Test: What type of man suits me. Psychological test What kind of man suits you? What kind of guy suits you

Many girls complain about the lack of great love in their lives, the ideal man who would meet all their requirements. However, it is possible that fate is in no hurry to present you with such a gift, simply because you yourself are not yet ready for the most important relationship in your life. Our free online test "Am I ready for a relationship" will determine how prepared you are for a serious relationship in your life. And even if this time has not yet come - there is no need to rush, just enjoy the free life, communication with friends and pleasant acquaintances. Well, if the question is whether I'm ready for a relationship, the test will show a positive result - it means that your handsome prince will appear in your life very soon!

Let's find out right now!

At the word bitch, we, as a rule, imagine some kind of ideal unattainable image of a self-confident beauty. However, a bitch is primarily a set of certain qualities, which means that a bitch is quite easy to calculate. Perhaps it is in you that bitch is dozing, which, in principle, is very good. Are you a bitch test will help you find out how close you are to the image of a bitch in your daily life. We recommend everyone go!

Each man has a special character, a certain upbringing and temperament. You may like brutal and independent handsome men, but, having married them, you may find yourself completely unhappy just because this type of man does not suit you at all. So we can fully explain the painful question that constantly revolves in the head of those women who are in the process of actively searching for their soulmate: “What kind of man suits me?” It turns out that the answer to this question can be easily obtained using a conventional psychological test.

Psychological test "What type of man suits me?"

1. Which of the ways of dating do you consider the most acceptable for yourself?

a) with the help of a bouquet of flowers presented secretly - 1 point;

b) in a nightclub - 2 points;

c) a long and piercing look, inviting to make an acquaintance - 3 points;

d) an unexpected acquaintance, which, as it turns out later, was planned in advance - 4 points.

2. What kind of courtship and signs of attention do you expect from a man?

a) flowers, declarations of love, constant tender SMS in the phone - 1 point;

b) exciting touches, passionate kisses, strong hugs - 2 points;

c) meetings from work, regular calls, dinners in a restaurant - 3 points;

d) dates on the roofs of houses or abandoned wastelands, joint games of chess or billiards - 4 points.

3. When you are with a man, what do you want most?

a) tell him about a new work that you have just started reading - 1 point;

b) have passionate sex with him - 2 points;

c) to see him at his feet - 3 points;

d) beat him in the next dispute - 4 points.

4. How do you imagine a night of love?

a) obligatory dinner by candlelight - 1 point;

b) violent passion all night long - 2 points;

c) with a champagne bath with rose petals - 3 points;

d) during breaks you can play computer games - 4 points.

5. How would you like a man to behave with you in a circle of friends and acquaintances?

a) to gently hold the hand and not let go - 1 point;

b) to flirt and turn on half a turn with just one look - 2 points;

c) to let everyone know that you are the most beautiful, unique and unique in his life - 3 points;

d) at ease, modestly, with dignity and with all his own would let you know that he wants to leave here with you as soon as possible - 4 points.

6. What is your sign that your relationship is getting serious?

a) he introduced you to his family - 1 point;

b) he already knows what you expect from him in bed - 2 points;

c) he gives exactly what you want - 3 points;

d) finally he confessed his love to you - 4 points.

7. How do you feel about a lipstick print on his collar?

a) it will be stressful for you, you will cry all night, and in the morning you will make a scandal - 1 point;

b) return from work smelling of someone else's male perfume - 2 points;

c) these are the machinations of envious women, you do not doubt him - 3 points;

d) it's his problem, not yours - 4 points.

8. Walking together, you suddenly run into his ex-girlfriend - what reaction do you expect from him?

a) he must lower his eyes, and not even look at her, and squeeze your hand tighter - 1 point;

b) let him impudently and impudently greet her and kiss you in front of her - 2 points;

c) yes, he won’t even notice it, and ideally, he didn’t have anyone before you, he is monogamous, and you are the only love in his life - 3 points;

d) let them talk, they probably have something to talk about after parting - 4 points.

The results of the psychological test "What type of man suits me?"

8-12 points

Only sensitive romantic can make up the happiness of your whole life and understand the depth of your vulnerable nature. And in no case do not despair in your search: modern knights also exist, only they need to be recognized and seen in the men around you. You need someone who will read romantic poems on moonlit nights, will sit with you after midnight and have intimate conversations, and certainly will not forget the day you met. A rude dork and a walking Casanova will only break your heart, so make no mistake!

13-20 points

But your type of man is the same brutal and stylish handsome man Lovelace. Crazy and sexy, he will be able to give you such pleasure, the existence of which you did not even know before. You need a bright, beautiful, eventful life that only this type of man can provide you with. Yes, he will flirt with other women, but this will only spur you on, and your passion will only flare up brighter. But with a boring romantic, you will soon wither away and long-term stress is guaranteed to you.

21-26 points

You gnaw your pencil painfully and ask yourself the same question - “What type of man is right for me?” Calm down, you need conqueror, which for a long time and stubbornly will first achieve you, and then endure all your whims. It will give you reliability and confidence in relationships. Behind this you will feel calm and warm, like behind a stone wall. He will prepare coffee for you in the morning, and fluff up the feather bed in the evening. Only with him you will feel like a real queen.

27-32 points

Look for secret agent- only such a man can make the happiness of such a smart and highly intelligent woman like you. Intrigues, psychological puzzles, intellectual duels and labyrinths - this is what will make your life truly meaningful. You will never get bored with him, and your bright and interesting marriage will be very strong. Most often, such men are laconic, serious and achieve a lot in life, so that he can also provide you with everything material.

The results are calculated, the type of a suitable man is determined, and your internal search engine has probably already considered all the options that somehow fit the description of your type. Well, the question "What kind of man suits me?" has lost its relevance, and a new one pops up: “Which of your friends fits this type?” We wish you a successful search, direct aiming and an accurate hit - right in the heart!

Soon FREE training "Keys to HAPPINESS" 🙂 Don't miss it 🙂 We will send the details to our subscribers 🙂

We wish you happiness 🙂

Each man has a special character, a certain upbringing and temperament. You may like brutal and independent handsome men, but, having married them, you may find yourself completely unhappy just because this type of man does not suit you at all. So we can fully explain the painful question that constantly revolves in the head of those women who are in the process of actively searching for their soulmate: “What kind of man suits me?” It turns out that the answer to this question can be easily obtained using a conventional psychological test.

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Psychological test "What type of man suits me?"

1. Which of the ways of dating do you consider the most acceptable for yourself?

a) with the help of a bouquet of flowers presented secretly - 1 point;

b) in a nightclub - 2 points;

c) a long and piercing look, inviting to make an acquaintance - 3 points;

d) an unexpected acquaintance, which, as it turns out later, was planned in advance - 4 points.

2. What kind of courtship and signs of attention do you expect from a man?

a) flowers, declarations of love, constant tender SMS in the phone - 1 point;

b) exciting touches, passionate kisses, strong hugs - 2 points;

c) meetings from work, regular calls, dinners in a restaurant - 3 points;

d) dates on the roofs of houses or abandoned wastelands, joint games of chess or billiards - 4 points.

3. When you are with a man, what do you want most?

a) tell him about a new work that you have just started reading - 1 point;

b) have passionate sex with him - 2 points;

c) to see him at his feet - 3 points;

d) beat him in the next dispute - 4 points.

4. How do you imagine a night of love?

a) obligatory dinner by candlelight - 1 point;

b) violent passion all night long - 2 points;

c) with a champagne bath with rose petals - 3 points;

d) during breaks you can play computer games - 4 points.

5. How would you like a man to behave with you in a circle of friends and acquaintances?

a) to gently hold the hand and not let go - 1 point;

b) to flirt and turn on half a turn with just one look - 2 points;

c) to let everyone know that you are the most beautiful, unique and unique in his life - 3 points;

d) at ease, modestly, with dignity and with all his own would let you know that he wants to leave here with you as soon as possible - 4 points.

6. What is your sign that your relationship is getting serious?

a) he introduced you to his family - 1 point;

b) he already knows what you expect from him in bed - 2 points;

c) he gives exactly what you want - 3 points;

d) finally he confessed his love to you - 4 points.

7. How do you feel about a lipstick print on his collar?

a) it will be stressful for you, you will cry all night, and in the morning you will make a scandal - 1 point;

b) return from work smelling of someone else's male perfume - 2 points;

c) these are the machinations of envious women, you do not doubt him - 3 points;

d) it's his problem, not yours - 4 points.

8. Walking together, you suddenly run into his ex-girlfriend - what reaction do you expect from him?

a) he must lower his eyes, and not even look at her, and squeeze your hand tighter - 1 point;

b) let him impudently and impudently greet her and kiss you in front of her - 2 points;

c) yes, he won’t even notice it, and ideally, he didn’t have anyone before you, he is monogamous, and you are the only love in his life - 3 points;

d) let them talk, they probably have something to talk about after parting - 4 points.

The results of the psychological test "What type of man suits me?"

8-12 points

Only sensitive romantic can make up the happiness of your whole life and understand the depth of your vulnerable nature. And in no case do not despair in your search: modern knights also exist, only they need to be recognized and seen in the men around you. You need someone who will read romantic poems on moonlit nights, will sit with you after midnight and have intimate conversations, and certainly will not forget the day you met. A rude dork and a walking Casanova will only break your heart, so make no mistake!

13-20 points

But your type of man is the same brutal and stylish handsome man Lovelace. Crazy and sexy, he will be able to give you such pleasure, the existence of which you did not even know before. You need a bright, beautiful, eventful life that only this type of man can provide you with. Yes, he will flirt with other women, but this will only spur you on, and your passion will only flare up brighter. But with a boring romantic, you will soon wither away and long-term stress is guaranteed to you.

21-26 points

You gnaw your pencil painfully and ask yourself the same question - “What type of man is right for me?” Calm down, you need conqueror, which for a long time and stubbornly will first achieve you, and then endure all your whims. It will give you reliability and confidence in relationships. Behind this you will feel calm and warm, like behind a stone wall. He will prepare coffee for you in the morning, and fluff up the feather bed in the evening. Only with him you will feel like a real queen.

27-32 points

Look for secret agent- only such a man can make the happiness of such a smart and highly intelligent woman like you. Intrigues, psychological puzzles, intellectual duels and labyrinths - this is what will make your life truly meaningful. You will never get bored with him, and your bright and interesting marriage will be very strong. Most often, such men are laconic, serious and achieve a lot in life, so that he can also provide you with everything material.

The results are calculated, the type of a suitable man is determined, and your internal search engine has probably already considered all the options that somehow fit the description of your type. Well, the question "What kind of man suits me?" has lost its relevance, and a new one pops up: “Which of your friends fits this type?” We wish you a successful search, direct aiming and an accurate hit - right in the heart!



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