Healthy sleep, excellent well-being during the day. Basic rules for healthy sleep


Healthy sleep is physiologically necessary for a person and is an important condition for physical and mental health. . A person spends about a third of his life in sleep, so this part of our life must be paid close attention and care must be taken to ensure that sleep is healthy and correct. The quality of our wakefulness depends on the quality of sleep, that is, how our body rests at night depends on how it will function during the day. Proper sleep is a source of good mood, well-being and, of course, our beauty.

Human sleep consists of several stages, repeated several times during the night. The stages of sleep are characterized by the activity of various structures of the brain and carry various functions for the body. Sleep is divided into two stages: non-REM sleep and REM sleep. The stage of non-REM sleep is further divided into four stages.

slow sleep

    First stage. The person is half asleep, dozing. In humans, muscle activity, pulse and respiratory rate decrease, body temperature decreases.

    Second stage. This is the stage of light sleep. Muscle activity, pulse and respiratory rate continue to decrease.

    Third stage. Stage of slow sleep. At this stage, the human body is almost completely relaxed, the cells begin recovery work.

    Fourth stage. Deep slow sleep stage. The human body is completely relaxed, the body rests and recovers. Thanks to the third and fourth stages, when we wake up, we feel rested.

Quick sleep.
REM sleep is also called REM sleep or the REM (rapid eye movement) stage. This stage occurs approximately 70-90 minutes after the onset of sleep. The paradox of this stage is that during this period the activity of the brain is almost the same as during wakefulness, despite the fact that the human body is in a completely relaxed state. In addition, body temperature and blood pressure rise, breathing and heart rate increase, and the eyes under the eyelids begin to move rapidly. It is during this period that we tend to have most of our dreams.


    Rest of the body.

    Protection and restoration of organs and systems of the body for normal life.

    Processing, consolidation and storage of information.

    Adaptation to changes in illumination (day-night).

    Maintaining a normal psycho-emotional state of a person.

    Restoration of the body's immunity.

There are a number of rules, the observance of which will make sleep extremely beneficial to health. These rules help the body to properly perform its functions during sleep, which certainly has a positive effect on the well-being and mood of a person during wakefulness.

    Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day of the week.

    It is best to go to bed before 23:00. It is at this time that most people's bodies are set to relax.

    Don't eat before bed. You can have a light snack a couple of hours before bedtime. such as vegetables, fruits or dairy products.

    Do not drink alcohol and drinks containing caffeine (cocoa, coffee, tea) before going to bed. Tea with chamomile, mint or warm milk with honey, drunk before bedtime, will benefit the body and help you fall asleep faster and easier.

    Helps you fall asleep quickly outdoors before bed.

    Before going to bed, you should not think about problems and worries, you will have time to think about them during the day. And in the evening it is best to relax and help the body fully relax and recover during a night's sleep. Relax your muscles as much as possible and think about something pleasant.

    Should not be taken before bed , leave this procedure in the morning. In the evening, it is best to take a warm bath or shower.

    To fall asleep quickly and calmly, you can read calm literature or turn on soft slow music, sounds of nature, lullabies, etc.

    Don't forget to ventilate your bedroom before going to bed.

    Turn off the light in the bedroom, otherwise the dream is likely to be superficial, which will prevent your body from fully resting and recovering.

    It is best to sleep more naked, and in case of freezing, take cover with additional rather than wearing warm clothes.

    To rest the body, it is enough to sleep four complete sleep cycles, consisting of slow and fast sleep and described above.

    The bed should be flat, not too soft and not too hard.

    It is necessary to sleep in a horizontal position, preferably alternately - either on the right or on the left side. Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended.

    In order to start a good mood in the morning, do not lie in bed for a long time, immediately after waking up, stretch, smile and get up. Do it slowly and with pleasure.

Health and sleep are essential components of a normal human life. At the same time, not only our general condition, but also many internal processes depend on normal sleep. While the body is resting, the body is normalizing and stabilizing the entire metabolism. The energy spent during the day is restored, and toxic substances are removed from the brain cells.

The benefits of sleep can hardly be overestimated. Almost all body systems work normally only with full sleep. Healthy sleep is as much a necessity as air, food and water.

