sooner or later refuse to put a person to sleep.

Comparison of completed and unfinished undertakings. It's best to do this before bed. Maintain a to-do list that crosses off completed tasks each day. Breaking the most difficult upcoming cases into stages, parts.

Make sure you have good bed and high quality bed linen.

Diet will help!

You can mitigate the effect of stress factors, reduce the time spent falling asleep, by avoiding spicy and sour foods. It is necessary to minimize the amount of spices, vinegar, seasonings. As for coffee, it should be reduced to a couple of cups. Rejection of green tea is obligatory, as it is superior to coffee in terms of stimulating effect.

Instead of tea, you can cook next drink: dry strawberry leaves (5 tbsp) + boiling water (liter) + honey (1 tsp).

Salvation in aromatherapy

If you don't mind the money, you can buy finished oils, aroma lamps. Can be dispensed with budget option. To do this, you need a bag that you can sew with your own hands. It is better to use thick fabric. Dry hop cones will work as a source of aroma. They fill a previously sewn bag, which is placed at the head of the head. Alternative to hops - birch leaves, juniper sawdust.

People who are sensitive to stress factors should pay attention to fresh cherries, compote made from them.

We hope that our article will be both interesting and useful for you. sound dreams And have a nice sleep to you!

I'll tell you a big secret how to fall asleep quickly, but immediately - a line of short humor about bloggers:

I couldn't sleep for a long time tonight. And only in the morning I realized why ... I had to lie down on the sofa and close my eyes.

Sleep problems? How to fall asleep quickly

Well, now, in fact, the article itself, which I found on the interesting site "Wise Advice".

The only reliable way to quickly relax and fall asleep. The secret is actually so simple that it's hard to believe.

In order not just to get acquainted with the recipe fast falling asleep, but also to use it correctly, it is necessary to understand the intricacies of the work of the subconscious during falling asleep. At least conceptually, at the popular level. That is where we will start.

Have you ever watched the eyes of a person who faints, loses consciousness? When losing consciousness, a person must simultaneously roll his eyes up, behind his eyelids. If you open the eyelids of a drunk sleeping person, you will see that his eyes are also rolled up. Man in deep phase sleep (this is when there is not even dreams) also sleeps with his eyes rolled up. This is an interesting and important point.

Let's consider another interesting point in the work of the subconscious. This will already relate to the emotional state. When expressing any emotion, a person necessarily reacts with his facial expression. That is, certain facial muscles tense up for the corresponding emotional condition. For example, when angry, the cheekbones and lips shrink, while the eyebrows frown, when happy, the lips stretch in a smile, and the eyebrows, on the contrary, rise, etc. But it has also been noticed for a long time that if you artificially stretch your lips in a smile, then soon a person will definitely feel an upsurge in mood. That is, the connection of facial expressions and emotions is always an integral complement to each other.

It turns out that in order to fall asleep quickly, only these two factors are enough. All other advice, such as: counting to a million, walking before bed, a glass of milk with honey, aromas or infusions of soothing herbs, etc. - never helped anyone to fall asleep quickly. And if they helped, then this is only due to another property of the subconscious - an authoritative source or self-hypnosis. Now you will finally fully understand this simple procedure for quickly falling asleep for any person.

Just once again I want to warn the "larks" - people who fall asleep so quickly: do not read further! Otherwise, consciously thinking about the process of falling asleep quickly can backfire on you. Previously, you quickly fell asleep according to your inner unconscious method, and now you will try to bring conscious control into this process. But the whole technique consists only in removing this control, and then this problem resolved automatically.

How to solve the problem with falling asleep for "owls"

If you carefully analyze the state in which you cannot long time fall asleep, you will definitely determine one of two reasons. There are only two reasons for the inability to fall asleep quickly! These are annoying thoughts on a particular topic, or an emotional upsurge about some incident. All! All other causes, such as noise, bright light, uncomfortable bedding and other external stimuli, can either be artificially isolated or will not be interference in principle when using the rapid falling asleep technique described below. Because these reasons will again be included in the original list of two reasons why it is impossible to fall asleep quickly. The only reservation can be made the cause of physical violence against falling asleep. But we will not even consider these extreme measures of torture, since this is a different problem. We take the usual standard situation domestic night sleep.

So directly quick sleep recipe.

