What is the regime of the river and what does it affect. Five Common Myths About Android Smartphone Power Savings

Job immune system closely related to the activity of the whole organism. The nervous and endocrine systems have the greatest influence on it. To improve them well-coordinated work it is important to adhere to a rational regime of the day, in which there is a place for physical and mental stress and rest.

Scientists are closely involved in the development of the daily routine and its impact on immunity and work efficiency. In science, there are even separate areas: chronobiology and chronomedicine who study human biological rhythms. They determine which processes are subject to fluctuations, and how to organize the day to make the most of biorhythms.

What is the correct daily routine?

Correct Mode days- a daily routine that corresponds to the circadian rhythms of a person, his individual characteristics, and at the same time allows you to effectively perform it social functions(study, work, household chores).

Human circadian rhythms are regular fluctuations biological processes throughout the day. They are a kind of biorhythms. Examples of circadian rhythms: mental and physical activity, hormone levels, digestion, body temperature and arterial pressure. These indicators are most subject to fluctuations during the day.

What are biorhythms for? Circadian rhythms, which are also called biological clock, are one of the forms of adaptation and allow you to better adapt to life in conditions of a regular change of day and night. Biorhythms prompted primitive people, in what period of the day it is better to hunt, and in what time to rest. Modern civilization has somewhat reduced the importance of circadian rhythms.

the strongest stimulus in establishing the biological circadian rhythm is light. And the body does not care: Sun rays or artificial lighting. in a special way neural pathway impulses travel from the retina to the hypothalamus and generate electrical discharges in certain neurons. The hypothalamus is the "bridge" that connects the nervous and endocrine systems. It can control all departments of the National Assembly and glands that secrete hormones, which affects the work of the whole organism.

What mechanisms are responsible for maintaining biorhythms? Responsible for maintaining circadian rhythms diencephalon - hypothalamus, which, with the help of hormones, controls the cyclic activity of the body.
Some human circadian rhythms are even embedded in genes. Mutations in these genes change how the hypothalamus works. The consequence of genetic disorders can be diseases such as bedwetting caused by a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone at night and chronic insomniaassociated with disruption of the cells of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus.

crash internal clock also observed in hypertension and peptic ulcer, diabetes, neurosis, epilepsy. In order to avoid these and other diseases, it is desirable to take into account the main circadian rhythms when compiling the daily routine.

Circadian fluctuations

Bodies and biochemical processes Period
Day 6:00-21:00 Night 21:00-6:00
Body temperature It rises by 0.6-1 degrees in the morning. Decreases in the evening and at night.
Metabolism rises Decreases
The intensity of urination rises Decreases
The cardiovascular system: pulse rate and blood pressure Rising. Maximum at 18-20 hours. Decreases
Respiratory organs: frequency and depth of breathing, lung capacity rises Decreases during sleep
Job digestive tract: intensity of digestion, secretion of digestive juices Rising. Peaks of activity occur at mealtimes. Decreases
Blood system: ESR, hematopoiesis rate, hemoglobin concentration rises Decreases
autonomic nervous system Activated sympathetic part- the metabolism, the breakdown of fatty acids, the increase in blood sugar levels increase, which ensures working capacity. The tone of the parasympathetic part is increased - the metabolism slows down, the tone of the hollow organs (uterus, intestines) increases, which contributes to their emptying, the functions of the blood, lymph, intercellular fluid are restored - homeostasis is maintained.
By estimating the time at which the maximum and minimum of the processes involved in circadian rhythms fall, one can establish human chronotype.

Chronotype- this is the nature of the daily activity inherent this person. There are three main chronotypes.

Chronotype Characteristic
"Larks" They wake up early and on their own at 6-7 o'clock. Increased mental and physical activity 8-12 hours and 16-18 hours. Early fall asleep at 21-22 hours. They make up about 25% of the population. Most are children under 10 years of age, people engaged in physical labor, residents of rural areas, the elderly.
"Doves" intermediate type. Independent rise at 7-9 o'clock. Uniform activity throughout the day. They go to bed until 23. They make up 40-50% of the population.
"Owls" Wake up on their own after 10 o'clock. It's hard to wake up with an alarm clock. High activity from 14 to 21 hours. Peaks of activity at 14, 19 and 22 hours. Go to bed after midnight. 30% of the population are mainly people of creative professions.

It is advisable to take into account the features of your chronotype when drawing up a daily routine. This will make you feel more energetic and work more efficiently throughout the day. For example, "larks" are recommended to perform hard work in the first half of the day, and "owls" - in the afternoon.

