How to determine kidney disease: tests and examinations. What distinguishes kidney pain: specific symptoms

No one has any doubts or objections to the fact that every person wants to be completely healthy. Any disease, including problems of internal organs, can cause us suffering and have a direct impact on the quality of life. It is not without reason that kidney pain is considered one of the most excruciating types of pain that a person can experience.

The kidneys are the most important paired organ in the human body, so interruptions in their work can especially affect a person’s condition. How do you know if you have kidney disease?

How to find out that you have kidney disease by symptoms!

How do you know if your kidneys are sick? First of all, try to remember if you were bothered by pain in the lumbar region. In kidney disease, this symptom is the most basic. The presence of acute pain may indicate renal colic - in other words, an acute inflammatory process in the kidneys. If you are bothered by a dull aching pain, this is a sure sign of kidney disease, which has become chronic.

Carefully inspect your urine and check for impurities. If there is blood or mucus in the urine, this is, as they say, an alarm bell that is not even true - it is screaming about kidney disease. If you have problems with urination or any abnormalities, this is also a symptom of diseases of the urinary system.

Try one day to determine the volume of urine that is excreted from your body in one knock, and write down the results. When you see that the result exceeds two liters, the question of the presence of polyuria arises. If, on the contrary, the secreted volume is very small, you have oliguria. In medicine, there is such a thing as anuria - a rather unpleasant symptom, which implies a complete cessation of urine excretion by the kidneys. If you are tormented by too frequent urination, this is pollakiuria. Each of the above signs is a symptom of kidney disease.

Carefully examine your entire body and check for swelling. Take a closer look at the reflection in the mirror: if you see that your face is a little swollen, your eyelids are puffy, and your eye slits have narrowed, you most likely have problems with your kidneys. Renal edema can be distinguished from others due to its special pallor and very rapid rate of development. Often, renal edema appears not only on the face, but also on the entire body, especially on the limbs. Swelling of the body may be accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, a feeling of lethargy, nausea or vomiting, and an increase in body temperature.

If you nevertheless discover that you have any of the symptoms listed above, you should definitely and immediately make an appointment with a urologist. Modern medicine has such examination methods that make it possible to detect kidney disease at the earliest stage and prevent further progression of the disease.

Especially important.

Most likely, your urologist will prescribe an ultrasound examination of your kidneys and bladder. Don't worry: this method is absolutely safe and painless. When undergoing an ultrasound, you may need a clean sheet, so make sure you have one in advance, and also take with you all the results of previous examinations you have. Do not forget also that for a full examination of the bladder, it must be filled with urine.

People who experience back pain may not immediately understand the cause. They take a heating pad, but if it’s kidneys, this is not recommended. It is important to understand that without an accurate diagnosis, warming cannot be done, since in the case of an inflammatory disease this can lead to complications.

Not everyone knows where the kidneys hurt. How can you tell if your kidney is hurting? To do this, you need to know the anatomy of the body, then it will be easy to recognize the symptoms.

How can you understand that it is your kidneys that are hurting? That painful phenomena in the lower back are not osteochondrosis or a manifestation of signs of appendicitis?

To understand whether the kidneys and not another organ are hurting, it is important to listen to your body to determine the location of the pain.

Different diseases exhibit different symptoms. Back pain occurs due to diseases such as osteochondrosis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, urolithiasis, pelvic inflammation, and stomach ulcers.

You can determine whether your kidneys or back hurt by certain symptoms. The fact that it is the kidneys that hurt will only be confirmed by the doctor’s final diagnosis.

How can you check if a person's discomfort is a sign of kidney disease? The pain is often not felt in the kidney area. To find out whether your kidneys or lower back hurt, you need to pay attention to other symptoms. If you have:

  • pallor and swelling of the face;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • ammonia odor from the mouth;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • pain when urinating,
  • this indicates a violation of the kidneys.

Often kidney diseases begin with minor sensations in the bladder. Further, the process of urination becomes painful, burning and stinging appears. There may be a constant urge to go to the toilet and urinary incontinence.

Since the kidneys cannot cope with their function, the urine becomes cloudy, sand appears in it, and stained with blood.