We just need to eliminate two causes. Let's start with the second one: emotional arousal. If we completely relax all the muscles of the face - according to the formula of the relationship between facial expressions and emotions - our emotions will completely go away. But it will not be possible to relax the muscles when passions, as they say, are “boiling”. While the emotion is raging, it is difficult to even switch to the sensations of the muscles of the face. This will require special training. But this is a completely different topic. Therefore, we consider only ordinary states when emotions do not go off scale. In this case, it will not be difficult to relax the muscles of the face. But here is the paradox: a person does not attribute eye muscles to the muscles of the face. And as long as the eye muscles are in tension, it will not be possible to completely relax the facial muscles themselves. You can easily confirm this yourself by following all the instructions described here.

So, we go to bed, close our eyes, relax all the muscles of the face. I will not enumerate: try to relax everything. Now deeper: inside the nose, the muscles of the tongue and even the ears. Now let's move on to the main important procedure fast sleep.

We relax our eyes. Attention! Eyebrows, eyelids, cheekbones you have already relaxed, now you need to relax your eyes. Muscles of the eyeballs. This requires all attention to shift to themselves eyeballs. And you will suddenly feel how tense they are. We need to release this tension. When you manage to fully relieve tension from the muscles of the eyeballs, once again go through the rest of the muscles of the face. You will definitely feel that tension is not completely removed from the rest of the muscles. Take it off. Then pay attention again to the eyeballs and relax once again the muscles that surround them. By the way, this exercise is very useful for maintaining or restoring absolute vision. The entire procedure described above lasts very quickly: from a few seconds to one minute. Who is trained to relax. After that, you don’t even have to try to observe what emotion you still have left. You won't have them for sure. But most importantly, you are prepared for the decisive step for falling asleep quickly.

Now look up under your closed eyelids, as if you want to look at the back of your head. At the same time, the eyes automatically roll up, but in no case should you create tension in them. Just look up without tension as much as possible. If some thoughts come to your mind, for example: “well, they promised that when you roll your eyes, thoughts will disappear, but they are”, you immediately pay attention to the direction of your gaze. Definitely, your eyes are looking forward. Correct it, that is, point it up again. So without tension you correct your look for several tens of seconds. During this period, you may have different stories. You will be able to plunge into some picture, where, by order, you unfold the plot conceived by you. If so, you have entered the initial phase of the controlling dream. Congratulations. If you consciously do not want to go out, you will easily fall asleep. You just need to know that if pictures or a video have gone, give yourself completely to it - you are already falling asleep.

If by this time the problem has not been resolved

But if you have not yet entered this phase, then we will simply step over it. Again, easy and fast. All that is required for this is just to imagine two black tubes-funnel, which begin near the eyelids, with a diameter - the size of the eyes and are directed to the base of the back of the head, where they converge into one tube. It is imperative to represent black pipes. Inside them should also be absolute blackness. The direction of the pipes is also important. Eyes must be rolled up. A few tens of seconds will be quite enough to fly away into the realm of Morpheus.

Source Way to fall asleep quickly on the site of wise advice.

If you did not fall asleep after that, it means that you simply control the process of falling asleep with your consciousness. Stop doing it, you won't be able to consciously get rid of consciousness. Trust your subconscious. It always helps us out. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly.

A sound sleep can tell a lot about a person. In particular, it indicates a healthy body and the right way life. Sleep disturbance ( light sleep, frequent waking up at night, the inability to fall asleep for a long time) speaks of failures that occur inside the body. To answer the question why I fall asleep and often wake up or cannot fall asleep for a long time, it is necessary to establish the root causes of poor sleep. In this article, we will also talk about effective ways normalization of the process of falling asleep and the ability to make rest at night more productive.

Features and dangers of sleep disorders

According to doctors, sleep disturbance can be primary (not associated with a particular disease) or secondary. The latter option involves sleep problems in adults due to certain pathologies. If you often ask yourself why I don't sleep well at night, listen to your body. Perhaps the cause should be sought in diseases of the heart, kidneys and other vital organs.

As for the types of sleep problems, there are three of them.

  • Firstly, it is insomnia (classic insomnia) - a sleep disorder in which the patient cannot fall asleep for a long time or often wakes up.
  • Secondly, hypersomnia is excessive sleepiness.
  • Thirdly, parasomnia is a sleep disorder caused by malfunctions in the body due to somatic, mental, neurological diseases.

If the quality of a night's rest is constantly declining, you can't sit back and do nothing. In the future, this can cause obesity, type 2 diabetes, tachycardia, impair mental work and lead to many other equally dangerous consequences.

