Why does a cat turn its head and grind its teeth. Why do cats use certain sounds?

A cat is a predatory animal, and for a predator, healthy teeth are a guarantee that the animal will be full and satisfied. For cats, the age-related change of teeth is also characteristic, as for humans. When it happens, how many teeth a cat and a kitten have and what they are - today this is the topic of our discussion!

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Kitten teething

Cats have milk teeth, so if you are an inexperienced person in cat matters, do not be alarmed when you find a small cat's tooth in the apartment. A kitten has only 26 milk chewing organs and their composition is as follows:

  • 2 fangs;
  • 6 incisors;
  • 3 premolars in the upper jaw;
  • 2 premolars at the bottom.

Milk molars do not exist in cats. Kittens begin to erupt teeth at the age of 12-14 days and this process is not associated with severe pain, as it happens in humans. However, some external manifestations can still be.

For example, profuse salivation may be observed, while the kittens touch their faces with their paws and gnaw everything that comes to hand. The incisors begin to emerge first at 2-5 weeks, the next canines at 3-8 weeks and the last to emerge are the premolars at 5 to 12 weeks. By the way, veterinary dentists do not like to call the first cat's teeth milk, they divide all chewing organs into temporary and permanent.

Change of teeth

The change of teeth in kittens begins at about the age of 3-5 months. The final formation of the cat's jaw occurs by 5-7 months. If up to six months the change of teeth in kittens does not occur on its own, then they are recommended to be removed. The order in which the permanent organs appear is as follows:

  • It is worth waiting for the appearance of permanent incisors in 3-5 months;
  • Fangs will begin to grow at 4-5 months;
  • Premolars and molars for life should appear at the age of 4-6 months.

When kittens change their teeth, it is advisable that you observe the condition of the animal's oral cavity. The gums of the cat should be pale pink, without bruising, and there should be no broken or damaged teeth.

How important chewing organs change in a cat named Leo can be seen in the video below.

Jaw of an adult cat

When the change of teeth in cats is over, there should be exactly 30 of them in the animal's oral cavity - this is the normal state of the cat's jaw. The upper jaw has 6 incisors and 2 canines, 3 premolars on each side and 1 molar. The incisors and canines are used to bite off and hold food, and the premolars and molars are needed to chew coarse and hard food. The lower jaw also has 6 incisors and 2 canines, but 2 premolars and 1 molar each. Two cat teeth have a triple root, ten organs have a bifurcated root, all others have one root each.

Our pets are lucky, they rarely have caries and there are much fewer problems with their teeth than we have. However, a common problem in the cat's jaw is tartar, which is formed due to bacteria, salts and food debris. Tartar is essentially a plaque that has hardened under the influence of time. The stone problem is especially common among cats that are fed only soft food. After all, when cats in the wild eat a lot of solid food, this automatically cleans the animal’s enamel from plaque.

Note that age-related loss of masticatory organs for a cat is not a typical problem. Most likely, if a cat's teeth fall out, then this is due to improper care. But the teeth of a cat will help determine its age, because their surface is erased over time. The incisors on the lower jaw will wear out first, in principle, all masticatory organs lose their correct shape over time, and their contours become more oval.

Why can a cat grind its teeth?

If your cat grinds its teeth, there may be several reasons why it does so. Firstly, this may be the result of various infections of the oral cavity, and grinding may also be associated with the presence of tartar or diseases of the digestive tract. The first thing you need to do is to inspect the pet's mouth. The calculus appears as yellowish deposits at the base of the tooth and first affects the molars or premolars.

In addition to the rattle, you also need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • The cat chews on one side or refuses to eat at all;
  • The animal has an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity and a lot of saliva is secreted;
  • On examination, redness or swelling on the gums, darkening of the enamel are noticeable.

Video "Brushing teeth in dogs and cats"

You can see how important organs are cleaned in dogs and cats in a veterinary clinic in the video below.

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Vera Markovna: “Why does a cat grind its teeth?”

First of all, you need to understand that grinding your teeth while eating or even drinking is not an independent disease, but a symptom of a more serious malfunction in the body that needs to be found and eliminated. The first thing to do is to examine the cat's mouth for inflammation.