Here is what happens to our body during sleep:

  1. The brain analyzes and structures the information it has received during the day. Everything that we encounter in a day is sorted out, and unnecessary information is deleted. This is how sleep affects our knowledge. Therefore, it is desirable to learn everything important in the evening.
  2. The weight is adjustable. The most basic substances that contribute to the emergence of excess appetite are produced during insomnia. Therefore, if a person does not sleep, he wants to eat more, and from this, excess weight is gained.
  3. The work of the heart is normalized. Cholesterol levels are lowered, which contributes to the restoration of the cardiovascular system. This is health in the truest sense.
  4. Immunity. The normal functioning of our defense system is directly dependent on healthy rest. If you suffer from insomnia, then expect infectious diseases.
  5. Restoration of damaged cells and tissues. It is at this time that wounds and injuries heal most actively.
  6. Energy is restored. Breathing slows down, muscles relax, sensory organs turn off.

This is not a complete list of the beneficial properties that sleep affects human health. The hormonal background is restored, and growth hormones are also released, which is very important for children. Memory improves and concentration of attention increases, therefore, in order to perform urgent work, it is recommended not to sit all night, but, on the contrary, to sleep a little so that you can get ready.

The fact that a person cannot live without rest, as well as without food and water, is known to everyone. But nevertheless, most people continue to disrupt their biorhythms, and do not give enough time for a night's rest.

Health and sleep are very closely related, so it is extremely important to engage in sleep hygiene.

Sleep is not such a simple phenomenon as it seems at first glance. That is why we sleep for several hours and get enough sleep, or you can go to bed on time and wake up completely broken. How sleep works and how this mechanism works is still being studied by doctors and scientists. The norm for an adult is to rest for 8 hours a day. During this period, you experience several complete cycles, which are divided into smaller phases.

In general, healthy sleep includes:

The ratio between the slow and fast phase changes. A person experiences a full cycle several times a night. At the very beginning of a night's rest, slow-wave sleep makes up 90% of the entire cycle, and in the morning, on the contrary, the fast phase predominates.

During each period of sleep, the body receives its share of utility. Therefore, for a full recovery, a person needs to go through a full cycle at least 4 times a night. Good sleep is the key to health. Then you will wake up in a good mood and be full of energy.

Proper organization and hygiene of sleep guarantees strong immunity, normal functioning of the nervous system, and also makes sleep itself strong, which increases its effectiveness for health. Here are the basic rules that must be followed for a peaceful sleep and good spirits in the morning.

This is basic sleep hygiene:

In addition, before going to bed, you should be distracted and do not watch TV, do not listen to loud music. The nervous system must be prepared, and for this you can do yoga or meditation.

A warm bed, correct body position, sleep hygiene, and the absence of stressful situations will help you fall asleep peacefully and sleep soundly during the night.

A very large number of people try to work or study at night, as well as to have fun. This can lead to health problems, as well as chronic sleep disorders.

The main consequences of lack of sleep:

The list goes on and on. A person who sleeps no more than 3 days can see hallucinations, as well as get mental disorders. Staying awake for five days can be fatal.

There are people on the planet who have not slept for several years without harm to health. But these cases are isolated, in all the rest, a prolonged lack of sleep can lead to a serious illness.

The importance of sleep for human health and for the normal functioning of all systems is very high. At the same time, in order to fully relax, it is important to be able to organize your best sleep, like the whole healthy lifestyle.

Sometimes we hear from our acquaintances and friends lamentations about the need to spend a third of our lives in sleep and complaints about wasted time ... But is this time really lost, because healthy sleep is a necessary component of a full-fledged human lifestyle, without it our existence would be simply impossible . William Shakespeare called a night's rest a miracle of mother nature and the most delicious of dishes at an earthly feast. In the mythology of ancient Greece, deep and healthy sleep was patronized by two whole gods - Hypnos and the god of dreams Morpheus.

But the modern pace of life, nervous overload, bustle, excessive enthusiasm for television programs or sitting at the computer for many hours destroy this necessary part of our existence, which has a very bad effect on human health.

The importance of a good night's rest for a person

No wonder a good rest at night is called the key to health. It contributes to the production of a number of important hormones, in particular melatonin, the hormone of youth that restores vitality.

The lifestyle of a modern person is characterized by neglect of sleep. However, it is during such a rest that blood pressure normalizes, and the correct sleep regimen protects against chronic diseases, helps to start self-healing mechanisms.

Separate parts of the brain work even more actively at night than during the day: the impressions received during the day are analyzed, and selective selection of information takes place. The brain erases something, and more important information is, as it were, “archived” and sent to long-term memory. Thanks to these nocturnal processes, perception improves, the ability to learn increases, and the ability to concentrate improves. No wonder the wise Russian folk saying says that the morning is wiser than the evening. Since ancient times, people have known that good rest helps to solve the most difficult problems.

