Methods for assessing general physical performance of the general population. Psychology of professional performance

Methods for assessing human performance based on analysis of labor results are usually called direct methods . As direct indicators of work efficiency, the determination of the accuracy and speed of a person’s performance of individual, most important elements or operations that make up the structure of work activity is used. The identification of these elements or operations is made on the basis of a preliminary psychophysiological analysis of professional activity and compilation professiograms . At the same time, records are taken of indicators of labor productivity, quality of work, dynamics of errors in work and analysis of their psychophysiological essence. Direct methods are usually divided into elementary, operational and integral techniques.

Elementary techniques evaluate one complete, but extremely simple element of the operation (speed and quality of computer typing, mental calculation, viewing rows of numbers and letters, etc.). Their advantages are simplicity and the possibility of accurate quantitative accounting, and the disadvantages include the fact that the implementation of one element cannot yet fully characterize the quality of a person’s professional activity as a whole.

Operating techniques allow you to isolate and evaluate one section of the work algorithm, which consists of performing a complete set of elementary actions (calculating salaries by an accountant, editing a book by an editor, etc.). Their advantages are the possibility of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the real segment of work activity, the possibility of comparing the work of different specialists and the possibility of assessing group activity. The disadvantages include higher labor intensity and complexity of standardization.

Integral techniques evaluate the completed algorithm of professional activity. The strengths of such methods are that they are aimed at assessing the final effectiveness of the goal set for the employee and take into account the influence of the employee’s motivation on the results of his work, and the weaknesses are the cumbersomeness of these methods, the difficulty of reproducing the results, the complexity of the methods, the need for expert assessments, etc.

As indirect performance indicators In humans, the dynamics of indicators of the functional state of the body or the parameters of the course of psychological processes are most often used. Their assessment is carried out through objective measurements using physiological methods and tests, as well as based on the collection and analysis of data from the subjective state of mental and somatic functions. For example, SAN, Spielberger, etc. tests are used to subjectively assess a person’s psychological state.

When studying physical performance, they use method of dosed muscle loads created using a bicycle ergometer. In this case, a judgment about performance is made based on studying the dynamics of indicators of external respiration and the cardiovascular system.

Mental performance human beings are very diverse and difficult to assess. Conventionally, the work of a human operator can be divided into three types - sensory, sensorimotor and logical

In turn, sensorimotor work can be predominantly sensory or motor. Mental work of the logical type can be associated with the solution of standard problems, strictly defined by instructions, and with the solution of informal problems, modified depending on accompanying factors and under the condition of a lack of information

Human performance is a function of many variables and depends on the initial functional state of the person and the action of environmental factors in general and production factors in particular. In this regard, to evaluate it, a system of indicators is used that characterize both the quantitative and qualitative results of work, and the functional state of the employee. The performance assessment methodology requires mandatory compliance with certain rules:

● in each specific case, one should rely on indicators that are most adequate for a given type of work;

● do not limit yourself to one indicator, but use a complex of them;

● when analyzing indicators, take into account their normal shifts in connection with daily periodicity;

● quantitative indicators must be supplemented with qualitative ones.

To assess performance, three groups of indicators are used that characterize the results of production activities, physiological changes and changes in a person’s mental functions during the labor process. These are production, physiological and psychological indicators.

Production indicators include:

● labor productivity - production per unit of time;

● labor intensity of work - time spent on a production operation;

● quality of work (products) - presence of defects;

● loss of working time and equipment downtime due to the fault of the employee.

Note that qualitative indicators of work are more informative for assessing performance, since they largely depend on the functional state of the employee and decrease earlier due to fatigue than quantitative indicators.

Physiological indicators include:

● amount of energy consumption;

● pulse rate, stroke and minute blood volume;

● muscle strength;

● muscle endurance;

● time of sensorimotor reactions;

● respiratory rate, pulmonary ventilation, oxygen consumption coefficient;

● strength, mobility, balance of excitation and inhibition processes;

● critical frequency of fusion migtin;

● tremor (tremor of the motor part);

● skin temperature.

In addition to assessing the dynamics of these indicators during the working day, a qualitative assessment should be given, the criteria of which may be:

● performance indicators at maximum voltage;

● the amount of physiological costs per unit of work in the dynamics of the working day, that is, the unique coefficients of efficiency of the employee.

Psychological indicators include:

● attention (concentration, switching, distribution);

● thinking;

● memory;

● perception;

● emotional-volitional tension.

Assessment of performance based on production indicators is based on the use of economic and statistical methods, time-keeping observations, photographs of the working day and the use of equipment, photochrometry, and self-photography.

Production indicators characterize work efficiency and, indirectly, the level of performance. This is due to the fact that labor productivity and the functional state of an employee changes in different directions during a shift. Thus, labor productivity at the end of the shift may increase or remain at a high level, while the functional state gradually deteriorates. Labor productivity begins to decline with a significant development of fatigue, since in its initial stages compensation takes place due to the reserve capabilities of the body. In this regard, the study of the dynamics of the functional state using physiological methods is of particular importance. In this case, it is necessary to study at least three physiological systems or functions:

● the central nervous system, in particular the dynamics of cortical processes;

● key physiological functions for this type of work;

● functions that are least loaded.

To assess such properties of the central nervous system as excitability, strength and mobility of nervous processes, it is necessary to study:

● states of analyzers using the method of determining the critical flicker fusion frequency (CFFM);

● time of sensorimotor reaction using reflexometry.

The application of the method for determining the critical frequency of flicker fusion is based on the fact that the visual analyzer is characterized by a certain level of functional mobility. This level is measured by the maximum frequency of light flashes, at which they no longer differ as separate flashes, but a feeling of continuous light arises. In case of fatigue, this limiting frequency decreases and a person perceives as continuous light such flickering, which she previously clearly perceived as interrupted light. The flicker fusion frequency is measured in hertz.

The reflexometry method consists in the fact that the worker presses the key of the device (or releases the pressed button) in response to the action of a certain stimulus (light, sound). The time from the onset of the stimulus to the response is recorded by an electrosecondometer and characterizes the state of excitation of the higher parts of the brain.

Simple reaction time and recognition and choice reaction time are studied. A simple reaction is a reaction to one known signal. A choice response is a reaction to one of two or more signals. At the same time, a person must respond to each signal with a certain action.

The reaction time to a stimulus fluctuates during the work shift and is a statistical value. An increase in it indicates a decrease in performance, and in a state of high performance it decreases, but can never be less than a certain physiological limit.

Indicators of muscle strength and endurance are quite informative for assessing performance not only during physical, but also mental and nervously stressful work. Dynamometry methods are used to measure them. The worker makes several maximum pressures on the dynamometer handle and based on these data the average value of muscle strength is determined. The time (in seconds) holding 75% of maximum effort characterizes muscle endurance.

