How to get yourself out of depression. How to get out of depression on your own

How to get rid of depression on your own? Councils of psychologists. Practical guide. Recovery from depression can be quite lengthy. There are various ways depression treatment, but each of them will take time before the effect is noticed.

There are certain rules that, following or avoiding, will help you feel better, keep you from sinking deeper into depression, and generally get out of it.

Depression is a healthy reaction of the body to the loss of something or someone important, meeting with life's difficulties. But when symptoms of depression prevail in the daily emotional background and appear during long period time, it can interfere with a person to lead a standard way of life.

Symptoms of depression:

  1. inability to concentrate, memory lapses;
  2. laziness, impotence;
  3. feeling of guilt, longing, helplessness and worthlessness;
  4. feeling of hopelessness, pessimism;
  5. sleep loss;
  6. irritability, restlessness, anxiety;
  7. lack of interest in previously enjoyable activities;
  8. lack of appetite;
  9. headaches, convulsions;
  10. health problems that are not amenable to drug treatment;
  11. suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts.

How to get rid of depression on your own, psychologist's advice 10 proven ways

Deep apathy is accompanied by impotence. However, the patient will probably have the energy to watch a comedy, take a walk around the house, or call a childhood friend. Next, we will give advice from psychologists on getting out of depression, most of which may be useful in your case.

Tip 1. To get rid of depression, you can’t withdraw into yourself!

Thinking and reasoning why depression began is the most useless thing because:

  1. If you are depressed because you are unable to change, you just need to measure yourself accordingly;
  2. If suddenly you want to delve into memories, then this will only make things worse, you must understand that life goes on.
  3. When you cannot answer the first two questions for yourself, and start to oppress yourself more and more, ask yourself the question - Why do I need this? If there are a lot of pluses from what happened to you, you just forgot them.

Remember: "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger."

You need to disengage from the situation and do your favorite thing or hobby. Watch a great movie, meet up with friends, read an interesting book, do whatever it takes to keep yourself busy.

Tip 2. Stay connected and you will get rid of stress and depression

Despite a strong desire to isolate yourself from the outside world, you should not do this. On the contrary, the relationship with society is necessary to get rid of stress for speedy recovery moods. Communication with the outside world can cultivate a change in your attitudes and beliefs and help you get rid of depression. Even if you don't seem to have anyone to talk to, it's never too late to make friends.

  1. seek support from loved ones around whom you feel comfortable;
  2. talk on the phone, text e-mail and in social networks;
  3. have lunch with someone in a cafe or restaurant;
  4. watch news media, stay up to date;
  5. support others - psychologists say that helping other people is a strong incentive to get out of depression;
  6. take care of pets or homeless animals;

Tip 3. To overcome depression - don't make a big deal out of molehills.

Quite often people get depressed because of accumulated little things. In such situations, people feel that problems are haunting them. We hasten to please you - this is not so. You have set yourself up for the fact that everything is bad, and fix your attention on various unnecessary trifles. You need to make a list of your problems and give each failure a score of 10. point system that make you think you're depressed.

Immediately prioritize the importance of the problem in ascending order.

For example, 3 = broken plate, 7 = fight with father, and 10 = cheating loved one.

If the problem is not so serious, forget about it and that's it, this is nonsense. Better concentrate on problems starting from 7 and above, you need to think about how to solve this problem. Our people are already turning into Americans, who are almost all on antidepressants.

It is necessary to solve the problem as it comes.

The rubber band method is unique way which helps to overcome depression. How it works? Take one regular rubber band for money and put it on your wrists.

The moment you start thinking about something negative, you pull on a rubber band and hit your wrist. It hits pretty hard, you feel the pain and switch your thoughts to something positive. Every time you repeat this action, the so-called “Anchor” in psychology turns on, which will then automatically translate you into good thoughts, and you can easily get out of depression.

The main thing is not to forget to put on a new elastic band when the old one breaks!

Tip 5. There are always things that can cheer you up

Sometimes, to get out of depression, it is enough to experience pleasure.. There is a mass recreational activities capable of lifting the mood. Schedule your every day.

  1. watch an old comedy;
  2. take up a hobby or sport;
  3. try to immerse yourself in creativity (draw, write stories or compose a melody);
  4. go on a tour or to the stadium;
  5. try to get 8 hours of sleep;
  6. take a walk on fresh air- preferably on a sunny day;
  7. drink coffee or eat outdoors;
  8. spend time on a park bench;
  9. do yoga;
  10. take a bath;

Tip 6. Get out of depression on your own, you can use positive thoughts

Lie down on a comfortable bed and try to look at problems with reverse side. Think carefully about everything

Try to have a psychotherapy session with yourself, starting the analysis of troubles with the words: “In the end ...”.

  1. Fired from work, depression set in?

If you are depressed because of being fired from work, there is nothing to panic at all, new doors have opened for you with limitless possibilities. You should have no time to sit and gnaw at yourself from the inside. You must strive to find yourself the best place and improve.

  1. Separated from your husband or boyfriend?

As a result, you have gained freedom of action and are open to new emotions and feelings. You will no longer be annoyed various activities from which there were quarrels and scandals.

Look for positive sides only you know them. After you do this, you will feel the depression start to let go and become much easier.

Tip 7. To quickly get out of depression - be energetic.

When you're depressed, even getting out of bed can feel like challenging task. But physical activity and exercise is a powerful depression fighter and one of the most important tools in your recovery arsenal. Regular physical exercise just as effective as pain relievers symptoms of depression. They also prevent relapse after recovery.