Pain in the lower back in the center indicates a disorder in the spine. With scoliosis and osteochondrosis, discomfort occurs in certain areas of the back, namely in the upper part.

The cause of problems with the spine in the lower back may lie in radiculitis. There may be nagging or shooting pains radiating to the buttock and thigh. When discs are displaced or spina bifida, sensations appear in the central part of the lower back.

With pancreatitis, girdle pain occurs, radiating to the left side of the back, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. In the right hypochondrium and in the back, pain appears with cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. General malaise is accompanied by nausea, yellowing of the face, and the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Provoking factors for the appearance of kidney diseases can be hypothermia, infectious diseases, complications after a sore throat.

Additional causes of back pain are muscle strains after heavy physical labor. The anatomical structure of the kidneys is such that the right kidney is most often affected by the disease. The organ is located above the lower back.

Pain occurs after pressing on the right rib. Right-sided colic appears. Vision deteriorates, skin rash is possible. There is an ammonia smell from the mouth.

Only a doctor can make a final diagnosis, since these may be symptoms of damage to other organs, such as the spleen, ureter.

Analyze your condition. Unpleasant pain in the back can be a manifestation of hypothermia. Pain syndrome can be a consequence of poisoning with alcohol, salts of heavy metals, a manifestation of cancer, or an autoimmune disease.

Professional drivers will experience lower back pain, which most often has nothing to do with the kidneys. Due to prolonged sitting, blood stagnates in the lower spine and a pinched nerve occurs. Gymnastics, massage, walking can correct the situation.

Distinctive signs of kidney diseases

How to distinguish kidney pain from other pains? With kidney disease, painful phenomena appear under the ribs on the right or left side.

When your kidneys hurt, you experience constant aching pain that radiates to the groin area or lower abdomen. There may be discomfort on the outside of the ribs. Kidney pain is characterized by acute attacks.

Kidney disease can be determined by where it goes.

When the pelvis is inflamed, a nagging pain is observed on the affected side. If there is severe pain on the left side, this indicates a disease of the left kidney. With pyelonephritis, the temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear. The face is very swollen in the morning. There may be a change in taste sensations.

The right kidney causes discomfort on the right side, which is why its disease is sometimes confused with appendicitis.

Kidney disease can be determined by the way it hurts.

How to determine if there are signs of kidney pain? Associated symptoms are:

  • the appearance of edema;
  • high pressure;
  • lethargy;

The appearance of edema signals a disruption in the functioning of the main detoxifying organ, as it is responsible for removing excess fluid from the body. Painful attacks that recur periodically indicate kidney pathology.

Kidney stones cause unbearable pain, which intensifies with changes in body position. Urolithiasis is accompanied by a burning sensation and bleeding when urinating.

Prolapse of the kidney - nephroptosis - is characterized by periodic pulling sensations, discomfort when urinating, and stagnation of urine.

A dull ache sensation may be a symptom of kidney failure.

Infectious kidney disease glomerulonephritis does not have obvious symptoms; an admixture of blood is detected in the urine.

Pregnant women should monitor the condition of their kidneys. Since characteristic back pain is present during this period, it is important not to lose sight of such symptoms as: increased pressure, pain in the lower back, pain when urinating, a feeling of an incompletely emptied bladder.

Possible increase in temperature. Only timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid complications.

Painful sensations can be a consequence of spondylolisthesis, vertebral hernia, or a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, an orthopedic belt and anti-inflammatory ointments are effective.

Other signs of kidney disease

How do you know if your kidneys hurt? Symptoms of intoxication will indicate kidney disease. Kidney disease is indicated by a fever, headache, increased body temperature, swelling on the face, especially in the morning, increased blood pressure, 12th rib syndrome, when when you tap on the rib, increased pain is observed, and thirst appears. discomfort when urinating.

Vision may deteriorate and appetite may disappear. The fact that the kidneys are not in order is indicated by a decrease in the amount of urine produced.

Pain occurs as a result of glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis. Severe colic may indicate urolithiasis.

Recognizable characteristic signs that cannot be confused with anything are constant aching pains that get worse at night.

The appearance of painful processes can be caused by dysfunction of the renal pelvis. The main purpose of the kidneys is to remove toxins from the body.