Here are the most likely causes of squeaky teeth in a cat during a meal:

  1. Periodontitis. This disease is characterized by a degenerative state of the periodontal tissues, which contributes to the destruction of the tooth pocket and the violation of the attachment of the tooth in the hole. This process leads to loosening of the teeth and, as a result, to their friction.
  2. . It is expressed in the formation of a yellow or brown plaque on the enamel. It is a waste product of pathogenic bacteria that multiply in food debris.
  3. Gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums, accompanied by redness, the formation of ulcers.
  4. Rough, tough food. Many owners for the prevention of tartar begin to feed their pets with food intended for dogs (bones or special foods). This can lead to damage to the enamel, and even to their loss.
  5. Change of teeth. At the age of 4-6 months, kittens lose their milk teeth and replace them with molars.
  6. Subluxation of the jaw. If the cat not only grinds his teeth when he eats, but also constantly licks his lips while eating and sticks out his tongue, this indicates a subluxation.

If the squeaking is not associated with food intake, this indicates diseases not related to dentistry: chronic and liver failure, uremic and others.

First of all, a pet must be shown to a veterinarian, who, after diagnosing the disease, will prescribe the appropriate treatment. There is no single therapy in this case, it all depends on the disease that should be eliminated.

For example, if the cause of the creak is, then it is impossible to remove it at home. The procedure is carried out in a veterinary clinic by mechanical chipping, in more advanced cases - with the help of ultrasound, which provides professional cleaning of the enamel.

In most cases, you need to make adjustments to your diet. It is unacceptable to feed the cat exclusively soft food. Dry food must also be present in its menu, which prevents the appearance of plaque.

If the creaking is associated with a change of teeth, then you can speed up the process and alleviate the condition of the kitten by massaging the gums (swollen areas).

And, of course, you should regularly visit the veterinarian for a preventive examination.

Is it normal for a cat to grind its teeth? Should I be worried or is this temporary? How to identify the true causes and help the pet? Let's say right away the way you grind your teeth is either a reflex or a violation, and how to distinguish one from the other, we will understand below.

Dental health plays a very important role in the overall health of a pet. Teeth may not hurt, but deliver a lot of other troubles. For example, with pathologies in the oral cavity, a cat can lose a lot of weight from a provoked metabolic disorder.

All body systems are interconnected, the teeth are located in the oral cavity, which means they take part in one of the most important processes - in the consumption of food. The owner should take the health of the pet's oral cavity with full responsibility, since any dental pathology is easier to cure at an early stage.

Many cat owners prefer to keep pets on an industrial diet i.e. on dry food. One of the major disadvantages of this choice is rapid abrasion of enamel and damage to teeth in a still young animal. However, do not rush to extremes, extremely soft food is also harmful to the teeth. You need to find a middle ground, alternating or mixing hard and soft foods.

Usually, owners notice that cat squeaks teeth while eating. The pet does not lose its appetite, but eating is accompanied by a very unpleasant rattle. A similar situation is observed when a cat drinks cold water. If you notice strange sounds when your pet eats or drinks, immediately inspect her mouth for inflammation.

Note! The cat thoroughly licks his lips after eating, which can also occur with grinding. Track exactly when the teeth are held together, if the sound coincides with the moment when the cat sticks out its tongue, consult a doctor immediately. Your pet is more likely to have jaws.

Bruxism is the scientific name for a deviation when people or animals grind their teeth when not eating. Even if you know for sure the cause of the violation, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian, since the condition of the animal must be considered comprehensively. If the gums look normal, and the cat grinds his teeth, you need to carefully examine dentition pet.

Advice: when examining the cat's mouth, it is better to use a flashlight.

One of the very common, imperceptible at first glance, reasons is dysplasia of the teeth, which can be expressed in several forms:

  • uneven incisor growth- a common problem of some breeds, it almost never occurs in purebred cats. Causes range from poor nutrition in childhood to toothache that a cat tries to relieve by chewing on hard objects.
  • Incomplete set of teeth- a hereditary deviation characteristic of some breeds.
  • Supercomplete true and false- a hereditary deviation or a consequence of a violation of the change of milk teeth. In some breeds of cats, milk teeth do not fall out, but molars grow. As a result, there are double teeth in the dentition. Milk teeth must be removed, as they will cause decay of the molars and general inflammation of the oral cavity.
  • Malocclusion- natural bite, this is the closing of the teeth without a gap, the upper incisors are in front of the lower ones. In some breeds, a level bite or undershot bite is acceptable, undershot bite is a problem. With a bite or a direct bite, problems with teeth are guaranteed, so cats are accustomed to preventive cleaning and regular visits to the veterinarian for a quality examination of the oral cavity.
  • Too big fangs- a hereditary problem that causes a cat to open its mouth very wide during meals. Constant and unnatural stress on the back chewing teeth can lead to squeaking when the pet yawns.
  • Incorrect position of the jaws- a very rare, but severe deviation that complicates the adoption or chewing of food.

