Drinking water with excess fluoride. Where else is fluoride used? Benefits of Fluoridated Water

In the life of the body, such a trace element as fluorine plays a lot important role. In the human body, fluorine is present in the form of compounds with other elements and is found mainly in dentin and tooth enamel, as well as in bone tissue. The daily intake of fluoride is about 0.03 mg per 1 kg of body weight for an adult and 0.15-0.1 mg/kg for a child.

Fluorine performs the following functions:

  • makes bones strong and hard;
  • promotes proper formation skeleton;
  • affects the condition and growth of hair, nails and teeth;
  • plays an important role in the hematopoietic process;
  • supports immunity, activates defensive forces organism;
  • prevents osteoporosis;
  • accelerates the regeneration of bone tissue in fractures;
  • provides prevention of caries;
  • helps the body absorb iron;
  • helps to remove salts of heavy metals and radioactive nuclides from the body.

Water fluoridation

Fluorine enters the human body with food and drinking water. Foods rich in fluoride include tea, nuts, cereals, spinach, onions, potatoes, beef and chicken, milk, chicken eggs, some fruits. But the main share of assimilable fluorine enters the body with drinking water (more than 60%). In Russia, the content of fluorine in water natural sources most often too low - less than 0.5 mg/l fluorine. Only in the underground waters of the Tver, Moscow, Ryazan, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions, the concentration of fluorine is increased (reaches 4.4 mg/l). Therefore, artificial fluoridation of water is carried out in our country - in tap water fluorine compounds are added.

What is dangerous lack of fluorine in the body?

Fluorine deficiency in the human body is most often due to its reduced content in drinking water (less than 0.7 mg/l). In other cases, the cause may be improper regulation of fluorine metabolism in the body. The lack of this trace element weakens tooth enamel increases the risk carious lesion teeth. In case of insufficient fluoride intake, the child may develop ossification delays and defects in bone mineralization. In an adult with prolonged lack fluoride greatly increases the risk of developing osteoporosis.

What is the danger of excess fluoride in the body?

An excess of fluoride in the body can be caused by the following reasons:

  • increased concentration of fluoride in drinking water;
  • chronic intoxication fluorine compounds in production;
  • prolonged overdose of fluoride-containing drugs;
  • improper regulation of fluorine metabolism in the body.

An excess of fluorine for the body is even more dangerous than a deficiency, as it entails irreversible processes. First of all, teeth and bones suffer, but metabolic disorders, deterioration of blood clotting, etc. can also occur. In children, even before teething, a chronic lesion of tooth enamel develops - endemic fluorosis. With this disease, spots of various sizes, shapes and colors appear on the enamel. After 10-20 years of intake of excess fluorine, bone fluorosis develops, which provokes such serious illnesses as osteosclerosis, osteoporosis and the development of osteosarcoma (cancerous tumor).

Fluoride in toothpaste

The widespread belief that fluoride in toothpastes can harm the human body is a big misconception. Of course, the excess of any element in pure form dangerous to humans. But the concentration of fluoride in toothpaste is so low that simple cleaning teeth can in no way cause intoxication of the body, and, moreover, the development of fluorosis. Swallowing toothpaste is of course undesirable, so children should brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste under adult supervision.

In toothpaste, fluoride is the most effective tool caries prevention. This is related to the following properties.

  • Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel. When fluorine binds with hydroxyapatite, which is part of the tooth enamel, hydroxyfluorapatite is formed. It is more resistant to carious decay. With daily use of fluoride-containing pastes, the enamel becomes stronger and the risk of the appearance and development of caries is significantly reduced.
  • Fluorine increases the remineralizing capacity of saliva (precipitation of hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite from it). On the very early stage caries remineralization can stop the process of carious lesions and even reverse it.
  • Fluoride reduces the ability of the bacteria that make up plaque to settle on the surface of the teeth.
  • Fluorine-containing compounds disrupt the metabolism of cariogenic bacteria, inhibit their growth and reproduction.

Properties of various fluorine compounds in toothpastes.

Not all fluoride-containing toothpastes are equally effective. To choose the right toothpaste, you need to know what properties the fluorine compounds in its composition have.