Superficial sleep or its lack causes the body to function in emergency mode and throw it into the blood great amount neurotransmitters. They provide additional resources for the so-called overtime wakefulness. As a result, the optimal functioning of the heart and blood vessels is disturbed.


Sleep disturbance can cause banal at first glance reasons. Sometimes we don't even pay attention to them, and this is our big mistake. Among the factors that cause sleep difficulties, the following should be highlighted:

The causes of sleep disturbance should also be sought in the air temperature in the room. To make your rest better, create an optimal microclimate. The air temperature should be in the range of 18 to 19 degrees. Humidity - 60-80 percent.

disease as a cause

Regular sleep disturbance in adults often causes neurological and somatic diseases. In particular, this can lead to pulmonary heart failure, enuresis, apnea and syndrome restless legs. For example, light sleep may be the result of oxygen starvation (pulmonary heart failure). Symptoms of this pathology: headaches, pallor, fainting, chest pains and so on.

If you have found yourself intermittent sleep you have no idea what to do, pay attention to restless leg syndrome. This is about vascular insufficiency lower extremities. Impaired circulation causes an unconscious need to move the legs. If during the day we do not pay attention to it, then at night similar pathology manifests itself very clearly - it provokes a light sleep and its frequent interruption.

Sleep problems may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea. As a rule, it is diagnosed in people who snore from time to time.

Due to the flabbiness of the throat and nasopharyngeal tissues, the respiratory opening is briefly blocked. The result of this is a short interruption of breathing (no more than 30 seconds) and the patient wakes up from a lack of oxygen. Eliminate snoring and interrupted sleep will no longer bother you.


Frequent sleep disturbance, the treatment of which should be carried out after a visit to the doctor, can be eliminated with the help of ready-made medicines. They are sold in the form of tablets, capsules, drops and are taken orally:

Take a look at the tools above. They well eliminate the symptoms of insomnia (insomnia) and are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription.

Healthy Herbal Recipes

bad dream at night, an adult can be effectively treated with dry collections of sedative herbs. They are used for decoctions and infusions.

Herbal sedative preparations are an excellent analogue synthetic drugs. In order not to wake up at night and forget about disturbing dreams, take herbs in courses of 2-3 weeks.

Boost therapeutic efficacy regular change of fees and the use of Melatonin at the very beginning of treatment will help.

If you are wondering why I don’t sleep at night, where my sleep goes, and what to do about it all, pay attention to the insomnia treatment algorithm. The therapy is carried out in stages and involves:

  • determining the type of sleep disorder;
  • identification of possible mental pathologies;
  • development of an effective treatment strategy;
  • selection of optimal drugs.

Do not self-medicate by trying to eliminate light sleep. It is best to entrust such a responsible matter to a doctor.

Regularly no sleep? Go to bed at the same time every day. The lost amount of night rest, unfortunately, cannot be made up with the help of daytime rest.

But why does a person fall asleep slowly? Key reason lies in excessive activity nervous system. Therefore, immediately before going to bed, do not watch bright and emotional films, do not gamble. In a word, completely exclude any actions that excite the psyche.

Effective prevention of sleep disorders also consists in eliminating any external stimuli that interfere with normal sleep. First of all, we are talking about excessively bright light and loud sounds. Never fall asleep to the accompaniment of the TV. The room should be dark, quiet and cool. This the right decision if you can't fall asleep or you can't sleep well.

People suffering from lack of sleep should exclude coffee and chocolate from their diet at night. They invigorate the psyche, activate the work internal organs and in particular the brain. If you use such products before going to bed, then you should not be surprised and complain why I do not sleep well at night.

Before a night's rest, a warm (but not hot) bath helps to relax. To prevent sleep loss from becoming a chronic ailment, do not use sedatives and sleeping pills without medical advice.

If a person has not slept for a long time, he may experience difficulty falling asleep due to overexcitation of the nervous system. In this case, we advise you to do some monotonous business, and sleep will soon come.

Sleep disturbance - serious problem which deprives many suffering from similar disorders vitality, reduces performance. The importance of the sleep cycle cannot be underestimated, as it is dangerous to health and even life.

Sleep is vital important cycle repeating day after day. It is characterized by a state of rest, physical inactivity, lasting an average of about 8 hours. During this period, the body is resting. There is a restoration of body systems, processing and storage of information received during the day, resistance increases immune system to infectious agents.

