Daily intake of vitamin D3 for women. How to take vitamin D: the daily requirement of the vitamin

Vitamin D3 refers to biologically active substances that can be obtained from food. Including in phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body, it ensures its full functioning, prevents the development of serious diseases.

Preservation of bone density, the adequacy of the cardiovascular system - this is what women need it for, especially in menopause.

For humans, 2 forms of fat-soluble vitamins of group D are important - ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol. The latter substance is also called vitamin D3, and together with ergocalciferol is responsible for the absorption of calcium.

Unlike vitamin D2, which a person can only get from food, cholecalciferol is synthesized independently in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Reaching with transport proteins liver, intestines, and then the kidneys, the vitamin undergoes a series of transformations, as a result of which it acquires a “working” form - calcetriol.

For the female body, this vitamin is especially important. The beauty of nails, hair, skin, the health of the unborn child and the strength of the bones of the woman herself depend on it. Monthly blood loss, pregnancy, menopause - all these factors lead to the loss of calcium, which affects the appearance and well-being.

The menopause is characterized hormonal changes, calcium is “washed out” from the bone tissue more actively, and its absorption in the intestine slows down. Own synthesis of vitamins that regulate its metabolism becomes insufficient, osteoporosis develops.

Something similar happens during pregnancy. The main reserves of calcium and phosphorus go to the child, and the woman again suffers from their deficiency. It is calcetriol that performs a function, like steroid hormones, and is responsible for the absorption and distribution of Ca 2+ and phosphates in the body, calcification of bone tissue.

The main abilities of this prohormone:

  • the genesis of calcium-binding proteins (calbindins);
  • genesis of enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, Ca-Mg-ATPase, etc.);
  • regulation of the rate of reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus in the renal tubules;
  • activation of the transit of calcium ions through cell membranes;
  • regulation of cell growth and differentiation bone marrow;
  • antioxidant and anticarcinogenic action;
  • regulation of immune processes - stimulates B-lymphocytes, antibody synthesis.

The lack of this substance leads to severe deformities of the musculoskeletal system, the development of osteoporosis and impaired motor activity human immunodeficiency.

Cholecalciferol helps the female body improve metabolism, achieve optimal body weight, and strengthen the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Signs of D3 deficiency and possible complications

The importance of vitamin D3, why women need it, can be understood by knowing the consequences of its deficiency.

Cholecalciferol deficiency is observed, as a rule, in childhood. In adults, it most often develops during pregnancy and lactation, with a lack of solar insolation, with diseases accompanied by a violation of the processes of digestion and absorption in small intestine, during the menopause.

Violations that occur with hypovitaminosis D are observed from:

  • osteoarticular system;
  • red bone marrow;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • lymphatic system;
  • muscular apparatus.

With D3 deficiency, children suffer from rickets. In adults, osteoporosis (decrease in bone density) and osteomalacia (its softening) develop.

The main violations in this case occur with spinal column, pelvic bones and to a lesser extent affects the bones lower extremities. It is possible to reduce the calcium content in the blood until the so-called rachitic tetany, i.e., seizures, appears.

In particular, the following may occur:

  • myelofibrosis;
  • myeloid dysplasia;
  • hepatosplenomegaly;
  • anemia;
  • impaired motility of the intestines and stomach;
  • decreased synthesis of immunoglobulins, interferon, inhibition of phagocytosis;
  • muscle hypotension, spasmophilia.

The first signs of vitamin D deficiency can be depression, memory impairment, weight loss, frequent fractures, infectious diseases, bone deformities, dental lesions, arthralgia, muscle pain. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor to check your level of vitamin in the blood.

Daily requirement for women

The daily requirement for vitamin D3 varies by gender, age and physiological state person. Average dose for a child is 10-15 mcg / day, for an adult it is slightly lower - 2.5 to 10 mcg.

The amount of vitamin D3 - why women need it in certain dosages - is associated with the period physiological development women. Childhood, puberty, reproductive period, menopausal and postmenopausal periods - for each of them, the need for a vitamin is different, as can be seen from the table below.

