Is it possible to be bald. Fashionable bald guys: style, interesting facts and features

If women have been afraid of getting fat all their adult lives, then men are afraid to see their head in the form of a knee. For many men (especially young men), baldness is like death. They believe that without hair, which is usually cut short, they will immediately become uninteresting to the opposite sex and they may have problems with promotion. career ladder. In fact, baldness can be a better side male image and be the answer to many problems. 9 reasons to be bald are waiting for you further.

You look like a real "dangerous asshole"

Why do you think many actors shave their heads baldly for their roles in movies? And they do it in order to look more intimidating. Studies have shown that bald men appear more authoritative and intimidating. Thus, you have every chance to scare your more hairy rivals.

It saves a lot of time

In fact, men with hair are also forced to wake up and go to the bathroom to, among other things, comb their nest on their heads and run to work. With a shaved head, there are no such problems, you wake up and immediately you can do business without worrying about the sight of a city madman. Moreover, after a shower, you do not need to dry your hair, and the head becomes dry immediately after wiping it with a towel.

The head can float

To soar is not in the sense of flying, but to create steam. When your head is hotter than the air in the atmosphere around you, it immediately gets an amazing smoky effect. If a guy with a smoking head stands in front of a villain, he will immediately retreat, because his opponent is so mad that his head is smoking. Even though it's cool.

Your hat suits you well

If earlier, because of the hair, the hat could crush or, on the contrary, barely stay on the head, then this is all in the past. Any hat with a shaved head right size will sit on the head like a glove.

It saves money

This greatly reduces costs, because you do not need to buy shampoo, and even more so conditioner, and no styling products. In a barbershop, a bald haircut, as a rule, is much cheaper than everyone else.

Bald head + beard = great combo

It has become quite fashionable in Lately. If you want to look like a real brutal man, then grow a beard and shave your head baldly. An authoritatively dangerous bald head plus a stylish beard, and you will be irresistible.

A bald head makes you look more muscular

Ever wondered why the vast majority of bodybuilders are bald? Sticking hair takes away part of the massiveness of your body for itself. But once you shave them off, your muscles will seem larger than before. P.S. In addition to shaving your hair, it is also highly recommended to exercise.

you look smarter

Who do you most often see bald? That's right, older men. And who is smarter, the elderly or the young? That's it! Your baldness allows you to look much wiser and more solid, because the presence of one and the other is most often judged by age. Of course, people can tell you that you look older, but that's only because they are embarrassed by your wise appearance, next to which they look dumber. You may even be able to detect telekinetic abilities in yourself, like Dr. Xavier from X-Men, but this is unlikely. P.S. "Dangerous asshole" from "wise" is distinguished only by the style of clothing.

You are not suffering from hair loss

Research has shown that people with sparse hair are the most unattractive people on the planet. You know who doesn't have problems with sparse hair? Bald people. So if you are worried about hair loss, then you understood everything correctly, you just need to go and shave them all to hell. No hair - no problem!

Hair loss can be a real blow to a man. For many, this is the first sign of aging, and in most cases, baldness makes a person less confident and attractive.

Balding men can behave differently. Some, for example, begin to put on a hat every time they go out into the world. Many wear a hairstyle that went to them at the age of 20, but now only spoils their appearance. Such men simply do not know how to go bald gracefully.

Hairdresser Tony England, himself a balding man, gives advice to people who are faced with the problem of hair loss.

Find the reason

“In many cases, baldness is not hereditary and can be treated,” says England. Perhaps you have recently been stressed - then you should go for a massage and relax. Excessive stress often causes hair loss.

Baldness can be a side effect of some medicinal product. Hair will start growing again when you stop taking it. But you can’t just take and throw the medicines you need in the trash. It is better to consult a doctor and choose an alternative with him.

Possibly due to the deposition of calcium in the scalp. It closes the pores, leaving the hair with nowhere to grow. To cleanse the pores of calcium, you can rub the skin with heated vinegar, wrap your head in a warm towel and wait a few minutes. After that, wash your hair with regular shampoo to get rid of the bad smell.

If all of the above is not about you, then you, like millions of other men, probably inherited the problem of hair loss from your ancestors. Columbia University researchers found that a man with more likely will go bald if his father has a bald patch on his head. However, this unpleasant gene can also be inherited from relatives on the maternal side.

Fighting natural causes

There are several ways to deal with baldness if it is caused by genetics.

