Is taking folic acid supplements effective for conception? What is the dosage of folic acid when planning a pregnancy.

When conceiving a child on purpose, the couple must undergo a mandatory examination by a specialized doctor. Folic acid before pregnancy is prescribed two months in advance. During this period, you should quit smoking, since this trace element is destroyed due to the components of cigarettes.

The lack of the required amount of this vitamin affects both the embryo and the newly born baby. When planning pregnancy, folic acid must be activated in both the female and male body in advance.

If the deficiency of a microelement cannot be compensated with the help of products, then it is better to seek help from a specialist who will prescribe a suitable medication.

Dosage must be observed while taking the medicine.. Exceeding the norm of vitamin B9 during the period of conception can lead to hypervitaminosis. However, if the component is poorly accepted by the body of future parents, the likelihood of a positive conception of a child is reduced.

What vitamins are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy in the 1st trimester -

Folic acid helps to get pregnant, and is then prescribed during all trimesters and during breastfeeding. When taking this drug, you should take into account contraindications, which can negate all efforts.

If allergic reactions occur or the body does not accept the drug, you should immediately stop taking it and consult a specialist.

  • painkillers;
  • anti-seizure medications;
  • cytostatics;
  • antibiotics.

Long-term use of folic acid when planning pregnancy should occur under the strict guidance of a doctor. Detailed instructions for using folic acid.

A big plus will be a timely blood test to determine the amount of vitamin B12. It is this component, in combination with folic acid, that organizes the proper functioning of the glands and simulates the production of red blood cells.

For men when planning

Men use vitamin B9 to eliminate problems with conceiving a child. To treat infertility, medication can be prescribed to both parents.

The most common variant of the pathology leading to the disorder is considered to be a knocked down set of chromosomes. This can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and poor diet.

Before conception, men are prescribed folic acid in the amount of 0.7-1.1 mg per day. Reception continues throughout the entire planning period for the child.

Additionally, men may be prescribed vitamin E, which stimulates sperm production. This interaction of components will significantly increase the possibility of conceiving a child.

Signs of vitamin B9 deficiency in men:

  • poor appetite;
  • forgetfulness;
  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a significant proportion of dead sperm.

Folic acid is not the only vitamin needed by the stronger sex during this period. What else do you need

What the stronger sex needs to know about planning pregnancy - in this video:

Dosage for women

To prevent vitamin B9 deficiency and have a normal pregnancy, women are advised to start taking folic acid 3-6 months before conception. In this period the daily intake of folic acid should be at least 0.8 mg. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of fetal developmental disorders.

You can learn more about the vitamins women need when planning pregnancy from

Vitamin B9 is prescribed to all women planning a pregnancy. The use of folic acid should continue both during the period of conception and throughout the entire period of gestation.

Folic acid (Ukrainian folic acid) is a B vitamin necessary for the body, which tends to dissolve in water. Folic acid is not synthesized in the body and needs constant replenishment.

The intake of folic acid occurs with the intake of food. Therefore, it is very important to know in which products it is contained. It can function as an auxiliary enzyme, thus acting as a catalyst for metabolic processes in the body. The fact that folic acid is vital for the body is evidenced by the fact that if it is deficient, a person can develop a severe form of anemia. Folic acid and E-vitamins are also necessary for normal brain function, mental and emotional health.

It takes part in the production of DNA and RNA, the formation of the genetic material of the body. This is especially important when cells and tissues grow and develop rapidly - for example, in childhood and adolescence, as well as during pregnancy. Folic acid in foods that are good for health should become a mandatory source of entry into the body at this stage of life. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the consumption of folic acid when planning pregnancy. Do not forget that it is just as important for men as it is for women, since both parents are involved in the process of conception.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) in combination with vitamins B6 and B12 plays an important role in maintaining homocysteine ​​levels. Elevated levels are associated with heart disease. Scientists have not yet fully decided whether heart disease is a consequence or vice versa, but the level of homocysteine ​​is a kind of marker.

Folic acid for men

Most often, folic acid is used for men due to problems with conception. Vitamin B9 for infertility is prescribed without fail for both men and women. After all, both parents can have pathological conditions leading to infertility. In some pathologies, male sperm contain the wrong set of chromosomes. Most often this is due to poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle. However, as studies have shown, even in completely healthy men there is a certain percentage of defective sperm that can cause infertility. And vitamin B9 is one of the main helpers in the treatment of infertility.

