See what "ChSV" is in other dictionaries. Who has an increased sense of self-importance and what does it mean?

Do you consider yourself an important person, so important that not a single person can cope without your help? As a rule, people with high HR think this way. Perhaps this will seem funny to them, but such behavior is somewhat painful in nature, so it is simply necessary for those who strive for perfection to understand what emergency situations are.

How does ChSV stand for?

Most likely, you have come across a similar abbreviation on the Internet more than once, which was located in close proximity to the face of a dissatisfied person or creature. What does CHSV mean - a completely reasonable question for those who really want to find out what is hidden behind these three letters. A sense of self-importance - this is what the decoding of this abbreviation looks like. Some experts supplement it with such a word as vanity.

A person with an overestimated emotional state is very susceptible and reactive to the actions and words of criticism that come towards him from others. Such people often experience feelings of inferiority, inferiority and self-criticism. They are characterized by temper and aggression. And all because they consider themselves somewhat different compared to everyone around them.

Sense of self-importance - psychology

Many people who, to one degree or another, have this characteristic of temperament are not able to adequately assess their psychological state. They are fully confident that their way of life is the most correct, so they do not listen to the advice of strangers, including their relatives. Increased heart rate characterizes a person as a selfish person, before whom all limits and boundaries must certainly be revealed.

ChS occurs much more often in women than in the stronger sex. And there is a completely understandable explanation for this. A woman is a mother and wife, who, according to many, should keep everything under control. For this reason, most housewives believe that if they do not do one or another chore, the whole world will stop. In addition, many women are accustomed to believing that all the actions of their family and friends around them are not correct, so they strive to get to the point and without inserting their advice, which from the outside looks like imposing someone else’s point of view.

Is emergency response good or bad?

We have already found out what ChSV is. Now we need to figure out what the role of this quality of temperament is in a person’s life. Many of us are sure that a sense of self-importance is a synonym. However, this is a misconception. When a person’s sense of dignity is hurt, it means that a person deliberately wants to reproach in order to offend. Whereas in the case of ChSV we are talking about criticism relating exclusively to human narcissism and pride, which has never been considered before.

Having lost our sense of self-importance, we become invulnerable, since there is no emotional reaction to either words or actions. The absence of emotional distress gives a person self-confidence, because when we are freed from far-fetched images, we have nothing more to lose. Based on the above, it becomes clear that an overestimated heart rate is not a good temperament trait.

ChS syndrome

It is extremely difficult to track the development of such a character quality. Qualified specialists characterize excessive HR as a manifestation of the “excellent student syndrome,” that is, a person who is accustomed to considering only his own point of view and no one else’s. Such people, as a rule, have excessive arrogance, rudeness and at the same time a certain detachment, which can be explained very simply: in the absence of a smarter person nearby, such individuals prefer to retire from time to time and enjoy their egocentrism and superiority over others.

Signs of a heart attack

Determining whether a person has a sense of self-importance or not is not so easy. Scientists have come up with their own theory according to which people with HF behave according to the following scenario:

  1. Mentoring Syndrome. This is the case when a person tries to impose his point of view and worldview on everyone.
  2. Controversy. Frequent skirmishes with partners and just with friends, during which an individual who has an inflated FER tries to prove his point of view, citing all sorts of, sometimes unjustified, evidence.
  3. Justification. Raising self-esteem by presenting yourself from the best, perhaps untruthful, side.
  4. Attracting the attention of others. Another way to raise your own self-esteem, the desire to be in the center of all events. What if something happens without his participation - it will be the collapse of the entire Universe.
  5. Strong sense of revenge. In this case, the person begins to take revenge for the criticism expressed towards him. And even if it was brought in connection with the case, it will still not be possible to avoid punishment, be it verbal or physical.
  6. Infatuation with other people's shortcomings. This is perhaps the most striking example of the manifestation of emergency situations. Against the backdrop of other people's mistakes, such people try to climb to the highest step of the pedestal and show that they are the most impeccable.

Feeling of self-importance - how to get rid of it?

Defining what PSV is is not enough to get rid of this not entirely good quality of character. You need to know how to deal with this problem. When the emergency rate is off the charts, measures should be taken to eliminate it. It’s good if you are able to notice this flaw in yourself. It is much worse if you are absolutely sure that you are right. In this case, it is better to pay attention to the advice of those closest to you. They certainly won’t give bad advice. So, by drawing a parallel between your behavior and the above signs, you can easily determine whether your heart rate is too high or not.

How to lower heart rate?

