Are there often negative consequences? Pros and cons of caesarean section.

The share of abdominal delivery has grown, and today one in five pregnancies ends with a caesarean section, rather than a natural birth. The operation has its definite pluses and minuses. We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of surgical childbirth, how likely it is to develop complications after them, in this article.

To whom is the operation indicated?

A caesarean section is an alternative delivery method in which the baby is born not in the traditional way, but through incisions in the anterior abdominal wall and uterus. The operation, despite its apparent simplicity and wide distribution, belongs to the category of complex surgical abdominal interventions. That is why in Russia it is not carried out at will, in any case, in state maternity hospitals, perinatal centers and clinics. Only a few private clinics provide for the possibility of an elective caesarean (surgery at the woman's own request). In these clinics, such a service costs about half a million rubles.

The list of situations in which it is safer and more reasonable to give birth surgically is specified and approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia (Letter of the Ministry of Health of 2014 No. 15-4/10/2-3190). So, a caesarean section is scheduled in a planned manner in the following situations.

  • low location of the placenta with complete overlap of the internal os or incomplete overlap, as well as presentation with signs of detachment and bleeding;
  • premature detachment of the "children's place" from the uterine wall, while the location of the placenta does not play a role;
  • two births carried out by caesarean section in the past, as well as any operations on the uterus, if scars remain after them;
  • the weight of the fetus is more than 3.6 kg with an incorrect position of the child in the uterine cavity (sitting, located across);
  • incorrect location of one baby from twins;
  • multiple (often singleton) pregnancy after IVF;
  • post-term pregnancy (at 41-42 weeks of gestation), if other methods of inducing labor have not had an effect;
  • any mechanical obstacles to the passage of the child through the birth canal - tumors, large groups of polyps, scars after cervical ruptures;
  • the state of a severe form of preeclampsia (with edema, large weight gain, signs of increased blood pressure);
  • a ban on attempts (for myopia, some diseases of the cardiovascular system, a transplanted donor kidney, etc.);
  • the state of acute oxygen starvation of the fetus (of any origin);
  • prolapse of the umbilical cord;
  • genital herpes of the primary type;
  • HIV infection in the mother, if during pregnancy the woman for some reason did not receive supportive treatment;
  • narrow pelvis, in which independent childbirth will be difficult;
  • blood clotting disorders of the mother, fetus;
  • malformations of the baby - omphalocele, gastroschisis, etc.

As for emergency surgery, there are other indications for it. An unplanned operation will be urgently performed on a woman in labor, whose contractions suddenly weakened during childbirth, the cervix does not open, secondary weakness of attempts is observed, the placenta exfoliates, bleeding has opened. It will be an operation to save the lives of the mother and her long-awaited baby.

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The operation is performed under anesthesia. The patient has every right to choose general anesthesia, in which she will sleep soundly during all surgical procedures. But most surgical births in Russia today are performed under epidural or spinal anesthesia, in which anesthetic drugs are injected into the epidural or subarachnoid space of the spine using a lumbar puncture. With an emergency caesarean section, when every minute counts, general anesthesia is usually given, since there are practically no contraindications to it, and the state of unconsciousness comes faster.

After the woman is given anesthesia or general anesthesia, the surgical team proceeds with the operation. With a planned intervention, they try to make a horizontal incision in the abdomen just above the pubis in the lower uterine segment. During an emergency operation, if the child is in danger of death, a vertical incision can be made in the center of the abdomen through the navel.

After opening the abdominal cavity, the doctor frees up space for himself for further "maneuvers" - he takes the muscle tissue and the bladder aside. After that, an incision is made on the uterus, the fetal sac is pierced and the amniotic fluid is drained. Then the surgeon gently head forward removes the baby through the incision made.

The umbilical cord is cut and the baby is transferred to neonatologists. The woman is gradually restored, first, the uterus, applying internal sutures, then the abdominal cavity, returning the muscles and the bladder to their anatomical initial state and applying sutures or staples to the skin from the outside.

A woman, if she is not under general anesthesia, will be able to see her child immediately. If she is fast asleep, then the meeting will be postponed and will take place only a few hours after the birth.

The newly-made mother stays in the intensive care unit for several hours after the operation, after which she is transferred to the postpartum ward in a regular ward, where already 8-10 hours after the intervention she can begin to sit down, get up, walk.


