How to get out of depression on your own when nervous. How to get out of depression on your own: advice from a psychologist

In this article, I will give you 8 fail-safe ways to help you get out of depression.

Most effective method getting out of depression is not getting into it. Joke!

I will say right away that there is no point in fighting depression. Depression will still prevail. Whatever you put your energy into becomes even more powerful. You are wasting your strength, which you already have almost none in this moment and the depression gets worse. Therefore, forget about the fight against depression forever. It won't help you.

Now I will tell you about some very powerful ways to get out of depression.

How to get out of depression?

The most important thing you need to realize is that the less time you think about your depression, the faster it will pass. Everything happens according to the same principle, where your attention is concentrated, the energy itself flows there. If you don't put your energy into your depression, it will change very quickly. Following from this conclusion, you need to occupy yourself with something. When you're in the process, you don't have time to think about anything else. This is the easiest and best way out of depression.

And now I will give you some hints, how to get out of depression.

Method One: Switch Your Attention

If your depression is related to one area of ​​​​your life: for example, only work, or only personal life, or only, in order to get out of depression, you just need to switch your attention from one area of ​​\u200b\u200blife to another and plunge headlong into this area .

For example, if you're in trouble in a personal relationship, you can immerse yourself in work (of course, if your work brings you joy). If you have a trouble at work, you can immerse yourself in your personal life.

Method two: How to get out of depression: Creativity

Many people think that creativity is writing, drawing, singing, dancing and more. These are partly erroneous associations. Creativity is any kind of activity in which you manifest yourself in this world. Creativity is a unique (your individual) approach to accomplishing any tasks.

If you and, you can show your creativity in education. If you are an entrepreneur, you can be creative in promoting your own products and services. You can search for new unusual ways marketing and advertising. If your work is related to, you can also show your creativity here.

When you live and very often show your creativity everywhere and in everything, you cannot be depressed. Creativity is a manifestation of the real you. This is your gift. And when you manifest it, you connect with your own higher being.

You can find ways to do simple everyday things creatively. For example, washing dishes. You can turn on your favorite music and dance along the way. Personally, I always do this when I wash dishes or do any cleaning around the house.

You can sing in the shower. And there are countless ways. The main thing is to get together and find them.

Method three: Hobbies help get out of depression

What's your hobby? What are you doing for the soul?

Of course, ideally, if your hobby is your work, but, unfortunately, few people do this.

Perhaps you love to sing, listen to music, sew.

Method four: Sports and physical activity

How can sport help you get out of depression?

Depression may not go away for a long time only when a person lives passive life. Depression cannot be in a mobile and active body.

Depression and activity are two incompatible concepts. Either activity wins and you get out of depression, or depression wins and you enter a passive state.

Like water and fire, they cannot exist at the same point.

Consciously force yourself to move actively. Start exercising, go to the gym. Run - the best remedy from depression. Running puts your whole body in motion. You gain energy and strength.

Method five: Personal growth

Start reading books on personal growth and self-development. Now there are a lot of them. Most of the authors are prominent personalities, and rich. When you read their works, you yourself are filled with these feelings, and the depressive state leaves you for a while.

Download the same books from the site only in . They will divert your attention.

Look or visit some. Live trainings will switch your attention for at least a week. Such trainings are very useful and positive. They are visited by people who strive for self-development. Being in such an atmosphere, your condition will change dramatically for the better.

Remember: the main thing - during depression, do not be left alone with your brain. And then he will eat you.

Method six: Millionaire's rubber band

The rubber band of a millionaire is one of the most known ways which helps to get rid of negative thoughts. What is its essence? Surely you know the rubber bands that are wrapped around a stack of money. You take one such elastic band and put it on your hand.

Every time you think negatively, pull back on that rubber band and it hits your arm painfully. Fortunately or unfortunately, they hit you pretty hard on the arm. There is pain - and you switch your thoughts from negative to this very pain.

You interrupt the flow of negative thoughts. Then again, when thoughts go in a negative direction, you pull back the elastic band and let go. Again pain and thoughts switch again. You create in your anchor: negative thoughts equals pain.

Thus, you unlearn to think negatively. At first it will hurt, you will tear a bunch of such rubber bands (get a few dozen at once). But gradually, negative thoughts will become less and less.

Method seven: Tears - the best medicine from depression

When you want - cry. You don't have to restrain yourself. There is a phrase - "tears won't help". But be that as it may, you will definitely help yourself. Through tears you are cleansed. That negativity and pain that has settled inside you disappear through tears.

You can even watch specials to bring tears to your eyes. Cry well. And when you start crying over the movie, remember your problems and switch your crying from the movie to your pain. Thus, you will pay out all the accumulated negativity.

It is much more difficult for men to apply this method. From childhood they were taught not to cry, because it is not like a man. But to abuse alcohol because of the constant is very masculine. Men - cry boldly!

Tears are a very powerful way to get out of depression quickly. Pay off your depression and move forward.

