Contouring or surgery? Contour plasty of the face Surgical contour plasty.

Contour plastic

The DOCTORPLASTIC clinic offers the most effective and safest methods of professionally creating an ideal appearance in Moscow at affordable prices. One of these procedures is facial contouring using hyaluronic acid. Using it, you can not only eliminate the visual signs of skin aging (wrinkles, loss of elasticity, tissue ptosis), but also model contours.

Our advantages


ProcedureThe cost of the procedure, rub.
Amalian Lips I 1 ml18 000
Amalian II SF20 1 ml20 000
Amalian II SF20 2 ml27 500
Amalian III SF24-2ml30 000
Belotero Balance 1 ml24 000
Belotero Soft 1 ml19 000
Collost 7% 0.1 ml (allergotest)1 500
Collost 7% 0.5 ml9 000
Collost 7% 1.0 ml14 000
Juvederm "Volbella"22 000
Juvederm "Volift" 1 ml23 000
Juvederm Ultra Smile 0.5514 500
Juvederm Ultra Smile 2 syringes24 900
Juvederm Voluma 1 ml23 900
Juvederm Voluma 1 ml (2 syringes)42 000
RADIESSE 0.8 ml20 000
RADIESSE 1.5 ml29 000
Style L 1 ml24 000
Style M 1 ml23 000
Style S 0.8 ml18 000
Style XL 1 ml2800

Show all price

Problem areas:

  • lacrimal and nasolabial sulcus;
  • cheekbones;
  • puppet folds.

Indications for contouring services

  • Lip volume correction.
  • Dropping of eyes and cheeks.
  • Deformation of the oval of the face.
  • Non-surgical rhinoplasty.
  • Increasing the volume of the cheeks.
  • Formation of nasolabial folds.
  • The appearance of wrinkles.
  • Reducing the volume of the cheekbones.

Contraindications for facial contouring

  • Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​injection.
  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
  • Feverish conditions.
  • Keloid scars.
  • Diabetes.
  • The presence of skin lesions.
  • Allergy to filler components.
  • Autoimmune diseases.

How does facial contouring with hyaluronic acid work?

The pronounced rejuvenating and corrective effect of the procedure is to replenish the lost (or insufficient) volume of tissues. When injecting the drug:

  • folds and wrinkles are filled from the inside and smoothed out;
  • the volume of the lips increases, the configuration of the cheekbones, cheeks and chin is formed.

In addition, subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid in itself has a powerful regenerative effect, after which:

  • metabolic and trophic processes are activated;
  • free radicals are neutralized;
  • the production of elastin and collagen fibers is stimulated.

The synthesized hyaluronic acid used for injections in our clinic is almost identical to the analogue produced in the human body - it is safe and hypoallergenic. In combination with Botox injections, facial contouring with hyaluronic acid allows:

  • eliminate wrinkles around the lips and eyes ("crow's feet");
  • smooth out nasolabial folds;
  • make sluggish, flabby skin supple and elastic.


  • Absence of pain and discomfort the procedure lasts no more than half an hour, facial contouring with hyaluronic acid does not require preparatory measures, there is no rehabilitation period. Minor hyperemia of the skin passes within a few hours.
  • Less traumatic and safety - certified preparations with hyaluronic acid eliminate the risk of developing allergies, inflammatory processes, and the formation of connective tissue formations.
  • Aesthetic effect - even a few injections guarantee a pronounced and lasting result (up to 18 months).

Where to do facial contouring?

The main advantages of the DOCTORPLASTIC clinic are highly qualified specialists, modern equipment and high-quality certified materials. This ensures the safety and efficiency of all manipulations. And the predicted result is guaranteed by individual 2D or 3D modeling programs.