However, it must be remembered that man is, first of all, a social being. And in addition to the day-night signals to your The biological clock influence social factors: the behavior of other people, the need to work, group activities, activities characteristic of this time of day. Thanks to the social component in his nature, a person can adapt to work in night shift, a sudden change in the time zone, etc. On average, it takes 2-3 weeks to stabilize biorhythms and get used to it, but there are individual differences.

What time does it cost to wake up?

It is optimal if your awakening coincides with the morning peak of the “activity hormones” of adrenaline and cortisol. For representatives of different chronotypes, this happens at different times.

An increase in adrenaline and cortisol is accompanied by an increase in the level of glucose - a source of energy, and hemoglobin, which responds to providing cells with oxygen. Under the influence of adrenaline and cortisol, the pulse quickens, blood pressure and temperature increase. These changes prepare the body for recovery and allow you to wake up refreshed.

It is optimal if your awakening coincides with the peak of activity hormones. But if this is not possible, then in 8-10 weeks the body will adapt to your routine, provided that you have at least 7 hours of sleep.

Rise by gender and age

Doctors claim that children need to sleep more than adults, and women more than men.
Optimal duration sleep in adults 6-8 hours in children up to 10-12, in the elderly 4-6 hours a day. On average, a woman's sleep should last 30-60 minutes longer than a man's. Based on these principles, the following recommendations have been developed.

The alternation of sleep and wakefulness refers to circadian rhythms that repeat every day. If you sleep enough, then the most important sleep functions:

  • improved adaptation to changing living conditions;
  • in phase slow sleep there is a restoration of physical strength;
  • in the phase of REM sleep - the restoration of the processes of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex, and this is the prevention of neurosis, mental and emotional disorders;
  • restoration of short-term memory;
  • finding emotional balance;
  • acceleration of protein biosynthesis, restoration of cellular structures and DNA;
  • strengthening immunity by improving the formation and differentiation of leukocytes, antibodies and immunity enzymes.

What time should you go to bed?

From 21 to 23 best time to go to bed. During this period, melatonin begins to be produced - a hormone that causes drowsiness and ensures that you fall asleep quickly.

Melatonin or “sleep hormone” is produced at night. However, if after dark, you are in a brightly lit room, then the release of melatonin stops. At the same time, cortisol begins to be released, which blocks the action of the sleep hormone and increases activity.

In the process of evolution, it was laid down that a person should go to bed immediately after sunset and wake up at dawn. This is how our biological clock works. However, life in society dictates other rules, and human biorhythms adapt to them. For example, if you go to bed every day at 23:00, then in 2-3 weeks the melatonin level will be optimal during this period.
Conclusion: you can go to bed and get up at any time convenient for you.. At the same time, it is important:

  • the process of going to bed should take place at the same hour;
  • you must sleep at least 7 hours;
  • the room should be as dark as possible.

How many times a year should you take a vacation?

The best option- 2 holidays per year, each for 2 weeks.
If you are on vacation away from home, then the trip should last at least 2 weeks. In 14 days, your body has time to recover from a flight-movement, go through a period of acclimatization, adapt to a change in time zone and new food. Only after 3-5 days of adaptation does the restoration of balance and wasted resources begin. Based on this, pediatricians especially do not recommend going on a short vacation with small children.

If you can allocate for vacation only 3-7 days, then such a vacation is better to spend actively, but near the house. Change of activity and new impressions have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. And 8-9 hours of sleep will eliminate the effects of lack of sleep, which tends to accumulate and significantly reduce your productivity, which especially affects people engaged in intellectual work.

If you plan to restore health in a sanatorium, then the duration of the rest should be 24-28 days. This period was approved for vouchers in Soviet time based on clinical studies. Therapeutic and wellness procedures that you will undergo during the course will allow you to restore body functions and strengthen immunity. The effect of such recovery will last for 10-12 months. Short break at the resort rather stress for your body.

During the holidays, what rest best restores immunity?

