How to sleep properly according to feng shui head. What not to do

Mankind has been accumulating its wisdom for thousands of years, and each of us prefers to acquire our own experience and fill our own, unique bruises. Tired of stepping on a rake and reinventing the wheel, many are surprised to find that the recipes for a happy and comfortable life have long been discovered and even written down, and we can only listen carefully and obediently adhere to the recommendations. Many of them concern the simplest things and processes that surround us every day. But it is they who form the reality in which we exist and which determines our worldview.

Joy, disappointment, success and just good health are made up of little things, the neglect of which is fraught with problems of a much larger scale. Therefore, it is more correct to notice even the most subtle nuances and pay due attention to them. Rest is just one of those phenomena, the possibilities of which we tend to underestimate. Although it is during sleep that a person restores vitality, prepares for a new day and gets subconscious access to hidden and inexhaustible sources of energy.

Holidays in the traditions of Feng Shui
The ancient eastern practice of Feng Shui was created specifically for the purpose of finding and practical use of astral energies that are favorable to humans. It helps to choose a suitable place for settling and building a dwelling, to properly organize its space and predict the development of events based on existing structures. Mastering even the smallest territory, assessing its capabilities and catching the flows of life-giving qi energy - this is the task that Feng Shui masters face.

Since Eastern culture considers passivity to be no less important in the development of the spiritual body than active activity, it is not surprising that most of the Feng Shui theories are devoted precisely to the proper arrangement of the house, and specifically to personal quarters and sleeping quarters. They set out symbolic and quite detailed recommendations on where to place, how to decorate and use their bed for any person who wants not only to spend time in a dream, but also use it to fully replenish internal energy.

The correctness of the place is determined by one of several zones that have their own functional purpose, which is highly undesirable to violate. Each zone requires an individual approach and filling with suitable items. If the rules for the design of each zone are observed, it directs energy flows to the productive realization of its purpose. And involuntarily or deliberately disturbed construction of space leads to destructive processes in the area of ​​life, subject to the unsettled housing zone.

The internal battery of the human body is quickly recharged, and strength is gained, not spent, when rest occurs in the right place, at the right time and surrounded by related materials. These are elements of natural elements that have their own energy and transfer it to everything they touch. Since every person, every house and in general a point in space is unique, each one requires individual adjustment according to the laws of Feng Shui.

Organization of the bedroom according to Feng Shui
Initially, few rare premises correspond to all the numerous norms of harmonization of spatial energy. Fortunately, the practice of Feng Shui provides specific clues for correcting its characteristics. Once they are aligned, the energy will flow in the right direction and make your bedroom the perfect place to sleep. To do this, you need to provide:

  1. Location of the sleeping room as far as possible from the front door and from the door to the bathroom, to prevent the circulation of energy in the wrong direction and its escape to the outside.
  2. The main colors of the interior of the bedroom according to Feng Shui should be restrained and light. Pastel shades are ideal. But the "color of passion" red is not recommended for decorating rooms in which you plan to have a good night's sleep.
  3. Bedroom lighting should not be too bright. Instead of one large chandelier on the ceiling, it is better to divide it into several small light sources located in the corners of the room.
  4. Bedroom furniture according to Feng Shui is a minimum set of necessary items made from natural materials. A harmonious sleeping room contains only a low bed and a wardrobe made of wood. Electrical appliances and metal decorations in the bedroom interfere with the energy of sleep.
  5. The mirror in the bedroom can only be located on the inner surface of the closet door. Otherwise, it will create a destructive illusion of the duality of space.
  6. Move the aquarium, vases, any water tanks, and even the image of water in paintings and photographs from the bedroom to other rooms. Otherwise, do not be surprised at insomnia and misunderstanding between households.
Feng Shui sleep rules
After you equip the bedroom, do not forget to use it for its intended purpose, not carelessly, but subject to the following conditions:
  1. The position of the head of a sleeping person is of fundamental importance: place the bed so that the pillow is facing north.
  2. In this case, the headboard should be adjacent to the wall and in no case be directed towards the door. Try to fall asleep with your head towards the entrance to the room - most likely, you will spin restlessly and experience unsettling sensations.
  3. A window above the head of the bed is also not the best option; sleep can be restless and bring a headache.
  4. Do not be too lazy to take the book that you read before going to bed back to the shelf. Left on the bedside table or on the floor next to the bed, it will continue to radiate the energy of the plot and even its author while you sleep.
  5. Bedding, unlike walls and furniture, is better to choose dark shades - blue or dark chocolate. To maintain sexual energy, complement it with scarlet decorative pillows.
  6. Make sure that during sleep, sharp corners of furniture, window sills and other objects that carry concentrated negative energy are not directed at you.
  7. The mattress of your bed should be solid, without seams and cracks, so take the trouble to look under the sheet and, if necessary, replace it with another model.
  8. And in general, try to sleep on new furniture, mattresses and linen. Sprinkle the bedding received as an inheritance or as a gift with salt before use, and after a day, throw this salt into the toilet or bury it in the ground away from your home.
These are just the basic recommendations that the art of Feng Shui gives us. With a deeper study, it reveals much more tips and prohibitions on the organization of living space, regimen and even behavior. But even a small adjustment according to the laws of Feng Shui will be enough to attract beneficial energy and feel its influence.