For facial contouring, we use innovative preparations with hyaluronic acid:

  • Stilage - the effectiveness of this remedy for eliminating wrinkles, changing the contours of the face and the shape of the lips is confirmed by the Swedish center Akademikliniken.
  • Restylane is a corrective and prophylactic agent for combating and preventing age-related deformations of the skin with a guaranteed rejuvenating effect up to 6 months.
  • Juvederm - filler with hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation, smoothing nasolabial folds.

A high level of medical service is provided at all stages. To make facial contouring at an affordable price, you need to undergo an examination and consultation, after which a written agreement is concluded with the patient. At the end of the procedure, a document is issued describing the area of ​​correction and the drugs used.

Entrust the improvement of your appearance to real professionals - make an appointment with DOCTORPLASTIC specialists online or by phone in Moscow indicated on the website.

In the Center for Regeneration and Cosmetology "ZHENES" facial contouring is performed. Experienced specialists will perform non-surgical correction of age-related changes and procedures aimed at lip augmentation and modeling of their shape, changing the contour of the cheekbones, eliminating nasolabial folds and other defects. With us, you will acquire the appearance that you have long dreamed of, and get rid of many complexes.

Contour plastic - what is it?

Contouring is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. The technique is based on the use of special preparations (fillers) that compensate for the deficiency of missing tissues. The products not only solve aesthetic problems, but also activate the natural regeneration processes. Even when the filler ceases to act, the results obtained will not come to naught. During the work of the drug, the body literally learns to deal with changes, using hidden resources for this. Thanks to this, the technique always gives a lasting effect. In addition, contour plastic surgery can be safely called safe (provided it is carried out by an experienced cosmetologist). Procedures have a minimum number of contraindications and adverse reactions. With the correct implementation of all actions and compliance with the protocol, the negative consequences of using fillers are reduced to almost zero.

It is also important for patients that contouring is not a surgical intervention. It does not involve incisions, long-term rehabilitation and severe pain, which often persist for several days after surgery.

The main advantages of contour plastics include:

  1. Fast holding. The procedure usually takes only 20-40 minutes.
  2. No marks on the skin. Very thin needles are used to administer drugs.
  3. Absence of pain. The contouring procedure is easily tolerated even by patients with hypersensitivity.
  4. The minimum number of restrictions. Patients of any age can sign up for plastic surgery.
  5. Versatility. Contouring allows you to adjust the shape and size of the lips, get rid of wrinkles and other problems in the eyes, nose, cheeks and cheekbones.

The effect of the procedure is noted immediately. To achieve the maximum result of contour plastic surgery, it is usually necessary to carry out 3-5 sessions. The break between procedures is 10-14 days.

The main drugs used

For contour plastics, 2 main groups of drugs are used.

Based on hyaluronic acid

These drugs are easy to administer, are safe, and almost never cause side effects. Such funds do not change their position under the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a natural water "magnet". It literally attracts water, thanks to which it quickly improves skin condition. Under the action of acid, tissues restore lost elasticity, become more dense. At the same time, the process of regeneration and rejuvenation is absolutely natural. Important! The higher the density of the skin, the longer the filler stays in the skin. Hyaluronic acid injections are able to fight two types of wrinkles: age-related and mimic. Also, drugs are used for ptosis, to eliminate nasolabial folds, to improve the shape and increase the volume of the lips.

Preparations are selected taking into account the tasks to be solved. For biorevitalization, for example, non-viscous products are used. Lip correction is carried out using special fillers. To improve the shape of the cheekbones and emphasize them, high-density preparations are used.

Based on synthetic polymers

These drugs are used less often and are cheaper.

Recently, fillers with blood platelets have become popular. They are called autogel and are considered "intelligent". Such drugs are able to start the stimulation of all cellular processes and improve skin condition. The tissues are in recovery mode.

Indications for contouring

Contour plastic is performed when:

  • the presence of visible wrinkles and pronounced skin folds;
  • the need to restore the volume of certain areas (lips, cheekbones, etc.);
  • elimination of asymmetry of facial features;
  • the need to correct the shape of individual parts of the face.