To restore immunity, rest in a sanatorium, on the sea coast and in the countryside is best suited.
  • medical procedures aimed at restoring diseased organs and systems - various physiotherapy procedures, herbal medicine;
  • general wellness procedures - swimming pool, sea bathing, hiking, solar and air baths.
  • optimal mode days;
  • change of impressions;
  • lack of excessive physical and emotional stress.
2. Rest by the sea recommended for most people. The exception is people who have had a heart attack or stroke in the last 6 months, patients with red systemic lupus, superficial thrombophlebitis, oncological diseases. Holidays by the sea should last at least 2 weeks. In this case, the body will have time to adapt to new conditions and improve health. Healing factors:
  • hardening during sea bathing - gymnastics for vessels and getting used to temperature changes;
  • sea ​​water- soothing effect on the nervous system, tones the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves overall immunity;
  • sunbathing(sunburn) promotes the production of vitamin D and relieves stress;
  • sea ​​air improves local immunity respiratory organs.
3. Vacation in the countryside especially recommended for the health of children younger age. Pediatricians point to its positive aspects:
  • lack of contact with a large number of people, which reduces the risk of infection infectious diseases;
  • the absence of a sharp change in climate, which could become a factor that reduces immunity;
  • natural products, an abundance of fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products;
  • daily routine that meets the chronotype - it is possible to go to bed and get up at the right time;
  • long walks on fresh air;
  • high physical activity;
  • lack of stress.
With any form of recreation, avoid hypothermia, overheating, sunburn and excessive exercise if your body is not accustomed to them. These factors undermine the immune system and can cause diseases. You should also limit visits to crowded places (shopping and entertainment centers, concerts, cinema, theater) during flu epidemics and other viral diseases.

Is it worth it to exercise every day?

A person is useful for light and moderate daily physical activity.
Daily exercise stress For 20-40 minutes brings great benefits:
  • improves blood circulation;
  • leads to the tone of blood vessels;
  • normalizes the work of the heart and blood pressure;
  • promotes hematopoiesis, including the formation immune cells;
  • improves the functioning of the joints;
  • strengthens muscles;
  • contributes to the balance of the nervous system.
As daily sports activities are recommended: jogging, cycling, hiking, a set of gymnastic exercises, volleyball, basketball, tennis, yoga. You can exercise at any time convenient for you, daily alternating the load on different muscle groups. Any light physical activity has only a positive effect on your health.

Strength training and other active activities lasting more than one hour are recommended 2-3 times a week. After significant physical exertion, recovery takes 36-48 hours. Otherwise, you are threatened with muscle spasm, increased protein catabolism (destruction), and rapid wear of the joints. A side effect of daily intense exercise can be chronic fatigue, apathy and reduced immunity.

How does exercise affect the immune system?

The impact of physical activity on immunity depends on the intensity and duration of exercise, the degree of recovery from previous stress and your nutrition.

Minor damage to muscle fibers after intense muscle work for 40-60 minutes activates the mechanisms of the immune system. Activating the immune system requires the intake of nutrients (protein, minerals and vitamins). Muscle recovery, the formation of components of the immune system (interleukin, cytotokine) and the work of immune cells are spent a large number of energy. It takes 36 to 48 hours to replenish its reserves, so there should be 2 days between workouts. On these free days, light physical activity is recommended, in which other muscle groups are involved.

Moderate physical activity activates not only muscles, but also sympathetic department autonomic nervous system through the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine. This leads to an improvement in the innervation of all organs. Quality work nerve endings in the organs of the immune system (lymph nodes, spleen, thymus) has a positive effect on the maturation and specialization of leukocytes, and their performance protective functions.
However, it has been proven that exhausting daily physical activity lead to a decrease in the concentration of monocytes and other forms of leukocytes, which reduces the body's defenses from bacterial infections.

Conclusion: regular moderate exercise 2-3 times a week significantly strengthens the immune system. An important condition is proper nutrition and complete rest. Without them, sport leads to depletion of the body's resources and a decrease in immune defenses.

How does mental stress affect the immune system?

Regular mental stress is beneficial for the nervous and immune systems, and overwork and stress significantly weaken the immune system.

The work of the immune system is closely related to the activity of the nervous system. Moderate mental stress allows you to establish new connections between neurons, which improves the functioning of the nervous system as a whole. achieve high results the alternation of mental and physical stress will help, when impulses from working muscles additionally stimulate nerve cells.

The good functioning of the nervous system is the basis for the proper functioning of the organs of the immune system, which provide general immunity, as well as the skin and mucous membranes, which are responsible for local immunity.
Regular intellectual loads (problem solving, crossword puzzles, learning foreign languages, reading) can improve brain function and maintain the health of the nervous system. This is very important for maintaining the body's defenses, since the dysfunction of nerve endings contributes to the development of diseases in the organs under control. In this regard, almost all people with disabilities brain activity found a number of chronic diseases. For example, according to statistics, patients in mental dispensaries are 4 times more likely to suffer from tuberculosis.

