How to increase fertility in men? Proper nutrition. Fertility Vitamins for Men

Male sperm fertility provides an opportunity for the male body to participate in the process of conception. In other words, this is the name of nothing more than the ability of the spermatozoa themselves (which are produced by the testes in the male body) to fertilize female eggs. Due to a variety of circumstances, fertility is not a constant value, and simultaneously with the wear and tear of a man's body, it noticeably decreases. That is, reduced fertility rates reduce the chances of a normal conception. In other words, male infertility gradually develops.

Not only the age of the stronger sex, but also various factors can affect the state of sperm fertility. For example, such: malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, some habits. Despite this, there is one positive thing in this depressing picture: male fertility is amenable to correction, that is, it can (and should) be increased. What are the means to improve the quality of seminal fluid - this will be discussed further.

Here it is important to understand one more point: under the funds they mean not only special preparations that improve the quality of fertility, but also all kinds of measures taken by a man for these purposes. In particular, the last point can be attributed to the exclusion from the lifestyle of all adverse factors that interfere with normal spermatogenesis.

What undesirable factors should be given special attention?

It’s good if you can completely exclude these moments from your life. If not, then you need to try to the maximum to neutralize the harm that they bring to men's health.

The impact of poisonous and toxic substances on the body

This category includes: alcohol, nicotine, drugs, industrial toxins, chemicals inhaled through the air, and others. All of these substances do not add health. On the contrary, they spoil it. They affect the male sperm in the first place. For example, the effect of any narcotic drug is such that it adversely affects the concentration of sperm, in some cases it can completely stop the production of male germ cells.

When planning a pregnancy in a couple, you will have to exclude the effect of all harmful and toxic substances on the male body. If the work is such that it is associated with the harmful influence of some substance, then you must definitely think about changing the workplace.

Improper nutrition

You can find and read a lot of specialized literature about this. The only thing to note here is the balance of nutrition. Remember that no artificial additive can completely replace the value of the naturalness of vitamins and trace elements contained in food.

Therefore, it is important to think about a set of products that would promote healthy spermatogenesis. The quantity and quality of sperm can be improved by including in your diet foods such as: chicken and pork meat, fish and seafood, nuts and fruits, raw vegetables and fruits, fresh herbs (especially celery, parsley), honey, green tea, whole cereals.

Thermal treatments

The temperature required for the full maturation of spermatozoa is 34°C. The testicles are located outside the body of a man for a reason: this natural measure helps to maintain the proper temperature regime in them. Any overheating, whether it is taking a hot bath, visiting saunas and baths, too tight and dense underwear, has an extremely negative effect on the quality of sperm.

Unfavorable environmental situation

All impurities inhaled by our lungs with air are deposited in the body. These include all gases that live in the air layer.

Diseases and certain medications taken

A factor that reduces the quality of sperm can be a specific disease of the male genital area (varicocele, for example), STIs, diseases of the endocrine system and kidneys, diabetes mellitus, and pressure.

Not all drugs belong to this group. Of particular importance is given to those that interfere with the normal process of cell division.

Modern innovative technologies

A modern person can hardly imagine his life without a cell phone or laptop. But the radiation coming from them is very dangerous for the body and threatens the likelihood of conception. Many studies have been carried out to confirm this fact. If you want, you can find reviews about them on the Internet.

To address the issue of increasing the quantity and quality of sperm, you need to tune in seriously and thoroughly. After reviewing the above points, it can be concluded that measures to improve the quality of sperm involve significant sacrifices. First of all, you need to forget about all bad habits (at least for a while), you should put your diet in order, compensate for the loss of minerals and vitamins.

Do not overheat the sexual organ, lead a full life in terms of physical and mental health. You can perform special gymnastics for the pubic-coccygeal muscle, which will help to cope with congestion in the intimate zone, which will ultimately have a positive effect on the issue of improving the quality of sperm.

Why should you take a fertility test?

The fertility index gives an assessment of the quality of sperm, which is made possible by a special fertility test. In this case, the sperm must meet a number of regulatory requirements established by WHO. What are these norms? They are as follows: 1 portion of sperm in volume should not decrease below 2 ml, and 1 milliliter should contain about 20 million sperm, among which there should be 75% healthy and live, 50% actively mobile (at least half of them should be too active ).

Male fertility is determined in the laboratory by taking a special analysis - spermogram, and other tests.

Medical increase in fertility rates

If, after a fertility test, low scores of some indicators were found, the doctor may prescribe hormone-containing drugs for. Their purpose is to block the production of female sex hormones in the male body and reduce their content.

In addition, natural remedies can be prescribed for a short time, as well as homeopathy and all kinds of dietary supplements. In particular, the drug "Speman" has proven itself very well for these purposes. Other drugs to increase fertility: Wobenzym, biostimulants (schisandra, ginseng, eleutherococcus, etc.), suppositories Vitaprost, Tribestan, Verona, Spermaplant, Spermaktin, Tentex-forte, Viardo, Profertil, Gerimaks, Coenzyme, Ubiquinone, Compositum and others.

Royal jelly has a very beneficial effect on the quality of spermograms. But this drug must be taken constantly and properly stored (in a cold place). More useful drone milk. It should be taken every morning: put half a dessert spoon under the tongue.

Preparations that improve the quality and quantity of sperm can also be distinguished, such as tablets with minerals and vitamins.

Micronutrients and vitamins for healthy spermatogenesis

And finally, it is worth noting that it is necessary to improve the quality of sperm not only with drugs.

The impact should be complex, affecting not only the sexual sphere, but also the psychological state.

It is important to eliminate stress, lead a healthy life and move more. And the results will not be long in coming.