Folic acid for men will help cope with a number of problems. The instructions recommend taking 700-1100 micrograms of this vitamin per day.

For men, it can be supplemented by taking vitamin E, which stimulates sperm production, increasing its quantity. Thus, folic acid and vitamin E greatly increase the possibility of conception.

Folic acid for men is included in all medical complexes designed for the treatment and prevention of infertility.

The final destination of vitamin B9 in the body is the liver, where folic acid is converted to tetrahydrofolic acid. In this form, it participates in the metabolism of amino acids. In this case, it is vital, since it is responsible for the proper functioning of the bone marrow, as well as the central nervous system.

Among other things, men need folic acid during puberty. In this case, it affects the development of secondary sexual characteristics: the timbre of the voice changes, hair growth is activated in certain areas of the body. If there is insufficient presence of folic acid in the body at this stage, a delay in puberty and growth may occur.

The main signs of vitamin B9 deficiency for men are: decreased appetite, memory problems, problems in the gastrointestinal tract, and an increase in the number of defective sperm.

Food can be a good source of this vitamin into the body. In some serious cases, drug treatment also recommends folic acid tablets. The drug is supplied in a standard package of 50 pieces. But folic acid in foods is much more beneficial, since it enters the body naturally and in combination with other essential microelements.

Folic acid for pregnancy planning

When consciously planning to conceive, a couple must first undergo an examination by a specialist. This will help identify possible diseases in future parents. Folic acid for men, as for women, is prescribed a couple of months before conception. In addition, the couple should stop smoking. Folic acid for men, in this case, is destroyed under the influence of nicotine.

It's good to know that more and more expectant parents understand the importance of folic acid for conception. Since its deficiency in the body can affect both the mother and the embryo, and then the newborn. When planning conception, folic acid should begin to enter the body long before pregnancy. It is responsible for the health and vital functions of the human body at any age, and not just at the moment of conception.

Scientists, analyzing the diets of women, studied the question of whether they took multivitamins, because how much folic acid you drink, i.e. in what doses, and for what time, ovulation depends. As it turned out, the speed of solving the problem with ovulation depends on taking multivitamins, and most importantly, folic acid. Evidence shows that taking vitamin B9 has reduced the risk of developing such a terrible disease as cervical cancer from using hormonal contraceptives. How much you need to take, what foods are best to eat in order to compensate for its deficiency - for this you need consultation with a specialist. For only he, having carried out the necessary tests, can establish a comprehensive reception system.

The ideal option would be to get vitamin B9 from foods, but sometimes this is not enough. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

The doctor must also explain the dosage of folic acid. Exceeding the dose when planning pregnancy can cause hypervitaminosis. If the vitamin is not taken by future parents during planning, the likelihood of a successful conception is reduced. In addition, normal fetal development is also largely ensured by vitamin B9. Tablets of the drug can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Folic acid is a very important factor when planning pregnancy and should be supplied to the body of the expectant mother along with a set of other essential microelements. Most studies indicate that when planning pregnancy, it contributes to the proper conception and further development of the fetus.

So you shouldn't skimp on purchasing it. The price of the issue in this case is the health of your unborn child.

Possible consequences

Due to a lack of vitamin B9 during pregnancy, a child may be born premature, with congenital pathologies, or developmental disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish the body not only when planning a pregnancy, but also throughout the entire gestation period. If there is insufficient folic acid during pregnancy, this process is likely to be disrupted, and this will increase the risk of premature birth.

In some cases, insufficient intake of folic acid into a woman’s body during pregnancy can lead to irreparable consequences in the body of the mother and fetus. The following developmental anomalies are possible in the fetus and pregnant woman:

  • various defects of the nervous system (anencephaly and hydrocele of the brain, anterior or posterior cerebral hernia, spina bifida);
  • violation of the formation of a normal placenta;
  • the threat of premature birth or early spontaneous abortion;
  • increased risk of premature placental abruption;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • stillbirth;
  • malformations of the heart and its blood vessels;
  • delayed physical and mental development of the newborn;
  • clefts of the upper lip and palate.

Anencephaly occurs in early pregnancy. With this pathology, the cerebral hemispheres are absent. The bones of the skull and soft tissues of the head may also not form. The cause of such a serious defect in the nervous system may be unfavorable environmental factors, viruses and insufficient intake of folic acid during pregnancy.

