Algodysmenorrhea: causes and treatment of painful periods. Additional procedures for algomenorrhea

slight discomfort during critical days experienced by almost all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. But some women are just stalked unbearable pain. Such malaise even sometimes makes it impossible to work. Painful monthly doctors call algomenorrhea. Why does discomfort occur? And what are the ways to get rid of it?

Description of the pathology: pain, scanty or profuse discharge

Algodysmenorrhea is one of the forms of impaired menstrual cycle . It is characterized by severe pain during menstruation. Pathology is accompanied by excessively abundant or scanty discharge.

Algosdysmenorrhea occurs as a result of strong contractions of the uterus

This condition causes serious discomfort in a woman. In some cases, this is not a sign of pathologies of the genital organs, but most often signals the development of certain diseases.

Doctors, speaking of painful periods, use a few more terms, such as algomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea.

The mechanism of discomfort: what does the presence of blood clots indicate

Every month, the woman's body prepares for the conception of a child, at a certain period of the cycle, ovulation occurs (the release of a formed mature egg from the ovary). This process in some representatives of the fair half causes pain. They can last a few minutes or drag on for the entire period before the onset of menstruation.

Thus, pain before the onset of critical days may indicate successful ovulation.

The uterus is also preparing for the ability to endure a baby. In order to receive a fertilized egg into its bowels, the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) thickens under the influence of hormones. But if pregnancy has not occurred, then he begins to be rejected and comes out in the form of menstruation through the genital tract. This process is accompanied by uterine contractions, which cause characteristic pain.

The secretions are a complex mixture containing vaginal cells, blood, particles of the endometrium. Therefore, the presence of clots is a normal physiological phenomenon.. But sometimes it can indicate serious violations in organism.

Classification of pathology

Doctors distinguish several degrees of algomenorrhea, depending on the severity of symptoms:

  1. Easy degree. This form is characterized by moderate short-term discomfort. Pain does not disrupt the usual way of life and does not lead to disability. The problem most often disappears after childbirth.
  2. Average degree. A woman is tormented by a rather pronounced discomfort, weakness appears. Psycho-emotional disruptions join the malaise, which can be expressed by irritability, depression, intolerance to sounds or smells. The performance is greatly reduced.
  3. Severe degree. Pain is pronounced. The malaise may be accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, vegetative system. During menstruation, a woman completely loses her ability to work.

Primary dysmenorrhea occurs during adolescence

According to the mechanism of occurrence, dysmenorrhea is divided into:

  1. Primary. Painful sensations appear in adolescence. Usually dysmenorrhea is observed in excitable girls who are characterized by emotional instability. Most often, primary algomenorrhea is not associated with pathologies of internal organs. Although such causes can be completely excluded only after examination.
  2. Secondary. This pathology develops in adult women, as a rule, after 30 years. The occurrence of painful periods is dictated by acquired diseases of the genital area.

Primary dysmenorrhea is divided into 3 types:

  1. Spasmodic. The appearance of pain provokes severe spasms of the uterus. The condition resembles in its manifestations "mini-birth".
  2. Essential. This type pathology is associated with low pain threshold at a woman.
  3. Psychogenic. Usually girls with an unstable psyche suffer, anxiety states, fear of pain, a tendency to tantrums.

Why do painful periods occur in girls and women

Doctors believe that different factors underlie primary and secondary algomenorrhea.

Causes of primary dysmenorrhea in adolescence

Unpleasant discomfort appears in girls 6–18 months after the onset of menstruation. It is at this time that they set the process of ovulation..

The causes of primary algomenorrhea can be:

  1. Hormonal changes. Phase 2 of the cycle is characterized by a deficiency of endorphin and enkephalin (happiness hormones). At the same time, the formation of prostaglandins increases. Such changes in the hormonal background cause pain.
  2. Tuberculosis of the genital organs. Pathology, which has been developing since childhood, leads to various anomalies in the development of the genital organs. Menstruation may be absent or manifest as scanty discharge accompanied by severe pain.
  3. Developmental Disorders connective tissue which are often inherited. Anomalies can provoke various pathologies: scoliosis, pelvic tilt, problems with the intestines. These changes provide negative impact on the genital area (squeeze, lead to bending of the organs), as a result of which the girl experiences discomfort. In addition, with such disorders, magnesium deficiency is detected.
  4. Diseases nervous system. Women suffering from psychosis, various neuroses, often have a heightened perception of pain.
  5. Abnormal structure of the reproductive system. Underdevelopment of the uterus, kinks of the organ lead to severe pain during menstruation. The pathological structure worsens the outflow of blood from the cavity. The uterus is forced to contract more strongly. The result is severe pain.

Causes of secondary pathology: hysteroscopy with curettage, inflammation, IVF, removal of an ovarian cyst, Regulon cancellation, taking Duphaston, Postinor, Qlaira and other drugs

Painful discomfort in women can develop for the following reasons:

Symptoms accompanying algomenorrhea: pain, fever, depression and others

Dysmenorrhea, depending on the strength of manifestations, can provoke a whole "bouquet" of unpleasant symptoms:

Such signs in secondary algomenorrhea are complicated by symptoms of gynecological pathology that provoked painful periods.

Diagnosis: what tests should be done

If there are unpleasant symptoms that seriously reduce the quality of life, the patient should go to the gynecologist for an appointment.

The examination begins with a questioning of the woman:

  1. About clinical manifestations (when the malaise appeared, what symptoms are accompanied, how long the discomfort lasts, where the pain is localized).
  2. About the menstrual cycle (when menstruation began, how long it lasts, their abundance, regularity).
  3. About gynecological diseases (whether there were previous diseases, whether there were surgical interventions).

Then the patient will undergo the following examinations:

Depending on the results of the tests performed, consultations of narrow specialists may be required: an endocrinologist, a urologist, a psychologist, a surgeon, a mammologist, a psychiatrist.

Treatment Methods

For the treatment of algomenorrhea are used non-drug methods and drug therapy.

Non-drug methods include:

  • dietary intake;
  • psychotherapy;
  • gymnastics, yoga;
  • massage.

Drug therapy is prescribed individually, depending on the detected pathologies in the woman's body, characteristic symptoms and strength of manifestation of dysmenorrhea.

Diet food: essential vitamins and minerals

To help reduce pain:

  1. Vegetable juices. They should be started a few days before the onset of menstruation. Beetroot juice, carrot juice, parsley drink help a lot.
  2. Cellulose. It is advisable to introduce bran, rice (unpolished), vegetables into the diet.
  3. Protein and iron. To replenish such substances, it is necessary to diversify the menu with liver, buckwheat.
  4. Calcium, magnesium, potassium. These trace elements help to reduce the tone of the uterus, thereby reducing pain. To enrich the body with such minerals, nutrition should include:
    • string beans;
    • cottage cheese;
    • tomatoes;
    • yogurt;
    • green salad;
    • milk.
  5. Vitamin E, especially in the first 3 days of menstruation. The supply of this substance will provide:
    • avocado;
    • corn;
    • olives;
    • beans.
  6. Bananas. delicious product contains big number"happiness hormone" Therefore, with violations in the hormonal background, bananas can significantly reduce discomfort.
  7. Ginger tea. It can be drunk with honey. Peppermint and chamomile teas also have analgesic properties.

