Meditation "six healing sounds". Healing Liver Sound: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

It is used for colds, feelings of sadness and sadness.

Technique: deep breath. Raise your arms in front of you with your palms facing you. At eye level, turn your palms outward while continuing to raise your arms. At the end of the movement, the palms seem to make a push up, the elbows are rounded, the fingers are pointed at each other, the teeth are closed, but not tightly, and the lips are slightly parted. Exhale slowly through your teeth with a long “sssssss” sound. Feel how with this sound the lungs are filled with energy and freed from all evil. Full exhale. As you lower your arms, hold them at the level of your lungs and imagine that they are filled with bright white light.

"CHUUUUUUUUUU" - The sound of the kidneys

It is used for fear, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears, back pain.

Technique: deep breath. Bring your legs together. Bend over and clasp your knees with your hands, connecting your fingers into the lock, and arch your back. At the same time, raise your head so that your gaze is directed forward, and tighten the muscles of your arms. Feel the stretch in your back. Round your lips as if you were blowing out a candle, and exhale slowly with the sound of “whoa.” Pull your stomach in at the same time. When you have completely finished exhaling, spread your legs and place your palms on your lower back. Imagine that the kidneys are saturated with blue light, all the unpleasant sensations go away, if any.


It is used for feelings of anger and irritation.

Technique: deep breath. Spread your arms out to the sides, palms up. Slowly raise your hands to the top of your head, following their movement with your eyes. Now interlace your fingers and turn your palms towards the ceiling, as if pushing out the air. Lean slightly to the left. Open your eyes wider and slowly exhale the sound “shhhhhh”. Feel how the energy you receive cleanses the liver. When you finish exhaling, bring your hands to the area of ​​the liver. Imagine that green light comes from them.

"ХХХААААУУ" - The sound of the heart

It is used for heart disease, sore throat, herpes, nervousness.

Technique: deep breath. Take the same position as in the previous exercise. You just need to lean slightly to the right. Open your mouth, as if you are about to yawn, and slowly exhale the sound “hhhhhhhhhhh”. When you finish exhaling, bring both hands to your heart, sending it red light, love and joy.

"ХХХУУУУУУ" - The sound of the stomach and spleen

It is used for digestive disorders, nausea.

Technique: deep breath. Place the middle fingers on the left under the sternum. Look up and lightly press with your fingers while exhaling and making the sound "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Feel your vocal folds vibrate. The stomach and spleen begin to work better. Now bring your hands to these organs and imagine that they are filled with yellow light.

"XXXIIIIIIIII" - The sound of a triple heater

It is used for insomnia, internal stress.

A triple heater is a conditional organ consisting of a hot part (brain, heart, lungs), a warm part (liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas, spleen) and a cold part (large and small intestines, bladder, genitals).

Technique: deep breath. Lean back in your chair, bring your hands to your face. Exhausting, barely audibly pronounce the sound “xhhiiiiiiiiiii” until the chest is slightly drawn, then the area of ​​the solar plexus and, finally, the lower abdomen. The hands at this time slowly move down along the body, as if directing energy from the top of the head to the feet. When you finish exhaling, focus your attention on the digestive tract.

You can devote more time to a particular organ if you feel any problems in it or the emotions associated with it. If you don't have time to do the whole practice, practice only the Lung Sound and the Kidney Sound.

Preparing to perform the Six Healing Sounds

  1. To reap the maximum benefit, perform the correct posture and accurately pronounce the sound of each organ.
  2. While exhaling, you need to look up at the ceiling, tilting your head back. This forms a direct passage from the mouth through the esophagus to the internal organs, which facilitates the exchange of energy.
  3. Sounds are uttered without a voice, that is, lips, teeth and tongue produce a sound, but you hear it only inside; thus amplifying the effect of sound. All Six sounds should be pronounced slowly and smoothly.
  4. Do all the exercises in the suggested order. This order contributes to the uniform distribution of heat in the body. It corresponds to the natural arrangement of the seasons, from autumn to Indian summer.
  5. Start performing the Six Healing Sounds no earlier than one hour after eating. However, if you have flatulence, nausea, or stomach cramps, you can perform the Sound of the Spleen immediately after eating.
  6. Choose a quiet place and turn off your phone. Until you develop the ability to focus internally, you need to eliminate all distractions.
  7. Dress warmly to keep warm. Clothing should be loose, loosen the belt. Take off your glasses and watch.

The world around us would not be so beautiful if it were silent. From birth, our life is filled with many sounds. And every inhabitant of the Earth knows this not by hearsay. The aggressive noise of big cities is tiring and annoying. One of the ways to escape from this aggression is to go on vacation outside the city. where the magical sound of nature - the singing of birds, the murmur of the stream, the splashing of the waves, the rustle of leaves - will give us peace of mind, peace and tranquility. And physical activity, games, running, performing various exercises to these beneficial sounds are especially beneficial for our health.

With the development of technological progress, the population of our planet is increasingly suffering from the negative impact of the sound environment. In the advanced countries of the world, medical scientists are studying the nature of sounds and noises and its impact on human health. As a result of these studies, it was found that sounds can both destroy health and cure many diseases, both irritate and soothe, both relax and activate a person. And then in medicine there was such a direction as sound therapy.
At present, it has already been proven that a particular note has an effect on a certain human organ and contributes to its healing. So, for example, the note fa helps to eliminate toxins from the body. If you love to sing, sing well, because the sound of your own voice is soothing. You also strain your lungs, taking in more air, which means that your blood is better saturated with oxygen and this helps to get rid of drowsiness and fatigue.
The primary source of modern sound therapy are the works of Taoist masters. It was they, the Tibetan monks, plunging into their inner world during meditations, who were the first to comprehend this great secret. In Tibetan medicine, sound treatment is widely used. In addition to natural sounds, they use the so-called Tibetan "singing" bowls that make unique sounds. The bowl is placed on the body of the patient, with a light blow of pine or rosewood sticks, sounds are extracted from them, causing certain vibrations in the internal organs, thereby providing a therapeutic effect.
Many thousands of years ago, Taoists in the course of healing practices proved that a person is able to prevent the development of a disease, and if he falls ill, he can heal himself if, performing special exercises, he utters certain sounds. There are six such sounds. It is these six sounds that affect the acupuncture meridians and energy channels.
Masters of Taoist practices claim that the internal organs of a person not only have their own color, but also contribute to the emergence of certain emotions in him. Healthy organs produce positive emotions, while sick organs produce negative ones. Qigong complex "Six Healing Sounds" due to the improvement of internal organs, it provides the replacement of negative emotions with positive ones.
The internal organs of a person are surrounded by fascia. If a person is in a painful or stressful state, the fasciae contract and, as it were, stick to the organ. As a result, the temperature inside the organ rises, and prolonged overheating leads to impaired functioning and the accumulation of toxins. Healing sounds release excess heat, thereby healing the organ. But in order for the sounds to become truly healing, they must be pronounced according to certain rules.

Rules for performing six healing sounds.

  1. Take the correct posture and pronounce exactly the sound that affects a particular organ.
  2. All sounds are pronounced only on exhalation, because sounds pronounced on exhalation relax the diaphragm. You need to tilt your head back and look at the ceiling, because in this position a direct passage is formed for the exchange of energy through the mouth to the internal organs.
  3. Lips, teeth, tongue are involved in the production of sound, but they are pronounced without a voice. The sound should be heard only inside, because this enhances its effect. You have to pronounce slowly and protractedly.
  4. It is necessary to perform the exercises in a certain order, which contributes to an even distribution of heat in the body and corresponds to the natural arrangement of the seasons from autumn to Indian summer.
  5. It is necessary to perform a complex of healing sounds no earlier than an hour after eating. But if there are problems with digestion (flatulence, nausea, heaviness in the stomach), you need to perform the sound of the spleen immediately after eating.
  6. Perform the complex in a quiet place. To develop the ability of internal focus, eliminate all distractions (phone, TV).
  7. Clothing should be loose and appropriate for the ambient temperature. Remove belt, watch, glasses.
  8. Do not take a cold shower immediately after vigorous exercise - this is too much shock for your organs.

To enhance the impact of sounds, Taoist masters developed a special set of exercises “Qigong of Healing Sounds”.

A set of exercises "Six Healing Sounds of Qigong".

Qigong of the sound of the lungs.

Taoists discovered that due to overheating of the lungs, a person develops sadness and depression. Healing sound for the lungs: TSSSSSSS…. It sounds like the lazy hiss of a snake. By releasing heat from the lungs, this sound allows you to get rid of negative emotions. And they are replaced by positive emotions: courage and courage.

  1. Feel your lungs.
  2. Inhale deeply and raise your hands in front of you, following their movement with your eyes. When your hands are at eye level, begin to rotate your palms and raise your arms high above your head, turning your palms up. The elbows are half bent. You should feel a stretch from your wrists down your forearms to your elbows and down to your shoulders. This will open your lungs and chest, making it easier to breathe.
  3. Close your mouth so that your teeth gently close together and part your lips slightly. Pull the corners of your mouth back and exhale, releasing air through the gap between your teeth, and you will get the sound "SSSSS ...", which must be pronounced without a voice, slowly and smoothly in one breath.
  4. At the same time, imagine and feel how the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs) is completely compressed, squeezing out excess heat, sick energy, sadness, sadness and longing.
  5. After a complete exhalation (performed without tension), turn your palms down, close your eyes and fill your lungs with air to strengthen them. If you are sensitive to color, you can imagine pure white light and a quality of nobility filling your lungs. Gently relax your shoulders and slowly lower your hands to your hips, palms up. Feel the exchange of energy in the hands and palms.
  6. Close your eyes, breathe calmly, smile at the lungs, feel them and imagine that you are still pronouncing their sound. Pay attention to all the sensations that arise. Try to feel how fresh cool energy displaces hot and harmful energy.
  7. After breathing has returned to normal, perform this exercise 3 to 6 times. For colds, flu, toothache, smoking, asthma, emphysema, depression, or when you want to increase the mobility of the chest and the elasticity of the inner surface of the hands, or to cleanse the lungs of toxins, you can repeat the sound 9, 12, 18, 24 or 36 times .