Accuracy and coordination of movements are studied using the coordinometer method. The worker is asked to quickly move the probe of the device along a certain path without deviating from it. Each deviation is recorded by the device. In this case, the task completion time, the total number of errors and their total duration are taken into account.

Tremor is studied in a similar way. In this case, the worker is asked to hold the pin in the round hole for 20 seconds without touching the walls. The hand is not fixed in anything. The number of touches in a state of high working capacity, as a rule, does not exceed 15.

The state of the cardiovascular system of workers is studied using electrocardiography, pulsometry and blood pressure measurements.

During the processing of the material, data on the stroke and minute volume of blood is obtained through appropriate calculations. When tired, blood pressure levels tend to decrease (not always). The pulse response to the same load is greater with significant fatigue. In this case, the recovery of the heart rate slows down.

The functional state of the human respiratory system during labor is assessed by the rhythm, frequency and depth of respiratory movements, as well as by determining the vital capacity of the lungs, minute volume of breathing, and maximum pulmonary ventilation. For this purpose, methods such as pneumography and spirometry are used.

Tidal volume and vital capacity of the lungs are determined using a spirometer. The minute volume of respiration is determined using the calculation method. Based on indicators of gas exchange and oxygen consumption, it is possible to calculate the energy required to perform work. However, these methods are quite complex and are almost never used in production.

The most accessible methods for studying human performance in a production environment are test methods. Using special tests, the properties of nervous processes (excitation and inhibition) and mental functions are studied - indicators of attention, memory, perception, emotional stress, etc.

In addition to objective methods of assessing performance, a survey method is used to study the subjective state of workers, during which they give an assessment of the amount of fatigue in points: no fatigue - 0, mild fatigue - 1, moderate - 2, strong - 3, very strong - 4 points.

The indicators obtained in the dynamics of the working day have different natural measurements and qualitative characteristics. Thus, in some cases, an increase in the value of the indicator indicates an increase in a person’s performance, in others - a decrease. Therefore, standardization of indicators is necessary, which is carried out as follows.

For each indicator, based on the resulting dynamic series, its average value is calculated:

where n is the number of measurements.

After this, the natural values ​​of the indicators are expressed in standardized indicators (x). To do this, each value of the time series must be divided by the average value and multiplied by 100.

Calculations are carried out similarly for all other indicators. At the same time, indicators of functions that increase with a decrease in working capacity must be transformed into inverse values. To do this, you need to subtract 100 from each indicator; then reverse the sign and add 100 again.

The resulting dynamic series of standardized indicators characterizing the dynamics of individual functions of an employee during a work shift.

To assess the integral indicator of performance at each moment of observation, it is necessary to find the arithmetic mean of the standardized indicators of all functions at this moment using the formula

The integral performance indicators for each moment of observation are calculated in a similar way and are used to construct a performance curve during the work shift.

To evaluate the integral indicator, the method of non-parametric statistics is also used, which allows you to combine indicators obtained by different methods (for example, the indicator of CVM, static muscle endurance, hand strength, sensorimotor reaction time, etc.). To do this, the number of cases in which there were no shifts compared to the initial indicators α, the number of cases of improvement in indicators β and the number of cases of deterioration in indicators γ are recorded.

The integral indicator of performance at each moment of observation is calculated using the formula

When studying the performance of a group of workers, the given formula calculates the change indicator for each function at each moment of observation Ki. The integral indicator of changes in the functional state of workers at the time of each observation is calculated using the formula

where n is the number of studied functions for which individual coefficients were calculated.

The values ​​of the Ki and Kint coefficients vary from +1 to -1. The minus sign indicates a deterioration in the functional state of the employee’s body.

Hypokinesia and its negative impact on the functional state of the body in children and adults. Physiological justification for the use of physical activity for health purposes.

The state of low motor activity of a person, accompanied by a limitation in the amplitude, volume and tempo of movements, is called hypokinesia. The development of the disease is possible against the background of mental and neurological disorders, including parkinsonism, and similar extrapyramidal syndromes, as well as catatonic, depressive and apathetic stupor. A person’s sedentary lifestyle or low work activity directly affects the development of the disease. The consequence of work associated with monotony of movements, low level of expenditure on muscle work, lack of movement or the local nature of muscle activity, in which a person is forced to remain in a fixed position for a long time, is often not only hypokinesia, but also physical inactivity. The disease can also occur against the background of intense work activity associated with the monotonous work of a certain muscle group (cashiers, programmers, accountants, operators, etc.). To determine the degree of hypokinesia in medical practice, it is customary to take into account the patient’s energy expenditure, calculated by determining the amount of energy that was expended on muscle activity in a short period of time. The degree of the disease can vary - from a slight limitation of physical activity to its complete cessation. Hypokinesia and its consequences Hypokinesia has a negative impact on the functional activity of internal organs and body systems, the patient's resistance to adverse environmental factors decreases, strength and endurance decrease. The consequence of hypokinesia is a deterioration in human health, disruption of the cardiovascular system, the patient’s heart rate drops, ventilation of the lungs decreases, changes occur in the vascular system, leading to stagnation of blood in the capillaries and small veins. As a result of these processes, swelling of various parts of the body occurs, stagnation occurs in the liver and the absorption of substances in the intestine decreases. Hypokinesia and its consequences also have a negative impact on the functioning of the joints - they lose their mobility due to a decrease in the amount of joint fluid. Physical inactivity and hypokinesia lead to the following negative consequences from various body systems: Decreased performance and functional state of the body; Atrophy, loss of muscle weight and volume, deterioration of their contractility and blood supply, replacement of muscle tissue with fat, as well as loss of protein; Weakening of the tendon-ligament apparatus, poor posture and the development of flat feet; Loss of intercentral connections in the central nervous system due to hypokinesia, changes in the emotional and mental spheres, deterioration in the functioning of sensory systems; The development of hypotension, which significantly reduces a person’s physical and mental performance; Decrease in indicators of maximum pulmonary ventilation, vital capacity of the lungs, depth and volume of breathing; Atrophy of the heart muscle, deterioration of myocardial nutrition and blood flow from the lower extremities to the heart, a decrease in its volume, as well as an increase in the time of blood circulation. According to statistics, almost 50% of men and 75% of women suffer from hypokinesia, and among residents of northern countries these figures are higher than in other regions. Prevention of hypokinesia Regardless of health status, absolutely all people are recommended to follow the principles of proper nutrition and regularly exercise in order to lead a normal lifestyle. To prevent physical inactivity and hypokinesia, people whose work activities are not related to physical labor are recommended to exercise daily, walk, run, swim, ride a bike, etc. During breaks between work, it is necessary to do a light warm-up, it is important to improve the workplace, purchase a chair with a fixed back, and often change your position when working sedentarily. It is important to make it a rule not to use the elevator or public transport if you need to travel a short distance; even such a seemingly insignificant load will help improve a person’s physical condition. Treatment of hypokinesia With a low degree of hypokinesia, a person will only need to increase the level of physical activity - regularly engage in any sport. In more severe cases, if hypokinesia is a consequence of another disease, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused it. In some cases, treatment of hypokinesia is possible only in combination with physical activity and drug therapy. Often, medications are prescribed that work at the level of neurotransmitters, improving neuromuscular conduction and regulating muscle tone. In the early stages of hypokinesia, especially in patients with Parkinson's disease, dopaminergic drugs may be prescribed, which become ineffective as their use increases. Hypokinesia is a person’s low physical activity, which may be associated with a passive lifestyle or sedentary work, or occurs against the background of other diseases, including depressive conditions. Hypokinesia and its consequences negatively affect a person’s health in general, jeopardize their normal lifestyle, and also affect the psychological state of the patient. Prevention of the disease includes both a person’s adherence to the principles of a healthy diet and regular aerobic and strength exercise. Treatment of hypokinesia is a complex therapy that includes a gradual increase in the patient’s physical activity (physical activity) and the prescription of a number of medications, depending on the degree of the disease.

