Vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and others)

Vitamin A is a key element of a healthy diet. This is what nutritionists say all the time.

Why is he so useful? Let's study together the description of vitamin A, its effect on the body and its most valuable sources.

And at the same time we will find out how not to harm your health with excessive care.

Universal Soldier

Vitamin A, scientifically retinol, belongs to the class of fat-soluble vitamins. In fact, this means that vitamin A in the human body is absorbed much better in combination with various fats.

The functions of vitamin A in the body can be listed for hours, since it is involved in the work of almost all organs and systems. Most often they talk about its benefits for vision. It really helps to produce special substances in the retina, which improve its condition. Without vitamin A, metabolism in the body is impossible in principle. Retinol affects protein synthesis and even distribution of body fat. It also strengthens cell membranes, protecting them from free radical attacks. No wonder it is considered a powerful natural antioxidant.

Dedicated to women and children

The role of vitamin A in a woman's body is very tangible, including for the health of the reproductive system. In addition, it ensures the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy. For facial skin, vitamin A is a real elixir of youth. After all, it restores cells and enhances collagen production. This is why retinol is often added to anti-aging creams.

The benefits of vitamin A for the child's body are great. Along with calcium, it strengthens bones and teeth to promote normal growth. Vitamin A is essential for a healthy heart, lungs and digestive system. Agree, it is better to establish their work from an early age. It has been proven that due to the special properties of vitamin A, the child's body tolerates chickenpox and measles more easily. In addition, it increases the resistance of the immune system.

Golden mean

As you know, only a dose makes a medicine a poison, and a poison makes a medicine. To maintain vitality, an adult body should receive 700-1000 micrograms of vitamin A per day, a child - 500-900 micrograms. As already noted, it should be combined with fats. Paired with vitamin E and zinc, the healing effect also increases many times over.

With a lack of vitamin A in the human body, weakness, insomnia, poor appetite, frequent colds, brittle nails and hair occur. In children, a lack of vitamin A in the body leads to a deterioration in growth and overall development. However, it is important to remember that an excess of vitamin A in the body is no less dangerous. It provokes digestive disorders, migraines and hormonal disruptions. During pregnancy, take it strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

vegetable brotherhood

What foods contain vitamin A? First of all, these are orange, red and yellow vegetables. Here, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes and bell peppers are ahead of everyone. In summer, there is nothing better than fresh salads with vitamin A. Grate the carrots, cut the sweet pepper into slices, finely chop 200 g of white cabbage. Mix all the ingredients, add the red onion rings, scalded with boiling water. Salt and pepper them to taste, season with vegetable oil - a refreshing summer salad is ready. What vegetables contain vitamin A other than those listed? Sweet potatoes, beets, broccoli, asparagus and celery stalks can boast of its generous reserves. It is found in abundance in fresh herbs and leafy salads.

Life-giving juices

Vitamin A is found in large quantities in fruits. In the center of attention are the fruits of yellow and orange flowers. In particular, apricots, peaches, apples, pears, citruses. Kiwi, pineapple, mango and other exotic fruits are just as rich in vitamin A. Fragrant melon and juicy watermelon can also be included in this list. It is important not only to know which fruits contain vitamin A, but also how to get it in full. Dice 2 peaches, a banana and a pear, puree with a blender and dilute with orange juice. Add honey if needed and garnish with mint. Prefer dairy options? Then replace the juice with natural yogurt. Either way, this smoothie will boost your body's vitamin A. Yes, and everyone at home will surely like it.

Beast Gifts

Animal foods rich in vitamin A are just as important to the body as plant foods. Inaccessible leaders here are chicken and beef liver, sea fish, caviar and fish oil. Foods rich in vitamin A include fatty cottage cheese and sour cream, various cheeses, egg yolks and butter. Of all the variety of recipes for the summer menu, chicken liver pate is more suitable. First, we make a frying of onions and carrots. Add to it 500 g of cubed liver, 250 ml of water, salt and bay leaf. Stew the meat for 30 minutes under the lid, then remove it and evaporate all the liquid. Having flavored the liver with 50 g of butter, beat with a blender into a smooth paste. Sandwiches with such a pate will please the whole family, especially if you make them for a picnic.