The problem of motherhood today rises higher and higher on the ladder of other social problems. Accurate statistics show how every year the percentage of couples who want to have a child increases, but for many reasons they cannot. In some cases, there is male infertility, in others - an insufficient fertility rate in women. Married couples most often turn to reproductive medicine centers for help with the question of how to increase female fertility and resume male reproduction. Doctors have developed a clear plan in each individual case in order to “tune” the body of a woman or a man to conceive a child.

What is fertility and how to increase this ratio

Fertility or reproduction is the ability of a male or female organism to reproduce offspring (on the part of a woman - to conceive, endure and give birth, on the part of a man - to fertilize an egg).

Even due to the fact that fertility is inherent in both sides (male and female), the specifics of this process are different.

Male fertility is most likely reduced to sperm fertility - their speed and the number needed to fertilize an egg.

Female fertility is the ability of a woman to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. This ability decreases with age, which is associated with many physiological reasons, primarily with the cessation of ovulation and the onset of menopause. In the body of a man, sperm is produced all his life, but the quality of the fluid still decreases, as does the ability to fertilize.

The coefficient of female fertility is determined depending on three factors: the body's ability to conceive, endure and give birth. Thus, a distinction is made between low, medium and high fertility.

If there is a problem with any of the three factors (cannot conceive, or cannot bear, give birth), it is considered that the woman has low fertility. The ability to conceive, endure and give birth is normal fertility. If a woman can conceive, bear and give birth to two or more children without problems and complications, it means that the fertility rate in the female body is the highest.

How to Increase Fertility: 9 Ways

  1. lose weight - get better

Paradoxically, but the excess, as well as the lack of fat in the body of a woman is the cause of hormonal failure. With a hormonal imbalance, the cycle of ovarian production of eggs is disrupted and, as a result, there are problems with conception. A similar situation is inherent in "thin women" equally, as well as girls with a magnificent figure. Until the weight is close to normal, hormonal imbalance will prevent conception.

What to do: calculate the optimal body mass index (BMI) and bring your weight in order.

BMI = body weight (kg) / height squared (m).

Belgian sociologist Adolf Quetelet found that ideally, the BMI of the expectant mother should be in the range of 20-25 units. If the index is out of bounds in one direction or another, this is a risk of reduced fertility.

  1. Keep track of ovulation

It is believed that the optimal age when you can conceive without problems is from 23 to 31 years. Every year after age 31, fertility drops by 3%. In fact, it is impossible to know the time when menopause will come and the possibility of conception will be reduced to zero. Therefore, if you are already over 30 years old and have a desire to have a baby, you need to clearly understand the schedule of ovulation in your body. To do this, you can buy an ovulation test at a pharmacy and test for 4 months: every month for 5-6 days in the middle of the cycle. If a negative result (lack of ovulation) lasts all 4 months, this is already a cause for concern and a visit to the doctor.

  1. Freeze eggs

The most effective, albeit expensive, way to conceive and give birth to a child is egg cryopreservation. If you want to get pregnant and go to an IVF clinic, you can use this frozen egg.

How does the cryopreservation procedure take place: after passing all the necessary tests and undergoing an examination, a course of administration of follicle-stimulating hormones follows for 2 weeks (beginning - the second day of the cycle). Thus, stimulation of not one egg, but 10 or more will allow in the future to choose one working for fertilization. When the cells are mature, they are removed under general anesthesia and preserved. The contract with the clinic where the eggs will be stored can be renewed every year until you decide to fertilize.

  1. Quit smoking and drink less coffee

This slogan is mentioned in all the materials on a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, as well as in books for expectant mothers. However, the fact that chemicals accumulated during the process of smoking contribute to the disruption of the production of estradiol (a steroid hormone) remains unknown to many. Quitting cigarettes will prolong health and delay menopause by at least 30%. So, every day without cigarettes and excessive coffee consumption, fertility in the female body increases and the fertile period is extended. In addition, the transition to a healthy lifestyle will save you from miscarriage after the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. If you can’t give up coffee, drink no more than 1 cup a day.

  1. Limit physical activity

Physical activity is good for the body to maintain weight, control hormone levels, improve mood, improve health. This applies to reasonable loads, but not excessive enthusiasm. If sport is an integral part of your life, but you want to get pregnant in the near future, you should think about reducing the load.

American scientists have determined the maximum limits for women who want to get pregnant: run no more than 10-12 km a week, exercise no more than 1.5 hours a day in the gym. This is due to the fact that too much physical activity contributes to the failure of the menstrual cycle and, as a result, the cessation of ovulation.

  1. Review your diet

Among diets for weight loss, cleansing the body or recovery, the diet for fertility occupies a central place, which must be followed by women and men to maintain reproductive function.

Diet for fertility: what prevents ovulation?

Potatoes, sweets (sweets, cookies, cakes), white bread - all that contains a large amount of fast carbohydrates, knocks down the menstrual cycle and ovulation.

Fertility aids are products that contain iron in excess. For mothers-to-be, the intake of full-fat dairy products should be increased to ensure proper estrogen levels. Of the vitamins, you should lean on folic acid (B6) - it increases the chances of conceiving and bearing a healthy child. The course of enrichment with vitamins and fats should begin six months before conception: in the first phase of the cycle, take folic acid paired with vitamin C, and in the second phase - vitamins A and E.

The fertility of a man is his ability to carry out successful fertilization. What is the fertility rate index for the stronger sex? How can this figure be increased? What should be done to improve male fertility?

