Healing holistic massage is an ambulance for stress and injuries. Seven Principles of Technology

Palsing is a systemic effective treatment of the body, at the same time, which is a pleasant and positive impact on the body and mind. Thanks to palsing, you can achieve a sustainable improvement in health and life harmony.
The healing power of massage is hard to overestimate. If we talk about its form as palsing, then a real range of harmonization possibilities opens up here. emotional background and bodily forces that fill a person with energy and health.

What is palsing?

The very definition of palsing already speaks of the massage technique - “pulsing” from English. lang. "pulsation". This method is not characterized by kneading, rubbing in an intense form. Thanks to pulsating massage movements the body gets a smooth pace. The rhythm of the shaking "waves", as experts say, becomes identical to the pulse of the prenatal state of the child (120-160 heartbeats per minute). This is what helps the body activate information about the healthy, correct functioning of the body, which is written at the cellular level.

Majority psychosomatic diseases based on stress, post-stress muscle blocks.

They, in turn, disrupt blood circulation, bring pain in joints, muscles, disrupt healthy regimen sleep, give fatigue. Unable to cope on its own, the body receives unique treatment results from palsing. In addition, the release of muscle blocks brings relaxation not only to the body, but also anxiety, fears, negative emotional states are removed.

So, palsing affects both the body and the human psyche. Thanks to this scheme, palsing is a holistic type of massage, that is, “holistic” (from the English word “holistic”), a holistic system of impact on human health.

The palsing massage technique was developed by Tovey Browning, who initially had knowledge in bone therapy, cranial therapy, naturopathy, gestalt therapy. Her knowledge was combined with the experience of a reflexologist, osteopath, massage therapist. Understanding the need to see the general condition of a person made her develop this special treatment system. Globally speaking, Western ideas about depth psychology human and methods body therapy East. In Israel, a center of her method was opened for the training of specialists. And in the early 90s (in 1992), her book “The Power of Softness - holistic massage” (“Gentle Miracles – Holistic Pulsing”).

Indications for the use of palsing

Palsing is called one of the most universal methods healing of this kind. It is used both for the treatment of children, and as a preparation for childbirth for already pregnant women, and for the elderly.

The indications lie both in the sphere physical illness, and emotional, psychosomatic disorders:

  • cerebral palsy;
  • hyperactivity and neuroses in children;
  • stroke, heart attack (rehabilitation process);
  • joint diseases (and loss of tissue elasticity);
  • diseases of the spine;
  • depression;
  • fear;
  • post-traumatic conditions (as a result of sexual, physical, psychological violence);
  • headaches (including migraine);
  • high blood pressure;
  • violations of coordination;
  • puffiness;
  • constipation;
  • slagging of the body;
  • sexual problems;
  • problems in interpersonal relationships (there is also family (home) palsing to harmonize relationships);
  • general decrease in tone;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • anxiety and tension;
  • repressed emotions and feelings;
  • loss of muscle and skin tone;
  • poor flexibility;
  • transitional age (facilitates its negative manifestations);
  • menopause (reduction of negative factors);
  • aging (helps slow down the process).

Palsing technique

The pulsating movements in palsing create a sway for the whole body. This happens under the influence of an open palm on the body (the thumb is active, the rest play only an auxiliary role).

The rhythm of rocking the body for each person is different. But it is important that the continuity and smoothness of these swings be maintained. This is what contributes to a soft trance state and relaxation. muscular system organism.

Both small swings and big moves, which respectively speeds up and slows down the rhythm. The patient can lie on their side, on their back, on their stomach, or in the fetal position.

The removal of blocks is sometimes accompanied by mobility, tears, deep breaths followed by relief. This is an indicator of liberation on the emotional, physical and intellectual levels.

Pulsing has several basic principles:
  • treatment without coercion (the patient himself must be ready to succumb to treatment in the physical plane and immerse himself in a special psychological atmosphere);
  • the unity of the patient and the therapist during the session (this technique does not tolerate distraction during the session of the therapist or the patient);
  • healing instead of “correction” (a single block, problem, is not “corrected”, but is used general approach to the analysis of the whole situation with the patient);
  • movement throughout the body (the basis of the technique; thanks to this, a signal is sent to the body about integrity);
  • elongation and expansion (a kind of “stretching” of the body by means of massage rocking movements relieves muscles, joints, chest);
  • connection (in the palsing technique, the body is considered as a system of poles with boundaries; this principle is addressed to the connection of the boundaries of the poles (zones) of the body);
  • self-healing (returning to the patient the ability to trust his feelings and sensations).

It is difficult to overestimate the influence of this type of holistic massage on the central nervous system. Almost every adult person actively functioning in society has periods of


Holistic massage is, by definition, a technique with a high healing potential (holos - whole, healing, healing).