Method eight: Swear and shout

Here I am not in any way saying that you need to swear at someone or yell at someone. In order to get out of depression, you need to swear and shout out on your own.

It is best to do this in a forest or in a park where there is definitely no one. You can turn on the music loudly at home and express everything ... You just need to be alone at home. Loud music will drown out your roar and scream.

Now you know . So don't delay it. The sooner you get out of depression, the sooner you will return to life.

how to get out of depression


Many of us know the feeling constant fatigue and longing, eternal dissatisfaction with oneself, a state of inner emptiness, problems in relationships with others and loved ones. When a person is faced with similar problems, I really want to find ways to overcome the blues on my own and move on with a positive attitude.

There are such ways, and below you will learn about them. But first, a few words about who and how it manifests itself.

There are a number of key features that define . Here they are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • temperamental features: a tendency to psychological stuck, excessive demands on oneself, inadequate assessment of one's achievements, constant dissatisfaction with oneself;
  • constant stress, problems in family relationships, severe psychotraumatic situation.

Symptoms of depression

Can a person for some reason suspect that he has depression, understand what exactly he is suffering from before contacting specialists?
Yes, and these signs are known:

If you are faced with similar symptoms and they have a fairly persistent character, do not pass for a long time, be sure, and also start in parallel independent work with my depression.

How to cope with depression: steps

So if there is depression - what to do? This question plagues many. Most are also interested in how to get out of depression on their own.

Step 1: Start keeping a personal diary

To fight depression on your own, you need to understand the causes and consequences of your negative thoughts, to see and be aware of what actions entail thought flows that cause characteristic blues. This is where a personal diary comes in handy.

Such a diary and entries in it will be a good help, in the process of analyzing your thoughts and emotions, you can learn a lot about personal stereotypes, cognitive attitudes that drive you into a depressive state, take a step towards recovery.

The main thing in keeping such a diary is constancy: set aside 20 minutes of your personal time for this step, fill out the table every day; let it be, for example, in the evening - your important business before going to bed. If you don't know how, read on carefully.

Step 2: Be aware of your emotions

We are all living people and have the right to any emotions. Do not forbid yourself to be angry or sad, to rejoice and admire. Be alone with your emotions, do not stop them, but observe. And gradually your anger will subside, turn into calm mood, and joy will “infect” everyone around or bear fruit.

You don’t know how to express, experience your emotions - try to draw or paint, not necessarily with paints and on canvas, draw with the medium that “falls on the eye”, where you want. You can simply tweet with a pen in a notebook, “paint” with paints or paint a finished picture.

Such an activity helps to create inner balance, helps to understand and realize your emotions. If you want more later detailed analysis your creations, talk to a therapist, bring drawings to a consultation, they can reveal a lot about your internal state, help the doctor when working with you. Gradually, you will learn to independently analyze your mood and understand emotions - this is important step V .

Step 3: Diversify Your Physical Activity

Often under the patient's question whether it is possible to get rid of depression on their own, there is a desire to prove to oneself one's omnipotence. Man is a very prudent being, his capabilities are inexplicable even to science, but diseases, in particular, psychological ones, cannot be subject even to our human perfection, for their treatment tools are needed that are owned by specially trained people.

However, this fact does not mean that it is not necessary to make any efforts to change your state - it is very necessary. Remake yourself for short span time is impossible, but it is important to start, start changing your lifestyle, helping your body and spirit to cope with the disease.

It's no secret that even elementary physical exercises, long walks, sports, increase the overall vitality, help to improve mood, distract from sad thoughts.

Do not play sports - start with hiking or morning exercises. Love to swim - find time to practice in the pool, on your hands Small child Do exercises with him. It is important to start doing something, a week, two, three will pass, and you will no longer be able to do without a load, sports will be included in good habit, there will be time for free thoughts and new way coping with negative emotions in your arsenal independent ways.

With an increase physical activity will come and good dream. Healthy sleep It is an integral part of the treatment of all diseases. Start getting enough sleep - there will be clarity of thought, such an important component of the treatment of depression.

Step 4: Eliminate Information Overload

Social depression is another factor that provokes human blues. Nowadays, the media broadcasts more longing than positive and joy. Constant information overload with negativity does not make a person happier, so at least for the period of treatment, try to move away from such an information flow.

Spend less time watching TV, watching TV series: regulate the time spent on the Internet. Your psychotherapist can help you with this work by giving you the task of recording the time spent on the media every day, tracking thoughts and moods with him.

After "communication" with information resources, you will be able to figure out how information garbage affects your mood, time and effort. With such work, you will surely have more free time for yourself and your family, as a result, there will be new resources to deal with the blues.

Step 5: Work on personal relationships

People suffering from depression very often cannot build relationships on a stable basis.

Our life is a process of constant change, it is important to learn in the conditions of transforming situations, to change our relationships. In order for a relationship to have mutual value, it is important that people share the fear of losing each other. It is important to be able to build communication in such a way that dependent relationships, relationships with a pair of obsessive attachment, turn into relationships. A person must learn to build reciprocity. To restore high-quality communication, independent work is also necessary.

