How dangerous is the astral world and is it worth visiting. Do you have diseases of the musculoskeletal system? What is dangerous astral travel for people with health problems

A previously classified document written back in 1984 by Wayne M. Mcdonnell of US Army Intelligence has appeared in full, unedited form on the CIA website.


The fully declassified document takes up an unusual topic and answers some paranormal questions. The document is a complete and detailed account of CIA investigations into what is often referred to as the astral plane.


It is believed that the astral plane is an area outside the material world, which makes it possible to gain access to the soul or spirit of a person. Some religions believe that the astral plane can only be accessed after death. physical body, while others believe that it is possible to achieve it in life.

It is most commonly associated with some Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Jainism and is central to the Buddhist faith and concept of nirvana. In more later times, the concept of the astral plane saw a resurgence in popularity in both the West and Asia with the rise of the New Age movement.

While many people consider the astral plane to be more than just a mental change that can be fully explained by science, it appears that the CIA did not take the same view. A recently released paper explains that research has proven that the astral is certainly not a myth. The document also mentions the concept of "Absolute", permeating time and space in all dimensions. The "Absolute", the document describes as omnipresent and omnipotent.

Those who worked on this project expressed their desire to explore this topic in more detail in the future. However, it seems that interest in the project has either dried up on upper levels command, or, which most likely happened, further studies of this extraordinary phenomenon were classified into much more high level secrecy. The CIA does not currently mention any Additional information regarding the research of this project. Naturally, this has raised suspicions that the government has gained a deep understanding of the concept and may be using it without the knowledge of the general public.

Exit to the astral plane - dangers and methods of struggle. Let's consider what threatens travel through the astral worlds and what to do to prevent trouble.

In the article:

Exit to the astral plane - dangers that you should not be afraid of

Common danger of the astral and practice - sleep paralysis . It often happens not only among people who are engaged in obtaining out-of-body experience and travel to other worlds and different levels astral. Sleep paralysis scares most people. During the condition, it is impossible to move even a finger, sometimes there is a feeling of pressure in the chest area.

Sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis has been known to people since antiquity: the ancestors believed that the brownie was strangling. Sleep paralysis is not dangerous passes quickly on its own. There is nothing to do with paralysis: you can't panic. If you relax and calm down, sleep paralysis will go faster. The reason is too abrupt return to the body, which did not have time to “turn on”, and consciousness has already returned.

Another imaginary danger is the inability to return to the physical body. It is not the soul that travels, but consciousness or. The "gross" astral component remains in the body and acts as a guardian and beacon pointing the way back. It is enough for a beginner to think about the physical body for a return to occur. Getting into the astral is much more difficult than returning. The problem of exit is more acute than the loss of the physical body.

Astral Cord.

The astral cord is a silvery connecting thread with the physical body, which not all practitioners see or feel. Those familiar with the phenomenon argue that it is impossible to break the connection, causing separation from the physical body and death. Beginners sometimes lose the line - it's just the stress of the first trip.

What else is dangerous astral in the opinion of beginners - the ability to lose track of time. The feeling of the flow of time when staying in a parallel world is seriously different from the usual. The gross astral substance remaining in the physical body will surely attract the subtle, if necessary.

What is dangerous astral travel for people with health problems

Astral travel has contraindications.
For example, the condition is undesirable for people with diseases of cardio-vascular system. Diseases nervous system and respiratory problems are the causes serious problems with health, combined with the stress that a newcomer experiences during the first trips or sleep paralysis.

The rest are not too serious illness pass after the start of work on the exit to the astral worlds. The preparatory exercises necessary for the full development of the technique, raising the tone and increasing immunity, also have an impact.

Especially dangerous are the practices and classes of magic for people who are overly impressionable, nervous and unbalanced. Problems of any interest in the paranormal can exacerbate. Mental diseases are not worth talking about - this is a serious contraindication. A person with mental disorders, fascinated by the paranormal, runs the risk of becoming a patient in a psychiatric clinic.