The most beneficial are rhythmic exercises: walking, power training, swimming, martial arts or dancing. Do something that requires active movement of your arms and legs.

Everything that a person eats directly affects his mood. Avoid eating foods that can negatively affect nervous system: caffeine, alcohol, trans fats or foods with high content preservatives, stabilizers and hormones.

  1. do not skip meals;
  2. Eliminate sugar and refined carbohydrates from your diet. While sweets and pastries are uplifting, in the long run they sink deeper into depression;
  3. help the body with vitamins. Eat more citrus fruits, greens, legumes, chicken and eggs;

Daily doses of Sun Best boost serotonin production and improve mood. Get outside at every opportunity daytime to spend at least 15 minutes under sunbeams. Leave at home Sunglasses and sunscreen.

  1. Take your lunch break for a walk, have a coffee in the fresh air or enjoy a meal in a summer cafe;
  2. Do street sports. Play golf, tennis or badminton with a friend;
  3. Take up gardening or work in the garden;
  4. Your apartment or office must have enough natural light. Open the curtains, sit near the window;

If you have taken all of our psychologist's advice on how to get out of depression on your own, but it still didn’t work to change your mood, and until now your depression is getting worse, you should seek professional help. This does not mean that you are weak. Self-medication does not always have a positive result.

However, medicinal depression treatment should be accompanied by the observance of our advice. So you will speed up the healing process and avoid relapse.

How to help someone get out of depression

Thousands of people get depressed every day. Depression does not spare anyone, not young, not old, not poor, not rich. Pharmaceutical companies constantly prescribed antidepressants. But in fact, in 60% of cases, a close person who will be nearby can help get rid of depression.

If your relative or friend has fallen into a state of depression, or you are just thinking about how to help a person get out of depression, we have prepared 5 competent tips developed by our psychologists for you.

Tip 1. How to support a person morally

How to help a person get out of depression? It is necessary to allow the patient to speak out, during the moments of the conversation, he will slowly get rid of the accumulated negativity. The main thing in the conversation is not to break loose and listen to the patient.

When talking with a person, touch him, stroke him, let him know that he is not alone. Many people, especially close ones, in a state of depression really need the touch of a loved one, but if a person refuses and pushes you away, you should not force it.

How to get a person out of depression? After the patient has fully spoken out, he needs to be encouraged. Don't give advice right away. depressed person. He has formed in his head negative answers to all your questions and advice. During the conversation, it is necessary to find out what is the hopelessness of the patient's situation, and carefully hint at options for solving the problem.

Tip 2. PHYSICAL SUPPORT will help get a person out of depression

If you want to help a person get out of depression. It is necessary to occupy the patient with something. Remember what he loved and what moments will cause him pleasant associations:

  1. Cinema trips
  2. Picnic
  3. Fishing
  4. Delicious to eat
  5. Sit in a cafe
  6. noisy party
  7. etc.

How to get a girl out of depression? Girls usually love Beautiful places and shopping, so top list more items added

  1. shopping
  2. fashion houses
  3. Nature
  4. Etc.

What he loves, specifically your loved one, whom you are helping to get out of depression, only you know, you just need to think.

Going out into nature is a unique weapon that will give a powerful energy boost to anyone who is depressed. The beauty of nature, the singing of birds, the fresh smell of plants will favorably affect any person who is in a tense state.

Clean air and the sun normalize the production of serotonin hormones that are responsible for a person's mood.

If the patient refuses to leave the house, you need to know how to get rid of depression at home. To do this, take and read with the patient interesting books or watch movies, listen to his favorite music. It is still necessary to try to persuade the patient to go outside in any way.

It is important to unobtrusively force a person to increase his activity.

Tip 3: Don't take the symptoms of depression personally.

Most main advice, do not drive a person even more into apathy, but rather help him quickly get out of depression. Of course, the patient will have a feeling of anxiety and loosened nerves. This means that it will not be easy for you either, since many negatives will affect you.

The main thing to remember is that depression is a disease.

Forbidden phrases when removing a person from depression

Often due to complex life problems someone close to you may become depressed. To help get out of this state is a completely reasonable desire. However, I really do not want to harm, aggravate the situation. Some words, with which one very often tries to cheer up a friend who has fallen into despondency, cause reverse effect and force the unfortunate to move away from you. So, phrases that you should not say to a person who is depressed:

1. "You yourself are to blame" or "you created problems for the whole family". Perhaps this is the case and these remarks are pure truth. But our goal is not to expose, but to help. Your loved one already sees everything around in black. Your words, accusing and criticizing, will only strengthen the patient in the idea that everyone wishes him harm, does not appreciate him, and is trying to aggravate his problems. A person in a depressed state needs peace, rest and a fulcrum. It is important to change his attitude to the surrounding reality. And he will be able to assess his role and responsibility in the current situation later, when he copes with his condition.

2. "You have been warned"- this phrase is often asked for, but it is also banned. The thing is that it will strengthen your friend in the best possible way in the opinion that he is insolvent, incapable of reasonable actions, inadequate and even stupid. After all, he could not heed the reasonable arguments in time and committed the wrong actions, which entailed all his troubles. Even if all this is not far from the truth, it will not help to overcome the situation.

