Should I have plastic surgery? When to do the first plastic surgery.

Circular facelift (facelift, retidectomy) is performed various methods. You can simply tighten the skin, you can do manipulations with deeper layers, that is, with muscles (SMAS-lifting). The most advanced method today is considered face plastic surgery using endoscopic equipment.

Advantage endoscopic method is that very small incisions are made here, they are invisible, and no one will ever know what you have done plastic surgery. And for health, as you know, it is much more acceptable. The incisions in this case are made in the scalp (moreover, the hair is not shaved), their size is from 5 mm to 1.5 cm. Of course, the endoscopic method is less traumatic. After a classic circular lift with a large incision, patients recover and "come out" after a month or more, and after endoscopy - after 2-3 weeks. In addition, the operation itself is much faster - about 1.5-2 times, that is, on average, about 2 hours (depending on how many zones are being lifted). Note that for the operation endoscopic method much less contraindications.

Operations are divided into zones. Someone needs a total facelift, and someone is quite satisfied with the correction of any one zone, for example, only the upper part - the forehead, eyebrows and temporal region. Someone needs to “pull up” from below (cheeks, chin). Upper and middle part the face is most often corrected by the endoscopic method, and the lower one by the classical method (although each surgeon has his own preferences and capabilities). All these operations by zones have separate rates.

How is the surgery and recovery going?

Operations are carried out under general anesthesia. Of course, there is some soreness in the following days, but taking painkillers is not forbidden. The first dressing will be a day after the operation. The main bandage is removed after about a week, then an auxiliary bandage is applied for a few more days. Stitches are removed between 11 and 14 days.

When will the patient be able to evaluate the results of the operation? As soon as the swelling subsides, that is, after 7-10 days. In a month, nothing operational will be noticeable on the face - at least to an extraneous cursory glance. However, the final effect will be visible in 2-3 months, and scars will disappear in about six months.

Are there any contraindications for a facelift?

Of course, after all Plastic surgery - This is a serious interference in the activity of the body. Contraindications are:

  • Oncology
  • Infections and inflammation
  • Severe forms of diabetes
  • Poor blood clotting
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Diseases internal organs in severe form
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • mental illness

Is it true that after a facelift the skin is perfectly smooth?

The main task of facelift is to restore a young, even face oval, neck contour, and tighten the skin. And do not remove fine wrinkles around the eyes. But along the way, as a rule, other plastic surgery on the face - for example, liposuction of the neck and chin, blepharoplasty, nose reshaping or cheekbones. The face really becomes completely different - young and attractive.

As a rule, surgeons perform combined operations, since most patients need to get a global result, and they are not satisfied with half measures. In addition, a complex operation, with all its load on the body and rather long anesthesia, is still better than a whole series plastic surgery. In addition, the complex operation is cheaper.

As for perfectly even and smooth skin without a single wrinkle, all this is achieved additional procedures- For example, peeling or laser techniques. Clinics of plastic surgery offer these services along with the operation.

At what age is it better to do a facelift?

In principle, at any age - as soon as age-related changes began to appear. Moreover, at different people this happens in different ways: by the age of 40, someone has already seen a clear second chin, sagging cheeks, drooping corners of the eyes and lips. And someone notices such changes in themselves only by the age of 50. In general, a facelift can be done from the age of 35. Yes, at least from 30 years, if there is such a need.

The question arises - what is better, to sit and wait until the skin on the face completely sags, or to do a circular tightening in advance? It depends on how much a woman values ​​her youth. There are those who are completely calm about their appearance, and these women will never turn to a plastic surgeon in their lives. And there are girls who, at the age of 30, believe that they are “insanely old and look terribly bad.” If this is the case, then what's the point of delaying? Still, whether to do plastic surgery, this is most often a question of a psychological plan ...

Of course, at the age of 45, the operation is much easier to tolerate than at 55: the body recovers faster, the skin is more elastic. So, it turns out, the sooner the better. If you decide to do a facelift at the age of 35-40, you are shown the endoscopic method, which, whatever one may say, is much more preferable than the classic one. He definitely gives best result, after it and the face looks more natural. Elderly patients most likely will not have such a choice (or only on certain areas of the face).