Getting rid of this quality is the main step towards a fulfilling life, where there is no selfishness and criticism. You can easily lower your heart rate level:

  • write, without exaggeration, the positive and negative aspects of your character;
  • think about whether you are leading your life according to your conscience;
  • write the names of those who were hurt and who were insulted with a bad word;
  • try to accept a new worldview;
  • form a new attitude towards yourself and others;
  • make a bet with yourself that you will change in the near future (this practice is the most effective).

How to increase heart rate?

You can often encounter people who have no sense of self-importance at all. It would seem that one should rejoice at this, because there is no pride, no vanity, no self-centeredness. However, not all so simple. Low heart rate can bring problems to a person no less than an excess of this character trait, so you need to know techniques that will help increase your sense of self-importance.

Dota 2 is a competitive game where all players have different skill levels: some are better and some are worse. Based on this, conflicts often arise between people in chat. Users who have demonstrated good play begin to humiliate and insult less successful participants in the match or boast about their “incredible” skill. In fact, they are not much different from the average player. They usually say about such arrogant people that they have increased anxiety.

Beginners often do not know what this abbreviation means. It stands for: “a sense of self-importance.” But to understand the meaning of this phrase, it is worth first considering it in general terms, and then within the framework of Dota 2.

Concept and symptoms of heart failure

Self-importance is a popular meme that has appeared on the Internet for quite some time and is used to describe people who like to exaggerate and demonstrate their importance to others. It is based on the concept of Carlos Castenda, who believes that emotional distress negatively affects the individual.

A person with an inflated sense of his own importance may experience aggression in response to any words or actions of others. Inside, he considers himself inferior. Obvious signs of emergency include:

  • a constant feeling of resentment towards someone, as if they are constantly offended or humiliated (occurs when the world is perceived incorrectly);
  • inability to respect or love other people;
  • considers himself the navel of the earth and puts his own interests above all others;
  • It is important for him to be in the spotlight all the time;
  • dependent on other people's opinions and gives them too much attention;
  • vain and cannot create good friendships with anyone (this happens due to a lack of trust in people).

As you can see, an extremely unpleasant personality emerges. Naturally, there are no people with a 100% sense of their importance, that is, the above symptoms usually manifest themselves separately, but there are exceptions.

You often meet people with anxiety on the Internet, because online they can freely express their thoughts, believing that they are absolutely safe. This also happens in multi-user projects.

Self-importance in Dota 2

This feeling, as a rule, appears in players who play worse than normal. Sometimes they manage to show a good game and then they immediately begin to show off their skills, humiliating users. Such behavior often only evokes pity and laughter in people.

It also happens that professional players begin to boast of their ability to play. They perceive themselves as celestial beings to whom all other users must bow and take their advice with trepidation. Fortunately, there are very few people with increased anxiety among professionals, because most understand that this only leads to irritation.

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Active Internet users often come across the abbreviation CHSV. Fans of computer games are also familiar with this concept firsthand. What does ChSV mean, how does it stand for?

HRV value

This abbreviation is often used in the phrases “HR is off the charts,” “HR is too high,” and “HR is increased.” What does the user mean when using these words?

ChSV is self-importance. Another decoding of the abbreviation is feeling of greatness.

A person with an overestimated HR believes that he is much better informed in all matters than other people. He has a personal point of view on all events and thinks that only this is correct.

Such a person has a high opinion of his judgment. He does not listen to the opinions of others, ignoring or ridiculing their words. He considers himself the most important and the most important.

History of the abbreviation ChSV

The founder of this abbreviation is considered to be the writer Carlos Castaneda. He developed the concept of ChSV and used it in many of his works.

Castaneda had a negative attitude towards greatness and egoism; he wrote how to overcome your ego in order to see all the colors of the world around you. Getting rid of emotional distress frees up a lot of energy and gives a person unlimited strength. This is not easy to do, because a person is usually 90% filled with ESC.

Don Juan, the alter ego of Carlos Castaneda, teaches the reader to stop putting the individual at the center and encourages us to “take off the crown.” He compares a person to a beetle, who, perhaps, also has a great FSN and sees this world through the prism of personality. This prevents us from understanding the world, enjoying the harmony of the universe and experiencing the joy of being.

Signs of a heart attack

To understand what it is, one should highlight a number of signs that are characteristic of a personality of this type:

  1. Narcissism and egocentrism
  2. Self-praise of your talents
  3. Constantly demonstrating superiority over others

The concept of CSV has become a popular Internet meme. This meme characterizes people who, in comments or interviews, emphasize their own importance and constantly make references to the importance of their person. Such people are arrogant, they are completely false, and communication with such individuals brings little joy.

Origins of ChSV

From a psychological point of view, a person with an overestimated heart rate has many complexes. He hides his fear and insecurity behind selfishness. A person hides complexes so diligently that he himself is not aware of their existence.

Also, individuals with CVS intuitively push other people away because they are afraid of communication. They hide their essence behind loud statements and false praise addressed to themselves. People with high HRV have a keen sense of their own inferiority and inadequacy. They are afraid of change, and therefore are forced to pass through all events through their personality and give them an accurate description.

Competent work with a psychologist will help to identify the reason for this behavior. Wow what is this? This is a trauma, most often it lies in childhood. Resentment and tears forced the little man to put on the ChSV armor. To become a harmonious person, you need to free yourself from it.

How to get rid of emergency situations

To stop putting your personality above other people, it’s worth remembering the aphorism: “Be simpler, and people will be drawn to you.”

  • Learn to laugh at yourself. Make fun of your own actions. Criticize yourself. Moreover, it is better to do this in the presence of other people. Don't be afraid to seem funny or stupid.
  • Try to increase your level of awareness in life. Don't criticize changes, don't hide from the inevitable. Look at the events from a bird's eye view and be surprised how beautiful and harmonious everything that is happening is.
  • Don't forget about spiritual growth. Find a list of books that have a positive effect on personality. Start with the classics, try to find answers to your questions in the masterpieces of world literature. Enrich your library with books on spiritual growth and development.

A person with an overestimated heart rate is an egoist who is unable to look at things soberly.

Self-importance and vanity are the most striking signs of ego.. They always push people away.

If a person has a highly developed ego and emotionality, it is impossible to communicate with him for a long time.

In the words, energy and non-verbalism of such people one can feel false arrogance, social conditioning, vanity and ambition.

Concept and interpretation of ChSV

Ego is attachment to self-importance.

SFE stands for Sense of Self-Importance.

A person with an inflated sense of self-importance is very receptive and reactive to the actions and words of others. Often experiences feelings of inferiority and inferiority.

Clear signs of increased heart rate in humans:

Ego- this is your false self, your personality, your cowardice.

Maharaj said: " To find out who you are, you need to know who you are not.".

Clear signs of a large EGO

  1. The ego keeps you in your comfort zone.
  2. It doesn't want you to meet new people. Ego is against everything new.
  3. The ego is always small, it constantly craves other people's approval, recognition, fame.
  4. It's chasing numbers. More money, more recognition, more honor.
  5. The ego wants other people's respect.
  6. It prevents you from realizing that you are already self-sufficient without external stimulation.
  7. If you don’t trust anyone, easily give in to your emotions, have a bad mood, are angry with everyone - this means that the ego is dictating your behavior. You are under his influence.
  8. The ego prevents you from being in the moment, from focusing on one thing. Disordered thoughts, confusion in the head - this is his doing. If there is no identification with thoughts, it will not happen.

Whether you identify with the ego or not is always your choice. You decide for yourself.

You can love yourself on the most natural level, without ego. You shouldn't be arrogant.

What people need to know and why they don’t change

Your ego is an attachment to the body, its limitations, fears. These are your thoughts that haunt you, your emotions, your body, your internal dialogue.

It is a human mistake to believe everything that his thoughts tell him. He believes his thoughts, which tell him what, how and when to do.

Everything that comes and goes is not you. Your thoughts, emotions, body are not you.

Ego is your personality, your sense of self-importance and pride.

Personality is something that is imposed on you from the outside by society., your masks, social layers, projections of not your real self. Egos are invisible fences around you that don’t let anyone get close.

Be an individual - this is your truth, this is how God made you when you were born, this is your reality.

When you hate, your ego is satisfied.

In hatred you feel superior.
In hatred you set yourself apart from others.
In hatred you become defined. Feels identified with someone or something.

To define yourself means to limit yourself.

Love is dissolution in others. Love requires the sacrifice of the ego.

Only those who are ready to become nobody are able to love.

Video “How people are dependent on other people’s approval and recognition”

Watch the following video. It talks about what the human ego and spirituality are.

How to get rid of unnecessary things and become more conscious

What should you do to get rid of HF?:

If you act arrogantly and look down on others, everyone will turn away.

Nobody needs your boasting.

No one is interested in listening to your words - what a navel of the earth you are, how cool you are and how you can comb your hair beautifully.

If you want to increase your level of awareness and better notice the signs of ego in yourself, then the following books are useful:

  • Osho "Courage" The joy of living at risk".
  • Nisargadatta Maharaj "I Am That".

About boastful and arrogant people

I don't know why, it happens automatically, I feel disgusted by guys who measure themselves on how tough they are, compare themselves to me, or tell me: Did you see what I did? Have you seen how great I am?