Woman's age Vitamin D requirement, IU
0 to 1 year400
From 1 year to 13 years100
14 to 16 years old100
17 to 45 years old (reproductive age)200-400
45 to 70 years old400-600
70 years and older800
Pregnancy and lactation400-600

Wholesome nutrition provides the right dose of the vitamin. And during periods when the need for it increases, doctors recommend reconsidering the diet, adding foods rich in cholecalciferol to it. They will be discussed in more detail below.

Sources of vitamin D3 intake from the outside

Despite the fact that vitamin D3 is able to be synthesized in the body on its own, its intake with food is also necessary, especially when the need for it increases. Vitamin D3 is found only in animal products.

You can find it in:

  • cheese - 12 IU per 30 g;
  • beef liver - from 15 to 50 IU per 100 g;
  • egg yolk - 20 IU;
  • pork - 20-35 IU per 100 g;
  • sardines - for 30 g. 250 IU;
  • salmon - 360 IU per 90 g;
  • cod liver oil - 1360 IU in 1 tsp.

Do not forget that a certain proportion of the vitamin is synthesized in skin Under the influence sun rays.

This means that daily walks on fresh air, even on a cloudy day, will increase the dose of cholecalciferol entering the body.

Factors that increase the body's need

According to the latest statistics, most of the world's population is deficient in vitamin D. Lack of sunlight, urban smog, closed clothing are the main factors contributing to the violation of its synthesis.

Vitamin D3, as mentioned earlier, affects the state of the osteoarticular apparatus. It is also needed to maintain immunity. In 50% of women in the postmenopausal period, its concentration in the blood serum is reduced, which is why the need for the vitamin increases dramatically.

Other periods and conditions when the need for vitamin D3 increases include:

  • having dark skin color elevated level melanin prevents the penetration of sunlight into the surface layers of the skin, which does not allow the vitamin to be synthesized;
  • winter season - daylight hours are reduced, tight, closed clothing is used, the risk of infectious diseases increases;
  • living in areas with low solar insolation;
  • professional factor (work in enclosed spaces, in basements, underground);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • teenage years;
  • condition, after fractures, injuries;
  • malnutrition (lack of vitamin intake with food);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the processes of absorption are disturbed;
  • rickets;
  • kidney disease, liver disease;
  • alcoholism;
  • hypoparathyroidism.

Due to the ability of vitamin D3 to accumulate in adipose tissue, its reserves are not consumed immediately, but gradually. This allows the body to neutralize its deficiency in certain conditions for some time. But, nevertheless, stocks need to be replenished. This can be done or by changing the diet, adding to it more products rich in cholecalciferol. Or using medications.

Sequelae of low cholecalciferol levels in pregnant women

Vitamin D3 (for which women need it during pregnancy) contributes to the harmonious development of the fetus. Its deficiency affects both the mother's body (leads to the development of osteoporosis and osteomalacia) and the growing embryo.

A severe consequence of calciferol deficiency for a child is rickets.

Children develop rickets due to lack of vitamin D3.

The first signs of the disease in infants are associated with impaired calcium metabolism. He is involved in the work nervous system, as a result of which its deficiency leads to the development of drowsiness, insomnia in a child.

Such children often cry for no reason, act up, sweat. In the future, signs of damage to the musculoskeletal system are added - the timing of teething, overgrowth of fontanelles are shifted. These babies develop a typical rickets appearance- "frog belly", deformed limbs, swelling, baldness of the back of the head.

Osteoporosis and osteomalacia in a pregnant woman is manifested by a tendency to fractures, bone fractures, and the development of caries. Injuries of the musculoskeletal system regenerate longer, osteoarticular deformities are possible.

Rules for taking vitamin D3

In order for vitamin D to be absorbed better, doctors recommend taking it at the same time as vegetable fats. Provided that the human body enough synthesizes fats and bile, vitamin D will be absorbed by 90%. Otherwise, digestibility is reduced to 60%.

In cases where the vitamin supplied with food is poorly absorbed, or its amount in food is insufficient, additional sources of D3 in the form of drugs should be added to the diet.

There are 2 ways to administer a vitamin - per os (i.e., through the mouth, inside) and intramuscularly (injection). Inside, you can take the drug in drops or tablets. It is recommended to drink the medicine with milk. The dose, timing of administration and method of administration is selected exclusively with the advice of a doctor. Self-medication is fraught with an overdose.