There is one common opinion, according to which the position of the body in a dream relative to the cardinal points affects the inner harmony, family happiness and well-being of a person. For some, this information seems unfounded, while others seek to find out where you need to sleep with your head - to the north or south, or maybe even to the west? Thus, we decided to consider the most several points of view, methods and teachings, some of which contradict each other.

Where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui?

Adhering to the principles of this teaching, some arrange furniture in the house, plan meetings and significant events. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you also need to sleep with your head in a certain direction, and for this you must first find out the Gua number. This is the name of the magic number, which is calculated differently for men and women.

Men need to take the last two digits of the year of birth and add them up. If the number is two-digit, add the two received digits again. The result is a single numeric value. If you were born before 2000, subtract this result from 10, and if after 2000, subtract from 9. As a result, you will know your Gua number and you will be able to sleep correctly with your head in feng shui.

To determine the number of Gua, women need to carry out the same calculations, and having received one digit, we do not subtract it, but add 5 to it (at birth before 2000) or 6 (if born after). If the result is a two-digit value, sum its numbers.

Gua cannot equal five, therefore, when obtaining this value, Gua is 2 for men, and 8 for women. And recall that according to the Chinese calendar, the year begins at the beginning of February, and not in January, so if you were born between January 1 and 4 -February 5, calculate the Gua number for the previous year.

Based on the received number and personal preferences, choose the direction where to lie down with your head. We offer a detailed table that will help you understand everything. The cardinal points are indicated by the first letters of the names: C - north, south - south, etc.

Gua number

For success and prosperity

For good health

For love and relationship building

For personal growth and development

Please note that according to Feng Shui, other directions are unfavorable for a particular person and can lead to trouble. Trust this teaching or not, decide for yourself.

What do Indian yogis say?

Indian sages believe that the direction of the head during sleep must be chosen taking into account magnetic fields. According to this theory, it is better to go to bed with your head to the north or northeast.

True yogis from India are sure that each person has a special electrical charge, so the north is in our head and the south is in our feet. The inhabitants of this country strictly adhere to these rules for both night sleep and daytime rest. They are sure that there is to put the bed in the right position, in the morning you will wake up with good spirits. If in the bedroom there is no way to put the bed so that you sleep with your head to the north, settle down in the direction of your head to the east - this is also acceptable, according to yogis.

Eastern Vastu technique

According to the ancient Indian teachings of Vastu, each person must consider where to sleep with his head - physical health and mental state depend on this. If you position the bed incorrectly, you will not fall into deep sleep and you will not get enough sleep, and the circulation of internal energy will be disturbed and this will lead to health problems.

So where to sleep with your head according to Vastu? The Teaching categorically does not recommend lying in the direction of the north, since the magnetic field of the planet has a direction - from south to north. The human magnetic field is directed in the same way: energy enters through the head and exits from the feet. Therefore, when you go to sleep with your head facing north, it is as if you are trying to bring two magnets together with equal poles, and they repel each other. Based on this logic, the human body endures a destructive effect.