  • Sodium monofluorophosphate breaks down into ions to release active fluorine too slow. Because optimal duration toothbrushing is 2 minutes, toothpastes with sodium monophosphate are ineffective for the prevention of caries.
  • sodium fluoride has a strong remineralizing effect, since ionizing fluorine is formed very quickly during the decomposition of the compound.
  • Aminofluoride has a higher remineralizing capacity than sodium fluoride. This compound forms a film on the enamel surface, from which long time Fluorine penetrates into the enamel, strengthening it. Toothpastes with aminofluoride in the composition are recognized as the most effective for the prevention of caries.
  • Tin fluoride used to be often included in toothpastes. However, despite the high remineralizing ability of tin fluoride, this compound has a significant drawback: first, it greatly brightens the enamel in demineralized areas, and then darkens the enamel under the influence of fluorine. Last but not least, stannous fluoride can adversely affect gum health, and its effects are especially undesirable in periodontitis. Darkening of the enamel, staining of fillings, deterioration of the gums are very undesirable side effects from the use of toothpaste, so now stannous fluoride is practically not included in the composition of toothpastes, with the exception of some Colgate pastes.

So, of all fluorine-containing compounds most efficient contained in toothpastes sodium fluoride And aminofluoride. When buying a paste, it is recommended to choose those products where one of these components is presented.

The amount of fluoride contained in toothpaste is indicated by the abbreviation "ppm" or as a percentage. Toothpastes with a concentration of fluorine have a pronounced anti-caries effect. from 1000 to 1500 ppm (0.1 - 0.15%). The higher the concentration of fluorine, the greater the remineralizing ability of the paste. Preventive Pasta she makes up 950 - 1150ppm, at medical1350 - 1500ppm.

Fluorine is an important and necessary component of toothpaste. Its effectiveness in preventing the appearance and development of caries has been proven by many studies, and on this moment remineralization of enamel using fluoridation has practically no alternatives. Fluoride-containing pastes cannot cause an excess of fluoride in the body, their use is contraindicated only for people already suffering from fluorosis. It is recommended to choose toothpastes with aminofluoride or sodium fluoride in the composition, while the concentration of fluoride in prophylactic paste should be at least 1000 ppm, and in the treatment - from 1350 to 1500 ppm.

Fluorine (F 2) hazard class - 2

Pale yellow gas with a pungent characteristic odor similar to a mixture of chlorine and ozone odors. Heavier than air. Reacts with water to form hydrofluoric acid. WITH organic matter reacts violently (possibly flammable). It hardens at a temperature of -219.7 0 С, at a temperature of -188.2 0 С it liquefies. It is a strong oxidizing agent, causes combustion, and is explosive.

Fluorine is used in the production of organofluorine compounds as a fluorinating agent.

Fluorine is transportedin liquefied state in containers railway tanks, cylinders, which are its temporary storage. Usually, fluorine is stored in a liquefied state in ground horizontal cylindrical (volume 10-250 m 3) and spherical (volume 600-2000 m 3) tanks under pressure of own vapors 18 kgf/cm 2 .

Maximum Permissible Concentration (MAC) of fluorine in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises 0.15 mg/m3, in the water of reservoirs 1.5 mg / l, in the soil 2.8 mg / kg. According to the effect on the body, it belongs to AHOV irritant.Causes tissue necrosis, pulmonary edema, affects the liver and kidneys. The damaging toxodose is 0.2 mg ∙ min / l. The concentration of 77 mg / m 3 is intolerable: it causes severe irritation upper respiratory tract, the concentration of 39 mg/m 3 is tolerated within 5 minutes. Severe poisoning occurs as a result of an overdose of fluoride in drinking water.

When eliminating accidents with the release (spill) of fluorine, isolate the danger zone within a radius of at least 400 m, remove people from it, keep to the windward side, avoid low places, observe fire safety measures, do not smoke. Enter the danger zone in insulating gas masks or breathing apparatus (IP-4M, IP-5, IP-6, KIP-8 , AIR-324, AIR-317, IVA-24M, AP-96, ASV-2) and skin protection products (suit L-1, OZK, FIR-4, FIR-5, "KAIS"). At a distance of more than 400 m from the source of chemical contamination, skin protection products can not be used, and filtering industrial gas masks with a brand box are used to protect the respiratory organs. IN , civil and children's gas masks GP-5, GP-7, PDF-2D, PDF-2Sh with additional cartridges DPG-3, DPG-1.