Surgeons also note that after an operation performed in more young age, collagen will begin to accumulate in the skin, which will make it look elastic for a long time. This is no longer the case in older patients.

How many years can you look younger after a circular facelift?

It depends on each individual patient, his skin condition and overall health. Second important factor- what other plastic surgeries did you decide to do along with a facelift.

In general, women are 10-15 years younger. Moreover, ladies who have had a facelift (successfully and without consequences) will always, all their lives, look much younger than their peers.

How long does the effect of facelift surgery last?

We repeat - much depends on individual characteristics and the quality of the operation. With proper facial skin care, the effect will be clearly noticeable in the period from 7 to 15 years. Most women see this effect within 10 years. In patients over 60 years of age, the youthfulness obtained after a facelift remains somewhat less - about 6-7 years.

We emphasize once again - it is very important how a woman will take care of herself from now on, how she will maintain and preserve her “second youth”. Of course, smoking and drinking alcohol in large quantities, as well as a sharp "replenishment" or weight loss.

How often can facelift surgery be done?

During life, this operation is recommended to be done 2-3 times, no more. However, there is such a category of "plastic maniacs" who do a facelift incessantly, for example, every 5 years. Without a doubt, this is overkill. The schedule can be something like this: the first facelift - at 40 years old, the second - at 50 years old, the third - at 57-58 years old. After 60 years, with poor health, a facelift is not recommended. If you are cheerful, energetic and full of energy (and not only a pension in your wallet), then there are no problems.

How much does facelift surgery cost?

It is very difficult to answer this question, because, as we have already said, surgeons, at the request of patients, most often perform complex operations, which is why the price is different. Yes, even various analyzes, anesthesia (local (800-1.000) or general (about 3.000 rubles per hour), yes bed-days (2.000 - 3.000 rubles - important, with or without food) ...

The approximate cost of a facelift operation in Moscow is as follows: each zone - from 150 thousand rubles, in the complex - from 250 thousand rubles. This, of course, in far from the most elite clinics.

In Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk, such operations cost a little less - from 120 thousand.

In Tomsk, similar operations are also carried out, moreover, in all clinics where there are departments plastic surgery. Almost all of our few plastic masters master these techniques. Your job is to go to whole line consultations and choose your plastic surgeon .

In general, prices in Tomsk clinics of plastic surgery different from each other, it's not a secret. For example, Eduard Merker in his clinic performs facelift operations costing from 100 thousand. Of course, not cheap, but he is a master of endoscopy… There are more affordable options in Tomsk. As for quality - you can argue about it endlessly, because Tomsk plastic surgery is an extremely interesting and controversial phenomenon. However, in our opinion, Tomsk surgeons long years work managed to accumulate a wealth of experience and skill. Where is the guarantee that in another city they will do better? Again, houses and walls are being treated ...

If you still decide to do the operation "in a foreign land", get ready for the fact that you will need about 2 weeks for this. Of course, you need to call pre-registration online, send your photos. You will definitely be able to “shove” the consultation and analyzes into one day. If you bring your tests, you can already have a consultation and get an operation on the same day. In transit Novosibirsk, for example, there is such a flow that it all looks more like a conveyor belt - it arrived, and immediately on the table. Although, on the other hand, the surgeons "filled their hands", and this is very important.

After the operation, you will have to stay in the hospital for 2 to 4 days. If the operation is endoscopic, then probably no more than 2 days. Then you need another 8-10 days to live somewhere, being in the clinic under supervision. When all the stitches are removed (usually 11-14 days), you can go home. Within six months, you will need to come back to this city, visit the consultation again, ask all your questions and evaluate the result of the operation.

Alla Ivonina

Plastic surgery... Tale of eternal youth... Candidate talks about how necessary this responsible procedure is medical sciences, cosmetologist medical center Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Andrey Albertovich VOROSHKEVICH.

