Vitamins and zinc how to take. What drinks and foods should you not take zinc with? Age-related visual impairment

This substance is necessary for the enzymes involved in DNA synthesis, for wound healing and for maintaining the hormonal balance of the body. Zinc (Zn) is an essential element for reliable performance immune system. Many people receive an insufficient amount this vital substance.

Composition and form of release

Release forms

  • Tablets
  • flat cakes
  • Capsules
  • Liquid

pharmachologic effect

This mineral is involved in the accumulation of histamine in the body and is the main component of a number of enzymes, including ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), as well as carbonic anhydrase. The latter plays a key role in the process of respiration.

In the blood, carbon dioxide under the influence of carbonic anhydrase is converted into bicarbonate gas and hydrogen ions, which are excreted from the body through the lungs and kidneys. This process is integral part body's elimination system carbon dioxide and maintaining normal acid-base balance. Zinc is generally non-toxic. Cases of its overabundance in the body were not observed.

Zinc is essential for every cell in the body. It is concentrated in muscles, bones, skin, kidneys, liver, pancreas, eyes and in prostate. The human body cannot produce given element and therefore entirely dependent on its external sources.

Impact on the human body

element plays important role in hundreds of processes occurring in the body - from cell growth, puberty and immune responses to the formation of taste and smell sensations. Therefore, every person taking daily multivitamin and mineral supplements should make sure that they contain Zn. At special conditions Supplements containing only this element may be prescribed.

Studies have shown zinc to be effective in treating a wide range of ailments and disorders, including acne, childhood malnutrition, gastrointestinal conditions, and leg ulcers. Available scientific evidence the possibility of its use for problems with teeth, for herpes, impaired taste and olfactory sensations and Wilson's disease. The element has a positive effect on the activity of various hormones, including sex hormones and hormones thyroid gland. It appears to increase fertility in both women and men.

Prevention of diseases with the use of zinc

Required for normal functioning The immune system element can take part in protecting the body from colds, flu, conjunctivitis and other infections. Observations of 100 patients on initial stages of colds showed that those who sucked zinc lozenges every 2-3 hours recovered about 3 days earlier than those whose lozenges contained placebo. These same cakes can accelerate the healing of herpetic sores and help with sore throats. Preliminary studies have shown that the substance may help with cancer, diseases of the central nervous system, diabetes, papillomatosis, kidney disease, leprosy, menopausal symptoms, rheumatoid arthritis and sickle cell anemia in adults.

Indications for the use of Zinc

This chemical element is necessary for the implementation of enzymatic reactions: without it, the function of more than 200 enzymes will be impaired. It is present in all cells of the body and ensures the normal activity of many hormones. There is a lot of this substance in the skin and in the hair, the health of which it maintains along with vitamin A and sulfur. It contributes to the normalization of the function of enzymes that break down damaged collagen fibers, and is involved in the formation of new ones.

In addition, Zn strengthens the immune system. The presence of white spots on the nail plate indicates a deficiency of zinc in the body.

  • To strengthen the immune system and fight various infections
  • To maintain fertility
  • For malnutrition in childhood
  • For leg ulcers and herpetoid sores
  • With violations of taste and smell, accompanying some diseases of the oral cavity
  • For skin diseases and digestive disorders


  • Don't take high doses funds. Long-term intake of doses above 100 mg per day may impair immunity. This may impair the absorption of copper, which leads to anemia.
  • Zinc supplementation may alter the absorption and effectiveness of drugs such as tetracycline, captopril, pancreatic enzymes, thiazide diuretics, and vitamin A and niacin. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of their local application.
  • If you are sick, check with your doctor before taking these supplements.

Side effects

Possible side effects associated with the use of large doses include nausea, vomiting, intestinal spasms, hepatitis, liver failure, intestinal bleeding, kidney disorders, different types anemia and an increased incidence of respiratory infections in children.

Large doses Zn affect the absorption of iron and copper. Zinc must be taken with food to prevent stomach irritation. People with liver damage or stomach problems should check with their doctor before taking zinc supplements. The results of a number of studies conducted over the past few years suggest a link between zinc and Alzheimer's disease. One study found that Zn improved the mental performance of Alzheimer's patients. However, until the effect of zinc on Alzheimer's disease is fully understood, people with this diagnosis and those who have an increased risk of this disease should refrain from supplementing with zinc.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage

15-50mg per day (taken with copper, for a zinc to copper ratio of 10:1). The daily recommended dose is 15 mg for men and 12 mg for women. Coffee drinkers should take zinc supplements at least an hour or two hours after a cup of coffee, as coffee reduces the body's ability to absorb Zn by 50%.

Maximum safe dose with its long-term use is 15 mg; 50 mg is safe for short-term use, although doses of 50 mg or more should be taken only under the direction and supervision of a physician. Supplements above 150 mg per day suppress the immune system and may cause other side effects.

Solubility: Insoluble in water.


  • As a general supplement, 30 mg per day.
  • For acne, 135 mg daily or 1.2% topical ointment
  • At gastrointestinal diseases- 300 mg of zinc acexamate per day.
  • For infertility - 50 mg per day.
  • For leg ulcers, 660 mg of zinc sulfate per day.
  • For taste disorders - 100 mg per day
  • With Wilson's disease - 150 mg per day.
  • For common cold - 10-23 mg in the form of lozenges every 2 hours, but not more than 150 mg per day. Children should take 10 mg per day or 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight
  • In case of malnutrition in children - 10 mg per day or 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
  • For topical use: acne - 1.2% zinc ointment.
  • For teeth 0.5% zinc citrate. Herpes 0.3% zinc ointment
  • Take the medicine 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. If it causes stomach irritation, take it with a low-fiber meal.
  • Do not take iron and zinc supplements at the same time
  • Take Zinc no earlier than 2 hours after taking antibiotics
  • Taking Zn for more than 1 month may interfere with copper absorption, so for every 30mg of zinc, add 2mg of copper.
  • Absorption of the drug may be impaired by foods rich in phosphorus, calcium, or plant fibers, such as milk, cheese, poultry, and bran.

Other sources Rich in proteins. It is abundant in beef, pork, liver, poultry meat (especially dark), eggs and seafood (especially oysters). Other sources include cheese, beans, nuts, and wheat germ, but the element from these foods is more difficult to digest than from meat.

Method and dosage of zinc sulfate

Zinc sulfate is a preparation of inorganic nature.

Dosage forms: Produced in the form of a powder and a 0.25% solution in 10 ml vials and dropper tubes ( eye drops) 1.5 ml in a package of 2 pieces.

Medicinal properties: The drug has antiseptic and astringent properties.

Indications for use: It is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva of the eyes (conjunctivitis), the mucous membrane of the larynx (laryngitis), urethra(urethritis) and vagina (vaginitis).

