Impact on the human body. Influence on the human body of electromagnetic radiation

For many years, smoking has been one of the most common addictions. Mankind has been smoking for several millennia, while in Russia such a potion appeared only a couple of centuries ago. But for short term tobacco became very popular. And now millions of people suffer from nicotine addiction.

The effect of smoking on the human body is well studied due to its widespread. Its impact is extremely harmful - this is a proven fact.

Why is tobacco harmful?

Smoking mixtures, which are sold in bulk or packaged in the form of cigarettes, cigars, cigarettes, are made from tobacco. The leaves of the plant are dried and crushed. Tobacco smoke contains several thousand various substances All of them affect the human body in one way or another.

In addition, at industrial production other components are added to the mixture that do not make the product more useful. Cigarettes are packed in special paper, which also releases a whole bunch of substances when burned. In total, smoke contains 4200 different compounds, 200 of which are dangerous to the human body. Harmful substances include:

  • nicotine;
  • benzopyrene;
  • tobacco tar;
  • salt heavy metals;
  • carbon monoxide;
  • radioactive substances;
  • tobacco resins.

From cigarettes, they enter the organs in small quantities, but are excreted very slowly. Over time, toxins accumulate in the body and poison it even from the inside. Tobacco smoke is easily absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, and not just through the lungs. Therefore, the smoker is poisoned in all ways.

How does smoking affect different body systems?

Tobacco smoke affects all human organs and systems. Cigarettes inflict huge harm. There is only one way to minimize it: completely giving up tobacco. It is worth considering in more detail how smoking affects health.

Nicotine is a stimulant, so smoking man is constantly in a state nervous tension. It has been noticed that people who are addicted to tobacco are more quick-tempered, touchy, harsh, etc. On the other hand, due to excitation, a spasm of cerebral vessels occurs, therefore, less blood enters this organ. Therefore, in smokers, mental processes are slower, performance decreases and memory deteriorates. Often suffering from headaches due to vasospasm. In addition, the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system are disrupted, so smokers develop problems with falling asleep.

  • Respiratory system

It accounts for the main impact of tobacco smoke, because together with air it fills the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. All harmful substances pass through the respiratory tract, irritating the mucous membranes of organs, violating normal work systems. That is why almost every smoker has problems with the lungs, bronchi or trachea. Also, after each cigarette, the activity of the cilia of the mucous membranes is significantly reduced for 20 minutes. respiratory tract. Because of this, all pollutants can freely enter the body and settle inside. That is why smokers are prone to infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Tobacco smoke has a negative effect on vocal cords. The timbre changes, purity and sonority are lost. The voice of an experienced smoker acquires a characteristic "hoarseness".

Often, especially in the morning, cigarette lovers are worried about coughing with dark sputum. Also, the lungs become less elastic, their ability to self-cleanse decreases. As a result, they accumulate carbon dioxide. All together leads to the development of shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and the emergence of chronic diseases, including lung cancer.

  • The cardiovascular system

She also suffers from exposure to harmful substances inhaled from cigarette smoke. It has been proven that smokers are more likely to have heart and vascular diseases. They suffer from high blood pressure, arrhythmia, circulatory disorders. Due to the stimulating effect of nicotine, the heart rate increases by 10-15 beats per minute and stays at this level for up to half an hour. If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, your heart will beat 10,000 times more per day. As a result the cardiovascular system quickly "falls into disrepair". Therefore, smokers are more likely to have myocardial infarction.

  • Gastrointestinal tract

It would be naive to believe that tobacco smoke harms only those systems that it can directly affect. Harmful resins and substances affect not only the lungs, but also the oral cavity and digestive organs. It happens in the following way.

Nicotine irritates the taste buds and salivary glands. Because of this, a large amount of saliva is produced, harmful substances accumulate in it. As a result, there are changes in oral cavity: caries appears or develops, teeth turn yellow, exudes bad smell, there is a plaque on the tongue, the gums become weak and begin to bleed. The risk of developing cancer of the lower lip is 80 times higher.

Weaken taste sensations. A smoker distinguishes sour, salty, sweet worse and can no longer fully enjoy gastronomic pleasure.

Partially the smoker spits out the secret, the other part is swallowed. So in digestive system nicotine, heavy metals and other toxic substances get into it. Nicotine irritates the stomach, because of this, a large amount is produced digestive juice. But there is no food, and the body begins to digest itself. Because of this, it appears peptic ulcer stomach.

There are failures in the work of the intestines. Digestion processes are slowed down. Nutrients are absorbed worse.