Long intellectual loads (study and systematization of new material, analysis of the studied and synthesis of the new) force the cerebral cortex to work actively. At the same time, a large amount of nutrients and energy is consumed, resources are depleted nerve cells, the work of the parts of the nervous system responsible for innervation worsens internal organs. All these factors weaken the immune system over time. In this regard, many students experience a breakdown after the session, their chronic diseases become aggravated.
To prevent overwork, it is important to properly organize mental work:

  • get involved in the work gradually, over time increasing the amount of information;
  • plan classes without trying to master too much material;
  • do not engage in more than 1-1.5 hours without a break;
  • take into account the features of the chronotype in order to use the peaks of productivity for classes;
  • alternate mental and physical activity;
  • ventilate the room and maintain the temperature in it up to 22 degrees;
  • sleep at least 7 hours a day.

How many hours a day should you spend at the computer?

Adults can spend up to 4 hours at the computer. The norm for children is calculated according to the formula "age x 5".

So a 5-year-old child is allowed to spend up to 25 minutes at the computer, and a 10-year-old child - 50 minutes. Of course, this does not apply to people whose work is related to the computer. They need to follow the rule - 10 minutes of rest for 1 hour of work. During a break, it is advisable to walk, climb stairs or perform the simplest complex exercises to stretch your muscles. Such a precautionary measure will protect you from diseases such as migraine, visual impairment, hemorrhoids, neuralgia and myalgia.

Is physical activity in the morning good for immunity?

Moderate exercise in the morning is good for the immune system.

30-45 minutes of physical activity is perceived by the body as stress. In doing so, your body triggers neuroendocrine and immune mechanisms to deal with the effects of this stress. The concentration of immunoglobulin A and the phagocytic activity of leukocytes (the ability to absorb and dissolve bacteria) increase.

A short set of exercises (10-20 minutes) will improve blood flow to the muscles and brain, cause the release of endorphins, pleasure hormones, but will not significantly affect the immune system.

But exhausting morning exercises do not give the body the opportunity to restore resources, which leads to the depletion of the immune system. This is expressed in a decrease in the number of immune cells and antibody titer. Therefore, in people who are not accustomed to physical activity, long morning workouts reduce resistance to infections. They may develop a tendency to inflammatory reactions: acne, frequent stomatitis.
For determining required load must take into account the level physical training And individual characteristics organism.

Conclusion. Compliance with the daily regimen, mental and physical activity of an average level (2-3 workouts per week + daily gymnastics) reduce the risk of getting sick, as well as reduce the severity and duration of the disease. Remember that strengthening immunity from exercise will only happen if you eat well and get enough rest.

Answer left Guest

Water regime

Water regime - changes in time of water consumption and water levels and water volumes in watercourses (rivers and others), reservoirs (lakes, reservoirs and others) and in other water bodies (swamps and others).

In areas with a warm climate, the water regime of rivers is mainly influenced by precipitation and evaporation. In areas with a cold and temperate climate, the role of air temperature is also very significant.

Phases of the water regime

The following phases of the water regime are distinguished: high water, floods, low water, freezing, ice drift.

High water - a relatively long increase in the water content of the river, which repeats annually in the same season,
causing a rise in its level; usually accompanied by the release of water from the low-water channel and flooding of the floodplain.

Flood - a relatively short-term and non-periodic rise in the water level, resulting from the rapid melting of snow during a thaw, glaciers, heavy rains. Floods following one after another can form a flood. Significant floods can cause flooding.

Low water - annually recurring seasonal standing of low (low water) water levels in rivers. Usually low-water periods of at least 10 days, caused by dry or frosty weather, when the water content of the river is supported mainly by groundwater with a strong decrease or cessation of surface runoff, are usually referred to as low-water periods. In temperate and high latitudes, summer (or summer-autumn) and winter low water are distinguished.

Freeze - a period when there is a motionless ice cover on a watercourse or reservoir. The duration of freeze-up depends on the duration and temperature regime winter, the nature of the reservoir, the thickness of the snow.

Ice drift - the movement of ice floes and ice fields on rivers.

The uneven feeding regime of rivers throughout the year is associated with uneven precipitation, melting of snow and ice, and the flow of their waters into rivers.

Fluctuations in the water level are mainly caused by changes in water flow, as well as the action of wind, ice formations, economic activity person.

Types of water regimes

Typical water regimes of rivers differ in climatic zones:

Equatorial belt - rivers are full of water throughout the year, the flow increases slightly in autumn; surface runoff exclusively of rain origin

Tropical savanna - water content is proportional to the length of the wet and dry periods; the predominance of rain feeding, while in the wet savanna the flood lasts 6-9 months, and in the dry - up to three; quite significant summer runoff

Subtropics of the Mediterranean type - medium and low water content, winter runoff prevails

Oceanic subtropics (Florida, lower reaches of the Yangtze) and adjacent areas South-East Asia- the regime is determined by monsoons, the highest water content in summer and the lowest in winter

Temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere - increased water content in spring (in the south mainly due to rain supply; in middle lane and in the north - a flood of snow origin with a more or less stable summer and winter low water)

Temperate zone in conditions of a sharply continental climate (Northern Caspian Sea and flat Kazakhstan) - short-term spring flood when rivers dry up for most of the year

Far East- the regime is determined by the monsoons, the summer flood of rain origin.