3. "It's worse for other people". At first glance, the realization that you have comrades in misfortune, and someone else is more difficult, can help. But more often than not, the opposite happens. The patient begins to realize that his grief is not the limit, and it can become even worse. He begins to fear the worsening of the situation, and fear is a bad helper. In addition, the worldview becomes even darker, suicidal thoughts and even actions may occur. Since reality is so bad, a person tries to get away from it, and often the only affordable way sees in death. Other ways of avoiding reality also do not lead to anything good.

4. "You are strong and can handle your condition." Even such a seemingly positive phrase can do harm. After all, the condition is the same and the patient did not overcome it. Which means it's not fit for anything. This is the answer most often prompted by a brain clouded by depression.

5. “I know how you feel, I was also depressed.” seeing you in normal condition, your friend understands that you, unlike him, got rid of your illness. The realization that he is not able to overcome his condition and cope with negative emotions, drives him even deeper into melancholy.

6. "Get the nonsense out of your head, you need to have some fun." Evaluating his troubles as “nonsense” will alienate the unfortunate person from you, assure him that you do not sympathize with him and are unlikely to be able to help. An offer of entertainment without specifics is also unlikely to inspire a person who is indifferent to everything.

Video how to get out of depression on your own


Usually because of small problems, people get depressed. Many people meet panic attacks. Also, people get depressed about tomorrow. We hope that the advice of a psychologist will help you deal with your problem or a loved one.

Therefore, to understand how to get rid of depression forever. You need to be confident in yourself, approach everything with a positive attitude and you will succeed.

Good luck in this difficult battle with depression.

Consultant psychologist: “I'm so tired, I'm depressed”, “We had a fight with a guy. I’m depressed”, “Oh, nothing works, I’m depressed.” Familiar expressions? The word "depression" can often be heard in ordinary everyday conversation. However, the ordinary understanding of this term is very different from its meaning in the context of medical terminology. In the International Classification of Diseases, depression belongs to the group of mood disorders ( affective disorders). According to World Health Organization fact sheet No. 369, February 2017, more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. age groups. In addition to the fact that depression causes great suffering, chronic depression can lead to disability, and in last resort- to suicide. In 2015, a study on the relationship between depression and heart attacks was published on the Gallup website, in which the authors declare that depression is the same strong factor risk for heart disease like smoking and diabetes.

Signs of depression
All this makes you think: is this word “depression” so harmless? And, if you hear it from the lips of a loved one or apply it to yourself, then how to understand in which case you need to seek help, and when is it just a turn of speech denoting a short-term deterioration? There are 3 factors to consider when answering this question:

  • mood,
  • thinking,
  • physical activity.

Depression is characterized by a depressed, sad, dreary mood, slowing down of thought processes and motor retardation. This is the so-called depressive triad. When we talk about depression, we mean exactly the syndrome, that is, the totality of the described changes in three ways. In other words, talk about possible depression you can, if for at least two weeks you have been sad, sad, or you don’t feel anything and at the same time notice that you have begun to think worse, think more slowly than usual, it’s difficult for you to concentrate and it’s difficult to force yourself to do something. Please note that people of different temperaments may have different speed information processing, different level activity, so it is important to compare yourself not with other people, but with yourself.

It is also important to know the following characteristics manifestations of depression:

  • early awakenings at 4-5 in the morning, when, although you don’t want to get up and start the day;
  • deterioration in the morning and improvement in the afternoon and evening (although with an anxious type of depression there is an increase in anxiety in the evening);
  • lack of a sense of rest after sleep: just got up, but already tired;
  • inability to enjoy things that used to give him pleasure;
  • attend ideas of low value and self-blame;
  • vegetative reactions: pain in the heart, headaches, fluctuations blood pressure, tachycardia, nausea (sometimes vomiting), constipation, urinary problems, impaired menstrual cycle, dry mucous membranes (especially the eyes).

Sometimes it happens that depression masquerades as somatic disease when only vegetative reactions are pronounced, and the emotional background does not change much. Then we see the following picture: a person complains of a physical ailment, goes to the doctors, is examined, but the doctors cannot make a specific diagnosis, and symptomatic treatment Does not help.

A person who is depressed can describe his condition something like this: “It’s like a gray veil has enveloped me,” “I feel like I’m in a thick fog,” “The world has moved away from me,” “I am between sleep and reality.” It is important to understand that all of the above information is not intended for self-diagnosis, but in order to orient oneself in one's own condition and decide on the need to contact a specialist.

Which specialist to contact?
Depending on the severity of the condition, either complex therapy is psychotherapy with pharmacological treatment, or it will be enough to pass only a course of psychotherapy. You can contact a depression specialist and work with them to determine if you need additional pharmacotherapy. Or immediately contact a psychiatrist and decide on the need for treatment with antidepressants. The main thing is not to self-medicate, not to prescribe medications for yourself just because “a friend had depression, she was prescribed this antidepressant, well, I’ll drink it.” Such cases, unfortunately, occur, despite the fact that a prescription is required to purchase antidepressants. There are different types of depression, and only a psychiatrist, after carefully analyzing the information received from the patient, is able to correctly determine the type, dose and duration of medication.

The course of psychotherapy can be very different depending on the direction in which it is carried out. In my work, I use the method of short-term strategic therapy, which was developed at the Center for Strategic Therapy in the Italian city of Arezzo under the direction of G. Nardone. This method is characterized not by the search for the causes of the problem, but by the study of the mechanisms of its functioning, that is, those factors that support the problem state. When a person is in a hole, we do not look for reasons why he got there, but we try to understand what prevents him from getting out and find ways to do it.