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Section 1 Methods for assessing physical performance

Method 1: Changing your maximum oxygen consumption (VO2)

Method 2: PWC170 Physical Performance Test

Method 3: Harvard Step Test

Method 4: Test "20 squats in 30 seconds"

Method 5: Breath tests

Method 6: Determining a person's biological age

Section 2. Methods for increasing physical performance

Section 3: Physical education means that provide increased physical performance


Physical exercise is a very powerful means of changing a person’s physical and mental state. Properly organized classes strengthen health, improve physical development, increase physical fitness and performance, and improve the functional systems of the human body. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the uncontrolled and unsystematic use of physical education means is ineffective, and in some cases can cause irreparable harm to health, and everyone can give many examples of this: fractures, sprains, bruises. Therefore, it is important to remember that everything must be approached, first of all, wisely.

Science has proven more than once that a person who regularly engages in sports and physical exercise is less susceptible to illness, recovers faster from illnesses, and feels better both physically and, as previously written, emotionally. And people who are healthy both in body and spirit have greater efficiency than the average person.

So, let's take a closer look at what human physical performance is.

Physical performance is associated with a certain amount of muscle work that can be performed without reducing a given (or established at the maximum level for a given individual) level of functioning of the body. With an insufficient level of physical activity, muscle atrophy occurs, which inevitably entails a bunch of diseases. Physical performance is a complex concept and is determined by the following factors:

Morphofunctional state of human organs and systems;

Mental status, motivation, etc.

A conclusion about physical performance can only be drawn on the basis of a comprehensive assessment.

In practice, physical performance is determined using functional tests. For this purpose, science has proposed more than 200 different tests.

The most widely used tests are tests with 20 squats in 30-40 s; 3 minute run in place. However, it is difficult to objectively judge a person’s physical performance based on the results obtained. This is explained by the following reasons: firstly, the information obtained allows us to only qualitatively characterize the body’s response to the load; secondly, exact reproduction of any of the samples is impossible, which leads to errors in the assessment; thirdly, each of the tests, when assessing performance, is associated with the inclusion of a limited muscle mass, which makes it impossible to maximize the functions of all body systems. It has been established that the most complete picture of the mobilized functional reserves of the body can be compiled under load conditions in which at least 2/3 of the muscle mass is involved. Quantitative determination of performance is of great importance when organizing the process of physical education and educational and training work, when developing motor regimens for training, treatment and rehabilitation of patients, when determining the degree of disability, etc. To assess physical performance in sports, medical and pedagogical practice, special tests are used. devices; bicycle ergometers, stepergometers (climbing steps, stepping), treadmill running (treadmill).

Most often, changes in the level of physical performance are judged by changes in maximum oxygen consumption. (IPC).

Section 1. Methods for assessing physical performance

physical performance oxygen pulse

Method1 : Change in maximum oxygen consumption (VO2)

It is known from physiology that the main indicator of the aerobic capacity of the body is the amount of oxygen consumed per unit of time (maximum oxygen consumption - MOC).

Since the share of aerobic (with the participation of oxygen) energy production is predominant in the total amount of energy metabolism, it is the maximum value of the aerobic capabilities of the body that is the main criterion for human physical health and vitality.

Maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) expresses the maximum throughput capacity of the oxygen transport system for a given person and depends on gender, age, physical fitness and body condition.

Maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) is the amount of oxygen that the body is able to absorb (consume) per unit of time (taken in 1 minute).

This should not be confused with the amount of oxygen that a person inhales through the lungs, because... only part of this oxygen ultimately reaches the organs. It is clear that the more the body is able to absorb oxygen, the more energy it produces, which is spent both on maintaining the internal needs of the body and on performing external work.

The question arises: is it really the amount of oxygen absorbed by the body per unit of time that is the factor that limits our performance and determines the level of human physical health? As strange as it may seem at first glance, this is exactly so. Now we need to figure out what the value of maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) depends on.

Since the mechanism of this process is the absorption of oxygen from the environment, its delivery to the organs and the consumption of oxygen by the organs themselves (mainly skeletal muscles), the maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) will depend mainly on two factors: the function of the oxygen transport system and the ability of skeletal muscles absorb incoming oxygen.

In turn, the oxygen transport system includes the external respiration system, the blood system and the cardiovascular system. Each of these systems contributes to the maximum oxygen consumption (MOC), and disruption of any link in this chain can immediately negatively affect the entire process.

The connection between the value of BMD and health status was first discovered by the American doctor Cooper. It showed that people with a maximum oxygen consumption level of 42 ml/min/kg and above do not suffer from chronic diseases and have blood pressure levels within normal limits.

Moreover, a close relationship was established between the maximum oxygen consumption and risk factors for coronary heart disease: the higher the level of aerobic capacity (MOC), the better the blood pressure, cholesterol metabolism and body weight. The minimum limit value of maximum oxygen consumption for men is 42 ml/min/kg, for women - 35 ml/min/kg, which is designated as a safe level of human somatic health.

Methods for determining MIC: direct and indirect. The direct method for determining MOC is based on a person performing a load whose intensity is equal to or greater than his critical power. It is unsafe for the person being examined, as it is associated with extreme stress on the body’s functions. More often they use indirect methods of determination, based on indirect calculations and the use of low load power. Indirect methods for determining MIC include the Astrand method; determination using the Dobeln formula; by the value of PWC170 using the formulas proposed by V.L. Karpman et al.

