Constant churning in the stomach: causes and treatment. Stomach growls

Seething in the stomach - reasons for its appearance It is no secret that many people in life have had to deal with the feeling that something is moving and unpleasantly seething in the stomach. Before taking measures to eliminate this process, it is important to know the reasons for its occurrence. So, what causes the process of seething in the stomach?

Flatulence- this is what medicine calls rumbling in the stomach - it occurs due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines, accompanied by a feeling of a “bloated” abdomen. In some cases, pain may also occur, the nature of which varies.

In order to determine the cause of rumbling or seething in the stomach, it is necessary to understand in which part of the abdomen the process occurs.

    1. In the upper abdomen, followed by redistribution to the right or left. This suggests that there may be disruptions in the functioning of the stomach, duodenum or gall bladder.
    2. In the right lower abdomen. The problem area should be looked for in the area of ​​the sigmoid colon.

What causes gases to accumulate in the intestines?

First of all, it is necessary to note the incorrect process of eating. When chewing food, it is important not to allow large amounts of air to enter the body. It is this that causes the churning in the stomach.

Chewing gum also causes rumbling, because, first of all, when chewing gum, a lot of excess air enters the body, and, secondly, gastric juice is released, but food does not enter the stomach. The result is rumbling in the stomach.

It is important to mention products that provoke boiling. This category includes: grapes, cabbage, legumes, pears, potatoes, carbonated drinks. It is necessary to exclude fatty foods from the diet.

Excessive experiences and stressful, nervous situations are the reason that unpleasant processes begin in the stomach.

However, rumbling and seething in the stomach can also be caused by various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, dysbacteriosis, colitis, gastritis. In this case, it is important to contact a gastroenterologist in time and get qualified advice.

How to get rid of rumbling in the stomach?

For those who prefer treatment without taking medications, there are quite effective ways to deal with the unpleasant process.

To begin with, you need to give up dairy products, heavy foods such as legumes, and fresh baked goods. You can use methods of alternative medicine, but without fail, in consultation with a specialist doctor. For example, use herbal treatment, hydrotherapy, homeopathic remedies. It is necessary to include physical activity in your daily routine, which will help activate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. When planning your diet, it is important not to mix carbohydrates and proteins in one meal.

Gurgling in the stomach during pregnancy

As a rule, pregnancy is a period of important and significant changes in the female body. In some cases, changes lead to unpleasant sensations and discomfort. For example, one of these phenomena during pregnancy is rumbling or gurgling in the stomach.

The enlargement of the uterus, which is observed during pregnancy, leads to additional pressure on nearby organs, including the intestines. The result is discomfort associated with colic, bloating, and constipation. Unfortunately, doctors do not always pay due attention to this problem, believing that its occurrence has nothing to do with a woman’s pregnancy.

Progesterone, which is in large quantities in a pregnant woman’s body, provokes flatulence. The hormone has a relaxing effect on the abdominal cavity and other organs, eliminating the likelihood of premature uterine contractions and, accordingly, premature birth. As a result, gas formation processes occur in the intestines, accompanied by pain. Flatulence in a pregnant woman may be accompanied by heart pain and headaches.

If we talk about the consequences of flatulence, then the negative impact occurs not only on the woman’s body, but also on the baby. Excessive pressure on the walls of the uterus is transmitted to the baby. Under the influence of poor and lethargic health, the expectant mother does not adhere to a proper and healthy diet, which also affects the child’s nutrition.

What should a pregnant woman do?

If two or more symptoms of flatulence appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is important not to self-medicate so as not to cause additional harm to the health of the unborn baby.

The doctor must determine the cause of flatulence. In some situations, seething in the stomach is a sign of another disease, the treatment of which should be treated by a doctor.

Pregnant women suffering from gastritis, ulcers, enteritis or pancreatitis should pay special attention to excessive gas formation. In this case, certain studies are necessary, and the doctor must prescribe a diet that corresponds to the results of the studies.

To prevent unpleasant sensations from making themselves felt, preventive measures are sufficient. Do not eat legumes, fresh vegetables, or sauerkraut in large quantities. Try to avoid any stressful situations that also lead to flatulence.

Seething in a child's stomach

When parents notice frequent seething or rumbling in their baby’s stomach, the first thing they should think about is dysbacteriosis. The stomach of every person, both adults and children, is populated by bacteria that take an active part in the process of digesting food, synthesize vitamins necessary for normal intestinal function and protect the intestines from the harmful effects of microbes and other pathogens. If the balance of bacteria in the intestines shifts towards pathogenic ones, then this process is accompanied by the active formation of gases and, as a result, seething in the stomach and bloating.