The undoubted advantage of caesarean section can be considered a relatively predictable outcome of the intervention. The likelihood of birth injuries for both the child and his mother is minimal. The child does not need to pass through the narrow birth canal, and therefore he also has practically no chance of getting a neck or head injury during surgical delivery. Whereas with a narrow pelvis or a large baby in a breech presentation, injuries to the newborn and his mother during natural childbirth would be much more likely.

Caesarean section makes it possible to become mothers to women who are contraindicated in natural childbirth. And today, the quality of materials for suturing tissues and surgical techniques make it possible to quickly give birth to not one or even two children, but as many as a woman wants.

With a caesarean section, a woman does not feel labor pain, which scares pregnant women the most and memories of which are never erased from memory. Parturient women have some fear of what is happening when using epidural anesthesia, but it is more psychological.

If general anesthesia is used, then the woman simply falls asleep and wakes up already in the status of a mother.

The use of spinal or epidural anesthesia allows you to correct a drawback that has been unremovable for many years - a woman gets the right to see the baby immediately after it is removed from the womb, and it also becomes possible to attach the baby to the breast, which is very important for the early development of lactation and full subsequent breastfeeding.

A caesarean section, if done in a planned manner, does not leave gross disfiguring scars on the patient's abdomen. Doctors do their best to ensure that the suture is neat, unobtrusive, cosmetic, located in an area that is usually well covered by shorts or swimming trunks. Each subsequent operation, if the woman decided not to be limited to one child, is carried out on the previous scar, no new scars appear on the abdomen and uterus.

A caesarean section makes it possible to carry out additional surgical procedures. If there is a need to provide lifelong contraception, then tubal ligation is performed at the same time, tumors in the uterine cavity can be removed.

Duration of surgical childbirth usually does not exceed 45 minutes, while natural childbirth can last up to a day or even more.


Caesarean section is not a natural delivery, it is always a gross intervention in the work of the female body. If the operation is carried out in a planned manner, then often the mother's body is not actually ready for childbirth (the contractions have not begun), therefore, removing the child in the abdominal way is a huge stress for both the mother's body and the baby's body.

The drugs that anesthetists use to anesthetize surgical procedures affect not only the woman, but also the baby, even when it comes to spinal anesthesia. A baby born with the help of a surgeon cannot have an Apgar score of 9 in principle, since he is always more inhibited, lethargic - he is affected by anesthetics and muscle relaxants that were introduced to the mother for anesthesia. However, after a few hours this action passes.

The baby is deprived of the opportunity to go the path prepared for him by nature - he does not overcome the resistance of the genital tract in order to be born, and this, according to some experts, is bad and will certainly affect the formation of his character in the future. Thus, it is argued that such children are less initiative, afraid of difficulties, have less stress resistance.

Many issues have not yet been fully studied, but the fact that a baby without passing through the genital tract is deprived of the opportunity to gently adapt to the new conditions in which he will live is undeniable.

The statements of some opponents of caesarean section that children then grow up with a developmental delay, need correction programs, get sick more often, do not correspond to reality, therefore, they cannot be considered as a disadvantage.

A caesarean section is dangerous due to its complications, and their probability, compared with physiological independent childbirth, increases several tens of times. The period of recovery and rehabilitation lasts much longer than after childbirth, breast milk comes a few days later. Tubal ligation, if performed, lengthens both the time of the operation and the recovery time of the woman's body.

After a caesarean section, a woman for more than 2 years is not recommended to become pregnant again, while after a physiological birth there is no such prohibition. It is harmful to lift weights, and in the absence of au pairs, ordinary household chores and caring for a newborn become a very difficult task.

The harm from the operation, of course, does not exceed the benefits, but still you can never be sure that complications and negative consequences will bypass you.

The likelihood of complications

Complications are possible at any stage of the operation, as well as after it. During surgical procedures, bleeding from the vessels of the anterior abdominal wall may occur; if the vascular bundle is injured, mechanical injury to the bladder, ureters, and intestines may also occur. If complications arose during the operation itself, the woman will not be placed in the intensive care unit, but in intensive care, where her condition will be monitored for several days, if necessary, a blood transfusion will be given, and the necessary drugs will be administered. The frequency of such complications does not exceed 0.01%.

