Dictionary of special terms. Terms and Definitions




Preparation of guidelines : Guidelines. / Compiled by. – Irkutsk: PL No. 17, 2005, p.

Introduction. 4

1. Structure of guidelines. 6

2. General requirements for the design of methodological instructions. 9

References.. 13


Methodological instructions are intended to solve the problem of training, education and development of students and must comply with:

The current standard of primary vocational education and secondary vocational education;

Rules for the design and preparation of methodological instructions;

The current level of development of knowledge in terms of research methods, theories, hypotheses, facts. To prepare students for the independent use of scientific methods in solving standard and/or atypical problems of theory and practice. Contain a methodological apparatus that organizes students’ independent work and develops their creative abilities. The material in the guidelines must be presented in a clear, accessible and consistent form.

Guidelines, while having a general structure, can take different forms. Types of teaching materials

Textbook (reproduces the logic and structure of the program and, meets its requirements, contains the necessary material for mastering all topics and main issues of the program, organizes independent work of students);

13. Ivanov use of archive documents // Records management. – 2000. - No. 1. – p. 22-32.

14. State Hermitage (St. Petersburg). Archaeological reporting session (2002). Reporting archaeological session for 2002: abstract. report / State Hermitage Museum. – St. Petersburg. : State Publishing House. Hermitage, 2001. – 62 p.

15. History of Russia: textbook. manual for students of all specialties / [etc.]; resp. ed; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, St. Petersburg. state forestry engineering acad. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional / starring. – St. Petersburg. : SPbLTA, 2001. – 231 p.

Which authors must adhere to. In any case, it should contain a title page, information about the author or team of authors (positions, qualification categories, academic degrees), a brief abstract, introduction, main part, recommended literature and appendices, if any.

On the title page, indicate the name of the institution, the surname and initials of the author (authors), the title, which should begin with the words: “Methodological recommendations by", name of the city, year of compilation.

In a brief annotation, which is given at the top of the second sheet, write the essence of the issues considered, the purpose of these methodological recommendations, indicate the sources of positive information that went into their development and list the areas of their possible application. At the bottom of the second, place information about the author or authors.

In the introduction, provide justification for the need to compile these methodological recommendations, a brief analysis of the state of affairs on the issue discussed in them, characterize the significance of the development, and list where and to whom they can be useful in practical work. Define your goals and give a brief summary of the expected results from using this document. Justify its features and novelty in comparison with other similar documents developed in this area.

In the main part of the recommendations, describe the step-by-step order, algorithm, and methods for performing this process. Give advice on solving related issues, as well as recommendations on logistics, financial, personnel support of the process. Pay attention to the most difficult moments based on the experience that the author already has, and warn the reader against typical ones.

As an appendix, indicate those materials that are not included in the main part of the content of the guidelines, but are necessary to complete this work process. These may be other methodological recommendations and instructional materials, as well as documents illustrating the process: diagrams, maps, photographs.


  • how not to give recommendations

It often happens that you just can’t start some kind of written work - be it an essay, coursework or just a memo, a report on the work done. However, this internal numbness can be overcome with the help of a clearly defined plan and clearly formulated tasks and methods for solving them. Any good paper should accomplish such mental navigation; when compiling it, it is always a good idea to outline the next stages for writing a paper.


As part of the first stage, write down in the manual the need to first give a preliminary title/topic of a written work or report, and based on this, determine in general terms the goals of the work and what the writer intends to convey to his potential readers or listeners. Thus, the outlines of the plan, individual valuable thoughts, and intuitions on the topic will appear, which the author needs to write down and then, of course, use.

The next step is to draw up an outline, which should have at least three parts: an introduction (usually with several subparagraphs), a main part (usually with several subparagraphs) and a conclusion. The plan may still be preliminary, because In the process of writing the work, it will most likely be clarified. At the same time, it is worth noting in the manual that the plan must be drawn up without fail even if it is not included in the final text, for example, of a report or report.

For the next stage, give instructions to determine the literature, sources, and materials in general (artifacts, videos, photographs, drawings, etc.) that you plan to involve/involve in written work or report. Here, only everything relevant to the topic is important, decisively discarding everything else, even very interesting and similar in content - otherwise there is a danger of getting buried in the material.

Methodologically, instructions are those recommendations that the teacher gives to his students before they begin to perform practical work. Of course, this term has a broader meaning. Methodological recommendations are also the criteria that teachers use when drawing up lesson plans. Given the versatility of the term, we will try to reflect some aspects of its application.

