Auto parts from A to Z: The device of cars for beginners. Psychological characteristics of auto parts sellers

Work in 1C Accounting. 3) Using… Full description Avtokrepezh, Samara - hh: 7 hours ago Sales consultant for auto parts up to 25,000 rubles, Full, from 1 to 3 years, In the store Responsibilities: Sale of UAZ, GAZ auto parts and consumables, additional equipment and car accessories in the company's store, Registration of related… Full description AGAS-Holding, Barnaul - hh: 7 hours ago Auto parts sales assistant Full-time, no experience, In the store Responsibilities: retail sales in the store advising customers by phone and live issuing orders from the checkout site , 1s, matresponsibility laying out and working with goods … Full description New solutions, Khabarovsk - hh: 7 hours ago Seller of auto parts / tuning from 25,000 rubles.

Working as an auto parts salesman

General Director of the company I.O.F. « » 200 Job description of the Store Seller I. General Provisions The Seller is an employee of the store, reports directly to the store director and merchandiser, is accountable and controlled by him. In his activities, he is guided by: this job description, trade rules, oral and written orders and instructions from the store administration.

The seller must know and comply with the internal labor regulations, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, industrial sanitation and hygiene standards. II. Objectives The purpose of the seller's work is to ensure the maximum volume of sales by creating optimal conditions for buyers to select and pay for goods. III. Tasks 1. Arrangement and replenishment of goods on the shelves.

2. Ensuring the safety of goods on the trading floor. 3.

Responsibilities of a Sales Consultant

On the working days before the opening of the store, the seller checks whether there are enough goods to successfully start the sales process. If necessary, exposes the goods from storage places and cuts the boxes to ensure free access of buyers to the goods. During the day, the seller monitors the availability of a sufficient amount of goods and, if necessary, replenishes it.

The goods on the racks are placed neatly, aligned with the front edge of the shelves. It is not allowed to have free places on the racks. In the absence of any product, its place on the rack must be immediately filled with neighboring goods in sufficient quantities. 2. Ensuring the safety of goods on the trading floor. Depending on the distribution by the director of sellers on the trading floor, the seller can serve at post No. 1 at the main entrance to the store.

Work as an auto parts seller in a store in Russia


To date, this profession is considered one of the most sought-after, but truly talented salespeople who know their business can be counted on the fingers. The main tasks assigned to sales consultants Any duties of a sales consultant carry three main tasks - the sale of goods, the implementation of the sales plan and the competent identification of the needs of the buyer. Among other things, the sales consultant must meet the following requirements:

  • availability of secondary specialized education;
  • The age of the candidate must not exceed 35 years;
  • pleasant appearance and neatness;
  • focus on results, since the main income is based on the percentage of the sales plan.

Of course, a competent sales assistant should be well versed in the product, know its specifics and characteristics.

Job Descriptions

  • display of goods, control over the replenishment of the showcase and the presence of missing units;
  • the presence of the correct price on the price tag;
  • tracking the timing of the sale of products;
  • layout according to the size range;
  • maintenance of cleanliness of the trading floor and the assortment of goods located in it;
  • receiving and unpacking goods;
  • sticker of price tags and protective magnets;
  • sale at the checkout with a receipt and a warranty card;
  • registration of returns in compliance with all consumer rights;
  • preparation of the trading floor for seasonal sales and current promotions;
  • conducting an inventory.

Sales consultants go through a lot of trainings, where they are taught sales skills, communication with customers and other nuances of work.

What are the job responsibilities of a salesperson?

A., Cheboksary - hh: 2 weeks ago Seller of auto parts from 30,000 rubles. up to 39,500 rubles, Full-time, from 1 to 3 years, Commercial, In-store Responsibilities: implementation of the sales plan for retail and corporate clients advising customers, processing purchases, working at the checkout receiving and executing orders, working with… Full description, Pskov - hh : 7 hours ago Seller of auto parts from 30,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rubles, Full, from 1 to 3 years, In the store Responsibilities: - Tracking the assortment of goods in the store. - Sale of spare parts, motor oils, auto chemicals. - Customer service. hh: 7 hours ago up to 40,000 rubles, Full, from 1 to 3 years, The store requires a salesman for Karl Marx Responsibilities: - 1) Sale of auto parts to the store for domestic cars and foreign cars.

Responsibilities of the seller


General provisions. The seller is an employee of the store, reports directly to the director of the store and the merchandiser, is accountable and controlled by them. In his activities, he is guided by: this job description, trade rules, oral and written orders and instructions from the store administration. The seller must know and comply with the internal labor regulations, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, industrial sanitation and hygiene standards.

2. Purpose. The purpose of the seller's work is to ensure the maximum volume of sales by creating optimal conditions for buyers to select and pay for goods. 3. Interaction with services. In his work, the seller must interact and resolve current issues with other sellers, with the merchandiser and the director.

My favorite cartoon is "Once upon a time there was a dog"! Remember, there the wolf in the voice of Dzhigarkhanyan asks in surprise: “What? Again?" I often repeat this phrase when I see a familiar buyer on the doorstep: yeah, his dipped beam “ended” again ... All that remains is to ask: “What? Again?".

H7 lamps are some kind of mass rubbish that has settled on “tricks”, “Mazda-treshkas”, “Lacetti” and in many other places. They live from a week to a month - at most three ... Moreover, it doesn’t matter that “Mayak”, that “Osram” with “Philips”: both of them die. Colleagues on the counter have the same problems in their own cars - we don't understand what's wrong. Whether the volume of the flask they have is small, or something else - I do not know. With H4, nothing like this is observed, although they are also massive. And the seller has only one way out: to advise everyone to buy some "Mayak"! I know that junk and that they are shining in the wrong direction: I read ZR all the time and advise others! But what if you still have to change after a couple of weeks? In addition, speaking between us, the buyer does not understand all these light distributions, sorry, to the light bulb - he does not understand this.

The modern buyer generally understands little, and does not strive for this. There are, of course, "experienced" with the Soviet school, who are used to reaching everything with their own mind - these always know what they want. But there are very few of them: basically, there are boys in headphones or guests of the capital from the southern regions. The last one is a lot of fun...

Brother! Give "Lika" cheap! Half synth!

I translate: they need Lukoil semi-synthetic motor oil. Why this is so, no one knows. You start to find out: what kind of car, what mileage, what did you fill in before? But it’s better not to touch the terminology: tricks like SM, SAE and 10W40 bounce off like a wall without any effect. They look at you and think that you are inflating the price ... At the same time, every second one is already scared: yesterday at the service he was told that it was time to change the piston. Even if the car is under warranty. Well, everyone needs to live ...

Semi-synthetic engine oil "Lukoil Super" 5W-40

Semi-synthetic engine oil "Lukoil Super" 5W-40

Those who have at least some thought beating in their eyes, I persuade them to read ZR: they say, everything has been explained there in the examinations for a long time. No, they don't believe. Even our purchasing manager grins and says that all the places in these articles have been paid for a long time: whoever gave the most is the first. Say, he is a pro in this and knows for sure. All kickbacks go through him - we trade with those with whom he successfully negotiates deliveries. Like on television, in general - a brothel.

Batteries? This is a good product: you can earn a little money on it. You take off the old one, put on the new one - someone will give you a beer, and someone will give you 500 re! True, I was here with colleagues in a store on Sushchevka, so the guys there got drunk: they won’t climb under your hood for less than 800 re. They live well: that's what proximity to the center means. And our shop is on the outskirts ... But by the look of the car I already know exactly what is under its hood. Recently I participated in the “Battle of Psychics” on TV: according to the plot, they hid me in the trunk of one of the cars, and these swindlers were looking for me. So I then arranged my show for them - I named all the cars without looking at the brands of batteries! They were very surprised...

What are good batteries? I love “Medalist”, and also Japanese ones - “Fu-sleeves”, “Panasonic” ... I even keep such second-hand batteries in the gas holder - I offer them to friends on the cheap. As for the buyer, he, as a rule, does not know either the capacitance, or the polarity, or the shape of the terminals, but only looks at the price tag. Therefore, batteries from Serbia - Black Horse and the like - fly fast: they are the cheapest. But they also die faster than others. It is a pity that they stopped delivering MUTLU and TOPLA to us - the batteries were good. As for the Tyumen ones, we never had them in the store at all ...

Battery replacement requirements are a separate story. Usually we send the client to the guarantee office, for a conclusion. If the battery is very young - less than two weeks, then, in fact, you need to change it without looking, but we first look at the person. If a man, even if not cool, but just normal, then we change, of course. But more often it happens quite differently:

Listen, brother, remember!

Another visitor from the south. Yesterday I bought a battery, and today it’s already changing ... This is their fun now: if the battery is dead, then they run and buy a new one. And then the unfortunate one comes all out of himself and says: “Blockhead, listen!” We try to play these by hook or by crook. To be honest, we do not service the batteries lying on the shelves. Yes, I read that it seems like it should be, but somehow it doesn’t work ... It happens that you find some kind of dusty somewhere in the corner - it even becomes a pity. But we honestly test every battery we sell with a load plug! - Nat, me ne antifryz - tasol come on, yes!

Funny? Or sad? No, understand correctly: I like my work! This is my sixth year here and I feel really helpful. And, sorry for the impudence, educated: thanks again to "ZR", which I persist in reading. However, the level of degradation of everything and everyone is obvious. There are light bulbs that die in two weeks, and buyers grabbing indiscriminately what is cheaper, and the general feeling that we again drove somewhere “in the wrong place”. And the tongue spins again: What? Again?

For starters, some statistics. In 2013, more than 6.65 million car batteries, 35 million and 294 million liters of automotive fluids needed to be replaced in Russia. In 2014, it was planned to sell about 950 million spare parts on the secondary market for the amount of more than 24 billion US dollars. Last year, there were 6.5% more passenger cars in the country (+2.4 million), and this increase was provided mainly by cars of foreign brands (2.2 million). In 2015, sales began to decline, but a million and a half cars will increase - and they also need to be serviced.

When the car is under warranty, changing oils and other consumables is a headache for the dealer. Motorists only need to monitor the price and quality of service. If the car is experienced, the search for spare parts and other things falls entirely on your shoulders. And the prices are galloping. Good imported motor oil has risen in price by 18-20%, as well as many other things that retail chains buy abroad. But even the owners of our brands are used to spoiling their equipment with imports - not only oils and antifreeze, but also brake pads, candles, light bulbs.

Have buyers remained true to their addictions or switched to domestic consumables and spare parts? Or maybe even headed for austerity?


"Maxim Prikhodko, sales assistant" - says my badge, pinned to the branded clothing of a sales floor employee. The store manager, Ivan Georgievich, meticulously looked at me before sending me to work with his trading sharks.

They really are sharks. In a good way. Every day, keep in mind more than 30 thousand positions of goods, remember about discount promotions. To know the device of the car thoroughly, so that after a couple of leading questions to understand what the client wants - in general, to do everything so that he does not leave empty-handed. That's business.

Most consultants have a higher automotive education, mainly MADI. In addition, two young ladies, Anna and Vera, work on my shift. Manicure is an exceptionally distracting maneuver: ladies can easily assemble and disassemble the motor with their own hands.

Usually, before entering the trading floor, employees go through the entire labor chain - from working in a warehouse to issuing goods for control. But, contrary to expectations, I was immediately sent to the front line.


I hoped that at first I would stand on the sidelines, look around, try to remember in which trading floor what was grouped. Figushki! My first customer was a pension-looking uncle who immediately stunned me:

Son, I need a rear axle shank oil seal for my Izhak!

Let's go and see ... - I mumbled uncertainly, painfully thinking in which hall I recently passed by a showcase with various oil seals. I never thought that Izh Orbita is still of value in the capital itself!

Over the years, the Orbita was equipped with two types of bridges - own and Zhiguli. You can distinguish one from the other by a characteristic feature: in the native bridge, the cardan shank is located clearly in the center, and in the Zhiguli it is shifted to the left relative to the bridge cup. It's good that such a machine was in the editorial office for quite a long time - I found an oil seal for my uncle! But then he made a mistake - he asked why he was so attached to this car. My first buyer, leaning me for a good third of an hour against a pyramid with winter tires, enthusiastically outlined the combat path of his Orbit from the moment it was bought in the distant and beautiful 2001 until yesterday, when the oil seal treacherously leaked. Nikolai Afanasich, you are my dear man, know that you will forever go down in the history of ZR - as the most devoted fan-exploiter of the Izhevsk hatchback. At each editorial get-together, I undertake to raise a separate glass for your health with the "Izhak".

Further, the customers went like clockwork, as if they were grouped somewhere on the street by five or seven people and sent to the store in an organized manner. From which I conclude: people did not go to spare parts stores less. Guys, exactly.

At first, young men in rapper baseball caps appeared who were looking for serious “music” for their “gangsta five”. Most of all, they were struck by the cost of the new VAZ engine assembly - 54 thousand rubles. “Yes, our car is not worth the whole drain!”

The morning continued to acquaint me with lovers of beauty: one man asked for a long time and caustically about the chemical composition of the polishing paste - “you know, like this, with a turtle, but not in a 200-gram jar, but smaller.” Following him, two boys were picking up keys to replace the front brake pads on a Peugeot 308. I confess, to a young lady who was seriously figuring out why “this thick fire extinguisher costs like the one that is thinner,” I managed to write out the most expensive foam pump: it has a two-kilogram filling - if anything, it will cope with the fire.


I got along with the team and in moments of a rare calm I already solidly maintain a conversation with Ilya, a salesman in the department of spare parts for foreign cars. He feels good: his clients clearly know what they want. All you need is a VIN - and the buyer will be happy. The principle of trading in spare parts for foreign cars is the same as in most similar offices: small things are available, the rest is on order.

People prefer to buy goods in the store for several items at once. “He bought candles with filters for Saab from me, but he also needs oil, and some caps instead of crumbled ones.” So our photographer Alexander Batyru decided to combine business with pleasure - he purchased an air filter for his Toyota Sienna minivan.

As for the crisis and the sorrows that accompany it, Ilya does not observe a particular decline in business. For original spare parts in such stores and no one ran before. The majority of foreign car owners still order imported non-originals, especially head optics. They choose from three or four manufacturers of the same filters, but they don’t fall to the cheap - there is a price limit below which the owner of an imported model will not fall.

I return to the hall with spare parts for the products of the domestic auto industry. And then a surprise awaits me.

An intelligent-looking guy in glasses, a little over twenty, holds in his hands a piece of crumpled packaging cardboard with an imprint of some kind of speck.

Here, can you help me choose fasteners for facing the radiator of the VAZ "classics"?

There was nothing to freeze. I tried with my finger through the cardboard in order to understand the inner diameter, - the boy hastily rumbled.

The satirist Mikhail Zadornov should draw his inspiration from car dealerships - this is where the storehouse of types and stories is, for each of which you will have to get more air into your lungs, so that later you can laugh merrily with everyone.

An experienced salesperson simply has to be a good psychologist and humorist all rolled into one. Let's say I had a buyer that day who asked me for a long time and persistently to sell him a karzhachka. Not immediately, but I realized: this is a brush for metal! They say that one character shyly asked the young lady consultant:

Are there nipples?

I have a chest, and what you need is called a rubber tire valve.

And I ordered bolts with growers for the boy so that he would not lose these bolts. Suddenly next time there will be no cardboard at hand?


I'm already a shot sparrow. Although no, I'm lying. Just a little - I run either to Vera or to Anya for help. On the other hand, I stopped being afraid of the inscription "consultant" on my back - and I advise with might and main.

I just sold a set of Kama Euro tires to a visitor from Mordovia, who assured me that they had this rubber more expensive. I implemented a couple of sets of mirrors for the "nine", a clutch basket for it and a cargo basket for the Priora. Then there was a series of requests to sell bulbs exclusively of the H4 standard. According to the paint palette-fan, I picked up the paint for the VAZ‑2114: the fender and a bit of the back door were bits. To another man, a great lover of the old Niva, he wrote out a couple of cylinders with varnish - he started something with tuning there. We talked with another friend about batteries - thanks for the science to our Mikhail Kolodochkin, it seems that I didn’t tell anything extra about them.

There is a trade! So, our brother-motorist is not inclined to save? Yes and no. During my shift, only three visitors, having thoroughly found out all the ins and outs about the goods they needed, did not purchase anything in the end. They obviously monitored prices in order to buy the same thing, but in another place - cheaper. And all the others more often went “strictly according to the list”, like exemplary husbands in a supermarket. Don't get distracted by the unnecessary. On the other hand, what kind of savings can we talk about if a skiff came to the valve stem seals? They still need to be changed - the only question is quality and price.

A short Caucasian man enters the trading floor. Anya and I meet him, but the buyer, a man, of course, goes for advice to a man - that is, to me. Anya winks and gleefully vanishes for lunch.

Uh, butter, huh? - semi-interrogatively, semi-assertively, the buyer invites me to a dialogue and lifts his head high to inspect the entire range of showcases with automotive oils.

Uh, LUKOIL for me, for topping up. Semi-synthetic, "ten-ve-forty".

The buyer once again affectionately inspects the entire shop window. Meanwhile, I write out a liter bottle, but then the client intervenes:

A liter is not enough! Come on five, top me up!

This volume is needed for a complete oil change ...

No, just right for a good topping!


Ivan Georgievich once again enters the trading floor. Praises for the service and sums up: the daily plan is almost completed - and yet we still have a wave of customers who will come into the store after work.

By the way, the cut of consumer preferences by groups of goods is interesting. Before the weekend, they take more actively something large and weighty: brake discs and pads, body parts, gearbox repair kits, glass, anything from paintwork. Everything is clear: free days will be devoted to the car. But small things go well during the week - light bulbs, filters, candles that require urgent replacement. They do not buy in reserve, but as a problem arises.

Many began to choose spare parts strictly by price, but they did not stop caring about the car! For our man, a car is still something deeply adored and sacred. And if you save on something, then rather on yourself than on your swallow.

By the way, can you imagine a German, a Portuguese or a Swede calling his car a swallow? And we - please!

The main goal of any commercial activity is to make a profit. To be profitable, customers must buy something from you. And the more successful sales you make, the more you earn.

Everyone understands this.
But what a surprise! It turns out that most salespeople in auto parts stores don't even know basic sales techniques. Moreover, many business owners do not pay due attention to this issue.

What is the result? There is an ongoing business, there are reliable suppliers, serious money has been invested in its own warehouse, but the store is far from being as efficient as the owner would like. Why? One of the most important reasons is that you don't know how to sell.

In fairness, it should be noted that in some stores things are going well due to the great industriousness and outstanding personal qualities of the owner and sellers. However, you will agree that even in this case you will not refuse to increase your sales?

So, it is an indisputable fact that Mastering sales skills is a big plus for any salesperson.

Therefore, we invite you to learn about how you could earn more by simply learning the basic principles of building communication with a client.

Let's start with the basics that any salesperson should master.
Specialists identify and formalize several sales techniques.

What is a Selling Technique?
This is a certain sequence of actions, the precise implementation of which leads to the expected result, in our case, to the sale.

There is a so-called "Classic Scheme" consisting of five stages.

The first stage - Establishing contact
Second - Identification of needs
The third stage - Product presentation
Fourth - Overcoming objections
And the fifth - Completion of the transaction

At first glance, everything is clear. If you conduct the sales process according to this scheme, the likelihood of a transaction is significantly increased.
Many sales managers, having seen this scheme, will now say to themselves: “I already do all this ... first I say hello, then I find out that the client wanted to buy, I offer the product, sometimes I make a discount, and I get money.”
That's right... but it only works if a loyal customer came for a specific product to buy it from you at a price that he had previously determined for himself as acceptable.

What's the catch?

Having worked according to this scheme:
- The seller only sold one specific item.
- The seller has not made an attempt to sell the item at a higher margin.
- The sales process was driven by the buyer, not the seller.
- If something went wrong, the sale would not take place at all.
- Most buyers you will not see the second time.

In our opinion, these disadvantages are already enough to seriously reconsider your view of working with a client.
In real life, many salespeople who have even heard of this sales technique do not put it into practice, or use it incorrectly. Unfortunately, most sellers have flaws at every stage. Even worse, when some stage seems to the seller optional and it is simply skipped. Why is this happening? And many do not know how!

For example, fifteen years ago, in order to sell something, it was enough just to have a product - the buyer was not spoiled. The level of market development did not give the buyer the opportunity to choose among hundreds of offers. The situation on the market has changed a long time ago, but this image of a person behind the counter, who simply serves goods from the shelf, still lives in the minds of many sellers. And they continue to work on the same principle today.

I recently spoke to a failed entrepreneur who said that even with a markup of only 4 percent, he was unable to attract customers.

4% !? Why even go into this business with a markup of 4%?

If you want to sell more and more expensive, you will have to figure out the sales stages.

It is worth noting that currently specialists in sales methods are subjecting the Classical scheme to some revision and refinement. This is due to the fact that as the market develops, so do the behavior patterns of buyers. But, nevertheless, the scheme continues to be relevant, and in order to better understand other schemes in the future, you should first deal with the classics. You need to understand the features and importance of each stage and not just understand, but train and start applying.

When we come to the store, we want to buy high-quality, but relatively inexpensive goods. People will not overpay for a part because it is from some famous brand. However, we will not buy products from an unknown manufacturer or a product that we are not sure of the quality. Therefore, we want to know the answers to the questions: what do we give our money for and why, for example, in Stavropol, auto parts have one price, and in another city completely different. After we receive answers to our questions, we can be satisfied with our purchase. This article is dedicated to all the main types of auto parts and, of course, how to choose them correctly.

To begin with, let's define all types of auto parts available in our markets, which are divided by the type of manufacturer and seller into four types, regardless of which vehicles these auto parts are for, for foreign cars or domestic cars.

Auto parts from the car factory and original.

We know that factories assemble cars from ready-made parts. Such parts are produced by special companies with which an agreement or contract for the supply of this car plant was concluded. The supplier usually produces more parts than the customer needs. Why are they doing this? And in order to sell the rest through dealer car services. Such spare parts are often called conveyor.

Original spare parts must bear the brand of the manufacturer and are immediately delivered to car services and shops. Such parts are of high quality and reliability, as they undergo strict control before being sent to store shelves. There are usually no problems with such auto parts. The only tricky part is removing a certain SKU over time and replacing it with a new one. This is mainly reflected in the price.

There are also spare parts from suppliers of the car factory, this makes their quality, as well as originality, no worse. In this case, instead of the brand of the factory that manufactured the part, there will be the brand of the supplier factory. Such parts also immediately appear in car dealerships and services. Spare parts from third-party manufacturers are only a copy of the original spare parts, and not always accurate. Such spare parts are produced by factories that do not enter into agreements and contracts with automobile factories.

Before delivery to car dealerships and services, spare parts must be certified.

There are also parts from the seller company. In this case, a contract is concluded with the manufacturer for the supply of auto parts, after which the company can sell spare parts under its own name and logo.

However, the question of choosing auto parts from the above list still remains. Of course, there are a lot of opinions on this subject and they are all, of course, different: some believe that it is necessary to buy only original spare parts, others say that in this case you pay more for the brand, and not for quality, so it’s better to buy a part from firm-seller - it is cheaper. Each opinion is true to some extent, but after all, how many people, so many opinions. It is up to you to decide which part to opt for.

We are glad that our company can help you.



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