Being a fat-soluble substance, vitamin D3 is prone to cumulation (accumulation) in the body, which causes its toxicity. An overdose of the drug can lead to headache, muscle and joint pain, depression, mental disorders, polyuria, hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, calcium nephrolithiasis ( urolithiasis), systemic calcification, nausea, vomiting, constipation.

Especially important is the selection of the dosage of the vitamin in pregnant women. Having a teratogenic effect, D3 can contribute to the appearance of hypercalcemia in the mother. This will cause delay mental development in a child, the occurrence of atherosclerosis in him in early age, function suppression thyroid gland, elf-like appearance.

Maximum allowable daily dose calciferol - up to 5000 IU. Before you start using a vitamin in the form of drugs, you should examine its level in the blood.


Another argument in favor of the fact that the prescription of the drug and the selection of its dosage should be handled by the attending physician is the presence of contraindications to taking cholecalciferol.

Take vitamin D3 with caution in case of:

At overuse vitamin, develops a hypervitaminous state. It manifests itself as a violation general well-being development of signs of poisoning. First similar symptoms are absolute reading to drug withdrawal.

Interaction with other drugs

All drugs in relation to vitamin D3 can be divided into four groups:

  • substances that do not affect its digestibility in any way.
  • means that accelerate the metabolism of the vitamin.
  • drugs that slow down the absorption of it in the intestines.
  • substances whose pharmacodynamics are affected by calciferol itself.

Thiazide diuretics increase the absorption of D3, and, therefore, lead to the risk of hypercalcemia.

Reduces reabsorption, respectively, increases the need for a vitamin, taking barbiturates, phenytoin and other antiepileptic drugs, as well as rifampicin and cholestyramine. Also, the effectiveness of the vitamin preparation in a negative way is influenced by GCS, bisphosphonates, calcitonin.

Vitamin D3 directly enhances the effect of digitalis preparations (cardiac glycosides). When used simultaneously with aluminum and magnesium, it increases the concentration in the body of the latter, which can lead to intoxication. Increases the absorption of phosphorus-containing drugs - the risk of developing hyperphosphatemia.

Vitamin D preparations do not interact with food. This explains why the reception this medicine not regulated by the regime of the day. But you should keep in mind the quality of the products, that is, the presence of calciferol in them and its quantity. The dose of the drug will depend on this.

Monopreparations in drops, tablets, capsules

Monopreparations are called medicines, which in their composition contain one active, i.e. active substance. Such preparations with vitamin D3 include Aquadetrim, Vigantol, AlfaD3-Teva.

Preparations with vitamin D3 and their functions for the body of the weaker sex are described in more detail in the table below:


Properties Appearance Reception features


(in Moscow)

AlphaD3-TevaThe drug is in capsules of 0.5 μg of the active substance - alfacalcidol.pale pink gelatin capsules, soft to the touch. Marked with a black inscription "0.5". Inside - oil solution. Applied inside. The dose is divided into a single or double dose. There are no features of use - regardless of the meal, drinking liquid. For the period of therapy, it is important to monitor calcium and blood phosphates.From 312 rub.
VigantolOil solution. For 30 drops (1 ml) there are approximately 500 mcg active ingredient, which corresponds to 20,000 IU.Dropper bottle 10 ml. In one pack 1 bottle.Ingestion - the required number of drops to dissolve a few ml of milk (1 tbsp. Spoon).From 176.5 rubles.
AquadetrimDrops for taking per os. For 1 ml - 15000 IU.Dark glass bottles of 10 and 15 ml in cardboard packs.1-2 drops in a spoonful of liquid (unless otherwise recommended by a doctor) with a prophylactic prescription for full-term children from 4 weeks and pregnant women. In order to treat rickets, the dosage is increased. The dose is set taking into account the amount of vitamin that enters the patient's body with food.From 195 rub.

Top 5 vitamin complexes for women

Vitamin complexes are very popular today. Because they combine various groups biologically active substances, these drugs have a holistic effect on the entire body and normalize it full time job, not a separate function.

Complex preparations containing vitamin D3 include:

  • Complivit Calcium D 3;
  • Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D 3;
  • Calcium D 3 Nycomed Forte;
  • Vitrum Osteomag;
  • Calcemin Advance.