- Is plastic surgery really necessary? Perhaps there are other ways of "rejuvenation" that are not so radical?

Excess skin that occurs with age can only be dealt with by removing it. Other real ways correct deep wrinkles and folds, bags under the eyes, overhanging eyelids - no. It doesn't mean that conservative methods treatments have no right to exist. They, of course, allow at a fairly young age to part with small ones for a while, but only surgery brings radical help.

You can often read and hear: make a variety of masks, use devices with ultrasonic, electric or magnetic fields and you will always look great. In practice, these procedures somewhat slow down the process, not being a panacea.

The seal of the past years, all life's troubles reflected on the face, can only be eliminated in an operative way.

- Isn't there in artificial youth a face of a kind of challenge of time, a renunciation of the past years?

It is natural for a woman to want to look good. Wrinkles, bags under the eyes, a sagging chin can poison her inner world, spoil the mood, provoke conflicts with others, even disrupt family happiness. A competent operation gives the face neatness and helps a woman look several years younger. What is reprehensible in this? Another thing is that plastic surgery needs a measure.

You convinced that the operation is impossible to avoid ... But at what age should you "surrender" to the hands plastic surgeon?

Do not exaggerate, operations are by no means shown to everyone - and this depends primarily on genetics. There are women who look young almost all their lives. These, unfortunately, are a minority. The rest should contact a plastic surgeon. The very young eliminate the so-called congenital anomalies: correct auricles change the shape of the nose.

After thirty years, it is worth paying attention to the eyelids, correcting the lips, which become thinner over the years. The results of the operation to remove swollen eyelids, when the crease above the eyes approaches the eyelashes, are unique. After the operation, the eyes "open", immediately "throws off" a few years. This operation is simple, its technique has been worked out for decades. New materials make it possible to make traces of the operation almost invisible. The result is always stable and long lasting. By the way, the eyelids are amenable only to operational influence, there are no other methods and techniques.

Lest you accuse me of addiction, I must say that I do not deny other methods. For example, while maintaining the oval of the face, on which the nasolabial folds are sharply marked, it is premature to perform the operation. But masks and cosmetic procedures won't help with deep wrinkles. You can get rid of this defect by injecting drugs for contouring soft tissues. A deep furrow will be invisible for at least two years.

After forty - by fifty it's time to correct the neck, chin. In this case, a complete operation is needed.

- Is there a risk to unrecognizably change your appearance and regret what you have done?

The risk is minimal if you are doing the surgery in a serious medical institution. I have not met women who would be dissatisfied with the result. Although it depends on many parameters: the condition of the skin, the amount of subcutaneous fat, the shape of the face.

Do not be afraid of changing features - the muscles "put" them in their place very quickly. Before the operation, patients receive their image on a computer screen from different angles, and then see the result. That is, the conversation with each patient is individual, substantive, concrete and visible.

- Which practical advice can be given to those who have decided to part with the "age-related" changes on the face?

An operation is an operation and must be taken very seriously. The patient must undergo a rapid but nonetheless serious and necessary examination: to pass tests, it should be examined by an anesthesiologist.

The most important thing is to carefully consider the choice, because the operation itself requires a deployed operating unit, highly efficient equipment, and the latest medications.

Of course, you need to be operated on by a cosmetic surgeon. This is a specialty. The surgeon should only deal with plastic surgery and have a positive experience ...

The flow of time is inexorable ... And our life is comparable to hourglass: a thin stream of rustling sand, each grain of which is an event, a meeting, a sunny day or a cloudy morning, romantic date or a kitchen fight. And they all leave a trace - rays of wrinkles, heavy eyelids, drooping corners of the lips. And it seems that nothing can be done about it, because you can’t stop the running of time. But plastic surgery comes to the rescue - giving hope, like a key to the door behind which youth.