If a person came to a psychologist, therefore, he despaired of solving the problem himself. However, he did something to solve his problem before he came. As a rule, if what a person does to solve a problem does not help him, but he still continues to do it, then it is these attempts that exacerbate the problem even more. The same applies to the help of relatives: the methods that family members use often do not improve the condition, but only worsen it.

Help your neighbor
Studies conducted at the Center for Strategic Therapy have shown that, in general, the mechanism of functioning of depression is presented as follows: illusion - disappointment - depression. An illusion can be created in relation to oneself, in relation to others, or in relation to the structure of the world. For example, the illusion in relation to oneself: "I must always be on top." In relation to others: "My partner will never leave me", in relation to the world order: "The world must be fair." A depressive state occurs when an event or series of events occurs that leads to the fact that the idea of ​​oneself, other people, or the world around collapses. At the same time, on the one hand, a person grieves over unfulfilled expectations (hence the lowered mood, sadness, melancholy). On the other hand, he is not ready to fully admit the complete collapse of his ideas (hence his depression and apathy). Because of this, the personality is in some kind of intermediate state: it can no longer be in that reality where it will be “always on top”, because there is a specific experience proving that this is not so, but also to abandon this idea for some reason. then the reasons also cannot, which does not allow to build new reality, where, say, "I could be wrong." All this leads to the fact that a person cannot completely warm up his disappointment, gets stuck in negative feelings and cannot move anywhere, because "I always have to be on top, but I can't, so it's pointless to do anything." Everything - the person is blocked. One of the focuses of working with depressed clients in short-term strategic therapy is to work through the feelings associated with disappointment and accept this disappointment. Therefore, positive thinking will not help with depression, on the contrary, you must first reach the bottom in order to be able to push off and swim to the surface.

Now let's see what relatives most often do in this situation. They either cheer: “Well, are you limp? Be an optimist! We must look at life positively! Take a break from your problems!" Or, on the contrary, they try to shame: “What kind of rag are you! Look how many other "real" problems! Get a grip, finally! You are a man (mother, wife). In both cases, a person feels misunderstood, and, accordingly, even more alone in his suffering, while such phrases feed his idea of ​​self-accusation: “Indeed, everything seems to be fine with me, but I can’t rejoice, probably something is wrong with me” or “People want me well, but I’m not able to cheer up, have fun, get off the couch, I can’t play the role of father / wife / mother ...” Thus, a person who already feels his inadequacy , feels even more inadequate: the depression worsened. It is often difficult for relatives to refrain from commenting, not only because they are worried about a loved one and simply do not know how to help him, but also because many (but not all) people who are depressed endlessly complain about their condition and about it. it's hard not to react.

Action algorithm
In the case when the sufferer is prone to numerous, and his family members want to help, but do not know how, you can use the following method. Agree and allocate half an hour a day when the whole family will gather together. Set the alarm clock so that it rings in half an hour and let the “sufferer” say everything that hurts: all your feelings, doubts, fears, anxieties, complain from the heart, cry. At the same time, it is extremely important that all family members maintain religious silence for the entire half hour, do not comment in any way, do not sigh or groan. Outside of this half hour, the issue is not discussed. When trying to talk about her again outside the allotted time, the relatives answer: “Tell me about it in the allotted half hour.”

When a family takes the time to give a voice to someone in need of help, they are neither withdrawing from the problem nor fueling the problem. This is a productive way of intra-family interaction regarding existing problem and sometimes, if the depression started not so long ago and passes in a mild form, even such a change is enough for the person to unblock himself and be able to cope with his problem. However, most often this is not enough, and specialist assistance is required.

It is important to note that, unfortunately, in our life there are such events that to a large extent affect our emotional state, make us grieve. This is a break in meaningful relationships, the loss of people close and dear to us or their illness, as well as own illnesses. For these events, a depressive state is normal; on the contrary, the absence of depression in these cases would be abnormal. The help of a psychologist may be required if a person is stuck in his problem, obsessed with it and cannot get out of it. On average, the experience of grief lasts about a year, but if the dynamics of this experience does not change in any way or the depressive reaction is too acute, there is no need to wait for the end of this period - it is better to immediately seek help.

Many people consider it unworthy to ask for help, consider it a manifestation of weakness, or, in principle, take their condition lightly and try to cope on their own. The ability to admit one's powerlessness to cope with a problem requires great courage and speaks of a person's maturity, not his weakness. Even if you are having a hard time right now, remember that it is not your fault and that depression is a temporary emotional state. Timely appeal for help will help you quickly return the precious time of your life, when you can again feel it to the fullest, feel its taste, share it with loved ones.

Depression - mental disorder, accompanied by a deterioration in mood and a loss of the ability to obtain pleasure, is often accompanied by symptoms such as decreased self-esteem, impaired concentration, the occurrence unreasonable feeling guilt, sleep disturbance and suicidal ideation. The acute form is accompanied by indifference to everything that happens, motor and mental retardation.

According to statistics provided by the World Health Organization, about 350 million people worldwide are affected by this disease, while the disorder affects anyone, regardless of gender, age and race. Most people are unaware of true depression and often confuse it with normal mood swings or negative emotions. Depression is long lasting and may well develop into more dangerous forms including suicide or criminal violation of the law.