That is, when a person only inhales air with smoke, it is no less harmful than active. Even a few cigarettes in a closed unventilated room create a dangerous concentration of harmful substances for health.

The effect of smoking on the human body is not limited to these systems. It inflicts on them the greatest harm. However, nicotine, heavy metals are absorbed into the blood, so absolutely all systems and organs suffer.

Smoking addiction

Nicotine is narcotic substance. It causes addiction. In cigarettes, it is contained in a very small amount, so addiction occurs imperceptibly, gradually.

People start smoking not because there is a real need for tobacco. Most often, this is an imitation of adults or older comrades. However, over time, a habit, a reflex, is developed. Later, she becomes addicted. There is a craving for cigarettes. Fortunately, almost anyone can quit smoking without problems if they pick up The right way. One of the simplest yet most effective is outlined in Allen Carr's book Quit Smoking Now Without Gaining Weight.

Almost all people know what the effect of smoking on the human body is, but they are in no hurry to part with addiction because of different beliefs and fears. This is a big misconception! Do not be afraid of "breaking"! Tobacco smoking is more psychological dependence. However, some discomfort after the refusal will be. They are connected not at all with the fact that the body needs tobacco, but with its purification from nicotine, tar, and heavy metals. Therefore, minor discomfort is just the first step towards a healthy and happy life!

Alcohol abuse is actual problem modern society, which gives rise to crime, accidents, injuries and poisoning in all segments of the population. Alcohol addiction is especially difficult to perceive when it concerns the most promising part of society - students. The mortality of the working-age population due to the use of alcoholic beverages occupies a high position. Scientists evaluate alcoholism as a collective suicide of the nation. Addiction to alcohol, like cancer, destroys the personality from the inside individual person and society as a whole.

How does alcohol affect the human body? Let's look at the effect of alcoholic beverages on all organs and find out how alcohol affects the brain, liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, nervous system as well as men's and women's health.

The effect of alcohol on the brain

From negative impact alcoholic beverages affect all organs. But most of all goes to neurons - brain cells. How alcohol affects the brain, people know by the feeling of euphoria, high spirits and relaxation.

However, on physiological level at this time, the destruction of the cells of the cerebral cortex occurs even after small doses of ethanol.

  1. Normal blood supply to the brain occurs through thin capillaries.
  2. When alcohol enters the blood, blood vessels constrict and red blood cells stick together, forming blood clots. They clog the lumen of the capillaries of the brain. Wherein nerve cells experiencing oxygen starvation and they die. At the same time, a person feels euphoria, not even suspecting the destructive changes in the cerebral cortex.
  3. Capillaries from congestion swell and burst.
  4. After drinking 100 g of vodka, a glass of wine or a mug of beer, 8 thousand nerve cells die forever. Unlike liver cells, which can regenerate after alcohol withdrawal, nerve cells in the brain do not regenerate.
  5. Dead neurons are excreted in the urine the next day.

Thus, under the influence of alcohol on the vessels, an obstacle is created for the normal blood circulation of the brain. This is the cause of the development of alcoholic encephalopathy, epilepsy.

On the pathoanatomical autopsy of the skull of persons who abuse alcohol, destructive pathological changes in their brain:

  • reduction in its size;
  • smoothing of convolutions;
  • the formation of voids at the site of the dead areas;
  • foci of point hemorrhages;
  • the presence of serous fluid in the cavities of the brain.

At prolonged abuse alcohol affects the structure of the brain. Ulcers and scars form on its surface. Under a magnifying glass, the brain of an alcoholic looks like the lunar surface, riddled with craters and funnels.

The effect of alcohol on the nervous system

The human brain is a kind of control panel for the whole organism. In its cortex are the centers of memory, reading, movement of body parts, smell, vision. Violation of blood circulation and death of cells of any center is accompanied by a shutdown or weakening of brain functions. This is accompanied by a decrease in the cognitive (cognitive) abilities of a person.

The influence of alcohol on the human psyche is expressed in a decrease in intelligence and personality degradation:

  • memory impairment;
  • decrease in intelligence quotient;
  • hallucinations;
  • loss of self-criticism;
  • immoral behavior;
  • incoherent speech.

Under the influence of alcohol on the nervous system, a person's behavioral reactions change. He loses his modesty, restraint. He does things he wouldn't do in his right mind. Stop being critical of your emotions. He has unmotivated bouts of rage and anger. A person's personality degrades in direct proportion to the amount and duration of alcohol consumption.

Gradually, a person loses interest in life. His creative and labor potential is declining. All this negatively affects career growth and social status.