The mechanisms of intrauterine development are disrupted in the fetus. Between the twenty-first and twenty-eighth weeks of pregnancy, the anterior neuropore of the neural tube should close. Under the influence of etiological factors, including folic acid deficiency during pregnancy, this does not happen. This developmental anomaly causes death in one hundred percent of cases; in seventy-five percent of cases, fetal death occurs in utero. If anencephaly is detected during echoscopy, then this is an absolute indication for termination of pregnancy at any stage.

Babies who are born with this pathology do not have certain parts of the brain, and the remaining parts of the brain, which are in their infancy, are covered with soft tissue. Missing parts of the brain are sometimes replaced by other tissue. The fetus initially develops normally, but then failure of the respiratory center occurs and newborns die either during childbirth or in the first three days after birth.

Another neural tube defect that develops due to insufficient intake of folic acid during pregnancy is spina bifida. The pathogenesis of the defect is such that during intrauterine development there is no closure of one or more vertebrae. The spinal cord and its membranes fall out into the resulting gap. In other words, spina bifida occurs.

There are two types of congenital hernias of the spine:

  1. The most common is hidden clefting. With this pathology, only one vertebra is damaged. When viewed, it resembles a small depression in the back. This subsequently does not interfere with a person’s quality of life.
  2. Hernia splitting is an extremely severe defect of the spine, which leads to serious consequences. There is a large hernia on the back. It contains the spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid. Sometimes there you can find nerve trunks and roots. With such a pathology, which develops in utero with a decrease in the concentration of folic acid during pregnancy in the mother's body, the infant has severe disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and the sensitivity of the lower body is also impaired. When examining a child, you can see the incorrect position of the lower extremities, determine the dysfunction of the rectum and organs of the urinary system.

This pathology is accompanied by hydrocephalus. An excess amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranium leads to impaired brain function, loss of vision, epilepsy, and mental retardation.

With insufficient use of vitamin B9 by a woman during pregnancy, various malformations of the heart and its vessels develop. This is a very dangerous anomaly, since most newborns, unfortunately, do not live past the age of one month. Congenital heart defects are divided into two large groups: blue and white. This is due to a change in the color of the skin and mucous membranes that occur with various heart defects.

There are four types of "white" vices:

I. Enriched pulmonary circulation. It is formed due to the arterial duct, atrial septal defect and septal defect between the ventricles of the heart.
II. A depleted small circle is manifested by isolated stenosis.
III. A depleted large circle develops with aortic stenosis and coarctation of the aorta.
IV. Cardiac dispositions and dystopias proceed without disturbance of hemodynamics.

The group of "blue" vices includes two of its types:

A. With complete transposition of the great vessels, the pulmonary circulation is enriched.
B. In the case of Epstein's anomaly, depletion occurs predominantly in the pulmonary circulation.

Quite often, when there is a lack of folic acid during pregnancy, a ventricular septal defect is formed. It is characterized by the fact that oxygenated blood mixes with non-enriched blood. A hole is formed between the ventricles of the heart in its septum.

Through this defect, enriched blood from the left ventricle moves to the right, where it mixes with the non-enriched one. If the hole is small, then the baby may not see signs of the disease. But in the case when the defect is large, the blood mixes more actively and you can see the bluish color of the skin of the fingers and mucous membranes of the lips.

The next anomaly of intrauterine development of the fetus, which is formed due to a lack of folic acid during pregnancy, is a bicuspid aortic valve. This defect is characterized by the presence of not three, but two leaflets in the aortic valve. The formation of the tricuspid aortic valve occurs in the eighth week of pregnancy. If during this period of time the mother overloads herself with physical labor and does not ensure that folic acid enters the body during pregnancy, this can provoke the formation of heart disease.

If there is a lack of folic acid in a woman's body during pregnancy, an atrial septal defect may form. It is an opening that is located between the left and right atria. This is a fairly rare developmental anomaly, which in most cases does not lead to hemodynamic disturbances. The hole may close on its own over time. But if it is large, then surgical intervention will be required to correct the blood circulation.

A cleft lip is called a “cleft lip,” and a defect in the palate is called a “cleft palate.” The cause of this anomaly is also a lack of folic acid during pregnancy. They represent a cosmetic defect and cause swallowing problems and speech disorders. They require surgical correction in the first years of a child’s life. After surgery, you will need treatment from a speech therapist.