Translated from Latin depression means a state of depression. In psychiatry, such a disorder is considered a very serious illness that appears as a result of various reasons. Most people, when faced with depression, try to solve the problem of how to get out of depression on their own. Starting to look for an answer, you should be aware of one important circumstance, if attempts to overcome depression were not successful or led to even greater despondency, then you should immediately seek qualified help from a specialist in the field of psychiatry. The psychologist, guided by his many years of experience, will help in treatment, prescribe the necessary drugs and advise what needs to be done to get out of similar condition himself.

IN modern world, depression is in first place among other mental disorders. The outbreak of such a disease is associated with the global economic crisis. A person loses confidence in his future, problems arise with savings Money and concern for the fate of future generations is escalating. For this reason, the amount of stress among the population is steadily increasing.

The detection of depression is quite laborious and difficult process, it is necessary to know the causes of the disorder in order to deal with its consequences.

Causes of depression

Most of the causes of depression are associated with experiences and serious shocks:

  • the departure or death of a loved one;
  • psychological trauma;
  • constant fatigue at work or excessive overexertion;
  • termination of a career or impossibility of career growth;
  • excessive use of medical drugs;
  • changing of the living place;
  • incurable disease;
  • fear of future events;
  • diffidence;
  • lack of friends;
  • low self-esteem;
  • diseases of close relatives;
  • lack of understanding from loved ones;
  • anxiety and phobias;
  • boring and joyless existence;
  • loneliness;
  • financial insolvency or poverty;
  • weight problems or rapid aging;
  • shyness;
  • unemployment;
  • irritability.

Sometimes depression can occur without prerequisites and visible reasons, in such situations, a likely factor is the disruption of the neurochemical connections of the cerebral cortex.

To diagnose depression, it is enough to find out some points:

  • lack of desire or feeling of inferiority;
  • worsening mood is accompanied by muscle pain;
  • apathy, indifference, tearfulness;
  • lack of energy to do what you love;
  • weight loss while maintaining appetite, problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent headaches, migraines, or seizures;
  • the emergence of the idea of ​​settling accounts with life as the only way out of the situation.

If you have all or the vast majority of the symptoms, then you definitely need to know how to deal with depression.

Signs of depression

Professional psychologists note only two main signs - prolonged absence interest in bright events or holidays, constant feeling depression and an acute form of disorder, accompanied by complete indifference to everything and apathy. Regular and prolonged feeling of depression leads to tearfulness and a deterioration in mood, but the acute form may well cause a serious mental disorder. There are several effective ways how to deal with depression.

1 Take responsibility for what is happening only on yourself.

2 It is recommended to start Personal diary, it is necessary to record daily negative and positive emotions experienced during the day. Thanks to the notes, you can slowly get out of a depressive state if, when a deterioration occurs, you reread the moments from the diary when an improvement was observed. By analyzing one's own thoughts and actions, one can conclude about progress in the treatment of the disease.

3 Watch more movies and TV series that inspire you or simply capture your imagination.

4 Love yourself for who you are, the world does not exist ideal people who do not make mistakes or who are not pursued by failure. It is necessary to abandon the constant scourging of oneself for the inability to reach unattainable heights. No need to go to extremes, you need to praise yourself for achieving success at every small stage of life. Having learned to love yourself, it becomes easier to live, and you have the strength to go towards your goal, despite depression and frustration.

5 Communicate more, do not reject the help of those around you.

6 Try to compare your situation with the problems of other people. Chat on the forums with people who have different problems try to help them yourself. Sometimes a person finds out that the life of another is much more difficult and worse, and gradually calms down, getting rid of depression.

7 Do not return mentally to the state when you feel worse, try not to experience such negative feelings again. You should evaluate and accept the situation in which you find yourself. Often people cannot identify the reason why there was a quarrel or discord in the family, and this greatly depresses them. You just need to accept what is happening and forgive the person.

8 Try to change your attitude to life. American writer Gary Vaynerchuk advises to start your day by standing in front of a mirror and saying three simple words- you are not eternal. In order to be happy, a person is given only one life, one opportunity, so why waste it on frustration and tears. Smile at people and give compliments, every moment of life should bring only joy.

9 Avoid alcohol or drugs completely.

10 Sleep at least 8 hours a day, only good sleep will help calm the nervous system and charge you with energy and vigor for the whole day.

11 Take up a hobby, drawing or knitting is fine, however, you can do anything, as long as you are interested, and the classes bring pleasure. If you suddenly find a use for yourself in an unexpected area, this will surely set you up in a positive way.

12 Go in for sports. You should not rush headlong into weightlifting, it is enough to visit a fitness center or a dance group a couple of times a week, in which there is a pleasant and cheerful atmosphere.

13 Try absolutely disinterestedly to help any person, he will definitely reciprocate.

14 Take care of your appearance, put on make-up and choose your favorite clothes before going out.

15 In no case do not withdraw into yourself and do not sit in four walls. Avoid loneliness. Go for a walk, meet friends, visit a forest or a river, buy a tour abroad. Walk more, choose places with a large crowd of people, where it is noisy and children's laughter is heard. Have a cup of coffee in a restaurant or dance in a club. Enjoy every day, the opportunity to breathe, feel and see the world.

You should not seize experiences or drink them down, in this way you can acquire a dangerous addiction, which will be very difficult to fight. You do not need to take out your anger on your loved ones, otherwise you will offend or injure a person who is not indifferent to you. You can use a good option to release negative emotions - scream into a pillow or in nature, take out your anger on a punching bag. Do not get carried away with taking antidepressants, they will help eliminate the symptoms, but will not correct the causes, especially since they are often addictive and have side effects.


