The most important points on the human body. How to find and influence acupuncture points? What are the meridians?

The human body is an amazing apparatus; since ancient times we have been studying our body in the hope of discovering all the secrets of our body. Years of study have made us understand that although our body looks perfect, it also has a lot of flaws.

We used to call them pain points. Pain points are vulnerable places on the body, a blow to which causes acute pain in a person. They are called dots because of the method of pinpoint hitting vulnerable spots.

How to determine the strength of impact

The modern method of determining the force of an impact on a painful point is determined by five levels:

    1. First level is a weak blow that does not cause serious damage to the attacker, but serves only as a distracting maneuver for retaliating against the opponent’s attacks.
    2. Second has a slightly stronger effect in a fight compared to the first.
    3. Third same - these are attacks that can lead to stunning the enemy or numbness of the affected limbs. Such techniques will allow you to neutralize the enemy for a short period of time.
  1. Impact on points fourth level can have serious consequences, impacts often lead to injuries or loss of consciousness, and sometimes paralysis results from interaction with the points.
  2. Beats fifth level is extremely dangerous for the opponent’s health, techniques can be fatal.

Now you should pay attention to the fact that all pain points of the body can be divided into conditional groups - points of the head, torso and legs.

Pain points of the head

The first points we will look at are the head points. These include: eyes, nose, ears, temples, lips and chin.


The eyes are one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body; any blow to them will cause pain. For eye damage, a simple “fork” technique is suitable. However, there is a possibility that your fingers may be caught and twisted, so be careful.

Even a mild direct blow to the nose almost guarantees bleeding and severe discomfort. For a more effective blow, it is recommended to use a “catchy” blow with the knuckles on the convex part of the nose to the side. Such a blow guarantees a painful shock to the opponent.


In this place, blows have the most serious consequences, since the skull is most vulnerable in this area, traumatic nerves and arteries are dangerously close to the surface of the skin. Most different types of impacts can cause death or severe head injuries.

Upper lip

It is one of the most vulnerable parts of the head. A powerful blow at an angle of 20-30 can cause brain injury, and the usual burning pain in the area of ​​application.


Attacks with the back of the hand provide optimal effect; if using fist fighting, damage to the hand is possible.


The weak point is the depression at the bottom point; you should use the finger poking method. The attack causes difficulty breathing and spasms in the lungs.

Adam's apple

Most attack options at this location are fatal. It is recommended to use tearing grips.

An attack with the back of the hand knocks out the opponent.

Torso pain points

Solar plexus

The blow should be delivered with a fist. Such a blow causes a burning pain that forces the person to bend over or kneel.

Attention: too strong a blow to the solar plexus can lead to death!


In the armpit, the large one passes close to the skin, so any blow there causes severe pain, temporarily paralyzing the enemy.

Belly, groin and kidneys

A punch to the stomach forces the enemy to bend, which will allow additional blows to the back or back of the head; a blow with the toe of the foot is no less effective.

The groin is one of the most convenient points to strike. A kick, fist, palm, or knee immobilizes the enemy.

Impacts to the kidneys can cause nervous shock and death without proper medical care. help, blows should be applied with the edge of the palm, as well as with the knee.

False rib

A blow to this rib can be applied from both sides of the body, but a stronger effect is manifested when striking the opponent's right side. You should hit with your elbow, knee or edge of your palm.

Pain points in the legs


Impacts to the knee, its lateral part and the kneecap should be applied with the edge of the boot. This technique immobilizes the opponent, damaging the ligaments and joint of the knee.


The blow should be applied with the outer edge of the boot, keeping it perpendicular to the ankle. Hitting with the toe of the boot is extremely ineffective and it is recommended not to use it.


In the area of ​​the shin, the bone is the least thin and, accordingly, poorly protected. The greatest effectiveness is achieved by striking with the outer edge of the foot at 1/3 of the height of the shin from below.


The most vulnerable and fragile bones are located in the foot. Impacts to these bones easily lead to their destruction. Basically these are strikes with the heel or foot from top to bottom. It is recommended to carry out when the enemy is behind you.

Hitting pressure points is often used in special fighting techniques. Special combat techniques are aimed at ensuring a person’s safety in situations where his life is in mortal danger.

Not a single special combat technique is aimed at deliberately killing a person, but only at disarming (immobilizing) the enemy.