  • Rogaine is a medical product that is applied to the scalp to promote hair growth. Its main drawback is that as soon as you stop using it, you start going bald again. At the same time, Rogaine is far from cheap.
  • Hair transplantation, in which the doctor moves more resistant hair follicles from the back of the head to the top. With such an operation, you should be extremely careful and do it only with trusted specialists - otherwise your hair will look unnatural. A hair transplant also costs a lot.
  • High-quality expensive wig in which you will not look funny. If it is made with dignity, then outwardly it is no different from natural hair. "You'd be surprised how many celebrities wear wigs," says England.

Accept your baldness

One of the best options is to accept that you are going bald and start getting used to it. It's much cheaper and less labor intensive. Just remember: millions of men go bald, but this does not prevent them from having a successful career, being attractive to women and enjoying life. If you don't give a lack of hair great importance, then others will not.

Hairstyles for balding men

Congratulations - you've decided to "make friends" with your baldness. Now it remains to decide how you arrange it.

The main rule: hair should be short. So the baldness becomes less obvious and it seems that you actually have more hair. If you leave the hairstyle that you loved so much in your youth, then your bald spot will begin to attract too much unnecessary attention.

clean shaven

Go completely bald great option for those who have a bald patch too large. So you do not need to choose a haircut, and you can wash your head with ordinary soap. You show the world that you have fully accepted yourself. You, like Patrick Stewart, have distinguishing feature through which you are remembered.


If shaving off all your hair isn't in the mood, but you still want something simple, then consider a hedgehog haircut. It is especially suitable for those who have hair loss on the crown or on their growth line. In that case, your appearance will be pretty neat, but still dashing.


The Roman emperor haircut became popular thanks to George Clooney and Antonio Banderas. "Caesar" - a good choice, if you need to hide the fact that your hair is falling out at their growth line and your hair is thinning at the crown. The bangs are cut very short and combed forward.

uneven layers

If you are just starting to go bald and are not ready for a very short haircut, ask your barber to cut your hair in uneven layers. And when styling, just give them a disheveled look - this will make your image attractive and hide your bald head.

Roger Sterling haircut

Want to look like the dapper Mad Men character? Try Roger Sterling's haircut. It is suitable for those who have begun to lose hair from below, but there is still enough hair on top. Cut them short, but leave enough length so that you can comb them to the side. On the sides, the length should be minimal, but combined with the top.

power donut

You can not torture yourself and just let your hair grow naturally. GQ magazine calls this haircut Power Donut, which can be translated as "powerful donut." This hairstyle requires almost nothing from you - you just need to periodically give it a neat look.

Examples of people with Power Donuts include actor Sean Connery and the 38th President of the United States, Gerald Ford. A person with such a haircut does not worry about going bald: he has more important things to do.

facial hair

Many balding celebrities grow hair that diverts attention from the lack of hair. Best Options- mustache and goatee. But if you want to look like mixed martial artist Kimbo Slice, then your choice is a full-fledged forest ranger beard.

Don't brush your hair bald

Never, under any circumstances, try to grow your hair out to comb it into a bald spot. And do not think that a ponytail can compensate for your baldness.

If you do not know in which direction to move, do not be shy and consult with a hairdresser. Think of him as a doctor that people like you have been to a thousand times already.

Mind, culture, influence, high status in society... The image of bald men shines like their bald crown. They are perceived as charismatic and important people. In addition, baldness can save a life.

Upon reaching the age of 30, many men are overcome by the fear of baldness. Like lions without manes or roosters without bushy tails, men perceive baldness as evidence of the relentless time that robs them of their most prized possession: their hair. Moreover, this fear did not arise yesterday. Be that as it may, being bald can be much better than it seems.

old fear

Also in Ancient Egypt, 5,000 years ago, men afflicted with this disease were advised to ointment from hedgehog needles, oil, honey, gypsum, ocher and pieces of nails.


New hope for the bald

The Wall Street Journal 10/23/2013

Bald romantics

Hour 27.02.2006

The Kremlin: the bald/hairy rule

Financial Times 26.09.2011
Later, at the beginning of the 4th century BC. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, tried to overcome his baldness with a mixture of pigeon droppings, horseradish, cumin and nettle. Apparently it didn't work because a form of baldness was named after him. Cleopatra once advised her beloved Julius to put a mixture of horse teeth, pieces of mice and bear fat on his head to inhale into his hair. new life. Finally, the Vikings smeared goose droppings on their bald head. However, it is doubtful that all these works made their hair thicker.