Health Squad: Benefits of B Vitamins

B vitamins are one of the key elements of a balanced diet at any age. Without them, good health and well-coordinated work of organs is out of the question. Which B vitamins are the most beneficial? Can they do harm? And in what products should you look for them?

seething energy

Thiamine, or vitamin B1, is necessary for the productive work of the nervous system, strong immunity and balanced acidity. Without it, proteins, fats and carbohydrates will not be able to be converted into vital energy for us. That is why the lack of this element is often manifested by chronic fatigue, weakness and increased irritability. But its excess does not threaten anything, since vitamin B1 is easily excreted from the body. Champions in thiamine reserves are animal liver, bran and germinated wheat. Beans, potatoes, buckwheat, oatmeal, rye flour bread, leafy salads, dried fruits and nuts are quite a bit behind them.

All for health

Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is good for vision and blood formation. In particular, for the formation of hemoglobin in the blood. It also improves the breakdown and absorption of dietary fats. A lack of vitamin B2 can be expressed in loss of appetite, cracks in the corners of the mouth and peeling of the skin. Since it dissolves well in water, its excess does not affect well-being. Most rich in riboflavin nuts and cereals, and any. Green vegetables, tomatoes, cabbage and sweet peppers will bring benefits. But remember, during heat treatment, vegetables lose almost all their benefits. Therefore, for healing, eat them raw.

Food for brain

Vitamin B3, known as nicotinic acid, breaks down nutrients to provide energy for the body. But most importantly, he is responsible for memory, thinking and sleep. And if it is lacking, thought processes are disturbed, apathy and insomnia overcome. An overdose of vitamin B3 also does not bode well. The liver takes the first hit. At the same time, nausea, dizziness, and heart rhythm disturbances may occur. The main sources of nicotinic acid are liver, white meat and eggs. There is it in mushrooms, peanuts and beans. Keep in mind that the intestinal microflora is also capable of producing vitamin B3.

Heroic Liver

Vitamin B4, called choline, protects the liver and improves metabolic processes within it. It lowers cholesterol levels and has a great effect on brain function. But in the presence of even the smallest dose of alcohol, choline is irrevocably destroyed. With its deficiency, problems with memory, liver and blood vessels appear. If you overdo it with taking it, you may experience sweating, nausea and high blood pressure. Vitamin B4 is found in animal products: fatty fish, egg yolk, cheeses and cottage cheese. As for plant foods, favor spinach, cauliflower, bran, and tomatoes.

Forever Young

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is indispensable for the regeneration of body cells. In fact, it produces a rejuvenating effect. And it steadfastly protects the skin and mucous membranes from the penetration of pathogens of infectious diseases. The unique property of vitamin B5 is its ability to be absorbed through the skin. That is why cosmetic masks with his participation are so effective. If you feel itching in your hands or notice age spots, you should check the level of this element. And there is no need to worry about its excess. The main foods rich in vitamin B5 are liver, broccoli, green peas, mushrooms and walnuts.

source of happiness

Vitamin B6, scientifically called pyridoxine, is called the good mood vitamin. It is he who is responsible for the production of the "happiness hormone" serotonin. It is accompanied by an energetic state, a healthy appetite and sound sleep. The fact that it is involved in dozens of important metabolic processes in our body is also important. Typical signs of vitamin B6 deficiency are inflammation of the tongue and gums, hair loss, and a weak immune system. Prolonged excess of it is fraught with damage to nerve fibers. Meat, poultry, fish and dairy products will help replenish vitamin B6. Bananas, peaches, lemons, cherries and strawberries are useful in this regard.

germs of life

Vitamin B9 is nothing but folic acid, indispensable for pregnant and lactating women. It is she who lays the foundation for a healthy nervous system, first the fetus, and then the baby. For adults, this element is no less valuable, since it has a beneficial effect on the heart, liver and digestive organs. A lack of vitamin B9 is signaled by memory impairment, lethargy and unreasonable anxiety. With its excess, zinc is absorbed worse, in the most rare cases, muscle cramps occur. Vitamin B9-rich foods include beans, beets, carrots, cabbage, and buckwheat. It is also worth including liver, kidneys, eggs, cheese and caviar in the diet.

As you can see, our body needs B vitamins like air. The main thing is not to overdo it in the desire to be healthy. Include the necessary foods in the family diet and make sure that it is balanced and moderate.

Delicious educational program: the role of vitamin C in the human body

Perhaps, ascorbic acid is the most delicious of all vitamins, beloved by many since childhood. As a rule, all knowledge about it comes down to the fact that it is useful for immunity and for colds. However, the contribution of vitamin C to our health is much more significant.