Causes and methods of solving the problem of seething in the baby’s tummy

The main reason why a baby may experience turbulence in the stomach is that the intestines and its microflora are not fully formed. As a result, the baby may be capricious, pull his legs up to his tummy, grunt and strain. As a rule, colic occurs more at night.

Attention? viewing for women only.

Excessive accumulation of gases in the baby’s intestines occurs for several reasons:

    - intestinal dysbiosis. From the moment of birth, the baby's intestines are filled with beneficial bacteria, which enter the body during each feeding of the baby with mother's milk. In the case of artificial feeding, this process may occur more slowly.

    Poor nutrition for a nursing mother. There is a category of foods that should not be consumed during breastfeeding: legumes, chocolate, fresh fruits or vegetables, fresh bread. As a result, the child develops “colic”, accompanied not only by churning in the tummy, but also by pain.

    Lactase deficiency. This reason is quite common today. Characterized by the absence or small amount of lactase in the child’s gastric juice.

In order to help the baby cope with both “colic” and churning in the tummy, the following actions by parents are necessary:
    - Abdominal massage. The necessary massage movements should be shown by a pediatrician. They will help remove excess gases from the intestines.

    After each meal, the baby must burp the excess air accumulated in the body.

    After the baby is three weeks old, you can consult a pediatrician and give the baby special medications that remove excess gases from the body.

    During the day, on an empty stomach, the baby should lie on his tummy for more active intestinal function.

    If your baby eats formula and baby cereal, it is important to choose the right nipple for the bottle so that during feeding the baby will grab extra air along with the food.

    You should never feed your baby immediately after crying loudly or for a long time.

    In case of lactase deficiency, it is necessary to consult a doctor and prescribe special medications along with a dairy-free diet.

Rumbling in the stomach after eating. How to fight?

Poor nutrition is the main cause of stomach turmoil. It is important to note that if flatulence and stomach churning are not treated promptly, other diseases may occur. That is why doctors advise focusing efforts on combating rumbling in the stomach.

What dietary rules exist that will stop excessive gas formation in the intestines?

    1. It is necessary to chew the food in your mouth thoroughly. This will significantly speed up and facilitate the process of final digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, actively produced gastric juice promotes the synthesis of lactobacilli, which are important for the further breakdown of food.
    2. You should not drink any liquid during meals to ensure sufficient concentration of gastric juice.
    3. Half an hour before eating, you can drink a glass of water. This activates the process of formation of gastric juice. An hour after eating, you can also drink a glass of water so that harmful acids and salts are more easily removed from the body.
    4. Fermentation process is promoted by rich foods and some fruits - pears and grapes. They should not be consumed immediately after taking the main menu.
    5. In order for the normal intestinal microflora to be restored in full, it is necessary to exclude potatoes, baked goods, milk and sugar from the diet. It is important that the menu contains vegetables, kefir, herbs, fruits (except pears and grapes), and clean water of at least 1.5 liters.
    6. As for medications, they should be taken only after a doctor’s prescription.


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Symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract appear more often than “signals” from other organs, even in relatively healthy people. This is due, first of all, to the very close connection between sensations in the organs and the influence of external factors. So, not every person plays sports seven days a week, experiences nervous or physical stress, but everyone without exception eats. That is why it is so important to be able to interpret the “messages” that the gastrointestinal tract sends to a person, be it discomfort, pain or dyspeptic symptoms. For example, if your stomach is constantly churning, what does this mean, why does this phenomenon occur, how can you help yourself, and when does a visit to a specialist become mandatory?

The word “seething” is not a medical term, so it cannot be interpreted directly. It is important to understand what is meant by this concept. First of all, it may be flatulence - increased gas formation in the intestines. In addition, such a sensation may simply be accompanied by the active work of the gastrointestinal tract, the act of digestion. One way or another, both physiological and pathological reasons can contribute to the appearance of such sensations.

Among the physiological reasons, i.e. those that are not associated with organ pathology, but indicate the normal functioning of the body, the following can be distinguished.

Table. Physiological reasons.