Contour plastic is performed at the request of the patient. Usually the procedure is carried out at the age of 25 to 55 years. At an earlier age there is no need for correction, at a later age it is better to resort to the services of plastic surgeons, since the result from contour plastic surgery will not be pronounced.


Contraindications for contour plastic surgery include:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • bacterial and fungal skin lesions;
  • weakened immunity;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

It is also forbidden to carry out the procedure in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drugs used. You should postpone contouring if you have recently attended sessions of laser resurfacing or chemical peeling.

Preparation for the procedure

Special preparation before contouring is not carried out. We only recommend that you consult with a cosmetologist in advance, tell about individual characteristics, previous and existing diseases. So the doctor will be able to choose the drug that is right for you.

Order of conduct

The duration of the procedure depends on the tasks to be solved and the area of ​​the treated area. Usually the duration of contouring does not exceed an hour.

The procedure is carried out in stages:

  1. Skin cleaning.
  2. Marking of zones of influence.
  3. Preparation of the drug.
  4. Insertion of fillers under the skin. Fine needles are used for the procedure. They do not tear the skin, but gently push it apart, which reduces the risk of tissue injury. The procedure practically does not cause severe pain. If the preparation contains vitamins, peptides and amino acids, the patient may feel a slight tingling sensation.

Recovery period

The effect of contour plastics largely depends on the experience of the doctor and the drugs used. You can usually spot it right away. Gradually, the appearance will only improve. For example, the first days after the introduction of fillers in the lips, a slight swelling persists. Lips look puffy. When the swelling subsides, you (and those around you, of course) notice their seductive contour and sexual volume.

What to do during the rehabilitation period?

  1. Remove swelling. To do this, you can use special pharmaceutical preparations. Usually they are prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Refrain from active use of decorative cosmetics. Particular attention is paid to products with alcohol. Read the ingredients carefully and do not use alcohol solutions. Otherwise, ugly dots and spots will appear on the skin.
  3. Use special care products. Your beautician will also recommend them to you. Only he will be able to take into account the condition of the skin and the individual characteristics of his client.

Pay attention to a number of restrictions in force during the rehabilitation period!

Opt out of:

  1. Taking anticoagulants.
  2. Active sports.
  3. Taking hot baths and visiting saunas and baths.
  4. Sunburn (including in the solarium).

Do not touch your face with your hands for at least a few hours after the procedure. You can bring an infection! The first days after contouring, wash your face with boiled water or use special formulations to cleanse the skin. Try not to smile or wince for a couple of days. This will allow the filler to be effectively distributed in the tissues.

How long does the effect of contour plastics last?

The maximum effect can last up to 2 years (when correcting the cheekbones, for example). In the lips (due to increased blood circulation), the fillers remain for about 3-6 months. The maximum duration of the effect is observed when the drugs are injected into the mimic zones. Important! The effect is individual! Even the most experienced cosmetologist will not be able to determine exactly how long it will last. Please note that all dates are approximate.

With a decrease in the aesthetic effect of contouring, the procedure is repeated. You can inject as many injections as needed. No restrictions are imposed, but experienced cosmetologists do not advise abusing contouring. It is better to carry out procedures when they are really needed.

Photos before and after

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the photos before and after contour plastics. Thanks to them, you can be convinced of the effectiveness of the technique and its results, which cannot but rejoice.

The cost of contouring

Contour plastic today is a procedure that is available to many.

Its cost depends on:

  • injection zones;
  • composition of fillers;
  • session features.
  • clinic level;
  • beautician qualifications.

We adhere to a loyal pricing policy and do not overestimate the cost of contouring. As a result, all our customers can use the service. The estimated cost of the procedures is indicated on the website. Exact prices will be announced by cosmetologists at the reception. You can make an appointment for a consultation by phone.

Contour plastic is an injection technique for eliminating wrinkles and correcting facial contours, based on filling the subcutaneous cavity with special preparations (fillers).