Method 2: PWC170 Physical Performance Test

A number of physiological tests are based on measuring heart rate. Scientific approaches to using heart rate to quantify performance were formulated more than 50 years ago by Swedish researchers Sjostrand and Wahlund, who studied the working conditions of miners. Even earlier, the largest English physiologist, Nobel Prize winner A. Hill proved that in a fairly wide range of loads, the pulse rate linearly depends on the power (intensity) of work.

This means that the increase in heart rate during work is proportional to the increase in work power. The Swedes found out that the more trained and efficient a person is, the more stable his heart rate will be with increasing power. It was proposed to take 170 beats/min as such a standard value, because at a higher pulse frequency the linearity of its dependence on power is violated.

Later, the Russian scientist Professor V.L. Karpman and his colleagues showed that a young trained person with a pulse of 170 beats/min. the heart works with maximum efficiency, and as power increases, heart performance decreases. Therefore V.L. Karpman also recommended measuring physical performance at a heart rate of 170 beats per minute. He also proposed a relatively simple way to measure this indicator, taking advantage of the fact that the dependence of heart rate on power is linear, and therefore obeys a simple equation of the form

If you measure the pulse rate during two successive loads offered to a person, then it is easy to further calculate the power at which the pulse reaches 170 beats/min.

The value of this power is called PWC170 - after the first letters of the English words Physical Working Capacity - physical performance.

That is, the PWC170 test is based on the principle that there is a linear relationship between heart rate (HR) and exercise power. This allows you to determine the amount of mechanical work at which the heart rate reaches 170, by plotting a graph and linear extrapolation of the data, or by calculating using the formula proposed by V. L. Karpman et al. A heart rate of 170 beats per minute corresponds to the beginning of the zone of optimal functioning of the cardiorespiratory system.

In addition, this heart rate disrupts the linear nature of the relationship between heart rate and physical work power. According to modern concepts, the meaning of the PWC170 test is much broader than just characterizing aerobic capabilities. Any increase in the capabilities of the body’s energy systems leads to an increase in PWC170, and an improvement in the regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems also leads to this. The load can be performed on a bicycle ergometer, on a step (step test), as well as in any available form. But the PWC170 test also has its drawbacks. The main one is that this test does not characterize the amount of work that can be performed under a certain voltage of physiological systems.

A large value of PWC170 does not mean that a person can maintain the corresponding load power longer. In addition, the results of the PWC170 test characterize aerobic power, but do not say anything about the magnitude of anaerobic power (speed), that is, they do not characterize performance in zones of maximum and submaximal intensity. Therefore, among the strongest people - weightlifters and wrestlers - the PWC170 value is usually not at all large. The amount of physical performance determines how much load a person can withstand in a limited (small) time interval.

Method 3: Harvard Step Test

During World War II, this test was developed by specialists from the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University (USA) in order to assess the health of recruits going to the front. A step is required to perform this test. Its height, according to the authors’ recommendations, should be 35 cm for children 8-12 years old, 40-45 cm for adolescents 12-18 years old, 50.8 cm for men and 43 cm for women. These parameters are approximate, it is important to maintain the same step height for a given subject over several consecutive measurements so that the data are comparable.

The frequency of rises per step is 30 times per minute (under a metronome), the duration can vary, but should not be less than 2 minutes for children and 4-5 minutes for adults. During the recovery period, with the subject sitting, the pulse rate is measured in 30-second segments at the beginning of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th minutes after completion of the load. When calculating the Harvard Step Test index, the time spent performing a fixed load and heart rate during the recovery period are taken into account. Since the faster the pulse recovers, the longer a person can work, this indicator most likely characterizes a person’s endurance. In this case, endurance can be defined as the ability to maintain a working state for a long time.

Method 4: Test "20 squats in 30 seconds"

A person rests while sitting for 3 minutes. Then the heart rate (HR) is calculated for 15 s, recalculated to 1 min. and blood pressure (BP) (baseline rate and pressure). Next, perform 20 deep squats in 30 seconds, raising your arms forward with each squat, spreading your knees to the sides, keeping your torso upright. Immediately after squats, in a sitting position, heart rate is again calculated for 15 seconds, recalculated to 1 minute, and blood pressure. An increase in heart rate and blood pressure after squats is determined compared to the initial one. Restoring heart rate after exercise. To characterize the recovery period after performing 20 squats in 30 s, the heart rate is calculated for 15 s at the 3rd minute. recovery, recalculation is made for 1 minute. and by the difference in heart rate before exercise and during the recovery period, the ability of the cardiovascular system to recover is assessed.

This test can be used to evaluate the body's response to physical activity.

Method 5: Breath tests

The Stange test characterizes the time during which the human body uses up the entire supply of oxygen located in the entire volume of the lungs when holding the breath.

In a sitting position, the subject takes a deep breath and exhales, then inhales again (approximately 80% of the maximum), closes his mouth and pinches his nose with his fingers, holding his breath. The stopwatch records the time you hold your breath.

The Genchi test characterizes the time during which the body can do without the use of external oxygen, including from the lungs. That is, this test evaluates the efficiency of oxygen consumption.

In a sitting position, the subject inhales, then exhales and holds his breath. If this test is carried out after another breathing test, it is necessary to take a break of 5-7 minutes.

The results of breathing tests are strongly influenced by a person's pulse. When there is a lack of oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body, the body automatically accelerates blood flow by increasing heart contractions. At the same time, the blood quickly transfers all the oxygen from the lungs to the tissues that consume it. Therefore, to assess the baseline level of oxygen consumption, you should try to take a few minutes of passive rest before performing breathing tests.

Method 6: Determining a person's biological age

Age is a concept that concerns every person. The age of 25 means that your whole life is ahead of you. And the age of 70 for any person means that life is nearing the end. When we hear that such and such a person is 70 years old, we mentally imagine the image of an elderly person, characteristic of most people of this age: a wrinkled face, gray, sparse hair, loose skin of the face and neck, a bouquet of diseases of older people. In most cases, a person’s appearance corresponds to the years they have lived. But sometimes there is a discrepancy between a person’s appearance and his age. People can look older or younger than their age. One person at 50 years old still looks surprisingly young, while another has numerous signs of premature aging. There is an expression: “Grief crushed him.” It has been noticed that negative emotions (anxiety, worries, grief) lead to premature, accelerated aging of the body. For example, when a widowed person quickly ages and becomes decrepit. Longing and deep sadness for a deceased loved one sometimes in a short time turns a once young and full of energy woman literally into a lonely, wrinkled old woman.

Harsh, unfavorable living conditions and constant hard physical labor do not harden, but wear out the body prematurely. It also happens the other way around. This is when a person looks much younger than his age. For example, P. Bragg, known to many, from his book “The Miracle of Fasting.” At 94 years old, he looked 60 years old and was physically active. Bragg surfed (riding on a board), he swam, and ran several kilometers a day. After his tragic death, at the autopsy, pathologists noted that the condition of the internal organs and blood vessels was consistent with 30 years of age. An example confirming the relativity of calendar age are numerous facts of real rejuvenation of people, obtained by the author in practice over a number of years.