Recommended products for the female body with dysmenorrhea - gallery

Wet juice is useful for dysmenorrhea
Unpolished rice will saturate the body with fiber
Beef liver provides iron and protein
Cottage cheese, milk will enrich the body with calcium, magnesium, potassium
Olives saturate the body with vitamin E
Banana is a real storehouse of the "hormone of happiness"
Ginger Tea Significantly Reduces Dysmenorrhea Pain


Helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Acupressure. It is necessary to press for 1.5–2 minutes on a point located on the inner surface of the knee.
  2. Lumbar massage. You will need 2 small balls (for example, tennis). They are lowered into a regular sock or a bag of fabric so that they do not roll anywhere. On this "simulator" they lay down with their backs. The balls should be placed on both sides of the spine. It takes a few minutes to roll them with muscles.

During menstruation heavy loads contraindicated. They can increase bleeding in a woman. And walking, simple gymnastics, yoga can bring significant relief.

Research scientists have confirmed that athletes are much less likely to suffer from algomenorrhea.

You can practice the following exercises:

Drug therapy: Aspirin, Papaverine, Magne B6 forte, Asparkam and other drugs

Medicines that can help a woman endure dysmenorrhea are prescribed by a doctor.

Usually therapy includes such groups of medicines:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This is the main group of drugs used for algomenorrhea, which reduces pain, eliminates inflammation, and relieves swelling. Appoint:
    • Aspirin;
    • ibuprofen;
    • Paracetamol;
    • Naproxen;
    • Ortofen;
    • ibuprofen;
    • Diclofenac;
    • Voltaren;
    • Indomethacin.

      The following medicines perfectly block the growth of prostaglandin: Ketazon, Surgam, Sulindak, Reopirin, Piroxicam, Ketoprofen, Pirabutol, Nifluril, Butadion, Donalgin. They help to cope with pain and relieve heat Tsefekon (candles), Nise.

  2. Antispasmodics. Sometimes recommend combined medicines, which not only eliminate pain, but also relieve muscle spasms. These medicines are:
    • Spazmalgon;
    • Maxigan;
    • Spazgin;
    • Trigan;
    • Minalgan.

      Some doctors advise combining NSAIDs with such antispasmodics: Platifillin, Papaverine, No-Shpa, Metacin, Sirdalud.

  3. Antihistamines combined with sedatives. This combination is used for severe pain. The drugs are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Dimedrol, Suprastin are used as antihistamines. From sedatives choose Sibazon, Relanium.
  4. Combined contraceptives. These medicines can only be prescribed by a doctor, after weighing the condition of the woman and analyzing the contraindications. Benefits can bring:
    • Ovidon;
    • Norkolut;
    • Turinal;
    • Microgynon;
    • Marvelon;
    • Orgametril.
  5. Vitamin complexes. To ensure the entry of minerals and vitamins into the body, the patient is prescribed:
    • Magne B6 forte;
    • Calcium D3 Nycomed;
    • Pentovit;
    • Neuromultivit.
    • vitamin E;

For adolescent girls, the most suitable medications are ibuprofen-based NSAIDs. For older women and menopausal women, hormonal therapy is most often recommended.

Medicines for algomenorrhea: tablets, suppositories - gallery

Magne B6 forte saturates the body essential magnesium
Papaverine relieves muscle spasms and pain
Asparkam replenishes magnesium and potassium deficiency in the body
Meloxicam is an excellent pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent.
Sirdalud relieves spasms
Rigevidon is taken for normalization hormonal background

Physiotherapy methods

Hardware physiotherapy is widely used to combat algomenorrhea. It is carried out on the eve of menstruation or in the second phase of the cycle.

  1. Phonophoresis, electrophoresis using solutions: Novocain, Sodium bromide, Antipyrine, Trimecain.
  2. Ultrasound in pulsed mode lower part belly.
  3. Short-wave diathermy is an electrotherapeutic method based on the use of high-frequency alternating electric current.
  4. Galvanized collar with nicotinic acid, bromine, calcium (according to Shcherbak A.V.).
  5. DDT, SMT - exposure to pulsed low-frequency currents.
  6. Reflexology.

Folk remedies: what herbs are used

With menstrual pain, recipes of traditional healers will bring help:

  1. Viburnum bark:
    • crushed raw materials (4 tsp) are poured with water (1 tbsp.);
    • the composition is boiled for half an hour;
    • filter;
    • add ordinary liquid to the liquid boiled water to get the initial volume;
    • take a decoction three times a day for 1 tsp. before eating.
  2. Medicinal infusion:
    • combine lemon balm leaves and chamomile flowers in a ratio of 1: 1;
    • ready-made collection (1 tbsp.) Pour boiling water (1 tbsp.);
    • for half an hour, the remedy is insisted, then filtered;
    • take three times a day for 1-2 tbsp. l. before meals. It is necessary to start treatment a few days before the onset of menstruation, and finish - after it ends.
  3. Medicinal teas. Drinks from raspberry leaves, chamomile flowers can reduce pain. Teas made from mint, catnip, strawberry leaves are useful. To relieve swelling, drinks from herbs with diuretic properties are recommended ( horsetail, bear ears).

Folk remedies for algomenorrhea - gallery

Melissa in combination with chamomile is used to prepare a medicinal infusion.
Horsetail has a diuretic effect

homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy provides excellent results. Such drugs affect the female body gently, but at the same time effectively.

The following homeopathic remedies can be used:

  1. Menonorm. It is recommended for admission with PMS (premenstrual syndrome), algomenorrhea, in menopause. Favorably affects the sexual sphere, strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  2. Basin. Used to reduce pain in dysmenorrhea. Often used in menopause.
  3. Ginereg. The drug is intended for the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the female genital organs, such as colpitis, endometritis, adnexitis.
  4. Feminus. Used for menstrual irregularities chronic inflammation, during the menopause. The drug has a beneficial effect on the autonomic and central nervous systems.
  5. Dysmenorm. It is prescribed for PMS, dysmenorrhea. The drug eliminates severe bleeding, regulates the cycle.
  6. Klimadinon. The medicine is an effective replacement for hormonal medications. It is prescribed to eliminate psycho-emotional, vascular disorders in women during menopause, as well as before and after menopause.
  7. Gynocoheel. The medicine is intended to improve the functioning of the female reproductive system. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is often recommended for salpingitis, endometritis.

Prognosis and possible complications

The prognosis for algomenorrhea is quite favorable. Properly selected methods of treatment can normalize the condition. In most cases, there is complete relief from pain.

The prognosis of secondary dysmenorrhea depends on the disease underlying the development of menstrual pain.