Availabilityfluorine and fluorine vapor determine:

In the air of the industrial zone:

- gas detector of fluorine and fluorine vapors HOBBIT- F (H F )

- mini-express laboratory MEL with a measurement range of up to 100 mg / m 3;

- laboratory for integrated environmental monitoring of objects environment medium "Bee-R".

In the open space: with devices SIP "KORSAR-X"

Indoors: with devices SIP "VEGA-M"

Neutralize fluorine (liquefied gas):

10% aqueous solution alkalis (for example, 100 kg of caustic soda and 900 liters of water) with a consumption rate of 10 tons of solution per 1 ton of liquefied fluorine;

Water with consumption rate: 500 tons of water per 1 ton of liquefied fluorine.

Use water atomized for vapor deposition.

Extinguish in case of fire big amount sprayed water from the greatest possible distance.

To spray water and solutions, watering and fire trucks, autofilling stations (PM-130, AC, ARS-14, ARS-15), motor pumps (MP-800), as well as hydrants and special systems available at chemically hazardous facilities are used.

The spill site is covered with activated carbon or catalyst coal, treated with a 10% aqueous solution of alkali or water. For disposal of contaminated soil at the spill sitecut off surface layer soil to the depth of pollution,collected and transported for disposal using earth-moving vehicles(bulldozers, scrapers, motor graders, dump trucks). Places of cuts fall asleepwith a fresh layer of soil, washed with water for control purposes.

Leader actions: isolate the danger zone, remove people from it, keep to the windward side, avoid low places, observe fire safety measures, do not smoke, enter the chemical contamination zone only in full protective clothing.

First aid :

In the infected area: plentiful washing of the eyes with water, putting on a gas mask on the victim, evacuation from the infection zone on a stretcher or transport.

After evacuation from the infected area: flushing eyes with water or 2% soda solution ; treatment of affected areas of the skin with water, soapy water; peace; immediate evacuation to a medical facility. Do not inhale oxygen.

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V.5. Hygiene standards fluorine content in drinking water
As you know, when justifying the maximum allowable concentration of a substance in the water of an open reservoir, it is necessary to have data on its effect on public health, organoleptic properties water, sanitary regime reservoir and fish population, the possibility of using water for economic and technical purposes. In this case, MPC is set according to the one of the listed indicators, which is characterized by the lowest threshold concentration. For water from an underground source, the influence of the standardized ingredient on the sanitary regime of the reservoir and the vital activity of fish is not taken into account.
Consider the influence of F on the listed indicators. F does not impart odor or color to the water. It is believed that the threshold for feeling a slightly astringent aftertaste of fluorine is 10 mg/l (about 20 mg/l NaF). Soh et al. investigated the threshold of sensation -taste of NaF solution by students. A solution with a fluorine concentration of 750 mg/l was distinguished from distilled water by 100% of students, 100 mg/l - 48.1%; 10 mg / l - 4.3%, 2.4 mg / l - 0.5% of students. Interestingly, 25 students called the taste of water containing a threshold (for them) concentration of fluorine "tastier than distilled", 44 - sweet, 3 sour, 22 - bitter, 45 - salty, 12 - alkaline, 36 - indefinite. These data are undoubtedly very important, they explain the known cases of poisoning of drinking water contaminated with fluorine-containing sewage, containing 80-100 mg/l of fluorine. Consumers of water were not deterred by its taste.
According to Strell, only KF of the order of 40-60 mg/l are dangerous for pond trout [cit. by 135]. ABOUT adverse influence fluorine when using water for household or technical needs, there is only one indication - if water with a dense residue of less than 50 mg / l contains fluorine 1 mg / l and more, then the artificial ice obtained from it is brittle. This phenomenon can be avoided by adding 20 mg/l of ammonium chloride to the ice making water.
All of the above suggests that the MPC of fluorine in drinking water should be set according to the impact on public health, i.e., according to the sanitary and toxicological indicator of harmfulness, since fluorine has a chronic toxic effect even if its concentration in water is less than 10 mg/l (taste threshold).
Based on a generalization of the literature on the issue, as well as data from his own studies and materials obtained from epidemiological surveys in cities with different KF, R. D. Gabovich proposed to normalize not only the maximum allowable, but also the optimal and minimum concentration in drinking water. This was the first time in the practice of rationing chemical agents in water that it was proposed to apply new principle. The author proposed the following gradations for the 1st (cold) and 2nd (temperate) climatic regions. Up to 0.3 mg/l - very low concentration of F-. When using such water, compared with the population using water with an optimal concentration of fluorine, the incidence of dental caries is 2-4 times higher. In children, ossification delays and defects in bone mineralization may be more common, and osteoporosis is more common in older people. "Spotted enamel" I degree in the form of small chalky spots on 2-4 teeth can be observed in 1-5% of the population (although these may be hypoplasia of another origin).
With this KF, EF is the most important and priority preventive measure.
0.3-0.7 mg / l - “low concentration of F-. At the same time, in comparison with those who consume water with the optimal concentration of fluorine, the population is 1.2-2 times more susceptible to dental caries. "Spotted enamel" I degree can be observed in 1-10% of the population. Water fluoridation is indicated, especially if KF is less than 0.5 mg/l.
0.7-1.1 mg / l - "optimal concentration of F-". With it, the prevalence of dental caries in the population is close to minimal, clinical course dental caries is more favorable, in children, violations in the development, ossification and mineralization of bones are found less frequently than when drinking water with a different KF; the development of the dentition is optimal, the teeth are large, white, beautifully shaped. Reduced incidence of gums and periodontal disease. "Spotted enamel" of teeth in the form of small chalky spots on 2-6 teeth can be observed in 1-10% of the population. The frequency of cardiovascular and rheumatic diseases often less than average. In experimental animals treated with water with 1-1.2 mg/l F, no deviations from the controls were found.
1.1-1.5 mg / l - "increased, but, with the permission of the sanitary authorities, the permissible concentration of F-, in the absence of other sources of water supply." The incidence of dental caries in the population is minimal. The clinical course of dental caries is favorable, the development of the dentition and skeleton is good. However, the number of people with dental fluorosis is increasing dramatically. This, as well as the nature of the action of fluorine on biologically important enzyme systems, is the basis for recognizing this KF as lying outside the optimum. At the same time, there is no reason to consider it unacceptable in cold and temperate climates. Indeed, only 15-20% of the population has I degree of fluorosis and rarely (in 1-2%) - II degree. The incidence of cardiovascular and rheumatic diseases, as well as cancer, may be lower than in settlements with low KF-. Sanitary authorities can allow this concentration in the conditions of local water supply and existing water pipes in the absence of data on its adverse effects on public health (caries and dental fluorosis, etc.). In the case of choosing new sources for centralized water supply, this concentration can be allowed in the absence of other sources in a cold and temperate climate.

