Features of tooth extraction in children: from indications to the nuances of the procedure. An important procedure is the removal of milk teeth in children.

Tooth extraction is a surgical operation that can cause complications. It is used both in adult dentistry and in pediatric dentistry. But the main difference is that sometimes children cannot explain how they feel after visiting a doctor. That is why it is especially important to find out what to do after a child has a tooth removed.

You need to carefully approach the care of the oral cavity on the first day after visiting the dentist. A sterile swab is placed in the hole of the extracted tooth. You can remove it only after 20-30 minutes. It is allowed to take warm and crushed food after a couple of hours and provided that the effect of anesthesia has ended.

It is important to remember that after tooth extraction, it is forbidden to intensively rinse the mouth during the first three days. Of course, this applies to children who know how to perform this procedure. The prohibition of rinsing is explained by the fact that a blood clot is formed in the hole of the extracted tooth. During intensive rinsing, it can move, exposing unprotected fabrics. Bacteria in the oral cavity easily penetrate the mucous membrane, thereby causing inflammation or alveolitis. To clean the hole, it is enough to take the solution into your mouth, hold it at the site of removal and gently spit it out. During a visit to the doctor, do not forget to consult how to rinse your child's mouth.

Watch your baby. Under the influence of an anesthetic drug, sensitivity is reduced not only in the area of ​​​​removal, but also on the cheeks. As a result of this, the child may begin to bite them, provoking the formation of an ulcer.

In order to avoid bleeding, for 5-7 days you need to reduce the load. If the child is involved in any sport, it is required to refrain from training for a week.

You can not heat the area of ​​​​removal and even more so rinse. After each meal, gently rinse the mouth with boiled water. Twice a day, brush your teeth with a toothbrush, avoiding the hole.

Be sure to give all the drugs that the dentist prescribed after the extraction of the tooth to the child. This will help shorten the recovery period and prevent inflammation.

Features of the course of the recovery period

After visiting the dentist, it is important to find out which symptoms are normal and when to see a doctor. Immediately after surgery, there may be swelling of the mucosa and slight soreness. In order to eliminate them, you can apply an ice pack to your cheek. The doctor may also prescribe painkillers, designed for the age of the child.

Often, immediately after tooth extraction, the swelling does not subside and even increases on the 2nd-3rd day. Sometimes a bruise forms. All this is normal and goes away on its own.

But if the bleeding after removing the tampon has not decreased, you need to see a doctor. This is especially true for the second day after removal: there should not be any discharge from the hole.

When molars are removed, the opening of the mouth may be disturbed in the first days after visiting the dentist. In some cases, there is pain when swallowing and even an increase in temperature to subfebrile condition.

When to contact the doctors urgently?

There are symptoms that should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible:

  • severe pain;
  • bleeding within 10-12 hours;
  • decreased sensitivity on the second day after removal;
  • temperature rise above 38 degrees;
  • swelling extending to the throat.

These symptoms indicate a complication that requires the intervention of a specialist.

Periodically, parents need to decide on the removal of milk teeth in children. What indications exist for this, the price for the procedure, as well as the important nuances of such manipulation, we will describe in more detail.

Only a pediatrician can treat milk teeth and diagnose various dental diseases. He will also insist on the decision to leave or remove the affected unit. In each case, there are many pros and cons to consider.

The role of milk teeth

Nature conceived the presence of children's units and their change to permanent ones not by chance. Thanks to such simple teeth, the baby can learn to process solid food, and their limited number easily fits in a small child's jaw. In addition, the role of milk units is also important for the gradual formation of a normal volume of bone tissue so that it does not exist.

Each tooth in a row helps to fully function the jaw, process food, maintain articulation and form the correct bite. And although by the age of 12-13 they will completely fall out and permanent ones will take their place, you should not rush to remove them.

Should they be treated or removed?

Parents of babies are wondering if it is possible to remove a child's tooth if it is affected by caries or has appeared. It must be understood that the early elimination of the unit leads to serious consequences:

  • the free space will quickly fill with the teeth present, which will lead to the displacement of the entire row and malocclusion;
  • the load on the bone tissue will be significantly reduced, which will prevent it from developing and growing to the required volumes, and this will become a problem when permanent units are cut through and there is not enough space for them;
  • the absence of even one tooth will lead to inadequate chewing of food, which will provoke a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • it can also cause psychological discomfort in the child, because peers will laugh at him.

