Anatomical and physiological features of the development of the musculoskeletal system in children of primary school age. Rib cage.

natural formulations With medicinal properties have always aroused more confidence in patients than chemical components. This is quite understandable, and given that many of them have proven therapeutic properties, natural ingredients are actively used not only by folk, but also by traditional medicine. Within the framework of this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself in more detail with the properties of birch tar - a specific composition that "lit up" in the list of components of popular ointments sold in pharmacies. Application this tool helps to cope with a lot of problems, the most important thing is to use it correctly.

What is included in birch tar

Birch tar is natural product, which is obtained through the process of dry distillation of the upper part of the bark of young trees. In appearance, the product looks like an oily dark liquid, which in turn has a very specific aroma. Modern production involves the use of iron cauldrons, which are rammed with bark and hermetically sealed. During heating, birch bark (bark) is steamed in a closed space, and tar is released. The whole process usually takes more than 10 hours and allows you to get about 15 kilograms of tar from 50 kilograms of feedstock. pure form.

As part of a natural product, several thousand useful components, including volatile, cresols, benzene, xylene, toluene, resinous substances, organic acids, etc. Due to its rich composition, the product is used even within the framework of traditional medicine, as it can be found among the components of Wilkinson's and Vishnevsky's ointments.

Healing and beneficial properties of birch tar

The components of the composition of birch tar have different beneficial features, which cause wide application of this substance. So, phenol is able to provide antiseptic action, and guaiacol - disinfectant and anti-putrefactive. In general, the described product is capable of in the following way affect the human body

They use the properties of birch tar both in folk and in traditional medicine, which once again proves its usefulness and effectiveness.

What does the remedy help from: indications for use

Given all the described beneficial properties of tar, you can create a whole list of diseases and pathologies that treats the substance or helps to eliminate symptoms:

  • otitis media in a chronic form;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • angina;
  • fungal lesions of the skin;
  • purulent wounds and ulcers;
  • bruises;
  • psoriasis;
  • rashes on the skin of various nature;
  • stomatitis;
  • mastitis after childbirth;
  • violations in normal exchange substances;
  • scabies, from lichen;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • helminth infection;
  • joint diseases.

How to use tar: instructions for use

Purified pharmaceutical tar can be used for the treatment of ailments, both by external application and by ingestion. Each of the methods has its own peculiarities and nuances, which in without fail worth considering.

How to take internally to cleanse the body

It should be noted that Birch tar can be used for oral administration, but this method is considered quite aggressive, so it is better not to carry out such manipulations without the approval of a doctor. If the decision to resort to cleaning with tar has been made, then you can use several effective schemes:

  • 50 milliliters warm milk enrich with one drop of tar, stir thoroughly and drink in the morning before meals. The procedure must be carried out for two weeks. Daily increasing the amount of tar used - up to 14 drops, respectively. If necessary, the amount of milk can be doubled;
  • the second method involves eating a piece before going to bed rye bread, on which 5 drops of pharmacy tar are dripped. For 5 days, the number of drops is increased one per day to 10, and in such volumes they are taken daily for two weeks. Next, you need to move in the opposite direction - daily reducing the dose by one drop to 5, and after that the course will be considered completed.

TO internal use cannot be used if available individual intolerance component or problems with kidney function.

outdoor use

Local use of the product is advisable when skin diseases. Usually, in such cases, the use of tar-based ointments is prescribed, but it is also possible to use it in its pure form. For application to damaged area pure tar mixed in different proportions with lard.

It is also possible to use compresses or rub in a substance diluted with glycerin or even alcohol. The specific recipe depends on the situation with which you have to deal. But it should be understood that the natural product has a very specific aroma and rich Brown color which can stain linens and clothes. Poor absorption gives the treated skin some untidiness. In order to overcome these shortcomings, tar preparations are usually applied for a short period of time, after which the mixture is washed off so that it does not bring discomfort.

Other ways to use tar in traditional medicine

Natural birch tar can be applied different ways and in various folk recipes- it all depends on the nature of the problem for which the product will be used. We propose to consider the most popular areas of application of tar.

To treat nail fungus

The components of the tar have an antifungal effect, which allows you to effectively use it to eliminate fungal diseases of the nails and skin. Tar is used as a cream, simply applying it in an even layer on the surface of the nail plate, leaving it in this position for an hour. But the nails must first be prepared: steam, hold in a bath with medicinal herbs and, if possible, remove the softened damaged tissue. After the procedure, you need to wipe your feet dry, and after that you can apply the ointment.