The lung sound can help you stop being nervous if you're in front of a large audience. To do this, silently and without hand movements, perform it several times. This will help you calm down. If the sound of the lungs is not enough, you can perform a heart sound and an inner smile.
Video on lung sound technique

Qigong of the sound of the kidneys.

When too much heat accumulates in the kidneys, a person develops fear. Sound helps to neutralize this negative emotion. CHOOOO. Neutralization of fear will lead to the manifestation of positive emotions: kindness and wisdom.

  1. Feel the kidneys.
  2. Bring your legs together, ankles and knees touching. Leaning forward, inhale deeply and clasp your hands; grab your knees with your hands and pull them towards you. As you straighten your arms, feel the stretch in your back in the region of your kidneys; look up and tilt your head back without tension.
  3. Round your lips and almost silently utter the sound that comes from blowing out a candle. At the same time, pull the middle part of the abdomen - between the sternum and the navel - towards the spine. Imagine how excess heat, wet sick energy and fear are squeezed out of the shell around the kidneys.
  4. After a full exhalation, sit up straight and slowly inhale into the kidneys, imagining the bright blue energy and the quality of meekness entering the kidneys. Spread your legs hip-length and place your hands on your hips, palms up.
  5. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Smile at the kidneys, imagining that you are still pronouncing their sound. Pay attention to your feelings. Feel the exchange of energies in the area around the kidneys, in the hands, head and legs.
  6. After the breath has calmed down, repeat the healing sound 3 to 6 times. For back pain, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears, or to cleanse the kidneys of toxic substances, repeat 9 to 36 times.

Qigong of the sound of the liver.

The negative emotion that represents the liver is anger. Healing Sound of the Liver: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh… By releasing excess heat from the liver, this sound helps to transform anger into a positive emotion - kindness.

  1. Feel the liver and feel the connection between the eyes and the liver.
  2. Lower your hands with your palms out. Inhale deeply as you slowly raise your arms out to the sides above your head. At the same time tilt your head back and look at your hands.
  3. Interlace your fingers and turn your palms up. Push up your wrists and feel the stretch in your arm muscles from your hands to your shoulders. Lean slightly to the left, creating a gentle stretch in the area of ​​the liver.
  4. Exhale with the sound ‛ SHSHSHSHSH…", the vocal cords are almost not involved in this. And again imagine and feel how the shell in which the liver is enclosed shrinks and gets rid of excess heat and anger.
  5. After a full exhalation, open the fingers and, pushing the lower parts of the palms to the sides, take a slow breath into the liver; imagine how it is filled with a bright green light of kindness.
  6. Close your eyes, breathe normally, smile at the liver, imagining that you are still making its sound. Follow your feelings. Feel the exchange of energies.
  7. Perform 3 to 6 times. If you feel angry, have red or watery eyes, or have a sour or bitter taste in your mouth, repeat the exercise 9 to 36 times.

Taoist masters said about anger control: "If you have made the sound of the liver 30 times and you are still angry with someone, you have the right to beat that person."

Qigong of the sound of the heart.

With overheating of the heart, Taoist masters associate such negative emotions as hatred, cruelty, arrogance, fanaticism, which are associated with almost all diseases of the modern world. A hardened heart leads to a hardened consciousness. And only the healing sound of the heart - HAOOOO- gives a person a means to release the heat accumulated in the heart. The heart, freed from excessive heat, absorbs new positive emotions: joy, love, respect, desire to create.

  1. Feel the heart and feel the connection between it and the tongue.
  2. Inhale deeply while assuming the same position as for the liver sound, but this time lean slightly to the right.
  3. Open your mouth, round your lips and exhale with the sound ‛ HOWUUUU…", without a voice, imagining how the pericardium gets rid of excess heat, impatience, irritability and haste.
  4. Rest is performed in the same way as when performing the sound of the liver, with the only difference that attention should be focused on the heart and imagine how it is filled with bright red light and the qualities of joy, honor, sincerity and creativity.
  5. Do three to six times. For a sore throat, colds, swollen gums or tongue, heart disease, pain in the heart, nervousness, repeat 9 to 36 times.

Qigong of the sound of the spleen.

The spleen is closely related to the pancreas, so the healing sound of the spleen is HUUUUU- applies to both organs. As a result of overheating of the spleen, a person develops negative emotions - anxiety, anxiety, a sense of self-pity. Freed from excessive heat, the spleen and pancreas give a person openness, a sense of justice. The sound of the spleen resembles the cry of an owl.

  1. Feel the spleen; feel the connection between the spleen and the mouth.
  2. Inhale deeply, placing your hands on your upper abdomen so that your index fingers lie on the area below and slightly to the left of the sternum. At the same time, press down on this area with your index fingers and push your middle back forward.
  3. Exhale with the sound ‛ HUUUUUU…", pronouncing it without a voice, but in such a way that it is felt on the vocal cords. Exhale excess heat, moisture and dampness, anxiety, pity and regret.
  4. Breathe into the spleen, pancreas, and stomach, or imagine a bright yellow light, along with the qualities of honesty, compassion, focus, and musicality entering them.
  5. Slowly lower your hands to your hips, palms up.
  6. Close your eyes, breathe normally and imagine that you are still making the sound of the spleen. Follow the sensations and the exchange of energy.
  7. Repeat 3, 6, 9 to 36 times for indigestion, nausea, and diarrhea, and if you want to detoxify your spleen. Performed in combination with other healing sounds, this sound is more effective and healthier than any medicine. This is the only one of the six sounds that can be made immediately after eating.

Triple heater sound qigong.

There is no concept of "triple warmer" in Western medicine. Taoists, by this concept, mean three areas of the body. Upper: brain, heart and lungs. Middle: kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas and stomach. Lower: large and small intestines, genitals, bladder.
The healing sound of the triple heater - XIIIIII- is an excellent stress reliever, and also regulates the temperature of these three areas. Performing this sound before going to bed will promote deep, restful and relaxed sleep.
Imagine how hot energy descends from the head to the lower abdomen, and cold energy rises through the digestive system to balance the temperature in all three areas.

  1. Lie on your back. If you feel pain in the lower back, place a pillow under your knees.
  2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, expanding your belly and chest without tension.
  3. Exhale with the sound ‛ HIIIIIII…", pronouncing it without a voice, imagining and feeling as if someone is squeezing the air out of you with a huge roller, starting from the neck and ending in the lower abdomen. Imagine that your chest and stomach have become as thin as a sheet of paper, and feel lightness, radiance and emptiness inside.Relax with normal breathing.
  4. Repeat 3 to 6 times or more if you don't feel sleepy at all. The Triple Warmer Sound can also be used to relax without falling asleep by lying on your side or sitting in a chair.

The Qigong complex of six healing sounds can be performed at any time, but it will be most effective before going to bed, because such a performance will relieve the stress of the day, calm the nervous system and give deep refreshing sleep.
It is also good to perform these exercises after physical activity: running, fitness, aerobics, etc.
Daily practice will avoid dangerous overheating of the internal organs. Smile to your internal organs and rest after each exercise for as long as you feel necessary.

Comprehensive video 6 healing sounds.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Akishina

Around this age, most people begin to pay close attention to their health. This becomes especially obvious when you watch the life of show business stars. Until the age of 35 - 40 they live as they want! Many of them use alcohol and even drugs, but from this age everything changes dramatically. Yoga, Pilates, meditation, breathing practices... They are ready to do anything to prolong their life and youth.

And what are you willing to do for the sake of youth and good spirits?

Plastic surgery is expensive and unnatural. There are ways to be more productive. One of them is Chinese breathing exercises. We will talk about it today in more detail.

Wise men of the East

The East is a delicate matter ... More precisely, the East is a special place. This part of the Earth is inhabited by people whose mentality is very different from that of the Western man. The sages of Japan and China have been passing on wisdom and knowledge about working with their own physical incarnation and spirit for 7000 years from generation to generation.

Chinese sages are sure that the whole world is an immense ocean of energies intertwined with each other. And that everything around consists of such interlacings: seas, oceans, grass, earth, trees, animals, birds and, of course, man himself. They call the energy inside the human body Qi or Chi, and it is with it that practices such as qigong and jianfei are taught to work.

These systems are at the heart of the secrets of Chinese centenarians. They are designed to teach a person to awaken this energy within himself, learn to manage it, accumulate it and live in harmony with himself and the surrounding reality.

And you, too, can join the ancient knowledge and gain health, youth and longevity, no matter what state you are in right now!

What is it for?

Our modern life is in full swing and proceeds at very high speeds! Not always the nervous system can withstand this pace. And where the nerves suffer, the whole body suffers. Breathing practices of the East filled with the wisdom of the ancestors will help you:

  • Restore balance in the body and mind, clear the mind of all kinds of worries and debris. Therefore, strengthen your nervous system, gain peace and vitality.
  • Improve metabolism and tissue gas exchange, which also contributes to the acquisition of relief and harmony.
  • Improve immunity.
  • Remove fatigue and get a surge of strength and vigor.
  • Stimulate the work of absolutely all organs and systems.

By exercising your breathing, you will generally bring the body into a more vigorous state and prepare it for physical exertion. Few people know, but it’s not worth it to immediately start playing hard sports for weight loss or in order to improve health. This can, on the contrary, harm unprepared muscles and organs. Breathing complexes just exist so that when you embark on the path of a healthy lifestyle, you are prepared for stress and have already accumulated energy.

