When will the result be visible after the temporal lift. Temporal lifting of the middle zone of the face

Hi all!

Let's start with the evidence:

"crow's feet"

wrinkles in the eye area

ptosis (drooping of the eyebrows)

My situation.

The wrinkles in the eye area are still small, but the eyelids that hung at the outer corners of the eyes have annoyed me for a long time. I’m already so used to raising my eyebrows and taking pictures in this position that I couldn’t find a single decent “BEFORE” photo, so, unfortunately, I can’t show before and after photos.

Before the operation, a standard list analyzes. The doctor will give it to you for a consultation. RW, HIV, hepatitis, general Blood and urine tests, biochemistry, coagulogram, cardiogram - approximately such a list, may vary slightly in different clinics.

Anesthesia. Which to choose. General or local.

Difficult topic. This is not my first plastic surgery, so I will write about one and the other, so that everyone can draw certain conclusions for themselves.

I had a temporal lift performed under local anesthesia.

  • pros :

No waste "get up and go"

Doesn't feel sick

Do you know what they did to you

Probably less harmful...

  • Minuses :

As such, there is no pain, BUT you feel and hear everything well. You feel how they take apart your head, peel off the skin, mercilessly tear off the meat from the head (and everything else that is there). It becomes insanely sorry for your head! You begin to think that maybe it's all in vain, or maybe it was necessary to postpone the operation, because "as it was" will never be. In short, it's all unpleasant and scary.

Operations under general anesthesia

  • pros

Know nothing

You don't see anything

Feel nothing

Not scary

  • Minuses

Sore throat from an endotracheal tube, if unsuccessfully placed

Unpleasant to leave (nausea, delirium)

After operation A tight pressure bandage is applied to reduce swelling.

Someone has more, someone has less, but swelling will be in any case. I also had bruises (not everyone has).

I wore the bandage for two days. The main edema subsided approximately on the 5th day, and at the same time, I think, you can already go out into the public (the bruises were smeared with a corrector). Finally, all the consequences passed by the tenth or twelfth day.

After the operation, a number of restrictions must be observed - do not bend over, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, and even more so the solarium! Do not take hot baths. Limit physical activity. Limit facial expressions.

The photos are not very nice, I hid them.


I took them off on the ninth day. After removal:

Hair. I had little hair in these places even without surgery. But I would not say that a lot of hair fell out at the temples. With high tails, I almost never go. Therefore, for me, these scars are not a big problem.


  • Eyebrows raised in the outer part
  • eyelids stretched
  • The look has become more open
  • In those places where there was detachment, deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead disappeared.

Everything suited me. The operation fully met my expectations. The rehabilitation period is quite easy and not long - I was preparing for the worst. I took painkillers a couple of times. Now my head doesn't hurt. I recommend the operation to those who want to delay the upper blepharo. For those who are still too early to do a full facelift.

Women who are already in their 30s and 40s are beginning to notice how time leaves changes on their faces. They please few people and give out the real age of the female representative. But all this does not matter, as a temporal lift will help fix this.

What is a temporal lift?

This is a simple plastic surgery that helps to remove small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (“crow's feet”) and helps to eliminate other minor defects.

What is a temporal lift?

Despite the fact that the operation is widespread, not everyone knows what it is and what part of the body is being transformed.

Temporal lifting (temporal lifting) is a lateral diagonal facelift. Sometimes this type of lifting is used as an endoscopic lifting, which allows you to smooth wrinkles between the eyebrows. This helps to make the face less sullen and more open.

Thanks to temporal lifting, you can achieve such goals as:

  • Raising the fold above the eyelid.
  • Raising the tail of the eyebrows (helps to achieve the effect of "eyebrows in flight").
  • Creating the effect of oriental eyes (the section of the eyes will be slightly narrowed).
  • Raise the skin of the cheeks where it sagged.
  • Cheekline correction.
  • Smoothing of nasolabial folds.
  • Smoothing "crow's feet".

Interesting: if the wrinkles are shallow, this procedure will help get rid of them completely!

After the operation, there are practically no complications, but if they do, it is very rare. The effect will be full in a few weeks. But the disadvantage, and quite significant, is the high cost of the procedure. According to the average bill, the price of a temporal lift can vary from 50 to 80 thousand rubles.

How is temporoplasty performed?

Temporal lifting is not just a complex operation. It was practiced not only for rejuvenation, but also to change the appearance / image. Given the last reason for plastic surgery, she received the unspoken name "endoscopic lifting of fashion models."

The procedure improves the upper part of the face, and for this reason models often resort to temporoplasty in order to work in their field for as long as possible. Preparation for the upcoming plastic surgery and the lifting process itself takes a lot of time and effort.

Lift preparation

Like any other medical procedure, a temporal lift also requires preparation.

Important: To begin with, you should visit an experienced specialist who will tell you more about the procedure, indications and prohibitions, and also discuss all the nuances with you.

The main indication for temporal lifting is the desire of the client to change his appearance.

But there are many contraindications:

If you have been examined, and no contraindications have been identified, then the surgeon should make recommendations for the preparatory period before the operation.

What should be done?

  • A few weeks before the operation, you should stop taking drugs that thin the blood, as well as give up hormonal drugs for a while.
  • Two days before the lifting, do not drink alcohol.
  • Two days before the operation, do not go to the bath or sauna.
  • At least 7 hours before the lifting, do not eat, you can not drink water two hours before the operation.

Stages of the procedure

Experienced specialists cope with this small plastic surgery within 40-60 minutes. Since the operation does not carry anything serious, it can be performed both under local and general anesthesia (at the request of the client).

The operation is carried out in several steps:

After this operation, the patient should stay in the hospital for several hours to recover from anesthesia, after which you can go home. A control visit is carried out after 10 days, so that the doctor removes the stitches and can evaluate the result.

Important: Occasionally, there are times when the patient will need to stay in the clinic for observation and recovery after surgery, if the doctor sees that this is necessary.

rehabilitation period

Each operation, no matter how difficult it was, requires rehabilitation and recovery. For temporal lifting, there are recommendations that should be followed after the operation.

Even if the hematomas and swelling pass quickly enough, then everything should not be neglected by the doctor's advice and consolidate the final result by following the doctor's recommendations.

You will be able to return to your normal lifestyle in a couple of weeks, but sometimes it can take up to three weeks.

Temporal lifting - all the pros and cons

Almost all experts agreed on the unanimous opinion that the temporal lift is not as scary as they say, and it is a useful and practically non-traumatic procedure.

The main advantage is that the operation is allowed for girls over the age of 20. It is also captivating that the procedure is carried out quickly and the recovery period is very short. It is very rare to find such a plastic surgery that will allow you to rejuvenate your face in just two weeks.

Of the negative points, suppuration of the sutures can be noted, but this is rare, for two reasons: if you did not follow the doctor's instructions or the specialist has a low level of qualification.

Attention: No matter how tempting the prices are, make sure that your plastic surgeon has a lot of experience and a high level of qualification.

Photo of temporal lifting before and after the procedure

On sites for medical directories and institutions, you can see photos of temporal lift plastic surgery, as well as read reviews and see photos before and after a particular procedure.

A facelift is one of the most common surgeries, so patients often look for realistic photos and reviews. You can see the photo in our article.

Possible Complications

As with any operation, even this one can have complications. It is sometimes difficult to predict negative outcomes. Even if the operation was carried out carefully and almost perfectly, you still will not avoid bruising and swelling.

But this is short-lived, and therefore, almost harmless. If you follow all the recommendations, you can get rid of bruises in a few days.

Very rarely seen blood poisoning, but often this happens only in little-known clinics that hardly care about their patients.

Lowered corners of the eyebrows, small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, a gloomy look - temporal lifting copes with all these problems.

This operation also improves facial expression if the patient has drooping cheeks, deep wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows.

Temporal lifting - what is it

In youth, the face has a clear oval, there is an open expressive look. With age, the skin loses its elasticity, tone, facial muscles weaken, which results in sagging of the epidermis in the area of ​​the eyes, eyebrows, cheeks. Wrinkles appear, the contour of the face becomes wavy.

Temporal lifting, also called temporoplasty, is a simple surgical operation to rejuvenate the upper part of the face.

It is perfect for patients who have not decided on drastic changes in appearance, but want to reduce age-related changes.

During the surgical intervention, the doctor makes a small incision in the temporal zone, moves the soft tissues and fixes them in a new position.

Temporoplasty or temporal lift before and after:

The operation effectively eliminates both the first signs of aging and the deep ones on the forehead. Solves the problem of hanging eyelids, lowered eyebrows, hanging cheeks.

It can be carried out separately, but more often in conjunction with other anti-aging operations: circular, liposuction, etc.

Indications and contraindications

The operation is indicated for sagging of the upper eyelid, drooping of the eyebrows, the outer corner of the eyes, deep wrinkles on the forehead, crow's feet.

It has no special age restrictions and is popular among both young people and older patients.

Temporal brow lift is not performed in the presence of absolute and relative contraindications. The first includes the patient's condition, in which surgical intervention is life-threatening. These contraindications are listed below.


  1. oncology;
  2. immunodeficiency states;
  3. violations of hemostasis;
  4. severe diseases of internal organs;
  5. diseases at the stage of decompensation;
  6. borderline state of mind;
  7. GV, the period of bearing a child.

Among the relative limitations to the lifting are temporary conditions, due to which the surgeon may delay the operation until a more favorable period.


  1. inflammatory processes on the skin in the operated area;
  2. skin diseases in the acute stage;
  3. infectious diseases (FLU, SARS, tonsillitis, etc.);
  4. taking medications that change the rheological properties of the blood.

Do you need preparation

Also, before and after the operation, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to prevent inflammation and suppuration of the tissues.

Since the operation is performed under, the patient will need to undergo a series of examinations to determine the general state of health.

For this, they can be assigned:

  • general blood tests, urine;
  • biochemistry;
  • analysis for hepatitis C, HIV;
  • consultation with an anesthesiologist, etc.

If the patient is taking any medications, there is an allergy to any drugs, then you should definitely tell the surgeon about it.

Technique (5 stages)

The operation is considered minimally invasive and non-traumatic. It is performed using an endoscope in the following sequence:

  1. First, the doctor makes markings that will help him navigate in the future.
  2. Then the anesthesiologist injects an anesthetic and the surgeon makes small incisions (no more than 3 cm) in the temporal region, above the ear, near the scalp.
  3. The surgeon carefully separates the muscular-aponeurotic layer of the temporal and zygomatic zones and pulls it up. Through the incisions, a thin tube with a miniature camera is inserted under the skin, which transmits the image to the monitor - an endoscope. Thanks to this device, the doctor controls the progress of the operation.
  4. Excess skin is excised and applied with fixatives that prevent tissue displacement. These can be special screws, staples, endotines.
  5. If the patient has a bleeding tendency, the surgeon may additionally install a drain. Then the specialist applies cosmetic sutures and a fixing compression bandage.

There are biodegradable retainers, which are made in the form of a small plate with spikes.

On the one hand, they are attached to the muscle, on the other - to the facial skeleton. They evenly stretch the fabrics and prevent them from shifting.


Result after surgery

After the operation, the face is transformed. The look becomes more expressive and naturally open. The skin looks much fresher, younger, like after a good rest.

But the effect will be noticeable only after 2-3 weeks, since at first the patient has swelling, which makes it very difficult to objectively evaluate the result.

What is tightened after a temporal lift:

  • eyebrows rise, their shape changes;
  • cheekbones become more expressive;
  • the outer corners of the eyes are raised;
  • drooping cheeks are eliminated, which make the face wavy and break a clear contour.

7 benefits of surgery

Compared to other plastic surgeries, the temporal lift has many advantages:

  1. After the operation, the stitches are invisible because they are small and hidden in the scalp.
  2. Natural result, no mask effect.
  3. Can be combined with other operations by .
  4. Minimal blood loss.
  5. No visible scars, scars.
  6. Short rehabilitation period.
  7. Fast and long lasting results.

But lifting is not without its drawbacks. Like any other plastic surgery, it has its own risks and possible negative consequences.

A fairly wide list of contraindications is also not an advantage.

Question answer

The duration of the operation takes from 1 to 1.5 hours.

It is often performed under local anesthesia, but general anesthesia can also be used. This is decided by the doctor.

After the intervention, the patient stays in the hospital for another 1 day and goes home.

Possible negative consequences (3 troubles)

Negative consequences can arise if bleeding occurs during the operation, doctor's mistakes are made, sanitary and hygienic requirements are not observed, etc.

Among the most severe complications:

  1. Skin necrosis. Reason: excessive skin detachment. Occurs more often in the area of ​​greatest skin tension. The result is malnutrition and tissue death.
  2. Suppuration. Reason: the subcutaneous hematoma was not removed in a timely manner, an infection was introduced when using non-sterile instruments, non-compliance with the doctor's instructions during the recovery period. As a result, the suture does not heal well, purulent contents can be released from the wound.
  3. Deformation of facial contours. Reason: the specialist unevenly separated the tissues, removed too much skin. As a result, the patient may have asymmetry of the eyebrows, the outer corners of the eyes.

To prevent complications and identify them in a timely manner, you should regularly visit a doctor and do not miss scheduled appointments.


The average cost of temporal lifting in Russia is about 70,000 rubles, in Ukraine - 30,000 UAH.

The price may vary depending on the city (for example, the price of a temporal lift in Moscow will be higher than in other cities), the specific clinic, the experience and qualifications of the doctor.

The success of the operation and the extent to which the result will satisfy the patient, largely depends on the professionalism and experience of the doctor.

The services of a good specialist will not be cheap, so you do not need to look for the lowest price, otherwise you can fall into the hands of a non-professional.

Before the operation, it is necessary to ask the doctor all the questions of interest. You don't have to be embarrassed about being uncomfortable. You should ask about the presence of a diploma, portfolio (every self-respecting specialist has examples of his work).

It is also not superfluous to ask if the surgeon had cases with an unsuccessful outcome of the operation and, if so, whether he corrected his work.

And, of course, you need to ask for feedback about the specialist and his work. You can read them on the Internet, you can also try to find real customers and get their opinion live.

rehabilitation period

Temporal lifting is characterized by a short recovery period, but, nevertheless, the patient needs to follow several recommendations so as not to disrupt the healing process of tissues.

It is necessary to wear a fixing bandage for at least 5 days after the operation, this will help prevent the divergence of the sutures, bleeding, and infection.

After 7-10 days, the doctor removes the stitches. Complete tissue healing ends by 3-4 weeks after surgery.

  • sport;
  • active head turns, tilts;
  • sleeping on the side.

All this will help prevent tissue displacement, divergence of sutures, and bleeding. It is also better for the patient to refuse hot water procedures. This can provoke vasodilation, blood flow to the face, and swelling.

Washing should be as careful as possible, without pressure on the skin and water on the seams.

It is better to give up cosmetics for the first 2 weeks. It is recommended to wash your hair no earlier than a week later.

Swimming in pools, ponds is also not worth it, since you can bring an infection that will lead to inflammation and suppuration of the operated area.

It is better to limit tanning beds and sun exposure so as not to cause skin pigmentation.

The fair sex at the age of 30-40 begin to notice age-related changes on their face, which they are not very happy with, but which can be corrected by temporal lifting - a simple plastic surgery.

Temporal lifting will help women get rid of small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, called "crow's feet" and will contribute to some more pleasant changes.

What is a temporal lift?

Not everyone knows what a temporal lift is, but despite this, this plastic surgery is quite common.

Temporal lifting operation or temporal lifting (temporoplasty) – lateral diagonal facelift.

The temporal lift can also be an endoscopic lift, which will smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows, giving the look a sullen look.

Temporal lifting of the temples pursues such goals as:

  • Raise the crease above the eyelid;
  • Raise the tail of the eyebrow, making it “out of the way”;
  • Oriental eye effect, because temporal lifting will slightly narrow the incision of the eyes;
  • Raise sagging cheek skin;
  • Correct the line of the cheekbone;
  • Slightly smooth out nasolabial folds;
  • Smooth out crow's feet.

Interesting! With shallow wrinkles, a woman has the opportunity to completely get rid of them as a result of the operation.

There are practically no complications after the operation, and those that may occur are extremely rare. The full effect of the temporal tightening can be assessed in a couple of weeks.

The disadvantage of the operation is its high cost. On average, eastern lifting will cost 50-80 thousand rubles.

Temporal lifting is not a complex plastic surgery. It is practiced not only to rejuvenate the face, but also to change the image. In connection with the latter reason for the operation, it was called the "temporal lifting of fashion models." Temporal lifting allows you to improve the upper part of the face, so models often resort to it in order to work in their field for as long as possible.

Preparation for the operation and the process of temporoplasty itself does not take much time and effort.

Preparing for the operation

Any medical procedure requires some preparation. Temporal lifting is no exception.

Important! First of all, an experienced specialist at a consultation is obliged to tell the patient about the operation itself, about indications and contraindications, and also discuss all the nuances.

There is only one indication for temporal lifting - the patient's desire to change his appearance. There are a number of contraindications:

  1. Oncological diseases;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. The presence of diabetes;
  4. Poor blood clotting;
  5. Psychological disorders.

If the above reasons do not take place and all examinations have been completed, then the plastic surgeon gives recommendations on preparing for temporoplasty. What does it include?

  • A couple of weeks before the operation, it is necessary to stop taking medications that thin the blood and hormonal drugs;
  • A couple of days before the appointed date, alcohol intake is prohibited;
  • Also, a couple of days before plastic surgery, it is not recommended to visit a bath or sauna;
  • At least 6 hours before lifting, eating is prohibited, drinking water should stop 2 hours before.

Preparation requirements must be strictly observed, otherwise the body's reaction to the anesthesia administered may be unpredictable.

The course of the procedure

Temporal endoscopic lifting by an experienced specialist is carried out quite quickly and takes from 40 to 60 minutes. Because the operation itself is simple, it can be performed both under general anesthesia and under local anesthesia (at the request of the patient).

Stages of an upper facelift:

  1. The patient is given anesthesia;
  2. In the area of ​​the temples, along the scalp, the doctor makes two incisions about 3 cm long;
  3. Tightening tissues to achieve the desired result;
  4. The incisions are sutured;
  5. The bandage is fixed.

After the operation, the patient stays in the hospital for several hours after waking up from anesthesia, after which he goes home. In this case, 10 days after the lifting, it is necessary to come to the hospital so that the doctor removes the stitches and evaluates the result.

You can learn more about how the temporal lift is performed from the video:

Any operation, even the simplest, requires recovery and rehabilitation. Temporal lifting has its recommendations for the postoperative period:

  • You will have to wear a bandage on your head for several days (the doctor will indicate the specific time);
  • You will have to forget about the bath, sauna, swimming pool, beach and solarium for two weeks;
  • You can wash your hair only 5 days after the operation;
  • Alcohol and nicotine are also banned for a few more weeks;
  • Do not use cosmetic care products for the skin of the face, products that help restore the skin, which are recommended by the doctor, are allowed;
  • Minor pain will have to endure for about a week.

If the edema and hematomas after surgery disappear quickly enough on their own, then the result must be consolidated, implicitly following all the doctor's recommendations.

After lifting, the patient can return to his usual way of life after 2 weeks, in some cases it will take about 20 days.

This is how the face looks 1.5 hours after the operation:

Temporal lifting among specialists practically does not cause controversy. The positive opinion about the operation definitely outweighs the negative comments.