What is a mental disorder? How to get rid of depression? All these questions will bother you time after time. Therefore, you yourself must decide to change your life, try to solve problems yourself and try to get rid of anxious thoughts and stupid fears.

Only you yourself can correct mistakes, correctly prioritize your life and achieve the goal you are striving for or completely abandon it. By taking a few steps on your own, you will feel the breath of freedom and free yourself from the shackles of your fears and self-doubt. Start appreciating what you have. Appreciate your time and try to spend it only on good deeds and positive thoughts. Try to spend more time with friends and give preference to walks in the fresh air. Start pet or visit a petting zoo. Travel or find something to your liking and remember - there is only one life!

Have you ever felt like there is an emptiness inside of you? A gaping emptiness, every day more and more increasing in size? Not even empty. A black hole that sucks all the juices and all the joy out of you...

“I can’t get out of depression!” How often do you hear this phrase from relatives and friends? And when you type the cherished “how to get out of depression” on the Internet, forums and portals immediately open to you, where methods of dealing with this mental illness of the 21st century are offered. Quite often, articles on similar topics - about getting out of depression - begin with the phrase: “One of the most common problems that people face is a bad mood... to figure out how to get out of autumn depression... ". And then a natural question arises: is depression and a bad mood the same thing?

So what is depression? And how to get out of depression, whatever it may be?

For some reason, many people looking for ways get out of depression, do not realize that they are experiencing anything - a bad mood, overwork, sadness, unrequited love, stress, dissatisfaction - but not depression. But all this is not the same thing. And before you start looking for ways to get out of depression yourself, you need to figure out what kind of beast is so terrible - depression.

Questions that won't let you live

Have you ever felt like there is an emptiness inside of you? A gaping emptiness, every day more and more increasing in size? Not even empty. A black hole that sucks all the juices and all the joy out of you. Everything seems to be fine: you work, study, communicate with peers, do what you love, but your heart is lousy. And every time the invariable question “Why?” catches up.

Why do I exist? What will I leave behind? What is the meaning of my activity? You try to find at least some justification for your life, but you do not find it. You try to find at least some explanation for the existence of all mankind, but the answers elude you over and over again, leaving no hint or clue. And getting out of depression seems impossible.

Often you think: “People do the same actions day after day, without even realizing that everything is meaningless. After all, every step, one way or another, brings us closer to death. And is there any point in rocking the boat if the outcome is known anyway? From the realization of all this it would not be so painful if you could somehow explain the purpose of your stay here and now. But you don't feel purpose, you don't feel anything at all. You cannot find a weak path, understand how to get out of depression. Only darkness in the eyes and a pulsating feeling of hopelessness, which poisons life even more.

How to get out of severe chronic depression if nothing makes sense?

Every time you go to bed with the thought that it would be nice to die in your sleep. He closed his eyes and did not open them again, because there is no joy from awakening and from the realization that another meaningless day has come, another empty chapter of your life. There is not even a hint of how to get out of this quagmire, a viscous depression. It is unbearable, like reading a book that is completely devoid of meaning. Life drags on like chewing gum that has been chewed for at least a month. Tasteless, colorless, meaningless and... lousy. How to get out of stress and prolonged depression? How to finally feel the joy of life?

Tips on how to quickly get out of prolonged depression and begin to live, many, but they do not get rid of a bad state, when you don’t even want to eat.

Depression is experienced by people with a certain mental warehouse. According to System-Vector Psychology, this type of people has . Tired of the meaninglessness of everyday life, they are looking for ways to get out of debilitating depression. And it doesn't matter how you call their depression - autumn, spring, masked or acute - we are talking about one reason hidden in the unconscious. Revealing this reason, we are approaching the answer to the question of how to get out of deep depression.

A challenge you can't refuse

Every person comes into this world for a reason. All of us - all 8 vectors - play a certain role. But if the functions of most people are quite tangible - they are directed to the outside world, then all the searches for a sound vector are directed beyond the boundaries of human existence - into inner world, the metaphysical world.

Even as a four-year-old child, the sound guy asks questions that not every adult can answer. Why do we live? Who is God? What will happen when I die? Why why why? These questions haunt the sound engineer all his conscious life. They grow in it in the form of shortages and emptiness. Depression is just a reaction to these irreplaceable voids that have already grown to the size of black holes.. Which oppress, pull ... And sometimes it seems that the only way to get rid of them is to go out the window.

What ways to get out of severe depression does the Internet offer us? Why doesn't it work?

    Turn your attention to work or hobbies - something that will grab you.

Those who give this advice have no idea what depression is. "Sound" depression has nothing to do with everyday life or relationships. It arises against the backdrop of acute despair from not finding answers to the main questions of the sound engineer: “Who am I and why am I here? What is a sense of life?". And nothing on earth can make up for this lack. Man cannot live without finding answers. Sinking deeper into depression, he tries to find meanings that will help him get out.

    Creation. Everywhere and in everything, show your creativity, your gift, the manifestation of the real you.

Indeed, creativity can be an outlet for sound man, but how can it help get out of depression if there is no sound search filling?

The methods proposed above on how to get out of a protracted depression are not a cure, not a way out, but only tricks that hardly give temporary relief. Run, jump, somersault ... all this is just patches, absolutely not problem solving that do not answer questions and, therefore, do not really help to get out of depression.