Qi energy and the technique that wakes it up

Qigong literally translates as working with Qi energy. The technique itself is based on knowledge about human energy and its energy centers, such as:

The practice itself takes its origins from Taoist culture and has at its center a complex of harmonious combination of physical movements with correct inhalations and exhalations. Exactly right!

Most people do not suspect that their breathing has long ceased to be deep. For us, this is such a natural process that we simply do not pay attention to, not suspecting that breathing deeply, using not only the lungs, but also using the diaphragm - this is what we need for longevity.

There are three types of breathing in the Qigong system. “Breath of fire” - it is used in fast dynamic complexes. How to do it is explained in detail in this video.

Deep and measured inhalation-exhalation is used in exercises to cleanse the mind and relax. Well, the most common type is deep breathing with the help of the diaphragm. It needs to be mastered by everyone. It's very simple: for this, during inhalation, your stomach should inflate like a balloon and deflate during exhalation.

Repeat the complex itself after the leader in this video. So just 15 minutes a day will bring you much closer to your cherished goal - brilliant health!

For those who want to lose weight

Many people want to lose weight, but few people realize that harmony is not only about proper nutrition and physical training. To a greater extent, this is the correct operation of all internal organs and metabolic processes. After all, if fat accumulates in problem areas, it means that your metabolism has been disturbed. The sages of the East have their own decision on this too.

Look at the Chinese, Japanese and Asians - they are all very slim!

Of course, this is also due to their diet, which is mainly rice and seafood, but also with the use of ancient Taoist knowledge, which eventually took shape in the jianfei technique.

Can't wait to start losing weight with jianfei?!

Here's a video. Get started and enjoy the fast results!

healing sounds

For those who want to take a course of express rejuvenation in China, they came up with a system - six wellness sounds. According to it, special body movements are performed, in which six special sounds must be pronounced, each of which has its own special meaning.

1. "He" - the sound responsible for the proper functioning of the heart and small intestine. They will be used in order to come to a clear calm state of consciousness and mind.

2. "Xu" - the sound with which the liver and gallbladder are cleansed. The Chinese are convinced that a person's anger accumulates in the liver. With the help of a healing sound, you kind of squeeze out all the anger from the liver, regaining balance and deep healthy sleep.

3. "Chui" - a sound that frees the bladder and kidneys from all unpleasant stagnant processes. According to the wise Asians, the kidney channel in the human body is responsible for happiness. So the better your kidneys work, the happier you are!

4. "Hu" - helps to eliminate toxins from the spleen and stomach.

5. “Sy” is the correct work of the lungs.

6. "Si" - cleans the channels from the diaphragm to the throat, from the navel to the diaphragm and below the navel.

To better understand what's what, watch this video.

I hope the article turned out to be useful for you and will really help many of you to increase your vitality and become a little more harmonious!

Six Healing Sounds: A Healing Technique by Taoist Master Mantak Chia

Several thousand years ago, Taoist masters in the course of meditation discovered six sounds that help maintain the optimal condition of the internal organs, preventing or curing diseases. They found that a healthy organ generates a vibration of a certain frequency. Together with the Six Healing Sounds, Healing Sound Qigong was developed in six postures, which activates the acupuncture meridians and energy channels of the organs.

1. To reap the maximum benefit, perform the correct posture and accurately pronounce the sound of each organ.

2. While exhaling, you need to look up at the ceiling, tilting your head back. This forms a direct passage from the mouth through the esophagus to the internal organs, which facilitates the exchange of energy.

4. Perform all exercises in the suggested order. This order contributes to the uniform distribution of heat in the body. It corresponds to the natural arrangement of the seasons, from autumn to Indian summer.

5. Start performing the Six Healing Sounds no earlier than one hour after eating. However, if you have flatulence, nausea, or stomach cramps, you can perform the Spleen Sound immediately after eating.

6. Choose a quiet place and turn off your phone. Until you develop the ability to focus internally, you need to eliminate all distractions.

7. Dress warmly to keep warm. Clothing should be loose, loosen the belt. Take off your glasses and watch.

The First Healing Sound - The Sound of the Lungs

In the theory of the Five Elements, the Lungs control the Metal. Metal can have both positive and negative effects on our body and state of mind. Overheated lungs have a negative effect on Metal. And this, in turn, affects other organs. However, the Taoists discovered that negative elements and forces also create and control negative emotions. The negative emotions that come from overheating the lungs are sadness and depression.

Healing Sound for the Lungs: SSSSSSS…

Sounds like the lazy hiss of a snake. Sound is produced only on exhalation. Healing Sound for the Lungs begins the process of releasing negative emotions through the release of heat from the lungs. It itself has a positive effect on the body.

1. Feel your lungs.

2. Inhale deeply and raise your hands in front of you, following their movement with your eyes. When your hands are at eye level, begin to rotate your palms and raise your arms high above your head, turning your palms up. The elbows are bent at the same time. You should feel the tension coming from the wrists along the forearms, elbows and up to the shoulders. This will open your lungs and chest, making it easier to breathe.

3. Close your mouth so that your teeth gently close together and part your lips slightly. Pull the corners of your mouth back and exhale, releasing air through the gap between your teeth, and you will get the sound “SSSS…”, which must be pronounced without a voice, slowly and smoothly in one breath.

4. At the same time, imagine and feel how the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs) is completely compressed, squeezing out excess heat, sick energy, sadness, sadness and longing.

5. After a complete exhalation (performed without tension), turn your palms down, close your eyes and fill your lungs with air to strengthen them. If you are sensitive to color, you can imagine pure white light and a quality of nobility filling your lungs. Gently relax your shoulders and slowly lower your hands to your hips, palms up. Feel the exchange of energy in the hands and palms.

6. Close your eyes, breathe normally, smile lightly, feel them and imagine that you are still saying their Sound. Pay attention to all the sensations that arise. Try to feel how fresh cool energy displaces hot and harmful energy.

7. After breathing has returned to normal, perform this exercise 3 to 6 times.

For colds, flu, toothache, smoking, asthma, emphysema, depression, or when you want to increase the mobility of the chest and the elasticity of the inner surface of the hands, or to cleanse the lungs of toxins, you can repeat the sound 9, 12, 18, 24 or 36 times. The lung sound can help you stop being nervous if you're in front of a large audience. To do this, silently and without moving your hands, perform it several times. This will help you calm down. If the Sound of the Lungs is not enough, you can perform the Sound of the Heart and the Inner Smile.

In the theory of the Five Elements, the kidneys control the Water Element. Water is pure yin energy. It is cold energy compared to its opposite, the Fire Element, pure yang, hot energy. Thus, the kidneys control the cold Water Element in our body.

If there is too much heat in our kidneys, it goes without saying that they cannot work efficiently to regulate the Water Element and cool the body. Healing Sounds release heat from the organs through the fascia. When you release heat from the kidneys, they begin to work better and become healthier.

Each of the Five Elements is associated with certain negative emotions. The negative emotion associated with the kidneys is fear. Fear is a very powerful emotion. Like the Water Element itself, it is identified with cold.

Healing Kidney Sound: HOOOOO…

Healing Kidney Sound will release excess cold from the kidneys and neutralize fear. Neutralization of negative emotions allows positive emotions to manifest. The positive emotions of the Kidney Water Element are kindness and wisdom that conquer fear. Whenever you feel scared, say the Kidney Healing Sound. You will be surprised at how well it dispels fear.

2. Bring your legs together, ankles and knees touching. Leaning forward, inhale deeply and clasp your hands; grab the knees with the lock of the hands and pull them towards you. Having straightened your arms, feel the tension of the back in the region of the kidneys; look up and tilt your head back without tension.

3. Round your lips and say almost silently the sound that you get when you blow out a candle. At the same time, pull the middle part of the abdomen - between the sternum and the navel - towards the spine. Imagine how excess heat, wet sick energy and fear are squeezed out of the shell around the kidneys.

4. After exhaling completely, sit up straight and slowly inhale into the kidneys, imagining the bright blue energy and the quality of meekness entering the kidneys. Spread your legs hip-length and place your hands on your hips, palms up.

5.Close your eyes and breathe normally. Smile at the kidneys, imagining that you are still making their Sound. Pay attention to your feelings. Feel the exchange of energies in the area around the kidneys, in the hands, head and legs.

6. After the breath has calmed down, repeat the Healing Sound 3 to 6 times.

For back pain, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears, or to cleanse the kidneys of toxic substances, repeat 9 to 36 times.

Third Healing Sound - Liver Sound

For the Taoists, the liver is the manifestation and storage of the Wood Element in the body. The Wood element has the quality of generation and is symbolized by the tree growing out of the earth. The Wood element is also stored in the gallbladder, which is attached to the underside of the liver and is the repository of bile produced by the liver. Wood energy is warm and moist. It interacts with the energy of Metal, the energy of the lungs, cold and dry, to regulate the temperature of the body, protecting it from the extreme effects of cold and heat.

The negative emotion associated with the liver is anger. Excessive anger leads to overheating and hardening of the liver. Some people feel it as a big hard piece of wood down below the chest.

Healing Liver Sound: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

Healing Sound of the Liver helps release excess heat from the liver. The release of this heat reduces and dissolves anger. Anger is a very unhealthy emotion that often leads to explosive or even self-destructive behavior. It creates chasms that separate people. Too much heat in the liver causes anger. So now by making the healing Liver Sound you will begin the process of turning the negative emotion of anger into the positive emotion of the liver - kindness.

1. Feel the liver and feel the connection between the eyes and the liver.

2. Lower your hands with your palms out. Inhale deeply as you slowly raise your arms out to the sides above your head. At the same time tilt your head back and look at your hands.