This also often includes smoothing wrinkles with the help, however, most physicians tend to single out this type of procedure as a separate area of ​​cosmetology.

The pronounced rejuvenating effect and the possibility of making significant changes in facial features with the help of fillers allow us to speak of contour plastic surgery as a worthy alternative to plastic surgery.

Other indisputable advantages of the procedure include the speed and ease of implementation, the absence of the need for general and even local anesthesia, the absence of a recovery period and the relatively low cost.

The main component of most preparations used in contouring plastics is the natural substrate of our skin, which guarantees the absence of allergic reactions and other side effects.

What is contour plastic surgery for? Main indications

How is contour plastic different from other injection techniques?

It is carried out to fill the missing volume in a particular area, fillers are used, mainly based on hyaluronic acid.

With the help of contour plastics it is possible:

  • eliminate almost all types of wrinkles and folds (except deep "structural")
  • increase lips and adjust their shape
  • form the volume of one or another part of the face (cheeks, chin, cheekbones, tip of the nose, etc.)
  • eliminate asymmetry in facial features

In addition, the procedure is effective not only in the face, but also in the neck, décolleté area, as well as when treating the skin on the hands and knees.

Preparations for contour plastics

There are two main types of drugs used for contouring:

  • Fillers based on hyaluronic acid ( , )
  • Fillers based on other substances safe for the body ( , )

All of them differ both among themselves and within each line of drugs in two key characteristics - gel density and biodegradation rate (i.e., long-term results). The choice of one or another filler is made based on the nature of the proposed changes. You can read more about fillers in the review "".

How is contour plastic surgery performed?

Despite the general safety of the procedure, only certified doctors who have undergone additional training in this area have the right to perform contour plastic surgery: only a qualified specialist will be able to choose the right drug, determine the required dosage and injection points.

Contour plastic is performed on an outpatient basis, within the framework of one procedure (in contrast, for example, from, which provides courses of 4-10 or more procedures). An anesthetic cream is applied to the previously cleansed skin, after which the doctor proceeds directly to the injection. This process takes from 15 to 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.

An important feature of contour plastics is the absence of a rehabilitation period. There are only minor restrictions that should be observed in the first 1-2 weeks to achieve the maximum effect (limit mechanical effects on the treated area, refuse to visit the sauna, swimming pool and solarium).

The result of the injections will be noticeable almost immediately. The initial assessment of the changes can be given after 1-2 days, and the final one - after about a week. Depending on the type of drug used, the effect obtained lasts from 4-6 months to several years.


The main contraindications to contouring are pregnancy and lactation, the presence of any diseases in the acute stage, viral diseases, inflammatory processes at the sites of the intended injections and diseases associated with impaired blood clotting.

Despite the fact that modern fillers are characterized as absolutely biocompatible and safe for the body, it is necessary to be aware of the possible problems associated with their administration. This will help to take all necessary measures in advance to prevent trouble.

An innovative method of "volumetric" rejuvenation is a direction of contouring, within which injections are carried out not subcutaneously, but into deeper layers of facial tissues, which allows achieving impressive results comparable to the results of full-fledged plastic surgeries.

Lips are one of the “weapons” of a woman, thanks to which she fights the representatives of the opposite sex, attracts attention from others. Even lips with a beautiful shape can lose their attractiveness over time, forcing their owner to look for ways to give them their former splendor. Often, conventional cosmetics are not enough, so lip plastic surgery comes to the rescue.

In some cases, it is done in connection with defects acquired due to traumatism, or congenital. Correction methods allow you to give your lips a new look or restore the beauty they have lost. There are several types of plasty, the choice of which depends on the initial condition and the goals set for the procedure.

When is plastic surgery done?