Instructions for use: When conjunctivitis is instilled into the eye, 1-2 drops of a 0.25% solution of the drug 2-4 times a day. With laryngitis, a 0.25-0.5% solution is used to spray or lubricate the mucous membrane of the larynx. With urethritis or vaginitis, douching is carried out with a 0.1-0.5% solution.

Side effects and complications: Not identified.

Contraindications: Not installed.

Storage: The drug is stored in normal conditions. The shelf life of the powder is unlimited, the solution in vials is 2 years, in tube-droppers - 2.5 years.

Method and dosage of zinc oxide

Applied as needed. The drug is applied to the affected surfaces and to those areas of the skin that need to be protected from exposure to sunlight.

Start of action As a sunscreen - immediate. As an antiseptic - is unknown.

Duration of action As a sunscreen - as long as the drug is applied to the skin. As an antiseptic - unknown.

If the reception is missed If you forgot to apply before sun exposure, apply ointment as soon as you remember. For skin lesions, follow the recommendations given by your doctor.

Discontinuation of the drug You can stop using the product if you no longer need it or your skin condition improves.

special instructions: For sun protection, Zinc should be applied before sun exposure and reapplied every 1-2 hours, especially after swimming or heavy sweating, and after eating and drinking. Protect your eyes from getting the drug. special measures precautions should be taken when standing on reflective surfaces (sand, water, concrete).

Precautionary measures

Zinc may be of particular benefit to the elderly, who are often deficient in this substance, as a survey showed 118 regarding healthy patients one of the nursing homes in Rome. Those who took 25 mg of the drug for 3 months showed an improvement in the state of the immune system. Researchers believe Zn may revive activity thymus that produces immune cells.

Research has shown that at physical activity zinc is excreted in sweat and urine. Perhaps that is why moderate loads stimulate the immune system, and excessive ones lead to its decrease. Vegetarians may be deficient in the element. For them, a good source of the element can be almonds, which contain about 6 mg of Zn per 100 g (half the recommended daily dose for men).

richest in this mineral following products: oysters, ginger root, pecan, shelled peas, Brazilian nut, egg yolk, whole grain wheat, rye, oats, peanuts, lima beans, almonds, walnuts, sardines, chicken, shellfish, tuna, haddock and shrimp. The recommended daily allowance is 15-20 mg.

Products with high content zinc

lamb meat


(15% fat)

Dry cereal breakfast



Rye bread

Pork sausages (no additives)




Green pea

Turkey meat

Pork stew

Mackerel, mackerel

Village pate

The body's need for zinc

Zinc Deficiency Symptoms These include white spots, streaks or opacity on the nails, loss of taste, smell and appetite, delayed sexual development during adolescence, underdevelopment of the penis and insufficient growth of body hair in boys, irregular menstruation in girls, infertility and impaired reproductive function in adults, poor wound healing, hair loss, increased susceptibility to infection, reduced salivation, skin lesions, stretch marks, reduced nutrient absorption, delayed bone, muscle and nervous system development, offspring defects, dwarfism.

Signs of Zinc Deficiency severe forms Deficiencies are rare, but mild deficiencies can lead to delayed wound healing, increased colds and flu, changes in taste and smell, and skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Deficiency can change blood sugar levels and increase the risk of diabetes, as well as lead to a decrease in sperm count.

Signs of excess zinc Long-term use of more than 100 mg per day disrupts the immune system and reduces the level of "good" cholesterol. Doses greater than 200 mg per day may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Zinc in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Read the official information about the Zinc preparation, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment regimen. The text is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

Zinc - essential trace element, which is contained in every cell of our body and depends on it a lot. Zinc is concentrated in muscles, bones, skin, kidneys, eyes, and in men also in the prostate.

The lack of any trace elements in the body is fraught with numerous failures and problems. The trace element zinc plays a decisive role in hundreds of processes occurring in our body from cell division to puberty, it is also important for immunity, as well as for the senses of smell and taste.

And since our body does not produce zinc itself, we are completely dependent on external sources of its intake, which are not so many. Zinc is found in high concentrations in drinking water and in meat. If you are taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement as a precaution, make sure it contains zinc as well.

1. Zinc for hair and more

  • The amount of zinc you get directly affects your body's resistance to colds, flu and other infections.
  • Maintaining the normal level of this trace element will allow you to avoid or at least delay the treatment of a wide range of chronic diseases - from rheumatoid arthritis and low thyroid function to fibromyalgia and osteoporosis.
  • Even in ancient times, zinc was used to treat skin diseases and as an aid to digestive ailments.
  • Increased fertility, healthy hair, reduced tinnitus - all this also depends on whether you have enough zinc.

2. The benefits of vitamins with zinc

Zinc is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. The trace element helps to resist colds, influenza, conjunctivitis and other infections. So, in one study, 100 people took part in the initial stages of a cold, they were given zinc lozenges every couple of hours. As a result, this group recovered three days earlier than the control group, who received placebo lozenges. Zinc lozenges have been found to be effective for sore throats and also speed up healing from ulcers.

Taken as part of vitamins, zinc helps treat more serious diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, and possibly multiple sclerosis. The trace element is used in the treatment of HIV and other disorders associated with impaired functioning of the immune system.

Zinc has a beneficial effect on hormonal status, including sex hormones and thyroid hormones. It shows promise in the field of enhancing fertility, both men and women. Zinc is actively used in the treatment of prostate diseases. It may be useful for people with reduced function thyroid gland and can improve the condition of diabetic patients by having a positive effect on insulin levels.

As shown medical practice zinc has a wide range of applications. It accelerates the healing of wounds and skin irritations of various etiologies, zinc is useful in the treatment of burns, acne, eczema, psoriasis. The trace element improves the health of the hair and scalp. Important: Zinc has been shown to slow vision loss due to degeneration of the eye muscles, which is the most common cause of blindness in people over 50 years of age.

Not so long ago, in Japan, they conducted a study of a disorder whose characteristic symptom is ringing in the ears. The condition of the participants improved after taking nutritional supplements and vitamins containing zinc. The trace element is useful for the prevention of osteoporosis, in the treatment of hemorrhoids and inflammatory bowel diseases.

3. Zinc deficiency - symptoms

Zinc deficiency is extremely rare in developed countries, but it's worth considering if you're prone to frequent colds and flu. Zinc deficiency can lead to poor wound healing, reduced sense of smell and taste, and skin problems such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Zinc deficiency can cause more serious problems: deterioration of sugar tolerance (increased risk of developing diabetes) and a decrease in the number of active spermatozoa.

4. How to take zinc properly

The recommended daily allowance for zinc is 12 mg for women and 15 mg for men. Higher doses are usually prescribed for specific indications for medicinal purposes. Therapeutic dosage usually does not exceed 30 mg per day. A course of treatment with zinc lasting more than one month may lead to a decrease in the absorption of copper, in this case, 2 mg of copper per 30 mg of zinc is added to the diet. For a short term course (treating a cold or flu), use zinc lozenges every two to four hours for a week, but do not exceed 150 mg per day.