Course work

The development of methodological instructions is carried out in full accordance with the curriculum developed for a specific specialty. Coursework involves scientific independent research by the student, which completes familiarity with a specific discipline.

The material may be dedicated to one topical issue. Guidelines for the specialty “management of organizations,” for example, concern the design of work and the specifics of carrying out mathematical calculations.

General rules

Compliance with methodological instructions allows the student to count on a high assessment of his activities. Course work is of particular importance in the training of high-class specialists, because when writing it, the student deeply studies the material and receives additional information on the subject.

Guidelines and assignments help to reveal the chosen topic as fully as possible, explore individual issues and problems related to economic analysis, a systematic approach to achieving and developing goals and objectives. A student of this specialty should devote a special place in the work process to psychological and social issues, since without them the manager is not able to take effective actions and decisions.

The list of topics, as well as the features of their writing, are contained in the “Methodological Instructions”. This greatly simplifies the task for students; they do not need to come up with a direction of activity on their own; they just need to study the list and choose the topic they like for their course work.

Important points

When analyzing theoretical material, the student must take into account the latest achievements in economic practice, select for his work such material that would take into account the basic requirements for safety and labor protection rules.

Course work is carried out on the basis of standards that contain guidelines for the organization.

The student has the right to independently develop a topic if he has the support of his supervisor. The completed material is submitted for review, and then the course work is defended by the supervisor. If the coursework is not submitted on time, the student does not receive admission to the main examination session.

Goal and tasks

In higher education, methodological instructions are an excellent guide that allows you to carry out the task set by the teacher efficiently and effectively.

The purpose of the course activity is for students to consolidate practical and theoretical knowledge acquired during lecture classes. The final result of the work directly depends on the correctness of goal setting:

  • deepening skills and knowledge on the chosen topic;
  • increasing the general intellectual level;
  • acquiring skills and experience in working with newspaper, management, and economic literature;
  • development of creative skills;
  • mastery of scientific research methods;
  • preparation for the thesis.

The Ministry of Finance's guidelines help create high-quality coursework that can be smoothly translated into a diploma.

Preparation for activities

This is an important link in the educational chain of obtaining a complete understanding of the discipline being studied by the future bachelor or specialist. When completing a course project, a student must:

  • prove the relevance and importance of the chosen topic in theory, show the possibility of its implementation in practice;
  • carry out a review of literary sources on the problem, conduct a systematic review of the selected material;
  • give a detailed economic and technical description of the work object, reflect the management aspect;
  • analyze the specifics of functioning;
  • carry out calculations of the expected economic efficiency of the practical implementation of this work;
  • logically and consistently present the results of your own research on the topic;
  • confirm your reasoning and conclusions with additional explanatory and illustrative materials.

In order to successfully resolve all these issues, guidelines will help. The calculation is carried out by the student taking into account possible risks, which depend on the specifics of the chosen topic. It is possible to omit any element of the “Instructions”, but this may negatively affect the assessment of the completed course work or the quality of its defense.

Work order

It presupposes a certain algorithm of actions, which should be discussed in more detail. First, a topic is selected and agreed upon with the leader. Next, the problems are identified and a work plan is drawn up. At the next stage, the selection and detailed study of literary sources takes place. Next, all points related to the plan for upcoming activities are clarified.

If the work involves experiments, then the teacher gives the student certain methodological instructions for taking into account their results. Then comes the writing of the work itself, its design, and the finished material is submitted to the supervisor for review. The last stage is the protection of the prepared project.


So, let’s take a closer look at the main points that are associated with completing coursework. When selecting a topic, the student is guided by the methodological recommendations that have been developed in this educational institution. What is important to consider when choosing the topic of your course work? It must be related to the student’s specialization and coincide with the experience that he has already mastered at the time he began his activity. If any difficulties arise at this stage, you can seek help and advice from the supervisor or teacher of this academic discipline.


The second stage involves drawing up a rough plan for future work. This is a responsible and important element of activity. The quality and integrity of the created material directly depends on it. Methodological recommendations developed by department specialists for each academic discipline will help the student cope with emerging difficulties.

It must be remembered that a logical and consistent plan is half the success in work. It is important to reflect the main problems of the topic, highlighting 3-5 issues that will be considered during the course work.

To simplify the task, we can distinguish several subsections. The plan that will be drawn up by the student is provided to the teacher for final elaboration.