The ability to properly build relationships with loved ones does not come immediately, most likely, your psychotherapist will give you tasks, sometimes not very simple and written, but practical and time-consuming. Your task is to try to follow the recommendations of the therapist, track mistakes and not be afraid to voice them.

Try to follow existing rules constructive interpersonal communication, openly discuss the difficulties that arise with a psychotherapist, and, gradually, you will learn to independently monitor the mechanisms that prevent you from building relationships and personal boundaries.

If your psychotherapist offers you to undergo a socio-psychological communication training, do not refuse, do not be afraid, this lesson will benefit you, diversify your day and fill your piggy bank independent methods work with their condition, a new arsenal of techniques for constructive, correct interpersonal communication.

Step 6: Learn to Accept Praise and Get Rid of Destructive Perfectionism

It is important for a person to be able to experience pleasure from current activities, and a perfectionist is constantly dissatisfied with what he does, what he creates. Such dissatisfaction with oneself, unrealistically high standards, striving for impossible goals is very exhausting for a person and is a transitional link between chronic psychological and physiological stress.

When we focus only on the negative, we can say that we are dealing with an inverted microscope, where problems are seen in very volume and detail, and advantages and gains are seen as a matter of course. Accordingly, a person is in a situation where his amount of pleasure does not compensate for the amount of displeasure, and this predisposes to the development of a depressive experience.

Learn to track these mechanisms in your mind on your own. Have completed a difficult or highly paid job - do not convince yourself of its low value, but mentally praise; accept the fact that you have adequately coped with the task, try to believe positive evaluation surrounding. It doesn’t work right away - listen to your psychotherapist, sort out the situation with him. Go back to your diary, keep track of your thoughts. With constant work and acceptance of grades, an adequate assessment of your abilities will come to you. With an adequate assessment of your abilities, pleasant changes will enter your life!

Step 7: Allow yourself small joys and pleasures

Also, how do you deal with depression? To get out of a depressive state during treatment, during periods of rest or work, fulfill your little desires and whims. Set a rule for yourself at least once a day to please yourself with something pleasant, whether it's a little candy or shopping, going to the theater or an after-hours nap. Learn to be happy not only in the pursuit and achievement of generally accepted “happiness”, but also to enjoy just an ordinary, but pleasant little thing for you.

If there is such an opportunity, change the environment for a while, there are weekends - plan a trip to another city, a short trip to another country, relax in the country or just go to the forest, breathe fresh air, watch wildlife.

There is one very effective method, which allows you to distract from all the thoughts walking in your head in nature: just keep track of everything that happens around you, naming the objects around you, without ratings and emotions. Five to ten minutes will pass, and thoughts will go into the background, and you will rest, gain strength and enjoy the surrounding beauties.

Lastly, to in the best way figure out how to deal with depression, we will describe the most necessary step in eliminating the disease.

Step 0, the most important: the help of a good specialist

By the way, this is the most important step. Despite the fact that in this article we mainly talked about self help with depression, it is important to remember that depression is an insidious disease, therefore, without an integrated approach, where the psychotherapist does a difficult job, but no less time-consuming - the patient himself, it will be quite difficult to cope, and the treatment may be ineffective.

Depression is a mental disorder that is usually accompanied by not very pleasant symptoms. This is a depressed mood, loss of interest in life, lack of any joy and energy. Also, during depression, there is a decrease in mental activity and physical activity.

Symptoms of depression in men and women

  • headaches, migraine attacks are also noted,
  • chest pain: often patients complain of pain in the heart, but on examination or ultrasound, in most cases, the organ is healthy,
  • constant fatigue for a month,
  • feelings of worthlessness and anxiety
  • chills and dizziness,
  • andegonia: loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities and activities
  • stomach problems: a psychological disorder can cause indigestion, epigastric and pain. At the same time, appetite can be either increased or completely absent,
  • low self-esteem,
  • lack of concentration and slow decision-making,
  • thoughts of death and suicide
  • symptoms of the vegetative-vascular system.

Main Causes of Depression

IN modern world depression got wide use. About 10% of the population over the age of 40 suffer from this disease, most of them are women. Under the age of 65, a mental disorder is experienced 3 times more often. Children are the least affected, which is 5%, but the adolescent period accounts for from 15% to 40% of young men and often with suicide.

IN modern medicine Several risk factors for depression have been identified. It is biological, psychological and social.


  • genetic predisposition,
  • neurological and somatic head injuries,
  • drug side effects,
  • hormonal disruptions and changes in the body,
  • chronobiological factors: seasonal fluctuations, shortened phases of REM sleep,
  • inadequate and unhealthy diet, lack of healthy, daily physical activity,
  • use of tobacco and alcohol products.

Hereditary predisposition and family history of depression play an important role in the development mental disorder in a person.