I absolutely don’t care who you are or what you did there. You can tell your mom, maybe she will appreciate it and pat you on the head. I don't need to talk about it.

All this reminds me of a kindergarten. Just put it away.

: self-awareness, enlightenment, self-exploration - get out of the endless wheel of suffering and understand who you are.

: how to meditate correctly - posture, technique, practice + 2 videos.

: a wonderful article about love, happiness, inner balance and harmony.

Bragging is a sign of an inferiority complex

When communicating, as soon as a person begins to brag to you, he begins to wait for your reaction.

A person brags and expects to be admired and respected because he does not love and respect himself.

He treats himself poorly, and demands a lot from others. It’s easier for me to get away from such people and not waste my time.

The seeker will find what he is looking for. You should not wake up a sleeping person. He will be offended by you for telling the truth.

Just because you learned something new or read a couple of books, you won't change. It's not enough to just read.

You have to work hard on yourself! We need to introduce awareness, observe ourselves and change ourselves with great passion.

We are more than sure that the majority of people have seen ChSV at least once on the worldwide network or laughed at sometimes hilarious jokes about inflated CHV.

This expression is slang, and is mainly used by young people, but has its place in the vocabulary of people of all ages.

How does ChSV stand for?

Let’s start deciphering this abbreviation so that everyone can understand what specific meaning is hidden in this abbreviation. ChSV is self-importance, the way a person evaluates himself in society and sees himself from the outside.

It is also worth considering that some users interpret this as a sense of their own greatness. This option can also be considered correct - in essence, this is the degree to which a person evaluates himself.

Unfortunately, today a large number of people do not evaluate themselves quite adequately, which is why FWS has become associated with the most real illness. Suffer from it both adults and youth, but most often it occurs among young people.

A young man with an inflated sense of self-importance thinks too much of himself, talking about himself as an outstanding superman, whom everyone should by default love and adore and, naturally, who should be given all the attention of the people around him.

A teenager who has a strong sense of self-superiority has a strong need for huge amount of attention from the outside and simply cannot deal differently with the family and friends around him, except by constantly begging for attention in all ways available to him - from stupid jokes to real hysterics with scandals.

Still, the level of significance and importance for society of such children is greatly embellished. And if someone says about you that you have an overly inflated sense of self-importance, keep in mind that this is far from a compliment and it’s time to think about your behavior in public - most likely it is very ugly.

How is ChSV translated?

A large number of our fellow citizens believe that this common abbreviation has some special meaning and that it came from one of the many foreign idioms.

In fact, the assumptions of these people are fundamentally incorrect - this is nothing more than slang that comes from merging several words in combination “Sense of Self-Importance/Greatness” and has absolutely no specific translation. In other words, it’s just an abbreviation that doesn’t mean anything special in English.

Of course, the British have their own idioms for talking about a sense of self-importance, but, in any case, it would be incorrect to translate the entire abbreviation directly.

Heart rate in adolescents

CSV is remembered with enviable frequency in a youth environment and their slang, but it's not just like that. Adolescence is a difficult time when painfully inadequate self-esteem begins to manifest itself in all its glory.

This can easily be explained by the fact that teenagers are very demanding of the approval of the people around them. They make every effort to win the respect and admiration of their peers at almost any cost.

Because desire to be popular and in demand It is most acute at this age; the emergency situation of young people is gaining momentum more and more. Unfortunately, even for the self-employed people themselves, inflated self-esteem is not at all a joy, but becomes another strong disappointment.

A teenager who thinks too much about himself looks like an overly vain person and focused only on himself.

Such a person sees practically no one except himself, because he is the center of the Universe. This characteristic of a person is far from the most attractive for people around him, as well as for making new acquaintances and communication. This behavior is repulsive.

Not only people around and acquaintances do not like this behavior, since friends and parents experience a particular burden in this state of affairs, for this reason various kinds of conflicts and quarrels often arise. The relationship begins to “crack” and as a result, the teenager suffers.

As it may seem at first, talking about someone’s inflated self-importance is nothing more than a funny topic for discussion among friends. But, if you look deeper, it becomes clear that this trait has negative character, requiring the fastest possible disposal of it.

Inflated heart rate: how to identify a person with such a disease

For people who have an increased heart rate, determine won't be difficult. All you need for this is to observe the person’s manner of communication, his behavior with friends, close and dear people; and also, at least once to see this person in conditions and surroundings that are uncomfortable for him. And immediately everything will become clear.

In the digital world, it’s easy to meet overly self-focused people - pay attention to them



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