Large breast implants. Which breast implants to choose? Types, sizes, shapes of breast implants

One of the most popular plastic surgery today is arthroplasty mammary glands or mammoplasty, which brought a real dawn to cosmetic medicine.

Statistics show that plastic surgeons perform more than 100,000 operations per year related to changing and correcting the size of the mammary glands.

What are implants?

These are endoprostheses made of high quality biocompatible material that give the breast a larger size or change its shape.


The advantages of using any endoprostheses include:

It is important to know that there are times when, due to mechanical impact the implant still breaks, then it can be replaced at the expense of the manufacturer of this prosthesis. As a rule, this item is specified in the product document in the warranty section.


Deficiencies mainly occur when unforeseen cases occur, for example:

Implant classifications

Of course, the advantages and disadvantages can add up to a long list when viewed by filler, installation options, shape, or technical specifications. The information above refers to generally accepted factors.

By filler


The world met them in 1991. They look like a silicone bag with a multi-layered elastomer shell and a gel inside. The filler can be:

Why are silicone implants better than others?

The most natural and best breast implants are silicone ones. They perfectly imitate female breast, have a wide the lineup, look natural. Can be installed over pectoral muscle, since there is no wrinkling effect.

If the prosthesis is damaged, the internal filling will not enter the mammary gland, but will remain in place. It is this factor that recognizes silicone implants as completely safe. Therefore, they have gained the greatest popularity in cosmetology medicine.

The disadvantages include a large incision during the installation of the prosthesis and regular (1 time in 2 years) passage of magnetic resonance imaging to exclude the presence of an implant defect, since the problem cannot be detected by touch.


Working with anatomical forms is more labor-intensive and they are more expensive than round ones. This implant can move and deform the contours of the breast. However, this can be avoided by opting for a textured surface of the prosthesis. It should also be noted that anatomical implants are quite dense in structure, and even in the supine position, the chest keeps its shape, which looks unnatural.

Yes, and you have to forget about corrective and breast-lifting bras. Even the best teardrop shaped breast implants often deform into round shapes!

Both forms are available with different profiles: low, medium, high and extra high. The height is selected by the plastic surgeon after analyzing the client's physique.

According to the size of endoprostheses

In addition, one must take into account anatomical features patients:

  • natural breast size;
  • skin condition and tissue elasticity;
  • chest size (asthenic, normosthenic or hypersthenic);
  • body proportions;
  • breast density.

After analyzing all the data, the plastic surgeon advises the patient on the shape and volume of the implant, which will look as natural and beautiful as possible.

Even if the patient has a flat chest, an increase will help to acquire beautiful forms. Special measurements are taken to determine exact size and volume of the prosthesis. For this, indicators are determined not only of the volume of the chest, but also the thickness of the chest, the location of the nipples, the distance between the mammary glands.

The nuances associated with the incision for the implant are also discussed. In modern clinics, you can simulate the result on a computer. Of course, the wishes of the patient are always taken into account, but the decisive word remains with the doctor.

Lifespan of a breast implant

Theoretically, the implant does not require replacement, except in unforeseen cases. Re-operation may be required only if the breast is deformed after pregnancy and breastfeeding, after a significant change in weight and if a defect in the prosthesis is detected.

The manufacturer of endoprostheses gives a lifetime guarantee without harm to human health, and if an implant needs to be replaced, it is made at the expense of the manufacturer!

Implant companies

is a French company producing anatomical and round implants with hydrogel and silicone filling.

Allergan— an American manufacturer offers implants with a special pore size of a textured surface. This allows the connective tissue to dissolve deep into the prosthesis. They sit in the chest like a glove. Filled with a soft gel that allows you to look natural breasts. The company also offers saline-filled implants.

According to the reviews of plastic surgeons, the implants of this company have a very small percentage of cases with complications, only 1-4%.

Nagor- British implants with a huge selection of shapes and sizes. Producing prostheses since the 1970s. Within 5 years, the percentage of gaps was 0%! Products are textured and filled with gel content. The product has a special casing.

Polytech— implants with memory effect from Germany. A product with a highly cohesive gel does not change shape at all, and the shell consists of many layers. May be smooth or textured.

Mentor- An American manufacturer has been producing one of the elastic prostheses in both anatomical and round shapes since 1992. The shell is strong and textured and filled with a highly cohesive material. This company also offers saline implants that can be adjusted during the operation.