Areas of permafrost - drying up of rivers in winter. On some rivers Eastern Siberia and the Urals during freeze-up, icing is formed. In the Subarctic, the melting of the snow cover occurs late, so the spring flood passes into the summer. On the polar ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland, ablation processes occur on peripheral narrow strips, within which peculiar rivers are formed in ice channels. They feed exclusively on glacial waters during the brief summer.

In my native Krasnodar Territory, only in spring the rivers look like rivers, because in summer they become completely shallow. You can only wet your feet, which I do not recommend, due to the fact that the water is cold. This is the regime of rivers in the mountainous south of the country.

River mode

This term refers to changes in the level and volume of water in reservoirs. It consists of phases, the set of which differs in rivers and depends on the climate and the ratio of food sources. If water body elongated in the meridian direction, then in different parts of the phase they do not occur at the same time.
The mode depends on a number of factors:

  • climatic conditions (precipitation and evaporation, temperature);
  • vegetation (regulates runoff);
  • the nature of the relief (determines the slope of the river, the density of the network);
  • waterlogging (regulates runoff);
  • mechanical impact(dams, rockfalls, waste disposal, sands);
  • lakes (reduce runoff);
  • the structure of the underlying surface (for example, clay prevents the penetration of water into the depths).

The regime determines the implementation of the transportation of passengers and goods by river transport, the biological composition of the reservoir and some aspects of agricultural activity.

Regime of the rivers of the Krasnodar Territory

As I said, the rivers in my region are hot summer period decrease in volume.

The river system is formed by many mountain and steppe rivers. Here are the major ones: Laba, Urup, Ubinka, Belaya, Pshish, Pshekha, Afips. Steppes: Chelbas, Eya, Kirpili, Ponura.

The water regime of the Laba varies from headwaters to mouths, as the streams find themselves in a variety of geographic landscapes. Due to the fact that there are a fairly large number of glaciers (48 pieces) in the basin of the mentioned river, floods are observed in the Malaya and Bolshaya Laba during the warm seasons, because the snow wealth melts.

Food r. Kuban is mostly rainy and snowy, which indicates a flood in the spring.

The Trans-Kuban rivers are characterized by intense winter and spring floods. However, low water occurs in summer, up to the drying up of some reservoirs.

In general, this characteristic of the regime will suit the lion's share of the rivers of the Krasnodar Territory.

IN modern games more and more graphic effects and technologies are being used to improve the picture. At the same time, developers usually do not bother to explain what exactly they are doing. When not the most productive computer is available, some of the capabilities have to be sacrificed. Let's try to consider what the most common graphics options mean in order to better understand how to free up PC resources with minimal consequences for graphics.

Anisotropic filtering

When any texture is displayed on the monitor not in its original size, it is necessary to insert additional pixels into it or, conversely, remove the extra ones. This is done using a technique called filtering.

Bilinear filtering is the most simple algorithm and requires less computing power, but also gives the worst result. Trilinear adds clarity but still generates artifacts. Anisotropic filtering is considered the most advanced method that eliminates noticeable distortions on objects that are strongly inclined relative to the camera. Unlike the two previous methods, it successfully fights the aliasing effect (when some parts of the texture are blurred more than others, and the border between them becomes clearly visible). When using bilinear or trilinear filtering, as the distance increases, the texture becomes more and more blurred, while anisotropic filtering does not have this drawback.

Considering the amount of data being processed (and there can be many high-resolution 32-bit textures in a scene), anisotropic filtering especially demanding on memory bandwidth. You can reduce traffic primarily due to texture compression, which is now used everywhere. Previously, when it was practiced less often, and the bandwidth of the video memory was much lower, anisotropic filtering significantly reduced the number of frames. On modern video cards, it has almost no effect on fps.

Anisotropic filtering has only one setting - filter factor (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x). The higher it is, the clearer and more natural the textures look. Usually, at a high value, small artifacts are noticeable only on the outermost pixels of tilted textures. Values ​​of 4x and 8x are usually enough to get rid of the lion's share of visual distortion. Interestingly, when going from 8x to 16x, the performance hit will be quite small, even in theory, since only a small number of previously unfiltered pixels will need additional processing.