CauseCharacteristicElimination methods
Everyone is familiar with the “rumbling” in the stomach that occurs when there is a strong feeling of hunger. The genesis of this phenomenon is associated with complex neurohumoral mechanisms, which involve receptors in the stomach wall and higher nerve centers. Often the seething is accompanied by unpleasant sensations “in the pit of the stomach,” that is, behind the lower part of the sternum. Prolonged hunger can cause weakness, headaches, as well as irritability and aggression.The “treatment” is as simple as possible - eat. If a full meal is not possible, you can have a snack, drink water, or try to distract yourself. In no case should you chew chewing gum, so as not to provoke the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which can ultimately lead to gastritis or ulcers.
Not only hunger, but also overeating causes a feeling of seething. In this case, the sensations are associated with the gastrointestinal tract being overfilled with food: the organs are simply trying to cope with the incoming volume. Often accompanied by a feeling of fullness, sometimes abdominal pain.If overeating has already occurred, you should take an enzyme preparation (Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon) and an enterosorbent (activated carbon, Smecta). Avoid intense physical activity and rest.
It is well known that some types of food are completely incompatible with each other and cause diarrhea and increased gas formation. Such combinations include, for example, fish and fermented milk products. In addition, spoiled food can cause bubbling without causing poisoning. Often these sensations are accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, and flatulence. It can last from several hours to 2-3 days, even after defecation.Enterosorbents, enzymes, large amounts of water.


Some foods cause active fermentation processes in the intestines, which is accompanied by increased gas formation and a feeling of seething. This includes cabbage, black bread, fermented milk products, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, fast food, and sweets.Avoid consumption of gas products.
In older people, the stomach may rage due to a tendency to constipation, increased gas formation due to weak digestive processes and depletion of enzymatic systems. Often such sensations are neurogenic in nature. Similarly, in children, the digestive and enzyme systems are not fully formed, which causes some difficulties with digestion.Regular nutritious meals, carminatives.
Due to the fact that the pregnant uterus puts pressure on all the organs of the abdominal cavity, processes in them can occur, becoming somewhat distorted. Thus, gas accumulates in the intestines, constipation often develops, difficulties arise with intestinal motility, which causes seething.Most often, it is recommended to get by only with a complete, properly selected diet, but herbal laxatives, carminatives, and enzymes can be prescribed.

Pathological causes

Unfortunately, rumbling in the stomach can be a symptom of pathological conditions.

Motor impairment

Often, seething in the stomach is a symptom of one or another pathology. And one of the main reasons is impaired intestinal motility. So, with increased activity of contractile processes, flatulence may develop. A lot of gas is formed, it constantly circulates in the intestines and is released. This situation may be accompanied by flatulence, bloating, and painful sensations of a spastic nature throughout the abdomen. Typically, this condition is characterized by diarrhea to a greater extent than constipation, although both types of bowel dysfunction can develop. Absorption in the intestine is impaired, which causes loose stools. Intestinal hyperkinesis is sometimes accompanied by slight weight loss and a deficiency of certain micro- and macroelements.

With decreased motor skills, on the contrary, constipation develops. The food bolus travels poorly and for a long time through the loops of the intestines, which causes fermentation and rotting processes, which, in turn, provoke gas formation and seething. In such cases, it seethes for a long time, for several weeks or longer. Fecal stones can develop, sometimes causing intestinal obstruction, which requires surgical correction. The pathology is accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen, sometimes painful sensations of a pulling, pressing nature, often quite intense. May be accompanied by nausea and belching. Blood appears in the stool, because the stool is dry, hard, sometimes with sharp edges, which injures the intestines. If obstruction develops, acute pain, vomiting of feces, and nausea appear.

Diseases of the digestive glands

The main reason why your stomach may be bubbling is this. Due to the fact that digestive enzymes such as lipase, protease and amylase are produced in insufficient quantities, food cannot be fully broken down. As a result, fermentation processes again develop, causing gas formation.

This condition is accompanied by pain in the left hypochondrium of the abdomen, which spreads to the right hypochondrium and even to the back - sometimes this pain is confused with kidney pain. After eating fatty, fried, smoked foods, heaviness in the stomach develops, heartburn, belching, and there may be nausea and vomiting during the period of maximum intensity of pain, which, however, does not relieve these pains. Defecation is usually also abnormal: loose or tarry, fatty stools develop. It may be discolored or light, in the form of a paste.

By the way, not only pancreatic insufficiency provokes fermentopathy. This is often a congenital condition. For example, with lactase deficiency, dairy products are not digested and gluten intolerance occurs. Usually a person is aware of this feature of his body, but one should not immediately rule out such a situation.

Another reason is liver damage, especially not inflammatory, but destructive, for example, fatty liver disease. In this case, the choleretic function of the liver suffers, food is not fully digested. Often the condition is accompanied by heaviness in the right hypochondrium, enlarged liver, nagging, mild pain, and nausea. There may be slight jaundice, lightening of the stool and darkening of the urine. Seething in the stomach is often painful, intense sour belching and nausea develop.