What causes lack of sleep

If the sleep pattern is disturbed for a long time, the body can face serious troubles: heart and vascular disease, the appearance of symptoms of diabetes, problems with the activity of certain parts of the brain. The fact is that due to insomnia, neural processes in the parietal zone of the brain are inhibited, and because of this, the reaction rate is significantly reduced, it becomes difficult to formulate thoughts, visual disturbances are possible, which, of course, negatively affects the activity of the whole organism.

Negative consequences of violation of the correct sleep pattern:

  • deterioration of the mental and cognitive functions of the brain;
  • problems with immunity, it becomes more vulnerable. During sleep, the immune system works and synthesizes special proteins - cytokines. They are needed to fight infections. But if a person does not get enough sleep, then cytokines are not produced enough;
  • insomnia stimulates the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin. Because of this, night appetite syndrome often occurs, which leads to overweight and obesity.

10 steps for proper organization of a night's sleep

Obviously, healthy sleep contributes to a better lifestyle. Consider 10 factors that will help make a night's rest more rewarding and invigorating.

  1. Fresh air in the bedroom. The ideal temperature for sound sleep is 18-22 degrees. Indeed, such a temperature may seem too low to someone, but it has long been proven that it is precisely this temperature regime that contributes to the most complete rest.
  2. A comfortable and wide bed with a carefully chosen mattress that should not be too soft.
  3. Lack of noise and working devices. Experts do not advise sleeping in a room riddled with electromagnetic radiation, therefore, if there is Wi-Fi, computers, etc. in the bedroom, all this should be turned off at night.
  4. The modern way of life is difficult to imagine without the use of high technology. But before going to bed, you should not sit for a long time in front of a computer or TV. Japanese scientists have proven the fact of the negative impact of such a pastime before going to bed on a night's rest.
  5. Instead of a computer or TV, it is more correct to choose a good old book in its traditional paper version. Tactile sensations from touching paper, the smell of a book - all this cannot be replaced by modern gadgets.
  6. Certain aromas promote healthy sleep. Strong odors in the bedroom should be avoided. But the aromas of citrus, lavender, sandalwood or lemon balm contribute to sound sleep. Of course, the choice of smells in the bedroom depends on personal preferences.
  7. Strong recommendations are widely known not to eat before bedtime, you need to finish dinner 3 hours before falling asleep. Somewhat less well known are the effects of certain foods on sleep quality. For example, a light bite of fresh cherries or a cup of cherry juice can even lengthen your night's rest. This berry contains a lot of melatonin, which even contributes to healthy sleep. Magnesium, which helps calm the nervous system, is also a necessary element, it is very abundant in bananas.
  8. Walking before a night's rest helps to calm the nervous system and promote sound sleep.
  9. A warm shower literally “washes away” fatigue and nervous stress. You should not take a contrast shower in the evening, it will be an ideal option for morning procedures, and in the evening it will only excite the nervous system, and it will be difficult to fall asleep quickly.
  10. Positive thoughts before bed are very important. It is not worth it, even taking into account the busy lifestyle of a modern person, to think about industrial or personal problems before going to bed. In this case, it is better to take the example of the famous Scarlett from the novel "Gone with the Wind" and say to yourself: "I will think about it tomorrow."

Circadian rhythms and sleep

Our way of life depends on certain daily biological rhythms, they are called circadian rhythms. They determine the degree of intensity of all biological processes of the human body. These rhythms depend on sunlight, visual receptors react to it and send a signal to the brain. The signals result in the production of two vital hormones, melatonin and cortisol, which are responsible for sleep and awakening.

The pineal gland produces melatonin at nightfall. It calms the body, reducing both pressure and body temperature. When it gets light, the production of cortisol begins, it wakes up a person, gives him energy and cheerfulness. Therefore, the correct sleep regimen involves an 8-hour night's rest, it is useful to fall asleep at 10 pm, and the most optimal awakening time is 6 am.

You may ask, but what about the "owls" and "larks"? After all, the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness can be individual. Unfortunately for some, such a division is rather not a natural feature, but a product of the lifestyle of a person in the post-industrial era. Therefore, it is better to try to rearrange your personal wakefulness schedule in accordance with more natural circadian rhythms for a person.

Photos from open sources

In the modern world, a healthy lifestyle is gaining more and more popularity, people switch to proper nutrition, monitor their weight, engage in various physical activities and get rid of bad habits such as alcohol and tobacco. But some people forget about one more main element of a healthy lifestyle - a good and full sleep, which is necessary for any person without exception. According to experts, a person spends about a third of his life in a dream, only in this way our body can function normally and for a long time.

The first step is to take care and buy a bedding set that is right for you, it doesn’t matter here whether it will be silk sheets, or a simple set from a cheap store. The main condition is the feeling of comfort. The same applies to the mattress, as well as a place to sleep.