Name Properties Appearance Reception features Price
Complivit Calcium D 3Mint or orange flavored chewable tablets. The content is calcium carbonate (1.25 g) and vitamin D3 (5 mcg).Round, white-cream porous, rough to the touch tablets with a biconvex shape.The drug should be taken with meals, chewed and washed down with water. Doses of 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day, depending on the disease. Period of use vitamin complex should be accompanied by control renal clearance Ca.328 rub.
Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D 3Tablets containing 500 mg of calcium and 200 IU of cholecalciferol.Oval light green film-coated tablets.Used orally with meals, 1-2 tablets per day.129 rub.
Calcium D 3 Nycomed ForteLemon flavored chewable tablets. Contains 1250 mg of calcium carbonate and 10 mg of vitamin D3.Tablets white color, have a round or biconvex shape.It is recommended to dissolve or chew the tablet during meals. For preventive purposes, take 2 tablets, distributing the dosage for one or two doses. Long term use The vitamin complex provides for the control of creatinine and calcium in the blood.340 rub.
Vitrum OsteomagTablets containing 5 micrograms of cholecalciferol, 600 mg of calcium, 40 mg of magnesium oxide, 1 mg of copper oxide, 7.5 mg of zinc, 1.8 manganese sulfate and 250 micrograms of boron.Oval, film-coated, pale pink tablets.It is prescribed 1-2 tablets per day, regardless of the meal. Requires monitoring of kidney function.459 rub.
Calcemin AdvanceThe composition of the tablets: calcium (500 mg), cholecalciferol (200 IU), magnesium, zinc, copper manganese up to 7 mg, 250 mcg of boron.Biconvex or oval tablets. Film shell. Pink color. On one side of the risk.The drug is taken orally during meals in a dose not exceeding that indicated in the instructions (up to 2 tablets per day).528 rub.

A woman in crisis periods of her physiological development especially needs an optimal intake of microelements, for which we need complex preparations. They help to maintain health at the proper level, preventing the development of serious diseases.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video on the topic: Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3. Who to take and how much:

Vitamin D:

Hello my dear experts healthy nutrition. I decided to devote today's article to the "solar element" - this is vitamin D3. Its international name is cholecalciferol. This element is very important for the full functioning of the body. Moreover, it is necessary for both adults and kids.

Our body makes most of it. important element on one's own. It does this by converting sunlight into chemical substances. Under the influence of UV rays, cholecalciferol (well, it is also vitamin D3) is formed in the skin. It then binds to a vitamin D-binding protein and travels to the liver. There he is given the "good" to spread throughout our body. This is such an adventurous story 🙂

This element affects the structure of the skeleton. Also, pressure, immunity, mood, brain function and the ability to protect against cancer depend on its presence ( 1 ).

Vitamin D takes part in various vital processes:

  • regulates, supports the immune and nervous systems;
  • reduces the risk of developing multiple sclerosis;
  • supports optimal weight body;
  • reduces the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms;
  • reduces the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in women;
  • important for bone health;
  • reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer;
  • necessary for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus;
  • participates in the work of endocrine glands.

Pharmaceutical derivatives of vitamin D3 are animal products or plant origin. In animal form, it is a more digestible and useful form. It is produced by irradiating animal oils and cholesterol. It is absorbed up to 500 times faster than vegetable analogue. And was rated 4 times more effective.

How long do you need to be in the sun

Up to 95% of this item naturally we can receive from sunlight. Your skin produces vitamin D when it comes into contact with UV rays. That is why it is called the "solar" element. But nowadays, most people experience deficiency symptoms. The two most common reasons for this are:

  1. Frequent stay indoors. Previously, people worked most of the time outdoors and walked a lot. Today we see a different picture. Even children spend too many hours indoors watching TV or playing video games. And most adults work and spend their leisure time indoors. Moreover, being in the shade and cloudy weather can reduce the synthesis of provitamin by 60% ( 2 ).
  2. Applying sunscreen. When we spend time in the sun, many people put on SPF protection. Yes, I will not argue - the risk of developing skin cancer has increased in last years. And doctors strongly recommend using it for children and adults, even during the winter months. But when you apply a cream even with SPF8, the body's ability to produce vitamin D is reduced by 90%. A remedy with more high factor SPF 30 reduces D3 production by up to 99%.