Facts of rejuvenation were recorded by determining biological age, which decreased significantly after rejuvenation occurred (the method for determining biological age was developed at the Institute of Gerontology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences). Age 25 years, 50 years is a temporary division of a person’s life expectancy, called calendar or passport age.

Calendar age refers to how many years a person has lived. In addition, there is the concept of biological age. This is the true age of the human body, showing how old a person really is.

Biological age shows the age of a person's body (how old the body has truly aged). The age of a person's body usually does not coincide with calendar age. The “wear and tear” of the body is not expressed equally in all people and does not occur at the same rate in all people. The body of a 40-year-old person can correspond in health to the body of a 20-30-year-old.

Why can people of the same calendar age (for example, 45 years old) look completely different? After all, the body itself ages very slowly. To truly age, the body needs at least 100 years.

A person's consciousness ages his body. A person who looks much older than his age apparently lives his life very consciously, worries about everything, and does not allow “childish thoughts and actions.” We have all met such “adult” people, when even in the presence of this person - your peer, you feel like a teenager in comparison with him.

The vitality of our body is determined not by the years lived, but by the degree of wear and tear of the body. As long as the internal organs and systems work normally and interact with each other, a balanced metabolism is maintained, and old cells are renewed, the body exists.

From a biological point of view, the aging process of the body is a very slow process. Death most often occurs not from the natural aging of the body itself, but from diseases accompanying it. (V.V. Gusev)

Due to the fact that the body constantly renews itself and restores itself, biological age can either increase or decrease (this differs from calendar age, which always increases). The body is always afraid of two processes - restoration and aging (destruction or change of cells). Which of them will come out in front is determined mainly by the living conditions of a person. Therefore, it is very important to determine the biological age of a person in a timely manner to prevent premature wear and tear of the cells and tissues of one’s body.

Section 2. Methods for increasing physical performance

Having considered some methods for assessing physical performance, we will next consider methods for increasing it.

Considering physical exercises as one of the main means of optimizing physical activity, it should be recognized that at the present stage the real physical activity of the population does not meet the adult social demands of the physical education movement and does not guarantee an effective increase in the physical condition of the population. Systems of specially organized forms of muscular activity, providing for an increase in physical condition to the proper level of “conditioning”, are called “conditioning training” or “health training”. Methods of such training vary in frequency, power and volume.

There are three methods of such training:

The first method involves the predominant use of cyclic exercises (walking, running, swimming, cycling), carried out continuously for 30 minutes or more.

The second method involves the use of speed-strength exercises (uphill running, sports games, stretching exercises, resistance exercises, exercise machines), work activity from 15 seconds to 3 minutes with a number of repetitions 3-5 times with rest periods.

The third method uses an integrated approach to the use of physical exercises that stimulate both aerobic and anaerobic performance and improve motor qualities.

Section 3: Physical education facilities that provide increasedlack of physical performance

The main means of physical culture is physical exercise. There is a physiological classification of exercises, in which all the diverse muscle activities are combined into separate groups of exercises according to physiological characteristics.

The body's resistance to adverse factors depends on congenital and acquired properties. It is very mobile and can be trained both through muscular exercise and various external influences (temperature fluctuations, lack or excess of oxygen, carbon dioxide). It has been noted, for example, that physical training by improving physiological mechanisms increases resistance to overheating, hypothermia, hypoxia, and the effects of certain toxic substances, reduces morbidity and increases performance. Trained skiers, when their bodies are cooled to 35°C, maintain high performance. If untrained people are unable to perform work when their temperature rises to 37-38°C, then trained people successfully cope with the load even when their body temperature reaches 39°C or more.

People who regularly and actively engage in physical exercise increase their mental, mental and emotional resilience when performing strenuous mental or physical activities.

The main physical (or motor) qualities that ensure a high level of human physical performance include strength, speed and endurance, which manifest themselves in certain proportions depending on the conditions for performing a particular motor activity, its nature, specificity, duration, power and intensity . To these physical qualities should be added flexibility and dexterity, which largely determine the success of certain types of physical exercises.

The diversity and specificity of the effects of exercise on the human body can be understood by familiarizing yourself with the physiological classification of physical exercise (from the point of view of sports physiologists). It is based on certain physiological classification characteristics that are inherent in all types of muscle activity included in a specific group. Thus, according to the nature of muscle contractions, muscle work can be static or dynamic in nature. Muscle activity while maintaining a stationary position of the body or its parts, as well as muscle exercise while holding a load without moving it, is characterized as static work (static effort). Static efforts are characterized by maintaining various body postures, and muscle efforts during dynamic work are associated with movements of the body or its parts in space.

A significant group of physical exercises is performed under strictly constant (standard) conditions both in training and in competitions; motor acts are performed in a certain sequence. Within the framework of a certain standardization of movements and the conditions for their implementation, the execution of specific movements is improved with the manifestation of strength, speed, endurance, and high coordination when performing them.

There is also a large group of physical exercises, the peculiarity of which is their non-standard, inconsistent conditions for their implementation, in a changing situation that requires an instant motor reaction (martial arts, sports games). Two large groups of physical exercises associated with standard or non-standard movements, in turn, are divided into exercises (movements) of a cyclic nature (walking, running, swimming, rowing, skating, skiing, cycling, etc.) and acyclic exercises nature (exercises without the obligatory continuous repetition of certain cycles that have a clearly defined beginning and end of the movement: jumping, throwing, gymnastic and acrobatic elements, lifting weights).

What cyclic movements have in common is that they all represent work of constant and variable power with varying durations. The diverse nature of the movements does not always make it possible to accurately determine the power of the work performed (i.e., the amount of work per unit of time associated with the strength of muscle contractions, their frequency and amplitude); in such cases, the term “intensity” is used. The maximum duration of work depends on its power, intensity and volume, and the nature of the work is associated with the process of fatigue in the body. If the power of work is high, then its duration is short due to the rapid onset of fatigue, and vice versa.

When working cyclically, sports physiologists distinguish a zone of maximum power (the duration of work does not exceed 20-30 s, and fatigue and decreased performance mostly occur within 10-15 s); submaximal (from 20-30 to 3-5 s); large (from 3-5 to 30-50 minutes) and moderate (duration 50 minutes or more).

The characteristics of functional changes in the body when performing various types of cyclic work in different power zones determine the sports result. For example, the main characteristic feature of work in the zone of maximum power is that muscle activity occurs in oxygen-free (anaerobic) conditions. The power of work is so great that the body is not able to ensure its completion through oxygen (aerobic) processes. If such power was achieved through oxygen reactions, then the circulatory and respiratory organs would have to ensure the delivery of more than 40 liters of oxygen per minute to the muscles. But even in a highly qualified athlete, with full strengthening of respiratory and circulatory function, oxygen consumption can only approach the indicated figure.

