The best exercises for vision. Vision restoration using the Bates method

Date: 04/22/2016

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  • Exercise to restore vision No. 1 - gymnastics for the eyes
  • Vision restoration exercise No. 2 - palming
  • Exercise to restore vision No. 3 - work with the table
  • Vision restoration exercise No. 4 - sniper method
  • Vision restoration exercise No. 5 - butterfly

Exercises to restore vision can come to the aid of people who have poor vision. After all, people who experience vision problems to one degree or another are ready to do anything to regain their visual acuity and get rid of spots in front of their eyes. Many may doubt whether exercise is possible, but many years medical practice Once again proves the effectiveness of this method of treatment and prevention of vision.

Exercises come in different degrees of difficulty and how they are performed. But what is important in any of these exercises is the frequency of their execution. To achieve the desired result, the patient must exercise daily. For example, by doing exercises every day, spending about 20-30 minutes on them, you can practically achieve one without spending money on operations, medications or glasses.

Exercises to restore vision are a set of gymnastics that must be performed in the morning (if possible, in the evening). Often, nothing extra is required to perform such exercises, no additional preparations are needed, therefore, no matter where a person is (at work, at home, on a business trip), he can always do this.

Everyone can create a set of eye exercises for themselves, but you can also easily use a ready-made one. It is advisable that before performing the selected complex, it is necessary that at the end of the training it is possible to record the changes that have occurred and see the tendency for vision restoration.

In the morning hours you can devote time to:

  1. Gymnastics for the eyes.
  2. Palming.
  3. Working with a vision test table.

In the evening before going to bed, you can do the same thing, but adding the sniper technique.

As noted above, if a person has time during the daytime, then eye gymnastics can also be performed during the day. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. The patient must focus on his internal sensations and monitor your well-being.

Your eyes shouldn’t get tired, you shouldn’t strain them too much, otherwise, instead of improvement, you might just get a complication. Each of the points in the set of exercises needs to be considered in more detail.

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Exercise to restore vision No. 1 - gymnastics for the eyes

Gymnastics for the eyes consists of a complex of various movements. The purpose of this gymnastics is aimed at improving blood circulation and metabolism. In addition, this exercise allows you to train the eye muscles, keeping them in good shape, promoting better focusing or relaxation if necessary. This kind of eye gymnastics should be done without tension; ease is important here.

  • up and down movements;
  • “Butterfly” exercise (light flutter of eyelashes);
  • movements left and right;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement in the corners from top to bottom, moving diagonally from left to right;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement in the corners from top to bottom, moving diagonally from right to left;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement counterclockwise along the trajectory of the square;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement clockwise along the trajectory of a square;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement counterclockwise along the trajectory of the circle;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement clockwise along the trajectory of a circle;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • snake movement right and left;
  • light flutter of eyelashes.

This set of eye exercises is performed once first, then you can increase the number of repetitions. After the first time, many people note an uncomfortable condition of the eyes. Doctors say that it is the eye muscles that hurt, there is nothing to worry about. The technique for performing these exercises is simple enough to do at home.

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Vision restoration exercise No. 2 – palming

The exercise is called palming. There are no restrictions for performing this exercise. Its purpose is aimed at increasing blood circulation and metabolism. This charge Allows your eyes to relax and unwind.

  1. It is necessary to take a comfortable position (sit or lie down).
  2. Rub your hands together to warm them up.
  3. Fold crosswise.
  4. Cover your eyes with your hands, without touching them, but blocking the light.

Hands should be in comfortable position, they need to be relaxed to allow the eyes to relax. If everything is done correctly, you can feel the warmth that comes from your hands. It is believed that this is healing warmth. This is a kind of massage to restore vision. Although it is important to note that massage is also one of useful parts training. Palming is performed for five minutes.

For this exercise, it is important to find a quiet place so that no one and nothing distracts you from doing it.

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Exercise to restore vision No. 3 – work with the table

It is believed that if you compare all the exercises to restore vision with each other and evaluate their quality, then this will be the best and most effective. Without working with this check table, it will not be easy to restore your vision. After all, all other eye exercises only help make this recovery faster. The table is a device for vision restoration that allows you to see the dynamics of restoration. The exercise with the table is the main one; it allows you to outline the goal towards which a person will go by performing all the exercises.

The table can be purchased at finished form, you can do it yourself by printing it on a computer. The main thing is that working with it will allow you to find out how to this moment a person has vision. The vision test must be carried out strictly according to the table, placing it in a well-lit place. It is important to learn to evaluate your results honestly and objectively. You need to view the table from different distances. If the letter is difficult to see, then you need to come closer. Each eye is tested separately, and then both eyes need to be tested together. All readings are recorded in drafts.

Thanks to these recordings, it will then be possible to assess the dynamics of the return of vision.

At any age and at any labor activity the eyes are under significant stress. This is especially pronounced among schoolchildren, students, “paper” workers, drivers, teachers, and doctors. Many of the people listed above know how eye fatigue manifests itself: vision becomes blurry, a feeling of foreign body, sand, dryness is noted, the eyeballs may turn red. You can avoid these symptoms if you regularly take short breaks from work and also perform visual exercises.

Currently, there are many different visual gymnastics developed by leading doctors in the world. All types of eye exercises are beneficial, but to obtain maximum effectiveness, you need to do them regularly, for a long time and correctly. Some gymnastics are designed for a therapeutic effect, for example, gymnastics according to Avetisov for myopia, while others are aimed at preventing “computer syndrome” and spasm of accommodation.

In order to avoid eye diseases caused by excessive stress, you can use one of the following visual gymnastics. There are also now many exercises that can be performed using websites on the Internet, or by downloading a special program to your computer.

Warm up for the eyes

To prevent visual impairment, it is necessary to properly organize your workplace: put good lighting, adjust the height of the table and chair so as not to slouch, install the monitor at the desired distance. Also, if you already have refractive errors, you need to use vision correction items - contact lenses or glasses. If you have good vision, if your work involves spending a long time looking at a monitor, many doctors advise using glasses with a special coating.

During long and intense visual work, adults should be given a 10-minute rest after an hour of work. For schoolchildren this interval is reduced to 45 minutes, and for preschoolers to 25-30 minutes. During a break, it is recommended not to just relax (go for a smoke or drink coffee), but to do short visual gymnastics that does not take more than 10 minutes. This will allow your eyes to rest and also prevent diseases. Don’t worry that some colleagues (classmates) will look at you askance during the warm-up, they will soon face this themselves.

