Panic attack treatment. Real experience Treatment of panic attacks, VVD, phobias and neuroses

A panic attack is a fairly common phenomenon that can occur at any time for no apparent reason or under the influence of some factors. The main symptoms that accompany this phenomenon are heart palpitations, lack of air, "cold sweat", abdominal cramps and others.

During menopause in women, the symptoms of a panic attack can be expressed in a sharp coldness of the hands and feet, burning and pain in the chest. Symptoms of an attack during falling asleep are expressed in the fact that a person begins to concentrate on his heartbeat. It begins to seem to him that the heart is slowing down, and this causes panic fear.

According to psychotherapists, panic attacks at the time of attacks are not amenable to drug treatment. The only thing left to do for those who once survived the attack is to start taking comprehensive measures to prevent a second attack.

Attention! Before proceeding with self-treatment, you need to consult a doctor!

Causes of panic attacks

Constant stressful situations, increased nervous tension for a long time, depression - all this can cause a panic attack. As a rule, these reasons lead to a panic attack in men, because sometimes they bear more responsibility. But the women on this list are no exception. Also, the cause of panic attacks in men and women can be somatic diseases, hormonal abnormalities, various diseases of the nervous system, catastrophic thinking.

How to quickly relieve panic attack syndrome

It happens that a panic attack can occur for no apparent reason. As a rule, this happens after drinking or a hangover, as a result of insomnia at night. In this case, to relieve the attack, you can take clozapine or glycine. Clozapine - reduces anxiety, has an anticonvulsant and sedative effect. Glycine - normalizes sleep, improves brain function, relieves aggression, improves mood.

How to relieve a panic attack for people with high blood pressure? First of all, you need to consult with your doctor, in a critical situation, lead a relaxation complex, normalize breathing. How to do it right, we will tell further.

Mostly people who had a panic attack during the day can experience a second attack at night - this is the main reason. As a rule, this leads to a sharp awakening, a rapid heartbeat and a feeling of fear from an unknown disaster.

Medical therapy

Preventive treatment for panic attacks can be carried out in a hospital for an inpatient examination. In this case, the patient is prescribed various drugs.

  1. Psychotropic - antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives.
  2. Cardiovascular pills or injections.

The advantage of the treatment is that the patient is under observation and the effect of blocking the growing panic is quickly achieved. A side effect of drug treatment in 50% of patients revealed:

  • addiction to drugs and a decrease in their effectiveness;
  • frequent headaches;
  • dose dependence;
  • hormonal disorders, etc.

Attention! Drug treatment is carried out only under the supervision of doctors!

Treatment with folk remedies

At home, it is easy to prepare and use various soothing herbal tinctures. You can pick up one or more prescriptions and take regularly.

herbal collection

To prepare the tincture, you will need 20 g of each herb:

  • leuzea root;
  • muzzle;
  • dandelion;
  • chicory;
  • liquorice root;
  • valerian;
  • St. John's wort.

Grind the ingredients, mix well and add 10 g of juniper. For one liter of water, you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs and boil for 10-15 minutes. Pour the broth into an airtight container and let it brew for about 8 hours. Take 100 ml before meals for 4-5 months. and then take a break.

And another herbal tincture recipe that you can use at home in the treatment of panic attacks. For cooking, take all herbs 100 grams each:

  • St. John's wort;
  • Birch buds;
  • immortelle;
  • chamomile.

Mix well. For single use, take 1 tsp. mixture, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 2.5-3 hours and drink before going to bed with the addition of honey. Carry out a course of treatment for six months.

Treatment with oregano

Essential oils that are part of oregano make it possible to use it as a sedative. Take 2 tsp. herbs, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes. and strain. Take tincture half an hour before meals, 100 ml.

You can prepare an alcohol tincture from oregano, which is absorbed faster and more efficiently in the body. Take 20 g of fresh grass, grind it thoroughly and pour 100-150 ml of medical alcohol. Infuse for a week in a cool place, take 40 drops before meals.

Soothing tea

When treating panic attacks at home, it is recommended to use sedative teas. They include a fairly simple set of herbs that are easy to purchase at a pharmacy. To make tea you will need:

  • Melissa;
  • mint;
  • Linden.