What does the concept mean

Male fertility is, in essence, fertility, the ability to successfully conceive. In men, the fertility index depends on the norm of the content of mobile, full-fledged sperm in the seminal fluid and their ability to fertilize the egg. Therefore, the fertility rate for men depends not only on the number of mobile male germ cells, but also on the rate of their motor activity, morphology, and other factors that must be taken into account if you want to increase and improve the male fertility index.

Normally, fertility is characteristic of all men who are in the reproductive age category (from 15 to 65 years). The male fertility index gradually decreases as a man gets older. However, it is possible to extend the ability to fertilize. For this, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations of specialists that will help increase and improve the index of male fertility. In addition, due to age-related changes in men, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of their seminal fluid deviate more and more from the norm over time. Wherein:

  1. Decreased male power.
  2. The quality of the ejaculate deteriorates.
  3. There is an increased risk of defective sperm formation.
  4. The risk of the birth of a baby with deviations from the norm increases.

A special male fertility index helps to assess the quality of male seminal fluid and its compliance with the criteria of the norm. After its establishment, it becomes clear whether it is necessary to take special measures in order to improve the processes of spermatogenesis in men, or whether everything is within the normal range.

As men age, the quality of ejaculate deteriorates.

Main criteria

In order to understand how you can increase the male fertility index, you first need to determine what the norm is. So, the male fertility index is determined using a spermogram. The norm is established by counting the number of motile sperm and the degree of their concentration in the male ejaculant. This is the so-called male fertility test. The price of this type of research is quite reasonable and affordable for most men.

The index rate is 30% or more. If the index in men turned out to be low, then this indicates that the male seminal fluid has reduced quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Such deviations indicate possible problems with the onset of a successful conception. However, the norm of the index can be restored if appropriate measures are taken that are aimed at increasing and improving the male fertility index.

An overestimated index of fertility indicators in men is extremely rare. The fact is that normally in the ejaculate there are about 2% of especially active and viable sperm, which retain the ability to fertilize for a two-week period. If their number in the seminal fluid rises to 50%, then this will indicate phenomenal hyperfertility.

In order to figure out how to improve the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the male seminal fluid, increase the fertility index, it is important to understand what contributes to their deviation from the norm. According to experts, if the index of fertility indicators in men is significantly lower than the established norm, then the following factors could provoke this problem:

  1. Smoking, alcohol abuse, poor diet, drug use.
  2. Overheating of the testicles, varicocele, traumatic injuries of the genital organs.
  3. Adverse environmental factor, radiation impact.
  4. Violations in the functioning of the endocrine system, failure of metabolic processes.
  5. Changes that are age-related, renal pathologies, sexually transmitted diseases of an infectious nature.
  6. Dehydration, obesity.
  7. Long-term and uncontrolled use of certain medications.

Fertility is reduced in men who abuse bad habits.

Therefore, those who want to increase the index of fertility indicators and bring it closer to normal, as well as improve the quality characteristics of seminal fluid, first of all need to give up bad habits and follow a diet. It would be useful to undergo a comprehensive medical examination to identify possible diseases of a urological or infectious nature.

Medical methods to increase

It is possible to increase and improve the index of fertility indicators in the stronger sex with the help of certain drug therapy. However, first of all, the patient must undergo a comprehensive medical examination, which is necessary to identify possible problems. If a representative of the stronger sex has been diagnosed with diseases that reduce the ability to fertilize and adversely affect the quality of the ejaculate, then their treatment can already significantly improve the situation and increase fertility in men.

Good results are obtained by drugs such as Spermaplant and Speman, which increase the quantitative indicators of active, fully developed male germ cells. These medicines are characterized by mild action and extremely natural composition. However, they also have a drawback - this is a rather high price. You can also increase and improve fertility rates with the help of folic acid preparations, special vitamin and mineral complexes with a high content of zinc, magnesium, carnitine and vitamins of group E. The price of such funds is quite reasonable and acceptable.

The exact answer to the question of how to increase male fertility can only be given by a qualified specialist after a preliminary comprehensive diagnosis! The doctor will also set the optimal dosage of drugs and the duration of the therapeutic course! It is strongly not recommended to take any medications without permission in order to increase fertility rates!

To prescribe medication, you need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

Products to stimulate spermatogenesis

It is also possible to improve and increase male fertility if certain principles of healthy eating are observed. We bring to your attention a list of products that are ideal for men who want to increase and improve their own fertility:

  • Fresh fruits.
  • Sea fish.
  • Dairy and dairy products.
  • Lean meats.

But it is advisable to completely refuse fried, fatty and smoked foods, or at least reduce its percentage in the daily diet to the minimum! It is also important to observe the drinking regime and consume at least 2 liters of fluid throughout the day, while giving preference to clean water.

A fertile male who wants to increase the chances of a successful conception and improve the quality of the ejaculate should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Lead a regular intimate life.
  2. Fully rest (the daily norm of sleep is at least 8 hours during the day).
  3. To refuse from bad habits.
  4. Avoid overwork and psycho-emotional shocks.
  5. Exercise.
  6. Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages as much as possible.
  7. Wear loose underwear and avoid traumatic injuries in the groin area.

Fertility in men - what is it? In fact, this concept implies the ability of representatives of the strong half of humanity to reproduce healthy offspring. It is possible to increase the index of fertility indicators, improve the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of male sperm with the help of proper nutrition, the use of vitamin-mineral complexes and medications, the action of which is aimed at stimulating spermatogenesis. Refusal of bad habits and an active lifestyle are indispensable conditions for the normalization of reproductive health!

Thank you

Fertility is a term used to refer to various aspects of the ability of an adult pubescent organism to reproduce. Fertility is a biological characteristic that reflects the ability of either a particular individual or group to reproduce. This means that in relation to a person, fertility denotes and describes his ability to reproduce during puberty (from 15 to 49 years).