To do this, you should perform simple, and, by the way, long used by teachers primary school, exercises for warming up the eyes:

  • At open eyes you need to frown your eyebrows as if you are angry for 3-5 seconds. Performed 10 times.
  • Warm up your palms for 10-20 seconds. Next, use the tips of your index and middle fingers to massage the outer corners of your eyes in light circular movements. In this case, you need to close your eyes (not squint them shut, but close them, as when sleeping). The massage is carried out for two minutes. This increases blood flow in the face and also relaxes the orbicularis eyelid muscles.
  • Next, you need to turn to the window and concentrate your gaze on the farthest point that can be seen for 15 seconds. Usually these are pipes on the outskirts of the city, or a forest. If the room where you work does not have windows, it is recommended to look at the far upper corner. Next, you need to gradually move your gaze from the further point to the tip of the nose. Repeated 5 times.
  • Closing your eyes as if you were sleeping, you need to move them in a circle. First, move your eyes clockwise for about 20 seconds, and then, for the same time, move them in the opposite direction.
  • Next, you need to blink as quickly as possible for 15 seconds.
  • Close your eyes and use the pads of three fingers to touch your eyelids without creating pressure. You need to sit like this for about a minute.
  • You need to close your eyelids very tightly and then open your eyes sharply. This exercise must be repeated 5 times.
  • As a result, you need to sit quietly, close your eyes, and remain in this position for about a minute. At this time, the eyes will relax, be lubricated with tears, and will again be ready for prolonged stress.

Eye exercises to improve vision

When treating vision diseases, especially such as, and especially, ophthalmologists often prescribe special visual exercises for the eyes to improve vision in combination with drug treatment and wearing glasses. It should be understood that no gymnastics performed as monotherapy can restore vision, especially if true myopia already exists. They are carried out only to improve blood circulation and train accommodation. The therapeutic effect can be obtained only with strabismus.

6 best exercises to maintain vision:

1 . Curtains. During the exercise, you need to blink quickly for about two minutes. This improves blood circulation in the face and eyes.

2. Window. We make a ball out of plasticine and attach it to the glass. We find the farthest object outside the window and look at it for 10 seconds, then quickly turn our gaze to the plasticine point. In the future, you can increase the load. To do this, you need to focus your gaze alternately on four objects of different distances.

3. Exercises “Owl Eyes”. You need to place the net exactly on a chair or chair with a back, and close your eyes very tightly for 5 seconds. Afterwards, the eyes are opened as wide as possible for 4 seconds. Performed 10 times.

4 . Eye massage. Using three folded fingers, as in baptism, massage with light circular movements of the eyes (eyes, of course, closed). Massage improves blood circulation and circulation of the intraocular fluid.

5 . Cold and hot shower for eyes. You need to wash your face in the morning and evening. It's not only hygiene procedure, but also one of the ways to improve microcirculation in the vessels of the face and eyes. Morning washing is done first hot water, and ends with a cold rinse. In the evening everything is held in reverse order.

6. Drawing. This exercise is best done in the evening, before bed, or during lunch break during heavy mental work. You need to sit comfortably, close your eyes, and try to remember something very pleasant. Against this background, draw circles, eights, triangles with your eyes. This helps to increase the flow arterial blood to the eyes and brain.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Bates

American ophthalmologist William Bates invented a gymnastics technique that was popular in the 19th and 20th centuries to restore vision. He believed that all visual impairments are associated with excess tension in the extraocular muscles, which stretch and contract the eyeball to see distant and near objects. Bates also believed that mental fatigue of the brain also contributes to deterioration of vision.

Even in the time of Bates, this theory contradicted knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of the organ of vision, and in 1984 it was completely proven to be untenable and pseudoscientific. Currently there are followers of Bates' teachings. Russian successors to his work include V.G. Zhdanov, as well as the well-known Mirzakarim Norbekov from Uzbekistan.

Despite its scientific inconsistency, many people with visual impairments resort to Bates eye gymnastics. Below are basic eye exercises.


The essence of the exercise is to close your eyes with your palms for a fairly long time. First, the palms are warmed up by rubbing them. Then, resting their elbows on the surface of the table, they close their eyes with their palms cupped. Palms are removed from the face only after all light spots, flashes, etc., and a completely black background will appear. After this, as followers of this practice note, vision becomes much better and clearer. The exercise can be repeated as much as you like, but be sure to do it before bed and when you feel tired eyes. WITH scientific point For vision, this exercise allows the eye to be lubricated with tears, eliminating the symptoms of “dry eye,” but it does not restore vision.


Bates believed that refractive errors were associated with psychosomatics. That is, he actually denied myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism, as independent diseases, linking their development with mental fatigue. Of course, this is pseudoscientific, but to this day it is used by patients for relaxation and even eye treatment. The exercise is carried out in the same way as palming, but at the same time you need to remember any pleasant memories, or imagine a calm ocean shore.


This method suggests imagining various objects completely painted black for 3 seconds. The second method is to practice before. The patient is placed 5 meters from the table placed on the wall. In this case, the table must be well illuminated. You need to look at the smallest optotype (letter) that is visible to the eye, then close your eyes and imagine this letter as black and large. After 10 seconds, the eyes open and vision becomes clearer.

Rocking and moving

It is recommended to perform the exercise using. The gaze is fixed on the very capital letter, fixed for a few seconds, and then transferred to the second line. So they get to the very last distinguishable line, and return back to the larger characters. Next, you need to quickly move your gaze from one letter to another until the letters begin to sway. According to Bates theory, such exercise has a beneficial effect on eye muscles, relaxing them.


From the beginning, the palming exercise is performed. After this, the gaze is fixed on any letter of the table for 3 seconds, and then palming is performed again. Removing your hands from your eyes, you need to blink rapidly for 20 seconds, turning your head from side to side.


Bates argued that sunlight was very good for the eyes. This has been refuted by many scientists. Bright sunlight causes clouding of the lens, dystrophy of the conjunctiva (develops), causes the retina. In addition to damaging the eyes, sunlight negatively affects the skin, provoking the development of melanoma. The solarization exercise is as follows: initially you need to look at the sun through your palms. Next, the palms are removed, and you need to look through the eyelids. After your eyes get used to the bright light, you need to gradually open your eyes slightly, trying to look at the sun for as long as possible. Bates' followers modernized this technique - you no longer need to look at the sun, and the exercise is carried out with oblique sun rays in the shade.

In addition to exercise, Bates forbade his patients to wear glasses, claiming that they only worsened their vision. Even today, many practicing ophthalmologists are faced with echoes of this theory. When prescribed glasses, patients do not want to wear them, arguing that this will make them see worse or go completely blind. This is completely false. Correct correction can reduce eye fatigue and the development of computer syndrome and dry eye syndrome, eliminate headaches and clouding of the lens. And in general, 100% vision achieved with glasses or contact correction, significantly improves daily life.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov

Zhdanov V.G. is a well-known public figure in the post-Soviet space, who in the 80s of the last century developed his own eye exercises, using the Bates method as its basis. Unlike the Bates method, eye gymnastics according to Zhdanov does not include such dubious elements as palming and solarization, which makes it truly effective and safe.

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov help relieve visual tension, especially for workers whose work involves document management and computers.

Indeed, this eye gymnastics helps relieve tension in the ciliary and extraocular muscles, moisturizes the cornea, and can help with false myopia. long-term use in combination with drug therapy.

The training set includes 7 exercises:

1 . "Blink"- this is the basis of all exercises in the Zhdanov method. You need to blink quickly, without straining your eyes, for half a minute.

2. Arrows. You need to move your eyes alternately to the right and left for one minute, then blink for 10 seconds

3. Diagonals. Alternately you need to look diagonally. A window is good for this. Perform 7-10 movements, and blink again for 15 seconds.

4 . Vertical. As the name suggests, eye movements are directed up and down. Repeat 7 times, after which they blink again.