Various external and internal factors can affect the sleep cycle. As a result, developing different kind sleep disorders. Why do sleep disturbances occur? What diseases are associated with this? How to restore sleep mode? How to deal with sleep disturbance? These important questions will be answered in the article below.

Types of sleep disorders

There is a special classification of sleep disorders. The main types of pathologies of the sleep cycle are the following conditions:

  1. Insomnia - kind pathological condition, which is characterized by problems with the process of falling asleep. At the same time, the sleep cycle itself is short-term, very sensitive. Insomnia develops against the background mental illness nervous system, or prolonged use alcohol, certain medications.
  2. Hypersomnia is a type of sleep pathology characterized by a condition constant drowsiness. People suffering from this disorder can sleep up to 20 hours a day. Develops as a result deep depression, chronic sleep deprivation. There are such forms of hypersomnia:
  • a type of hypersomnia characterized by with a sharp attack drowsiness, causing a person to fall asleep on the spot. The main symptom of this disease is cataplexy - the loss muscle tone during wakefulness (a person freezes in a certain position, without losing consciousness);
  • - excessive sleepiness daytime days;
  • type of hypersomnia associated with alcohol dependence.
  1. Parasomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by disruptions in the phases of the sleep cycle, as a result, a person often wakes up at night. Restless sleep develops against the background of the manifestation of enuresis (urinary incontinence during night rest), different forms sleepwalking, epilepsy (bursts of electrical activity in the brain). May be associated with night terrors, nightmares.
  2. in a dream - a violation of the process of pulmonary ventilation. As a result of such a failure, an adult develops hypoxia - oxygen starvation tissues, which leads to impaired concentration, daytime sleepiness. Apnea is accompanied by snoring, which makes it difficult for close family members and the sufferer to rest.
  3. Ordinary insomnia is the most common sleep disorder and can be caused by a variety of factors.
  4. sleep paralysis frequent occurrence, in which at the stage of falling asleep or waking up a person is aware of everything, but cannot move and speak. enough.
  5. Bruxism - . It appears in both adults and children.

Causes of sleep disturbance. Symptoms

The normal sleep cycle is characterized by the process of falling asleep quickly, after which awakening occurs after a certain period of time (depending on how much the person needs to rest). Average, night rest an adult should be at least 8 hours.

However, due to certain factors, the sleep cycle and its quality may be disturbed. This is due to the state of health, the presence of chronic diseases and negative influence external environment. So, the main causes of sleep disorders in adults are as follows:

  • emotional excitement, shock. These conditions may develop due to frequent stress, prolonged depression, aggression, strong shocks associated with illness, death of loved ones. Also, sleep disturbance in adults can occur due to upcoming exciting events: a session with students, a wedding, childbirth, divorce, job loss;
  • daily use before bedtime of substances that excite the nervous system, overeating. These can be drinks containing caffeine (strong tea, coffee), as well as alcohol, energy drinks, and in the worst cases, drugs. Some medications can negatively affect the quality of the sleep cycle;
  • failure in work endocrine system, thyroid disease. Poor sleep occurs in women during menstruation, when the level of female sex hormones increases, or during menopause (menopause). Sleep disturbance, insomnia is observed with hyperthyroidism - overexposure in blood hormones thyroid gland, which activate the metabolism in the body;
  • diseases of the internal organs: asthma, arthritis, ischemic disease hearts, kidney failure, Parkinson's disease and similar mental illnesses. As a result of such diseases, a person experiences great physical discomfort, debilitating pain that prevents sleep.
  • sleep disturbance, uncomfortable conditions for rest: the presence of unpleasant odors, too high, or low temperature indoors, light, extraneous noise, unusual environment.

These are the main reasons that lead to short-term or long-term disruption of the sleep cycle. The following symptoms may indicate this condition: a long period falling asleep constant change body position, very frequent awakening at night, restless sleep getting out of bed early in the morning. After such a dream, a person feels exhausted, tired, concentration of attention and memorization processes decrease.

The consequences of sleep disturbance can be very deplorable. So those who regularly lack sleep, or sleep poorly, increase the risk of morbidity by cardiovascular diseases, diabetes. Poor sleep leads to obesity, immunodeficiencies, and breast cancer in women.

Causes and treatment of sleep disorders. Diagnostics

The problem of poor sleep cannot be neglected. If a person has daily complaints such as:

  • "I can't sleep for a long time."
  • "I often wake up at night."
  • “I wake up very early, I can’t get enough sleep,” this eloquently indicates a violation of the sleep cycle. In this case, he just needs to contact a treating specialist, undergo a full medical examination. You can not hesitate, as the accumulated fatigue can lead to irreparable health problems.