On guard of health

In fact, vitamin C has a lot of functions in the body. It makes blood vessels elastic and strong, at the same time renewing the blood. It also has a positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems, allows better absorption of iron. Vitamin C is the best friend of immunity and the main enemy of all kinds of diseases. And not just colds. It has been proven that it restores strength after a heart attack and accelerates wound healing. In combination, this element is a powerful natural energy that fights fatigue and fills us with vitality.

Keeping the balance

There is never too much vitamin C in the human body - its excess is excreted by itself. And yet it can cause harm in the form of digestive problems and nervous disorders. Vitamin C deficiency is much more dangerous. It undermines the immune system and causes malfunctions in the work of various organs. In advanced cases, a deficiency of ascorbic acid threatens with scurvy: tooth loss, hemorrhages in the muscles and oppressive fatigue. So it makes sense to stick to the recommended norm. Adults on average need 100 mg of vitamin C per day, children up to 45 mg. With physical exertion, the dose is increased to 200 mg, and for influenza - up to 2000 mg. Perhaps the main disadvantage of vitamin C is its instability. It is easily destroyed under the influence of the sun and high temperatures, as well as in contact with metal. Therefore, for cooking, use glass or enamel utensils and a wooden spatula. If you are cooking vegetables with a high ascorbic acid content, place them in boiling water as soon as they are peeled or chopped. Otherwise, oxygen will destroy it without a trace. And it should also be noted that vitamin C is absorbed better in combination with iron, folic acid, rutin and glucose.

ascorbic king

Contrary to expectations, the main product rich in vitamin C is not citruses, but rose hips. A decoction of them has a tonic and tonic effect. Boil 2 tbsp. l. crushed berries in 500 ml of water for 15-20 minutes, pour into a thermos and leave overnight. Sweeten the decoction with honey and drink like regular tea. Among other things, it normalizes digestion, produces a diuretic effect, stabilizes blood pressure and improves brain processes. By the way, in terms of vitamin C reserves, sea buckthorn and black currant are not far from rose hips.

Sweet yes smooth

The second line among foods containing vitamin C is occupied by red bell peppers. In addition to it, the vegetable contains vitamins P and B, which makes it especially valuable for diabetes, heart disease and nervous overload. Bulgarian pepper stimulates the pancreas, helps to thin blood clots and is useful for hypertension. Good news for those who are diligently losing weight. Pepper enhances the secretion of gastric juice and improves intestinal motility. For beauty, this vegetable is also important, because it transforms hair and nails.

cabbage relatives

Brussels sprouts and broccoli shared the third step of the podium. The first is rich in folic acid, which we know enhances the benefits of vitamin C. It has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels, liver, nervous and endocrine systems. Broccoli is a miracle vegetable that prevents the development of cancer, atherosclerosis and premature aging at the cellular level. More familiar to us white cabbage reserves of ascorbic acid are not impressive. But as soon as it is fermented, it turns into a product gushing with vitamin C.

Squad of citrus

Now let's talk about the main fruits with vitamin C - bright juicy citruses. The fourth place in the vitamin rating does not detract from their merits. Oranges are indispensable for weak immunity, anemia, problems with digestion, liver and lungs. Lemon has antimicrobial, antioxidant and wound healing effects. Grapefruit helps digest fatty foods, lowers bad cholesterol and removes toxins. The fruits are united by the fact that essential oils based on them relieve nervous tension and tame the rampant appetite.

Green titanium

Spinach closes the top five in terms of vitamin C content. As part of this greenery, it is absorbed in full due to the large amount of iron. The enormous fiber content in spinach turns it into a “brush” for the intestines, which completely sweeps harmful substances. Doctors recommend leaning on this herb for those who are recovering from a long illness or experiencing serious mental stress. Women should fall in love with spinach because it makes the skin smooth, hair - lush, and nails - strong.

Ascorbic acid is an important building block in the foundation of our health. And we must constantly maintain its strength. The generous gifts of summer contribute to this in the best possible way. It remains for us to include them in the family diet more often.

Vitamin A– retinol(true vitamin A, trans-9,13-Dimethyl-7-(1,1,5-trimethylcyclohexen-5-yl-6)-nonatetraen-7,9,11,13-ol) antioxidant. In its pure form, it is unstable, found in both plant products and animal sources. Therefore, it is produced and used in the form of retinol acetate and retinol palmitate. - part of rhodopsin,conditioningtwilight vision, changes the permeability of cell membranes. synthesized in the body from beta carotene. Essential for vision and bone growth, healthy skin and hair, normal function immune system etc. In high doses, it has a teratogenic effect (it can cause birth defects in the development of the fetus). Teratogenic effect high doses of retinol persist for some time after its withdrawal.