5 . Rectangle. You need to draw an imaginary square or rectangle in the air. Start from the bottom left corner, and, having completed the perimeter, erase an imaginary line in the opposite direction. This must be done 3 times.

6. Zigzags. During this exercise, draw imaginary zigzags with your eyes. The eye movements begin first from top to bottom, then, without stopping, from bottom to top. They do it 5 times, and then blink actively again.

7. Numbers. During this exercise, move your eyes like a clock hand, stopping your gaze at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o'clock. First, make two full turns in one direction, and then in the opposite direction. After that, they blink again and return to work.

Also watch the video of eye gymnastics according to Zhdanov.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov

Known not only in the post-Soviet space, but throughout the world, Mirzakarim Norbekov is a man who, even without having medical education, was able to become a dollar millionaire by organizing a gymnastics course to restore vision. The methods of Bates and Zhdanov were taken as the basis for eye gymnastics according to Norbekov, and also made their own changes, including those for which some religious scholars call his organization a sect.

The basic principles of Norbekov's eye exercises are the same as those of Bates: you need to do exercises with positive emotions, keeping your back straight, and at the same time glasses are strictly prohibited .

A set of exercises for the eyes

  • The eyes roll upward and seem to continue moving through the head, eventually making a full rotation.
  • You need to look down with your eyes, directing your gaze inside the body through your own throat, without moving your head.
  • You need to alternately move your gaze to the right and to the left as much as if you were looking through your left and, accordingly, right ear.
  • This exercise is called " Butterfly" To perform it, you need to move your eyes, while keeping your head and neck still, following diagram: from the lower left corner the gaze is transferred to the upper right corner; Then the gaze moves to the lower right corner, and only then to the upper left corner. After this, you need to perform the first exercise.
  • The next exercise is “ Eight" When performing, the head should not move, and with the eyes you need to draw the number “8” in the air. In this case, the direction must be changed every time the symbol is “drawn”. Of course, after this, you need to do exercise 1.
  • This exercise helps well with myopia, as well as with strabismus, as it trains the external and internal oblique muscles of the eye. You need to squint your eyes at the tip of your nose. You need to watch this for 30 seconds. After this, move your gaze to some object and look at it for 30 seconds without blinking. After this, you need to do exercise 1 again.
  • This exercise also allows you to train the oblique muscles of the eye. To do this, the index fingers of the right and left hands are brought together in front of the nose. After this, you need to follow with your left eye, moving the finger of your left hand outward, and, accordingly, do the same with your right. This exercise should be done 5-7 times, after which you should perform the first exercise.
  • During an exercise called " Clock face", you need to move your eyes along the numbers of an imaginary dial, fixing your gaze on each number. The exercise is first carried out clockwise, then in the opposite direction. This exercise involves everyone oculomotor muscles, which allows you to achieve good results in the treatment of false myopia and spasm of accommodation.

Also watch the video of eye gymnastics according to Norbekov.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Avetisov

Eye gymnastics according to Avetisov is the only set of exercises officially recognized by Russian ophthalmologists, which is prescribed for the treatment of myopia, amblyopia, strabismus, farsightedness, as well as for preventive purposes.

Gymnastics according to Avetisov is divided into three groups, each of which is aimed at a specific eye function. Below are descriptions of the exercises with pictures.

First group

The exercises presented in this group increase blood circulation in the eyeballs, and also improve the circulation and outflow of the eyeballs. All exercises are performed while sitting.

  • It is necessary to close your right and left eyes in turn for 5 seconds, then open them wide for the same period of time.
  • During this exercise, you need to blink quickly for 20 seconds, then take a break for 10 seconds. Then you need to repeat the blinking. This is done 4 times.
  • The exercise involves massaging the eyeballs with your index fingers for one minute. This significantly improves the circulation of the intraocular fluid, which is useful for glaucoma.
  • During the exercise, you need to close your eyes, and through closed eyelids, lightly massage your eyeballs with folded fingers for two minutes.
  • The exercise involves massaging the brow ridges. To do this, you need to massage your brow ridges with your index fingers for about 3-4 minutes.

Second group

This set of exercises allows you to train the oculomotor muscles, which is necessary when treating childhood strabismus and amblyopia. All exercises are also performed while sitting, and the head should not move.

  • You need to perform alternating sweeping eye movements, first up and then down. This exercise is performed 10 times, after which you need to blink quickly for 10 seconds.
  • In this exercise you need to perform the same movements as in the previous exercise, only the eye movements are directed to the left and right. The exercise is also repeated 10 times.
  • This exercise is called “Diagonals”. To do this, you need to move your eyes diagonally, from the upper left corner to the lower right corner, and then from the upper right corner to the lower left corner. This exercise should be done 10 times, after which you should blink actively.
  • This exercise completely repeats the “Dial”, which is used by Zhdanov and Norbekov. It is repeated 5 times.

Third group

It is performed in a standing position and is aimed at training accommodation. These exercises are the best for myopia and farsightedness.

  • You need to focus your gaze on your index finger for 5 seconds, located at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from the nose, gradually bringing the finger closer to the eyes. The exercise is performed 10 times without blinking.
  • You need to cover your left eye with your palm, extend your arm, and look at forefinger within 5 seconds. In this case, you need to move your finger away and bring it closer to your face for 1 minute. The same exercise is done with the right eye. Alternately train each eye 5 times.
  • "Mark on the glass." To perform it, a piece of plasticine with a diameter of about 5 mm is attached to the window glass, after which you need to focus your gaze on the most distant object passing through this mark. You need to look at the plasticine circle for 2 seconds, after which you turn your gaze to a distant object for a couple of seconds. After this, the exercise is repeated 8-10 times. It is recommended to end the activity with frequent, rapid blinking for 20 seconds.

Eye gymnastics for children

Visual impairment in preschool age very common. According to statistics, when children enter 1st grade, various refractive errors occur in only 5-7% of those examined. By the age of 10, this figure increases to 30-35%, and by the time they graduate from school, 55-75% of children have vision problems. At the same time there is interesting feature: among children studying in rural schools, up to 55-60% of graduates suffer from myopia, and in urban schools up to 70-75%.

Visual hygiene in children remains a problem in many developed countries. In order to save good vision in a child, it is required to visit an ophthalmologist twice a year, and also ask the class teacher about the results of annual planned medical examinations. It is during them that most vision problems are identified, but their results go unnoticed.

A special problem presents the diagnosis and treatment of refractive errors in preschool children. This is due to restlessness, fear of health workers, expressed reluctance to wear glasses, perform visual gymnastics, wear a monocular headband. Therefore, ophthalmologists advise carrying out treatment in the form of a game.

Play gymnastics for preschoolers

To perform eye gymnastics with a child, you need to interest him. This is often quite difficult to do, but parents who know the interests of their child will definitely find an approach. With some children, exercises are carried out under special funny poems, with others, classes are carried out with the help of pictures.

Regardless of the child’s interests, the following exercises must be performed:

  • It is necessary for the child to look up and down, without turning his head;
  • Then they perform circular movements, as if on a dial, alternating the direction of movement;
  • Next, they make movements with their eyes, writing an infinity sign.