Note! Bruxism most often indicates that the cat is in pain. When it comes to problems with bite or teeth growth, the animal needs qualified help and painkillers.

Read also: Microlax for constipation in cats: indications for use

stressful state

All living beings tend to clench their teeth in a state of stress.. People close their jaws and clench their fists not at all because they are preparing for a fight, but because it is a reflex. All the muscles tense, as if compressed, adrenaline enters the blood, and the brain does everything to ensure survival. In this regard, our pets are not much different from humans, only stressful teeth grinding most often manifests itself as a delayed reaction.

When the cat grinds teeth in sleep you can safely talk about stress bruxism. The pet could get nervous while you were at work, seeing someone else's cat from the window, you see, it is extremely difficult to establish such a reason. Much depends on the type of pet's psyche, many cats are not inclined to grind their teeth, even when they are very angry. Artificially bred breeds are more prone to nervous disorders, so the risk of bruxism is high.

Note! If you suspect that the cat is in a state of nervous stress, it is useless to run to the vet. The only way a doctor can help is to prescribe a course of sedatives with an accurate dosage. Otherwise, the stabilization of the cat's condition depends only on the owner. The four-legged must be protected from experiences as much as possible and carefully observe the behavior. If possible, allow the cat to sleep in your bed, it has been found that this way they feel calmer.

Pain and discomfort

Or other disorders in the gastrointestinal tract may be accompanied by pain and severe discomfort. Although this condition is temporary, it can provoke bouts of bruxism. It is important to stop the pain in time, because by holding your teeth together, the cat can damage the enamel or chip off part of the tooth.

The state of the dentogingival system is an indicator of order in the internal organs of a cat. If there are problems with the teeth, this is a signal of a disease not only of the digestive organs, but also of malfunctions in other systems.

One of the common problems in cats is squeaking - an unpleasant sound of teeth rubbing against each other.

It happens that a pet grinds its teeth only during meals, and it happens that the process continues all the time or occurs regardless of the meal.

Causes of teeth grinding while eating

It should be understood that the grinding of the teeth is only a consequence / symptom of some more serious cause that must be found and eliminated!

periodontal disease

Inflammation of the gums.

Pathological degenerative condition of the periodontal tissues, when there is a destruction of the tooth "pocket" and a violation of the attachment of the tooth in the hole. This leads to loosening of the teeth and to their excessive friction.


Tartar in a cat.

Dense yellowish-brownish outgrowths that occur mainly at the enamel-gingiva border (dental groove).

These formations consist of plaque, waste products of pathogenic and opportunistic microbes and the bacteria themselves, food debris.

It is impossible to remove this plaque with an ordinary brush, and even in conditions of resistance of a cat. Professional hygienic cleaning with an ultrasonic device and sanitation of the oral cavity with disinfecting solutions are necessary in a veterinary clinic.


Do not give a cat bones for dogs!!!

Milk teeth of a cat on the palm.

It happens at the age 5-6 months- , and permanent ones appear in their place. You just need to get through this period.

The cat grinds its teeth and seems to be chewing something

Consider the causes of squeaking teeth, which do not depend on food intake.

Liver failure

The products of bile metabolism are released into the blood and deposited in the tissues. Bile acids and their salts are rather aggressive substances that lead to bitterness in the mouth and itchy gums .

The cat has itchy teeth due to liver failure.

Therefore, the animal tries to “comb” its gums - a creak of teeth is heard.

Chronic renal failure in advanced stages

Blood purification products do not leave the body.

Urea salts (urates) and not excreted nitrates circulate through the blood, and the body tries to remove their excess through the skin and mucous membranes. From the pet's hair and from his mouth begins to smell like urine.

Urates, accumulating on the surface of the enamel, make it dull and rough. Therefore, when rubbing teeth and chewing, a characteristic sound is heard.

Uremic gastritis

Another consequence of kidney failure is uremic.

Nitro compounds and urates, contributing to the formation of numerous erosions on it.

Often, with such a pathology, reflux occurs - a reverse flow of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus, which can reach the oral cavity. Gastric acid in combination with urea salts has a detrimental effect on enamel, contributing to its destruction.

Chlorhexidine is a reliable antiseptic.

When the squeak is associated with pathologies of the dentogingival system, sanitation of the oral cavity, the use of antiseptics will help:

  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • Chlorhexidine,
  • furacillin solution,
  • Gel Metrogyl.

If the grinding of the teeth is associated with kidney or liver failure, you need to to examine the internal organs cats and take . The sooner the correct diagnosis is made and the appropriate treatment is prescribed, the more likely it is to save the pet.



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