When activity is disrupted, intoxication of the body occurs, which causes malaise and weakness. If cancer is suspected, the patient is referred for additional examination to an oncologist.


If you have kidney problems, consult a urologist. Diagnostic methods include interviewing and examining the patient. Pay attention to the patient's complaints to determine kidney disease.

An external examination of the face, body, and legs is performed. The doctor palpates the kidneys. This makes it possible to obtain a preliminary picture of the disease. For an accurate diagnosis, a urine test is done.

Urine tests for kidney diseases show the level of protein content and the number of red blood cells.

The patient is sent for a general and biochemical blood test. A general analysis allows you to find out the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and protein content in the blood, since in inflammatory diseases an increase in ESR is observed.

Using biochemical analysis, the creatinine level and urea concentration are determined. To determine the type of bacterial pathogen, the antistreptolysin content is checked.

If necessary, the patient is referred for an ultrasound examination to determine the size of the kidney. Examination of the kidney using ultrasound helps determine its size and the thickness of the walls of the pelvis. In this way, urolithiasis is also detected.

What can you do about kidney disease?

The appearance of unpleasant sensations in the lower back should alert you and force you to listen to your body.

First you need to try to change your daily routine, diet, and drink more fluids. Salty, smoked, fatty foods, alcohol should be excluded from the diet, and chocolate consumption should be reduced. In the summer, be sure to include watermelon in the menu, as it helps remove fluid from the body and normalize metabolism.

If you have pain, you need to limit physical activity. It should be remembered as an axiom: do not self-medicate, since without a clear diagnosis you can aggravate the course of the disease; advanced diseases are more difficult to treat. Some diseases require timely surgical intervention.

Oncological lesions of the renal pelvis are asymptomatic. Only in the later stages do signs appear, when metastases begin to spread throughout the body.

The pain is more widespread, causing pain in other organs. In order to detect the disease in time, you need to consult a doctor more often, especially if there is an increase in blood pressure. This may be one of the signs of kidney dysfunction.

To treat kidney pathology, a visit to the doctor is required. Only timely diagnosis and treatment will help restore health.

Colic that occurs should not be treated independently; this can lead to blockage of the urinary tract. As a result of the study, the doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

You should not treat pain yourself, as you first need to know the cause. Many people try to warm up the sore spot, which is not recommended for infectious and inflammatory diseases.

To prevent kidney diseases from bothering you, try to avoid hypothermia, drink natural drinks, and avoid spicy, fatty, and salty foods. Avoid dehydration, as this can lead to irreversible consequences.

With back pain, it is not immediately possible to understand what exactly is bothering you. How to determine if your kidneys are hurting? Lower back pain is responsible for several organs, and only by listening to your body, identifying all the symptoms and determining the type of pain, can you name the cause of the discomfort. But in order to prescribe the correct treatment, you cannot do without tests and an accurate diagnosis.

How to determine what hurts, the kidneys or the back?

Characteristic pain of diseases of the spine and back muscles

Back pain can be distinguished by its nature:

  • nagging pain from the back;
  • severe, when the back hurts intensely in the lumbar region;
  • sharp (felt when moving);
  • shooting or blocking when it is difficult to straighten your back.

The spine gives localized pain in the lower back - in the center. It can even radiate to the lower extremities. Occurs when an intervertebral disc is bruised, resulting in a hernia. If there is incorrect posture or radiculitis, pain occurs above the lower back. When disc displacement occurs and a spinal hernia develops, the sensation is localized in the lower back itself. If discomfort is felt below the lower back, this is both a hernia and sciatica, as well as the consequences of strong physical exertion making themselves felt. From osteochondrosis, scoliosis, osteoporosis, radiculitis, the pain intensifies during movement, while the back muscles cause spasm. Symptoms of pathologies are beginning, progressive and chronic.

Discomfort in the lower back is observed in many diseases - there may be pathology of internal organs and spinal tuberculosis.