Alcoholic polyneuritis lower extremities develops after prolonged use ethyl alcohol. Its cause is inflammation of the nerve endings. It is associated with acute shortage in the body of vitamins of group B. The disease is manifested by a feeling of sharp weakness in the lower extremities, numbness, soreness in the calves. Ethanol affects both muscles and nerve endings- causes atrophy of the entire muscular system, which ends with neuritis and paralysis.

The effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system

The effect of alcohol on the heart is such that for 5-7 hours it works under load. During the intake of alcoholic drinks, the heartbeat quickens, increases blood pressure. Fully the function of the heart is restored only after 2-3 days, when the body is completely cleansed.

After the entry of alcohol into the blood, a change in red blood cells occurs - they are deformed due to rupture of the membranes, stick together, forming blood clots. As a result, the blood flow in coronary vessels. The heart, trying to push the blood, increases in size.

The consequences of the influence of alcohol on the heart when abused are the following diseases.

  1. myocardial dystrophy. In place of the cells that died as a result of hypoxia, connective tissue develops, which disrupts the contractility of the heart muscle.
  2. Cardiomyopathy is a typical consequence that develops over 10 years of alcohol abuse. It affects men more often.
  3. Heart arythmy.
  4. Ischemic heart disease - angina pectoris. After drinking alcohol, the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine increases in the blood, which increases the oxygen consumption of the heart muscle. Therefore, any dose can cause coronary insufficiency.
  5. The risk of myocardial infarction in drinking people higher than in healthy individuals, regardless of the state of the coronary vessels of the heart. Alcohol increases blood pressure, which leads to heart attacks and premature death.

Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is characterized by hypertrophy (dilation) of the ventricles of the heart.

The symptoms of alcoholic cardiomyopathy are as follows:

  • dyspnea;
  • cough, more often at night, which people associate with a cold;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • pain in the region of the heart.

Progression of cardiomyopathy leads to heart failure. Edema of the legs, liver enlargement, and cardiac arrhythmia are added to shortness of breath. With pain in the heart in people, subendocardial myocardial ischemia is often detected. Drinking alcohol also causes hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the heart muscle. Since alcohol leaves the body within a few days, myocardial ischemia persists all this time.

Important! If the next day after alcohol hurts the heart, you need to do a cardiogram and consult a cardiologist.

Alcoholic drinks affect the heart rate. After heavy drinking, often develop different kind arrhythmias:

  • paroxysmal atrial tachycardia;
  • frequent atrial or ventricular extrasystole;
  • atrial flutter;
  • ventricular fibrillation, which requires anti-shock medical measures(often fatal).

The presence of such arrhythmias after taking large doses alcohol was called the "festive" heart. Violation heart rate, especially ventricular arrhythmias, often ends in death. Arrhythmias can be regarded as signs of cardiomyopathy.

The effect of alcohol on the human cardiovascular system is a fact that has been scientifically established and substantiated. The risk of these diseases is directly proportional to the use of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol and its breakdown product, acetaldehyde, have a direct cardiotoxic effect. In addition, it causes a deficiency of vitamins and proteins, increases blood lipids. During acute alcohol intoxication, the contractility myocardium, which leads to a lack of blood in the heart muscle. Trying to make up oxygen deficiency, heart increases contractions. In addition, during intoxication, the concentration of potassium in the blood decreases, which causes rhythm disturbances, the most dangerous of which is ventricular fibrillation.

The effect of alcohol on blood vessels

Alcohol raises or lowers arterial pressure? - Even 1-2 glasses of wine increase blood pressure, especially in people with hypertension. After taking alcoholic beverages in the blood plasma, the concentration of catecholamines - adrenaline and norepinephrine, increases, which increase blood pressure. There is a concept, "dose-dependent effect", which shows how alcohol affects blood pressure depending on its amount - systolic and diastolic pressure increases by 1 mm Hg with an increase in ethanol by 8-10 grams per day. People who abuse alcohol are at risk hypertension increased by 3 times compared with teetotalers.

How does alcohol affect blood vessels? Let's figure out what happens to our blood vessels when we drink alcohol. The initial effect of alcohol on vascular wall expanding. But this is followed by a spasm. This leads to ischemia of the vessels of the brain and heart, leading to heart attack and stroke. Alcohol also has toxic effect on the veins in such a way that the flow of blood through them is disturbed. It leads to varicose veins veins of the esophagus and lower extremities. People who abuse libations often experience bleeding from the veins of the esophagus, which ends in death. Does alcohol dilate or constrict blood vessels? - these are only stages of its successive impact, both of which are fatal.

The main damaging effect of alcohol on blood vessels is related to how alcohol affects the blood. Under the influence of ethanol, erythrocytes clumping occurs. The resulting blood clots are spread throughout the body, blocking narrow vessels. Moving through the capillaries, the blood flow becomes much more difficult. This leads to impaired blood supply in all organs, but the greatest danger is to the brain and heart. The body activates a compensatory reaction - it raises blood pressure in order to push the blood through. This leads to a heart attack, a hypertensive crisis, a stroke.

Effect on the liver

It's no secret how alcohol adversely affects the liver. The stage of release of ethyl alcohol is much longer than absorption. Up to 10% ethanol is released into pure form with saliva, sweat, urine, feces and breathing. That is why, after drinking alcohol, a person has a specific smell of urine and “fumes” from the mouth. The remaining 90% of ethanol has to be broken down by the liver. It takes place complex biochemical processes, one of which is the conversion of ethyl alcohol to acetaldehyde. But the liver can only break down about 1 glass of alcohol in 10 hours. Unsplit ethanol damages liver cells.

Alcohol affects development the following diseases liver.

  1. Fatty liver. At this stage, fat in the form of balls accumulates in hepatocytes (liver cells). Over time, it sticks together, forming blisters and cysts in the area. portal vein that interfere with the flow of blood from it.
  2. On next stage develops alcoholic hepatitis- inflammation of its cells. At the same time, the liver increases in size. There is fatigue, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. At this stage, after stopping the use of ethanol, the liver cells are still able to regenerate (recover). Continued use leads to the transition to the next stage.
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver is a typical disease associated with alcohol abuse. At this stage, liver cells are replaced connective tissue. The liver is covered with scars, when palpated, it is dense with an uneven surface. This stage is irreversible dead cells cannot recover. But stopping alcohol stops liver scarring. Remaining healthy cells perform a limited function.

If the consumption of alcoholic beverages does not stop at the stage of cirrhosis, the process passes into the stage of cancer. A healthy liver can be maintained with moderate consumption.

The equivalent is a glass of beer or a glass of wine a day. And even with such dosages, you can not drink alcohol daily. It is necessary to allow alcohol to completely leave the body, and this requires 2-3 days.

The effect of alcohol on the kidneys

The function of the kidneys is not only the formation and excretion of urine. They take part in balancing acid-base balance and water and electrolyte balance, produce hormones.

How does alcohol affect the kidneys? - when using ethanol, they go into intensive mode of operation. renal pelvis forced to pump a large volume of liquid, trying to remove substances harmful to the body. Constant overloads weaken the functional ability of the kidneys - over time, they can no longer work constantly in an enhanced mode. The effect of alcohol on the kidneys can be seen after a festive feast on a swollen face, high blood pressure blood. The body accumulates fluid that the kidneys are not able to remove.

In addition, toxins accumulate in the kidneys, and then stones form. Over time, nephritis develops. At the same time, after taking alcohol, it happens that the kidneys hurt, the temperature rises, protein appears in the urine. The progression of the disease is accompanied by the accumulation of toxins in the blood, which are no longer able to neutralize the liver and excrete the kidneys.

Lack of treatment leads to development kidney failure. In this case, the kidneys cannot form and excrete urine. Poisoning of the body with toxins begins - general intoxication with a fatal outcome.

How alcohol affects the pancreas

The function of the pancreas is to secrete enzymes into small intestine to digest food. How does alcohol affect the pancreas? - under its influence, its ducts are clogged, as a result of which enzymes do not enter the intestine, but inside it. Moreover, these substances destroy the cells of the gland. In addition, they affect metabolic processes involving insulin. Therefore, alcohol abuse can lead to diabetes.

Being decomposed, enzymes and decay products cause inflammation of the gland - pancreatitis. It is manifested by the fact that after alcohol the pancreas hurts, vomiting appears and the temperature rises. Pain in lumbar region are enveloping in nature. Alcohol abuse affects the development chronic inflammation, which is a risk factor for breast cancer.

The effect of alcohol on the female and male body

Alcohol affects a woman's body to a greater extent than a man's. In women, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol, is contained in a lower concentration than in men, so they get drunk faster. The same factor affects the formation of alcohol dependence in women faster than in men.

Even after taking small doses, women's organs undergo great changes. Under the influence of alcohol on the body of a woman, first of all, it suffers reproductive function. Ethanol violates monthly cycle, negatively affects reproductive cells and conception. Drinking alcohol speeds up the onset of menopause. In addition, alcohol increases the risk oncological diseases breast and other organs. With age Negative influence alcohol on female body increases because it slows down its excretion from the body.