An overdose of any trace elements can be harmful. Long-term zinc intake of more than 100 mg per day has been shown to impair immunity and lower HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. One study has found a link between excess zinc and Alzheimer's disease, but there is not enough data yet. Large doses of zinc - more than 200 mg per day can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Developed and certain recommendations for taking zinc. The microelement should be taken one hour before meals or two hours after it. If zinc irritates the stomach, then you can take it with food that contains little fiber. If you are also taking iron supplements, you should avoid taking them at the same time. And yet, take zinc supplements no earlier than two hours after taking antibiotics.

5. What foods contain zinc

Large amounts of zinc are found in beef, pork, liver, poultry meat (especially dark), eggs and seafood (especially oysters). Cheese, beans, nuts, and wheatgrass are also good sources of zinc, but zinc from these foods is less absorbed than from meat. When choosing foods rich in zinc, pay attention to proteins.

6. Recent research data

Zinc is especially beneficial for the elderly, who are often deficient in minerals. According to a recent study of 118 elderly, relatively healthy patients in a nursing home in Rome, Italy, those who took 25 mg of zinc daily showed improvements in immune system function after three months. Experts believe that zinc can restore the function of the thymus gland, which produces immune cells.

Studies show that strenuous exercise leads to zinc loss through sweating and urination. This may be one of the reasons why moderate exercise strengthens the immune system, and a long series of intense training leads to its weakening.

As well as the ability to concentrate. According to recent studies, taking zinc tablets can even help relieve flu symptoms and speed up recovery.

Zinc deficiency leads to hair loss (including eyebrows and eyelashes), dry hair and early graying, reduced ability to taste food and smells, delayed wound healing, attention deficit disorder, blurred vision and cataracts, acne and dry skin, weakened immune system.

Perhaps the most surprising fact is the importance of zinc for eye health. Household wisdom says that vitamins A and C are enough for eye health, but it turns out that zinc plays an important role in the transfer of vitamin A from the liver to the retina of the eyes and the formation of melanin (not to be confused with melatonin, which is responsible for healthy sleep), the protective pigment of the eyes. . Studies show that the so-called "age-related visual impairment" is partly due to a long-term deficiency of zinc in the body.

Different chemical compounds of zinc are absorbed differently

A common mistake is to think that our body fully absorbs the vitamins and minerals that we consume in the form of dietary supplements. Zinc is one of the most poorly absorbed micronutrients, and different zinc compounds are absorbed differently. Therefore, be sure to look at the label when choosing dietary supplements with zinc and compare prices - as a rule, poorly absorbed compounds are cheaper, but based on the actual dose of zinc that you receive, you will not benefit from buying a cheap drug at all.

Zinc citrate (61.3%), zinc picolinate, zinc acetate and zinc gluconate (60.9%) are best absorbed.

Zinc oxide absorption is lower (49.9%), and even zero in some people (source: Wegmüller et al., The Journal of Nutrition, February 2014, 144(2):132-6).

What is the optimal daily dose of zinc?

The upper safe limit for adults is 40 mg of elemental zinc per day, but the recommended daily intake for adults is much lower: 8 mg for women and 11 mg for men. If you are actively involved in sports, then the required daily dose can increase to 35 mg per day, depending on the level of stress.

  • High doses of zinc weaken the immune system; may cause headache, loss of muscle coordination, dizziness, drowsiness, hallucinations and anemia.
  • Different zinc compounds contain different amounts of elemental zinc. For example, for 10 mg of zinc gluconate, there is only 1.43 mg of elemental zinc. Pay attention to the label or the "Ingredients" section of the instructions for the drug.

What drinks and foods should you not take zinc with?

As in the case of any vitamin and mineral supplements, it is recommended to drink zinc with water or juice, but in no case with tea, coffee, alcohol, etc. For example, taking zinc sulfate with coffee instead of water reduces the absorption of zinc by half.

It is also known that phytates (substances found in cereals) significantly impair the absorption of zinc, i.e. try not to take zinc with baked goods and cereals.

If possible, add olive oil to the food you take zinc with - it improves the absorption of some minerals, including zinc.

How do other trace elements in dietary supplements affect the absorption of zinc?

As part of some vitamin mineral complexes with zinc, you may notice a small amount of copper. The fact is that taking zinc reduces the absorption of copper in the body, so it is recommended to take 2 mg of copper per day to neutralize this negative effect (or take a multivitamin that contains copper).

Zinc supplementation can also reduce the absorption of calcium supplements, but this problem can be solved by shifting calcium intake to evening time and take zinc in the morning. Or take dietary supplements that contain both zinc and an increased dose of calcium.

Zinc also interferes with the absorption of iron supplements, but according to studies, this problem is solved by taking supplements containing these micronutrients with food.

In accordance with other studies, vitamin B12 (cobalamin) improves the absorption of zinc, i.e. taking zinc as part of a multivitamin, along with B vitamins, or along with foods rich in B12 (liver, fish, red meat, cheese, etc.) is a good idea.

Do you need to take zinc supplements?

There is quite a lot of zinc in red meat (on average, 30% of the daily intake per 100g of lean meat) and poultry meat (10% of the daily intake per 100g), crab, fortified breakfast cereals with vitamins and minerals, pumpkin seeds (to get a daily dose of zinc, you need to eat almost a full cup).

A little (on average, only a few percent of the daily dose per 100g of product) of zinc is found in legumes, nuts, whole grains, and dairy products. Those. this means that to get your daily dose of zinc, you need to consume a very large amount of these foods, which, in turn, can be harmful to the body or too expensive. Moreover, legumes and grains also contain components that impair the absorption of zinc (for example, phytates).

If these foods are not included in your diet at all or you are not eating enough of them, then you are not getting enough zinc. If you are unable to change your diet for some serious reason (e.g. vegetarianism, financial difficulties, etc.), then taking zinc supplements is a great idea.

The article was prepared based on PubMed (an online database of articles from international scientific journals) and reference materials available on the website of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA.

Zinc is a trace element that is needed for good immunity, healthy skin, hair and nails, wound healing, normal course pregnancy, growth and development of children. It is found in animal and plant products that are considered healthy food. However, junk food is poor in zinc. Deficiency of this metal in the body is a common problem. It is caused by malnutrition and chronic diseases. To saturate the body with zinc, it is useful to take supplements - tablets or capsules. Below is a detailed description of the benefits they can bring to adults and children, women and men.

Popular zinc tablets are Zincteral and Zinkit. Their active ingredient is zinc sulfate. It is an inorganic compound that is poorly absorbed. It often causes nausea.

The zinc supplements discussed below contain organic active ingredients. They are well absorbed and quickly give effect.

Also, a daily dose of zinc will cost 3-6 times cheaper if you order supplements from the USA, and not buy in a pharmacy.

Below is a detailed description of the benefits of zinc for women, men and children. Provided detailed list foods that are rich in this trace element. Find out what are the recommended daily doses for different age groups. Describes zinc sulfate tablets, which are sold in pharmacies (Zincteral, Zinkit), their advantages and disadvantages. Many people wonder if zinc helps with acne, hair loss and colds. Study objective information on these issues. First of all, watch the video:

Why zinc is good

Zinc is present in every cell of the body. It is used for the production of proteins, DNA synthesis, controls cell division, supports immunity, and heals wounds. This microelement is necessary for a person to normally feel tastes and smells. Its concentration in the retina, bones, skin tissues is increased. It is necessary for the production of insulin and other hormones. It is difficult to find a metabolic process in which this metal would not participate. Therefore, zinc tablets help from dozens various diseases.

acne People who suffer from acne often have low levels of zinc in their blood and skin tissues. Tablets containing this trace element improve skin condition, especially when taken with vitamin A. However, are ointments that are applied to the skin to treat acne effective? controversial issue. Rather, the antibiotics contained in these products help, and not zinc.
Age-related decline in vision Taking zinc tablets (capsules) may reduce the risk that vision will deteriorate with age. It is also desirable to take antioxidants - vitamins C and E, lutein, zeaxanthin and others. If you have age-related macular degeneration of the retina, discuss with your doctor whether you should be treated with zinc supplements.
Anorexia Anorexia is complete absence appetite, loss of hunger, despite the body's objective need for nutrition. It arises due to hormonal disorders, psychological problems or taking certain medications. Zinc supplements help restore appetite in anorexia, reduce symptoms of depression.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children Children who suffer from ADHD are often prescribed zinc tablets, in addition to other treatments. These children are often found to be deficient in zinc and corrected by supplementation. It is assumed that this reduces the impulsiveness of behavior in problem children, facilitates their adaptation in the team. Also try fish oil.
Depression Zinc helps people suffering from clinical depression in addition to taking antidepressant medications. They also gave nutritional supplements to patients who did not get the effect of antidepressants, and this gave success. Also try 5-HTP, L-glutamine, and fish oil. For more information, see Atkins' book "Bio Supplements: The Natural Alternative to Drugs." Try to switch from "chemical" antidepressants to harmless supplements.
Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density due to a metabolic disorder in bone tissue. Osteoporosis increases the risk of fractures. Perhaps this disease is associated with a deficiency of macro- and microelements in the body, among other reasons. Post-menopausal women were given zinc supplements along with copper, manganese, and calcium. This helped to slow down their development of osteoporosis.
Pregnancy Taking zinc tablets during pregnancy likely reduces the risk of preterm labor. Zinc along with vitamin A is given to pregnant women who have developed night blindness to restore night vision. However, vitamin A is considered toxic to the fetus. Consult your doctor! Do not take any drugs or supplements without permission during pregnancy.
Complications of diabetes Zinc supplements relieve the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy - pain in the legs or vice versa loss of sensation. They also contribute to the healing of wounds and ulcers on the legs with the syndrome. diabetic foot. Zinc increases tissue sensitivity to insulin. However, the effect is weak. Explore effective methods treat diabetes and bring your blood sugar back to normal. Otherwise, no devices or pills will help.
Male infertility, weakening of potency Taking zinc supplements increases the number and motility of spermatozoa, normalizes testosterone in the blood. Thanks to this, the chances of becoming a father increase for a man. The potency improves, but the effect is moderate. Take trace elements not so much for potency as for the prevention of prostate diseases. Try also L-carnitine.

Other diseases for which it is useful to take zinc:

  • anemia;
  • burns;
  • gum disease;
  • sleep disturbances, memory disorders, blurred thinking;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • recovery after surgery.

How to order zinc supplements from the USA on iHerb - download detailed instructions in Word or PDF format. Instruction in Russian.

For men

Zinc is essential for male potency and fertility. Men's Health magazine lists it as an essential micronutrient for men's sexual health. At the same time, he is not miracle cure from impotence. He is far from the effectiveness of Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. This microelement increases the number and motility of spermatozoa. Due to this, the potency is enhanced, but the effect is not too pronounced and does not come quickly.

Zinc deficiency in the body is the cause of low testosterone levels in the blood. Foods rich in this metal and nutritional supplements help restore normal level testosterone. However, in most cases, men suffering from erectile dysfunction, testosterone and so on. Problems with potency are more often caused by atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, complications diabetes, psychological reasons. In these cases, zinc is unlikely to help.

Zinc - important mineral for the prevention and probably for the treatment of diseases of the prostate. It is known that prostate cells that form cancerous tumor contain much less of this trace element than healthy tissues. As a man ages, nutrition can change for the worse, causing a zinc deficiency. Men who eat unhealthy foods poor in vitamins and minerals are more likely to have benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis (inflammation). And from there it’s already close and deadly dangerous cancer.

Drinking alcohol depletes zinc in the body. This trace element is consumed to weaken negative impact alcoholic beverages on the liver. It stimulates the production of enzymes that break down alcohol. Also, this microelement is an antioxidant and protects the liver. Men who are seriously involved in sports often get injured, muscle strains, injuries skin. Zinc tablets stimulate wound healing and possibly speed up rehabilitation after injuries. However, it is unlikely that it directly improves athletic performance.

Eat foods rich in zinc. Below is a list of them. Avoid junk food completely. If you have developed the diseases listed above in the Why Zinc Is Good section, then it is advisable to take supplements - tablets or capsules.

For women

Taking zinc supplements can make it easier premenstrual syndrome in women, because this microelement affects the production of the hormone progesterone. If PMS is bothering you, try taking magnesium with vitamin B6 and L-glutamine as well. If on certain days an uncontrollable craving for eating carbohydrates wakes up, chromium tablets will help.

Taking zinc supplements improves mood in women and helps with depression. In 2010, the results of a clinical study were published that confirmed this. Half of the participants took 7 mg of zinc per day, while the other half took a placebo. After 10 weeks, it turned out that women who took the real supplement had fewer episodes of anger and depressed mood.

With age, the concentration of zinc in the blood and tissues decreases, even if you consume it with food in sufficient quantities. The reason is that the absorption of this mineral in the gastrointestinal tract worsens. And after menopause, women need more zinc than older men because they are at higher risk of osteoporosis. Older women often take calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis. However, calcium partially blocks the absorption of trace elements. See also the article "How to drink calcium".

So, zinc is an important trace element for women. Below is a look at what role it plays during pregnancy, for the health of the skin, nails and hair. Micronutrient supplements are inexpensive and can greatly improve your health. Moreover, you will feel the effect after 1-3 weeks of taking them. Talk to your doctor about taking zinc tablets if you have symptoms of a deficiency of this mineral in your body.

How to order vitamins for women from the USA on iHerb - download detailed instructions in Word or PDF format. Instruction in Russian.

During pregnancy

A woman during pregnancy needs to provide for her body enough zinc so that the fetus develops normally, reduce the risk of premature birth, and also so that her own health does not deteriorate. Fetal cells are rapidly dividing. Zinc is an important trace element that is involved in this process. The need for trace elements during pregnancy increases. But taking an excessive amount of minerals is not advisable, because side effects are possible.

Do not try to consume the exact amount of zinc listed in the table every day. Eat foods containing this trace element. In this case, you do not need to scrupulously count how many grams you ate. If you are taking a prenatal vitamin complex, then it probably contains zinc, although not much. It is desirable that it was not sulfate, but some other salt - organic, which is well absorbed and does not cause nausea.

Women who consume animal products are unlikely to need to take zinc tablets during pregnancy. It is more difficult for vegetarians, because trace elements from plant foods are absorbed worse. If you feel symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body, then take pills that eliminate this deficiency. Consult your doctor! Maximum allowable dose zinc for adults - no more than 40 mg per day. For women under 18 years old - no more than 34 mg per day. Take supplements in such a way that you do not exceed it.

From hair loss

On Russian-language sites, you can find many sensational statements, they say, zinc helps with hair loss. However, scientific studies on this issue have given a negative result. Supplements containing trace elements are practically ineffective for people whose hair falls out or becomes thin, brittle. Theoretically, zinc could help with hair problems because it regulates protein synthesis and hormonal balance. But in practice, there is no effect from taking this trace element.

Hair loss may be due to low levels of thyroid hormone. Taking zinc and selenium stimulates the production of this hormone. Thus, dietary supplements rare cases can indirectly help restore thick hairline. One such patient was described in the international journal of trichology (the science of hair). If you are worried about poor hair condition, then study the symptoms of a thyroid hormone deficiency and take blood tests.

Zinc tablets are unlikely to help with hair loss. However, this mineral remarkably improves the condition of the skin and nails, treats acne. Read the details below.

For acne

If you are concerned about acne, then you should try taking zinc tablets. Studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of taking this micronutrient for the treatment of acne. In English scientific journals at least 12 articles on this topic have been published over the years. Zinc has been shown to be effective in 80% of studies.

This mineral helped 33-60% of people who took it. In study participants, acne decreased by an average of 2 times. Antibiotics help better than zinc, but have side effects. It is better to endure acne than to take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. Supplements you can buy without a prescription high probability help and are unlikely to cause side effects.

The dosage of zinc for acne treatment should be high, close to the maximum allowable daily dose. It is impossible to obtain a therapeutic amount of this microelement from food. Therefore, you need to take pills that are sold in a pharmacy, or nutritional supplements.

Zinc can be taken in the form of various salts. The most common form is zinc sulfate. However, it is poorly absorbed. Many people complain that Zincteral and Zinkit tablets make them feel sick. It is better to take any other form, but not sulfate. It is assumed that picolinate and gluconate are absorbed better than zinc citrate, but this is not reliable.

Exactly how zinc treats acne is not exactly known. Some sources claim that it improves the delivery of vitamin A to skin cells. Others - zinc regulates apoptosis, the natural renewal of cells. The exact mechanism of action has not yet been established. But in any case, this microelement helps many people with acne.

It is advisable to take zinc along with vitamin A for 6-8 weeks, and then evaluate the effect. However, vitamin A is not harmless. Read the list carefully side effects, which can cause its intake in high doses - 33-100 thousand IU per day. This vitamin should not be taken in dosages above 4-7 thousand IU per day if you are planning a pregnancy in the next six months or are already pregnant. Zinc and vitamin A are the main nutrients needed for skin health.

For kids

Zinc is an essential trace element for children. For them, it is even more important than for adults. Trace elements are involved in the growth and development of children, in particular, their reproductive system and brain. It also depends on how the child strong immunity.

Zinc deficiency in the body can be a problem for children from disadvantaged backgrounds who eat cheap, poor quality food. Children and adults who have a balanced diet that includes animal products and vegetable food, it is rarely necessary to take nutritional supplements.

Americans write that in their home country zinc deficiency is observed in 6% of girls and 10% of boys. And in developing countries micronutrient deficiencies in children are a much more common problem. Scientists from Western countries have been doing research in third world countries on how nutritional supplements affect the growth and development of children.

In Guatemala large group children were given zinc tablets until the age of 3 years. There was also a control group of their peers who did not take the supplements. Participants in the first group over the study period overtook the control group in height by 2.5 cm. More than 30 similar studies have been published. As a result, experts now recommend trying zinc supplements if a child is not growing well and is gaining weight.

Strengthening immunity

The immune system eliminates unwanted elements that have entered the body in several successive stages. First you need to find the enemies, and then destroy them. These stages involve different types cells - macrophages, T-killers, T-helpers and others. They interact in a complex way. Even a moderate lack of zinc in the body disrupts them. well-coordinated work.

Zinc deficiency leads to an increased risk of pneumonia and other infections, especially in children and the elderly. If the immunity of a child or an adult is weakened, then the doctor may prescribe the intake of this microelement as part of a vitamin complex. If a person, in addition to frequent infectious diseases, other symptoms of zinc deficiency are observed, it will be useful to take a course of this mineral in higher doses.

Age-related visual impairment

In people who have normal levels of zinc in the blood, vision does not decline too much with age. This microelement protects eye cells from damage. free radicals. In retinal tissues, its concentration is increased. Zinc and vitamin A are the raw materials for creating melanin pigment, which protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

Experts are cautious in their assessments of how much zinc supplementation is good for vision. In 2001, the results were published major study Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS). It turned out that taking 80 mg of zinc in combination with vitamins C and E and beta-carotene reduced the risk of macular degeneration of the retina by 25%. However, other serious studies of the usefulness of micronutrients for vision have not been conducted.

In 2013, the results of the AREDS-2 study were published, in which beta-carotene was replaced with lutein and zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids were added. Beta-carotene was abandoned because, according to previous studies, it increased cancer risk. It turned out that zinc and antioxidants for the eyes retain their effectiveness without beta-carotene. Daily doses of zinc were reduced from 80 mg to 25 mg and this did not affect the results. Addendum fatty acids Omega 3 turned out to be useless.

Other than AREDS and AREDS-2, no other stringent clinical research effects of zinc supplementation on vision. This worries experts. It is likely that micronutrients are good for the eyes when taken in combination with antioxidants. If your eyesight is falling due to complications of diabetes, then you need to control your blood sugar, otherwise no pills will help. Zinc can block the absorption of copper from food, and this metal is also important for the eyes. Along with zinc supplements, it is advisable to take 1-2 mg of copper per day.

Zinc tablets for colds

In Western countries, zinc for colds is taken mainly in the form of sucking lozenges, as well as syrup. Tablets and capsules containing this mineral are less often prescribed for the prevention and treatment of colds. Tried also to use gels for a nose and aerosols. However, this was abandoned because many patients complained of a long-term loss of smell as a result of this use of zinc.

Whether zinc helps you recover from a cold faster, return to work or school is a moot point. There have been at least 14 rigorous clinical studies on this topic. Half of them noted positive effect. But the second half showed that no trace elements accelerate recovery from a cold.

Zinc may help relieve symptoms and shorten the duration of colds and flu. And perhaps not. To recommend this trace element for colds to all patients in a row, today there are not enough arguments. In any case, more research is needed to determine effective dosages and which zinc salt works best.

Zinc strengthens the immune system in adults and children - no one argues with this. Therefore, it is useful for the prevention of colds, flu and other infectious diseases. However, nutritional supplements are unlikely to help you recover faster if a person has already caught a cold. Study the book of Komarovsky "Health of the child and common sense his relatives." It makes sense for children and adults to treat colds as described in this book.

Read also:

  • Echinacea purpurea: tincture and tablets

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body

Zinc deficiency in humans is defined when the concentration of this micronutrient in the blood is below normal or when symptoms already occur. Zinc deficiency occurs due to insufficient intake of this mineral with food, impaired absorption, increased excretion from the body, as well as in special situations when the need for it increases - acute illness, pregnancy.

Zinc deficiency negatively affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, reproductive system, weakens the immune system. This problem can be acute or chronic. At least 25% of the world's population is at risk of lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, especially in developing countries.

Skin, nails and hair Pimples on the skin, eczema, dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis, thin and sparse hair. Wounds do not heal for a long time.
Oral cavity Ulcers in the mouth and in the corners, stomatitis, white coating on the tongue
Sight, smell, taste Loss of smell and sense of taste, night blindness
The immune system Increased Risk infections, especially pneumonia, due to weakened immunity in children, as well as in adults
Hunger Insatiable hunger or vice versa loss of appetite, anorexia
Brain, nervous system Children who are deficient in zinc have a worsening mental capacity. They may behave sluggishly or vice versa be hyperactive.
Psychological problems Mental instability, depression
Child development Growth and developmental delays in children. This may be a problem for 1/3 of children worldwide.
Pregnancy Difficult and premature birth bleeding, placental abruption
In men Zinc deficiency can lower the concentration of testosterone in the blood, cause hypogonadism, delayed puberty.

Zinc reserves are depleted by alcohol, diarrhea, exhausting exercise. The human body cannot store much of this trace element. Therefore, you need to consume foods rich in zinc, or take vitamins regularly, at least 1-2 times a week.

Severe deficiency may be due to genetic disorders absorption of this mineral, as well as in diseases of the small intestine.

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding it is advisable to consume zinc 1-2 mg per day more than usual. The exact recommended dosages are given above - in the section that talks about the importance of this trace element for women.

If you regularly, for many days in a row, take zinc in an amount exceeding the maximum allowable daily dose, then side effects may occur. The copper and iron stores in the body will be depleted, which can lead to anemia. Other side effects are fever, cough, fatigue, stomach pain. Zinc poisoning is harmful to the kidneys and stomach. Acute symptoms- metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Products containing zinc

What foods are high in zinc?

  • red meat and poultry;
  • oysters, crabs, lobsters and other shellfish;
  • nuts and legumes;
  • whole grain products;
  • breakfast cereals specially enriched with zinc;
  • hard cheese.

Cereals, bread and legumes contain phytates - substances that block the absorption of minerals and trace elements. Therefore, the availability of zinc from herbal products low for humans.

Oysters outperform any other food by a wide margin. However, in real nutrition, the main need for zinc is provided by beef, pork and chicken.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

The beautician advised taking zinc sulfate tablets, but they cause nausea. What can replace them?

Take supplements that contain zinc picolinate, gluconate, or zinc citrate. All of these forms are better absorbed than sulfate and do not cause nausea. Some articles claim that picolinate is the most effective, others that gluconate. This is not reliable. However, any of the listed zinc salts is better than sulfate. Within a few weeks of starting supplementation, you will find that the condition of your skin and nails has improved.

Does zinc speed up recovery from a cold?

No nutritional supplements seem to speed up recovery if a person has already caught a cold. However, they are useful for prevention, along with other substances - antioxidant vitamins, herbs, probiotics, fish oils, etc. Try taking a powerful vitamin complex that contains a solid dose of zinc and evaluate how it affects your well-being.

Can taking zinc supplements be harmful?

Yes, as long as you take more than the maximum daily allowance for several weeks in a row. If you take a supplement that contains 50 mg of zinc 2-3 times a week, it's okay. Together with zinc, it is desirable to simultaneously take 1-2 mg of copper per day so that there is no deficiency of this metal in the body. Copper is included in good complexes vitamins, such as Alive from Nature's Way.

Will zinc tablets help strengthen male potency?

Perhaps they will help, but the effect is not very pronounced, you should not expect a miracle. Zinc preparations are far in effectiveness from Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. However, they can increase sperm count and motility, which can increase your chances. Look for a supplement that contains zinc and oil pumpkin seeds. It is designed specifically for men. it good remedy for the prevention and treatment of prostate problems.

Is it true that a man, when he ejaculates, loses a lot of zinc and selenium?

Yes true. According to articles published in medical journals, about 5 mg of zinc is consumed. Over the age of 35-40, learn to have sex, but do not ejaculate every time. It's not difficult, in fact, and quite rewarding. See for example the book Mantak Chia"Cultivation of Male Sexual Energy". If you discard the esoteric, you will learn a set of exercises that give results in a few days.

I know that zinc increases appetite. Will taking supplements cause a set excess weight?

Zinc does not increase appetite, but normalizes it. An insatiable desire to overeat on carbohydrates or some other foods may be a sign of a deficiency of this trace element in the body. Don't worry that zinc will make you fat. This will not happen. However, you may gain weight while taking supplements for other reasons. Go to low carb diet. Get your blood tested for thyroid hormones. If hypothyroidism is found, treat it.


Zinc supplements are inexpensive and can provide you with great benefits. They help with acne, stabilize mood, relieve depression, strengthen immunity in adults and children. Women are pleased that this microelement improves the condition of the skin, nails and, possibly, hair. Men need it to prevent prostate diseases.

If you are concerned about the symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body, then only oysters will help among foods. Other foods contain enough of this mineral for prevention, but not for treatment. Tablets sold in pharmacies contain zinc sulfate. This is a form that is poorly absorbed and can cause nausea. The US zinc supplements featured earlier on this page are better absorbed and less expensive. Their effectiveness is confirmed by hundreds of consumer reviews.

How to take zinc and what is it for?

Zinc is an essential element for the body, which takes part in many processes, especially in the regeneration of human body tissues. This substance is important for strengthening immunity and regulation hormonal background, affecting the pancreas and gonads. In addition, since the time of ancient Egypt, it has been known about miraculous property zinc literally return youth and strength. Its regular use has a positive effect on the body, increasing life expectancy.

First of all, you need to know that zinc is available in tablets or in the form of an ointment. It can be taken both in pure form and as part of vitamin complexes. Zinc tablets should be taken either after or during meals. In this way, you will ensure its complete assimilation. But if you prefer to avoid drugs, we advise you to replenish your diet with foods that contain a large amount of it.

Natural sources of zinc

You can find zinc in the most conventional products nutrition. The largest number This substance is found in animal products. Add liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, as well as eggs, fish and hard cheese to your diet. If you prefer plant foods, regularly consume mushrooms, legumes, and be sure to bran.

How much zinc does a person need per day?

Adults need 15 zinc daily. Under the condition of the disease, the complex of treatment of which involves the intake of this substance, the dose increases to 20 mg. Children are recommended to take no more than 10 mg per day.

But there are exceptions. For example, athletes are advised to take an increased dose of a substance, which is calculated based on the number of expected loads and the period of training. When moderate loads the dose should not exceed 30 mg. During the period of more intensive training - 35 mg. It is most effective to take it in combination with other substances. For this, it is best to choose magnesium and vitamin B6.

Effect on the body

Zinc is absorbed in the small intestine and from there it goes to the liver. Further, the substance is distributed throughout the cells of the body. It affects:

  • reproduction
  • Development
  • hematopoiesis
  • Metabolism

Zinc is especially important for strengthening the human immune system, accelerating the healing process of wounds and burns, as well as for the health and beauty of hair and nails. Regular intake of zinc guarantees normal growth hair and prevent male pattern baldness. No less effective is the use of zinc-based ointments in the treatment of acne and other skin diseases.

Zinc for men

Regular consumption of zinc can seriously increase the level of testosterone in the blood. Doctors often prescribe zinc to newborn boys, as its normal development depends on it. In addition, zinc is also prescribed to pregnant women, mainly in the first trimester of pregnancy. All because the child requires a lot of it. mineral matter and takes it from the mother's body. If you do not consume it in high doses, a pregnant woman will experience changes in the work of taste buds and smell functions.

In the first months of life, male children need zinc for normal development genitals. In the future, adult men who regularly consume zinc are more protected from prostate diseases. This also greatly reduces the risk of cancer.

Treatment of rheumatism

According to the observations of scientists, in the human body of a patient with rheumatism, the level of zinc in the blood is significantly lower than in a healthy one. In the process of treatment, zinc is prescribed in tablets or ointments based on it, which can reduce pain and relieve swelling. But to prevent disease, it is better to control zinc intake throughout life for preventive purposes.

Ulcer treatment

Zinc is indispensable in the treatment of mucosal ulcers resulting from nervous disorders. The main thing is that this process is fully controlled by the doctor.

Preservation of youth

It is known that the regular use of zinc has a positive effect on general state organism. First of all, it prevents the development of the so-called senile marasmus, which is considered a natural aging process. human body. Of course, zinc is one of the whole complex of necessary substances, but it provides serious support.

With the help of zinc, blood capillaries are strengthened, it nourishes the body with oxygen and has a great effect on brain function, improving memory and eliminating a variety of disorders.

Zinc and beauty

As we have already said, zinc has a complex effect on the human body, improving the functioning of all its organs. This cannot but affect appearance. With the help of zinc tablets and ointments based on it, acne, complex wounds and burns can be cured. It can also help restore taste and smell.

What can zinc deficiency threaten?

Many people are deficient in zinc. This is due to improper diet nutrition or difficulties in the process of its assimilation. To do this, pay attention to vitamin complexes containing this substance or zinc tablets. It is especially worth considering increasing the dose of the consumed substance if you notice:

  • Unexplained loss of appetite
  • Anemia
  • Allergy
  • Frequent colds
  • Dermatitis
  • Sharp loss weight
  • Decreased vision
  • Hair loss
  • Poor healing run

Also, against the background of a lack of zinc in the body, serious illness: mental disorder, heart disease, diseases of the alimentary tract, various skin diseases and etc.

It is worth considering that zinc affects men and women differently. If a man has a decrease in sperm activity, he is prescribed zinc to increase testosterone levels. It is often prescribed to women if there are difficulties with bearing a child or its development.

As you can see, zinc is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. This is especially important in modern world where each of us consumes everything more carbs, which reduce the process of assimilation of this substance. In addition, zinc is very quickly excreted from the body under the influence of stress, unhealthy image life, especially excessive alcohol consumption. Therefore, less stress, more healthy food and pleasant events and the body will be saturated with all essential trace elements to ensure normal life.

How to take zinc?

You will need:

  • Glass of water
  • Annotation to the drug
  • The doctor's consultation

A lack of the trace element zinc can cause malfunctions in the entire body. The difficulty of replenishing the body with zinc lies in the fact that during heat treatment it is almost completely destroyed in the products in which it is present. Today there are many preparations of zinc. It is produced in tablets, capsules and as part of mineral complexes. Zinc is also in the composition of suppositories and ointments intended for the treatment of cracks and hemorrhoids.

It is recommended to take zinc in violation of the immune system, cold infections, chronic prostatitis and impotence. Zinc activates metabolism, renews cells, heals wounds, cuts, improves memory and thought processes. It is especially important to take the drug in adulthood to improve the functioning of the genital organs.

It is also important for pregnant women to take a zinc supplement. It is important to know how to drink zinc. It is especially important during pregnancy to drink zinc in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is during this period that the fetus is intensively formed and all its organs. For an adult to normalize the functioning of the body, you need to take 20 mg of zinc daily.

How to take zinc? After all, such an amount of a microelement is difficult to obtain from products. Therefore, the zinc preparation should be taken with other trace elements, such as calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamin A. This composition will complement the action of each trace element. In order to correct doses use zinc, how to drink it, first read the annotation. Doses of zinc can be completely different.

Daily rate consumption of no more than 20 mg. If you are taking zinc for prophylaxis, then in this case the dose should not exceed 10 mg per day. Zinc is best absorbed by the body during or after a meal. With a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, and with past illnesses after taking antibiotics, it is important to take one tablet or one capsule twice a day after meals.

In order to know how to drink zinc for children and pregnant women, you need to get advice and advice from a doctor. Different doses can be prescribed, and taking drugs for these groups of people is unacceptable without the appointment of a specialist. If you are taking zinc, then you should stop drinking alcohol, hormonal drugs and birth control pills. It is also important to limit the intake of sweet, salty foods, as well as tea and coffee as much as possible.