Who to contact?

To diagnose sleep cycle disorders, people turn to a somnologist who specializes in dreams, problems, diseases associated with the sleep cycle. If such a specialist in medical institution is not available, you can consult a therapist, psychotherapist, or neurologist. They will tell you how to restore sleep. If there is a serious problem, you will have to contact a somnologist.

Remember, a person who sees a doctor on time avoids many health problems!

Sleep disorders are diagnosed in a special laboratory. The following methods are used for this:


It is carried out in a special laboratory, where there is necessary equipment. During this procedure, the patient during the night's rest must be under the supervision of doctors.

A person is connected to different sensors that measure the frequency respiratory movements, heartbeat, pulse, electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. Based on these indicators, the somnologist can identify the real problem of poor sleep, tell you what to do, prescribe the appropriate therapy.

SLS method - study of average sleep latency

This technique is carried out in cases where the doctor suspects that the patient has hypersomnia ( increased sleepiness), especially narcolepsy.

During such a procedure, a suffering person is given 5 attempts to fall asleep, each of which lasts about 20 minutes, the interval between them is 2 hours. If the patient falls asleep in more than 10 minutes, then he has no disturbances, within 5-10 minutes - the borderline range, in less than 5 minutes - a clear sleep disorder.

How to restore sleep mode?

It's vital important question. These diagnostic methods will help the doctor to make complete picture happening since human body during the night's rest. After diagnosing the disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Sleep disturbance, severe insomnia is treated with medications such as:

  • sleeping pills of different strength;
  • antidepressants (if the cause of the sleep cycle disorder is a severe form of depression);
  • antipsychotics with a calming effect, psychotonic drugs are prescribed for patients with severe sleep disorders;
  • sedative (calming) drugs can be taken by anyone who was nervous before a night's rest, or is in an excited state;
  • drugs with a vasodilator effect in combination with mild types of hypnotics are intended for elderly patients in whom the cause of a poor sleep cycle is arrhythmia, angina pectoris.

It is important to remember that it is very dangerous to self-prescribe treatment with sleeping pills, since in most cases, long-term use such drugs cause all sorts of addictions, leading to a malfunction of the central nervous system and its organs, exacerbating the problem of sleep disorders. Only a qualified doctor should prescribe a course of treatment.

If poor sleep at night is associated with experiences before important event, old age, troubles at work, etc., then you can drink half an hour before rest soothing tea, decoction, herbal infusion. For these purposes, chamomile tea made from its flowers, or mint, lemon balm, from their leaves is well suited. After such tea, you will fall asleep better, you will sleep soundly.

Can saturate your bedroom pleasant smell lavender from the aroma lamp. Its pleasant aroma soothes and relaxes. The smell of lavender will make a woman wake up joyful, full of strength. You can also put a bag with dry herbs of jasmine and lavender equally near the pillow.

Available at the pharmacy alcohol tincture motherwort, which is an excellent remedy for insomnia and its other manifestations. At home, you can prepare a decoction of this plant and drink throughout the day.

For older people who have a disturbed sleep cycle, a decoction of lily of the valley grass is well suited, which normalizes the work of the heart and eliminates arrhythmia. Regular intake of such a decoction will lead to the restoration of the sleep cycle.

Sleep problems. What to do?

However, often sleep problems in adults, insomnia are associated with the most seemingly insignificant factors, such as: overeating, severe exercise stress, a cup of strong coffee, or black tea. Therefore, in order to normalize the sleep cycle, first of all, prevention of sleep disorders is needed, which includes the observance of such simple rules:

  • create all the conditions for a comfortable stay: make the bed with a clean bed, ventilate the room, put an aroma lamp if necessary;
  • accept cold and hot shower before bedtime;
  • let close person make a light restorative massage;
  • do not eat 2 hours before bedtime;
  • do not engage in activities that can overexcite the nervous system;
  • drink a glass before going to bed warm milk with honey, or soothing tea;
  • if you woke up at night, it is better not to get up, not to start doing active things. You need to lie down for a while, after a while you will fall asleep again.
  • always remember if you often wake up at night, especially in early age means you need to see a doctor. The sooner you get rid of the problem of poor sleep, you will be able to avoid many diseases.

The above tips will remove, like a hand, fatigue after a hard day, help you relax, calm down. In such an environment, it will be easy to fall into a deep, sweet dream.



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