Be that as it may, today there are many remedies for this, mainly male disease, which is officially called "androgenetic alopecia". drugs, nutritional supplements, lotions, implants… In total, more than 3 billion euros are spent every year on the fight against baldness in the world. And this is more than the budget of Macedonia and, as Bill Gates noted, the funds allocated to fight a much more dangerous malaria. Moreover, the game may not be worth the candle, because finasteride, used to combat alopecia, has many side effects like impotence.

It is worth noting that hair loss is perceived by a man as a real tragedy, a symbol of unattractive aging. The Romans attributed it to soldiers wearing helmets, Aristotle to sexual relations, and the French demagogue Saburo to a microbe in 1897 (his theory was refuted). In the end, no one is protected from baldness: everyone is subject to it. ethnic groups.

Physiological reflex

Today we know what causes hair loss. It is caused by dihydrotestosterone, biologically active form male hormone. Its production is associated with the development of the male genitalia. Unfortunately, it also contributes to the occurrence of prostate cancer. And that is quite often observed in bald men. Therefore, it is believed that they have a higher content of testosterone in their blood, and, therefore, they are more masculine. What is not true is stated in one BBC article. At the same time, they had increased hairiness on the arms, legs and body.

Be that as it may, baldness can be more useful than it seems. According to some scientists, it may be a physiological reflex that allows you to compensate for the harmful effects of dihydrotestosterone on the prostate. For example, hair loss promotes skin exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, a source of vitamin D, which a 2015 study found to help treat prostate cancer. Perhaps nature is smarter than we think? “Thus, baldness would help many people get more ultraviolet rays and thus produce more vitamin D,” says study author Peter Kabay from St. Stephen’s University (Budapest). This would explain the fact that women without a prostate are much less prone to baldness. That is, a bald head may have the good side.

Perception in society

And it's not just limited to this. From a social point of view, a man with a bald head becomes the object of many positive stereotypes. First of all, because baldness is almost exclusively a trait of men, explains Frank Muscarella from Barry University in Florida (USA): “If in nature males have physical traits that females do not, this creates additional effect attraction." To verify this, the psychologist conducted an experiment in 2004 involving 101 men and 101 women. They were all shown photographs of men with and without hair.

As a result, bald men enjoyed great sympathy with women: “They called them more intelligent, influential, educated, wise, honest and amiable, having a higher social status. Such character traits are associated with wealth and maturity.

The second study of this type was conducted by Albert Manns and also showed that bald men are perceived as taller and more massive. By and large, bald people are considered confident, mature and calm people who know how to lead and insist on their own.

When friends ask me why I'm bald, I don't know what to say. It is not obvious to everyone that hair loss is a disease, so such questions confuse me. I used to wear long hair: light, soft and slightly curly. They started falling out at the age of 25. By the age of 28, there were so few hairs left that the scalp was visible through them. It was neither beautiful nor aesthetically pleasing. I didn’t know if it needed to be treated somehow, so I cut my hair to zero.

Hair loss is genetic disease « androgenetic alopecia» . She cannot be cured. If the hair got out, then that's it, hello to the family :-) Not all of my hair fell out, but mostly on the top and back of the head. Therefore, my friends did not understand why I shaved my head sharply, because the hair remained on the sides. Yes, they remained on the sides, but not on top. Do not shave, you would be like Lenin, with baldness. And at 28, that sucks.

How to treat baldness?

And then, as you agree with yourself, so be it. If you decide that you are a bald loser, you will be a bald loser. You decide that you have a new image - you will be like Bruce Willis, Moby or Dmitry Nagiev. Being a loser is simple: nothing is required of you, your hair falls out slowly, and you suffer. And to take and shave everything nafig is scary. I would never dare, but thanks to Jan, who brought a trimmer to work and shaved almost by force.

Now even the most ridiculous hats suit me. I used to hate them. :-)

How do I take care of my head?

I used to go to the hairdresser for a while. Shaving the head costs 200 ₽, and with washing 250 ₽. To shave, you need to make an appointment by phone and it infuriates me: either my favorite master does not work, then everyone is busy. And it's also expensive. For a neat look, you need to shave every 3-4 days or, at worst, once a week, which is at least 1000 ₽ per month. When once again I could not make an appointment with the master, I decided to shave myself: an old Phillips trimmer was lying around at home. Oddly enough, I did it! Bye, beauty salons :-)

Now I have a professional trimmer Moser 1584 for 5,500 ₽. Shaves perfectly, does not scratch the skin, without wires. I shave every 2-3 days. A nice bonus: in addition to hair, I shave my beard and mustache with it: the effect of a 3-day unshaven is obtained. I use the machine only for hair removal on the neck.