How folic acid works

Folic acid has a wide spectrum of action. It affects the processes of growth and development of the human body, which does not produce it on its own, but only synthesizes it from food directly in the intestines. Then it is absorbed by the body, joins its own enzymes and takes part in metabolic processes.

The presence of folic acid in the body during pregnancy is more than necessary. It ensures the normal development of the fetus, preventing the occurrence of various defects. This property of stimulating the development of red blood cells allows it to be widely used as a means for the prevention and treatment of anemia. Folic acid also promotes the formation of leukocytes, stimulates brain activity, increases performance, develops memory, intelligence, and also improves mood.

Its advantages include: a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improvement of fat metabolism, female hormonal levels, skin condition, strengthening the intestinal walls, stimulating gastric secretion.

The daily intake for adults is approximately 200 micrograms. In case of pregnancy and breastfeeding, the consumption rate of vitamin B9 doubles.

If there is a lack of folic acid in the body of pregnant women, deviations in the development of the fetus are possible - defects in organs and tissues occur. The risk of miscarriage also increases.

Indications: any diseases associated with immune disorders, after radiation exposure, anemia, gastroenteritis, constipation. Folic acid is also indicated during pregnancy and nursing mothers.

Contraindications for use: in case of individual rejection by the body, as well as in case of allergic reactions. Should I take folic acid in combination with painkillers, sulfa drugs, anticonvulsants, cytostatics, antibiotics and drugs to reduce gastric acidity? This should not be done under any circumstances.

If you take the vitamin for quite a long time, it is advisable to periodically take blood tests to check the content of vitamin B12. This is due to the fact that folic acid works quite closely with vitamin B12, helping the formation of red blood cells and the proper functioning of iron in the body.

Folic acid in food

What foods contain vitamin B9? The main products containing vitamin B9 are: cottage cheese, cheese, fish, meat, liver, buckwheat and oatmeal, parsley, lettuce, cabbage of all types, onions, green peas, mushrooms, strawberries.

Folic acid in foods should not be subjected to heat treatment, since high temperatures destroy vitamins.

Naturally, it is impossible to consume absolutely all foods that contain this vitamin. The price of some of them can be quite high. However, it can be taken in tablets, which contain detailed instructions. Folic acid tablets are a very cheap and accessible remedy.

Folic acid in foods is not the only source of its entry into the body. In addition to foods, vitamin B9 can be found in multivitamins, including chewable and liquid vitamin preparations for children.

The B complex of vitamins necessarily contains folic acid. Tablets, capsules, wafers are all available forms of the drug.

Should you take folic acid on your own or consult a doctor? If you consume folic acid contained in foods or medications, but not more than 200 mcg per day and only for the purpose of prevention, then you do not need consultation. In all other cases, the pill is prescribed by a doctor, including if it is necessary to take it for conception.

It is not always safe to take folic acid. Tablets that are not recommended for use with: antibiotics, phenytoin, pyrimethamine, methotrexate, as well as during chemotherapy and when exposed to narcotic drugs.

Folic acid is one of the most important substances for the body. The component affects the state reproductive system, so its lack can cause a lack of conception.

This substance is not produced by the body on its own, so its supply can only be replenished with special medications and food.

    • decrease in the number with an incorrect set of chromosomes;
    • prevention of congenital pathologies in the unborn fetus;
    • increased activity and penetrating ability.

    Among women

    Folic acid for the female body is necessary not only to replenish the supply of nutrients, but also for preparing for a potential pregnancy. The lack of this component creates a threat of serious pathologies of the fetus, which may be incompatible with its life or full development.

    The vitamin has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which is of particular importance during pregnancy. The benefit of the component for women lies in the following factors:

    • risk reduction;
    • normalization of the education process and;
    • improvement of the general condition of the body;
    • reducing the risk of congenital pathologies in the fetus;
    • strengthening the placenta and excluding its detachment during gestation;
    • improvement of appetite and psycho-emotional state;
    • reducing the risk of miscarriage.

    How to use?

    In most cases, folic acid is prescribed to couples several months before potential conception. The substance can be destroyed under the influence of certain negative factors.