Fertility - what is it?

According to a strictly scientific definition, fertility is the ability of a sexually mature organism to reproduce offspring. The term "fertility" is derived from the Latin word fertilis, which means fertile or fertile. That is, fertility is a concept opposite, in fact, to the meaning of sterility or infertility. This concept is a key characteristic of a person as a biological species, which has the ability to reproduce its own kind.

In general, the concept of fertility is more often used in the English-language scientific and medical literature, from which it actually came into the lexicon of Russian-speaking doctors in the countries of the former USSR. The spread of this concept is associated with the active adoption of assisted reproductive technologies (IVF, ICSI, etc.), which were developed in the West, and, accordingly, the terminology of these medical procedures is in English. Modern doctors from the CIS countries simply borrowed the term fertility from English-language articles, forming the Russian "fertility" from it and putting the same meaning.

Since reproduction requires two people of different sexes who have reached the age of puberty, the concept of fertility can be applied to both a man and a woman. This means that there is female and male fertility, which reflects the ability of a particular woman to conceive and carry a child, and a particular man to impregnate his sexual partner. If we consider the union of two people of different sexes who have reached the age of puberty, then we can talk about the fertility of a couple as a kind of collective quality that reflects their ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child.

The concept of fertility is applicable only to people who are of reproductive age, when, according to their physiological characteristics and properties, they are able to reproduce offspring. In women, reproductive age begins with the first menstruation and ends with the onset of menopause. That is, the reproductive age of a woman is the period during which she has regular menstruation.

And in men, reproductive age begins at the age of 14-15, when a full-fledged sperm begins to be produced, containing live and active spermatozoa that can fertilize an egg. In principle, a man can remain of reproductive age until his death, if various factors that have a negative impact on the quality of sperm do not lead to a violation of its composition and fertility. But since representatives of both sexes are necessary for the reproduction of offspring, the reproductive age is considered to be the period from 15 to 49 years, when both a man and a woman can conceive a child.

In addition to male and female, there is also the demographic concept of fertility, which refers to the ability of women who make up the population group under study to reproduce and maintain population size. Usually, demographic fertility is expressed by the birth rate, which reflects the number of children per woman of reproductive age (from 15 to 49 years). It is with this birth rate that people meet when reading scientific or statistical publications concerning the reproduction of the population. Usually in articles with similar content, the expression is necessarily found that "the birth rate is 1.4 or 2.0 ppm." It is this coefficient that means that 1.4 or 2 children are born per woman of reproductive age. The same coefficient reflects demographic fertility.

Demographic fertility reflects the ability of a population of people, for example, all living in an area, region or country, to reproduce and maintain population size. If the birth rate is less than 2.0, then this means low demographic fertility, in which the population of the studied group decreases. If the birth rate is 2.0, then this means that the population is maintained at the current level - neither increasing nor decreasing. In such a situation, demographic fertility is zero. With a birth rate of more than two, one speaks of population growth and positive demographic fertility.

Fertility of a woman - definition and physiological essence of the concept

A woman's fertility is the ability of her body to reproduce offspring. This means that the concept of "female fertility" includes three necessary factors - the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Fertility can be normal, high or low. Fertility is considered low when a woman of the three factors of reproduction of offspring is capable of only any two. For example, if a woman has the ability to become pregnant (conceive), but is not able to bear and give birth to a child, then her fertility is low. Fertility is considered normal when a woman is able to conceive, endure, and give birth. Increased fertility is the ability to become pregnant, carry and give birth without any complications several times in a row without a break between births.

Currently, thanks to advances in medicine, the bearing and birth of a child is available to almost all women who have managed to get pregnant. Therefore, such factors of female fertility as gestation and birth have somewhat lost their significance. After all, you can always give birth with the help of a caesarean section, and for successful gestation, take medications and lie on conservation. Thus, the leading factor in female fertility has become the ability to conceive, that is, the ability to become pregnant.

Ovulation and fertility

Normal ovulation is very important for a woman's overall fertility. The ability to conceive is determined by the presence in the body of a woman of a mature and ready for fertilization egg. Such an egg normally leaves the ovary once in each menstrual cycle. And the process of release of a mature egg is called ovulation. That is, ovulation and fertility are inextricably linked with each other, moreover, the first causes the second. If ovulation does not occur, then the woman cannot become pregnant in this menstrual cycle, that is, she is not fertile. If ovulation has occurred, then the normal probability of becoming pregnant during one menstrual cycle is 20%. In this case, the woman is quite fertile. Moreover, maximum fertility is observed on the days of ovulation, therefore, for the speedy onset of pregnancy, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse on these days, when the "fresh" egg has just left the ovary, is ready for fertilization, and the spermatozoa will not have to wait long for it, hitting the woman's genital tract.

If ovulation is somehow disturbed, then the woman's fertility decreases. Since after 35 years the number of menstrual cycles without ovulation increases to 5-7 per year, the fertility of a woman in this age group also decreases. In women 20-35 years old, 1-2 menstrual cycles a year pass without ovulation, so their fertility is significantly higher, which explains the recommendation of doctors to become pregnant and give birth before the age of 35.

Both ovulation and the ability to bear and give birth to a child are regulated by hormonal and nervous mechanisms, the violation of which leads to a decrease in the fertility of a woman at any age, even very young. Since stress negatively affects hormonal balance, this explains its ability to reduce a woman's fertility, sometimes making her infertile. However, after the stress is eliminated, fertility is restored, and the woman regains the ability to become pregnant, carry and give birth to children.