  • pronounced self-criticism,
  • waiting for help from loved ones,
  • inability to cope with stressful situations,
  • excessive closeness from society and isolation,
  • emotionality and expressiveness.

Constitution statotimic - psychological type constitution, characterized by a low mood, a pessimistic outlook on life, an excessive sense of guilt, responsibility and a tendency to solitude. Quite often t What type of people are constantly worried about something, and have low self-esteem and self-doubt.


  • frequent stressful situations
  • disadvantaged families,
  • urbanization,
  • global life changes
  • bad childhood,
  • lack of attention and care of parents,
  • cruel measures in education.

Depression is most often experienced by individuals who are in chronic stress. And if you are faced with this ailment, do not give up, remember you are not alone. According to statistics, every 5th person on the planet has experienced this disease at least once.

Why does depression occur? Jacque Fresco

depression after stress

Remember that depression is not a disease. It would be more correct to consider that this is a response and defensive reaction organism on . He pursues a person quite often and people are not always aware of this. Causes of the strong negative emotions(stress) can become any life situations, starting from poor performance at school or at the institute, long waiting in line, overcrowded metro, negativity at work, at home, ending with the absence of the second half, success in personal life, "absorption" of negative information (sources: TV, Internet), great ambitions and the impossibility of their implementation. You can list for a long time, up to infinity, but they have one mechanism. Depression is caused by stress.

After the most insignificant and even imperceptible stress, the body is introduced into depression. But a little stress is even good for the body. In this way, he trains and activates his defense mechanism.

The effect of stress on the human body

When stress occurs, the body “mobilizes” and consumes its energy to the maximum. Therefore, after it, a person feels like a “squeezed lemon”, “discharged battery”, is in a state of exhaustion.

After entering depression, the body begins to accumulate "energy". From the outside and inside, all its actions are similar to "inhibition of the body."

How long does depression last

Its duration directly depends on the duration of the stress.

Important! The time spent in a depressive state is approximately 3 times longer than the course of the most stressful situation (“excitation of the body”). This suggests that each case is individual. Consider this moment when getting rid of it.

In terms of time, moderate depression takes a couple of weeks. This is enough to "recharge" the body. With severe stress (for example, the death of loved ones), depression can last from several months to several years. Therefore, it is obligatory to remember the deceased for 3, 9 and 40 days (“farewell to the soul”), for a gradual exit from depression.

In the figure below, the processes of "excitation" and "inhibition" of the body are just visible.

From all this follows the conclusion: The more stress, the longer and deeper the depression!

Ideally, when the body does not react to stress, or does it with a minimal reaction. As practice shows, in life this is extremely rare. As a rule, people who do not take care of their health, especially young people, try to find a way out in bad habits, such as drinking alcoholic beverages, drinking narcotic substances, smoking (including hookah). Subsequently, everything is aggravated, cravings and health problems appear.

I would like to note that depression does not need to be treated, since it is not a disease. This was discussed above. You need to make some changes in your life and change your attitude towards it.

Proper nutrition

  • vegetables and fruits, preference bright colors(banana, orange, grapefruit, pomegranate, carrot, bell pepper, lemon, persimmon, red cabbage).
  • greens (parsley, basil, cilantro, etc.),
  • nuts,
  • sea ​​kale (for example),
  • beets (beets contain micronutrients that uplift the mood).

Active lifestyle

quit bad habits(alcohol, smoking, etc.). Avoid black tea and coffee as well.

Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Go to bed before 22:00. If you have problems falling asleep, before going to bed you can use herbal teas but never alcohol. Sleeping pills do not use, discard them. They are addictive and bring new health problems.

Physical exercise are prerequisite exit from depression. It can be cycling, rollerblading, skiing, evening walks, light workouts in gym etc. Try to spend more time in the fresh air, as this contributes to a better metabolism and saturation of the body with oxygen. By the way, scientists have proven that running is the best cure for depression.

Attitude to life

Try to give up driving a car, as it, especially in large cities, causes stress.

In general, minimize all stressful situations in your life.

Hobby.Excellent recharging with energy, this is your favorite thing to do. A hobby will help you take your mind off things and relax your soul. When depression is just not enough positive emotions. Like to draw? Forward! :)

Please yourself. Try to diversify your life: theaters, cinemas, concerts, museums, cafes, restaurants, trainings, etc. Start walking where you've never been before.

Train yourself to "go through life laughing" - try it.

travel. Traveling is one of the best ways to distract, relax and recharge with positive energy. New places, people, traditions, nature - all this will only benefit. If it is not possible to go to another country or city, get out into nature, away from the city. "Communication" with nature in itself brings benefits.

Apperciate things which you have.Most important point in overcoming depression, to learn to perceive life as it is, with all its pluses and minuses. Appreciate every moment of life, communication with loved ones, enjoy the little things and not think about problems and failures.

So, we found out that depression is not a disease, but, on the contrary, the body's defense against stressful situations. And depending on how you react to them, a mental disorder will occur or not, and its severity and duration.