But what to do?

The answer is obvious: to get out of severe depression, you need to stop running from the questions that haunt you. You need to face the problem and solve it once and for all. And such an opportunity appeared. Find, finally, answers, to know and understand yourself and others. And really get out of depression.

Road to yourself. Depression is curable

Fortunately, now there is an opportunity to realize our desires with the help of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology. Thanks to this, we were able to get out of depression big number people with sound vector. Hundreds of people have achieved significant results through the training. You don't need to take a word - with photographs, writing under their own names, they speak for themselves. They found how to get out of depression without loss.

And most importantly, the result after the training is not temporary, not imaginary. You will overcome depression by walking the path of insight deep meanings and not imaginary ways to get out of it. The result stays with you forever.

What do you think is better: existence on crutches of antidepressants - in a state of drowsiness, replaced by unbearable pain, or a life filled with joy and, most importantly, meaningfulness? The answer is obvious.

Sound vector - dominant. And this means that until his desires are fulfilled, until answers to questions about the meaning of life are found, its owner will not feel the joy of everyday life no matter how intense it may be. And this means that without knowing your "I" and realizing your desires, you will not be able to get out of a depressive state. The real world will recede and recede, seem more and more illusory and empty.

wait until real world will not turn into a small dot, not worth it. It is possible to exchange a sense of the futility of being for an exciting anticipation and far-reaching plans for the future. How to quickly get out of depression? Collapse and instead of a dead end, find a way out at free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology. What is a couple of nights compared to an eternity? Welcome!

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

In this article, you will learn how to get out of depression on your own. There is an opinion that depression is a protracted bad mood and pessimism, but this is a common misconception. Depression is accompanied by a state of despondency and loss of interest in those activities that previously brought pleasure, as well as the inability to do simple daily activities.

In this article, I will describe the symptoms of depression and give recommendations for further action those who saw their own among these symptoms. I will also give practical advice those who do not notice the signs depressive disorder, But for a long time experiencing stress, blues, bad mood, sharp emotional swings, feels a lack of strength and energy.

You can immediately move from the content to ways to get out of depression. However, in order to solve the problem, it would be nice to know where it came from.

So, how to get rid of depression on your own, as well as survive stress, apathy and start enjoying life - read this article.

How to recognize depression - 10 symptoms

Psychological symptoms of depression:

  • Reduced emotional background, bad mood
  • Fatigue, feeling weak, lack of energy
  • Lack of interest in what he used to be
  • Increased anxiety, fears, lack of vision, pessimistic outlook on the future
  • Slow thinking, slow behavior

Somatic symptoms of depression:

  • Insomnia or restless sleep
  • Lack of appetite or sudden changes - either you want to eat or not
  • Persistent headaches
  • Constipation
  • Any disease associated with the gastrointestinal tract

Depression can pass without somatic symptoms at all. Its first and main signs can be considered a bad mood, indifference to everything, lack of energy and general weakness of the whole body. And regardless of the circumstances. Even if only these signs are observed in a person for more than two weeks, it is urgent to contact a psychotherapist or neurologist. During treatment, you will need to take tests and drink the necessary medications.

Most people do not know what depression is, and therefore tend to devalue those who have been affected by this disease. Because of this attitude in society towards this disease many are ashamed to go to the doctor and admit that they have a mental disorder. Therefore, according to World Organization Health, only about 10% of people with depression receive proper treatment. Depression is a disease that must be treated, otherwise it can lead to the most irreversible consequences.

Depression is characterized by a shocking paradox: those who do not suffer from it often complain of depression, while real depressed people can live with it for years and not even know it.

Learn more about the signs and symptoms of depression with medical point view you can read Here.

So, if you have identified signs of depression in yourself, be sure to consult a specialist. You can contact me for or ask on the site.

The next part of the article is suitable for those who have not identified severe symptoms depressive disorder, but feels mild depression - for a long time is in a bad mood and feels a lack of energy.

7 ways to get out of depression, apathy, stress

At a time when you are in a bad mood and you do not want to do anything, you have little energy and strength. Reduced emotional background also reduces overall performance organism. Therefore, I will describe several miraculous ways to save and increase energy, and therefore raise emotional background, improve mood. So, how to get rid of stress, blues, apathy, depression and bad mood right now - 7 ways:

Method #1: Accept your condition

The first step to solving any problem is acknowledging and accepting it. Don't try to learn how to get rid of stress. Don't accept trying to fight it, but instead accept it. Protest always backfires. If, for example, you are struggling with extra pounds, endlessly weighing yourself and counting calories, you are unlikely to be able to lose weight for a long time and with high quality. Every now and then you will want to eat another piece, you will be nervous and frustrated all the time. But if you let go of this struggle and accept yourself and your body, then the body will rebuild itself and return you to the form that is most favorable for you.

What you fight against always fights you too. And as long as you keep fighting, it will win. Therefore, accept your condition, whatever it is now and no matter how long it lasts. Allow yourself to be sad or angry from time to time. We are not robots to be happy all the time.

Method # 2: Where attention goes, energy goes there

When you are doing something, and at that time your thoughts are in a completely different place, you thereby significantly increase the energy expenditure on what you are currently doing. Among other things, you do not notice how your case takes several times more time, and the quality of work drops dramatically. If you focus all your attention on the present moment, it will greatly increase the amount of your energy, which means you will improve the quality of work and reduce time.