  1. 2 mg / l - "concentration above the maximum allowable". The incidence of dental caries in the population is slightly higher than the minimum; the clinical course of dental caries is favorable; up to 30-40% of the population is affected by dental fluorosis, and the vast majority have grade I and II fluorosis. The use of water with a similar concentration of fluoride may be temporarily permitted under local water supply conditions. With centralized water supply, defluorination or dilution of water is necessary.

2-6 mg / l fluorine - " high concentration". The prevalence of dental caries in the population is greater than the minimum; 30 to 90% of the population is affected by dental fluorosis, with 10-50% III-IV degree. Among children, cases of retardation in the development and mineralization of bones are becoming more frequent. These disturbances when drinking water with 2-3 mg/l F are temporary. In some people who drink water with 4-6 mg/l of fluorine, there is an increase in bone density and shifts in conditioned reflex activity. In experimental animals, especially if KF is more than 3 mg/l, slight changes in the activity of a number of enzymes are observed, some functional changes in the nervous and endocrine system, shifts in the intensity of exchange of C a and P, minor pathohistological and histochemical changes in the bones, liver, kidneys, brain and a number of other organs. Be sure to defluoridate or dilute water.

  1. 15 mg / l - "very high concentration." The prevalence of dental caries in the population is much higher than the minimum; 90-100% are affected by dental fluorosis with a predominance of severe forms, wear and fragility of teeth are significantly increased. In children, disorders in the development and mineralization of bones are often noted, in adults - bone changes such as osteosclerosis. Functional inhibition observed thyroid gland, a change in the activity of a number of enzyme systems in the blood, changes in the myocardium (according to the electrocardiogram) and inhibition of the bioelectric activity of the brain, as well as disorders from other internal organs, such as the liver, detected during functional research. In hot climates and malnutrition may be observed severe forms skeletal fluorosis with ossification of the intervertebral ligaments and a number of pronounced disorders of the peripheral nervous system and internal organs. Be sure to defluoridate the water.