During the first 10-20 seconds of work, oxygen consumption per 1 minute reaches only 1-2 liters. Therefore, the work of maximum power is performed “in debt”, which is eliminated after the end of muscular activity.

The processes of breathing and blood circulation during work of maximum power do not have time to intensify to a level that provides the required amount of oxygen to give energy to the working muscles. During sprinting, only a few shallow breaths are taken, and sometimes such running is performed while holding the breath completely.

At the same time, the afferent and efferent parts of the nervous system function with maximum tension, causing fairly rapid fatigue of the cells of the central nervous system. The reason for fatigue of the muscles themselves is associated with a significant accumulation of anaerobic metabolic products and depletion of energy substances in them. The main mass of energy released during maximum power operation is formed due to the energy of the breakdown of ATP and CP. The oxygen debt, eliminated during the recovery period after work performed, is used for oxidative resynthesis (reduction) of these substances.

The decrease in power and increase in work duration is due to the fact that in addition to the anaerobic reactions of energy supply to muscle activity, the processes of aerobic energy formation also unfold. This increases (up to complete satisfaction of the need) the supply of oxygen to the working muscles. Thus, when performing work in a zone of relatively moderate power (long and ultra-long distance running), the level of oxygen consumption can reach approximately 85% of the maximum possible. In this case, part of the oxygen consumed is used for the oxidative resynthesis of ATP, CP and carbohydrates.

With prolonged (sometimes many hours) work of moderate power, the body's carbohydrate reserves (glycogen) are significantly reduced, which leads to a decrease in blood glucose, negatively affecting the activity of nerve centers, muscles and other working organs. To replenish the body's carbohydrate reserves during long runs and swims, special nutrition is provided with solutions of sugar, glucose, and juices.

Acyclic movements do not have a continuous repeatability of cycles and are stereotypically the following phases of movements with a clear completion. To perform them, it is necessary to show strength, speed, and high coordination of movements (movements of a power and speed-power nature). The success of performing these exercises is associated with the manifestation of either maximum strength, or speed, or a combination of both, and depends on the required level of functional readiness of the body systems as a whole.

The means of physical culture include not only physical exercise, but also the healing forces of nature (sun, air and water), hygienic factors (work, sleep, nutrition, sanitary and hygienic conditions). The use of the healing powers of nature helps to strengthen and activate the body's defenses, stimulates metabolism and the activity of physiological systems and individual organs. To increase the level of physical and mental performance, you need to be in the fresh air, give up bad habits, exercise physical activity, and do hardening. Systematic physical exercises in conditions of intense educational activity relieve neuropsychic stress, and systematic muscular activity increases the mental, mental and emotional stability of the body during intense educational work.


In the modern rhythm of life, people think less and less about their lifestyle. How he distributes his strength, how much he sleeps, what he eats. Sports activities do not even fade into the background or into the background. And violations of biological “attitudes”, short-term or untimely sleep, eating whenever necessary, smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, all this leads to a decline in vitality, health, and, as a result, a decrease in physical performance. Also, daily stress causes a strong blow to a person’s emotional state, and the mental and physical state are interconnected; a person who is in a depressed, stressed state least of all thinks about his physical health. The opposite is also true: a person affected by the disease is depressed, inactive, and melancholy. So, it is impossible to clearly divide performance into physical and mental (psychological), because everything in the body is interconnected, and as the saying goes: “A healthy body, a healthy mind,” you can also say that: “A strong mind, a healthy body.” .

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There is a group of methods that allows you to integrally assess physical performance - maximum performance.

Performance depends on:

· development of muscle mass;

· capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

· level of transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Assessment methods include:

· two-stage Master test or step test;

· bicycle ergometry (increasing loads or stepped loads);

· squat tests (Letunov test).

Student performance and factors influencing it

Students' study time averages 52-58 hours per week, including lectures, seminars, practical classes and self-study. A student's daily study load is 8-9 hours and his working day is one of the longest. At the same time, more than half of students (up to 57%) do not know how to plan their time budget and engage in self-study also on weekends and holidays. In addition, self-study during part of the semester is not carried out by many students and is compensated by excessively intensive work during the examination period. At the same time, the recovery processes in many of them are defective due to insufficient sleep, little time in the fresh air, insufficient attention to physical education and sports, and for some due to irregular or poor nutrition.

One of the most important conditions for successful academic work is good mental performance. Performance in educational activities largely depends on the personality and temperament of the student, and the characteristics of his nervous system.

The success of learning may be due to such a typological characteristic as “perseverance”, which is possessed to a greater extent by persons with a predominance of internal and external inhibition. Work that requires great concentration of attention is more successfully performed by students who have a weak nervous system with a predominance of external inhibition or balance, as well as inertia of nervous processes. Tasks that do not require intense attention are better performed by persons with inertia of excitation, great strength of the nervous system, and a predominance of internal inhibition.

When performing academic work of a monotonous nature, people with a strong nervous system experience a faster decline in performance than students with a weak nervous system. For students focused on the systematic assimilation of educational information, the process and curve of forgetting it after passing the exam is characterized by a slow decline. Those students who systematically did not work during the semester, but studied a large amount of material in a short time in preparation for exams, experienced a sharp decline in the process of forgetting it.

Patterns of changes in students’ performance during the learning process

In the conditions of educational and work activity, students’ performance undergoes changes that reveal certain patterns. They can be observed throughout the day, week, throughout the semester and the academic year as a whole. The severity and other characteristics of these changes are determined both by the functional state of the student’s body before starting work, and by the characteristics of the work itself, its organization and other factors.

There are six periods during the school day.

1. The first period - the period of working in - is characterized by low labor productivity. At the beginning of the lesson, the student cannot immediately concentrate and actively engage in work. It takes at least 10-15 minutes, and sometimes more, before performance reaches its optimal level. This period is characterized by a gradual increase in performance with slight fluctuations.

2. The second period - the period of optimal, stable performance - is manifested by changes in body functions that are most adequate to the educational activity being performed. Its duration can be 1.5-3 hours.

3. The third period – full compensation – is characterized by the appearance of initial signs of fatigue, which can be compensated for by volitional efforts in the presence of positive motivation.

4. The fourth period is manifested by unstable compensation, increasing fatigue, and fluctuations in volitional effort. The productivity of educational activities during this period noticeably decreases. At the same time, functional changes may manifest themselves more noticeably in those organs, systems and mental functions that are of decisive importance within the framework of a student’s specific educational activity, or which have less compensatory capabilities for a given student. Therefore, in some, disturbances may manifest themselves more noticeably in the visual analyzer, in others in a decrease in the stability of attention, in others in difficulty in active memorization or a decrease in the ability to solve problems due to insufficient working memory.

5. The fifth period is characterized by a progressive decrease in performance. Before the end of work, it can be replaced by a short-term increase due to the mobilization of the body’s reserves (the state of “final impulse”).

6. The sixth period is characterized by a further decrease in work productivity if it is forced to continue, which is a consequence of a decrease in mental performance.

If the students’ school day is not limited only to classroom studies, but also includes self-study, then two peaks of performance are found, one of which occurs at 12 o’clock, and the second at 22 o’clock, with a minimum of performance in the middle of the day (16-18 o’clock). The presence of a second increase in performance during self-training is explained not only by the daily rhythm, but also by the psychological attitude towards completing educational work. It should be recognized that fluctuations in mental performance are very significant and individual. It is necessary to experimentally establish your own optimal load, remembering that two hours before bedtime are the most unproductive in terms of remembering information received at this time.

Student performance during the school week

During the week there are three periods.

1. The first period - the beginning of the week (Monday) - is characterized by low performance, since there is a period of working in, the process of entering the usual mode of academic work after resting on a day off.

2. The second period - the middle of the week (Tuesday-Thursday) - is characterized by the most stable and high performance.

3. The third period - the end of the week (Friday, Saturday) - is manifested by a process of decreased performance. In some cases, on Saturday there is an increase in efficiency, the development of a state of “final impulse”.

The typical performance curve may change if there is a factor of neuro-emotional stress that accompanies work over a number of days. If students at the beginning of the week have to experience increased academic loads (colloquia, tests, tests) for two or three days in a row, then by the end of the period of intense work there may be a decrease in mental performance.

On subsequent days of the week, characterized by normal loads, these loads are perceived by students as light, and they effectively stimulate recovery. Deviation from the typical dynamics of performance during the school week can also be caused by an increase in the number of training sessions above the usual, up to 8 - 10 academic hours per day.

During the week, changes in physical performance are also observed, similar to changes in mental performance.

Student performance by semester and overall for the academic year

During the first semester, four periods of changes in the state of performance can be distinguished.

1. The first period - the period of working in - is characterized by a gradual increase in the level of performance, which decreased during the holidays, which lasts up to 3-3.5 weeks.

2. The second period - the period of stable performance - is manifested by maximum performance, the duration of which is up to 2.5 months.

3. The third period - the period of the test session in December - is manifested by the beginning of a decrease in performance, caused by an increase in daily workload to an average of 11-13 hours in combination with pronounced emotional experiences.

4. The fourth period - the period of exams - is characterized by a further decrease in the performance curve.

It is absolutely clear that an even distribution of the academic load and final control points throughout the semester (the so-called cyclic method) allows you to maintain optimal performance and avoid peak emotional stress during the examination session.

During the winter holidays, performance is restored to its original level, and if the rest is accompanied by the active use of physical education and sports, the phenomenon of hyper-restoration of performance is observed.

During the second semester, four periods of changes in the state of performance can also be distinguished.

1. The first period is the warm-up period - the period of restoration of reduced performance after the session and vacation, but its duration does not exceed 1.5 weeks.

2. The second period - the period of stable performance - is manifested by maximum performance, which remains at a high level until mid-April.

3. The third period - the beginning of a decline in performance - appears from mid-April; the decrease is due to the cumulative effect of all negative factors in the life of students accumulated during the academic year.

4. The fourth period - the period of the test session and exams - is characterized by a more pronounced decrease in performance than in the first half of the year.

Following this logic, a lighter session should be provided in the summer and a more intense one in the winter.

During the summer holidays, the recovery process begins, but it is characterized by a slower pace of recovery than during the winter holidays, due to a significantly more pronounced level of fatigue.

Factors that reduce students' performance during the examination period

The noted decrease in students' performance during exams is a consequence of the influence of a large number of unfavorable factors.

First of all, during the exam period the volume, duration and intensity of students’ academic work sharply increase, and all the forces of the body are mobilized. During the exam period, with an average duration of self-study of 8-9 hours a day, the intensity of mental work increases, in relation to the period of training sessions, by 85-100%. At the same time, physical activity is sharply reduced, students’ time in the fresh air is significantly reduced, and some students’ sleep and nutritional patterns are disrupted.

Secondly, exams for students are a powerful emotional factor in student life. During the exams, the results of the academic work for the semester are summed up, and at the same time, the question of whether the student meets the level of the university, or whether to receive a scholarship or grant is often decided. Exams are an important manifestation of personal self-affirmation. At the same time, the exam situation is always characterized by uncertainty of the outcome, which increases their emotional impact. Repeated examination situations are accompanied by pronounced emotional experiences, which are individually different, which creates a state of pronounced emotional tension. As a result, at least a third of students experience strong emotional tension before the exam, and up to two thirds report sleep disturbances during the exam period. Many students have a steady increase in heart rate and blood pressure, especially at the time of the exam answer, which in the future may serve as a prerequisite for the development of hypertension. Some students experience a decrease in general well-being. Some students experience a decrease in body weight by 1.5-3.5 kg during the examination period, and this is more characteristic of those students who exhibit greater emotional stress during the examination period.

The degree of emotional stress during exams is higher among students with poor academic performance. At the same time, with equal performance, students with a higher level of training show smaller functional changes, which return to normal more quickly. Untrained, poorly performing students, as their tense state increases, vegetative shifts intensify. This shows that the level of physical fitness largely determines the body’s resistance to emotionally intense academic work.

Purpose of the work: to master the basic concepts and methods of assessing performance and master the ability to determine a person’s performance.

I. Target program

V. Preparing for work

1. Repeat educational material concerning the problem of human performance and methods for determining it.

2. Diagnostics of initial level of knowledge

1 (RO). What are the main methods for assessing human performance?

2 (RO). Explain what is considered a direct performance indicator?

3 (OS). How do you get an adequate idea of ​​a person's performance?

4 (RO). Describe how the dynamics of performance affect the development of fatigue?

5 (RO). What is meant by optimal working conditions?

III. Theoretical information

Performance is the maximum ability of a person to perform a specific professional activity within a certain time and performance parameters.

The main methodological approach to assessing human performance is the use of direct and indirect indicators. Direct indicators of performance include the results of work: the accuracy and speed of its implementation, errors and labor productivity. The dynamics of indicators of the functional state of the body, that is, the degree of their deviation during work from the initial value or from the physiological norm, is used as indirect indicators. The most complete and adequate idea of ​​working capacity can be obtained by studying both the production characteristics of work activity and the level of functional changes in various organs and systems that are most loaded during the type of work being studied.