So try to spend at least 15 minutes a day in the sun. It is better to do this in the morning. Then possible Negative consequences will be kept to a minimum. But you will get a lot of it. important vitamin free 🙂

Deficiency symptoms

Many doctors are beginning to realize that vitamin deficiency is very serious. No wonder it is one of the most recommended supplements, especially for newborns.

For infants and infants, the deficiency of this element is very dangerous. It leads to serious problems. For example, it can provoke the development of rickets chest. Another negative manifestation- baby's head develops square shape. Kyphosis (this is the “frog belly”) and O-shaped legs may also be observed. Schoolchildren low content vitamin D3 is manifested by vision problems and fatigue.

The presence of vitamin D deficiency is difficult to detect. Because the general symptoms are vague, such as fatigue, body aches, or pain. More severe symptoms deficiency is pain in the bones and general weakness. It is important to remember that sometimes these signs may not appear. That is why it is important to take a blood test to check your levels of this element.

According to studies, vitamin D deficiency can lead to complications of the following diseases:

  • osteoporosis;
  • heart disease and high blood pressure;
  • depression, insomnia;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • asthma;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • slow healing fractures.

By the way, this video will tell you a lot of interesting things about the consequences of the deficiency of this element. Be sure to take a look.

Best Sources of Vitamin D

by the most the best source is sunlight. Most experts recommend being at least 10-20 minutes a day on a straight line. sunshine. However, they do not recommend applying sunscreen. So you get from 1000 IU to 10000 IU. If you are dark-skinned, you will need more time in the sun to get enough of the vitamin. Because the dark skin has more protection from sun exposure.

The best time for these sunbathing in summer it is before 11 o'clock and after 16 o'clock. And in winter, go outside more often, especially when the sun comes out.

There is also a category of foods that are rich in the "solar" element. In northern countries, including ours, it is necessary to include these products in your diet. I will cite those that contain a large number of D3. The table below will tell you which foods contain the most cholecalciferol. Percentage given at a consumption rate of 10 mcg (400 IU).

Since element D is fat soluble vitamin, it should ideally be consumed with fat. It's for better assimilation cholecalciferol. For example, you can eat with melted or vegetable oil, nuts or seeds. Those who live in the Nordic countries (we include them) are additionally recommended to take supplements.

Because it improves calcium absorption, some manufacturers supplement with this mineral in tandem. For example, Calcium D3 Nycomed.

Instructions for use

The lack of a "solar" cell is now a growing problem around the world. It is especially serious in Western and Northern countries. They recently increased the recommended daily intake of vitamin D. Double the amount was prescribed for newborns, children and adolescents.

In our country daily rate of this element is as follows:

For kids

For adults:

Yes, the dosage can be written in different units measurements - IU or mcg. So know that for vitamin D3 1 mcg = 40 IU.

According to some doctors, the above dosage should be increased significantly. Since we are indoors most of the time and rarely go outside. Yes, and the northern region of residence affects the greater need for given element. This is especially true in the autumn-winter-spring periods. Therefore, doctors recommend increasing the rate for adults (women and men) to 800-5000 IU per day.

However, keep in mind that this general recommendations. I am reading now transcend book according to new researches of our body. The first thing they say is that you need to take an analysis for the norm of vitamins. And I wanted to explore myself. When I pass, I will write you a mini-report 🙂

In addition to multivitamins, I additionally take for now water solution"Aquadetrim". It was prescribed by my pediatrician for my son. He was born in September and just found the last sunny days. For kids, it is convenient to take. I dilute 1 drop in water, which contains 500 IU. Just the norm for babies. Even if you drop 2 drops, do not worry, the child will not overdose. You can buy in a pharmacy, the price is about 180 rubles.

