Sodium tetraborate application in everyday life. Composition and organoleptic properties

Sodium tetraborate is an agent with antiseptic properties used for antimycotic therapy. A similar remedy is often used to eliminate candidiasis of the oral cavity, genital organs, and also the urinary system. The drug is often used for antiseptic treatment of the skin and for the sanitation of areas of diaper rash in humans.

Dosage form

Sodium tetraborate is produced by pharmacological companies in the form of a solution intended exclusively for external use.

Description and composition

The composition of 100 g of sodium tetraborate solution contains 20 g of the active ingredient and 80 g of the moisturizing component, which is glycerol. The composition of the therapeutic agent contains saline and albumin. Sodium tetraborate is sold from a network of pharmacies in the form of a solution in glycerin, which is colorless and odorless.

Pharmacological group

Sodium tetraborate has pronounced bactericidal properties. The tool quickly and effectively counteracts the fungal microflora that has accumulated on the mucous membranes. Such an action is a necessary condition for preventing the rapid reproduction of fungi. The advantage is that the substance is not absorbed into the systemic circulation when applied to an intact skin area.

Indications for use

Sodium tetraborate is used to prevent the manifestation of lesions, mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Often, the remedy is used to treat the genital organs for candidiasis. The drug can be used for candidal lesions of the respiratory and urinary tract. The drug is often used to treat bedsores and diaper rash.

for adults

The list of indications for the use of the drug can be presented as follows:

  • varying degrees of severity;
  • various dental diseases manifested by inflammatory processes;
  • skin lesions;
  • lesions of the mucous membranes;
  • colpitis;
  • damage to the upper respiratory tract;
  • vaginal candidiasis in women.

for kids

The drug can be used to treat the mucous membranes of the oral cavity in a child with.

for pregnant women and during lactation

Sodium tetraborate is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are no statistical data indicating the safety of using the remedy during this period. In exceptional cases, the composition can be used during pregnancy under the constant supervision of the attending specialist.


The drug must not be used in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the medicinal composition. It is worth remembering that in case of violations of the integrity of the skin, the remedy should be used in limited doses. It can be absorbed into the systemic circulation.

In order to increase the effectiveness of medical procedures in the treatment of genital candidiasis, the procedure should be carried out only after careful hygiene of the genital organs and treatment with an antiseptic solution.

Do not use the drug in combination with other antimycotic drugs. It is forbidden to use in combination with hormonal substances, as well as drugs containing boric acid and phenol.

Applications and doses

Sodium tetraborate is used externally. The drug is not suitable for oral administration. The product should not be applied to the affected skin and mucous membranes.

for adults

The composition of the combined preparation contains the following components:

  • menadione;
  • betakeratene;
  • retinol;

The drug has a pronounced anti-burn effect, the drug eliminates the inflammatory process and reduces the permeability of injured tissues. The tool is used to treat ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, used in cosmetology. The advantage of such a medicinal composition is the antioxidant effect, the remedy is often used for hemorrhoids, the composition has an affordable price. The tool can not be used in patients with pathologies. Against the background of treatment, diarrhea is often manifested.


The cost of Sodium Tetraborate is an average of 12 rubles. Prices range from 9 to 73 rubles.

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What is Sodium Tetraborate. The use of a solution in glycerin.

Sodium tetraborate is a derivative of boric acid, which has an antiseptic and bacteriostatic effect. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, powder and solution in glycerin for topical use. A 20% solution is used for candidiasis of the upper respiratory tract and mucous membranes, diaper rash, bedsores, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Sodium tetraborate is used either in the form of mouth and throat rinses, or they treat the skin with it, do douching of the genital organs. With candidiasis of the oral cavity, the affected areas are treated twice or thrice a day for 3-7 days. With tonsillitis, tonsils are treated 4-6 times a day for a week. To enhance the therapeutic effect, they also gargle with a saline solution of the drug (1 teaspoon of salt + a few drops of borax solution in a glass of water).