Retinol is fat soluble, so for its absorption alimentary tract required fats, as well as minerals. IN body its supplies stay long enough that it doesn't need to be restocked every day. There are two forms of this vitamin: ready-made vitamin A (retinol) and provitamin A ( carotene), which in the human body turns into vitamin A, so it can be considered a plant form of vitamin A. With a lack of vitamin A, cracks form on the skin, split hair and exfoliate nails. Vitamin A has a pale yellow color that comes from the red plant pigment beta-carotene.

Structural formula of vitamin A

Vitamin D a group of biologically active substances (including cholecalciferol And ergocalciferol). Cholecalciferol is synthesized by ultraviolet rays in the skin and enters the human body with food. Ergocalciferol can only come from food.

The main function of vitamin D is to promote absorption calcium from food to small intestine(mainly in duodenum). Also, a number of clinical studies suggest the following additional functions of vitamin D: participation in the regulation breeding cells, metabolic processes, stimulation of the synthesis of a number of hormones.

Long-term vitamin D deficiency can increase the incidence of cancer and increase the likelihood of developing osteoporosis. Hypovitaminosis D plays a major role in development rickets in children.

Synthesis in the body: precursor of cholecalciferol - previtamin D3 is formed in epidermis skin under the influence ultraviolet rays of sunlight from provitamin D3. Previtamin D3 is converted to cholecalciferol by thermal isomerization (at body temperature). In the epidermis, cholecalciferol binds to vitamin D-binding protein and in this form enters the bloodstream and is transferred to the liver.

Animals: fatty fish, fish fat; to a much lesser extent butter, cheese and other fatty dairy products, egg yolk, caviar

Vegetable: Ergocalciferol is formed in fungal cells from ergosterol. The main source of ergocalciferol for humans are some types of fungi.

Structural formula of cholecalciferol.


Chemical structure


Vitamin D 1

combination ergocalciferol With lumisterol, 1:1

Vitamin D 2

ergocalciferol(derivative ergosterol)

Vitamin D 3

cholecalciferol(formed from 7-dihydrocholesterol in skin)

Vitamin D 4


Vitamin D 5

sitocalciferol(derivative 7-dihydrositosterol)

Vitamin D 6


Vitamin Eaffects the metabolism of selenium in the body and reproductive function.

Vitamin E- a group of natural compounds of tocol derivatives. The most important compounds are tocopherols And tocotrienols. Fat soluble. It has many functions, for example, participation in the reproduction of mammals, is a good immunomodulator and antioxidant. Vitamin E is a universal protector cell membranes against oxidative damage, is also effective immunomodulator, which helps to strengthen the body's immune defenses. Vitamin E improves the function of the genital organs in both men and women, restores the disturbed balance of hormones, the production of estrogens and progesterone - that is, it comprehensively affects precisely that link in the human reproductive function that ensures the process of conceiving a child.

Tocopherol deficiency leads to muscular dystrophy, infertility up to necrosis liver and softening of parts of the brain, especially the cerebellum.

Vitamin E is almost never found in animal products - it is only found in liver, egg yolks and milk. The source of active alpha-tocopherol is fresh vegetables, frozen vegetables contain 2 times less of it, and it is almost absent in canned vegetables. There is even a small amount of alpha-tocopherol in margarine, but it is not as active as in other products.

A lot of vitamin E in vegetable oils (sea buckthorn), nuts, whole grains, seeds, peaches, spinach and broccoli. In carrots, oatmeal, cucumbers, potatoes, radishes, green leafy vegetables or onions, it is already less.

The main function of vitamin E in the body is to protect cell membranes. Therefore, if you know that everything is not in order in your body, eat some product rich in tocopherol. A simple example: if after a noisy party with a lot of alcohol and cigarettes a person feels overwhelmed, this means that billions of blood cells - red blood cells - have died in his body. In this case, you can drink a tablespoon of olive or linseed oil, and our cells will immediately feel better.

Tocopherol. Structural formula

Vitamin K belongs to the group of lipophilic (fat-soluble) and hydrophobic vitamins necessary for the synthesis of proteins that provide a sufficient level coagulation. Chemically, is a derivative of 2- methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone. It plays a significant role in the metabolism of bones and connective tissue, as well as in the healthy functioning of the kidneys. In all these cases, the vitamin is involved in the absorption of calcium and in ensuring the interaction of calcium and vitamin D. In other tissues, for example, in the lungs and in the heart, protein structures were also found that can only be synthesized with the participation of vitamin K.