    Therefore, the course of treatment must be combined with lifestyle changes and. Experts recommend giving up. Tobacco smoke is considered the most active destroyer of this component.

    The dosage and duration of taking folic acid are prescribed by your doctor. For prevention, drugs containing this substance must be taken in dosage 400 mcg per day.

    If a critical shortage of this component is detected in the bodies of future parents, the period of administration and daily dosage will be increased.

    ON A NOTE! Folic acid preparations, depending on the manufacturer, may have different dosages. This information must be taken into account.


    If a man has a large number of dead or other abnormalities in sperm composition, then to eliminate this condition, doctors may strongly recommend taking folic acid.

    The course must be started at least three months before potential conception. In some cases, future fathers are additionally prescribed vitamin E. The combination of folic acid with this substance has a powerful healing effect on the male reproductive system.

    To a woman

    Expectant mothers are recommended to start taking vitamin B9 at least 3 months in advance before . The need to replenish the supply of this component may be prescribed earlier if the woman is over 35 years old or has had miscarriages or difficult childbirth. In such cases, reception should be carried out six months before conception and continue until

    Reception nuances:

    • at the stage, women are recommended to take folic acid in a dosage 400 mcg per day;
    • the daily dosage for expectant mothers can be increased to 5 mg if there are special indications;
    • the dosage can be changed and increased in the presence of some obvious deviations caused by a critical shortage of the component in the body.

    REFERENCE! In some cases, folic acid may cause an allergic reaction or other side effects. If they appear, you should stop taking the pills and consult a specialist.

    Despite the fact that folic acid is very important for the reproductive system, and it is imperative to replenish its supply both potential parents, recommended dosages cannot be exceeded. An excess of this substance can cause the development of hypervitaminosis. This condition will also negatively affect the expectant mother’s body as a whole.

All girls who want to get pregnant, as well as pregnant women, are prescribed to take a special complex of vitamins, which promotes the birth of life and normal intrauterine development of the fetus. One of the important components in this multivitamin complex is folic acid, which has a positive effect on the entire reproductive system of a woman. What kind of substance is this?

The importance of folic acid for conception

Folic acid is very important for conception; if it is insufficient, the long-awaited pregnancy may not occur. At the same time, doctors advise both women and men to take it.

Folic acid or B9 is a member of the B vitamins. It performs important functions for the ability to conceive a child, namely:

Also, an important function of B9 is participation in the process of growth and development of cells of various organs and tissues, since with the development of the embryo, active growth of cells up to 100 billion begins.

B9 is also an indispensable remedy for men who want to become a dad, because folic acid:

  • reduces the number of low-quality sperm that carry the wrong set of chromosomes, thereby reducing the likelihood of having a child with pathologies;
  • increases motor activity and the speed of sperm movement.

As a result, the functioning of the male reproductive system is enhanced.

Important! Many couples consult doctors because they are unable to conceive, and both are found to be deficient in B9.

With the onset of pregnancy, the need for various vitamins increases by one and a half times. A pregnant woman begins to experience a sharp deficiency of vitamins B6, B1, and B9 (the deficiency is up to 78%). To reduce the incidence of vitamin deficiency during pregnancy, you need to take them before conception.

Before conception, you need to calculate the daily dosage of B9. This vitamin is found in many foods, and when taking vitamin complexes (for example, Prenatal Forte) or B9 in its pure form, it is important to avoid an overdose, which is very undesirable.

Vitamin B9 is found in the following foods:

All these products should be eaten daily by men and women who soon want to become parents.

How to use B9 during pregnancy?

Before planning a pregnancy, you need to consult a gynecologist who will conduct an examination of the level of folic acid in the body of a man and a woman. After receiving the test results, the doctor will adjust the diet and prescribe the correct dosage of vitamin B9.

Folic acid for conception is available in tablet form. Both spouses need to start drinking it three months before the expected date of conception.

Folic acid will not only help you get pregnant, but also contribute to the birth of a healthy and strong baby, but for this you need to decide on the correct dosage of this substance.

The dosage for men and women is significantly different, since the man is only responsible for conception, the dosage of B9 is much lower, about 0.4 g per day. Accordingly, for a woman the dosage is twice as high, since the formation of the fetus will begin in her body.

If, during the examination of future parents, any pathologies in the family or genetic diseases that can be inherited are discovered, then the dosage of B9 is increased to 2 or even 4 g per day.