Sodium tetraborate for thrush

Sodium tetraborate is also used in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis or, as it is also called, thrush. It can be used in conjunction with other drugs, but before doing so, it is better to consult a doctor. The drug is toxic, so strictly follow the dosage. Before using sodium tetraborate, it is necessary to rinse the vaginal cavity with boiled water or anti-inflammatory herbal decoction. After that, make a tampon, moisten it with a solution of the drug and insert it into the vagina for half an hour. With mild itching and not very pronounced symptoms, this procedure should be done once a day, and with chronic thrush - twice a day. To avoid a recurrence of the disease, carry out this procedure for one week.

Sodium tetraborate for stomatitis

Sodium tetraborate treats most types of stomatitis. The drug has a disinfectant and bactericidal effect, relieves irritation. With stomatitis, you can use a ready-made solution or make it yourself from tablets. To do this, dilute 2 tablets of sodium tetraborate in a glass of warm water. In acute and chronic stomatitis, remove white plaque from ulcers with natural oils containing vitamin A. Then soak a swab in the solution and treat the oral cavity and larynx. Before that, you can also rinse your mouth with a solution. Do this procedure no more than 2 times a day for 5 days. In the chronic form of the disease, the course of treatment is longer - 2-3 weeks. With angular stomatitis, treat microcracks in the corners of the mouth twice a day with a solution, and at night make applications with a cotton pad soaked in the preparation.

Sodium tetraborate: original instructions for use


Sodium tetraborate (Natrii tetraboras)


Sodium tetraborate has bacteriostatic activity.
Effective for candidiasis.
It removes the mycelium of the fungus from the mucous membranes, disrupts the process of attaching the fungus to the mucous membranes and inhibits its reproduction (it is not an antifungal drug, because it does not have a fungicidal or fungistatic effect).
As an antimicrobial drug, it is part of combined preparations for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Sodium tetraborate has insecticidal properties (class IV in terms of toxicity).

Indications for

Candidiasis lesions of the oral mucosa, pharynx, upper respiratory tract, urinary tract and genital organs;
- diaper rash, bedsores;
- disinsection (for the destruction of cockroaches).

Mode of application:

Sodium tetraborate is used for rinsing, lubricating the skin, douching 2-3 times a day.
1 tablespoon to 1 glass of water for rinsing.
For douching 4-5 tablets per 1 liter of water.

With candidiasis, which affected the oral mucosa, a solution of sodium tetraborate is used to treat the affected areas 2-3r / day for 3-7 days.
Sodium tetraborate with thrush of the female genital organs apply only after douching with boiled water or herbal anti-inflammatory decoction.
After that, a gauze swab moistened with the preparation is inserted into the vagina and left for 20-30 minutes. The frequency of procedures depends on the course of the disease: if itching and vaginal discharge are insignificant, sodium tetraborate 20% is used one p / day, and if the symptoms of candidiasis are pronounced and it is in the chronic stage, it is necessary to carry out procedures two p / day.
In order to avoid relapses, it is desirable to carry out treatment for a week, even if the symptoms of thrush have disappeared.

With tonsillitis sodium tetraborate in glycerin is used to treat tonsils 4-6r / day.
Treatment lasts at least 7 days.
To enhance the therapeutic effect should gargle saline solution of sodium tetraborate: in a glass of water, a teaspoon of salt is diluted with a few drops of the solution.

Side effects:

Local reactions: hyperemia and burning sensation at the site of application.
With prolonged use, symptoms of chronic intoxication may develop:
From the digestive system: anorexia, gastrointestinal disorders.
From the CNS: weakness, confusion, convulsions.
Dermatological reactions: dermatitis, alopecia.
Other: menstrual disorders, anemia.