Consequences: what can happen if the pathology is not treated

In the absence of adequate treatment, algomenorrhea can lead to negative complications 2 types:

  1. in the reproductive system. If the development of dysmenorrhea is based on gynecological diseases, then ignoring the pathology leads to its progression. To fight with severe forms much more difficult. Many gynecological diseases lead to infertility. And some of them can transform into oncology.
  2. IN general well-being. Psychosomatic disorders can underlie the development of psychosis, depression. In addition, without appropriate therapy during menstruation, a woman's ability to work will decrease.

Preventive actions

  1. Treat all inflammatory infectious diseases sexual sphere correctly and in a timely manner.
  2. Observe personal hygiene.
  3. Eliminate bad habits.
  4. Adhere to the right lifestyle good nutrition corresponding physical exercise).
  5. Visit a gynecologist.
  6. With dysmenorrhea, follow all the recommendations prescribed by the doctor to eliminate discomfort.

Painful menstruation - video

Algodismenorrhea is an extremely unpleasant condition that can annoy a woman for years. Is it worth it to endure similar discomfort? Thanks to the rapid development of medicine, modern doctors have many tools in their arsenal that can help each patient cope with excruciating monthly discomfort.

Algodysmenorrhea. What it is? talking plain language, this is a violation of the usual menstrual cycle, which is accompanied by sharp pains during menstruation. There are not so many reasons for algomenorrhea, therefore, if the problem is permanent, you should consult a doctor to determine and eliminate the factor that provokes a painful menstrual cycle. With a diagnosis of algomenorrhea, treatment requires a comprehensive and timely approach, otherwise it is possible that the disease will progress and lead to serious consequences.

What is algomenorrhea? The disease is widespread among women who have entered reproductive age. Doctors classify the disease into two groups: primary and secondary.

Algodysmenorrhea primary - an independent pathology, which is most common in girls in adolescence. Secondary, on the contrary, can develop against the background various diseases and is often observed in women after thirty years. The disease can occur as a result of severe inflammatory processes, operations and other injuries.

Primary algomenorrhea develops as a result of abnormal development of the uterus, cervical atresia and other diseases in which blood outflow is disturbed during menstruation.

In addition, algomenorrhea may occur against the background of unsatisfactory psychological state women. According to doctors, the psychosomatics of pathology is determined by a woman's rejection of her essence, her denial of herself as a mother.

Another reason may be infantilism, mental or physical. Insufficient development of the myometrium greatly affects the ability of the uterus to stretch, reducing it. As a result, pressure on the walls increases, which leads to pain. During this period, the nerve fibers become especially sensitive.

Secondary algomenorrhea can develop against the background of inflammation of the female genital organs, as well as surgical abortions, surgical intervention,. There can be many reasons. However, the most common factor in the development of the disease is endometriosis. This process is characterized by the growth of endometrial cells outside the uterine cavity.

In addition, uterine fibroids can become a provoking factor. As a result, the normal outflow of blood during menstruation is disturbed, and the uterus begins to contract faster than usual. As a result, increased pressure develops in the walls of the organ and the appearance of severe pain.

Sometimes the disease can develop after it has been established intrauterine device. It stimulates the release of prostaglandins, like all previous causes of the disease.

If inflammatory processes are the cause of algomenorrhea, then in such cases adhesions form in the damaged area, which, in turn, provoke deformation of the uterus. As a result, the outflow of blood from it is disturbed. Moreover, during inflammatory processes, the tissues of the organs swell. Nerve fibers squeezing, causing pain. Often the pain is exacerbated by a more intense contraction of the uterus.

Symptoms of the disease

Algodysmenorrhea, the symptoms and treatment of which depend on the general condition of the woman, both physical and mental, requires increased attention from the woman. Common symptoms of the disease are pain before, during and after menstruation. When the menstruation itself goes, they, as a rule, acquire the strongest character. Constant discomfort in the lower abdomen is often accompanied by general malaise. So, the following manifestations are characteristic of primary algomenorrhea:

  • vascular signs: fainting, headaches, pain in the heart;
  • mental signs: bulimia, anorexia, impaired memory function, often vomiting;
  • emotional symptoms: insomnia, depression, drowsiness, frequent drops mood (most characteristic irritability).

The presence of the disease can also indicate constant belching, dryness in the mouth, vomiting, joint pain, itching (as with rashes on the skin), swelling in abdominal cavity. Some patients also complain of joint pain.

With secondary algomenorrhea, there is fever body, sharp pains during menstruation, which subside a little after they end, but do not completely disappear. Obvious signs of pathology are menstrual irregularities, prolonged and too heavy menstruation.

Complications of the disease

If not treated properly, algomenorrhea begins to progress and is accompanied by serious complications. For example, an illness can lead to the development of psychosis. If for a long time nothing stops the pain during menstruation, they can seriously affect the psyche, causing prolonged depressions and more acute forms mental disorders.

Secondary algomenorrhea is also dangerous because if you do not identify the causes of pain in right time, then the underlying disease runs the risk of becoming incurable.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Ignoring the disease can lead not only to its chronic condition but also deal a severe blow to human health in general.
Algomenorrhea is the most common form of the disease. Unlike algomenorrhea, which combines painful and irregular periods, it is characterized only by painful sensations during the cycle.

Usually, in order to diagnose algomenorrhea, the treatment of which differs from algomenorrhea, the gynecologist examines the patient and conducts a survey. Additionally, a woman is given a referral for a general blood test, and ultrasound of the relevant organs, laparoscopy, can also be performed. Based on the results of tests, interviews and examinations, the doctor makes an accurate conclusion.

In the diagnosis of algomenorrhea, treatment includes a number of standard procedures, however, an individual approach is used for each patient. Typically, the doctor will diet menu(usually women who have problems with being overweight are more prone to menstrual irregularities). In addition, it is very effective for algomenorrhea to improve the psychological state of a woman. She is usually recommended a full eight hours of sleep, avoiding stressful situations, good vacation.

Doctors advise to completely give up alcohol, coffee and smoking. If a woman practices regular physical activity, such as fitness or swimming, their frequency and intensity should be reduced.

At drug treatment doctors prescribe painkillers. This is (no-shpa, spasmoblock, which helps with postcholecystectomy syndrome, algomenorrhea, spasms, headaches, etc.). Additionally, ibuprofen, paracetamol, antioxidants are prescribed, and oral contraceptives are recommended.

With the diagnosis of algomenorrhea, treatment may be deeper. So, if the disease is severe, the attending physician prescribes strong drugs to be taken during menstruation for several months in a row.

When diagnosed with secondary algomenorrhea, treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

Algodysmenorrhea is serious illness, which can deal an irreparable blow female body. Therefore, if the slightest symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for accurate diagnosis. When algomenorrhea is detected, treatment should be started immediately. In the absence of therapy, the disease progresses rapidly and it will take a lot of effort to slow down the rate of its course even a little.

In this article we will talk about such a disease as algomenorrhea. We will try to consider all aspects this disease from symptoms to prevention. With algomenorrhea, a violation occurs in the menstrual cycle, namely, it begins to pass painfully, disrupting the general condition of the body. The most common manifestations of the symptoms of the disease are states of weakness, nausea, the appearance of edema and headaches, we will consider all this in more detail below.