Therefore, dentists are trying in every possible way to save milk teeth in children until they fall out due to natural causes and treat each unit in all available ways.

Indications and contraindications

There are certain situations where the specialist recommends removing the affected unit:

  • when there is almost no crown left, and it is impossible to seal it;
  • with the eruption of a permanent tooth that has already begun, if the previous one has not yet fallen out and interferes with the natural process;
  • Availability ;
  • nerve damage, which leads to, and the spread of infection to surrounding tissues;
  • too late resorption of the root of a milk tooth, which prevents the next one from erupting;
  • presence or phlegmon;
  • when a sharp destroyed edge injures soft tissues.

But even in such situations, the doctor must carefully examine the oral cavity and decide if there are any contraindications for the removal of a milk tooth. So, it is strictly forbidden to carry out such a procedure in the following cases:

Each situation is considered individually and the decision is made after weighing the benefits and harm to the child's body.

Features of the removal of milk teeth in children

Only an experienced doctor who knows all the nuances of the structure of precisely children's units can carry out such a procedure:

  • alveolar walls are very thin;
  • the roots of such teeth may diverge at unusual angles;
  • the neck is weak, unexpressed.

Therefore, the complexity of removing milk units requires special skills and knowledge. This is done using special forceps with weak fixation. This minimizes the risk of damage to the walls. Technique:

  1. The tool covers the crown of the tooth.
  2. Make minimal pressure.
  3. They produce the so-called dislocation, scientifically luxation.
  4. Carefully one movement remove the unit from the hole.
  5. Additionally, soft tissues are examined to see if there is a root or its elements left there.
  6. A swab is applied to the place from which the tooth was removed to stop the bleeding.


Parents may be concerned about another question - does the child hurt during the procedure and is anesthesia done? If the milk tooth has already partially loosened on its own and its roots have almost resolved, then no serious drugs for pain relief are required, because the procedure will be easy and simple.

If the permanent tooth is not yet growing, and the milk tooth needs to be removed due to some problem, then such manipulation will be painful. Therefore, the doctor uses local anesthesia with modern drugs that practically do not cause side effects. But initially it is necessary to carry out tests for allergies.

General anesthesia during the removal of a milk tooth is used in extremely rare cases. Usually this is a child's too young age, when it is impossible to establish contact with him, or a panic fear of a dental chair.

Rinsing the mouth after the procedure

It is not enough to remove a milk tooth correctly, you should still carefully care for the opened hole in the first days. Doctors recommend the following:

  • two hours after the procedure, the child should not eat or even drink anything;
  • rinse for two to three days using infusions of chamomile or sage;
  • antiseptics from a pharmacy, for example, Rotokan, will help to heal the wound faster and clean it of germs;
  • parents should ensure that the child does not touch the gums with hands or sharp objects.

Such simple rules are designed to protect the opened cavity from infection. But if you notice any signs of incipient inflammation - fever, bleeding, appeared, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

What complications can arise?

If a milk tooth is removed too early, before the permanent one has begun to grow, this can lead to atrophy of the bone tissue, its reduction and weakening. Due to this, the row will shift, malocclusion, and the future tooth will grow in the wrong place. In order to replace the removed units, plastic prostheses are installed for a while for the child.

In case of illiterate actions of the doctor, problems such as damage to the walls of the adjacent tooth, intensive development of caries, inflammation of the remaining nerve, and impaired blood supply may appear.

As we have already mentioned, missing teeth in children will lead to problems with articulation, communication between peers will be complicated, and there is also a risk of developing chronic gastrointestinal disease due to insufficient processing of food in the mouth.

Video: removal of milk teeth.

Can there be a temperature after the removal of a milk tooth?

Depending on the complexity of the operation, the child's body, its sensitivity, as well as other factors, various side effects appear. So, due to the stress experienced in the child in the first hours after the procedure, the temperature may rise.