According to the Eastern teachings of Vastu, it is undesirable to lie down with your head to the northeast and northwest, but the following are considered favorable directions:

  • Head to the east. Lying down to sleep with your head in the direction of the Earth's rotation, torsion fields act on the body and we recharge. Spirituality is strengthened, a connection with the deity is established and positive qualities are developed.
  • Sleeping with your head to the south is also useful for Vastu - this way you will receive a boost of energy and harmonize with the outside world. People sleeping in this direction have good health and longevity.

Where is it recommended to sleep with your head according to the Veda called Ayurveda? Practicing this ancient Indian teaching, people prolong their lives by uniting the mind, physical body, soul and sense organs. In general, the body becomes one with the cosmos and the environment.

According to Ayurveda, any disease is a consequence of the loss of harmony between body and soul. The teaching says that in a dream we are recharged with the energy of the cosmos, replenish our vitality and become wiser, but this cannot be achieved without the correct position of the bed.

Proponents of this system of Indian medicine recommend sleeping with the body facing north, as this ensures union with the deity. It is also useful to sleep with your head to the east, because it develops spiritual inclinations and intuitions. You can also put the bed headboard to the south, but in no case to the west, otherwise you will lose strength and energy.

Where to sleep with your head in a Christian way

There are many religions in the world that are radically different from each other, so each has its own position regarding certain actions. Orthodoxy is more common in our country, so let's find out where to sleep with your head in a Christian way? In religion, attention is not focused on this, but there is an opinion that, according to the Orthodox, it is better to sleep with your head in the following directions:

  • in the south for longevity;
  • in the east to strengthen the connection with God.

But the northern and western directions are not recommended. In many ways, this is due not to Orthodoxy, but to folk signs that came from the distant past. Over the years, they began to be associated precisely with Christianity, although they have no direct relation to it.

According to signs, you can sleep with your head to the door, but you can’t lie down with your feet towards it (this is how the dead are carried out of the houses). You can not lie down with your head to the mirror, as this attracts illness and failure. It is also believed that you should not sleep with your head to the window, but this is more likely due to the fact that this can blow you out. This has nothing to do with the cardinal points, but whether all this can affect proper and healthy sleep, decide for yourself.

What common sense says

Sometimes parents do not know where the child should sleep with his head, and begin to study different teachings and superstitions, many of which often differ, and this only makes the choice more difficult. If you trust common sense or intuition, everything will not be so difficult.

Go to bed in random directions: today to the southeast, tomorrow to the northwest, if the room allows you to make the necessary rearrangements. After a few nights, you will understand which way you sleep most comfortably. Only magnetic storms can distort the correct result, so for the purity of the experiment, they will have to be tracked and taken into account.

And more interesting information to think about the location of the bed and cardinal points. Russian scientists recently conducted a study in which participants had to sleep on the floor in a random direction. In the morning, the influence of well-being and mood on the position of the body was checked. As a result, it turned out that overworked and tired volunteers intuitively lay down in the direction of the east, and those in an excited state before going to sleep lay their heads to the north.

It becomes clear that there is no single and correct direction of the body for sleep for all. It is important that at night you have the freedom to move, and the body takes a comfortable position, and then you will get enough sleep and recover.

Expert opinion on where to sleep with your head

Sleep disorders are studied by specialists called somnologists, and there is even a branch of medicine called somnology. So, they note that in order to restore strength and wake up in a good mood in the morning, you need a comfortable bed, fresh air in the room and the right pillow. In which direction to sleep and how the bed will stand, it does not matter. For example, if you suffer from insomnia or you do not get enough sleep, try lying on the other side or moving the bed, but often the reason is not in the direction of the head, but in physical or mental health, or many other factors.

We hope we have helped you figure out where to sleep with your head - north, east, south or west? And we also note that the opinion of somnologists applies to both an adult and a child, so sleep the way you like, and put the child on the same principle!

People in ancient China knew a lot about how a person can achieve inner harmony with nature. The skills accumulated over thousands of years, the Chinese passed on to their descendants from generation to generation, including knowledge of Feng Shui, the oldest science that is relevant throughout the world.