Inflammatory bowel diseases

This group usually includes nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. These are serious pathologies associated with disorders of the intestinal mucosa, the cause of which is not fully understood. In relation to such a disease, the term “cobblestones” is used to describe the intestinal mucosa. In this regard, one can imagine the state of the mucous layer of the organ. The symptoms are varied: pain, often quite intense, flatulence, bloating, and stool disorders. Bowel movements are painful, but can be relieving. Often there is blood in the stool, sometimes mucus and even pus.

Seething in the abdomen can occur with both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen are more likely to indicate Crohn's disease, although changes in the condition of the mucous membrane can occur in any part of the intestine. Colitis is characterized by pain and a feeling of seething in the lower half of the abdomen, near the navel. For such patients, even flatulence is often painful and causes discomfort rather than relief.

People with inflammatory bowel diseases are often irritable, they are weakened, and due to a forced strict diet, they are exhausted. Unfortunately, these diseases cannot be cured; you can only correct the patient’s condition in order to improve his standard of living.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disease. Such a diagnosis can be made only if all organic pathology is excluded by all possible research methods. Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by two types of clinical picture: with a predominance of constipation and with a predominance of diarrhea. It is noteworthy that unpleasant sensations in the abdomen in the form of seething occur with both the first and second options, although they often develop with loose stools. Patients complain of painful bloating, flatulence, and pain before defecation. The act of defecation itself usually relieves the person's condition, although it can be painful.

It is noteworthy that irritable bowel syndrome will never be accompanied by pathological impurities in the stool - neither mucus, nor pus, much less blood. This is the so-called “symptom of anxiety”: if it appears, there can be no question of a functional disease.

It is worth noting that irritable bowel syndrome is psychogenic in nature. They suffer from:

  • especially emotional people;
  • those who are regularly exposed to severe stress;
  • people with psychopathology;
  • people with a labile psyche;
  • workaholics;
  • exposed to any types of violent actions, pressure from others;
  • hypochondriacs.

This is important because such categories of people tend to exaggerate their symptoms, and a short episode of flatulence can become a “constant seething” in their eyes.

To cope with such a situation, a consultation with a psychiatrist is often necessary. He can prescribe sedatives or, conversely, antidepressants that will help cope with emotions, and therefore irritable bowel syndrome.

  • follow a gentle diet:
  • avoid moral and physical overload:
  • rest more, maintain a sleep-wake schedule;
  • maintain a psychologically healthy environment in the family and work team;
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • play sports (adequate physical activity);
  • find a passion and devote time to it.

An imbalance in the intestinal microflora can also cause turmoil in the stomach. With a lack of normal representatives of the intestinal biocenosis and with an increase in the number of gas-producing bacteria that cause fermentation, flatulence often appears. Usually this situation is accompanied by changes in the skin - it becomes oily, pimples and blackheads appear. Bad breath may appear, flatulence may increase, and sometimes pain in the abdomen may appear. You can combat this situation by taking pro- and prebiotics and adjusting your diet.

Thus, seething in the stomach can be caused by very different reasons - both physiological and pathological. One way or another, this is a sign that the body is having a hard time coping with the incoming food and needs help: at least, it is necessary to adjust the diet, introduce adequate physical activity, and even out the daily routine. If other symptoms occur, for example, pain in any part of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, belching, or changes in stool, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

Video - Why does your stomach growl?

Seething in the stomach occurs for many reasons. This often occurs due to stress, for example during an important meeting. Some people complain that their stomach often begins to growl after eating. Some people make gurgling sounds from hunger. In some cases, this signals the development of a serious illness. Whatever the reasons, the sounds produced by the body can cause significant inconvenience to a person, so it is important to understand why this happens and, if necessary, take action.

Gurgling in the stomach occurs due to the movement of gas-filled bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract that appear during the fermentation process.

There are several main reasons, provoking this phenomenon:

All this can cause loud rumbling in the stomach. To get rid of it, you first need to review your diet and try to eat a balanced diet. Perhaps this is what will help calm the intestines and improve its functioning.

All factors that cause rumbling in the stomach, can be roughly classified into 3 main groups:

Gurgling in the stomach has many causes. However, sometimes the situation is aggravated by the fact that another symptom is added to the usual rumbling:

You should not try to deal with the gurgling, diarrhea, gas and pain on your own. Contact a specialist who can prescribe adequate treatment.

It happens that perfectly healthy people complain of stomach rumbling. As a rule, the stomach begins to growl unexpectedly, and the sounds disappear without any intervention.