Causes of the disease and methods of elimination

Back diseases are divided into congenital and acquired. Due to the structure of the musculoskeletal system, the structure and location of the spine, many are faced with its injuries and pathologies. Reasons include:

  • spinal injuries or fractures;
  • infectious damage to the structures of the spinal column;
  • strong physical activity;
  • hernias, spondylolisthesis (spinal deformity);
  • joint inflammation;

During the treatment period, you need to reduce the load on your back.

Due to poor nutrition, excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle, the disease can be provoked. During treatment, measures are taken to reduce the load on the back, eliminate inflammation and restore damaged tissue. An orthopedic belt for the lumbar area and rubbing in anti-inflammatory ointments with a warming effect are effective for spasms. The doctor may also prescribe antispasmodics, massage, physical therapy, and in severe cases, surgery.

Symptoms of kidney diseases

How do you know that it is your kidneys that are hurting? Pain does not occur on its own, only as a result of organ damage, infection or hypothermia. If the kidneys in the lower back hurt, then these are most likely signs of inactivity during sedentary work or if you suddenly lift a heavy object. To understand that the kidneys or lower back hurt, you need to identify where the discomfort is felt. They are located above the lower back, so the pain may be on the right side or the left, but closer to the top point. The following symptoms will help you correctly identify kidney disease:

  • With kidney disease, the first characteristic symptom is swelling. It is observed in the morning in the form of a “swollen” face and eyes, while the legs become very swollen. The remaining traces of socks will help determine swelling on the feet. These signs may indicate glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis.
  • Pain in the lower back or kidneys on both sides. There may be a feeling of discomfort in the pubic area, upper thigh, and renal colic is possible. This is how any renal pathology manifests itself.
  • Blood is found in the urine. This means that the reason lies in the presence of urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, inflammatory diseases and tumors.
  • When urination is impaired, the kidneys hurt, there is no urine, or, conversely, there is an increase in urination, these are signs of the diseases pollakiuria, anuria, oliguria.

Kidney diseases are characterized by poor health, weakness, fatigue, sweating, loss of appetite, and frequent headaches. Sick kidneys cannot function fully, as a result of which toxins accumulate in the body, which leads to intoxication of the body and inflammatory processes.

How to recognize pain during pregnancy?

Painful urination may be a symptom of kidney disease.

If your lower back hurts during pregnancy, many experts say that this is normal. A growing fetus puts a lot of stress on the spine and back; women may experience discomfort throughout pregnancy. But kidneys can also become dysfunctional during pregnancy. As a result, there is a risk of developing kidney disease. Understanding where the kidneys hurt and the following symptoms will help you suspect the disease:

  • painful urination;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • swelling;
  • changes in blood pressure, especially upward;
  • pain in the kidneys when palpated.

When the kidneys continue to hurt, the symptoms only get worse. Kidney pain can be aching, constant or increasing. If you have kidney disease, you may also experience nausea, vomiting, chills, fever, and high temperature. Treatment at home is prohibited, as there is a high risk of harming the child. At the first signs you need to consult a doctor.

The kidneys are a very important paired organ that is responsible for eliminating toxins.

Various diseases lead to disruption of the functioning of all body systems.

That is why any person should know how to check their kidneys, what tests need to be done and which doctor checks the kidneys.

Main symptoms

If a person has any problems with their kidneys, they will experience the following symptoms:

  • regular increase in blood (arterial) pressure;
  • change in the color of urine, the appearance of impurities in it (including blood) and an unpleasant odor;
  • constant urge to urinate (especially at night);
  • decrease or increase in the volume of urine produced;
  • pain when urinating;
  • sharp or nagging pain in the lumbar region;
  • swelling of the legs and face;
  • constant thirst and decreased appetite;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath.

If the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to undergo examination. With its help, the onset of disease development can be detected in a timely manner. Also, a prerequisite for examination may be taking medications that interfere with kidney function (Acyclovir, Biseptol, diuretics, etc.).

Pain in the lumbar region becomes more intense after hypothermia or with the development of a viral disease.

Who is at risk?

Those people who regularly drink alcoholic beverages, smoke, or take a large number of different medications should be concerned about the proper functioning of the kidneys.

Poor nutrition can also trigger the development of diseases. Kidney disease is often observed in people who are overweight and have diabetes.