But if it lasts for several days or is accompanied by any other symptoms, then be sure to consult a doctor, as this indicates an inflammation that has appeared.

When can you do without the help of a dentist?

Having learned how much the procedure for removing a milk tooth costs, not all parents are willing to pay for it. And no matter what the price, they believe that they are able to cope with such manipulation on their own.

Of course, if he began to stagger and is ready for a natural change to a permanent one, then removing a milk tooth at home without dental appliances is quite acceptable. Only you need to do this with clean hands, and close the opened wound with cotton wool until the bleeding stops.

Greetings to all!

I am writing this review in order to possibly warn young parents. So that they don't make the same mistake as me. I'll start from the very beginning.


When my eldest daughter was 3.5 months old, she got her first tooth. The first child, the first tooth, everything was received with delight. Everyone said it was too early for teeth. Well, what will I do, this is how we have it, everything is fast with her.

We immediately purchased a special brush 0+, she loved to play with it, scratch her gums, and she loved the procedure for brushing her teeth. By 1 year 9 months all her teeth came out! But they spoiled as quickly as they came out. Yes, I will not hide, we sin sweetly, but within reason. We brush our teeth in the morning and in the evening without problems and reminders. But this did not save us from caries. On both sides, the last 2 teeth simply began to deteriorate, blacken and turn into holes. ((((

First pain.

Daughter 2 years 3 months, the day began as usual. But after dinner, the daughter burst into tears in earnest and began to complain about the tooth. I gave Nurofen and took her to a familiar dentist, a clinic that is a few steps from home.

We arrived at the place. I explained everything to the doctor, to which I heard the answer that they do not deal with children, and she cannot help us. But if again she complains strongly about coming, she will drill a bad tooth so that the pain comes out (o_O) how will she leave, where will she go? !

But glory to the Almighty after Nurofen, the pain passed, and we began to forget that this tooth hurt, how stupid I was!

In my story, acquaintances who laughed, who were surprised. But they all said the same thing: “She’s a child, why can she get sick there? Children don’t have nerves, do they? Well, don’t worry, children’s nerves become thinner and disappear, so it won’t hurt anymore!” In short, a million tips and everyone considers himself a professor.

I will make a reservation right away in our small town, except in urban dentistry, there are no pediatric dentists. But several times I witnessed the disgusting, boorish and rude attitude of doctors towards children and parents who came to the reception, and I would never go there myself, nor would I take my child. I'd better find a paid one or an extreme case in Yaroslavl.

So time went on, the teeth deteriorated, and we sat and did not know what to do. Sometimes, when eating solid food, the baby complained of pain, but everything immediately passed.

First call.

Arriving on Tuesday from the kindergarten, my daughter said that she had a toothache in a quiet hour. At dinner, I noticed that she was afraid to chew on her left side, and in the evening she could not sleep at all. Considering that this is a common case for us, I gave Nurofen to my daughter and she slept normally at night.


The day went well, but during the night my daughter woke up 2 times and whined that she was in a lot of pain. I was already alert and decided to go to the dentist in Yaroslavl.


When I picked up my daughter from the kindergarten, I noticed that she was in no mood. She refused to eat at home, towards evening she began to whine and complain about her tooth. Gave Nurofen for the night, but he did not save us. All night my daughter cried, did not let me touch her face and did not open her mouth. With grief in half, it turned out to put her to bed. But in the morning I was in for a shock. My daughter has a huge flux!!!

Find a pediatric dentist, or mission impossible.

At 9 o'clock we went to a familiar dentist, it turned out that she was on vacation, another doctor can only look, but she can neither treat nor tear out. Let's go to the next one, to all my words they only said that they do not have a children's department, go to Rybinsk or Yaroslavl. Others do not have permission to extract teeth, while still others do not accept children, there is one last clinic left. My daughter was so exhausted by pain, she was sad, whined and complained that she wanted to go home soon. But then a miracle happened, and in the last clinic they accepted children and they could remove their teeth. I was delighted, but on the other hand, knowing that now the child’s tooth would need to be removed, I was more excited than my daughter. Hands were shaking.

In the doctor's office.