We can safely say that only with a positive attitude towards life, and the ability to live "in the moment" can one be happy.

Be healthy!

And here's a motivational video for you. ;)

Depressive illnesses have been the most common in recent years. mental pathology. About 100 million new cases of depression are recorded every year. Emotional depression, a feeling of loneliness in the crowd and a sense of the meaninglessness of existence - so in in general terms this condition can be described. Only a specialist will tell you how to get out of depression, especially if the condition has dragged on and prevents a person from living a full life.

Depression is a mental disorder accompanied by emotional depression, inability to enjoy life, decreased motor activity and impaired thinking.

A person in a state of depression is tired and sad, loses interest in everything that happens. The disease negatively affects the socialization of the individual: the patient avoids communication, his performance decreases, the usual course of life is disrupted, the future seems unpromising and gloomy.

Apart from psychological signs, the condition may lead to physiological deterioration with signs cardiovascular disorders, dizziness and headaches. The main danger that depression entails are suicidal tendencies. According to statistics, about 15% of depressed patients commit suicide. Therefore, it is so important to treat depressed people with understanding, not to consider the disorder as a manifestation of selfishness, laziness and pessimism.

Depression in 70% of cases affects women and the elderly.

Leading causes of the condition

The causes of the violation are of a combined nature. The combination of several provoking factors at once leads to the occurrence of a disorder varying degrees expressiveness.

Most experts associate depression with the peculiarities of life in modern society:

  • high-speed rhythm of life;
  • constant stress;
  • high population density and lack of long-term contact with nature;
  • lack of motor activity and hypodynamia;
  • heavy psychological trauma due to the loss loved one experienced shocks, conflicts, etc.;
  • seasonal factors, shortage sunlight;
  • abuse of alcohol and certain types of drugs;
  • psychological and physical exhaustion;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • unfavorable social environment– lack of support and meaning of life;
  • endogenous disorders of the central nervous system- bipolar disorders, Alzheimer's disease, manic-depressive psychosis, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injury, etc.

The likelihood of a depressive state increases with hormonal changes in the body: puberty, menopause. Has received a high prevalence postpartum depression associated with fluctuations hormonal background, exhaustion of the body and new responsibilities of a young mother.

Domestic psychiatry distinguishes two large groups depressive states: simple (small) depression and complex (major) depression.

To the group simple states The following types of depression are included:

  • adynamic with physical and emotional retardation;
  • agitated - accompanied by anxiety, increased arousal, feelings of guilt and fear;
  • dysphoric - chronic discontent with outbursts of irritability;
  • ironic - a deliberate demonstration of a good mood and concealment of a true oppressed state;
  • stuporous - motor inhibition, which can reach complete immobility;
  • anxious - a persistent sense of danger, anxiety, a sense of anxiety, depression;
  • melancholic - increased tearfulness, deep depression, strong " heartache”, accompanied by pain in the region of the heart.

The group of complex depressions includes syndromes with a variety of symptoms and disorders in the functioning of the nervous system:

  • asthenic - a violation of emotionality, inability to express feelings;
  • hysterical - a violent manifestation of emotions, an exaggerated attitude to all events;
  • hypochondriacal - the development of overvalued ideas, combined with delirium;
  • psychasthenic - manifests itself in complete lethargy, indecision, timidity.

A protracted form of depression is distinguished, the signs of which can be observed for 2-2.5 years.

One of the varieties is alcoholic depression, which is formed against the background of refusal of alcohol or coding.

Signs of depression

Regardless of the form, the disease covers several vital important areas. It is the combination of several symptoms that allows doctors to talk about a depressive diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Depression is characterized by an individual course - the signs of the disorder in different patients may have the opposite character (from insomnia to drowsiness, from overeating to complete failure from food). Causes of the disease and psychological features the patient will determine how to get out of depression.

emotional symptoms

Emotional disorders are the most striking and typical manifestation mental disorder. Emotional signs include:

  • sadness, despair, depression;
  • mood swings;
  • anxiety and persistent feeling of fear;
  • irritability for no apparent reason;
  • decreased interest in life;
  • low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with oneself and one's own life;
  • loss of interest in favorite activities;
  • difficulties in expressing feelings and emotions.

Physiological symptoms

This symptomatology is associated with somatic manifestations - the patient complains of a deterioration in well-being, there are signs of other pathologies.

Most often there are complaints about:

  • sleep problems;
  • loss of appetite or insatiable desire to consume food;
  • disorders in the work of the stomach and intestines;
  • decreased or lack of sexual desire;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • soreness in the heart, joints, muscle pain.

Behavioral changes

A patient suffering from depression changes the habitual way of behavior:

  • becomes passive;
  • afraid of public actions and large crowds of people;
  • seeks loneliness and refuses to communicate;
  • loses interest in the previously familiar environment, friends, family, relatives;
  • refuses entertainment.

Patients with depression may show pathological attachment to alcoholic beverages leading to the development of alcoholism.

Disorders in the cognitive sphere

Cognitive disorders are associated with impaired thought processes, difficulties in obtaining and processing information.

How it manifests itself in the patient:

  • cannot concentrate on the simplest task;
  • afraid to make decisions;
  • becomes inattentive;
  • often thinks about death and has suicidal conversations;
  • incapable of showing a sense of humor, joking and laughing;
  • thinks only in a pessimistic way.

All symptoms in general can progress if measures are not taken to combat the disorder. For staging correct diagnosis it is necessary that the complex of signs or individual symptoms persist for more than two weeks.

The symptoms of depression in both sexes are generally similar. However, there are differences in the course of male and female depression associated with physiological and psychological gender characteristics.

Depression in women is characterized by seasonality and a tendency to a protracted course. Symptoms most often appear in autumn and winter, accompanied by a change eating behavior. In addition to low mood, women complain of vegetative symptoms - pain in the stomach and intestines, discomfort in the heart.

Of the psychological signs, the most pronounced are constant worries about one's fate and loved ones, anxiety, fear of failure, fatigue, permanent tension.

However, the way out of depression in women is less difficult than in men. Representatives of the weak are more attentive to their own health and seek medical help in a timely manner.

Men are protected from depression by the hormone testosterone, so the stronger sex suffers from depression three times less often. deceit male depression lies in the fact that patients are not inclined to notice signs of illness in themselves, preferring to be treated on their own with cigarettes and alcohol. They don't recognize traditional treatment psychological problems, consider depression a sign of weakness and do not rush to the doctor.

Signs of male depression are fatigue, irritability, loss of interest in work and favorite activities, sleep disturbances.

Feelings of guilt, anxiety, suspiciousness, apathy, derogatory behavior for male depression are not typical.

How to get out of depression on your own? If the disease has been outlined in a short minor form, you can use a simple psychotherapeutic approach that is available to everyone. To successfully get rid of the disorder, it is necessary to clearly understand the cause of its occurrence and take self-treatment with all responsibility.

  1. Take responsibility for yourself, decide to change at a deep level.
  2. Use affirmations - short affirmative phrases with a positive attitude.
  3. Avoid solitude, strive for contacts with others.
  4. Do not refuse the help of friends and relatives, do not withdraw into yourself.
  5. Turn to spiritual food - the works of philosophers and writers, life-affirming films.
  6. Completely eliminate alcohol, nicotine and psychoactive substances.
  7. Change your daily routine and regulate sleep.
  8. Engage in physical exercise.
  9. Show love to loved ones, strive to bring them joy and selflessly help.
  10. Attend exciting activities, pick up a new hobby, or revisit old interests.

If depression is associated with severe injuries, serious dysfunctions of the central nervous system, it is necessary to contact a narrowly specialized specialist - a psychotherapist. Good healing effect A complex approach: a combination of medicines, psychotherapy, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises.

Main pharmacological preparations to combat depression are antidepressants. They stimulate the body to produce nerve impulses responsible for mood, behavior and activity.

Depression is treated with drugs of four generations.

  1. Tricyclic drugs - Amitriptyline, Imipramine. They are used only for severe forms in a hospital setting.
  2. Second generation drugs - Befol, Pyrazidol. They have a calming effect, but will not help to cope with severe depressive disorders.
  3. Means of the third generation - Citalopram, Fluoxetine. Activate the production of the hormone of happiness serotonin, successfully stop panic attacks and phobias.
  4. The fourth generation of antidepressants - Duloxetine, Milnacipran. They have a selective effect on serotonin and norepinephrine, without blocking the functions of other neurotransmitters.

In severe cases, antidepressants are combined with tranquilizers, antipsychotics and nootropics. Tranquilizers are effective for anxiety states, they soothe and help fight fears. Antipsychotics are used in suicidal patients, with depression with severe delusional ideas. Nootropics have stimulating properties, restore the functioning of the nervous system, help in the fight against nervous exhaustion, apathy, lethargy and increased fatigue.

Any of the drugs for the treatment of depression is released only by prescription!

Psychotherapeutic practices

Psychotherapy of depression involves the use of certain methods of psychocorrection, depending on the pathogenesis and form of the course of the disease. Therapy is aimed at teaching the patient to cope independently with depressive symptoms, solve important life issues, control emotions and conditions that inevitably lead to depression.

The following types of psychotherapy are recognized as the most effective:

  • cognitive-behavioral - aimed at correcting behavioral errors that lead to depressive disorder;
  • interpersonal - helps to form healthy relationships of the patient with other people;
  • psychodynamic - aimed at finding internal conflict underlying pathology.

Aromatherapy, art therapy, bibliotherapy, self-hypnosis and hypnosis methods are also used to combat depression.

Prevention of depression

At the first symptoms of the disease, drastic measures must be taken to emotional condition didn't get worse. In the off-season, the room should have a lot of light and a large number of lighting fixtures. Frequent walks in the fresh air, daily gymnastics and feasible sports will help.