There are several stages of sleep:

Slow sleep:

First stage. At this time, a person is just starting to fall asleep and is half asleep, at the moment you can feel how muscles relax, breathing evens out, body temperature decreases;
The second stage is the moment of shallow sleep;
The third stage is non-REM sleep. At this moment, the human body is almost completely relaxed, the cells rest, and the recovery process begins;
The fourth stage is a deep slow sleep, when the body and the body relax to the end. It is through the third and fourth stages that when we wake up in the morning we can feel good.

In addition, REM sleep exists in nature, or doctors also called it paradoxical sleep. This stage occurs after seventy minutes when a person fell asleep. Interestingly, at this moment the brain has exactly the same activity as during the day, but the body completely relaxes.

Doctors and specialists have compiled several rules for healthy sleep for a person. The main rule is to go to sleep and wake up every day at the same time, regardless of weekends. It is better if you managed to get into bed before eleven o'clock in the evening, at this moment the body needs relaxation most of all.

Don't eat heavy or spicy food before bed. If you really want to eat, eat an apple or drink yogurt. The same goes for alcohol before bed, as well as drinks that contain caffeine.

Never solve your problems before going to bed, try to abstract yourself from daytime activities and fuss, think about the good. Never take a cold or contrast shower at night, leave it in the morning, but a hot bath will help your muscles relax.

Before going to bed, the room should be ventilated, do not wear a lot of clothes, it is best to sleep naked, if it gets cold, you can cover yourself with a blanket. In the morning, in order to feel cheerfulness and a surge of strength, do not wallow long after waking up, it is best to get up as soon as your eyes open. Move slowly, but with pleasure, and your day will be beautiful.

Rest, a healthy lifestyle and sleep determine the mode of operation of the body and health.

Rest, healthy lifestyle, state of mind and sleep determine the mode of operation of the body, good health quality, high life expectancyworkability And production culture. Think for a moment, what are the components of your life? Does it have a place for hobbies, sports, meeting friends, going to exhibitions and cinema, outdoor recreation and doing what you love, etc.? If so, please accept our sincere congratulations! You lead an active and healthy lifestyle! Fill your days with activities, physical activity, communication and self-development, bringing yourself pleasure and satisfaction. In ancient manuscripts it is said that the true owner and determinant of immortality is the moon. Since then, people have been puzzling over how to use it. The answer is simple, like everything ingenious - sleep more.

What is a healthy and active lifestyle?

A healthy and active lifestyle in the vast majority of people is associated primarily with management, in which there is no placeuseless recliningon the couch, smoking, alcohol, overeating, etc. In the modern world, people who are accustomed to sedentary and sedentary work are much more likely to develop cardiovascular and other diseases. You can also add improper metabolism, obesity, weakness of the respiratory apparatus. Gas contamination of the environment and a sedentary lifestyle have become just a byword in recent times. We rarely breathe fresh air and don't let our muscles work the way they need to feel good and stay healthy.

Physical activity is the key to good health, good mood and appearance. With its help, millions of people get an adrenaline rush, a lot of positive experiences, new knowledge and sensations, and also find a crowd of like-minded people who are ready to share explosive emotions with them. Therefore, consider the types of outdoor activities that involve a certain amount of physical activity.


The most common division of outdoor activities on a seasonal basis:



Fans of frosty freshness often visit ski resorts and tourist camps. Here they are expected to ski, snowboard, sled, hot tea and pleasant moments of communication with like-minded people. If you do not aspire to become a member of a noisy fun company with ski poles in your hands, but have remarkable perseverance or want to develop it, then the best option for you is winter fishing.

The summer period offers us a more extensive list:


bicycle rides;

Tourist trips;


horse rides;






hang gliding;


roller skating.

And this is far from a complete list.

Hiking trips of different directions: hiking, horseback riding, water, cycling, skiing and mountaineering are the most accessible and common activities for everyone. Whoever wants a quiet relaxation in the bosom of nature, you can try ecotourism, which gives visits to untouched corners of nature. It does not require special sports training, although you still have to endure a certain amount of physical activity. But discipline, love and respect for virgin natural beauties are especially important. In our country, the most popular areas of pilgrimage for ecotourists are Baikal, Karelia, Kamchatka, the Far East, Gorny Altai, the Caucasus and Yakutia.

You can find something to your liking not only on land and in water, but even in the sky, and those who seek to test themselves in a different element will not be left without their share of adrenaline and fresh impressions.

If you are not satisfied with being tied to a certain season, then pay attention to yoga, fitness, dancing, aerobics.