But this potential can only be unleashed - again - in some holistic, collaborative process in which the healed and the healer work closely together.This is a massage for people who are concerned with their health, not their illnesses.

This is a massage for people who are dynamically developing and successfully implemented in society, but at the same time who want to further improve the quality of their lives.

Nevertheless, this technique, when additional resources are connected (phytotherapy, apitherapy, naturopathy, etc.), can also work in the traditional way, familiar and understandable to the "average level of consciousness", that is, as a means of combating overwhelming ailments.

It is rather difficult to describe everything that I had to work with over the years of practice, and therefore on this page I will talk about some of the health problems that I most often encounter and for which enough statistics have already accumulated over the years of practice.

PROBLEMS OF THE musculoskeletal system

These are, of course, the most common reasons why people turn to a massage therapist. Tension has accumulated in the shoulders (arms, neck, lower back, etc.), stiffness is felt. Later, pains are felt in the neck, back, lower back, etc. And this is osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis is the most common problem of the spine today. According to the most common opinion, the cause of osteochondrosis is the deposition of salts in the spine. In fact, osteochondrosis is a degenerative disease of the spine, characterized by a predominant lesion of the intervertebral discs, more often in the cervical and lumbar regions.

Violation of the blood supply to the spine leads to malnutrition (trophism) of the intervertebral discs. They lose their elasticity, lose their ability to regenerate, decrease in size, wear out, which in turn affects nerve roots extending from the spine.

Manifestations of osteochondrosis are diverse. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is characterized by pain in the occipital, interscapular regions, a feeling of heaviness in the shoulder girdle, pain in the neck, especially when moving, general limitation neck mobility, numbness of the fingers during sleep. The involvement of the vertebral arteries in the process and the violation of the blood supply to the brain are evidenced by dizziness and the flashing of stars before the eyes when turning the head.

With osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, there is rapid fatigue of the back muscles, the inability to long time V vertical position, constant monotonous debilitating pain along the spine. With osteochondrosis lumbar spine in initial period there is a feeling of fatigue and slight pain when the torso is tilted forward, quickly disappearing after it is straightened. Over time, these sensations become permanent, prolonged, appear with laughter, coughing, sneezing. There are pains in the gluteal region, on the back surface of the rib. Significant muscle tension is felt in lumbar region, muscles of the gluteal region, thigh, lower leg. There is no mobility in the affected segment of the spine.

Holistic massage for osteochondrosis any localization gives good result, since it stimulates blood and lymph circulation in the spine, thereby improving the nutrition of the intervertebral discs. Pain is reduced, increased tone or tension in the muscles of the neck, back, lower back. The pain in the arms and legs goes away, the person begins to sleep peacefully and no longer wakes up with numb limbs.

The next very common disease of the spine is sciatica - a lesion of the roots of the spinal nerves, characterized by specific pains. The main reason for the development of radiculitis is osteochondrosis of the spine, degeneration of the intervertebral discs, often with their displacement. Depending on the localization, lumbosacral, cervicothoracic and cervical sciatica are distinguished.

Manifestations of radiculitis of different localization It has common features: spontaneous pain in the zone of innervation of the affected roots, aggravated by movements, coughing, sneezing and straining; restriction of mobility of the spine, protective (pain) posture in which a person is forced to walk, pain with pressure on the spinous processes of the vertebrae and in paravertebral (paravertebral) points, weakness and hypotrophy of muscles in the zone of radicular innervation.

In the course of lumbosacral sciatica There are lumbago and radicular stages. In the first stage, pain may occur suddenly in the muscles after physical activity, cooling or increase gradually, aggravated by coughing, sneezing, etc. As the transition to the second stage, the pain intensifies, changes character, begins to radiate to the gluteal region, along the posterior surface of the thigh and lower leg.

Treatment of sciatica is treated in the same way as osteochondrosis, except perhaps a little longer. Despite the fact that the holistic massage technique is quite soft, and unlike the classical medical massage, a person usually does not get hurt, the effect of restoring the blood supply to the spine and paravertebral muscles is quite high. Due to what is this happening? Firstly, this technique works not only with the muscles themselves, but also with their biofield, with their "energy flesh". The energy flow in the muscles is activated and the muscle is restored not only during the massage session, but also after it, since self-healing mechanisms are activated. If, after a massage course, a person masters self-massage techniques, then within a few months he can restore the spine so much that he simply forgets that he suffered from sciatica.