Before engaging in rituals, studying parallel world or any other practices, it is necessary to resolve the difficulties associated with the physical and mental state. depression and Bad mood will interfere.

Is it dangerous to go into the astral plane - the essence of other worlds

One of the dangers - living in the astral entities. Parallel worlds are not empty, but inhabited by various creatures. not always dangerous, with some you can make friends. There are several rules when communicating with entities: politeness, respect, you should not meddle where they do not want to let you in - a person must remember that he is visiting.

Beginners sometimes break rules they don't know. No one will attack without warning - the person will be explained that actions are prohibited by local rules. If you ignore the warning, the traveler will be taken over by entities that act as law enforcement officers. If you seriously annoy them, get rid of nightmares will not work.

Not all entities on a psychic journey are benevolent or neutral: some require an energetic boost. Their main weapon is fear. Negative entities are to blame for nightmares. There are no consequences: after the leakage of energy, weakness is felt, and the impression of the journey is unpleasant.

Struggling with entities you can't be afraid in the astral plane. Fear and nervousness attract those who want to feed on energy. If a person is afraid, he is guaranteed to meet with horror in the astral plane. To be afraid - to give energy. Work on fears will not allow energy vampires annoy. If you had to face a strong opponent, you can always leave - moving in the astral plane is very different from the usual. Vampire entities also appear in ordinary dreams - almost everyone has nightmares.

The sharing of souls is another danger in the astral plane.

Another danger is the subsistence of the essence. Larvae, demons and other entities can come from the astral along with the soul. The work of destroying inhabited entities is difficult, but doable. Possession by demons after traveling - a rare event. Really bring a "visit" poltergeist.

Do the dangers of the astral affect the physical body?

For the physical body, the astral is no more harmful than ordinary sleep. A gross astral substance always remains in the body, which, in case of danger, will pull the subtle astral body back. The person will hear the alarm sound and wake up. Without a threat, it is difficult to wake up a traveler, like a person who did not get enough sleep the day before, during a deep sleep.

It is almost impossible to get physical damage in the astral plane: you need serious violations safety technology. If you harm the inhabitants of a parallel world, the entities will harm in return. Rarely does it come to physical harm, usually everything is limited to energy losses and obsessive nightmares.

After serious astral attacks and collisions, traces of beatings appear on the body. You need to break a lot of local laws and find a strong enough opponent. You shouldn't worry about physical state if you behave properly and with dignity.

It's no secret that the internet is full of various techniques or ways to enter the astral plane, but before using them, let's first understand what an out-of-body experience is, how it happens and what it can be associated with. Why do many people have experienced it and continue to experience it? Is it dangerous to humans, and if so, why?

What is essentially the exit to the astral plane or the experience of out-of-body existence (OBE)?

The main sensations of a person during an out-of-body experience or entering the astral plane

This, like any other experience conducted by man on own will occurs under certain conditions and is accompanied at the beginning and end by various sensations on the physical level.

The person may feel a contraction of the muscles of the body, twitching, not a strong vibration of the whole body, hear various sounds (squeaks, noises, like interference in radio electronics, hum, etc.). In addition, there may be a short loss of consciousness, catalepsy.

At good experience, that is, the exit from their own body, people can perceive different information. See everything (including your body, separated from you), hear, understand and even communicate on a telepathic level. Feel lightness, a feeling of flight and move away from your physical body at different distances. A person can also perceive himself in different ways and even have different kind shape.

In somatic experience, the form in which the soul or inner “I” of a person is enclosed, as a rule, has the outlines of his own physical body, abandoned for a while. Moreover, if a person does not have, for example, legs or arms, and so on, or is in old age, then the form in which he will feel himself will be flawless and may not correspond to his real age. That is, the outline can take the form of a young body.

Many people who have artificially left their physical body more than once experience more and more new sensations, as a rule, they like to travel not only around our world, but also go in search of other worlds, without breaking the thin thread that connects their inner “I”. with the physical body. IN esotericism it is believed that if this thread breaks, then the human body dies, and the soul continues to exist without it.

Why go to the astral - we have already explained, but who can go to the astral?