Why am I not trying to get my hair back?

Would be the right way I would return. But now he is gone. You ask, how dude from advertising Real Trans Hair with the phrase "And you, bald, I won't tell you the phone"?


The combination of minoxidil And finasteride. A few months after the start of the reception (more precisely, they need to be rubbed into the head), the hair will stop falling out and partially recover. But this will not cure alopecia, but only slow it down: you will have to take drugs all your life. They also irritate the skin, reduce libido and cost a lot of money. Monthly rate ≈ 3,000 ₽. It can be cheaper, but then the probability of side effects increases from 2% to 18%. Ahha! For me, the probability of becoming an impotent 2% is already a lot. If you stop taking medication for at least a month, your hair will fall out. Check out a typical message from people who take minoxidil:

I started using minox about 9 years ago. It worked for me for many years, but a year and a half ago, I suddenly noticed that I had lost a bunch of hair. I still use it, but I can definitely say that it no longer benefits me. I don't know why: either my body stopped accepting it, or I didn't use it regularly enough. If the latter, then I am very angry with myself for my laziness, because things are now completely worthless.

And I don't want to be smeared all my life toxic substances, afraid that sooner or later, something will go wrong and worries all his life. I'm bald and it's normal for me)

Hair transplantation

Just look at the before and after. People, as they were bald, so bald remained. And it's probably not cheap. Real Trans Hair charges ≈ 70 ₽ for a single hair transplant. At healthy person≈ 100,000 hairs. Lost half, 50,000 × 70 ₽ = 3,500,000 ₽. How to buy an apartment :-)

After transplantation, alopecia will not go anywhere: the hair has fallen out and will fall out. You will have to maintain the effect of the operation with drugs. And so all my life :-(

Skin pigmentation

This is for those who already shave their heads. , but I doubted, consulted with a stylist and became convinced that in most cases I like “before” more than “after”.

Small F.A.Q.

How to understand that you are bald?
Your hair looks like this:

What to do if hair starts to fall out?
See a trichologist. You may significantly slow down hair loss without the use of toxic drugs.

What to do if your friend has a bald patch on his head?
Try to tactfully explain that this is not beautiful, but there is excellent male decision. Show him pictures of famous bald people.

Does the lack of hair affect communication with girls?
In my feeling, no. Of course, there are girls who will say a resounding “no” because of this, but there will also be those who will say a resounding “yes”.

Will they make fun of?
If you shaved your head, then no, of course) But there can be plenty of jokes about baldness, baldness and Lenin.

Where can I learn more about hair loss and treatment?
Very cool site - dude understands the nuances, translates foreign articles. Thanks a lot to him!

Bald people can be happy? And are you happy yourself?

Remember the joke? “There is a man in a crowded bus. He asks others: “Are you going out?” Everyone is silent. He: “Now I’ll go over the heads!” The bald man heard: “May you slip!..” As you can see, bald men have no problems with a sense of humor. Or that defensive reaction from complexes? Is it worth it to complex about the lack of hair on the head?

Remember the old joke? “There is a man in a crowded bus. He asks others: “Are you going out?” Everyone is silent. Then he says: “Now I’ll go over the heads!” The bald man heard and said: “May you slip!..” As you can see, bald men have no problems with a sense of humor and resourcefulness. Or is it a defensive reaction from the complexes? Is it worth it to complex about the lack of hair on the head?

Girls know who to love

Somewhere around the nineties, a paradoxical pattern was recorded by an unknown observer. Since 1825, when on the royal throne Russian Empire Nicholas I, who had not the most magnificent hair, ascended, there is a clear alternation of bald and hairy top officials of our state - first kings, then general secretaries, and now presidents. This paradox is only slightly violated by Andropov and Chernenko, each of whom possessed initial stage baldness. But since they were in power for a rather short time, this interesting pattern in the history of our country did not suffer too much.

But these are "the sovereign's people", let's leave them alone. And what about ordinary people?

They say that some representatives of the stronger sex, when losing hair on their heads, begin to worry terribly and complex. On the one hand, they can be understood: is it a joke - thick, chic hair begins to thin out irrevocably. Moreover, according to statistics, the problem of baldness is in second place among the "male things" after, of course, the most important thing. But, by and large, the problem arises exactly where you begin to treat it as a problem. Therefore, some prefer - proactively - to voice it themselves, thereby, as it were, reducing its significance. For example, cultural functionary Mikhail Shvydkoy says about himself like this: “I am a plump, bald, if not bald person, and rather square than slender ...”