It is worth repeating this procedure once every two to three days, to achieve positive effect usually one month is enough. You can minimize the risk of recurrence by treating the shoes - the insoles should be wiped with a cotton swab with a small amount of tar.

From hair loss

To improve hair growth processes and minimize hair loss, it is recommended to use tar water few times a week. It will not be difficult to prepare it - you just need to add 50 grams of tar to a liter of water and mix well. The mixture should be left in a dark place for three days, periodically taking out the jar and shaking it. At the end of this period, the mixture is filtered from the sediment and used as a hair rinse.

Also, with active loss, a mask based on natural tar will help. The components include:

  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • vitamin A in the amount of a few drops;
  • and the main ingredient is tar (a tablespoon).

The ingredients are mixed and rubbed into the head before the planned wash. It is necessary to withstand the composition on the hair for several hours, after which it can be washed off. Important - this mask is washed off quite hard, you will need a lot of shampoo.

For acne

Relevance of use this product for the beauty of the skin in that it has disinfecting, drying properties, helps to normalize the work sebaceous glands- this is not only a way to deal with existing pimples, but also a good prophylactic. You can apply the following recipes for the face:

  • honey and tar mask(in a ratio of 3 to 1) with the addition of a teaspoon olive oil. The components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face, avoiding the skin around the eyes. The exposure time of the composition is half an hour, after which it must be washed off well with clean warm water and lubricate the face with baby cream. You can not use this recipe more than twice a week;
  • can be used for washing tar soap - It dries the skin well. It can be both purchased and prepared at home by melting a crushed bar in a water bath baby soap and mixing it with a tablespoon of tar.

Use in psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disease chronic nature which strikes skin, has unpleasant external manifestations and causes a lot of discomfort due to the symptoms. Patients with such a diagnosis have to constantly struggle with it, looking for means that would give a lasting result. good effect in the fight against plaques, they give tar-based products: soap, shampoos, ointments.

  • tar purchased at a pharmacy is added in the amount of one drop per tablespoon apple juice and drink a third of an hour before a meal. You can drink the remedy with milk - whichever you like better;
  • from the second day to the seventh, the amount of the main component is gradually increased one drop per day;
  • V maximum dosage continue to drink the drug until the 30th day from the start of therapy.

This method is very popular because pharmaceutical preparations from worms, for the most part, they have too big list side effects and contraindications.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids

The described remedy for hemorrhoids helps to stop the growth of bacteria, thereby removing the intensity inflammatory processes, puffiness and pain. Wound healing property becomes very relevant in the presence of bleeding. To eliminate such delicate issue apply sitz baths. In the prepared warm water add a little tar and stir (the recommended proportion is a tablespoon per two liters of water). After the patient needs to sit down so that the anus area is in the healing fluid.

Harm and contraindications to treatment with birch tar

Due to the fact that birch tar is an active and ingredient-rich substance, its use may well provoke allergic reaction. For this reason, the agent is pre-tested for tolerability by the body. In addition, application in pure form to the skin can cause irritation.

Contraindications include: pregnancy and the period of preparation for it, breastfeeding, childhood. Also, experts do not recommend using tar-based products for exacerbations of chronic skin diseases.

The likelihood of burning after applying tar to the skin is very high, but here it is worth distinguishing between normal skin reaction from pathological. So, if the sensations increase in intensity and do not pass for more than a quarter of an hour, the composition must be washed off with water. When ingesting, special care should be taken - taking tar in large quantities can provide toxic effect on the kidneys, with an overdose, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and convulsions occur.

Before you start using tar for a particular purpose, it is important to get permission from a doctor. Firstly, it will not be effective for all diseases, and secondly, additional methods treatments should neither preclude nor interfere with the main prescribed treatment.

Video: how to make birch tar yourself

The technology for the extraction of birch tar on an industrial scale is such that it can be reproduced independently, but using improvised means. Once in the forest and having a small metal barrel, it is quite possible to get birch tar with your own hands, based on the recommendations described in this video.

The skeleton of a newborn is made up of bones and cartilage tissue. Bone tissue forms gradually and is gradually replaced by cartilage tissue. By the time of the birth of the child, only the diaphyses of long tubular bones are ossified.

The spine is 39% cartilage. In children in bone tissue organic elements predominate over inorganic ones (calcium and phosphorus salts), which is the reason for the greater elasticity of the skeleton and the easy occurrence of deformations during its continuous voltage and incorrect posture.

In the first years of life, intensive ossification and growth of the skeleton takes place. The beginning and end of ossification of individual parts of the skeleton occur in different dates, but for each bone they are approximately constant. In the spine up to 14 years of age, the spaces between the vertebral bodies are filled with cartilage. At the age of 14-15, new ossification points can be revealed radiologically in the cartilages, and only by the age of 20-21 the plates fuse with the vertebral bodies. The fusion of the lower segments of the sternum occurs at the age of 15-16, the upper segments grow together by the age of 20-25. Therefore, it is quite understandable that wrong positions body and prolonged stress, various curvature of the spine is possible. The constancy of the cervical and thoracic curvature of the spine is established only by the age of 7, before this age, in the prone position, the curves are smoothed out. Lumbar curvature is established only at 17-18 years. Fusion of the pelvic bones into one pelvic ring occurs at age 17. As a result, when jumping from a height or wearing shoes on high heels in girls, displacements and deformities of the pelvic bones may occur.

The bones of the wrist in a newborn are only outlined, and developing gradually, they become clearly visible on the radiograph only by the age of 7. By the same time, the ossification of the phalanges of the fingers ends. In this regard, it is impossible to overload children, especially the first year of study, with written work.

Development is associated with the skeletal system muscular system. First of all, the large muscles of the trunk and limbs develop, by the age of 6-7 they are already well developed. Small muscles develop much more slowly and by the same age are not yet developed. For this reason, children younger age V to a large extent master the main types of natural movements, but movements with a point of coordination are given to them with difficulty. rising muscle mass the working capacity of the organism increases, the coordination of movements improves, which is associated mainly with the training of the analyzers and the central nervous system.

Posture is of particular importance. Posture is a habitual posture in calm state when walking and standing. It depends on the condition of the spine and the muscles surrounding spinal column and pelvic girdle. With normal posture vertical axis runs along the line connecting the middle of the crown and foot; the shoulders are laid back somewhat, the shoulder blades are pressed to the chest, the stomach protrudes slightly forward. A child has such a normal posture by the age of seven. Posture is caused by heredity, but environmental conditions play a leading role in its formation.

More on the topic Features of the structure of the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents .:

  1. Abstract. Features of the structure of the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents0000, 0000
  2. Chapter 19

Anatomical and physiological features of the development of the musculoskeletal locomotive system children up to school age

In child development great importance has a state of the musculoskeletal system - the bone skeleton, joints, ligaments and muscles.
The bone skeleton, along with the performance of the supporting function, performs the function of protection internal organs from adverse influences different kind injuries. Bone tissue in children contains little salt, it is soft and elastic. The process of bone ossification does not occur in the same period. Especially rapid restructuring of bone tissue, changes in the skeleton are observed in a child when he begins to walk.
Spine small child consists almost entirely of cartilage and has no bends. When the child begins to hold his head, he has a cervical bend, facing the bulge forward. At 6-7 months, the child begins to sit, he has a bend in the thoracic part of the spine with a bulge back. When walking, the lumbar curvature is formed with a bulge forward. By the age of 3-4, the child's spine has all the bends characteristic of an adult, but the bones and ligaments are still elastic and the spine bends are aligned in the supine position. The constancy of the cervical and thoracic curvature of the spine is established by 7 years, and the lumbar - by 12 years. Ossification of the spine occurs gradually and is completed completely only after 20 years.
Rib cage the newborn has a rounded cylindrical shape, its anteroposterior and transverse diameters are almost the same. When a child begins to walk, the shape of the chest approaches that of an adult. Ribs in children early age have horizontal direction which restricts the movement of the chest. By 6 - 7 years, these features do not appear.
The bones of the arms and legs undergo changes as the child grows. Until the age of 7, their rapid ossification occurs. For example, the ossification nuclei in femur baby appear in different areas at different times: in the epiphyses - even in prenatal period, in the epicondyles - at the 3rd - 8th year of life; in the epiphyses of the lower leg - at the 3rd - 6th year, and in the phalanges of the foot - at the 3rd year of life.
The pelvic bones of a newborn child consist of separate parts - the iliac, ischial, pubic, the fusion of which begins from 5-6 years.
Thus, skeletal system children under 7 years of age is characterized by the incompleteness of the bone formation process, which makes it necessary to carefully protect it.
Muscle undergoes morphological growth, functional improvement and differentiation at early and preschool age. When standing upright and walking begins, the pelvic muscles develop intensively and lower extremities. The muscles of the hands begin to develop rapidly at 6 - 7 years after structural formation. bone base and under the influence of the exercise of the muscles of the hand as a result of the activity of the child.

2.2 Features of the formation of the musculoskeletal system

source of development for children natural need is a movement carried out due to the work of the skeletal muscles and the bone base - the skeleton.

Skeleton of a child preschool age consists mainly of cartilaginous tissue, which causes the possibility of further growth. However, soft and pliable bones change shape under the influence of loads.

Excessive and uneven load associated with prolonged standing, walking, carrying weights, sitting at tables that are inappropriate for growth can adversely affect the development of the supporting skeleton - change the shape of the legs, spine, arch of the foot, and cause postural disorders.

By the end of preschool age, the formation of the bone skeleton of the hand is basically completed, which, along with other factors, creates the possibility of systematic learning.

During preschool childhood there is a change in the shape of the skull - an increase in its facial part.

To a certain extent, this is due to the function of chewing, which is formed from the moment of teething.

The intensive development of the skeleton in preschool children is closely related to the development of muscles, tendons, and the articular-ligamentous apparatus. In preschoolers, there is a high mobility in the joints, associated with a high elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

The peculiarity of the muscular system lies in the small thickness of the muscle fibers, great content in the muscles of water low rate muscle strength.

The volume of muscle fibers noticeably increases by the age of 5, while muscle strength also increases, however, these changes are unequal in different groups muscles. Deep spinal muscles are also weak at 6-7 years of age, they do not sufficiently strengthen the spinal column. The abdominal muscles are also poorly developed. Therefore, preschoolers often have functional (unstable) posture deviations.

At this age, the strength of the flexor muscles is higher than the extensor muscles, which determines the features of the child's posture: the head is slightly tilted forward, the stomach is protruded, the legs are bent in knee joints. That is why exercises for the muscles holding the posture and for the extensor muscles are so important and necessary.

The small muscles of the hand develop slowly. Only by the age of 6-7 years does the child begin to master more complex and precise movements of the hand and fingers. This is facilitated by exercises with balls, modeling, drawing, etc.

In children of younger preschool age, the muscular apparatus of the foot is poorly developed, so they should not be allowed to jump from a height.

To strengthen the arch of the foot, systematic corrective exercises are useful. Necessary great attention give to sports shoes (tight heel, elastic sole with a heel, insole corresponding to the size of the foot).

Improvement indicator musculoskeletal system is the development of basic movements (running, jumping, throwing, climbing) and physical qualities- strength, speed, agility, coordination abilities.

The movements of children of primary preschool age are characterized by insufficient coordination, fuzzy rhythm, and inconsistency in the actions of the arms and legs. The development of a child's movements with age occurs not only as a result of strengthening the musculoskeletal system, but mainly from improving the function of the nervous apparatus and the cerebral cortex.

Preschool children are characterized by low endurance of the muscular system. The static tension of the child's muscles can only be held for a short time. That's why younger preschoolers not able to perform the same movements for a long time, to walk with a calm, even step. They change position every now and then when standing or sitting.

In older preschoolers, the muscles become much stronger, their endurance increases somewhat, but even at this age, rhythm when walking, as well as a motionless posture, especially when sitting, do not last long. Endurance remains low in relation to power stresses.

However, under the influence emotional arousal a preschooler can show great strength and endurance of the motor apparatus, which is not characteristic of him in normal conditions which often have a negative effect on general condition body and in particular of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, such physical exercise, like outdoor games, gymnastics, it is necessary to strictly dose, observing the rule of gradual increase in loads.

The level of development of basic movements and physical qualities depends on the organization of physical education, carried out on the basis of age functionality child.

2.3 Features of the development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems

Development respiratory system characterized by an increase in lung volume and improved function external respiration. By 3-4 years is established chest type respiration, which occurs as a result of the development of the respiratory muscles. The depth of breathing increases and, consequently, the saturation of the blood with oxygen. The vital capacity of the lungs increases: from 400-500 ml - at 3-4 years to 1500-2200 ml - at 7 years.

At the age of 6-7 years, indicators of the function of external respiration (VC, respiratory rate, respiratory minute volume) in boys are higher than in girls. With a slower breathing rate great value minute volume of respiration (both at rest and during exercise) is provided in boys due to the depth of respiration, i.e. more economical than their peers.

The positive dynamics of the respiratory function is largely associated with the influence of physical exercises.

In the first years of life, there is a particularly intensive development of the entire cardiovascular system.

In the period from 5 to 6 years, the increase in mass (up to 80 g) and volume of the heart (up to 90 cm 3) is significantly accelerated.

With age, with an increase in the size of the heart and the volume of blood ejected with each contraction, the heart rate becomes less frequent (up to 80 beats per minute in older preschool age).

Distinctive feature activity of the cardiovascular system is the uneven frequency and strength of heart contractions, even at rest.

This unevenness is more pronounced when exposed to physical exertion, the excitation of the child.

Arterial pressure in children due to the large width vascular bed, greater elasticity of blood vessels and lower pumping capacity of the heart is lower than in adults. Physical exercise have a training effect on the cardiovascular system: under the influence of physical activity, the pulse rate first increases, the maximum and minimum blood pressure improves the regulation of cardiac activity. As you train, the response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity changes: the work of the heart becomes more economical, energy needs are provided not by the frequency of its contractions, but by the increased volume of blood ejected at the same time.

In preschool age, especially from 3 to 4 and from 6 to 7 years, the regulation of blood circulation is improved. Blood supply to tissues at rest and per unit of work performed, blood distribution between working muscles and various tissues of a working organism becomes more economical.

A special qualitative leap in improving the regulation of blood circulation, which falls on the period from 6 to 7 years, dictates the need for more gentle loads (especially static) in the mode of activity of children 6 years old.

In the first of which (control) no special psychological training was carried out; the second group (experimental) regularly engaged in purposeful psychological preparation for the birth and harmonious development of the child. Observations were made on their children born and results 7-10 months after birth; response of children in infancy to psychological support ...

Babies; ยจ secondly, to determine the relationship between the course of pregnancy and childbirth and deviation mental development children 1 year of age; In our study, we used the following diagnostic technique: Diagnostic technique neuropsychic development children of the first year of life developed by E.L. Frucht based on the materials of N.M. Shchelovanova, M.Yu. Kistyakova and S.M. Krivina. IN...

In the development of a child, the state of the musculoskeletal system - the bone skeleton, joints, ligaments and muscles - is of greater importance.
The bone skeleton, along with the performance of the supporting function, performs the function of protecting: internal organs from adverse effects - various kinds of injuries. Bone tissue in children contains little salt, it is soft and elastic. The process of bone ossification does not occur in the same period of a child's development. Especially rapid restructuring of bone tissue, changes in the skeleton are observed in a child when he begins to walk.
The spine of a small child is almost entirely made of cartilage and has no curves. When the child begins to hold his head, he has a cervical bend, facing the bulge forward. At 6-7 months, the child begins to sit, he has a bend in the thoracic part of the spine with a bulge back. When walking, the lumbar curvature is formed with a bulge forward. By the age of 3-4, the child's spine has all the bends characteristic of an adult, but the bones and ligaments are still elastic and the spine bends are aligned in the supine position. The constancy of the cervical and thoracic curvature of the spine is established by 7 years, and the lumbar - by 12 years. Ossification of the spine occurs gradually and is completed completely only after 20 years.
The chest of the newborn has a round-cylindrical shape, its anterior-posterior and transverse diameters are almost the same. When a child begins to walk, the shape of the chest approaches the norm of an adult. Ribs in young children have a horizontal direction, which limits the excursion (movement) of the chest. By the age of 6-7, these features do not appear.
The bones of the arms and legs undergo changes as the child grows. Until the age of 7, their rapid ossification occurs. So, for example, the ossification nuclei in the femur of a child appear in different areas at different times: in the epiphyses - even in the prenatal period, in the epicondyles - at the 3-8th year of life; in the epiphyses of the lower leg - on. 3-6th years, and in the phalanges of the foot - in the 3rd year of life.
The pelvic bones of a newborn child consist of separate parts - the iliac, ischial, pubic, the fusion of which begins from 5-6 years.
Thus, the skeletal system of children under 7 years of age is characterized by the incompleteness of the bone-forming process, which makes it necessary to carefully protect it.
Muscle tissue in early and preschool age undergoes morphological growth, functional improvement and differentiation. When standing upright and walking begins, the muscles of the pelvis and lower extremities develop intensively. The muscles of the hands begin to develop rapidly at the age of 6-7 after the structural formation of the bone base and under the influence of the exercise of the muscles of the hand as a result of the child's activity.
Timely development of the musculoskeletal system and motor functions in children of early and preschool age largely contributes to proper organization hygiene conditions, environment, nutrition and physical education.



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