In the art of Feng Shui, sleep is of great importance. After all, a person devotes one third of his life to it. Sleep helps restore vitality, relax, get rid of negative emotions accumulated during the day. Feng Shui masters unanimously say that our well-being and quality of sleep directly depends on how the sleeping place is arranged.

The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house, as it is here that we relax after a hard day at work, build a personal relationship with a soul mate, or just enjoy the rest.

According to Chinese teaching, a person in a room should in no case sleep with their feet towards the exit, since such a position is the position of a deceased person. If you sleep like this, then serious troubles in life cannot be avoided. Also, do not place the bed outside the door, because nightmares and horrors can come in a dream. The bed, which is located behind the wall adjacent to the bathroom, will attract the flow of negative Sha energy, which in turn will cause ailments.

Bed relative to cardinal points

According to Western magical beliefs, it is most favorable to sleep with your head to the north, since in this case the person is located along the magnetic lines. This arrangement will bring harmony to the house. Stability, good health and healing from ailments. Spouses sleeping with their heads to the north will feel even greater intimate affection. This direction is not very suitable for a person of an eccentric nature.

The northwest side should be chosen by an assertive and purposeful person who has many ambitions and plans for life. If you sleep with your head to the northwest, you can achieve your goals. The orientation of the head to the northeast is better for energetic and strong people who do not suffer from insomnia. This orientation of the bed can provoke the appearance of chronic diseases.

The position of the head to the west is great for passionate and romantic natures. Such an orientation will instantly bring more eroticism, sensuality and joy to life.

The southeast direction should be chosen by those who are eager to build a dizzying career.

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As is commonly believed, the position of a person's body during sleep relative to the location of the bedroom, the entrance to it, the bed and other furniture affects its inner harmony, health, and even family happiness. Someone does not pay attention to this, considering it nonsense and nonsense, while someone believes and tries to follow certain rules. If you belong to the second category, it will be useful for you to read about where to sleep with your head is considered correct, some options and their rationale.

Where to sleep with your head: the opinion of yogis

According to yogis, a person has an electromagnetic field, like our huge planet Earth. In order to achieve the harmony of people with this contradictory and complex world, it is necessary that the electromagnetic fields of people and the Earth be "harmonized", for this it is recommended to sleep with your head to the north.

Feng Shui: where to sleep with your head

Let us dwell in more detail on the popular and, as practice shows, effective teaching - Feng Shui. According to this oriental art of organizing space in rooms, the bedroom plays a huge role in marital happiness, the personal life of a person.

How to sleep properly? How to put a bed? You need to position it so that the headboard adjoins the wall, that is, it is correct to sleep with your head against the wall. Remember 3 basic rules:

  1. In no case should you sleep with your head or feet to the door.
  2. Don't place your bed directly under a bare ceiling beam.
  3. If the room allows you to put the bed only with the long side to the wall, then try not to adjoin it to the wall on which the door is located. If this cannot be avoided, then do not sleep with your back to this wall.

Where is it better to sleep with your head: features of the bed

The shape of the headboard of your bed will determine success in different areas of life. Therefore, if you are just going to buy a bed, use the following tips:

  1. Do you want to be successful in your career? Then sleep with your head against the square wooden headboard.
  2. If you are a businessman or an official, luck will undoubtedly wear you when you sleep with your head against the metal back of an oval or semicircular shape.
  3. Creative people who want fame and money in this area are advised to choose wavy headboards.
  4. Try not to buy triangular backs. You can sleep with your head towards them only for those who, in principle, sleep very little and do not like this business.

Also note, if your bed has a "Dragon and Phoenix" headboard where one side is higher than the other, the man needs to sleep on the higher side!

Where to sleep with your head: Gua number

According to Feng Shui, all people can be divided into groups. Each category has its own favorable direction, where it is better to sleep with your head. So let's calculate your Gua Number... Add the last 2 digits of your year of birth. In the event that you get a two-digit number, add up its digits. Now, men should subtract the received figure from 10, and women should add 5 to the received figure.

What direction is favorable specifically for you? Everything will depend on which group you are in.

  • Gua numbers 1, 3, 4, 9 - people of the eastern category.
  • Gua numbers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 - people of the Western category.