Men, even more optimistic, see their undeniable advantages and advantages in baldness. Maybe because they know for sure: the representatives of the stronger sex with a smooth head, again according to statistics, have 40 percent of fans. And this, by the way, is more than a third of women. A bald man is intuitively perceived by ladies as a strong, courageous, good lover. No frills - only pronounced masculinity, As it is. And women who crave protection, a strong shoulder, support, are attracted much more than bangs and tails below the shoulders that are fashionable among the male population today.

In fact, such a relationship is simply explained from a biomedical point of view. Baldness is the result of an excess of the sex hormone testosterone. And as you know, the more testosterone a man has, the more attractive he is as a sexual partner. Not all girls know this formula for certain, not everyone has come across this physiological explanation, but women's instincts rarely deceive.

But maybe some men, knowing about their physiological state, are still worried about external data? Petersburger Vlad Serbin, 33 years old, comments: “Since when is male attractiveness associated with hair on the head? Is all the charisma and charm in the hair? Seriously, before there was hair - it was great. Now they are gone, and that's great too. But it's different. Complex - not complex, it's somehow generally superfluous. From the complexes, the nerves deteriorate and the hair falls out or turns gray. If in the warm season I let go of a small “hedgehog”, then in winter I would periodically shave off everything baldly, but it’s inconvenient - the hat clings. This is perhaps the only negative.

Smart inside

And again, that's not all. In addition to masculinity and charisma, a bald man, as a rule, is intellectually developed. Some Western scholars within scientific research observed an obvious relationship between excessive brain activity and hair loss on the head. The busier it works Gray matter the greater the risk of baldness. And despite the fact that doctors are still questioning this theory, it looks quite reliable and has the right to exist. (Perhaps it is not by chance that people say, however, already about girls: “The hair is long - the mind is short”).

And here is what Oksana Panfilova, a housewife, a happy wife and mother, says about this: “My husband's head is like a billiard ball, honestly. It even shines like a page from a glossy magazine. And before I met him, I never thought that I could connect my life with a person who couldn’t even put his hand in curls. But the fact is that at the first meeting, my husband conquered me with his erudition, breadth of outlook and sense of humor. We have been together for more than five years, and I am absolutely happy. I don’t know whether I should thank his wonderful bald head until the end of my days, did it alone make him such a wonderful person? But the fact remains...

Bald macho doesn't cry

There are men for whom baldness is no longer only a natural phenomenon, a special sign or specificity of the body. For some machos, the absence of hair on the head is a style, a conscious choice, an attribute. Some even compensate for the lack of hair on their heads with noticeable facial hair - a defiant beard. Andrey Sheverdyaev, bass guitarist, 28 years old: “For me, being bald is great and easy - you take a machine, shave your head, and everything is cool! Plus a beard. For me, this is already style. I like it when on an October evening you feel with your head all the freshness of autumn, one might even say freedom. In addition, a shaved head is a kind of hint of radicalism, some kind of extreme, and additional brutality appears in the appearance. Another plus is that on the street someone has fewer questions for you (although people in uniform have the opposite). But the most remarkable thing is when a company of bald people gathers. We already have a tradition, probably, when we go to a music festival, we specially shave to zero with the whole company, and it is immediately clear that we are one. It's so fun. In general, it's cool. Plus attention from the beautiful half of humanity. It seems to me that some women are frightened and attracted at the same time.

It must be said that many sex symbols - Hollywood machos and secret lovers of thousands of women - live perfectly well without hair on their heads and do not lose any of this charisma, attractiveness, or self-confidence. Remember such actors as Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Matt Damon, who recently joined the ranks of the bald. And how domestic handsome men Fyodor Bondarchuk, Gosha Kutsenko smile temptingly at us from the screens, now Dmitry Nagiev has joined his bald brothers ...

Interesting facts about bald men

Baldness in 80 percent is transmitted through the maternal line.

The number of bald men is a value that does not change over time (the number of bald men is the same all the time in the world).

Every year there are more and more clubs of bald men, musical groups of only bald musicians, special groups V in social networks...

In American Houston, there is even one restaurant where a completely bald man can eat for free.

In general, inner beauty, multiplied by charisma and masculinity - and there is no price for men. Regardless of the presence of a curly forelock. Or do you disagree?

Irina Klochikhina, for



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