In connection with the stated GOST 2874-73, the following maximum allowable concentrations of fluorine are legalized for drinking tap water: for the 1st and 2nd climatic regions - 1.5 mg / l; for the 3rd - 1.2 mg / l; for the 4th - 0.7 mg / l of water.

Fluorine (translated from Greek - destruction) is chemical element, relating to halogens, a stable component of natural waters. Its content in earth's crust large - within 0.095% by weight. As an impurity, fluorine is found in groundwater and is a component of various minerals. Its concentration in sea ​​water is 1.2-1.4 mg/l. The difference in fluorine concentration throughout the year is insignificant: fluctuations occur, as a rule, no more than twice a year. There are enough surface sources in the waters low content fluorine - from 0.3 to 0.4 mg/l. Cause high content fluorine in such waters are either the contact of waters with soils saturated with fluorine compounds, or the consequences of the discharge of industrial fluorine-containing Wastewater. The maximum concentrations of fluorine, in the amount of 5 to 27 or more mg/l, differ in mineral and artesian waters, which are in contact with fluorine-containing water-bearing rocks.

Why is fluoride dangerous in water?

The adult human requirement for fluorine is 2-3 mg/day. This element enters the body with air, food, water and toothpastes. Fluorides dissolved in water, with which 2/3 enters the body, are most effectively absorbed. daily dose fluorine. Thus, crucial has a concentration of fluorine in water. Drinking water with a fluorine content of 0.2 mg/l is the main source of its penetration into the body. Fluorine is one of the most important elements for human health. At the same time, the rate of its consumption is extremely close to the dose that can have a toxic effect. The amount of fluorine entering the body must be strictly within the existing limits, guaranteeing the benefits and safety. The slightest deviation from the norm is fraught with the occurrence of a number of diseases related to the violation metabolic processes in bone tissues. This, first of all, is reflected in the teeth: with an excess of fluorine, fluorosis develops, and with a deficiency, caries develops.

At the same time, the systematic use of water with an acceptable fluoride content reduces the level of diseases inherent in odontogenic infection (kidney disease, cardiovascular pathology, rheumatism, and others).

Maximum permissible concentration of fluorine in water

Permissible fluorine content in drinking water (depending on the climate) is 0.5-1 mg/l. With more high temperature the concentration of fluorine should be less, since the volume of water consumption under these conditions increases. According to Russian SanPin, the maximum allowable fluorine content in water should not exceed 1.5 mg/l. Compared to other countries this norm overestimated and can have a detrimental effect on the human body. Fluorine does not have a characteristic color, smell or taste, so it is impossible to independently determine its amount in water. To accurately determine the concentration of fluorine, it is necessary to conduct an examination of water in the laboratory.

Methods for purifying water from fluorine

There are several common methods for purifying water from impurities of fluorine compounds.

reverse osmosis method

The principle of the method is to force water through thin membrane, whose pore diameter corresponds to the size of the atoms. Thanks to these pores, only water molecules pass through the membrane and other impurities in the form of viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, organic molecules responsible for unpleasant taste and the smell of water. The output is absolutely pure water suitable even for the preparation of physiological fluids and injections. This purification technology is also used by manufacturers of bottled water.

Filtration using organic bulk material

The method is based on chemical interaction organic bulk material with fluorine anion. Such materials are calcium phosphate, magnesium oxide and granular fine alumina.

Filtration with sorbent materials

Mechanism this method purification lies in the ability of materials to sorption of fluorinated compounds from water. Ion-exchange resins with a certain selectivity with respect to the fluorine anion act as such sorbents. In addition, they use bone flour, modified zeolites, activated carbons.

Electrocoagulation method

Water purification is carried out as a result of obtaining highly active aluminum hydroxyl in the process of electrolytic dissolution of anodes from metallic aluminum, as well as its alloys. Due to low productivity this method has not been widely adopted.


This method involves the separation of fluorine particles and water molecules. Considering larger size fluoride molecules, in comparison with water molecules, moving through a dense membrane, fluorides accumulate on the surface, and water molecules pass through the filter. This technology allows to remove about 90% of fluorides.

The method of water purification from fluorine using ultraviolet light

Water with excess fluoride is exposed to radiation ultraviolet rays specific wavelength, or, bactericidal length. The range of this length is within 200-400 nm. The main advantage of ultraviolet disinfection is the ability to disinfect water without changing its physical and chemical properties and also in high environmental friendliness.