Maintain body and spirit in good shape restorative means- a decoction of wild rose, Herb tea, ginger, medicinal balms. Make the most of your life with healthy positive emotions– Do things you love, watch good movies and indulge in pleasant shopping.

Positive outlook on life, bright plans for the future, good friends and interesting meetings - all this will help improve your mood and leave no chance for depression.


Depression is not just blues and Bad mood. This serious illness, which leads to dangerous violations at the physiological level. Only a qualified doctor will tell you how to get out of depression, help you find the meaning of life and take a fresh look at the world.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Depression drains your energy, hope, and motivation, making it hard to do what you need to do to feel better. But although it is not easy or quick to get out of depression, it is still possible. You can fight it with sheer willpower, but you need some control, even if your depression is severe and decidedly persistent. It is important to start small and build from there. Improvement will take time, but you can achieve it if you choose positive things for yourself every day.

How to get out of depression on your own

Getting out of depression takes action, but it's hard to take action when you're depressed. In fact, even just thinking about the things you need to do to feel better, like going for a walk and hanging out with friends, can be exhausting.

Catch-22 for getting out of depression: The things that help the most are the things that are the hardest to do. However, there is a difference between difficult and impossible.

Start small and focus

The key to getting out of depression is to start with a few small goals and slowly build from there. Rely on the resources you have. You may have little energy, but perhaps enough to take a short walk around the block or pick up the phone and call your loved one.

Overcome one problem per day and reward yourself for each achievement. The steps may seem small, but they will add up quickly. And the more energy you put into your recovery from depression, the more you will get in return.

Getting the support you need plays important role in dispelling the fog of depression and avoiding it. On your own, it can be difficult to maintain the perspective and effort required to fight depression, but the very nature of depression can make it difficult to get help. However, isolation and loneliness worsen depression even more, so it is important to maintain close relationships and social activity.

The thought of reaching out even to close family members and friends can seem overwhelming. You may feel ashamed, too exhausted to talk, or guilty for neglecting the relationship. Remind yourself that depression is talking to you. Your loved ones care about you and want to help.

  • Turn to trusted friends and family members. Share what you're going through with people you love and trust. Ask for the help and support you need. You may be stepping back from your most treasured relationships, but they can help you get through these difficult times.
  • Try to be socially active, even if you don't like it. Often, when you are depressed, it seems more comfortable to close in your shell, but with people around you, you will experience less depression.
  • Join a depression support group. Meeting other people coping with depression can have great importance to reduce your sense of isolation. You can also encourage each other, give and receive advice on how to cope, and share your experiences.

Learn about the hidden sources of depression

Depression takes a toll on everything, including the way you see yourself, the situations you face, and your expectations for the future.

But you can break that pessimistic mindset by "just thinking positively." Thoughts of happiness and desires will not help in this. Instead, try replacing negative thoughts with more balanced thoughts.

Ways to deal with negative thinking:

  • Think beyond yourself. Ask yourself as if you are not thinking about yourself, but about someone else. Stop focusing on yourself. Think of less harsh statements that offer more realistic descriptions.
  • Allow yourself not to be perfect. Many depressed people are perfectionists, holding themselves to impossibly high standards and then beating themselves up for not being able to live up to them. Fight this source of self-imposed stress by challenging the negative mindset.
  • Hang out with positive people. Pay attention to how people who always look at things optimistically cope with difficulties, even small ones, such as lack of parking space. Then think about how you would react in the same situation. Even if you have to pretend, try to embrace their optimism and perseverance in the face of adversity.
  • Keep a negative thought journal. Whenever you encounter negative thinking, write down the thought and what generated it in a notebook. Review your journal when you are in a good mood. Consider whether the negative was actually justified. Ask yourself if there is another way to look at the situation. For example, let's say your boyfriend was rude to you and you automatically assumed the relationship was in jeopardy. Though it's possible that he was just having a bad day.

Types of negative thinking that contribute to depression

All or nothing- to see in everything only white or black, without compromise ("If I can't be perfect, I'm a loser").

Overgeneralization- a generalization from one negative experience, the expectation that it will always be like this (“I can’t do anything right”).

Psychic filter- Ignoring the positive events and focusing on the negative ones. Pay attention to just one thing that went wrong instead of all the things that went right.

Decreasing positive- consider reasons why not to count positive events (“She said she had a good time on our date, but I think she was just trying to be nice”).

Jumping to Conclusions- Misinterpretation without actual evidence. You seem to read minds ("He must think I'm pathetic") or predict fate ("I'll be stuck in this dead end forever").

Emotional reasoning- believing that the way you think reflects reality ("I feel like such a failure. I'm really useless!").

"Should" and "shouldn't"- stick to strict list what you should and shouldn't, and punish yourself if you don't live by your own rules.

Labeling- attaching labels based on their mistakes and perceived shortcomings ("I'm a loser; idiot; unlucky").

To overcome depression, you will have to take care of yourself. To do this, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle, learn how to manage stress, determine the limits of what you can do, adopt healthy habits and add fun to your day.