Stereo pictures to relax children's eyes

Children really like activities with stereo pictures. These exercises show a good therapeutic effect and also help develop spatial thinking and attention.

This activity with stereo pictures is called “Guess who’s hiding.” On the first day, the child is shown 3 pictures and is forced to remember them. The next day they add another picture and ask the child to tell which picture is new. One stereo image is added every day, bringing their number to 7-10, and then they are reduced again.

Computer program - training

About 15 years ago, the first computer programs for vision training appeared. They are well suited not only for children, but also for adults. During them, the patient is asked to follow moving objects with his eyes, or to form figures from parts.

Natural gymnastics for children

The child may also be interested in activities conducted in nature. To do this, parents show a crawling bug, a flying butterfly, or birds, and ask the children to watch them. At the same time, you can sing songs or recite poems. For boys interesting activity There will be observation of the float while fishing.

Eye exercises when working on a computer

IN modern world, a huge part of the work is done with the help of computers. At the same time, many office workers facing eye fatigue, gradual decline vision, dry eye syndrome. This can be avoided by doing simple rules, as well as conducting special exercises for the eyes when working on a computer.

When performing gymnastics, you need to take off your glasses or contact lenses, sit comfortably in a chair and relax, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. There should be no distractions during exercise, the mood should be good, everything negative emotions needs to be put out of my head.

Set of exercises

Doing exercises after long work working at the computer will not take much time, and will avoid eye fatigue, as well as prevent vision deterioration.

  • You need to close your eyes tightly for a few seconds 5-6 times.
  • For 3 seconds you need to look at the tip of your nose, and then look at an object outside the window (if there is no window, then at the most distant object in the office). This needs to be done 5 times.
  • During this exercise, you need to alternately fix your gaze for 3-5 seconds on the most distant object to the left, then up, right, and down. Performed 5 times, but you cannot move your head.
  • You need to blink as quickly as possible for 10 seconds. After this, you need to open your eyes as wide as possible for 3-4 seconds. After this, you need to repeat the exercise 3 times.
  • You need to fix your gaze on any clearly visible object (a twig or a bird outside the window, a portrait of Putin, a janitor sweeping leaves), and look at them without blinking for 30 seconds. After this, you need to blink for 10 seconds. This exercise is repeated 5 times.
  • At the end of the gymnastics, you just need to relax, close your eyes, and imagine something pleasant. This will help relax not only the eyes, but also the brain, which completes the entire visual tract.

Reducing computer exposure to your eyes

The negative impact of computers on vision has long been proven by scientists. EMR, as well as the constant flickering of the monitor, has a very negative effect not only on the organ of vision, but also on the brain, which receives signals through the optic nerve. To reduce this impact, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • The distance from the monitor to the eyes should be as comfortable as possible - about 45-60 centimeters. If you have refractive errors, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, you must wear glasses when working.
  • When working, the monitor should be located in a comfortable position. It should not be exposed to sunlight, it should be in front of the face, which will reduce additional load on the eyes.
  • At least once a week you need to wipe the monitor screen with napkins so that the image is clear. This will also avoid the development of conjunctivitis, since many viruses and bacteria remain in the dust.
  • Lighting in the workplace plays a huge role. When working in an office (accounting, etc.), there should be a desk lamp on the table, as well as good ceiling lighting in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations. These requirements become more stringent if there are no natural light sources in the office. For many computer workers, night work is essential. You should not work without lighting - this has a very negative impact on visual functions.
  • You should not work for a long time with sites that are “unsuccessfully” developed. These include those that have yellow letters on a white background, or with a green interface all the text is displayed in red or blue. This greatly depletes the rods and cones of the retina, which can lead to retinal dystrophy.
  • When working at a computer, the eyes “dry out” due to the fact that the worker rarely blinks, focusing his gaze on the image. This can lead to dry eye syndrome. To avoid this, you need to blink as often as possible, or use artificial tear substitutes (Slezin, Defizlez, Gilan, Oftolik, etc.). This will avoid the feeling of dry eyes, foreign body, burning and itching.
  • It has been established that an adult can stay behind the monitor for no more than 6 hours, with hourly breaks of 10 minutes. In fact, many people have to work for 8-10 hours, almost without looking away from the monitor. In such harsh working conditions, you need to use special protective glasses, so-called “computer” glasses, and also use “artificial tear” drops, which are indicated above.

Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes

Tibetan monks have been developing for several centuries various techniques to restore and improve vision. For this purpose, a whole complex of Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes was developed, which are similar to exercises according to Zhdanov and Avetisov.

A set of exercises for the eyes

  • During the exercise, you need to place your index fingers at a distance of 35-40 cm in front of your face. You need to fix your gaze on your fingertips for 10-15 seconds. After this, the fingers need to be gradually spread outward, while fixing the gaze and not rotating the head. The fingers are retracted until they can be caught in peripheral vision. This exercise is performed 5 times, after which you need to blink for 10 seconds.
  • The exercise involves focusing your gaze on your outstretched fingers. In this case, you need to initially fix your gaze on your outstretched fingers, and then move your gaze to a distant object for half a minute. This action must be alternated 5 times, fixing your gaze on objects for 15 seconds.
  • Use your fingertips to massage your eyeballs for 30 seconds. After this, you need to open your eyes as wide as possible and look into the distance for 6 seconds. This exercise is performed 3 times.
  • The exercise is designed to train the orbicularis oculi muscle. To do this, alternate between tightly closing your eyes for 5-7 seconds, after which you open your eyes as much as possible for 10 seconds. This exercise is performed 5 times.
  • The next exercise in Tibetan gymnastics is the classic figure eight. To perform it, the eyes depict an infinity sign in the air. Initially they move from right to left, and then the direction of the eyes changes. This exercise is performed 5 times.
  • An exercise that helps keep your eyes moist is blinking. To do this, you need to blink quickly for 1 minute.
  • The final stage of gymnastics is relaxation of the eyes, which is carried out by stroking the eyeballs. For this, light massage movements, move your fingers from the inner corners of the eye to the outer ones, and then make circular movements. After this set of exercises, you can start working again.

Exercises to improve vision with farsightedness

Farsightedness, or hyperopia as it is commonly called in medicine, is a very common refractive error among both children and adults. This disease is associated with an abnormally short length of the eyeball. It should be noted that hyperopia is normal refraction in children under 3-6 years of age, and having identified it, you should not panic, as this is a temporary phenomenon.

Eye exercises to improve vision with farsightedness not only help you get rid of this refractive error, but also prevent the development of convergent strabismus and amblyopia. These exercises are effective only in childhood, and do not allow adults to get rid of farsightedness.

  • Along with turning your head, move your eyeballs to the right and left for 2 minutes. In this case, you need to sit comfortably and discard all negative emotions.
  • For 10 seconds you need to monitor your fingertips, moving them 30 cm away from you. In this case, you need to move your gaze from your fingers to a distant object for 30 seconds, after which the exercise is repeated.
  • The following exercise improves blood circulation in the cervical spine spine, as well as in the brain. To do this, you need to sit comfortably in a chair, put your hands behind your head and bend upward. This exercise is performed 10 times. Almost immediately after exercise, blood flow to the brain, as well as to the eyes, improves, which significantly improves not only performance, but also overall well-being.
  • This exercise involves moving your arms. Its essence is to improve blood circulation in upper sections body, including the brain. To do this, you need to attach right palm to the left shoulder, and then repeat the same thing, this time with the left hand.
  • In this exercise you need to perform circular movements with your outstretched arms, following the movements of the hands with your eyes. The brushes are moved 3 times clockwise, and then the same number of times counterclockwise. This set of exercises is performed 7 times.
  • This exercise for farsightedness ends with self-massage of the occipital region of the head and neck. This allows blood to circulate even better in the brain, and, of course, in the eyes.

Eye exercises for myopia

Myopia, or as it is commonly called in ophthalmology, myopia, is a refractive error in which the length of the eye is increased. As a result, the image is placed in front of the retina, causing visible images to appear blurry.

Using the following eye exercises to improve vision in myopia, you can stop the progression of the disease, as well as relieve spasm of accommodation:

  • You need to blink quickly for 40 seconds. Then rest a little and repeat the exercise again.
  • You need to look at the finger from an arm's length distance for 20 seconds with your right eye (the left one is closed). The same must be repeated with the left eye. The set of exercises is performed 5 times.
  • The eyes are moved in a circle, as in the “Dial” exercise. First make 5 full turns clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • This exercise is performed while sitting on a chair with a backrest. You need to network and keep your posture straight, after which you tilt your head back and look at the ceiling for 30 seconds. Next, they turn their gaze to their knees and look at them for half a minute.
  • You need to close your eyelids tightly for 10 seconds, and then open them wide for 5 seconds. This exercise is repeated 5 times.

Eye exercises for glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the most dangerous ophthalmological diseases. This is due to the fact that very often glaucoma is asymptomatic, and patients consult a doctor only at stages III or IV, when it is no longer possible to restore vision, either with drops or with surgery.

Eye exercises for glaucoma are additional method treatment to slightly improve blood circulation in choroid, and also enhance the circulation of intrauterine fluid, promoting accelerated outflow. It should be understood that eye gymnastics does not replace antihypertensive drops prescribed by a doctor and is carried out only after they are instilled. If you carry out visual exercises for glaucoma with outflow disorders intraocular fluid without instilling Latanoprost (Travaprost) or Pilocarpine, an increase in IOP may occur.

It should also be noted that with glaucoma there are some limitations in everyday life.


  • Visiting hot saunas and baths.
  • Lifting weights over 10kg.
  • Drinking coffee, strong tea, alcohol and smoking.
  • Long work with the torso bent forward - weeding, washing floors, clearing snow, etc.
  • Eating spicy foods and drinking more than 2 liters of water per day also increases IOP.
  • Wearing ties or clothes with tight collars.

It should be noted that in case of glaucoma it is imperative to monitor your blood pressure and blood sugar. Hypertonic disease and diabetes mellitus have an extremely negative effect on the organ of vision and complicate the course of glaucoma.

  • Walks in the fresh air - preferably in the forest, and not in the central park of the city.
  • Not power types sports - skiing, walking, swimming.
  • Do visual gymnastics 2 times a day.

Eye gymnastics for glaucoma includes the following exercises:

1. Using the tips of all five fingers, massage the forehead (from eyebrows to hair) for 3 minutes. During this exercise, you need to alternate circular movements with translational movements directed from top to bottom.

2. The next exercise is performed with the index fingers of the right and left hands extended. They need to be combined, the pads should be applied to the bridge of the nose, and movements should be made up and down, from the brow ridges, to the hair. This massage is performed for another 2 minutes.

3. In this exercise, you also make circular massaging movements with your index fingers in the area of ​​the temples and the outer corner of the eye for 3 minutes.

4. For five minutes, use the pads of four fingers (except the thumb) to make light tapping movements on the skin of the forehead.

5. You need to blink frequently for a minute, and then stop and rest. Repeat this 3 times.

6. Close your eyes as if you were sleeping, without closing your eyelids. Next, use the pads of two fingers to gently massage the eyeballs in a circular motion for two minutes.

7. This exercise should be performed while sitting without turning your head. In the initial position, the eyes are abducted as far as possible, first to right side, and fix their gaze for 5 seconds. After this, repeat to the left side.

8. You need to move your eyes in a circle for half a minute, regularly changing the direction of movement.

9. During this exercise, you need to open and then close your eyes as slowly as possible. Repeat the lesson 10 times.

10. This exercise is performed in a room in front of a window or outside. First you need to concentrate your gaze on an object located nearby, and then quickly move and focus on the most distant object (suitable for patients with stages 1 and 2 of glaucoma). Perform 10 times.

I present to your attention a small but very effective set of exercises for the eyes.

These simple exercises will help with myopia and stop the deterioration of your vision. If you perform this complex regularly, the development of myopia progresses 5 times less than when you use only glasses to correct your vision.

However, it is worth noting that the proposed exercises will help slow down or prevent progressive myopia only if the main cause of myopia is the accommodation factor. With low myopia, up to 3 diopters, the best results in improving vision are achieved.

Basic exercise:

You need to stick a small red circle on the window glass. The diameter of the circle is 3 - 5 millimeters.

We stand at a distance of 30 - 35 centimeters from the pasted circle and move our gaze from the circle to any distant object that is located behind it (house, tree, etc.), and then move our gaze back to the mark.

We perform this simple exercise every day in the morning and evening. The first three days, three minutes for each eye. Then we gradually increase the duration of the exercise to five minutes, and by the end of the month to seven minutes. After a month of training, you must take a mandatory break for two weeks. After this, the course can be repeated; the course can be repeated up to four times.

The benefit of this exercise is that it trains the ciliary muscle. When you look at the circle, the eye muscle tenses, and when you move your gaze to a distant object, it relaxes.

To relieve eye strain after prolonged work, you need to do the following exercises:

  1. First, close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds. Then we take our eyes off for 5 seconds without blinking. We repeat the exercise seven times.
  2. We blink our eyes quickly for one to two minutes.
  3. We look straight in front of our face for two to three seconds, then we place our finger at a distance of thirty centimeters from our eyes and turn our gaze to it. We hold our gaze on the finger for three seconds. We repeat this exercise ten times.
  4. Lower your eyelids and gently massage your eyes with your fingers for one minute. Massage should be done only with well-washed hands and very carefully.
  5. Press on each eyelid with three fingers for one to two seconds. We repeat three times.

Our readers often ask the question, what exercises to improve vision?

I suggest you get acquainted with very well-proven eye exercises. I provide visual tables of vision exercises and rules for performing them.

Now you know what exercises to improve your vision you need to do so that your eyes are in perfect order and do not experience fatigue.

Eye exercises to improve vision are necessary if there is a malfunction of the visual apparatus. These problems reduce performance and limit a person’s capabilities.
A person receives 90% of environmental information through the organs of vision.
In childhood, they lead to a decrease in academic performance and the appearance of complexes in the child.

A set of exercises to improve vision

Exercises to improve vision are especially effective when initial signs visual defect, such as prophylactic when working with computer equipment. The lesson should be carried out leisurely, after removing glasses or contacts.