However, it is worthwhile to thoroughly consider direct participation in a new hobby and correlate its specifics with the current state of health. In some cases, it is even desirable to consult specialists. It should also be noted that sometimes such activities are recommended by doctors themselves: it is reliably known that the introduction of an active lifestyle helps to cope with stress and speeds up the process of overcoming depression.

Why should you lead a healthy and active lifestyle?

An active and healthy lifestyle not only creates a good mood, a positive outlook on the world and a charge of vivacity, but also contributes to the formation and development of some important qualities, skills and abilities. For example, striving for a goal, whether it's a mountain peak or a record catch for you in terms of number or weight, your endurance and perseverance will increase, running a distance, more familiar, is an excellent workout. Playing sports and an active lifestyle help to evaluate and improve your abilities, raise your own bar (which plays an important role in shaping self-esteem!), Gives you the opportunity to breathe life to the fullest, learn something new, feel something hitherto unknown. An active lifestyle does not require special equipment and time-consuming. You can get health benefits, a charge of vivacity and positive emotions, even if you just play snowballs with the whole family or take a walk in the park.

Passive rest.

Modern life, active and fussy, greatly affects the state of our body. Many in order to improve their health and keep themselves in shape resort to various types of outdoor activities. However, not everyone can afford such entertainment for the benefit of the body and spirit, because the state of health is different for everyone. What if you need a vacation but don't know how to organize it?

Why passive rest is needed and what to choose?

The ideal solution for those who seek to avoid the hustle and bustle of being too active is passive relaxation. This is a great way to take a break from the noise and communication, which in five working days manage to get bored with order. However, this does not mean that passivity means “doing nothing”: any rest should be beneficial for our body and brain!

The main goal of passive rest is to achieve relative peace, relaxation, when active motor activity is minimal. Many people prefer to spend their weekends in nature, just walking and delving into their thoughts. The singing of birds, the pacifying silence of the surrounding world: what else do you need in order to relax after hard working days? Or you can choose other types of similar pastime:

Reading books,

Watching your favorite movies

Taking a warm bath

In summer - walks along the beach and just aimless wallowing in the sand.

What about health?

Passive rest is recommended for those who feel physically and emotionally exhausted, especially when work requires a lot of effort and mental stress. Of course, its effectiveness in comparison with active pastime is not so high, but sometimes you should resort to this method. The negative consequences of this method (especially if it has flowed into real laziness) include:

Slowness and difficulty in the ability to quickly get involved in work,

Lack of physical activity, to which it is difficult to force yourself to return,

Rest also affects the decrease in the body's need for oxygen, due to which there are fewer working capillaries, which means that the protective functions of the body are reduced,

Constant passive pastime will lead to weight gain, which can cause a low emotional state,

Accordingly, a low emotional level will affect the increase in the need for alcohol, coffee or cigarettes, which will also negatively affect the state of health.

Thus, it is worth taking care of yourself and choosing passive rest only when you feel the need for it. And you should always remember about the boundary between business and leisure.

Is sleep also passive rest?

Probably the most favorite way to passively relax for most of us is sleep. Only this method is the only one that allows you to give the body a natural and most effective discharge. In addition, sleep helps to restore the working capacity of the nervous system, and the whole human body. However, it is important not to overdo it, because you also need to sleep according to certain rules.

Rules for good and healthy sleep

First, always remember that you can’t get enough sleep, because this state is not compensated by anything. And if lack of sleep occurs day after day, you yourself understand, this will affect the decrease in working capacity and the loss of desire to work.

Secondly, you need to sleep at least seven to eight hours a day, and on weekends you can even more to allow the human body to fully recover.

Thirdly, you can’t sleep too much either, because in this case the body’s ability to recover quickly is disrupted.

So, in order for sleep to become full and good and help you relax, you should develop a certain rhythm for yourself:

1) before going to bed, you should occupy yourself with something interesting, for example, read,

2) it is necessary to develop a single sleep regimen, which should not be violated even on weekends,

3) you need to go to bed when you feel the need for it,

4) It is important to prepare the bedroom and bed for a good night's sleep.

If many of us rest, doing nothing, quite often, then passive rest is a must for athletes. This is due to the fact that frequent workouts put too much stress on the body, and in order for it to recover, it is necessary to alternate between active and passive pastime. Yes, and we all periodically need to alternate these different types of recreation so that the body is in good shape.

In any case, we all need passive rest in one form or another. And it doesn't matter what it will be: a walk on the beach or reading a book, drawing a picture or watching television. It is important that this kind of pastime does not turn into a habit, since in this case you can not even dream of its beneficial properties.



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