  • At least eight hours of sleep. Depression usually includes sleep problems. When you sleep too little or too much, your mood suffers. Follow an improved sleep schedule by learning healthy habits sleep.
  • A little sunshine every day. Lack of sunlight can worsen depression. Make sure you get enough sun. Go for short walks, drink coffee outside, dine at street restaurants, sit on a park bench or just sit in the garden.
  • Control stress. Stress not only prolongs and worsens depression, but can also stimulate it. Examples: Overworking yourself at work, maintaining unsupportive relationships, taking on too much, experiencing health problems. Once you identify your stressors, you can develop a plan to avoid or minimize their impact.
  • Practice relaxation techniques. Daily practice relaxation can help relieve symptoms of depression, relieve stress, and support feelings of joy and well-being. Try yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation.
  • Take care of the animal. While nothing can replace human connection, animals can bring joy and companionship into your life and help you feel less isolated. Taking care of a pet will also help you switch off yourself and make you feel like someone needs you, which are powerful antidotes for depression.

Do what you like (or liked)

While you can't force yourself to have fun or enjoy yourself, you can choose to do things that you enjoy. Choose a hobby or sport that you enjoy. Express yourself creatively through music, art or writing. Take a walk with your friends. Take a day trip to a museum, the mountains, or a football match.

Force yourself to do these things, even if you don't like them. You may be surprised how much better you feel doing this. Even if your depression doesn't go away right away, you'll gradually feel more optimistic and energized as you make time for fun activities.

Develop tools for good health

Make a list of things you can do to quickly lift your spirits. Include any strategies, actions, or skills that have helped in the past. The more "tools" for overcoming depression, the better. Every day try some of these ideas, even if you don't feel well.

  • Spend time in nature
  • Take care of the little things
  • List what you like about yourself
  • play with the animal
  • Make journal entries
  • Watch a funny movie or TV show
  • listen to music
  • Take a hot bath
  • Do something unexpected

When you're depressed, exercise may be the last thing you want to do. But workouts are powerful tool to help deal with depression. In fact, research shows that regular exercise can be as effective as antidepressant medication in increasing energy levels and reducing feelings of fatigue.

Scientists have not determined exactly why exercise is such a powerful antidepressant, but evidence suggests that physical activity stimulates the growth of new cells in the brain, increases mood-enhancing neurotransmitters and endorphins, reduces stress, and eases muscle tension all of which may positive action to depression.

To achieve beneficial effects, aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day. You can start small, although a short 10-minute burst of activity can positive effect to your mood. Some simple ways make yourself move:

  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator;
  • Park your car in the furthest parking spot;
  • Take your dog for a walk;
  • Find a training partner;
  • Walk while talking on the phone;
  • As a next step, try introducing walks or some other pleasant, light form exercise in your normal daily routine. The key is to choose an activity that you enjoy doing. more likely stuck to it.

Exercise as an antidepressant

  • Engage constantly. A 10-minute walk can improve your mood for two hours. The key to maintaining the mood benefits is regular exercise.
  • Choose moderately intense activity. Undoubtedly, aerobic exercise has a beneficial effect on the psyche, but you do not have to exhaust yourself to see the results.
  • Find constant and rhythmic (not intermittent) exercises. Walking, swimming, dancing, cycling and yoga are great choices.
  • Add the mind-body element. Activities such as yoga and tai chi rest your mind and increase your energy. You can also add an element of meditation to walking or swimming by repeating a mantra (word or phrase) as you move.
  • Start slowly and don't overdo it. More doesn't mean better. After excessive training, the mood of athletes falls rather than rises.

Depression Tip #5: Eat a Healthy, Uplifting Diet

What you eat directly affects how you feel. Aim for balanced diet from proteins complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables., whole wheat pasta , brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread and bananas can increase serotonin levels.

  • Increase your vitamin B intake. Deficiencies in B vitamins, such as folic acid and B12, can contribute to depression. For more, take nutritional supplements with B-complex vitamins or eat more citrus fruits, leafy greens, legumes, chicken and eggs.
  • Consider taking a chromium supplement. Some studies on depression have shown that chromium picolinate reduces the need for carbohydrates, eases mood swings, and maintains energy. Chromium picolinate supplements are especially effective for people who tend to eat a lot and sleep a lot during depression.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in stabilizing mood

    • Foods rich in certain omega-3 fats called EPA and DHA can significantly lift your mood. The best source is oily fish such as salmon, mackerel herring, anchovies, sardines and some dietary supplements with fish fat living in cold water. Canned albacore tuna and lake trout can also be good source, depending on how the fish was grown and processed.
    • You may have heard a lot about how omega-3s can be obtained from foods rich in fatty acids ALC such as vegetable oils and depression thinking can make you feel like you're lost, but depression can be treated and you may feel better!

      At the same time, don't forget about these self-help tips. Even if you receive professional help, these recommendations can be part of your treatment plan, speeding up your recovery and preventing depression from returning.



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