Shaders are small programs that can perform certain manipulations on a 3D scene, such as changing lighting, applying textures, adding post-processing, and other effects.

Shaders are divided into three types: vertex (Vertex Shader) operate with coordinates, geometric (Geometry Shader) can process not only individual vertices, but also entire geometric figures, consisting of a maximum of 6 vertices, pixel (Pixel Shader) work with individual pixels and their parameters.

Shaders are mainly used to create new effects. Without them, the set of operations that developers could use in games is very limited. In other words, the addition of shaders made it possible to obtain new effects that were not included in the video card by default.

Shaders work very productively in parallel, which is why modern graphics adapters have so many stream processors, which are also called shaders. For example, in the GeForce GTX 580 there are as many as 512 of them.

Parallax mapping

Parallax mapping is a modified version of the well-known bumpmapping technique used to emboss textures. Parallax mapping does not create 3D objects in the usual sense of the word. For example, a floor or wall in a game scene will look rough while actually remaining completely flat. The relief effect here is achieved only through manipulations with textures.

The original object does not have to be flat. The method works on different game objects, but its use is desirable only in cases where the surface height changes smoothly. Sharp drops are processed incorrectly, and artifacts appear on the object.

Parallax mapping significantly saves computing resources of a computer, because when using analogous objects with such a detailed 3D structure, the performance of video adapters would not be enough to render scenes in real time.

The effect is most often applied to stone pavements, walls, bricks and tiles.


Prior to the advent of DirectX 8, anti-aliasing in games was done using SuperSampling Anti-Aliasing (SSAA), also known as Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing (FSAA). Its use led to a significant decrease in performance, so with the release of DX8 it was immediately abandoned and replaced with Multisample Anti-Aliasing (MSAA). Although this way gave worse results, it was much more productive than its predecessor. Since then, more advanced algorithms have appeared, such as CSAA.

Given that over the past few years, the performance of video cards has increased markedly, both AMD and NVIDIA have returned support for SSAA technology to their accelerators. However, it will not be possible to use it even now in modern games, since the number of frames / s will be very low. SSAA will be effective only in projects of previous years, or in current ones, but with modest settings for other graphic parameters. AMD has implemented SSAA support only for DX9 games, but in NVIDIA SSAA also functions in DX10 and DX11 modes.

The principle of smoothing is very simple. Before the frame is displayed on the screen, certain information is calculated not in native resolution, but increased and a multiple of two. Then the result is reduced to the required size, and then the "ladder" along the edges of the object becomes less noticeable. The higher the original image and the smoothing factor (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x), the fewer steps will be on the models. MSAA, unlike FSAA, smoothes only the edges of objects, which significantly saves graphics card resources, but this technique can leave artifacts inside polygons.

Previously, Anti-Aliasing has always significantly reduced fps in games, but now it affects the number of frames slightly, and sometimes does not affect at all.


Using tessellation in a computer model, the number of polygons is increased by an arbitrary number of times. To do this, each polygon is divided into several new ones, which are located approximately the same as the original surface. This method makes it easy to increase the detail of simple 3D objects. In this case, however, the load on the computer will also increase, and in some cases even small artifacts cannot be ruled out.

At first glance, tessellation can be confused with Parallax mapping. Although these are completely different effects, since tessellation actually changes the geometric shape of the object, and not just simulates relief. In addition, it can be used for almost any object, while the use of Parallax mapping is very limited.

Tessellation technology has been known in cinema since the 80s, but it has only recently become supported in games, more precisely after graphics accelerators finally reached the required level of performance at which it can be performed in real time.

In order for the game to use tessellation, it requires a graphics card that supports DirectX 11.

Vertical Sync

V-Sync is the synchronization of game frames with the monitor's vertical refresh rate. Its essence lies in the fact that a fully calculated game frame is displayed on the screen at the moment the picture is updated on it. It is important that the next frame (if it is already ready) will also appear no later and no earlier than the output of the previous one ends and the next one begins.

If the monitor refresh rate is 60 Hz, and the video card manages to render a 3D scene with at least the same number of frames, then each monitor refresh will display a new frame. In other words, with an interval of 16.66 ms, the user will see a complete update of the game scene on the screen.

It should be understood that when vertical sync is enabled, fps in the game cannot exceed the monitor's vertical refresh rate. If the number of frames is lower than this value (in our case, less than 60 Hz), then in order to avoid performance losses, it is necessary to activate triple buffering, in which frames are calculated in advance and stored in three separate buffers, which allows them to be sent to the screen more often.

The main purpose of vertical sync is to eliminate the frame-shifting effect that occurs when Bottom part The display is filled with one frame, and the top one is filled with another, shifted relative to the previous one.