Often people do not even know how effective massage can be for bruises and sprains. Most often, it seems to a person that the massage will be even more painful. But it's not. A competent masseur not only does not make it worse, but also relieves pain, and also helps tissues recover faster. During my work in the theater, I was convinced of this more than once. Bruises are soft tissue injuries in which the integrity of the outer integument is maintained. With a significant bruise, ruptures of blood vessels, muscles, nerves, hemarthrosis are possible. The main manifestations of a bruise are pain, swelling, local hemorrhages with an increase in skin temperature in the bruised area. With the penetration of infection, purulent inflammation may occur. Ligament sprains are a variety of injuries without joint displacement. This may affect the ligaments, their places of attachment, synovium joints, cartilage, tendons, muscles, blood vessels, nerves. At severe damage an inflammatory process in the joint may begin and stiffness will forever remain in it.

The impact of massage causes a decrease in the general soreness of the injured area, improved metabolism, activation of muscle contractions, prevention of possible and elimination of muscle atrophy, accelerated resorption of edema, infiltrates and hemorrhages. Moreover, early start massage sessions contributes to a more effective reduction of pain and more quick recovery.

The specifics of massage for bruises and sprains in that the so-called "suction massage" is first done - a massage of the area located directly above the affected area (that is, the area that is higher than the affected area). This overlying, undamaged zone is well massaged, blood and lymph flow naturally into this zone. And since the affected area is in close proximity, blood and lymph drain from it. You can start a preparatory massage session either immediately - with moderate bruises, or after a few hours with severe bruises or severe sprains.

After acute phase bruise or sprain is avoided, the suction massage is complemented by a very light superficial direct massage of the affected area. As a result of such a complex, blood circulation and metabolism increase in the area of ​​damage, which reduces pain and promotes the resorption of exudate, infiltrates and hemorrhages.

And here it is worth mentioning another aspect of the massage effect, which is little known to the general public: massage contributes to the disappearance of scars. It may seem strange, but it is true. The fact is that with a specific massage effect, regeneration processes are significantly accelerated in the tissues of the scar. With prolonged exposure, scars disappear.

Of course, this primarily concerns fresh scars, whose age is from six months to 2 years. Old scars heal more slowly, but also noticeably decrease.


Increased arterial pressure is the result of a violation of vascular tone different areas(usually the brain), which leads to narrowing of the arterioles, changes cardiac output. Cardiologists have found that high blood pressure lies violation functional state central nervous system and other systems that influence the regulation of vascular tone. It also affects psycho-emotional overstrain, and stress, and hereditary predisposition etc.

Dysregulation vascular tone arise in connection with the overexcitation of the centers sympathetic innervation. This causes responses in the renal-hepatic system and the pituitary-adrenal system. As a result, substances are released into the blood that affect the level of blood pressure. Emerging persistent changes in the vessels various bodies lead to disruption of their blood supply.

In connection with unrest, overwork, a change in the weather in a person, there are headaches, heaviness in the head, dizziness, a feeling of flushing to the head, insomnia, palpitations. If a person does not deal with this problem, over time, such conditions are observed more often, often arise and proceed in the form of crises. And further, symptoms of persistent dysfunction of organs due to their diffuse lesion(nephrosclerosis, sclerosis of the retina, etc.) or foci of sclerosis due to ischemic infarcts, hemorrhages.

Massage performed according to a certain scheme, with the selection of special techniques, effectively lowers blood pressure, reduces headache and dizziness and, most importantly, contribute to the overall normalization psycho-emotional state.

Hypotension is low blood pressure. Primary hypotension is neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotonic type. Hypotension resulting from infectious, neuro-endocrine and other diseases, that is, as a symptom of various diseases, is secondary hypotension. At the core neurocirculatory dystonia lies the disorder of vascular tone and thermoregulation as a result of dysfunction of the nervous and humoral systems.

The main manifestations of the disease: low blood pressure, general weakness, fatigue, headaches, frequent pain in the region of the heart, dizziness, darkening of the eyes when changing body position, poor adaptability to physical exertion. With all this, a person may experience vascular crises, during which blood pressure rises slightly.

There are two variants of the course of the disease, depending on the predominance of inhibition (more often) or excitation processes in the cerebral cortex. In this case, symptomatically in one form are manifested: asthenic syndrome with lethargy, lethargy, depression, drowsiness, a persistent decrease in blood pressure. Headache in this case is localized mainly in the fronto-parietal and temporal regions. A person has a tendency to bradycardia at rest, and by the evening the blood pressure does not change. If such a person will be examined at the ophthalmologist, then the examination reveals atony of the vessels of the fundus.

In another form, other symptoms prevail: increased irritability, superficial restless sleep, headaches in the occipito-parietal region, a pronounced tendency to increase blood pressure in the evening, a tendency to tachycardia at rest. Examination of the ophthalmologist reveals a spasm of the vessels of the fundus.

Just as in the case of hypertension, massage performed according to a certain scheme (of course, different from hypertonic), with the selection of techniques necessary in this case, increases blood pressure, which also reduces headaches, contributes to the overall normalization of the psycho-emotional state and increases efficiency.