- pregnancy;
- lactation period;
- violation of the integrity of the skin (when processing the skin).
With monotherapy of vaginal candidiasis, in order to increase efficiency, it is necessary that medical procedures be carried out by medical personnel, repeatedly; otherwise, the mycelium of the fungus may linger in the crypts of the vaginal mucosa, which will lead to a relapse of the disease.

other medicinal
by other means:

There are no data on drug interactions with sodium tetraborate.


Contraindicated use during pregnancy and lactation.


Symptoms: abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, general weakness, headache, dehydration, loss of consciousness, generalized twitching of the muscles of the face, limbs, convulsions, cardiovascular insufficiency; damage to the liver and kidneys is possible. The lethal dose for adults is 10–20 g, the toxic concentration in the blood is 40 mg/l, the lethal dose is 50 mg/l.

Instructions for use:

Sodium tetraborate is a remedy for thrush, also known as borax in glycerin.

pharmachologic effect

Sodium tetraborate is an antiseptic and bacteriostatic agent, a derivative of boric acid.

The tool removes the fungus from the mucous membranes, inhibits its reproduction, therefore, the use of sodium tetraborate is effective for thrush.

As an antimicrobial agent, sodium tetraborate is included in the composition of combined agents for relieving inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

The substance is beneficial only when applied to damaged mucous membranes and skin. Through them, it is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, and the active substance is excreted through the intestines and kidneys for a week after application.

Release form

They produce sodium tetraborate in glycerin - a 20% solution for topical use. Synonym: Bura.

Indications for use of sodium tetraborate

Sodium tetraborate according to the instructions is used for lesions of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, genitals, upper respiratory and urinary tract caused by candidiasis.

Sodium tetraborate 20% solution is also effective for disinfecting bedsores and diaper rash.

Mode of application

Sodium tetraborate is used in the form of douching of the genital organs, skin treatment, gargling and mouthwash.

With candidiasis that has affected the oral mucosa, a solution of sodium tetraborate is used to treat the affected areas 2-3 times a day for 3-7 days.

Sodium tetraborate for thrush of the female genital organs is used only after douching with boiled water or herbal anti-inflammatory decoction. After that, a gauze swab moistened with the preparation is inserted into the vagina and left for 20-30 minutes. The frequency of procedures depends on the course of the disease: if itching and vaginal discharge are insignificant, sodium tetraborate 20% is used one p / day, and if the symptoms of candidiasis are pronounced and it is in the chronic stage, it is necessary to carry out procedures two p / day. In order to avoid relapses, it is desirable to carry out treatment for a week, even if the symptoms of thrush have disappeared.

With tonsillitis, sodium tetraborate in glycerin is used to treat tonsils 4-6r / day. Treatment lasts at least 7 days. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you should gargle with a saline solution of sodium tetraborate: dilute a teaspoon of tea salt with a few drops of the solution in a glass of water.

Side effects

At the site of treatment with borax, a burning sensation may be felt and redness of the skin or mucous membranes may be observed. In this case, the agent must be washed off.

An overdose of the drug is also possible, the symptoms of which are abdominal pain, loss of appetite, vomiting, dehydration, confusion, diarrhea, weakness, dermatitis, menstrual irregularities, baldness, twitching of the muscles of the arms and legs, face, dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, heart. These effects are eliminated by gastric lavage, forced diuresis. If the poisoning is severe, hemodialysis is carried out, riboflavin-mononucletoid (10 mg / day) is injected intramuscularly, a solution of sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, solutions that replace plasma, dextrose are infused intravenously. If abdominal pains appear, subcutaneous injection of 1 ml of atropine solution, platyfillin solution, promedol, intravenous administration of a mixture of dextrose-procaine is indicated.

A lethal dosage is 10-20g sodium tetraborate 20%.


Sodium tetraborate according to the instructions is contraindicated in case of significant damage to the skin and mucous membranes, during lactation, pregnancy, hypersensitivity. The product is not intended for internal use.

Sodium tetraborate is popularly called "borax", is actively used in medical practice to combat yeast fungi. The remedy has gained immense popularity in dentistry, with its help stomatitis is treated even in infants.