Fluorine is extremely important for human body chemical element. First of all, it is necessary for the health of bones and teeth, and it is also responsible for strengthening the immune system and even removes heavy metals. Medium daily rate consumption of this element 2 - 3 mg. Most of all, it is found in nuts, fish and seafood, green and black tea, beef liver, as well as cereals - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. But the problem is that with food a person can consume only 0.8 mg of this trace element. How to make up for what is missing? It would seem that the answer is very simple - ordinary drinking water. But do not rush to rejoice, because the water is different.

The concentration of this trace element in drinking water can vary from very low (0.3 mg/l) to very high (6–15 mg/l). Both extremes have a negative impact on human health.
shows that its content is different regions Ukraine is very different. Experts use the term "geochemical region". According to this criterion, 4 geochemical regions of Ukraine are currently distinguished:

  1. Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Lviv, Volyn and Rivne regions - here its concentration in drinking water is extremely low and approaches zero (0 - 0.3 mg / l).
  2. Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Kiev, Odessa, Zaporozhye regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea - this region is characterized by a low content of fluorine in water (0.3 - 0.6 mg/l).
  3. Chernihiv, Lugansk, Cherkassy, ​​Sumy and Kharkiv regions — The content of fluorine in the natural waters of this region can be considered conditionally normal (0.6 - 1.5 mg/l).
  4. Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Kirovograd, Donetsk regions - natural waters of this region are characterized by an increased content of fluorine (1.5 - 3.0 mg/l). The largest concentration is observed in Poltava.

What is the acceptable level of fluoride in water?

An excess of trace elements is also dangerous for the body, as well as their deficiency. In general, the most optimal human health the norm is considered to be the content of fluorine in water in the range of 0.7 - 1.2 mg / l (maximum allowable indicator– 1.5 mg/l).

The lack of fluorine in the body leads to bone fragility, the development of caries. It prevents the development of such a disease as osteoporosis, promotes the speedy fusion of bones in case of fractures, helps to remove radionuclides and heavy metals from the body, and participates in metabolism.

However, excess fluoride in water can lead to diseases such as:

  1. Fluorosis of teeth and bones (on the bone tissue and enamel appear dark spots, it becomes brittle).
  2. Inhibition of the functions of the thyroid and pineal glands.
  3. Violation of enzymatic processes, which is associated with toxic effects this micronutrient.
  4. In severe cases, an excess of this element can provoke Alzheimer's disease and others. severe disorders nervous system.

Especially dangerous is its effect on nervous system children!

What to do if there is a lack or high content of fluorine in the water?

There are only two options here: if you live in an area where there is a lack of fluorine in the water, you need to make up for its deficiency. If there is too much of this mineral, you need to either reduce its content or remove its excess from the body.

Ideally, the problem of lack of fluorine should be solved at the level of local authorities with the help of additional water fluoridation. At elevated content so-called defluorination is used to bring water to optimal performance. However, none of the Ukrainian Vodokanals, unfortunately, uses these technologies. Water fluoridation is a rather expensive procedure, as expensive reagents are used. When defluorinating, just installing filters is enough, but utilities don't do that either. Therefore, the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. You need to take care of your own health.

One way to make up for the lack of fluoride in the body is to use fluoridated water instead of regular table salt. medical research showed that the use of such salt significantly reduces the development of caries, primarily in children. You can also drink bottled water with a natural fluorine content of up to 1.5 mg/l. If the concentration is higher, then such water cannot be consumed constantly, it is classified as medicinal.

How to get rid of fluorine in water, remove and remove from the body?

If you live in a region where natural drinking water oversaturated with this mineral, then you should take care of how to remove excess fluorine from the body. What's more, it's not that hard. For example, products containing iodine, boron and selenium will help remove fluorine from the body. Eat nuts, dates, prunes, honey, broccoli, bananas, potatoes, beans, cranberries.

Sauna also helps to remove it from fatty tissues. Harmful substances excreted through intense perspiration. Just do not forget about the optimal drinking mode to avoid dehydration.

You can also get rid of fluoride in the water yourself, remove it with a filter. A reverse osmosis filter with a special membrane will delay it, but will also filter out all the salts. So the water will actually become distilled. Therefore, it is necessary to use an osmotic installation only with an additional mineralizer.

Remember that it is always easier to prevent diseases than to treat them later. Watch your health!

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