Like any therapeutic effect, holistic massage (both muscle and any other) is not suitable for everyone.

It is contraindicated in oncological diseases, skin diseases in acute form, severe injuries, burns, high temperature caused by inflammatory processes, with acute infectious diseases(abscesses, sepsis, etc.), feverish conditions, acute stage rheumatoid arthritis, acute cardiovascular insufficiency, acute stage of arterial and venous thrombosis, as well as at mental illness and pathologies.

Massage is not carried out with overwork, a strong feeling of hunger or overeating, with alcohol intoxication or other intoxication.

In conclusion, we note once again that in the absence of contraindications, holistic massage is a good general health tool that increases the level of vitality and creativity of a person, normalizes natural psycho-physiological processes and, finally, simply improves mood.

Over the years of practice, I have developed my own massage style, on the basis of which I developed my own type of massage, which I call "holistic massage".

It must be said that at present this term is most often applied to the body-oriented technique, which was originally called "holistic palsing", the author of which was the osteopath Tovey Browning. In Russia, this technique appeared in the early 90s of the last century through the Australian M. Munro. But, apparently, the desire to simplify everything and adapt it as much as possible for our Russian reality led to the fact that instead of the incomprehensible word "palsing", the people began to call this technique "holistic massage".

And now, even in fairly well-known and reputable massage schools, this technique is taught precisely as a "holistic massage", certificates are issued ...

It is sad, of course, that our massage schools have such a superficial approach to the techniques that they teach, but what is there ...

I myself am well acquainted with the technique of "holistic palsing", I studied it back in 1993 and since then I have been successfully using it if necessary, because the technique itself is quite working, but I want to emphasize that this is precisely "pulsing", namely pulsation, vibration, not massage in the traditional sense of the word. I apply the term "holistic massage" to massage in the conventional sense.

The term "holistic" comes from the Greek "holos" (whole, whole, complete). In this case, the use of this term, on the one hand, defines my approach to massage as such, and on the other hand, shows the deep relationship of this type of massage with the philosophy holism and in general with a holistic outlook and attitude.

This massage combines elements of some of the eastern and western healing and health systems that I met and practiced to one degree or another in different time life.

The former include yoga, qi-gong, zhen-jiu, su-jok and rei-ki, the latter - classic massage, manual therapy, bioenergy therapy and reflexology.

In addition, elements of body-oriented psychotherapy are woven into this massage.

In short, we can say that the basis of holistic massage is the same approach to a person as in traditional massage. oriental medicine. It sees the human body as complete system, all parts of which are in deep interconnection and interdependence, and this whole system is in the same deep interconnection and interdependence with the external, environment(First of all, of course, the surrounding people).

Accordingly, treatment consists not so much in the elimination of symptoms specific disease, how much in the normalization of disturbed bio-information links in the body, as well as in the normalization of human relationships with the outside world. As a result of this approach, the body is able to recover at its own level.

Embodying the principle "from general to particular", holistic massage covers the entire human body.

The area that needs most attention(and is often the main reason for contacting a massage therapist), is worked out in close relationship with the whole body.

The general health-improving, “vital” effect of this holistic effect is significantly higher than that of the traditional “fragmentary” massage that prevails in medicine.

There, a person is approached as a certain set of body parts, some of which need to be massaged.

That is, you are initially divided into so-called "massage units" (for example, the hand is one "massage unit", the back is "two massage units", etc.). The rest of your body is of no particular interest to anyone here. And, accordingly, the way in which an intense massage effect on this “unit” can affect them is not taken into account.

As a result, it turns out that metabolic processes are intensified only in one zone, which can cause various imbalances and tensions in other parts of the body (for example, after an intensive back massage, a person may get a headache, etc.)

In my practice, there were many cases when, after such a negative experience, people decided to refuse the services of masseurs altogether - despite the fact that they needed massage...

With a holistic approach, the problem area is restored as the entire organism is restored, that is, as much as the entire organism is restored. No part of the body remains "cold". Accordingly, any imbalances in this process are excluded to the maximum.

There are several types of holistic massage: muscle, joint, honey, api-massage, etc. Each of them is based on the same holistic principle, but each type of massage is unique in its own way and has its own nuances of healing and healing effects.

Holistic massage is well adapted to the modern rhythms and dynamics of the urban lifestyle. It does not require a couch or a massage table, because in the Eastern tradition, massage is always performed on the floor, you just need to lay a blanket or a blanket.

As practice shows, it is better if the session takes place at the client's home, when he does not need to go somewhere or go immediately after the session. The recovery processes triggered by massage do not stop with the end of the massage effect, and if a person has the opportunity to sleep, relax or act in a calm, relaxed rhythm, the effectiveness of the session increases significantly.