My daughter and I went up to the clinic, there was a queue of two people in the corridor. The doctor came out, looked at the flux and invited me into the office without a queue. The woman and the man in front of us were not indignant and had nothing against, they understood our situation and let us go ahead. In the office, the doctor asked me to sit on a chair and take the child in my arms for examination. I did so. The daughter completely listened to the doctor, opened her mouth and showed everything. After the examination, the doctor concluded that he would have to take a picture, because both last teeth were very badly damaged, soft and wobbly, and which one provoked the inflammation is not clear. I was asked to get up and leave the office, my daughter was covered with a special apron, the nurse doing this procedure was very kind, distracted my baby with various conversations. When I went into the office and saw my daughter, so small, sitting in such a huge chair, exhausted and tired, without strength and mood. My heart sank with pain, I reproached myself that I listened to all sorts of stupid people and did not take her to the pediatric dentist earlier, after the first signs of pain.

After looking at the picture, the doctor explained to me that the culprit of all our suffering is the penultimate tooth. It will have to be removed, it is no longer subject to treatment. For us it was not news, I was ready for it. First you need to be numb. After asking about the child’s allergies and filling out the documents, I was invited to sit back in the chair and take my daughter in my arms, I held my head in the nurse’s hands. The baby endured the injection itself, but when the medicine was administered, she cried with such tears and screamed so that I almost burst into tears myself. The tooth was anesthetized on both sides and sent to the corridor until it was completely numb. The doctor warned me to make sure that my daughter does not bite her lips and tongue, does not climb her hands into her mouth, as the painkiller begins to act and she may not feel well to bite something.

Time in the corridor dragged on insanely long. My daughter was crying, asking to go home as soon as possible, I calmed her down as best I could. After 5-10 minutes, the nurse called us into the office. I sat down, took the baby in my arms and hugged her tightly, the nurse held her head, the doctor did everything neatly and quickly. They packed the extracted tooth in a bag and gave it to us, my daughter already had huge plans for it (tooth fairy and all that). The most difficult thing was to persuade my daughter to calm down and not scream, as she was crying, the tampon from the bandage was leaving and the blood was coming out more and more , and the sight of blood frightened the child even more, prompting a new hysteria, in short, a vicious circle. She reassured me from grief in half and persuaded me to clamp the tampon more tightly. We received recommendations from the doctor, which I will describe below, paid 1000 rubles (image + removal) and left the office.


For about an hour, the daughter just lay and watched cartoons. After that, apparently, everything began to pass and the child changed, she smiled, started talking, looked at her tooth and told her younger sister how it was.

Flux slept completely only the next day, closer to dinner.

The wound healed well. The child is no longer worried about anything.

Once again, I am writing a review not for a recommendation or any condemnation, but in order to warn young parents. So that they do not listen to the advice of traditional medicine, and familiar "professors" who do not have children, but they still know everything better than others. The best thing you can do is to find a good dentist for your child from a very young age, who will guide him until a certain age. What we are doing now.

  • Pull out the bandage tampon after 20 minutes.
  • Do not eat for 2 hours, during the day do not eat anything very hot and very cold.
  • Do not overheat or overcool the child.
  • Try to make sure that the child does not sleep on the side from which the tooth was removed.
  • Make sure the child does not put his hands in his mouth.
  • After tooth extraction, an increase in body temperature is possible.
  • And in the future, after complete healing of the wound, massage the gums. Eat more solid foods (carrots, apples). All this in order for new teeth to be healthier and more correct.

Thank you for your attention. I understand that everyone is different and everyone will react differently to my review. But I have already indicated above why I still decided to write it.

Perhaps there is no such child who does not like sweets. Caramels, chocolate, ice cream, sweet soda are the favorite treats of kids who are ready to eat dessert for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With insufficient oral care, sugary carbohydrate food remains in the interdental spaces and promotes the growth of bacteria. Therefore, parents of small sweet teeth often face the problem of carious milk teeth - a source of oral infection.

Removal of milk (temporary) teeth is regarded by many mothers and fathers as one of the ways to treat caries. Of course, if there is only one “stump” left from the tooth and there is nothing to save, it is better to remove it. According to dentists, resorting to the removal of a milk tooth in cases where treatment can be dispensed with is still not worth it. Let's try to figure out why it is important to keep a "milky" smile, and in what cases the removal of temporary teeth is necessary.

The role of milk teeth in the development of the maxillofacial apparatus.

Temporary teeth not only help the child chew solid food, but are also directly involved in the development of the jaws.

The laying of milk teeth occurs long before the birth of a child, starting from 6-7 weeks of intrauterine life. The first tooth erupts on average at the age of 6-8 months. It is considered absolutely normal, both the appearance of the first tooth in a year, and its presence already at birth. Pain, anxiety, fever are symptoms characteristic of baby teething. All this is understandable, because milk teeth perform a difficult task - they pave the way for permanent, so-called molars.

Milk teeth form a bite, participate in the development of muscles, bones and jaws. Thanks to the presence of temporary teeth, the child learns how to properly chew food, and also develops speech skills.

IMPORTANT! A milk tooth, like a permanent one, has a root. At the age of 3-6 years, a process is started in which the root of the temporary tooth is completely resorbed, so that the permanent tooth can move freely outward.

Treat or expel? When is the extraction of milk teeth appropriate?

A pediatric dentist prescribes the removal of a milk tooth in one of the following situations:

  • caries damaged most of the crown of the tooth;
  • the tooth staggers, but does not fall out, causing the crumbs pain when chewing;
  • the tooth is injured or broken, its sharp edge damages the buccal mucosa, causing inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • the root of a temporary tooth is damaged by caries and can “infect” a healthy permanent tooth under it;
  • the milk tooth has not fallen out and prevents the eruption of the molar;
  • the formation of a fistula in the gum;
  • pulpitis, chronic periodontitis;
  • there is a phlegmon, a cyst, or other inflammatory diseases that require immediate treatment.

What are the consequences of early extraction of milk teeth?

As mentioned above, temporary teeth are involved in the development of the maxillofacial apparatus and the formation of the correct bite. Early removal of milk teeth, removal of several temporary teeth at the same time can provoke a number of disorders.

Removal of milk teeth of the anterior group.

A young child is not too concerned about his appearance, so the absence of front teeth endures painlessly. As the baby grows older, he begins to worry about his appearance, and in such a situation, the early removal of milk teeth can play a cruel joke. Other children will tease the baby due to the lack of front incisors, which will eventually develop in him a lot of complexes, which, when growing up, will develop into isolation and detachment. Another option is aggression in response to teasing and name-calling, which is also not the best for the development of the baby.

IMPORTANT! The removal of milk teeth of the front row affects the development of the child's speech. In the absence of front incisors, the child is not able to pronounce certain sounds correctly, which is often the reason for contacting a speech therapist.

Removal of chewing milk teeth.

When temporary chewing teeth are removed, the child is physically unable to chew solid food with high quality. In addition, an increase in the load on the incisors leads to their premature damage and "grinding". Chewing primarily promotes the growth and development of the lower jaw. Insufficient stimulation by chewing leads to the fact that the molars grow on top of each other or in two rows.

IMPORTANT! It should be remembered that the early removal of milk teeth can cause malocclusion, disrupt the process of chewing and cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which have a negative impact on the further physical and mental development of the child.

As a rule, when a milk tooth is removed, its “neighbors” tend to occupy an empty place, therefore, the smile is distorted, changing the facial features laid down by nature.

Contraindications to the extraction of milk teeth.

Extraction of milk teeth in some situations is contraindicated, namely:

  • in the acute course of an infectious and inflammatory disease of the oral cavity: gingivitis, stomatitis, candidiasis, etc.;
  • with acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, whooping cough, pneumonia and other infectious diseases.

With caution, the removal of milk teeth is carried out when:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, etc.);
  • kidney disease;
  • pathologies from the side of the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis, mental retardation, etc.);
  • blood diseases;
  • avitaminosis and alimentary dystrophy.

For many adults, visiting a dentist is a heroic act that is far from easy to dare. All our fears come from childhood, so visiting the dentist at an early age should not be associated with something bad and dangerous.