Alcohol negatively affects important brain structures - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The consequence of this is his bad influence on male body- the production of sex hormones decreases, due to which the potency decreases. As a result, family relationships are destroyed.

Alcohol affects all organs negatively. The fastest and dangerous impact it has on the brain and heart. Ethanol increases blood pressure, thickens blood, disrupts blood circulation in the cerebral and coronary vessels. Thus, it provokes a heart attack, a stroke, hypertensive crisis. At long-term use develop irreversible diseases of the heart and brain - alcoholic cardiomyopathy, encephalopathy. suffer the most important organs designed to remove toxins from the body - the liver and kidneys. The pancreas is damaged, digestion is disturbed. But stopping alcohol early stage diseases can restore cells and stop the destruction of organs.

The effect of alcohol on the human body

How does alcohol affect the human body?

Thus, we can say that the effect of alcohol on the human body is detrimental and irreversible. A conscious person must understand that the imaginary state of relaxation from alcohol cannot be compared with the consequences for the body. Doing healthy lifestyle life involves a complete rejection of the use of alcohol, including weak. It doesn’t matter what strength an alcoholic drink a person consumes, the harm to health from this is the same.

common in Lately beer alcoholism has become real problem youth. But the erroneous understanding that a bottle of beer is not alcoholism, sooner or later may respond with a violation of the state of the body.

A modern and conscious person should be fully aware of the high degree of harmful effects of alcohol on the human body.

The effect of alcohol on the human body.

The main principle of a healthy lifestyle is the rejection of alcohol consumption. Alcoholism is one of the most common problems among the population. What is the danger of alcohol and what effect it has on the human body.

Medical experts advise that if you drink alcohol, then only adults in very moderate amounts. Alcohol is strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children and adolescents.

The most important effect of alcohol is on the liver. All people suffering from alcoholism, scientists our liver damage in varying degrees. Cirrhosis of the liver was found in ten percent of alcoholics.

In addition to the liver, functions also suffer endocrine organs human sex glands. Alcohol even affects the functioning of the brain. Even a small dose of alcohol can cause metabolic disorders in nervous tissue, transmission nerve impulses. When alcohol is consumed, the vessels of the brain expand, and due to the increase in permeability, hemorrhage into the brain tissue is possible.

Chronic pancreatitis is a common consequence of alcohol abuse. Alcohol plays the role of a "chemical weapon" for the human stomach. Getting burned by a portion of alcohol, the stomach cannot work normally. The so-called alcoholic gastritis develops. Human body due to impaired metabolism, it can no longer break down protein and a person develops the so-called protein starvation. All this leads to misassimilation human food and, as a result, deterioration general condition organism.

Constant use alcohol can cause alcohol poisoning. This, in turn, is accompanied frequent vomiting, belching, unpleasant pains and burning sensations in the abdomen. Perhaps the development of chronic alcoholic gastritis. Its symptoms are general weakness body, nausea, diarrhea, decreased performance of the body and aching pain in the abdomen.

Drinking alcohol has a negative effect on human kidneys. Taking even a small dose of alcohol leads to increased urination. It's connected with irritant alcohol on the surface of the kidneys. With the constant intake of alcohol, kidney cells are destroyed. After they die, they are replaced by connective tissue, and the kidneys decrease in size. The constant use of alcohol leads to increased sweating, the development of edema. Obviously, such an effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system does not pass without a trace for the body. In a chronic alcoholic, life is shortened, cases of premature death are frequent.

Scientists have proven that alcohol negatively affects the human immune system, lowering the body's resistance to infectious diseases. So chronic alcoholics are much more difficult to endure various diseases, especially infectious-allergic nature. According to statistics, the death rate among people who abuse alcohol from these diseases is three to five times higher than among people who do not drink alcohol.

Speaking about the dangers of alcohol on the human body, it is necessary to say about the harmful effects of alcohol on the human reproductive system. Alcohol can affect both the process of conception of an unborn child, damaging the sperm and egg, and the development of the embryo. Animal experiments show that already after eight months of regular introduction of alcohol into the body, a change in the spermatozoon occurs. It decreases in size and can no longer carry the necessary amount of genetic information. That is why a child conceived in a state alcohol intoxication at least one of the biological parents often has deviations and malformations in development. Moreover, under the influence of alcohol, the number of spermatozoa in seminal fluid decreases. Ninety percent of chronic alcoholics have been diagnosed with infertility.

The highest stage of the manifestation of alcoholism is considered to be "white tremens" or, scientifically, delirium. Accompanied given state alcoholic delusions, hallucinations, sometimes convulsions.

Alcohol also has a negative effect on the human psyche. Man suffering alcohol addiction, does not think about the development of his personality, often conflicts with the people around him. In such a situation, there is a delay in the development of human thinking, perhaps inadequate perception alcoholic of the surrounding reality. For an alcoholic, the developing abilities of a person are lost, often an alcoholic does not own the moral and ethical concepts of society.

Thus, we can say that the effect of alcohol on the human body is detrimental and irreversible. A conscious person must understand that the imaginary state of relaxation from alcohol cannot be compared with the consequences for the body. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves a complete rejection of alcohol, including the weak. It doesn’t matter what strength an alcoholic drink a person consumes, the harm to health from this is the same. Beer alcoholism, which has recently become widespread, has become a real problem for young people. But the erroneous understanding that a bottle of beer is not alcoholism, sooner or later may respond with a violation of the state of the body. A modern and conscious person should be fully aware of the high degree of harmful effects of alcohol on the human body.

As most of us know from the very beginning early childhood, such two concepts as alcohol and health are practically incompatible. From the TV screens, diatribes are pouring on us about studies by scientists about the dangers of alcohol, which have found a link between drinking alcohol and the incidence of cancer.

The tabloid press and cheap magazines are full of articles about horrific crimes and personal tragedies caused by the influence of alcohol on the human body. Why, life itself so often shows us examples of the fact that it is the craving for it that causes the end of this very life or its transformation into a real swamp.

But at the same time, characters appear who responsibly declare that there are benefits to alcoholic beverages. Like, they help against radiation, and normalize blood formation, and improve appetite. And generally speaking…

And so many of us just try to throw away negative thoughts about the harm of alcohol from the head in order to once again go “for beer” or treat yourself to a glass or two of intoxicating drug at a festive feast! Moreover, some really look forward to such libations as holidays. Meanwhile, doctors and scientific researchers have accumulated a large amount of data both about the benefits and harms of alcohol.

What is the harm of alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic beverages have more harmful properties, and they are undoubtedly more severe than positive ones. And the most obvious ones are:

1. The effect of alcohol on the human nervous system.

Actually, because of him, alcoholic beverages have become the number 1 disaster in the world. A large number of people, once having experienced a feeling of euphoria and brave indifference to everything around them, want to experience it again and again. And it doesn't matter that after several hours of such sensations, which, by the way, you may not remember later, a terrible hangover comes with the feeling of being smeared on the asphalt - people want to repeat it. In addition, they are always convinced that this time “just a glass”, and the past will not happen again.

In general, the state of intoxication can be described as the dulling of many sensations, weakening of attention, impaired coordination of movements and mental activity. All this effect of alcohol on the human body is bad, not only because it certain time turns a person into an uncontrollable being, but also because it can lead to injuries and violation of elementary social rules.

2. Addictive.

Long-term alcohol consumption different bodies body, most of all - in the brain and liver - there are such harmful changes that will lead to a deterioration in well-being in the absence of another libation. It's kind of defensive reaction organism: just as an athlete who is accustomed to stress feels hard without regular training, an alcoholic feels much better in his “sports” mode.

A set of changes in different parts the body that occurs with such addiction is called alcoholism and is considered today one of the most common and dangerous diseases in the world.

3. Toxicity.

In general, ethanol, the spirit filling of all edible spirits, is less toxic and less harmful than other alcohols. But he is also quite capable of leading to violations of the state of the liver, the main task of which is to neutralize everyone. And with regular use, ethanol in the composition of alcohol actively has such an effect on human health.

4. Increased Risk dangerous diseases.

The most obvious effect of alcohol on the human body is seen in the example of liver diseases and oncology. So, cirrhosis of the liver in most cases is caused by the use of alcohol-containing drinks. And lovers of such liquids get sick with various hepatitis more often and more severely.

Numerous studies clearly support the link between alcohol consumption and cancer rates. Especially - cancer of the breast and organs of the digestive tract.

Yes, and with many skin diseases and allergic diseases the harm of alcoholic beverages is directly related. Only here it is not so much alcohol that has a great influence, but various additives in alcoholic beverages.

5. Cause of many congenital anomalies.

Thus, an increase in the frequency of the birth of children with various syndromes and deformities obviously correlates with the use of alcohol by one of the parents. Some experts explain this effect on embryonic development damage to DNA molecules in chromosomes by various agents that appear as a result of alcohol entering the body.

6. Social isolation.

It only at first seems that it is joint drinking that allows you to get close to certain people. Harm of alcohol in social sphere in that, one has only to step over a certain elusive line, and a person turns into a creature with whom no one wants to have any relationship.

List similar harmful properties alcoholic beverages it would be enough to launch the most active propaganda of war with them.

But a review of the properties of alcohol would be incomplete without indicating positive qualities. After all, they also exist. Let's be objective.

The positive effects of alcohol on health

Scientifically proven medicinal properties alcohol is:

1. Reducing the risk of developing diabetes.

It also improves insulin sensitivity. Many studies have confirmed that with moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages, the risk of developing metabolic disorders is reduced by more than 40%.

2. The benefits of alcohol for the cardiovascular system.

The use of certain types of drinks - in particular, cognacs - has protective action on the cardiovascular system. beneficial effect alcohol on the human body is explained by the content of tocopherols in these drinks, which protect blood vessels from the development of cholesterol plaques.

3. Anti-inflammatory effect.

Alcohol has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. This influence of spirits is widely used in extreme conditions.

4. Reduces sensitivity.

Alcohol reduces sensitivity and can act as a sedative and pain reliever. These beneficial features was used long before synthetic painkillers and sedatives were invented.

But all this benefit of alcoholic beverages is apparent. Diabetes much easier to avoid by sticking to proper diet. Tocopherols are found in many fruits and vegetables. It is enough just to diversify your table with raw foods more often, and the cardiovascular system will be more protected than when drinking alcohol.

Sleeping pills, painkillers and disinfectants so many and they are so effective that alcohol, the harm of which outweighs the scales much more, cannot compete with them. Moreover, for these purposes it does not need to be drunk at all.

As you can see, life without alcohol will always be healthier and safer. And current psychologists explain its use only by a person’s lack of correct self-esteem and any interests and goals in life. Still, a healthy, happy, successful and enthusiastic person is not associated with us in any way with a bottle or a glass. Therefore, if we want to be happy, take everything from life and enjoy it as long and fully as possible, alcohol in any form is best completely deleted from our plans. And always remain firm in this decision.

Alcoholism is a topical and important problem modern society, our country in particular. The unstable economic situation, constant crises and problems, the availability of alcoholic beverages are all factors contributing to the spread of this problem. The age of people starting to take alcohol is constantly rejuvenated. So high school students in schools are already fully formed consumers of alcoholic beverages, especially beer. Then, with the onset of student age, the level of consumption only grows, and gradually a person is drawn into the regular intake of doses of alcohol, sometimes without noticing it. The impact of alcohol on the human body is difficult to underestimate, since alcohol is one of the most common causes of disability, disability, health and death of the population. At the same time, able-bodied men of the most productive age are most often affected by alcoholism. There are frequent cases of poisoning with low-quality alcohol.

It should be noted that alcoholism is a disease that, in addition to medical, also has a social character. People who are prone to alcoholism commit crimes, their families break up more often, children lose their fathers, and sometimes their mothers. Domestic drunkenness, which is an ordinary feast, contains a threat to the individual himself and to society as a whole. Approximately 25% of people who began to "use" in everyday life situations - holidays, family celebrations have every chance of becoming alcoholics.

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on absolutely all organs and systems. human body and psyche, and this has already been proven by scientists and pathologists. It also contributes to the development of chronic diseases.

The effect of alcohol on the brain

Alcohol disrupts the access of oxygen atoms to the molecules of the brain, thereby providing it with oxygen starvation. If fasting becomes regular and prolonged over time, it can lead to memory loss, partial dementia, and sometimes lethal outcome. All these are the consequences of the death of brain cells that do not receive for a long time adequate nutrition. The influence of alcohol on the brain is also expressed in the effect on the cortex hemispheres responsible for the "thinking" function of the brain. Accordingly, becoming an alcoholic, a person is no longer able to fully and correctly think, which makes him a moderately useful member for society.

The cardiovascular system

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are the most common cause death of people not only in our country, but all over the world. Alcohol affects the heart muscle, which is already under severe stress, which adversely affects health. Therefore, so often people who drink alcohol die in young age. Autopsy doctors claim that in people suffering from alcoholism, the heart after death is enlarged in size, sometimes quite significantly.

Even those people who take alcohol moderately and in small quantities sometimes experience heart rhythm disturbances after drinking a glass or two of alcohol. Progresses rapidly under the influence of alcohol ischemic disease, hypertension, often the heart is affected by a heart attack.

Respiratory system

Alcohol abusers often develop Chronical bronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis. At the same time, the rate of breathing itself increases significantly, since the access of oxygen to the lungs is difficult. Often drinking alcohol is accompanied by smoking. In this case, the load on respiratory system increases several times. These two habits - alcohol and smoking are very harmful in themselves, and in combination they represent a doubly dangerous force that affects human health.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The first affected is the gastric mucosa, which takes the main "blow". Due to the regular intake of alcohol, the mucous membrane is irritated, then gastritis and peptic ulcer develop. Diseases of the stomach - more often than all other diseases accompany alcoholism. With a sufficiently long intake of alcoholic beverages, it is destroyed normal functioning salivary glands. At the same time, the separation of saliva becomes less abundant and its chemical composition changes, which impairs food processing.

Liver disease

Since the liver is responsible for cleaning the entire body of various toxins, impurities and poisons, it often simply cannot cope with the volume of toxic substances that enter the body with alcohol. As a result, health suffers greatly. Therefore, so often with regular and prolonged alcohol intake, especially Low quality, people develop hepatitis, which then gradually turns into cirrhosis of the liver.

Three stages of liver damage:

  • Fatty degeneration. It develops in moderate but regular drinkers. The liver increases in size, unable to cope with the increased stress. If at this stage you completely refuse to take alcohol, there is every chance for a successful outcome of events and full recovery person.
  • Alcoholic hepatitis. At this stage, there are sometimes quite severe pain in the right side, which indicates that the disease is progressing. The whites of the eyes turn yellow, as the liver can no longer cope with the removal of waste and poisons from the body.
  • Cirrhosis. This stage is already extreme degree breakdown of the liver. It usually leads to death, as the body completely ceases to perform its functions.

Effect on the kidneys

The vast majority of alcoholics excretory function kidney is impaired. This happens due to damage to the mucous membrane of the renal epithelium - the tissue lining the surface of the organ.

Alcohol also has a very detrimental effect on the human immune system, literally turning it off for a while. This gives harmful microbes and bacteria an opportunity to infect the body. The effect of alcohol on the human body is therefore very insidious. Alcoholics often get colds and other viral infections. At the same time, the processes of blood purification and the production of new red blood cells are disrupted, and allergic reactions often develop.

Impact on the reproductive system

The gonads are very strongly influenced by alcohol. In one third of men who abuse alcohol, there is a significant decrease in the ability to have a normal sexual life. This is the so-called "alcoholic impotence". Due to such an important dysfunction for a man, he often develops neurosis, depression and other mental health disorders. In women, there is an onset of early menopause, the ability to conceive is lost or reduced, and during pregnancy, if it does occur, they are more often worried about toxicosis .

Effects on the skin and muscles

Under the influence of alcohol, muscles often atrophy, lose their tone and weaken. The effect of alcohol on muscular system similar to the consequences of malnutrition. Skin diseases- frequent accompanying alcoholism. Because the the immune system disabled by half, it may not be able to cope with virus attacks. The liver also does not function at full strength, so the cleansing of the body is not carried out well enough. As a result, various boils, ulcers, pimples appear on the surface of the skin, allergic rashes and other decorations.

Delirium tremens

Everyone knows jokes about "white tremens". And it would be funnier if it weren't so true. Hallucinations, convulsions, sudden numbness of the limbs - all this frequent consequences excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Delirium tremens is one of the most terrible forms alcohol poisoning. It leads to death in two percent of cases, even when provided medical care. Without the timely arrival of doctors, it leads to death in 20% of cases. The disease is characterized by strong and fantastic delusional hallucinations, lapses in memory and consciousness, severe agitation, disorientation in space and time. The patient is feverish, he completely loses control over himself, he often needs to be pacified by force.

The effect of alcohol on offspring

About what pernicious influence It has been known since antiquity that alcohol affects unborn children. Yes, in Ancient Greece newlyweds were forbidden to drink at the wedding, especially in Sparta, known for its strict criteria for the health of newborns. And in Ancient Rome young men under 30 were generally forbidden to drink until they had families and had children.

By now medical research collected a lot of facts directly pointing to the harmful effects of alcohol on the health of unborn children. Frequent cases birth of the dead and premature babies. Also, mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy often give birth to children with pathologies, disabilities and chronic diseases since birth. In most cases, birth is mentally retarded children one or both parents abused alcohol.

In general, the overall life expectancy with the systematic intake of alcohol is significantly reduced. early aging body, the onset of disability, comes on average for 15-20 years than in people who do not abuse alcohol.

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