As I began to study the material about D3, I realized that we are greatly short of it. I decided to find out which one is better to take. I realized that the oil solution is better absorbed, since this vitamin is fat-soluble. Recommended supplements in capsules. So for myself and my husband I will buy something else, and not rub its aqueous solution from the cheese 🙂

Now I buy multivitamins on iherb. They are cheaper than in a pharmacy even with discounts. The same Solgar can be bought 2 times cheaper, plus you can look at the reviews and choose the best option in terms of price / quality ratio. There is different variants- with a dosage of 5000 or 10000 IU. How to take and how much is written on the package. Here are some examples


It is important to know everything about this element. How much and how to give to babies, as well as how to take adults. The main symptoms of an overdose are as follows:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • malaise;
  • exhausting headache;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pain in the bones and muscles;
  • protein in the urine.

With an overdose of vitamin D3, the level of calcium and phosphorus increases. As a result, the risk of developing pathology of the kidneys, cartilaginous tissues and blood vessels increases.

Although an overdose of this vitamin is very unlikely. Unless you will take it 600,000 IU every day for 3 months. From the sun, we do not have an overdose. Unless, of course, you will lie like a seal on the beach all day. Then nausea, weakness and other symptoms will definitely appear. Although against the background of burnt skin, you are unlikely to notice them 🙂

Top 7 Benefits of Vitamin D

All vitamins are very useful for our health. But this element is worth paying attention to. Special attention. I will give its most basic positive properties.

  1. Promotes bone health. Vitamin D plays important role in the absorption of calcium in the bones. D deficiency can lead to bone softening or rickets. It also increases the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Studies have shown that D improves musculoskeletal health and reduces falls and fractures in the elderly ( 3 ).
  2. Helps regulate sugar levels. Diabetes is a consequence of a lack of insulin or insufficient secretion of insulin after an increase in insulin resistance. According to research, vitamin D may help maintain secretion ( 4 ). Supplementation of the element increases insulin sensitivity and helps reduce inflammation. Many studies support the positive role of vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of both types of diabetes ( 5 ).
  3. Protects against cancer. Symptoms of D deficiency are associated with increased risk cancer development. This is especially true for breast, colon, and prostate cancers ( 6 ). The effect of the vitamin on cancer risk arises from its role in cellular life cycle. And its ability to block excess estrogen plays an important role ( 7 ).
  4. Helps fight heart disease. All more studies point to the fact that a lack of D increases the risk cardiovascular disease. After all, it is involved in the regulation of pressure, cholesterol levels and inflammation. It is not yet fully understood whether vitamin D prevents heart disease. But one thing is known: people with a deficiency of this element are more likely to die from coronary disease hearts.
  5. Improves immune system. The vitamin plays a role in protecting against colds, influenza and development autoimmune conditions. Immune cells contain receptors for vitamin D, which prevents prolonged and excessive inflammatory reactions. After all, inflammation is often the cause of many chronic and autoimmune diseases (8 ).
  6. Improves mood. Element D acts like a hormone within our body, affecting brain function. Its deficiency is directly related to anxiety, mood disorder, depression, insomnia, mood problems in PMS ( 9 ). Low D levels interfere with the proper production of testosterone and estrogen. And this leads to an imbalance, as a result of which many undesirable symptoms appear. Girls who have painful PMS, include D3 supplements in your diet.
  7. Helps with concentration and memory. Several studies have shown that the D element affects the ability to make decisions, concentrate and retain information. People with low level of this vitamin do poorly in exams, have difficulty with tasks that require attention ( 10 ). This is probably why it is so difficult to study, take exams in winter and early spring 🙂

Interaction with other drugs

Due to the intake of barbiturates, the body's need for vitamin D3 increases. Therefore, during the period of therapy, additional supplements of cholecalciferol should be prescribed. Colestipol and cholestyramine have a similar effect on the oily vitamin.

Simultaneous administration of D3 with diuretics increases the risk of hypercalcemia. And if glycosides and D3 are prescribed, there may be disturbances in the work of the heart.

The effectiveness of cholecalciferol is reduced by antiepileptic drugs and glucocorticosteroids. During therapy with antacids containing magnesium or aluminum, and taking D3, the toxicity of the former increases.

Now, my friends, you know what this wonder substance is good for. And you can, if necessary, replenish its reserves in the body with the help of food. In order not to miss anything that I am about to tell you in next post, subscribe to updates . That's all for today: see you soon.