The study of working capacity begins with the characterization of the entire complex of factors specific to a particular profession, their qualitative assessment, allows us to determine physiological changes and predict the possible impact of work on the human body. Physiology of labor today there is no universal method of professionography with which one could characterize any type of work. Most studies provide a descriptive description of certain types of work, which gives an idea of ​​the qualitative features of the specific regime, hygienic conditions, load on the central nervous system, physical component, and the like. However, even such a far from complete professional assessment makes it possible to notice the difference in the degree of influence on the human body of a complex of factors characterizing working conditions, that is, the degree of severity and intensity of work, the parameters of the working environment. In addition to the above factors, the working environment has a great influence on labor productivity, regardless of the type of profession. The labor environment is the integrity of the material factors of the labor process and the social relations that arise between labor participants.

The effectiveness of human labor is largely determined by the functional state of the body. As the functions of the executive systems change, the level of activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which ensure the functioning of the former, changes. The study of the performance of the functional state of a working bandage is associated with the unraveling of a number of tasks arising from the specifics of the production process. First of all, it is necessary to determine which functions and at which stages of work take on the main load. This determines the choice of physiological indicators. In each specific case, it is carried out taking into account the assessment of the condition first of those body systems that are most important for ensuring specific professional activity.

The dynamics of performance and the development of fatigue during physical and mental work are not fundamentally different. However, with fatigue associated with mental activity, the most pronounced functional changes are observed in the central nervous system. Therefore, to assess the functional state of a person engaged primarily in mental work,

data can be used characterizing the speed of motor reactions, superficial sensitivity of the skin, thresholds of auditory and vibration sensitivity, accuracy of coordination of movements, indicators of the functional state of the visual analyzer, psychophysiological indicators (proofreading tests, tests for attention, memory), as well as indicators of the functional state of blood circulation, breathing, etc. The dynamics of a person’s performance during the day can be reflected by the curve of normal performance during the day (Fig. 16.1).

When assessing the degree of physical labor, indicators of the state of the nervous muscular system (strength, endurance of individual muscle groups), indicators of hemodynamics, respiration, and the time of conditioned motor reactions can be used. The separation of indicators for assessing the functional state during mental and physical work is relative. For any type of work, electroencephalography, electrocardiography, rheoncephalography, electromyography, and complex biochemical methods can be used. In the process of diagnosing fatigue in a person’s functional state, various tests and samples are used.

Submaximal stress tests. Research shows that the most valuable information about the functional state of the cardiovascular system is provided by taking into account changes in the main hemodynamic parameters not during the recovery period, but directly during the performance of dosed loads.

Determination of physical performance (PPE) during stress tests and when performing professional duties is of great importance for assessing the functional state of the cardiac, vascular and respiratory systems. In practice, they often use indicators not of maximum work, but of work at a heart rate of 170 per minute. (FPZ170). In this test, the load is gradually increased until a heart rate of 170 beats per minute is reached. This level of load (kgm/min.) is an indicator of FPZ170.

The step test is the most physiological and accessible for people of any age and ability to work. Use a standard double stitch (Fig. 16.2). On the top step a person should stand upright and place both tents on the floor after each

To determine the submaximal load level during the step test, you can use the table. 16.1, which indicates the number of lifts on a double line in 1 minute. within 4 min. and corresponding to 75% of the maximum oxygen consumption for persons of average physical ability of different gender, weight and age.

It is clear that this level of load must be approached gradually. In table 16.1. Above each bar in parentheses is the heart rate (HR) (hrs/min), which corresponds to the average physical ability of women and men of this age group. If the pulse rate at the load specified for it differs by less than 10 per 1 min. values ​​given in brackets, then the person’s physical condition can be considered satisfactory. If the pulse rate is 10 more than that given in parentheses, then the person’s physical ability is above average, and if the pulse rate is 10 per minute. and higher than that indicated in brackets, then physical ability is low.

Table 16.1

Submaximal loads during the step test and their assessment of persons of different ages, gender and weight

Weight, kg

Age, years

20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59

Women (rise in 1 minute)

81 and more

Men (rise in 1 minute)

91 and more

IV. Technology and technique for performing experiments

1. Cardiovascular assessment? system. Simple Ruffier-Dixie test: ((P1 + P2 + P3) - 200) / 10, where P1 is resting pulse; P2 - pulse after 20 squats; P3 - pulse after a minute of rest. Result: 1-3 is a very good indicator, 3-6 is good.

Your result: _

2. Orthostatic test. A person lies on the couch for 5 minutes. then the heart rate is recorded. After that, she gets up and the heart rate is calculated again. Normally, when moving from a lying position to a standing position, heart rate increases by 10-12 points. / Min. Increase in heart rate to 20 p.s. / Min. indicates a satisfactory reaction, and more than 20 mails. / min. - Unsatisfactory, that is, insufficient nervous regulation of the cardiovascular system.

Your result: _

3. Clinostatic test - transition from a standing state to a lying state. Normally, the decrease in heart rate is 6-10 days. / Min.

Your result: _

4. Test with 20 squats (Martine test). Heart rate at rest is calculated. After 20 deep squats (legs apart, arms extended forward) for 30 seconds. determine the percentage of heart rate increase from the initial level. Performance assessment: when the heart rate increases by 25%, the state of the cardiovascular system is assessed as good, by 50-75% - satisfactory, more than 75% - unsatisfactory.

Using a tonometer, which is shown in Fig. 16.3 measure blood pressure before and after the test. With a healthy response to physical activity, the systolic (upper) pressure increases by 25-30 mm, and the diastem (lower) either remains at the same level or decreases slightly (by 5-10 mm).

Your result: _

5. The endurance coefficient is determined using the Kvass formula. The test characterizes the functional state of the cardiovascular system and is an integral value that combines heart rate, systolic and diastolic pressure: CV = heart rate o 10 / Tpulse.

Normally, CV is 16. An increase in it indicates a weakening of the activity of the cardiovascular system, a decrease indicates strengthening.

Your result: _

6. Recovery test. During World War II, the Harvard Step Test was introduced to determine military fitness. It involves climbing a step 50 cm high at a speed of 3 ascents a minute before the onset of exhaustion, but no more than 5 minutes. Only 1/3 of healthy young guys could withstand such a load. The assessment of the test is simplified, namely by counting the heart rate in the 1st minute of the recovery period. With such an assessment, the “Fitness Index” is determined by the formula: Step test index = YuotDZ ^ g), where c is the time that the recruit could withstand during the test, sec.; // - Pulse rate in the first minute of the recovery period.

Harvard Step Test Results Evaluation

7. Determine your performance using the staircase test. The work performed per unit of time during a step test can be quite accurately determined based on the patient’s body weight, the height of the step and the number of ascents to date: XV = t o its o y o 1.33, where ¥ is the load, kgm / min. ; t - body weight, kg; its - step height, m; 1 - number of lifts in 1 minute; 1.33 is a correction factor that takes into account the physical costs of descending from steps, which constitute 1/3 of the costs of going up.



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