The rules for using the drug, its useful properties, indications, contraindications are described in the following material. Only after reading the detailed instructions, it is allowed to use sodium tetraborate.

Pharmacological properties

In its original form, borax is a white powder or crystals. The substance is easily soluble in glycerin, water, tastes salty. Borax cannot be diluted in alcohol, therefore, for medical purposes, sodium tetraborate is dissolved in glycerin (proportion 20:80). The finished product is actively used for erosive lesions of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Excellent indicators of borax are actively used in all areas of medicine. As part of many drugs, sodium tetraborate copes with respiratory diseases, gynecological ailments (thrush).

The effectiveness of the substance is due to its property of suppressing fungal activity, including the Candida genus. Borax destroys the cell membrane of the microorganism, prevents its reproduction. The duration of therapy depends on the neglect of the clinical situation, the age of the patient.

Release form

Sodium tetraborate is used as an additional remedy in the fight against stomatitis in adults and children. The drug quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms, the manufacturer produces the product in two forms:

  • pills packed in a glass flask (used for rinsing the mouth). Several tablets are dissolved in a glass of water, rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to carry out manipulations after a meal. In most cases, such actions are contraindicated for children, small patients often swallow the substance, which negatively affects their health;
  • A 20% solution is used more actively than tablets, especially for children. The release form is safer, has a mild effect. By wetting a cotton swab in the solution, you can treat sores, blisters in the oral cavity, without fear of negative consequences.

Borax is a well-known drug, it costs a lot, it has been actively used to treat dental diseases for several decades. Modern pharmacology has gone far ahead, due to the large number of contraindications, side effects, sodium tetraborate is less and less used in medical practice. But for some patients, the treatment method still remains a favorite, time-tested method.

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Indications for use in dentistry

The drug is actively used to eliminate candidiasis of various locations, the substance prevents the formation of bedsores, diaper rash, the spread of infection to nearby tissues. Bura is used to treat the following diseases:

  • stomatitis in newborns, adults of varying degrees of damage;
  • dental diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process;
  • skin lesions: healing of cracks;
  • colpitis, tonsillitis.

Important! The drug is used only externally, eating is prohibited.


It is forbidden to use sodium tetraborate in the following cases:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • can not be applied to damaged skin, mucous membranes;
  • during the period of bearing a baby, lactation. Scientists have proven that the active components of borax penetrate into breast milk, the placenta, and can negatively affect the development of the baby.

Adverse reactions and overdose

The drug is actively used to treat dental diseases in adults and children, but in pediatrics, the use of borax is somewhat limited due to the frequent occurrence of allergic reactions, itching, burning in babies. Adverse reactions are also noticeable in the adult population, frequent unpleasant manifestations:

  • deterioration in general condition;
  • with prolonged use, intoxication of the body is observed;
  • skin rashes, dermatitis;
  • convulsions, muscle spasms.

Side effects of sodium tetraborate treatment in children:

  • severe redness, burning in the area of ​​application;
  • boric acid poisoning in infants, there are disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Pathology is manifested by the rapid fatigue of a small patient, severe cases are characterized by the appearance of convulsions, difficult mental activity;
  • treatment of stomatitis in children is fraught with the development of severe skin reactions, up to dermatitis, alopecia;
  • prolonged use of borax, especially with frequent contact of the substance with the mucous membranes of the mouth, there is a high probability of dispersion disorder, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

An overdose of a substance threatens with serious complications, up to a lethal outcome. The lethal dose for an adult is approximately 10-20 g, the sodium content in the blood is 50 mg / l, doctors diagnose acute poisoning at 40 mg / l.

It should be noted that an overdose in the treatment of stomatitis is an extremely rare occurrence. In any case, if sharply negative symptoms appear, consult a doctor, only an experienced specialist will determine the severity of the poisoning and prescribe the correct treatment.