The appearance of algomenorrhea increases many times, due to various lesions of the uterus (abortion or inflammation), increased nervous excitability, and others. So, let's look at each aspect in more detail.

Most often, algomenorrhea can be found in girls of a fragile physique with emotional instability and having a small body weight. Patients over the age of 30 are usually at risk of developing algomenorrhea next.

Usually they already have such groups of past diseases as:

  • abortion;
  • Installation of a spiral in the uterus;
  • generic processes;
  • Surgical interventions in the work of the pelvic organs;
  • Inflammatory processes (for example, cervicitis, adnexitis, salpingitis, endometritis and others);
  • Non-inflammatory processes (for example, diseases of the external genitalia, polycystic ovaries, and the like).

Sick people often begin to complain of severe pain and deterioration in their usual state. Algodysmenorrhea is always accompanied by painful sensations that appear along with the onset of menstruation or a couple of hours before it appears. Most often, the pain is cramp-like in nature, and in rare cases the lower abdomen can pull or burst. Sometimes discomfort can spread to the lower back, groin, inner thighs, perineum, or rectum. Pain may not affect everyday look life and are easily eliminated with the help of painkillers, and can be very strong and require the provision of qualified medical care.

Algodysmenorrhea can also lead to vegetovascular disorders, which can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Belching;
  • hiccups;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Bloating
  • Chills;
  • Numbness and coldness of the extremities;
  • fainting and headaches;
  • Increase in the number of urination

Pain in the legs and joints, itching on the skin and, in general, loss of tone can also indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body. A few days before the start of "These Days", the sick are especially irritable, nervous, touchy. There have also been cases of loss or excessive appetite, hypersensitivity to certain odors and changes in tastes.

But the symptomatology of algomenorrhea can be completely different in various diseases of the organs of the reproductive system due to the fact that the symptoms of an already diagnosed diagnosis are superimposed on it. In this case, this disease is divided into two types: compensated and decompensated algomenorrhea. Who has a compensated form of the disease - the symptoms may not change for a large number of years, and in the opposite case, the pain with the passage of time worsens and becomes stronger.

Algodysmenorrhea is detected based on the patient's complaints, history and test results. Then the specialist begins to find out the date of appearance of the first pain, their duration, whether they are accompanied by disturbances in the general condition of the body, whether the patient diagnosed with algomenorrhea has any other diseases in terms of gynecology, and whether she has ever undergone childbirth, abortion or surgery on the organs of the reproductive system. During the reception, the gynecologist will ask about the age of the onset of menstruation, their abundance, duration and duration.

After the doctor collects all the data and conducts a detailed interview, a thorough examination begins, during which swabs will be taken in the cervical canal, vagina and urethra. After that, the woman will be sent to additional examinations which consist of ultrasound examination of organs genitourinary system, putting general analysis for infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact, as well as urine and blood, and the study of hormone levels.

Additional procedures for algomenorrhea

Additional procedures and tests may be prescribed based on the nature of algomenorrhea. For example, if this disease is caused by endometriosis and (or) polyposis, then there is the possibility of prescribing hysteroscopy and separate diagnostic curettage. In order to clarify the results of an ultrasound examination, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging can be used. In very rare and advanced situations, laparoscopy may be prescribed, so do not be alarmed. In cases of urgent need, the patient may be referred to a number of other specialists (for example, a psychologist, urologist, psychotherapist and a number of other doctors).

As you can see, there are quite a few examinations, but in no case should you neglect going to the hospital, since the named disease is dangerous with a number of possible complications.

Algodysmenorrhea is treated only in a hospital setting. The most proven and effective way to cure is a combination of pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy. If a history of gynecological diseases is noted, then the tactics of treatment will be determined taking into account the already diagnosed diagnosis. In the treatment of algomenorrhea, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed that inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandin synthetases. It is usually necessary to start taking medicines for this disease about 2 or 4 days before the onset of menstruation and end the same number of days after they end. Most often take drugs such as aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen and their synonyms.

Algodysmenorrhea allows the use of combined-type agents containing analgesics and antispasmodics. If the course of the disease is accompanied by severe pain, then the drugs must be administered intramuscularly or intravenously for several stages, and sometimes they can be combined with sedatives and antihistamines. If these medicines do not give the desired positive effect, then patients can be prescribed hormonal agents or in another way methods of oral contraception.

A number of specialists have begun to recognize one of the experimental methods of treatment - this is reflexology. If violations are found psycho-emotional state, a woman can be referred to a psychologist or psychotherapist to identify and eliminate existing difficulties. Patients are tried in every possible way to provide psychological support, they allow reception sedatives, teach the technique of sedation, talks are often held about the etiology of this disease and explanations about its safety, naturally in the case timely treatment and responsible attitude towards it.

Girls and women who suffer from algomenorrhea should once and for all forget about the existence of bad habits, stop drinking strong caffeinated drinks, normalize their lifestyle and daily routine, try to completely get rid of irritating factors, if any. excess weight- make every effort to get rid of it, monitor compliance with balanced diet, do not forget about moderate physical activity.

  • Algodysmenorrhea, which appears for the first time, as everyone knows, is very quickly and easily treated.
  • Algodysmenorrhea, which occurs against the background of already existing gynecological diseases, will depend only on you and on the course of an existing diagnosis.

So let's get down to the bottom line. We found out that algomenorrhea is, in other words, painful menstruation, which can be caused by a number of the most various reasons. You should not be afraid of this disease, because it can be treated, which, in turn, is carried out in a fairly short time and usually passes without problems.

From the foregoing, we can conclude: you need to monitor your health, and at the first symptoms of algomenorrhea, be examined by a doctor.

Algodismenorrhea (in some sources, the pathology is called dysmenorrhea) is a disease that manifests itself with a whole range of symptoms - pain, impaired well-being, and nervous discomfort. More than half of the women different ages consult a doctor with similar complaints. In some cases, the cause of this disease is anatomical features, and sometimes algomenorrhea itself serves as a sign of defeat reproductive system. According to international classification ICD pathology was assigned the code N94.4 - N94.6 (primary, secondary and dysmenorrhea of ​​unspecified origin).

The mechanism of the development of the disease

Previously, the cause of algomenorrhea in women was considered functional disorders in the work of the genital organs. However, with the development modern methods diagnostics, this theory has been revised. Now the leading role in the appearance of severe symptoms during menstruation is assigned to excessive secretion of prostaglandins type E and F. They stimulate strong contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium), which leads to pain. For expressiveness clinical picture algomenorrhea affect:

  • individual sensitivity of pain receptors to irritation;
  • the psychological state of a woman;
  • prone to hysteria.

Unpleasant sensations are intensified due to vasospasm, circulatory disorders and calcium accumulation in tissues. With algomenorrhea, an imbalance of estrogens and progesterone is noted. These hormones are produced in the ovaries under the control of the hypothalamic-pituitary system located in the brain. Their level is not constant and depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Symptoms of dysmenorrhea develop with an excess of estrogen before ovulation and a deficiency of progesterone after it.