Features of working with literary sources

This stage of work also involves the use of methodological recommendations. There are certain requirements for the design of bibliographic sources and their citation within the work. In many educational institutions, teachers recommend that their students write a brief summary of those literary sources that have been selected for subsequent use.

The bibliography compiled should include only literature that was published in the last decade. Otherwise, the coursework will be considered outdated and irrelevant, and it will not receive a high grade from the teacher.

Main stage

It involves direct writing and design of the work. The selected material is grouped, processed, systematized, taking into account the recommendations that are developed in the work plan. After clarifying the structure, you can proceed to the selection of illustrative material. Next comes work on the draft material, which undergoes high-quality literary processing and editing. At the final stage, the course work must be completed in accordance with the methodological recommendations specified in GOST 73281, as well as taking into account additional requirements that have been developed in this educational institution (organization). The finished work is submitted to the supervisor for review. In order for the material to be properly reviewed by the teacher, the student must submit it no later than three days before the specified deadline.

Specifics of protection

In the event that a student has not fully followed the methodological instructions, this is noted by the teacher, and he returns the material to the student for revision. Only after eliminating all these shortcomings, the author receives permission to defend the finished course work.

The defense procedure involves public presentation of the material. There is a group of students in the audience. In 5-7 minutes, the author briefly informs the assembled classmates and the teacher about the work he has done, the results obtained, and the prospects for the practical application of the material.

The head of the department and his first deputy are present at the defense. The speaker substantiates the relevance of the material, highlights the object of analysis, the tasks posed in the course work, and draws conclusions.

Reviewers, who are teachers, highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the material and ask the student additional questions. When answering questions, the author of the material must demonstrate to everyone present his awareness of the topic, prove excellent knowledge of the work done and the literature analyzed.

In the final speech, the speaker responds to the comments made by the teachers, trying to prove in correct ways the correctness of his point of view set out in the course work.

To ensure that lessons and extracurricular activities in educational institutions are carried out at the proper level, each teacher uses special manuals called “Methodological Recommendations”. At the very beginning of the textbooks for teachers in any subject there is an article that specifies the uniform requirements for the educational process, lists the main types of both current and test work, and discusses the general requirements for maintaining and assigning notebooks.

Methodological recommendations provide detailed instructions for maintaining student notebooks and clarify the procedure for checking written work by the teacher. The rules for making entries in the class journal are also indicated here.

Further, the methodological recommendations contain more specific material directly related to the conduct of classes. Based on the document - the curriculum - the introductory article provides the number of classes allocated to a particular topic of the subject, and provides approximate planning of the topic, scheduled lesson by lesson.

However, no one will insist that the methodological recommendations are an unshakable authoritarian document, deviation from the article of which is similar to a crime. After all, even the teaching process itself is a creative process, constantly changing and developing.

A talented teacher will not conduct even the same lesson in different parallel classes in the same way. It will be individual for each specific class, taking into account its preparation and the level of abilities of the students.

In one team, for example, children are able to work well individually, are diligent and efficient. But various quizzes and improvisations here confuse the children: they get lost and their performance deteriorates.

The other class, on the contrary, hates routine and consistency. In such a team, the teacher has to find new ones every time in order to captivate the students, capture their attention, and force absolutely all the children to take part in the lesson.

A method such as appointing one of the students as a teacher gives an excellent effect. Funny? Yes! Interesting? Certainly! And, most importantly, the need to find errors in the answers and works of others, giving a fair assessment of the knowledge of comrades helps the “teacher” subsequently easily find errors in himself, give an assessment of his own work, which is far from unimportant, as it may seem at first glance.

Many methodological recommendations also contain examples of individual tasks. Again, the beginning teacher should be warned that they are designed with the average student in mind. Perhaps, having gotten to know the students better, a talented teacher will develop absolutely individual tasks for each child that will correspond specifically to his level of training and intellectual capabilities.

It is not without reason that they say that a teacher is a scientist, a psychologist, an artist, a writer, and even sometimes a magician. And the learning process is a stormy river constantly flowing forward. Technological progress leaves its mark on it. And if children curl their lips at the phrase “Write an essay at home in notebooks,” maybe it’s worth “following their lead” and slightly modifying the task? “Today you will send me articles for our website via the Internet. The topic is to describe the funniest incident in your life. I post articles, site users rate them, the winners are noted on the main page, and I will record the ratings in the magazine.”

Of course, the compilers of teacher's manuals probably do not recommend such homework. But sometimes, taking into account the psychology of students, you can make your own adjustments to the recommendations of generally recognized teachers.



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