Watch a training video in which a self-defense specialist talks about working with pain points:

22 , 11:53

Point for pain in the head. Located between the thumb and index finger at the intersection of the bones. Then the thumb will lie approximately in the middle of the life line, the index finger on the back of the palm (you can do the opposite. Here you need to press hard. If it hurts, then the point has been found. Three to four active presses and you don’t have to go for the pill.

The point helps lower blood pressure, normalize many other things. Consciousness will become clearer and vision sharper. The ringing in your ears will disappear.
Knowledgeable people claim that this healing method is used in military medicine. And in this area, treatment is significantly different from the simple one to which we are all accustomed. Medicine there is extreme. In military conditions, you need to do everything as quickly as possible - quickly cure, quickly get you back on your feet, quickly stop the bleeding.
This magical one from a medical point of view is located on the back of the middle finger, on the pad. This point is quite painful. We'll have to be patient.
You should hold it for a relatively short time - just one minute. But it will seem like a long time. After this, any painful sensations disappear. Painful sensations even in the spine disappear.

Force Activation Point. Attention! Only if you bring the tips of all your fingers together will it be in the hole in the center of the palm. Only if you feel lethargy, loss of strength, apathy, drowsiness, massage this point.

Heat point. Located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the middle finger. Impact on the point helps to warm up, stimulates metabolism, and relieves anxiety. It can be massaged in exciting situations, before an exam or an important meeting.

Heart point. Located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the little finger. Helps with heart palpitations.

Sexy point. This is a stoma located at a distance of 3 mm. Up from the beginning of the growth of the nail of the ring finger. Only if you have lost interest in the opposite sex or decreased sexuality, you need to unblock the energy flows passing through the meridian of the ring finger.

Did you know that acupuncture can relieve pain and improve sleep, improve digestion and promote emotional well-being? Surprising, but it's a fact! In general, human body acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old healing method of traditional Chinese medicine. In 1997, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) documented the safety and effectiveness of acupuncture for treating a wide range of conditions. Since then it has been an official treatment method, the costs of which are covered by health insurance. Nowadays, acupuncture is most often used to relieve pain of a wide variety of origins.

How does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture improves body functions and promotes natural self-healing processes. This is achieved by stimulating certain anatomical areas - usually called human acupuncture points. The most common method used to stimulate acupuncture points is to insert thin, sterile needles into the skin. Pressure, heat or electrical stimulation can further enhance the effect. Other methods that enhance the effects of acupuncture include: manual massage, moxibustion or heat therapy, cupping, natural herbal remedies, etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine (about fillers from China) is based on an ancient philosophy that describes the universe, and the entire human body, in terms of two opposing forces: yin and yang. When these forces are in balance, the body is healthy. Energy called "qi" flows along specific pathways called meridians throughout the body. This constant flow of energy keeps the yin and yang forces balanced. However, if the flow of energy is blocked, like water held back by a dam, the breakdown can lead to pain, dysfunction, and disease. Acupuncture as a therapy can release blocked "qi" in the body and this energy stimulates the stopped or impaired function, causing the body to naturally repair itself through various physiological systems.

Meridians of the body for treatment and diagnosis

For many centuries in China, Tibet, Japan, India and other countries, life was imagined as a manifestation of bioelectrical/vibrational energy. It is only through the existence of this energy that we can move, breathe, eat, think and feel. And according to ancient teachings, this energy circulates in the body for a reason, but according to a strictly defined pattern, through special channels, which were called the meridians of the body.

These channels, or meridians, are transport channels for vital energy throughout the body. If there is a blockage of the channel, this leads to a lack of energy supply in some areas of the body, and an excess of energy in other areas. Energy blockages can be the result of stress, trauma, bad habits, strict dieting, lack of exercise, and can be the true cause of all health problems (physical/mental/spiritual).

The flow of energy in our body affects how we feel, what we think about, and determines our health. When the life force energy in the body is blocked, various imbalances and varying severity of the problem appear. Acupuncture is called upon to unblock the blockages. The needles seem to punch holes in clogged energy channels and open them for free circulation of energy.

Modern research has shown the positive effects of acupuncture on the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular systems and digestive organs. By stimulating various systems in the body, acupuncture can help relieve pain and improve sleep, digestive function, and a sense of well-being. But the human acupuncture circuit is quite complex, and to understand it well, you need appropriate education and experience.

What happens during an acupuncture treatment?