It is worth knowing why there is rumbling in the stomach after eating, causes, treatment. If you are sure that you are absolutely healthy, but after eating food you immediately begin to seethe, then most often it is enough to simply adjust your diet. Gas formation can be a concern if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, overeat, or eat unhealthy foods. By eliminating these factors, you will be able to improve intestinal motility and get rid of the discomfort associated with gurgling in the abdomen. To improve the effect, in addition to normalizing nutrition, you can take activated carbon, Espumisan or Mezim.

The stomach may rumble and gurgle during pregnancy - this should not cause concern to a woman, as it is normal. The fact is that while carrying a child, the female body undergoes serious hormonal changes, and this can cause rumbling in the stomach. We must not forget that the growing fetus puts a lot of pressure on the internal organs, because of this the intestines are compressed and gases do not have time to be released from the body. As they accumulate, they cause rumbling in the stomach.

The gurgling in my insides began as soon as I entered the boss’s office. I didn’t even have time to say hello, I walked in and immediately started muttering. So loudly, defiantly... In general, the editor-in-chief immediately realized that it was I who entered the office, and not anyone else. For about ten days now I have been gurgling and purring for every reason and even for no reason: from hunger, after eating, after drinking tea, after sleeping, and even (my God!!!) during lovemaking.

A gurgling stomach, not accompanied by pain or any other troubles (called “diarrhea” on TV), seemed to me not a sufficient reason to visit the doctor. I was diagnosed with gastritis from early childhood, like most Soviet schoolchildren, raised on public catering cutlets during fifteen-minute breaks. People don’t die from gastritis - I knew that. I even knew what medicines to take if my stomach suddenly hurt (again, thanks to advertising), so I wasn’t distracted from work, I didn’t bother the doctors... Until this very moment, when the editor (a kind-hearted person!), instead of to give me a beating for not submitting an article on time, she said sympathetically: “You eat irregularly, Yul.” She didn't even look in my direction! She didn’t react to the voice (I’m telling you, she didn’t have time to say hello!), but to the gurgling... They recognized me by the gurgling!

By the way, I ate relatively regularly. At least every day. Although, after thinking carefully, I established a temporary and, possibly, cause-and-effect relationship between nutrition and grumbling.

The fact is that stomach troubles began shortly after I met the man of my dreams.

The man of your dreams, I’ll tell you, is such a wonderful guy who picks you up from work in the evening and takes you to eat at a restaurant, and takes you to work in the morning. It's very romantic! And it frees you from standing at the stove in the evening. Although it doesn't leave time for breakfast. I was happy for a week, then I started to get bored without home-cooked food. And a week later, the man of my dreams floridly and poetically announced that the woman of his dreams is exactly me. I was wondering which style to choose for my answer: ironic or romantic... And then my stomach announced its existence for the first time. I tried to talk over him, so there was no time left to think about the answer - I was talking all sorts of nonsense (as long as it was loud!). However, the stomach still turned out to be louder, so my beloved understood that I was unwell, but did not doubt my intellectual abilities.

“Come on,” he said, “I’ll take you home.” See you tomorrow.

Oddly enough, he really didn’t refuse to meet with me. He even stopped flinching from my grumbling. Moreover: as it turned out, he himself sometimes rumbled and gurgled with his stomach. In general, we found each other. And, if it weren’t for the editor’s sensitive remark, I probably would never have gotten to the doctor.

It’s okay,” the gastroenterologist said, thoroughly kneading my groaning belly.

No, I also think it’s okay: just think, during romantic dates your stomach gives out roulades that force fans to quiet down and listen, and after a business lunch you feel with horror that you don’t fit well into an office suit, because your stomach is swollen and your waist acquired the rounded outlines of a six-month pregnancy... Nonsense, in general.

Nonsense, nonsense,” the doctor confirmed. - Baby! You don’t even complain about diarrhea and constipation! It can be worse.

Apparently, she suspected that I was not telling something.

Is there really no constipation? Well, at least sometimes? - And just in case, if suddenly I don’t understand something:

Constipation, baby, is when food doesn’t come out of you for more than two days.

Really, I was afraid that now she would start explaining to me what diarrhea was, but she didn’t. She paused, poked her finger in my stomach again and summed up:

I give you a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. Drink some valerian at night.

Hello to you! A man’s stomach is grumbling, and he is prescribed sedatives. And in general, what kind of disease is irritable bowel? I'm the one who's irritated...

That’s it,” the doctor nodded, “you get irritated, he reacts.” It's nerve-wracking. The main thing here is to calm down. The disease is unpleasant, but not dangerous and can be easily treated. I have 70% of patients with this diagnosis: those who have a hectic job, who like to have fun at night, people have begun to eat irregularly - they forget to have lunch, and for dinner they load themselves with anything, they get upset, again, over all sorts of trifles.