Terms of use and dosage

In dentistry, sodium tetraborate is most often used to treat stomatitis. Recently, the problem occurs not only in children, it affects adults.

Treatment of stomatitis in adults

Until recently, stomatitis was considered exclusively a childhood disease. Recently, more and more adult patients are turning to dentists with such a problem. This is due to the gradual deterioration of the ecological situation, as a result - a decrease in immunity.

The situation is aggravated by malnutrition, mechanical damage, bad habits, and taking certain medications. The specific dosage of the drug depends on the severity of the course of the disease:

  • light form. It is enough to treat ulcerative formations with borax on glycerin twice a day, additional manipulations - rinsing with decoctions of chamomile, calendula. In addition to treatment, the doctor prescribes a sparing diet: cold, hot, spicy foods are excluded;
  • heavy form. The presence of a large number of ulcers, severe pain force the patient to immediately visit the doctor. In addition to the daily application of borax to the affected oral mucosa, rinsing with herbs, the dentist prescribes an additional course of antibiotics to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Sodium tetraborate for stomatitis in children

Borax in glycerin is used to eliminate the inflammatory process in young patients. The solution is applied externally: with the help of a cotton swab, the baby's mucous membranes are processed, for one week the stomatitis recedes, the child feels much better.

Parents take note! It is forbidden to exceed the dosage, it is allowed to apply borax to the mucous membranes of the baby up to two times a day. If you notice a negative reaction to the medicine in your child, stop the treatment immediately, consult a doctor.

Therapeutic effect

Sodium tetraborate is characterized by powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal action. Due to the elimination of fungal microflora, a positive result from the treatment is noticeable immediately after the first use.

Immediately after application, the substance is absorbed, especially if the mucous membranes or skin are covered with microcracks. The penetration of substances into the internal organs has a systemic effect on the body. Sodium tetraborate is excreted along with feces and urine, even with a single dose, the chemical is found in the body for a week. Prolonged use of borax leads to the accumulation of the main substance in the bone tissue, liver.

Cost and analogues

The approximate cost of sodium tetraborate in glycerin is 15 rubles per pack. You can buy the drug at any pharmacy, the drug is sold without a prescription. Store the medicine for no more than 36 months at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.

Replace borax with any antifungal agent, for example, Fluconazole, Triderm, Ketoconazole and others. It is allowed to use any drug only after consulting a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to take any medication on your own.

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Prevention of oral diseases

The prevention of any dental ailments is associated with the observance of the rules for cleansing the oral cavity, be sure to perform manipulations regularly. Impermanence leads to the multiplication of bacteria, the formation of caries, stomatitis, and other problems. An important role is played by a preventive visit to the dentist. Only a doctor will be able to identify dental ailments in the early stages, to prevent the development of complications.

Use borax on glycerin responsibly, do not exceed the dosage, follow the instructions clearly. Compliance with the rules guarantees the absence of side effects, high performance. Be attentive to oral health, choose only high-quality drugs for treatment.

In pharmacology, borax in glycerin is called a solution of sodium tetraborate. Most often in pharmacies you can find a 20% solution of the drug, but the pharmaceutical industry also produces 10 and 5% solutions. Borax in glycerin is more commonly used as an antiseptic and insecticide.

Instructions for the use of borax in glycerin indicate that this drug can be used exclusively externally in the form of rinses, douches or lubrication of the skin, and the dosage is calculated only by the attending physician. With improper use of borax in glycerin, you can not only reduce or completely negate the therapeutic effect of the drug, but also cause significant harm to health.

The fact is that although the use of borax is allowed even in the food industry (borax is registered as a food additive E285), this drug also belongs to class 4 in terms of toxicity (low toxicity) and is used as an insecticide to kill cockroaches and some other insects. And since a solution of borax in glycerin has the ability to be absorbed through damage to the skin or in the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and accumulate in the liver and kidneys, the consequences of an overdose can be very serious, even fatal, since the drug is excreted from the kidneys and intestines on throughout the week. For adults, a lethal dose of borax in glycerin will be enough 10-15 g, the concentration in the blood will be 50 mg per liter.