Diagnostic methods at home

How to check your kidneys at home? Accurate diagnosis at home is not possible, but certain steps can help determine if you have any kidney disease. First, remember if pain in the lumbar region bothers you: sharp and acute pain is a symptom of renal colic, and aching pain indicates a chronic course of the disease.

Collect your morning urine in a clean container. It is preferable that it be white, but you can use transparent. Examine the urine carefully: there should be no foreign matter in it, the normal color is yellow. If you notice a change in the color of your urine or the presence of flakes, contact your doctor immediately! Brown or red colored urine is especially dangerous.

Another diagnostic method is to calculate the daily volume of urine excreted. To do this, urinate in one container for 24 hours, then measure the amount of its contents.

Normally, a person excretes about 2 liters of urine per day. If this number is greater, this indicates polyuria; if it is less, this indicates oliguria.

With anuria, the kidneys do not produce urine at all. If there are any deviations, consult a doctor immediately.

Another sign of kidney dysfunction is swelling on the face. They are easily identified by enlarged eyelids and a slightly swollen face. Swelling in kidney diseases forms very quickly, and the skin is pale. They can occur not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body.

Swelling is often accompanied by general malaise. If you notice such a symptom, consult a doctor!

What tests do you need to take to check your kidneys?

In order to recognize kidney disease and check its function, it is necessary to undergo examination in a clinic. First of all, the specialist will suggest taking urine and blood tests.

Every person should have their urine tested every six months. In the laboratory, urine is studied, the number of leukocytes and red blood cells is counted, color, transparency and acidity are determined. Experts also detect the presence of pathogenic impurities.

What urine test should I take to check my kidneys? In addition to the general analysis, there are two more types of urine tests that are used for kidney disease:

  • according to Nechiporenko - will identify pyelonephritis, cystitis and other inflammatory processes;
  • for Bence Jones protein - it can be used to detect malignant neoplasms in the kidneys.

General blood analysis

Blood is taken in the laboratory from a vein and from a finger.

In the first case, the analysis will show the amount of creatinine and uric acid, in the second - the degree of inflammation (if any).

During the day before donating blood, it is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages and medications.

Ultrasound examination of the bladder is the most effective and safe method for studying pathologies of this organ. and what preparation for the study includes, read on.

You will learn how to remove stones from the ureter. We will also consider preventive measures to prevent relapse.

Neurogenic bladder is a disease associated with disruption of the nervous system. Using this link, we will consider the causes and symptoms of pathology in females.

Additional examinations

Based on the results of urine and blood tests, the patient may be prescribed additional examinations:

  1. Using this method, a specialist evaluates the structure of the kidneys. Ultrasound is safe even for small children.
  2. X-ray. It allows you to identify various tumors in the kidneys. In some cases, the patient undergoes urography. To do this, a contrast agent is injected before the procedure.
  3. Scintigraphy. This method, unlike ultrasound, allows us to identify not only the size of organs, but also functional disorders.

All of these methods will give a complete picture of the condition of the subject’s kidneys.

Renal scintigraphy

The most common kidney diseases and their symptoms

There are many diseases that cause kidney problems, but some are particularly common.

Urolithiasis disease

The main symptom of this disease is renal colic. It is a consequence of the passage of a stone from the kidney into the ureter, which leads to disruption of the outflow of urine and injury to the walls of the urinary tract. Acute pain can spread to the entire pelvic area, and sometimes to the inner thigh.

A person suffering from renal colic cannot find a position in which the pain would subside. There is an admixture of blood in the urine, sometimes sand is noticeable.

Inflammation (cystitis, pyelonephritis)

The most common diseases accompanied by inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract are cystitis and pyelonephritis.

With these ailments, the patient experiences high fever, lethargy and decreased appetite.

The pain can be either aching or sharp. There is a feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region. Often cystitis and pyelonephritis are accompanied by frequent and painful urination.

Infections (glomerulonephritis)

Glomerulonephritis is an infectious disease. In the first stages of the disease, blood is noticeable in the urine, and as the disease progresses, anuria (cessation of urine production) may occur. With glomerulonephritis, the electrolyte balance is disturbed, extensive swelling develops, but there is no pain characteristic of renal diseases. The most serious complication is swelling of the brain and lungs.