I drank valerian for a week. For the night. And then nothing, life got better, things at work settled down on their own, my beloved, having stopped shuddering from the gurgling in my insides, gradually got used to the idea of ​​​​the need to exist together, we stopped eating in restaurants, switched to home-cooked food, learned to sleep at night - and the term "irritated" has disappeared from the vocabulary. We just stopped being annoyed.

Just in case, I gave up my favorite cabbage, which, although it helps fight excess weight, sometimes still grumbles and bloats the stomach from the inside. However, doctors say that cauliflower does not have such negative effects.

For constipation:

  • - increase the amount of plant fiber in your diet;
  • - prefer bread with bran (preferably yesterday's bread);
  • - add bran to any food;
  • - if it doesn’t help, take special ballast substances (daily!);
  • - if you cannot do without laxatives, then at least change them, otherwise addiction will occur;
  • - provide yourself with at least minimal physical activity.

For diarrhea:

  • - temporarily give up fruits (mashed boiled vegetables are fine);
  • - the most soothing food is rice;
  • - oatmeal - for breakfast;
  • - perhaps you have dysbacteriosis, so (after consulting with your doctor) “get hooked” on kefir and other lactic acid bacteria.

Irritable bowel syndrome

This is a violation of intestinal activity. Main symptoms: increased formation of gases, grumbling, bloating - usually after eating. Sometimes - pain, alternating diarrhea and constipation.

The causes are a weakened nervous system and irregular nutrition.


Irritable bowel syndrome does not require any special diet. The main condition is to eat 4 times a day. Breakfast is a must, dinner is the lightest.

Exclude from the diet:

legumes, cabbage, grapes, raisins, bananas, soft bread, beer and carbonated drinks, milk (but not dairy products).

The functioning of the organs of the human body almost never occurs silently. The beat of the heart pumping blood, the air entering the lungs during breathing - these are the sounds that we can feel. They are so familiar that no one pays attention to them. The stomach or intestinal area is another matter. The seething and rumbling there immediately attracts a reaction and encourages action. For example, when a person is hungry and his stomach is growling, it is natural to try to fill it. But sounds associated with hunger often do not stop after satiation, but rather intensify. Seething in the stomach after finishing a meal, on a full stomach - is this normal functioning of the digestive tract or a pathology that requires treatment? To understand, you need to find out the reasons.

When the stomach digests food, gastric juice is released from its lining. The process is quite active. The stomach walls contract, food is mixed with gastric juice and, processed to one degree or another, enters the intestines. The activity of the digestive system should be accompanied by characteristic sounds that do not go beyond normal limits.

When rumbling is a physiological norm

Another thing is that during the normal process of digestion, these sounds are not too loud and are perceived by a person calmly. If the churning in the stomach is persistent and loud, causing discomfort or accompanied by unpleasant sensations, the reason may be the following:

By the way. Gurgling in the stomach can be observed if a person lies down to lie down immediately after eating, especially in the evening.

Seething in the stomach in women

There are several specific reasons that cause stomach churning exclusively in women.

Table. Causes of seething in a woman's stomach.


Before menstrual bleeding begins, physiological changes occur in the female body that affect the gastrointestinal tract.

With the onset of pregnancy, the female body begins to produce a hormone that helps relax smooth muscles. The gastrointestinal tract is no exception.

During the period of active fetal growth, the uterus enlarges, putting pressure on the stomach. This leads to indigestion.

If the expectant mother overeats, eats foods that are not recommended, bloating, gas formation and digestive failure occur.

All the reasons listed above accompany natural physiological processes and are not a cause for serious concern. This is not a deviation from the norm or a disease. Most often, it is enough to simply adjust the diet so that the sounds become weaker and stop bothering you.

Sound as a reason to visit a doctor

If gurgling and rumbling sounds are persistently heard after every meal, even when it is a snack of a small amount of light foods, there is a reason to go to a gastroenterologist. This symptom may indicate the presence of dysbiosis. As a result of disturbances in the microflora of the stomach and intestines, caused by an imbalance of the beneficial and harmful bacteria present in it, irritation of the walls of these organs occurs.

Associated symptoms may include:

  • constant bloating;
  • increased gas formation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • heartburn, belching.

Important! Regular rumbling in the upper abdomen before, after and during meals may be a sign of incipient gastritis. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Diseases that cause "noises" in the abdomen

There are a number of diseases and pathological problems in which seething in the stomach and intestines after eating can occur periodically or be present constantly. Only a doctor can determine the presence of the disease. And the sooner the patient goes for diagnostics, the sooner a diagnosis will be made and treatment will begin.