For the eastern group, it is better to sleep with your head in the directions north, east, southeast, south. And the directions northeast, southwest, west, northwest are more suitable for the western group. Be sure to get a compass and determine in which direction the head of the bed on which you sleep so sweetly looks.

For the first time, the sages of ancient China learned about feng shui. The teaching allows you to properly master the space, focusing on the power flows that permeate all objects. It is believed that with the wrong layout of the house, positive energy is blocked. The owner of the home is in for trouble with health, work and personal life. Now Eastern science is in demand in many countries. Especially when it comes to choosing destinations for recreation.

Feng Shui head, depends on the location of windows, doors, furniture and other points. The Gua number and expert advice will help determine the optimal side.

Feng Shui translates as "wind and water". The ancient Chinese learned about science thanks to the great Emperor Wu. While working near the Yellow River, the sovereign noticed a giant tortoise crawling out of the water. For some reason, a square was depicted on the animal's shell, consisting of 9 divisions, each of which contained numbers from 1 to 9. The emperor was very surprised by the find and ordered the scientists to study it more carefully. Over time, the drawing was called the "magic square of Luo Shu." An amazing set of symbols and numbers gave rise to feng shui and many other sciences.

It is important to know! The basis of the Eastern teaching is the impact of energy flows that permeate everything around. According to the sages, the force that surrounds us should circulate freely. Due to improperly placed objects, harmony is disturbed, which adversely affects the condition of people staying in an apartment or house.

General points of Feng Shui are presented in the table:

Types of energyqiQi flows through the entire space, so you can not clutter up your home with unnecessary furniture and objects. Otherwise, harmony is broken, which promises trouble.
Shen QiShen Qi is the breath of life calculated from the Gua numbers. Strength helps to reduce nervous tension and facilitate the passage of trials encountered on the path of a person.
Force movement optionsTimeCalculated according to the calendar.
SpaceWhen calculating, look at the compass.
Elemental classificationWaterMan:
o greedy for beautiful women;
o cunning;
o fickle;
o a good diplomat;
o hides the inner essence.
o capricious;
o cunning;
o dreamer;
o master of communication.
o calm;
o thoughtful;
o sustainably tolerates stress;
o true.
o sensual;
o charming;
o jealous;
o rarely takes risks.
o actively shows emotions;
o altruist;
o leader in relationships;
o values ​​common views.
o honest;
o attractive;
o cunning;
o independent;
o values ​​freedom;
o is active on the love front.
o adventurer;
o leader;
o womanizer;
o man of action.
o active;
o impulsive;
o true;
o reasonable;
o winner.
o has the talent of persuasion;
o ambitious;
o ruthless.
o sensual;
o loves competition;
o winner.

Each element has its own characteristics. Having decided on the sign, you can get the opportunity to earn big money, improve your health or find love. The calculation is based on the last number in the year of birth:

The direction of the head during sleep according to feng shui

According to the sages of the East, Feng Shui sleep is considered the most beneficial for a sleeping person. First you need to study the tips for the correct layout of the bedroom, choose the appropriate area for the bed and calculate the Gua number. The last nuance will allow you to find a good side of the world for yourself. If we are talking about spouses who received different numbers, you need to compromise:

Bedroom layout

Ancient Chinese science teaches you how to properly arrange furniture in the bedroom and choose the best place for the bed. If you follow the criteria for the layout of the room, then the flows of energy will circulate freely. The positive impact of Qi will affect dreams, health, love front, work and other areas of the sleeper's life. The following table will help you figure out how to feng shui:

Bedroom arrangementAccording to Feng Shui, you should only sleep on the bed. On a sofa, a folding bed, an armchair and other places, you can only doze off.
The bedroom is not recommended to be done next to the restroom or the entrance to the dwelling. Any cardinal direction is suitable, except for the northeast and southwest.
In the sleeping room, you can hang pictures that improve the circulation of Qi. For a bedroom, a sailboat against the backdrop of the sun is well suited. Sunrise promises the birth of something beautiful, and sunset - the pursuit of a dream.
The room should be rectangular or square.
It is advisable not to put TVs, mirrors, bookcases, statues in the bedroom.
Bright lighting should be changed to subdued.
Choosing a place for a bedYou can't sleep with your feet to the door.
There should be nothing above the bed.
It is forbidden to lie down between the door and the window.
Unnecessary items should be removed under the bed.
From the side of the lower extremities there should not be a side.
Sharp corners (chest of drawers, cabinets) must not be directed towards the sleeping person.
The head of the bed should be close to the wall.