First, your acupuncturist will ask about your medical history. He or she will then examine the shape, color and coating of your tongue, take your pulse, and possibly perform some additional medical tests depending on your individual health care needs. Only by using comprehensive assessment tools will an acupuncturist be able to recommend the appropriate treatment plan to address your specific problem.

During an acupuncture session, patients lie comfortably on a treatment table while acupuncture points are stimulated in various areas of the body. Most people feel no or minimal discomfort if the thin needles are carefully placed. The needles are usually kept inserted into the body for 5 to 30 minutes. During and after treatment, people say they feel very calm.

The doctor feels the desired points with his fingers, palpating muscles and even bones, after which an injection is given. The depth of the puncture is very important. As a general rule, the more severe a person’s illness, the deeper the needles are inserted. But many weakened patients experience a painful reaction to deep injections, and the doctor must take this into account. It is better to conduct additional sessions than to cause pain and discomfort to the patient. The number of needles differs depending on the technique. But as a general rule, there should not be more than 8. But there can be one needle. And some techniques involve reusing needles within one session.

How many procedures will be required?

The frequency and number of treatments differ from person to person. For some people, acupuncture provides dramatic relief after the first treatment. For complex or long-term chronic diseases, 1-2 procedures weekly for several months may be recommended. Acute illnesses typically require fewer visits, usually eight to ten in total. A personalized treatment plan, which includes the expected number of treatments, will be discussed during your first visit.

What diseases are treated with acupuncture?

Hundreds of clinical studies on the benefits of acupuncture show that it successfully treats many diseases, ranging from musculoskeletal problems (back pain, neck pain, and others) to nausea, migraine headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia and infertility.

Government-controlled clinical studies have shown that acupuncture is an effective treatment for a variety of conditions and specific symptoms:

  • Allergic rhinitis (including hay fever).
  • Knee pain.
  • Pain in the oral cavity (including toothache and temporal dysfunction).
  • Lower back pain.
  • Pain in the neck.
  • Pain due to inflammation of the facial nerve.
  • Hypertension.
  • Headaches.
  • Depression (including neuroses and after strokes).
  • Dysentery, acute bacterial dyspepsia.
  • Dysmenorrhea.
  • Biliary colic.
  • Induction of labor.
  • Stroke.
  • Sciatica.
  • Leukopenia.
  • Incorrect presentation of the fetus.
  • Periarthritis of the shoulder.
  • Postoperative pain.
  • Renal colic.
  • Sprains.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Tennis elbow.
  • Nausea.
  • Morning weakness.
  • Epigastralgia, acute abdomen.

For the following diseases, symptoms and problems, acupuncture is used, but there is not yet enough evidence to reliably confirm the effect of the therapeutic use of acupuncture in these cases:

  • Alcohol addiction.
  • Insomnia.
  • Meniere's disease.
  • Eye pain due to subconjunctival injection.
  • Sore throat (including sore throat).
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Pain due to endoscopic examination.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Gastrokinetic disorders.
  • Hepatitis or carriage of the virus.
  • Herpes zoster.
  • Hyperlipemia.
  • Hypersalivation, incl. medication (salivation).
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Female infertility.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Radicular pain and pseudoradicular pain syndrome.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Male sexual inorganic dysfunction.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Drug addiction.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Insufficient lactation.
  • Nose bleed.
  • Oncology.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Acute spinal pain.
  • Acute torticollis.
  • Bell's palsy.
  • Repeated infections of the lower urinary tract.
  • Gouty arthritis.
  • Postoperative recovery.
  • Postherpetic neurodermatitis.
  • Post-extubation in children.
  • Premenstrual pain syndrome.
  • Diabetes mellitus, non-insulin dependent.
  • Cardiac neurosis.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Raynaud's syndrome.
  • Competition stress.
  • Tietze's, Tourette's, Sjögren's syndrome.
  • Vascular dementia.
  • Facial spasm.
  • Tobacco addiction.
  • Traumatic urinary retention.
  • Thrombangiitis obliterans, accompanied by pain.
  • Obesity.
  • Urethral female syndrome.
  • Ear ache.
  • Fasciitis.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Chronic prostatitis.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Epidemic of hemorrhagic fever.
  • Juvenile acne.
  • Ulcerative colitis.

How to choose the right acupuncturist?