To improve the circulation of intraocular fluid:

  • close and open your eyes at a slow pace for one to two minutes;
  • Blink your eyelids quickly for 5-10 seconds, then relax your eyes for 5 seconds, repeat;
  • close your eyes and massage your eyelids with your fingers clockwise for about a minute.

Strengthening the visual muscles:

  • without movements of the torso and head, move your gaze slowly vertically from top to bottom and back, then make the same movements with your eyes in the horizontal plane;
  • with closed eyelids, make eye movements in different directions.

Improving the eye's ability to refract a light beam:

  • Draw the number eight with your eyes 8 times;
  • mentally divide the visible space into four triangles, rotate your eyes along the contours of these figures.

The regularity of the exercises will ensure the rapid achievement of the desired result.

Gymnastics for myopia

The disease is easily curable in the initial stages.

You need to perform these exercises every day in the morning, at lunch and in the evening to improve vision in case of myopia:

  1. Close your eyes for two seconds in a state of rest. Do the exercise 8 times;
  2. Rapid blinking for two minutes;
  3. While standing, look in front of you for two seconds, then focus your gaze on the straight arm raised in front of you for five seconds;
  4. Standing, extend your hand, without taking your eyes off the tip of the finger of your raised hand, bring it closer until the image begins to appear double. Do at least six times;
  5. While standing, move your right arm to your side. Try to see your index finger out of the corner of your eye without moving your head. Move your hand to the other side without taking your eyes off your finger;
  6. Massage the age-old arches using a circular motion of the fingertips with light alternating pressure.

Simple exercises for farsightedness

These effective exercises to improve vision with farsightedness are necessary to maintain normal functioning visual muscles, increasing the tone of the lens, improving blood circulation in the eyeballs, increasing the angle of peripheral vision:

  1. In a sitting position, focus your gaze on the opposite object. Turn your head to the side and keep your gaze in place. Make ten turns in different directions, trying not to take your eyes off the image. Note which details of the object are clearly visible, this is necessary to understand the result of the training;
  2. In a sitting position, place your hands on the back of your head. Keeping your back straight, pull your head back, resisting with your hands. Then lean forward until your elbows touch your knees, without changing the straight position of your back;
  3. Sitting with a straight back, extend your arm forward. Make circular movements with your index finger. Without taking your eyes off, follow the movements of the finger with your eyes. Repeat the lesson with the right hand.

Is it really possible to improve vision with exercise?

Can eyesight be improved with exercise? Significant improvement in vision can be achieved with daily training, strict implementation medical prescriptions and proper nutrition. The main thing in this matter is regularity and diligence.

Parsley decoction is suitable for eye lotions. When working with computer equipment, do gymnastics every hour for 5-10 minutes to relieve eye fatigue.

If you are farsighted, completely eliminate sweets from your diet and limit alcohol consumption. For vitamin support for the eyes, eat walnuts, cabbage, raw carrots, and blueberries. Perform the complex regularly visual exercises.

Water procedures in the morning have a general strengthening effect on eye diseases. Fill two bowls with hot and cold water. Apply alternately to eyes closed towels soaked in different temperature liquids.

A sharp change in temperature stimulates blood flow, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lens, and relieves painful sensations inside the eyeballs, improves vision.

Useful video on the topic

The most effective workouts

One of the ways to make the eye muscles work is to avoid using glasses and contact lenses as much as possible. Without auxiliary devices, the eye often independently develops the ability to perceive the surrounding world. But before giving up glasses, consult your doctor.

An effective recovery complex visual functions:

  • close your eyes with your palms. Relaxing tired eyes in the dark for 5 minutes allows them to rest from external irritants;
  • gymnastics: movement of the eyeballs horizontally and vertically, diagonally, rectangle, snake, carried out three times a day;
  • light perception: close your eyes with your palms and open them, a sharp transition from light to darkness and vice versa trains the muscles of the pupil.

Yoga for the eyes - what is it, how does it differ from other techniques?

The spiritual practice of yoga, as the most safe method, comprehensively restores the functions of the body, having a beneficial effect on human organs as a whole.

Visual relaxation with water

  1. Temperature changes have a positive effect on the functioning of the lens, strengthening its ability to perceive light. Fill your palm with cool water. Dip your face into the water, alternately closing and opening your eyes.
  2. Temperature alternation strengthens retinal sensitivity. Soak two towels in warm and cold water. Apply a cold towel to one eye for 30 seconds and a warm towel to the other. After the specified time, change towels.
  3. During water procedures It is useful to do pupil gymnastics. With our eyes covered with towels, we draw numbers with our pupils, from 1 to 10, then from 10 to 1.

Yoga for vision

  1. "180 degrees." In a sitting position, place your arms shoulder-width apart, forming a wide angle. Make fists with one finger pointed forward. Try to see your outstretched fingers by looking straight ahead. Checking peripheral vision - manipulate with one palm, fixate the movement with your gaze.
  2. "Closing". In the same position, we sharply bring our gaze to the bridge of the nose, then look at the fingers, raise our eyes to the eyebrows, again to the fingers, then to the cheeks. The exercise is difficult, pain is possible, take a break after each approach.
  3. "Rotation". With the finger of an outstretched hand we slowly draw a circle, with our eyes we continuously follow the movement.
  4. "Far Sight" Look out the window and find an object located as far away from you as possible. While peering intently, close and open your eyelids wide.

It is recommended to do classes regularly, in the morning and evening time. Between each exercise we do relaxation with closed eyelids for 30 seconds.

In addition to therapeutic exercises, a person must be aware of the need regular use chosen treatment method. Awareness of the disease, stable performance physical exercise, constant support of a balanced diet will help restore the visual functions of the body.

However, conscious confidence in the established goal of “seeing clearly” internally organizes the patient for recovery, stimulating his actions to achieve a certain result. A purposeful and confident person achieves much faster visible results in the fight against visual impairment.

Combining visual exercises with other treatments

The combination of a set of basic exercises with other methods of restoring visual functions promotes a speedy recovery.

How traditional medicine can help

For myopia:

  • "Riboflavin" - reduces the feeling of fatigue, heaviness of the eyelids, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • "Taufon" - relieves swelling of the eyelids, pain and a feeling of fullness inside the visual organ, prevents dryness of the membrane;
  • "Emoxipin" - strengthens the walls of the visual vessels, ensures regulation of blood supply to the organs of vision.

Restoring vision with initial stage diseases:

  • "Reticulin" - restoration of circulation ocular vessels, increases antimicrobial effect, increases resistance to external irritants;
  • “Zorro” - reduces photophobia, burning, itching;
  • "Kuspavit" - restores microscopic damage, prevents age-related changes retina.

For farsightedness:

  • “Vita iodurol” - relieves muscle tension, promotes the regeneration of fundus cells;
  • "Quinax" - multivitamin drops. Restores vision at the cellular level, covers the membrane with a protective film;
  • "Oftan katachrome" - provides cells visual organs supply of oxygen, stimulates the regeneration of the fundus and retina.

The use of a conservative form of treatment for visual diseases includes taking a complex of multivitamins for the eyes in tablets: “Revit”, “Complivit”, “Blueberry Forte”, “Okovit”.

Hardware treatment - the effectiveness of the technique

Significantly strengthens vision and prevents the development of the disease, which will eliminate surgical intervention. This type of treatment is prescribed by a doctor if there are appropriate indications.