Fertility test (fertility prediction)

A fertility test, also often referred to as a fertility prognosis, is used to determine a woman's overall fertility. The essence of this test is very simple - it is necessary to do an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the ovaries on the 5th - 6th day of the menstrual cycle, that is, almost immediately after the end of the next menstruation.

During the ultrasound, the doctor measures the diameter of the ovaries and counts the number of active, growing follicles, and also determines the ratio of connective and hormonal tissue. Normally, the diameter of the ovaries should be from 20 to 120 mm, the number of growing follicles should be at least 5, and the ratio of active and connective tissue should be at least 1:1. Then, based on the measurements obtained, the ultrasound diagnostician describes in the conclusion the ovulation reserve, which is indicated by points - "-2", "0" or "+2". This ovulation reserve fully reflects the fertility forecast.

If the ovulation reserve is "-2", then it is almost running out, which means a woman's very low, almost zero fertility. Ovulation reserve "0" means the average fertility of a woman who may well become pregnant, endure and give birth to a child. An ovulation reserve of "+2" means a woman's excellent fertility, in which she is almost 100% likely to become pregnant literally within 1 - 2 menstrual cycles, after which she can carry and give birth to a child without problems and complications.

In addition to determining ovulation reserve, a fertility test includes measuring the concentration of blood hormones that affect the ability to conceive, gestate and give birth, such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). For a fertility test, the ratio of the concentration of these hormones is important. If the concentration of FSH exceeds LH, then this indicates ovarian exhaustion and, accordingly, low fertility. This forecast will remain for 3-5 years, after which fertility can be increased by various methods.

A fertility test or prognosis is an indicative examination that allows a gynecologist or endocrinologist to assess the overall, cumulative ability of a woman's body to reproduce offspring. If the overall fertility according to the test results is low, then this is not a sentence and does not mean that the woman, in principle, is not able to give birth to a child. Just to increase fertility, you will have to undergo quite long courses of treatment that will improve her ability to reproduce offspring. After such treatment, as a rule, more than 95% of women become pregnant, and the remaining 5% will have to use assisted reproductive technologies (IVF, ICSI, etc.).

Currently, there is also a home fertility test for women, which is completely similar in design and principle of operation to a pregnancy test. Using this fertility test, a woman can find out exactly when she ovulates, that is, set the period of the menstrual cycle that is most favorable for conception.

To conduct the study, the test must be lowered into the morning urine and wait for the appearance of strips, the color intensity of which determines whether a woman will ovulate within the next 1 to 2 days. If the second strip is colored more intensely than the control one, then ovulation will occur, which means that the woman has reached the moment of maximum fertility. If the second strip of the test is less intense compared to the control, this means that ovulation will not occur and the woman is not fertile in this menstrual cycle.

Male fertility - definition and physiological essence of the concept

A man's fertility is his ability to impregnate a woman by having sexual intercourse and releasing sperm into the vagina. The fertility of men directly depends on the quality of his sperm and spermatozoa. It is possible to assess the quality of sperm and, thereby, determine the overall fertility of this particular man using a standard spermogram. Depending on the results of the spermogram, a man's fertility can be assessed as normal, low or increased.

However, all men and their sexual partners should remember that the spermogram reflects only the theoretical, general fertility of a man. Therefore, even low fertility does not mean that a man is not able to fertilize a woman. This means rather a weakening of the effectiveness of the fertilizing ability of a man. And high fertility also does not guarantee successful fertilization on the first try, since not always even very healthy and mobile spermatozoa can find an egg.

Sperm fertility (fertility index)

Currently, to assess the fertility of men, the Kruger and Farris indices are used, which are calculated on the basis of spermogram indicators. And therefore, the term "fertility of sperm" is now very often used, which in its essence is absolutely identical to the concept of "male fertility". Determination of sperm fertility based on the Kruger and Farris indices is necessary to predict the fertilization of the egg during one sexual intercourse.

Sperm fertility is reflected by two indicators - the Kruger index and the Farris index, determined by the results of the spermogram. These indicators are often referred to as the fertility index, which should not be confused with the fertility rate. The fact is that the fertility index reflects the ability to conceive offspring of one particular man, and the fertility rate is a population indicator, meaning the number of children born per woman of reproductive age within the study region.

Farris index

The Farris index is very often used in laboratories of the CIS countries and represents the total number and percentage of motile, non-motile and immobile live spermatozoa in 1 ml and in the entire volume of semen. According to the classic indicators developed by Farris, the normal value of the index is 200. But in Russia and other CIS countries, the value of 20.0 is considered the norm of the Farris index. Accordingly, with a decrease in the Farris index less than 20, reduced sperm fertility is recorded. If the Farris index is 20 - 25, then the male fertility is normal. With an index value of more than 25, fertility is considered increased, which means that a man is able to fertilize almost any woman during one sexual intercourse.

Kruger index

The Kruger index has been increasingly used in recent years and is often referred to as the Kruger fertility. This indicator is also called the "strict Kruger test" or "morphological index". To calculate this index, the dimensions of the head, neck and tail of the spermatozoa are estimated, and the finished result is expressed as a percentage. If the Kruger index is less than 30%, then the man has low fertility. If the index value is more than 30%, then the man has good fertility, and the prognosis for conception is very favorable.

To assess sperm fertility, the percentage of ideal forms of spermatozoa (percentage of ideal forms - PIF) is also calculated, the normal value of which is 4%. Accordingly, when PIF is less than 4%, a man has low fertility, and more than 4% - high.

Increased fertility

Some men and women have a phenomenon of increased fertility, which means that they are able to conceive a child even when using highly effective methods of contraception.