3. Interlace your fingers and turn your palms up. Push up your wrists and feel the stretch in your arm muscles from your hands to your shoulders. Lean slightly to the left, creating a gentle stretch in the area of ​​the liver.

5. After a complete exhalation, open the fingers and, pushing the lower parts of the palms to the sides, take a slow breath into the liver; imagine how it is filled with a bright green light of kindness.

6. Close your eyes, breathe normally, smile at the liver, imagining that you are still pronouncing its Sound. Follow your feelings. Feel the exchange of energies.

7. Perform 3 to b times.

If you feel angry, have red or watery eyes, or have a sour or bitter taste in your mouth, repeat the exercise 9 to 36 times. The Taoist masters said about anger control: "If you have done the Sound of the Liver 30 times and you are still angry with someone, you have the right to beat that person."

The Fourth Healing Sound - The Sound of the Heart

Healing sounds help to cool our organs and thereby restore their natural positive energy. The Sound of the Heart gives us the opportunity to “let off steam”, free our heart from the destructive heat. The Sound of the Heart is a precious gift preserved by the Taoist sages to regulate our heart.

The heart is the seat of the Fire Element. The negative emotions associated with it are impatience, hatred, cruelty, arrogance, a thirst for violence and fanaticism. Almost all the diseases of this world are somehow connected with this list. All these negative, destructive emotions originate and fester in our hearts. The heat is rising. Our heart hardens. Our consciousness also hardens.

Positive emotions of the heart are joy, love, desire to learn, respectfulness, honesty, frankness, enthusiasm, radiance and light. Some of them reflect traditional Chinese values ​​- especially respect. The Taoists say: when you have respect, your heart is open. Taoists also say that the heart pushes the spirit to study. This spirit delights in joy and mirth, which help to provide the zeal necessary for real teaching, such teaching that comes from the heart.

Healing Heart Sound: HOOOOOOO…

The Healing Heart Sound gives us the means to release heat through the fascia known as the pericardium, which surrounds and regulates the temperature of the heart. Heart Healing Sound Qigong is almost identical to Liver Sound Healing Qigong. The only difference is that you are leaning to the right (rather than the left) while pressing upwards with your intertwined fingers.

1. Feel the heart and feel the connection between it and the tongue.

2. Inhale deeply while assuming the same position as for the Liver Sound, but this time lean slightly to the right.

3. Open your mouth, round your lips and exhale with the sound “HAUUUUU…”, without a voice, imagining how the pericardium gets rid of excess heat, impatience, irritability and haste.

4. Rest is performed in the same way as when performing the Sound of the Liver, with the only difference that attention should be focused on the heart and imagine how it is filled with bright red light and the qualities of joy, honor, sincerity and creativity.

5. Perform three to six times.

For a sore throat, colds, swollen gums or tongue, heart disease, pain in the heart, nervousness, repeat 9 to 36 times.

The Fifth Healing Sound - The Sound of the Spleen

The spleen is perhaps the least studied of the five main Taoist internal organs. Taoists believe that the spleen produces antibodies that protect us from certain diseases. In the West, where the spleen and its functions are still considered somewhat mysterious, this function has not been widely recognized. Unlike the other four major organs, the loss of the spleen does not necessarily cause serious damage to the body. The spleen removes worn-out red and white blood cells, breaks down hemoglobin and serves as a reservoir of iron in our body. At the fetal stage and immediately after birth, the spleen produces all types of blood cells, but by the ninth month of life, bone marrow takes over most of these functions, and the spleen produces white blood cells, known as lymphocytes.

The spleen is located on the left side of the body, in the upper part of the abdominal cavity. It is a soft oval organ. The spleen is in direct contact with the pancreas, which runs in the middle of the body, in a line from the liver to the spleen. The pancreas is vital to the existence of our body. It produces insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. In the absence of sufficient insulin, blood sugar rises to toxic levels, which is exactly what happens in diabetes. Excess insulin leads to a condition known as hypoglycemia, which can also lead to death if not controlled.

The element of the spleen is Earth. The negative emotions of the spleen are anxiety and self-pity. Its positive emotions or qualities are openness and fairness to oneself and to others.

Healing Sound of the Spleen: HOOOOOOO…

Taoists realized the close relationship between the spleen and pancreas. Very often these organs are mentioned together: “spleen / pancreas”. The Healing Sound of the Spleen spreads to both organs. The sound itself is: HUUUUU. Sounds like the cry of an owl.

1. Feel the spleen; feel the connection between the spleen and the mouth.

2. Inhale deeply, placing your hands on your upper abdomen so that your index fingers lie on the area below and slightly to the left of the sternum. At the same time, press down on this area with your index fingers and push your middle back forward.

3. Exhale with the sound “HUUUUUU…”, pronouncing it without a voice, but so that it is felt on the vocal cords. Exhale excess heat, moisture and dampness, worry, pity and regret. Breathe into the spleen, pancreas, and stomach, or imagine a bright yellow light, along with the qualities of honesty, compassion, focus, and musicality entering them.

5. Slowly lower your hands to your hips, palms up.

6. Close your eyes, breathe normally and imagine that you are still making the Spleen Sound. Follow the sensations and the exchange of energy.

7. Repeat 3 to 6 times.

Repeat 9 to 36 times for indigestion, nausea, and diarrhea, and if you want to detoxify your spleen. When combined with the rest of the Healing Sounds, this sound is more effective and healthier than any medication. This is the only one of the Six Sounds that can be done immediately after eating.

Sixth Healing Sound - Triple Warmer Sound

The Triple Warmer is not an organ in the Western sense of the word. It refers more to what the Taoists saw as three areas of the body: upper, middle, and lower. The upper region is considered hot, the middle region is warm, and the lower region is cold. The upper region consists of the brain, heart and lungs. The middle region includes the kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, and stomach. The lower region includes the entire lower abdomen, the large and small intestines, the genitals, and the bladder.

Triple Warmer Healing Sound: HEEEE…

The sound of the Triple Heater is a great stress reliever. Taken before bedtime, it will give you a good, deep, and relaxed night's sleep. The Triple Warmer has no emotion, element, or color associated with it. The sound itself is: HIIIIIII. The sound of the Triple Warmer is used to regulate the temperature in these three areas of the body. You should feel or imagine the energy descending from your head down into your lower abdomen the moment you say the Healing Sound. Hot energy descends to the lower region and cold energy rises through the digestive system to balance the temperature in all three regions.

Triple Warmer Healing Sound Qigong

1. Lie on your back. If you feel pain in the lower back, place a pillow under your knees.

2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, expanding your stomach and chest without tension.

3. Exhale with the sound “HIIIIIII…”, pronouncing it without a voice, imagining and feeling as if someone is squeezing the air out of you with a huge roller, starting from the neck and smoky in the lower abdomen. Imagine that your chest and stomach have become swampy, like a sheet of paper, and feel lightness, radiance and emptiness inside. Relax with normal breathing.

4.Repeat 3 to 6 times or more if you don't feel sleepy at all.

The Triple Warm Sound can also be used to relax without falling asleep by lying on your side or sitting in a chair.

Try to do the Six Healing Sounds daily. Any time of the day will do. It is especially effective to perform them before going to bed, because they provide a deep, refreshing sleep. Having mastered the technique of exercises, you will do the entire cycle in just minutes.

Release excess heat after strenuous exercise Perform the Six Healing Sounds immediately after any strenuous exercise such as aerobics, walking, martial arts, or after any yoga or meditation practice that generates large amounts of heat in the Upper Burner (brain and heart). So you can prevent dangerous overheating of the internal organs. Do not take a cold shower immediately after vigorous exercise - this is too much shock for your organs.

Sequence of the Six Healing Sounds

Always play them in this order: Lung Sound (Autumn), Kidney Sound (Winter), Liver Sound (Spring), Heart Sound (Summer), Spleen Sound (Indian Summer), and Triple Warmer Sound. If you are troubled by any particular organ or symptoms associated with it, simply increase the amount of each Sound without repeating the cycle of all Six Sounds.

The organ works harder and therefore produces more heat at the time of the year when it dominates. Therefore, during this period, by doing the exercise intended for him, increase the number of repetitions of his Sound. For example, in the spring, say the Sound of the Liver 6 to 9 times, and all the rest - 3 to 6 times.

Manteca Chia Practice: 6 Healing Sounds

According to Chinese medicine, the cause of malfunction of the organs in our body is various stresses that create tension and begin to block the free flow of energy in the body, overheating the internal organs.

They shrink and harden, which weakens their activity and ability to function, and ultimately leads to disease.

Each organ is surrounded by a sac or membrane that provides temperature regulation. Ideally, the membrane releases excess heat through the skin, where it is replaced by the cool energy of nature's life force. Overloading with physical or emotional stresses causes the membrane or fascia to adhere to the organ and thus cannot properly release excess heat into the skin and absorb cool energy from it.

Practicing the 6 Healing Sounds helps restore, cleanse and balance the vital organs.

By assuming a certain posture and mentally pronouncing sounds, we allow their vibrations to redistribute excess heat to cooler areas of our body, where it can be stored or used for its intended purpose.

By regularly practicing the 6 Healing Sounds, you will restore and maintain calmness and good health. Digestion will improve and sexuality will increase. Minor ailments such as colds, runny noses and sore throats can be easily cured or prevented.

Starting posture for exercise

Sit on the edge of a chair and place your hands on your hips, palms up. It is good if you have the opportunity to practice outdoors, but you can do it anywhere, preferably in a quiet environment.

Practice 6 healing sounds

one . The sound of the lungs: from sadness to courage

2. The sound of the kidneys: from fear to softness

Associated Organ: Bladder

Virtues: Gentleness, calmness, vigilance

Body Parts: Sides of legs, inside of leg, chest

Associated Senses: Hearing (ears), bones

Sound: Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (like blowing out a candle: lips form an "O")

1. Sit with a straight back, your hands resting on your kidneys, your eyes closed. Smile into your kidneys. Be aware of the quality of the energy in the kidneys. Imagine a blue light, a sun shining over the ocean.

2. Take a deep breath, open your eyes and bring your legs together so that your ankles and knees touch each other. Lean forward and wrap your arms around your knees. Pull your arms straight out from your back, bending your torso forward. This will allow your back to arch in the kidney area. At the same time, tilt your head so that you look straight ahead, maintaining the tension of your arms from your lower back. Feel the stretch in your spine. Round your lips. Exhale lightly with the sound "Choooo" as if you are trying to blow out a candle.

At the same time, tighten your stomach, pulling it towards the kidneys. In the beginning, you can say the Kidney Sound loudly, but as time goes by, you better practice it mentally.

Feel that the sound begins to move Qi in the kidneys, and that any excess heat and toxins are released from the kidneys, and the sacs surrounding them are compressed.

3. When you have completely exhaled, sit upright, spread your legs, raise your hands to the top of your head and draw blue light. Send this light from the crown through the body to the kidneys. Lower your arms and keep your palms on your kidneys. Radiate blue light, tenderness and calm into the kidneys.

4. Return your hands to your knees. Relax, close your eyes and be aware of your kidneys. Listen to your kidneys. Smile at them and imagine that you are still making the Kidney Sound. Feel how the vibration of the sound moves and clears the energy in the kidneys.

Breathe normally and watch your kidneys glow with cool blue light. This will strengthen your kidneys and activate tenderness and calmness in them. With each breath, try to feel how the bright blue energy of the water is replacing excess heat, toxins and fear energy.

5. Nurture the good vibes. This is the most important part of this practice. Let it take as long as necessary to get in contact with the kidneys. When you get rid of the excess heat and let the cool blue light of the water fill your kidneys, there will be enough room for good emotions to grow. As you transform any fear, focus on feelings of tenderness, calmness, and alertness. Feel how tenderness relaxes your lower back. Try to extend the feeling of this energy for as long as possible after each practice and in your daily life.

6. Repeat these steps three to six times. You can repeat this exercise even more times to relieve back pain, ringing in the ears, dizziness, fatigue, fear.

3. The sound of the liver: from anger to kindness

The sound of the liver is the sound of the wood, activating the qi of the liver.

Associated Organs: Gall Bladder

Virtue: Kindness, generosity.

Body Parts: Inner Leg, Groin, Diaphragm, Ribs

Associated Sense: Glance (eyes), tears

Sound: Shshshshshshsh (tongue near the upper palate)

1. Sit comfortably with your back straight, your hands resting on your liver, your eyes closed. Smile into your liver until you feel connected to it. Be aware of the quality of the energy in the liver. Imagine a forest, a big green forest. Watch the sun shine over the forest, creating life force and green light.

2. Take a deep breath, open your eyes and open your arms to the sides, palms up. Slowly raise your hands to the top of your head, following this movement with your eyes. Interlace your fingers and turn your hands towards the ceiling, palms up. Push your arms up from the very base, stretching them from the very shoulders. The elbows move towards the back.

Lean slightly to the left to produce a gentle stretch over the liver. Open your eyes wider as they are the beginning of the liver. Slowly exhale the sound “Shhhhhh”, loudly at first, and over time, say it mentally.

Feel the sound begin to move the qi in the liver and that any excess heat and toxins are released from the liver and the sac surrounding it is compressed.

3. When you have completely exhaled, sit upright, spread your arms and scoop up green light. Direct this light from the crown through the body to the liver. Slowly lower your hands, palms out, scoop more green light and hold both hands in front of the liver. Radiate green light, the energy of the forest, and kindness into your liver.

4. Return your hands to your knees. Relax, close your eyes and be aware of your liver. Smile and look into your liver. Imagine that you are still making the Liver Sound. Feel how the vibration of the sound moves and clears the energy in the liver.

Breathe normally and watch your liver glow with a green rejuvenating light. This will strengthen your liver and activate kindness in it. With each breath, try to feel how the bright green energy of the tree replaces excess heat, toxins and the energy of anger, aggression and frustration.

5. Nurture the good vibes. This is the most important part of this practice. Let it take as long as it takes to get in contact with the liver. When you get rid of the excess heat and allow the warm, moist green energy of wood to fill your liver, there will be enough room for kindness to grow. As you transform any anger and aggression, focus on the virtue of forgiveness and kindness. Feel warm and energetic. Try to keep this feeling as long as possible after the practice.

6. Repeat these steps three to six times. You can repeat this exercise even more times to drive out anger, clear redness in the eyes, get rid of sour or bitter tastes, and detoxify the liver.

4. Sound of the heart: from impatience to joy

The sound of the heart is the sound of fire, activating the energy of the heart.

Associated Organ: Small Intestine

Emotions: Hot temper, arrogance, cruelty

Virtues: Joy, respect, sincerity

Body Parts: Armpits, inner arm

Associated Sense: Language, speech

Taste: Sweet, neutral

Sound: Howoooooooooooo (mouth wide open)

1. Sit comfortably with your back straight, your hands resting on your heart, your eyes closed. Smile to your heart until you feel connected to it. Be aware of the quality of the energy in your heart. Imagine a sunset over the ocean, red light.

2. Take a deep breath, open your eyes and take the same position as for the Liver Sound. However, unlike the previous exercise, you will lean slightly to the right to produce a gentle stretch in front of your heart, which is to the left of the center of your chest.

Focus on your heart, feel the connection of your tongue with your open mouth, round your lips and slowly exhale the sound "Hauuuuuuu", loudly at the beginning, and mentally over time.

Feel the sound begin to move energy into the heart, and that any excess heat and toxins are released from the heart and the sac around it is compressed.

3. When you have completely exhaled, sit upright, spread your arms and scoop up the red light. Send this light from the top of your head through your body to your heart. Slowly lower your arms, palms out. Scoop up more red light and hold both hands in front of your heart. Radiate red light, love and inner joy into your heart.

4. Return your hands to your knees. Relax, close your eyes and be aware of the heart. Smile to your heart and imagine that you are still making the Heart Sound. Feel the vibration moving and clearing the energy in the heart. Breathe normally and watch the heart glow with red fiery light.

This will strengthen your heart and activate love, inner joy and sincerity in it. With each breath, try to feel the warm red light displacing excess heat, toxins, short temper, arrogance and hatred in your heart.

5. Feed the good vibes. This is the most important part of this practice. Take as much time as necessary to get in touch with your heart.

When you get rid of the excess heat and allow the red energy of fire to fill your heart, there will be enough room for good emotions to grow. Feel the love, joy, reverence and respect radiating from the heart.

Feel how hatred, arrogance or disrespect is transformed in your heart into the loving energy of sincerity, reverence and respect. Try to keep the experience of the Heart Sound as long as possible after the practice.

6. Repeat these steps three to six times. You can repeat this exercise even more times to relieve sore throats, inflammation, swollen gums or tongue, nervousness, and heart disease.

5. Sound of the spleen (stomach): from anxiety to compassion

The sound of the spleen is the sound of the earth, activating the energy of the stomach, pancreas and spleen.

Associated Organs: Pancreas, Stomach

Season: Late Summer

Virtues: Fearlessness, openness

Body Parts: Lips, Mouth

Associated Sense: Taste

Taste: Sweet, neutral

Sound: Huuuuuuuuu (from the throat, guttural)

1. Sit with your back straight, your hands resting on your spleen, your eyes closed. Smile into your stomach and spleen until you feel connected to them. Be aware of the quality of the energy in the stomach and spleen. Imagine a yellow light, a rich golden light of late summer, a steady light.

2. Inhale deeply, open your eyes, move your hands forward and place the three middle fingers of both hands just below the sternum on the left side of the chest.

Look forward and gently press your fingers under your ribcage, pressing your stomach or spleen back toward your lower back. Exhale the sound "Hoooooo", loudly at the beginning, and mentally over time. This sound is deeper than the sound of the kidneys, guttural. Unlike blowing out a candle, this sound no longer comes from the mouth, but from the chest.

Feel the Sound of the Spleen vibrate in your vocal cords. Feel that the sound begins to move energy in the stomach and spleen, and that any excess heat and toxins are released from the stomach and spleen, and the sacs surrounding them are compressed.

3. When you have completely exhaled, sit upright, spread your arms and scoop up the yellow light. Direct this light from the crown through the body to the stomach and spleen. Move your hands to the stomach and/or spleen. Radiate yellow light, fearlessness, openness and stability into the stomach and spleen.

4. Relax, close your eyes and be aware of your stomach and spleen. Smile at them and imagine that you are still making the Spleen Sound. Feel how the vibration of the sound moves and clears the energy in the stomach and spleen.

Breathe normally and watch your stomach and spleen glow with yellow light. This will strengthen these organs and activate openness, fearlessness and stability in them. With each breath, try to feel how the warm yellow light is replacing excess heat, toxins and all the disturbances in these organs.

5. Nurture the good vibes. This is the most important part of this practice. Let it take as long as necessary to get in contact with the stomach and spleen.

When you get rid of the excess heat and allow the yellow energy of the earth to fill your stomach and spleen, there will be enough room for good emotions to grow. Feel how fearlessness, openness, balance and harmony begin to grow in these organs, transforming any anxiety into them. Try to keep the sensation of the Spleen Sound as long as possible after the practice.

6. Repeat these steps three to six times. Practice more to eliminate indigestion, nausea and diarrhea.

6. Triple heater sound: calm the mind

The Triple Burner corresponds to the three energy centers of our body: the upper section (brain, heart and lungs) is hot; the middle section (liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas and spleen) is warm; the lower section (large and small intestines, bladder and sexual organs) is cool.

The sound "Heeeeeee" serves to balance the temperature of the three levels by transferring hot energy to the lower center and cold energy to the upper one. More precisely, the hot energy from the region of the heart is sent to the colder sexual region, and the cold energy from the lower abdomen rises to the region of the heart.

Lie on your back or lean against the back of a chair. Smile, raise your hands up and collect Chi. Bring your hands up to your face. While exhaling the sound "Heeeeeee", allow the arms to slowly move down along the body, transferring energy down from the top of the head to the feet.

Take a full breath into all three cavities: chest, solar plexus and lower abdomen. Then exhale completely. Exhale, mentally pronouncing the sound "Heeeeeee", first aligning the chest, then the solar plexus, and finally the lower abdomen. Imagine a large shaft squeezing out your breath and pushing down the hot energy as your hands move from your head down to the Lower Dan Tien.

Relax and focus. When you have completely exhaled, focus on your inner digestive tract.

Repeat these steps three to six times. Practice longer in case of insomnia and stress.

Note: The triple warmer can be practiced while lying down to promote falling asleep.


You can devote more time to a particular organ if you feel any problems in it or the emotions associated with it. You can also pay more attention during practice to the organ corresponding to the current season. For example, in the spring you can spend more time working with the Sound of the Liver.

Manteca Chia's "Six Healing Sounds"

The practice of the Six Healing Sounds helps restore, balance and cleanse the vital organs by correcting these factors. It also stimulates the flow of Qi through the body, allowing for the enhancement of a person's health and vitality.

The Six Cosmic Healing Sounds help release excess heat that may be trapped in the cooling sacs surrounding each organ.

By assuming a certain posture and mentally pronouncing sounds, we allow their vibrations to redistribute excess heat to cooler areas of our body, where it can be stored or used for its intended purpose. If the energies of the organs are balanced, you have a good basis for creating and nourishing the energies of virtue. This will help to maintain the balance of Qi in the entire system for a long time.

What causes organ failure? There are many such reasons. An urbanized society creates a life full of physical and emotional stresses: overcrowding, pollution, radiation, bad food, chemical additives, anxiety, loneliness, bad position, surprise and overexertion. Individually and collectively, these stresses produce tension and begin to block the free flow of energy in the body, thus overheating the internal organs. In addition, in the stone jungle in which we live, there are not enough safe natural places: trees, open spaces and living water, which give us the power of cooling, cleansing energy. Constant overheating causes the organs to shrink and harden. This weakens their ability to function and leads to illness.

Chinese medicine teaches that each organ is surrounded by a sac or membrane that regulates temperature. Ideally, the membrane releases excess heat through the skin, where it is replaced by the cool energy of nature's life force. Overloading with physical or emotional stresses causes the membrane or fascia to adhere to the organ and thus cannot properly release excess heat into the skin and absorb cool energy from it.

The skin becomes clogged with toxins and the organ overheats. Sounds speed up heat exchange through the digestive system and mouth. The digestive system is over 20 feet long from mouth to anus and runs like a single tube down the middle of the body between all the organs. It helps release excess heat from the fascia, cooling and cleansing the organs and skin. When all the sounds and postures are done in the correct order, the heat throughout the body is distributed evenly by the intestinal tract, and each organ has its correct temperature.

Daily practice of the Six Healing Sounds will restore and maintain calmness and good health. Digestion will improve and sexual pleasure will increase. Minor ailments such as colds, runny noses and sore throats can be easily cured or prevented.

Each of the six organs in this practice has an associated organ that reacts with it in the same way. If the organ is weakened or overheated, then the paired organ is subject to the same. Moreover, by practicing the appropriate healing sound and posture, you heal both the organ itself and the one associated with it.


Typical side effects of these practices are yawning and belching, which are beneficial and indicate the movement of energy.


First Cosmic Healing Sound: Lung Sound

The sound of lungs is the sound of metal. It sounds like the vibration of a bell and activates the qi of the lungs.

Associated Organ: Large Intestine

Virtues: Courage and justice

Associated Senses: Smell (nose) and touch (skin)

Body Parts: Chest, Inner Arm, Thumbs

Sound: Ssssssss (tongue behind teeth)

An exercise:

1. Sit with a straight back, your hands resting on your lungs, your eyes closed. Smile into your lungs. Be aware of the quality of the energy in the lungs. Imagine white light, fresh and pure, like the energy of mountains, and listen to the metallic sound.

2. Inhale deeply, open your eyes and raise your arms, bringing your palms to your lungs. When your hands rise to eye level, begin to turn your palms around until they are above your head pointing up. The fingers of one hand point towards the fingers of the other. Keep your elbows rounded, do not straighten your arms.

Clench your jaws so that your teeth barely touch and part your lips slightly. Slowly exhale the sound “Sssssssss” through your teeth. In the beginning, you can say the sound loudly, but over time, you better practice it mentally.

Feel that the sound begins to move Qi in the lungs and that any excess heat and toxins are released from the lungs and the sacs surrounding the lungs are compressed.

Note: "In your mind" means that you say the sound so quietly that only you can hear it and feel the vibration in your lungs. You must exhale very slowly and completely. The word "sacs" refers to the tissue that surrounds each organ.

3. When you have completely exhaled, turn your palms and gather white light. Direct this light from the top of your head into your lungs. Lower your arms and hold them against your lungs, radiating bright white light and courage into your lungs.

4. Relax, close your eyes and be aware of your lungs. Smile into them and imagine that you are still making the Sound of the Lungs. Feel the vibration moving and clearing energy in your lungs. Breathe normally and watch your lungs glow with bright white light. With each breath, try to feel how the fresh white energy of metal replaces excessive heat, toxins and depressive energy.

5. Nurture the good vibes. This is the most important part of this practice. Let it take as long as necessary to get in touch with the organs. When you get rid of the excess heat and allow the white light of the metal to fill your lungs, there will be enough room for good emotions to grow. When transforming any sadness, focus on a sense of justice and courage. Straighten up so that you feel courage in yourself. Try to extend the feeling of the Sound of the Lungs for as long as possible after each practice and in your daily life.

6. Repeat the Sound of the Lungs three or six times. For sadness, depression, colds, flu, toothache, asthma, or emphysema, you can repeat this exercise 6, 9, 12, or 24 times.

Second Cosmic Healing Sound: Kidney Sound

The sound of the kidneys is the sound of water and activates the qi of the kidneys.

The Six Cosmic Healing Sounds help release excess heat that may be trapped in the cooling sacs surrounding each organ.

By assuming a certain posture and mentally pronouncing sounds, we allow their vibrations to redistribute excess heat to cooler areas of our body, where it can be stored or used for its intended purpose. If the energies of the organs are balanced, you have a good basis for creating and nourishing the energies of virtue. This will help to maintain the balance of Qi in the entire system for a long time.

What causes organ failure? There are many such reasons. An urbanized society creates a life full of physical and emotional stresses: overcrowding, pollution, radiation, bad food, chemical additives, anxiety, loneliness, bad position, surprise and overexertion. Individually and collectively, these stresses produce tension and begin to block the free flow of energy in the body, thus overheating the internal organs. In addition, in the stone jungle in which we live, there are not enough safe natural places: trees, open spaces and living water, which give us the power of cooling, cleansing energy. Constant overheating causes the organs to shrink and harden. This weakens their ability to function and leads to illness. One of the surgeons working at the New York Universal Tao Center made a report that the hearts of people who died of a heart attack look like they have been boiled! And the ancient Taoists said: "Stress welds the brain."

Chinese medicine teaches that each organ is surrounded by a sac or membrane that regulates temperature. Ideally, the membrane releases excess heat through the skin, where it is replaced by the cool energy of nature's life force. Overloading with physical or emotional stresses causes the membrane or fascia to adhere to the organ and thus cannot properly release excess heat into the skin and absorb cool energy from it.

The skin becomes clogged with toxins and the organ overheats. Sounds speed up heat exchange through the digestive system and mouth. The digestive system is more than 20 feet long (1 foot = 30.48 cm), from the mouth to the anus, and runs like a single tube down the middle of the body between all the organs. It helps release excess heat from the fascia, cooling and cleansing the organs and skin. When all the sounds and postures are done in the correct order, the heat throughout the body is distributed evenly by the intestinal tract, and each organ has its correct temperature.

Daily practice of the Six Healing Sounds will restore and maintain calmness and good health. Digestion will improve and sexual pleasure will increase. Minor ailments such as colds, runny noses and sore throats can be easily cured or prevented. Many students of the Universal Tao have overcome their long-term addiction to sleeping pills, tranquilizers, aspirin, and antacids. Heart attack sufferers prevent further attacks. Many psychologists have taught their patients to use the Six Healing Sounds to relieve depression and anger. Body healers use the Six Healing Sounds to help speed up healing. In addition, healers in this case spend less of their personal life force energy.

Each of the six organs in this practice has an associated organ that reacts with it in the same way. If the organ is weakened or overheated, then the paired organ is subject to the same. Moreover, by practicing the appropriate healing sound and posture, you heal both the organ itself and the one associated with it.

Comment: Typical side effects of these practices are yawning and belching, which are beneficial and indicate the movement of energy.


First Cosmic Healing Sound: Lung Sound

Sound lungs it's the sound of metal. It sounds like the vibration of a bell and activates the qi of the lungs.

  • Associated Organ: Large Intestine
  • Element: Metal
  • Season: Autumn
  • White color
  • Emotions: Sadness
  • Virtues: Courage and justice
  • Associated Senses: Smell (nose) and touch (skin)
  • Taste: Spicy
  • Body Parts: Chest, Inner Arm, Thumbs
  • Sound: Ssssssss (tongue behind teeth)

An exercise:

1. Sit with a straight back, your hands resting on your lungs, your eyes closed. Smile into your lungs. Be aware of the quality of the energy in the lungs. Imagine white light, fresh and pure, like the energy of mountains, and listen to the metallic sound.

2. Inhale deeply, open your eyes and raise your arms, bringing your palms to your lungs. When your hands rise to eye level, begin to turn your palms around until they are above your head pointing up. The fingers of one hand point towards the fingers of the other. Keep your elbows rounded, do not straighten your arms.

Clench your jaws so that your teeth barely touch and part your lips slightly. Slowly exhale the sound “Sssssssss” through your teeth. In the beginning, you can say the sound loudly, but over time, you better practice it mentally.

Feel that the sound begins to move Qi in the lungs and that any excess heat and toxins are released from the lungs and the sacs surrounding the lungs are compressed.

Comment:"Mentally" means that you say the sound so quietly that only you can hear it and feel the vibration in your lungs. You must exhale very slowly and completely. The word "sacs" refers to the tissue that surrounds each organ.

3. When you have completely exhaled, turn your palms and gather white light. Direct this light from the top of your head into your lungs. Lower your arms and hold them against your lungs, radiating bright white light and courage into your lungs.

4. Relax, close your eyes and be aware of your lungs. Smile into them and imagine that you are still making the Sound of the Lungs. Feel the vibration moving and clearing energy in your lungs. Breathe normally and watch your lungs glow with bright white light. With each breath, try to feel how the fresh white energy of metal replaces excessive heat, toxins and depressive energy.

5. Nurture the good vibes. This is the most important part of this practice. Let it take as long as necessary to get in touch with the organs. When you get rid of the excess heat and allow the white light of the metal to fill your lungs, there will be enough room for good emotions to grow. When transforming any sadness, focus on a sense of justice and courage. Straighten up so that you feel courage in yourself. Try to extend the feeling of the Sound of the Lungs for as long as possible after each practice and in your daily life.

6. Repeat the Sound of the Lungs three or six times. For sadness, depression, colds, flu, toothache, asthma, or emphysema, you can repeat this exercise 6, 9, 12, or 24 times.

Second Cosmic Healing Sound: Kidney Sound

Sound kidney is the sound of water and activates the qi of the kidneys.

  • Associated Organ: Bladder
  • Element: Water
  • Season: Winter
  • Color: Dark blue
  • Emotion: Fear
  • Virtues: Gentleness, calmness, vigilance
  • Body Parts: Sides of legs, inside of leg, chest
  • Associated Senses: Hearing (ears), bones
  • Taste: salty
  • Sound: Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (like blowing out a candle: lips form an "O")

An exercise:

1. Sit with a straight back, your hands resting on your kidneys, your eyes closed. Smile into your kidneys. Be aware of the quality of the energy in the kidneys. Imagine a blue light, a sun shining over the ocean.

2. Take a deep breath, open your eyes and bring your legs together so that your ankles and knees touch each other. Lean forward and wrap your arms around your knees. Pull your arms straight out from your back, bending your torso forward. This will allow your back to arch in the kidney area. At the same time, tilt your head so that you look straight ahead, maintaining the tension of your arms from your lower back. Feel the stretch in your spine. Round your lips. Exhale lightly with the sound "Choooo" as if you are trying to blow out a candle.

At the same time, tighten your stomach, pulling it towards the kidneys. In the beginning, you can say the Kidney Sound loudly, but as time goes by, you better practice it mentally.

Feel that the sound begins to move Qi in the kidneys, and that any excess heat and toxins are released from the kidneys, and the sacs surrounding them are compressed.

3. When you have completely exhaled, sit upright, spread your legs, raise your hands to the top of your head and draw blue light. Send this light from the crown through the body to the kidneys. Lower your arms and keep your palms on your kidneys. Radiate blue light, tenderness and calm into the kidneys.

4. Return your hands to your knees. Relax, close your eyes and be aware of your kidneys. Listen to your kidneys. Smile at them and imagine that you are still making the Kidney Sound. Feel how the vibration of the sound moves and clears the energy in the kidneys.

Breathe normally and watch your kidneys glow with cool blue light. This will strengthen your kidneys and activate tenderness and calmness in them. With each breath, try to feel how the bright blue energy of the water is replacing excess heat, toxins and fear energy.

5. Nurture the good vibes. This is the most important part of this practice. Let it take as long as necessary to get in contact with the kidneys. When you get rid of the excess heat and let the cool blue light of the water fill your kidneys, there will be enough room for good emotions to grow. As you transform any fear, focus on feelings of tenderness, calmness, and alertness. Feel how tenderness relaxes your lower back. Try to extend the feeling of this energy for as long as possible after each practice and in your daily life.

6. Repeat these steps three to six times. You can repeat this exercise even more times to relieve back pain, ringing in the ears, dizziness, fatigue, fear.

Third Cosmic Healing Sound: Liver Sound

Sound liver it is the sound of the wood that activates the qi of the liver.

  • Associated Organs: Gall Bladder
  • Element: Wood
  • Season: Spring
  • Green color
  • Emotion: Anger
  • Virtue: Kindness, generosity.
  • Body Parts: Inner Leg, Groin, Diaphragm, Ribs
  • Associated Sense: Glance (eyes), tears
  • Taste: Sour
  • Sound: Shshshshshshsh (tongue near the upper palate)

An exercise:

1. Sit comfortably with your back straight, your hands resting on your liver, your eyes closed. Smile into your liver until you feel connected to it. Be aware of the quality of the energy in the liver. Imagine a forest, a big green forest. Watch the sun shine over the forest, creating life force and green light.

2. Take a deep breath, open your eyes and open your arms to the sides, palms up. Slowly raise your hands to the top of your head, following this movement with your eyes. Interlace your fingers and turn your hands towards the ceiling, palms up. Push your arms up from the very base, stretching them from the very shoulders. The elbows move towards the back.

Lean slightly to the left to produce a gentle stretch over the liver. Open your eyes wider as they are the beginning of the liver. Slowly exhale the sound “Shhhhhh”, loudly at first, and over time, say it mentally.

Feel the sound begin to move the qi in the liver and that any excess heat and toxins are released from the liver and the sac surrounding it is compressed.

3. When you have completely exhaled, sit upright, spread your arms and scoop up green light. Direct this light from the crown through the body to the liver. Slowly lower your hands, palms out, scoop more green light and hold both hands in front of the liver. Radiate green light, the energy of the forest, and kindness into your liver.

4. Return your hands to your knees. Relax, close your eyes and be aware of your liver. Smile and look into your liver. Imagine that you are still making the Liver Sound. Feel how the vibration of the sound moves and clears the energy in the liver.

Breathe normally and watch your liver glow with a green rejuvenating light. This will strengthen your liver and activate kindness in it. With each breath, try to feel how the bright green energy of the tree replaces excess heat, toxins and the energy of anger, aggression and frustration.

5. Nurture the good vibes. This is the most important part of this practice. Let it take as long as it takes to get in contact with the liver. When you get rid of the excess heat and allow the warm, moist green energy of wood to fill your liver, there will be enough room for kindness to grow. As you transform any anger and aggression, focus on the virtue of forgiveness and kindness. Feel warm and energetic. Try to keep this feeling as long as possible after the practice.

6. Repeat these steps three to six times. You can repeat this exercise even more times to drive out anger, clear redness in the eyes, get rid of sour or bitter tastes, and detoxify the liver.

Fourth Cosmic Healing Sound: Heart Sound

Sound hearts it is the sound of fire that activates the energy of the heart

  • Associated Organ: Small Intestine
  • Element: Fire
  • Season: Summer
  • Color: Red
  • Emotions: Hot temper, arrogance, cruelty
  • Virtues: Joy, respect, sincerity
  • Body Parts: Armpits, inner arm
  • Associated Sense: Language, speech
  • Taste: Sweet, neutral
  • Sound: Howoooooooooooo (mouth wide open)

An exercise:

1. Sit comfortably with your back straight, your hands resting on your heart, your eyes closed. Smile to your heart until you feel connected to it. Be aware of the quality of the energy in your heart. Imagine a sunset over the ocean, red light.

2. Take a deep breath, open your eyes and take the same position as for the Liver Sound. However, unlike the previous exercise, you will lean slightly to the right to produce a gentle stretch in front of your heart, which is to the left of the center of your chest.

Focus on your heart, feel the connection of your tongue with your open mouth, round your lips and slowly exhale the sound "Hauuuuuuu", loudly at the beginning, and mentally over time.

Feel the sound begin to move energy into the heart, and that any excess heat and toxins are released from the heart and the sac around it is compressed.

3. When you have completely exhaled, sit upright, spread your arms and scoop up the red light. Send this light from the top of your head through your body to your heart. Slowly lower your arms, palms out. Scoop up more red light and hold both hands in front of your heart. Radiate red light, love and inner joy into your heart.

4. Return your hands to your knees. Relax, close your eyes and be aware of the heart. Smile to your heart and imagine that you are still making the Heart Sound. Feel the vibration moving and clearing the energy in the heart. Breathe normally and watch the heart glow with red fiery light.

This will strengthen your heart and activate love, inner joy and sincerity in it. With each breath, try to feel the warm red light displacing excess heat, toxins, short temper, arrogance and hatred in your heart.

5. Feed the good vibes. This is the most important part of this practice. Take as much time as necessary to get in touch with your heart.

When you get rid of the excess heat and allow the red energy of fire to fill your heart, there will be enough room for good emotions to grow. Feel the love, joy, reverence and respect radiating from the heart.

Feel how hatred, arrogance or disrespect is transformed in your heart into the loving energy of sincerity, reverence and respect. Try to keep the experience of the Heart Sound as long as possible after the practice.

6. Repeat these steps three to six times. You can repeat this exercise even more times to relieve sore throats, inflammation, swollen gums or tongue, nervousness, and heart disease.

Fifth Cosmic Healing Sound: Spleen Sound

Sound spleen it is the sound of the earth, activating the energy of the stomach, pancreas and spleen.

  • Associated Organs: Pancreas, Stomach
  • Element: Earth
  • Season: Late Summer
  • Yellow color
  • Emotion: Anxiety
  • Virtues: Fearlessness, openness
  • Body Parts: Lips, Mouth
  • Associated Sense: Taste
  • Taste: Sweet, neutral
  • Sound: Huuuuuuuuu (from the throat, guttural)

An exercise:

1. Sit with your back straight, your hands resting on your spleen, your eyes closed. Smile into your stomach and spleen until you feel connected to them. Be aware of the quality of the energy in the stomach and spleen. Imagine a yellow light, a rich golden light of late summer, a steady light.

2. Inhale deeply, open your eyes, move your hands forward and place the three middle fingers of both hands just below the sternum on the left side of the chest.

Look forward and gently press your fingers under your ribcage, pressing your stomach or spleen back toward your lower back. Exhale the sound "Hoooooo", loudly at the beginning, and mentally over time. This sound is deeper than the sound of the kidneys, guttural. Unlike blowing out a candle, this sound no longer comes from the mouth, but from the chest.

Feel the Sound of the Spleen vibrate in your vocal cords. Feel that the sound begins to move energy in the stomach and spleen, and that any excess heat and toxins are released from the stomach and spleen, and the sacs surrounding them are compressed.

3. When you have completely exhaled, sit upright, spread your arms and scoop up the yellow light. Direct this light from the crown through the body to the stomach and spleen. Move your hands to the stomach and/or spleen. Radiate yellow light, fearlessness, openness and stability into the stomach and spleen.

4. Relax, close your eyes and be aware of your stomach and spleen. Smile at them and imagine that you are still making the Spleen Sound. Feel how the vibration of the sound moves and clears the energy in the stomach and spleen.

Breathe normally and watch your stomach and spleen glow with yellow light. This will strengthen these organs and activate openness, fearlessness and stability in them. With each breath, try to feel how the warm yellow light is replacing excess heat, toxins and all the disturbances in these organs.

5. Nurture the good vibes. This is the most important part of this practice. Let it take as long as necessary to get in contact with the stomach and spleen.

When you get rid of the excess heat and allow the yellow energy of the earth to fill your stomach and spleen, there will be enough room for good emotions to grow. Feel how fearlessness, openness, balance and harmony begin to grow in these organs, transforming any anxiety into them. Try to keep the sensation of the Spleen Sound as long as possible after the practice.

6. Repeat these steps three to six times. Practice more to eliminate indigestion, nausea and diarrhea.

Sixth Cosmic Healing Sound: Triple Burner Sound

The Triple Burner corresponds to the three energy centers of our body: the upper section (brain, heart and lungs) is hot; the middle section (liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas and spleen) is warm; the lower section (large and small intestines, bladder and sexual organs) is cool.

The sound "Heeeeeee" serves to balance the temperature of the three levels by transferring hot energy to the lower center and cold energy to the upper one. More precisely, the hot energy from the region of the heart is sent to the colder sexual region, and the cold energy from the lower abdomen rises to the region of the heart.

An exercise:

  1. Lie on your back or lean against the back of a chair. Smile, raise your hands up and collect Chi. Bring your hands up to your face. While exhaling the sound "Heeeeeee", allow the arms to slowly move down along the body, transferring energy down from the top of the head to the feet.
  2. Take a full breath into all three cavities: chest, solar plexus and lower abdomen. Then exhale completely. Exhale, mentally pronouncing the sound "Heeeeeee", first aligning the chest, then the solar plexus, and finally the lower abdomen. Imagine a large shaft squeezing out your breath and pushing down the hot energy as your hands move from your head down to the Lower Dan Tien.
  3. Relax and focus. When you have completely exhaled, focus on your inner digestive tract.
  4. Repeat these steps three to six times. Practice longer in case of insomnia and stress.

Comment: The triple warmer can be practiced lying down to promote falling asleep.

Daily practice

  1. We recommend that you practice the Six Healing Sounds before going to bed to relax your body, ensure good sleep, and cool overheated organs. You can also make these sounds to enhance any other Taoist exercises while you practice. Do three cycles of each sound to prevent disease and maintain good health. Having learned the exercises, you will need 10-15 minutes for the entire procedure.
  2. Clear all negative emotions and let positive emotions build up in you before you go to bed. You may feel a sense of emptiness as you release your mental activity and connect with the Universal Consciousness. It will also help you avoid bad dreams as your body is recharged by the Universal Force through this connection. If you have any problems, stress is the best time for the Universal Consciousness to help you find the right solution or healing. When you wake up, smile within yourself and look for the answers there.
  3. You can devote more time to a particular organ if you feel any problems in it or the emotions associated with it. You can also pay more attention during practice to the organ corresponding to the current season. For example, in the spring you can spend more time working with the Sound of the Liver.
  4. The order of working with the Six Healing Sounds follows the seasons of the year. Beginning in the fall, practice the Sound of the Lungs, followed by the sounds of the kidneys, liver, heart, and spleen. Finish with the Triple Heater Sound.
  5. If you feel tired or depressed while working, practice the Six Healing Sounds. If you don't have time to do the whole practice, practice only the Lung Sound and the Kidney Sound.

We want to tell you about the ancient Taoist practice of the Six Healing Sounds, which helps a person maintain health and prolong life.

Sound therapy is based on the assertion that all internal organs have a certain frequency of oscillation. With their disease, the frequency becomes different, and there is a discord in the work of the whole organism. However, a healthy, natural rhythm can be restored with the help of certain sounds and movements.

Healing sounds help cool the body's organ system, much like cooling a car engine. They release the internal organs from the overheated energy that they have accumulated in the process of everyday life. Healing sounds cleanse all body tissues, blood and lymph.

All exercises are performed in the same starting position: sitting on the edge of a chair, back straight, palms resting on the hips with the back side, eyes closed.

When starting to perform them, first try to focus on a particular organ, imagine, feel it. Movements are done with open eyes at a slow pace. Each exercise is repeated an average of 3 times with short rest periods in between.

Organ sounds

"C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c" - the sound of the lungs

It is used for colds, feelings of sadness and sadness.

Execution technique

Deep breath. Raise your arms in front of you with your palms facing you. At eye level, turn your palms outward while continuing to raise your arms. At the end of the movement, the palms seem to make a push up, the elbows are rounded, the fingers are pointed at each other, the teeth are closed, but not tightly, and the lips are slightly parted.

Exhale slowly through your teeth with a long "s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s" sound. Feel how with this sound the lungs are filled with energy and freed from all evil. Full exhale. As you lower your arms, hold them at the level of your lungs and imagine that they are filled with bright white light.

"Wh-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u" - the sound of the kidneys

It is used for fear, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears, back pain.

Execution technique

Deep breath. Bring your legs together. Bend over and clasp your knees with your hands, connecting your fingers into the lock, and arch your back. At the same time, raise your head so that your gaze is directed forward, and tighten the muscles of your arms. Feel the stretch in your back. Round your lips as if you were blowing out a candle, and exhale slowly with the sound of "whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo." Pull your stomach in at the same time.

When you have completely finished exhaling, spread your legs and place your palms on your lower back. Imagine that the kidneys are saturated with blue light, all the unpleasant sensations go away, if any.

"Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh" - the sound of the liver

It is used for feelings of anger and irritation.

Execution technique

Deep breath. Spread your arms out to the sides, palms up. Slowly raise your hands to the top of your head, following their movement with your eyes. Now interlace your fingers and turn your palms towards the ceiling, as if pushing out the air. Lean slightly to the left. Open your eyes wider and slowly exhale the sound "shhhhhhhhhhhh."

Feel how the energy you receive cleanses the liver. When you finish exhaling, bring your hands to the area of ​​the liver. Imagine that green light comes from them.

"H-x-ha-a-a-a-a-u-u" - the sound of the heart

It is used for heart disease, sore throat, herpes, nervousness.

Execution technique

Deep breath. Take the same position as in the previous exercise. You just need to lean slightly to the right. Open your mouth, as if you are about to yawn, slowly exhale the sound “x-x-x-a-a-a-a-a-y-y”.

When you finish exhaling, bring both hands to your heart, sending it red light, love and joy.

"H-x-hu-u-u-u-u-u" - the sound of the stomach and spleen

It is used for digestive disorders, nausea.

Execution technique

Deep breath. Place the middle fingers on the left under the sternum. Look up and lightly press down with your fingers while exhaling and making the sound "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Feel your vocal folds vibrate. The stomach and spleen begin to work better.

Now bring your hands to these organs and imagine that they are filled with yellow light.

"H-x-hee-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and" - the sound of a triple heater

It is used for insomnia, internal stress. A triple heater is a conditional organ consisting of a hot part (brain, heart, lungs), a warm part (liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas, spleen) and a cold part (large and small intestines, bladder, genitals).

Execution technique

Deep breath. Lean back in your chair, bring your hands to your face. As you exhale, utter the sound “hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?”? The hands at this time slowly move down along the body, as if directing energy from the top of the head to the feet. When you finish exhaling, focus your attention on the digestive tract.

You can devote more time to a particular organ if you feel any problems in it or the emotions associated with it.

If you don't have time to do the whole practice, practice only the sound of the lungs and the sound of the kidneys.

Be healthy and happy!

The article was prepared on the basis of open sources



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