Color pulse therapy – pulsed exposure electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system of the visual organs through special glasses (for farsightedness).

Vacuum massage is an effect on the blood supply to the visual organ through air waves (for myopia).

"Sinoptofor" apparatus - training binocular vision by separating the visual fields (with strabismus).

Laser stimulation – relieves the effects of constant stress, improves microcirculation by exposure to a low-frequency electric beam.

Traditional methods of influencing the problem

  • 2 tsp. Brew cornflower flowers with 200 ml of water. In case of inflammation of the mucous membrane, it acts as disinfectant. Used using the lotion method;
  • oak decoction is used for inflammatory processes eyeballs. 2 tbsp. l. crushed bark per 0.5 tbsp. boiling water;
  • applying fresh cucumber relieves swelling of the eyelids;
  • conjunctivitis is treated with lotions water tincture chamomile;
  • warm chamomile solution reduces eye fatigue, removes swelling of the eyelids;
  • compresses made from birch leaves, rose hips and St. John's wort herb restore vision by nourishing the retina essential microelements;
  • Lotions of freshly brewed tea reduce pain after using the computer.

Stimulation by sudden temperature changes

Alternating cold and hot water treatments helps rapid recovery optic nerve, relieves fatigue, relieves internal pain, removes the feeling of distension of the eyeball.

Blood-stimulating breathing

Helps reduce oxygen starvation visual organs. Make a few deep breaths. Without exhaling, bend down to knee level with your eyes wide open, counting to five. Oxygen-rich blood will rush to the eyes.

Relaxation of visual perception

Secured sufficient quantity sunlight the eye gets used to functioning normally. When exposed to the sun for a long time, use protective glasses to avoid injury to damaged eyes from ultraviolet rays.

Combining exercise with nutrition

It is important to know about the correct balanced diet in the treatment of eye diseases:

  1. First priority exclusion harmful factors: alcohol, smoking, restlessness, nervousness. Reducing the consumption of products that contain caffeine to a minimum;
  2. Compliance vitamin composition: regular intake of prescribed medications, consumption of products that stimulate the functions of the visual organs.
  3. Eating balanced meals. Exclusion of sweet, fatty, salty foods.

Necessary products for visual impairment:

  • cabbage and chicken eggs contain lutein, which restores the functioning of the visual retina;
  • carrots enrich the visual organs with vitamin A;
  • antioxidants and vitamins of black currant prevent vision loss;
  • seafood contains fatty acid omega-3, maintaining visual acuity;
  • iron-containing cereals prevent deterioration in the functioning of the eye organs;
  • Regular consumption of 5 walnut kernels provides the eyes with daily vitamin E;
  • carotene from pumpkin is useful for people with impaired vision;
  • blueberries have a balanced nature vitamin complex, rich in essential microelements to support retinal tone and restore the functionality of the optic nerve;
  • fish oil prevents the formation of dry eye membranes.

Preventive medical exercises

Constant visual exercise for preventive purposes helps to quickly restore the energy balance of the visual organs, improve general condition, reduce pain, and normalize intraocular pressure.

After working with computer equipment, watching TV

  • eye movements clockwise and counterclockwise. Alternate with resting with your eyes closed;
  • breathing exercises “from the eyes”. Take a breath, bend over, open your eyes wide, exhale;
  • moving the eyes up and down, with a gradual increase in tempo;
  • intense squinting - opening of the eyelids.

Relieving fatigue, feeling of fullness inside the eyes

  • following with the eyes the movement of the finger of an outstretched hand;
  • training peripheral vision by tracking the movement of an object without turning the body and head;
  • drawing with one's eyes geometric shapes in the air.

Deep visual muscle training

  • “tip of the nose” exercise. Close your eyes and “write” random numbers with your nose. While making smooth movements with your head, feel the vibration of your eyeballs. Do the exercises several times, then give your eyes a rest. The exercise is effective in instantly relieving eye strain;
  • "Dial" exercise. Mentally draw a large clock in front of you. Place your gaze on the center of the hands of the imaginary clock. Select a number on the dial. Without moving your head, look sharply at her and return your gaze back to the center. Practice on all the numbers;
  • Eyebrow gymnastics will help free your eyes from the heaviness of the brow ridges. While raising your eyebrows, try not to strain your ears. The exercise requires a long practice. The result is wide-open eyes without the overhanging heaviness of the eyebrows;
  • Massage, lightly squeezing your temples with your fingers, while quickly closing your eyes. Alternate the activity with deep breathing;
  • Press your palms against your closed eyes. Move your pupils in different directions. The exercise quickly relieves signs of fatigue and pain around the eyes.

Finally, lightly massage your eyelids with your fingers. This will enhance the effect of the exercises performed, restoring blood circulation to the eyes. The variety of actions performed ensures the success of the training.

Exercises to improve blood circulation

The first group of exercises is necessary: ​​to improve blood circulation and intraocular fluid.

Exercise 1. Close the eyelids of both eyes for 5 seconds, open for the same time. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Exercise 2. Blink quickly for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times, with an interval of 10 seconds.

Exercise 3. Close your eyelids, using the index fingers of the corresponding hands, gently, without pressing, massage your eyes (in a circular motion) for a minute.

Exercise 4. Slowly move your gaze from the floor to the ceiling and back (the position of your head should remain unchanged). Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 5. Slowly move your gaze to the right, left and back. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 6. Make circular eye movements, first in one direction for 4 seconds, then the same time in the other direction.

Exercise 7. With both eyes, look at the index finger of your left hand extended in front of your face for 5 seconds. Then gradually move your finger closer to your nose (until the finger begins to double). Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Exercise 8. Attach a colored mark with a diameter of 5 millimeters to the window glass at eye level, stand from the window at a distance of 35 cm, then, far from the line of sight passing through the mark, mark an object you like for visual fixation (this could be the top of a tree, an antenna, a balcony against). Look at the mark for 2 seconds, then move your gaze to the selected object - stay on it for 2 seconds. Then turn your gaze back to the mark. Repeat the exercise in the first two days for 5 minutes, in subsequent days - 7 minutes.

Exercise 9. Mentally divide the wall with diagonals into 4 triangles and rotate your eyes in both directions inside these figures. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Exercise 10. Draw an infinity sign (figure eight) with your eyes. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Eye gymnastics to improve vision has been and remains the most reliable method. Using it, many began to see better and eliminated their dependence on glasses.

According to statistics, eye gymnastics helps preserve and improve vision with regular exercise in 70% of cases.

In order to relieve tension, as well as develop the ability to see without the help of lenses, you need to regularly perform a set of necessary eye exercises to improve vision in case of myopia

Before starting any eye exercise to improve vision in myopia, you first need to warm up your eyebrows, which will help them easily adapt to heavy physical activity.

When our vision is strained, the eyelashes succumb to the influence of tired eyebrows. The first task: to get rid of their heaviness. To do this, you need to raise your eyebrows as high as possible to feel the tension in your ears. This feeling needs to be remembered, because later you will need to achieve the same effect again, but with lowered eyebrows. You may not succeed the first time, but this should not discourage you. By repeating this exercise several times, the desired result will be achieved.