It is well known that oral contraceptives (pills) provide protection against unwanted pregnancy by 99%, condoms by 95%, intrauterine device - by 97 - 99%. A woman with increased fertility, despite the correct use of contraceptives, falls into the same 1%, 3% or 5% who become pregnant. It is almost impossible for such a woman to choose contraceptives, so doctors recommend giving birth to children and performing surgical sterilization. It should be remembered that increased fertility is a very rare phenomenon due to the physiological characteristics of the woman's body.

Increased fertility in men also occurs. The basis of increased male fertility is the special properties of spermatozoa. So, normally in the semen there is from 1 to 3% of spermatozoa that live in the genital tract of a woman for about two weeks. The remaining 97 - 99% of spermatozoa live only 2 - 3 days. Naturally, a sperm cell that lives for two weeks, having entered the woman's genital tract at the end of the menstrual cycle, just before the start of the next menstruation, will be able to completely wait for the onset of ovulation and fertilize the egg, resulting in pregnancy. At the same time, an ordinary sperm cell will die in two days and will not be able to fertilize the egg, that is, pregnancy will not occur. In men with increased fertility, the number of long-lived spermatozoa is more than 50%, and not 1-3%, as usual, therefore, as a result of one sexual intercourse, he will be able to fertilize any healthy woman. This phenomenon is called increased male fertility.

Increased sterility, both in men and women, is a natural phenomenon and is very rare in practice.

Fertility Rate - Definition and Calculation Formula

The fertility rate is a macroeconomic indicator that is also often referred to as the birth rate. This indicator is used to assess the level of fertility and population replacement in any region and reflects the average number of live births per woman of reproductive age living within the study area. This coefficient is used to assess the dynamics of the population in the region under study, that is, it allows you to find out whether the number of people is decreasing, increasing or not changing.

The formula for calculating the fertility rate is as follows: K = N/n*1000, Where
K - fertility rate;
N - the total number of children born for any period, for example, a year, 10 years, etc.;
n is the total number of women aged 15-49 living in the region at the time the fertility rate is calculated.

The fertility rate is expressed in ppm.

In order for the population to remain unchanged, that is, not to increase or decrease, the fertility rate should be 2.0 - 2.33 ppm. If the coefficient is more than 2.4 ppm, then the population of the studied population is growing. If the value of the indicator is below 2.0 ppm, then the population of the region is declining.

fertility factors

Currently, thanks to the efforts of scientists and practitioners, the factors that affect male and female fertility have been identified. Since the process of reproduction of offspring is determined by the general state of the body, the factors that can adversely affect fertility are very diverse and belong to different categories. All factors influencing and capable of reducing male and female fertility are reflected in the table.
Male Fertility Factors Factors of female fertility
Age (as we age, testosterone production decreases, which is responsible for sperm quality)Age (as we age, the number of cycles with ovulation decreases)
Excess weight (causes hormonal imbalance)Being overweight or underweight (leads to hormonal imbalance)
Stress (when stress stops the synthesis of GnRH, which directly regulates spermatogenesis)Stress (causes hormonal imbalance)
Genital injuriesearly menopause
Diseases of the genital organs of various nature, including inflammatory (for example, varicocele, prostatitis, etc.)Diseases that provoke hormonal imbalances (polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperfunction and hypofunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus)
Severe chronic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, etc.)Violations of the patency of the fallopian tubes
Prolonged course of the inflammatory process in the body (high body temperature disrupts spermatogenesis)Adhesive process in the pelvis
Overheating of the testicles with frequent visits to the bath, sauna, solarium, etc.Synechia (connective tissue adhesions) inside the uterine cavity
Squeezing the testicles with tight and uncomfortable underwearNumerous intrauterine interventions (abortions, etc.)
Not drinking enough (lack of fluid in the body makes sperm inactive)Gynecological non-inflammatory diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, polyps and endometrial hyperplasia, etc.)
Poor environmental situation in the region of residenceInflammatory diseases of the genital organs
Occupational hazardsBad habits
Bad habitsImmunological disorders, as a result of which spermatozoa are destroyed by the body of a woman
Poor nutrition with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals
Non-compliance with the regime of work and rest
The use of certain medications
Features of modern life (constant wearing of a mobile phone on a belt in the immediate vicinity of the testicles, eating fast food, carbonated drinks, etc.)

These factors should always be kept in mind when assessing the fertility of a man or woman. If a particular person has any of the listed factors, then his fertility is reduced, and in order to increase it, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate its negative influence, that is, to remove the identified factor from your life.

Fertility disorder

Impaired fertility develops under the influence of any or more of these factors and is a decrease in the ability to reproduce offspring. Fertility in men is the poor quality of spermatozoa, which are not able to find and fertilize an egg in a woman's genital tract. Violation of a woman's fertility is the inability to become pregnant, difficulties with bearing and childbirth. Depending on the type of negative factor that led to impaired fertility, it can be permanent (irreversible) or temporary. If a permanent violation of fertility has developed, then a man or woman will never be able to conceive a child in a natural way. If there is a temporary violation of fertility, then it can be completely restored by eliminating the influence of the negative factor. Temporary, reversible impairment of fertility is called its decline.

Decreased fertility

Decreased fertility is now quite widespread, both among women and men. With reduced fertility, married couples cannot conceive a child within a year with regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo an examination, identify the cause of reduced fertility and eliminate it. After removing the cause, fertility will increase and the chances of conceiving a child will increase significantly. In principle, today the terms "reduced fertility" and "impaired fertility" are often used interchangeably to refer to some general difficulties in conceiving a child, without touching on a detailed description of the problem that led to infertility.