The bed on which the child sleeps must be placed according to the general rules of feng shui. It is desirable that the windows face east. The direction promotes active growth.

Advice! If we are talking about a newborn, then it is better to hang a canopy on top of the cradle. The baby will retain the feeling of being in the womb, which will help to fall asleep faster.

Gua Number Calculation

The Gua number allows you to choose the right side for sleeping. The calculation is based on the date of birth. The following guide will help you navigate:

  • Add the last 2 numbers of the year of birth until you get a single digit (1-9).
  • Make calculations based on gender and age. Boys and girls born after 2000 should be considered children:
    • Men:
      • adults - subtract the previously obtained figure from 10;
      • children - 9.
    • Women:
      • adults - add five to the calculated figure;
      • children - 6.

Female representatives may again get a two-digit number. The problem is solved by adding. The result will be a number from 1 to 9:

Advice! If it is not possible to position the bed in the optimal direction, it is easier to lie diagonally. Approaching the right side, the sleeper will partially feel the positive influence of his Gua number.

Features of rest in different directions of the world

To improve the quality of sleep, Feng Shui adherents are advised to follow the rules of space development, find the Gua number and get acquainted with the features of each of the cardinal directions. The last point is especially important. Focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen direction, you can improve your financial condition, return your family or improve your health:

  • The north contributes to the emergence of a feeling of longing and the development of a depressive state. The direction is not suitable for single people.
  • Northwest, southeast helps to realize the plan. Relevant for those who want to climb the career ladder.
  • The northeast is suitable for healthy and purposeful people who do not suffer from sleep disorders.
  • The West is relevant for romantic people.
  • The South develops sociability in the sleeper.
  • East is considered a universal direction. Best suited side for the elderly and children.
  • Southwest Feng Shui is not recommended for sleeping. The direction contributes to the occurrence of bad dreams and a decrease in self-confidence.
  • The southeast is suitable for people who have long wanted to realize important plans.

Spouses who have received different Gua numbers will have to work hard to find the right direction for sleeping. A compromise can be found only in the course of studying the pros and cons of the cardinal points.

Factors that affect good sleep

Sleep consists of fast and slow stages. To fully restore the body and assimilate new information, you will need to go through 5 full cycles, each of which is equal to 1.5 hours. Expert advice will help you fall asleep quickly and improve the quality of rest:

Factors of quality restRecommendations
Proper nutritionDo not overeat at night.
The last meal to carry out a few hours before rest.
No irritantsTry to eliminate ambient noise or use earplugs.
Create a dark environment in the room. Blackout curtains and/or a sleep mask will help.
Fresh airVentilate the room in the evening.
Before going to bed, take a walk in the fresh air.
slight fatigueGo in for sports about 2 hours before rest. Overloading is not recommended.
Before going to bed, meditate and do breathing exercises.
No visual stressGive up sitting at the computer, watching TV and playing on the phone in favor of reading a book and other relaxing and monotonous hobbies.
Follow the work scheduleGet up and go to bed at the same time.
Avoid overworking.
Moderate rest at lunchtimeAvoid daytime sleep lasting more than 2 hours.
Doze off at lunch no more than 20-30 minutes. In extreme cases, you need to wake up after 1.5 hours.
Absence of stimulants in the bloodDo not drink coffee, energy drinks and other stimulants 5-7 hours before a night's rest.
In the evening, you can drink tea or a decoction of sedative herbs.

Healthy sleep in feng shui means the correct layout of the room and the optimal choice of a place for a bed. The Gua number will help with the latter. Focusing on the resulting figure, you can choose the best direction of the head, looking at the advantages and disadvantages of the cardinal points. It is equally important to follow the recommendations of somnologists to improve the quality of rest.



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