Eat when you eat, don't watch TV. So you will taste the taste, chew food more thoroughly and, accordingly, your body will better absorb nutrients. This applies to any case. Keep your focus on the present moment. Always. Wherever your attention goes, your energy goes there. Stop giving energy to your past or TV series characters, pictures in the feed social networks. Live now, and this will help you save energy and direct it in the right direction.

Method #3: Collect your wins

Since childhood, we have been taught to pay attention to mistakes. They emphasized in red what was wrong, instead of highlighting in green what turned out well. And over time, we got used to noticing only our failures. However, thoughts about own mistakes accompanied by negative emotions, which means energy consumption. Stop criticizing yourself and scolding yourself for mistakes. Accept yourself.

Focus entirely on your small victories. Start a “Success Diary” where you will write down all your small successes (and big ones, of course, too) every day. For example, “today I made the most delicious julienne” or “today I finally called my dad.” Enter in the Diary of success what exactly you consider to be a victory. Write down at least five successes a day - this way you will shift the focus from your failures to victories. This will give you a lot of energy. One day you will feel full confidence that everything works out for you, everything comes easy to you. This is how a success diary works.

Method #4: Be grateful

Gratitude for something always brings energy for something more. For example, if you give daily, tireless and sincere thanks for everything you have, much more will come to you. If you give thanks for being healthy, you will be even healthier. If you give thanks for material resources, they will increase. When you are truly grateful for something, you have extra energy to receive it. Try it! It works!

You can thank God, Heaven, the Universe, Earth, or even just say: “Thank you ...”, if you have not yet decided on who gives us these opportunities. This needs to be done systematically and regularly. best case every day, and it is desirable to write down. In difficult moments, when you feel bad or lack strength, as well as in moments of happiness and joy, do not forget to thank, and your energy will increase significantly.

Method #5: Compare yourself to yourself

Leave only one comparison in your life: compare yourself today with yourself yesterday. Make it yours daily habit. It will be great if after five victories in the "Diary of success" you write down what you were better at today than yesterday. If you manage to do this every day, over time you will stop envying and comparing yourself with others. This will increase your energy daily, and over time significantly. And by looking at your daily comparisons with yourself yesterday for a certain period, you will see the scale of your development.

Method #6: Let go of broken promises

We give most of our energy to thoughts about the past. Namely, to people who once offended us, but we never forgave. Unfinished business. Unfulfilled promises. Unreached goals.

In psychology, there is a so-called Zeigarnik effect”- an experiment that proved that people tend to remember unfinished tasks and tasks many times better than completed ones. This suggests that we give back to unfulfilled promises and unfulfilled goals. great amount of our energy, we devote a lot of time and effort to them, although we may never fulfill them.

25% of our energy (as much as 25% of calories eaten!) Is spent on thought processes. And most of them are given to the past. They still communicate in their head with classmates whom they have not seen for ten years. They mentally justify themselves to their mother for the situation from childhood. Worried about the fact that many years ago they promised someone and did not fulfill.

Make a list of those people, situations, and things from the past that still haunt you. How much energy they have taken from you over the years! Talk to them mentally one last time. Release them forever. This is the only way you can get rid of them. If you don't know how to do it, you can do it. It will help you let go of resentment and unfinished business. Surrender once and for all to today. And sometimes think a little about the future. But don't allow yourself the luxury of going back in time.

Method #7: Free your head

Set aside time for yourself every day to relax. It should be an activity during which your brain is almost completely switched off. The head should be empty, and thoughts dispersed. If you know how to or want to learn how to meditate, then this is perfect way for relaxation. Any other activity during which the brain is not involved is also suitable - watching a comedy film, yoga, physical exercise, giving pleasure ... Continue this list yourself. In general, sometimes let yourself down.

Do this regularly, set aside a special time for this, half an hour or an hour a day. Rest for the brain is the most the best medicine to fill up with energy. The main thing is not to overdo it and for the rest of the time completely devote yourself to the present moment, without spraying yourself with other thoughts. And only in the specially allotted hour of rest do not think about anything.


In this article, you were presented with ways to get rid of depression on your own if you have a mild form of it. We also considered ways to help not scatter energy and direct it in the right direction. These methods will return you to a state of emotional stability and energy tone. They will also increase your awareness and inner fullness, you will live your day more intensely. After all, you will be fully in the present moment, that is, living your life more deeply.

you turn off inner critic and begin to realize who you were yesterday and who you are today. You will see that you are changing and improving daily, because thanks to these methods you will learn to more clearly track changes.

Why is it so important to keep a “Success Diary” and write it down in general? This helps to fix the results, clean up your head, and also, looking at your daily changes, see the scale of your own development. This will help you significantly and increase the amount of energy. And this, in turn, is guaranteed to take you out of a stressful state.

Thus, the methods given in the article not only make it clear how to get rid of stress and get out of depression on your own, but also help you accept and love yourself, increase your awareness, increase the amount of energy and resources, and also learn how to live in the present. Your every day will become eventful, and your whole life will be filled, and stress will no longer return to you.

And don't forget to download my book How to Love Yourself. In it I share the most effective techniques, with the help of which I myself once raised my self-esteem, became confident and learned to love myself. This book will be a great helper on the way out of stress, depression, apathy, and in general will make your life happier! After all, a favorable solution to any life task begins with self-love.

If you need individual assistance to get out of the depressed state in which you are now, you can contact me for a psychological



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