Vitamin K is defined as a group lipophilic (hydrophobic) vitamins. Vitamin K 2 ( menaquinone, menatetrenone) is produced bacteria V intestines, therefore, its insufficiency is rarely manifested, mainly with dysbiosis.

Vitamin K is involved in the carboxylation of glutamic acid residues in the polypeptide chains of some proteins. As a result of this enzymatic process, glutamic acid residues are converted into gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues (abbreviated Gla-radicals). Residues of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla-radicals), thanks to two free carboxyl groups, are involved in the binding of calcium. Gla radicals play an important role in the biological activity of all known Gla proteins.

Vitamin K deficiency can lead to to the following: profuse internal hemorrhages, cartilage ossification, severe deformation of developing bones, or salt deposits on the walls of arterial vessels.

At the same time, an excess of vitamin K contributes to an increase in platelets, an increase in blood viscosity, and as a result, the use of foods rich in vitamin K is highly undesirable for patients with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, some types of migraines, people with high cholesterol levels (since the formation of blood clots begins with a thickening of the arterial wall due to the formation of cholesterol plaques).

Vitamin K is found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach And lettuce; V cabbage - fodder cabbage, white cabbage,cauliflower,broccoli And Brussels sprouts; in plants like nettle,fumes officinalis ,wheat(bran) and others cereals, In some fruits, such as avocado,kiwi And bananas; V meat; cow milk and dairy products; eggs;soy and products from it. Olive oil also contains a significant amount of vitamin K.

Vitamin K 1 (phylloquinone). Contains functional naphthoquinone ring and an aliphatic side chain. Phylloquinone has a wick in the side chain.

Vitamin K 2 (menaquinones). The side chain can consist of a different number isoprenoid leftovers.

In order to be healthy, every person needs a daily portion of vitamins. The vitamin set is contained in many products that are available in any quantity, every day.

Vitamins will help to make the daily diet as useful as possible: A, B, C, D, E. Such a vitamin composition will enrich the diet and will contribute to the quality work of all organs.

Which foods contain the largest amount of vitamin reserves, we will consider further.

What foods contain vitamin B?

All vitamins are the building blocks for the human body. Without their participation, life processes would not occur at the level at which a person feels healthy and happy.

Knowledge of food products that contain these vitamins will help make nutrition and diet complete and healthy. The presence of the right products, which contain a complex of vitamins and trace elements, are responsible for the level of health and life in general.

Particularly important for the human body are group vitamins IN. They are responsible for normalization of the nervous system, growth of hair and nails.

The huge benefit that trace element B has is quality functioning of the liver and eyes. If you eat food that contains the beneficial component B, you can improve digestion processes and improve metabolism.

According to the type of structure of the human body, some organs themselves produce a useful component B, but in insufficient quantities.

The main human diet should include:

  • sunflower seeds;
  • flax seeds;
  • germinated grains of wheat;
  • liver;
  • bran;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • tomatoes;
  • hard cheeses;
  • corn flour;
  • parsley;
  • sorrel;
  • dates;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • green vegetables.

For more effective results, it is better to use vitamin complex of group B which includes: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12 and B17 better together.

It is important to adjust your diet so that all the life-giving elements of the B-group enter the body.


B12 or cyanocobalamin, participates in the normalization of hematopoiesis and the structuring of the nervous system.

Vitamin B12 is found in foods:

  • Meat (beef, rabbit, pork, chicken; especially in the liver and heart);
  • Fish (Carp, perch, sardine, trout, cod, etc.);
  • Seafood;
  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, milk, kefir);
  • Eggs;
  • Nuts;
  • Spinach;
  • sea ​​kale;
  • Butter.

It is worth noting, a huge amount of B12 is found in meat products. Therefore, beef, pork and lamb meat should be included in the list of products for regular consumption.


B2 (riboflavin) contains enzymes that promote the transport of oxygen and the metabolic process of saccharides. It promotes the breakdown of protein, fats and carbohydrates that come in the form of food.

This component improves eyesight, its sharpness and susceptibility to light. The presence of this trace element in the daily menu improves the nervous system and affects the growth of hair and nails.

