Why constantly tired and lethargic. Feeling constantly tired and sleepy in women

Every morning you make a huge effort to get out of bed, and during the day you constantly feel sleepy? You are not alone in this. Weakness and drowsiness are the most common reasons people seek medical help. Every fifth person periodically feels very weak and sleepy, and for every tenth this feeling is almost constant.

In this article, we will try to figure out what is behind these unpleasant symptoms and how to deal with them.

Determining the state of muscle weakness

Weakness is a certain set of sensations that arise in a variety of situations. It can be based on both stress and the beginning of the development of any disease. As a rule, muscle weakness is accompanied by states of depression, as well as a feeling of boredom and depression. But the completion of some physical action also often causes the described well-being.

It's interesting that muscle weakness is by no means always associated with a feeling of drowsiness. That is, it can be defined as a state of fatigue and lack of energy associated with physical or psychological problems. In this case, a person wants to sit comfortably in a chair, relax, but not sleep.

What is sleepiness

And drowsiness, as everyone probably understands, is an obsessive desire to sleep, and quite often it does not depend on the quality of sleep at night. People in a state of increased drowsiness sometimes fall asleep in the most inappropriate places and situations for this.

A person with this sensation, as a rule, finds it quite difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to focus on anything that requires attention. The reactions of such a patient are inhibited, he becomes awkward and lethargic.

By the way, weakness and drowsiness in this case are paired. After all, everyone understands that a person who wants to sleep all the time, by definition, cannot be physically strong.

These two unpleasant symptoms can occur as a result of certain medications, sleep disorders, psychological problems, or other, often very serious, health problems.

How work and seasons affect the appearance of lethargy and drowsiness

If a person feels weakness, drowsiness during the day, the reasons for this may lie in the peculiarities of the rhythm of his work. Schedule fluctuations, for example, for shift workers, security guards or professionals who have periodic night shifts, often become an impetus for sleep rhythm disturbances, which, in turn, causes a feeling of weakness and lethargy.

Often the cause of drowsiness are seasonal changes. Man, as part of nature, begins to feel the need for longer sleep in the autumn-winter period. But, as a rule, it is not in his habits to listen to such "whims" of the body - and hence the state of constant fatigue, depression and a chronic desire to sleep that haunts us in the cold season.

Weakness, drowsiness: causes

Of course, not only the frantic pace of modern life can play a cruel joke on the state of sleep and wakefulness of a person. Researchers consider feelings of fatigue, weakness and drowsiness to be signs of serious diseases that are ready to begin their destructive action in the human body or already have it. This can be diabetes, thyroid problems, heart disease, head injuries, cancer, etc.

So, a pathological change in the thyroid gland (in medicine it is defined as hypothyroidism), for example, manifests itself not only in a feeling of constant lack of sleep (although such a person sleeps for 8-9 hours), but also in weight gain, as well as in a haunting feeling that he freezes all the time.

How diabetes and other hormonal changes manifest

If a person has a lack of insulin, then the imbalance caused by a violation of the processing of incoming glucose causes weakness, drowsiness, dizziness. Moreover, drowsiness is observed both with an increase and a decrease in glucose levels. In addition, the patient is tormented by constant thirst caused by a feeling of dry mouth, itching of the skin and a decrease in blood pressure. When these symptoms appear, an endocrinologist should be consulted.

By the way, the hormonal imbalance caused by both menopause and pregnancy (in the early stages) also accompanies a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness.

How do heart diseases manifest?

If chronic weakness and drowsiness are combined with swelling of the legs, pale skin, blue fingertips, as well as chest pain after overeating or physical exertion, then it is quite possible that the causes of this are hidden in a disease associated with the state of the cardiovascular system.

Cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease, hypertension and heart failure can manifest themselves in this way.

What other diseases can cause drowsiness and weakness

Drowsiness and dizziness are, among other things, alarming symptoms in the event of a skull injury or concussion. If, after hitting the head of a person, weakness, nausea, drowsiness haunt, then he should definitely consult a doctor for an examination.

With a decrease in blood pressure, the patient also tends to sleep, he is dizzy - this is due to a lack of oxygen entering the brain.

The same effect of lack of oxygen is caused by iron deficiency anemia, since the lack of ferrum disrupts the production of hemoglobin. As a result, the patient feels constant fatigue, his hair falls out and his taste is distorted.

Weakness and drowsiness are symptoms of liver disease

With any of the liver diseases, its detoxification function fails, which causes the body to overflow with toxic substances that have a negative effect on the state of the nervous system and brain.

Obvious symptoms of such a pathology are weakness, drowsiness, dizziness. They are joined, as a rule, by a change in skin color (yellowness), sweat has a pungent odor, and urine becomes dark. The patient loses his appetite, and foci of irritation form on the skin.

A person who has these symptoms should urgently contact a general practitioner or hepatologist (a doctor who specializes in liver diseases) for an examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Diseases that cause drowsiness and weakness

Problems in the work of the intestines are also often the cause of weakness and drowsiness. For example, a disease such as celiac disease (celiac disease) is caused by the inability of the intestines to digest gluten, which is part of cereals. And if the patient prefers to eat pasta, bread, pizza and cookies, then, due to a lack of nutrients, he will be disturbed by bloating, diarrhea, soreness in the joints and loss of strength.

Weakness, fatigue, drowsiness and change in appetite - characteristics development of malignant diseases. In addition, the patient loses weight, his temperature periodically rises. All these symptoms should alert a person and force him to contact an oncologist as soon as possible for the necessary examination.


Every fifth person in the world at least once experienced a depressive state. This misfortune is characterized by the same set of symptoms: headache, drowsiness, weakness and a state of constant fatigue for a long time. A person with depression is in a depressed mood, which does not depend on the circumstances. He loses interest in everything that previously gave pleasure, he has thoughts about his own worthlessness, or even suicidal tendencies can be traced.

Most often, depression is associated with increased stress in our society. Competition, difficult economic conditions, uncertainty about the future - all this is the basis for the development of a pessimistic outlook on life, which gives impetus to the development of depression.

If you notice any of its symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. Depression is treated with medication. As an addition, they resort to the help of psychotherapy, which contributes to the development of skills for self-regulation of the emotional state at the time of the crisis.

So what does the state of drowsiness and weakness mean?

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons that can cause the described symptoms in a person. Not only the listed pathologies, but also chronic inflammatory diseases, sleep apnea, disorders of the immune system can also cause their appearance.

Therefore, to get rid of lethargy and a feeling of constant lack of sleep, an accurate diagnosis is necessary. And this means, first of all, an appeal to a doctor, a thorough examination, and only then - the definition of the disease that causes such a condition.

What to do if you are not sick, but constantly want to sleep?

If you do not have serious deviations in health, then you still have to work hard. Be sure to review your daily routine. Get up and go to bed at the same time. Before going to bed, take small walks that will allow you to relax and ensure sound sleep.

Review your diet, do not overeat at night. Do not forget that you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day, as dehydration also leads to chronic fatigue.

Provide oxygen to the room where you are most of the time.

At least 10 minutes a day, weather permitting, stay in the sun. Think positive, try to find the positive in every situation.

Compliance with these simple rules will help you maintain vigor and efficiency, and you will leave the weakness and drowsiness that poison life. Be healthy and happy!

Sleep disturbance can occur not only due to constant stress. As a result, a person can be haunted by lethargy, drowsiness, apathy all day long.

To find out the cause of the night, you need to consult a doctor. You can assess the patient's condition after passing the examination.


Sleep disturbance may be related with anemia, diseases of the thyroid gland and the digestive system. Patients suffering from insomnia with heart disease. People complain about sleepiness with hormonal changes.

Among women

The action of drugs

Uncontrolled intake and leads to chronic insomnia. Particular care should be taken when treating with strong drugs (, Donormil).

The patient may experience many side effects. In the process of treatment, patients develop drowsiness. The woman begins to complain of loss of working capacity and increased fatigue.

Hormonal drugs

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, girls take hormonal drugs. Some patients may experience sleep disturbance after taking it.

Constant stay in a dark room

Constant fatigue and lethargy also occurs against the background of a lack of melatonin . The production of this hormone is directly dependent on the presence of sunlight.


Sleepiness during the day warns of a serious illness. Many women are iron deficient. Its deficiency causes a decrease in vitality. Iron is involved in oxidative processes occurring in the body.

A decrease in hemoglobin leads to a decrease in oxygen in the blood. Doctors can detect anemia only after doing laboratory tests.

The level of hemoglobin in a healthy woman should not fall below 115 g / l.

Pressure drops

Quite often, young girls suffer from hypotension. Constant drowsiness and fatigue may indicate a decrease in blood pressure.To increase vascular tone, you can use preparations based on ginseng and lemongrass.

The disease is caused by several factors. :

  • profuse menstruation;
  • prolonged state of stress;
  • chronic fatigue.

Low blood pressure often occurs in the early stages pregnancy .

How snoring affects sleep function

The presence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is detected not only in men. Pathological changes also occur in the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

Women face complete cessation of breathing that occurs during sleep. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant sound effects. Snoring leads to lethargy and drowsiness.

Pathology is accompanied by a chronic lack of oxygen. This affects the functioning of the brain.

Thyroid diseases

Patients with symptoms hypothyroidism complain of muscle weakness, drowsiness, apathy.

Violation of hormonal metabolism affects the emotional state. There is chills and limbs swell.


Insulin-deficient patients have difficulty absorbing glucose. The use of foods containing sugar causes hypoglycemia in women.

Pathology is accompanied by constant drowsiness. Nausea starts to set in. In this case, the help of an endocrinologist is required.


The disease manifests itself in the form of sudden falling asleep, which can occur at any time. Narcolepsy is dangerous because it can lead to serious injury.

The presence of the disease is indicated the following signs :

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness.

Before going to sleep, paralysis of the limbs and weakness in the body often occur. Doctors prescribe psychotherapeutic drugs.

In men

There are several main reasons that affect the physiological state:

  • lack of sleep;
  • overwork due to changes in living conditions;
  • suffer from men who are constantly stressed;
  • sleep disturbance may be associated with oxygen starvation;
  • the body of some men has increased meteosensitivity;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • condition after taking medications.

Drowsiness and apathy are detected in patients with thyroid disease. Pathological changes lead to a change in metabolism. Signs of thyroid dysfunction include: a sharp increase in body weight; lowering blood pressure; the patient's hair falls out, and the face swells.

List of implicit causes of drowsiness in the stronger sex:

  • The precipitating factor may be hypoandrogenism that interferes with testosterone production. A person feels a breakdown, begins to complain of sexual dysfunction. A sign of the disease is apathy and loss of appetite.
  • Chronic insomnia may occur due to anemia. Iron deficiency has a negative impact on the immune system of men. A characteristic symptom of the disease is brittle nails and pale skin.
  • Patients often present with symptoms nervous breakdown. The discomfort may be associated with or.
  • Sleep patterns are influenced by oncological diseases. The patient experiences chronic pain, drowsiness and fatigue.

How to get rid of lethargy and drowsiness


Chronic drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue have long become the norm. Most people are not accustomed to noticing their habits behind the daily bustle, which in the end can induce the first signs of these ailments. Each disease tends to appear as a result of the lifestyle that a person leads. If, for example, every day a person gets used to going to bed late, and in the morning he can’t get out of bed on time, then naturally he will develop chronic lethargy and fatigue.

Causes of fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness

If a person already feels sleepy from early morning, during the day he is prone to nervousness, apathy, forgetfulness, and in the evening he suddenly feels a surge of strength and energy, then this all suggests that you need to carefully study your daily routine and lifestyle in general. Chronic sleepiness can result from:

  • insufficient quantity or quality of sleep;
  • accumulated stress;
  • overwork;
  • malnutrition;
  • beriberi;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • taking certain types of medications;
  • any diseases: both acute and latent.

Fatigue can occur due to pathological diseases that a person suffers from. These diseases may include:

  • any cancers;
  • narcolepsy: such a disease is associated with violations of processes in the part of the brain that is responsible for wakefulness and sleep of a person;
  • apnea syndrome: during sleep, a person may suddenly wake up, sometimes without even feeling it. After such awakenings, the body will no longer enter deep sleep and, as a result, will not get enough sleep. The effect of such a syndrome is typical, for example, for smokers, for those who are overweight;
  • "periodic hibernation syndrome" (or Kleine-Levin syndrome): this disease is characterized by the fact that a person has a very long night's sleep, and also experiences constant drowsiness and lethargy throughout the day;
  • diabetes: due to lack of sugar in the body, a person may also feel constant fatigue;
  • anemia: can often occur in women in the menstrual cycle, with the loss of a large amount of blood;
  • thyroid disease: if this gland, which is responsible for the metabolism in the body, is disrupted, energy activity also decreases. For this reason, a person may feel drowsy;
  • liver and urinary tract infections;
  • all diseases that are associated with immunodeficiency.

Also, constant drowsiness in a person can be caused by:

  1. Lack of sleep or non-compliance with the daily routine habitual for the body. It would seem that it could be easier than going to bed on time to get up in the morning cheerful. With any employment, a person must remember that sleep should be at least 7 hours a day and last from about 10-11 pm to 6-7 am. Any deviation from this norm will accumulate in the so-called lack of sleep, and then provoke insomnia and a state of drowsiness during the day.
  2. Any psychological disorder. With a depressive state, routine and monotonous work, a person has a feeling of lethargy.
  3. Lack of oxygen. Often in stuffy offices, with a large crowd of people, you can also feel lethargic.
  4. Side effect from medication. For example, allergic drugs can often lead to a number of side effects, among which may be the occurrence of drowsiness. Therefore, in case of any such manifestations, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist about replacing the medication.
  5. Not enough sun. This phenomenon can often be found in winter or autumn periods.
  6. Dehydration or lack of water in the body. Water affects the functioning of all organs, in particular, the functioning of the brain.
  7. Head injury. Drowsiness in a patient with brain injuries is the very first symptom in such a disease.
  8. Pregnancy. In the first three months, the most common symptoms can be observed - this is drowsiness and "toxicosis".

How to deal with fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy?

To overcome chronic fatigue and drowsiness, a person needs to learn some rules that must be followed every day:

  • the cause must first be identified. If necessary, you can consult with a specialist who can give a more accurate definition of the cause of such an ailment. If during the examination no serious diseases were found, then you can proceed to the remaining points of treatment;
  • change your daily routine. Try to get up and go to bed at the same time every day. Saturate the body with oxygen before going to bed. To do this, it is good to do evening walks that will allow you to relax and recover after a hard day;
  • try to think more about positive things, get rid of negative thoughts and depression by communicating with good people or changing the environment;
  • make your diet more varied and complete;
  • do not eat before bedtime, with the exception of vegetables and fruits in small quantities;
  • consume at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • try to ventilate the room in which you have to be more often;
  • if possible, spend more time in the sun.

Through such simple rules and advice, you can forever get rid of the state of constant fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness, which will allow you to live actively and fully every day.

If you do not have the strength and energy to constantly want to sleep - this is most often the result of stress and overwork. It happens that fatigue is one of the signs of undiagnosed diseases - diabetes, hypothyroidism, kidney and liver diseases.
Why you want to sleep all the time and how to deal with it, you will learn in this article.

What is fatigue and when does it most often appear?

Lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness - the causes, the treatment of these ailments depend on the factors that caused them.
Fatigue is a disease that may, although it should not, indicate the development of a disease.

A distinction is made between physical and mental fatigue, although in many cases both types of fatigue appear simultaneously. It should be noted when this ailment is often repeated, is chronic.
In this case, it affects the reduction of daily physical activity and weakens the ability to perceive, impairs concentration and memory.

Feeling tired is often accompanied by drowsiness and lethargy during the day.
Chronic low energy is a problem that can affect people in all age groups, regardless of gender or position. Despite the fact that people encounter these symptoms very often, as a rule, they do not pay attention to them, and simply ignore them.

Fatigue in the vast majority of cases is a manifestation of minor conditions, such as, for example, overwork, the need to work for a long period of time without rest, severe mental stress and chronic stress.

In these situations, a decline in strength, as a rule, does not indicate the development of the disease. A chronic illness can threaten health, for example, it can be a risk factor for developing heart disease, neurotic disorders, or insomnia. It happens that forces return after rest.

chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a unit of illness whose dominant (sometimes only) symptom is feeling tired and sleepy.
This syndrome is noted when you experience a physical and mental breakdown that accompanies you without interruption for at least 6 months.
This disease affects most often young, professionally active people, much more often women. You can also observe CFS in the elderly, inactive people.
In addition to a constant feeling of fatigue, there are violations of concentration and attention, memory problems, headaches, and difficulty sleeping.
There may be complaints from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea,.
The detection of this syndrome requires a differential diagnosis, in order to recognize CFS, the doctor must exclude all other possible causes of this condition.
In medicine, there is still no effective treatment for this disease.
In alleviating CFS, the most important action is to change the rhythm of life, that is, the allocation of time for rest and physical activity. The benefits of psychotherapy are increasingly being emphasized.

What diseases cause constant loss of strength and drowsiness?

Why you are accompanied by such ailments as constantly wanting to sleep and severe fatigue, the causes of these symptoms are different units of illness.

Relatively often they are found in endocrine diseases, such as, for example,:

  • diseases of the thyroid gland (primarily hypofunction and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland),
  • diabetes.

In the case of hypothyroidism, in addition to a constant loss of strength, patients complain, among other things, of weight gain, despite a weaker than usual appetite, dry skin, brittle hair, menstrual irregularities, constipation.

And with hyperfunction, patients report a constant feeling of heat, weight loss, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, a constant feeling of anxiety and arousal.

If thyroid disease is suspected, consultation with a specialist in endocrinology and appropriate hormonal studies should be performed.
Depending on their results, adequate treatment is carried out.

In turn, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus can cause, cause the so-called hypoglycemia.

Its symptoms are drowsiness, loss of strength, lack of concentration, palpitations.
Often a very low blood glucose level is life threatening, and resembles the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. High blood sugar, defined as hyperglycemia, also leads to neurological symptoms, causing fatigue, drowsiness, headaches, and trouble concentrating.

Asthenia in diseases of the liver and kidneys

Why do you want to sleep during the day all the time? Drowsiness and fatigue quite often accompanies patients with various liver dysfunctions.

These symptoms may precede the appearance of signs of liver damage, or appear at a later time. The most common cause of fatigue in liver disease is viral hepatitis.

In the course of this disease, other non-specific symptoms occur, such as weakness, lack of appetite, a feeling of fullness, weight loss, nausea and vomiting.
There may also be pain in the joints, yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes (), and enlargement of the liver.

Another liver disease in which these signs appear may be cirrhosis of the liver.
A feeling of fatigue and drowsiness accompanies kidney disease.
This organ is responsible for cleansing the body of metabolic products.

Kidney failure can lead to a number of dangerous metabolic disorders, and the simple symptoms observed by the patient are skin changes, discoloration of the urine, headaches, and a feeling of constant fatigue and drowsiness.

Anemia and fatigue

Why are you constantly exhausted and want to sleep? Anemia (also called anemia) can be the cause of these typical symptoms.
The most common type of anemia is iron deficiency.
Its main cause is the loss of this element along with the blood, and its intake is too small in relation to the needs of your body.

With anemia, there is a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells, which leads to a worse supply of oxygen to the body.

Other symptoms characteristic of anemia are: pallor of the skin and mucous membranes (or their slightly yellow color), painful, drowsiness, brittle hair and nails, decreased exercise tolerance, and an increased need for rest.

If you notice any symptoms of anemia, you should consult a doctor to study the morphology of peripheral blood in order to confirm the diagnosis and start appropriate treatment.
It is worth noting that signs of anemia can develop in women who have heavy menstruation.
Then PMS, that is, premenstrual syndrome, constant overwork and drowsiness can be a very unpleasant ailment for a woman.

Feeling tired during menopause

Why do you constantly want to sleep and lethargy does not leave you during the day?
These symptoms are the result of one physiological condition, which, as a result of hormonal fluctuations, is the cause of many different diseases in the body of a woman.
It's about menopause.

Its symptoms arise due to the extinction of the activity of the ovaries, the consequence of which are hormonal fluctuations.
Estrogen deficiency is responsible for most of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Signs of climacteric syndrome can be divided into 3 groups:

  • vasomotor (eg, fever, night sweats);
  • somatic (for example, dizziness and headaches, pain in muscles, joints, impaired sensitivity);
  • mental - irritability, mood swings, a feeling of fatigue.

Terrible signs of menopause are a consequence of a long-term estrogen deficiency.
These include diseases of the cardiovascular system, atrophic changes in the vaginal area, urinary incontinence, decreased reproductive organ, vaginal dryness, increased susceptibility to intimate infections, osteoporosis.

Chronic fatigue and arterial hypotension

People with low blood pressure (below 90/60 mmHg) tend to have less elastic artery walls. Blood flows in them more slowly and under less pressure, so the tissues of the body are less supplied with oxygen.
As a result, various ailments appear.
The patient feels tired and weak, and not only when the weather changes.

Sleep disorders appear. People with hypotension cannot concentrate, feel dizzy, and have a scotoma before their eyes.

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The medical expert of our site tells.

Constantly cold hands and feet. Weakness increases with long standing.

Tips for hypotensive patients - in addition to repeated pressure measurements, additional studies (including blood, urinalysis, ECG) must be completed.

In addition, it is necessary to drink 2.5 liters of fluid per day (this increases blood volume and therefore pressure). Eat more often and in small portions (overeating helps to reduce pressure).

Regular swimming, aerobics, jogging or cycling should be done regularly - these sports make the blood vessels of the legs elastic.
Get plenty of rest, sleep on a high pillow.

To stimulate blood circulation, do a cold-warm water massage under the shower.
When pressure drops, you can drink a cup of coffee, cola or an energy drink - containing invigorating caffeine.

Ways to deal with fatigue

Aromatherapy, an energy diet or sleep are just some of the ways to recover from a hard day. Learn about effective ways to combat fatigue.


Nothing regenerates the body like a good night's sleep.

If you have problems sleeping (which often happens during a period of overwork), drink an infusion of lemon balm or hops (pour a teaspoon of herb with a cup of boiling water, strain after 10-15 minutes).
You can eat one banana or drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey.
After such a snack, the level of tryptophan and serotonin in the body increases, which contributes to good sleep.


Good results in increasing the energy of the body gives aromatherapy. The scent of invigorating essential oil of geranium, cinnamon or mandarin in the air improves your mood. You can simply spray around the apartment with water and a few drops of essential oil.

Strengthening drinks


Instead of falling asleep in a chair in front of the TV after a busy day at work, go for a walk. Lack of movement and hypoxia of the brain cause overwork, drowsiness and problems with concentration.
And physical activity will allow you to escape from problems, restore the body and fall asleep easier.
If the weather doesn't call for you to go out, do some light exercise that will give you energy.

Shower in the morning, bath in the evening

Take alternate warm and cool showers every morning.
Bathing can be combined with a hand and foot massage performed with a rough glove.
Massage each finger separately and feet with both hands at the same time.
Finish the shower with a cold shower.
The procedure perfectly stimulates the body and strengthens the immune system, after which you will feel cheerful and full of energy.
In the evening, immerse yourself in the bath for 15-20 minutes. Pour three handfuls of Dead Sea salt into the hot water in the bath.
Instead of salt, you can add 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil.
Such a bath relaxes, reduces muscle tension, stress, strengthens muscles and is an excellent assistant in increasing energy.

Energy Boosting Herbs

These properties are famous, first of all, ginseng.
It improves digestion, so the body makes better use of the energy coming from sugar.
In addition, it suppresses the production of lactic acid in the muscles under the influence of physical exertion and fatigue is not felt longer.
Preparations with ginkgo biloba also have a tonic effect. They increase blood circulation and improve brain function.

If the above methods do not help, you should consult a doctor to identify the cause of constant overwork and lethargy, and prescribe an effective treatment.

Drowsiness, fatigue, and lethargy can actually be symptoms of a serious problem. And although it is commonly believed that only lack of sleep and constant stress can lead to such a result, this opinion is not entirely true. After all, the chronic fatigue syndrome, well-known to everyone, sometimes has nothing to do with the emotional state - quite often it indicates the presence of serious diseases.

Chronic sleepiness (fatigue) and its causes

If a few years ago it was not a generally accepted term, today it has become a real medical problem that affects hundreds of thousands of people. Statistical data indicate that middle-aged women are more susceptible to such a disorder, although, as practice shows, no one is immune from this ailment. Of course, the most fatigue and irritability are associated with constant emotional overstrain and gradual mental exhaustion. However, sometimes the disease is caused by anemia and beriberi, and such conditions already require treatment. Quite often, chronic fatigue indicates disruption of the endocrine system. In addition, to this day, research is underway to help determine all the possible causes of such a syndrome and create an effective medicine.

Chronic fatigue and drowsiness: the main symptoms of the disease

A similar syndrome in most cases occurs completely imperceptibly and gradually progresses. Quite often, people doubt whether they are sick at all. Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to a number of some signs:

  • Of course, first of all, it is worth mentioning such symptoms as drowsiness, fatigue.
  • In addition, sleep disturbances are observed when a person often wakes up at night or cannot fall asleep even despite the exhausted state.
  • Symptoms also include problems with concentration, a gradual deterioration in memory.
  • Often, the disorder is accompanied by problems with the digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Patients are characterized by increased irritability and sudden changes in mood.
  • Often there is a development of hypersensitivity to light, smells, taste of food, etc.
  • Sometimes headaches, swollen lymph nodes, weakness and tingling in the muscles are also observed.

Constant fatigue and drowsiness: what to do?

Unfortunately, today there is no single effective drug that can get rid of such problems. Moreover, even the diagnostic process itself is often extremely difficult, because in most cases the state of all organ systems remains within the normal range. Therefore, all possible methods are used in treatment. For example, patients are prescribed vitamin complexes, and are also strongly advised to adjust the diet. Consultations with a psychotherapist will also be useful. In addition, people need to take walks in the fresh air as often as possible, play sports, and observe a sparing schedule of work and rest.



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