Preventive measures

The kidneys are the natural filter of our body, so it is very important to take care of their condition and prevent the development of possible pathologies in advance.

To do this, it is enough to follow simple tips and recommendations, mainly related to your daily diet and lifestyle.

Here is a list of preventive measures that will help avoid the development of kidney diseases:

  • Limit the amount of foods in your diet that are high in protein, which can cause kidney stones. The protein norm per day for an adult is 0.7 grams per kg of weight.
  • It is necessary to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Eat more foods that are good for your kidneys: berries (lingonberries, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries), watermelon and melon, rose hips, fresh herbs, vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, bell peppers), apples, fish (preferably sea).
  • Maintain drinking regime. If you do not have chronic kidney disease, drink up to 1.5 liters of water per day, in hot weather, in case of dehydration (diarrhea and vomiting), and during intense exercise, this volume increases.
  • Avoid any hypothermia, as it increases the load on the kidneys.
  • Play sports (but don’t overexert yourself; dancing and yoga are good for preventing kidney disease).
  • Temper yourself and strengthen your immune system.
  • Watch your weight.

The kidneys are a fairly sensitive organ, so you should treat them with special attention. If you notice any symptoms that indicate the development of kidney disease, be sure to consult a doctor. Remember that the disease is easier to treat at the initial stage.

Sometimes the presence of pathologies of the urinary system can be suspected independently. If you see white flakes in your urine, you need to see a doctor for a diagnosis. Could this phenomenon be normal?

Why your kidneys hurt during pregnancy and what can be done as treatment, you will find out by following the link.

Video on the topic


Kidney disease can be indicated not only by back pain, but also by a decrease in the amount of urine produced; pain or pain may appear when urinating. There may be swelling on the face and bags under the eyes. Due to the deterioration of urine outflow, general weakness and the presence of intoxication will appear. Body temperature may also increase or become unstable.

In some cases, cloudiness, sand, or blood appears in the urine. Due to poor cleansing function, blurred vision, skin rashes, loss of appetite and other unpleasant symptoms may occur.

If you suspect kidney disease, you should contact a urologist and undergo a full examination, which includes a urine test, blood test, and ultrasound diagnostics. Most often, these examinations are enough to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe. In some cases, the urologist may refer the patient for additional consultation and examination with an oncologist and nephrologist.

Additional diagnostic procedures for kidney examination. The safest and most informative is kidney ultrasound. This procedure allows you to obtain data on the shape and size of the examined organs, as well as identify pathological changes in the structure of the kidneys.

It is worth noting that metastases have virtually no symptoms; the functions of this organ are rarely impaired. Foci are diagnosed, as a rule, during the examination, but it may be too late to begin effective treatment.

Despite this, extensive metastasis can manifest itself as arterial hypertension, that is, high blood pressure, as the main vessels and the ureter are compressed. Hydronephrosis, that is, expansion of the calyces and pelvis, can also be observed, which can cause kidney failure.

More than a quarter of patients who are faced with a disease such as kidney cancer have metastases in distant organs and regional lymph nodes. Since the symptoms of renal metastases are specific to the affected organ, you need to know the symptoms of such manifestations.

Signs of dysfunction of other organs

Metastases in the lungs are manifested by constant shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness, frequent coughing, which worsens at night, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. Also, when you cough, you can see blood in the mucus.

Since kidney cancer can manifest itself as metastases to the bones, there is a gradual increase in lethargy, pain in the affected bone and in the spinal area, increasing limitation of motor activity, numbness of the lower extremities, pathological fractures, compression pain, complete immobility, hypercalcemia and bladder dysfunction.

If metastases have spread to the brain, symptoms such as dizziness, ataxia, depression, decreased thinking, speech and memory are observed. Facial asymmetry, mental disorders, personality changes, vomiting, nausea, drowsiness and different sizes of eyes and pupils may also appear.

General symptoms in case of metastasis include anemia, low-grade fever, weight loss, increased ESR, decreased or increased temperature. Since some symptoms may be similar to those of another disease, it is important to undergo regular examinations in order to detect cancer and the presence of metastases in time.



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