How and when can the experience of out-of-body existence be caused?

  • As mentioned above, hypnosis (safely), hallucinogenic drugs, which are not recommended in any case, since the sensations that you will experience will not be controlled by you, that is, you will not be able to control them and can lead to death.
  • Unconsciously - against the background of great joy, orgasm, when driving at high speed, in extreme situations, stress, skydiving and the like.
  • Consciously - during meditation, complete relaxation and low brain activity. As a rule, in the stage of falling asleep or waking up, any person, if he wants to feel the exit from his own body and knows the techniques.

Why is it dangerous to enter the astral plane?

Again, without a specific teacher and knowledge of techniques, deliberately gaining experience is very dangerous!

In the new unknown world, one can not only receive information, knowledge, travel and the like, but also face uncontrollable processes, due to which it is very easy to get lost and lose one's physical body.

It is also possible that if certain rules are not observed, another soul may take over your body.

Keep in mind that when the state is changed (low or high) brain activity your inner "I" or as they call it - the soul, lose their subconscious connection with the physical own body and are simply replaced by a form with the functions of superpowers and the perception of reality.

In contact with

Once upon a time, astral travel was associated by the majority only with science fiction films and books, but in Lately these, it would seem, secret knowledge became available. The most famous astral travelers are shamans who explore other worlds and get the knowledge they need from there. According to esotericists, absolutely anyone can go into the astral.

The difference between astral travel and sleep

There is only one way to get in astral world- through a dream. In fact, sleep and astral travel are similar in many ways, but astral travel is a fully conscious sleep, when the physical body is separated from the mental, spiritual shell, but the mind does not sleep, as during normal sleep. The separation of the physical body from the spiritual takes place for every person every day, for this it is only necessary to fall asleep. Scientists have proven that when falling asleep, the mental body separates and is located exactly in the same position as the physical body, but about half a meter above the person.

Therefore, the main difference between ordinary sleep and immersion in the astral plane is manifested in the mind control of all actions. spiritual body, at normal sleep the brain rests and the maximum that can happen is the dreams dictated to us most often by the subconscious.

How to enter the astral plane for a beginner. What you need to know

For those who are not familiar with astral travel, you should not rush to move on to practice, first of all, you should pay attention to many nuances of entering the astral plane in order to protect yourself, as still a beginner in this practice, from dangerous consequences. The knowledge of such basic principles astro travel like:

  • Sleep control. It consists in beginning to distinguish and highlight the exact moment when you fall asleep.
  • Development of visualization skill. It is necessary for at least a week to train the idea of ​​how immersion into the astral has already taken place.
  • Self confidence. It is extremely important to be mentally prepared to enter the astral plane.
  • Calm. Often, beginners have a fear of not returning from the astral, so you should remain calm and understand that at any time, as soon as you want to return, you can do it.

A beginner should remember that rarely anyone manages to plunge into another world for the first few times. Therefore, do not be upset if nothing happened and you, for example, just fell asleep. It is important not to stop practicing, but to move slowly towards your goal - an exciting astrojourney.

What are the techniques for entering the astral plane?

Absolutely all techniques for entering the astral plane are designed to properly target the brain for the upcoming journey. The fact is that when a practitioner performs these simple techniques, he automatically disconnects from the outside world and turns off internal monologue. Also, these techniques allow you to "swing" the body and start the vibrations necessary for astral practice.

By the way, masters of astrojourney rarely use preliminary techniques, because. their body has already worked out the technique of entering the astral to automatism, but it is recommended for beginners in this matter to start with the technique.

Methods, techniques for immersion in the astral

There are many ways to enter the astral, for this reason, a beginner in the practice of astral travel should, after trying several techniques for immersion, choose the most convenient for himself and practice it daily, this is how the ability to enter the astral develops.

Enough known way immersion in the astral is the so-called vortex method. The essence of this method is the observance of a special vegetarian diet, as well as refusal to drink coffee, alcohol, cigarettes for at least two weeks.

Next, you should take a sitting position (make sure that the back is straight and the energy passes unhindered), without crossing arms and legs. Also a well-known astral travel practitioner, Minnie Keeler, recommends having a glass nearby. clean water, which, according to her, will protect you during practice from evil spirits that live in the astral plane.

After completing several breath cycles, you should imagine that you are in the center of a large cone. With the help of consciousness, one should rise to the top of the cone, then imagine oneself inside the vortex movement, while identifying with the top of the cone. This visualization should be repeated until the shell of the cone bursts and you are outside with the help of a whirlwind.

It should be noted that the vortex method is best for those who have a well-established practice of visualization, as with its help it helps to transfer attention from the body to the mind. This method also has other options:

  • You are in a barrel, gradually filled with water, when the water fills the barrel, you should find a hole in it on the side and through it go into the astral.
  • You are sitting on a carpet through which steam passes, imagine that you are this same steam and rise up, leaving the body.

Technique for the beginner

One of the easiest ways for beginners is to memorize about 10 basic items in one of the rooms of their apartment, the smell of the room, the lighting and the general atmosphere. Then, having already left the room, you need to close your eyes and imagine yourself in this room again. If all the information about the room was collected correctly, then it will be possible to present it without much difficulty. In the future, traveling along already familiar mental routes, you can develop more and more the ability to astral exit.

hypnotic way

With the help of hypnosis, you can go to the astral for those for whom the visualization method is very difficult, or other methods of visiting the astral. Such immunity occurs when a person's consciousness is closed or inhibited. The hypnotic method allows, bypassing the impact on the consciousness and mind of a person, to work with his subconscious.

There are two options for this technique:

  • the practitioner entering the astral plane himself enters a trance using the technique of self-hypnosis;
  • hypnotic effect on the subconscious is provided by a specialist.

It is worth noting that several self-hypnosis techniques have been identified, many of them are described in some detail in the specialized literature and do not pose a serious danger to the practitioner.

Method "Swing"

Such a way of traveling to the astral as "Swing" is an imaginary swing. It has no restrictions on its use and, accordingly, everyone can use it. essence this method is that by taking comfortable position and closing your eyes, you need to imagine how warmth spreads through the body and how Sun rays caress the body. Next, you need to imagine that you are riding on a swing, which gradually accelerates and lifts you into the sky itself, you should not be afraid, but you need to break away from the swing to fly. In the first sessions, it is recommended to land close to your body, as you progress in this technique, you can go on a “journey” to any place, but you should always start moving from the body.

Method "Swing"

Through astral contact

One of the safe techniques is considered to be an exit to another reality with the help of astral contact or, in other words, a mentor. But one should take a rather serious approach to choosing a practice partner, because. The main burden lies on him, not on you. It is the teacher who will help you immerse yourself in the astral and, if necessary, help you return, fully controlling your stay outside the body. In addition, there are stories among astrotravellers about how dishonest mentors, at the time of the journey of the mental body, planted another soul in the physical body, leaving the practitioner beyond the threshold of the real world.

Method from Alice Bailey

Alice Bailey's method is to move consciousness into the head before going to sleep, and in no case should you lose control of consciousness, as in normal falling asleep. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the consciousness remains active - this is very important for entering the astral. Thanks to the development of the ability to relax and gradually shift consciousness from the whole body to the head, one can learn to control oneself when entering the astral world. But unfortunately, this method You can’t call it fast-acting, so it will take a very long time to master astral travel with it.

Method from Kate Harari

Keith Harari's technique is not the easiest method of preparing for entering the astral plane. According to this method, your task is to choose a room in the apartment that you like the most. After the choice is made, it is also necessary to find a place that is pleasant for you outside the apartment or house - on the street. In this place, you should spend from 10-15 minutes, standing there with eyes closed and soaking up the atmosphere of this place. Then, while still outside, you need to take a deep breath and imagine that you are on a sofa or chair that is comfortable for you. As you feel this, you should slowly open your eyes and imagine that everything you see around you is a consequence of your experience outside of the bodily journey. Through inhalation, you should take a good look at the surrounding place and gradually begin to move to the room in the house that you have chosen for practice. Since, according to your conviction, you are now getting your first out-of-body experience, it is better to avoid communication with people so as not to break the chain of work with consciousness that is important for this method. Then, after you spend 10-15 minutes in the apartment, you should return to the street, close your eyes and, taking a deep breath, imagine that you are in this moment indoors, on your sofa or chair. After that, the eyes must be opened and returned to the apartment. Having taken a comfortable position, relax and remember that place on fresh air where you have just been. Try to remember how you felt on the street, how you felt, imagining that you were sitting on the couch. Next, through the breath, you should imagine that you were back in the room and try to imagine how you felt when you stood on the street and imagined that your physical body was already at home.

Although this technique at first glance, it may seem confusing, but it is worth understanding it, because the technique that forms its basis is best able to prepare for entering the astral.

"Matema Shinto" - exit in pairs

The Paired Exit technique is based on the fact that two people who practice lucid dreaming and feel each other non-verbally use astral projection to transmit some kind of important information. For this, it is necessary, being already out of the body, to meet in one agreed place, and, after taking exactly 60 steps, knock on the door that has arisen nearby. When it is opened, the information should be transmitted and returned exactly 60 paces back. For such a session, of course, training is required, but in the case when the exit to the astral in a couple occurs, there is a good opportunity to have support from a close friend, practicing out of body practices.

Meditation to eject the astral body from the shell

One of the main tools to prepare for entering the astral plane is meditation. Moreover, according to practicing astro-pilots, it is better to take sitting position and in it “start” the relaxation of the whole body, based on the following algorithm of actions:

  • relax arms and legs;
  • we transfer relaxation to the muscles of the body;
  • the face relaxes;
  • the body becomes soft like plasticine, and the work of consciousness stops (for better work you can focus on your breath.

There is also a version that a good step to enter the astral plane is the well-known "Shavasana" - one of the relaxing yoga asanas. The main difference between this meditation is that the ejection of the body occurs from a lying position, and not sitting, as mentioned above.

What can you see when you enter the astral plane?

For people who are not involved in astral flights, there is a standard description of such a place as the astral and it is often compared with the stories of people who survived clinical death. Indeed, those who practice entering the astral plane, first of all, see a certain corridor or a deep tunnel, rotating and luminous.

In general, a journey to the astral world is a journey to exactly the same place as reality. This means that in the astral you should not expect to meet the heroes of science fiction films or any fictional creatures. There exists Great chance meet only those who have long gone to another world, or those with whom you have not had a meeting for a very long time, but these people are significant to you - the fact is that in the astral space there is no concept of time to which we are accustomed.

What can you feel when entering the astral plane

Being in the astral plane, you can track how your presence here is from your existence in reality. According to practicing astro-pilots, the astral world provides additional, endless possibilities body, such as passing through walls, the ability to fly, understanding the language of animals and plants, and much more. In general, the existence of such opportunities is explained by the fact that any action in the astral projection is carried out with the help of thoughts, and the abilities of our mind, as you know, are unlimited.

As for the sensations of oneself, a person, being in the astral, recognizes his mental body as a ball or some kind of transparent figure, as he develops in the practice of entering the astral, a person can begin to see himself in a normal way.

Entering the astral world for the first time, you can feel calmness and relaxation in your whole body, lightness and a feeling as if you are floating in the air. By the way, the first exit from the body should not exceed the limit of 5 minutes, it is also not recommended to move far from the body.

Terrible dangers lie in wait in the astral plane

Practicing exits to the astral, especially if you do not follow the rules and "walk" quite far from the body, you can come across some troubles, which then have consequences in reality. The astral world originally belongs to spirits and ghosts, and each of them has its own intentions, not always good ones. Thus, going into the astral without protection, there is always a risk:

  • do not return to the ordinary world, stuck in the astral;
  • bring with you from the astral world negative entities, as a result of which there is a possibility of mental illness, popularly referred to as "obsession".

In order not to get into such situations, it is recommended to carefully study the literature on this topic and follow the rules that do not allow you to “travel” outside the home, and if you do long sessions, then secure yourself with the help of the astral exit technique in pairs.

Rules that will save in the astral from death

Before engaging in the practice of astral travel, it is worth asking yourself the question “Why do I need this?”. Having studied enough information on this topic, and without losing the desire to practice lucid dreaming, one should devote quite a lot of attention to protecting oneself during the sessions. Certainly, best protection is prayer and pectoral cross, which create a kind of shield on the mental level. If you do not belong to the Christian religion, then you can use any other creeds, the main thing is the light energy that arises around you from such means of protection.

People who are interested in questions of the supernatural and engaged in self-improvement have often come across such a concept as "astral". It should be noted that the ideas about this area of ​​esotericism are not entirely similar. Even vice versa. They are very different.

What can be said about astral travel?

There is simply great amount variety of books and articles. And in all of them, the answer to the question of what the astral is emphasizes completely different aspects. In this regard, if a person first encountered astral travel, it will be very difficult for him to figure out what they are.

From the point of view of the most popular version, the astral means a change in the state of mind, which provides the soul with the opportunity to travel freely. And it should be noted that the body is in the same place. So what is the astral? And how does it differ from lucid dreams ideas?

Such different out-of-body movements

The term has always caused and will cause a variety of misconceptions. The reason for this is that he appeared a very long time ago. And for all the time of its existence, it has already managed to change its meaning several times. Many OBE practitioners may confuse the astral with lucid dreams. However, they should not be confused with each other, since the border still exists.

Answering the question about what the astral is, it should be understood that its main difference from lucid dreams is that with its help everyone can go beyond their body. At the same time, the practitioner will find himself in an intermediary world located between the spiritual and physical spaces.

Lucid dreaming is an action that takes place primarily in our head. And the whole reality of what is happening does not affect this in any way. In fact, the brain is able to create some situations, objects and living beings that are able to look natural. However, all this is a projection, which is generated primarily by our subconscious. A lucid dream can be compared to a collection of pixels in a game that are perceived as a full-fledged character, in fact, they are not.

Dreams will help you go to the astral

However, the dreams into which a person breaks out can be perceived from the position of a starting point for diving into the deep levels of one's subconscious. Subsequently, all this will help answer the question of what the astral is, and, accordingly, enter it.

It is necessary to perceive the terminology in this situation from the position of a fragile thing. Borders between two species out-of-body travel quite blurry. And there is nothing strange in the fact that many practitioners confuse two different terms with each other. Due to the complexity of such a phenomenon as the astral, and due to the insufficient development of science in this direction, not every person will be able to thoroughly study such a journey outside his body.

Everyone has their own opinion about what the astral hides in itself.

Reading different books, getting acquainted with numerous articles, each person forms his own opinion about what the astral is. Many have heard more than once about Buddhist monks who, being alone in a place hidden from everyone, are engaged in astral travel. After all, their religion implies constant meditation. It is she who is the main key to achieving success in the process of changing consciousness.

However, there are other ways, by turning to which, you can get into the astral. Exit from the body can only be obtained if they are carefully observed.

How to get out of your body?

You can achieve the necessary state during falling asleep. This is the workaround that all beginners try to follow. The main point in such practice is that it is necessary to achieve total relaxation. At the time of preparing for sleep, you need to imagine any room that is familiar in great detail. In such a situation, the brain will not independently think out the details and elements of the interior.

After that, we begin to draw in our imagination moving around the room. The gaze must be constantly translated from element to element. This is necessary in order to change the focus point. Don't stay too long in one place. Your job is to keep moving. With every minute, if you can keep the picture in your imagination for too long, the room becomes more traced, brighter and clearer. Depth will begin to appear. Mild twitches may occur. However, for this technique of entering the astral, there is nothing strange in this. In order to avoid twitching later, one must be passive in one's thoughts.

IN certain moment the room will become real enough. And that is the signal for action. It should be understood that the thought process itself must be fixed at a minimum level. The results of this astral exit technique are reminiscent of the actions people perform in extreme situations.

In order to focus all your attention on what is happening, you can start to reproduce in your head certain sounds, which will accompany all movements around the room. For example, if you imagine that a tin can was tied to your leg, then it will rattle with each next movement. You can also listen to your steps, breathing, etc.

In the event that suddenly something happened and you suddenly woke up, then you just need to try again. And you need to do this until you find yourself in your dream. to the astral from lucid dream You can get through the door, which causes a feeling of uncertainty and excitement. You can also form a hole in the floor and just jump into it.

Dangerous methods that require professionalism

There is another way that may be suitable for beginners who are not able to concentrate their attention on an imaginary picture. This is the so-called extreme method. However, with it, you will not be sure that the exit to the astral will be safe. Talking about what an exit to the astral is, it should be said that not all methods are worth practicing. If you doubt a successful outcome, then it is better to abandon your idea.

life-threatening attempt

One of the extreme exits is to press on solar plexus. The person needs to lie down and begin to breathe deeply and quickly. You need to do this until your eyes start to blur. At such a moment, you will need to abruptly stop your breathing, take the last breath. The following actions can be done on your own or with stranger. The second option is the most preferable. The partner must press with force on the solar plexus of the person who is lying. However, we must try not to miss a certain moment, which is very dangerous. If it is skipped, then the heart of a person practicing astral is able to stop.

If, nevertheless, the moment was missed, and the heartbeat is not observed for three minutes, then it will be necessary to provide the first medical care: heart massage and artificial respiration. As you may have guessed by now, extreme methods of astral astralization are best done with the help of professionals who can help and protect you from serious problems.

The Importance of Meditation

As already mentioned, the monks turn to such a practice as meditation. The exit to the astral plane is noticeably facilitated. What is it connected with? Largely with the fact that a person completely relaxes during meditation. If you can’t fully relax, then a huge number of signals will come from the body that simply will not allow you to focus on something specific. As shown Scientific research, when entering the astral plane, the physical shell of a person is more relaxed than during sleep. That is why meditation is necessary. The exit to the astral will be possible only if the consciousness stops paying attention to what is happening around.

In an ideal situation, the body should be relaxed, starting from the tips of the toes and ending with the top of the head. There should be no tension in any part of the body. To enhance meditation, you can turn on special music. It will also make it easier to enter the astral plane. Testimonials from numerous practitioners have proven this time and again.

Essential Aspects to Make Getting Out of the Body Easier

Not less than important step is to calm the mind and focus it. There are a few key points that you can use to achieve what you want. You need to focus on them. It is a state of mind, passivity, receptivity, realism and movement.

At the moment when you practice the astral, the exit from the physical body will be possible only with a certain state of mind. It will not be possible to describe it, since each person has his own. However, after several practices, you yourself will determine the optimal state for yourself and you will be able to leave the body as easily as you breathe. The only recommendation that can come in handy in such a situation is that you must assume the position of an observer, passive and focused. Emotions should not be, consciousness cannot be let go. You don't need to analyze. All you have to do is just observe.

Exit to the astral plane (reviews of numerous practitioners have proven this more than once) also largely depends on such components as realism and focusing attention on small details. But this has already been described in more detail above.

To be able to push yourself out of physical shell, it is necessary to turn to oscillatory movements. First they are reproduced in the head, and later they are transferred to the whole body. You should feel yourself rocking from side to side. This feeling must be constantly strengthened.

With the help of receptivity, it is necessary to create a sensation of vibration in the body. It will also help to push the consciousness into the astral world. Not less than important aspect considered passivity. You must be in a situation where the future is not interesting to you. What happens next is nothing to worry about. No need to respond to information that comes from outside. In this state, you can perform actions without showing any reaction to them. It will be possible to enter the astral plane only when the consciousness passes into a state of complete detachment.

Is it worth trying?

You can often hear from some people that going into the astral plane is a sin. But is it really so? As the practice of numerous people has shown, there is nothing terrible and sinful in this. However, it's up to you. Do you really need an astral? If so, then you need to move on to actions, and not think about aspects such as sin.



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