In order to replenish the daily norm of B2, you need know what foods it contains:

  1. Baker's dried yeast.
  2. Fresh yeast.
  3. Powdered milk.
  4. Almonds, pine nuts and peanuts.
  5. Chicken eggs.
  6. Veal, lamb and beef.
  7. Honey mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, champignons.
  8. Spinach.
  9. Rose hip.
  10. Cottage cheese.
  11. Goose meat.
  12. Mackerel.
  13. Chicken liver.


B6 is essential for healthy, full body function. It is indispensable in ensuring the exchange of amino acids, which are the components of proteins. Without protein substances, the human body will weaken and rapidly begin to deplete. Also involved in the production of hormones and hemoglobin.

Vitamin B6 is found in foods:

  • banana;
  • walnut and pine nuts, hazelnuts;
  • liver;
  • soya beans;
  • spinach;
  • bran;
  • millet;
  • pomegranate;
  • sweet pepper (bulgarian)
  • mackerel, tuna;
  • garlic, horseradish;
  • chicken meat;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • beans;
  • flax-seed.

Also in the list of food components, without which it is impossible to obtain the production of a substance, includes:

  • strawberry;
  • potato;
  • peaches, apples and pears;
  • lemon.

B6 is especially necessary for the normal functioning of the CNS. With the use of this vitamin, you can get rid of cramps, numbness of the hands and muscle spasms.

Vitamin B17 contributes to the normalization of metabolism. It prevents the appearance of cancer cells and contributes to the prevention of onco-diseases.

Foods that contain B17:

  1. Apricot kernels.
  2. Brewer's yeast.
  3. Bird cherry.
  4. Green buckwheat.
  5. Millet.
  6. Sweet potato.
  7. Beans, beans.
  8. Apricot oil.
  9. Cherries, pears, peaches, elderberries, blueberries.
  10. Flax-seed.
  11. Pumpkin seeds.
  12. Raisins, prunes, dried apricots.
  13. Spinach.

Where is the most vitamin C?

Vitamin C incredibly beneficial to human health. It is involved in the metabolic processes of our body, helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and fights viruses and infections. Also, this microelement helps the production of collagen, indispensable for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

In order to replenish the daily norm of the substance, it is necessary know what foods contain it.

Many people assume that the leader with the highest amount of vitamin C is the lemon. However, undisputed winner- This rose hip. Then comes red and green sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, parsley and Brussels sprouts.

You can get natural component C in large doses by using mousses, compotes and jelly. The daily inclusion of this component in the diet is especially important. After all, it protects the body from the activation of microbes and bacteria, favorably affects the functioning of the central nervous system and improves the protective functions of the whole organism.

Foods rich in vitamin C:

  • Rosehip (dry and fresh);
  • Pepper (red Bulgarian and green);
  • Black currant;
  • Sea ​​buckthorn;
  • Parsley, wild garlic, dill, spinach, sorrel;
  • cabbage (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage);
  • Kiwi;
  • Lemons, tangerines, oranges.
  • Beef liver.

Daily rate for adults 70 - 100 mg, for children - 42 mg.

What foods contain vitamin A?

Daily intake of the required dose of vitamin A contributes to the normalization of the cells of teeth and bones, improves metabolic processes, and helps to synthesize protein.

Foods rich in vitamin A:

  • carrot;
  • apricot;
  • pumpkin;
  • spinach;
  • parsley;
  • wild garlic;
  • broccoli;
  • seaweed;
  • processed cheese;
  • viburnum.

The main products that contain an excess of useful substances are:

  • fish fat;
  • liver;
  • butter;
  • egg yolks;
  • cream.

List of foods rich in vitamin E

Microelement E is an activator of the reproductive functions of living organisms, so its presence in the diet is mandatory. It helps to increase the protective functions of the body, improve the reproductive and endocrine systems, and slows down the aging process.

In order to replenish the daily dose, you need to know which foods contain vitamin E.

Foods rich in vitamin E:

  1. Vegetables and fruits: carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, radishes, apples;
  2. Legumes: beans and peas;
  3. Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, cashews and peanuts;
  4. Meat: beef;
  5. Fish (perch, salmon, eel, mackerel);
  6. Spinach, sorrel;
  7. Barley groats, oatmeal, wheat;
  8. Prunes, dried apricots;
  9. Rose hip;
  10. Sea ​​buckthorn.

With the regular inclusion of component E in your diet, the body will be saturated with useful substances. It will begin to act on the activation of the muscles, improve the immune system and slow down the aging process.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A contributes to the formation of visual purple (rhodopsin) in the eyes, increases resistance to respiratory infections, promotes the growth and strengthening of bones, healthy skin, hair, teeth, gums.