She is always shrouded in a mysterious haze: getting rid of unnecessary folds and annoying wrinkles, every woman diligently hides the very fact from those around her. surgical intervention. The name of the plastic surgeon is not advertised - it is passed from mouth to mouth, and traces in the form of thin stitches and small scars are carefully masked so that the idea of ​​surgery does not even occur to anyone. And the consequences are interpreted as good genetics, a well-chosen sanatorium, a magical effect sea ​​baths or even falling in love, which always makes a woman more beautiful.

Public opinion does not favor plastic surgery, and the media space is filled with rumors and savoring unsuccessful attempts to get rid of extra pounds, wrinkles and cellulite. But at the same time, how beautiful, young faces of pop stars and film stars who are 50, 60, 70 please us. Genetics, you say? Have you ever had to compare your grandmother with Lyudmila Gurchenko in her last difficult years? That's the same.

Public opinion creates stereotypes, and it is up to everyone to follow them or act according to their own understanding. In contrast to the post-Soviet space, in the West it is customary to be proud of a plastic surgeon and openly recommend him. It is prestigious to resort to the services of a practical surgeon there, a young appearance is respectable, grooming is a lifestyle. And split hair or yellowish teeth are generally considered bad form. Successful man should look good, appearance is not only a tool for self-presentation, but also a confirmation of a good financial situation. If you are still in doubt, read on.


It is human nature to be afraid, because fear is defensive reaction that keeps us alive. An operation is almost always scary, even if this operation is plastic.

What are the most common fears before surgery?

  • anesthesia and its consequences;
  • pain;
  • unsuccessful result - if this is what you are most afraid of, it is better to refuse the operation, perhaps it is not needed



The main rule: if the patient is configured for a complication, then this happens in most cases.


Plastic surgery is an opportunity to eliminate imperfections, age-related changes and the most effective way become even more beautiful. This is the dream come true of facial rejuvenation.

Yes, you can try to convince yourself: and after the third pregnancy, despite the stretch marks, the husband loves and admires. But to imagine how he is still a young man, admiring the perfect forms of his wife - even more pleasant, isn't it? Over the years, we increasingly ask ourselves the question of how to become young again, how to continue to like. Whatever they say, but men love with their eyes and why not give them and yourself the pleasure of being impeccably beautiful.

Plastic surgery is an indicator social adaptation, quality of life, your relevance. It should become the norm of life, because everything in a person should be beautiful - we remember this from school. Most women, having undergone plastic surgery, change not only externally, they gain self-confidence, become more open, change their style of communication and wardrobe. With changes in appearance comes coquetry, the desire to please, the number of necklines and short skirts, bright clothes and high heels, posture and a dazzling smile become majestic.
And most importantly: plastic surgery is what a woman does for herself and this is important, because life is given only once, what it will be depends on the woman herself.

Yes, plastic surgery has always been and remains, to this day, a VIP-level service:

  • these are exclusive techniques, comfort and safety;
  • it is certification and reliability;
  • this is the embodiment of a dream, a step towards change, youth and beauty;
  • it is an opportunity to start life anew.

And of course, plastic surgery is required attribute successful life This is respect for oneself, for one's health and appearance. Timely plastic surgery is no less important than beautiful clothes, an expensive car and a trendy haircut. So it's high time to change the stereotypes, and you need to get rid of the complexes. I guess now the question is: whether to do plastic surgery"dropped off by itself.

…The passage of time cannot be stopped, that's true. But you can manage it. And the best way to do this is to take care of yourself and appreciate every minute of life in which you are young and always beautiful. Beauty rules the world, but decide whether to do plastic surgery only you can.

A person can experience discomfort due to imperfections and flaws in their own appearance at any age. If the problem is unsolvable in other ways, comes to the rescue plastic surgery. The arsenal of its means today is so wide that it allows us to speak of almost total absence for patients age restrictions. For example, the most common "children's" operation - correction of protruding ears - is recommended for patients from the age of 6. The use of modern sparing techniques makes aesthetic operations effective even in very advanced years.

However, a large number of patients, especially women, are concerned about the question - ? Doubts concern, first of all, facial plastics. Experts believe that the first lifting should be considered by the age of forty: initial results aging at this age is already noticeable, but the skin is still elastic, healing is fast.

Of course There can be no strict age rule for everyone - each organism is individual. But for many types of operations, the pattern is this: if the flaw is obvious to others and its existence poisons your life, you can expect the most impressive results of surgical intervention. When planning the timing for plastic surgery, it should be noted that the full one takes a lot of time. You will help yourself a lot if you can temporarily "disconnect" from big problems and worries. Prolonged is absolutely not necessary for most types of surgery, however doctors recommend reduce business and emotional stress V rehabilitation period.

As for the time of year, there are many prejudices in this regard. Many, for example, believe that it is not worth it in the summer. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, where the average annual temperature is above +20°C, the number of successfully practicing plastic surgeons is the highest in the world. So it is best to plan the operation according to your personal calendar.

How do you know if you should decide on a responsible step - plastic surgery - or leave everything as it is?

Plastic surgery is perceived by some people as pampering - minor surgical intervention, no risk, no bad consequences. Many people think that only pop stars need it, and ordinary person everything should be natural.

In reality, an operation, plastic or not, is an operation. Stay in the hospital, pain, the period of recovery of the body ... And, besides, no one canceled the probability of an unsuccessful outcome. Such operations can be easy, can be complex and last for 6 (or more) hours. The only difference is that it is performed absolutely voluntarily, since it is not vital.

Although this is how to say ... some really do the operation, which is called "out of pampering", but there are people who absolutely need it, people with a pronounced defect in appearance.

Plastic surgery includes cosmetic and restorative sections. The first is operations like correcting protruding ears, giving the nose a beautiful shape, etc. The second section is the restoration of the original state of the body after injuries, the elimination of their consequences (for example, restoration skin after the burn).

To do or not to do the operation is up to you, unless, of course, you have any contraindications. Before the operation, you need to pass a bunch of tests, go through a bunch of doctors and spend a lot of nerves. But then the result will justify the spent effort, money and time. Perhaps… Or maybe it will only get worse? That's what you need to think about when leaving the doctor's office after the first consultation (you can think about it earlier, but it's better to go, otherwise you will reproach yourself for your softness all your life).

Due to the ugly appearance many have complexes, and if the elimination of the defect will help you feel more confident, then why not try it? Suppose, why should a child with protruding ears endure ridicule? Isn't it easier to do the operation? Especially since otoplasty possible with early age, and it will cost twice as much for a child. Risk is minimal.

If you want to put away excess fat , then think about how the scar will look later, how long the recovery will take. Or maybe everything is not so bad, and it’s just necessary, because the operation will not stop obesity? After all excess weight- this is not only a defect in appearance, but in general. Besides, fat people a lot, so is it worth killing because of it?

Suppose you have already decided for yourself that life is not sweet to you without a new nose (ears, figure, etc.), you have already gone to the doctor for your first consultation, you were assured that everything will be in chocolate and you will get out of them building a handsome prince (charming princess).

First, let's try to think about the consequences: what is the probability unsuccessful operation. Usually small, but it happens. Next, we estimate how much we will run to take tests, how long we will stay in the hospital (if it is a simple operation, then 1-2 days, the doctor should tell you about this at the first consultation). What will be the rehabilitation period, during which it will be necessary to stay at home if possible, go only for dressings.

It will be great if you support close person- takes you to the hospital, meets and takes you home.

If you are ready for all this, if you understand what the operation will cost you, but still want to do it, firmly knowing that the effect will pay for all the resources expended - then go ahead! This means that after the operation you will feel great: not every person is able to step over himself, go through all the difficulties and achieve what he wants.

When is eyelid plastic surgery recommended? What is it?

Olga Alyaeva, plastic surgeon, doctor of the highest category, answers:

The former usually appear in the form skin folds over the upper eyelids and bags under the eyes. This is a kind of signal to consult a plastic surgeon whether surgery is needed or you can wait with it. Plastic surgery on the eyelids, or blepharoplasty, is a very popular and effective surgical intervention for facial rejuvenation. It consists, in particular, in the removal of excess skin and fatty hernias on the eyelids, which form with age. The operation, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients and allows to achieve the desired result.

Bags under the eyes.

WITH medical point"bags under the eyes" is an accumulation of fat. It is in it that exists eyeball, but sometimes the fat sinks down and forms a hernia, from which the eyes always look tired. This can happen even in 30 years. If such a problem has emerged, you first need to go to the beautician: it may be swelling that goes away after a course of lymphatic drainage. Then you need to exclude medical reasons puffiness under the eyes, such as hormonal imbalance or problems with thyroid gland and only after that go to a plastic surgeon.

Solution: While the skin is young and elastic (up to 45 years on average), bags under the eyes are operated on from the mucous membrane of the eye, which means that there are no scars. The surgeon removes excess fat and the skin is tightened. True, there is a danger of removing too much fat, which in these places, unlike the hips and abdomen, is not restored. Then the look will look "sunken". But modern technologies can solve this problem too. The surgeon is also faced with the task of restoring the mechanical properties of the circular muscle of the eye, which holds the fat in its proper place.

Heavy eyelids.

With age, the eyelids droop and the gaze becomes heavy. But in fact, with age, it just becomes more noticeable, and the matter is in the shape of the eyebrows. When high, arched, the look looks open, and the eyes are large. Plastic surgeons have even determined the ideal arch of the eyebrows: the distance between the upper eyelids and the eyebrows should be at least 2.5 cm.

Solution: Surgeons reshape the eyebrows, lift the tissues, and the eyes open up. Such an operation is done endoscopically, that is, with tiny incisions (in the hair). May also disappear after surgery bags under the eyes and climb downturned corners of the eyes. When age-related changes are already noticeable before the eyes, then plastic surgery is also done at the same time. upper eyelid: remove excess skin and fat. By the way, “raised” eyebrows can drop over time, especially if the skin is naturally thick. And here eyelid surgery- this is forever. //,,,

The desire to look young as long as possible never goes out of fashion. And when “the years are not the same”, when fitness and green tea do not have the same effect, many people think about a facelift.

About what kind of operations exist, and how long their effect will be, we asked the leading plastic surgeon of the Clinic of Plastic Surgery No. 1 - Professor Andrey Anatolyevich Mikhailov.

- Andrey Anatolyevich, what plastic surgeries help to deal with age-related changes facial skin?

There are three of them: this is an operation to implant gold threads, endoscopic lifting and a circular facelift (aka facelift).

There is an opinion that a facelift is the fate of women over forty. So, until this age, you can not worry?

This is the biggest mistake of patients who believe that there are some age indications. In fact, some women retain their youthful appearance at 40 and 50 years old, while others at 35 look ten years older. Everything is very individual and is associated with the genetic prerequisites for the structure of the skin. It is possible to determine that the time has come only by the changes that have occurred: by the depth of the nasolabial folds or by the size of the “bulldog cheeks”. For example, a fifty-year-old patient comes to me and says: “I want to do a facelift,” but she has no indications for this. Therefore, even if such an operation is performed, the woman will be disappointed: since there will be no dramatic effect.

For very young people from 25 to 30 years old, whose skin is prone to sagging and wrinkling, there is an operation to implant a mesh of 999 gold threads into the skin of the face.

- And what does it give?

The grid of gold threads has a triple action. Firstly, it serves as a kind of frame that supports the skin and prevents it from sagging. At the same time, the tissues are preserved in the state in which the patient turned to the plastic surgeon;

Secondly, it improves nutrition surface layers skin. Around each thread, a young one forms over time. scar tissue where new blood vessels grow. Their number is 5.5 times greater than in old tissues, therefore, the flow of oxygen to the skin of the face increases by 5.5 times. Thirdly, the frame of gold threads slightly (by about 1 mm) tightens the skin.

Andrey Anatolyevich, how real are the stories that over time the frame can show through, and the face of an unfortunate woman will become like a field for playing tic-tac-toe?

This is possible, but only in one single case: if you come across an unscrupulous surgeon. The fact is that gold threads must be installed at a very specific depth: 3-4 mm. If the mesh is installed superficially, then the tread of the frame is quite likely, if, on the contrary, it is too deep, there will be no effect.

- How long will it last recovery period after this operation?

Places of implantation of gold threads heal for 5-10 days. You can’t wash your face for the first three days, you will see small bruises in the mirror for a little less than a week. Already after 2 months it will be possible to evaluate the effect of tightening, and the improvement in complexion will become noticeable after 4 months.

- How long will it be possible to enjoy the effect of implanting gold threads?

Everything is very individual. However, on average, gold threads for five to seven years are able to keep the skin corresponding to the age at which the implant was made.

And what happens after the expiration of the golden threads? Is it possible to "strengthen" the framework again? Or will I have to do some other operations?

Gold threads are embedded into the skin forever, and you can’t pull them again, so in the future you may be recommended to endoscopic lifting or circular facelift.

- How to determine which of these two operations is needed?

According to the changes that have occurred with the skin of the face. Minor sagging cheeks, shallow nasolabial folds or other mimic wrinkles are removed using endoscopic lifting. Significant excess skin can only be cut off, so endoscopy will not help here: it is necessary to do a circular facelift.

How is endoscopic lifting performed?

With the help of an endoscope, the surgeon moves and tightens the muscles through small incisions (up to 1 cm), which, depending on the area of ​​the lift, are made in the lower eyelid, temples or mouth. Muscle together with the periosteum is separated from the bone, and then from the skin. The muscles then move to the superior bone structure and stick to it. During the operation, muscles and periosteum can be slightly cut off.

- Andrey Anatolyevich, at what age do women most often do an endoscopic facelift?

The age of patients who are shown this type of facelift ranges between 30-40 years. Although, once again I remind you that the years lived are not an indicator, the main criterion is the individual condition of a woman's skin.

- If you want to hide the fact of the operation from others, how long will you have to lock yourself at home after the endoscopy?

Approximately two weeks.

- How long does the effect of endoscopic lifting last, and can it be repeated?

On average 7-10 years. Repeated endoscopy can be performed, however, most often, after this period, a woman no longer needs an endoscopic lifting, but a circular facelift.

- What is a circular lift?

This is an operation in which, through incisions made in the scalp, the skin is exfoliated and re-stretched, and its excess, acquired over the years, is cut off. I recommend always supplementing such an operation with a tightening of the SMAS system (this English term means: superficial musculoaponeurotic system). Then not only the skin is tightened, but also deep tissues faces. This is necessary so that after the operation there is no effect of a wax mask, which appears if under the tightened skin SMAS is not redistributed evenly, but gathered into a fold. The effect of the waxy face lasts from 1 to 1.5 years after the non-SMAS round skin tightening surgery.

- Will the scars remaining from the incisions be visible to others?

Basic skill of a plastic surgeon circular suspenders is to ensure that the patient does not see postoperative scars. Even if you look at famous people, then you can notice both scars and incorrectly sewn lobes. It does not happen that scars are visible due to the peculiarities of skin healing: this means that the doctor made some mistakes. When everything is done correctly, those around you will not notice the traces of surgical intervention, but will only note that you have become dramatically prettier and younger.

- How long will it take to recover after a deep circular lift?

After the operation by a competent surgeon, after 10-12 days it will be possible to appear on the street without a bandage. full effect will become noticeable after three months, when the postoperative swelling finally disappears.

- Andrei Anatolyevich, is it possible to perform a facelift operation, for example, on a sixty-year-old woman?

Everything, of course, depends on the health of the patient himself. Although modern possibilities anesthesia increased upper age limit and, if a woman wants, and her state of health allows, then everything is possible.

The editors thank the Clinic of Plastic Surgery No. 1 for the information provided.



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