Seething in the abdomen may indicate the following pathologies:

Advice. If there is repeated bubbling in the abdominal area after eating, which bothers the patient, it is necessary to see a therapist or gastroenterologist. The doctor will refer you for examinations, thanks to which the cause will be identified. Diagnostics includes: stool examination, blood and urine sampling, ultrasound and x-ray, colonoscopy and other required procedures.

What could be the diagnosis?

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are the most common in the world. They are most often “neglected”, they are not in a hurry to visit a doctor, they try to cope on their own, taking laxatives for constipation, and binders for diarrhea. It has been very fashionable lately to cleanse the intestines and stomach from toxins at home using folk remedies. People go on cleansing diets, imagining that in this way they help the body improve the digestive process. All this, without the supervision of a specialist, can damage even a healthy stomach and intestines.

But there are a number of diseases that require immediate medical attention. Dysbacteriosis and gastritis dominate among them.

What kind of disease is dysbacteriosis?

This disease entails an imbalance of beneficial and harmful bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract. Beneficial microorganisms begin to be replaced by aggressive bacteria that disrupt digestive processes. The microflora of the intestines and stomach changes to pathogenic ones. The result is increased gas formation, flatulence, fermentation, loud seething and pain. Often the painful condition is accompanied by the urge to vomit and diarrhea.

Dysbacteriosis occurs for a number of reasons. One of them is taking antibiotics, which destroy intestinal flora.

Uncontrolled use of antibiotics is one of the reasons for the development of dysbiosis

If this disease is diagnosed, the doctor will prescribe medications to correct and restore flora and prescribe a diet that includes the entire range of fermented milk products.

Why is gastritis dangerous?

This disease is well known to many. Gastritis can form at any age due to any dietary disorders that are repeated systematically. If you refuse breakfast, drink caffeine-containing drinks on an empty stomach, periods of fasting are followed by overeating, and the food is not always healthy and of high quality, rumbling in the stomach may be a symptom of this disease.

Gastritis also contributes to:

By the way. With gastritis, seething in the stomach occurs almost constantly, but it is felt especially strongly when a person is lying on his left side. If you notice this sign, rush to a specialist to solve the problem. If gastritis is not treated, it can turn into an ulcer, which is much more difficult to get rid of.

Table. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.


Loud sounds coming from deep in the abdomen some time after finishing a meal may indicate intestinal irritation. In addition to rumbling, the disease is accompanied by unpleasant, often painful sensations in the intestinal tract, changes in the nature of bowel movements, difficulty passing feces, and flatulence.

Diarrhea combined with stomach turmoil may indicate an intestinal infection. The ailments are caused by expired products or food that has been poorly processed.

Rumbling in the abdomen, accompanied by frequent bowel movements, may indicate secretory or osmotic diarrhea. Osmotic is formed due to the consumption of foods that are indigestible by the body, for example lactose in case of individual intolerance. The secretory variety occurs due to the accumulation of water containing bacterial toxins in the intestinal lumen. As a result, watery stools and characteristic sounds are formed.

If the seething is accompanied by the active release of gases, this is flatulence, which is characteristic of those who, who do not monitor the quality of food, eat a lot of spicy and sour foods, dishes with synthetic ingredients, fatty foods, and hard-to-digest carbohydrates. In the cramped space of the intestines, excess gases form and accumulate, which cause sound formation in search of an outlet.

If, despite following a normal diet, after a normal dinner, your stomach begins to rumble at night, this may indicate the presence of colitis. It is difficult for the gastrointestinal system to cope with food loaded into it in the evening. It does not have time to be digested and absorbed before bedtime. If you have additional symptoms, such as night nausea and pain, you should visit a doctor.

If the rumbling is localized on the right, accompanied by belching with a sour taste, it can be assumed that pancreatitis or cholecystitis is occurring. For concomitant defecation disorders and painful sensations, consultation with a gastroenterologist is also necessary.

With sounds heard in the left side of the abdomen, it is possible that the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal system is increased. Food moves faster than is necessary for it to be digested. Fermentation processes are disrupted. This may indicate the presence of gastroenteritis.

It most often occurs as a result of food poisoning, but can begin due to the systematic consumption of poor quality water, or poisoning with toxic metals. Other possible causes are improper food handling and poor hygiene practices.

If you suffer from food allergies, this will be expressed not only visually, by redness and itching of the skin, and rashes on the body. When an allergen is consumed, the mucous membranes are also exposed to an allergic reaction, and the gurgling in the stomach intensifies.