Contained in oil from the liver of fish (fish oil), liver, carrots, melon, in smaller quantities - in yellow and red vegetables and fruits, eggs, milk, margarine, butter.

Vitamin A works best when combined with B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc. Vitamin A also protects vitamin C from oxidation. If you are taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, you have a reduced absorption of vitamin A, you need vitamin A supplements.

It exists in two forms: ready-made vitamin A (retinol) from animal products and provitamin A (carotene).

The average dose for adults is 10,000 IU daily, the requirements increase with increasing body weight.

"Warning! More than 100,000 IU per day in adults can cause toxic effects: hair loss, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, bone pain, irregular menstruation in women, liver enlargement, etc. "

Vitamin D(calciferol, viosterol, zrgosterol)

The only vitamin that can be synthesized in our body (under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the skin). The daily dose for adults is 400 IU or 5-10 micrograms. Without it, calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for strengthening bones and teeth, are not absorbed. When taken together with vitamins A and C, it helps in the prevention of colds, conjunctivitis.

Contained in fish oil, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, milk. Daily doses of 25,000 IU over a long period can cause toxic effects: unusual thirst, inflammation of the eyes, itching of the skin, vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal calcium deposits in the walls of blood vessels, liver, lungs, kidneys and stomach.

Vitamin E(tocopherol)

Accumulates not only in the subcutaneous tissue, but also in the liver, heart, muscles, testicles, uterus, blood, adrenal glands, pituitary gland.

It is an active antioxidant that prevents the oxidation of fatty compounds, vitamin A, selenium, two sulfur-containing amino acids and, to some extent, vitamin C. It is important as a vasodilator and anticoagulant. Works well in combination with selenium. Slows down cell aging caused by oxidation. Prevents and dissolves blood clots. Accelerates the healing of burns. Acting as a diuretic, it can lower blood pressure. Protects from miscarriages. Deficiency causes anemia, infertility.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is found in wheat germ, soybeans, vegetable oils, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens, spinach, and in smaller amounts in whole grains and eggs. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who take contraceptives and hormonal drugs, women during menopause require increased doses of vitamin E.

Vitamin F(unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic). If there is enough linoleic acid in the body, then the other two fatty acids can be synthesized.

Prevents cholesterol deposits in the arteries. Provides healthy skin and hair. Affects the activity of the endocrine glands, making calcium more available to cells. Helps to reduce weight by burning saturated fats. Deficiency leads to eczema, acne, excess weight.

Sources: vegetable oils from wheat ovary, flaxseed, sunflower, safflower, soybeans, peanuts, almonds, avocados. Twelve teaspoons of sunflower seeds or eighteen pecan cloves can cover your daily requirement. Increased carbohydrate intake increases the need for F. Excessive intake can lead to weight gain. Best taken with vitamin E.

It often happens that the human body, for one reason or another, feels an acute deficiency of nutrients. Less common are cases of hypervitaminosis, when vitamins A, E, D, accumulating in cells and tissues, begin to cause a negative reaction of the body. How to deal with such problems and what foods to eat to feel healthy, full of energy and look much younger than your age?

The secret is simple enough. First of all, you should pay attention to proper nutrition. According to statistics, people who eat a lot of greens, vegetables, fruits and vegetable fats feel much better and look younger. Their metabolism is much faster, and there are an order of magnitude more vitamins in the body than those who prefer fast foods, fatty meat dishes and alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, an excess of vitamins is also negative for the body.

The role of beta-carotene in the human body

First of all, retinol is popular as a strong antioxidant, absorbed in the body with the help of certain fats and vitamin E. The accumulative properties of beta-carotene in the future help to manage the reserves deposited in the liver. Still, it is better to regularly consume vitamins A, E. There are enough of them in the products. What can I say about taking the drug "Aevit"? Its constant use can lead to an overabundance, which is very undesirable and even harmful to the human body. Therefore, before taking it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Retinol plays an important role in the functions of protein synthesis, helps keep teeth in excellent condition, ensures the health of bones, cells and tissues of the body, slowing down and even stopping the process of premature aging. It is very useful for human vision, and its deficiency is bad for the immune system of any organism. But the most influential effect of vitamin A has on the skin. In order to look more attractive, young and flawless on the skin of the face or other parts of the body, it is worth taking care of a sufficient level of beta-carotene in the body.