It is worth noting that when taking folic acid, you should also include foods containing vitamin B9 in your diet.

Since folic acid negatively affects the gastric mucosa, you should take the tablets after meals.

The most common drugs with B9 for conception are folic acid tablets, Folio, Folacin tablets.

Let's consider how much and how to take them.

Dosage of preparations containing folic acid:

  1. Folic acid tablets are the most popular remedy when planning pregnancy, since this drug is domestically produced, it is inexpensive, but of high quality. The dosage is 1 tablet per day.
  2. Folacin tablets. This drug contains 5 mg of vitamin B9 in one tablet. Since to plan a pregnancy the daily dose should be 0.8 g for women, these tablets are prescribed only if an acute deficiency of B9 is detected or there are genetic diseases in the family. This drug is considered a strictly therapeutic agent, so it cannot be used for prevention.
  3. Folio tablets contain folic acid and iodine. In this case, the dosage in one tablet is as follows: 400 mcg of B9 and 200 mcg of iodine. Men need to take one tablet per day, and women two tablets per day.

What to do if pregnancy occurs?

If a couple takes folic acid to conceive, then if pregnancy occurs, the man can stop taking B9. For a woman in this case, it is possible to increase the dose of folic acid in the first three months, since at this time the active development of the embryo and the formation of the fetus begins.

A woman must maintain a sufficient level of B9 throughout her pregnancy so that the child is born without pathologies and the birth is successful and without complications.

Of course, each group of vitamins is very important during pregnancy, since each of them performs its own functions in the body and is needed for the child. But, as we see, not all vitamins affect the process of conception, so the deficiency of the most important ones needs to be replenished. While taking folic acid tablets, do not forget about a balanced diet.

At the planning stage of pregnancy and immediately after conception, doctors recommend taking folic acid. This purpose has become widespread not so long ago, as a result of which women often doubt its advisability. They explain this with well-known excuses: “Our mothers and grandmothers gave birth without all the additives, and everything was fine.” But they do not take into account that these same grandmothers grew up in different conditions, and in the modern world, for a number of reasons, the risk of all kinds of congenital diseases increases.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid, also called, is essential for the development of the immune and circulatory systems. The name “folic” comes from the Latin word “folium” (translated as “leaf”), since the vitamin is found in salads, spinach, beets, sunflower seeds, beans, and so on.

It first became widespread in 1931, when it was proven that it could prevent women from getting pregnant. Only at that time they took not pills, but yeast extract. Later, another important fact was revealed. The fact is that thanks to the vitamin, the risk of developing fetal neural tube diseases is reduced by 70%. Moreover, it has completely reduced the incidence of miscarriages, since it does not allow dangerous conditions to develop that are incompatible with the life of embryos.

In most cases, doctors recommend taking 0.4 mg of folic acid per day. This dosage is suitable for those women who have not had previous missed pregnancies or cases of the birth of a child with neural tube defects. If a similar situation occurs, then the dosage is increased, but a certain volume is set by the doctor, since excessive consumption of the vitamin is not beneficial.

Is folic acid necessary for conception?

Let us immediately note that this vitamin does not affect the efficiency of fertilization. Its goal is to reduce the risk of developing several diseases.

As a rule, vitamin complexes for pregnancy planning already include folic acid for conception. Reviews about such drugs are positive, as they contain all the necessary microelements.

Many women believe that they should take the drug only after conception. But everyone knows that vitamins accumulate in the body and take time to act. That is, if you want to get the maximum benefit from the drug, then you should start taking it approximately three months before the expected conception. By the end of the first trimester, you can stop taking the drug, as complex multivitamins that contain this vitamin are prescribed.

Should I take folic acid if a pregnant woman has already been prescribed a multivitamin complex?

The benefits of taking folic acid for pregnant women have been proven repeatedly. In most cases, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes that already contain folic acid. At the same time, the dosage of this vitamin is quite sufficient to prevent the development of neural tube defects. Additional use of the drug is justified only for strict indications.

Folic acid content in foods

Beans: 300 mcg per 100 g.

Walnuts: 155 mcg per 100 g.

Brussels sprouts: 132 mcg per 100 g.

Hazelnuts: 113 mcg per 100 g.

Broccoli: 110 mcg per 100 g.

Melon: 100 mcg per 100 g.