This procedure can be resorted to under various circumstances, but most often it is done in the following cases:

  • The desire to increase the volume of the lips. This goal can be pursued by women of any age. In some cases, we are talking about the correction of asymmetrical lips or a shape that simply does not suit their owner;
  • Restoration of pigmentation, contours, volume, shape. As a rule, such a request is made by women after 40 years. With age, the lips lose their natural bright color, sometimes their shape and outlines are deformed, wrinkles appear, and the nasolabial arch becomes blurred. In this case, a set of measures is usually applied to restore its former attractiveness. After 55 years, correction is often required due to skin aging. In such situations, various rejuvenation procedures, as a rule, are also combined;
  • Correction of pathological lips. This category includes cases of trauma (burns, cuts, surgery, inflammation) and birth defects.

Contour plastic

This method of correction is suitable for those who do not want to undergo a surgical operation, but want to give their lips a new contour, shape, make them more voluminous, expressive and sensual, get rid of wrinkles. Lip contouring involves the introduction of injections, from which there is no trace, and the effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure.

Most fillers (fillers for injections) are based on hyaluronic acid, which determines both their advantages and disadvantages. The list of the first can include the fact that the origin of the filler is not animal, so it does not cause allergies, it is not rejected from the body. Another advantage of injections with fillers is that the filler breaks down over time, after which it is excreted naturally.

The same fact is also a disadvantage of contour plastics. The body perceives hyaluronic acid as a natural substance that it destroys over time, as a result of which the effect of the procedure lasts no more than 1 year.

Many who resort to lip contouring using fillers are confused by the cost of fillers, which can vary dramatically depending on the manufacturer.

This difference is due to the fact that different manufacturers use the main component in different concentrations.

Some manufacturers are constantly working on improving fillers, which also affects their cost.

In addition to fillers with hyaluronic acid, collagen and polymer gels can also be used as a base.

Contraindications and complications

  • The presence of cancer;
  • Epilepsy, the presence of infectious diseases;
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • Local inflammation (herpes, redness, acne, boils on the lips);
  • Infectious diseases transferred recently or present at the time of the procedure.

When plastic surgery of the lips using hyaluronic acid and other fillers, complications can occur.

They are divided into two categories:

  1. Early. They appear in the first week after the procedure and are expressed by allergic reactions, hyperemia, hematomas. Edema often appears, which usually disappears spontaneously after a few days;
  2. Late. Over time, fibrous capsules, granulomas, and infections can develop. In some cases, vascular ischemia occurs, their blockage. These complications should be immediately paid attention to and urgently consult a doctor. Otherwise, it may result in necrosis, and then the appearance of scars.

What else do you need to know?

If you decide on contouring with hyaluronic acid or other injection fillers, consider these points.

Before the procedure, a test should be performed to find out if there is an allergy to fillers. If none is found, an injection is given, but local anesthesia is given first.

On the first day after the procedure, try to give your lips peace - refrain from wide smiles, excessive activity in this area, otherwise the injected drug may shift. Use only creams, ointments recommended by a beautician, and refuse others.

For the first few days, try to sleep on your back to avoid mouth contact with the pillow. Avoid visiting the sauna, bath, serious physical exertion.

Surgical plastic

A more radical method than contouring is surgical plastic surgery of the lips, which allows not only to change the shape of the mouth, but also to get rid of scars, growths in the corners of the mouth, papillomas, sagging, cysts. Using this procedure, you can reduce the mouth if they seem too plump to you. With the help of surgical plastics, you can transplant your own tissues, if there are indications for that.

Their list may include problematic skin, a lack of tissue in a certain area. Currently, this branch of surgery is so developed that it makes it possible to eliminate almost any kind of defects. The resulting effect persists for life (over time, only age-related changes may appear), and the operation leaves an almost imperceptible trace.

Plastic surgery is applicable to children as well. The indication for it is a cleft lip.

The anomaly in a child is noticeable from the first day of his life. The operation is usually scheduled for 4-6 months from the date of his birth. Sometimes it is carried out at an earlier age - in the first month of life, but this is dangerous and not so effective.

The main objectives of the operation are:

  • Elimination of the cleft itself;
  • Restoration of the normal length of the upper lip;
  • Nose reshaping.

The plastic of the frenulum of the upper lip is also used, the defects of which also appear in children. Anomalies may not be noticeable immediately at birth, but when, over time, parents or a speech therapist notice that it is difficult for a child to speak, they pay attention to the frenulum, which is often the reason for this.

"Eighteen till I die" (Eighteen till death)

It is this song by Bryan Adams that fits perfectly as the slogan of modern contouring.

Injectable drugs for non-surgical rejuvenation make it possible to postpone acquaintance with the possibilities of plastic surgery for 15-20 years. And look at the same time, at most, "a little over 30."

Until recently, cosmetology could offer only 2 types of drugs. Today, the choice has increased - and plastic surgeons risk being left without work!

  1. Muscle relaxants: Botox, Dysport, Xeomin. These drugs are injected with thin needles into the muscles of the face and immobilize them. As a result mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect lasts up to 7 months.

With the help of botulinum toxin preparations, it is possible to lift the corners of the mouth, lift the tip of the nose, remove the network of fine wrinkles around the mouth and on the neck, and reduce the volume of the lower jaw.

  1. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid(from the English word fill - to fill): Restylane, Perlane, Juviderm, Surgiderm, Glytone. These safe gels are used to replenish lost volumes - to smooth wrinkles, nasolabial folds, to lip volume increase and cheekbones. The effect lasts an average of 3-6 months.
  1. Collagen stimulating fillers latest generation such as Sculptra and Radiesse. These newly created drugs are unique. They stimulate the skin to produce its own collagen. Therefore, the rejuvenating effect of their introduction does not disappear after the degradation of the gel itself and is guaranteed by manufacturers for up to 2 years!

Expert comment:

In our assortment only modern contouring techniques

These techniques can be perfectly combined in one procedure, obtaining a powerful effect of rejuvenation and tightening.

1. Classics of the genre: contouring with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid usually solves the problems of superficial wrinkles and enlarges the lips. The filler is injected directly under the wrinkle, as if "pushing" it out.

2. Facial contouring to replenish lost volume

With age, the volume of the cheekbones decreases, the eyes and cheeks look sunken, lacrimal and nasolabial furrows appear. Volumetric (volumetric) correction of the face with the use of microcannulas eliminates such problems.

3. Gel lifting

Rosa Syabitova. Cheekbone augmentation combined with Radiesse gel lifting. Photos before the procedure and 7 days after. Made by Andrey Iskornev.

The result - high, young and "filled" cheekbones. Elimination of nasolabial folds. Smoothing the line of the lower jaw. General pronounced lifting. The skin got rid of the "cobweb effect" - from the network of small wrinkles.

The effect of contouring will increase over several weeks. The result will please Rosa up to 1.5 years.

Preparations for contour plastics

In the rich menu of Platinental, you only have safe certified gels that dissolve over time:

  • Restylane and Restylane Perline the most famous and proven preparations from the hyaluronic acid line. The drug is absorbed within 3-5 months.
  • Surgiderm (Surgiderm) - the most popular filler for accurate natural lip augmentation, shaping, enhancing the contour of the lips. The drug does not form lumps and, with proper administration, never creates the effect of unnaturalness.
  • Belotero- one of the highest quality preparations for "soft" barely noticeable filling of the lips. A very plastic material, which is easy to emphasize the natural shape of the lips or remove only the beginning signs of nasolabial folds or other wrinkles and creases on the face. Belotero is excellent for removing transverse neck wrinkles technique cannula micro-reinforcement.
  • Glytone- an exclusive preparation for long-acting contouring (manufacturer's warranty 12 and 24 months). Ideal for lip augmentation Haute couture. Contains mannitol, which provides an additional effect of deep hydration and biorevitalization.
  • Radiesse is a new generation powerful collagen-stimulating gel. Suitable for removing deep nasolabial folds, even in men. The duration of the drug is 2 years.
  • Sculptra- a preparation based on polylactic acid, ideally proven in the USA. It is used for complex reinforcement of the face, removal of nasolabial folds, lifting of the zygomatic region, neck rejuvenation.
  • Juviderm Ultra- the only gel that contains an anesthetic in its composition, providing maximum comfort during and after the procedure.
  • (equio)- a new gel based on hyaluronic acid with a unique permeability property - the PERMEANCE. Evenly distributed under the skin, it does not give puffiness of the "tunnel" effect.

Correction zones for contour plastic preparations.

What drugs are used to correct a particular area

  • cheekbone contouring - Radiesse (Radiesse), Sculptra (Sculptra), Glytone 4, Juviderm ( Juvederm), Volume,
  • lip contouring, corner lifting - all preparations based on hyaluronic acid, Xeomin for local muscle relaxation in the upper lip and strengthening the lip contour;
  • lip augmentation- Surgiderm (Sudzhiderm), Belotero;
  • nose contouring - Radiesse;
  • all drugs;
  • neck contouring - Belotero, Radiesse, Sculptra;
  • eyelid contouring - Belotero Soft, Ial Systems;
  • chin contouring - Radiesse, Sculptra;
  • eyebrow contouring - Radiesse, Sculptra;
  • body contouring - Macrolane;
  • intimate contour plastic - Glyton, Gee Visk.
  • nasolacrimal grooves - Radiesse, any soft preparations of hyaluronic acid in microvolumes;
  • contouring of the hands - Radiesse;
  • cheeks - Radiesse, Sculptra.

Photo "before and after"

Facial contouring - correction of cheekbones, nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves.

Contour plastic of the cheekbones and nasolabial folds.

Contour plastic of the nasolacrimal sulcus.

Lifting of the lower third of the face using fillers.

Contour correction of wrinkles in the area of ​​the auricles, filling in the missing volume of the earlobe.

Male contouring - facial volumization, wrinkle smoothing.

Male contouring - facial volumization, wrinkle smoothing.

Enlargement of the angles of the lower jaw with fillers.

Eyebrow correction. Performed: .

Botox injections.

Injections of botulinum toxin type A in the forehead. The result "before" and 2 weeks "after" the procedure.

Correction of mimic wrinkles with Botox. Performed: .

Contour plasty of nasolabial folds with Surgiderm24xp. The photos were taken "before" and immediately "after" the procedure. Performed: .

Correction of nasolabial folds.

Non-surgical rejuvenation of the earlobes.

Contouring of the earlobe with hyaluronic acid.

Contour plastic of the chin. The effect lasts up to 1 year. Then you can repeat or install a permanent Medpor implant. Completed by: Vasiliev Maxim.

Contour plastic of the cheekbones with fillers.

Contour plastic of the chin.

Lip contouring.

Lip contouring.

Why Platinental

Doctors of the Platinental Center are certified for each of the drugs;

The procedure for reinforcing and correcting the volume of the face with microcannulas is performed by a plastic surgeon who is familiar with the anatomy of the face in detail. Only a practicing aesthetic surgeon can guarantee the most pronounced and natural lifting without puncture marks;

- Each Platinental specialist has performed several thousand procedures;

Due to the unique technique of combining preparations, contouring with gels solves several different problems at the same time. For example, Peralyn wrinkle filling goes well with Radiesse vector lifting, etc. In such cases, the effect is usually much more pronounced and lasts longer;

The most natural result and naturalness of the contour with minimal intervention.

How much does a rejuvenation course cost?

Prices for contour plastics depend solely on the drugs used and their required volume. To determine the exact cost of the correction, you need to get personal recommendations from a dermatocosmetologist or plastic surgeon.



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