How to treat stomach turmoil

Elimination of this phenomenon, associated with any pathology, is aimed at eliminating the cause and provoking factors. When the functioning of the gastrointestinal system is normalized, loud sounds will give way to a quiet rumbling, indicating normal digestive processes. For diseases of the stomach and intestines, antibiotic drugs can be prescribed, as well as a wide range of probiotic agents, enterosorbents and herbal preparations.

Important! Self-medication in case of gastrointestinal disease is contraindicated. Too many reasons can lead to active seething in the stomach, including serious diseases. Without an accurate diagnosis, self-administration of medications, especially antibiotics, can lead to exacerbation of the disease and side effects.

Preventive measures against stomach turmoil

You can prevent this unpleasant and sometimes dangerous phenomenon - loud gurgling in the stomach after eating - by following preventive measures. They should become rules, compliance with which will normalize digestion and help avoid many potential problems.

  1. Do not talk or gesture while eating.
  2. Do not swallow air with food, control your breathing, it should be shallow while eating.
  3. Eat slowly.
  4. Don't bite off large pieces.
  5. Chew your food well.

  6. Take care of your dental health.
  7. Balance your diet and do not deviate from healthy foods towards unhealthy foods.
  8. Minimize the consumption of foods that increase gas formation.
  9. Combine products correctly so as not to cause fermentation.

  10. Don't overeat.
  11. Don't go hungry.
  12. Avoid long gaps between meals.
  13. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, get up and walk around regularly.
  14. Do moderate exercise.
  15. Do not lie down immediately after eating.
  16. Don't overeat at night.
  17. Do not eat expired products.

  18. Do not swim in polluted waters.
  19. Avoid foods to which you are allergic.
  20. Do not get carried away with diets, especially without consulting a nutritionist.
  21. Do not cleanse your body on your own.
  22. Monitor the quality of the water you drink.
  23. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day.

How to get rid of a rumbling stomach

If your stomach or intestines periodically bother you with “indecent” sounds, but the gastroenterologist, fortunately, did not reveal any serious diseases as a result of the examination, it is worth establishing proper nutrition, which will become your way of life and the key to the health of the gastrointestinal system for many years.

  1. Diet is fundamental.
  2. The second “whale” of normal digestion is the regime.
  3. Plain water can improve the digestion process of food.

Reducing the proportion of fatty, spicy, sour, sweet, fried, smoked foods, fast food and harmful drinks in the diet will help reduce gas formation and reduce the level of “noise”.

At the same time, it is worth increasing the amount of cereals, vegetables, herbs, fruits, animal and vegetable protein, and among the cooking methods it is better to choose boiling, stewing, baking and steaming.

Combine foods correctly, follow the sequence of their consumption, and do not eat incompatible foods at the same time. Stick to your diet and don't skip meals.

What to give up

After the main meal, you do not need to immediately eat sweets or flour products. Fermentation may begin. The same thing will happen if you eat grapes or pears for dessert.

Confectionery products and sugar, if you suffer from stomach turmoil, should be completely excluded from your diet for a while, as well as sweeteners.

You should not consume milk and potatoes until digestion returns to normal. Limit legumes, and if you can’t give them up, cook them properly, with pre-soaking and long cooking. Avoid caffeine if possible. It is also advisable to exclude carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

What to include in your diet

Raw vegetables, especially green ones, onions and garlic, any greens and salads, as well as fruits, but the proportion of fruits should be ¼ of the proportion of vegetables.

Animal protein should be present in the diet in the form of fish, poultry, beef, offal and eggs. Add vegetable fats to your food.

Drink a glass of fermented milk product daily - kefir, ayran, fermented baked milk, yogurt or natural yogurt.

The preferred drinks are cranberry juice, 100% freshly squeezed apple juice and rosehip decoction.

Advice. You can use activated carbon to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. It absorbs gases and is a good absorbent.

About water

It is widely known that water is an essential component of our life and health. But when maintaining the body’s water balance by drinking enough clean water, do it according to the rules. Do not drink water immediately before, after or during meals. It dilutes gastric juice, which in low concentration copes worse with the digestion function.

But 40 minutes before breakfast, lunch or dinner, a glass of clean water will help activate the production of gastric juice. A glass of water an hour and a half after eating will remove toxins and normalize microflora.

Constant seething in the abdomen can not only cause social discomfort, but indicate a serious disease of the stomach or intestines, which will lead to problems for the whole body. After all, the gastrointestinal tract is an organ that is responsible for the normal functioning of all other organs. With its help, the body receives all the substances necessary for its smooth functioning. Pay attention to the growling of your stomach and gurgling in your intestines. And visit a specialist who will help you understand what your digestive tract is trying to “tell” you with these sounds.

Video - Why does your stomach growl?



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