Symptoms of an overdose of borax in glycerin

  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Tremor of the muscles of the limbs and face;
  • convulsions;
  • Disorders of the heart.

And yet, borax in glycerin is a fairly well-known antiseptic in the treatment of candidal lesions of the mucous membranes and skin (for example, with stomatitis, thrush or vaginosis). In addition, as the instructions indicate, this solution is used in the treatment of bedsores, diaper rash, some other fungal diseases, tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

With vaginal candidiasis (thrush), borax in glycerin quite effectively destroys the mycelium of candidal fungus from the vagina and slows down its reproduction. In addition, borax in glycerin is included in some preparations, such as bicarmint, as an antimicrobial agent for the treatment of airway inflammation.

The use of a solution of borax in glycerin for thrush

To maximize the effect of treating thrush, you need to know how to properly apply the medicine, in this case, a solution of borax in glycerin. So, the first thing to understand is that the minimum course of therapy for chronic candidiasis is one week. 3-4 treatments will need to be carried out per day.

Before starting the treatment of the vagina with thrush with a solution of borax in glycerin, it is necessary to wash the mucous membrane from secretions and plaque - the agent should directly cover the walls of the affected organ. The next step is douching with a decoction of medicinal herbs (for example, calendula, chamomile or sage), a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate, or simply boiled water. Douching should be done very carefully. Next - directly the treatment of the vagina with a solution of borax.

There are two ways to treat a brown vagina:

  1. Moisten a sterile bandage or napkin with a solution of borax, wrap it around your finger and wipe the walls of the vagina. The finger should be inserted carefully so as not to injure the mucous membranes, but try to penetrate as deep as possible in order to remove the white plaque as much as possible.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in a solution of borax in glycerin, insert it into the vagina and leave it there for at least 20 minutes, unless the doctor has indicated a different duration of the procedure. For the duration of the tampon with borax, it is better to lie down on the sofa.

If there is a burning sensation or itching, the tampon should be removed immediately and sprinkled several times with boiled water. The main condition for the effectiveness of the treatment of borax in glycerin with thrush is the regularity of treatments of the affected tissues, since borax does not destroy the fungus, but only creates unfavorable conditions for it - it destroys the mycelium and slightly changes the epithelium of the patient's mucous membranes, as a result of which mycelium threads cannot attach to them.

Borax in glycerin for pregnant women

Since the immune defense in women during pregnancy is somewhat reduced, the problem of thrush in this period confronts them quite often. The use of borax in glycerin during pregnancy and lactation by doctors and their patients is perceived ambiguously. On the one hand, a solution of sodium tetraborate still refers to toxic substances, on the other hand, the therapy of thrush in glycerin has proven to be effective.

Most obstetricians believe that a drug such as borax in glycerin during pregnancy should be used only in a hospital setting, where borax treatment of the genital tract of pregnant or lactating women will be carried out correctly. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment will be maximum, and resuscitation in case of side effects will also be carried out correctly and in a timely manner.

If a pregnant woman is undergoing treatment at home, she should remember that in the event of seizures or trembling of the muscles of the arms and legs, she should immediately stop using the drug and contact the antenatal clinic. It should be noted that a solution of borax in glycerin cannot be used in the presence of mechanical damage to the skin and mucous membranes (cracks, tears, wounds), which often happens after childbirth.

Borax for the treatment of stomatitis

Borax in glycerin is also successfully used for stomatitis, as well as inflammation of the tonsils as a rinse. The instructions for preparing the rinse solution are very simple - 1 tbsp. l. coarse salt and 0.5 tsp. Dilute borax in 1 cup of boiled water. Rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day for 6-7 days. An inflamed throat can also be simply lubricated with a cotton or gauze swab soaked in a solution of borax.



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