Dangerous consequences can also have postoperative bleeding, as well as a violation of the contractility of the uterus (hypotension or atony of the reproductive organ). In this case, medical assistance will be required and removal of the uterus is possible, if its muscles do not respond to the introduction of reducing drugs, the uterus does not decrease.

Severe vital complication of caesarean section - infectious inflammation. It can lead to the death of a new mother. Symptoms of inflammatory infectious complications are high fever, abdominal pain, discharge of an atypical nature, suppuration of the wound, an increase in leukocytes in the blood test. More often than others, inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus (endometriosis) develops after surgery, but other situations are not excluded. The most dangerous of the possible is considered peritonitis. In practice, given the sterility of modern operating rooms and the sophistication of the actions of the surgical team, such complications are not so common - only in 0.7-1% of cases.

The danger for the child lies in the short-term exposure to anesthetics, which can lead to respiratory failure (0.003% of cases). Much more often, respiratory failure develops in newborns if the intervention was performed at 36 weeks of pregnancy and earlier, but it is no longer associated with the operation itself, but with gestational immaturity of the fetal lung tissue.

Much depends on a properly organized postoperative period.

Problem Prevention

To prevent inflammatory processes, if their likelihood is suspected, doctors prescribe antibiotics to a woman in the early postoperative period. Since more often complications occur in women with obesity, systemic comorbidities, low social status and bad habits, as well as with impaired blood clotting, it is these women who are in the zone of special attention of medical personnel.

To exclude hypotension or atony of the uterus, early attachment of the child to the breast is recommended, as well as the introduction of reducing and analgesic drugs. If a woman has had 3 or 4 such operations, more careful monitoring of the area of ​​the scar on the uterus during the year is recommended, since it is thinner than in those who have had one or two operations.

A woman should not lift weights, you also need to protect yourself. Sexual life can begin to live only when the discharge from the genital organs stops, not earlier than 2 months after the birth of the baby. It is strongly not recommended to become pregnant within 2 years, the scar on the uterus during this period is in the stage of intensive formation.

During pregnancy 4 months or a year after cesarean, the weak and thin connective tissue in the incision area may not withstand the intensive growth of the uterus, which can lead to rupture of the muscular organ even during gestation.

According to the reviews of women left on thematic forums on the Internet, there were no complications after a caesarean section. Due to the fact that they are not so common, there are almost no reviews describing the negative consequences. Most women note that the recovery went well, the scar on the abdomen healed about 3 weeks after the operation.

See the following video for the pros and cons of a caesarean section.

In recent years, pregnant women have been actively discussing the topic of caesarean section, the pros and cons of this operation. A completely understandable fear of childbirth, the apparent "lightness" and painlessness of the surgical method of delivery, the desire to maintain a figure and avoid birth injuries - all this attracts the attention of future women in labor.

Today, modern medicine provides a choice - to give birth naturally or surgically. In medical statistics, the norm is accepted for the percentage of caesarean sections of the total number of births. This figure should not exceed 15%. But, as practice shows, the number of caesarean deliveries is much higher, which indicates the increasing desire of women to give birth through surgery. Doctors are worried about this trend, because the main reason for surgery should be absolute or relative medical indications, which we will consider in more detail.

Absolute indications for caesarean section

Such indications are pathologies that occur during pregnancy and create a serious threat to the life and health of the mother and child during childbirth. Doctors prescribe a caesarean section for the following deviations:

  • Placenta previa or its premature detachment;
  • Tumors in the pelvic organs;
  • Late toxicosis;
  • Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus;
  • Incipient uterine rupture;
  • Mismatch between the size of the fetus and the pelvis of the mother, etc.

Relative indications for operative delivery

If the obstetrician-gynecologist believes that the normal state of the child or mother during childbirth will be in jeopardy, he will also insist on a caesarean section. Relative indications for surgery include:

  • Incorrect presentation of the fetus;
  • Pathology of labor activity;
  • chronic diseases;
  • Age of the woman in labor, deviations in the obstetric history, etc.

The question of the appointment of a caesarean section should be considered taking into account all risk factors for both the life of the mother and the health of the newborn. In all of the above cases, surgery has undeniable advantages over all the disadvantages of a caesarean section, because it allows a woman to know the joy of motherhood. But if you do not have objective medical indications, is it worth resorting to surgical delivery? What is really hidden behind the apparent ease of non-physiological childbirth?

Cons of a caesarean section for a woman in labor

Every woman who decides to give birth surgically and does not have medical indications for this should know what responsibility she takes on and what risks await her.

Do not think that general anesthesia, under which the operation is performed, is a harmless remedy. Getting out of it, accompanied by severe nausea and dizziness, can be very difficult. Against the background of general physical weakness, there may be problems with the digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems.

After the operation, the woman in labor spends at least a day in intensive care, she can feed the child in two days and only if the caesarean section passed without unforeseen complications. At the same time, women who have given birth naturally, from the first day, put a newborn to the breast and after a week are actively involved in everyday life.

One of the main disadvantages of caesarean section is the long period of postoperative rehabilitation. Only after six months, pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort in the suture area finally disappear. In addition, after such an intervention, adhesions usually form in the abdominal cavity, which can provoke:

  • pelvic pain;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Infertility;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Adhesive disease.

Many surgeons believe that the only way to get rid of adhesive disease is through surgery. However, even this does not guarantee that new spikes will not appear.

After a caesarean section, a postoperative scar remains, which scars over time. How aesthetically it will look depends on the skill of the surgeon. Another important disadvantage of caesarean section is the possibility of infection. In whatever sterile conditions the operation is performed, the uterus and other genital organs come into contact with air, which can lead to infectious inflammation.

The main physiological factors that negatively affect the health of the woman in labor are listed above. But besides this, there are also psychological problems that arise as a result of the operation.

The period from conception to childbirth is an amazing process thought out to the smallest detail by nature. As it naturally began, so naturally it must end. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing your child right away, hearing his first cry and feeling a tiny body on your chest. Is this not the pinnacle of happiness?

Women who give birth by caesarean section will forever be deprived of the opportunity to experience these unique moments. Thus, from a psychological point of view, the natural process remains as if unfinished, which can cause difficulties during the period of adaptation "mother-child". In addition, each subsequent birth will take place only through abdominal surgery, and a woman will never be able to experience the joy of contemplating the first minutes of her baby's life, which for some may be the biggest disadvantage of a caesarean section.

Now let's try to figure out what pitfalls await a child during such a quick birth.

Above, we talked about objective indications for caesarean section, and, of course, the absolute advantage of this operation is that it allows you to save the health and life of the baby in such cases. But at the same time, a quick birth can turn into problems in adapting a newborn to extrauterine life.

It is known that the fetus in the womb does not breathe with lungs, they contain fetal (fetal) fluid. During the passage through the birth canal, the baby pushes it out of the lungs, thus completing the process of maturation of the respiratory system. During the operation, the extraction of the child occurs too quickly. As a result, the lungs do not have time to get rid of the fluid and adapt to new conditions. This often leads to the development of pneumonia. Premature babies with caesarean section may experience a syndrome of respiratory distress. Depressed breathing, in turn, leads to a lack of oxygen. 4.6 out of 5 (56 votes)


Often there is no choice between surgical and natural childbirth. Doctors make every effort to ensure that childbirth is natural, that is, vaginal. Today, they try not to use the term natural in order to reduce the psychological trauma of women after a cesarean section.

The main disadvantage for a woman is that a caesarean section is an abdominal operation, there are risks of infection, damage to internal organs. Blood loss is usually higher than with vaginal delivery, and the recovery period is longer. Although some women after caesarean section are discharged earlier than after vaginal delivery. Modern anesthetic drugs are completely safe, and if time permits, then a woman is given spinal anesthesia, and not general anesthesia, that is, a woman sees a newborn, often they put the baby on her chest after being examined by doctors. Less than 10 minutes pass from the moment anesthesia is given to the birth of a child, and with general anesthesia after 3-4 minutes. a child is born, so the effect on the child's body is minimal.

The seam will hurt for some time after childbirth, it is impossible to compare this pain with uterine contraction, since each woman has an individual pain threshold and many refuse pain relief after 6-8 hours. In most cases, pain is subjective and exaggerated, since it is believed that the operation is always very. Within six months after a cesarean section, a feeling of numbness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seam is possible, this gradually disappears.

After the operation, a suture remains, now a horizontal cosmetic suture is practiced, but it can also cause discomfort and pain. In general, the main criterion for surgical interventions is not only the achieved result, but also the absence of pain in the postoperative period, the rapid recovery of body functions. There are usually no problems with lactation in a woman after surgery. She receives sufficient parenteral nutrition, she is sure to bring a child, and by the end of the first day she is already up and most often she can take care of the child on her own.

Children born via caesarean section, the first year of life, are more closely examined by pediatricians. And if you are a professional, then the operation will pass without complications, including delayed ones. Dangerous birth injuries of the child can also be avoided, the death of a newborn, the death of a mother or severe postoperative complications after a cesarean are extremely rare today.

Psychotrauma and postpartum depression after caesarean section are caused not by the operation itself, but by the programmed scenario of childbirth. A woman needs a standard, acceptable and approved by society, since until now many women after a cesarean section are considered inferior, who cannot fully experience the joy of motherhood. It is necessary to visit a psychologist even before childbirth, especially for women who are afraid of surgery and who are shown a planned caesarean section.

There are also benefits to having a caesarean section. The genitourinary system does not suffer. Women who give birth operatively are less likely to experience complications such as urinary incontinence, prolapse of the pelvic organs, or prolapse of the cervix in adulthood. Feelings during sex do not change, hemorrhoids occur less often. If the operation is performed well, then adhesions do not occur, adhesions are almost always a sign of an incorrectly performed operation.

Vaginal delivery, if it went perfectly, is always better than surgery. The woman feels well after a few hours. But if there were injuries, then sometimes bed rest can be delayed for several days. After childbirth, you can quickly start exercising, do not monitor the condition of the seam. But the percentage of children with birth injuries is always higher.

Due to the safety and well-established technique of caesarean section, a small percentage of complications, doctors suggest surgery whenever there are risks for the mother and child. A live and healthy child, as well as maintaining the health of the mother, is the main task of obstetricians, and therefore, when choosing tactics, you should listen to the doctor. At the same time, the law retains the right of a woman to choose the method of delivery. She may choose not to have a caesarean section. Previously, after a cesarean, a woman was allowed to give birth to only one child, also by surgery. Today, doctors do not impose any restrictions, it is possible to successfully give birth after surgery, and give birth by caesarean to a reasonably large number of children.

Caesarean section has pros and cons like any operation. Of course the main advantage of caesarean section- the birth of a child in cases where otherwise he or the mother would risk their lives. Therefore, we repeat once again, when it comes to caesarean section for medical reasons, the question of the disadvantages of the operation is simply not worth it.

It is possible to talk about what is worse and what is better, and what are the pros and cons, only when there is a more or less equivalent choice between a caesarean section or a natural birth.

It is often heard that giving birth by caesarean section is not painful and fast - the woman in labor and the child avoid labor pains, therefore caesarean section is generally preferable.

Of course, the operation is performed with anesthesia. But the pain after surgery is much stronger than after vaginal delivery, and lasts much longer. Even with tears or incisions during vaginal delivery, the pain is less than in the surgical wound.

As for the speed of childbirth, the situation is also twofold. The operation itself lasts less time than natural childbirth, but the time of restrictions after it is much longer. Recovery from anesthesia, healing of a wound on the abdomen, pain, recovery from blood loss, an increased likelihood of infectious complications, problems with the flow of milk, restrictions on movement, a ban on lifting a child, taking him in his arms when he cries - all this greatly complicates the life of a puerperal after a cesarean sections.

Another minus caesarean section– after the operation, the mother is quite for a long time will not be able to cope with the child on her own - so at least for the first month it is better to find a nanny, or to ensure the constant presence and help of one of the relatives.

Finally, the undoubted minus of a caesarean section is the psychological state of the puerperal, which is explained not so much by the recent active promotion of natural childbirth as by hormonal problems. The body does not receive a signal that the birth has passed, and therefore there is a feeling of incompleteness, the incorrectness of what is happening. In addition, the uterus does not contract as intensely as after vaginal delivery, especially if the woman is not breastfeeding the baby.