Professional plastic surgeon in good modern clinic will always help with the choice of the right implant and tell you which breast implants are the best for today.

Most of the fair sex is sure that breast implants are a spherical material filled with silicone. However, this opinion is erroneous. Manufacturers around the world make various variations breast products, differing among themselves in: the type of filler, diameter, volume, shape, surface texture. Therefore, every girl must consult a specialist before choosing a future implant.

What factors influence the choice?

The main nuance in this matter is the opinion of the doctor, who will recommend to the patient more suitable option based on the following factors:

  • the shape and size of the patient's body;
  • anatomical features of the breast - natural shape and size;
  • the needs of the patient: what result she wants to get;
  • amount of skin, mammary gland;
  • volume, integrity of breast tissue;
  • lifestyle, physical activity female patients.

At the first consultation, the girl is measured breast volume, chest, total weight, height. The plastic surgeon, after receiving data about the patient, will be able to recommend the best implant option. To decide which one will be more suitable and convenient, the patient will be able to try on several proposed options.

What are the shapes and profiles of implants?

There are cases when girls, agreeing to an operation, consult with relatives or friends about how to choose the shape and profile of a breast implant. The choice depends on the preference of the patient herself: each girl has individual anatomical features, so the future breast should be unique. Many pay attention to girls who have already made a choice in favor of surgical intervention and proudly wear the fourth size. It is important to understand that not every woman is suitable big size. Therefore, it is better to listen to the opinion of a specialist in order to become irresistible and delightful.

Today, manufacturers offer an impressive selection of implants that differ in shape and profile. The latter is determined by the protrusion of the new breast from the chest wall. There are two main types of implant forms:

Round implants

This form is suitable for creating a "puppet", round shape chest. A feature of such implants is the achievement of a filled upper slope and the creation of a raised and voluminous breast. These implants are suitable for patients with enough own tissues and lack of volume.

Anatomical implants

Found wide application in patients who want to achieve the most natural and natural shape, while maintaining the smoothness of the contours of the breast. Well suited for thin girls with elastic skin.

When choosing products, professional doctors advise starting from individual body proportions. This is the only way to achieve the perfect end result. Specialists adjust endoprostheses to the human body, so the diameter of future implants should correspond to the width of the chest and the base of the mammary gland. Girls should be attentive to the choice of diameter, otherwise the future implant will look noticeably different from natural beauty.

Anatomical implants are much more expensive than round ones due to the complexity of their manufacture. The placement of anatomical implants also requires greater care in positioning, the specialist must adjust the endoprosthesis with mathematical accuracy, so the operation requires a lot of labor.

What is the surface of breast implants?

Surface breast implants is smooth and textured. Smooth today is practically not used: it provides a rather poor fixation in the tissue of the mammary glands and muscles. The result after using a smooth surface is a change in the position of the implant, which leads to deformation. Also, the risk of capsular contracture when using smooth implants increases significantly. The girl feels discomfort, her breasts thicken, and breast asymmetry appears. The result is a new surgical intervention.

The most common endoprostheses have a textured surface. The peculiarity lies in the fact that they repeat the shape of the tissues and are better fixed in the tissues. It is worth noting that any surface does not always provide a 100% positive result. It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the occurrence of contracture: the peculiarity of the organism is of great importance.

There is another option, when on top of the textured shell, the implant is additionally covered with a micro-foam polyurethane coating. Such a coating provides a guarantee against possible displacement of implants, their rotation and virtually eliminates the risk of capsular contracture formation.

What are breast implant fillers?

Breast implant fillers are presented in three types: saline solutions, silicone, biogel. Let's take a closer look:

  • silicone filler is a special cohesive sticky gel. It has memory, so it can stay in place if the shell breaks. Silicone is safe for female body, does not migrate after installation. Scientists have proven that silicone filler allows you to get the maximum compliance with the anatomy of the breast. The gel received a lifetime warranty and is the most common filler;
  • saline filler is a sterile saline saline 0.9%. The specialist injects the solution into breast implants installed in the human body. Therefore, it becomes possible to form the required size and volume of the future breast. The skin after the operation is gradually stretched and, and the solution does not allow to maintain the shape of the breast for a long time. These implants require regular replacement, so girls choose them less often;
  • biogel is a natural polymer derived from cellulose identical to silicone. After the rupture of the implant shell, the filler is absorbed and decomposed in the tissues into components: glucose, water, carbon dioxide.

Each of the fillers has individual advantages and disadvantages. The most dangerous is biogel implants, which can cause a number of negative consequences.

Benefits of Breast Implants

By choosing correct implant you can get many benefits:

  • effective biocompatibility, sterility. Modern manufacturers produce high-quality products that guarantee minimal risks rejection of implants by the body. Therefore, inflammation is excluded;
  • good imitation of natural breasts. The latest technologies have achieved endoprostheses that ideally repeat the shape of the breast before surgery in visual and tactile terms;
  • safe fillers. The best option is a cohesive silicone filler. It excludes the expiration and migration of the gel throughout the body in case of damage to the implant;
  • minimal risk of rupture of the endoprosthesis. Usually, the implant is damaged only in the case of stabbing wounds or as a result of unskilled actions during puncture of the mammary gland. Therefore, it is necessary to warn the mammologist about the installed implants and perform medical punctures under ultrasound guidance from a qualified specialist.
The main advantage of breast products is an affordable attractive price. The cost may depend on the manufacturer, filler, form. Professional plastic surgeons advise fair sex choose implants for quality, not paying attention to prices. A woman's health should come first, as it is more important than individual needs. Therefore, the choice of endoprostheses should be approached with special responsibility, so that the new original bust does not harm the body, can increase the lady's self-esteem, realize herself in life or find a soul mate.

You can learn more about breast augmentation surgery from the Services/Breast Augmentation section.

In this article, we will do without digressions into history. The only thing that matters is the generation of implants used. Modern third-generation implants are significantly different from those implants that were used 7-10 years ago. They differ both in the materials used and in a number of characteristics that determine the service life and comfort of using products.

The main differences between third generation implants

  • The use of a fundamentally new silicone gel.

It is also called cohesive gel or paragel. Such a gel adheres to the implant shell and, if the integrity of the prosthesis wall is damaged, remains in the prosthesis cavity. Silicone gel from implants of previous generations could freely migrate from a ruptured prosthesis and spread through the intermuscular spaces into the arm, back, and front abdominal wall with the formation of silica. Silicomas can only be removed surgically.

  • The use of a new type of silicone shell implants.

Ever since the implants of the first and second generations were installed, there has been an opinion that breast prostheses should be changed every five years. In early prostheses, the silicone wall wore out due to constant flexion and extension during respiratory movements chest. Modern silicone shells also wear out, but this happens much more slowly.

So much so that it is enough for one and a half human lives. That is why the question “How often should implants be changed?” now we can safely answer that a planned replacement is not provided, this is no longer necessary. An exception may be a serious chest injury, in which the prosthesis capsule may crack or rupture.

  • Absolute impermeability of the shell.

Modern silicone implants do not decrease in size due to the penetration of silicone gel through the shell. This is the merit of the shell, which has three or more layers and the so-called barrier layer and the gel itself, which does not have fluidity.

  • High elasticity of implants.

To install even a very voluminous implant of the third generation, a skin incision of only 3-4 cm is enough.

  • The lineup.

There are so many shapes and sizes of implants that you can choose the optimal prosthesis for any woman and at the same time honor the features of her physique.

Video: Implants for breast augmentation

Types of breast implants

According to the filler, prostheses are divided into:

  • salt prostheses;
  • silicone breast implants;
  • breast prostheses with biocompatible hydrogel;
  • prostheses filled with silica gel balls;
  • complex prostheses.

Salt Implants

Salt prostheses are cheaper than silicone ones, therefore they are still in demand on the market, despite their shortcomings. The disadvantages include the fact that when transfusing the liquid in the implant, splashing and gurgling can be heard at a distance. Such a long presence on the market of saline implants, with all their shortcomings, can be explained large quantity press reports about the consequences of breast augmentation with silicone and about the dangers of silicone for the human body.

In the United States, a moratorium was even introduced on the use of silicone implants in cosmetic purposes until such time as their harmfulness is proven or refuted.

Already by 2006, the absolute safety of silicone endoprostheses was proven and the moratorium was lifted. But rumors are still being reprinted from one yellow edition to another.


Hydrogel is a substance based on natural polymer- carboxymethyl cellulose. Breast implants based on hydrogel are not inferior in elasticity to silicone prostheses, they are more expensive, but they have their drawbacks:

  • the hydrogel flows out of the implant cavity when the wall is damaged;
  • Gradually, such implants "dry out" - they lose their volume due to the seepage of fluid through the shell.

Silicone gel implants have been developed to reduce the weight of the prosthesis and thus stop breast drooping (mastoptosis). The weight of the new implants is almost a third less than conventional silicone prostheses of a similar volume.

Complicated in structure, prostheses are a two-chamber structure. The outer chamber contains silicone gel, while the inner saline solution. Complex prostheses are valve and valveless. Valve prostheses are most often used to enter them through a skin incision in the navel. After the implants are in place, they are filled sterile saline. Their convenience is that during the operation, due to the ability to dose the introduction of liquid, it is possible to change the volume of prostheses in order to obtain a symmetrical breast of a beautiful shape.

This is the disadvantage: if more fluid is injected, the prosthesis will feel too tight to the touch and will not create the illusion of a completely natural breast.

According to the quality, there are two types of silicone gel: standard cohesive and high cohesive. Highly cohesive gel does not have the ability to flow, but at the same time fully retains the elasticity inherent in the tissues of the natural breast. It is also called a shape memory gel, since after curing the gel always restores the shape that was once given to it. The gel retains its shape even when the implant shell is damaged. Highly cohesive gel is used only in anatomical implants McGann. Produced according to the form:

  • round implants;
  • anatomical implants;
  • high profile anatomical implants.

Implants anatomically shaped drop-shaped. If you put a conventional anatomical implant and a high-profile implant next to each other, it turns out that the second one has a much greater thickness. Accordingly, the increase in the volume of an implant with a high profile will be more noticeable visually. By the nature of the surface, implants are:

  • smooth;
  • textured;
  • with a spongy surface structure.

Textured implants have bumps or villi on their surface. They are needed so that the connective tissue capsule, which in any case develops around foreign bodies of the body (and the implant is foreign body), when compressed, pressed the villi of the implant, but did not deform the implant itself.

Photo: smooth and textured implants

The use of implants with a spongy surface structure reduces the likelihood of rotation or displacement of the implant. Connective tissue grows into the spongy structure of the shell and perfectly fixes the implant in one place. By size, breast implants are:

  • fixed;
  • adjustable.

Fixed are non-valve prostheses, the volume of which cannot be changed during surgery. Regulated have a valve through which saline can be injected into them.

How to determine which volume to choose

  • Breast implants are measured in cubic milliliters.
  • One size is approximately 150 cubic milliliters.
  • To determine the size of the breast after surgery, do not forget about the size that you have now. This means that if you chose 150 ml implants, and your own breast is the second size, then after the operation you will get a strong C grade.
  • There are implants of various volumes, which can differ from each other by 10 ml. In order to choose optimal size For their patient, plastic surgeons often use special computer programs that accurately simulate the results of breast augmentation depending on the shape and volume of implants used.

Best before date

Manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty on their products. In order to protect yourself, you need to overcome the desire to save money on implants. Currently, among the clients of plastic surgeons, there is a vicious practice when, in order to save money, implants are bought not in a clinic or from an official representative of manufacturing companies, but in firms with a dubious reputation and breast prostheses from unknown manufacturers. Unfortunately, breast implants are not the case when you can save on famous name or brand.

You don't have to look far for examples. Peep's implant scandal has been unabated for several years now. In short, the implants were filled with technical silicone, and their shell did not provide complete tightness. Such implants turned out to be dangerous for those women to whom they were installed.

Now in all those countries where Pip implants were sold, clinics are looking for women who received them and are replacing prostheses. The exact number of such women is unknown.

Video: About the types of breast implants

The prostheses are so dangerous that a number of countries finance the replacement of implants for their citizens. This is done by France, Venezuela, Israel.

As it turned out quite recently, the number dangerous implants may be much larger than expected. And they could be installed even after a ban on their sale and use was issued. It so happened that intermediary firms sold Pip implants under their own name M-implants.

So that the new breast brings only positive emotions in the future, and did not care about the consequences of installing low-quality prostheses, it is better to choose a manufacturer with a worldwide reputation, which is not profitable to lose sales markets for the sake of one scandal.

What are the contraindications for hormonal breast augmentation? Details in the article -. How is breast augmentation performed with own fat? How many stages does the procedure go through? Read all about it. Do you think it is possible to enlarge breasts at home? Details at the link.


On manufacturers breast prostheses and the main characteristics of their products, we will dwell in more detail.


McGan Medical is part of the transnational holding Inamed and is a leader in the production and sale of breast endoprostheses in the world. The company's factories are located in the USA and Ireland. In 2007 McGan merged with Allergan Inc. The company formed after the merger became Allergan, and McGahn remained as trademark products. McGan's breast implants are high-end products. This is due to the large number of prostheses. different size and shape, as well as with the properties of the implant shell, which prevents the rotation and displacement of prostheses after surgery.

Photo: McGahn Breast Implants

Implants McGan have International quality certificates ISO 9001 and ISO 9002, Certificates of the European Community EN 46002 and CE 0459. In Russia, implants are certified by the State Standard and registered with the Ministry of Health. Official distributor McGan in Russia is the Medical Test company.


Mentor manufactures implants in factories in the US and the Netherlands. One of the advantages of Mentor breast prostheses is the low risk of developing capsular contracture, which develops in only 1.1% of cases.

Photo: Mentor breast implants

Breast endoprostheses Mentor have European and International quality certificates, in Russia they are registered with the Ministry of Health. The official representative of Mentor in Russia is the Clovermed company.

Polytech Silimed

Polytech is the largest European company producing soft tissue implants for reconstructive and aesthetic medicine. in European and Russian market the company presents saline, silicone and double-lumen implants, implants with a smooth and textured surface, as well as with a polyurethane foam surface. The official representative of the Polytechnic University in Russia is the Bonamed company.

How to choose an implant

In principle, the woman herself does not need to thoroughly understand the shapes and sizes of breast prostheses. It will be enough to choose high-quality implants, the manufacturer of which has a good reputation. To get the result closest to the natural shape of the bust, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • the height of the chest may slightly exceed its width, but the difference should not be significant;
  • the chest begins at the level of the 3rd rib and slopes down, increasing the thickness;
  • the lower pole is a well-filled oval;
  • the nipple is the most prominent area of ​​the breast when viewed from the side;
  • breast thickness (the distance from the chest to the nipple) should be approximately one third of the full height of the breast (from the level of the 3rd rib to the lower pole of the gland).

It is very difficult to independently select implants in such a way as to comply with all or at least most of the above parameters, correlate them with the structural features of the body, such as the width of the chest and others.

Video: Breast plastic surgery, types of accesses and implants

It is better to trust the plastic surgeon, who needs to clearly convey what kind of result you want to get after the operation. And he himself will decide which implants are the best in order to make your dream come true.


The price range for breast endoprostheses is $570 to $2,200 each. In Russia average price implants ranges from 20 to 45 thousand per 1 piece. Manufacturers and distributors often do not advertise the prices of their products. Therefore, a number of clinics also make their own additional margin.

Here is an opportunity to save money. If the price of an implant in the clinic seems high to you, then you can contact the official representative of the implant manufacturer in Russia and purchase a pair for yourself at the price of a representative office.

Not always the cost of implants by plastic surgeons is overestimated. Some surgeons sincerely recommend this or that company, since it is their products that provide this surgeon with best effect operations and delight clients with excellent results.

Mammoplasty allows a woman to get the desired shape and size of her breasts.

It is up to each woman to decide whether to do it or not, since this is a rather serious and responsible step that can change a lot, and not only in appearance.

Quite often, after breast correction, women increase their self-confidence. This is a purely psychological pattern that occurs after the improvement of the body.

Before you decide on mammoplasty, you need to know about its main advantages.

The advantages of this operation are:


Exist the following contraindications, in which it is not advisable to perform breast correction surgery:

  • the patient's pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding (mammoplasty can be done no earlier than eight months after the end of lactation);
  • age up to eighteen years, when the body is not yet fully formed;
  • presence of chronic diseases diabetes, hepatitis, HIV infection);
  • weakened immunity;
  • connective tissue diseases (lupus erythematosus);
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute infectious or respiratory diseases(tonsillitis, flu, fever, etc.);
  • serious illness nervous system when a person is not in control of their actions;
  • unfinished period of rehabilitation after surgery.

When to Consider Surgery

Breast size 3 mammoplasty is not done as often as the size zero or first, when the mammary glands are very small.

Photo: Chest of the third size

Despite this, even at this size there is special indications for breast correction.

Experts advise doing mammoplasty in such cases:

Augmentation mammoplasty up to the 3rd breast size

Augmentation mammoplasty up to the third breast size is quite in demand, but not for everyone.

This is justified by the fact that large breasts are used for 3 breast sizes. silicone implants(with a volume of 200 ml).

If the patient is too thin, then such large prostheses will look unnatural on her. chest.

This can create a feeling of artificiality, which is highly undesirable for mammoplasty, which tends to most naturally correct the breast.

In addition, with a narrow chest, it will be quite difficult for a surgeon to implant artificial mammary glands, since muscle tissue overlapping them will be too small.

Thereby postoperative suture may not heal for a long time, and the breast itself may be too “stretched” and hard. This, in turn, will provide the woman with constant discomfort.

To prevent this from happening, plastic surgeons, in most cases, select the appropriate size and shape of implants for patients, which will look best after surgery.

Also, it is the doctors who determine what the surface of the implant will be and how they will be implanted in the patient (there are different techniques making incisions).

How big can you enlarge your breasts?

The size of implants is measured in cubic centimeters.

If a woman already has 3 breast sizes, then she may well increase it by another three or four sizes.

To do this, she will be fitted with implants ranging from 240 cm 3 to 740 cm 3 .

The specific size and shape should be selected by the attending physician, depending on the weight, shape of the breast, height and physique of the patient.

Video: The result of the operation

What breast size 3 looks like before and after surgery

Before the operation, the breasts are 3 sizes and so they look quite large, but often appearance greatly spoils excessive sagging.

Because of this, the mammary glands appear flat and unattractive. They seem to lack elasticity.

For this reason, during mammoplasty, surgeons often not only correct the shape of the breast, but also tighten it, making it more elastic.

If, however, an implant is simply inserted into the patient’s chest with size 3 (without a lift), then as a result, her mammary glands can become like hanging stuffed pears, which is certainly not the height of beauty.

After the operation, breasts with the third size become more magnificent and rounded. Thanks to perfectly even implants, the surgeon can correct all imperfections and defects.

A photo: Endoscopic surgery

Pitfalls of surgery

Like any operation, mammoplasty can cause serious complications.

The risk of their occurrence increases especially when the correction of the mammary glands is done in the presence of contraindications or the patient does not comply medical advice(does not wear compression underwear, plays sports until graduation rehabilitation period etc.).

Complications can also occur with improperly selected shape and size of implants.

Photo: Choosing implants

Most often, after surgery, the following complications may occur:

  • loss of sensation in the nipples. As a rule, such a symptom occurs when using large implants;
  • tissue inflammation and infection in them is especially dangerous, because in this case, the duration of rehabilitation can be greatly delayed. In addition, if the patient's temperature rises sharply, the surgeons will have to remove the implants so as not to endanger her health;
  • severe swelling of the breast after surgery can cause not only discomfort, but also pain;
  • need reoperation may occur due to the displacement of implants, their leakage or the formation of contact on the chest (when the artificial mammary glands stand out too much from the chest area);
  • wrinkling of the implant will also require surgical correction, since the mammary glands will lose their elasticity;
  • the formation of postoperative hematoma occurs in no more than 2% of women. Because of it, the prosthesis cannot be fixed. In addition, in this state there is a serious risk of infection getting into the wound;
  • opening of bleeding during surgery;
  • the accumulation of serous fluid can cause a lot of trouble and pain to the patient;
  • divergence of seams(can happen when installing an implant that is too large or the patient is too active);
  • expulsion of the implant (may occur when the sutures diverge in the first days after the operation). In this condition, the woman will need a second operation;
  • displacement of the prosthesis, due to which the mammary glands can become irregular shape(it happens when the patient does not wear compression underwear in the first weeks after the operation);
  • necrosis (death) of the skin occurs due to excessive scarring and infection. In such a condition, a woman may need a skin graft;
  • implant rupture is quite rare. Most often, this results in mechanical injury. At the same time, it is worth knowing that the signs of a rupture of the prosthesis do not appear immediately - it can become noticeable after a few weeks or even months;
  • late infection of implants can occur even several years after mammoplasty. According to studies, in more than half of the cases, infection is caused by bacteria that infect the implants and the muscles around it;
  • leakage of solution from the saline implant. At the same time, this liquid in itself is not dangerous - it simply dissolves in the blood. The problem is that the chest "deflates". It may lose its shape and elasticity;
  • the impossibility of performing mammography due to the fact that the doctor simply cannot see the breast tissue, especially if the implant is not under the muscle, but directly under upper layers chest skin.

Mammoplasty 3 breast sizes has its own characteristics and advantages. Before carrying out it, it is recommended to consult several doctors at once and get acquainted with the results of such operations.

1. Saline

Salt implants appeared in 1961. They are bags made of elastomer (silicone material) with sodium chloride solution inside. Breast implants are most often filled with saline after surgery, although in some cases it is also filled before.

The disadvantages of such implants are:

  • softness;
  • the likelihood of damage and rupture leading to a change in the shape of the breast;
  • pronounced sound of fluid movement;
  • unnatural feeling.

If saline breast implants are out of shape or ruptured, they must be replaced. The advantages of such prostheses are also many. Among them - the fact that the doctor manages to limit himself to a small incision, as well as full compatibility with the body (if the implant is damaged, saline will enter the tissues, but will not harm the internal organs).

2. Silicone

Silicone implants have been used since 1992. These are elastomer pouches that can be filled with hydrogel filler, softtouch gel or cohesive silicone gel. Such materials have a dense consistency (approximately like marmalade), so nothing flows out of them if damaged.

The photo clearly shows that even with a cut and under pressure, the gel does not leak.

Silicone breast implants keep their shape perfectly, they are safe, and therefore popular. Among their other benefits:

  • natural breasts;
  • lack of visible contours;
  • the impossibility of determining silicone by touch.

The disadvantages of wearing such implants include the mandatory MRI every two years, as well as the need for a large incision during the operation.

Smooth or textured?

1. Smooth endoprosthesis.

them in modern medicine are used less and less. There are no pores on the smooth surface, which increases the likelihood of fibrous capsular formation and even implant deformation. It can also move along the mammary gland, changing its shape. Well, among the advantages of these implants is their softness, reasonable price and long term operation.

2. Textured endoprosthesis.

It has tiny pores. Connective tissue penetrates into them, which eliminates its growth and minimizes the risk of complications. What's more, the textured surface of the implant is securely held in the breast and does not move from its place.

Choosing the shape of breast implants

1. Round.

They are used to eliminate asymmetry and correct the shape with severe ptosis. The same implants allow you to lift the chest and make it as voluminous as possible (it looks, however, unnatural). Sometimes implants can turn over. Well, the advantages of this form are low cost and ease of installation.

The photo shows what the bust looks like after surgery for the installation of round breast implants.

2. Teardrop.

Such endoprostheses are low-profile and high-profile. Anatomical breast implants are suitable for augmentation flat chest and maintaining its natural form. The disadvantages are traditionally high cost, the difficulty of insertion, the tendency for the implant to round after some time and the risk of its displacement. In this case, the breast is in a woman lying on her back, in an unnatural position.

The photo shows the result after the installation of anatomically shaped breast implants. In this case, low-profile endoprostheses were chosen.

How to choose the size of breast implants

The size of breast endoprostheses depends on the volume of the filler. Approximately 150 milliliters of gel or saline corresponds to one full size. At the same time, during mammoplasty, the natural volume of the patient is summed up with the size of the implant.

By size, endoprostheses are:

  • fixed (install a pre-selected implant of a certain size);
  • adjustable (the volume of the filler changes during the operation).

In order for breast implants to look aesthetically pleasing after surgery, it is important to correctly choose not only their shape, but also their volume. It is worth remembering that it will not work to make a large breast size right away, especially if a woman previously had a bust of 1-2 sizes. In this case, the plastic is performed in several stages.

If you want to have breasts of the most natural shape after surgery, you should trust the recommendations plastic surgeon. He will select the size based on:

  • initial breast volume;
  • skin conditions;
  • chest volume;
  • height and weight;
  • breast density.

Term of use

Modern breast implants after surgery can be used almost unlimitedly. In most cases, the need for repeated mammoplasty arises only when the shell is damaged, and the manufacturer usually provides a replacement implant for free.

Mammoplasty does not prevent breastfeeding if the ducts were not damaged during the installation of implants. Sometimes, after the cessation of lactation, the breast may change and sag, then it is recommended to perform and replace the breast implant, choosing a more suitable shape. The same recommendations will be with a sharp weight loss.



2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs