The meaning of human existence. Why does a person live - the purpose and meaning of human life

For what?

Let's imagine ourselves. What do we see? Every person living on Earth is a multidimensional body, including the very last physical level, into which the Spiritual Essence that came (incarnated) to planet Earth is “placed.” We come primarily for the development and growth of consciousness, through awareness, as well as to acquire certain skills and, in fact, to reveal our inner potential, but not only here, in this material world, but also the potential of our Soul, which was originally inherent in it Creator. The development of every person living on Earth occurs simultaneously in two worlds - the subtle and material world. The task of a person living on Earth at the present time (previously such tasks were not set before humanity, since they were set before individual developed Entities leading humanity to the Light) is to make sure that this development occurs harmoniously, without distortions in one or the other side. In this regard, now you should not focus your life only on material development, just as it makes no sense to refuse life in a social environment, “locking” yourself in a monastery or monastery. Neither one nor the other path will lead to evolution and growth of consciousness. The task of modern people, who live in an amazing time of planetary transition, is to find a balance within themselves - a balance of feminine and masculine, dark and light, that is, to move away from duality in anything. Planet Earth, its energies, the rules of life on it change daily, and a person who wants to keep pace with evolution must also constantly change, move...

Movement is the key to success in everything. Movement and cognition. Energy, true knowledge and time are what are now valuable for people living on Earth in the Light. If these three components are used correctly, a person’s life on Earth will be happy, and he himself will move up the evolutionary ladder in step with all the changes, as well as help those around him to pass this path.

When it is said that a person will be happy on Earth, we are not talking about the fact that his life will be ideal from the point of view of ordinary consciousness. This means that a person has the opportunity to spend every day of his life on Earth in joy, the opportunity to clearly see the cause-and-effect relationship between certain events, build harmonious relationships with others, and pass all life lessons with dignity and ease. An entity comes to this Earth in order to undergo training, to receive an education through active doing of itself. In each of the periods of development of the Earth, the planet itself and life on it, the training and education program, in the form of lessons, was completely different. Civilizations, geography, etc. changed, at the same time, the program changed, and therefore the lessons of each Soul incarnating in a physical body. Now there is no point in talking about the past - it does not exist. There is only the present. And every person should learn in the present, in the moment here and now, to receive joy from living every minute - this in itself guarantees harmony in everything.

What lessons should each person start with?

The first is thought and putting it in order.
Thought is an instrument of Creation for every person living on Earth, whether he realizes it or not. Those who move in step with evolution should learn to be aware of their thoughts. Every day many thoughts appear in the head of every person and there are few who are truly aware of them in themselves. For most people, thoughts flow in the form of a continuous stream and, most often, dirt... In this regard, there is a need for practical action in asking oneself questions: “ What am I thinking about now? In what vein do my thoughts flow? Creative or destructive? A person who starts doing this at least once will be surprised to realize that most of his thoughts are denial and negativity. The next step of conscious thinking leads to the discovery that a person becomes clearly aware of the influence of his own thoughts on his life, i.e. the ability to build mental connections between the image of one’s actions is manifested. An example of awareness of a course of action is a person asking himself: “What am I thinking about? How does this thought affect my life? Have such thoughts arisen in my head before and what did they lead to?” These two steps, in their apparent simplicity, are very effective and can turn a person’s life in the right direction for evolution. It's important to DO, move, try, and work on yourself every day, rotate around your spine.

The second is relationships with other people.
This is the invaluable experience for which every Soul comes to Earth. This is the ability to create harmonious relationships and build them on the basis of unconditional love, which the Creator himself radiates to each person. In order to build a harmonious relationship with another person, you should start with yourself. It should be understood that I myself am the Creator of my life and a piece of the energy of the Source lives in me, His energy. Perhaps this is the only way a person can see this spark in another person. Understand and accept that by building relationships with other people, a person, through himself, simultaneously builds relationships with himself and with the Creator. The energy of Creation, and therefore the Creator himself, is in every person. Having realized all this, felt it, experienced it in the course of individual practical experience, a person finally approaches the understanding of life in the energies of unconditional love. He simply won’t be able to do it any other way. Such people are the joy of the Universe.

The third important lesson that all Souls are now learning is the ability to balance their Spirit and Matter within themselves.
That is, to develop in two worlds at the same time. This is something that has already been mentioned more than once in previous articles “The TAO - THE WAY OF LIFE” and “What is October 2016 preparing us for? " The energies that we talked about, and which are now descending to the Earth, and which will only descend, starting in February 2017, are focused on harmonizing space, both the Earth itself and the internal content of every living Essence of the planet.

What does it mean to be able to balance Spirit and Matter within yourself?

This is self-control and management of one’s thoughts, the ability to direct them in a creative direction, the ability to build relationships with other people from the paradigm of unconditionality and not profit, the ability to invest one’s energy in Creativity and Creation, and not in the mechanical increase of material wealth, the ability to find joy in every day, in any activity, the ability to be happy “here and now”, and not equate your happiness with material wealth.

And finally, about where it all began - the word. What is the Word?

A word is a thought in motion. The word is a tool for the mutual exchange of thoughts, for the transfer of knowledge. This is another creative tool for humans. Having learned to control and direct his thoughts in the right direction, a person will learn to use the word correctly, to use it for Co-Creation, and not for destruction, as is happening now. But we must start with a thought.

Philosophical question: "What does a person live for"- haunts for many centuries, not only the extraordinary minds of humanity - scientists, thinkers and philosophers, but also ordinary people, ordinary people who want to know the truth of existence, just for their little happiness.

On the topic of: Why does a person live?- they write essays at school, they think at the table in the kitchen..., they talk while intoxicated, but thoughts about meaning of human life, during periods of low mood, with symptoms of depression, in despair..., during a psychological crisis.
And sometimes, in such a depressed state, not finding purpose and meaning of human life, some people think about suicide.
In such situations, emergency psychological assistance, psychotherapeutic intervention..., anonymous consultation with a psychologist are necessary.

Why do people live, what is the meaning of human life?

We will not get too philosophical about the following: what do people live for And what is the meaning of human life- many have already done this and continue to do it - we will approach this issue more down to earth, more “everyday”, and at the same time, more rationally and psychologically understandable.

Let us draw your attention once again to the fact that almost any person thinks little about the meaning of life and what he lives for, provided that he is happy and everything is fine with him.

But, as soon as a “dark streak” comes, and everyday problems are superimposed on one another, as soon as plans and expectations collapse, and depression and depression sets in, many people immediately want to think about the meaning of their life (or rather, the lack thereof), and ask yourself questions: Why do I live, what is the meaning of my life?, thereby aggravating their situation.

And if you imagine that in some miraculous way this person was able to dramatically improve his affairs and feel happy again, then he will most likely at one moment forget about his “lofty thoughts” about the goals and meaning of life...

And if you fantasize and imagine that your life is just a happy “white streak”, and that all your plans, expectations, dreams and hopes come true, then you can completely forget about the meaning of life...

From the above it follows that the meaning of human life for two purposes: in maintaining life itself and in receiving pleasure from this life... it turns out that this is what a person lives for... and those who deprive themselves of pleasure become philosophers (including “household ones”), martyrs, true priests... and other great people...

Those who do not dream of becoming great, but want earthly, human happiness, should not strain their psyche and look for answers to these questions:

How to find the meaning of life or why I live?

So to understand what do I live for and find the meaning of life— you need to learn two things:
1) protect and maintain your life, mental and physical health;
2) enjoy life.

But, since a person’s real life is not a fairy tale, and by definition there cannot always be a “blank line” in it, then before completing these two points, it is worth learning how to correctly, adequately evaluate, interpret and respond to various negative situations and problems .

In a word, learn to think rationally and manage your emotions.
Then, you can just live and enjoy your life, and not ask questions: how to find the meaning of life or what do I live for

Each person is unique and individual, each has his own life program, his own script laid down in childhood, therefore, each person can only be taught the “meaning of life” individually. With the help of psychoanalysis and psychotherapeutic conversation.

Preliminary, free consultation (one question by E-mail)

Psychodiagnostics of personality (online tests)

Psychological magazine "PsyBlogger" - articles, publications, letters...

Why do people live on earth? From time immemorial, both great philosophers and ordinary people have been looking for the answer to this question. But none of them has yet come to a final conclusion, because this problem does not have a single solution. There are as many philosophical schools as there are opinions, and maybe even more.

And yet some were able to find logical answers that could explain the existence of man.

How often do we think about and live?

The most carefree time is childhood. During this period, we all run around like crazy around our homesteads, pretending to be pirates, superheroes, robots. Thousands of amazing ideas may swarm in our heads, but there is not a single question about the meaning of life. And why?

And only after crossing the threshold of adolescence does a person begin to look for an answer to it. “Why does a person live? What is its purpose? What is the meaning of my life? - all these questions troubled the hearts of each of us. But some quickly threw them away, switching to more pressing problems, while others, on the contrary, spent their whole lives in search of undeniable truth.

Ancient philosophers and the meaning of life

Aristotle once said: “Knowledge of the soul is the main task of a philosopher, since this can give answers to many questions...” Moreover, he believed that any thinker should look for meaning in everything, since this search is an integral part of ourselves. He taught that it is not enough to accept things as they are, you also need to understand why they are needed in this world.

The German philosopher Georg Hegel was also puzzled by the question of why man lives in this world. He believed that such a desire to know oneself is inherent in us by nature and is our true Self. Moreover, he argued: if you understand what role is assigned to a person, then it will be possible to unravel the purpose of other phenomena of the universe.

Also, do not forget about Plato and his thoughts about why man lives on earth. He was sure: the search for one's destiny is the highest good for a person. Partly, it was in these searches that his meaning of life was hidden.

God's plan, or Why do people live on the plan?

You can’t talk about the meaning of life without touching on the topic of religion. After all, all existing beliefs have on this issue. Their sacred texts give clear instructions on how one should spend one's life and what is the highest good for a person.

So, let's look at the most common denominations.

  • Christianity. According to the New Testament, all people are born to live a righteous life, which will give them a place in heaven. Therefore, their meaning in life is to serve the Lord and also to be merciful to others.
  • Islam. Muslims are not too far removed from Christians; their faith is also based on serving God, only this time it is Allah. In addition, every true Muslim must spread his faith and fight the “infidels” with all his might.
  • Buddhism. If you ask a Buddhist: “Why does a person live?”, he will most likely answer: “To become enlightened.” This is precisely the goal that all followers of Buddha pursue: to purify their minds and move to nirvana.
  • Hinduism. Everyone has a divine spark - Atman, thanks to which a person is reborn after death in a new body. And if he behaved well in this life, then at the next rebirth he will become happier or richer. The highest goal of existence is to break the circle of rebirth and indulge in oblivion, which gives pleasure and peace.

Scientific point of view on human purpose

Questioned the supremacy of the church. This was due to the fact that humanity received another version explaining the appearance of life on Earth. And if at first only a few agreed with this theory, then as science developed, its adherents became more and more numerous.

But how does science look at the issue we are discussing? Why does man live on earth? In general, everything is quite simple. Since man evolved from an animal, their goals are similar. What is the most important thing for every living organism? That's right, procreation.

That is, from a scientific point of view, the meaning of life lies in finding a reliable partner, reproducing offspring and caring for them in the future. After all, this is the only way to save a species from extinction and ensure a bright future.

Disadvantages of previous theories

Now we should talk about what shortcomings there are in these concepts. After all, both scientific and religious hypotheses are not capable of giving a comprehensive answer to the question: “Why do people live on earth?”

The disadvantage of scientific theory is that it highlights a general goal that is ideal for the entire species as a whole. But if we consider the problem on the scale of one individual, then the hypothesis loses its universality. After all, it turns out that those who are not able to have children are completely deprived of any meaning in life. And a healthy person is unlikely to like existing with the thought that his only purpose is to pass on his genes to his offspring.

The position of religious communities is also imperfect. After all, most religions place above the earthly. Moreover, if a person is an atheist or an agnostic, then his existence is devoid of any meaning. Many people don’t like this kind of dogma, so over the years the foundations of the church begin to weaken. As a result, a person is again left alone with the question “why do people live on earth.”

How to find the truth?

So what now? What to do if the scientific point of view is not suitable, and the church point of view is too conservative? Where can I find the answer to such an important question?

In fact, there is simply no universal solution to the problem. Each person is an individual and therefore unique. Everyone must find their own path, their own meaning and their own values. This is the only way to find harmony within yourself.

However, it is not necessary to always follow one path. The beauty of life is that there are no set rules or boundaries. Everyone has the right to choose specific ideals for themselves, and if they seem false over time, they can always be replaced with new ones. For example, many people work half their lives to make a fortune. And when they achieve this, they understand that money is far from the main thing. Then they again begin to search for the meaning of existence, which can make them more beautiful.

The main thing is not to be afraid to think: “Why do I exist and what is my purpose?” After all, if there is a question, then there will definitely be an answer to it.

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Why us? Richard Dawkins answered this question, but humanity closed its eyes and covered its ears with all its might.

The work of British evolutionary scientist Richard Dawkins was first published back in 1976. Published by Oxford University Press, the book had the effect of a bomb exploding on a desert island: at first there was a lot of noise, and then there was silence. Subsequently, Dawkins reworked and supplemented his creation more than once - perhaps in vain, because he did not add anything fundamentally new to his theory. Because there was nothing to add there. Richard Dawkins managed to explain absolutely convincingly why man exists. And no one liked this explanation.

The Church did not like it. However, the Church doesn’t like a lot of things, that’s her job.

Geneticists and evolutionists didn't like it because they already knew it all.

The ordinary public did not like it, because the public wanted to be children of God, a mystery of the universe, part of a great plan, at worst, the pinnacle of evolution, and not...

Now you will find out what. If, of course, you want to read further. Just remember: we warned you.


Dawkins did not find out the origin of the Universe: this question was of little interest to him. In principle, he has nothing against the Big Bang theory, because it is no worse than any other. He believes that the Universe can be considered as a pulsating object, either expanding or contracting into a microscopic point, or in the form of a spiral closed on itself. These are all secondary issues. The bottom line is that the Universe initially looks like a children's construction set, where the role of cubes is played by atoms that are very similar to each other, which, interlocking with each other, create more and more complex shapes such as stars, planets or, for example, a protein.

Dawkins begins to deduce his theory from the protein. Moreover, he does not insist on protein. He assures that in a world where the main material of evolution is some other substance, everything will develop in exactly the same direction. It just so happened that our life arose precisely on protein, because the main resources on our planet were water, methane, ammonia and carbon dioxide - substances that, interacting with each other under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and electrical discharges, create amino acids - building blocks squirrel.

Dawkins believes that four billion years ago, the first amino acids began to appear in the drying foam on the shores of the world's oceans - large molecules consisting of atoms somehow stuck to each other. Now, in the modern ocean, an amino acid molecule would not float around in the sun for long: it would be immediately consumed by a variety of microorganisms. But in those golden times there were no bacteria, no algae, no predators, no prey. However, the predator was already in the making...


Dawkins gave the name “replicator” to the world’s first predator. It was also an amino acid molecule, but it had an amazing property - it could copy itself. That is, all the molecules around either lost their parts or acquired new ones (then this was a common thing for molecules), but the replicator turned out to be a stable combination. No, foreign blocks also “stick” to it, but the configuration of the replicator had the peculiarity that it allowed only exactly the same blocks that were already there to cling to itself. And this molecule most often disintegrated when it accumulated a second complete set of the same blocks - into the same second one. (Scientists who create prototypes of the “primary soup” in their laboratories will confirm that the emergence of replicators in their test tubes almost always occurs, sooner or later.) The very first replicator did nothing so bad, it floated around and flooded the world with its copies—however, the same ones fragile and unstable, like himself. It just kept getting bigger and bigger. The most interesting thing about replicators was that they periodically made mistakes in self-copying. Either an extra piece would grow there, or a weak link would fall out. And some of these errors turned out to be useful for the replicator, because they made it stronger, larger and more resistant to all external influences. The replicator himself didn’t care about this: he didn’t understand anything, didn’t think, and wasn’t even endowed with the level of self-identification that, say, a plague microbe possesses. Nevertheless, soon the oceanic foam was already populated - mainly by the most successful copies of the most widespread replicators. This, as you understand, is a completely natural mechanical result.

Further more. Some of these replicators turned out to be “corrupted” by errors so successfully that they were able to exist in less convenient conditions: they went deeper under water and further into the sea. Some of the replicators managed to grow themselves a kind of protective skin from the most durable blocks. And those who were really lucky learned to unite with other successful replicators and swam only in groups. And they copied them in groups—again, sometimes with very effective mistakes.

But it must be said that by that time there were quite a few free building blocks left around: the replicators were stealing them for their copies at wild speed. And so, several billion years ago, one of the slightly mutated copies of the replicator did a terribly funny thing: thanks to some of its properties (several atoms arranged like a battering ram, for example), it managed to destroy a molecule floating nearby, chop off a couple of blocks from it and add these blocks to yourself.

This was the first Cain of our world.


And then it was only a matter of time. From the first replicators to palm trees and giraffes, the path, although not close, is inevitable. The mechanism is simple: successful copying survives, very successful copying survives even better, unsuccessful copying is scrapped. Blindly clinging to each other, mindlessly reproducing themselves, mindless replicators managed to build our world. They started with something simpler: the first single-celled organism arose many years after the first replicator. By the way, do you know the name of the type of replicators that seized power on planet Earth? You know, you know: it’s called a “DNA molecule.” A long, double, spiral-coiled chain of blocks made up of small molecules called nucleotides. “There is no need to look for it in the oceans; it has long ceased to float freely in its waters,” writes Dawkins. “Now these ancient replicators are collected in huge colonies and are completely safe in huge, clumsy robots, fenced off from the outside world, communicating with it in tortuous, indirect ways and influencing it using remote control. They are present in you and in me, they created our bodies and souls, and the only meaning of our existence is their preservation. These replicators are called genes, and we serve as comfortable survival machines for them.”

According to Dawkins, each of us represents a giant communal apartment in which genes live. As you may know, each cell of our body (and there are about 10 to the 15th power) contains a double set of all genes (except for germ cells, which have one set). So you are a very big communal apartment. How did genes, so small, manage to create such a huge thing? They achieved this thanks to a valuable quality acquired by the DNA replicator during the process of evolution - the ability to influence protein synthesis. You can learn about the details of this titanic work by reading, for example, a textbook on organic chemistry. In this article we consider more philosophical matters.

So, according to Dawkins, people are just obedient and weak-willed machines that are controlled by myriads of little slave masters holed up in our cages. Oh yes, they made eyes for us so that we could see where we were going and not fall and spoil their home. They gave us ears and a sense of smell. They even allowed us to have some kind of brain and mind - self-sufficiency programs, thanks to which machines solve their most important tasks: a) do not interfere with genes to survive and b) do not interfere with genes to reproduce. Of course, genes could not entrust the most important functions to humans: they themselves control the most serious processes in the body. They monitor the most complex metabolism, regulate the functioning of all systems - recreational to circulatory. As a matter of fact, they provide for their own lives, and you, stupid and clumsy, are left to solve problems at the level of “take a stick, knock down that coconut.”

In principle, this scheme worked for millions of years—or only with the next mutation, the genes overdid it a little and created a brain a little more complex than required. And immediately all sorts of glitches in the program began: “To be or not to be?”, “Why did you leave me?” and other nonsense. Of course, the mutant turned out to be funny, but not the most successful - when compared, for example, with insects.

However, genes, as mentioned above, do not evaluate, do not plan and do not think. There is no more initiative in them than in drops of rain or grains of desert sand.


Why is man mortal?

Because he has genes that program his death at the age of 80-90 years. This is disadvantageous for humans, it is disadvantageous for other genes, but it is beneficial for the mortality genes themselves, because that is their essence. Many plants, for example, live forever - constantly budding and re-rooting. But the DNA of animals is based on replicators charged with self-destruction. Both modes of existence turned out to be quite convenient: in the first case, genes remain in the same organism for thousands of years, and in the second, they simply jump into new (possibly even improved) bodies of subsequent generations.

Why are women so capricious?

Dawkins devoted an entire chapter of his work to this topic. He believes that a reasonable genetic program is at work here: no lady hysterics - just pure diet. Initially, when mating, a woman invests more in procreation than a male. He provides one pitiful sperm for this task, of which he has billions; the woman sacrifices a large egg filled with nutrients, of which she is given only a few hundred for the rest of her life. And then the complete exploitation of the woman begins: she bears the child, literally feeding him with her body, then she breastfeeds him, spending several years on all this. For a man, from the point of view of his genes, it is completely unprofitable for him to sit next to his partner at this time, even if there is a risk that she will not be able to cope with all this alone and the child will die. This is a small loss for a man. During this time, he can manage to impregnate a hundred other women, and even if only a tenth of the offspring survives, he will still win. But the genes contained in women's bodies are also not foolproof. In most species with a long pregnancy and feeding, the female requires a long courtship from the male. Before she allows him to reach her egg, she will drain the soul out of him. And the more time and effort a male spends on courtship, the more profitable it is for him to then stay with this female and help her raise her offspring. After all, any other female will harass him no less, and the guy risks losing, having spent a lot of effort and never leaving any heirs.