Causes of symptoms in girls

Gynecologists often diagnose girls in adolescence with primary algomenorrhea. What it is? In some cases, discomfort during menstruation develops without concomitant illness organs of the reproductive system. Usually they occur with the appearance of menstruation or a year and a half later and continue for a long time. The causes of primary amenorrhea are:

  • anatomical features (narrowing cervical canal, incorrect physiological position of the uterus), which prevent the normal outflow of blood during menstruation;
  • psychogenic associated with emotional instability;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • physiological infantilism, in which the muscular tissue of the uterus is not sufficiently developed, therefore, its contractions during menstruation cause severe pain.

Typically, such a pathology affects girls of thin build, prone to weight loss. It should be noted that primary dysmenorrhea is accompanied by vegetovascular disorders, scoliosis or kyphosis. The disease can go away on its own after the onset of sexual activity, pregnancy and childbirth. But if his symptoms bring the girl tangible discomfort, you need to see a doctor and start treatment.

Causes of painful menstruation in adulthood

Secondary algomenorrhea is a consequence of certain changes in the reproductive system. In most cases, it is caused by endometriosis. This is a pathological growth of the functional mucous membrane of the uterus both inside the organ itself, there and beyond. The disease causes significant changes in the wall of the uterus, which leads to the development of algomenorrhea. Other contributing factors include:

  1. Myoma - benign tumor in the uterus, consisting of muscle and connective tissue. Its growth provokes a lack of progesterone. Depending on the localization, the neoplasm may interfere with the normal outflow of blood during menstruation, or disrupt the functioning of the uterus.
  2. Intrauterine device. According to clinical research, the installation of such a contraceptive increases the level of prostaglandins in the wall of the organ.

Acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the vagina, uterus and ovaries.

Often the causes of algomenorrhea lie in the performed surgical interventions, abortions on late term, diagnostic procedures. Painful periods may be the only symptom of comorbidities or be accompanied by other signs. For example, endometriosis is characterized by fever during menstruation, pain during urination and bowel movements. Fibroids are accompanied by an increase in the size of the uterus, inflammatory processes - specific vaginal discharge, burning and itching.

Methods for detecting pathology

Diagnosis of algomenorrhea, which arose in early age consists in questioning the patient. This is followed by a gentle examination on the gynecological chair (if the girl is not yet sexually active) and ultrasonography to exclude deviations in the formation of the organs of the reproductive system. The doctor also prescribes tests to determine the concentration of estrogen and progesterone. Blood must be donated at different phases menstrual cycle.

It is not so easy to make a diagnosis of secondary algomenorrhea. To determine its cause, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the woman. For this purpose, ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor is used, sometimes more informative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is shown to confirm its results. Inspect inner surface the walls of the uterus can be done using endoscopic hysteroscopy.

Sometimes, to establish the cause of algomenorrhea in women, a laparoscopic operation is necessary. Through small incisions, a thin tube with a camera and instruments are inserted into the pelvic cavity. The resulting image is transmitted to a computer monitor. Accuracy similar method diagnosis of algomenorrhea is more than 95%.

Clinical picture

A characteristic symptom of the primary and secondary forms of the disease is periodicity. The main symptom is diffuse pain in the lower abdomen different intensity. It can occur a few hours before the onset of menstruation and last the first 1 - 2 days or until they end. In addition, patients complain about:

  • bloating;
  • indigestion (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • increased susceptibility to odors;
  • lack of appetite;
  • severe irritability;
  • depression
  • insomnia;
  • decreased concentration;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • general weakness.

Depending on the expression clinical symptoms determine the severity of dysmenorrhea. With pathology of the first degree during menstruation, mild pains are noted, which practically do not affect the daily lifestyle. The second degree requires the use of painkillers that alleviate the patient's condition. The third degree is characterized by sharp cramping pains that disappear when taking analgesics. This causes you to miss work days or classes.

Principles of drug therapy

Treatment of algomenorrhea is aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease, normalizing the hormonal background and psychosomatics of a woman. In the secondary form of pathology, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused it. To relieve pain, doctors recommend drugs containing a combination of antispasmodics with analgesics. These are medicines such as:

  • Spazgan;
  • Spazmalgon;
  • Novigan;
  • Spasmoveralgin Neo.

These drugs should be taken 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation at a dosage of 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, regardless of the meal time. In case of severe pain syndrome, intramuscular injection analgesics and antispasmodic drugs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to lower prostaglandin levels. However, they are dangerous in diseases digestive system, accompanied hyperacidity, to reduce the risk of side effects, it is possible to use such drugs in the form of suppositories. Usually prescribed treatment with such medicines:

  • Indomethacin (Metindol);
  • Diclofenac (Voltaren, Ortofen, Artrozan);
  • Meloxicam (Movalis, Movasin, Amelotex);
  • Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen).

To increase the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs for algomenorrhea, they are prescribed 4 to 5 days before the onset of menstruation and continue for about 1 to 2 days after it ends. The dosage is 1 suppository (or tablet) 1-2 times a day. While taking the medication, the symptoms of the disease are much easier. Some drugs, for example, Baralgin, have a combined anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

In case of hormonal imbalance, treatment with progesterone preparations or monophasic oral contraceptives with a predominance of gestagens is necessary. These are drugs such as Logest, Janine, Rigevidon, Lindinet, Regulon. Their reception begins on the first day of menstruation and continues for three weeks. After 3 to 4 days, menstruation appears, proceeding without pronounced symptoms.

Prevention measures

After making a diagnosis, the doctor explains to the patient what algomenorrhea is and gives recommendations to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. So, you should stop smoking, excessive consumption of sweets, carbonated drinks. With obesity, it is necessary to get rid of excess weight with the help of sports and a properly selected diet. A few days before and during menstruation, it is advised to limit coffee. In the second phase of the cycle, preference should be given to vegetables, fruits, cereals, bran bread.

To normalize the psychological state, preparations containing magnesium and B vitamins (Neurovitan, Magnikum, Magne-B6) are needed. Doctors advise decoctions of lemon balm, motherwort, calamus root, yarrow herb for dysmenorrhea. Relieves pain mixture of bee royal jelly with honey. It must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

For the treatment of secondary algomenorrhea great importance has a fight with her cause. And to eliminate pain during menstruation, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are used. The prognosis depends on concomitant pathology. If it is treatable, then the symptoms of dysmenorrhea will also disappear over time.

Quite a lot of women and girls are faced with such a diagnosis as algomenorrhea. This disease is manifested by the appearance of spasmodic or monotonous, pulling pains during the passage of menstruation.

Algodysmenorrhea - the appearance during menstruation of sharp cramping or aching pains lower abdomen, lumbar and sacral areas spine, accompanied by general malaise and decreased ability to work. They are due to various reasons. Timely determination of the root cause of the pathology and the conduct of high-quality therapy will allow a woman to avoid even more serious health problems in the future.