Mix the herbs in the same proportion and pour boiling water over. Let it brew for 20 min. and consume after meals. Add honey to taste and drink instead of tea or coffee.

Herbs can also be consumed separately from each other if there are any allergic reactions to them. For example, you can brew tea with mint - a tablespoon of herbs in one glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. and drink at any time with honey to taste. Other herbs are prepared in the same way.

Chamomile treatment

Chamomile is famous for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Therefore, it is used at home to combat panic attacks. You will need to purchase chamomile flowers in a pharmacy, take a tablespoon of herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist at least 1.5-2 hours, strain and drink in the morning and evening. If desired, add sugar or honey to taste. It is recommended to make a fresh decoction of chamomile every time.

Valerian treatment

For a long time, our grandmothers knew about the soothing properties of valerian. Therefore, it can be safely taken as a remedy for panic attacks. Take a tablespoon of valerian root and pour boiling water - 500 ml. Boil the herb over low heat for 10-15 minutes. and let it stand. Take 1 tsp. three times a day.

Valerian can be used equally effectively for soothing and relaxing baths. Prepare the same decoction of herbs, strain and pour into the prepared warm bath. You can take these procedures daily before bedtime.

Honey treatment

For treatment, you need 2 glasses. Separately, prepare the following mixture: 1 tbsp. dill seeds and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed valerian root - pour boiling water over everything and leave for one day. Then strain the tincture, add honey and mix thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.

Treatment with various tinctures

Blackberries and marigolds. Mix herbs in equal proportions and pour 600 ml of boiled water. Insist for one hour and you can drink four times a day, 150 ml.

Birch. Young birch leaves (20 g) are finely chopped and pour half a liter of boiling water. Infuse for at least 5 hours, strain and drink 100 g before meals.

Lemongrass Chinese. Take the fruits of lemongrass 1 tbsp. l. and brew with boiling water (250 ml). Boil it and after 15 minutes. strain. Take in the morning 50 grams.

Treatment of panic attacks by other methods

At home, in a set of measures for the prevention and treatment of panic attacks, various exercises can be used. They will help to relax as much as possible and, no less important, they will teach a person to respond correctly at the time of an attack.

Attention! Any stressful situation can cause a panic attack, so it is important to learn how to quickly calm down!

Relaxation treatment

It is very effective to calm the nerves by conducting a set of relaxation exercises. You can choose one or more methods and apply daily at any time convenient for you.

  1. Bend over face down, trying not to bend your knees, and stand for 5-7 minutes. Well relieves muscle tension, improves blood circulation.
  2. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up and sway slightly. After 5 minutes, you will feel the tension and stress go away.
  3. Sit on the floor with your buttocks resting on your heels. Slowly lean forward with your arms outstretched. This exercise is great for relaxing your back muscles.
  4. In the same position, raise your hands up as you inhale and slowly lower them as you exhale. Imitate the movement of the wings, repeat 10 times, and you will feel lightness in the whole body.
  5. Get on your knees, put your hands on the floor. Gently lower your head and feel the muscles stretch along your spine. Stay in this position for as long as possible, and then slowly raise your head. Repeat 5-7 times.

Learning to breathe

When treating a panic attack, it is important to learn how to respond correctly in a stressful situation and quickly take control of your breathing. This will help you focus your thoughts on yourself, quickly calm down and relieve tension.

Train yourself in a calm environment with this exercise:

  • take a very deep breath through the nose, exhale through the mouth;
  • we try to use the diaphragm, not the stomach;
  • do not exhale all the air, so as not to take long breaks between inhalation and exhalation.

Now you know how to relieve a panic attack with drugs and be treated at home, and you can quickly respond to a stressful situation.

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Some people suffer from inexplicable but excruciatingly severe bouts of anxiety and fear. And they don’t even suspect that so many people experience such sensations and they are not alone in the world with such a problem.

These attacks are a panic attack that occurs, as a rule, after a series of severe stresses. And - good news! - you can cope with it, you just need to work on yourself.

website I figured out what a panic attack is and how to overcome it. We share with you.

What is manifested?

Panic attacks have the following symptoms:

  • They are short-term and occur in flashes of 5-10 minutes, often repeated in one place.
  • After such an outbreak, the human body is very exhausted and depressed, as the body and brain prepare themselves for real danger and it takes a lot of energy.

    People who experience panic attacks feel pain in the body and often go to the doctor, believing that something threatens their lives.

    Often a person during an attack feels the unreality of what is happening: everything around him seems to be alien and unfamiliar, and he himself seems to be looking at himself from the side.

    Every person feels an attack from within. But few people can determine this by his behavior.

What it is?

There is a theory that such attacks were inherited from ancient people. In order to survive when meeting with a predator or other natural danger, the entire body of an ancient person was preparing to attack or escape. Increased breathing, faster reflexes, increased sweating are all survival mechanisms. Now this is a common reaction to any stress, although the real danger of life may not exist.

Necessary step, which must be carried out with or a psychiatrist. The doctor needs to be told about all the "skeletons in the closet", disturbing or unpleasant situations.

The specialist has the opportunity to evaluate everything that happens impartially, from the outside. Being inside the situation, it is often impossible to independently separate the main from the secondary.

It is much more effective to do this with a doctor, and most importantly, this will result in a result. The doctor will be able to "sort it out" everything that happens in a person's life, and tell you how to reduce negative influences.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is deservedly considered the “gold standard” for the psychotherapeutic treatment of panic attacks. It is built in several steps, the doctor teaches the beginnings. This is a replacement for basic mistakes in thinking, reducing the level of anxiety, mastering the correct skills of behavior in the crowd. However, the doctor cannot do everything, much less replace the patient's own efforts. Without a thorough study of medical "homework" it is difficult to count on success.


The use of medicinal plants dates back centuries. It is unlikely that the compilers of recipes for herbal preparations, which have been used for centuries, knew about the existence of the term itself. But it was experimentally established which plants reduce the number of heartbeats, which help with fear, which ones make you sleep better and deeper. It is not advisable to take decoctions and infusions at the moment of panic; there is usually no time and desire for this during a fit of fear.

All medicinal plants have one feature - in order to begin to act, they need to accumulate in the body. Therefore, each herbal collection should be taken for at least a month, so that the result becomes obvious.

It is most convenient to use the form of herbal tea, on sale there are enough sedative preparations packaged in tea bags. The collection can be made independently by mixing all the crushed plants in one container. The mixture is stored in a sealed container like tea, and brewed in the same way. You can add honey for taste.

You can choose a suitable plant from the following: valerian, St. John's wort, licorice, oregano, sweet clover, motherwort, birch leaves, mint, lemon balm, chamomile. The collection should contain no more than 3-4 components. It is better to select plants one at a time, brewing them sequentially. There are no general recipes “for everyone”, each person has options.

A panic attack is a disease of frustrated nerves, which can be dealt with with a certain persistence.

Panic attacks are a very unpleasant syndrome, accompanied by a strong causeless attack of fear and various malfunctions in the autonomic nervous system.

According to research in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy, up to 80% of patients are cured of panic attacks. The rest at least begin to better understand the nature of their condition and more easily endure attacks. However, other therapies cannot be discounted. There are simply no statistical data evaluating the effectiveness of other psychotherapeutic directions. The body-oriented approach, drug therapy, psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy and hypnotic suggestion are also used in the treatment of panic attacks.

How to get rid of panic attacks on your own - 5 easy steps

The following actions will help reduce the likelihood of development, or even completely eliminate seizures.

Rationalization of nutrition

Tea, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes - exclude! Feature of caffeine - stimulation of the nervous system. Almost everyone begins to experience symptoms of anxiety when drinking caffeinated beverages.

Alcoholic drinks are consumed in the hope of relaxing and raising one's mood. However, on the contrary, after drinking alcohol, you may experience a panic attack. Even a small amount of alcohol activates the sympathetic nervous system. There is a vasospasm, pressure rises, which so scares people suffering from panic attacks.

Nicotine has a negative effect on airway patency and, like alcohol, causes spasm of blood vessels.

Drink only pure water and herbal infusions. Soothing lemon balm and chamomile are the best options. It is important to include in the diet foods high in magnesium or potassium (dried apricots, almonds, citrus fruits, carrots) and B vitamins (buckwheat, spinach, broccoli, green peppers, seafood) - they will help restore blood vessels and strengthen the nervous system.

Physical activity

Moderate physical activity is an essential component in the treatment of VVD and panic attacks. Therapeutic gymnastics helps to train and strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Vigorous exercise helps to remove excess stress hormone cortisol from the body and produce the hormone serotonin, a natural antidepressant. With VVD, it is recommended to go swimming, jog, ride a bike, and do aerobics.

But the problem is that panic attacks force you to stay at home in fear. A person avoids once again going out into the street, fearing to be taken by surprise by another attack. The imagination draws terrible pictures of how an attack suddenly happens, a person faints, and everyone indifferently passes by or looks at the unfortunate person with disgust, as if there is a homeless person in front of them.

If you can not find a companion for outdoor walks, do at least the usual morning exercises. Just 20-30 minutes of exercise a day will help work out muscle clamps and improve blood circulation, which is so important for the prevention of panic attacks. Regular training will allow you to get used to the fact that increased breathing and heart rate, shortness of breath are normal physiological functions.

Getting rid of sources of stress

Panic attacks are based on anxiety. As a rule, suppressed, unconscious, but gradually depleting the body's reserves. People suffering from panic attacks have a common feature - they are poorly aware of their true psycho-emotional state, they ignore their needs and desires, they strive to keep their feelings under control. As a result, the body can not stand it and releases the accumulated stress in the form of a vegetative crisis. Understand that if the level of anxiety did not go off scale, then you would not have attacks.

Review your life. Mark those areas of it that you seek to control unnecessarily. Perhaps, in the pursuit of material well-being, you work hard at two jobs and do not rest at all. Or you constantly suppress your dissatisfaction in a relationship with a loved one and pretend that everything is in order, although this is far from being the case. Find the source of stress and try to eliminate it. You and your health should always come first.

The biggest source of stress to get rid of is our useless worries about the future. Remember that not everything in this life depends on your actions. Life is unpredictable and all we can do is enjoy what we have in the present. Give up haste. Learn to enjoy everyday little things - a fragrant cup of tea, a beautiful sunset, a friend's smile.

Get rid of the fear of panic attacks

The next goal is to stop being afraid of seizures. You should develop a clear understanding that nothing bad will happen to you. This is not a fatal disease, it does not go crazy. Even losing consciousness during a panic attack is problematic, because its physiology is completely opposite to fainting (during an attack, pressure and muscle tone increase).

Physiological discomfort is not so terrible if you understand that there are no serious pathologies behind it. When you stop being afraid of unpleasant symptoms that occur during attacks, this will be a big step in getting rid of the disease.

It's also important to understand that panic attacks won't go away overnight. They will still bother you for a while. It is important to learn to live with them, and not to betray the next crisis of great importance.

positive attitude

Our body is a wonderful self-healing mechanism. The main thing is not to disturb him. Remind yourself often that the body is constantly renewing itself naturally and healing itself. This is how cuts heal, broken bones mend, and the same will happen to our nervous system if we don't interfere with it. Do not aggravate your condition by noting and measuring each new symptom. Instead, focus only on the positive aspects of your condition.

For example, if you have panic attacks, if you periodically experience fear, shortness of breath, tachycardia and dizziness. But at the same time, your arms and legs are intact, you are still alive, and between attacks you can choose any topic for reflection. Watch a funny movie, call a friend and find out what new and joyful things happened in his life. Do not discuss politics, problems at work, or your illness. Share only good news.

Positive thinking works wonders. It is only important to learn to think purposefully. Of course, at first it is difficult to develop the habit of seeing the bright side in everything. But that doesn't mean it's impossible.

How to overcome panic attacks: reviews

Nothing lifts morale better than panic attack success stories from others who have experienced the same problems, challenges, and fears.

Sedative for panic attacks: reviews

Olga, 37 years old:

I have suffered from panic attacks for 10 years. To relieve seizures, she drank corvalol, valerian, glycine, atarax, phenibut. Strong drugs have always avoided, fearing side effects and addiction. Relanium helped a lot until it was banned.

Oleg, 36 years old

Simple herbs like valerian, motherwort, hawthorn will not help with panic attacks. You need to go to the doctor and ask for a prescription for antidepressants. Fluoxetine helped me.

Medicine for panic attacks: reviews

Kirill, 25 years old

Fanazepam is a great remedy for panic attacks, but only to stop the attack. There are many ways to relieve a panic attack without medication. It is better not to be lazy and take a course of psychotherapy. Although to calm the nerves, "just in case", you can carry pills with you.

Svetlana, 28 years old

No treatment was given as such. Prescribed some sedative herbs, which did not help. The attacks only became more frequent and became so severe that I practically stopped leaving the house. After that, tranquilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics were prescribed. But after a year of taking, apparently, addiction developed, and the attacks returned. The most offensive thing is that the doctor says that you will have to sit on the pills for life. He suggested changing drugs. But two weeks later - another panic attack. I am terrified. I don't know what to do next.

Panic attacks: patient reviews of psychotherapy

Alena, 27 years old

I signed up for a face-to-face consultation with a psychologist, but ran away from the first session - I could not stand it. The meeting took place in a cramped room in the basement. The doctor sat silently looking at me and only occasionally asked questions that made me cry.

Maria, 45 years old

It's been like this for 15 years now. In the beginning, there were such acute attacks that she constantly called an ambulance. And then I began to study all available information about panic attacks. Now I know everything about neuroses, no worse than a professional psychotherapist.

It is natural to run to doctors and be examined endlessly in this state. You think to yourself that now you will find a disease, you will treat it, and everything will pass. But this is a delusion. Only psychotherapy will help and nothing else! Of course, the work will be long and difficult. But the result is worth it. I still notice some symptoms of a panic attack from time to time, but I have learned to live with them.

How to Cure Panic Attacks Forever: Hypnosis Treatment Reviews


When I was on the train to the negotiations, I was thrown into a fever, an attack of a strong heartbeat began, my heart sank very much, a strong fear arose. They called an ambulance, did a lot of tests, but found nothing. The doctor diagnosed VSD. A week later, the attack happened again. I drank a pill for pressure, but after five minutes all the symptoms abruptly disappeared, although the drug was supposed to act only after half an hour. After a second examination with the doctors, I found out that I had panic attacks.

Has addressed to the psychotherapist. I heard explanations that panic attacks are non-fatal, and there is no need to be afraid of them. But, of course, fear at the moment of an attack is not amenable to logical convictions. I decided to seek help from a hypnotherapist. Explain the whole course of hypnotherapy for a long time. Many personal moments surfaced. After a course of hypnotherapy, a month later there was another attack, but not so intense. After checking his condition, riding on the same train. Panic attacks are gone and have not returned for two years.

I suffered from terrible panic attacks for 6 years. Couldn't use public transport. I stopped traveling outside the city. There was no question of flying somewhere by plane. A friend insisted that I turn to a hypnologist. I decided because I really wanted to show the child the sea. During the sessions, the therapist identified the psychological trauma that led to the development of panic attacks, and helped to work it out. Now I calmly go down the subway and plan to go on a normal vacation for the first time in many years.

Panic Attacks: Hypnotherapy Client Testimonials:

How to overcome panic attacks on your own: reviews

There are times when the disease goes away by itself - as suddenly as it arose. People who have not encountered global difficulties in treatment and easily defeated the disease very rarely go to the forums and talk about their successes. They do not believe that something supernatural has happened and do not attach much importance to their positive experience. As a rule, panic attacks are discussed by those who have long and unsuccessfully tried to cope with them and consider their condition almost incurable. But one should not jump to the conclusion from such discussions that panic attacks cannot be overcome.

How to deal with a panic attack on your own: reviews

Elizabeth, 41

During a panic attack, do not try to calm down. Just watch the symptoms with interest. So the attack passes faster.

Sergey, 45 years old

He began to deliberately do everything that he was afraid of before. For example, it was scary to go out into the street - he began to walk for a long time on purpose far from home. True, at first he took one of his friends or relatives with him. At first I was very nervous. The pulse quickened. But I still walked for at least three hours.

If during a walk a panic attack rolled up, he told himself that he was healthy and nothing would happen. If it started, then I endured it, reminding myself that it was all just nerves and I was completely healthy. He returned home, measured the pressure and made sure that everything was really in order with the body.

I did the same with other situations that frighten me - with car trips and going to a stuffy cinema. I didn’t take pills, I tried to calm myself, I watched people in the hall who are much older than me, but they feel good. Everything did not always go smoothly - sometimes a panic attack rolled. But after that I calmly analyzed what had happened and understood that the reason was banal nerves. So in six months I completely solved the problem.

How to get rid of panic attacks and fear forever: reviews of recovery without drugs

Elizabeth, 41

Cured seizures in just three weeks without medication. Swimming pool with sauna 3-4 times a week. Drink valerian root tea with honey every night before going to bed. Include foods containing magnesium in the diet (pumpkin seeds, wheat bran, nuts, buckwheat). Watch only comedies and entertainment programs on TV. Completely exclude communication with whiners and pessimists.

Elena, 34 years old

I almost overcame panic attacks after I moved from St. Petersburg, where there was constant hassle and psychological pressure from the father of my child to my hometown to my parents. Now I have been living here for the second month, and the symptoms have almost disappeared.

Katerina, 34 years old

Suffered from anxiety attacks for eight years. Based on my own experience, I want to say: no pills will save you. Yes, perhaps the discomfort will go away for a while. But no more. You don't want to be on medication for the rest of your life, do you? Only by pulling yourself together, by properly mentally adjusting, you can defeat the disease. Checked on myself. By the way, I did not turn to psychologists. I just set myself up for the positive. I rested more, talked with friends, tried not to take on extra responsibility at work. Learn to set positive attitudes for yourself (). Soon the body will unquestioningly carry out your commands.

Artem, 23 years old

I remember how I had seizures five times a day. Thank God it's all in the past. I agree that panic attacks come from severe nervous exhaustion. The main thing is to learn to look at life more calmly. Try not to get nervous over trifles, relax more. Sports, mode, rejection of bad habits, proper nutrition - and panic attacks will recede! It is important to learn how to relax. Well, it's good to keep sedatives on hand just in case.

The reason for everything is a sudden strong feeling of fear, under the influence of which the hormone of the adrenal glands, adrenaline, is released into the blood. This is a natural defensive reaction in response to a danger signal. But the trick is that there is a signal, but there is no real danger!

How to get rid of panic attacks? This question worries everyone who has experienced this painful condition at least once. An unexpectedly surging sense of danger, unaccountable horror, a frantic fluttering of the heart, when it seems that it is about to jump out of the chest ... A person helplessly gasps for air - it feels like he is suffocating. Someone is covered by a hot wave, someone is shivering, and there is only one urge: to run, to escape. The first thing that comes to mind during an attack is that you are dying. The fear of death is so strong that it deprives one of reason, and in such a state it is no longer possible to apply all kinds of advice from psychologists in the fight against panic attacks. It turns out that the fight against panic attacks is lost in advance? Or is it still possible to get rid of panic attacks in another way?

How to overcome panic? Understand what's going on

Let's take a medical look at what actually happens in the body during a panic attack. The reason for everything is a sudden strong feeling of fear, under the influence of which the hormone of the adrenal glands, adrenaline, is released into the blood. This is a natural defensive reaction in response to a danger signal. But the trick is that there is a signal, but there is no real danger! But about the unconscious causes of an uncontrolled feeling of fear a little later, but for now we will analyze what happens to our body during a panic attack. And why advice on how to quickly calm down during panic attacks often simply does not work at a critical moment.

With the ingress of adrenaline into the blood, a chain of reactions is launched, the main purpose of which is to mobilize the internal reserves of the body and ensure survival in an emergency - to flee: the frequency and strength of contraction of the heart muscle increase, pressure rises, blood flow in the muscles increases and decreases in the internal organs, breathing quickens . As a result, the body's readiness to overcome obstacles increases. But since all these changes are not used for their intended purpose, hyperventilation of the lungs already leads to dizziness, a feeling of fainting. It is clear that a person in this state does not come up with any ways to quickly calm down during a panic attack, even if he has read hundreds of them. And if they do, he is simply unable to cope with a panic attack in this state.

All of the above reactions are nothing but part of a perfectly normal physiology when they occur at a moment of serious danger. A person, without realizing it, can, for example, jump over a large obstacle or cross the required distance in a matter of seconds - make the maximum breakthrough that his body is capable of to save. Understanding the physiological characteristics of the course of panic attacks gives some sense of relief and partly answers the question of how to calm down during a panic attack. The only thing left to curb is the very feeling of fear, which is the main culprit in the occurrence of panic attacks.

There are various methods of psychotherapy, many of which you have probably already tried. The result, as a rule, is short-lived or absent altogether. And this is understandable. Is it possible to explain how to cope with a panic attack if you do not understand the main thing: the causes of the disorder? Real relief from panic attacks is possible only when the root of our uncontrollable fear is known.

Sometimes people are looking for how to cure a panic attack with medication. But the use of drugs does not give sustainable results. Medicine is also quite helpless in resolving the issue of getting rid of panic attacks. The use of sedatives, antidepressants is an attempt to stop the consequences, but this has no effect on the root of the problem. By suppressing a person's reactions, antidepressants and tranquilizers can only aggravate the condition, because the huge potential of emotions, the excess of which splashes out with a feeling of uncontrolled fear, is suppressed - instead of being used for its intended purpose. That is why so far there has not been an effective remedy that would suggest how to deal with panic attacks.

Today we can confidently say that it is possible to get rid of panic attacks on your own! New direction - System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan- brought a lot of discoveries to those areas where there were still no clear answers. The causes of phobias, panic attacks, depression, autism, suicidal thoughts - all this is part of the laws of the psyche that are clearly described in Systemic Vector Psychology. There is no more doom - there is ignorance! The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives everyone the opportunity to look into the unconscious and understand how our mental structure works, what gives rise to our reactions, feelings, thoughts, desires. Possessing the necessary systemic knowledge about oneself, everyone is able to find and eliminate the causes of their negative experiences, to clearly understand how to get rid of panic forever.

The first step to how to get rid of panic attacks on your own is to understand the underlying causes of uncontrollable fear. The fear of death, which underlies panic attacks, reaches a huge amplitude only in a certain type of people with a visual vector. To understand why nature needed such a super-reaction, let's go back to when the human community was just beginning its development path.

How to get rid of panic fear. Emotions that keep you alive

Primitive flock. The men go hunting. One unsuccessful run, another... Halt. Settled down to rest. What if predators suddenly attack? A man does not have such quick legs or sharp fangs as to save himself from certain death in the mouth of a lion. Need a day guard. It was this function that was performed by a slender, flexible girl with special vigilance and increased emotional excitability - special properties of the visual vector. Her task was to notice the approaching danger in time. But even this was not enough! What was needed was an overreaction to the danger, a fright so strong that her cry of "Oh!" and the smell of fear (yes, yes, all emotions have their own smell) instantly raised the hunters who had taken a nap at a halt to their feet. A weak or belated reaction of her fright would be tantamount to death for herself and for others.

Only people with a visual vector have a huge emotional amplitude and impressionability. Once it was necessary for the survival of the pack - to, with incredible intensity, experiencing the fear of death at the sight of a predator, to warn the pack of danger. But over time, when the ways to resist the forces of nature have improved, the need to be so scared has disappeared as unnecessary. Today, such panic attacks and intense fear, on the contrary, prevent us from living a normal life. And we are looking for how to cure a panic attack, because such reactions are inappropriate in the modern world.

Modern society has other tasks. Nature has foreseen this too, endowing the visual person with the ability to transform the emotion of fear for oneself into a feeling of love and compassion for others. Fear and love are two poles, in the delta of which the emotional amplitude of the visual vector is realized. The real way to get rid of panic attacks on your own is to learn to switch fear for yourself into empathy for another, into a desire to save his life.

The more positive emotions, empathy and love for people we, the spectators, live, the less room there is for fear. How it works, how to get out of a state of fear and how to defeat panic attacks, is discussed in detail in the online training on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Already at the first lectures on the visual vector, you will be able to thoroughly work out the causes of panic attacks and phobias. A deep awareness of the nature of fear allows you to change your inner state so much that already during the training a person feels incredible relief.

Understanding yourself, your characteristics and desires helps to naturally direct your emotionality in the right direction. Already as a result of awareness, fears go away, and with them panic attacks disappear from your life - as if they never happened. Understanding one's nature, the ability to realize the potential given from birth guarantees the stability of results in the future. Finally, many people have already managed to become a winner in the long-term struggle with panic attacks. They left their feedback on overcoming panic attacks for those who need help right now.

Proofreader: Olga Lubova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»


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