Zinc is a trace element necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system. In addition, it is required by the body to maintain healthy skin, nails and hair.

"Zinc" in tablets is prescribed for immunodeficiency states, inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, allergies (incl. atopic dermatitis), with the syndrome of impaired intestinal absorption, with growth retardation, puberty, mental development in children.

Other indications for the use of this drug are: maintenance reproductive function, eating disorders in children, skin diseases(incl. ulcerative lesions), violations of smell and taste that accompany diseases of the oral cavity, digestive disorders. The drug is effective during periods of influenza and SARS epidemics as a means of prevention.

How to take "Zinc"

Zinc tablets are prescribed for adults at 30 mg per day (1 time per day). With acne, the dose is increased to 135 mg per day, it is divided into 2-3 doses. For gastrointestinal pathologies, take 300 mg of the drug per day (in 3 divided doses). In case of infertility, 50 mg of "Zinc" is prescribed per day. For leg ulcers, 660 mg of "Zinc" is taken per day (in 4 doses), for taste disorders - 100 mg per day (in 2 doses), for Wilson's disease - 150 mg per day (in 3 doses). Children are given 10 mg Zinc tablets or at the rate of 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight (1 time per day). Tablets "Zinc" must be taken 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after it. If the drug causes stomach irritation, it should be taken with a meal containing a small amount of fiber. Do not use zinc and iron preparations at the same time. Drink tablets "Zinc" should be no earlier than 2 hours after taking antibiotics. The recommended course of admission is 1 month. When taking the drug for more than 1 month. the absorption of copper may be impaired, therefore it is necessary to additionally use preparations with copper, based on 30 mg of zinc - 2 mg of copper. If necessary, the course of admission can be repeated. It is recommended to take "Zinc" daily during periods of seasonal flu and cold epidemics.

"Zinc": side effects, contraindications

Possible side effects associated with taking Zinc include: vomiting, nausea, intestinal bleeding, intestinal cramps, liver failure, hepatitis, kidney problems, anemia, and frequent respiratory infections in children. Do not take high doses of zinc, especially for a long time.

Tablets "Zinc" can change the therapeutic effect of "Tetracycline", "Captopril", "Niacin", vitamin A, drugs containing pancreatic enzymes, thiazide diuretics. "Zinc" is contraindicated in individual intolerance, during pregnancy and lactation. Before using the remedy, you must consult a doctor.

The drug "Zinc" in tablets: indications and effectiveness

I really didn't want to write a review for this product. But when I read what some people write about here, I was simply horrified. And I consider it my duty to warn.

Firstly, these are not vitamins, as stated in the thread title. This is a serious drug.

Despite the fact that these pills look so cute and pink.

Indications for use:

I see that almost everyone here “prescribes” Zincteral for themselves without permission. And they drink absolutely anyhow. But it threatens serious consequences, because if used incorrectly, this drug washes out calcium, manganese, copper from the body. And besides, it is not yet absorbed by itself.

In 1 tablet 124 mg of zinc, this exceeds daily allowance 5 times! The instructions say that adults need to drink 3 tablets a day. This will exceed the daily norm of zinc by 15 times!!!

Clueless girls write, such as “vitamins for female beauty” - namely, they help against pimples and for the beauty of hair. I read here that one girl drinks them 6 pieces at a time to be beautiful. And here is an excerpt from the instructions for use:


Now in order.

My problem is hair loss 500-600 pieces a day. In addition, drastic weight loss. And absolutely clean face in just a few days, a lot of acne appeared.

The doctor sent me to take tests: a biochemical blood test, a blood test for glucose, a general blood test, a urine test.

And ONLY AFTER THAT, based on the results of the tests, she prescribed me to drink Zincteral.

For what?

First, to treat acne. Secondly, the doctor said that after a week of taking this drug, my hair loss will stop. At the same time, it will stop temporarily (artificially), which will give us time to find the true cause. After all, there is still a lot of analysis ahead ...

Drink said this:

Within a month: 1 pc. 2 times a day and see how it goes...

Strictly!!! Drink only water (neither tea, nor compote, and in no case should you drink milk).

Definitely on a full stomach. Wait 2 hours after eating, take the pill, and do not eat for 1 hour after the pill.

If you do not follow these instructions, then there will be no sense from taking the drug, but there will only be harm. Because this way zinc will not be absorbed, and others important trace elements are not absorbed from food.

And especially - watch clearly so that the time is waiting after milk, butter, sour cream, cheese and other dairy products

When I came home and read the reviews, I understood the meaning of the mysterious phrase “... and how will it go there ...” Almost everyone writes about side effects - a metallic taste in the mouth, sore throat, and almost everyone has severe nausea.

It became scary. There are a lot of special instructions in the instructions. There is a whole page of them, 40 centimeters long!

It's all - special instructions to application!

I decided to strictly follow everything. I drank in the morning and in the evening, so at lunchtime I could even afford ice cream or other milk (for those who drink 3 times a day, it will be more difficult). I constantly set a timer or an alarm clock so that everything was clear.

On the first day of admission, my tongue went numb, as after freezing. I couldn't find anything about this in the manual. But then it stopped.

Didn't feel sick. But once I took a pill not on a very full stomach. In the morning I ate 1 sandwich with tea (I usually have a heartier breakfast), and after 2 hours I took a pill. The stomach began to cut strongly. I barely waited an hour after taking the pill to eat. Thought it would get better. After meal cutting pains passed, but the beginning of severe nausea. I lay down on the bed, and died until the evening ...

After this incident, I even forcefully stuffed my stomach so that it was ready to take the pill.

There were no more side effects.

Now for the results:

On the 4th day of taking it, I noticed improvements on my face. The skin became more matte, new acne did not appear, the old ones slowly healed.

Hair began to fall out even worse. Already after 4 days, the number of hairs that fell out during washing increased by 100 pieces, after another 4 days - plus another 100 pieces (631 pieces fell out that day).

But I continued to drink Zincteral, I kept waiting for a miracle. In addition, I bought the Darsonval device to stimulate blood microcirculation in the scalp.

The drop has slowly subsided. But I believe that this is after the application of Darsonval.

And when the course of pills ended - hair loss only returned to the amounts that it was at the beginning of the application.

However, the face has become almost perfect.

On the next week I'm going to the doctor again. Perhaps you need to extend the course of treatment. I read on some forums that Zincteral is usually prescribed for 3-6 months.


And I extended the course for another 2 months. Dosage as before - 2 tablets per day. When I asked why not 3 tablets (as written in the instructions), the doctor replied that I was too thin for 3 tablets.

She also advised after the expiration of two months of admission to re-take tests for the content of magnesium, calcium and iron. And if it happens that Zincteral suppressed them, then it will be necessary to make up for the deficiency of these elements.



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