Primary dysmenorrhea is associated with the accumulation of prostaglandins in the uterus, leading to the development of ischemia and pain. It is often noted with sexual infantilism or pathological bending of the body of the uterus. The cause of secondary algomenorrhea is inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, tumors of the uterus, endometriosis, partial infection of the cervical canal, etc.

ICD-10 code

N94.6 Dysmenorrhea, unspecified

Causes of algomenorrhea

If a woman has painful periods, you should not dismiss such a problem. Pain is a signal from the body that a malfunction has occurred in its functioning, which must be immediately eliminated. Otherwise, further progression of the disease can lead to a complex pathology with the impossibility of regression.

The causes of algomenorrhea can be quite diverse:

  • Endometriosis is a disease that mainly affects women. reproductive age. With this pathology, the cells of the inner layer of the walls of the uterus grow outside their layer.
  • Myoma - formation benign neoplasm in the muscular layer of the female organ.
  • Adenomyosis is quite complex inflammatory process, due to which there is a focal fusion of two layers of tissues of the walls of the uterus: myometrium ( muscle tissue walls of the uterus) and endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus).
  • Hyperretroflexia is the growth of segmental reflexes, which become more frequent due to a decrease in the inhibitory effect of the cerebral cortex on the segmental reflex apparatus.
  • Hypoplasia of the uterus is a condition in which the size of the female organ is much smaller than the norm, due to its underdevelopment.
  • The uterus is incorrectly located in the pelvic cavity, which entails a failure in the mechanism for the withdrawal of menstrual blood from the uterine region.
  • Violation of the integrity of the inner layer caused by trauma, abortion, difficult childbirth, surgery.
  • The cause of algomenorrhea may also lie in an infectious and inflammatory disease that affects one or more organs of the reproductive system. These include, for example, salpingo-oophoritis (inflammation of the uterine appendages, fallopian tubes and ovaries), both acute and chronic.
  • Physical inactivity, lack of physical activity can also cause pain symptoms.
  • Psychological diseases caused by increased excitability of the patient's central nervous system can provoke the development of pathology: a tendency to tantrums and hypochondria.

Symptoms of algomenorrhea

This pathology is mainly observed in women of childbearing age, quite often with infertility. The disease can be either congenital or acquired. Symptoms vary depending on the type of disease.

In the case of congenital pathology, pain symptoms begin to appear even during the puberty of a girl, while acquired is a consequence of an operation, an infectious-inflammatory disease and other factors.

The symptoms of algomenorrhea are as follows:

  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Often, the pain begins to pester a woman a few days before the onset of menstruation and stops after the start or complete end of bleeding. Pains are pulling or cramping. Their appearance can be expected in the lower abdomen, in the region of the lower back and sacrum. Gradually, irradiation of pain can develop. The woman begins to feel that the pain begins to “radiate” to the intestines, in the perineum, to affect the inner thighs.
  • Failures in metabolic processes.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Flatulence.
  • Headaches, sometimes quite severe.
  • Temporary disability.
  • There may be increased secretion of fluid by sweat-producing glands.
  • Nausea, sometimes turning into a vomiting reflex.
  • Very low vitality.
  • Symptoms of diarrhea may appear.
  • Dizziness, possible fainting.
  • Rarely enough, but bulimia and anorexia can be observed.
  • An increase in body temperature to a figure of 37ºС.
  • Exhaustion of the nervous system, which can be observed against the background of severe pain.

Primary algomenorrhea

Doctors distinguish between primary and secondary forms of the disease. Primary algomenorrhea - it is still diagnosed as a functional pathology, does not affect the violation of the anatomical structure of the female organs. It begins to appear even in young girls during puberty or a year and a half after the onset of menarche (menstrual cycle).

Whereas secondary algomenorrhea develops on the basis of anatomical changes caused by trauma or one of the diseases of the internal genital organs. With this pathology, the body temperature of a woman can be significant and be accompanied by pathological secretions from the vagina, which have a characteristic bad smell. In this case, the menstrual cycle can be knocked down, and the time of blood discharge will lengthen.

The considered pathology is divided into three types according to functionality:

  • Spasmodic algomenorrhea, accompanied by spasms of a sufficiently high intensity (there is an intense contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus).
  • Essential algomenorrhea. Mostly this congenital pathology associated with very low threshold sensitivity in women.
  • Psychogenic algodismenorrhea is diagnosed in most cases in an adult of the fair sex, if she suffers from any mental illness, or in a girl during puberty - this may be due to the fear of the first menstruation.

Symptoms of primary algodismenoria are similar to those listed above. Their complex is individual for each woman suffering from this pathology. To the already existing list, you can add:

  • Hiccups.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Syndrome of "cotton legs".
  • Possible swelling.
  • Dislike of certain odors.
  • Aversion to certain foodstuffs.
  • Numbness of the lower and / or upper limbs.
  • Skin itching.

Pain in primary algomenorrhea has a cramping character. Primary localization - down the abdomen and lumbar region, much less often you can feel it in inguinal region and in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

If a woman - a girl is concerned about these symptoms, accompanied by pain in the designated places, you should not postpone going to the doctor - gynecologist. It is he who is able to establish a diagnosis, attributing it to a primary or secondary pathology. But only by making the correct diagnosis, you can count on a positive outcome of treatment.

Can contribute to the development of algodismenoria early term the beginning of the menstrual cycle, failures in its course (a long period of blood discharge). Not the last place in the appearance of this pathology is the presence of bad habits in a woman: smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity. No matter how sad it sounds, but today the majority of women who have not yet given birth suffer, to one degree or another, from primary algomenorrhea. This fact is very frightening for physicians, because subsequently, if appropriate therapeutic measures are not taken in a timely manner, the progression of this pathology can become an obstacle to the desire of a young woman to become a mother.

Diagnosis of algomenorrhea

staging correct diagnosis- this is probably one of key points in treatment. After all, how correctly the cause of the disease is established, the prescribed therapy also depends. Incorrectly diagnosed, therefore, the wrong approach to treatment and, as a result, the patient, in best case, waiting not for a solution to his problem, but at worst - getting a complication from incorrectly prescribed medications.

Diagnosis of algomenorrhea includes the following studies:

  • Questioning the patient about her complaints, and how long they bother her, and what symptoms accompany the pain during the passage of menstruation. Already at this stage qualified specialist able to make an assumption about the presence of a pathology of a certain orientation.
  • Examination by a gynecologist.
  • Revealing gynecological history: Availability specific diseases, hereditary predisposition. The doctor is trying to get information about whether the mother, grandmother of the patient suffered from this disease. How early the first menstruation passed, the presence of surgical interventions affecting the genitals and other organs of the small pelvis. Knowledge of the abundance of discharge during menstruation and the nature of pain symptoms are also essential.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
  • Calposcopy or hysteroscopy is a diagnostic procedure that allows you to visually examine the condition of the entrance to the vagina, the mucous membrane of its walls and the cervix close to the vagina. The study takes place using a colposcope or, accordingly, a hysteroscope - a special medical device consisting of a binocular and an illuminating lamp.
  • Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) is a high-precision information method of molecular genetic research. It makes it possible to identify various infectious and hereditary diseases in the examined patient (both in the acute and chronic stages).
  • Taking a smear from the vagina, cervical canal and urethra. Microbiological examination of its flora.
  • Establishing the level of hormones in a woman's blood during the first and second phases of a woman's physiological cycle.
  • Laparoscopy - method endoscopic surgery for examining the abdominal organs.
  • A consultation with a psychotherapist or psychologist is required.

Primarily, specialist studies are aimed at identifying secondary pathology, and only if the diagnosis of algomenorrhea made it possible to exclude it, the patient is diagnosed with primary algomenorrhea, which is essential for determining treatment methods.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that timely and professional diagnostics- is a pledge effective therapy, and the basis of any treatment course.

Treatment of algomenorrhea

Treatment of secondary algomenorrhea is aimed, at the first stage, at eliminating the identified organic change in the cavity of the uterus and small pelvis by the methods of hysteroscopy and laparoscopy (separation of adhesions, removal of foci of endometriosis, correction wrong position uterus, etc.), which can significantly reduce pain syndrome. At the second stage, if necessary, the application of methods is shown. conservative therapy used in the treatment of primary algomenorrhea (inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis, progestin or combined estrogen-progestin drugs, antispasmodics, analgesics).

The diagnosis is made, and treatment can begin. If the disease is defined as a primary pathology, then the treatment of algomenorrhea begins with the attending physician - a gynecologist, usually with antispasmodics and hormonal drugs. For example, it can be buskopan, flexen, no-shpa, oki and many others.

An anesthetic drug that effectively relieves muscle spasms - Buscopan is prescribed for oral administration (orally). The recommended dosage for adult patients and children who are already six years old is three doses throughout the day, one to three tablets.

If the gynecologist has prescribed another method of drug administration - rectal, in this case, this drug is used in the form of suppositories, which are used by the same age category three times a day. Before use, the rectal suppository is removed from the sealed shell and brought in with a beveled edge. The duration of the course of treatment is controlled by the attending physician and, if necessary, can extend it.

Refusal to use this drug may be: angle-closure glaucoma diagnosed in a patient, pulmonary edema, myasthenia gravis ( autoimmune disease manifested by weakness and pathological fatigue skeletal muscle). These are atherosclerosis that affected the capillaries of the brain, megacolon (a malformation described as an anatomical increase in the size of the colon), as well as individual intolerance to hyoscine-N-butyl bromides or other components in the composition of the drug.

No-shpa is attributed to the patient in the form of tablets or a solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injections.

In the form of tablets, the medicine is used by the patient two to three times a day, 40 to 80 mg after the main meal. And in the form of injections of 2%, the drug is administered rather slowly two to three times throughout the day in an amount of 2 to 4 ml (for one injection).

Medicine has its contraindications. This:

  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Steady rise blood pressure just before the onset of menstruation.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pylorospasm is a spastic contraction of the muscles of the pyloric part of the stomach, causing difficulty in emptying it.
  • Angina.
  • Ulcerative manifestations on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  • Colitis, including spastic nature.
  • Cholelithiasis.

If a young girl does not have a regular sexual life, NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) drugs are usually prescribed, mainly selective inhibitors COX-2. These include: celebrex, celecoxib.

A highly selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, Celebrex is prescribed for use by a doctor twice a day at a dosage of 0.2 g.

It is recommended to take Celebrex twice a day, 0.2 g of the drug. In case enough high activity muscle spasms, the attending physician may prescribe the patient a single dose in an amount of 0.4 to 0.6 g of the drug. After removal acute pain, it is desirable to return to the recommended dosage of 0.2 g.

If a woman has a history of a problem with kidney function, the daily amount of the drug taken should be halved. At liver failure the recommended dosage of the drug should not be adjusted.

Celebrex contraindications include a tendency to allergic manifestations, hypersensitivity or complete intolerance to the components of this drug or sulfonamides. And also if a woman or a girl underwent surgery to install a coronary bypass graft or the fair sex is in the third trimester of pregnancy.

to non-selective drugs NSAIDs, used in the treatment of algomenorrhea, include faspik, ibuprofen, buran, nurofen, which show pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic characteristics.

The dosage of Ibuprofen is prescribed purely individually and depends on the level of manifestation of pain symptoms. Mostly for adult patients and girls who are already 12 years old, the doctor prescribes one to two tablets, administered three to four times a day, immediately after meals. In case of acute pain or a complex course of the disease, the attending physician may decide to increase the dosage: three tablets taken three to four times a day, which corresponds to the daily intake of ibuprofen ( active substance drug) in the amount of 1.8 - 2.4 g. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 2.4 g.

Should not be taken this drug if a woman suffers from one of the following pathologies:

  • Ulcerative and erosive lesion mucosa of the digestive tract.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Ulcerative colitis of a nonspecific form of manifestation.
  • Leukopenia - a reduced number of leukocytes contained in the blood of a woman (less than 4000 in 1 μl of peripheral blood).
  • thrombocytopenia.
  • Dysfunction of the kidneys and / or liver in severe form.
  • Hypertension.
  • Dysfunction of the heart muscle.
  • A disease that affects the optic nerve.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or other components of the drug.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed by a gynecologist depending on the age of the patient and whether she has a permanent sexual partner. If a woman regularly lives sexually, then she is mainly prescribed hormonal preparations which have the status of contraceptives. The modern pharmacological market is represented by a wide range products of this category, but in the treatment of algomenorrhea, the advantage of prescribing belongs to low-dose oral contraceptives.

The third-generation drugs used in such a situation include mersilon, femoden, janine and others.

Method and schedule for taking microdosed ethinyl estradiol in combination with a progestogen chemical element can be found in any instructions attached to hormonal contraceptive prescribed by a gynecologist.

For example, Jeanine is administered orally, washing down the dragee with a sufficient volume of water. Reception is carried out once a day at a certain time, which must be strictly adhered to. The duration of the treatment course is 21 days, after which it is kept for seven days without injection. Do not skip doses - this significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

Jeanine is not prescribed for women with severe liver pathology, with hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug, if the patient has thrombophlebitis or a tendency to thrombosis, diabetes, arterial hypertension, pancreatitis, malignant neoplasm affecting the liver, bleeding affecting the female reproductive system. Jeanine is also not taken during pregnancy or when a young mother is feeding her newborn baby.

In addition to the therapy described above, a woman suffering from algomenorrhea receives general strengthening therapy. Under these terms, the intake of vitamins is hidden (this especially applies to their B6 and E group affiliation), as well as minerals and trace elements. In this situation, the presence of magnesium ions is especially necessary.

If secondary algomenorrhea is diagnosed, then, depending on the primary source, it may be necessary to include in therapy surgical intervention conducted on the organs of the female reproductive system. The operation makes it possible to eliminate the anomaly in the structural structure of one of the reproductive organs. If the operation is performed, then immediately after its completion, the obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes antibiotics, and then other medications described above.

To obtain the fastest effect, a number of physiotherapy procedures are also included in the protocol of complex therapy. In this situation, electrophoresis performed on a woman in the second half of the menstrual cycle works great.