Age of fertility (reproductive age)

The age of fertility is the age interval during which a man or woman is able to reproduce offspring. A synonym for the term "fertile age" is the more commonly used "reproductive age". These terms are synonymous and mean the same thing.

The age of fertility in men and women is different, and in the fairer sex it is significantly shorter. The ability of a woman to reproduce begins with the first menstruation and continues until the menopause, that is, on average from 15 to 55 years. However, fertility progressively decreases with age, and a 45-year-old woman has a significantly lower chance of becoming pregnant and giving birth than a 20-year-old girl. And at the age of 20, a girl, despite the physiological ability to bear children, is not yet ready for the role of a mother. Therefore, in practice, the reproductive age of women is not 15-55 years, but 20-49 years.

The entire period of a woman's fertile age is divided into four conditional stages:
1. early reproductive stage - lasts from the first menstruation to 20 years. During this period, the girl's ovulation is rare, the formation of a regular menstrual cycle and the balancing of hormone production occur. But if a girl begins sexual activity at this age, the probability of pregnancy is very high;
2. middle reproductive stage – lasts from 20 to 40 years. At this age, a woman has a stable hormonal background, a regular menstrual cycle and good health, so the middle reproductive stage is considered the most favorable for having children;
3. late reproductive stage – lasts from 40 to 45 years. In this age interval, ovulation and the menstrual cycle are regular, despite the periodic “shake-ups” of the hormonal background, which occur under the influence of the restructuring of the body for the premenopausal period. In this age range, pregnancy can occur on its own, but its bearing may require regular use of medications;
4. Decaying Fertility Stage - lasts from 46 to 58 years, when a woman enters menopause. During this period, ovulation is rare, the menstrual cycle is irregular, and the hormonal background is reduced. Spontaneous onset of pregnancy in a given age interval is theoretically possible, and for gestation, the use of hormonal drugs is mandatory.

Thus, the most favorable moment for the birth of children is the average reproductive phase, which falls between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Theoretically, reproduction of offspring is possible in other phases, but it is associated with certain difficulties and the need for medical support. In the CIS countries, as a rule, they do not deal with the problems of supporting early and late pregnancy, and therefore the fertile age is significantly cut off, leaving only the middle and late reproductive phases - from 20 to 45 years.

The fertile age of men begins with a period of active sperm production, which falls on adolescence 12-15 years. Then a man can be fertile throughout his life if the quality of his sperm is satisfactory. Moreover, with reversible violations of sperm quality, this can always be corrected and normal fertility restored. Thus, the male fertility age is determined from 15 years to death. Infertility (low fertility) of a man can be caused by various diseases that prevent him from having a full-fledged sexual intercourse, or that interfere with the production of normal spermatozoa. However, if these diseases are cured or their negative effects on spermatogenesis are reduced, then good fertility will return to the man. Due to such physiological features, the concept of the age of fertility is for the most part applied to women.

Fertility days (fertile period)

The menstrual cycle of a woman, depending on the likelihood of pregnancy, is divided into three large phases:
  • Phase of relative infertility lasting from the end of menstruation to ovulation (the first half of the menstrual cycle). With sexual intercourse in this phase, pregnancy can occur, but the chances of conception are not maximum;
  • Fertility phase , which falls approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle and coincides with ovulation. The chance of getting pregnant during sexual intercourse in this phase is the highest during one menstrual cycle. Since spermatozoa can live in a woman's genital tract for up to 3-4 days, the fertility phase begins 4 days before ovulation and ends 4 days after it. That is, the fertility phase lasts a total of 8 days;
  • Infertility phase, lasting about 14 days and occurring on the 5th day after ovulation. In this phase, the probability of getting pregnant is almost zero, since the egg of this menstrual cycle has already died without being fertilized.
It is the phase of fertility, when the most favorable moment for conception comes, is often called fertility days. You can calculate the fertility phase in various ways - by measuring basal temperature, controlling the state of cervical mucus and observing other signs of ovulation (nipple engorgement, swelling, etc.). Usually a woman monitors her body for several menstrual cycles, calculates on which day she ovulates and calculates fertile days.

Fertility Restoration

To restore fertility, both men and women, it is necessary to treat all existing diseases of the genital organs and eliminate factors that negatively affect the ability to conceive. To do this, a survey is first performed to identify the factors that led to a decrease in fertility. And only after that the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment aimed at stopping or completely eliminating the factor that reduces fertility. Such treatment is an increase in fertility. Usually, these measures are quite enough to increase fertility and, as a result, the onset of pregnancy in the near future.

Increasing the fertility of men and women

Increasing the fertility of men and women can be done by following the rules:
  • Have regular sex life with one partner, at least twice a week;
  • Do not use low-calorie diets to lose weight;
  • Make a rational and balanced diet, including vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, seafood, dairy products, wholemeal bread and excluding smoked meats, fatty, fried, pickled and canned foods;
  • Give up alcohol and smoking;
  • Take vitamins and microelements in the form of nutritional supplements (to increase fertility, selenium, zinc, magnesium, arginine, vitamins E, C, B 6, B 12, folic acid are needed);
  • Do physical exercises;
  • Men should wear loose underwear and clothes, avoid staying in places with hot air (bath, sauna, etc.) so as not to squeeze or overheat the testicles;
  • Regularly engage in psychological training to effectively control and relieve stress;
  • Women should not take painkillers during ovulation, as they can disrupt this process;
  • Reduce or avoid caffeinated drinks;
  • Drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.
The above rules will help increase fertility for men and women. However, if there are any diseases of the genital area or severe chronic pathologies, then they should be treated with effective medications simultaneously with the implementation of the described rules, so that fertility really increases.
gonadotropins (Pergonal, Humegon, Repronex, Metrodin, Fertineks, Pregnil, etc.) or Parlodel can only be used after a thorough examination and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Thus, fertility is an integral property of the human body, inherent in both men and women. Accordingly, fertility reacts to any changes in the human body with a decrease or increase, depending on the nature of the influencing factors. That is, fertility is a kind of integral indicator of a person's overall health and entirely depends on it.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Europe's population is gradually but inexorably aging. It is in the Eastern European and developed Western European states that the death rate outstrips the birth rate. With Eastern Europe, everything is clear: a low standard of living does not contribute to the desire to have more children. But why, then, is the number of inhabitants of more affluent Western Europe declining?! And this situation will be observed over the next thirty years. How to deal with extinction? What contribution can each caring person make? The question is not only in social conditions, but also in our fertility.