Even more massive health effect it turns out when during a massage course a person takes a specially selected api-program, consisting of natural products beekeeping and begins to practice alkaline healing methods that contribute to the maximum removal of toxins from the body.

Since holistic massage starts an intensive process of removing accumulated toxins from the body, and excretory system for a person living in conditions of poor ecology, it does not always work perfectly, these alkaline techniques greatly help the body to cleanse itself.

In addition, the healing effect of massage can be enhanced by various procedures from the field of cosmetology: peeling, wrapping, whiskey swaddling.

On the technical side, this is a classic European massage.

But taking into account the fact that holistic principles are integrated into it, it works much deeper and has a number of healing elements new to classical massage.

First of all, muscle holistic massage relieves general muscle tension that has accumulated as a result of numerous unbalanced physical activities and being in a stressful environment.

Moreover, not only external tension is removed, which, in principle, a person can remove himself if he calmly lies down and releases his muscles, but also the tension that already exists beyond the threshold of consciousness.

This is the tension that does not allow us to relax even when we really want it, which remains in the muscles even when we sleep, which creates discomfort and discomfort in the body - sometimes barely perceptible, sometimes very strong, but always present, like a background.

When this kind of "muscular corset" loses its rigidity, natural recovery processes, which are naturally inherent in the human body, but are usually suppressed by stress.

Massage enhances muscle tone, contributes to the rapid restoration of muscle performance, as well as the accumulation of glycogen in them, which helps the development and strengthening of muscle tissues. Massage relieves side effects, accompanying both intense muscular activity (clamps, stiffness, pain), and prolonged immobility(muscle hypotension, swelling, numbness, etc.).

Massage helps to reduce the content of lactic acid in the muscles and remove organic acids, which has a powerful restorative effect on tired muscles after exercise.

The work of the circulatory system is significantly improved due to the action of this type of holistic massage. The ability of the blood to take up oxygen increases acid-base balance in the blood is not disturbed.

Under the influence of massage, the number of functioning capillaries increases, they open, which causes an increased inflow arterial blood, contributes to the activation of blood circulation in general, the redistribution of blood from internal organs to muscles and skin. This, in turn, causes an increase in local temperature, warming of tissues, a change in their physico-chemical state, and therefore their elasticity improves.

The walls of blood vessels become more elastic, stagnation of blood in various parts circulatory system are eliminated, and this significantly reduces the workload on the heart. In addition, blood pressure normalizes. It has long been known that when massaging the upper body, it decreases, and when massaging the lower body, it rises. Holistic massage, by definition covering the whole body, regulates blood pressure well, which ensures the prevention of both hypertension and hypotension of blood vessels.

Muscle massage has a significant effect on the lymphatic system. The circulation of the lymph lymphatic vessels provided by muscle contractions. By acting on the muscles, the massage stimulates this circulation, as a result of which swelling, swelling and other congestion are eliminated.

This is especially noticeable with swelling of the legs that occurs after a long walk or due to obstructed outflow of lymph. By restoring the normal circulation of fluids in the body, massage relieves heaviness and fatigue in the legs.

The chest wall also receives a direct stimulating effect. Massage promotes the redistribution of blood and more uniform circulation in all parts of the lungs. Causing a reflex reaction of the nerve branches located in chest area, massage helps to deepen respiratory process. It activates lung function and promotes cleansing lung tissue from toxins deposited in the lungs as a result of inhalation of polluted air, smoking, etc.

Thanks to reflex connections, breathing becomes deeper, calmer and less frequent. Massage of the chest, especially the intercostal spaces, improves the function of the respiratory muscles, which, in turn, contributes to a better saturation of the body with oxygen, the removal of metabolic products, and the removal of fatigue. Massaging the chest, back, respiratory muscles, thoracic region spine, you can increase the ventilation of the corresponding segments of the lungs and improve blood circulation in them.

Under the influence of massage, the function of the respiratory muscles is normalized, bronchopulmonary circulation and bronchial patency are improved. The lungs after the massage procedure are ventilated more actively and much more evenly than before.

Muscle holistic massage improves tone not only skeletal muscle but also smooth muscles of organs. The tone of the stomach, intestines and other digestive organs increases, which, in turn, improves the digestive process, helps to get rid of toxins and stimulates the processes of splitting dense deposits in the gastrointestinal tract.

Such an effect of massage on the activity of internal organs is due to the fact that each organ corresponds to a certain skin zone. Zakharyin and Ged were the first to point out the relationship between the internal organs and integuments of the body, innervated from the same spinal segments. These zones are called the Zakharyin-Ged zones. If usually the impact on these zones does not cause discomfort and pain, then with diseases of individual internal organs, certain areas of the skin become especially sensitive, in areas belonging to a certain segment, hypertonicity (tension) and hyperesthesia (increased soreness) of the muscles are observed.