Drugs for algomenorrhea

The essence of any therapy is the elimination of the cause of the pathology or, in extreme cases, its symptomatic manifestation. To stop or reduce the intensity of pain, drugs for algomenorrhea are prescribed from the group of analgesics. For example, it can be sedal-M, pentalgin, ketonal, spasmol, efferalgan, baralgin M, analgin, panadol. With severe pain symptoms, complex medicines are suitable, for example, baralgetas, took, spazgan or pazmalgon.

If the cause of pathological pain in a woman is one of the diseases affecting the psychological area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe woman's health, which is caused by increased excitability of the central nervous system (a tendency to tantrums and hypochondria), tranquilizers are prescribed to such a patient. This category of drugs is designed to stabilize the mental state of a woman. These drugs include: Valium, chlordiazepoxide, xanax, hydroxyzine, diazepam, clobazam, triazolam, lorazepam, alprazolam, librium, frisium, elenium, phenazepam, bromazepam, seduxen, atarax, relium, oxylidine.

The dosage of Diazepam (Diazepamum) is prescribed to patients individually and based on the severity of the diagnosed disease. The drug is taken twice a day. A single amount of the administered drug can be administered in the range of 4 to 15 mg. At the same time, the maximum allowable daily volume of the administered drug should not exceed 60 mg (and this dose is prescribed by the attending doctor only if the woman is in a hospital, so that it is possible to constantly monitor her condition).

If necessary, intramuscular or intravenous administration, the doctor prescribes injections or invasion with a volume of 10 - 20 mg of the drug.

It is strictly forbidden to introduce this drug into the treatment protocol if a woman is diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, liver and / or kidney dysfunction, angle-closure glaucoma, and also if the body shows increased intolerance to the constituent components of diazepam or the patient is pregnant.

If the person seeking advice adult woman has regular sexual intercourse, then, in order to stop the spasmodic pain that bothers her, and the accompanying symptoms, hormonal drugs classified as low-dose contraceptives are prescribed. It can be microgynon, yarina, novinet, logest, marvelon, belara, miranova, regulon, silest, triregol.

Yarin is administered orally in the form of a dragee, which is washed down with a sufficient volume of water. Reception is carried out once a day at a certain time, which must be strictly adhered to. The duration of the treatment course is 21 days, after which it is kept for seven days without injection. Do not skip doses - this significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

This contraceptive is not prescribed for women with severe liver pathology, with hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug, in case of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, the patient has thrombophlebitis or a tendency to thrombosis, pancreatitis, a malignant neoplasm affecting the liver, bleeding affecting the female reproductive system . Yarina is not accepted during pregnancy or when a young mother is feeding her newborn baby.

But still, the preferred method of therapy is taking two to three days before the expected monthly inhibitors of the production of prostaglandin synthetase, which in medicine are combined into a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This group includes: nifluril, kaksulindak, orthofen, ketazon, indomethacin, voltaren, ketoprofen, donalgin, revodin, mefenamic acid, metindol, butadione, surgam, reopyrin, pirabutol, piroxicam.

Mostly adult patients and girls who are already 14 years old, the doctor ascribes a single dosage that falls in the range from 0.25 to 0.5 g, taken three to four times throughout the day. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 3.0 g. If the expected effect is achieved, then to maintain it at the required therapeutic level, it is enough to reduce daily intake, bringing up to 1.0 g.

If premenstrual pains torment a girl under 14 years old who has already had her period, then mefenamic acid is taken at 0.25 g three to four times throughout the day. The recommended duration of treatment is from 20 to 45 days, and with medical indications and longer.

This drug should not be taken by women with a history of peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, renal pathology, problems with hematopoiesis, diseases caused by inflammation in one of the organs of the digestive tract, as well as in case of individual intolerance constituents of the drug in question.

The main principle of such therapy is the prevention of the occurrence of pain symptoms. And if pain is still felt during the onset of menstruation, then, while taking inhibitors of prostaglandin reproduction, its intensity is significantly lower than without the introduction of such drugs.

With severe pain, drugs of the same group will be more effective, but combined action. These include veralgin, baralgin, spazgin, trigan, spazmalgin, maxigan, spazmalgon, minalgan.

Baralgin does not depend on the time of eating and is prescribed one - two tablets two - three times during the day. With very strong spasmodic pains, baralgin in the form of injections or invasions is administered slowly in an amount of 2–5 ml intravenously or intramuscularly. Treatment course usually three to four menstrual cycles.

Monogestagens also showed high efficiency of administration: norkolut, acetomepregenol, dydrogesterone, norethisterone, turinal, orgametril and dufaston. Preparations of this group are usually prescribed for admission, starting from the 14-16th day of the menstrual cycle to the 25th day. In this case, the drug is administered once a day, at the same time, with a dosage of 5 to 15 mg.

Remove from the diet foods that include stabilizers, dyes, preservatives and other chemicals.

  • Refusal of bad habits and eating at fast food outlets.
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Moderate physical activity, which is interspersed with good rest.
  • Minimize the amount of strong coffee and tea consumed.
  • Practice for fun morning exercises, light jog.
  • It is advisable to visit the pool and / or fitness.
  • If you experience unpleasant symptoms, do not postpone going to a specialist. Timely diagnosis and careful implementation of the doctor's recommendations in the course of treatment.
  • Do not allow infectious inflammatory diseases, damaging organs small pelvis.
  • Monitor your weight.
  • Preferably twice a year preventive examination at the gynecologist.
  • Inattention to one's health is simply a crime against nature. After all, it would seem that such a harmless algomenorrhea, if ignored, can ultimately lead to infertility and deprive a woman of the chance to become a mother.

    Forecast of algodismenorrhea

    If the patient is diagnosed with a disease that belongs to the primary form of pathology, the prognosis of algomenorrhea is quite favorable. You just need to slightly adjust your lifestyle, nutrition and, if necessary, undergo a little therapy.

    The situation with the treatment of secondary pathology is somewhat more complicated. If the patient turned to the local obstetrician-gynecologist in time, underwent a complete examination and adequate treatment, then we can expect a complete cure or at least a decrease in intensity. pain manifestations. The end result in this case depends significantly on the severity of the disease that causes such symptoms.

    The main omen of a woman is the birth of a child. And if the symptoms described above begin to bother her, she should not be delayed with going to the doctor. Pain can talk about the development in the patient's body enough serious illness. There is only one conclusion. If a woman carefully fulfills all the requirements of her attending physician, then there are high chances to get rid of such a disease as algomenorrhea once and for all, as well as to fulfill the mission given to her by nature - the birth of a new person.

    The main thing is to contact a specialist in time and in any case do not give up, your health, first of all, is in your hands.

    It is important to know!

    Hypermenstrual syndrome - an increase in the volume and duration of menstruation up to constant bleeding. The development of hypermenstrual syndrome can be associated with both delayed rejection of the thickened uterine mucosa against the background of a relative or absolute excess of estrogens, and delayed regeneration at the end of the next menstruation.



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