Why do we think and think?

Because a developed brain helps a complex survival machine more efficiently search for food, shelter from bad weather, escape from enemies and reproduce. The fact that the same brain was able to create “Swan Lake” or the theory of relativity is simply a side, unnecessary effect. Although there are benefits from it: machines engaged in science or, God forgive me, art, are less likely to rebel against their owners and do not smash their exhausted thinking heads against the wall. At least they don't do it as often as they could.

Why are we so cruel to each other?

Because we are the blind tool of the replicator, the first killer on Earth. The replicator perceives other organisms as valuable material for the extraction of scarce building blocks. The order: “Eat another and be careful that they don’t eat you” is the first order that any living creature receives at the moment of birth.

What is love?

If genes are impeccable egoists who rule us so cruelly, then where would love, altruism and self-sacrifice come from in this world? But they do exist, and you see examples of them around you every day and all the time. Darwin's theory of evolution could not explain this. If the protection of the female (as a breeding partner) and death to save the cubs (as newer copies of oneself) still fit into the system of strict natural selection, then death, for example, for the homeland or saving another male, seemed to contradict Darwinian calculations. Dawkins devoted most of his theory to this issue and came to conclusions that were extremely cynical and, it seems, correct. He argues that, for example, two things force you to jump from a bridge to save drowning people: a) genetic kinship and b) a non-aggression pact.

The difference between a person, an octopus and a boletus is actually not as great as it might seem. Some of the genes of the Malaysian crocodile can be found both in the dandelion near Moscow and in President Putin. But it must be said that the DNA replicator quickly learned to handle its copies carefully. It’s not that he couldn’t destroy and devour a complete likeness of himself, but again, purely technically more successful were those copies that preferred to attack other than their own kind, amolecules that differed sharply in appearance and composition. Replicators without this mechanism quickly destroyed each other, while replicators with a “non-aggression agreement” built into them flourished, multiplying much faster than the former. So you have a huge number of genes packed into you that are generally negative about the idea of ​​killing people, mammals and animals in general. And especially those whose genetic composition is as close as possible to your own. In the event that we are talking about relatives very close to you, you may even decide to sacrifice yourself for the sake of their well-being. Of course, it’s not you who decide, but your genes. And your great readiness for self-sacrifice fits perfectly into the table compiled by Dawkins, with the help of which genes decide whether to make a sacrifice or not:

1 your child. The probability of a victim is 50%. For although the child has only half of your genes, he still has the opportunity to reproduce much more actively than you, who are no longer so young and quick, are capable of;

2 children. The probability of a victim is 100%;

1 your female—25%. If you have copulated with this female recently, she is probably pregnant, which means she is worth the sacrifice (genes know nothing about condoms);

1 nephew. The probability of a victim is 20%. Genes calculate the degree of relationship, that is, the commonality of genes, as well as the age of the nephew.

This is how a person rushes all his life between two laws - “Kill” and “Love”, trying to understand what is good and what is bad. His throwing genes, as you understand, don’t give a damn.


Dawkins's selfish gene theory is bad news for humanity. In this theory there is no place left for faith, hope, immortality, or even self-respect. From Dawkins's point of view, all human achievements are just something like wagging the tail of a cow that is being taken to the slaughter. Have fun while you're alive. But Dawkins would not be a genius (and he is a genius, honestly) if he ended his book on such a sad note. No, the final chapter of his work is devoted to the fact that man nevertheless managed to take revenge on genes, creating a completely new type of replicator, which has every chance of taking power on this planet and snatching man from eternal gene slavery.

Dawkins named this new replicator "meme"- unit of information. What is this meme? He looks like a gene to everyone. This is a chain of information blocks that can be copied and multiplied, endlessly mutating, evolving and improving. The meme exists in the human brain and can influence brain function.

There are countless memes.

A funny word, an anecdote, a fashionable hit, a hat style, the Christian religion, this very article is all memes. They may consist of words, numbers, notes, binary code or pen drawings, but their essence does not change: these are chains of information that live in our heads and travel through them in time and space. There are successful memes (for example, Buddhism, which is carefully preserved by millions of heads in the East) or unsuccessful ones (for example, a poem about love for the motherland, which Uncle Kolya the tractor driver once came up with while mowing a barley field, but immediately forgot because he was "drunk")

As befits any decent replicator, the meme is predatory and selfish. He loves to grow, attracting pieces of other people's phrases, thoughts and ideas, and, most importantly, he changes the environment in which he is, adapting it to himself.

The most successful memes are called ideologies, religions, constitutions, great works of science and art. Thanks to them, machines built for the survival of genes began to create new programs for themselves - different from those that their owners put into them. Already, modern man is often stepping on the throat of his own genes in the name of his memes. He is ready to pay for this with stress, depression and complexes - revolutions are always bloody, what can you do...

And people now look for immortality not in genes, but in memes. Because biological similarity has become less important to us than spiritual similarity. It’s nice to know that your nose shape will be preserved for centuries, but it’s even more reliable when, after centuries, your thought comes to life in someone’s completely unrelated head.

This simple question often confuses us. Indeed, ah why do we live? Is it possible to answer this question?

Of course, in modern society it is customary to consider such a question rhetorical and not requiring an answer. We often use it in essays and essays, in thoughtful debates and discourses. But is it really right that we cannot answer ourselves? why does a person live?

Most likely, we humans can do everything in this world, but we don’t want everything. We have simply taught ourselves to be lazy in answering the questions that are most important to us. We are lazy to make important decisions. After all, this is responsibility, and extra responsibility is always a burden for us. And, to be honest, not too much either.

However, who among us has not jokingly asked a child, while maintaining communication with him, about things of a complex, adult nature - and not received an amazingly simple and ingenious answer that was completely acceptable and applicable to the situation. This is fine. A question asked never remains unanswered unless the person asking it is sincerely interested in the answer. Children always play honestly and to the end - so their questions rarely go unanswered.

If an adult were even half as persistent in his research as a young child, he would undoubtedly learn a lot about the world in which he has to live.

What to do? The first, most important thing, it is advisable to answer this question yourself to begin with - why does a person live? What am I living for? . The answer may be unexpected and radically change a person’s attitude towards work, life, and family. The main thing is to formulate the question within yourself. This, like any other question, will be answered by the universe as soon as possible. And here the main thing for a person is not to miss the answers that will come through life situations, dreams, unexpected news, etc. For those who haven’t tried it, be sure to try it - it’s very interesting.

I would also like to add that there is an equally important and pressing question that we are not even trying to ask, without answering the first question. And this question sounds like “how do we live.” Because what is important is how we live the time allotted to us to live on this beautiful planet at this wonderful time. Is our life complete, do we see the beauty around us, are we aware of our actions, down to the smallest details and dreams... Living is simply incredibly interesting, and there is so much unknown in this very action, process.

By the way, in our history there are many examples of the most beautiful designation of the meaning of human life. How, for example, to do the Will of the Creator, increasing goodness. Or get to know the universe and yourself in its manifestations. Undoubtedly, the meaning of serving your neighbors with your life sounds good... And the meaning of building a communist paradise on Earth was not at all something painful or stupid. On this basis, entire generations moved mountains with sheer enthusiasm and faith in a bright future - and it cannot be said that they did not succeed... It is very, very important for us, people, to have a meaning in life. And not abstract, but as concrete as possible, because the first almost always remains on the other side of the dream, and the last often becomes the only thread of the will to life and victory.

Arthur Schopenhauer, who had the ability to formulate thoughts quite clearly and notice the truth, once said:

« People who strive for a happy, brilliant and long life instead of a virtuous one are like stupid actors who always want to play brilliant, winning and long roles, since they do not understand that the essence of the matter is not what or how much they play, but the way they play.»

Some will agree with him, while others may not.

But what is true is that by constantly thinking about the priority “why”, we always miss the vital “how”.

Be sure to ask our universe two questions: “why do I live” and “how do I live” - and wait for an answer. You will definitely get it!

At the Sinton training center there is a whole series of trainings, combined into one, which helps you understand yourself, find meaning and harmony in life. We are pleased to invite you to these trainings.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs