What can I do to make it go faster. What can I do to make my period go faster?

Some girls experience a delay in menstruation, others want these days to start a little earlier. They are also called: menstruation or regulation. Critical days can be associated with various factors. For example: from stress, heavy physical overload, climate change, all kinds of gynecological diseases, medications and, of course, from pregnancy. We will give some tips to get your period started. And so: "What to do to start menstruation?".

Need to start "these days"

  • Stop taking contraceptives. They will go in two days.
  • Gynecologists can prescribe a drug that is right for you.
  • They can advise what to buy to start these days, pharmacists at the pharmacy.
  • Taking emergency contraceptive medicines such as Escapel, Postinor or Mifepristone. These drugs can adversely affect the heart, blood vessels, brain, etc. Therefore, these drugs are prescribed only in emergency situations (rape, torn condom, etc.). For example, the use of "Postinor", which is used to correct the onset of the cycle, can result in the treatment of various problems with the menstrual cycle over the next years.

Start, critical days

There are many different options for what to do to get your period started. Including those that can be used without assistance. You can call menstruation in many ways, besides very simple. Any of the following recipes can be found not only in a pharmacy, but also in a regular grocery store or at home. You can try the following options:

  • Take a hot bath with table salt and iodine after physical work, such as weight lifting.
  • Eat ascorbic acid pills (1 gram per day) and steam your legs or take a relaxing bath with lavender essential oil. Large doses of vitamin C accelerate the maturation of the egg. But, if you have stomach problems, then drink the pills throughout the day. In addition, I do not advise drinking for those who suffer from allergies, so that there are no allergic reactions.
  • Try eating a couple of lemons a day. But only for those who do not have high acidity. Also, don't forget about the health of your teeth.
  • Put parsley and dill in large quantities in all dishes.
  • Drink a glass of onion skins or nettle leaves, and take a fairly hot bath. This is the safest way.
  • Take an infusion of a mixture of chamomile flowers, mint leaves (4 parts each) and valerian root (3 parts). Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture, insist and drink half a cup hot twice a day. Drink throughout the day, 2 tablespoons 2 cups of decoction.
  • Or drink a strong decoction of chamomile flowers, tansy and wormwood. Drink 1-2 tablespoons of strong broth. Two glasses will be enough. But wormwood and tansy have an extremely unpleasant and bitter taste. In addition, they can cause poisoning in case of an overdose.
  • Drink elecampane root. It is considered a particularly strong drug. It is recommended to take orally 50 gr. Otherwise, a large dose may result in uterine bleeding.
  • To do exercises, squats (at least 20 times) and a press help especially. In general, go in for sports, and there will be no problems. Sport has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. Guaranteed.
  • A glass of milk with one drop of iodine may help. This can cause severe poisoning.

You can use one of the tips on what to do to start your period. But keep in mind that everyone's reaction may be different. From allergies to stomach upsets. And consultation with a specialist is many times better than self-treatment.

Menstruation is an integral part of every woman's life. Its regularity indicates the health of the reproductive system, the absence of pathologies, the possibility of becoming pregnant. For women who do not plan to replenish, menstruation signals that they are not pregnant.

The onset of menstruation often interferes with the usual course of life. It can spoil upcoming plans (trips, travel, etc.). Is it possible to influence the course of menstruation so that it becomes shorter? What can I do to make my period go faster? Is it possible to reduce their intensity?

Is it possible to influence the menstrual cycle if menstruation has already begun?

Sometimes menstruation begins at the wrong time - on the eve of a vacation, sports competition or an important date. Any woman in this case wants the menstruation to end as soon as possible.

Is this possible, and how safe is it? Doctors do not advise interfering with the menstrual cycle, because. any illiterate actions can lead to serious problems.

If you do not abuse the methods of accelerating menstruation, this will not affect women's health. The woman is trying not to shift the cycle, but only to speed up the bleeding for a speedy cessation.

When menstruation has already begun, it is impossible to completely stop them for physiological reasons. By taking some measures, you can speed up the process - finish it in 2-3 days and make the discharge less plentiful.

The average cycle length is 21-35 days, and the duration of menstruation is from 3 days to a week. The cycle has two phases - follicular and luteal.

The cycle begins with the first bleeding, when the outer functional lining of the uterus exfoliates. At the same time, the follicle matures. The luteal phase ends at the time of ovulation. When a follicle ruptures, an egg is released from it. This significantly increases the blood levels of estrogen and other hormones.

The body is preparing for possible fertilization. If this does not happen, menstruation occurs.

What can I do to make my periods end faster or become less plentiful?

Dear reader!

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

There are several methods to reduce the duration of menstruation:

  1. physical activity (abdominal exercises);
  2. special diet;
  3. medical stimulation;
  4. ethnoscience;
  5. unconventional ways to solve problems.

It is almost impossible to predict the reaction of your own body to such methods. Each organism is individual, and it is difficult to say which remedy will be effective. Sports and a special diet are suitable for someone, folk recipes or medicines will help another woman. You need to find your own recipe, but do not resort to it too often.

One of the common ways to speed up menstruation combines almost all of the above methods and is quite safe. For example, when a wedding falls on the date of menstruation. Its essence is that the discharge is strong, but ends very quickly.

To make your period end faster, you need to adhere to the following plan:

  1. start acting about a week before the expected 1st day of the cycle (in order to have time to “drive away” menstruation);
  2. drink a decoction of bay leaves every 3 hours (it will accelerate the onset of bleeding);
  3. on the 1st day of menstruation, take as much vitamin C as possible (lemon, ascorbic acid), while drinking plenty of water;
  4. if bleeding is usually observed for at least 5 days, you should take Aspirin 1 tablet twice a day (bleeding will be very profuse, but will end quickly);
  5. also from the 1st day it is necessary to play sports to increase the volume of secretions (press, squats, jumps);
  6. on the 2nd day of menstruation in the evening, you should start taking coagulants (Vikasol, Dicinon), designed to improve blood clotting and stop bleeding;
  7. on the 3rd day - drink 2 tablets of the drug (one piece in the morning and in the evening).

By this time, the bleeding has stopped completely. There may be slight brownish spotting.

Physical exercise

Abs exercises, jumping jacks, squats, weight lifting or inverted yoga poses are only applicable in combination with medications. In an independent form, heavy loads will only increase bleeding and can significantly prolong it (if earlier menstruation lasted 4 days, it can last up to 7-8 days).

To make the discharge go faster, yoga is shown. Smooth static exercises without sudden movements for stretching and balance are good for health. Inverted postures should be avoided, as the effect may be reversed.

Nutrition Features

If the "special" days have already begun, it is impossible to stop them with a diet. You can temporarily adjust your diet by giving up meat (if there are no medical contraindications). The diet will consist of vegetables, fruits and a small amount of cereals.

Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Include foods containing ascorbic acid in your diet, or take it in tablet form. After the end of the selection, return to the usual menu.


Hemostatic drugs (coagulants) help thicken and clotting blood, which can reduce spotting. However, such medicines are not specifically designed for menstruation. It is necessary to consult with a doctor, because. some drugs have strict contraindications and a number of side effects.

Medicines used:

  1. Vikasol. It is administered intramuscularly, contains concentrated vitamin K. The effect occurs no earlier than 10-12 hours after the injection. Prohibited with a tendency to form blood clots.
  2. Traneksam. Tablets based on tranexamic acid. Accelerates blood clotting, has an anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect. It should be taken from the 1st day of menstruation. Contraindicated in kidney disease.
  3. Dicynon. Helps to increase the number of platelets in the blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is necessary to start drinking it approximately 5 days before the expected start of the cycle.

Non-traditional methods and folk recipes

There are several effective traditional medicine recipes, they are safe, but first you need to make sure that you are not allergic to their components:

  1. Bay leaf. This is a powerful tool that should not be used frequently. The decoction provokes the onset of bleeding. For cooking, you need to take 10 g of a dry, slightly crushed leaf and 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture for about an hour over low heat, cool and strain. Drink no more than 1 tbsp. a day, several tablespoons every couple of hours. The remedy is bitter, but effective.
  2. Water pepper tincture. Sold in every pharmacy and is cheap. 30-40 drops should be diluted in a small amount of water and drunk three times a day half an hour before meals. Helps to make the discharge less abundant.
  3. Nettle. For a decoction, you need to take 2 tbsp. dry raw materials and 0.5 l of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink 100 ml every hour, but not more than 1 liter per day.
  4. Shepherd's bag. 4 tbsp dry grass should be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for about 2 hours, then strain. Drink 1 tbsp. no more than 4 times a day. Shepherd's purse is a powerful coagulant, therefore it has contraindications.

Non-traditional methods include red wine, hot baths and sex. During sexual intercourse, it is important to remember about hygiene and be sure to use a condom.

Precautionary measures

The most important thing is not to harm your health and not to bring down the cycle. The consequences can be extremely unpleasant. Physiological processes are laid down by nature, which does not like outside interference.

If you want your period to pass as quickly as possible, you should consult a gynecologist - the doctor knows what can be done in such a situation. Do not experiment with unknown methods that have no justification and do not inspire confidence. Do not resort to stimulation too often - it is indicated only in emergency cases.

It would be very convenient if you could manage your periods: run them on weekends when it rains and guess when to stop them, make your own schedule ...

Is it possible to reduce the duration of menstruation?

Of course, there are ways to speed up, as well as ways to approach menstrual days. But such experiments can be harmful:

  • cause menstrual irregularities
  • disturb the hormonal background.

No doctor would approve of such actions, and yet there are cases when it is very necessary to carry out a maneuver. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to part, only in an emergency!

A few tips:

  • Decoctions. Ideally, a decoction of nettle should contribute to the normalization of the disturbed menstrual cycle. During menstruation, nettle preparations increase the contraction of the uterine muscle, while reducing bleeding. Other herbal decoctions from: fennel, onion peel, a mixture of chamomile flowers, valerian root and mint, a decoction of burnet, shepherd's purse, water pepper have similar properties. But, each of the decoctions has its own indications for use. Using decoctions to make your period go faster today, don't be surprised if your period is twice as heavy in a month;
  • Sex. The fact that sex eases and shortens periods is scientifically proven. Only there is a condition: prolonged sexual intercourse without the use of contraception and with a pronounced orgasm. The fact is that semen contains prostaglandin, which comes to the aid of prostaglandin in the endometrium of the uterus. With a double effort, this group of lipid active substances helps the body get rid of the endometrium, and menstruation passes quickly;
  • Vitamin C and E. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, the walls of blood vessels, increases blood circulation in the pelvis, reduces pain. Lemon juice helps a lot. It is necessary to dilute a glass of fresh juice with boiled water in a ratio of 3:7. Starting from the third day of menstruation, drink a glass daily, but not all at once, but divided into several times after meals, so as not to harm the stomach. Vitamin E is a good antioxidant. Vitamin E and C increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and increases blood flow in the genitals of a woman. To make your period end faster, you can start taking vitamins two weeks before your period. Menstrual flow will be intense and short;
  • Sports and physical activity. Athletes do not have heavy periods, they only last a couple of days, but this is the result of more than one month and more than one year of intense exercise. Their muscles are accustomed, and if you are not a professional athlete, then exercising during your period can lead to endometriosis. With increased physical activity, the endometrium can penetrate into the abdominal cavity and provoke a disease.
    It is better to take a break in the first three days of menstruation. Fitness classes, yoga, callanetics, stretching in general have a positive effect on the course of menstruation: health improves, their pain and duration decrease;
  • Tampons. Many reviews can be found that highly absorbent tampons greatly speed up the process. But, in fact, it takes more than one day for the endometrium to exfoliate completely, and tampons are not able to affect this procedure. They are good to use in the last days of menstruation, when the endometrium has come out and there is only the remnants of blood. Too large a tampon can harm the walls of the vagina, which are very sensitive during menstruation;
  • Hemoglobin. To make your period end faster, you can try to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood: use hematogen, fresh pomegranate juice. It is tasty and harmless;
  • Medicines. There are drugs that stop internal bleeding, but their use is very dangerous, unlike hormonal contraceptives. They normalize the frequency of menstruation, their abundance and soreness. In order for the menstruation to go earlier, you can take OK, and then, without drinking it to the end, quit or drink two packs without a break. Knowing such tricks, it is easy to manipulate "these" days.

Of the medications, in order for menstruation to go earlier, you can use Postinor. In addition to causing menstruation, it also disrupts pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. Has very bad side effects. Dufaston can be used as an alternative. Pulsatilla gives faster results.

A large dose of ascorbic acid causes menstruation not according to plan. To enhance the action, you can steam your legs.

There are many ways in traditional medicine. Herbs whose decoctions cause menstruation ahead of time: oregano, bay leaf, dill, parsley, elecampane root, tansy and others. Or make a hot bath with iodine, salt and take it.

Sometimes there come times when you need to speed up the flow of menstruation and shorten the cycle. There may be several reasons for this. Someone wants to bring their end closer because of a trip to the sea or a date with a loved one. And there are women whose menstrual cycle lasts more than five days with scant discharge. And they would very much like to make them more plentiful and short.

Doctors are categorical in this matter and believe that it is impossible to interfere in the cycle and independently regulate it. But we are not talking about the displacement or artificial cessation of menstruation. Let's discuss how to speed them up in order to meet the optimal three or four days.

You can influence the course of menstruation. There are several ways to do this:

  • diets;
  • gymnastics;
  • folk remedies;
  • medicines.

In order not to harm yourself, consult a gynecologist. Perhaps he will give some advice and conduct an inspection. If no deviations are found, then it will be possible to start regulating the cycle. It is contraindicated to intervene during the menstrual cycle with the following deviations:

  • If it's not stable. Intervention threatens even more uncertainty with menstruation. It is advisable to first bring it back to normal, and only then influence the number of days.
  • In case of poisoning with food or chemicals, nothing can be done until the health is fully restored.
  • With colds and inflammatory processes that are accompanied by high temperatures, you can not experiment with the cycle.
  • It is forbidden to influence menstruation too often. If you intervene in the process every month, this will lead to hormonal failure.
  • In case of any diseases of the genitourinary system, it is forbidden to influence the course of the menstrual cycle.
  • If you decide to influence menstruation with the help of medications, then be sure to consult a gynecologist.

It should be noted that if any of the methods below does not work, you should not resort to the next one until complete victory. Perhaps your body resists and does not allow for any reason to affect the menstrual cycle. Further actions will lead to disruption of the endocrine system.

Means to reduce menstruation

The best medicinal herb to end a cycle quickly is nettle. It enhances the contraction of the muscles of the uterus and thus accelerates the outflow of blood, and at the same time reduces the number of days of menstruation. In addition to nettle, this effect has chamomile, mint and valerian, and the flower burnet has long been used as a hemostatic agent after childbirth. Prepare a decoction of any of the listed herbs and drink it throughout the day. It is important to bear in mind that more than one liter of decoction per day should not be consumed. Divide it into three doses and drink one cup before meals.

They take decoctions throughout the entire cycle, and begin to drink them two days before the onset of menstruation. plant called shepherd's bag taken in equal proportion with calendula perfectly regulates blood loss. Abundant menstruation, this composition can make moderate, and scanty discharge more intense. You can buy ready water pepper tincture and take it according to the instructions.

Perfectly regulates the cycle of ordinary ascorbic acid. If menstruation cannot begin in any way, they take vitamin C in a double dose and after a few hours menstruation begins to go. Thus, you can speed up their appearance by one day if you start taking ascorbic acid three days before the usual onset of menstruation.

Eat lemon during menstruation or squeeze lemon juice and drink. So you strengthen the walls of blood vessels and ensure the rapid flow of menstruation. They will become more intense, and therefore shorter.

Increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Drink pomegranate juice or eat hematogen.

Menstruation is greatly affected sports. For example, for athletes, the cycle takes only two days. This result was obtained thanks to many years of training. Therefore, if you decide to go in for sports intensively during menstruation, then, apart from trouble, nothing will come of it. And with a significant increase, endometriosis can even occur. Thus, draw your own conclusion. If you play sports every day or at least three times a week, your period will go profusely, but not for a long time.

There is quite effective method, in which menstruation ends on the penultimate day. You just need to use a highly absorbent tampon. It is believed that it will absorb all the remnants of blood and the last layers of the endometrium. This method is completely justified. So the remnants can come out for another twelve hours, and thanks to the tampon they are absorbed and removed within an hour.

It is very easy to regulate the cycle with birth control pills. If you need to start the cycle earlier, just stop taking them, and when you need to stop the cycle ahead of time, start taking the pills.

Women who are engaged yoga can also regulate the cycle. Only classes should be constant for three or more months.

Nutrition and diet

Eat plenty of foods high in vitamin C and E. These are citrus fruits, greens and black berries. Drink plenty of fluids and try not to drink coffee or tea. All stimulating drinks, and especially alcohol, contribute to the flow of blood to the genitals, and thus contribute to the long flow of menstruation. In addition to tea and coffee, spicy dishes stimulate blood flow, they dilate blood vessels, which causes significant blood loss.

From products, give preference to protein foods, dairy products and nuts, but fatty foods should be discarded. Otherwise, you will be overcome by rapid fatigue, associated not only with blood loss, but also enhanced by heavy food.

Sleep and rest as much as possible. Give up hard physical work and training. Even professional athletes do not train these days.

There are hormones, which can stop menstruation within three days.

  • Pills Marvelon speed up the process up to three days.
  • Hormonal drug Duphaston much softer, but more effective.
  • Often, gynecologists prescribe pills to patients with an indefinite period Utrozhestan. They adjust the cycle and also shorten it a bit.

Of course, there are methods to speed up the menstrual cycle, as well as methods to approach the timing of the menstrual cycle, but it is worth remembering that all methods may not always be safe. The proposed methods are not talking about any pills that, after drinking, immediately speed up the passage of menstruation. But still, how to speed up the process of critical days? Can I make my period end faster?

Firstly, in order for the menstruation to end faster, it is necessary to consume as much liquid as possible from the first days of menstruation.
Secondly, in this case, lemon juice helps. Therefore, from the third day of menstruation, it is necessary to drink one glass of lemon juice daily. You don’t need to drink all the juice at once, you need to divide the glass of juice into several portions. And in order to avoid problems with the stomach in the future, it is necessary to dilute lemon juice with boiled liquid in proportions of 30:70.
Thirdly, have you ever noticed that during sports activities, critical days pass faster, and for athletes this period does not cost a lot of days, and the discharge is not very plentiful. Of course, on the one hand, this is good, and menstruation will end a little faster, and the muscles will be in good shape.

Sports on critical days

But look at this situation from the opposite side, sports during menstruation can be harmful to a woman's health. With heavy load, the exfoliated surface layer of the endometrium can enter the abdominal cavity. And if this tissue, once in the abdominal cavity, grows to the walls of the peritoneum, then the woman will develop the disease endometriosis, which is a rather serious disease and it is not so easy to cure it. Therefore, intense exercise during menstruation is not recommended. It is better to take a break for the first critical days, and then return to your workouts. And if you go in for sports, all the time and before the onset of menstruation, then for this period it is worth temporarily stopping classes, because two days of menstruation are not worth risking your health.

Fourth, use tampons with high absorbency. Some women claim that using this method, the monthly cycle goes much faster. But you should not rely too much on this method of application, because menstruation cannot pass in one day, since the surface layer of the endometrium needs a period to peel off. This method is more suitable in the last days of menstruation, when the detachment of the endometrial layer has stopped, and the bleeding is still going on. It is worth considering such a trifle as the selection of a tampon by size. Too large a tampon can injure the vaginal mucosa, which is too sensitive on the days of menstruation.

Hemorrhagic with normal menstruation

Fifthly, at present, decoctions, infusions and teas are often used for heavy menstruation, one of them is burnet. Burnet is used if they want to speed up the passage of menstruation. But often you should not use burnet, as it has a fixing effect and is used for diarrhea. In order to prepare a decoction for this, take 2 tablespoons of rhizomes and pour one glass of boiled water. Heat the contents in a water bath for half an hour. Then the prepared broth is cooled at room temperature, filtered and ordinary water is added to 200 ml. Apply the prepared decoction in a tablespoon, after eating food five times a day.
There is also a well-known remedy for menstruation to end faster - this is taking a decoction of nettle. The property of nettle is that it is able to increase blood clotting and as a result can reduce the duration of menstruation. In addition, nettle contains ascorbic acid. And it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerative effects. Take a decoction of 3 tablespoons once a day. Course intake of decoction 1-5 weeks.
A decoction of water pepper and shepherd's purse also have a similar effect. But when taking shepherd's purse, it should be borne in mind that it should not be taken by women who are prone to blood clots.



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