Experts consider the ease of operation to be the main advantage, therefore even young girls over the age of 20 are allowed to resort to it.

The speed of the procedure and the short recovery time after it also captivates qualified doctors. You rarely see plastic surgery that allows you to rejuvenate your face in half a month.

Suppuration of the sutures is noted as a negative point, but this can happen in two cases: failure to comply with the doctor's instructions for the rehabilitation period or the doctor's insufficient experience.

Important! Whatever the good reviews of beauty medicine experts, the main recommendation from them will sound like this: before going to the table of a plastic surgeon, you need to make sure that he has sufficient experience and qualifications.

On the websites of medical institutions providing plastic surgery services, you can get acquainted not only with the list of services provided, but also with other interesting information.

Facelift is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures. Therefore, on the websites of clinics, potential patients are looking for real reviews and photos of the work of doctors. Often temporal lifting of the eyebrows and forehead is one of those procedures, the result of which you want to see in the photo. You can see these photos here:

Usually, on the websites or in the portfolio of clinics, temporal lifting is clearly shown in the photo: the face before the operation, immediately after the operation, after the sutures are completely healed. Each photo from the three categories is provided below:

Before you go to the chosen specialist, you should definitely familiarize yourself with his portfolio of temporal lifting in order to entrust him with your rejuvenation with absolute peace of mind.

Temporal lifting is the optimal procedure for women and men aged 30 to 37 who do not yet need a complex facelift, but are already dissatisfied with the first age-related changes in the face. A crease on the eyelid and a lowered corner of the eyebrow make the look dull and can quickly throw a few years on its owner.

If you perform a temporal lift, not only does the eyebrow rise, but at the same time the first wrinkles in the corners of the eye and on the lower eyelid are smoothed out.

In this case, the incision is made in the scalp, and the duration of the operation and the recovery period after it are minimal - others will never guess that your rejuvenation is the result of the work of a plastic surgeon.

Indications for the operation

It is worth paying attention to this operation for those patients who have retained youthful facial skin in the lower half, but are dissatisfied with the signs of aging in the upper half. A temporal lift is recommended for anyone with:

  • have crow's feet;
  • the first wrinkles formed under the eyes;
  • lowered outer corner of the eyelid or eyebrow (ptosis).

Also, this operation is performed with a complex facelift so that the temporal zone and cheekbones do not stand out after rejuvenation of the nasolabial region and chin lift.

Operation steps

Temporal lifting does not belong to the category of complex interventions, all manipulations take no more than an hour. But you need to prepare in advance for the operation.

  1. Two weeks before the appointed date, you should stop taking blood-thinning and hormonal drugs.
  2. 1-2 days before the operation, you should not visit the sauna and drink alcohol.

The operation itself includes the following steps:

  1. Anesthesia. The choice of the client and the doctor - general anesthesia or local anesthesia.
  2. Then two incisions are made from 2 to 4 cm long along the hairy edge of the head in the forehead and temples, after which a lift is performed with fixation and removal of excess skin.
  3. After that, stitches and a compression bandage are applied.

The patient can return home a few hours later on the same day. You will have to wear a bandage for up to 10 days. Then the stitches are removed and you can enjoy a new, rejuvenated face.

Two weeks you can not visit the sauna and solarium, any physical activity is contraindicated. You can not wash your hair for 4-5 days after the operation. Minor pain sensations are possible, which disappear after 5-7 days.

Results (before and after)

After the operation, the look becomes open, wrinkles under the eyes and in the corners of the eyes are smoothed out, the cheek-zygomatic area of ​​the face is tightened.

The operation is performed by a doctor specializing in facial plastic surgery and temporal lifting technology with minimal tissue trauma.

To achieve facial rejuvenation, use the services of professional doctors, such procedures as Milan lifting (the clinic's author's technique), SMAS-lifting and facial lipofilling, leave a request for an appointment and you will be contacted shortly.

The provision of plastic surgery services is carried out in the scope of consultative and diagnostic measures, referral for surgical treatment in a hospital, postoperative monitoring and rehabilitation.



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