About breastfeeding, you need to say separately. If some time ago most of the "Caesarites" were artificial, now the situation is changing.

With a normally completed planned caesarean section using epidural anesthesia, the woman is immediately given a baby to feed. This helps both the contraction of the uterus and the establishment of breastfeeding, in addition, it is useful for the psychological state of the mother and, of course, is indispensable for the baby. The use of modern antibiotics does not require breastfeeding.

Speaking of pros of caesarean section, in addition to the most important thing that has already been discussed, we can say that after a cesarean section, the vagina does not stretch, there are no tears and stitches in the perineum, then there are no problems with sexual activity. And also there is no sprain and prolapse of the pelvic organs (bladder), cervical ruptures, exacerbation of hemorrhoids and related problems.

Summing up, we can once again say that, if necessary, a caesarean section is a salvation for the mother and child. If there are no indications, then most doctors categorically do not advise going for an operation only because of the fear of childbirth.

If there is no urgent need for an operation, then there is no need to think about the pros and cons of a caesarean section - natural childbirth is preferable for both mother and child, and caesarean section should remain only as a medical operation for certain indications.

Currently, caesarean section is performed very often, it has become a certain norm, up to 30% of women giving birth go through it. What is a caesarean section? Surgery, in which your baby and afterbirth (what it was in your tummy) doctors carefully remove with an incision in the wall of the abdominal cavity and uterus, is called a "caesarean section."

Surgical intervention during pregnancy has a number of specific indications, mainly caesarean section is planned or emergency. It is also possible that the woman in labor herself expressed a desire to have a caesarean section, but there are not many such situations. In any case, this is a full-fledged operation, which carries a number of both positive and negative points.

Reasons for a caesarean section:

The main prerequisites for caesarean section is the risk of maternal health during natural childbirth. During pregnancy, you go through a number of doctors, including ophthalmologists, surgeons, endocrinologists and others, who, at the very initial stage, look at how natural childbirth is possible. They draw their conclusions and write recommendations on the topic of your health.

Another important factor is your child's health. There may be times when the pregnancy went well initially and there were no contraindications to natural childbirth, but in the last stages, when you already come to the hospital for the last ultrasound, you are told that the fetus is in the wrong position or there is a threat of triple entanglement around your baby's neck.

Advice! If you are told that the fetus lies upside down during pregnancy, then sometimes shine a flashlight at the place where the baby “exits” during childbirth. This can help him find the right position and take the right position, striving "to the light." Talk to your doctor about certain exercises that can also help your baby roll over.

There are other, no less important, factors in which a caesarean section is prescribed:
  • Narrow pelvis of the woman in labor
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Problems and complications during pregnancy
  • preterm birth
  • Not timely detachment of the placenta or its diligence
  • If this is the second birth and the first was by caesarean section
  • Threat of uterine rupture
  • Difficult condition of a pregnant woman due to illness
  • Cervical cancer
  • Pathology in a child
  • The threat of hypoxia in a child
  • old woman age
All of the above indications are planned for the appointment of a caesarean section, and emergency situations are called situations that occur mainly already in the maternity ward, and only a doctor can decide them, in order to avoid fatal or serious consequences for the child or mother. You should not be afraid of them, as practice shows, there are no more than 5% of such situations.
With a planned appointment of a caesarean section, when such an operation is mandatory, it would be absolutely correct to agree to it, and negative arguments in such cases cannot outweigh the life and health of the child and mother.

It often happens that a woman in labor herself expresses a desire to give birth precisely through an operation, doctors do not unequivocally treat such requests, but they cannot refuse. In any case, a woman in labor writes a written statement of consent to a caesarean section.

Caesarean section pros and cons

If it is possible to choose to have a natural birth or a caesarean section, you should familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons

Advantages of a caesarean section

  1. The operation takes place with an analgesic effect, the ability to make anesthesia allows you to “fall asleep” at the beginning and “wake up” with the baby in your arms
  2. Absence of damage to the pelvic organs and the absence of possible urinary incontinence, which are possible due to natural childbirth
  3. Exclusion of an emergency caesarean section, because it is even more dangerous and can cause damage to internal organs and bleeding.
  4. Absence of difficult labor – labors in which additional instruments are used to help remove the baby.
  5. Reducing the risk of birth trauma for mother and child
  6. Reducing the percentage of transmission of infection from mother to child. (AIDS, hepatitis, etc.)
  7. Exact date of birth
  8. Absence of any damage in the female genital area

Interesting! Sometimes, childbirth by caesarean section is less traumatic for the child than natural, which affects the further development of the baby.

Like any other operation, caesarean section has not only pluses, but also minuses. Such an operation is considered quite safe, but it is associated with certain risks.

Cons of a caesarean section:

1. Possible consequences for mom

  • Bleeding. During this type of operation, blood loss is on average twice as high as during the birth of a child by natural means.
  • During the incision, damage to the bladder or intestines, which are very close to the fetus, is possible.
  • Reaction to pain medication, individual intolerance to the device
  • Various infections associated with the bladder or membrane (the membrane that lines the uterus)
  • The formation of blood clots in the veins increases by 3-5 times when using a caesarean section
  • Slower bowel recovery due to used anesthesia medications
  • Infection in the seam from a caesarean section, rupture of the seams and, as a result, a second operation
  • Problems with the placenta - its growth to the walls of the uterus. Such a diagnosis can be after the first birth by surgery, in which case the uterus is removed.
  • Pain in the suture area, longer postoperative recovery
  • Subsequent births are possible mainly by caesarean section only
  • Possible problems associated with breastfeeding (later arrival of milk, refusal of the baby to breastfeed, etc.)
  • Possible formation of a hernia at the site of the scar

Important! Contractions during natural childbirth improve blood circulation and stimulate the baby's breathing for the subsequent "going out"

2. Negative points for the baby:

  • The exact date of the operation is not as favorable for the child as his "independent" decision to be born
  • Possible breathing problems due to slow release of amniotic fluid
  • The negative effect of painkillers on the central nervous system of the baby
  • More frequent incidence of asthma and various allergies
  • Possible injuries when removing a child from a poorly made incision

Important! Dear mothers, a new pregnancy after such an operation is possible after a few months. Breastfeeding and the absence of menstruation does not give any guarantees in this matter.

In 90% of cases, caesarean section is successful for both the child and the mother. Modern technologies and extensive experience of doctors make it possible to avoid adverse consequences and postpartum complications.

We make a decision

Such a question requires a deliberate and balanced decision, if you are given a caesarean section for certain indications that cannot be disputed, then you do not need to do this. The health of your baby and your peace of mind are much more important here, but if you are afraid to give birth on your own, thinking that this is a serious job and hellish pain, then you are mistaken.

Almost always, the pain is concentrated in your head, but the pros and cons of a caesarean section and the possible consequences after the operation should make you think about how important the health of the child is to you. I would also like to draw your attention to reviews about caesarean section. If you ask yourself a question and look at various forums for reviews of cesarean section pros and cons, then you can find the answer to the question - yes or no, depending on your situation.

We present some of them:
Caesarean section pros and cons - reviews

The process of childbirth is of course very painful, but still it is natural and therefore you should not be afraid of it. This pain goes away immediately after the baby is born and you instantly forget about it. It’s even strange for me to hear that primiparous women are afraid of childbirth, there are much more reasons for this among those who give birth again. Well, of course, a caesarean section should be done only according to indications.

I think so: it's good that a caesarean section, as a way of delivery, exists! Because natural childbirth is good and great! But what if you can't give birth on your own? In this case, no scars and other rehabilitation moments after a caesarean will be of no importance compared to the birth of a healthy child. And it doesn't matter how he was born.

Some are terribly afraid of a caesarean section and they can be understood. After all, it's not every day you get your stomach cut open. Of course, if it were possible to do it somehow safer, then, probably, everyone would just give birth in this way. The advantages are obvious: there is no such pain, there will be no complications after childbirth, and the genitals are not deformed - this is rightly noted here.

Absolutely not against cesarean according to indications: when the question is either the health of the mother or the birth in a natural way. But the worst thing, in my opinion, is an emergency caesarean: you will suffer from contractions, and they will cut you as a result. As far as I know, mothers will not do a cesarean at the request of the mother, only if you do not agree with the doctor. Yes, and depart from cesarean harder, as far as I've seen. The plus is that you know in advance exactly when you can hug your little blood!



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