What is fertility?

In short, fertility is the ability to reproduce itself, that is, to reproduce. This concept is considered, first of all, as a medical one. In this vein, male and female fertility are distinguished.

And fertility in women - what is it?

The main components of the female ability to reproduce are the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the eggs. The condition of other reproductive organs is also important - the fallopian tubes, the uterus, without which a woman cannot conceive or bear a fetus.

And fertility in men - what is it?

Male fertility is the quality characteristics of sperm that allow you to conceive healthy offspring. They also undergo changes with age, but not as irreversible as in women.

What is the difference between male and female fertility? The main difference is in the age range. The female reproductive age is limited: from 15 to 55 years (in fact - 18 - 40 years). Outside these numbers, the percentage of healthy offspring is significantly reduced. In men, despite the decrease in the amount of testosterone and other biochemical elements, fertility persists up to 70 years, although there are cases of later paternity.

In general, male fertility compared to female fertility is very poorly understood. For example, most people believe that for healthy offspring, the main thing is that the woman is young (at least up to 35 years old), and the age of the man does not play a role. Recent studies have shown that male age plays no less a role than female age: with age, a man increases the likelihood of the appearance of deformed spermatozoa carrying genetic abnormalities.

Another question is that female eggs are endowed with the ability to repair damaged sperm DNA or reject such spermatozoa, followed by spontaneous miscarriage. After 35 years, women's eggs lose this quality, and the risk of having children with Down syndrome, schizophrenia and other abnormalities increases.

How to increase fertility in women?

It is necessary to understand what reduces the reproductive qualities of a woman and, first of all, to minimize the influence of each factor.

So, in addition to age, many factors affect female reproductive abilities:

Gynecological diseases;
- excess weight;
- infections, including sexual;
- bad habits.

How to increase fertility in men?

Similarly, every man should take care of his health and level all harmful factors. Male fertility suffers from:

Unbalanced and unhealthy diet;
- bad habits (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, steroids);
- overheating of the testicles (consequences of a bath, a hot bath, tight underwear, a laptop on the legs).

To both partners!

There are factors that have an impact on both female and male fertility criteria:

Medicines (antibiotics or other drugs that disrupt the process of cell reproduction);
- diseases (genital infections, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, thyroid anomalies, impaired metabolism);
- the harmful effects of the external environment, including stress.

Fertility Enhancers

To restore or increase this figure, the first step is to consult a doctor. It will help to treat all sexual diseases and eliminate factors that have a harmful effect on fertility. But there are some activities that anyone can do, namely:

1. Have regular sex life with one partner (1 time in three days);

2. Follow a balanced and rational diet (with vegetables, wholemeal bread, fruits, lean meat and fish, fruits, dairy products, seafood). All kinds of canned food, fatty foods, marinades, smoked meats should also be excluded. And no low-calorie diets for weight loss - this applies to both sexes.

3. Completely give up tobacco products, alcohol.

4. Take trace elements and vitamins. In the form of food supplements, selenium, magnesium, zinc, arginine, folic acid, vitamins B12, C, B6 and E are especially valuable in this sense.

5. Improve physical fitness with morning exercises. Only without fanaticism.

6. It is better for men to wear loose clothes (underwear), as well as to avoid baths, saunas and other factors of overheating of the testicles.

7. Monitor your psychological state, attend psychological trainings, which teach you to control and relieve stress.

8. Women should not use painkillers during the ovulation period, as they can disrupt the fertilization process.

9. Reduce or avoid caffeinated drinks altogether.

10. Consume about 2 liters of water per day.

By following these rules daily, and with the support of a doctor, after 2 months there will be a reason to celebrate the conception of a long-awaited baby.

However, the pharmacological industry has developed a number of drugs that can further increase the chances of spouses to become parents.

fertility drugs

These include various dietary supplements, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes that have the ability to increase fertility:

Pregnoton (for women);
- Spermactin;
- Spematon (for men);
- Vitrum;
- Trace elements: selenium, magnesium and zinc;
- Tribestan;
- Centrum;
- Vitamins: C, folic acid, B.

There are also special medicines of various effects, contributing to the increase in the reproductive capacity of a married couple:

1. Ovulation stimulants.
2. Gonadotropins.
3. Prolactin secretion inhibitors.
4. Estrogens and gestagens.

All of the above drugs can be taken only under the supervision of a doctor who has conducted a complete examination of the patient's body and prescribed complex therapy.

Summing up all the factors of increasing fertility, we can summarize: fertility is a kind of indicator of the level of human health. Therefore, for a happy self-reproduction, you must, first of all, take care of your own health: fully relax, lead an active lifestyle, consume healthy food. And not only for the sake of the birth of offspring, but throughout life.



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