Beautiful sex. A total deficiency of this vitamin can lead to arthrosis, periodontal disease and other bone diseases. In addition, the importance of this useful component has for expectant mothers. Its lack adversely affects the formation of the bones of the baby during pregnancy. And in order to protect herself from such adversity, every woman should take care of the intake of a sufficient amount of vitamin D in her body.

Vitamin D in the body of a woman and its role

The role of vitamin D in the body women is in strengthening bone tissue, maintaining youthful skin and maintaining menstrual cycle . The normal level of this vitamin helps the female body to function properly. However, its excess or deficiency leads to serious problems with health. As a rule, an excess of this substance is an infrequent occurrence. But its lack can heap troubles in a fragile female body.

One of the main properties of vitamin D is maintaining bone strength. This useful substance promotes the absorption of a mineral that is part of the human skeleton. Lack of this vitamin interferes with calcium absorption, which subsequently leads to the development of osteoporosis along with frequent fractures. In women, this disease is observed much more often than in men. Therefore, ladies need to consume D in sufficient quantities to prevent the occurrence of bone ailments.

Also thanks to vitamin D brain cells protected from stress. Under the influence of the latter, the nerve cells that make up our brain are simply destroyed. The culprits of this are often emotional experiences that are more inherent in female gender. Unlike men, women's nervous system is more vulnerable to stress. And in this regard, the beautiful half of humanity needs vitamin D much more than men.

Important for the female body is immunomodulatory effect of vitamin D. According to statistics, women are much more likely to get colds. However, the abundance of vitamin D in the body does not allow them to fall ill, as it helps to more effectively fight microbes and viruses. Due to its impact on immune cells, female body becomes less susceptible to various infections. Thus maintaining normal level vitamin D in the body is an excellent prevention of bacterial and viral diseases.

Vitamin D in a woman's body during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the need for vitamin D rises by about 2 times. After all, now most of the vitamin goes to the formation of the skeleton and neural tube of the unborn baby. However, the lack of this substance in the mother's body can lead to the development of the infant rickets. This disease is characterized by a decrease in bone density with subsequent deformation of the skeleton. Therefore, in order to protect the baby from this unpleasant ailment, pregnant women need to focus on taking additional vitamin D.

Forms of Vitamin D

To date, there are 6 types of vitamin D. The main ones are vitamins D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). The other 4 varieties are completely artificial, and their effect on humans is poorly understood. Therefore, their intake should be limited.

Ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol, unlike other forms, are more physiological for our body, because D2 comes to us along with plant food, and D3 is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. However, there is a huge difference between these forms.

Vitamin D2 is less absorbed by the body due to its low biological activity. At the same time, poor absorption of D2 contributes to its accumulation in soft tissues. As a result, ergocalciferol acquires toxic properties and causes many diseases.



Let's say right away: sources of calcium are not deficient. But here's the paradox - the body may experience a lack of it. And women feel it more often than men. This is when split ends are driven to the hairdresser to have a haircut like a boy. The fragile ones cry out for extensions, not to mention the teeth, the chronic restoration of which literally undermines the family budget. But the worst thing that a lack of calcium is fraught with ...

Under the term "vitamin D", scientists have combined several biologically active substances - ferols, which are involved in the most vital and key processes in the human body. Calciferol, ergocalciferol (D2), cholecalciferol (D3) are active participants in metabolism and regulate the absorption of such necessary trace elements as calcium and phosphorus - this is the main vitamin benefitsD. No matter how much a person receives calcium or phosphorus, without the presence of vitamin D, they will not be absorbed by the body, as a result of which their deficiency will only increase.

Since calcium is one of the most common trace elements in the human body, participating in the processes of mineralization of bones and teeth, in the work of the nervous system (it is a mediator between synapses nerve fibers and increases the speed nerve impulses between nerve cells) and is responsible for muscle contraction, then the benefits of vitamin D, which helps to absorb this trace element, are invaluable.

In the course of studies, scientists have proven that vitamin D also has a strong inhibitory effect and slows down growth. cancer cells. Today, calciferol is actively used as part of anticarcinogenic therapy, but this beneficial features vitamin AD do not end. The benefits of vitamin D in the fight against such a complex and controversial disease as psoriasis have been proven. The use of preparations containing a certain form of vitamin D in combination with solar ultraviolet radiation can significantly reduce psoriatic symptoms, remove redness and peeling of the skin, and reduce itching.