Functions of Vitamin E

Tocopherol acetate, like vitamin A, is a fat-soluble substance. For their good assimilation, a sufficient amount of fat is required. It plays the role of a powerful antioxidant in the body, and its sufficient amount contributes to the active absorption of retinol. In addition, its role is quite significant in the regulation of cellular reactions. Its deficiency in the human body can lead to infertility, liver necrosis, muscle tissue dystrophy, and even brain destruction. Therefore, it is worth eating vitamin A, E. The oil contains a sufficient amount of these two useful substances.

Manifestation of acute deficiency of vitamins A and E

To the questions "how soon will you have to take the next dose of vitamins?" and "how quickly useful substances are removed from the cells?" there is no specific answer. Each organism is unique and requires an individual approach. But how can you independently determine that you have a lack of vitamins A and E?

There are several characteristic symptoms that indicate vitamin deficiency:

  • Brittleness of hair, their dryness and a tendency to section. This is already the first sign that gives reason to think about the fact that it's time to take vitamin A and E. But many girls spoil their hair with paints containing perhydrol to lighten curls. Therefore, this criterion does not always correspond to reality.
  • The condition of the skin of the face and body also indicates a deficiency of vitamins E, A, nicotinic acid. If your skin has begun to look old, it is dry and pale, then it's time to take Aevit or other preparations containing retinol and vitamin E, but before that it is recommended to consult a doctor. He will more accurately prescribe a course of treatment. Alternatively, you can read what contains vitamin A and what foods have other most beneficial substances for your body. They will not be redundant for you.
  • Fragility of nails, the appearance of burrs indicate a lack of vitamin E, A.
  • Sometimes, due to dry skin, bloody cracks can appear on the lips, and due to vitamin E deficiency and poor blood clotting, their poor healing.

Signs of excess vitamins A and E in the body

An overdose of retinol and tocopherol in the body is very dangerous. It causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms: fatigue, lethargy, dizziness and, accordingly, blurred vision, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and blockage of blood vessels. Oversaturation with vitamin E is very dangerous for smokers, because in combination with nicotine there is a high probability of getting a stroke.

The characteristic symptoms of excess vitamin A are somewhat similar to hypervitaminosis of tocopherol, so it can be difficult to determine which vitamin complex is time to stop eating. First of all, consult with your doctor and start following a diet. And in no case should you self-medicate, as well as completely exclude vitamin A and E from food. Not everyone knows where the complex of these elements is contained. There are a number of products that contain the maximum amount of retinol and tocopherol.

Foods containing vitamin A and E

Where is vitamin A found? Many prefer medical capsules and dragees. But it is safer and healthier to consume them from food. Retinol is known to accumulate in the liver of animals. So, for example, beef liver contains 8.2 mg per 100 g of product. Retinol is also part of the liver of fish, caviar, eggs, milk and dairy products. In addition, such a healthy vegetable as carrots also contains vitamin A. Vegetables are considered the easiest for the body.

Vegetable, olive, cottonseed, corn and other oils are the main sources of tocopherol for the human body. That is why they should be eaten in the first place. Foods such as nuts, olives, whole grains, seeds also contain a fairly large dose of this component.

There are foods that contain vitamin A and E at the same time. Where is it contained, which of these foods is best absorbed by the body? The question is simple, but few know the answer to it.

Sources of vitamins and their correct intake

Most of us know that in the case of beriberi, you should immediately consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will prescribe the intake of the necessary components. These can be tablets, capsules and other types of medicines. But you can do without them if you know the sources of vitamins, the daily rate of their consumption. This question can definitely be covered only by your attending physician, because each organism is individual, but according to scientific research, an adult should eat tocopherol in the range of 30-400 IU per day, and retinol - 5000-10000 IU. There is also a toxicity threshold for these substances. In the case of vitamin A, it is 500,000 IU, and tocopherol - already 3,000 are considered dangerous for the body.

Preparations containing retinol and tocopherol

"Aevit" is the most common medical product containing vitamin A and E. Where it is contained only. Such drugs can be "Axerophthol", "Aquital". Preparations can be in the form of tablets, ampoules, dragees. But they are insoluble in water and are therefore applied using fats, chloroform, alcohol and ether. Most often they are used together with fats, and, accordingly, with tocopherol.

Do not forget that self-medication can lead to disastrous consequences, therefore, first of all, you should find out the exact diagnosis in order to start treating beriberi or redundancy of extra components. It is necessary to find out what contains vitamin A, E, and either consume more of them, or, in case of hypervitaminosis, refuse them. Be healthy and young!



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