In order for the removal of a milk tooth in a child to go like clockwork, parents should adhere to the following recommendations:

The less attention the child receives, the less he worries about the upcoming procedure.

Undoubtedly, it is possible to prepare the baby for the procedure for removing a milk tooth, telling how it will be quick and not painful, but this will alert the already frightened baby even more.

The presence of a parent during the extraction of milk teeth for a child is simply necessary. It doesn’t matter if you have a one-year-old baby or a schoolboy growing up - your child needs support. The presence of a loved one during the procedure gives the baby confidence that everything will be fine, because mom or dad is nearby.

IMPORTANT! Once and for all, forget about the "barbaric" ways of removing milk teeth, for example, tying the desired tooth by a thread. Removal of milk teeth has a number of features, so it should be carried out by a specialist. An adult dentist is not the best option, it is best to seek help from a pediatric dentist.

Despite the fact that the use of modern technology makes it possible to remove a milk tooth absolutely painlessly, any self-respecting specialist will advise you to save the tooth, if such a possibility exists. Do not forget that the condition of the primary teeth, which are given to everyone in a single copy, depends on the health of the milk teeth.

  • Nitrous oxide
  • Psychosomatics
  • Tooth extraction can become a real problem for a child and for his parents, because most kids are hard on medical procedures and are afraid of dental instruments. However, sometimes removal is indispensable, so parents should know when it really should be removed, how the procedure will go, how to prepare the child, and what difficulties there are after removal.


    • Increased mobility. It happens that the child has been staggering for a long time, causing severe discomfort in the crumbs, but it will not fall out on its own. Sometimes it prevents the baby from even eating and talking.
    • Increased mobility of the permanent tooth due to periodontitis.
    • The milk tooth is affected by deep caries. When the risk of infection transferring to a permanent tooth increases, the best solution is to remove the diseased milk tooth, even if it is still far from falling out, for example, the child is only 2 years old or 5 years old.
    • A deep form of caries struck a permanent tooth, and its treatment is impossible.
    • The root of the milk tooth is destroyed. This situation directly threatens the rudiment of the molar, as a result of which it can not only erupt already infected, but also die.
    • The milk or molar tooth is injured. Its sharp fragments can damage the gums, but even if there are no sharp parts, it is more susceptible to infection by bacteria that cause cavities when broken.
    • The drop is delayed. This can cause problems with the eruption of the permanent tooth and the formation of the jaw. If the molar tooth has erupted, several months have passed, and the milk tooth is tightly held in the gum, it should also be removed.
    • Permanent teeth grow crowded, and to improve the bite, one of them needs to be removed.
    • Acute inflammation developed in the oral cavity. This can cause the extraction of both a milk tooth, for example, at the age of 4, and molars. The reason for removal in this case may be phlegmon, periodontitis, fistula in the gums, suppuration of the cyst and some other diseases. At the same time, acute inflammation is removed before removal.
    • The doctor recommends the removal of the rudiments of wisdom teeth in children due to difficulty in their eruption or lack of space. This procedure is performed at the age of 15-16, while their roots have not yet formed.
    • An anomaly of development was revealed, in which their number is more than normal. The removal of a supernumerary tooth in a child in such a situation is important for the proper development of the jaw.

    It may be necessary to extract a tooth if the child has an advanced form of caries


    Removal is not carried out if:

    • The child fell ill with tonsillitis, pneumonia or other acute diseases.
    • An acute inflammatory process, such as stomatitis or candidiasis, was found in the child's oral cavity.
    • A vascular or malignant tumor is present next to the tooth.

    Features of the removal of milk teeth

    The procedure is influenced by such factors as the growing jaw of the child, mixed bite and the presence of a permanent rudiment under the milk tooth. Often the manipulation is performed by the dentist without any difficulties, but must be carried out with extreme caution due to short roots. If you act carelessly, the doctor can damage the permanent tooth.

    A sloppy dentist can damage a permanent tooth, so you need to choose a doctor carefully.

    How to remove at home?

    If the tooth is about to fall out and needs only a little help, proceed as follows:

    1. Treat the gum with an anesthetic.
    2. Take a small piece of clean gauze or cloth, grab it around the tooth and wiggle it around. He must move freely.
    3. Pull it out and carefully remove it. If the tooth does not come off easily, it is likely too early to remove it yourself.
    4. Clamp the gum area after extraction with a piece of clean gauze.
    5. Distract the baby from bleeding by showing the crumbs a fallen tooth.
    6. Check if there are any pieces of tooth left in the gum. In most cases, no fragments remain, and sometimes the top of a permanent tooth ready for eruption is already visible in its place.

    It is best for a child to extract a loose milk tooth on their own. Invite the baby to move his tongue, this will speed up the process of falling out. If something alerted you, for example, some part remained in the gum, go with your child to the dentist.

    An example of removal at home, see the following video.

    Features of the removal of chewing milk teeth

    If a child has to have a chewing tooth removed, it can make chewing difficult. The child will chew food with incisors, which increases the risk of grinding and damage. In turn, reducing the chewing load on the jaw in the place where the tooth is extracted will not stimulate the chewing muscles enough, which will affect the growth of permanent teeth. This happens if the chewing teeth were removed much earlier than their loss, for example, at 3 years.

    When removing chewing teeth, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the incisors, as they can grind off

    Under general or local anesthesia?

    Pain relief during tooth extraction is represented by several options. The most common is local anesthesia using an injection. With her, the child is injected with an anesthetic into the gum with a syringe injection, after which the place of manipulation becomes numb.

    Often they resort to application anesthesia, in which the gum is treated with a gel or spray with an analgesic effect. Often, such an anesthetic has a pleasant fruity taste, and the agent is quickly absorbed into the gums. Such anesthesia is sufficient for a strongly loose milk tooth, but more often the application is used for preliminary anesthesia of the gums, in order to then inject there with a long-acting anesthetic.

    General anesthesia in the treatment of children's teeth is rarely used. General anesthesia is used for:

    • Intolerance to drugs used for local anesthesia.
    • Nervous or mental illness in a child.
    • Severe inflammatory processes, when local anesthesia is ineffective.

    Very rarely, when removing teeth in children, general anesthesia is used.

    Psychological preparation

    Before you go with your child to the dental office, it is important to prepare the baby psychologically and set up that the removal process will be easy and fast.

    • Do not discuss the reason for the removal in front of the child, and do not use complex dental terms in conversation.
    • Do not scare your daughter or son with a dentist.
    • Try not to worry yourself so that the excitement is not transmitted to the baby.
    • You can take the child with you when you will treat your teeth, so that the baby is convinced of the safety of the manipulation.
    • Emphasize that the child will show courage and be brave during the procedure.
    • Do not deceive the baby that the manipulation will be completely painless. It is better to focus on the fact that the pain will be minor and will pass quickly.

    Removal procedure

    1. Forceps are applied to the crown in such a way that the tooth is fixed without undue pressure.
    2. The dentist performs luxation (the so-called dislocation of the tooth).
    3. The tooth is removed from the hole (this manipulation is called traction).
    4. The dentist makes sure that all roots are removed.
    5. The hole is closed with a gauze pad.

    Possible problems after removal

    Sore gums

    Minor pain after manipulation is normal and should not cause concern. In this case, the pain should gradually decrease. If the pain is prolonged and very pronounced, the child should be examined by a dentist.

    Swollen cheek

    Slight swelling on the first or second day after removal is considered normal. If the swelling is severe and increases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    swollen lip

    This condition can occur when a child bites his lip after a tooth extraction, but does not feel it due to anesthesia. As a rule, puffiness goes away on its own in a few days. If it grows, it is important to show the baby to the doctor.

    Temperature rise

    A slight increase on the first or second day after removal is acceptable. When the temperature rises above + 38 ° C, the child should be examined by a dentist, as this may be evidence of infection in the hole.

    If you experience adverse symptoms, be sure to contact your pediatrician

    Prolonged bleeding

    Blood is released after the removal of milk teeth in a small amount and not for long. In order for the blood to stop faster, the child should bite on a gauze swab. The situation with increased bleeding is more common when a permanent tooth is removed. It can take a long time for a blood clot to form. With prolonged bleeding and the release of scarlet blood, the child should be shown to the doctor without delay.



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