This common name all effects that are applied to an already finished frame of a fully rendered 3D scene (in other words, to a two-dimensional image) to improve the quality of the final picture. Post-processing uses pixel shaders and is used when additional effects require full information about the whole scene. In isolation to individual 3D objects, such techniques cannot be applied without the appearance of artifacts in the frame.

High dynamic range (HDR)

An effect often used in game scenes with contrasting lighting. If one area of ​​the screen is very bright and another is very dark, a lot of the detail in each area is lost and it looks monotonous. HDR adds more gradations to the frame and allows you to detail the scene. To use it, you usually have to work with more wide range shades than standard 24-bit precision can provide. Pre-calculations occur in increased accuracy (64 or 96 bits), and only at the final stage the image is adjusted to 24 bits.

HDR is often used to implement the effect of adapting vision when the hero in games leaves a dark tunnel on a well-lit surface.


Bloom is often used in conjunction with HDR, and it also has a fairly close relative - Glow, which is why these three techniques are often confused.

Bloom simulates the effect that can be seen when shooting very bright scenes with conventional cameras. In the resulting image, the intense light appears to take up more volume than it should, and "climbs" onto objects even though it is behind them. When using Bloom, additional artifacts in the form of colored lines may appear on the borders of objects.

Film Grain

Grain is an artifact that occurs in analog TV with a poor signal, on old magnetic video cassettes or photographs (in particular, digital images taken in low light). Players often disconnect this effect, because it spoils the picture to a certain extent, and does not improve it. To understand this, you can run Mass Effect in each of the modes. In some horror films, such as Silent Hill, the noise on the screen, on the contrary, adds to the atmosphere.

motion blur

Motion Blur - the effect of blurring the image when moving the camera quickly. It can be successfully used when the scene needs to be given more dynamics and speed, therefore it is especially in demand in racing games. In shooters, the use of blur is not always perceived unambiguously. Proper application of Motion Blur can add cinematic quality to what is happening on the screen.

The effect will also help to veil if necessary. low frequency change frames and add smoothness to the gameplay.


Ambient occlusion is a technique used to add photorealism to a scene by creating more believable illumination of the objects in it, which takes into account the presence of other objects nearby with their own characteristics of absorption and reflection of light.

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion is a modified version of Ambient Occlusion and also simulates indirect lighting and shading. The appearance of SSAO was due to the fact that at modern level GPU performance Ambient Occlusion could not be used to render scenes in real time. Increased performance in SSAO comes at a cost of over poor quality, but even it is enough to improve the realism of the picture.

SSAO works according to a simplified scheme, but it has many advantages: the method does not depend on the complexity of the scene, does not use RAM, can function in dynamic scenes, does not require frame pre-processing, and loads only the graphics adapter without consuming CPU resources.

Cel shading

Games with the effect of Cel shading have been made since 2000, and first of all they appeared on consoles. On the PC, this technique became really popular only a couple of years after the release of the sensational shooter XIII. With Cel shading, each frame is almost like a hand-drawn drawing or a fragment from a children's cartoon.

Comics are created in a similar style, so the technique is often used in games related to them. Of the latest known releases, we can name the Borderlands shooter, where Cel shading is visible to the naked eye.

The features of the technology are the use of a limited set of colors, as well as the absence of smooth gradients. The name of the effect comes from the word Cel (Celluloid), that is, a transparent material (film) on which animated films are drawn.

Depth of field

Depth of field is the distance between the near and far edge of space, within which all objects will be in focus, while the rest of the scene will be blurred.

To a certain extent, depth of field can be observed simply by focusing on an object that is close in front of the eyes. Everything behind it will blur. The opposite is also true: if you focus on distant objects, then everything in front of them will turn out to be fuzzy.

You can see the effect of depth of field in a hypertrophied form in some photographs. It is this degree of blur that is often attempted to be simulated in 3D scenes.

In games using Depth of field, the gamer usually has a stronger sense of presence. For example, looking somewhere through the grass or bushes, he sees only small fragments of the scene in focus, which creates the illusion of presence.

Performance Impact

To find out how the inclusion of certain options affects performance, we used the Heaven DX11 Benchmark 2.5 gaming benchmark. All tests were carried out on an Intel Core2 Duo e6300, GeForce GTX460 system at 1280x800 pixels (except for vertical sync, where the resolution was 1680x1050).

As already mentioned, anisotropic filtering has almost no effect on the number of frames. The difference between disabled anisotropy and 16x is only 2 frames, so we recommend that you always set it to the maximum.