Strawberries: 62 mcg per 100 g.

Grapes: 43 mcg per 100 g.

Oranges: 30 mcg per 100 g.

What is folic acid needed for?

This substance is necessary for:

Assimilation and breakdown of proteins in the body;

Cell division;

Ensuring normal hematopoiesis: formation of platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes;

Absorption of sugar and amino acids;

Participation in the formation of DNA and RNA, which are responsible for the transmission of hereditary characteristics;

Prevention of the development of atherosclerosis;

Reducing the risk of food poisoning;

Improves appetite and digestive tract function.

Taking folic acid before pregnancy

Each of us knows that pregnancy for a woman is not only a joyful expectation, but also the emergence of a number of problems. The body spends all its energy on developing a new life, as a result of which vitamins and beneficial microelements are spent on the child. The expectant mother is left with only what was not used for the baby. Unfortunately, there is not always something left to stay. For this reason, folic acid is necessary for conception. To be more precise, it is advisable to take it to prevent many troubles associated with a deficiency of nutrients. If we talk about folic acid, its deficiency can cause a number of problems:

  • formation of congenital malformations (neural tube defect, mental and physical development delay, anencephaly);
  • early miscarriage;
  • partial or absolute placental abruption;
  • frozen pregnancy.

Of course, this does not mean that without taking this vitamin, you will definitely encounter the above problems. Your risk only increases, and nothing more. Only a blood test, as well as an examination by a doctor, can show a detailed picture.

It is worth noting the erroneous opinion that folic acid promotes conception. The vitamin does not affect these processes in any way.

How long should you take folic acid?

Not all couples get pregnant in the first months of planning. For this reason, many women wonder how long folic acid is taken before conception. The fact is that this vitamin does not have cumulative properties. This means that the body requires its constant intake. Of course, the dosage should be small, allowing you to maintain the acid content in the body at the proper level. If you do not want to take pills, then limit yourself to the frequent use of those foods that contain folic acid. Reviews about the drugs are varied, but there are virtually no negative reviews. Allergic and other undesirable reactions are not observed, and it is difficult to judge a positive effect. After all, we do not see whether the drug prevented the development of the disease in a particular case. But the main thing is that babies whose mothers took folic acid were born at term without the defects mentioned above.

Multiple pregnancy

Statistics have shown that folic acid is actually used to conceive twins. Of course, this does not mean that you will definitely have twins, but the chances increase by 40%. Unfortunately, none of the doctors will tell you what dosage is needed for this. Each body is individual, but even if you become pregnant with one rather than two children, there will still be no harm from taking the vitamin.

Folic acid for men

Everyone constantly points to the fact that women need to take vitamins, including folic acid. At the same time, few people know that men should also take care of their health. In addition, a lack of vitamin negatively affects the condition of sperm, their motility and quality. So it is desirable that folic acid for conception is taken not only by expectant mothers.

But the drug is prescribed, as a rule, only after problems have been identified. Until this point, it is extremely rare for men to take vitamins themselves. Despite the comprehensive development of medicine and wide access to information, many men mistakenly believe that the effectiveness of conception depends solely on the woman. Also, all responsibility for the health of the unborn baby is shifted to the mother.

Research has shown a different picture. Improper diet, unhealthy lifestyle, congenital diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract increase the risk of problems with conception. If fertilization has occurred, then pathologies and defects in the fetus may develop. The likelihood of such problems can be reduced if folic acid is taken on time. The price for such a drug varies and can be either 100 or 300 rubles. It all depends on the manufacturer, dosage, packaging and number of tablets, of course. In any case, the cost is quite reasonable, especially considering the positive qualities of this vitamin.

How is folic acid taken for conception?

A specific dosage is most often prescribed by a doctor. If you decide to start taking the drug on your own, then use the instructions. Depending on the concentration of the vitamin in one tablet, the dosage regimen also differs. In most cases, 0.4 mg per day is sufficient to plan pregnancy. After conception, the dosage is doubled. Excessive zeal in this case is not recommended, so it is not advisable to take more than 0.8 mg per day without a doctor’s prescription. Excess vitamins in the body often lead to serious problems, and this also applies to this substance.

Be that as it may, it is difficult to overdo the dosage of this drug, because even the daily dose is only partially absorbed. For this reason, you can safely take vitamins during pregnancy planning, as well as after conception.



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