The benefits of vitamin D are especially relevant during the period active growth and the formation of bone tissue, so calciferol is prescribed to infants from birth. Deficiency of this vitamin children's body leads to the development of rickets and to deformation of the skeleton. Signs of a lack of calciferol in children may include symptoms such as: lethargy, heavy sweating, increased emotional response (excessive fearfulness, tearfulness, unreasonable whims).

In adults, vitamin D deficiency causes osteomalacia (impaired bone mineralization), muscle becomes lethargic, noticeably weakens. With a deficiency of calciferol, the risk of developing osteoarthritis and osteoporosis significantly increases, the bones become brittle, break even with minor injuries, while fractures heal very difficult and for a long time.

What else is vitamin D good for? Together with other vitamins, it strengthens the human immune system, and is a good prophylactic against colds. This vitamin is also indispensable in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Studying why women need vitamin D3, scientists agreed that it is vital for most body systems. From seasonal viral diseases to oncology, premature aging, severe menopause - all this is directly or indirectly considered the consequences of a lack of D3.

Why do women need vitamin D3

Without vitamins of group D (calciferols), uninterrupted high-quality work of the body is impossible. To compensate for the lack of vitamin D, take the form of D2, D3.

Recent studies have revealed some of the negative aspects of D2:

  1. After the breakdown in the body of D2, this vitamin remains toxic substances that are accumulating. After the collapse of D3, there is no such harmful "waste".
  2. D3 is absorbed faster, and its effect on the body is more powerful than the effect of D2.
  3. When taking ergocalciferol (D2), it is important to strictly adhere to the prescribed dose, because a slight increase in it is fraught with an overdose (unlike taking D3).

Due to the presence of these shortcomings in D2, modern specialists prescribe a more useful form - D3.

The latter affects the following:

  1. Cells. A daily dose of vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol) protects tissues from the appearance of tumors, because the cells do not mutate, they are qualitatively quickly updated and grow. The vitamin is particularly important in preventing cancer. prostate, intestines, mammary glands. D3 takes care of the skin with psoriasis: it is covered with a vitamin preparation.
  2. Immunity. The synthesis of protective cells is the task of the bone marrow, which it performs more actively with the support of D3.
  3. nervous system. Thanks to this vitamin, the assimilation of calcium, the “conductor” for nerve impulses, is being established. For the nerve sheaths, the vitamin is important in itself: it supports their recovery. These properties of D3 are taken into account in order to protect themselves from multiple sclerosis or successfully resist it.
  4. endocrine system. Insulin synthesis and a “healthy” sugar level depend on D3. Taking the vitamin reduces inflammation by enhancing the effectiveness of insulin action.
  5. Bones. D3 provides assimilation bone tissue minerals - magnesium, phosphorus, calcium. Without these substances, the formation of bones is impossible: they become brittle. The consequences of a deficiency of this vitamin include rickets, frequent fractures, osteoporosis. Bone fragility in the elderly is associated with D3 deficiency.
  6. Menstrual cycle. stable cycle menstruation is possible only with a sufficient level of D3.
  7. The course of certain diseases and the risks of their development. These diseases include asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity.
  8. The work of the heart. Deficiency of this vitamin increases the risk of developing heart disease. D3 stabilizes blood pressure, cholesterol levels.
  9. Mood. Testosterone and estrogen are produced worse with a low level of vitamin D. Anxiety, mood swings, and insomnia appear. Hormonal disruptions exacerbate negative symptoms PMS.
  10. Concentration, composure, quality of memory.

On a note! The assimilation and preservation of knowledge depends on D3, therefore, all students and workers in the intellectual spheres are recommended to take the drug during stressful periods and during beriberi seasons (in winter, early spring).

Daily requirement for different ages

Too much of it beneficial substance can be dangerous, as can deficiency.

Its daily rate is determined for different categories of people. For the dosage of D3, two units of measurement are used: micrograms and the Action Unit (or International Unit). Abbreviated, respectively: mcg, ED (or IU). In 1 mcg - 40 IU of vitamin D3. Some doctors suggest that for the adult population, the D3 norm should be increased several times (up to 5000 IU). Now the norm of vitamin D3 is like this.



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