This will be quite easy for you, because today you can quickly find the right acupuncturist - by choosing the best clinics or focusing on positive patient reviews. The issuance of permits for acupuncture is regulated at the state level. Good acupuncturists are licensed to perform acupuncture and have years of experience in the field. The best way to find out if acupuncture is the right choice for you is to schedule an appointment at the most convenient location at the most convenient time, and just try it out. There will definitely be no harm from this.

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Many modern people have already begun to pay attention to the fact that massage or rubbing certain areas of the skin can relieve pain or improve health.

Chinese medicine calls points on the body biologically active and important, because each of them is responsible for certain organs and systems! Knowing how to use this knowledge, you can easily heal and strengthen your own body, and learn to easily cope with any diseases.

Chinese medicine: points on the human body

To begin with, it doesn’t hurt to understand the basics of Chinese traditional medicine in order to understand what such points actually are.

In the human body, in addition to the blood flow and blood vessels, there are other vital channels that cannot be seen or felt in any way. These channels are called meridians - they are a closed system that provides our body with the necessary energy. Like circulatory circles, meridians have a well-defined and static place inside our body, and each of these energy channels is responsible for the function of an internal organ.

So, there is a meridian through which life-giving energy flows to the heart muscle, and meridians thanks to which the liver, reproductive system and other organs function.

There are a lot of such invisible channels in our body: there are small and separate energy channels that circulate only in a certain area of ​​the human body, and there are others that practically flow around the entire body. These largest channels are called the main meridians of the human body.

Active points under our skin are nothing more than zones located on such energy highways. They are not too deep under the epidermis, and therefore acupressure, acupuncture, and even rubbing are used to activate them.

Although these points are located almost everywhere throughout our body, most of them are concentrated in specific areas - on the ears, feet and hands.

These reflex zones are the most important and most important for health. Although we cannot, of course, say that others are completely insignificant. So, if you have dysfunction of a specific organ or internal system, you can restore it through frequent and regular massage or acupuncture of the necessary points. These reflex zones are located along the entire length of the required meridian.

All that is necessary is to find out which energy depot is responsible for the health of the desired organ.

For example, if your heart is acting up and you often have pain in the chest area, then you can massage the heart meridian, which runs from the armpits to the tip of the little finger on both hands. It is placed on the inside of the arm and has nine of the most active points.

However, if you are not very well versed in the structure of the main meridians and cannot massage, then you can remember that the active points of each organ are also located on the surface of our feet and palms. Therefore, without much difficulty, you can massage them yourself or go to a chiropractor’s office, where you will be given a course of skin punctures at the right points to get to them and activate them.

An alternative to skin punctures and acupuncture is acupressure. This is a local massage of the required point, which can be performed independently, right at home.

How is acupressure performed?

  1. First of all, lie down on the sofa or bed;
  2. Relax your whole body, try to calm down completely;
  3. Nothing should distract you; it is better that there are no extraneous noises;
  4. To make it easier to relax, close your eyelids and breathe calmly and measuredly;
  5. Bend the fingers of your right hand into a weak fist, leaving only your index finger outside;
  6. Use the pad of this finger to find the required reflex zone on your body;
  7. Press down on it, trying to make the pad of your finger sink into the skin;
  8. Do not overdo it: there should be no pain or discomfort;
  9. Without lifting your finger from the desired active point, massage it in a circular motion;
  10. The procedure should last at least a couple of minutes, ideally 4-5 minutes;
  11. It is important that during acupressure the fingertip never leaves the desired point;
  12. At the end of the massage, slowly and gently lift your index finger and gently rub the place where it was;
  13. The effect after acupressure is achieved quite quickly.

You can practice acupressure at home at any time, and also treat any system or organ in this way. All you need is to get to the required reflex zone, and these points are not too deep under the surface of the skin, so this is not a big deal.

You can also massage the surface of your feet, palms, and earlobes in this way. To do this, take a comfortable sitting position and massage the desired points using the method described above. It is not at all necessary to know the location of each zone: many beginning practitioners simply carefully knead the entire surface of the foot or palms, trying to touch every biologically active point.

Chinese medicine: points on the hand and their meaning

If the illness takes you by surprise, you can quickly get rid of it by regularly performing acupressure sessions with your own hands. Look at the image and calculate the location of the required reflex zone: the figure shows all the important points that are located under the skin of the hands:

Active points on the hands: Chinese medicine

Acupressure can quickly relieve any type of pain if you correctly interpret its location.

  • So, if you are bothered by a headache or migraine, carefully stretch the reflex zone responsible for the brain, as well as the spine and neck, since most often a headache is a signal that not enough oxygen is reaching the brain cells.
  • For stomach problems, use acupressure of the gastric zone, placed in the area under the middle fold of the palm, and also do not forget about the pancreas and spleen.
  • In case of urolithiasis or cystitis, activation of the points of the bladder, ureter and kidneys is excellent.
  • And if you are often plagued by diseases of the reproductive system or inflammation, then use acupressure of the areas responsible for the health of the ovaries (testicles) and uterus (prostate).

It is worth noting that the reflex zones on our palms are mirrored - this is shown in the figure. Therefore, it is important to take this into account when performing their massage.

Acupressure devices

In Thai healing massage, special wooden sticks are used to activate biological points on the feet and palms - these massagers are somewhat reminiscent of Chinese chopsticks, but have a wider handle and are rounded at the bottom.

If you are often going to resort to acupressure, then it will not be a bad idea to get hold of such a Thai stick for massaging reflex zones. It is much more convenient to operate with it than with the pad of the index finger. But the massage is performed according to the same scheme as already given above.

At home, you can use improvised means for health-improving acupressure - for example, chopsticks that do not have a point, or even an unsharpened wooden pencil.

If you doubt your skills and want to get the maximum benefit from therapeutic acupressure, then it would be a good idea to turn to a real professional who has all the intricacies of this procedure and is fluent in ancient Chinese techniques.

It is worth noting that in traditional Chinese medicine, such a massage is usually performed with the hands, using only the thumb and forefinger. But for therapeutic acupuncture, special needles and newfangled electrical devices can be used. The latter, by the way, have long proven themselves in manual therapy.

Chinese medicine: acupuncture points and their activation

During an acupuncture session, a professional specialist punctures certain areas of the skin to reach an active biological point with a needle. Moreover, such punctures are most often not painful and do not cause discomfort in the patient.

Classic acupuncture does not involve the use of small charges of electricity or any waves: the master simply activates reflex zones, driving a long needle into the skin to the required depth and leaving it there for some time.

The modern world of manual technologies widely uses special devices for healing acupuncture: they consist of a special needle with a long wire connected to the unit, and in the process of puncturing the wire, a small electrical charge is supplied inside the needle, which activates the work of the reflex point.

In this case, the master acts one by one, working on each zone separately. While classical acupuncture involves all the necessary zones at once.

In the process of acupuncture punctures, not only those points that are located on the skin of the palms or hands are activated. Depending on the disease and its location, the specialist decides which areas need to be involved.

Also, Chinese acupuncture often uses punctures in places of suitable meridians. For this reason, needles can be left on the back, legs, and other areas of the body where the energy depot is located.

Naturally, no one conducts healing acupuncture sessions at home. To do this, you need to contact a specialized clinic or chiropractor's office.

It is forbidden to engage in amateur activities in this matter, not only because an inexperienced practitioner can cause infection due to skin punctures, but also because such original acupuncture can harm the reflex points themselves.

Only an experienced specialist knows to what depth and where exactly it is necessary to puncture. An ordinary person will not be able to find the puncture point and perform it correctly, even if he studies the visual aid.

Acupressure in China and other countries of the world

In Chinese traditional medicine, it is customary to combine such acupressure with other techniques to improve health and get rid of diseases. Massage of reflex zones is also included in the therapeutic variety of qigong, where other healing techniques are often used.

To achieve maximum results from the activation of vital points, it is best to combine this practice with traditional Chinese gymnastics or strengthening qigong exercises, as well as regularly cleanse the body of the accumulation of negative energy. The Feng Shui diet, oriental meditation and gentle physical activity, which are suitable even for people of retirement age, help with this.

It can be said that China is far from the only country where acupressure is widely used. Its healing power is known to the Indian people, the Thais, and many others.

Thus, Indian acupressure is part of an extensive health program, which includes a whole range of ancient techniques for health and strengthening the body. In this case, such acupressure of the feet is called Padabhyanga: the specialist first rubs the patient’s feet with a complex mixture of natural oils, and then carefully works each reflex zone with his fingers.

Of course, all these ancient teachings of eastern peoples for health are still popular today, because modern medicine has more than once agreed that acupuncture and acupressure bring tangible benefits to the human body and these techniques are truly effective.

And although European countries came to such conclusions not so long ago, Chinese medicine used points on the body for healing in those days when even writing was just beginning to emerge. For this reason, Chinese reflexology massage is the most trusted on the planet.

We all trust doctors and their instructions, but what if we can get rid of minor ailments by simply pressing on the “magic” point on the body? Don't believe me? Then you definitely shouldn’t miss our article about magic points.

What are "magic points"

This concept refers to energetic active points on our body, used in Chinese acupuncture.*

*One of the important methods of ancient Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, acupuncture, etc.

The “magic dots” method was used long before it came to us in China for a healthy body and strong psyche. Modern research shows that hot spots are different from other areas of our body. The electrical resistance in “special” areas is almost 2 times less than in the rest. The temperature on them is also higher, as is the absorption of ultraviolet radiation. And scientists confirm that exposure to these most active points releases certain beneficial substances into the body. Due to this, their ennobling effect occurs.

Effect on the body

According to the ancient philosophy of Chinese sages, an unknown light energy called “qi” “flows” in the human body. In China it means "breath". According to Indian traditions, such energy is called “prana”. Qi flows through the energy channels of our body, like blood flows through the veins - according to a certain cycle. And as long as the cycle is not broken, the person is cheerful and healthy. And the proper functioning of “qi” is influenced by many factors – both external (climate change) and internal (severe stress). This is what leads to serious disorders in the body, which can lead to diseases of various organs. By influencing the right points we can correct this.

Massage methods:

  • Toning – attracts energy to the depleted area. Stimulates and excites body functions when they are disrupted. The effect is a quick and short rubbing, accompanied by mild painful tingling sensations. Aimed at increasing energy in the zone.
  • Calming – inhibits “harmful” energy. Anesthetizes excited sensory function. Impact – gradual acceleration of rubbing during prolonged exposure, accompanied by numbness and aching in the area. Aimed at eliminating excess energy.
  • Harmonizing – strengthens the body's defenses. Improves the circulation of "qi" and balances yin and yang in the body. The impact is of medium strength for 2-3 minutes. Aimed at energy harmony.

Placement of some points on the body

There are a myriad of active points on our body, so we have highlighted several of the most important ones for your convenience. If this topic interests you, you can find works by many professors on this topic on the Internet.

Hoku point

Pressing on the hoku point helps against dull pain in the temple and back of the head. The location of the point is easy to find - look at your hand and find the center between the thumb and index finger. Once you find it, apply pressure with your other hand so that your thumb is on the back of your hand and your index finger is pressed against the bottom of your hand. You need to press for 1 minute. Then repeat the “trick” on the other hand. After a few minutes the pain will subside.

Yun Quan point

There is a direct effect on kidney health. To find it on the foot, you need to visually divide the foot into 3 segments, and the Yun Quan point will be in the center of the first and second segments. The “kidney” point, as it is not officially called, helps to stay young as long as possible, slowing down aging. In order to strengthen the kidneys, you need to apply gentle pressure on the point for 1 minute every day. The sensations will be quite painful, but this only indicates poor functioning of our kidneys. This is why you need to set aside some time each day for massage and your kidneys will thank you later.

Facial points

Active points of the face are concentrated around the eye area. You can see all the information about the impact on each point in the picture.

Singular point

It is called special for a reason - this point is used in military medicine to clarify consciousness and lower blood pressure. Its peculiarity is that it helps to quickly restore one’s well-being, so it is used when a person feels very bad. It is located on the pad of the middle finger. It is better to press with something sharp for 1 minute. The pain goes away instantly, but the process itself is quite painful.


Despite the uniqueness of this technique, it has many contraindications:

  1. Flu, acute respiratory viral infections and all inflammatory processes accompanied by high fever;
  2. Pregnancy at any stage;
  3. A state of strong mental excitement;
  4. Any infectious diseases;
  5. Tuberculosis at any stage;
  6. Various blood diseases;
  7. Cancer, tumor and other formations in the body;
  8. Serious kidney and heart diseases;
  9. Heavy alcohol intoxication.

Age also plays an important factor - massage is contraindicated for children under 2 years of age and for older people after 75 years of age. You also cannot perform the method on an empty or completely full stomach; you should also wait an hour after eating. Places with moles, warts, pustules, etc. Also not suitable for massage. If you doubt whether you have any factor, it is best to consult your GP.



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