The relationship between the internal organs and segments of the spinal innervation is the basis for therapeutic action massage: when massaging superficial tissues (skin, connective tissue, muscles) there are responses associated with improved blood supply, changes in cellular metabolism in the relevant organs.

Impact on altered tissues, elimination in them pathological processes contribute to recovery normal state all internal organs and normal operation all vegetative functions of the body: respiration, blood circulation, digestion, activity of endocrine glands, etc.

It is difficult to overestimate the influence of this type of holistic massage on the central nervous system. Almost every adult who is actively functioning in society has periods of increased fatigue, when performance decreases significantly and work efficiency decreases. Massage provides significant assistance in solving these problems, relieving accumulated stress and balancing the general condition of a person.

Covering the whole body with its effect, massage helps to disconnect from negative thoughts and emotions and switches consciousness to immediate bodily sensations that exist here and now. A calm atmosphere, silence or pleasant music help to completely relax. In the course of this perfectly harmonious process, the nervous system gently and naturally comes into balance. Full course of such a massage normalizes sleep, increases recovery potential body, significantly increases the stability of the nervous system, and hence its resistance to stressful influences from the outside.

In addition, holistic massage can work as " ambulance» with severe stress, mental shocks and injuries. Everything in this state muscle tissues the body is very tense and often spasmodic, which entails functional disorders, and often serious illness(heart attacks, strokes, etc.) Due to its ability to switch consciousness to real bodily sensations, massage in this case goes well with psychotherapeutic aids.

General muscle holistic massage is a rather diverse technique. To achieve high results, various massagers and banks are widely used in it. published

The word "holistic" means "whole, whole." This name was given for a reason. It is believed that with the help of it one can gain integrity, the unity of the soul and body, to understand oneself. In other words, we are dealing not just with manual therapy, but with a psychotherapeutic method based on Eastern practices, teachings about the body and its energy. You can often find the term "holistic anti-stress massage". This is another name.

Holistic massage, what is it?

If you come to a holistic massage without knowing anything about it, you will be somewhat discouraged. This is because it will not be the usual massage for us, but simply swaying. Yes, namely the swaying of the whole body, its parts (arms, legs, head) with the help of the massage therapist's hands. That is, sort of like a massage, but not really. For this process there is special term"Pulsing", which means pulsation. Therefore, holistic massage is also called simply palsing, or: holistic palsing, palsing massage, holistic palsing massage, holistic pulsating massage - all these are synonyms.

For clarity, we suggest watching the holistic palsing video at the end of this article.

What problems does holistic massage solve?

  1. Rehabilitation after a stroke, heart attack, with cerebral palsy.
  2. Diseases of the spine, joints.
  3. Settlement interpersonal relationships(there is a family palsing).
  4. Depression, fear, stress, hyperactivity in children.
  5. Age troubles.
  6. Headache.
  7. Slow down aging.

Swedish holistic massage

Along with swaying, techniques such as squeezing, rubbing, rolling the skin, tapping are used here. The masseur tries to probe the patient's muscles as deeply as possible with the fingertips, thus diagnosing each small area of ​​tissue, while at the same time controlling the vibration. Everything is done with more force than usual, but slowly. The person being massaged relaxes, after which, as a rule, falls asleep. You can watch the Swedish holistic massage video by reading this article to the end.

Holistic massage principles

There are seven basic principles:

  1. ubiquitous movement. Constant vibration. When the muscles are relaxed, they themselves respond to the slightest oscillatory effects.
  2. Extension and extension. Stretching the arms, legs, neck with the help of massage swings. Relieves stiff joints and muscles.
  3. Compound. The whole organism is considered as a set of poles, boundaries. The bottom line: to combine them into one.
  4. Relationships. Both the massage therapist and the patient should not be distracted during the session, be nervous. They need to feel spiritual, psycho-emotional integrity. The swing speed should gradually increase and also gradually decrease. No sudden movements.
  5. Ease. You can't force yourself. This also applies to both participants in the process. The body is always forced to apply a response to pain, aggression and everything that it does not like. To avoid this reaction, you need to act gently, tactfully. Only then will all messages be accepted.
  6. Integrity. The method is designed to heal the whole organism (including the spiritual content), and not its individual parts.
  7. resource. With the help of such a session, the patient must rethink himself, believe in his strength, the strength of his body, trust own feelings, sensations. Thus, the process of self-healing is awakened.

Today, classical massage has been pushed aside by newer directions, one of which is holistic pulsation massage, which is still a little-known procedure in our country. The author of the holistic pulsating massage is Tovey Browning.

Any massage of a person as a whole is therapeutic. The holistic approach considers the mind, body, emotions and spiritual dimensions of each person. Working with any one aspect can affect the balance of the whole, and healing lies in gaining balance.

Holistic massage - what is it

The holistic type of massage is based on the teachings and knowledge drawn from Chinese medicine and Eastern practices. It has absorbed the techniques of many other areas, for example, from manual therapy, osteopathy and oriental techniques of psychophysical regulation.

Holistic massage is based on the classic Swedish massage movements, stretching and interaction with the patient.

The movements of this relaxing massage should be smooth. It combines sliding movements, which apply oil to the body, muscle relaxation techniques and deep pressure to relieve local tension. Massage should be perceived as a dance, evenly relaxing the whole body. Try not to interrupt as much as possible. physical contact with the patient and not think about their own affairs. Focus on massage.

Holistic massage technique

The holistic massage technique is psychological therapy which can help to cope with various internal problems patients.

Positive results are achieved through the body: it is it that unites the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects human being.

The body is able to reflect thoughts, feelings, emotions, save all the experience gained by a person, and also tell about everything that happened in his life.

In other words, the human body is a storehouse huge amount information. This includes muscle tension and stiffness of movement.

Movement and rhythm are the basic principles of holistic massage. It is he who is able to awaken everything in a person. vitality.

The use of such a massage will be useful for those who have lost the meaning in life, do not know how to get out of difficult situation or is constantly in a bad mood. Holistic massage simultaneously affects the organs, metabolic and excretory processes in the body.

Holistic back massage - photo step by step

Holistic back massage - main features

A holistic full-body massage, from head to toe, uses the techniques we have just covered. The massage begins with wide strokes on the back, one of the most important areas for relaxation, which helps you gain self-confidence.

The massage starts from the back. Prepare everything you need in advance and concentrate. Then proceed to stroking along the back and warming up the large muscles.

Massage should smoothly move from one part of the body to another, following certain techniques. Your task is to learn massage in interaction with the patient, and not to master its perfect performance the first time!

If some techniques seem difficult to you, come back to them later. Do not forget that the hands must move constantly. You will learn everything by doing. End the massage on the feet to ground the patient.

Massage should be an interactive lesson for you and the patient.

First touch. Stand behind the patient's head. Make sure he's comfortable. Don't think about anything else, exhale slowly and relax. Concentrate on own body and imagine that you are inhaling through your feet and exhaling through your arms. As you exhale, place your hands on the patient's back and relax for a few seconds.

Stroking. Rub some oil into your palms. Lean forward and place your palms on the patient's upper back. Run your hands down your back as far as you can reach. The palms should always fully touch the patient's back, taking its shape. In this way, you apply oil to the back, helping the patient to relax, and identify tense areas on it.

Stroking. When you have finished moving down, spread your fingers and spread your arms so that they follow the ribs on the way back. As you move up, push harder. Return to the starting position and repeat the technique in this sequence several times. Hands should slide confidently, moderate pressure.

Rolling with the thumb. Place your thumbs on the muscles on the sides of the spine, in a triangle between the neck and shoulder blade. Continuously move your thumbs down along the spine. The pressure should be enough to relax the muscles, but not painful. Before repeating the reception, ask the patient about his feelings.

Palm pressure. With one hand, support the patient's shoulder from below, and place the palm of the other on his upper back, as shown in the figure. Run your hand over the shoulder blade, while pressing. Repeat several times to relax the muscles, trying to press your hand to the shoulder blade as much as possible.

Thumb pressure. While continuing to support the patient's shoulder from below, apply pressure with your thumb near the shoulder blade, between the ribs (not on the ribs). Gently press with your fingertip, hold for a second and release. This stimulates the intercostal muscles and helps to relax the shoulder.

pressure bottom palms. Continuing to support the patient's shoulder with one hand, place lower part palms of the other on the shoulder blade. Press and move diagonally towards the arm, reducing the pressure. Where the muscles are tense, press and make a circle so that you feel the support in the other hand.

Light touches. After completing this part of the massage, lightly run the fingertips of both hands down the patient's arm. This shifts attention from the back to the arm. Repeat a few times, then go back to the head and do it all on the other side. The patient's head should always be turned away from the shoulder you are massaging.

Stroking. Move to the patient's lower back. Having rubbed the oil in the palms, put them on the sacrum - a bone triangle at the base of the back. Spread your fingers and spread your arms up and to the sides, to the waist. Return to starting position and repeat, applying pressure.

Circles. Stand next to the patient. Place your palms on the sacrum, one on top of the other, to better control the movements. pressing lightly top hand on the lower palm, turn it counterclockwise. Repeat slowly and evenly to relax your lower back without discomfort. The arms are relaxed and follow the shape of the patient's body.

Palm pressure. Place your palms next to the back muscles on the opposite side of the spine from you. Press with your palms and move away from you, rolling your muscles, to the buttock. At the end of the movement, the pressure must be released and transferred to the fingertips.

Kneading. Bend over and start stretching your buttocks. Press on the muscles and use your fingers to roll them towards your thumb. The movement must be rhythmic. Alternate hands. Continue massaging with sufficient force until the muscles relax.

Kneading. Continue kneading the muscles on the opposite side of the spine by pressing down on them with the thumbs of both hands and rolling them towards you with the rest. Do not touch the spine, stepping back about 2.5 cm from it. Rise up to the shoulder and come back. Then change position and repeat on the other side.

Palm pressure. Place your palms on the patient's lower back with the wrists facing each other. Run your hands in different sides towards the ribs. At the end of the movement, the palm should completely touch the patient's back. Repeat at intervals until you reach the shoulders, and then just press between the shoulder blades.

Pressing with thumbs. Start in the area between the shoulder blades. Place your thumbs on the muscles on the sides of your spine. Press with both hands at the same time, moving down parallel to the vertebrae. The pressure should be strong, but be careful never to put pressure on the bone. Move quickly and evenly to the lower back.

Light touches. Finishing the back massage, lightly stroke it from top to bottom with your fingertips. Repeat in alternating motions to shift your attention to the lower body. Hold your hands at your lower back for a second and release them lightly.

Holistic Massage Technique Tutorial: Video

The modern world with its diversity, constant stress and tasks exhausts people so much that at the end of the working day they want something relaxing, like a massage. For some, this word is combined with the word "healing". After all, this procedure is resorted to only if something is ill. But there is a holistic massage, which is completely painless, but very pleasant.

Origin story

Before understanding what this procedure is, let's talk about the history of its appearance. The father of this was Tovey Browning. For many years he worked as a massage therapist, reflexologist, osteopath, which led him to the idea to combine all his specializations into one and create a new, hitherto unknown, called "holistic palsing" (pulsing in English - pulsation).

Tovey proceeded from the fact that a large number of images, memories "found a place" in human body. You can give for example: muscle tension, stiffness, lack of emotion. Many moments a person simply cannot remember and not realize. A holistic massage can help the records “break out”. Often the memories that are stuck in our minds can affect the present and the future. That's why they need to be released. Thanks to this procedure, a person acquires the unity of soul and body, an understanding of himself. No wonder this type of massage is called anti-stress.

Now about the procedure itself

Holistic massage is a holistic system. It can be: preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitation. It affects the physical, emotional and psychological condition person. This procedure is considered easy.

For those who decide to master holistic massage, training should begin with studying the technique. It is based on simple, rhythmic, pulsating movements, such as vibration and swaying of the whole body. Thanks to them in human body run natural processes. You don't need to use any force.

This massage is perfect for people of all ages. It has a positive effect on both adults and children. It can be used for overwork, joint pain, insomnia and stress, after injuries. Soft massage- this is another name for a procedure that restores blood circulation, relieves stress, improves physical condition.

The difference between palsing and other types of massage and the features of this procedure

Holistic and classical massage differ from each other. The first and most important difference is integrity and softness. It is observed both in technology and in therapy.

The second is that a variety of techniques are used, work with blocks, psychological and psychotherapeutic effects.

Speaking about the features, we can highlight the following:

  • Setting realistic goals.
  • Step-by-step treatment: bodily (massage techniques are used); manual, psychological.

This method is perfect for the treatment of psychosomatic disorders.

Holistic massage combines some elements of Western and Eastern healing systems. The first include: yoga, su-jok, zhen-ju. The second should include: reflexology, bioenergy therapy and classical massage. In addition, some elements of psychotherapy are woven into this procedure.

The mechanism of the massage

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is worth understanding that the patient is not a passive, but an active participant in the process. During the massage, a dialogue takes place that is therapeutic in nature.

  • The procedure is carried out on the floor.
  • The patient lies down in clothes that are comfortable for him.
  • All movements are swinging, vibrating, occur in a certain rhythm.
  • The body swings easily and freely only if the rhythm is chosen correctly.
  • The massage takes place at a relaxed pace. The patient relaxes, focuses on the sensations of his body.
  • During the procedure, large and small amplitude movements are used. The first is useful in rocking the body and limbs. The second one penetrates deep and acts on emotions.
  • All movements are performed simultaneously and without stopping.

Like all other procedures, massage should have a base or, in other words, a base. It is such a basis that the principles of its implementation are. Only by adhering to them, you can achieve the desired results. Now more about them.

Principles of holistic massage

Let's go all over the body

Every specialist knows that there are massage zones. Now let's talk about each of them separately.

Benefits of the procedure

Best of all, former patients can tell about what holistic massage gives.



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