Anti-aliasing in Heaven Benchmark lowered fps more than we expected, especially in the hardest 8x mode. Nevertheless, since 2x is enough for a noticeable improvement in the picture, we advise you to choose this option if it is uncomfortable to play at higher ones.

Tessellation, unlike the previous parameters, can take on an arbitrary value in each individual game. In Heaven Benchmark, the picture deteriorates significantly without it, and at the maximum level, on the contrary, it becomes a little unrealistic. Therefore, intermediate values ​​should be set - moderate or normal.

A higher resolution was chosen for vertical sync so that fps is not limited by the vertical refresh rate of the screen. As expected, the number of frames throughout almost the entire test with the synchronization turned on was clearly at around 20 or 30 frames / s. This is due to the fact that they are output simultaneously with the screen refresh, and at a refresh rate of 60 Hz, this can be done not with every pulse, but only with every second (60/2 = 30 fps) or third (60/3 = 20 fps). When V-Sync was disabled, the number of frames increased, but characteristic artifacts appeared on the screen. Triple buffering did not have any positive effect on the smoothness of the scene. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the video card driver settings there is no option to force buffering off, and the normal deactivation is ignored by the benchmark, and it still uses this function.

If Heaven Benchmark were a game, then maximum settings(1280×800; AA - 8x; AF - 16x; Tessellation Extreme) it would be uncomfortable to play it, since 24 frames is clearly not enough for this. With minimal loss of quality (1280×800; AA - 2x; AF - 16x, Tessellation Normal) you can achieve more acceptable indicator at 45 fps.

To stay healthy and beautiful, first of all, pay attention to how much time you sleep and what time you go to bed. This is important: natural biorhythms human body"work" in tune with the biorhythms of nature, and any violation of them entails premature aging and the destruction of the body, and hence the external appearance.

Nature prescribes to go to bed from 21.00 to 22.00. If you have the opportunity, do it. Also make sure that there is no light source in your bedroom. Light not only interferes with restful sleep, but also disrupts the normal production of melatonin, which adversely affects health and can lead to persistent depression.

From the period from 22:00 to 23:00 there is a physiological decline in the body, it is in a state of inhibition, and it is better not to strain it at this time.

From 11:00 pm to 4:00 am, most of the cells in our body are renewed, the more you sleep during this period, the more efficiently this renewal proceeds. For women, this period of sleep is especially important - you not only relax, but also restore the youth and beauty of your skin.

At 5:00 am, the adrenal glands are activated and release cortisol, the stress hormone, into the bloodstream, the sleeping body begins to wake up, the kidneys begin to work more actively, which often prompts you to take a walk to the toilet.

By 6:00 a.m., the amount of cortisone reaches its maximum, and the course of cell renewal gradually slows down. This is followed by the rising phase. blood pressure, the presence of adrenaline in the blood and body temperature. Therefore, in order to wake up for the benefit of the body, it is better to do it at 5.50, and then the line from the popular song “Wake up and sing!” can be fully applied to you and your well-being.

At 7:00 am, it is best to have a hearty and hearty breakfast - you can not limit yourself in carbohydrates, at this time they turn into energy, and do not lie on in the form of excess.

By 8:00 am, blood circulation is activated.

From 9:00 to 10:00, immunity is restored, the blood contains a large amount of cortisol, if you need to be treated - this is the best time of day for medical procedures and taking medications.

From 11:00 to 12:00 it is better not to eat, as the fatty glands begin to work actively, and the food eaten can easily turn into fat. It is better to do fitness or do the most important things at work at this time.

From 13:00 to 14:00, hormone levels drop, blood pressure goes down, have lunch and rest. The body at this time is experiencing a decline in activity, try not to strain during these hours.

At 16:00 - the period of increasing the energy background again begins, at this time the physical ones are useful, the heart and lungs work easily and actively, the blood is fully saturated with oxygen.

At 17:00 the endocrine system begins to work more actively, and at 18:00 it decreases pain sensitivity- you can visit an unpleasant medical procedure For example, go to the dentist or gynecologist.

From 18:00 to 19:00 - enjoy your dinner. At this hour, the work of the liver is activated, and taste sensations become brighter. But be careful with exotic products - it may appear.

After 20:00, the activity of the body goes into decline. Starting from this hour, it is better not to eat, as digestive system will not cope with the digestion of food, the food turns into slags and, the metabolism worsens, excess weight is added.

And now the cherished hour of useful sleep has come - 21.00, it's time to go to bed.

Of course, each person has his own characteristics and habits: someone needs 6 hours of sleep to get enough sleep, and someone needs 10. But no one has canceled the laws of nature, and for your own good, health, follow them, at least as far as possible.



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