One of the most popular is the Palming exercise. By doing it, you will have the opportunity to fill your body with warmth, which will charge the body with positivity.

“Palming” is performed like this:

  • place your palms in one plane in front of you so that your little fingers touch each other;
  • bring them to your face and, slowly, lower them onto the bridge of your nose. Make sure that they close their eyelids tightly;
  • choose such a placement of hands so that the closing and opening of the eyelids occurs completely freely;
  • close your eyelids and relax.

At first you will be able to observe the appearance of yellow bright spots and blurry figures. But after a while everything will disappear and you will be plunged into complete darkness, which will entail relaxation of the body, which means improved vision.

Charging for the eyes and restoring vision

In order to restore high-quality vision, various sets of exercises, gymnastics, and eye exercises are created, using which you can restore normal vision without surgical intervention.

One of these effective techniques considered an eye exercise to improve vision from Professor Zhdanov.


  • Raise your eyes up, then down, up again, down, up, down. Blink-blink.
  • Move left and right, right and left again, right and left. Blink.
  • Exercise "Diagonal". Look right-up-left-down and so on 3 times. Blink.
  • Exercise "Rectangle". Look up, “draw” the long upper side of an imaginary rectangle, then the right side, then the lower, left side. Next, again the top long one, etc. Perform the “drawing” 3 times. Blink.
  • Exercise "Dial". Imagine a large dial in front of you, inspect it clockwise, look alternately at 3,6,9,12 o'clock and so on 3 times. Blink.
  • "Snake". We draw a zigzag line with the pupils in one direction and the other. 4 times. Blink.

a) “dial”; b) “snake”

  • "Bow". Conventionally, we draw: diagonally to the left-up, vertically down, to the right diagonally up. Other half: right diagonally up, vertically down, left diagonally up. Draw 3 bows. Blink.
  • "Hourglass". Look up left, swipe diagonally down, draw bottom side, draw a diagonal upward, finish drawing the upper side. Repeat 3 times in one direction and the other. Blink.
  • "Spiral". You need to start from the nose and gradually “unwind” the spiral: the first turn is the smallest, the second is larger, the third is even larger, the fourth covers the ceiling and walls. Blink. Carry out the same procedure in reverse order. Blink.
  • Horizontal "spiral". Imagine a thick glass pipe at the level of the bridge of your nose. Wind 5 turns of rope with your eyes, then unwind the turns. Blink.
  • Vertical "spiral". Imagine a thick vertical glass pipe. Wind, conditionally, 5 turns of rope: the first - at the very floor, the second - at chest level, the third - at the level of the bridge of the nose, the fourth - at head level, the fifth - at the very top. Unwind the rope back. Blink.
  • "Infinity". Draw infinity with your eyes in one direction and the other. Blink.

a) “infinity”; b) “spiral”

Be sure to perform all the indicated exercises in one direction and the other.

Therapeutic exercises for eyes with farsightedness

Exist various exercises for eyes with farsightedness, restoration of vision, which does not require any special conditions. We offer best exercises for eyes with farsightedness.


  1. Accept original sitting position, bend your right hand, place it 45-50 cm from your face, while slowly rotating your finger clockwise, constantly watching it. You need to remember that the head should not move. Do the same manipulation with your left hand, but perform rotational movements with your finger counterclockwise. Perform this exercise 8-10 times.
  2. Look straight, place your index finger opposite the bridge of your nose, bend your arm at the elbow so that the distance to the finger is 30 cm. Look at distant objects for about 4-5 seconds, after that, for the same amount of time, look at the tip of your finger. Repeat the procedure 10-12 times.
  3. Look forward, relax, turn your head to the right, move your gaze synchronously, return to the starting position. We do everything in the same way, only to the left. Perform the exercise 10-12 times in each direction.
  4. Sit comfortably, straighten your back, fold your hands behind your head. Try to bend your back as far as possible and, at the same time, put your feet on your toes. Then relax, stretch your legs, lower your arms. Repeat 7-8 times.

Gymnastics for the eyes for myopia

Usually, correction of myopia (also called myopia) is carried out with glasses with concave lenses, although they do not cure the disease, but only help compensate for the defect of the visual organs. Therefore, many treat myopia with special exercises.

Patients often use eye gymnastics for myopia, which involves performing the following exercises:

  • Sit up straight, straighten your spine and raise your head. Close your eyes tightly for about 5 seconds, then open your eyelids for 5 seconds. Repeat 7-8 times.
  • The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but you just need to blink quickly for 60-90 seconds.
  • Stand up, put your feet shoulder-width apart, look straight for 3 seconds, raise your right arm horizontally, straighten it, move it 90 degrees and look at it for 4-5 seconds, then lower it. Repeat the exercise 11-12 times.
  • Without changing the starting position, raise your right hand horizontally to the level of the bridge of your nose and look at the tip of your index finger. Holding your gaze, smoothly move your finger closer to your face until you begin to see double. Repeat the exercise 7-8 times.

a) concentration of vision on thumb; b) closing your eyes

  • In the same starting position, place the index finger of your right hand 30 cm from the bridge of your nose and look at its tip for 4-5 seconds. After this, close with your left palm left eyelid, and for 4-5 seconds look at the tip of this finger with your right eye. Then, remove your palm and look at the same finger with both eyes for 4-5 seconds. Similarly, close your right eyelid with your right hand, look for 4-5 seconds with your left eye at the index finger of your left hand, then remove your palm, look with both eyes for 4-5 seconds at the tip of the index finger of your left hand.
  • Without changing the starting position, move your half-bent right hand to the right side and look at the index finger of this hand with lateral vision. The main condition: the head should not turn. After this, smoothly move your finger from right to left, and then back, while continuously following it with your gaze. Do the exercise 11-12 times.
  • Sit in comfortable position, close your eyelids, try to lightly massage them in circular smooth movements with the fingertips of both hands for 60 seconds.
  • Without changing the starting position, half-close your eyelids, and with three fingers of each hand simultaneously press upper eyelids, after 2-3 seconds, remove your fingers. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times.

Eye exercises when working on a computer

When we watch TV for a long time or work with a computer, our eyelids sometimes close on their own. Therefore, in such cases, vision gymnastics is necessary. By performing special eye exercises when working on a computer, the cornea artificially will be moisturized, which will significantly improve vision.

The famous American ophthalmologist W.G. Bates developed his own eye gymnastics to improve vision. It is simple, but very effective, allowing you to relieve excessive eye strain.

To do this you need to perform the following exercises:

  1. Sit at the table and lean on your elbows.
  2. Shake your hands, relax your fingers and wrists.
  3. Rub your palms until they become warm.
  4. Rest your head on your hands, close your eyelids with warm palms so that your fingers intersect on your forehead. Try to relax as much as possible so as not to feel pressure from your fingers on your eyelids.
  5. Feel the darkness as the main visual pigment rhodopsin begins to form in the retinal cells. It is in the state of darkness that happens complete relaxation eyes, and they begin to recover.
  6. Imagine that there is a dark surface in front of you (for example, the night sky), and that that is all you see.

Remove your hands from your eyelids and feel the difference in temperature and light brightness. After this, close your eyes and sharply open your eyelids.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs